HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/01/80 ,~ 6 E ~ ~ ~, $£P 2 9 1989 WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIEI..~,t~a~NE~'RfHG 1~1~~ WEDNESDAY · OC'iX:)BER 1 · 19 80 4:00 P.M. Call meeting to order Roll Call - Board Membe~rs: Barton, Chairman; Payne, Ratty· Bergen Oberholzer 1. Approve minutes of regular meeting of September 3, 1980.. 2. Scheduled Public Statements. 3. Correspondence Incoming: a) Letter from David A. Head, Supervisor Second District, dated August 22, 1980, regarding the coordination of a pro-water organization, addressed to Chairman Barton. 4. A recon~nendation will be made to the board on obtaining a con-. sultant for the Preliminary Kern River Open Space Land Use Plan. FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION. 6. Board Comnfents 7. Adjournment AGENDA WATER BOARD -- CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1980 4:00 P.M. Call meeting to order Roll Call - Board Members: Barton, Chairman; Payne, Ratty, Bergen Oberholzerg/ 1. · Approve minutes of regular meeting of September 3, 1980. 2. .~Schedhled Public StatemEnts. 3. Correspondence · .: · Incoming: a) Letter from David A. Head, Supervisor Second District, dated August 22, 1980, regarding the coordination of a pro-water organization, addressed to Chairman Barton. 4. A recom~nendation will be made to the board on obtaining a con- Preliminary Kern Riv~ sultant for theDE~TION. ~_~r Ope~ Spac~La~d~ U~e PI~_~ FOR BOARD CONSI 5. Staff Corn}ne ts ~. B~ard 7. Ad j o u rnme n't MAINLINE EXTENSION AGfdzE~4ENT~ TENNECO REALTY DEVELOPHENT CORPORAT!ON TENNECO AGREEMENT CONTRACT TRACT REFUND NUMBER NUMBER NUHBER AMOUNT OF SERVICES 79-5 4!09 $ 19,037 91 37 79-11 4136 83,615 99 10 79-12A PbI4898, Ph. II 27,513 25 3 79-13 4110 81,086 43 134 79-15 PHS410 16,985 48 4 79-16 PM5530 & 5531 11.0,095 56 7 79-17 4142 48,94.0 38 52 79-1.8 4143 79,527.05 93 80-08 4219 89,405.68 Est. 86 80:~09 4220 85,303.92 Est. 101 80-10 4275 20,990.84 47 80-11 4276 116,961.37 Est. 79 80-20 4223 60,024.98 Est. 56 80-21 4222 37,417.81 46 TOTAL --- $876,906.65 755 MINUTES 'WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1980 4: 00 P .M. The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Payne in the City Hall Caucus Room. The secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Barton (arrived at 4:05 P.M.) Payne, Ratty, Bergen, Hoagland Absent: None Staff Present: Bogart, Hawley, Hostmyer, Needham, Oberholzer Others Present: Tom Clark, Olcese Water District Roy Gargano, Attorney for Kern County Water Agency Jack Garren Gayle Schontzler, The Bakersfield Californian The minutes from the regular meeting of August 13, 1980, were approved as presented. Correspondence a) A letter agreement was presented to the board from William T. Balch, Tenneco West, Inc. the purpose of setting forth the agreement between the City of Bakersfield and Tenneco West, ~nc. wherein the City agrees to sell 100,000 acre feet of water in place in ~City's 2800 acre groundwater basin for a said water price of $3.00 per acre foot. After a brief discussion between board and staff Mr. Bergen made a motion that the letter agreement be approved and the Chairman authorized to sign. The motion was passed. Item number four (4)~ was deferred to Executive Session. At 4:10 P.M. the meeting was recessed to Executive Session for the purpose of discussing two (2) possible items of litigation. The regular meetingwas reconvened at 5:00 P.M. Mr. Hoagland made a motion that as a result of our Executive Session regarding the lawsuit that has currently been filed by the Kern County Water Agency against various defendents relative to the ownership of the Cross Valley Canal, Mr. Hoagland made a motion that the City participate to the extent necessary in that lawsuit in support of the agency's position and, also, recommend to the City Council that the City participate as an intervenor. The motion was passed. Staff Comments At this'time two (2) draft letters were presented to the board regarding the processing of various developments in the Rio Bravo Annexation area whicb are currently Fending approval by the City of Bakersfield. After discussion by board and staff Mr. Bergen made a motion that the board direct the staff to mail the letters in final form to Mr. George W. Nickel, Jr. and each developer in the Olcese District. The motion was passed. -- At this time Mr. Bogart presented a letter from C.H. Williams, Engineer-Manager of North Kern Water Storage District addressed to James J. Barton, Chairman of the City of Bakersfield Water Board. The proposal would be between the City of Bakersfield and North Kern Water Storage District for use of the City of Bakersfield's 2800 acres for groundwater replenishment. Mr. ~ergen made a motion that the cover letter and proposal letter bc received by thc board a~ld rel~orred to stall/, including Mr. Hatch and Mr. Stetson for study and recommendation. The motion was passed. At this time Mr. Bogart presented to the board the final report from Ricks, Taylor & Meyer, Inc. on the Replacement of Kern River Diversion & Metering Structures dated August 1980. After Mr. Bogart summarized'the report and the feasibility of low- head power generation, ~r. Bergen made a motion that the board receive the report and that staff be instructed to meet with the staff of the other boards and work out a joint powers agreement which would be acceptable to all the boards. The motion was passed. At this time Dale Hawley, Public Works Director, presented a draft request for proposal to the board on the Study Design of the Kern River Open Space Land Use Preliminary Plan. Mr. Hawley outlined the area for discussion on a map that was made available for the board. Mr. Hawley stated that the Council of Governments will be seeking some funding for planning and construction of a parks system along the Kern River from Interstate 5 to 'the mouth of the canyon, with the idea that it would tie into the existing City, County and State facilities, Hart Park, Lake Ming, Beach Park, etc. Prior to the Council of Governments making their study it was felt that it would be desirable for the City to establish some priorities or policies regarding groundwater recharge, channel improvements, and maintenance along the river. Also, a few weeks ago the City Council deferred action on two (2) existing or proposed general plan amendments, which Mr. Hawley believes are to be reconsidered by the City Council in December. The idea of this Study Design would be to obtain professional services to prepare a reconnaissance level preliminary plan for land uses within the open space areas along the Kern River. Mr. Hawley recommended that this draft proposal be presented to several consulting firms suck as engineering and planning con- sultants for estimates. The motion was passed. There being no further business to come before the board, Chair- man Barton adjourned the meeting at 5:35 P.M. James J. Barton, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Linda Hostmyer, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board SECON SUPERVISORIAL DIS CT DAVID ,A. HEAD /.~'~ Mojave County Building Supe'~,visor ,</,~.~\~ Mojave, California 8309 Se~m Road /~,. ~ Telephone (805) 824-4631 Lamon,. California - cJ3241 / ~,i!/j~~~i! Telephone (805) 845.2228 / ~ August 22, 1980 James J. Barton, Chairman' Bakersfield Water Board 3114 Laurel Drive Bakersfield, California 93304 Dear Mr. Barton: As you are well aware, the Governor has finally signed into law the Peripheral Canal Bill ( SB 200). Yet, this can only be regarded as a bittersweet victory for Californians, as Governor Brown is also pushing hard for legislation that would seriously limit the canal's effectiyeness. The passage of any so called "Conser- vation'' Bill would seriously limit the canal's success. Governor Brown's support of such measures only encourages actions that will further divide the state; and bring about a civil war over water. A civil war which will see no victors, only millions of Californian's listed as casualitles. Prior to it's completion, many obstacles will be placed in the path of this vital channel, therefore, It ls time we all came to the sober.realization that Callf- orni~ is facing a devastating water crisis. Already, faced with spot shortages, what will Californians do in 1985, when our Colorado River rights expire? What will we do until 1990, when the Peripheral Canal is completed? If controls are placed upon the caaal, such as those suggested in the now defunct AB 1361, the canal would become a use!ess waste of government tax dollars, and California a waterless wasteland. What will we do if the present attitude of the state and federal government succeeds in shutting off the river waters from the Eel, the American, the Smith, the Clenner, and the Melones Reservlor. Some of our elecl'ed leaders seem Incapable of understanding that California ~as enough water for everyone. There is no reason why our water cannot be used for drinking, farming, industrial use, and recreation. I feel it is imperative that all elected officials who share my views on California's water future must come together. We ~ust organize and remain informed. We cannot allow a small minority 'of dis- senfion to embalm California In a waterless tomb. It is with this in mind, that my office has set up a California Water Hotllne at, (805) 845-2228. The decision to establish a hotline came only after I became aware that there was no centralized ef- forts to inform pro-water constituents and elected officials about the ever changing legislative picture. Because no such organization existed, I was asked by my con- stitucency to attempt to coordinate a pro-water organization. This group would dis- seminate i~formation, as well as help bring together various pro-water groups which Pa§e 2 August 22, 1980 need' to organlze If we are to succeed. This hotllne Is open to everyone who wishes to help. Together we can Insure that Californian's will have an adequate supply of our most precious resource ........ "Water". I hope you wlll join us. Sincerely yours, ~A. HEAD, ~ Second District County of Kern DAH:jb cc: All Supervisors in the State of California All Water Agencies In the State of California 1807 19th Street--P.O. Box 1947--Bakersfield, California 93303--Pt~or~e [805) 327-4421 September 10, 1980 Mr. John Hanson City of Bakersfield P.O. Bo× 2388 Bakersfield, CA 93303 Dean John: This is tO request your organization's assistance in promoting agriculture in Kern County. The Agri-Business Committee has been in preparation for over a year for an agriculture awareness week, November 2-8, 1980. The theme .for this recognition of our county's giant is "Agriculture-- Industry of Life," The major effort will be conducted at the Valley Plaza shopping mall and will include: a "House of Life," depicting raw food and fiber items at the top of the structure with finished products'coming out from the bottom; displays throughout the mall of farm equipment and products; special daily activities presented by agriculture support orga- nizations, such as the Dairymaids, Cotton Wives, California Women for Agriculture, 4-H, and Cowbelles. The California Dair~ Association will be sending their 1980 Queen to participate. A community wide information "blitz" will also be conducted via television, radio, newspaper, supermarkets, banks, savings and loan organizations, etc. We would greatly appreciate your assistance by including a 3 x 5 inch insert in your billing mailer to residents of our area. An artist's rendering is enclosed. We will provide the number of inserts needed, The insert would enable our community to become aware of, and interested in, this salute to agriculture. Thank you for your consideration and interest in our efforts. Warm regards, Rollie Moore Chairman, Agri-Business Committee :eh Enclosure AG AWARENESS WEEK NOVEMBER 2-8 VALLEY PLAZA You won't want to miss the animated "H '" ' ouse of. L~fe. , equipment, .product, ot.her special d~splays, and da~ly, enter- ta~nment, such as square dancing de- monstrations and Barbershop Quartets. COME AND SUPPORT AGRICULTURE -- THE INDUSTRY OF LIFE Sponsored by Greater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce Agri-Business Committee~