HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/25/81 WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1981 4:00 P.M. ~..~ Call meeting to order ~.~ ~ ~ Roll Call- Board Members: ~~al~,.an;B Ch ' Payne, R , Kelmar 1. Approve minutes of regular meeting of January 21, 1981. 2. Scheduled Public Statements 3. Correspondence - ~3~ - 4. The consulting firm of Rickett, Ward and Delmarter have requested a 30-day extension to complete the Ke~n River open-space planning study. - FOR BOARD ACTION, ~~-- 5. Motion to have City Clerk retain all Water Board documents. - FOR - 6. Staff Comments, ~_ ~ / ~/~ (F_~ 7. Board Comments -~ 8. Adjournment _- MINUTES WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1981 4:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Barton in the Depart- . '~ merit of Water Conference Room. The secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Barton, Payne, Ratty Absent: Kelmar, Oberholzer Staff Present: Chafin, Hawley, Hostmyer Others Present: Tom Clark, Nickel Enterprises Chris Garren, River West The minutes from the meeting of January 14, 1981, were approved as presented. Letter from Michael R. Rector, Consulting Geologist to the Water Board dated January 9, 1981, was presented to the board. Mr. Ratty made a motion that the letter be received and placed on file. The motion was passed. Letter from Gilbert Castle,. Manager, Kern Delta Water District dated January 16, 1981, in response to City's inquiry to Kern Delta/North Kern exchange was presented to the board. Mr.  Payne made a motion that the letter be received and placed on ~ file. The motion was passed. Letter from Ken Wegis, Chairman of the Kern County Water Dis- tricts Advisory Committee dated January 8, 1981, regarding a proposed program to enhance the water supply to Kern County was presented to the board. Mr. Payne made a motion that the lutter be received and referred to Mr. Hatch, Mr. St(3tson and the City staff for a report and study, then brought back to the board at a later time. The motion was passed. At this time Mr. Chafin gave a report on the Improvement Dis- trict #4 Advisory Committee tour of Kern River facilities con- ducted 'on Friday, January 16, 1981. Mr. Chafin stated that the purpose of this tour wa~ to acquaint the members of the Advisory Committee with the relationship of Improvement District #4 to the joint operations with City facilities and some of the his- tory of the Kern River. Staff Comments Mr. Chafin brought the board up-to-date on the City's 2800 acres stating that a meeting will be held Friday, January 23, 1981, with the City's Consulting Engineering firm Ricks, Taylor & Associates to begin talking about some plans and alternatives for enhancement of the groundwater spreading area of the 2800 acres. At this time Mr. Hawley, Public Works Director presented the Domestic Enterprise Comparative Income Statement for the First Half Ended December 31, 1979 and December 31, 1980 to the board for information only. There being no further business to come before the board, Chair- man Barton adjourned the meeting at 4:40 P.M. ~~~ie~dha~ ~~ Board 1 a ,esr_myer, Se~fetary City of Bakersfield Water Board DOHESTIC WATER ENTERPRISE ComParative Income Statement First Half Ended December 31, 1979 and December 31, 1~980 Amount Percentage Increase Increase (Decrease) (Decrease) 1980 1979 During 1980 During 1980 REVENUES. Domestic Water Sales $756,384 $667,218 $ 89,166 13.4 Construction Sales (Temporary Service) 7,455 24,139 (16,684) (69.1) Total Sales 763,839 691,357 72,482 10.5 OPERATING EXP. ENSES Field Expenses: 0 & M Charges from Cal Water Service 145,800 112,200 33,600 29.9 Power for Pumping 149,803 84,114 65,689 78.1 Haintenance 1,569 9,386 (7,817) (83.3) Total Field ExPenses 297,172 205,700 91,472 44.5 Administrative Expenses- Administrative Salaries and Fringe Benefits 29,629 9,448 20,181 213.6 Charges from Other Departments 6,050 7,283 (1,233) (16.9) Professional Consulting Charges 10,357 17,379 (7,022) (40.4) Insurance Expense 3,679 8,880 (5,201) (58.6) Pumping & Property Taxes 82,579 72,267 10,312 14.3 Management Fee from Cal Water Service 14,700 10,896 3,804 34.9 Miscellaneous General & Uncollectible Accounts Expenses 16,958 3,939 13,019 330.5 Total Administrative Expenses 163,952 130,092 33,860 26.0 NET OPERATING INCOME BEFORE DEPRECIATION 302,715 355,565 (52,850) (14.9) Depreciation Expense (Est.) 62,501 47,356 15',145 32.0 NET OPERATING INCOME 240,214 308,209 (67,995) (22.1) NON-OPERATING ITEMS Revenue: Interest Revenue (Est.) 47,000 42,000 5,000 11.9 Expenses: - - - NET NON-OPERATING ITEMS 47,000 42,000 5,000 11.9 NET INCOME OR (LOSS) $287,214 $350,209 $(62,995) (18.0) Prior CURRENT NUMBER OF SERVICES Year MAINLINE EXTENSION REFUNDS Active 6,384 5,928 Refunded Amount -$8,682,98 Inactive 132 91 Undeveloped Lots 888 360 ( Est. ) TOTAL 7,404 6,379 CITY OF ~AKEP. SFIELD DOMESTIC WATER E,~TF_RPRiSE ESTIMATED R..EV£NUE$ AND EXPENSES BUDGET F:SCAL YE;~R 1980 'c~ Est. Act~J~l Proposed FY 1979-30 FY 1980-~1 REVENUES; Domestic water S3)es $1,233,4OO Construct;on ~ater Sales 44,600 50,800 Interest )nco~:~ 63,100 53,600 · Total Revent~es $1,341,100 Field [xpen~zs: 0 & M Charges from Ca!-¥~ater $ 282,400 $ 375,000 Power for Put, ping I33,5OC 200,300 Other Maintenance 70,000 $ q85,9OO $ 659,300 Administrative E;:pcnses: Salaries and Fringe ~enefits $ 35,600 $ 78,300 Charges From Oth=r City Depts. 50,500 49,h00 Managemen~ fee ~rom Cai-Water 23,1OO 32,800 Consultant Chzrges (Engineer, Attorney, etc.) 34,800 41,800 Insurance Expenses 17,800 17,~00 Property and Pumping Taxes 125,1OO 142,200 Misc. Genera) Expenses 8,OOO 25,000 $ 294,900 $ 387,300 Net Operating Inc~e , Before Depreciation $ 560,300 $ 463,900 Depreciation 114,000 141,000 $ 446,300 $ 322,~00 NON-OPERATING EXPENSES: Mainline Extension Refunds $ 40,000 $ 50,000 Net Operating Income Before Capital Outlay Program $ 406,300 .. $ 272,~00 Transfer to Capital Improvement Budget 406,300, 272,900 NET ~NCOME (LOSS) -0- -0- CiTY OF BAKERSFIELD DOMESTIC WATER ENTERPRISE PROPOSED CAPITAL OUTLAY PROGRAM FISCAL YEARS 1980-81 AND 1981-82 Proposed Projected FY 1980-81 FY 1981-82 Source of Funds Capital .Improvement Reserves $141,000 $172,000 Net Operating Income 272,900 249,0OO Loan Repayment from Fairhaven Division -O- 40,U00 Refund from Tenneco 120,000 -O- Total Source of Funds $533,900 $461,000 ~roposed Application of Funds Storage Site (Additional Funds to Complete) $.195,OOO Additional Well and Pumping Plant 90,000 $231,000 Additional Water Mains 154,200 135,000 Water Meters 70,000 95,000 Pumping Station Improvements 24,700 -O- Total Capital Improvments '$533~900" $461,000 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DOMESTIC WATER ENTERPRISE OPERATI ON SUMMARY Estimated 12/22/76 ~ Actual Actual Actual Proposed Projecte 6/30/77 FY 1977-78 FY 1978-79 FY. 1979-80 FY 1980-81 FY 198~ I Revenues $170,838 $676,548 $1,098,519 $1,~41,100 $1,510,500 $1,725,001 Operating and Non-Operating Expenses 303,355 663,346 692,321 820,800 1,096,600 !,304,00( Net Operating Income (Loss) Before Captlal Outlay (129,772) 13,202 311,486 406,300 272,900 249,00{ / 38,763 81,776 94,712 114,000 141,000 172,00{ Depreciation / Total Active Accounts in system on June 30 * 3,831 4,580 5,128 6,400 8,000 9,20( *City acquired system on December 22, 1976 with 3,368 total active accounts. JHH:ag 5/2180 · . February 11, 1981 J. Dale Hawley Director of Public Works City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 RE: Agreement No. 80-41 W.B. Dear Dale: We hereby request an extension of time on subject Agreement to March 31, 1981. There was a delay in starting the study to obtain definition from the Water Board as to scope, so that there would not be a conflict between this study and existing preparations. The study, as now defined, will concentrate oh the reach of the Kern River, upstream of the west line of .Section 1, T30S, R26E, to Manor Street, and for this area, will be in more detail than previously anticipated. Very truly yours, RICKETT, WARD & DELMARTER Wilbur Rickett c.c.:. Quad Consultants William H. Parks