HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/29/79 AGENDA -~ WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNEDSAY, AUGUST 29, 1979 4:00 P.M. Call meeting to order t~, P~ne at, tv~ Roll Call - Board Members: Bar Chairman; , , Berge~n, · Approve minutes of .regular meeting of July 18, 1979. Scheduled Public Statements Report on Fairhaven Industrial Fire Protection District. -ACTION TO BE DETERMINED BY THE BOARD. 4. Memorandum to Water Bo rom ~'~h~r0Hansen reques~ting permission to write-off bad debts Md submit them for collection. - IF BOAR~ APPROVES,AUTHORIZE STAF~XO PROCEED. ~~ ~~~A~ ~ Staff Comments 6.Board Comments 7.Adjournment MINUTES ~ WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 1979 4: 00 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Barton in the City Hall Engineering Conference Room. The secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Barton, Ratty, Bergen, Hoagland Absent: Payne Staff Present: Bogart, Chafin, Hansen, Hatch, Hostmyer, Needham, Stetson Others Present: Mary Collup, District Manager; ~Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District The minutes from the meeting of June 13, 1979, were approved as presented. City Water Board response to Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District letter of June 20, 1979, regarding comments about City's "Statement of Policy Regarding Water Resources Management in Kern County..." dated March 7, 1979, was presented for board consideration. After discussion by board and staff upon a motion by Mr. Hoagland, which was passed the letter was approved and the Chairman authorized to sign. Draft of Concepts regarding' spreading and recovery operation within the City's 2800 acre basin was presented to. the board for considera- tion by Stanley C. Hatch, Consulting Attorney for the City. At this time a lengthy discussion followed between board and staff regarding the conceptual outline. Mr. Ratty made a motion that the Draft of Concepts be approved. The motion was passed. A transcript of remarks made by Mr. Andy Milinich to the City Council on June 27, 1979, regarding dust and traffic problem occuring behind Park Stockdale just north of the Carrier Canal was presented to the board'for review. Water Superintendent Bogart gave a progress report on what was being done by the Department of Water to eliminate this problem. He suggested that a full time employee be hired to patrol the area in question. Mr. Hoagland made a motion that the transcript be received and placed on file. The motion was passed. Mr. Bergen at this time made amotion that a security guard be hired for this position and the staff was instructed to consult with the Police Department regarding this position. The motion was passed. Plans and Specifications for a new building to shelter the exist- ing booster pump station at Pumping Plant No. 1 on Ashe Road was presented by John Hansen, Domestic Water Superintendent. Calif- ornia Water Service Company has advised -that a building is need- ed to provide shelter for the booster pumps electrical equipment and other appurtenances. Estimated cost of this structure is $17,000.00 and funds are av~i~l~ble in the maintenance budget. Mr. Hoagland made a motion that the Domestic Water Department be authorized to advertize for b~ds. The motion~as passed. ,Staff Comments ~, Dennis Nee~ham and John Hansen presented to the board an Operation Study of the Domestic Water System consisting of a preliminary study of the City's cost of operating the City's DOmestic Water System as compared to California Water Service Company costs. 'There being no further business to come before the board, Chair? man Barton adjourned the meeting at 5:20 P.M. i James J. Barton, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Linda Hostmyer,.Secretary Ci%y of Bakersfield Water Board WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ITEMS FOR AGENDA Agenda Section BUSINESS Requesting Department DOMESTIC WATER ENTERPRISE Date for Water Board Action August 29, 1979 I' 1 Description of Item: Report on Fairha?en Industrial Fire Protection Dist~rict ...... '. 2. Comments: 3. Suggested ACtion: Determined by the Board. 4. Attachments: . " Director of F ~-e & Development Services Approved, City Manager NOTE: Items for Water Board Agenda are to be submitted prior to 10 a.m. Friday for the Wednesday meeting of the following week. WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ITEMS FOR AGENDA Agenda Section New Business Requesting Department Domestic Water Date for Water Board Action August 1979 1. Description of Item: Memorandum to Water Board from John Hansen requesting permission to write-off bad debts and submit them for collection. 2. Comments: Refer to memorandum. 3. Suggested Action: If Board approves, authorize staff to proceed. 4. Attachments: Memorandum D~rector of Fi re/& Development Services Approved, City Manager NOTE.'° Items for Water Board Agenda are to be submitted prior to 10 a.m. Friday for the Wednesday meeting of the following week.- FORM AUGUST 1 , 1979 TO ..................... ~hI~..D~D ........................................................................................................................... F ROM ............... ~_~DD..D:_.D~DD~D_~._DDD~Z_t~._~Z~D..~.D.~DZ~DSDZ ........................................................ SUBJECT ........... DDDEDZZE_.~b!E?_D..DbD..~DZD ............................................................................................. ATTACHED ARE A ~BAD DEBT WRITE-OFF REGISTERS~ FOR NOVEMBER 1978 AND DECEMBER ]978, AS SUPPLIED'TO THE CITY BY CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY. ATTEMPTS HAVE BEEN MADE TO COLLECT THESE ACCOUNTS THROUGH THE NORMAL METHOD, BUT HAVE FAILED. WE ARE THEREFORE REQUESTING PERMISSION TO WRITE-OFF THE BAD DEBTS AND SUMBIT THEM TO A COLLECTION AGENCY. JHH;AG ATTACHMENT ( { ACCCuNT ;,.u~E~. CUSI~ER i,~.c,~E SER'.~'I~E ADDI~ESS OI:F LIATt: CA. DATE TO 50-5~-[0-0o75-J. WAF'<NEK GULLATT;' 5800 C6,06A 06-].~-7~ 0g-30-78 50-5¢-lO-i27~-i 6t4UNO ,~ANTOLE 222[ FINCh SPRINGS O6--25-76 09--30-76 2~e.7g I 50-5~-lOolo00-! J L 0~;~0¥ 5913 NCJGAL 06',-O1-7~ Og-'~0-7~ 0~4½ Oo4~e 50-~Z-US-[ZOO-L VA,~N A NEC~VATAL [05 RIO bRAV~ Oo-26--7~ 09-30-78 f ~O-O~05--[u7~-~ 0R JQS~Ph HE [LMAN 570[ CAR1 SSA Ob-Z0-7. 09-30-70 2e.55 I ~O-~-/0-20~-1 MEAT .~LCH 5105 bEA STAR O7~O~-7~ 0q-30-7~ ~Teb[ ~'?' 27.b[ ~'o~0~'~25'[ CAROLYN -ELLS 260L ~ESTMIhSTER 07'05'78 09-30'78 [9~79 [9.79 f ~tTE-QFF/NOT[C~S 4[.~0 P~l CITY OF ~SFIEL~ UNCLAINEO PROPERTY REGISTER. NOVEMBER A~CC4JhT N~J~ER C~'~k ~ME. S~R~I£E A~D~ESS OFF DATE CA 0ATE TU C~ Z3~O ~220 : 50-61~-0~-~7~-1 L~G ~-~OSGN ~0~ PARTR~UGE 07-2~-78 Og-~O-?8 ~0.7~CR. · TOTAL 23.9~C~ )O-ST-I0-O~u0-I SIA~,L~Y ,b~O 10- b~6klft OR ll~b-7~ 11-30-78 0.60 ~ 0.60 ~O-)7-10-287~-1 h~i, uuN IAPI~ 801 ~LSEY O9-O7-7d 11-30-78 19.31 lg.3l ~O-Sc-dS-[~Tb-[ W~Ilt ~kc :~C ~E 7~O~ ~RCLL ~Y 05-14-7~ 11-30-7~ 44.93 4~.93 50-61-0~-1075-1 Jik~Y ~ILL I;;4SON 6601 CHL~KA~ LN 0~-O3-76 11-30-7~ 0.6~ , 0.84 50-bl--ld-'J97)-f ~USSLLc ~ LE~TZ 5341 CHkk~YT~EE LN 0o-07-75 11-30-7~ 9.70 50-LI-Z0-33UO-I GddmuE BECK~IT~ ' 5600 dklAkk~CD O9-21-7o 11--30--78 2.22 2.22 ~ 30-~4-0~-Oc00-~ GIL~ J ~R~ES 590~ ~AP~MAN AVE 0E--30-7~ 11-30-7~ 54.61 54.61 50-62-05-po75-4 CAk~OL~ ~[LK[NSON ' 10~ ~LANUJNb CT O7-12-7E 11-30-78 30.71 30.71 ~ oO-o~-0o-Ou~6-I ~EN~ Cbo:~T~ O~V CU ~70g SELBY CT IO-2T-7~ 1~1-~0-78 O.0~ O. OB ~O-63-O~-ut00-I JO~ 6U~TAMANT~ 5001 LI,~kNC~ CT Oo-16-7E 11-30-78 ll,80 11.80 50~6~-0)-1545-2 ARTMuR ~LLISON 5205 BRLCKTCN O8~b--7E 11-30-78 Il.go 11.96 ( 50-6~05-1550-5 GEORGE IAYLGR hZ01 ~aOC~TCN COURT 0T-Z~-76 11-30-78 13.29 13.29 50-6~-0~-Z22=-1 4urea ~ENbGZA ~512 CAROAMON i0-13--7~ 11-30--76 O.5l 0.52 50-6~-15-U975-~ J C LU~A 3512 SESAME SI 07-2.-7'6 11-30-7B 27.77 27.77 ~0-O~-15-1075-3 6FYA~ ;4Ce,&6~ 3~1o SESAME ST 10-O2-76 11-30-7~ 0.55 0.55 TCTAL ,,mITE-OFFS 30 ACCOLNTS 621.93 621.93 .~. ;F CA N[JTiC/-$ PkIf, T~O 19 lCCO~al'S AMT OF CA NOIICES PRINTED 20!.20 .[,!TE-OFP/NOTICE5 ~?.90 PCI 9.10 PCT , $~GN i ACT i INFOI TU.'..., r ,'. Pah C , ', t I ,< ~ .. ,,:, ',, ~.,~ ~ ;:: l' DI~SCTO2 JAN 8 1979 ADDENDUM WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1979 4:00 P.M. a. Agreement between Gerald D. Dodd and City of Bakersfield Water .~ Board for Guard Services.- FOR BOARD APPROVAL, IFAPPR~VED ~ ~ AUTHORIZE THE CITY WATER MANAGER TO SIGN. GERALD D.. DODD GUARD SERVICE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made this ~ day of ' , 1979, by and between GERALD D. DODD, hereinafter referred to as "Contractor," and CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER BOARD, hereinafter referred to as the "Board." W I TN E S S E TH: 1. GUARD SERVICES: Contractor agrees to provide or cause to be provided, during the term of this Agreement, the following guard services: (a) Contractor shall provide guard services in accordance with the Board's instructions provided by the Manager of the Water Department with respect to the post or area to be covered by each guard employed, the number of guards to be employed, and the days of the week, hours per day, and hours of the day of guard service pursuant to the specifications set forth in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein as though fully set forth. (b) Guards shall make every reasonable effort to take the appropriate, action to protect life, property, statute and ordinance violations but shall not carry or use firearms. Board shall supply to Contractor a copy of all statutes and ordinances that the guards are expected to enforce, as well as suggestions as to the method of enforcement with respect to each statute and ordinance. (c) Board may furnish supplemental specific instruc-' tions or duties as a particular guard post, station, or area may require. If by said supplemental instructions/or duties the Board requires an increase in the number of guards, the number of days of protection or the number of hours per day, then and in that event, Board agrees to pay to Contractor additional charges as may be necessary to compensate Contractor for the increase in number of guards or the amount of guard time provided at Contractor's prevailing rates. Any such changes shall be incorporated into Exhibit A. 2. TERMS, PAYMENT, RENEWAL: Services-shall be provided at the rate of $16 per hour. 'Contractor will submit invoices on or before the fifth (5th) day of the~'month for all services rendered the previous month. Board will make payments.within thirty (30) days after receipt of said invoices. This agreement shall continue in full force and effect for a period of one ('1) month from the effective date and is automatically renewed for an additional term of one (1) month at the same monthly rate, unless either party notifies the other in writing of its intention to terminate this agreement, not less than two (2) weeks prior to the expiration of the original term or any renewal term thereof. 3. ALTERATIONS AND EXTRAS: Board reserves the right to make any changes, additions, or deletions in the original specifications and instructions with correspondingly mutually agreed adjustments in rates. All changes are to be made in writing and accepted by both parties before proceeding with the work. Alterations shall not invalid'ate the contract, bond, or the original specifications and instructions to which they refer. No charges for extras will be allowed unless ordered by the Manager of the Water Department and c0'nfirmed in writing. 4. MATERIALS AND PERSONNEL: Contractor represents that it and its required personnel are properly licensed and trained. All personnel employed and on the premises will be properly screened for security and trained to accomplish the work satisfactorily. Personnel employed by Contractor will be physically capable of performing the duties as security guards for the purpose of maintaining order and protecting life and property on the premises. Contractor shall submit the name and other pertinent data relating to personnel employed by Contractor and who will be performing services hereunder. Contractor will not use any personnel as security, guards who have not been approved by the Manager of the Water Department. Contractor will also furnish all bonds, permits, licenses, labor, tools, equipment, materials and transportation, together with all other items which may be necessary in the.performance. and completion of the work herein described. The Contractor will maintain a training program of personnel so as to provide qualified security guards capable of coping with situations as they arise° 5. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR: In the performance of all work, Contractor is an independent contractor, with sole right to supervise, manage, control, train and direct the performance of the details subject to Board's suggestions. Board's'representa- tives shall be entitled to make inspections as may be necessary to assure performance. 6. INSURANCE: Contractor agrees to carry adequate Workers' Compensation and Employer's'Liability Insurance covering all persons and employees.connected with the work, and also to carry Comprehensive Public Liability and Fidelity bond covering employees as follows: (a) Workers' Compensation Statutory (b) Public Liability $300,000 Single Occurrence Contractor will furnish Board with certificate of insurance of the above coverage, with the City of Bakersfield as an additionally named insured for public liability. 7. ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENT: Neither party shall assign this Agreement without the express written consent of the other. 8. AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL: Board agrees to furnish to Contractor forthwith a written list of the names, residences, residence phone numbers and signatures of all persons authorized to be notified in the event of an emergency. All changes, revisions and modifications to the above shall be supplied to Contractor in writing. 9. SUSPENSION OR CANCELLATION OF THIS AGREEMENT: This agreement may be susPended or cancelled, upon two (2) days notice, at the option of'Contractor, if Contractor's'equipment or the premises patrolled are destroyed by fire or other catastrophe; or so substantially damaged that it is impractical to continue service, or in the event Contractor is unable to render service as a result'of any action by. any governmental authority. 10. CONTRACTOR IS NOT AN INSURER; DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES; LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: The Contractor makes no guarantee or warranty including any implied warranty that the services supplied will avert or prevent occurrences or the consequences therefrom which the service is designed to protect or avert. Board acknowledges that it is impractical and extremely difficult to fix the ~ctual · damages, if any, which may proximately result from the failure to perform, any 'obligations herein with resulting lo~s to the City of Bakersfield because of among other things: (a) The uncertain amount of value of City's property or the property of others kept on the premises Which may be lost, stolen, destroyed, damaged or otherwise affected by occurrences which the service is. designed to detect or avert; (b) The inability' to ascertain what portion, if any, of any loss would be proximately caused by Contractor's 'failure to perform; 0 (c) The nature of the service to be performed by Contractor. ~ Contractor agrees that'this disclaimer shall not apply to events or occurrences wherein the Contractor, its agents or e~nployees are the direct and sole cause of injuries to persons and/or property. 11. ARREST BY CONTRACTOR: Board authorizes and directs Contractor to cause the arreSt of any person or persons on or around the premises, who are unauthorized to enter the premises of the property, during closed periods and to hold such person or persons until released by City, his known representatives or police authority. 12. COMPLIANCE WITH AUTHORITY: Contractor agrees to comply with all laws, orders, rules or regulations of any govern- mental body, including without limitation those pertaining to Social Security, safety, health, old age pension-and unemployment compensation. 13. CONTRACTOR'S EMPLOYEES: It is agreed that during the term of this s~id contract and for a period of at least one (1) year after termination of said contract that Board will not hire any of Contractor's employees for a period of at least twelve (12) months after the employee separates from Contractor. 14. NOTICES: Notices hereunder shall be sent to the respective addresses of the parties, but all requests given Contractor's supervisor on the job by Board's representatives ~shall be ~binding on Contractor. The Contractor and Board will advise in writing, each to the other party hereto, the name of the authorized representative, respectively. 15. INVALID PROVISIONS: In the event any of the terms of provisions of this agreement shall be declared to be invalid or inoperative, all of the remaining terms and provisions shall remain in full force and effect. 16. INTERPRETATION: This agreement, specifications, and instructions attached or identified separately, constitute the entire agreement between the parties, and no other conversa- tions, bids, memoranda, or other matter shall vary, alter or interpret the terms hereof. The captions in this instrument are for convenience of the parties'in identification of the several' provisions and shall not constitute a part of the agreement nor 'a considered interpretive thereof. Failure of %he Board to exercise any option, right-or privilege hereunder, or to demand compliance as to any obligation or covenant of Contractor shall not constitute a waiver of any such right, Privilege or option, or of the strict performance hereof unless waiver is expressly required in such event,~or is evidenced by a properly execUted instrument. Se 17. CONTRACTOR LIABILITY: Contractor does not repre- sent or warrant: That the service will prevent any loss by burglary, hold-up, fire or otherwise 'or that the service will in a~l cases provide the protection for which it is intended. Board acknowledges and agrees: That Board assumes all risk of loss or damage to City's premises or to the contents thereof, except as otherwise provided. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER BOARD By .... 'Manager, Water Department APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney COUNTERSIGNED: AssiStant City Manager-Finance · GERALD D. DODD By. Contractor ~ A G R E E M E N T .- *- ........... 2 THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into by and between th~ CITY OF BAKE,~S- ~ FIELD and FAIRHAVEN 'Ih~UgTRIAL. FIRE .PROTECTION. DISTRICT, hereinaft~r referred 4 to as the 'CITY~ and ~DISTRICT~.- =espect/v~ly ............................................ : 5 [ WHEREAS, District ~a contemplatinc~ the .construction of a ~ater distri-. 6 bution system for fire protection and .incidental.purposes under.the provisions ? of the Muntatpal In~_rove__ment Act. of ...1913,..and .............................. - ........... 8 WHEREAS, District has contracted .with R.O.C.~. for .purchase of water 9 facilities constructed by R.O.C.K.,:an~ ......................................... .. 10 WHEREAS, City is desirous of participating in District-'s work of im-" 11 provement, and ...................... " 12 WHEREAS, it appears, to the City..and D~strict that ,the most expeditious 13 equitable, and economical way for .the City and.District, and other areas which 14 will probably annex to one entity or the. other in the future is by the parties 15 to enter into a Joint agreement fo~.-the .orderly ~and economic, operation..and.. 16 expansion of the work of Improvement, ................................... 18 1. The boundaries of the lands ~ithin the City which are to be k~own 19 as the ~City Improvement District. are a~. described in a plat or ma~ attached ~0 hereto as attachment %1, and is. generally-~described as. that land ~ithin the, City. I' ~1 ~mprovement district bounded on the north .by the District's boundary, the south 22 by the Kern River, the east by.the .99 Freeway,. and on the west hy Gibson.Street, ~ excluding those areas as ~ndicated on attachmen~ ..~I .with the rea letter. 24 The ~ity improvement district will, be, indicated on attachment #1 with a green . . ~5 boundary and the District boundaries will ..be. ~d/¢at~d-in. blue.. ':~' .- 26 2, City will purchase the rea/..property and the.water facilities .... 27 constructed on the R.O.C.K. site, ~onsisting of. one one-milLion gallon :.: ~8 pum~s, pipes and appurtenances from .R.O.C.K. or-the. District, whichever, is'the. ~9 ~ost feasible for an amount e~!. to-th~.original..construction costs .... ReferenCe 30 is hereby made t° the contract .between-R..O.C.K,.~ and the Dtstr/~t .for further -' 32 3. The C/fy will 'own all facilities purchased or constructed within JENKINS i the' City improv~ment ~strict. In addition thereto, the District gran~s to the.. ~ City the right .~m construct such wells, tanks and pumps within the District as 3 may be necessary to~aintain the inte~rity and standards of the water distribu-. 4 t/on system which will be i~pacted by~ future, expansion, of said system in. the. 5 City, County and District. .. ............ , 6 4. District shall reta/n ownership of. ~ alL. facilities constructed. 7 within or without the District by...the D~strict',. excepting those wells, pum~s, 8 tanks and appurtenances installed in .the future by the .City which shall, belong -. 9 to the City, or as otherwise mutually agreed, upon by the. parties. . · 10 S. District grants to the City~ the exclusive .~right to use a11. the · 11- facilities within the District and. any facili~ies connected .thereto. to .purvey 12 and sell water as the City eo desires,, provi~ng,-however that the integrity 13 and standards for fire protection, are maintained.- This. exclusive right to the 14 City to purvey and sell water shall continue for so. long. as. any part of. the 18 system remains in District's ownership ................ . ................ . 6. City shall be responsible-for .providing .adequate volume and press- 17 ute for fire protect/on purposes, equal, to..the standardsmutually agreed to by 18 the parties for the entire system including, without, exception, to the. District. 19 7. City shall, by resolution consent, to the spreading, of an assess- 20 ment over the lands within the .City improvement d~strict ,and shall obtain 21 waivers from the landowners within the City im~rovement..district as to .the ~P. proce~dings heretofore had and ,.taken by District pursuant to provisions, of the ~.3 Munici~al Improvement Act of 1913,. and. City shall . also., obtain the .consent of.. ~4 said landowners to the.spreading an-.assess~ent against their .lands equal to .the. ~5 assessment spread on lands with/n the District.. ~6 8. City aha11 assume legal and. financial, resi~nsib~lity .for the ..... ' ~7 operation of the entire system .whether with/n the City., county, District, .Fair- ~8 haven Mutual Water company or any. other .purveyor. or.seller .of water, if any, 29 within the District. Any financial .deficit. due to operational, costs within th~ 30 District and City improvement ~/strict-sha~l be paid by.-the .District fr~n the ~1 interest earned on the reserve.fund.up.to a...maximum of. five (5). years from the.i: 32 .4-- the system is operable..Extraordinary~ .maintenance, costs shall be. paid as.. IN~ ]. mutually ag~aeable ~ ~h~ occurrence or ~ysu~ .ci~~e orL~ly ~s~cted R.O.C.K., facili~y. Su~ fun~.~ed fo~ 7 10. ~ ac~r~ce wi~ ~e p~isio~., of Sectto~ 13800 et'. 8 Heal~ ~ Safety ~e (~e F~e P~c~n Dis~i~ ~.of .1961)Dis~i~ ~al1 9 ~fer ~ ~e City ~e s~t~ faci~ties wi~n ~y ~on o~. 11 ~1. ~ty ~11 not ch~ge ~y st~y ~e .o= s~l~ ~ges for 1~ ~y fire ~ec~ons ~ ~ for private y~ hy~ts or-fire spri~ler syst~. 1~ 12. Dis~ict shall. ~ ~s~ns~le. for ~c~o~ f~. f~e prote~°n 14 on pri~te pro~rty wi~ ~e .Distrigt. ~t~tor ~ valves or. ~ater. meters 16 che~ vales, wat~ ~rs, ~st .ln~ca~ valves ~d.all o~er .de~s for. 17 priva~ f~e p~tection ~ses ~11 ~ ~d by ~ p~rty o~ ...... 18 13. ~ty a~ees ~ f~sh wa~r .to .~ Fairhav~ ~t~ Water ~any 19 et~er on a single ~er s~e to Fairhav~ Mut~ or,-~ ~ alt~tive, 14. ~ shall have ~e right.of .f~st-refusaL.~ p~chase or a~re ~e syst~ o~ by District el~er ~ or .~ut .~e Dis~ or ~y ~~ of Wat~ ~ ~1 ~tF At~ey ~ Direc~r of Fire