HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/13/80 AGENDA WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY AUGUST 13, 1980 4:00 P.M. Call meeting to order Roll Call - Board Memebers: Barton, Chairman, Payne, Ratty, Bergen, Hoagland 1. Approve minutes of regular board meeting of July 16, 1980. 2. Scheduled Public Statements. 3 Correspondence None 4. Board to consider retaining the services o~illia.~m~R. Rector for the purpose of developing geological and hydro~o~g%cal datum on the City's 2800 acres. - IF ACCEPTABLE BOARD TO APPROVE AND AUTHORIZE CHAI~N TO SIGN AGREEMENT. 5. Water Board letter to Regional Water Quality Control' Board, State of Ca!ifornia~ regarding State funding for City's engineering and improvements on 2800 acre recharge basin. - FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION. 6. Staff Comments 7. Board Comments 8. Adjournment MINUTES WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAYf JULY 16, 1980 4:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Ratty in the absence of Chairman Barton and Vice-Chairman Payne,.in the City Hall Caucus Room. The secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Barton, Payne (Arrived at 4:10 P.M.), Ratty, Bergen, Hoagiand Absent: None Staff Present: Celedon, Chafin, Hansen, Hostmyer, Needham Others Present: Bob Lewis, District Manager, California Water Service Company Gai! Schontzler, The Bakersfield Californian Frank Weldon, General Superintendent, California Water Service Company The minutes from the regular meeting of June 25, 1980, were approved as presented. ~ At this time an Acquisition Agreement with Tenneco Realty Development Corporation on an existing well and site within Ashe Water System was presented to the board for consideration of reconmunendation to the City Council for execution. After a brief discussion by board and staff, upon a motion by Mr. Hoagland which'was passed, the board recommended that the agreement be submitted to the City Council fcr execution. At this time Councilman Payne entered the meeting. A Resolution of emergency declaration on well improvements for the development of the well acquired from Tenneco Realty Development Corporation was presented 'to the board to consider resolution and make recommmendation to the City Council for action. After dis- cussion between board and staff, Mr.~ Bergen made a motion recommend- ing that the Resolution for improvement of the well be submitted to the City Council for action. The motion was passed. Mainline Extension Agreements for various Tracts and Parcel Maps Within Ashe Water System were presented for acceptance and execution. After discussion Mr. Berqen made a motion that the Mainline Extension Agreemen'ts be' accepted and executed. The motion was passed. Staff Comments Domestic Water Superintendent'John Hansen informed the board that he now has Plans and Specifications which are alloted for in the Domestic Water Enterprise Budget for a short ~ainline Extension at the intersection of Stockdale Highwsy and New Stine Road, also, Plans and Specifications for a pump house building 'to go over well No. 9 ~in Quailwood Park. Both Plans~ and Specifications will be presented to the City Council at t~he meeting this evening. There being no furhter business to come before the board, Vice- Chairman Payne adjourned the meeting at 4:25 P.M.. James J.. Barton, Chairman City ~of-Bakersfield Water Board 13zn~a ~6-~-Lm-i~er, ~Re--c-.f&-%-~ry City of Bak~::~rsfi. e!d Mater Board MEMORANDUM ........ ................ TO CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER BOARD F R 0 M .........._ .................................................................... SU BJ E CT ...... ~~_.~__~~__~..~_~_._~___:._~..~9~_.~~__~ ................ WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1980 The Bakersfield Water Department is currently planning for improvements to increase the efficiency of recharge operations involving the "2800 acres". Full acceptance of the conjunctive use program will require detailed monitoring and record keeping after a sub-surface evaluation is completed. It is important that official recognition be made of the techniques employed and the policies involved. We are, therefore, requesting your approval to acquire the service of Michael R. Rector, on a retainer basis, to provide the additional expertise that we need to accomplish this goal. Mr. Rector i~- a recognized ground- water expert with local experience who has maintained a good professional relationship with State and Federal Water Agencies. He has been involved in the financing of the Saline Ag Project, Groundwater Quality Model, Groundwater Degradation Study and a major grant project for o~e.of the Water Districts. A brief resume of his professional activities has been attached to this letter for your reference. State-Federal grand funding can be used to help finance a part of our over- all costs in upgrading the 2800 acre recharge operations. If we wish to take advantage of these funds, we should make our contacts as soon as possible. City of Bakersfield Water Board August 11, 1980 Page Two Staff feels that Mr. Rector can help us financially as w~las technically. For your information and review, please see attached resume on Michael R. Rector,.Water Resources Consultant. JEC:lh RESUME MICHAEL RECTOR Consulting Geologist PROFESSIONAL Education: B.S. in Geology+ 2, 2'ea:z's University of Washington Employment: 1970 to ~ '1980 Senior Geologist, Kern County' Water Agency, Bakersfield, California. 1957 - 1970 Consulting Geologist, Bakersfield. 1948 - 1957 Geologist in Charge, Sacramento Valley Division, Union Oil Company of California. Experience Details: Projects for Kern County Water Agency: 1. Water quality and water level monitoring systems. 2. "Perched" water well grid and monitoring system. 3. Groundwater recharge program and overdraft policy.- / 4. Water conservation "guidelines" brochure and numerous quality and groundwater trend reports. 5. Preliminary plan for agricultural wastewater drainage project. 6. Applied water quality surveys. 7. Digital computer, "flow", model of groundwater basin. 8. A County water well ordinance. 9. N.A.S.A.-related remote sending activities for agriculture. c MICI~IAEL ~' ;, RECTOR 10. "208" groundwater pollutant study, saline agricultural experiment with U.S.S.L., conjunctive use program planning with DWR, develop- ment of a groundwater quality model and an on-farm water use efficiency study with S.C.S. 11. Technical advisory committees of the Central Valley Agricultural Water Quality Management Group (A.Q.M.) and the Interagency Drainage Program (I.D.P.), State of California. QUALIFICATIONS & AFFILIATIONS Registered Geologist, California Certificate No. 78 Certified Professional Geologist, A.I.P.G., Certificate No. 613 Soil Conservation Society of America, Executive Board, California Section Association of Professional Geologic Scientists American Tnstitute of Professional Geologists; President, California Section, 1976; member, National Executive Board San Joaquin Geologic Society Valley County Water Works Association Merit Award; The California Conservation Council - 1975 Appreciation Award, Soil Conservation Society of America, California Section- 1975, 1978 'Distinguished Service Award, Soil Conservation Society' of America, California Section - 1978 PUBLICATIONS Numerous reports on groundwater, water quality, agricultural drainage and water use. S.C.S. position paper on Water Policy for the State of California. Co-author, Remote Sensing Inputs to Water Demand Modeling (N.A.S.A. Earth Resources Symposium ~ June 1975). Co-author, Agricultural Drainage Problems in Kern County, California (A.S.A.E. Annual Meeting, Chicago, lllinoiso December 1978). REPORTS OF KERN COUNTY WATER AGENCY '?(.Authored, Co-Authored or Edited bS Michael R. Rector) 1979 Groundwater Quality Model Project, San Joaquin Valley Basin, Kern -,Co, CA, for A.Q.N, Basin 5D. · ,1979 .Summary Report, Groundwater QualitS ~,~odel, San Joaquin Basin, Kern Co, CA, for A.Q.M, Basin 5D (20~) Project -~1979 Groundwater qual. itS Investigation, ;,lest Bakersfield-Rosedale Area, Kern Co, CA, for KernCOG (201 Project). -'~t978 Water Supply Report - 1977, San Joaquin Valley Area, I<ern Co, CA 1977 1977 Applied '..later QualitS Survey, Kern Co, CA 1977 Groundwater Recharge In Kern County, Part I Physical Aspects ~1977 Groundwater Recharge in Kern County, Part II Review of Groundwater Overdraft Correction Programs and Policy -1977 Kern County Ground ';later Nodel (D.W.R. Co-op) District Report of D.~¢.R. (~,IRR- Hydrologist) ]976 ~Groundwater Trends In Kern County Calif. Preliminary Plan For A~ricultural ¥lastewater Drainage l~ro~ect, sKern County California ~1975 'Some Soils of The Westside Area, Kern County, California ~1975 Groundwater Quality Survey of the San Joaquin Valley Portion of' Kern County, Calif. Historic Groundwater Quality Changes In The San Joaquin Valley 'Portion of Kern Co, CA '1975 Summary Report on Agricultural Wastewater Collection and Disposal ..System, Kern Co, CA 1975 Preliminary Plan For A~ricultural ~lastewater Collection and Disposal -in Kern Co, CA '1974 Nestside Groundwater Study, Kern Co,·CA 1974 Groundwater Basin r'1odel, A Review, Kern Co, CA 1974 Groundwater Basin ~4odel, Summary Report, Kern Co, CA 1974 Brackish Water Investigation, Shallow Water Table Survey - Phase II Kern Co, CA 1970 Brackish blater Investigation, Shallow Water Table Survey - Phase I PAPERS PUBLISHED FOR NATIONAL CiRCUr.~TIO~i ( Authored, Co-Authored or Contribution by M. R. Rector) 1979 - Toward A State Water Policy,. Cal Section, Soil Consor~zation Society of. America, Position Paper, Jan. (Co-k~th) 1978 - A.~rlcultural Dralna~e problems In ~er.~ Co~lt.'~, California, D~c (Co-guth) A.S.A.E. Annual Mtg, Chicago, Ill, ~ · 1978 - N.A.S..~.-U.S.D._~:. Soil Moistur, t~forksbou, B~ltsvillo, Md., Jan. By S. Dak. Stat~ U. (Contr) 1976 - Landsat Fol~ow-ou-, A R~port By Applications Sur,ze¥ Groups, N.A.S.A. T, oh Memo 33-803, J.P.L., Dsc. (Contr) 1975- Remote Seu~inq Iuout To Earth Resources Symposium, Houston, :Vex., June (Co-AutO} !9.61 - ~Sn~.ros.~.o_oti.~__~ At FVu~va,_e, Western Oil and R~fxnzng, JuLy (Contr) 1950 - Mana~em~'nt Thinklnz Journal, Dscember (Author) 1979 - Monitoring And Evalus. tin..-5 Perched ~.[ater Table Conditions, K.C.W.A. Dec, General Dist. (Co-Auth) 1980 - Use Of Remote Sensing In ~.~ater Resource Ms. na.sement, Nat. Symposium~ Remote Sensing For Res. Mgmt., Y~ansas City, Prep. for Oct 28-30. DEPARTMENT OF WATER August 13, 1980 State of California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region 3201 S Street Sacramento, CA 95816 Attention: James J. Robertson, Executive Officer ~. Re: 208 Phase IV Funding Groundwater Recharge Program Bakersfield - 2800 Acres Dear Mr. Robertson: In 1976, the City of Bakersfield acquired 2800 acres of land, adjacent to the Kern River channel, for use as a groundwater recharge site. Since that time approximately $200,000.00 has been spent on surface structures and earthworks to measure and control the flow of water onto the property. An additional $40,000.00 contract has been approved for aerial photog- raphy and field surveys to develop detailed surface topographic maps of the site. We are now in the process of developing a master plan to permit utili- zation of the replenishment area more efficiently. Eventually additional turnout and control structures will be required to manage high flow discharges and maximize the recharge potential of the basin. In the future, we anticipate that the property will be used not only by the City of Bakersfield but by others as well. It is hoped that our project will become the prime example of a conjuctive use project that meets State and Federal standards as well as local specifications. We have not yet conducted an evaluation of sub-surface geological and hydrological conditions nor have we established a proper water level monitoring grid-. It is in this area and in the finalization of the master plan that we could use some financial help. 1501 TRUXTUN AV£NUE · ~ames A. Robertson, Executive Officer State of California Regional Water QuaLity Control Board Central Valley Region August 13, 1980 Page Two To assist us in geological/hydrologic work and to establish a liaison with the appropriate State and Federal offices, we have retained the services of Michael R. Rector as a Water-Resources Consultant. If you feel that our project could qualify for funding from any avail- able source or want additional information concerning our plans, please contact Mr. Rector at: 1415 - 18th Street, Suite 708 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (8Q5) 322-8206 The City of Bakersfield is looking into the future with a cooperative attitude that will yield the most benefits from our limited water supply. Your cooperation in this matter will ba greatly appreciated. Sincerely, James J. Barton, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board JJB:lh LAW OFFICES HATCH ,~ PARElqT STANLEY C. HATCH A I~[~OFESSIONAL COI~PORATION AI~EA CODE 805 GERALD B. PARENT 21 EAST CARRILLO STREET TELEPHONE 9(53- ~971 S TIMOTHY BUYNAK/JR, POST OFFICE DI~AWER 720 SUSAN F, PETROVICH SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA 93102 PETER N ~.own August 7, 1980 STEVEN L, EMMONS Mr. John Chafin City of Bakersf±eld Water Department 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear John: Enclosed find a draft of a letter to Kern-Tulare relating to the Kern Delta situation. I have also sent a copy of this letter to Tom, and you may wish to clear it with him before you send it out. You may wish to delete the paragraph about "miscel- laneous quantity" water. That paragraph is somewhat "aggressive;" the balance of the letter is conciliatory. I am unable to find copies of the recent Kern-Tulare letters relating to the oil industry water sales which were referred to Tom for response. If you wish me to respond to those, I need to have copies sent to me. Very t?ly yours, STANLEY C. HATCH For HATCH AND PARENT SCH/mmg Enclosure cc: Mr. Thomas Stetson (w/Enc 1. ) DRAFT Mr. J. Norman Dawe, President Kern-Tulare Water District 1415 Eighteenth Street, Room 314 Bakersfield, California 93301 Re: Kern Delta 1979 Systems Improvement Project Dear Mr. Dawe: We are in receipt of your letter of June 17, 1980 in which you express concern relating to the negotiations between the City and others with the Kern Delta Water District. The City appreciates your concern. It would appear that all of the City's contractors and the City have a community of interests in protecting the City's water rights and in maximizing the amount of water available thereunder. As you must know, the Kern River water rights relation- ships are very complex. Your water contract is subject to the various agreements which exist on the River as outlined in Article II thereof. Periodically, these agreements require clarification or interpretation, if not outright modification. Whatever the City may do in this regard, it will do with the best interests of the City in mind, and your District will be the beneficiary of our efforts. You must keep in mind that your contract involves the purchase of only 20,000 AFY of "Basic Quantity" water. The "Miscellaneous Quantity" provisions do not guarantee any fixed amount of water to you, and it is difficult to see how your District could anticipate any contractual rights violation if "Miscellaneous Quantity" water becomes unavail- able in any amount. Be this as it may, it is our own view that it is to your District's advantage, as well as our own, to continue to cooperate and keep each other generally informed in such J. Norman Dawe, President Page Two matters. This we will do as we proceed with any discussions regarding First Point water rights with the various interested parties. Very truly yours, JAMES J. BARTON Chairman CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER BOARD JJB/mmg ADDENDUM WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1980 4:00 P.M. 3. CORRESPONDENCE a) Letter to J.. Norman Dawe, President of the Board of Directors of Kern-Tulare Water District from James J. Barton, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board in response to Mr. Dawe's letter of June 17, 1980 regarding Kern Delta 1979 Systems Improvement Project. - FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION. ADDENDUM WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1980 4:00 P.M. 3. CORRESPONDENCE a) Letter to J. Norman ~D~sident of the Board of Directors of Kern~-l-~ Water District from James J. Barton, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board in response to.Mr. Dawe's letter of June 17, 1980 regarding Kern Delta 1979 Systems Improvement Project. - FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION - ~z~;~' . ~ ~-~ _ August 13, 1980 J. Norman Dawe, President Kern-Tulare Water iDistrict 1415 Eighteenth Street, Room 314 Bakersfield, California 93301 Re: Kern Delta 1979 Systems Improvement Project Dear Mr. Dawe: We are in receipt~of your letter of June 17, 1980 in which you express concern relating to the negotiations between the City and others with the Kern Delta Water District. The City appreciates your concern. I~ would appear that all of the City's contractors and the City have a community of interests in protecting the City's water rights and in maximizing the amount of water available thereunder. As you must know, the Kern River water rights relationships are~ .very complex. Your water contract is subject to the various agree- ments which exist on the River as outlined in Article II thereof. Periodically, these agreements require clarification or interpre- tation, if not outright modification. Whatever the City may do in this r~~ it will do with the bert interests of the City inmlna, ana your District will be the beneficiary of our efforts. You must keep in mind that-your contract involves the purchase of only 20,000 AFY of "Basic Quantity" water. The "Miscellaneous Quantity" provisions do not guarantee any fixed amount of water to you, and it is difficult to see how your ~District could antic- ipate any contractual rights violation if "Miscellaneous Quantity" water becomes unavailable in any amount. Be this as it may, it is our own view that it is to your District's advantage, as well as our own, to continue to cooperate and keep each other generally informed in such matters. This we will do J. Norman Dawe, President Kern-Tulare Water District August. 13, 1980 as we proceed with any discussions regarding First Point water rights with the various interested parties. Sincerely, James J. Barton, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board JJB:lh ~. KERN-TUEARE WATER DI..~TRigl' - Great Western Sqvings Building ~ ~ 1415 Eighteenth Street, Room 314 Bakersfield, Colifornla 93301 Telephone ~8'051 327-3132 .o^~o o~ o,~c'ro.s ( 80.5 ) 325-903 ~ JAI~,ESR. UNDEnHILL, V,CI~-I'II:SHDI~N'~ June 17, 1980 MATT FANDOL. ~CCR~:TA~Y 'BT£PHE~,,[ E, WALL, AL HO[./OWAY (~OU N6~L V~ NCENT J. ZAN City of Bakersfield Department of Water 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Attention James J. Barton, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Ger. tlemen: Re: Kern Delta 1979 ~Systems Improvement ~roject This is in response to the copy received by Kern-tulare Water District of the April 9, 1980 le~ter to Cawelo Water District referenced as above. We request a status report with respect to the negotiations in which the City has been participating on thio problem which seriously impacts upon thl~ District's contractual righ~ to the use of Kern River water. In that regard, Kern-Tulare Water District will not be bound against its will by any settlement which modifies to any extent ~hatsoever any right or oblig~tion of anyone pursuant to the terms of any ~of the agreements and documents set forth in ARTICLE II, Section 2.1 of our DLstrict's water purchase contract~ At this time, we also point out that Kern-Tulare Water District will expect the City to compl7 winh the water'purchase contract to the letter and according to its intent, irrespective of the City's later sale to Kern-Del~a Water District. In that respect. we are particularly concerned that the City protects the salvage water to the fullest extent possible, and operates the City's canal system and Isabella storage in the manner required by the agreement. Very truly your~.~ 8-1-80 .T. NO.rAN 'OA~, Pre.dent cc:. S. Hatch of the Board of Dir&cto~*s NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT 1415 - 18th STREET, ROOM 705 BOX 1195 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93302 (805) 325-3116 August 13, 1980 Mr. James J. Barton, Chairman City Water Board 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear Sir: Due to the above normal water year flow .on the Kern River and the supply it has produced for the North Kern Water Storage District, we would like to make a one-time, non-precedent setting request for use of portions of District's "Basic Contract" water in the proposed Rosedale Ranch Improvement District. This use would be for this year (1980) only. Thank you for your consideration regarding this matter. Very truly yours, C. H. Williams Engineer-Manager CHW:lm