HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/28/83 - ., ,,"- . ;0 "i ~ ' ;¡ AGENDA - .- - - - - WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY t SEPTEMBER 28, 1983 12:00 P.M. .. NOON Call meeting to order. Roll call - Board Members: Barton, Chairman; Payne, Ratty, Kelmar, Oberholzer 1. Approve minutes of meeting held July 27, 1983. 2. Engineering agreement between Ricks, Taylor & Meyer, Inc. and North Kern W.S.D., City of Bakersfield and Kern Delta W.D. .(First Point Group) for re-construction of Calloway River Weir located 1/4 ~ile west of Chester Avenue. FOR BOARD ACTIG.N. 3. Proposed re-organization of Agricultural and Domestic water division of the Department of Water Resources. FOR BOARD REVIEW and RECOMME~"DATION. 4. Closed Session - Water ~atters concerning potential litigation. 5. Public comments to the Board. 6. Staff comments. 7. Board comments. 8. Adjournment. '. I I I .r j.' . -; WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1983 12:00 P.M. - NOON The meeting was called to order by Chairman ß~rton In the Department of Water Resources Conference Room. The secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Barton (Chairman), Payne, Oberholzer, Ratty, Kelmar. The minutes from the meeting of June 1, 1983, were approved as presented. Seventh and Eighth Quarterly Reports on the groundwater quality investigation of the City's "2800 Acre" recharge area were presented to the Board for information by Mr. Core. The item was discussed at length. Mr. Core stated in summary that it is desirable to increase the quantity of recharge wat~r in the.spreading works to increase the water quality of the water in the surrounding area, and the best water to use for that would be Kern River. The proposed 29-year miscellaneous water sale agreement between the City of Bakersfield and the California Living Museum Corporation (C.A.L.M.) was presented to the Board by Mr. Bogart. Dr. Ratty made a motion to recommend to the Council approval of this aqreement. The motion passed. Dr. Ratty made a motion to approve Mr. Hatch's request for an hourly rate increase, and to refer the matter of a Dossible ~- water attorney in the Attorney's Office to the City Council's Governmental Efficiency and Personnel Committee.. The motion r;>assed. Adjourned to Closed Session. Mr. Hatch requested that the record reflect that the Water Board took the following action to authorize the Chairman to negotiate and enter into agreements with First Point and other Kern River Interests authorizing cooperative actions and re- . sponses to administrative and judicial procedures involving Kern River adjudication. A staff comment was ~ade by Mr. Core that an agreement has been reached with Independent Valley Energy Company for Availability Fees. The meeting ~djourned at 1:43 p.m. .' '\ " / ---/ i yf' (/£/.1. 9,k1f¿,~/1... (J~mes 3~ Barton, Chairman . éity of Bakersfield Water Board 1",. J. ~:¿') . < I d: - -, 17 -...41. " / -' (f . ¡f / . u...â/t-^-< Ie./I-- )-(. <J'tf">-<- 4 (Jot. ~ £ ft? ~ ~I Sharon Robison, Secretary ( City of Bakersfield Water Board! ", ,~~ /-..~ I I .--' , " " 83- 24 \.J. 3. AGREL.J,,1E~:'i' FOR ENGINEERING S~~VICES This agreemenc:, dated S ept eï::".":' er 28 , 1983 bet"oÑeen the' CITY OF BAKERS?IELD and NORTH ?~~N WATER STORAGE and KE&~ DELTA WATER DISTRICT, hereinafter c~lled "Owners", and RICKS, TAYLOR & MEYER, IXC., a California. ::::rporation, hereinafter called "Engineer". WIT N E S ~ ::: T H: WHEREAS, Owne!"s, claim title -~ the Calloway Ri ver ~'Ìeir. WHEREAS, the IJwners desire tc secure engineering services for the final design- a~d construction ~ - the Calloway River í'Ìeir, and WHEREAS, Engi~eer is qualifie= ~nd properly registered as 3. civil engineer unè.e!" the laws of -., - State of California to c-::::::-- form engineering required hereunds~ jy Owner and is willing t::: furnish and perfor~ said services ,. ~- the considerations and "':=>-:::::' the terms and conèi~ions herein se~ .= ':) r th, and NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED .:.; ~OLLOWS: ARTICLE: - .;. SCOP~ OF ??~~ECT Section 1.01: l::nginee-r's EmD:"::::-:nent: Subject to the li:-:-.:'::- ations, restrictic::.s and conditio~3 ~erein set forth, Enqinee:::- -~ employed by Owners ~o perform all ::~e engineering work and fur:--,2.s~ all the engineering services here:::.~=ter listed, which are.re- quired to complete ::he planning, de3~gn and construction of wc::::-~s -- -~ ~. " < , for the Calloway River Weir, hereinafter called "The Project". Engineer accepts said employment and agrees to provide engineering services as herein required in a skillful and professional manner. Section 1.02: Commencement of Engineer Work: Owners, byex- ecution of this agreement, authorizes and directs the immediate commencement of the work required by Engineer hereunder. Se.ction 1.03: Owners Committee: The Owners Committee shall be composed of one representative acting for the North Kern W.S.D., City of Bakersfield and Kern Delta w.o. ARTICLE II DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF ENGINEER Section 2.01: Services to be Performed and Supplies to be Furnished on Hourly and Fixed Rate Basis with Maximum Fee Amount: Engineer shall perform all the following work and services and furnish the following supplies in connection with engineering re- quired for the planning, design and construction of the Project in accordance with the attached hourly and fixed fee rates and char- ges and with the maximum engineering fee limited to the amount shown in Section 3.01. (a) Hold conferences and obtain information and data per- taining to all aspects of the. Project with representatives of the Owner, property owners and Lessees involved, public ~gencies, re- gulatory authorities and others as required to perform the re- quired engineering for the planning, designing and construction of .the Project; -2- - - ,- ., ' ; (b) Coordinate and assume responsibility for the preparation and drafting of documents for complying with provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended. The Guidelines for Implementation of said Act, as from time to time promulgated by the Secretary of the California Resources Agency; (c) Prepare engineering data for all regula~ory permit ap- plications that may be required by local, state or federal author- ities; (d) Prepare final engineering designs for t~e Project; (e) Prepare construction plans and specifications and con- tract documents, satisfactory to Owners' counsel ~d adequate for the receipt of construction proposals; (f) Prepare estimates of quantities and cos::s; (g) Process plans and specifications for ap?roval as re- quired by participating agencies; (h) Assist Owner in securing bids, tabulativn and analysis of bid results and in letting of contracts; (i) Provide engineering assistance to Owners' counsel in the preparation of legal proceedings and appearances before courts or commissions in connection with litigation which might occur be- tween the Owners and others; (j) Make arrangements for ordinary surveys during both planning and construction phases, aerial photogr~etry services and surveys, materials testings, and soils investigation, inclu- ding field testings; provided, however, that the laboratory or -3- -- :> , , , professional organizations to perform the work required by this sub-paragraph, under supervision of Engineer, shall be mutually agreed upon and se~ected by Engineer and Owners; (k) Review laboratory and inspection reports on materials and soils tests and correlate such reports with the intention of the plans and specifications; (1) Furnish general consultation and supervisory service during construction (as used herein, the term "general consulta- tion and supervisory service: shall mean and require Engineer to visit the work during construction as needed to observe general progress of the work and general adherence to plans and specifica- tions and to consult with and advise Owners upon request whenever there is a dispute with a contractor or where there is necessity for interpretation of plans and specifications, ;'general consul- tation and supervisory service" shall not mean or include the work of construction staking or the work required of a resident eng- ineering staff or of inspection during construction); (m) Certify to Owners all progress payments to contractors; (n) Until completion of the Project, furnish monthly written progress reports with respect to the construction contract and to progress under this contract; (0) Furnish ~vners a final ínspection and a written report of the completed Project; (p) Prepare record, "as constructed", drawings when the con- struction work has been completed (this shall mean the tracings of -~- ---- - --~ ~ , '. . the plans will be modif{ed, where necessary, because of deviations from the original plans.. The original tracings, after being mod- ified, shall become Owners' property); (q) Provide, on request of Owners, attendance of a consulting engineer at all meetings of Owners' Committee until completion of the Project; (r) Within one month following execution of this agreement, prepare and furnish Owners a time schedule of all work to be per- formed by Engineer and thereafter for each regular meeting of Owners' Comr:J.ittee, furnish Owners a written status report of work performed during the preceeding month and of adherence to said schedule, which written report may be part of the progress reports required under sub-paragraph (0) above; Owners may directly perform any of the work and service set forth in this Section 2.01 at its own expense, provided that Owners and. Engineer shall first mutually agree upon the work to be per- formed by Owner and provided further that all such work shall be accomplished ~nder the supervision of Engineer. Section 2,02: Services to be Performed and Supplies to be Furnished on Hourly and Fixed Rate Basis: Engineer shall perform all the following work and services and furnish the following sup- plies in connection with engineering required for the planning, design and co~3truction of the Project in accordance with the at- tached hourly and fixed fee. rates and charges and at no other cost or expense except as hereinafter in this agreement specifically provided: -5- -------- . . < ., ; (a) Furnish construction supervision (resident engineers) and inspectors of construction as required to assure Owners that the work is constructed according to plans and specifications: (b) Furnish Owners, as requested by Owners, reduced plans and specifications, required for bidding purposes, and full scale re- productions of construction drawings and specifications required for Contractor and Owner requirements; (c) Furnish and/or perform ordinary surveys during both planning and construction phases. aerial photogrammetry services and surveys, materialstestings. in-plant inspection and soils in- vestigation, including field testings; provided, however, that the laboratory or professional organizations to perform the work re- quired by this sub-paragraph. under supervision of Engineer, shall be mutually agreed upon and selected by Engineer and ~~ers. Owners may directly perform any of the work and service set forth in this Section 2.02 at its ow~ expense, provided that Owners. acting through its Representa[ives, and Engineer shall first mut- ual~y agree upon the work to be performed by Owners and provided further that all such work. shall be accomplished under the super- vision of Engineer. ARTICLE III ENGINEER'S FEES AND COMPENSATION: AMOUNT: HHEN DUE Section 3.01: Hourly and Fixed Rate Fee: For all items of work and services, including :he furnishing of supplies and equip- ment, pertaining to the Project and required to be furnished by Engineer as set forth in Section 2.01 and Sections 2.02 hereof, -6- .... ~ . , ¡ Owner shall pay.Engineer and Engineer shall receive and accept, as payment in full, an engineering fee, based on the hourly and fixed fee rates listed in the schedule attached hereto. The hourly rates set forth shall remain in effect until July 1, 1984, after which date such rates shall be renegotiated on a basis consistant with any increase in Engineer's labor costs over those prevailing at the date of this contract. The rates and charges set forth herein include all required clerical (except secretarial) services and normal equipment and materials used in connection with the production of the required engineering services. Section 3.02: Maximum Fee Amount: For all engineering work and services, including the furnishing of supplies and equipment pertaining to the Project and required to be furnished by Engineer as set forth in Section 2.01 hereof, Owners shall pay Engineer and Engineer shall receive and accept, as payment in full, a sum of money, based on the hourly and fixed rate fee set forth in Section 3,01, and such sum of money shall not exceed six percent (6.00%) 0: the total construction cost of the Project, as determined by normal City bidding practice and adjusted for the work that was acrually completed and/or forty-eight thousand dollars ($48,000.00), whichever is less. This shall be known as the "Maximum Fee Amount" to be payable for work and services set forth in Section 2.01 hereof. Maximum fee amount for all inspection and engineering associated-with ac:~al construction (including but not limited to resident engineers, sl1pervision, etc. as listed in Section 2.02 above) shall not exceed forty thousand dollars ($40,000.00). .- 7- .. .' " ¡ Section 3.03: Payment of Engineer's Fees: Engineer shall furnish Owners monthly progress billings for all amounts becoming due and payable to Engineer under the provisions of Section 3.01 and 3.02 hereof and such billings shall be paid by Owner to Eng- ineer on the date of Owners' regular monthly meeting next occur- ring within thirty (30) days following date of presentment. Section 3.04: Payment for Redesign Work Resulting from Changes Ordered by Owners: If revision of drawings are made neces- sary because of major changes in the scope of the Project or of any component part thereof ordered by Owners after approval of pre- liminary drawings or if other changes are ordered by Owners after final plans have been completed, Owner shall pay Engineer compen- sation in addition to the ':Haximum Fee Amount" provided in Section 3. 02 hereof. Such additional compensation TÑÍll be based on labor actually expended, as evidenced by invoice submitted by Engineer, in accordance with the rates set forth in Section 3.01 hereof. Section 3.05: Deferment of Payment of Engineer's Fees: In the event Owners give Engineer notice of cancellation of this Con- tract in accordance with the provisions of Section 7.01 hereof, payment of all engineering fees then due and payable (computed as provided in Section 3.06 hereof) may be deferred by Owner until there are available in Owners' General Fund monies, oth'èrwise un- encumbered, available for the payment of said fees, provided hm,¡- ever, that any of such fees deferred beyond thirty (30) days after presentment shall thereafter bear interest at the rate of 12% per annum. -8- ¡ .. ,. ' . ; Section 3.06: Payment for Services on Abandonment or Sub- stantial Reduction of Project: In the event of abandonment or substantial reduction of .the scope of the Project by Owner during progress of work hereunder, Engineer shall be paid for all work completed to date of abandonment and the amount of final fee due and payable by Owners will not be less than the fees calculated at the hourly rates set forth herein. Section 3.07: Cost Sharing ~mong Owners: The North Kern Water Storage District, City of Bakersfield and Kern Delta Water District have agreed to share all costs for final design (including plans and specifications), inspection and actual reconstruction costs incurred by reason of this Agreement as follows: North Kern Water Storage District - 45% City of Bakersfield - 34% Kern Delta Water District - 21% TOTAL 100% ARTICLE IV ULTIMATE CONTROL OF PROJECT Section 4.01: Owner Control: Cltimate control of the Pro- j ect, its criteria and operational capabilities shall at all times remain with Owners. To this end Engineer shall confer regularly and frequently with Owners' Representative. City of Bakersfield is hereby designated as Owners' Representative and shall have full authority to act for Owners; provided, however, the determination ... whether or not to submit the project :0 public bidding following receipt of final plans, specifications and contract documents, -9- . .' ,. .' I . ¡ I the decision whether or not to award a contract for construction following receipt of bids, shall require joint and unaminous consent of North Kern Water. Storage District, City of Bakersfield and Kern Delta Water District. In the event Engineer and Owners' Representative do not agree with respect to any recommendation of Engineer, the written determination of Owners' Representative with respect thereto shall be final and binding upon the parties hereto. ARTICLE V COMPLETION Section 5.01: Time for Completion of Plans, Specifications and Contract Documents: Final plans, specifications and contract documents for each of the separate contracts contemplated in Section 1.02 hereof shall be filed with Owners on or before the dates specified in the schedule of work to be performed by Engineer to be submitted to Owners under the provisions of sub-paragraph (s) of Section 2.01 hereof. Extension of said filing dates may be granted by Owners' Representative where there appears to said Representative to be sufficient reason for extension. ARTICLE VI ATTORNEY'S' FEES Section 5.01: Award to Successful Party: If any action is brought to enforce the terms of this agreement, the party found by the court [0 be in default shall pay reasonable attorney's fees to the successful party in an amount to be fixed by the court. .,10- . " . " . i ARTICLE VII TERMINATION " Section 7.01: Termination of Engineering Agreement: This agreement may be terminated at any time by mutual consent of the . parties. This agreement may be terminated, without cause, at any time by Owners, upon its giving ten (10) days written notice of termination to Engineer. This agreement may be terminated, with cause, effective immediately upon receipt of written notice of such termination by Engineer. If; in the opinion of Engineer, any requirement of Owners regarding any engineering provided for under the terms of this agreement is unsound from an engineering stand- point, Engineer may terminate this agreement by giving Owners thirty (30) days written notice of termination of this contract. ARTICLE VIII Section 8.01: Indemnification: Engineer hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and save harmless Owner and its officers, agents and employees from and against all claims, demands, liability, costs, expenses, damages, causes of action and judgments to the extent that such results from negligent error or omission by Engineer or its agents or its emplòyees or its independent con- '" tractors under this Agreement. ART I CLE IX , NOTICES Section 9.01: Allnot:4ces herein provided for shall be in ~.. writing and shall be given either personally or by registered -11- ----- -- . ,. > ... ,. . ;; mail, registration fees prepaid. Notices delivered to Owners' representatives, if pers9nally given, shall be delivered to Owners' office on Truxtun Avenue in the City of Bakersfield, California, or, if delivered by mail, shall be addressed to Owners at 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bake,rsfield, California 93301. Notice to Engineer may be personally delivered or mailed, registered mail, registration fees prepaid, to Engineer at 930 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 102, Bakersfield, California 93301. Mailed notices so given, if posted in Bakersfield, California, shall be conclusively deemed received on the second business day following mailing. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this agreement as of the da,te first hereinabove written. OWNERS ENGINEER By By - KERN DELTA WATER DISTRICT, By By CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RICKS, TAYLOR & MEYER, INC. WATER BOARD By NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRI cr APPROVED AS TO FORM: By CITY ATTORNEY -12- ,- . 4' - .' -. " ..¡ RICKS, TAYLOR & MEYER, INC. RATE SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1983 CLASSIFICATION RATE - Consulting Civil Engineer $60.00 Per Hour Registered Civil Engineer $55.00 Per Hour Associate Engineer $45.00 Per Hour Construction Engineer $38.00 Per Hour Assistant Engineer $36.00 Per Hour Junior Engineer $33.00 Per Hour Engineering Technician $30.00 Per Hour Design Draftsman $22.00 Per Hour Draftsman $18.00 Per Hour - Secretary $20.00 Per Hour Aerial Photogrammetry Services and Field Surveys Invoice Cost Soils Investigation and Field Tests Invoice Cost Computer Time $15.00 Per Hour Blueprints, Permits and Other Special Items Invoice Cost + 10% Automobile Mileage $0.40 Per Mile Bills, remaining unpaid 30 days after invoice date, shall be subject to a finance charge of 1 1/2% per month. , c") - ~ ~ ~ ~ 00 ' / J ~I ~ . : ~ : I I i \ ~ ! ~~ I ~U . $~ ~ I ~O ~ , '--g': ~ I '" , .... I~I ~ I gl !!II I I . I Q.. I , I ø I 9. ~~ W '~I ~ ~z !~; ð~ ::JSl \ , ... ~ ~ .. - ti.... 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