HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/30/79 AGENDA WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1979 4:00 P.M. Call meeting to order Roll Call - Board Members: Barton, Chairman; Payne, Ratty, Bergen Hoagland 1. Approve minutes of regular board meeting of May 16, 1979. 2. Scheduled Public Statements. 3. Purchase of approximately 36 acres of Texaco Oil Company property located in N/W of S/W ¼ of Section 26, TWN. 29, RGE. 27 located in Kern River Channel just north and west of New City Corporation Yard. - IF BOARD APPROVES, AUTHORIZE STAFF TO PROCEED WITH ESCROW TO CONSUMMATE PURCHASE. 4. Progress report and update by Consultants and Staff regarding negotiations and time tables for completing Water Department Agreements. - FOR BOARD INFORMATION. 5. Staff Comments 6. Board Comments 7. Adjournment - M I N U.T E S WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, MAY' 16, 1979 4:00 p.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Barton in the City Hall Caucus Room. The secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Barton, Payne, Bergen, Hoagland Absent: Ratty Staff Present: Bogart, Chafin, Hansen, Hostmyer The minutes from the regular meeting of May 9, 1979, were. approved as presented. Quitclaim Deed from Kern River Canal and Irrigating Company (City of Bakersfield) to First Baptist Church conveying all right and title to abandoned easement of Lateral 1-2-0; located in section 10 of 27/29 M.D.B.&M. just north of Olive Drive was presented to the board. After a brief discussion was given of the Deed by Gene Bogart, Water Superintendent, Mr. Bergen made a motion that the Quitclaim Deed be approved and the Chairman authorized to sign. The motion was passed. Correctory Quitclaim Deed from City of Bakersfield to Tenneco Realty Development Corporation for redescribed portions of Beardsley lateral 1-1-0 (20-foot ditch) in Section 21, T.29S., R.27E..,~4.D.B.&M. located just west of Fruitvale Avenue was brought before the board for consideration. An explanation of the Deed was given by Gene Bogart 'and upon a motion by Mr. Payne which was passed, the Deed was approved and the Chaizmlan auth- orized to sign. Agricultural Water rates for Kern River Water (other than "Basic Contract") in 1979 was presented.to the board. After discussion upon a motion by Mr. Payne which was passed, the rates were adopt- ed for the period May 1, 1979 to February 1, 1980. Staff Comments At this time Domestic Water Superintendent John Hansen reported that on Friday, May ~11, 1979, California Water Service called to~inform,~him of a power outage that had occured in our system due to ~contrac~utting and shorting out the electricity within the systems area. Pressure within the system dropped to a low of 10 .~. _. :w i th two (2) wells remaining on line. Calif- ornia Water se'~e staff responded to the emergency. , Mr. Hansen stated this i~good example of why the two (2) mg ~ahk§ and emer- gency.baek-uy system.in the C'apital Budget is needed. / Board C,o mme'n Mr. Bart~ reported that last F~iday, May 11, 1979 he~ Mrl Payne and Mr. ~ogart had meet with the. California Energy Commission in Sacramento regarding the possibility of incorporating LOW-HEAD HYDRO in~o the Kern River diversion structures. Mr. Barton felt the ~formation obtained from the trip was very fruitful. _ Mr. Barton at this time questioned the staff regarding whether' o~ not the City had a monitoring system on the 2800 acres. Mr. Chafin stated that the water was~measured going into the 2800 ~acres and all parties involved seemed to be satisfied with the present system. There being no further business to come before the board, Chair- man Barton adjourned the meeting at 4:25 P.M. James J. Barton, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Linda Hostmyer, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board TITL~ INSURANC6 AND TRUST Or&~ ~,/o.....5..2_.Q 3..0. 5...-..P.S .City of Bakersfield .1501 Truxtun Aunue B~te.ggY....!.5.,....!..9...7.9.. ............................... ,Bakers£ield, Ca0 93301 ,ATTN :. WATER DEPTo Please Sign and Return the Following if Satisfactory: ...... ~ ....... Escrow Instructions ................ CommissionOrder. ................ Amended Instructions FOR THE EFFICIENT HANDLING OF YOUR ESGROW~ ................ Bill of Sale WE ARE SENDING YOU THIS CHECK--SHEET ON WHICH WE HAVE CHECKED CERTAIN MATTERS WHICH REQUIRE ................ Description YOUR ATTENTION. ' YOUR PROMPT DELIVERY TO US OF THE NECESSARY Please Sign, Have Acknowledged by Notary DOCUMENTS WILL BE'APPRECIATED. ANY PAPERS EH-- Public and Return: (Notary should fill in name of State and County) CLOSED WE BELIEVE TO BE SELF--EXPLANATORY. SHOULD YOU WISH FURTHER INFORMATIONj PLEASE CALL ON US. . ............... D~d S INCERELY~. ............. ~..Trust Deed and Note Title Insurance and Trust Company Please Fill Out, Sign and' Return: ................ Statement of Identity By pat Stinnett~. Escrow Officer ................ Rent Statement Please Furnish Us With: ................ Invento~ of fumiture, etc. ................ Fire Insurance ................ Funds necessary to close Estim~ed ~nount is $ ...................... -,.~:~ ...... ESCROW NO. 520305- ""' i~ .' '~ SELLERS r-] . BUYERS [2~] BORROWERS [] PS :. ~ ,',,~ % ' ' .. 'DATE May 11, 1979 ~o': ,~'itle Insurance and Trust Company: \ddress:5300 California Avenue Bdkersfield, Ca. 93309 )n'o~before June 11, 1979 ,I/we will hpndyou $90,000.00 cash for the total consideration herein; Vhich you will del'iver when~)ou obtain for my/our account a grant deed to the vestees herein; nd when you can issue your current form of Sta~-~dard Owner' s policy of title '~surance with liability in the amount of $ 90,000. O0 on the real property described As per Exibit "A" attached !and made a part hereof; i .:~, i~owing title vested in City of Bakersfield ,UBJECT ONLY TO: ALL GEN. & SPEC.taxes for the fiscal year 19 79 - 19130, a lien not,, yet due :ovenants, conditions, restrictions, easements of record; and payable. Pro-rate taxes as of date of close of escrow based upon assg~'mnents for the fiscal year 1978-79. We understand that the tax pro-rations ,;,~r-e,~based on the 1978-79 tax rolls and upon information furnished to you by ~he '~x assessor of uhc County of Kern. We agree to hold you harmless in the event that the amounts for the 1978-79 fiscal year should change. Joon,close of escrow, you are authorized to deduct from my/our account the following: escrow £ee~ $206 00, recording deed~ Page 3 ~,.~ GENERAL PROVISIONS printed on t~g>~-g '~¢~L~~IC~x~j~ of these instructions are by reference thereto .corDorated herein and made a part hereof and have been read and are hereby al)proved by the undersigned. Time is of the essence of these instructions. If this escrow is not in condition to close by the "time limit date" of ~une 11, 1979 , and demand for cancellation i~ received by you from any'princil)al to this escrow after said date, ,,~u shall act in accordance with Paragraph 7 of the General Provisions printed on the reverse sicte hereof. If no demand for .mcellation is made, you will proceed to close this escrow when the princil)als have corot)lied with the escrow instructions. ,,'W amendments of or supplements to any instructions affecting tt~is escrow rnust be in writing. I will hand you any funds '~d instruments required to complete this escrow. II documents, balances and statements clue tile undersigned are to be mailed to the address shown below. .-[TY OF BAKERSFIELD, Water Department .'jnature Address 1501 Tru×tun Avenue .Tel. 861-2724 gnature __ Address Tel .... -Page 1 -- .,' ' ' ~' ',.' ' ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS ., .. ,' ~. SELLERS ESCROW NO. 520305-J To: T~le Insurance and Trust Company: Address:5300 California Avenue DATE May 11, 1977 Bakersfield, Ca. 93309 I/we have read and approve tile instructions of City of Bakersfield Water Department dated May ll, 1979 On or before June 11, 1979 I/we will hand you grant deed called for on p~]ge one of these instructions; which you will deliver when you can issue the policy of title insurance called for therein and when you obtain for my/our 'account: $90,000,00 and a quitclaim from Gulf Oil for all surface rights; From ~he funds accruing in our account you are authorized and directed to pay ~l', following: 1~ Any demands for full reconveyance of any existing deed of trusts of record. Any reconveyance expenses in connection with these pay-offs. 2. ~ escrow fee, $103.00, Title Policy fee, $392.50, Transfer tax on deed, and drawing fee. Page '3 The GENERAL PROVISIONS printed on t~;5:"f'~:~:~xr,~q~'xtC~t-Oc~ of these instructions are by reference thereto incorporated herein and made a part hereo[ and have been rea'd and are hereby approved by the undersigned. Time is of the essence of these instructions. If this .escrow is not in co~dition to close by the "time limit date" June 11, 1979 , and demand for cancellation is received by you from any principal to this escrow after said date, you shall act in accordance with Paragraph 7 of the General Provisions printed on the reverse side hereof. If no demand for cancellation is made, you will proceed to close this escrow when the principals have complied with the escrow instructions. Any amendments of or supplements to any instructions affecting this escrow must be in writing. I will hand you any fund~; and instruments required to complete this escrow. All documents, balances and statements due the undersigned are to be mailed to tile addross shown below. TEXACO, INC., Signature. ' Address._3._3.'_50__ ~.[ish_~_e._.__B 1vd. Telephone Si~tnature Addres.'; P.O. BOX 3756 Telephone .......... 'L¥ 7 '-' 9 0 0-5I' 2' " ;~,, . , , -~ L ' ,' :'~ ' ," ~ ' ' . . " "~' ' ' ' ~' ~';~'*' ''~ :: "~' /~ ' . ," ' ' L ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ~' ' .... ~' ' :,. '<. ;.'~ '. ' , , ,' ,'/, ,'", .r3:,..' ' ,:~.' ' · ~, ,-,'," .. ,. ,. .,',,. ,,, , . . .' . ' . - .''r. ' .' ' ' ': : .,: ?,":~' ' ~. '" ' L ,.' ~' ' - . ," . :" : '; " *" ':" '' ' ;' . ' · * , ' ' ' · . '" *' · ' , " ' ' ".' . , ' ' " ., ,. . ..,~. ,~ ,, ,,-: ~ ., .,,,. , . ,; ,.. . (,~ , , . .. . , .. . . , ::, . . -..,,,:~:~ : ;, , ,.., , . ~ '.., , .... . .,~; ' , ., , . , . .,. '~.. . . ,. ,. /, ..... . . ,... . , : , · :, .~:. ;,..,. . ,.., '... ., · . . . ~, ,, . .~ . .'- ;, .. · . : .. . ,., , . . . ' '"':~;~:,i" ': -' · ' .'., , . , , .4', ,, ~ '... ~: ,. , , .., _ . - · : . . , ., ,' ,., , ,· ', . ' , ' '. . ,',,:.,',: " " ,,,,,, , ,-,.',' · .' , ,,.- ', : '-'L ~ -' ' :, , . 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CERRO ADMINISTRATION OFFICE 180~) 834.4195 HALE COSTERISAN OPE~TION~ OFFICE { 805 ) GILBERT CASTLE. JR , MANAGER GENE McMURTREY ASST. SECY. May 17, 1979 City of Bakersfield Water Board 150.1 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Groundwater Management Gentlemen: This District has revieWed your Statement of Policy dated March 7, 1979 which appears by its terms to address an alleged current need for "meaningful management" of Kern County ground- water supplies, particularly in the Kern River fan area. We believe a statement of this kind is politically unwise having been issued in the wake of various unrealistic groundwater management proposals such as those contained in the final report of the Governor's ~Commission on Water Rights Law and legislation introduced this year to implement said report. We are not-adverse to discussing with you potential joint efforts for more efficient utilization of our respective Kern River entitlements.- However, we believe the proper public position on the subject of groundwater management is the position taken by the San. Joaquin Valley Agricultural Water Committee in its Statement of Policy adopted April 13, 1979 (a copy of which is enclosed). You are advised that the District aligned itself with this policy by formal action taken at its regular meeting of April 19, 1979. If you have any questions or comments please advise. Very truly yours, Kern Detta~Wate~ District St~ley'E. Willis, President GRM:mh Enclosure $ SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY AGRICULTURAL WATER COI. R~IITTEE STATEbfENT OF POLICY WITH RESPECT TO GROUND WATER I'L~.NAGE:~E~T RECITALS The San Joaquin Valley Agricultural Water Com=~ittee represents.an area comprising approximately four million acres of highly productive irrigated land in the San Joaquin Valley presently threatened by an insufficient water supply which can be solved only by the importation of additional water. 2. The Committee strongly supports ground water management through the integration of supplemental surface water with ongoing conjunctive use ground water programs as currently being conducted by local public and private entities. 3. The San Joaquin Valley has the physical facilities and institutional tools for conjunctive use of surface and ground water, and the knowledge and desire to integrate required additional supplemental surface water into its present con- junctive use programs. 4. It has been proposed by other than representatives of the San Joaquin Valley that new laws beestablished which would provide for state control of both existing and future ground water and conjunctive use programs which are now successfully being implemented or which may be implemented in the future. 5'. It has also been proposed by such outside interests that a program of state ground water control will alleviate the ground water problems of the Valley and that such a program must be established as a condition of any further water . ~.~..}~:/...~i-:[ development by. the State Water. Project and the Federal Central Valley Project. · ,,, : , ,.,,:: . -~. ." . , -, ..' : .~'.- .... ~. ~ H~]ever, cont,'acts and obligations entered into by Proje ter users did not include, as a condition of their being implemented, State control of ~round water, or the additional cost occasioned thereby. .6. No evidence has been presented nor has any demonstration been made as to any benefit of such state control or of how such action could either add to the existing water supply or provide for its more efficient use. POLICY STATEMENT 1. The San Joaquin Valley Agricultural Water Committee is in support of ground water management and the conjunctive use of surface and ground water as now carried out under local programs and will oppose any new legislation dealing with ground water management or control. 2. The Committee is strongly opposed to control of ground water by the State and is further opposed to such control being established as a condition for the State and the United States doing those things necessary to meet their existing and/or future contractual obligations. DISTRIBUTION May 21, 1979 cc: Bil~ Balch Mel Jans S. Hatch T.~ Stetson J. Barton T. Payne D. Ratty H. Bergen K. Hoagland Investment New Construction General Real Estate £. O'Malior & Smith Inc. (805) -8'7~-¢320" (805) 2421 Haley Street, Suite 18 Bakersfield, California 93305