HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/30/80 AGENDA WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1980 4:00 P.M. 1. Call meeting to order ~,~C ~R~|~ t~' Roll Call - Board Members: Barto hairman, Pa n a y , y Bergen, Hoagl ,an~ 1.~ Approve minutes of regular board meeting of January 9, 1980. 2.~ Scheduled Public Statements 3.~ Transfer of $100,000.00 from 1979/80 Agricultural Water Capital Improvement Budget to complete final phase of Water DepartmentD ~ operations and conference building ~ FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION.i~. 4.~ A resolution of the Water Board of the City of Bakersfield estab- lishing boundaries for the service area of the Bakersfield Municipal Water System (Ashe Division). - BOARD TO CONSIDER FOR ACTION.~~?_ ~ 5.J California Water 'Service Company has provided repairs at three (3) well sites and the final cost for said repairs exceeds the City's $4,000.00 limitation for work without formal bid Drocedures. -  ON.SIDERATION OF BILLS FOR PAYMENT. 6. ~Staff Comments ~~~/ ~~~ ~-~ 7 .v/Board Comments _~~~. ~ ~,~/v~ 8.~ Adjournment ' MINUTES WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9 , 19 80 4:00 P.M. 'The meeting was called to order by Chairman Barton in the City , Hall Caucus Room. The secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Barton, Payne, Ratty, Bergen, Hoagland ~bsent: None Staff Present: Bogart, Chafin, Hansen, Hostmyer, Silvius Others Present: Tom Ashlock, Manager; Kern-Tulare Water District District Manager; Rag Gulch Water District Tom Clark, Olcese Water District George Nickel, Jr.; Olcese Water ~District Gail Schontzler, The Bakersfield Californian C.H. Williams, Engineer-Manager; North Kern Water Storage District The minutes from the regular meeting of December 12, 1979, were approved as presented. At this time Mr. Nickel on behalf of Olcese Water District brought the board up to date on the total water package exchange agreement that is being drawn up between Olcese Water District and Buena Vista Water Storage District. Upon its completion which should be in the near future, the agreement will be presented to the City Water Board. At this time Water Manager Chafin addressed the board in regard to the City's participation in the Cloud Seeding Program by Kern River Interests. He presented letters to the board from three (3) other entities indicating their participation in the Kern River Cloud Seeding Program. Mr. Chafin suggested that the City agree to participate in the short-term for 1980, and possibly in the range of $8,000.00 to $10,000.00. Mr. Bergen made a motion that the City participate in the program for the short-term at. a max- imum of $10,000.00. The motion was passed. Staff Comments Mr. Ratty informed the board of a luncheon meeting that had been held ?.earlier~.' in the day with Buena Vista Water Storage District, Kern Delta Water District and North Kern Water Storage District regarding the Cloud Seeding Program he, also, stated that the meeting was very cooperative and informative. Water Manager Chafin presented a letter along with the 1980 member- ship contribution statement from the Water Assocait0n of Kern County in the amount of $688.00. He informed the board that the contribution made by the City last year was $550.00. representing an increase as recommended by the Water District Managers of 25%. Mr. Ratty made a motion that the contribution be made in the amount of $688.00 for 1980. The motion was passed. There being no further business to come before the board, Chair- man Barton adjourned the meeting at 4:35 P.M. James J. Barton, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Linda Hostmyer, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE WATER BOARD OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ESTABLISHING BOUNDARIES FOR THE SERVICE AREA OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL WATER SYSTEM (ASHE DIVISION) WHEREAS, from time to time it becomes necessary to change the boundaries of the service area of the Bakersfield Municipal Water system because of growth in the area, a~nexations and developments; and WHEREAS, it is desirable that such boundaries be a matter of record. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Water Board of the City of Bakersfield that the boundaries of the service area of the Bakersfield Municipal Water System (Ashe Division) be and are as set forth on the attached Map labeled Exhibit "A" which is made a part of this resolution as if fully set forth herein. -o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was passed and 'adopted by the Water Board of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the day of ......... , 1979~ by the following vote: Chairman, Bakersfield Water Board Secretary ASHE DIVISION' 12 - 14- 79 G.L.R. SERVICE AREA MAP I 23 24 19 20 21 22 23 26 O, 25 <[! 30 29 28 27 26 35 36 /32 / 25 ~ 30 29 28 ~ 27 m 26 , ISSUED BY WATER BOARD OAT E OF THE. CiTY OF EFFECTIVE I - 30 - 80 RESOLUTION NO. 80-1 WB ASHE DIVISION' " 12 - 14- 79 G.L.R. SERVICE AREA MAP 23 24 lO 20 21 22 <~ 26 ~ 25 30 29 28 27 26 24 u 19 20 I 21 · " " 23 , PANAMA - LANE Mc CUTCHEN ROA 3~ · 34 ISSUED BY WATER BOARD DATE OF THE CI~Y OF EFFECTIVE ~ESOLUTION N0. ......................... TO ............. ........... i ......................................... '= .............................................................................. F~O~ ~OHN H. H^NSEN su ...................................................... Attachad ara invoices ~or H~int~n~nca Projaats on thc ^$h¢ Systa~ by Cnli~orni~ ~tar Company. Thc total cost foF ~¢h o~ those fouF itams cxcaad thc ~aur thousand dollar axpanditura limitation and tharafara raquiras Do, rd Approval to ~uthariz¢ pnymant. Estimnta #~D is ~or Faising thc concrata pump basa nt Pumping No. 8 and adjusting pump disch~ga piping to pratact ~g~inst possibla can- taminntion by sur~¢a ~atar and ~loodin§. Cn]i~ornia ~atar Sarvice Company astim~tad thc costs at $2,000.0~, ~r. ~. Blakamar¢ appravad thc ~ork on October 2], ]DT?. This ~or~ ~s st~rtad ]~st ~nuaFy 1DT~ and ~hi]a thc disnssamb]ad it wns dis¢ovarad th~ thc pump bo~is wasa badly ~orn. Thc ~dditional ~ar~ on thc ba~ls plus inflation incraasad thc cost to $~,03D.~0. ? Estim~t~ #~3 is ~or in~tallinD autom@tic controls at PumpinD No. 2, so thnt th~ wall ~i]] raspond ~utam~tianl]y during a]actri¢~! pa~ar ~ailura$ nnd ]aw prassuras conditions. Cnli~ornia ~atar $arvic~ ~omp~ny a~tim~tad costs ~t $~,DD~.O0, Hr. Dannis Naadham approvad thc ~ork on Nawmbar l, ~D78. Actual cost ~ar thainstall~tianw~s $6,~$6.$3. Th~ cost raflacts in,intron ~nd vary poor astim~ting by £~li~ornia W~tar $aFvica $~a~F. Estimata #72 is ~or ramov'n] o~ a ]25 Horsapa~ar ~otar (burnad out) ~nd installing of a 150 horscpo~ar ~otor ~t Pumping Plant. Cali~orni~ Sarvica gompnny astimatad thc cost ~t $~,000.0~ and it ~ns nppravad by ~oh~ Hanson an August 16, ]DTD. Thc raasan ~or not fallowing bid pracadur~s on this Estimata ~s duc ta thc amargana¥ condition cra~tad by this ~a]] and anothar nat b~ing opar~bla during thc hottast paFt o~ thc yaar. ~ithout eithar pumping plant Na.~s 3 or 6 oparating thc systam could not mcat damands ~ithin thc sarvica arco. Tharafora as Pumping Plant No. 3 could ba rapaircd thc quickast, I ardarcd thc ~ork. Thc ~in~l cost w~s $7,06~.78; o~ ~hich $~,000.00 ~as for n rabuilt ]50 horsapo~ar motor (lika na~) ~ith a now motor gunrantaa and $2,300.5~ to rabuild thc burnad out 12~ hars~paua~ motor to usa as a standby motor. Thc raason thc ]25 horsapa~ar motor burnad out ~s that it ~as undarsizad ~or thc axisting conditions nt Pumping Plant No. 3. Thc incraasa to a ~$0 horsapawar .motor ~il] aiiminata this problam. Rabuiiding thc burnad out motor p~ovidas thc systam with a standby motor in c~sa similar problams. I recommend that all thraa bi]is ba ~pp~ovad ~or p~ymant. JHH:ag Attach: .:' ::' '/ .' , DATE September 25, 1979 · {/ CITY OF BA~.RSFIELD INvOIcE NO. / ' ' ACCOUNT NO. 1255 C~K - ' AMOUNT, $ 6,386.83 CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE-COMPANY · TERMS.NET CASH Herewith cost analysis of Estimate CBK 0063 covering the installation of automatic controls at Station CBK 2: ' 'Labor $2,039.93 Stores }~terials 174.29 · . Contract/Accounts Payable .3,699.51 ~oustruction Overhead 473.10 -' Total Due $~6,386.83 DATE December 21, 1979 O C~ty of Bakersfield INVOICE NO. . ACCOUNT NO. 1255 / AMOUNT. $ 7,063.78 CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY " TERMS NET CASH .~lerewith cost analysis of Estimate 0072 CBK covering the' -'- ~lnstallation of 150 H.P. Motor Station CBK 3 MOTOR Labor $ . . " Stores Materials, .. .. . Contract/Accounts Payable ' .6,540.54 liiscellaneous '.. ~' Construction Overhead ' 523.24 Total 7,063.78 Less Deposit --0-- Balance Due $7,063.78 DATE September 25, 1979 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ? INVOICE NO. ACCOUNT NO. 1255 CBK AMOUNT, $ 6,039.30 CALEFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY TERMS NET CASH Herewith cost analysis of Estimate CBK 0029 covering the installation .. of raised base and adjustment of piping at Station. CBK 8: '. Labor $ 164.48 Stores Materials 25.34 Colltract/Accounts Payable 5,402.12 Construction Overhead 447.36 Total Due $6 ~039.30 - -