HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/05/80 AGENDA WATER BOARD - CITY OF Bg~KERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1980 4:00 P.M. Call meeting to order Roll Call- Board Members: .Barton, Chairman; Payne, Ratty, Bergen Hoagland 1. Approve minutes of regular board meeting of February 13, 1980. 2. Scheduled Public Statements. 3. Agreement for the Acquisition, Construction, Operation and Financing of the Fairhaven Water Distribution System. - BQA'~D TO CONSIDER FOR APPROPRIATE ACTION. 4. Staff Comments 5. Board Comments 6. Adjournment WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ITEMS FOR AGENDA Agenda Section NEW BUSINESS Requesting Department DOMESTIC WATER ENTERPRISE Date for Water Board Action MARCH 5, 1980 1. Description of Item: Agreement for the Acquisition, Construction, Operation and Financing of the Fairhaven Water Distribution System. 2. Comments: Refer to Staff Memorandum. 3. Suggested Action: Board to consider for appropriate action. 4. Attachments: Agreement, staff comments and report. ervices Approved, City Manager NOTE: Items for Water Board Agenda are to be submitted prior to 10 a.m. Friday for the Wednesday meeting of the following week. MINUTES WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 19 80 4: 00 P .M. The meeting Was called to order by Chairman Barton in the City Hall Caucus Room. The secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Barton, Payne, Ratty, Bergen, Hoagland Absent: None Staff Present: Bogart, Chafin, Hansen, Hostmyer, Needham Others Present: Gall Schontzler, The Bakersfield Californian The minutes from the regular meeting of January 30, 1980, were approved as presented. A l~tter of response from the Water Board to the Board of Direc- toes of Kern Delta Water District regarding Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Report entitled "1979 Systems Improvement Project for Kern Delta Water District" dated January, 1980 was presented to the board for consideration. After a brief discus- sion by board and staff, Mr. Bergen made a motion that the Chair- man be authorized to sign and the letter be forwarded to the Board of Directors of Kern Delta Water District. Staff Comments Domestic Water Superintendent Hansen informed the board that · the Domestic Departmen~ ha~ recently employeed a new CETA trainee employee. Board Comments Mr. Ratty informed the board that he felt it was time to start planning our Cloud Seeding program for the coming season. There be~ii'~g no further business to come before the board, Chair- man Barton adjourned the meeting at 4:25 P.M. James J. Barton, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Linda Hostmyer, Secre~ary City of Bakersfield Water Board MEMORANDUM FINANCING OF THE FAIRHAVEN WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. PROPOSAL: The Water Board recommends to the City Council that, the City enter.into an agreement with Fairhaven Industrial Fire Protection District and Fairhaven Mutual Water Company for the purpose of acquiring and operating the Fairhaven Water Distribution System. (See attached No. 1). NEED AND PURPOSE: Property owners within the incorporated area between Rose- ~/~d---~-J-~ H---~-h~e Kern River and Highway 99 have requested 'that the City provide water for domestic, commercial and fire protection needs. These landowners are willing to participate in the assessment proceedings of the Fairhaven Industrial Fire Protection District for the Construction of a ~ water distribution to meet the water requirements. The Fairhaven Industrial Fire Protection district will finance through asses- merits on the lands and construct a water distribution system in the area west of Highway 99 and on both sides of Rosedale Highway to serve 5~0 acres of land. (See attachment No. 2). The .Dist~ict'SMutual have requested that the City take custody, operate, and maintain the completed water facilities. ' FINANCE IMPACT: The City will acquirea $].1 million water distribution . system from the Fairhaven Industrial Fire Protection District and Fairhaven Mutual Water Company.' A 1.1 million gallon water storage tank, pump station, and site will be acquired from the Regional Occupation Center of Kern by the Fire Protection District. The City will acquire a portion of California Water Company service area at a cost of $200,000,00 which is proposed to be financed through a loan from the Ashe Water Division. This agreement requires accumulative payments on the assessment bond principle to a maximum of$.l.,4.00.OQper acre for the excess capacity of the system. These payments will be financed with fees collected from developers as they connect to the water system. The fees will beapproximately $1,800.00 per acre for land within the City and $2,500.00 per acre for land outside of the City. A portion of thes~e~_.wil;1.beallocated to payment of the excess capacity, with the remainder allocated to providing additional water wells and storage ~anks[or the system. An additional $900.00 per acre would also be paid on the assessment bond principle if the original assessment area is annexed to the City and if all the water users agree to restrict the use of their private wells. Repayment would be financed with excess revenues and would not start until both conditions are met. Metered water revenues generated by the system will provide for repayment of the Water Enterprise loan and for assessment credits, without becoming a burden on other City resources. OPERATION OF SYSTEM: Operation and maintenance of the system would be provided by an agreement similar.~to the Ashe Water System. City staff would manage the agreement and administer the system's growth. Attached is a projected budget and a proposed rate schedule for the system. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS AND REQUIRED ACTIONS: There is a~critical need for an adequate water system in the Fairhaven and Rosedale areas. The water system has the capability of expanding to meet the future needs within the area. The staff recommends that the land with- in the incorporated area (70. acres) be annexed to the Fairhaven Industrial Fire Protection District, so the assessments may be spread over the entire 530 acres. JHH:ag AGREEMENT FOR THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION AND FINANCING OF THE FAIRHAVEN WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM THIS AGREEMENT is made, entered into and executed this '. '. .day of , 19 ,'in.the City'ef ~aksrsfield, California, ' .BY'~AN~ BETWEEN .... THE C'ITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a California ': ~ . Municipal Corporation (hereinafter referred ' FAIRHAVEN INDUSTRIAL FIRE PROTECTION DIS- · :? TRICT,.a Political. Subdivision of the .State ,· -'of California (hereinAfter referred to as~ AND -' ,: 'FAIRHAVEN MUTUAL WATER COMPANY., a Cali- 'fornia Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "COMPANY") . WHEREAS, the DISTRICT is in the process of conducting assessment proceedings for the construction of a water distribution syste~ for fire protection and incidental purposes (hereinafter "the water distribution.system") under the provisions of t'he ' Fire Protection Law of i961 (Health and Safety. Code §~ 13801 et seq.) and the Municipal Improvement Act of 19~3 (Streets and Highways Code ~ 10000 et seq.); and WHEREAS', the Resolution of Intention of the DISTRICT to commence assessment proceedings specifies the exterior boun- daries of. the area to be' assessed as shown on the map attached her.eto as-Exhibit 1, which said area. is.entirely outside'the CITY; and 'WHEREAS, the Regional Occupation Center of Kern County .. (hereinafter' "ROCK") owns certain water facilities previously '" .constructed by. ROCK Pursuant to plans and specifications "' approved by.the DiSTRiCT within the CITY; and ":' " ~HEREAS, '.the DISTR'I~T has co'ntracted with ROCK for the -. acquisition of said wat.er facilities to be incorporated into ' · "the DISTRICT's water'distribution system; and made a part . . thereof, and . ' . .... .WHEREAS, the'cost' of acquisition and construction of the .water distribution system is estimated to be $3',000,000; and WHEREAS, the City has applied for and anticipates receiving an Economic. Development Administration (hereinafter referred to as ."EDA") grant under Public Law 94-487, regulation 13 CFR 308 (1977), in the approximate amount of $625,000; and WHEREAS, the CITY is willing to acquire and operate the entire water distribution system upon acquisition and completion -2- thereof by the DISTRICT; and WHEREAS, the CITY is willing to include in .the area to be assessed approximately seventy (70) acres of land located within the boundaries of the CITY; and WHEREAS, it'is necessary that an agreement be entered into by the CITY with the California Water Service Company to pre- clude any claim for injury or damages by said company as a result of water service through~the water distribution ~system; :.~fH'EREAS, this agreement'is made' pursuant to the provisions of'streets and.:Highways Code. Sections 10109, 10110 and 10110.1, "which requi're,~among other things,'tha't contracts for the Operation or ownership, of the system by another public agency~ Shall be completed' prior..to, the 0'rdering of the work of improve- WHEREAS, the parties have determined that the mo~t expedii tious~ equitable, and economical way'to provide.water.service .' to the area within the DISTRICT and the area of~the CITy where the ROCK facilities are located and to adjacent areas, which are in'the CITY or Which may annex to. the CITY or. the DISTRICT in the future, is for the parties to jointly participate as .hereinafter set forth. .NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE PREMISES, PRO- MISES AND COVENANTS CONTAINED HEREIN, THE PARTIES HEREBY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: ~ 1~. Assessment District Boundaries. The DISTRICT will enact a new or amended Resolution of Intention pursuant to applicable statutory procedures describing the exterior boun- daries of the assessment district to include additional lands in the CITY as sh'own on the map attached hereto as Exhibit 2 ~(hereinafter referred to as the "assessment district"). Sai~ Resolution of Intention or amended Resolution shall thereafter be submitted for consent to the Council of the CITY pursuant to.Streets and Highways Code Section 10103, and thereafter said Resolution of Intention or Amended Resolution of Intention shall be~approved by the DISTRICT. '~/ 2.~ ~Conditions of Construction. ~The DISTRICT shall not~ ~award anY~construction, contract for the water distributiOn 'system until the~CITy has. entered i~nto~a valid contract with ~ ~alifornia'water Servi~e Company~establishing the limits-of 'liabiiity,~ if any, of'the CITY to California Water Service~ ~icomPany as a'result of' the CITY providing service through the Water. Distribution System, on mut~ually agreeable terms and conditions. In the event that the CITY.is granted funds by the Economic Development Administration~ (ED~), thes~ funds shall be used to jointly construct with the DISTRICT, those facilities set forth in Exhibit 3 in accordance with paragraph 11-of this agreement. : 3. Construction and Transfer of System. The DISTRICT shall take all necessary action to finance and construct the water distribution system pursuant to plans and specifications to be approved by the CITY. EDA funds, if made available to the -4- CITY ~'s hereinbefore stated, shall be included in the assessments to be made. The CITY shall be authorized to inspect construction to determine if work is being done in accordance with CITY standards. All change orders or plan re- visions shall be subject to prior-approval of the CITY. The CITY shall be given a reproducible copy of the as built plans/. Upon completion of the work of improvement financed by the. assessment district proceedings and after all proceedings per- .taining thereto have been completed, and before any water ~ deliveries are permitted, the DISTRICT shall transfer ownership and operation of ~he'system, of said'work of improvement, and of 'all existing water distribution and ~ire protection facilities now~owned ~by the DISTRICT', inclUding all real property and ~ interest~s therein, ~.list of which is attached hereto as 4'. Exclusivity of Service. /~.-(a)~ The. DISTRICT and the. COMPANY hereby grant to .... the CITY ~the exclusive right to purvey and sell water within the boundaries of the DISTRICT or'the'service area ~f the COMPANy.' The. parties mutually agree that to the extent, if ~any, that"Chapter 8.5 of Part 1 of Division 1 of.the Public Utilities Code applies to the providing of such water service to individual consumers within the boundaries of the DISTRICT or within the service area of the COMPANY, the value of $1.00 is just compensation for any injuries or damages as provided therein. -5- (b) Upon request by a landowner within the DISTRICT, the CITY will offer to furnish water service to said landowner in accordance with the rules, regulations and policies of the CITY applicable to the service area, as they exist from time to time. (c) The DISTRICT shall cooperate with the CITY in obtaining contractual commitments to require all water users within the assessment district to connect to the water distri- bution system after.the completion of the work of improve-. mont. " ..." .> ..i" (d) The DISTRICT shall cooperate with the CITY in ... obtaini.ng contractual commitments to.require that'all water' ..~ -. .'wells'within the assessment district oth~er than those owned or ,i' to' be owned By the CITY ~hall' be used by the owners of such ~" ' wells only~for emergenCy standby, purposes or-for maintenance ~ in~ ' ' ~ .... i ' '5.'" Wate] Rates.' The'CITY.may 'charge water rates and.' ~' fees which'Will result in reimbursing the CITY.for all.c0sts reaso'nably borne bY the CITY to provide water service, includ- 'in9 but not limited to costs of acquisition.and financing, · and 'necessary costs of operation, maintenance, replacement, ~' improvement and ~expansion of thelWater~system. .' 6. Connections to CITY Standards. All private con- nections to the water distribution system, .including all private sprinkler, hydrant, or other appurtenances located on private -6- property, shall be owne~ by the landowner and constructed and maintained to CITY standards at landowner's expense. The DISTRICT and the CITY shall take action to assure that such standards will be met as a condition of connection. 7. Operation of System. The CITY shall attempt to provide original design flow and pressures, when feasible, as follows: (a) Under normal conditions, the design pressure measured' at .the.pump station is 50-70 PSIG; .. (b) ' Under fire flow conditions, the design minimum ..fire flow.~s 2500 GPM at a residual'pressure of 20 PSIG for '~'. " a minimum.of, fOur-(4) hours to any point within ~he system; : .~... .'. ' '(C)' The~CITY. shall not be 'liable f0r.. any damage .;_.'... 0ccurring.aS .a.result.of faiiure to..maintain the above-stated .' ~floW-'-and pressure' criter.ia for whatever reason. i ...'"~ 8..' -. ConneCtion Fees. Connection fees will~ not be charged · .'~'~ 'within the assessment district as. depicted on Exhibit~2, . '.'..~ attached hereto. Nothing. contained herein shall be interpreted 'as 'precluding the CITY from requiring landowners to install water service laterals at landowner's expense or from charging ~- main extension fees or any oth~r fees' it may d~termine neces- · sary within the assessment distr~c~ nor shall it 'preclude the charging of a connection fee to any property outside the lands within the assessment district as depicted on Exhibit 2, attached hereto, upon connection of such lands to the water distribution sys'tem. -7- 9. Assessment Credit. In the event both of the follow- ing conditions are met: (a) Annexation of all the lands in the DISTRICT to the CITY within twelve (12) months of the execution of this contract, and (b) The execution by all landowners within the DISTRICT of a "Water Users Agreement" with the CITY, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit 5, within the time limit set forth ink.paragraph 9a, above, the CITY shall adopt an Ordinance'consistent with- California Streets and Highways Code Section 10205 to cause payments to be~made~to the bond redemption fund which may be ~used as ~a Credit for~partial payment against amounts payable under the~assessment,~ ag ~they~come due, in an. amount not to exceed $477,000, which.is estimated to be the approximate ~.equivalent'of $900 ~per ~acre within"t~e~assessment district.. .. ~ The time period'provided for'in (a) above may. be ~ ..~extended~for good Cause Shown~upon aPplicationlby the DISTRICT /to .the CITY, provided'that annexation proceedings ~haVe been instituted and are being~diligently pursued. 10. Excess Capacity Assessment Credits. it is the CITY's intentiOn to adopt an Ordinance consistent~With.Streets · and Highways Code SectiOn 10205 which will permit the applica-. tion of a portion of' any connection fees charged. by the CITY as an additional credit to the~bond redemption fund to provide for partial payment against amounts payable under.the assessment -8- as they come due, in an amount not to exceed $743,000, which is estimated to be the cost of constructing the excess capacity of the water distribution system to provide for future expansion and acquisition of a portion of said system withfn boundaries of the City, which is further estimated to be the approximate equivalent o'f $1400 per acre within the assessment district. 11.. Economic Development Administration Grant Provision· In the event that the CITY should receive an Economic Development Administration (EDA) grant for the construction of a portion of theproposed water distribution system, as described in Exhibit 3., ~attached, and Such funds are so USed, the CITY's assessment credit obligation set forth in Paragraph 10 shall be reduced and excess funds~from~sal'e of Bonds shall be applied ko the bond redemption fund to provide~for~ partial payment against~amounts~ paYable under ~he assessment~as they come. due, in an amo~unt eqUal to the EDA grant~ ' 12 ~''Dissolution. of the COMPANY· Upon'the assumption of ownership~and operation of the system~by the CITY, the COMPANY~ shall'fOrthwith file for and complete a dissolution°of .the ~COMPANY,~which said dissolution shall include the transfer of ~all facilities and assets, free and clear of liabilities, ~except for the approximate $4,000.00 ~n Company Treasury~to the CITy. 13. Dissolution of the DISTRICT. Upon the assumption of ownership and operation of the system by the CITY, and the annexation of the area Of the DISTRICT to the CITY, the DISTRICT shall take all necessary action to dissolve the DISTRICT pur- suant to Health and Safety Code Sections 13950 to 13958 and to transfer all assets of the DISTRICT to the CITY. The DISTRICT's present liabilities are as shown on Exhibit 6 attached hereto. The DISTRICT agrees that after execution of this agreement it shall incur no new obligations not otherwise provided for herein without prior written approval of the CITY. 14. Collection Procedures. The CITY and DISTRICT agree to designate the Kern Count~ Treasurer to serve all of the funCtions of ithe treasurer as. prescribed by. the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913 (Streets and Highways code Sections.10',000 et seq) and the Improvement Ac~ of 1911 (Streets and Highways 'Code Sections 5000 et seq) , except .that in accordance with DISTRICT's~Resolutions and Contracts heretofore made in these.proceedings, that BOYLE ENGINEERING CORP.ORATION,. ~.' ErneSt. Oo .Kartinen, its designated R~presentative and Engineer. of Work, shall accept cash"pasn~aents-on ~assessments for the thirty (30) day period ~oll°wing the levy of'assessment, together with ~- preparation.and certification of the final paid and unpaid list and remit any such Collections to the'Kern County Treasurer. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agree- -- ~ment as of the .day and year first abo~e written bY'their resPective duly authorized officers' CITY OF BAKERSFIELD By: Mayor Attest: City Clerk )tssistant City Manager - Finance (Seal) Approved as to form and execution on this day of , 19 City Atto?ney FAIRtfAVEN Ii]DUSTRiAL FIRE PRO- TECTION DISTRICT By: < .. ' . . ~' P'~esident Attest: Approved as to form and execution ~ ~ day of /~/~7--' 19 ~ this ~4~ - ' t ." ~' .~ ,'/' / " Kzzornev ,~or DiSffrict / FAIRIIAVEN MUTUAL WATER COMPANY By: President -11- Attest: . Secretary,_($eal) Appr'0~ed as to form and execution- this day of 19 Attorney for Company -12- SCALE IN FEET I A DI~.OSAL ~ TREATMENT PLANT ~MENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY LINI SCALE IN FEET N(; RTH OF RIVER SANITARY DISTRICT J' SEW,~ .~E DIS~.OSAL p, TREATMENT PL/~NT '-~ ~ ~ I CITY OF BAKERSFIELD TERRITORY ' INCLUDED IN FAIRHAVEN ASSESSMENT ~ ~ [ DISTRICT NO, I PROCEEDINGS. - - FAIRHAVEN INDUSTRIAL FIRE - PROTECTION DISTRICT BOUNDARY AGI~EEMENT FOR THE ACOUISITION, CONSTRUCTION, EXHIBIT NO. 2 " EXHIDIT 3 FAIRHAVEN INDUSTRIAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT ~PROJECTED EDA FUND EXPENDITURES Furnish Equipment and Power to South Pump Station $ 241,000 Construct and Develop 1000 gpm Well at South Pump Station $ 81,000 Construct Pipelines as shown on Sheets 4-11, 16-21, 23, 25, 29-30 · and 36 of Plans dated June, 1979, .:. "Water Distribution System for Fairhaven Industrial Fire Protection ~ . .... District". .' .~ $. 718,000 · . ".. .. '" $ 1,040,D00 .. Contingencies" ~' · ".' $ lO0,O00 -Professional Services " ' $- 110,'000 '~ $ 1,250,000 EXHIBIT 3 1 of 1 · .. EXHIBIT 4 ,. ASSETS OF FAIRHAVEN INDUSTt~!AL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT t. ~OUTH.PUMP STATION Being a portion of Parcel 8, of Parcel Map 3889, as shown on that certain Parcel Map recorded December 1, 1976, in Book 17 of Parcel Maps, at Page 44, in the office'of the County Recorder of Kern County, California, described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Parcel 8, thence Il. O0o 53' 19" E. along the West line of said Parcel 8, a distance of 30.00 feet (9.14 meters), thence S. 89o 05' 41" E. along the North 'line of a 60.00 foot (18.29 meters) road easement designated as Burr Street, a distance of 929.44 feet (283.29 meters) to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, thence S. 890 05'~ 41" E., continuing along said North easement line~a distance of 75.00 feet (22.86 meters), thence'N. 340 59'.11" E, along said-easement line a distance of 162.27 feet (49.46 meters), thence N. 560 47' 16" E. along said easement 1. ine a dista'nce o~ 143.72 feet (43.81 meters), thence N. 89o 05' 41" W. a distance of 284.95 feet (86.85 meters), thence S. O0° 54' 19" W. a distance.of 21'5.00 feet (65.53 ,meters),.to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Said parcel containing O.-79.acres (0.32~hectares), more or less, together With a'l-,lO0,O00 gallon storage tank~ pump house, and all appurtenances ..thereto. ~ WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM'T~ BE CONSTRUCTED All water distribution and ffre protection facilities, together with all appurtenances thereto, to be constructed pursuant to Fairhaven Industrial Fire Protection District's plans and~specifications dated June,'1979, by reference included herein and made a part hereof, to include, but not necessarily.be limited to, the 12" diameter asbestos- cement water pi'pes in: .... ~IBSON a.' STREET, . .. between Burr Street and Galloway Canal~ a distance of approximately 6870 feet, as shown on the hereinbefore referenced plans,-and in b. BURR STREET, between Cross Valley Canal and Gibson Street, a distance'of approxi- mately.1350 feet, as shown on the hereinbefore referenced plans, and in co AN EASEMENT, between CrOss Valley Canal and Rosedale Highway~ a distance of approximately 1420 feet, as shown on the hereinbefore referenced 'plans, and.in do STANDARD STREET, between Thomas Street and Atlas Court, a distance of approximately EXHIBIT 4 ... 1 of 6 ~ 6753 feet, as shown on the hereinbefore referenced plans, and in e. AN EASEMENT, between Rosedale Highway and Standard Street, a distance of approximately 921 feet, as shown on the hereinbefore referenced plans, and in f. MERIDIAN AVENUE, between Case Street and Gibson Street, a distance of approximately 1320 feet, as shown on the hereinbefore referenced plans, and in 9- MERCURY AVENUE, between Standard Street and State Route 99, a distance of'approx- imately 650 feet, as.shown on the hereinbefore referenced Plans, and in h.' SHELL STREET, between Ethyl" Street and Gibson Street, a distance of approximately · ~. .." 1.994 feet, as shown on the hereinbefore referenced plans, and in i. ETHYL STREET, '.'. between'Gulf Street and State Route 99, a distance Of approximately.' · - 730.feet, as s~own on the hereinbefore referenced plans, and in .j. GULF-STREET, between Ethyl' Street and Standard Street, a distance of approximately 655 feet, as shown on the hereinbefore referenced plans. Also including, but not'necessarily .limited. to the 10" diameter asbestos- cement water pipes i'n: a.' FAIRHAVEN DRIVE, -- betWeen. Rosedale Highway and Gilmore Aven~e, a distance of approx- imatelY 23!0 feet, as shown on the'hereinbefore ~eferenced plans, and in b. EAST DRIVE, between Fairhaven Drive and ~ibson. Street, a distance of approx- imately 643 feet, as shown on the hereinbefore referenced plans, and in c. ROSEDALE HIGHWAY, 'Between Hilton Drive and Case Street', a distance of approximately 2835 feet, as shown on the hereinbefore referenced plans, and in d. THOMAS STREET, between Standard Street and Bergman Lane, a distance of approx- imately 994 feet, as shown on the hereinbefore referenced plans, and in EXHIBIT 4 ' 2 of 6 ,. 'e. BERGMAN LANE, between Thomas Street and Brian Way, a distance of approximately 430 feet, as shown on the hereinbefore referenced plans, and in f. BRIAN WAY, between Bergman Lane and Standard Street, a distance of approximately 746 feet, as shown on the hereinbefore referenced plans, and in g. GILMORE AVENUE, between Gibson Street and Standard Street, a distance of approximately 1380 feet, as.shown on the hereinbefore referenced plans, and in h. BASS AVENUE, Between' Calloway Canal and Gibson Street, a distance of appr'oximately 916 feet, as shown on the hereinbefore referenced plans, and in i. IDLE AVENUE, .betw6en Calloway.Canal and Gibson S~reet, a distance of approximately 661 feet,.as shown on.the hereinbefore referenced plans. 3..~EASEMENTS. ~... All. easements, as'shown on the plans and specifications referenced in Part 2 abo.ve,'.and further des.~ribed in-EXHIBIT 4 of this agreement. " 4' .ACQUISITIONS .~ .. " ' · All' equipment and facility acquisitions to' be made by the Fairhaven Industrial Fire Protection District-pursuant to the plans and specifi- · cations referenced in Sections 2 and 3 above, and to the proceedings' of Assessment D?strict Number 1 of the Fairhaven Industrial Fire .. PrOtection District including, but not necessarily limited to: ' . a. DIESEL ENGINE DRIVEN FIRE PUMPS already~contracte~ for by the Fairhaven ~ Indust·rial Fire Protection District and to be supplied to the contractor as owner furnished equipment and b. A CASING consisting of twent~ lineal feet of 18" diameter steel pipe installed in Shell Street,'as shown on the plans hereinbefore referenced, at Station 8+73, and c. NORTH PURP STATION SITE being a portion of Parcel 2, of Parcel Map 2449, as shown on that. certain parcel map recorded October 18, 1974, in Book 11 of Parcel Raps at Page 138, in the office of the County Recorder of Kern County, California, described as follows: EXHIBIT 4 3 of 6, Beginning at the Southwest corner of Section 14, T.29S, R.27E.. M.D.B.&M., thence S. 89o 11' 27" E a distance of 1215.50 feet (370.48 meters), thence N. 630 52' 45" E a distance of 31.18 feet (9.50 meters) along the center line of the Calloway Canal to a point on a non-tangent curve concave Hortheasterly having a radius of 628'.11 feet (191.45 meters), a radi-al line to which point bears N. 23o 35' 32" E, thence Northwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 15° 26' 01" a distance of 169.19 feet (51.56 meters) to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, thence continuing along said curve through a central angle of 02o 44' 17" a distance of 30..02 feet (9.15 meters), thence~N. 480 14' 10" W a distance of 353.65 feet (107.79 meters), thence S 410 45' 50" W a distance of 150.00 feet (45.72 meters), thence S 48°'14' 10" E a distance of 239.44 feet (72.98 meters) to a point on the North line of Pacific Gas and Electric Company's Right-of-Way, thence N89° 47' 58" E a 02" distance of 184.30 feet (56.17 meters}, thence S 89o 12' E a distance of 24.41 feet (7.44 meters) to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Said parcel containing 1.06 acres-(0.43 hectares) more or less, and EXISTING PIPELINES, constructed in anticipation of the ultimate 'formation~ of Assessment District Number 1 of Fairhaven Industrial · Fire'-Protection District, and in accordance with the plans and specifi- cations hereinbefore ~eferenced, including but not necessarily llimited to: ~.~ .. ~. 1."FOSTER A~ENUE, " 'between Boylan Street and Standard Street, a distance of approx- imately 1258 feet, as.shown on ~he hereinbefore referenced plans, and in 2.' ATLAS COURT, .~. .. . between the.Minkler Spur of the santa Fe Railway .and Standard Street a distance of approximately 710 feet, as shown.on the hereinbefore referenced plans, and in. 3..MITCHELL STREET, also known as TURcoN AVENUE, between Gibson Street and Standard Street, a distanc~ of approximately 1350 feet,'as shown on the hereinbefore referenced plans., and in 4. BOYLAN STREET, between Calloway Canal and Leeway Avenue, a distance, of approximately 1740 feet, as shown on the hereinbefore.referenced plans, and in '5. LEEWAY.AVENUE, between Boylan Street and Standard Street, a distance of approximately 1265 feet, as shown on the hereinbefore referenced plans. EXHIBIT 4 4 of 6 J SEW GE DISP. OSAL 8 TREATMENT PLANT NOT E . ~ i SEE FOLLOWING PAGE FOR LISTING I OF RECORDING INFORMATION OR ACQUIRED EASEMENTS. I , , ~ U. S. ROUTE VI - KER - 99 BAKERSFIELD BYPASS I AqREEMENT FOR THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION~ s .~,. OP~ERATION AND FINANCING OF THE FAIRHAVEN , ~li~ . EXHIBIT NO. 4 SHEET 5 ...... 1___ ' =, , ......... ~ __ ~_ ACQUIRED EASEMENTS OF 6 SHEETS ~'. ~'~ ~ FAIRHAVEN INDUSTRIAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT ACQUIRED EASEMENTS No. Book Page 1. 5010 1040/1042 5010 1043/1 045 5083 1 925/1 926 5083 1927/1929 2. 5105 1838/1842 3~ 5256 .1297/1302 5256 1279/1282 ~ 5256 1 283/1289 5256 1290/1296 4. 5256 t 274/1278 ~ ~ 5256 1269/1273 : , ' 5256 ~1264/1268 .... ~ '~ 5256 ~1217/1220 ~,~.~ 5256 1221/1228 . 5258 '- 2495/2498 5258 2499/2500 · 5259 ~ O001/0002 '5259 .. 0003/0006 5259 0007/001 0 5259 OO11/0014 6., 5256 1229/1233 7. 5256 1242/1245 5256 1246/1249 8. 525~6 1250/1258 ~ 5256 1259/1263 9. 5256 1255/1258 Note: All book/page references are official records of Kern County. EXHIBIT 4 6 of 6 EXHIBIT 5 WATER USERS AGREEMENT This Agreement dated , 19 , is by and between (Grantors) and the CITY OF.BAKERSFIELD (Grantee). WHEREAS, Grantor owns that certain property described in Exhibit "A," attached hereto (the property), and owns over- lying.water rights to extract and use groundwater; and WHEREAS,~Grantee intends to construct or cause to. be con- structed and intends' to operate a water production and trans- portation ~ystem.which will provide ~ater'to G~an'tor's land;~ wHEREAS, 'rePaYment of construction costs and operation and maintenance'of.said'-water distribution system will be dependent · upon'revenues from the ~ale 'of water'; and ~EREAS, the parties'agree that'.it.is essential to~maxi- -mize Public water sales and that'to accomPlish.this they must minimize use of Privately produced water on the land of' Grantors'and other.~andowners similarly situate~. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. For valuable consideyation, receipt of which, is hereby acknowledged, Grantor hereby grant~ and conveys the rights set forth below subject to the conditions set'forth below, to Grantee, relating to the property as described in Exhibit "A "attached hereto; ~ 2. Grantor hereby irrevocably grants and conveys to Grantee, as Trustee, the non-exclusive rights (a) to exercise Grantors' overlying rights to groundwater; (b) to extract percolating waters from, below and within the boundaries of the property; and (c) to use and distribute such water on lands owned by Grantor and lands not owned by Grantor served by Grantee in accordance with California law. This trust shall be ~for the benefit of all persons entitled to water from ~the Grantee. ~' " 3. Grantor. declares that this Trust is created for the public purpose of aiding the Grantee in supplying~water to its 'water users and that. it~is the intention of Grantor to ,'create a'charitable trust by this instrument.~ '4. ACCeptance Of'this instrument~ by Grantee shall not be construed as'l'imiting Grantee's tights independent of this instrument-to extract;percolating.water from the ground- water basin'within .Grantee's boundaries and distribute and use said water on lands owned by Grantor and lands, not'owned by Grantor. ..." ~.. 5. -Nothing contained in this'instrument shall'be con- strued as a' severance of Grantor'.s water rights as an over- 'lying land owner. Grantor retains'.the non-exclusive right, to"the extent it otherwise exists, to extract groundwater 'for use on the property; provided, however, that Grantor shall not exercise said right by means of'any well located either o~ or off the property ~xcept as follows: Grantor may acti- vate and produce water from any well on the property if, and to 'the extent .that (a) Grantee, due to emergency, conditions, is unable to deliver an adequate supply of potable water to the property but only as to such deficiency during the period ~f its existence; or ~(b) water is produced for limited testing or maintenance purposes but only to the extent that the water produced is not used by Grantor for beneficial purposes. ~ 6. 'Grantor agrees to connect to Grantee's water pro- duction and.distribution system within slx (6) months after execution ~gf this contract and to use water from said system exclusively_on the property, except as provided in Paragraph 5. ~7. ~ ."in ~the event~ Grantor Violates this agreement by ~tiliz.ing"wa.te~ from pr£vate sources on the property, Grantor. agrees to pay to Grantee that amount of money Grantor would have paid to Grantee had such water been'purchased ~from Grantee.and delivered~through Grantee!s distribution 'system. Grantor agrees .t~ report to'~Grantee, any utilizatio~ of'a~ private well or water therefrom on-the~property~ GRANTORS: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, GR~XNTEE: -- CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE This is to certify .that the interest in rea.1 property conveyed by the above Agreement dated , 19 , from to the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, and the trust set forth therein, is hereby accepted by the undersigned officer on behalf of the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, pursuant to authority conferred by · Resolution of the adopted on , and the CITY consents to the ~'.recording thereof. Dated: CITY 0~..BAKERSFIELD .... By: EXHIBIT 6 LIABILITIES OF THE FAIRHAVEN INDUSTRIAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT A. DIRECTORS FEES a. Fees from January 3, 1977, through November 15, 1979 $ 7,350.00 b. Estimated fees to complete project $ 5,150.00 ~TOTAL $ !2,500.00 B. ATTORNEYS FEES .' a. Attorneys fees for District formation $ 6'244.65 b. Contract fee for 1911 Act abandonment '$~. 5,000.00 c. Retainer danuary 1978, thro'ugh~ November, 1979 · $ 4,600.00 .. · TOTAL .$ 15,844.65 ~·~ .. PAID TO DATE $ 6,244.65 ,-',-,~ . ... AMOUNT DUE $ 9,600.00 EXHIBIT 6 1 of 1 N( ~T{-I OF R~VER SANITARY DISTR~CT ........ I ',. SEWAGE~ OISPOSAL ~ TREATMENT PLANT PROJECTED FAIRNAVEN WATER SYSTEM COST ANALYS I S 1st 2nd Year Year REVENUES: Domestic Water Sales $ 107,500.00 $ 145,000.00 Construction Water Sales 2,200.00 2,900.00 Fire Service Charge 9,600.00 21,600.00 Other Water Sales (area bought from California Water Service) 23,600.00 23,600.00 Standby Fee -0- -O- TOTAL REVENUES $ 142,900.00 $ 193,100.00 EXPENSES: Operational $ 32,100.00 $ 44,700.00 Administrative 47,900.00 58,100.O0 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 80,000.00 $ 102,800.00 NET OPERATING INCOME (Before Depreciation) $ 62,900.00 $ 90,300.00 Depreciation 62,500.00 60,900.00 $ 400.00 29,400.00 PROPOSED ITY OF BAKERSFIELD RATE OF 'SCHEDULE FAIRHAVEN WATER DIVISION General Metered Service First 300,000 cu. ft. per 1OO cu. ft. $ 0.420 All over 300,000 cu. ft. per 100 cu. ft. ~ 0.350 Service Charge (per meter per month) 5/8" x 3/4" meter $ 5~45 3/4" " 5.99 1 " " 8.18 ~l 1/2" '~ 10.89 2" " 14.70 3" " 26.53 4" " 36.O9 6" " 59.96 8" " 89.14 February 13 Board of Directors Kern Delta Water District Del Kern Station P. O. Box 155 Bakersfield, CA 93307 Gentlemen: The City of Bakersfield is in receipt of your Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Report, "1979 Systems Improvement Project for Kern Delta Water District" dated January, 1980 prepared by Boyle Engineering. We note therein that the District is proposing canal modifications to "increase flow capacity" and the construction of storage/groundwater recharge reservoirs to allow your District to "increase utilization of water occurring under District-owned rights from the Kern River." As you know, the Kern Delta Water District has joined the North Kern Water Storage District and the' City of Bakersfield in the creation of what is known as the "First Point Committee." At its first meeting on February 22, 1979, that Committee established certain objectives and identified certain differences that were to be discussed, nego- tiated and hopefully resolved by the Committee. The minutes of the first meeting state: "The principal difference seems to be the quan- tification of the limitation on Kern River sur- face water use by Kern Delta. This will require evaluation of historic use, including canal seepage, in the Kern Island Water'Company service area (now owned by Kern Delta.)" "The following differences among North Kern, Kern Delta and the City of Bakersfield were identified: 1. Determining and further defining Kern River First Point water rights: 150l TRUXTUN AVENUE · BAKERSFIEL. D. CAI. IFORNIA 93301 · 1'805t 86t-27'1S ~Dard of Directors Kern Delta Water District Februar~ 13, 1980 Page Two (a) Kern Delta historical uses -- (1) Definition as to type of use, i~cluding non-irrigation uses, such as replenishment, (2) Area of use -- a. Defining public utility service areas. b. Exchange or sale of water which does not adverse others. (3) Extent of use -- actual capacity of facilities and historic quantities use." The City, North Kern and Kern Delta have expended considerable sums of money during the past year on computer studies which will permit the parties to discuss, negotiate and hopefully work out these dif- ferences. Until such time as the parties are able to agree on the amount of, and limitations on, Kern River surface water use by the various parties, the City feels that it would be entirely inappro- priate for your District to take action designed to increase the use of Kern River water either by increasing facility capacity or changing the type of use. It has 'been our view that the three governmental entities have been acting in good faith and as expeditiously as possible to amicably resolve these and other outstanding issues which exist between them. Any attempt to change the status quo at this time, prior to a reasoned resolution of these problems, may seriously prejudice these efforts. We do not wish to prejudge these issues, but if forced to do so by premature action on the part of your Board, we would conclude that no such rights exist. It is self-evident that the expenditure by your District of substantial sums of money for the creation of facilities designed to use additional water, your right to which is currently in question and being negotiated, would have an adverse effect on yourability and willingness to compromise and work out these problems. This, in turn, would call into question your District's good faith in supporting the First Point Committee's efforts. For this reason we think it is incumbent that you avoid any ~B~oard of Directors ~ern Delta f~;ater District Februa~; 13, 1980 Page Three expenditure of funds for construction of facilities which would ex- pand your District's ability to utilize Kern River Water, pending a clear agreement between the First Point interests that such rights, exist. Such expenditures are not in the best interests of either your District or the other First Point water rights holders at this time. The City has no intention of altering its position regarding the existence or non-existence of such rights on the basis of any argument ~which may be made by the Kern Delta District that it is expending, or has expended, substantial sums of money to utilize water, the right to which has yet to be determined. Any expenditure of funds actually made for such facilities will, of necessity, be entirely at the risk of your District and will not and cannot serve to enlarge, or in any other way affect, any existing or historical rights which Kern Delta presently enjoys. The City would like to re-emphasize its ongoing willingness to work within the established framework of the First Point Committee to resolve these differences. We would hope that the Kern Delta District would renew its efforts in this regard and take no action which would jeopardize or impair these pending negotiations. Sincerely, James J. Barton, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board JJB: lh