HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/13/82 - ~ ~ -------' --- - .# _"oT ~ .tt . " . . J /.. AGENDA ------ WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1982 4:00 P.M. Call meeting to order , Roll Call - Board ME.~Htbers: Barton, Chairman; Payne, Ratty, Kelmar, Oberhòlzer I 1. Approve minutes of regular meeting of December 9, 1981. 2. Scheduled Public Statements 3. Correspondence 4. "KERN RIVER OPEN SPÞ.CE LAND USE PLAN"; Board to receive, place on file and consider final payment. - FOR BOARD ACTION. J . 1 5. City of Bäkersfield--California Regional Water Quality Control ' Board contract for: ground,'later quality investigation of City's 2800 acre recharge area; Second Quarterly Report. - FOR BOARD INFOR.\1ATION. 6. Mainline Extension Agreements for various tracts and parcel maps j wit.hin the Ashe 1:.vaL::y System. - BOARD ACCEPTANCE OF EXECUTED AGREEMENTS. 7. Discussion regardiJlg City participation in Olcese Water District No.2 annexation lawsuit. 8. Staff Comments 9. Board Comments 10. Adjournment URBAN DESIGN, PLANNING AND ¿ \ MA~AGEMENT CONSULTANTS \~) ~14. O~'V ?' . GRAHAM KA YE.EDDIE President \- MAKABUSI, INC. I . ~IILt ~~1K t'rt1Llf(lS(=16q) GM., q~ - f'.o l?ot! 101;6 &AttetJflaD ~ t:!J;;øq - - T ~ - ---- - ~./ - ., ì ï ' ~ , - \ i ". M I NUT E S ------- WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1981 4:00 P.M. I -~, I W .' The meeting was called to order by Chairman Barton in the Department of Water Conference Room. The roll was called as follows: Present: Barton, Kelmar, Oberholzer Absent: Payne, Ratty The minutes from the meeting of December 2, 1981 were approved as presented. A letter addressed to Mr. Robert McCarthy, President, Kern County Water Agency, regarding Improvement District No.4 reorganization was presented to Board for approval. Mr. Kelmar moved to approve letter as submitted. The motion was passed. . A~ There being no further business to corne before the Board, Chairman Barton adjourned the meeting at 4:02 P.M. ~<~.". f'" & \ ~ Board '¡ , ears, Acting-Secretary Bakersfield Water Board - .~ i i ' -I . ..~~-~ ~~". . =- .~:::-~. - ~.. ~-~-_.:=:---::- ..'.. -".~ V (.~~-- - ._~' 7:..-. .... -:- J ~~. STATEMENT .' , RICKETT. WARD & DELMARTER I 2901 H STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 TELEPHONE (605) 327-1466 I City of Bakersfield, Water Board I J. Dale Hawley 1501 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 L ~ DETACH AND MAIL WITH YOUR CHECK, YOUR CANCELLED CHECK IS YOUR RECEIPT. November 30, 1981 DATE I DESCRIPTION I CHARGES I CREDITS I BALANCE 11/20/81 I~Dic. #11-72 14000.00 ~~~ fè5) !£ C IE: FINAL pAYMENr roR.: ' ilLS 0-- Jj W 1£ ~ "KERN ÆIv£R OPEN tSR4GE lAAJD ()JE PLAAJ" ~ fC 7 19Sj J.D; - ft!r Cily ~ler ~ 4Jr~eJ No. 8O-.{L (p,F, £""'IV~~ ~~er.t ~f4()r'2ed ~Y1, ,~ ¡q/32 h, WëJler /);ðJVt/. - ART'fi/::N: 1/ 68 - 'iJZ7Q4 - {70 - 8024 cß PAYMENT FOR ALL WORK PERFORMED IS DUE THE FIRST OF THE FOLLOWING MONTH. A CHARGE OF 1"10 PER MONTH WILL BE ADDED TO COVER INTEREST AND COST TO SERVICE OVERDUE ACCOUNTS. ,--..-'--_u - .._, '---- '--'- ..---,,--.' " -- --- ~--..----_..,-- - -,-----, ("" , \, , . I ! \ -', ' .. ::,:., - )1 . .. , J, // ;' , - ---/. . / 'I, / '. - . " ,( \ I . ,I \' \ \ . '- J ~ ¡ ~- ~ ?þ ¡ j . . < .. RICKETT, WARD & DELMARTER 2901 H STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 327-1486 , 1\ INVOICE 11-72 NO. I I C. f. I INVOICE ~ty 0 Bakersf~eld DAn 11/20/81 SOLD ATTN: J. Dale Hawley TO 1501 Truxtun Ave. SHIPPED L Bakersfield, Calif. 93301 --.J TO OUR ORDER NO. YOUR ORDER NO. SAJ.ESMAN TERMS SHIPPED VIA L::.c QUANTITY DES C RIP T ION PRICE AMOUNT Job #11219 ¡ AGREEMENT NO. 80-41 W.B. Prepare Kern River Open Space Land Use Preliminary Plan Contract Amount 23,~00 Arnt. Previously Billed (Inv. 8-4, ll/17/8~ 9,500 Amount of this Billing 14,000 Amount Due $14,000 Reviewed by: " ~ ¿ ~ Partner . . ¡ lR?, 1E rc I€ H V 1E !DJ pCn . "'--v 1 1nÇ.~" 0 ;, '..;J ----.. . L.;,; . e--......... .\! t. ' I., f: ... b -"-. "~-""Iõl;¡"!ro ---- - '\. I..::J lJ t IP ;~ r..-==--- .. ¡.ijn:TM£Nì ---J I \ ~ - -, c ¡ .' . , i. , I SECOND QUARTER 'I PROGRESS REPORT City of Bakersfield- Califo~nia Regional Water Quality-Control Board Groundwater Quality Improvement Project Standard Agreement No. 0-142-158-0 November 15, 1981 - I . I ) -" ~ . . GROUNDWATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT f ' '< 2800, ACRE RECHARGE FACILITY CITY Of BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Standard Agreement No. 0-142-158-0 Groundwater is the primary source of water supply for all users in the Bakersfield area of Kern County. The aquifers have been ~ubjected to intensive use over the past one hundred years and as a result, areas of bad water quality have developed. The over-all basin supply has also shown signs of quality degrada- tion during this time period. Since nearly all water entering the groundwater basin area stays there until it is used consurnp- tively, the original salt load becomes concentrated as the total water volume is reduced. Natural soil salts are also leached, from the soil into the groundwater supply as a result of irri- gated agriculture, recharge operations and point source disposal activities. Additional basin-wide salt concentration results from the continued over-draft of the basin supply. E.P.A. has approved the Regional Board's Phase IV workplan for Water Quality Management Planning for the Central Valley Region, pursuant to Section 208 of Public Law 92-500. (The Clean Water Act). The Phase IV workplan contains the Tulare Basin Ground- water Quality Improvement element which names the City of Bakers- field as Contractor for the Bakersfield Recharge Study. On May 15th 1981 S.W.R.C.B. Contract 0-142-158-0 was officially 'recognized and the work plan was initiated by City of Bakersfield r , , personnel. . ~ .> ... . . '. r ^'.' SCOPE OF ACTIVITIES The objective of this contract is to improve local groundwater 1 quality by investigating the feasibility of recharging low 1 salinity surface water into the aquifer which will provide Bakersfield with an underground reservoir of good quality water for domestic use. The 2800 acre recharge site is currently located within a highly developed agricultural area which contributes significantly to groundwater degradation due to the deep per- colation of applied irrigation water~ Continued and optimized artificial recharge of low salinity surface water from the site, located adjacent to the Kern River channel, will tend to improve the quality of deep percolating waters in this area thereby reducing the rate of degradation normally associated with farming. WORK TO BE PERFORMED 1. Define surface and subsurface conditions which influence the flow of recharge water at this time, establish a plan for monitoring future flows of groundwater and a basis for planning structures to manage surface water flows more efficiently. 2. Plan for a most efficient use of recharge property under various stages of water availability and various manage- "1 ment options. ," -2- ) , . ¡, < 3. Identify management options available to the City of Bakersfield in acquiring, storing and extracting water; determine the institutional and legal arrangements that might have an effect on how recharge can be used to create the greatest benefits; and indicate how to develop the conjuctive use of the site by others. . .' . -3- ) ~ ,t ~ . I . ' SECOND QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT The basic data research for all available water well and water quality information in and around the "2800 Acre" investigation site has been completed. Information on water level measure- ments and water quality were acquired from several sources. The City of Bakersfield-Department of Water files and the files of Kern County Water Agency, California Department of Water Rèsources, and Tenneco West, Inc., were used to develop the appropriate contour maps. In addition, City personnel sampled 20 water wells adjacent to the "2800 Acres" and. had water quality analyses performed by a State approved laboratory. Contour maps showing 1981 baseline conditions at the project site, of groundwater elevation, depth to groundwater, and total dissolved solids have been finalized and are avaiable for review. Electric (E-logs) and drillers logs have been collected from various sources and construction of appropriate geological cross-sections has been started. The E-log search has proved that little information is available in some areas of the "2800 Acres" and further data is needed for adequate cross- section control points. Determination of the need of additional E-1og information is underway. The proposed drilling sites are currently being evaluated as to 1) information presently available, 2) accessibility of drilling rig and 3) vulnerability to flood flows or vandalism. Final determination of drilling locations and the selecting of a contractor to perform the drilling, logging and pipe setting work will take. place during the Third Quarter of the project. I } . "1 ~ ,v ; , On October 14, 1981, an oral persentation was given on the project and the First Quarterly Progress Report at the public meeting of the City of Bakersfield Water Board. Copies of the First Quarterly Progress Report were made available to Board members and the public. A question and answer session followed the presentation. , I .. . . I - --- -- -- ~ . 1 / -ð, . '. . " . . K ERN R I V E R W EAT HER MOD I FIe A T ION OPERATIONAL REPORT # 7(W) to the BOARD OF DIRECTORS NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA November 1981 Atmospherics Incorporated 5652 E. Dayton Ave. Fresno, California 93727 ~ ~ - . . ~ . I ATMOSPHERICS INCORPORATED I I KERN RIVER WEATHER MODIFICATION PROGRAM FRESNO, CALIF. OPERATIONAL REPORT #7(W) FOR THE PERIOD 1-30 NOVEMBER 1981: GENERAL REMARKS: On November 1, 1981, the second year of winter cloud seeding operations on the Kern River for the North Kern Water Storage District was initiated. This weather modification program is designed to increase precipitation over the Kern River watershed above lake Isabella for the period November through April. The contract for the program calls for the provision of a seeding aircraft and the operation of a radar system to be located upwind of the watershed. This radar system is to be used for the purpose of analyzing the weather situation, direction of the seeding operations and to aid in the analysis of seeding effects. The weather modification aircraft for the 1981-1982 Kern River Project will be a turbocharged Aztec. This aircraft -is equipped with conventional communications, navigation systems and normal deicing equipment as necessary for most weather operations over the Sierra Range both day and night. An Enterprise Electronics 5 cm weather radar system is installed in a mobile house trailer and located at the Porterville Airport along with the aircraft. This radar system also has the capability of tracking the aircraft position by means of a transponder-interrogator (IFF) system. Mr. Thomas J. Henderson is the Program Director and Mr. Donald W. Duckering is the Project Supervisor. Assistance in meteorological forecasting and direc- tion of seeding operations will be provided by Mr. David Newsom. The primary pilot for the program will be Mr. Charles Sheridan and on occasion, some of the seeding missions may be flown by other members of the Atmospherics Inc. pilot staff. Cloud seeding equipment includes the use of several types of silver iodide pyrotechnics for aerial seeding at various altitudes which will include cloud base seeding, in-cloud and cloud-top nucleation as conditions warrant. Dry ice seeding of clouds on top will be used if conditions are favorable for its dispersal. , A review of the weather conditions for the first month of the current season indicates that in general most parameters for November were normal or very close to it. The average temgerature for November as measured at the Fresno Air Terminal was 55.50F (13.1 C) which was 2.0oF above normal. Total precipita- tion for the month was 1.22 inches which matches exactly the normal precipitation for November. As of 1 December the seasonal total was 1.80 inches or 101% of I -1- , '\ . . , ' ~ normal. Last year at this time we were experiencing a very dry fall and only 0.18 inches had been received up to the 1st of December. At some of the selected mountain stations precipitation amounts appear to be at or significantly above normal with the higher amounts being north of Porterville. A total of five storm periods affected the local area during November and all but the last period were characterized as weak cold fronts. High pressure located over the southwestern portion of the United States helped to keep the storm track aimed at the Pacific Northwest where numerous storms plagued the area. Therefore) as the frontal system approached California they weakened considerably and as the storm systems moved inland over our loéal area, the effects were diminished compared to Northern California. However) this weather situation produced our "normal" November as far as precipitation is concerned. A total of six flights were conducted on these storms with seeding being accomplished on five of them. The National Weather Service forecast for the month of December is for near normal temperatures and above normal precipita- tion. STORM SU~1MARI ES: Storm of 5 November 1981: Two weak .low centers and widespread low pressure were shown over California and offshore by the late afternoon surface map. No front was indicated to be associated with these lows. An upper level low was depicted on the 500 mb chart to be 500 miles west of San Francisco with southeasterly movement. Activity was quite weak in the local area with two light rainshower periods occurring at the Fresno Air Terminal between 1430 and 1630 and again at 2130 to 2330. A total of 0.02 inches was recorded. No operational seeding was conducted on this storm system due to the weak character of the front as it reached the target watershed. ' Storm of 12-13 November 1981: The synoptic weather patterns for late in the day on the 12th 'positioned a cold and fairly intense low in the Gulf of Alaska which moved very little over a period of several days. A series of waves or impulses rotated around this low and moved into the West Coast providing a major impact in the Pacific Northwest and in Northern California. Heavy precipitation and high winds created con- siderable damage. A low formed along the frontal wave in the Eastern Pacific about 400 miles west of San Francisco and the associated cold and warm fronts moved slowly east-northeastward into California. The upper level charts indi- cated the jet stream was moving into Northern Californja helping to promote the sèvere weather to the north. Light rain began moving into the Fresno area at 1730 on the 12th and on towards the mountains. However) the precipitation did not move southward with much intensity so as to affect the target signi- ficantly during the storm period. Skies remained cloudy on the 13th but most activity had ended by noon. -2- , ~ " . I . V . Unfortunately, this storm period did not produce satisfactory seeding condi- tions south of Visalia. The southern end of the frontal zone dissipated rapidly as it moved southeasterly producing a low stratus over the Porterville area, widely scattered shower activity and a cloud deck too thin for seeding. Storm of 17 November 1981: A moderately intense low with an emptical shape was located on the early morning surface map from the coastline of Washington to about 300 miles west of the coast. An occluded front was depicted curving eastward from the low to Eastern Washington where a cold front arced to the south into Nevada and continued towards the southwest across Central California to near San Luis Obispo. Movement was to the east-southeast at 15 to 20 knots. An upper level trough was indicated from the Gulf of Alaska to the Central California coast- line promoting southwesterly winds over our area from 20 to 70 knots. Cloud cover thickened late on the 16th but by midnight stars were visible again as the forecast called for a chance of rain locally during daylight hours on the 17th. However, light rains began to fall in Fresno about 0240 and continued until 0710 as the frontal zone moved on through to the southeast. Activity in the target area was delayed until near sunrise and lasted until about 1100 when drier air moved in from the west. Precipitation was generally light. The seeding flight was launched at 0909 to work on the band of clouds as the front moved towards the Kern River watershed. Conditions were unsatisfactory for effective nucleation and the flight was terminated at 1043. Storm of 24 November 1981: The morning surface map showed a low center moving inland over Northern Nevada with a cold front trailing across extreme Northern California into the Pacific. An upper level low was located along the northern coastal area of California with a trough southward along the coast. By 1300 the front had weakened along the southern end but very light shower activity persisted along the foothills east and south of Fresno. North of Yosemite the rain had continued all night with some clearing by 0900 on the 24th. Orographic lifting was producing some clouds over the mountains with light rain and snowshowers occurring. S~eding was accomplis~ed on this storm with a flight at 1253 to provide nuclea- tlon for the or~graphlc.c~ouds along the foothills and over the target area. The ?etter seedlng condltlons were located towards the northern portion of the seedlng track and were rated as fair while conditions to the south were less favorable. Storm of 26-28 November 1981: At 0800 on the 26th a surface low was positioned over Northern Washington with an active frontal system extending from the low center to Marysville and southwest across California into the Pacific. Upper level charts showed a low center supporting this system with a trough along the coast of Califor- nia. Movement was to the southeast at 15 knots. Very cold air was being advected aloft thus reducing somewhat the chances of effective nucleation. A cold front moved through the area about 1600 with rapid clearing behind. This system was too fast and too thin for good seeding opportunities but the -3- . .. - . I ' . ~ . " ..; upper level trough remained off the coast for another day. The morning sur- face map for the 27th showed the trough moving through the Bay Area with snow- shower activity south of Lake Tahoe and all along the Sierra. Cloudiness increased at higher elevations before noon on the 27th with moderate to heavy snow above 5,000 ft. Severe convective cloud activity in the Bay Area occurred around noon and strong cells developed west of Fresno by 1300 with movement toward the east-southeast. This activity accompanied the trough as it moved through the San Joaquin Valley in the afternoon and on into the mountains to the east. Partial clearing followed and a few light rainshowers lingered over the Valley and in the foot- hills late in the afternoon on the 27th. Also during this period a low center formed off the coast of Santa Barbara and associated moisture in that area produced light showers in the southern part of the Valley south of Fresno on the 28th and significant rainfall over most of Southern California. Clouds were thin over the Sierra in the morning of the 28th and increased in coverage at higher elevations producing light snow. Howevers most of the winds at higher elevations which would affect the target area were out of the southeast or generally from an unfavorable direction for the usual seeding tracks. Clear- ing followed in the afternoon with only stratiform clouds remaining over the Valley. Cloud seeding was initiated at 0913 on the 27th under fairly good nucleation conditions and the flight lasted two and one-half hours. The second flight was launched on the 27th at 1305 to continue seeding efforts but moisture was limited to the northern portion of the flight track as clouds to the south were unseedable. Seeding continued on the 28th with a third flight taking off at 0950. Post-frontal clouds with easterly winds aloft were encountered and seeding conditions were poor. The flight ended at 1144 and a. fourth flight was launched at 1236 on a new east-west track to produce better seeding effects over the-target area. Very light moisture was encountered in the clouds and during the two-hour flight conditions were considered poor to occasionally fair. I I -4- --- ~ - - - - ------------- -------- . .. . ' .- . . ~ ~ ATMo.SPHERICS INCo.RPo.RATED - FLIGHT Fo.RM SUMMARY - KERN RIVER PRo.JECT - 1981-82 SEASo.N FLl GHT FLT. CUM. NUMBER DATE TAKEo.FF LAND TIME TIME 1 11/17/81 0909 1043 1.6 1.6 2 11/24/81 1253 1447 1.9 3.5 3 11/27/81 0.913 1146 2.5 6.0. 4 11/27/81 130.5 1435 1.5 7.5 5 11/28/81 0950. 1144 1.9 9.4 6 11/28/81 1236 1443 2.1 11. 5 - -- . ~ , , , < .. . . " , . " ~ - . 7 ( W): OPERATIONAL REPORT # CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER 1981 PRECIPITATION TOTALS: STATION ELEV. AMOUNT -- Grant Grove (GGV) 6580 5.41" . Balch Camp (BCP) 1720 4.29 Bi' hop Lodgepole (LPL) 6700 6.46 Huntington Lake (HLK) 7020 7.40 Ash Mountain (AMN) 1710 2-.54 Wishon Power House (WPH) 1000 4.42 Wishon Dam (WND) 6900 7.59 To 11 house (TLH) 1970 -- Pine Flat Dam (PFD) 610 3.28 Pinehurst R.S. (PHS) 4050 -- Mi ramonte (MMT) 3000 3.22 Badger (BGR) 3030 -- Coarsegold (CGD) 2360 5.05 Three Rivers 6SE (TR6) 2200 2.95 :>0: ~ . Kern River P.H. #3 (KR3) 2700 1.44 2 Milo 5NE (MLO) 3400 2.50 x t .. .ø . ... .ø FRESNO AIR TERMINAL - CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA Average temperature 55.50F (B.loC) Departure from normal +2.0oF Total monthly precipitation 1. 22 in. Normal monthly precipitation 1.22 in. Departure from normal 0 Seasonal precipitation 1. 80 in. Normal seasonal precipitation 1. 78 in. Per cent of normal 101 % - ~, . ..' I WATER BOARD - CITY OF bAKERSP I ELf) I ,I ITEMS FOR AGENDA I Agenda Section New Bu~iness Requesting Depattment - Do1I!estic Wat~..E.nterp_rise ---- Date for Wat~r Board Action January 13, 1982 1. Description of Item: Mainline Extension Ägree,ments for various Tracts and Parcel Maps within,Ashe Water System. 2. Co~~ents; The Public Works Department has reviewed the agreements and recommends acceptance. ... 3. Suggested Action: Acceptance of executed agreements. 4. Attachments: Table. . Director of Public Works - --- Approved, City Manager NOTE: Items for Watel' Board Agenda are to be submitted prior' to 10 a.m. Friday for the Wednesday meeting of the following week. . .