HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/26/81 AGENDA WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1981 ~:00 P.M. Call meeting to order Roll Call - Board Members: Barton, Chairman, Payne, Ratty, Kelmar, Oberholzer 1. Approve minutes of regular meeting of August 19, 1981. 2. Scheduled Public Statements 3. Correspondence 4. Letter from Rag Gulch Water District, dated August 19, 1981, requesting balance of 1981 Basic Contract Water to be assigned North Kern Water Storage District. - SUGGESTED ACTION: STAFF RECOMMENDS APPROVAL OF THIS ASSIGNMENT FOR 1981 ONLY. 5. Update of City's participation in upper Kern River Power Projects. - FOR BOARD INFORMATION AND DISCUSSION. 6. Staff Comments 7. Board Comments 8. Adjournment MINUTES WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1981 4:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Barton in the Depart- ment of Water Conference Room. The secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Barton, Payne, Ratty, Kelmar Absent: Oberhol zer The minutes from the meeting of July 22, 1981, were approved as presented. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Olcese Water District dated July 23, 1981 regarding spreading and extraction improvements to City's 2800 acre spread- ing facility was presented to the board. Mr. Ratty made a motion that the letter be received, filed and referred to the Water Manager. The motion was passed. Letter from Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District dated July 29, 1981 regarding City's Master Spreading Agreement Con- ceptual Outline was presented to the board. Mr. Payne made a motion that the letter be received, filed and referred to the Water Manager. The motion was passed. Adoption of a tentative project for environmental analysis and development of City's 2800 acre spreading area was presented to the board. The Proposed Plan of Development, "Appendix "A", which was derived from the Ricks, Taylor & Meyer, Inc. "City of Bakersfield 2800 acre Groundwater Recharge Area Optimization Study", dated March, 1981 was brought before the board. At this time Mr. Bogart introduced Mr. Gordon Ricks, who explained "Appendix A" of the Proposed Plan of Development. The Plan would be constructed in phases, with phase one emphasiz- ing construction of basins one through seven on the south side of the river and basin 10A on the north'of the river. Phase two~ would be the completion of basins eight through twelve~on the north side of the river channel. Mr. Kelmar made a motion that the Water Board accept this Proposed Plan of Development for the 2800 acres and consider this as a tentative project for an environmental analysis and authorize Stetson Engineers, Inc. to complete the Environmental Impact Report on Appendix A. The motion was passed. Adoption of a schedule of construction for extraction facilities to be completed by Olcese Water District pursuant to Article 1, 77-07 W.B., as amended was brought before the board. Suggested action: Construct phase one extraction facilities as follows: a) Construct one well with a capaciLy of no less than 2000 GPM in the NW Corner of Section 16, TWN 30S., RGE 26E., adjacent to the River Canal subject to the con- ditions set forth in City Water Board letter to Olcese Water District dated July 22, 1981~ construction to commence no later than September 1, 1981 ~with completion no later than December 31, 1981. At this time Mr. Chafin asked Mr. Stetson to address the board regarding the above. Mr. Stetson stated that he understood ~bids'had been received by the Olcese Water District board and that the contracts have been awarded and the first well is scheduled to start construction a week from Monday, on August 31, 1981. b) Construct additional wells as required to produce 2,000 acre feet per month, each with a.pumping capacity of no less than 2000 GPM, to be located by City after pumping experience on the initial well in analyzed, all of which are to be constructed no later than July 1, 1982. Mr. Stetson stated that under the agreement between Buena Vista Water Storage District and Olcese Water District there is a provision for Olcese to provide additional wells so that they can produce 2,000 acre feet per month and 10,000 acre feet per year by July 1, 1982. Mr. Kelmar made a motion that construction phase one be adopted as such and that the staff have discussions with Olcese in terms of their plans in meeting item (b) and report back to the board. The motion was passed. Designate a liaison officer to act in behalf of Kern River Interests to satisfy Federal Energy Regulatory Commission requirements for the Preliminary Permit issued on the "Junction Power Project." After discussion, Mr. Kelmar made a motion that the North Kern Water Storage District be authorized as the liaison officer, however, with the stipulation that there be no further work done which would involve the expenditure of funds. The motion was passed. Mr. Kelmar suggested that we now schedule a Water Board meeting next Wenesday, August 26, 1981 for discussion of this matter. ~Receive proposed "interim" .2800 acre spreading agreement from Kern County Water Agency, dated August 10, 1981. Suggested action: Water Department staff recommended board approval of "iterim" spreading agreement prepared by City Water Consultants. After disucssion between board and staff Mr. Kelmar made a motion that the "iterim" agreement be approved subject to language changes as indicated by Thomas M. Stetson, on page two (2) item three (3) which will read: ". '. but in any event the extraction fee for the entire amount spread shall be paid by December 31, 1991." The motion was passed. There being no further business to come before the board, Chair- man Barton adjourned~the meeting at 4:40 P.M. James J. Barton, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Linda Hostmyer, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board Great Western Savings Building '~ 1415 Eighteenth Street, Room 314 ,. Bakersfield, California 93301 /'~L'tL~ ,2] lg8! Telephone: (805) 325-9031 ~i~Y OF-8AKE~SFI~L£. ( 805 ) 327-3132 - EP4J~rMENToOf: WAT~$HLOCK BOARD*OF DIRECTORS AL HOLLOWAY, PRESIDENT Manager VINCENT J. ZANINOVICH, VICE.PRESIDENT MATT PANDOL, SECRETARY A. CAMERON PAULDEN, OGDEN M KIESEL, TREASURER MILAN CARATAN August 19, 1981 North Kern Water Storage District P.O. Box 1195 Bakersfield, CA 93382 Gentlemen: Rag Gulch Water District (RGWD) has assured itself that it will be able to replace its remaining 1981 City of Bakersfield Basic Water supply with other water in the Federal Central Valley system. Therefore, considering such other water available to RGWD in conjunction with its City of Bakersfield Basic contract water supply~ RGWD, with City approval, is willing to allocate to North Kern Water Storage District (NKWSD) the remaining supply of its 1981 Kern River water supply. NKWSD agrees to otherwise compensate Rag Gulch Water District (RGWD) for any additional expenses that RGWD may incurr in replacing the City Basic Water Contract water so delivered to NKWSD. In order to maximize the importation of water to the common groundwater basin of the districts, RGWD agrees to immediately release this Kern River water, approximately 1,500 AF, to NKWSD. Therefore, it is hereby agreed as follows: 1. RGWD will make available to NKWSD immediately all of its remaining 1981 Kern River City of Bakersfield Basic water in the Beardsley Canal. This amount is believed to be 1828 AF. 2. NKWSD agrees to reimburse RGWD within 30 days of acceptance for this said water at a rate of $20.00/AF plus additional direct expense incurred in the replacement process. 3. NKWSD.further agrees that all water taken will be used within the boundaries of NKWSD for irrigation and in'conformance with RGWD contract with the City. It is further agreed between parties that this arrangement is temporary for the 1981 season only and it will not become the basis of or precedent for a right to service in the future. .,c~N~rth Kern Water Storage District .~'f~A~gust 19, 1981 Pag~ oTwo If you concur, please acknowledge by signing below. Very trulY yours, RAG GULCH WATER DISTRICT APPROVED: ACCEPTED AND AGREED: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTIRCT James J. Barton, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board ~' '~ RAG GULCH WATER DISTRICT c: Great Western ,Savings Building T ~,~-~ ~ 1415 Eighteenth Street, Room 314 Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (BO5) 325-9031 (805) 327-3132 I~OAnl:>OIr D:R~'¢'ronli THOMAS L Aq~d'iLOCK Al. HOI.I. OWAY, PRI~IDKN? Manager VINCENT J. ZANINOVICH. VIC:E.PR~.S~DI~NI MATT PANDOI.. SECRETARY A. CAMEION tAULDEN, DGDEN M. KIESEL. TREAeURER A~g)t~y August 25,1981 Mr. Chuck Williams, Manager ~ ~- ~ North Kern Water btorage DistriCtp.O.BakersfieldBOX 1195, CA 93382 ~~'~~~~ J/~~~d Dear Chuck: ~~~,f~,~'. U~J~" This is to confirm our understanding that Rag Gulch Water District will sell to North Kern Water Storage District all of its remaining 1981 Kern River water at a price of no less than $20/AF but at the actual cost~ for Rag~Gulch to replace said water in the Friant Kern Canal system. Regardless of the replacement cost to Rag Gulch, the cost to North Kern Water Storage District shall not exceed $30/AF.' If Rag Gulch Water District does not replace the River water with water in the Friant Kern system and does not deliver the replacement water for use on lands within Rag Gulch Water District, then the sale price to North Kern Water Storage District for the Kern River water shall be $20/AF and no replacement cost shall be added to the $20/AF figure. Very truly yours ./~ ~. Thomas E. Ashlock ACCEPTED FOR NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT: