HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/13/79 AGENDA WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1979 4:00' P.M. Call meeting to order Roll Call- Board Members: Barton, Chairman; Payne, Ratty, Bergen Hoagland 1. Approve minutes of regular board meeting of May 30, 1979. 2. Scheduled Public Statements. 3. Draft of Concepts regard_i~ spreading and recovery operations~ within City's 2800 acre V~in. - FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION. 4. Draft of Proposal to allow North Kern Water Storage District to exchange "bucket for bucket" its Calloway Kern River water for and equal amount of Kern County Water Agency I.-D. %4 Cross Valley canal water. The purpose of this exchange .is to provide a better quality Kern River supply to the I.D.S4 treatment plant. - FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION. 5. Application to the State of California Department of Health for an, application to operate the City's Domestic Water Enterprise. - BOARD TO CONSIDER, IF APPROVED SUBMIT TO CITY COUNCIL. 6. Memorandum to Water Board from John Hansen requesting permission to write-off bad debts and submit them for collection. - IF BOARD APPROVES, AUTHORIZE STAFF TO PROCEED. 7'. Staff Comments 8. Board Comments 9. Adjournment MINUTES WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1979 4:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Ratty in the absence of Chairman Barton and Vice-Chairman Payne, in the City Hall Caucus Room. The secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Payne (arrived at 4:10 P.M.), Ratty, Bergen, Hoagland Absent: Barton Staff Present: Bogart, Chafin, Hansen, Hostmyer Others Present: Erline Brown, 2421 Haley Street, 'Suite 18, Bakers- field, California Escrow Instructions for the purchase of approximately 36 acres of Texaco Oil Company property located in N/W of S/W ¼ of Section 26, TWN. 29, RGE. 27 located in Kern River Channel just north and west of New City Corporation Yard was presented to the board. After a brief oral report and map illustration was given by Gene Bogart, Water Superintendent, Mr. Hoagland made a motion that the Water Board recommend to City Council the acquistion of approximately 36.25 acres of Texaco property in the river channel for no more than $90,000.00 purchase price, this amount is to be paid from the Agricultural Water Fund, also;.~that the Vice-Chairman be authorized to sign the Escrow Instructions. The motion was passed. Item number four (4) on the Agenda was postponed. Staff Comments Water Manager Chafin presented a letter to the board from Stanley E. Willis, President of the Board of Directors of Kern Delta Water District to the City of Bakersfield Water Board. Upon a motion by Mr. Hoagland, which was passed the letter was received and placed on file. Board Comments Mr. Ratty reported that he and Mr. Barton were very pleased with their talk with Ronald B. Robie, Director of the California D~partment of Water Resources on their recent trip to Sacramento. There being no further business to come before the board, Mr. Ratty adjourned the meeting at 4:25 P.M. James J. Barton, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Linda Hostmyer, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board REVISED DRAFT 6/8/79:SCH Kern County Water Agency Improvement District No. 4 P. O. Box 58 Bakersfield, CA 93302 North Kern Water Storage District P. O. Box 1195 Bakersfield, CA 93382 Gentlemen: The purpose of this letter agreement is to provide a better quality water supply to the Kern County Water Agency ID %4 Water Treatment Plant and further to coordinate the use of available high quality water in a manner which achieves this purpose. It is, therefore, agreed as follows: 1) ID %4 will cause a portion of its 1979 State Water Supply to be delivered into the Calloway Canal as~ measured at Arrow Street of such a magnitude' that it will reach the boundary of ID #4 and be made available to North Kern Water Storage District (North Kern) for its own use. 2) North Kern will make available an equal portion of its 1979 Kern River water supply to ID #4 for use in its Water Treatment Plant. 3) The water supply made available by North Kern will REVISED D P~AF T PAGE TWO 6/8/79:SCH be scheduled and delivered to ID ~4 via the facili- ties of the City Of Bakersfield (City). 4) The records of deliveries of water hereunder will be provided and coordinated by City. 5) The City's limited cOnsent to the exchange provided for herein is based on a determination by City that under the specific circumstances of this case neither the City's,' nor any other person's or entity's Kern River water rights will be adversely affected by such an equal exchange or the use of Kern River water outside the boundaries of North Kern. It is under- stood that the arrangement~ provided for herein is temporary and shall be in effect only during the 1979 calendar year, and shall not be used or con- strued by North Kern or ID ~4 as a precedent or basis for any water right or claim of_service, and shall not constitute a waiver of any right of the City to refuse to consent to any other water exchange or use of Kern River water outside the boundaries of North Kern. 6) This agreement may be terminated upon thirty (30) days written notice by the City of Bakersfield, REVISED DRAFT PAGE THREE 6/8/79:SCH North Kern Water Storage District or Kern County Water Agency/ID ~4. If this is agreeable, will you so indicate by signing this letter and returning two (2) copies to us. Sincerely, CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER BOA_RD By: Chairman Approved: City Attorney, City of Bakersfield We agree to the above: NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT By: KERN COUNTY WATER AGENCY/ID By: 4D:SCH:6/5/79 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SPREADING ~2qD EXTRACTION PROGPJL~! CONCEPTUAL OUTLINE A. PREAMBLE 1. City owns 2800 acres suitable f~r use as a spreading grounds astride the Kern River in the area between Renfro Road and i-5; 2. City periodically has a right to Kern River flows and may have rights to ether sources surplus to its wh=cn it may wish to spread, perco- i~ediate needs, ~ ~ late and later recover from the spreading grounds; 3. The following entities (there may be others) have been tentatively identified as periodically having Kern River water or other water sources surplus to their irm~ediate needs which they may wish to spread, percolate and later recover from the City's spreading grounds: a. Olcese Water District (and/or La Hacienda, Inc., Hacienda Water District); b. Buena Vista Water Storage District (Henry ~iller Water District); c. Kern County Water Agency (Improvement District No. 4); d.~ Kern Delta ~fater District (Farmers, Stine and Buena Vista service areas); · 4D:SCH:6/5/79 e. North Kern Water Storage District (James-Pioneer Improvement District; Tenneco West, Inc.); f. Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District; g. West Kern County Water District; 4. The City is willing, by agreement, to permit the use of City's excess spreading and pumping capacity and facilities by'other interested entities, subject to equitable financial arrangements. B. SPREADING 1. The estimated maximum annual spreading capacitY of the City's facilities, when fully developed, ranges from approximately 500 to 1200 acre feet per day (AFD); 2. The City's estimated spreading activity will range from 0 to 1200 .~D; 3. The City proposes to offer to each of the identified entities the right (a) to use a fixed percentage of the City's excess spreading capacity on any given day, (b) to temporarily trade or acquire the unused right of any other participating entity or the City's unused retained rights, if any, on any given day or over any given period, with the consent of ~such other partici- pating entity and the City. The fixed percentage will' depend on the number of participating entities. 4D:SCH:6/5/79 C. EXTRACTION 1. Each participant may withdraw stored water from any well located, within the Kern River Fan recharge effect area; 2. Water extracted shall not be used outside the boundaries of the participating entity and outside the boundaries of the County of Kern without approval of City. With the consent of City, participating entities may enter into sale or exchange agreements. D. FACILITY CONSTRUCTION, }~INTEN~CE AND FINANCING 1. Spreading Facilities a. The City and the participating entities shall annually determine what new or additional water spreading facilities will be needed to accomodate the anticipated spreading of the participating entities~ b. Each participating entity shall ultimately pay that proportionate share of.the City's annual costs to spread the participating entity's water as the ~mount of such water spread shall bear to the total water spread for all other partici- pating entities other than City. Such costs shall include' a~ministration. Initial payments shall be based on estimates; 4D:SCH:6/5/79 c. In addition, each participating entity shall pay to City a spreading charge of $3.00 per acre foot based on the gross amount of water spread. This fee shall increase annually based on increases in the Federal Wholesale Price Index3 d. Spreading requests for all participating entities shall be estimated annually in advance of March 1; bills based on estimates shall be sent out to each participant as costs are incurred; payments for costs and spreading charges shall be made within 30 days of receipt of bill; adjustments shall be made annually as of February 15 to correct for actual participation and use. Reauests may be modified during the year subject to availability of capacity and City approval; e. .City may require a participating entity to contribute labor, material, equipment or other services necessary or required to construct or maintain spreading facilities subject to City supervision and approval. The value of such services shall be credfted to the participating entity. 2. EXtraction Facilities a. City may, but shall not be required to, construct, Operate, maintain and replace wells on its 2800 4D:SCH:6/5/79 acres as it deems necessary. City.may, but shall not be required to, make the excess capacity of such wells available to participating entities upon payment of a proportionate share of OM & R costs; b. City may perm. it participating entities to construct wells, pipelines and appurtenances on its 2800 acres, subject to City's prior approval, super- vision and control. The ownership of such faci- lities shall be transferred to City upon completion. The entity constructinq a well shall have first priority of use of such well during the term of the contract; c. All wells on the City property shall be'maintained to City standards. Annual OM & R on such wel~s shall be the obligation of the participating entity constructing the well. City shall have the right to utilize any unused capacity of such wells, by paying its proportionate share of operation, maintenance and power costs. E. TERM 35 years. 4D:SCH:6/5/79 F. GENERAL City to be responsible for all water records, measurements and accounting under agreement. City to operate all wells and facilities unless it contracts with others to perform such work. --6-- City of Bakersfield ITEMS FOR AGENDA Agenda Section NEI4 BUS I NESS Requesting Department. FIRE & DEVELOPHENT SERVICES .Date for Council Action JU~tE 27, 1979 1. Description of Item: RESOLUTIO{*J OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD APPROVING APPLICATION TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTHENT OF HEALTH FOR AN APPLICATION TO OPERATE THE CITY'S DOt4ESTIC NATER ENTERPRISE. 2. Comment: THE CITY IS RE0.UtREO BY STATE LAN TO APPLY FOR A PERHIT TO OPERATE THE DOHESTIC NATER SYSTEt4. THE APPLICATION NAS APPROVEO BY THE BAKERSFIELD CITY VATER BOARO ON dUNE 13, 1979. 3. Suggested Action: HOTION TO ADOPT RESOLUTION AhID AUTHORIZE THE HAYOR TO EXECUTE THE APPLICATION, 4. Attachments: Department Head Approved, City Manager FORM CC- ! (Do.~ne~tlc XVater Supplies, Form Al, Municipal CoTporatlou or Civil Subdis'isicn) STATE oF CALIFOi NIA o DEPARTMENT OF !tEALTIt ' Application~rom ............ City of Bakersfield (N~me of municlpali~- or civil subdivision) organized under._£har, te_r f ~ r~ t rat i fLe~L_&_al2provod hy__L..e__9_Ls_!l_a_!L~.Ee_ by _cctar..t~ran.t__r~sol~tion (State whether special charter or under general law, giving class a~d date of incorporation) January 23, 1915 To the State Department of Health 2151 Berkeley Way Berkeley, California 94704 Pursuant and subject to all of the terms, conditions and provisions of Division 5, Part 1, Chapter 7, Sections 4010 to 4035 of the California Health and Safety Code and all amendments thereto, relating to domestic water supplies, application is hereby made to said State Department of Health for a permit to._.5.e___rx_e___..d..0_..m_.e___s__t.J.9_ ...... Apvl/cant must state specifically what ts being app'/ed for---whether to construct new works, to 'dso existing works, to make alterat/ons or add/tion~ in works or sources and state nature of/mprovement in works. Enumerate de~nitely source or sources of supply, k/nd of works used or co~sidered (ff know'n) ............................................ Iml ~pecify the locality to be ser~-ed. Additional ~heets may be attached. Dated A~'~x I City of Bakersfield OFFICXAL SEAL (Nsune of municipality or civil subdivision~ in · By__ ArteC. (Signature of chief execut/ve officer with o81t4~! title and ]post office address) (Signature o! clerk or corresponding official with title and post office address) NOTES Before making appl/cation for permit, such action must be authorized by resolution of the governing board, substantiall~ in the ~orm furnished by the State Department of Health (Domestic Water Supplies, Form A2) and a copy of such resolution, duly certified by the clerk of such board, must accompany the application. EH I00 (lO-?S) ~.Mo ts.Ti sM (~ osp ; · ,-(l~estto Water Supplies, Form A~) Municipal Corporation or Civil Subdivision) STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF tIEALTH Certified Copy of Resolution (To accompany application on Form A1 ) "Resolved by the ................... C.___[.t._~__C_o_._un__c._i] ...................................................................................... {City council, board of trustees or other governing body) o~ the_ C i tv of___~_~k___e.r..s_f.L_eJg ................................................................................ (City, tow~ or county, etc.) that pursuant and subject to all of the terms, conditions and provisions of Division 5, Part 1, Chapter 7, Sections 4010 to 4035 of the California Health and Safety Code and all amendments thereto, relating to domestic water supplies, application by this ........... _Cj_.t_y. ....................... be made to the State Deparhnent of Health, for a permit to (City, town or county, etc. ) Applicant mu~t state specifically what is being applied for---whether to construct new works, to use exist/ng works, to make alterations or additious in -s.~s-t.?.)..:...t..~...~?-.c.~.s~?.~.a..s-.s..~..u.r~..~.t.~r..~.p.~..~..k.n.~.?...~.~a[n~.~L.~:. .... y.~.t_~.r_ ...... wodrs o~ sources and state nature of improvement in works. Euumerato definitely source or sources of supply, k/nd of works used or considered {i.{ known) ~at specify the locality to be served. Additional sheets malt be attadaed. that the ..... Malto r nf said_ ......... _C-!..t.Y_~9_.u__n_._c]_! ......................... (Title o~ chief executive officer) (City councii~ board of trustees or other governing body) be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause the necessary data to be prepared, and investigations to be made, and in the name of sai& ............ [i__t_lt_ ................................. to sign and file such application with the (Cit~, towa or county, etc.) said State Deparh~,ent of Health. Passed and adopted at a regular meeting o{ the ................................................................................ (C, ovemi~s bodlt) o~ the .... on the ......... day o~. ., 19 ..... (Cfla,, towa or eotmty, etc.) O¥~'~CL~L SF_XL HE~ · Clerk of said_ ....... (City, towa or county, etc.) EH 101 Oo-Ts) s~s~..~so .-Ts a~ (D oe~ Wasco. Col~. ~3280 DKPAK?M~F.:T CF WAT ' LOG . ~O Feet 16" - 5/!6 Blank Casing - 0- 20 ~6" cond~tor '~50 " " -" Perforated 20 - ~5 Sand 600 Fee5 16" x 5/16 ~5 - 55 ~ave! 80 Feet 6" Gravel chute 55- 80 80 - 100 San~ 100 - 1~5 Sand & Gravel 160 - 220 Sand & Gravel 220 - 2DO 230 - 260 S~d & Gravel 260 - 2?0 San~ Cleo' 2?0 - 285 S~.d & Cravel 285 - 290 Clay 290 - 355 Sand & ~avel '355 - ~65 365 - 3;30 Sand & Gravel ~0 - l;OO ~0 - 430 Coarse Sand & Rocks 43o - ~o 4~ - ~B5 S~nd & C~avel ~5- 500 San~ Clay ~0 - 510. S~nd 510- 550 ~n~ Clay 550 - 570 570 - 600 San~ Clazr & CTavel g*DRM 1233 P~E¥. $--~g REPORT 0N BACTERIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER S~ Jo~e msT~,c~ Bakersf~d ~,~O~A~OR~ , J 5 - ~0 ML PORTION', EXA~iN~D TI DATE DATE FOR COLIFORM DA, mERIA T[ST ~' NO. OF ~ORTION~ taLE j TEST COM- ~OUflCE OF SAMPLE POSITIV~ INDEX  TEST TEST IC0 ML i Station 174-01 * , ~ ' R. K. Sextro · Colifo~ bacteria ~s not de=ected ~ this sable. Dete~ined by ~r~e iil~a technique. CALIFORNIA WAT~.R SERVICE CqlMPANY MINERAL ANALYSIS /~ 17586 BAKERSF I ELD ---CBR- 9 NEW WELL SAMPLED 6 8 ~ REPMRTED MG/L MEQ/L MG~ ME~/L CARBMNATE ,~ ,01 CALCIUM 3~ 1.60 BICARBSNATE 1 ~9 I .95 MAGNESI ~ 2 -~0 SULFATE 23 .470 SeDI UM ~2 .96 CHL~RID~ 13 .31 P~TASSIUM 2.2 .06 NITRATE 3 .OS ANIONS 9-85 CATI MNS ~-81 HARDNESS (CAC03) 90 ALKALINITY (CAC03) 98 D~SS~UVED S~UZDS ~67 SIn~CA (SIS~) MANGANESE (MN) .00 ~RSN (ZZ) .00 CAR~N DIOXIDE (C~S) ~ ~DIDE (I) .0~4 ~NDUCTIVITY 278 MICR~MH~S/CM HYDROGEN IeN Y.YO (PH) ~MPERATUR[ N~T REPORTED I~NIC STRENGTH .OOa3 M~L/L BNG[LI~R C~RR~SI~N INDEX -.'22 S~DIUM ABS~RPYI~N RATI~ 1.01 F~AMING AG[NTS(MBAS) .00 MG/L CePP~R .00 MG/L SYReNYIUM -2S MG/L ZINC .00 MG/L LITHIUM .004 MG/L COLOR 11-0 UNITS TURBIDITY 1.90 FTU ION BAL ERROR 1.4 % CALC COND ERRMR 3-3 Z OPERATED CONTINUOUSLY LONGER THAN 10 HOURS PRIOR TM SAMPLING 7586 GHEMIST-R. ~{. SEXTRO WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ITEMS FOR AGENDA Agenda Section Requesting Department DOMESTIC WATER ENTERPRISE Date for Water Board Action JUNE 13, 1979 1. Description of Item: MEMORANDAM TO WATER BOARD FROM JOHN HANSEN REQUESTING PERMISSION TO WRITE-OFF BAD DEBTS AND SUBMIT THEM TO COLLECTION. 2.' Comments: 3. Suggested Action: IF BOARD APPROVES, AUTHORIZE STAFF TO PROCEED. 4. Attachments: MEMO & STATEMENTS Services Approved, z~Ci ty Manager NOTE: Items for Water Board Agenda are to be submitted prior to 10 a.m. Friday for the Wednesday meeting of the following week. PORM P6'- A~ .... RURE___ll_,_l.97_.9_ ......................... W 0 ................ W&IER__B_O~i{P ............................................................................................................................ F ROM .......... JO~.__R ....~MS~R,___D_Q~S%_IC.._WATER__S.U~.E~N%.ENRE~_T .......................................... $U BJ ECT ..... DD~gTIC__~RI_S_.~_.REB. TS ........................................... ] ........................ [ ................... ATTAC~D IS A "BAD DEBT WRITE-OFF REGISTER" DATED AUGUST 1978 AS SUPPLIED TO THE CITY BY CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE CO. ATTEMPTS ~VE BEEN ~DE TO COLLECT THESE ACCOSTS THROUGH THE NOeL ~THOD, BUT ~VE FAILED; ~ A~ THE~FORE ~QUESTING PE~ISSION TO WRITE-OFF THE BAD DEBTS AND SUB~T THEM TO A COLLECTION AGENCY. JHH:ag ATTACHMENT ~.IT{ :.iF uA~t~SFIF. LU 5&~ jE,;f .~IT~ Cf-F RE~ISTE~ >O-b7-1J-';75-i L~ ~O~ LANE 040~ ~{~%1 ~R Oo-Og-~b O7-31--78 7,32 7.32 50'b~'J~-O~)0-1 ~&LP~ SImPSoN 730~ ~'cS~ Vt~D~ ~gf OS-LZ-7~ O7-31-7~ 0.~7 50-5e-0~-377~-[ F~I~N ~NG ~07 VI ST~ ~E~DE b,~ O~-~3-7~ 07-3[-78 [0.O~ [0.04 50-55-10-Olv2-1 OILL-4Y~ CUNST 7~05 D~ CCLC~ES 05-O3-76 0~-31-78 25.04 ZS.0~ 50-~0-05-1~5-~ t4Ovl) ~NEUD 708 L~ PtiNTE Il-OB-77 07-31-78 l~.O~ lq.02 bO-oO-.OS-5~OO-I ~kVlH SPE~u 640L DLSE~T HILLS O~ 1~-}~-77 07-31-78 O.58 0.58 50-oO-10-Z~O~-I d SHIP~AN - 0 ENSDR 5?lB S]CC~3~LE ~Y 07-~)~-77 O7-31-78 ~ 20.72 ~ 20.72 50-61--0b-0752-I D~LE 4 JOr~ES 501 PLOVER O1-(}9-78 O7-31-78 / 57.51 57.51 50-6L-~5-J325-2 GLENN ~rTkELL b04 P~E&S~NT 05-L8-78 U7-31-7~ 52.23 52.23 50-ol-lu-,),)~d-.~ ~ G~J;JD~UN 5~16 PF{'~E~ T~E~ L{'; O1-13-7~ 07-3i-7~ 0.85 0.85 50-61--LO-Zs::J-Z k;]uEiT 5 PRA,~ 303~ CEO~OGO lz-io-T7 07-31-18 0.21 O. dl 50-Ol-~O-3b~0-) F,[CH&R0 ~[L)~LE 5605 LPP[ETREE LN Oi-Z]-Tb O7-31-7~ 1,18 1,16 bO-ol-lO-3&zS-1 DONALD MORING 5705 ~PFLETKEE 05-31-7~ 07-31-78 ' 2i.72 21.72 50-O3-US-O~ZS-[ DG,~LO SMiTh 510~ H~PTCN 1i-i5-77 07-31-78 43.~Z 50-b~-Ob-[,]~5--~ hUdERT C~P~LL 5113 H~FF~CN Ol-[fi-7c 0~-31-78 27.56 27.5~ 50-63--JD-J.~O--2 L~A~Y MATHE~S 3520 CALU.ELL O5-OZ-78 07-31-7b 23.00 23.00 50'06-0>-0150-7 J~E3 SECKLEa 5VOl PL~N2 05-19-78 07-31-78 0.19 0.lq 50-~q-JS-Ob00-~ DON S~NSON 3417 RCSE~RY L~N[ 01-0,+-78 07-31-78 bg.2~ 69.29 bO-b~-Jb-OoSO-Z OE56[E ~ARTON 5qO~ TH~E LN 02-28-7~ 07-31-78 q.TT 9.77 50-b~--O~-4bOO--i Cma. LEa A PLUMME~ 5~[Z SAbE .)5-,)~-7d 07--31'7b 3.95 3.05 50-O~--lD-O975-J JAMES ZIDWELL 3512 5ESZM~ ST 03-'~1-78 07'31-78 21.o8 21.68 50-0~-1~-L27~-3 RONALD ChANOLE~ bqil wIcSCN ~.0 05-Z~-78 07-~l-78 l~.9b 14.g6 TOTAL WRITE-OFFS 3~ ACCOUNTS 97[.Z8 571.28 NIl. OF CA NOTICES PRINTED 16 ACCOUN15 AMT 'SF CA NOTICES PkiNTEO ~kITE-OFF/NOTICES 12,50 PCT 30.00 PCT WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ITEMS FOR AGENDA Agenda Sect ion Requesting Department DOMlq~TTC WATER ~IXTTlq~RPRT~ Date for Water Board 'Action ~T~JNI~. 13:1979 1. Description of Item: APPLICATION TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH FOR AN APPLICATION TO .oPERATE THE CITY'S DOMESTIC WATER ENTERPRI SE. 2. Comments: THE CITY IS REQUIRED BY STATE LAW TO 'APPLY FOR A PERMIT TO OPERATE THE DOMESTIC WATER SYSTEM. 3. Suggested Action: BOARD TO CONSIDER, IF APPROVED SUBMIT TO CITY COUNCIL. 4. Attachments: RESOLUTION & APPLICATION Oire~'tor of Fi~ Services. Approved,/C~/ty/~lan age r NOTE: Items for Water Board Agenda are to be submitted prior to 10 a.m. Friday for the Wednesday meeting of the following week.