HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/02/83 'V4JJJJ - Q)~ I .,. ¡¡.,.., (jJJ- .">; AGENDA ------ WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1983 12:00 P.M. - NOON Call meeting to order. Roll call - Board Members: Barton, Chairman; Payne, Ratty, Kelmar, Oberholzer 1. Approve minutes of meeting held on February 16, 1983. 2. Correspondence. 3. Draft report evaluating potential for "MASTER PLAN" connection between Olcese Water District and Improvement District No. 4. FOR BOARD INFORMATION and REVIEW. 4. Letter from Kern Tulare Water District dateå February 8, 1983 requesting that a total of 17,000 acre-feet of 1983 "Basic Contract" water be re-assigned (re-sold) to North Kern W. S.D. and Cawelo W.D. FOR BOARD ACTION. 5. Letter from Rag-Gulch Water District dated February 8, 1983 requesting that a total of 3,000 acre-feet of 1983 "Basic Contract" water be re-assigned (re-sold) to North Kern W.S.D. and Cawelo W.D. FOR BOARD ACTION. 6. Public comments to the Board. 7. Staff comments. 8. Board comments. 9. Adjournment. r, .C'. " I I I M I NUT E S ------- WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1983 12:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Barton in the Department of Water Conference Room. The secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Barton (Chairman), Ratty, Kelmar, Oberholzer Absent: Payne. The minutes from the Special Meeting of January 20, 1983, were approved as presented. Mr. Kelmar recommended that the Board receive and place on file the letter from George Nickel, Jr. to James J. Barton, dated February 1, 1983, and authorize the consulting attorney, Mr. Hatch to meet with Mr. Nickel and discuss the letter further. Mr. Kelmar made the motion for this recommendation. Themotion was passed. Proposed Buena Vista and James Canal relocation agreement and amendment between City of Bakersfield, North Kern W.S.D., Kern Delta W.D., Tènneco-West, Inc. and Tenneco Realty Development Corporation. Mr. Dow stated that the agreement was approved subject to certain conditions of approval by Mr. Hatch. Mr. Dow recommended approval of the attached addendum along with the following "understanding": that the plans for construction of all facilities have been approved by Tenneco, North Kern W.S.D. and Kern Delta. W.D. as well as the City in plans designated. Buena Vista Canal Relocation dated April 1, 1981, which explicitly limits the size of the headgate at Buena Vista Canal. City's approval of the agreement which contemplates the possibility of increasing the size of the Buena Vista Canal below the headgate, is with the understanding that the headgate itself is on City Property and that it cannot and is not intended to be increased to a capacity in excess of that specified on the approved plan. A motion was made by Dr. Ratty to approve and recommend to . Council approval with addendum and also the above "understanding" mentioned by Mr. Dow. Motion passed. Review of Ashe Water Rate Schedule - proposed recommendation to City Council that 10% rate increase adopted July 1982 become effective on April 1, 1983. Mr. Dow recommended that the rate increase be adopted and that it be referred to Council for adoption. Mr. Dow also brought out the fact that even with the 10% increase, the rate is .still 10% under the California Water Service rate for residential service. Mr. Oberholzer recommended that a memorandum accompany the request for approval of the 10% Rate Increase mentioning the reasons why the City was able to delay the increase for 9 months. Dr. Ratty made a motion for .--. approval of the increase in fees and recommended a memorandum, as mentioned above, be sent to City Council. Motion passed. Public comments: Mr. Torn Clark made the comment that the K.C.W.A. will hear a report from their consultant, who is evaluating both the master plan for studying Wqter within the City as well as potential connection between Olcese and ID4. Chairman Barton said that the Board has supported the concept of this report and suggested the Board get the material and have it available for the next meeting if there is some specific position to be taken. >' - - , ., .. ..-. ... .. . I At this time Mr. Nickel's thought it important that he and Mr. Hatch meet. Mr. Hatch said he would be available to meet with Mr. Nickel this afternoon. Mr. Kelmar brought out his concern over the Water Agency and Berenda Mesa's spreading issue. He recommended that the Board or the Chairman of the Board prepare a letter and direct it to the Agency expressing the Board's concern. Dr. Ratty made a motion for this recommendation. Motion passed. A motion. was made by Dr: Ratty to recess to the Closed Session. Motion passed. There being no further business to come before the Boaid, Chairman Barton adjourned the meeting at 12:57 P.M. it- 4-ðd . J es J. Å“arton, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board . GtAd ~~ Caro Pagan, Sec tary City of Bakersfield Water Board I i -2- --__n___- -- ,"- ,,' . .. . KERN-TULARE WATER DISTRICT 1~ 11;. <C 'E " \It 't. ¡ Great Western Savings Building 1415 Eighteenth Street, Room 314 FEa 0 j 1983 I Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone (805) 325-9031 oIl\' o¡- . . BOARD OF DIRECTORS (805) 327-3132 'EPAQrM ØAr..tI<SFltL.L % /') : WAT' J. NORMAN DAWE, PotaSIDaNT THOMAS E, ASHLOCK MATT PANDOL. V,ca..p"asIDaNT M"N"oa" AL HOLLOWAY, Sac""""",y STEPHEN E, WALL VINCENT J, ZANINOVICH CouNsaL WALTER E, PETERS:JR, February 8, 1983 City of Bakersfield Department of Water 4101 Truxton Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 attn: Gene Bogart Gentlemen: The year 1983 appears to he headed for a w~t year and it appears that Kern-Tulare Water District will have an excess supply of water for the year. Therefore, Kern-Tulare is desirous of transferr- ing to Cawe10 Water District and to North Kern Water Storage District, 8500AF of water- for a total of 17,000 AF of Kern-Tu1are's 1983 Kern River/City of Bakersfield water supply. This water is to be scheduled in accordance with the contract Kern-Tulare has with the City of Bakersfield. Kern-Tulare will receive $20.00 per AF from Cawelo and North Kern for this transfer water. Very truly yours, 7?~~ T. E. Ashlock xc: Cawe10 Water District North Kern Water Storage District =~ ..' -" . ~ '0' I RAG GULCH WATER DISTRICT Great Western Savings Building I Q) ~ C IE H \V¡ ~ " t 1415 Eighteenth Street, Room 314 ß i\ ' Bakersfield, California 93301 FEB 0 Û 1983 ' Telephone: (805) 325-9031 ( 805) 327-3132 ,II Y o~ 6AlÅ’RSFJELL BOARD-OF DIRECTORS >EPARTAAFtJr (ØtC!MJllal*E. ASHLOCIC AL HOLLOWAY. PRESIDENT ManCIl'" VINCENT J~ ZANINOVICH. VICE.PRESIOE"~ A. CAMERON PAULDEN MATT PAN DOL, SECRETARY Atlorn ' OGDEN M, KIESEL, TREASURER .., MILAN CARATAN February 8, 1983 City of Bakersfield Department of Water 4101 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: Gene Bogart Gentlemen: This year appears to be headed for a wet year and it appears that Rag Gulch Water District will have an excess supply of water for the year. Therefore, Rag Gulch Water District is desirous of transferring to Cawelo Water District and to North Kern Water Storage District 1,500 AF of 'water for a total of 3,000 AF of Rag Gulch's 1983 Kern River/City of Bakersfield water supply. This water is to be scheduled in accordance with the contract Rag Gulch has with the City of Bakersfield. Rag Gulch Water District will receive $20/AF from Cawelo Water District and North Kern Water Storage District for this transfer water. Very truly yours, ;ft¿ ~ Thomas E. Ashlock District Manager TEA:jt xc: Cawelo Water District North Kern Water Storage District I I ()~ I \ I I ! ~~I: I I I I .,. II I ~I Preliminary Project Costs I Olcese/I D 4 Joint Project I I Kern County Water Agency I ,. II I. uJ B ~\-Q~ 3-;)-%3 II II :1 I I II :1 :1 I K/J 2145 \1 January 1983 ! I I I ' " I I I Kennedy/Jenks Engineers I I I I - I' I Kennedy/Jenks Engineers TABLE OF CONTENTS I I Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 Purpose of Investigation and Scope of Work 1 : I. Project Description 1 Findings 1 I INTRODUCTION 4 Authorization 4 Scope of Work 4 Background 4 I Assumptions 5 CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT 7 I Potential Benefits 8 Basic Olcese Configuration 8 Configuration One - Partial Service to ID4 8 :1 Configuration Two - Complete Service to ID4 8 Redistributed ID4 Water 9 Conjunctive Use 9 I PROJECT COSTS 10 Discussion 10 Project Costs 10 II I :1 I 'I ; I II I -i- ~I - ~- ------- ~ ----~ I II Kennedy/Jenks Engineers LIST OF TABLES I Table Title Page I 1 Plant Flow Rates 2 2 Project Cost Summary 3 I, 3 Capital Costs for Basic Olcese Configuration 11 I 4 Capital Costs for Configuration One 12 5 Capital Costs for Configuration Two 13 'I 6 Operation, Maintenance, Power and Replacement Costs Olcese/ID4 Joint Facilities 14 :1 7 Operation, Maintenance, Power and Replacement Costs ID4 Facilities 15 I I I I I I I I I II -11- I ~ -~- 0 --- I I Kennedy/Jenks Engineers LIST OF FIGURES I Figure Title Following Page I 1 Basic Olcese System Schematic 4 I, 2 Existing ID4 System Schematic 5 3 Configuration One - Olcese System Schematic 8 I 4 Configuration One - ID4 System Schematic 8 5 Configuration Two - Olcese System Schematic 8 I 6 Configuration Two - ID4 System Schematic 8 I 7 Olcese/ID4 Joint Facilities Plan 15 8 Basic Dlcese Water Distribution System Plan 15 II 9 Cross Valley Canal and Urban Bakersfield 15 Distribution Facilities I ,I I I I I I I I II -iii- I \ I II Kennedy/Jenks Engineers I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I Purpose of Investigation and Scope of Work I The purpose of this reconnaissance level investigation is to develop the concept of a joint water supply project between Olcese Water. I District and Improvement District No.4, present an estimate of the costs involved and report the findings to Improvement District No.4 and the Urban Bakersfield Advisory Committee. The scope of work inclu- des: il 0 Conceptualize alternative configurations which will "bracket" the form a joint project might take. .1 0 Discuss the benefits and estimate the costs associated with the construction of a joint project. I This report is intended to provide only a portion of the information necessary to fully evaluate the feasibility of an Olcese/ID4 Joint Project. I Project Description I Olcese Water District is currently planning a water supply and distri- bution project to serve newly developed and future users within its service area. Olcese Water District and Improvement District No.4 are I considering the possibility of constructing a joint project which would deliver domestic water to additional areas within the ID4 boundaries. The construction of such a project could make excess ID4 water avail- able to new users outside its current service area. The plant I capacities associated with each project configuration are shown in Table 1. I Findings While it is not within the scope of this report to recommend a particu- I lar project, the benefits of a joint project are considerable and may well outweigh the high capital cost of either project. Therefor we suggest that this concept be given full evaluation. The costs associ- ated with each project configuration are summarized in Table 2. 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Current opera- tion, maintenance, and replacement costs are presented for the joint project facilities and for ID4 facilities for each configuration. I Authorization The Olcese Water District (Olcese) is currently proceeding with plans II to expand its water supply and distribution system. Olcese has requested that Improvement District No.4 (ID4) consider participation in this domestic water supply project, referred to as the "Olcese/ID4 !I Joint Project." Kennedy/Jenks Engineers was requested by Kern County Water Agency to make a preliminary estimate of the project costs associated with various project configurations which are under consi- deration. The purpose of this report is to define the configurations I and present the comparative costs to ID4 and the Urban Bakersfield Advisory Committee. I Scope of Work / The scope of work for this report includes the evaluation and estima- I tion of costs for three project configurations: 0 Construction of the proposed Olcese improvements to provide service within the Olcese service area with no participation by I ID4. 0 Construction of an expanded Olcese project to provide supple- I mental service to a portion of the current ID4 service area. 0 Construction of an expanded Olcese project to provide supple- mental service to all of the current ID4 service area. I Background I The Olcese Water District is developing a domestic water supply for a portion of about 14,000 acres located within the Olcese Water District boundaries in the eastern portion of the City of Bakersfield. See I Figure 8. The preliminary water service plans prepared by the District's consultant include transporting the recently acquired water supply from the western end of the existing PG&E tunnel at the mouth of the Kern River to the existing La Hacienda Reservoir. The water would I then be treated and distributed to newly developed service areas. See Figure 1 for a schematic of the basic Olcese system. il -4- I I I ~ 8 8 I ~ 8 . r . § ~ ~ >+-' I T ( ) u ( )u .~ l.C) ('I') '"'" ( ) c:.- ... <::t a:> .S ê> 0 Eta ..... 0") f 0'> <1: ct .v N ..... ;:, JJ '- +-' .c ~ > .~ ( )c: (,J ,,'- u. I(/)+-' . - CI') .... CtI ~ CtI 0 :J c:s"" E c: ~ >O<::t $ ~ . - ~ . 0 >c- > . ." ~- '" I . wo~ w ~ c:c: () ( ) VI U Q) ( ) c: - (,J ~ ,-0 - ( ) 0 I >< Æ 1+ I §" ~ . ~ z « ... Q. I t . ~o I woo I ~ ~~~ I ~ø~ WNØ ~ « :?; I I u.. I i I I 6 > I --..L ~ z 2 I ~ \ , ---- -- -- -- I -- - \ § ~ 8 ~ 8 8 ~ ~ 8 8 ... M ~ Figure 1 I ¡I Kennedy/Jenks Engineers Olcese has acquired consumptive rights to Kern River water for Municipal and Industrial (M&I) and Agricultural uses within its service I area. This water can be delivered through the PG&E tunnel which is part of the facilities located at the PG&E Kern Canyon Hydroelectric Power Plant. PG&E has the ability to sell more than 100 cfs of its I tunnel capacity and Olcese has acquired the right to use all or part of this 100 cfs. Olcese projects that it will require approximately 65 cfs from this source. I Water delivered through the tunnel is available at about elevation 920 feet, 300 feet higher than the Kern River bed. Elevation 920 is suffi- ciently high to allow service to all of the Olcese and ID4 service I areas with a minimum amount of pumping to provide gravity service. The ID4 Purification Plant is located so that it may treat State I Project water from the Cross Valley Canal or water from the Kern River for delivery to the North of the River Municipal Water District, California Water Service Company, and East Niles Community Services District. In the past ID4 has been able to negotiate the exchange of I State Project water for Kern River water. The ID4 plant is located at elevation 430. All of the present ID4 ser- I vice area is located at hydraulic elevations above the plant, thus requiring pumping. See Figure 9 for the ID4 boundaries and existing system plan, and Figure 2 for a schematic of the existing ID4 system. I Assumptions In the process of developing the costs associated with each configura- I tion the following assumptions have been made to simplify the analysis: 1. ID4 will be able to negotiate long term exchanges to acquire I Kern River water in sufficient quantity for treatment at the plant which Olcese plans to construct. II 2. Additional water will be available for treatment in the existing ID4 Purification Plant thereby supplementing the supply from the Olcese/ID4 Joint Project. I 3. There will be a demand for this water, most likely from users in the southeast and northwest area of Bakersfield who are experiencing groundwater quality problems. I 4. The cost of raw water at the ID4 Plant is equal to the cost at the mouth of the PG&E tunnel. Thus this cos t is not II detailed in the costs presented herein. 5. Construction costs are based on the current 20 cities ENR and reflect current costs. I I -5- I II § ~ ~ ~ § ~ ~ , CJ') >+-- (.) lC)(V) N I Õ5 u~ '.. ~ro Q) Q) c:.~ ~ .- 0'> .. I - .S ~ e E 'N .- ~ I 0)«0- Q) -,> c: .t:...... '- LL. w'-ë (.) ~ro I ~ .- CI) ~ ~~.Q E ~ Q) ~ $ ~ ço ;. I >c, CI) ~ 6 ~ ~ c:,\Q) 0 c:'-'U Q) co en :::¿.... c Q) .- I ~ ] ,I 8 I N I I I I I II I I I ~ w u. '. -' '" - '~ a: \ > w ~ '" I 5 ~ ~ ~ '" I ~ '" 0 a: II I 8 >< 8 8 8 8 8 8 F" 2 '" as ..... CD ~, ~ M N Igure I I Kennedy/Jenks Engineers 6. The land required for construction and permanent easement within the Olcese Water District Boundaries will be dedicated I to the District. Thus it is assumed to have no cost. I I I I 'I I 'I ~I I I II I I I I -6- I I I Kennedy/Jenks Engineers CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT I In this Chapter, potential benefits of an Olcese/ID4 Joint Project are identified, and three configurations by which the benefits may be rea- I lized are discussed. The configurations presented are not necessarily the "best choice" or most cost-effective. They have been selected because they "bracket" a range of possible configurations, one of which I is the most likely selection. Capacities discussed herein are nominal flow capacities which approximate future average annual capacities. Peak capacities are substantially higher. II Potential Benefits Consideration of an Olcese/ID4 Joint Project to treat water delivered I by gravity from elevation 920 (versus continued operation of the exist- ing ID4 system and construction of the basic Olcese system without any interconnection between the two systems) has identified the following I potential benefits: 0 A large reduction in energy presently used for pumping may be realized. I The hydraulic lift from the ID4 plant is: 430 feet to Oswell Pump Station and 110 feet I to East Niles CSD. 250 feet to North of the River MWD. I Summer time power costs for pumping ID4 Plant water approach $100,000 monthly. A gravity supply would eliminate this cost. A typical hydraulic lift for a groundwater well supply is 350 or I more feet (200 foot lift to the ground and 60 psi of pressuriza- tion lift). Provision of a treated surface water supply deliv- ered by gravity would eliminate the large power cost associated I with continued well operation. 0 The cost of treatment may be substantially reduced. I It is likely that the level of treatment required for water from the PG&E tunnel will be lower than that presently provided at II the ID4 Plant. In addition, the potential for Trihalomethane (THM) formation from Kern River water has, historically, been less than that of State Project Water. I 0 Water supply redundancy will be provided to the Urban Bakersfield Area. I Providing an additional source of water will improve the system reliability and reduce the possibility of a major service disruption in the event of a power outage, earthquake or other II emergency. -7- I I I Kennedy/Jenks Engineers 0 Substandard urban water supplies can be replaced. I Certain areas of northwest and southeast urban Bakersfield have experienced persistent groundwater quality problems. If the proposed project were to enable ID4 to produce and distribute I more treated surface water, then the water could be used to replace poor quality groundwater supplies. 0 Economy of scale may reduce water costs. I Water rates for domestic water delivered to urban customers may become more equitable from service area to service area. I Basic Olcese Configuration I For the purposes of this study, the basic Olcese Configuration is defined as the system currently planned by the Olcese Water District. This system is intended to serve M&I and Agricultural uses within the Olcese service area only and has a capacity of 28 MGD or 86 acre-ft/ I day for M&I use. Under this configuration, no intertie between Olcese and ID4 is considered. Thus the costs and benefits developed are for the existing ID4 system and the Olcese system independently. The I current ID4 peak capacity is 41 MGD or 126 acre-ft/day and the nominal capacity is 32 MGD or 98 acre-ft/day. These systems are shown schematically on Figure 1 and 2. I Configuration One - Partial Service to ID4 Configuration One envisions utilizing additional water developed by the I Olcese/ID4 Project to serve a portion of the area presently served by ID4. Due to the additional pumping which is required at the Oswell facility to deliver water to the Section 23 Corner Tank, the logical il break in service is at the Oswell Pump Station. The Oswell pumping capacity is 8 MGD or 24.5 acre-ft/day and the peak capacity is 15 MGD or 37 acre-ft/day. Thus, for this configuration, the Olcese/ID4 II Project would serve all contractors presently served by ID4's Oswell Pump Station and Section 23 Corner Tank in addition to the Olcese service areas. The ID4 Plant would continue to serve the remainder of its current contractors and would serve additional customers through II the Conjunctive Use Pipeline. The required capacity of the Olcese/ID4 Project for this configuration is estimated to be 36 MGD or 110.5 I acre-it/day. See Figures 3 and 4 for schematics of this configuration. I Configuration Two - Complete Service to ID4 The second configuration would utilize water developed by the Olcese/ II ID4 Project to supply the entire Dreese service area and all of the contractors currently being supplied by ID4. The required capacity of the 01cese/ID4 Project for this configuration is estimated to be 60 MGD 'I or 184 acre-ft/day. See Figures 5 and 6 for schematics of this con- figuration. II -8- I I u- I ~ 8 - II .... 8 I . § 8 --- . . M I ~ >+-' Q) UU ~~ T ~ ¡¡~ ð 1¡ ~ g¡ M 's, ;3)"" .- E N 0) ~ c"""a.. ~(I) .--;:! I UJ .... +-' ~.c _J > en Q) C ;:! ~ .... ,- (J) +-' '- en en ::¿ co U. .::,¿ co 0'- ::J - c~~ H C Q) o;t 0(1) co . ~ ~O t) 1;; ~ I " >c- > § ãJ ¡:ì¡ en . CuQ) (I) C U en Q) C - (I) ::¿....O .£ I ~ 0 I + I ~ ~ .... I 1+ I I u. I ~ I I 1+ z I u. ~ ...J w 8 '" "" I -L I -- 8 ~ § 8 .... ~ 8 N -------- Figure 3 I I II , 8 I. = ~ 8 co § 8 .. 8 . " .... " " 8 ~>-b ~U I . ø U ø .-"' '" .. . m c.~ c ~ .,. 00 + .S ~ e .2 ERI .- 0) ~ OJ « Cl..'" C'J .- ::s c: RIG)...., 01 LU ,-""" ,-.c - >.- I I V) $.S 5,~ ~ ~ u. ~ '" 0'- ::J I cs""') ëE c: . .!!¡ >" 0$ ~ " ~~o u. 8 >- c- >- I ~ ¡¡~" '" c: 0 ~ "=I' c:Uu 0 -..-L ,::¡ ~ Õ - I ~ I I ~ I . I I I I I I ~ I I ~ I I ~ II ~ 8 0 = 0 0 ~ g § g 8 N Figure 4 I I" ~ ~ 8 co § 8 I . . ~ I ~ >+-' Q) Uu Nc.J , --,- ~ c. ~ c ." :2 '" "' I c Wo~ ca "co .- 0'>... .2 E ~ 0) Q O'>«CL'" N~ ~ e caQ ~ u.J ... +-' ~ .c: -"""') > en I Q)e ~c.J ...'- U) +-"- en en ~ co LL. .::,¿ co o ,- ::¡ . :¡;$~ 1:E c """'»o:::!" oQ ~ . ~ ~o ,,1:; I g i§~ Jj ;; Cuo[ß Q e u en Q) e- Q ~...O ~ I ~ 0 I I ¡- . I I , ... , ...J §" 8 . z " « I ~ - + ~g¡o I ~g~ !-::Eo:( a:o~ ~co- . « ~ '" 'I a I ...J I 0 I I ~ I I I I I I 2: I ... g ...J ~ 8 '" '" . ~ I I --~ -- ~ 8 co § 8 I <t ~ 8 N Figure 5 -- ,I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ § ~ I CI»+-, NU l.O(Y) <0 à:5 u ~ c '+:I .q- co C) I (1) c:,~ 0 ca .- 0) .. , "- c: ~ e '+:I E N .- :::I - ..J OJ <I: a... ca C) -, > ' 2' 2 c: ...c --- u. i2! UJ --C :::IU ~ro Il> $ .- CI en ::¡ I + ~ roS5 ~E ~ &53=.q- 023 -, ~;:-O U ~ > c:, en I ~ ~~ ~ "- c:U~ C I ..J c: - - . - g (1) EO 121 ~ (1) ~ I -L I 8 N I I IT I I I I ... I i 0 I \; :.: « I ~ I I -L I § § g § § ~ ~ Figure 6 I I Kennedy/Jenks Engineers Redistributed ID4 Water I If an 0lcese/ID4 Project is constructed, the ID4 Purification Plant will have excesS capacity. In Configuration One, the excess would be approximately 8 MGD or 24.5 acre-ft/day. In Configuration two the I excess would be approximately 32 MGD or 98 acre-ft/day. This capacity could be made available to users outside of the current ID4 service boundaries. I There has been some interest in delivering additional ID4 water to areas within the City of Bakersfield. In addition there is interest in obtaining a treated surface water supply to replace groundwater wells I which are now producing water of substandard quality in the Rosedale and Fruitvale areas. As the concept of augmented supply is refined, there may be additional interest in securing a treated surface water I supply. Conjunctive Use : I The conjunctive use concept involves, in part, the "banking " of surplus surface water in the 2800 acre City of Bakersfield Spreading Works and other areas in years of plenty for withdrawal and use during water I supply emergencies. Water "banked" in the ground could be extracted by wells located in the City's Water Bank adjacent to the Cross Valley Canal (CVC) and transported via the CVC to the ID4 Purification Plant I for treatment and distribution. Alternatively, this water could be conveyed to the ID4 Plant by a closed pipeline and be distributed with- out the need for expensive treatment. Providing for transportation of groundwater to the ID4 plant would allow the periodic exercising of :1 equipment at the well field without wasting the water pumped. It is recommended that this concept be further evaluated. i I The construction of a conjunctive use pipeline is a concept which appears to have considerable merit. This pipeline, if constructed, could be used in normal years to transport treated surface water from II the ID4 Plant to new service areas as previously discussed. See Figure 7, located in the back of this report for the tentative alignment which was used in this study. I ~I II ! I I I -9- I II j I Kennedy/Jenks Engineers PROJECT COSTS I This chapter discusses the comparative costs and benefits associated I with this project and presents estimated capital, operation and main- tenance, power and replacement costs associated with each configura- tion. I Discussion The concept of a joint water supply project of this type has many I associated costs and benefits. Not all are easily identified or quan- tified. Some of the costs which are readily quantified include capital and land cos ts, engineering, legal, financial, and administrative I costs, operation and maintenance costs, and replacement cost. These costs have been estimated and are presented herein. The portion of the project costs which is assigned to each project participant is depen- dent on an evaluation of the benefits received. Thus all costs I presented in this report are total project element costs in todays dollars. I In the previous chapter, some of the potential benefits of a joint project are defined. Some of these benefits may easily be assigned a dollar value. Others, however tangible the benefit may be, must be I evaluated by the agency or individual benefited before a value can be assigned. The determination of this value is beyond the scope of this work and so has been left to those who are directly affected. I Project Costs The capital costs associated with each configuration has been estimated I and escalated to include engineering, legal, financial and administra- tive costs. These costs are shown, for the Basic Olcese Configuration, Configuration One and Configuration Two, in Tables 3, 4 and 5 respec- I tively. The operation, maintenance, power and replacement (O&M&P+R) costs associated with each configuration for Olcese/ID4 Joint Facilities are I shown in Table 6. The O&M+P+R costs for existing ID4 facilities and the conjunctive use facilities are shown in Table 7. These proj ect costs have been summarized in Table 2. I Concepts discussed and costs presented are the result of a reconnais- sance level study and so represent a "first cut" of what an Olcese/ID4 I Joint Project might entail. If it is determined that such a project is desireable, further concept development and evaluation will be required to define the most feasible configuration. I I I -10 II I 1.1"'1- ...rC""l ...r 1.1"'1 ex) 0 0 \0 - 0'\ \0 ,..... CO 1.1"'1 0 ,..... N C'1 ,..J CO 0\ ,..... N 0 ex) <E-4 .. .. .. .. .. .. I ~CI)(I)- -::t 1.1"'1 CO \0 0 1.1"'1 .... 00 ...... \0 ...... C""I IJ') ex) ~C::: ~U \0 ex) ,..... ex) N N tzJtzJ .. " " " " ~§3 \0 N C'1 0'\ C'1 . - C'1 en I ~$ .¡.J en ¡:QC::: ~ 8 oz CI) C'1 1.1"'1 ex) 0 0 1.1"'1 'Jr:; 8 ,..... 0\ 1.1"'1 1.1"'1 0 ,..... ~ 0\ ...... ,..... N 0 ...... 0 I N- .. .. .. .. .. " .,..¡ '1.1"'1-(1)- N C'1 C'1 """ 0 ,..... .¡.J ZN- N ,..... -::t \0 1.1"'1 1.1"'1 a H C'1 ...... 1.1"'1 ,..... ex) \0 "'" ~ .. .. .. .¡.J ...... 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