HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/09/80 ~ ~ 'SIGN ACT INF'Q -: CiTY CLERK J ~ "BUILDI~ FIN~CE '"~RSO~L A G ~ ~ D A Pua. ' WATE~ REO~V. FILE JAN 8 1980 4:00 ~.M. '"' , Call meeting to order Roll Call - Board Members: Barton, Chairman; Payne, Ratty, Bergen, Hoag/~d 1. Approve minutes of regular meeting of .December 12, 1979. 2. Scheduled Public Statements. 3. Board consideration of City participation in Cloud Seeding Program by Kern River Interests. - FOR DISCUSSION. 4. Staff Comments 5. Boa'rd Comments 6. Adjournment MINUTES WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1979 4:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Payne in the City Hall Caucus Room. The secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Payne, Ratty, Bergen, Hoagland Absent: Barton Staff Present: Hansen, Higginbotham, Hostmyer, Needham The minutes from the regular meeting of October 31, 1979, were approved as presented. Plans and Specifications for an 18-inch drain line pipe for Pump- ing Plant No. 9 in Quailwood Drive was presented to the board by Domestic Water Superintendent John Hansen. After a brief discus- sion by board and staff upon a motion by Mr. Hoagland which was passed, it was reco~nended that the plans and specifications be taken to the City Council for authorization to advertise for bids. At this time John Hansen brought the board up to date on the re- newal of the Operation and Maintenance Agreement with California Water Service Company for the Ashe Water System. At 4:15 P.M. a recess was called by Vice-Chairman Payne. The regular meeting was reconveyned at 4:20 P.M. At this time Development Services Director Dennis Needham re- quested that in regard to the above mentioned Agreement with California Water Service Company the staff be authorized by the board to have the latitude to extend the present contract sixty (60) days if there is not ample time to enact the'.new contract. Mr. Bergen made a motion that the present contract be extended sixty (60) days. The motion was passed. Mainline Extension Agreements within the Ashe Water SerVice area were presented to the board for acceptance and filing. Mr. Bergen made a motion that the Agreements be accepted and placed on file. The motion was passed. At this time John Hansen addressed the board regarding the selec- tion of an engineering firm to design a 2 million gallon tank, booster station, and well site~ as approved under the Ashe Water Systems Captial Budget. Mr. Hansen informed the board that the Agreement presented between the City of Bakersfield and Boyle Engineer~.ng Corporation has been revie%:ed throughly by himself, Ed Schulz, Assitant Public Works Directors; and W.D. Higginbotham, Finance Operations Manager, and they~ feel it to be totally accept- able. Mr. Ratty made a motion that the board accept the Agree- ment with Boyle Engineering. The motion was passed. Staff comments At this time Mr. Needham brought the b~ard up to date on the Fairhaven Fire Protection District. He informed the board that the District voted yesterday to sign the agreement, after which time i~ will be brough't back to the board for approval. Mr. Bergen presented a letter to the board from the Board of Directors of the Plaza Bobby Softball League he recommended that the letter be referred to the staff for a reply as soon as possible and that they return their comments to the board. Copies ~of the letter were distributed to. the board by Mr. Bergen. Thomas A. Payne, Vice-Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Linda Hostmyer, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board USE WATER ASSOCIATION Room 411 Grea~t Western Building 1415 18th Street Bakersfield, California 93301 805 - 324-8440 ,- The decade of the 1980's' is upon us with predictions from all quadrants of both a water and energy famine. Unf~ortunately, we are already behind in prepa- ration for the future and as every day passes the requirements for water in- crease. The energy portion of the equation is needed to pump the water from its origin to the user. Your Association is dedicated to keeping you and the electorate of Kern County informed on all aspects of water needs, development and conservation. 1980 brings many challenging and certainly ever continuing pr, oblems with this vital natural resource. .Legislative log jams are having significant impact on our community. Additionally, surface water needs to reduce groundwater over- draft, power requirements, a master valley drain and completion of the State Water Project are critical to the future of our county. Unfortunately,~ costs of ol~eration continue to escalate. Office supplies and postage are the major consumables. Staff salaries need adjustment and full time, rather than ha]f time secretariaJ services are needed. As a result, an increase in operating funds and budget has been r~quested in the amount of $8,000. This would bring our annual budget to $50,,000. In order to meet our expenditures your continued 'interest and financial support are most needed and appreciated. The Association board requests you consider increasing your cont~,ibution to the amount indicated on the enclosed contribution request. Thank you for your support. /7 ~ // Rl~:ad I4[$ 18th ,Street Bakersfield, California 93301  ~::~ of Kern County C|ty of Bakersfield 'li0".l lgTg November I, 1979 Department Of Water 4101 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA. 93301 ,C~E~AjtT~6NTOFWAI~ Amount enclosed (Detach ond return this ~ortion) , 1980 membershi, p contribution. $688.00 1980 water district contributions represent a 25 percent increase as recommended by the Water District Managers at their October 5, 1979 meeting and approved by'.the WAKC board. Your participation is greatly appreciated. T.hank you. DtI~ECTORS ~¢~IURTRFY AND I[TCMEVERRY ..~.K ~.o.~. v,.~ ..~.,~... KERN DELTA WATER DISTRICT HOWARD R, FRICK, SECR[TARY BOYLE ENGINEERING STANLEY ANTONGIOVANNI DEL K[RN STATION ~TAN~EY ~. BARNES BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93307 ROBERT F, BOON PHILIP J, CERRO ~ HALE COSTERISAN Dece~er 26, 1979 U:~ 2 8 1979 ~. C.H. Williams ~~WA~ Engineer-Manager North Kern Water Storage District Box 1195 Bakersfield, CA 93302 Rg: Kern River Cloud Seeding Program Dear Chuck: The Board of Directors of Kern Delta Water District approved the concept of a Kern River water shed.' cooperative cloud seeding program for the Spring of 1980.. At its ~eeting on Dedember 20, 1979 financial participation was authorized to the 'extent of one fourth of $30,?00 provided the remaining major interests on the Kern River also participate. Vary t~ly yours, G~~~. Castle General Manager Kern Delta Water District GHC/lh cc: Mr. John Chafin ~. City of Bakersfield Mr. Harold Russell Buena Vista Water Storage District 1-2-80 cc: Water Board (FUll)' NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE 1415 - 18th STREET, ROOM 705 BOX ! 195 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 933~)2 December 19, 1979 Nr. John Chafin/ City of Bakersfield Mr. Harold Russell Buena Vista Water Storage District ~. Gil Castle Kern Delta Water District Re: Kern River Cloud Seeding Program Gentlemen: At the regular North Kern Board meeting on December 18, 1979 I was instructed to initiate the securing of the necessary permits frcm the State of California so a cloud seeding program could be commenced at the earliest possible date in the Kern River Basin for the coming season. The North Kern Board took this action anticipating 'the participation and support of the program by tht~ other benefiting entities on Kern River. The Board has not taken any action to commit any entity other than North Kern to any aspect of a program at this time. North Kern again solicits .your full support and par'ticipation somewhat in the manner as was recommended to the North Kern Board and adopted by i~ subject to the participation of the other three entities. I would appreciate any comments regarding the subject as soon as pos- sible~. Very truly yours, C, H. Williams Engineer-Manager CHW: lm 1-2-80 CC: Water Board (Full) BI~NA VISTA WATER STORAGE DISTRICT 525 N. MAIN STREET -:- PHONE: (8051 764-5510 P.O. Bo~ T56 BU~ONWILLOW, CALIFORNIA 93206 DIRE~TOR~ HA~O~D K. RU~E~ GINO TORIGIANI, S~C~STA~Y ~S. ~ ~ST. SECY. ROY BEL~UOMINI TED BLOEMHOF u.,-L; :3 81979 Mr. John Chafin ~o~ W^T~ City of Bakersfield Mr; C. H. Wi lli. ams North Kern Water Storage District :'Mr. Gil Castle Kern Delta Water District Re: Kern River Cloud Seeding Program Gentlemen: The Board of Directors of the Buena Vista Water Storage District took the following action at their regular meeting of December 11, 1979: 1. Agreed to participate in a short 3 month cloud seeding program on the Kern River for the coming season subject to participation of the other 3 entities and the ability to get a-program underway in a timely manner. 2. Agreed to support planning for a !980-~1 winter season program sponsored by the Kern River Interests with actual participation subject to later review by staff and the Board. Yours very truly, BUENA VISTAs_WATER STORAGE DISTRICT H. K. Russell Engineer-Manager HKR:bh,: 1-2-80 cc: Water Board (Full)