HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/15/82 ;¡ -~ " , ~. .. -. AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD I' MONDAY, MARCH 15,' 1982 'I 4:00 P.M. Call meeting to order Roll Call - Board Members: Barton, Chairman; Payne, Ratty, Kelmar, Oberholzer 1. Approve minutes of regular meeting of February 13, 1982. 2. Scheduled Public Statements, 3. Correspondence '4. Special Faèilities Contract with Tenneco Realty Development Corporation to construct and acquire a well, reservoir, and booster plant near Mohawk Street and Truxtun Avenue. - MOTION TO APPROVE AND RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL FOR ACTION. 5. Staff Comments 6. Board Comments 7. Adjournment . - ------- --. CITY OF lB)Þ\I~:~~~SIFITIELrQ) CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER ..- "'-~ ? --- .,"~ .-:.~ MEETING NOTICE A Special Meeting of the City of Bakersfield Water Board will be held on Monday, March 15, 1932, at 4:00 P.M., in the Department of Water Con:~rence Room, 4101 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California. ~ ~. ~""" , Posted: March 12, 1982 ò #" - I I ti6-~71 ~ 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE . BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA 933~1 . (805) ~ ~~ ~~.---- i --' ~ I l ' WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD '1, . JTEMS FOR AGENDA Agenda Section NEW BUSINESS Requesting Department DOMESTIC WATER ENTERPRISE Date for Water Board Action March 15, 1982 1. Description of Item: Special Facilities Contract with Tenneco Realty Development Corporation to. construct and acquire a well, reservoir, and booster plant near Mohawk St. & Truxtun Ave. 2. Comments: The area aroWld Mohawk St. from Truxtun Avenue to California 'Avenue does not have an adequate supply of domestic fire flow water. In order to continue the development of the area, Tennecp has agreed to construct a well, reservoir arid booster plant and transfer these facilities to the City as part of the Ashe Water System. These facilities will serve approximately 200 acres. Tenneco will be reimbursed for a portion of the cost (63%) in accordance with California Public Utility Commission's Rule 15. As property is developed within this service area, refunds will be made with Domestic Water fWlds, based on the property's proportionate share .1 of the refundable costs. Stetson Engineers recommend this project and agreement; Staff concurs with this recommendation. Cost of constructing the facility is estimated to be $964,300. 3. Suggested Action: Motion to approve and recommend to Council for action. 4. Attachments: Special Facilitie.s Contract. .~~ Approved, Ci: y M. ager NOTE: Items for Water Board Agenda are to be submitted prior to 10 a.m. Friday for the Wednesday meeting of the following week. I -- i- '7.-¿--" 1 ~ . . M I NUT E S ------- WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1982 4:00 P.M. I ¡ The meeting was called to order by Chairman Barton in the 1['.. ::1 Department of Water Conference Room. 1;;,1 ~ The secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Barton, Kelmar, Oberholzer Absent: Payne, Ratty The minutes from the meeting of January. 13, 1982, were approved as presented. Letter from Kern County Water Agency dated January 29, 1982, regarding the separation of Impr.o.v.:emen.-t District No.4 was presented to the board. At this time Mr. Kelmar made the following motion: (1) the Water Board authorize Chairman Barton to make a report to the City Council this evening to obtain City Council's support for legislation to separate Improvement District No.4 from the Kern County Water Agency which legislation should require a vote of the people in Improvement District No.4, (2) the council authorize the Chairman of the Water Board to appear before the Kern County Board of Supervisors next Tuesday, February 9,1982, to solicit their support for thelegis~ation and (3) to autho- rize our consultants to move as expeditiously as possible to get the necessary legislation to the legislative council in Sacramento. .Mr.Kelmar believes àssemblyman Rogers has in- dicated if there is support from everyone he will be very happy to carry the bill. Asa part of the motion Mr. Kelmar requested that the letter from the Kern County Water Agency be received and placed on file and the deadline for getting the bill to Sacramento of March 11, 1982, be met. The motion was passed. .. STAFF COMMENTS At this time Water Manager Chafin presented to the board a redraft of the Spreading Agreement between the City of Bakers- field and the Kern County Water Agency. It was redrafted after meetings with the Kern County Water Agency staff, Mr. Pyle, their counsel Mr. Gargano, Mr. Hatch, Mr. Stetson and Mr. Chafin. He requested that the board approve the Agreement as to concept and proceed with the environmental process. Mr. Kelmar stated he felt on page six (6), item (d) of the Agreement which reads, "If anYII.Ker.n River water is spread and extracted pursuant to this Agreement it shall not be used by Agency, its successors or assigns, on any land not overlying the Kern County Ground- water Basin without the prior approval of the City." Along with the Agreement perhaps there should be a map attachment as an illustration showing the boundaries of the San Joaquin ~~ Valley portion of the groundwater basin. At this time Mr. ~i Oberholzer made a motion that the Spreading Agreement be approved ~ as to concept and that the attachment of bondaries be defined in item (d), page six (6), and that we proceed with the Environ- mental Review. The motion was passed. I I : ------------_..-._--=--:::=..~_.._.._._--_.._-_._----_._...-.-..----"----"--"-------'--.. ...C_-_.._---- ------- -,.. ---..,--_..----_.~ -I'.~ ~ ~/¡ ~ "- ./ ¡ ¡ ~ BOARD COMMENTS Mr. Kelmar stated that he felt both of the items that were acted upon today were very significant actions as far as the urban area is concerned and, also, the entire water community. Mr. Kelmar is well pleased with the progress. There being no further business to come before the board, Chairman Barton adjourned the meeting at 4:20 P.M. \ " I ~ James J. Barton, Chairman . City of Bakersfield Water Board Linda Hostrnyer, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board :,:1;-- _._---'~----'--= '-"-----.---'. -, - --- - -~-o- ------.-.. . ..--.--...-- '- ,', l' '¡', [:: ~.~' ',;.~d: I .. ~ . -, ~ SPECIAL FACILITIES CONTRACT , I , Indust.rial Developments and/or Organized " Commercial Districts Utiìitv - ~ Name: City of Bakersfield Address: 1501, Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301 bPplicant Name: Tenneco Realty Development Corporation Address: P. O. Box 9380, Bakersfield, CA 93389 Descr iption; ." . 0" Preliminarv Statement ~ This contract is entered into pursuant to the requir~ments of, I and in accòrdance with,the various applicable provisions of the California Public utilities Com¡nission main extension Rule No. 15, a copy or ~hic~ :5 a t taçt-:,~ë and ~ade a part hereof as Exh ib i.:: "A~ and hereinafter r:eferreè to a3 It Rü 1 e . It Purpose of Contract Applicant hereby applies for commercial water service a~d v;ater for fire protection. The facilities described in attached ~x~ibit DB" shall be installed by Applicant. Such facilities sh~ll be used for the purpose of furnishing water service to that c~rtain property known as the Mohawk-Truxtun Development No. 1 and delineated on the ~ap attached as Exhibit "C." Applicant agrees that it shall, as soon as necessary materials and labor are available and necessary authorizations have been obtained, co~mence and p~csec~ce to completion with all reasonable diligence the work of installing the fac.ilities. When facilities are accepted by the City, City shall provide water service in accordance with City's tariffs. Fire Protection The Special Facilities shall be designed. to meet fire flow require- ments in excess of the minimum fire flo~ specified in Section- VIII lea) in California Public Utilities Com~ission ,General Order No. 103, as ~rdered by Decision No. 84334 dated June 5, 1975. ¡ . Special Facilities . Pursuant to Section D.3 of Rule, Applicant sha1lpay the cost of facilities; other than distribution mains required primarily for " ,.-, -, -~- .' . , \J' i . ' . . ~ ,. , I fire protection ,facilities, " , firßprotection purposes. The cost of = in accordance with the Rule, are contri~utions and are not subjec~ ,to refund. The estimated cost of Sp~cial Facilities required to serve the development (other than fire protection) is $598,400. Th~ estimated cost of Special Facilities, primarily. required to provide fire protection service is $365,900. The percentage of incremental cost required primarily for fire protection service is thirty-seven percent (37%). When these Special Facilities, including the required fire protection capacity, are. designed and constructed by Applicant in accordance with City specifications and approval, the total actual cost of approved facilities shall be determined, wherein thirty-seven perèent 07%) of the total actual cost shall be donated to City by Applicant, and sixt":- three percent (§3%1 of the total actual cost shall be refunded by City to Applicant pursuant to Section C.2.c of Rule and the provisions of this Contract. The number"of acres to be served by these Special Facilities shall be 197.73.' Inspection costs' may be charged by'.City, and the cost (based on time and materials) shall be added to the cost of the water 'facilities to be constructed by Applicant under this Special Facilities Contract, fa-r such inspection as the City deems necessary to provide additional support to the Applicant's inspectors. There shall be no other service charge, connection charge or charge of any type by City for water service to Mohawk-Truxtun Development No.1 area, with the exception of water service in a¿cordance with City's tariffs. '. Refunds - Special Facilities The amount advanced subject to refund shall be refunded in compliance with Section C.2 of Rule. However, acres shall be used instead .of lots in determining refunds. For purposes of refund under Section C.2.c of Rule, the refund shall be due Applicant upon commencement of water delivery service to each acre or fraction thereof. The number of acres for which the Special Facilities shall be designed is 197.73. Until Applicant shall notify City in writing to the contrary, all refunds hereunder shall be paid by'City to Tenneco Realty Development Corporation. Should the City extend water service to any new acreage outside the existing Ashe Water Service Area, and if that new acreagè receives direct benefit from the use of the Special Facilities, then the City shall'reapportion the refundable costs of the water ,~acilities based on the increased acreage of benefit as determined by the City. The donated costs required primarily for fire protection service shall also be so reapportioned, and the City shall also compensate the Applicant for the additional acreage receiving benefit from the water facilities as determined by the City. This compensation shall include a proportion of the re- fundaqle costs and a proportion of the donated costs. However, in no event shall the Applicant receive more than one hundred percent (lOO%),of the total cost of water facilities. 'I , . '... ..: ,;.'.- ':' - ") -~-- " : Ti' .. . ' . . ' " . ~ ~ Tha~ portion of the Service Area now receiving water service "tot~ling_53.74 acres shall be refunded to Applicant upo~. completion pf the water facilities. The advance per acre shall be refunded for each acre, or portion of ' an acre, on which one or more bona fide customers receive water delivery service by those facilities. Conditions City agrees ~o use its best efforts to assist Applicant to obtain any and all authorizations which may be required for the installation of the fac il it ies-. Applicant shall provide free of charge any easements and rights of way required for the installation where such rights of way or easem~nts occur on Applicant1s land. The cost of acquiring any easements and right~. of way from any parties other than Applicant shall become part of the total facility costs. .. Burden of Risk on Applicant The burden of risk in constructing the Special-Facilities sha11 rest with Applicant. Applicant shall design and construct all new facilities subject to City specifications and approval. Should any facility constructed by Applicant not perform to its !I design specifications, the City shall be under no obligation to purchase such facility. The City shall not compensate Applicçnt for any costs incurred in locating or constructing or developing any special facility which does no~ comply with City specifications nor meet with City approval. Successors and Assigns The obligations of the Applicant shall be joint and several. This agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the heirs, representatives, executors, administrators, successors and/or assigns of th~ respective parties hereto. . -. . . " . 3.' .. j " -; . . . ., " , I I , , Thè effective date of this Contract shall b~ the day of .. , 19 . " CITY OF BAKERSFIELD By Mayor By : City Clerk . ,. I! I APPROVED AS TO FORM: '.. I City Attorney . /' G g? fr -id -1: v~f1~:1- e Director of Publ iV~orkS COUNTERSIGNED: Assistant City Manager-Finance DEVELOPER: TENNECO REALTY DEVELOPMENT CORP. '. By 1; / ¿l~~ )Û it vl-- .. r !SENIOR VICyPRESIO£NT ", h By ) ?rié;V>f ¿ ¡¿l/t-rY1L I . . . ...tlSISTANT liECR£TARY I .' . ....-~ ','. '.,.--.----------- ,.- ".', -~. - . ' .-.- . . . .7 . ",', ',. OUlcdlin.::_2~c:. ~~ Cu, l~.1J.c. $!:::d No'_--JOJ2-H . . ---.-.- I . I';..----~----'----- Rule lIo.., 15 . -She~t 1- or 11---' ~ ' . , , t-t..<\'HI r.XTEt~S1:0:'1S -- -. - , . . . ~. Cener~l Provisions ~nd Definiticn5 . 1. ,Applicability " a. All (:xt~nsicns of distribution 1;'13i¡:s, from toe: utility' 5 ò~sic production' and t:r.an~G\is'sion system or £:xisting distribution . system, to serve neo,i' custo::.ers, except for those specifically exclu¿ed'belo~, shall be ~de under the provisions of this rule' unless specific: authority is first o~t~ined from th~ Col"--:1ission to devi~te therefrom. A main e~te~sion contract 'shall be ex~- cuted by the utility and ,the applicant or applicants for the' 1%'.3111 extens-ion before the utility com:nences coostruction \Jork on se.id cxten:dons or, if const.:-u.cted by applicant or .applic(l~ts, before the facilities comprising the main extension a~e trans- . , " ferred to the utility.. . b. Extensions solely for fir~ hydrant, private fire protection, resa12. tcrnporar¡, standby. or supple~~ntal service shall not I . be ttaè.e t:nc!er this rule. .' I c. .. The ùtility may, but wIll not b.~ required to" r:-.ake extensions. under this rule in c..s~!'i1i::nts or rights of "..:3'./ whe}:'e final Gr.:;.c125 ¡ have 1\ot b~..!n est~bli~hE:d. or ",here street grades hLlve not been! . brought to those est¡-,blishëd by public ¿¡'~lthority. If cx~ens~o~5 : are tnade w~~n g.:-;;!.des hé:!.'\,'~ not been e5::ûblish~<l ~nd there is a : rcoso::laòle p-rob.:>.ò-tlity t.h¡:¡t th~ cxist:i,l1f, g~'aù.e 't:ill l1e c;13nZ2;]. . th2 utility shall reql1-lre that the ~pplica~t or Lipplic<1nt$ for the [:'.ain extension de;1osit, at the tîi:!e of êx¿cut:.ion of the Ti1<:lin . ~ extension agree~~nt, the e5tiL~tecl n~t cost of relocating. ; raising 01.' 10w~ring' facilities upon cstablish:::ent of final' gr¿.,deG - . Adjustment-pf zny difference between the arnoúTIt 50 depo~ited and the actual cost of relocati~g. rai~in& or lo~2rjng f~cilities . shall b~ made within ten days ¿lftet* the u-il ity has 2s'c.ertained such actual cost. The net deposIt representing actual cost is not subject to r~funå. The entire deposit related to the pro- posed relocation, rzising or lowering shall be refunded ~hen ..- such è~5place~ents are èe~ermined by proper authority to be no~ . d ' requ~re. ~~ . . 2. LiJrrltctior. oj Expan!1ior. .. ~ a. ~~enever the outstanding ~dvance contrac~ bal~nces reach 40 per~ent " of total capital (defined. for the purpose of this rule, a5 pro- . prletary capital~ or capitzl stock and surplus. plug debt and: adv.~mces for co:1struction) the utiliq- shall so notify the Cor:.zis- sian t.11thin thirty days. . . " (Continued) . , J""..!~ ' I". 9. "'--- Advic,: lett--r N~. 458 £þ T ~J'-~ D.l~ Fikd ; ~ - ;J ~\ : J J ) , ' ~- ,..t ~ ."'\ """""""'J D:dsicn No. 84334 EO F. CKfi!Y. V;C:~ Pr~¡;lmt Ei!ccti\~ . I - ). !) ~~\..r\_.;.. nA" ..... ".' ...- '-'-_..0;0",:""------'____',0,'-'",";.,, ,,_..'.. .,-,_.,- . ..' ~ \ " ... . " C:UIcdl~:3 RC'I. ~- C:lt. }).D,c. S!t~ };o. 103)-tl r -- - .-:--. . '. Shect- '- of. III (' .: . Rule 1~o. 15 . I . , . " ,¡ , }t<\U: E}..lE~!S10~S . :- - r, . (Continued) I I I A. C~neréd ProvisIons :tr:d D/~f init io!"'.$ (cant iÌwed) . ';., . 2.' Licitation of Exp~¡;ior. (continued) . . . " ~~ b. Whenever the outst~~ding advônce contrôct balônces plus the a¿va~ce on a proposed new extènsion would exceed 50 percent of tctal capital) . . .' þs d~fined in Section A.2.a. plus> the adva....ce on the proposed ne..., , .: ~ ~~. 'I,. extens'io~~ the ~tili:y shall not ~:akc. the proposed ne:tJ' :xtension of I . distribut~on ~a~ns t1~thout author~zat~on of the Co~~~ss~on. .. . . c. Yhenev~r the' outst2nding advance contract balances reach the ZDova J . '; level. the utility shall so notify~the Co~ission within thirty days. . . I . . . . . . , . , . I 3. Def1-11-z.twns " . . . a~ .A "bona fide custo¡ner". fòr the purpos~9 of this rcle,shall be a custocer (excluding any custo~er formerly served at the S2.oe 'location) who has giv~n satisf3ctoryevidence that service vil1 be . reasonably pe'tLnanent to the property \.'hich h~s been ir¡¡proved~,ith a / building. of a permanent r.ature, <:lnd to which s~rvice' has CQrr~enced. The provision of service to« real est~te dev21op~r or builcl~r, during tha co~struction or develop~~~t pario¿, sh~ll not ezt~~li$h him as a bona fide CU$tower~ I' . , n" ,.. b. A "re~l estat~ develo;>er or builder... for the purposes of this rule, shall include any individual, ,association of individuals, partnership, or corp~r.J.tion that divides a pa:rcel of lane! into t--o or more portions. c:. . ,The "adjust~d coo5trûctio;\ cost"., for the purposes of tñi~ rule, shall be reasonable and shall not exceed the costs recor¿~d in conforú\ity with ge!\erally <:lccepted water !,tility 3c:cc'~ntin::>, . (;> practices, and as specifically defined in th~ Uniform Syste"\ of . Accounts for Hater Utilities prescribed by the Corro;nission, of installing facilities of adequate cap3citý for th2 service !'~- quested. If th~ utility. <:It its option. should install f~cilities with a larger çtl?3city or resulting in a greater footage of j c'Kt~nsion than required for the service requ~stcd, the I'adjust~¿ :. construction cost", for the purposes of this rul~, shall be deter- ~ . ~. mined by th~ application of an adjustment factor to actual construc- , tlon cost of facilities installed. This facto~ shall be the r3tio I . of estimated cost of required facilities to cstim3ted cost of actual. . fncl1ities installed. . ~ . . . . . . . (Continued) . . 1 ~ JuuÑ.br .' A-1,'icc J.d':::: No. 458 ~9 T~ Dolt-.. Fib! J~'- 2~~}j) D ........ 84~31. .. t. r"~.") ""1""- :Cls.on ~...o. J <+ ED F. CA TEY. Yice- Presid.'lIt .ff<:ctrv= ,. I -) -.) t ~ , .. ... . '. . . - _.. ", . # , Ufl'C:¡lH~S . '. . ~. -.~ '--"". A ,~,....., ~..__. --'~'.:::__:::':~.;)'::::~- . . . ., . - . ----. . - . She~t 3 of 11 . , . . I Rule No. 15 ' . .. . . -- ; 1-l~IN Fxra;S10~S .' (Continu::d)'. A. ~eneral 1~rovision5 and i'eHnitio!".s (continu~d) I 4. CMr1ership" D~sign G!".d Constr.A.ctwr: olFaciZit-:.es . , . a.. Any facilities ins~alled hereunder shall be the sole property of . . '~ ..J ;; the utility. In those instances in which title to certain portio;1S ' . .... ~.-' of the installation. such as fire hydrants" \:i11 be held by a . t : ..' .' ~~~k~ ~dhb~. _h hci~~ ~~1 =t h ~cl~~ u a ! . .partof the main extensión under th~s rul~. . b. The size. 'type. quality of ~aterials. and their locati~n shall be I " specified by the utility; and th~ actual construction shall be ( . ' done by the utility or by a const~ccting agency acceptGbl~ to it. l - , . , . Yher~ the property of an applicant is located adjacent to a ; c. ¡ I. rigbt.:...of-way. exceeding 70-, feet in width,. for a street) higho;.¡ay, or o~her public purpose, regardless of the ~idth of the traveled , way or pavement; or a freeway) ~aterway. or, railroad ri£nt-of-way> I . 'the utility ~ÂY elect to inst~ll n main ext~nsion on th~ sa~e side thereof as the property of the ap~licnnt. and tha estimated and . adjusted construction costs in such case shal~ be based UPO4 such 2U extensio_n. . . . d. "'hen an extension ttust co;ap 1y with an ordinance) regulatio."!" or . . specification of a public authority, the 2sti~ated ~nd adjusted construction costs of said extensIon shall be based upon the . facilities required to co;;tply thercHlth. 5. Estim~tes~ P~s and Specific~tio~s a. Upon request by à potential applicant for a ~~in extension, the . utility shall prepare, ~9.E,~ cha.!~" <:.J~E~}..i~Jt1:a!y _.~1<-_ELtc:h' and roug.!,1 estit:.1_~tes- of the cost of installation to be adv<:\nceù by saíd applicant. . , . ,b. Any applicant for a main extension requesting the utility 'to .. 'prepare detaíled plans. specifications and cost estimates shall .b~~~_q~i,~ed to_.~e£?~i.~...with, the utilitY. an__~"",\°u.n,t equal tõth; est:J..E\.~_~~d_, ~os~.of _p'r~para~iof!- çf., ..s~ch,.materia~: The ut ill ty shall.. upon request) make .avail<lble -wlt.:hin 1,5 days 3: tee receipt of t~¡!:: . deposit referred to above. such plans, specificatic:1.S and cos.t I estimates of the propos~d main extension. If the c~te~sion is to . . . include ove-rsizing of facilitie.s to he done :tt the utility I z expense. appropriate details shall. be set forth in the pl':¡:1s.' .' specifications and cost estimates. . .' .' ' - '. . " . . .' (Continued) . - . . J11~ !I, .... 9. '\ ".--- Ad1,.icc Ld~r No. 1.58 ..ç~r~ D;1~ Fibl '.. ~JJ) .v_;.J...' . . , T -...:.J . . Dc:cision' No. 84334 EO F. ChTEY, Vice' I'rt:J;-!~ttt. EüC'C~.,c r'.""."\ -IIT,- . , ~) ". " -, - ,. Rcsotu~.,n No. ~ .. .. . , ' _:'.' '..0_... .... .: ' .' ........ ....-, .~-- . ,.,..-----"- ., únccHing J~~vi~- Üt. r.D.c. 5h:t~ No'---1°35-U ! ~- : ' 0 ' , o. '."- . - Å heet I. 'of îi=:: ¡ I . Rule No. 15 . . " ., ' . MAIN t}..lENSlO~S . . (Continue¿) , , A. Gener21 ProvIsions and Dé!flnitions (continued) . I' .~. Estirr.ates~ Plans and Specific:a.tior:s (conti.nue.d) 0' . c. In the'event a main extension contract with the ut~lity is executed . . Vlthin 180 dEiYs after the utility furnishes th~ detailed. plans and specificationsp the depoait shall become a part of the advancep ~nd Ehal~ be refunded in accordance with the terms of the ~ain extension Gontract. If such contract is not so executed) the' "deposit t~ cover the cost of preparing pla~s, specifications tind '. . 0 cost esticates shall be forfeited by the applicant for the main' I extension ~nd the amount of the fôrfeited deposic shall be credited tot~~ account or accounts to 'Which the expen~e of preparing said t Jn3t~rial was charged. ' ..' . I d. When detailed plans, specificaOtions and C?st, estimates are requested,: the applicant' for a ~ain extension shall furnish a map to a suitable 1 , .. scale showing the street and lot layouts and. when requested by thê utility, contours or other indication of the relative elevatio~ 0: . the various parts of the area to be develo~ed. If cha~ges aré ~~de subsequent to the prese:1.tatio-:1 of this map by the élppli!::él~t) <lOci these changes require élddition~l expense in revisinp, pl11ns, speci- ,.' . . fications and cost esth.::ates, this additional c):p~nSE: shall b~ bon'1.~ .' by the applicant J not subject to ref~t1.å,' ~nd the additional e):p~ns(: thus recovered shall be credit.ed to ,the account or accounts to Hhich the additional expense was charged.' , 6. J'intÍ;r.g ar..d Adjustmant of Advances . . a. Unless the- applicant: for the main e^tension elects to arra!1.oe for ~o . ~ . the installation of the extension himself. as permitted by Section 'C.'t.c., the full amount of the required .Jdvance or an 2.cceptable surety bond must be provided to the utility at the time of execu- : . t1on of the In.ain extension agreement. . b. If the applicant for a ~ain extension posts a surety bond in.lieu , 'of cash, such\surety bond must be replaced yith cash nat less than ¡ ten calendar days before construct:i.on is to com.mence; provi~é¿t 1 however, that if special facilities are required pri~rily for , . the service requested, the applicant for the extensio~ aay be re- : . quired to deposit sufficient cash to cover the cost of scch specia~ .. fac:"ilities before they are ordered by the utility. : 0 . . , ..,. . . " . (Continued) ~ . , I . ' Iu=! b, . -- I, Advice 1.""" N~. 456 ~.::p-7~. Do'" Fikd ~U:.. 2~ :J!,) D.. ON 81.33' ~. rl~~-.'")~,T-f' :CISlon o. .... ED F. CA TEY. Vice Prt:T"d~/ t Eff~vc:' . . J ) *."J ',"" . . :--.,~',';.:-.,;":-'-'-'-'-'---,._'- "'UU"',., ','-"-- ,,' , T "" , . ún<.:dtin¿; R~v, ,d C~r. P.U.C $~::d Nû. 1036-'1 ,. . ,-- . ¡ ---- ----:::::::..:: , , " , ' Shce l: 5 (¡ [ 11 . Rule No. 15 ' . . , . , t~IN E^lENSIO~S - (Con::inued) , . . . A. Cent>ral Prov:lsio:~s ;J.!1d n.:>finitiot'.s (continuè¿) " , '. . 6. Timing ar¿ Ad,fustr;:g.Y1t of AduaY'.c:as (continu~dj . I' c. 'An ~pplicGnt for a ma~n extension who advances funds shall be . ~rovided vith astatem:nt of ~ctual construc:ion cost an¿ aàjusted I construction cost shot-nag in rea:~nable de~a~~ the costs inc~l!.:'red 'II for material, labor, any other d~rect and ~nd~rect costs, overhe~cls) ¡ and'total costs; or unit costs; or contract costs. ~hic~~ver are ¡ .. . "ppropri"t". , " . I d. Said statement shall be submitted trlthin sihty days after the actual I construction, costs of the install;;¡,t'ion have been ascertained by t'h~ ¡ : 'utility. In,the event tha~ the actual construçtion costs 'fòr the' entire installation shall,not h3ve been d~te~ined within 120 days after completion of construction llark, a pre:!-ir:1inary det~rniné1, tion . ,of actual and adjusted construction costs shall be sub~ttcd~ based '. . upon the best available inforraation a,t, that tim~. 11 e. A..-,.y differences between the adjusted construction. costs ë:mc1 th~ amount advanced shall be ~hmm as a revision of the G::¡ount of élÙ\!¿::~C~ and shall be payable 't-lithin thirty clays of date of sub~ission of statement. . . . 7. Aasigrzment of gain Extey¡sioi1 C(J~ltr::¡ct::; . .. J..ny contract entered into u:lder Sections "J) and C Ot this rul~) or tm~e1: similar provisions of form~r rules. pay be ë:lS$i~n2d. aftc~ ~~ttl~~e~t of adjusted construction costs. after written notice to the utility by th~ bolder of said contract as shOt.ffi by the utility' ~ records. SUC~ assign~2nt shalr apply only to thos2 refunds ~hich beco~2 'due ~~re th~n . tbirty days after the date of receipt by the utility of, the notice 0 f assignment. The utility shall not be rcquh:ed to make ¡lùy one rcfu:lc'., . paym2nt under such contrèct to more tha~ a single assign~e. .. '.. '. 8. Inte:rpretatio:'Zs an::! Deviations . . . r , ' '. '. .. In case of disagreement or dispute regarding the applicatio~ of' ::o..ny I provision of this rule. or in circumst~nce3 ~here the a?plic~~ion of I this rule app2~r5 unreasonable to either party) the utility, ~polic~nt ~ ,- .' or applicants may refer the ti!atter to tha Com.-nission for cl~tert:'.in3tion. Ii .. I . . . . . , . . . . . (Continued) " . .', l.scN b7' '.. 2 .".~ ...., It ¡,,-- Ad,,'¡ce lc:~~r No. 4Sa ' ~T g.;,¡£;p- D;l~ Fib! ..~- ~ ;JJd D .. "10.. 8. ~ r..~ _:'\ ",- -- «'SIO~ ,n'>. 4334 ED J:. Ct\-rEY Vie-..- PrC'J....I¿:-t E!fecci,,'e ' .. I ,. 'j J. .. . . . ..~ .. , ,- b___.--L!- - ...... ,;",._:'-,_:_-:--------,--_._~'_-'.-"- _.~'.. .._".,.,-.'... -....'------ --,---,--~-"-,_..,-----"-,~,-------,,,----,, '-.,--~ " ... C:\C1I:cttint Rc" L$-<:d C~1. P.U.C ~!:~t"t No. 1037..:> " ' --._--:~_. -. I I ~ Sheet 6 of 11 J : Rule No. 15 ' I 'c" Hl\HI F.Xìr:.~STm:s - (continued) . B. Extensions to Serve Individuals .' . 1. Free-FootaGe AZlo/;Ja.n~e " The utility' shall extend' its mlter distribution tnainsto' serve new borLa fide . customers at its mm e^pens~, other than to serve subdivisioi.ìs, tracts, 1lousing projects, industrial develop~ents or orgànized co~~rci21 I distr1t:t:'s, ~hen the r.~quired total length of' I!lain extensions fro:7\ tb~ nearest existing utility facility is not in ehcess of fifty feet per. .' service' connection. . " . 2.. Aåv~es .. ". '.' If t~e total length of main extension is in excess of 50 feei per I, service cónnection applied £or'~, the applicant or àpplicants for such service shall be required to advance to the utility, before constructi::-,;', .' is comreenced~ that portion of the estimated reasonable cost of suc~ ,-extension tJhich exceeds the estimated reasonable cost of 50 feet of th~. ~ain extension per service connection, exclusive of the cost of servic~ pipes, meter boY.es and meters. Such estimated reasonable cost shall l]-';; based upon the cost of a ~~in not in excess of 6 ¡nch~s in cli~c~:ec except where a l3rger tnélin is required by the sp~cial ncQds of the I applicant or applicélr-.ts. Th~ <l!;10unt of th~ Lldv.:mce is '~ubj cct to ¿¡(!j :,::., ::.-- '-. '. 1!1ent in accordancc. \dt.h th~ previsions of Section A. 6. e. of this Xüle. '3. Refunds '.. - . , The money 50 advanced shall be refunded by the utility, in cash, . vithout interest,» in paYii'.ents equal to the ~dj 1.t5ted construe tlon cost of 50 feet of the W4in extensio~ for which advance \~~s ~a¿e) for each additional service connection made ,to said main extension exclusive of that of any customer formerly served ju a rea~onable manner at th~ s~~~ location. Refunds shall be made wi~lin 180 rlays after the date of £i=E~ service to a bona fiàe custower. No refunds shall b~ made after,a 'period of ten.years fro~ the date of completion of the main ext~nsion -' . and the total refund shall not exceed the aClount advanced. 4. Exceptions. # ' Where a group of five or more individual applicant$ r'equests sQrvice , from the same e~:ten~ionJ or in unusual cases after obtaining CDrr::-.tissíu:1. . .. authorization, the utility, at it~ optio:1.~ may require 'that tLle indi- vidual or individuals advance the entire cost" of the main extension ¡-¡'s . herein provided and the utilit~ shall refund this advance as provided in Section C.2. of this rule. , , ... '. , . . . . ,- , . . . . (Continued) . , ~ ,.... or. ' ...' ,. . - -' , "dyke 1"'..., No,. ~58 :t T ~ ~,. Do'e Fib! -.;- 2:.' ;Jf.) tt.'" -:') ,,"::--- -- D:cisioo No. 8/.33f.. ED F. C.-\.TEY. ¡"icc Prc::;d~/lr . Effective. ¡.I J .j-j.) . - '-'_U,,!,,-'-'~--r'----'--"-""-""~-"'--' .-'.'" ..--._- ..., _--On ".,._-" .-- -".- . ~: . ' , .. C:!.C1rd!i,,£~ R~~ .i.- C:zt. 1).DoC S~::d }.:o. lO33-\-: . . ." - -==---==::.::: -.........~...= .."'-"-' ..0"----' -. .,._,., 0 Sheet ì oE ....." ¡ ( . '-. ;. Rule 1\0. 15 ò . . " . .. . I-tA1N F.XTENSIO~~ . (Continued) C. Extensions to Serve Subdivisions. Tracts, Housing Pro1ects, 10 'Wustr 1<11 O~v~loonen.ts or O~ga(\ized co,,~:-:t~rcia~l Districts 1. Advances ~.. a.' Unless the procedure outlined in Section C~l.c. is.follo~cda dll applicant for a main extension to serv~ a new suDdivision~ tract, , , housing project, in¿ustrial deve1opm~nt or organized coP.~~¿=cial , ~ di~trict shall b~ required to advance to the utilitYa before constructiòn is co~~enced, the estimated reasonable cost of the' extension to be ~ctually installed, fro~ the nea~est utility facility at least equal in size ér capacity to the main required to ,serve both the t1.e~.¡ customers and a reasonable estirn..ate of the' potential custoill2rs ~ho might be served directly froill the main' ! extension ~ithout additional extension. The costs of theexten- . I sion shall include necessary service stubs or service pipes, I ~ fittings, gates and housing therefor. and meter boxes,'but shall ¡ not include rleters. To this shall be added the cost of fit'e ! hydrants when requested by th~ applicant for the main extensian ! or required by public authority, ~henever such l\ydrants are to . b h -. .1' - ! ecoæe t e Property o~ tne ut~ lty. , ¡ , , . b. If special facilities consizting of ite~s not covered by ~~ction , 'C.I.a. are required for the service requ-=stcd md, ,.:h~a s:'H:h facilities' to be installed will supply both the nain c}:ten~lon ; and other parts of the utility's system) at least 50 percent of the design'capacity (in gallons, £?ffi, or other appropriate units) is required to supply the main extension, ~he cost of such special facilities'may be included in the advance, subject to refun¿) ~s hereinafter provided, along with refunds of the ~dvance of the cost of the extension. facilities described in. Section C.l.a. above.. , " . c. In lieu of providing the advances in accordance with Section C~l.~. ; and C.l.b.~ the applic2nt for a main extension shall b~ permitted, if qual'ified in the judgr:-.:nt of the utility, to construct and' , ,install the f~ciliti~s hiaself, or arrange for their install~tion pursuant to. .competitive bidding procedures initi<lted by hi;;, ;:,::¿ limited to °qualified bidders. The cost. including the cost of insp~ction and supervisio:\ by the utilit)., shall be paid directly. .. by applicant. The <lpplicant shall provide the utility \.¡Jth a state~ent of actual construction cost in 'reasonable detai¡. The aMount to be treated as an advance subject to refu~d shall be the ,lesser of (1) the actual cost or (2) the price quoted in the . utility's detailed cost estiw~te. The installation shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted by the'. uti1~ty pursu~nt to Section A.S.b. . . (continued) I&;".¿ 101 . ' 'I Ad,,'icc: l.ctt~t No. 1.58 .ç/J 9~, Dolt: fil¡:do ~~!' .?~) ~~Jl-) I ..c.:;~ - ~ <O~. . - - .... -.. I / ',- ~. " . ,r"" -I"»)I"----J1' D:cmon N~. 84334 ED F. CA ,EY. Vie"" J'u'1iq't'llt 1:ffc:Cti~"C:' . . J ' ,) ~ - , , --'":,,:',,.,'.,~--~--,--_._, ,.. ,-,~....~..'".;,~ ..' "".. "'" C'-'" '.---'.~,.._-- --u'-'.-""---'--'-'U'-"---- ""..", .. r- 't. C' })Uc.rt " I '. " ~o(';c, 1!I¿;_&:.xu¡,t.:.~ :II. .. .).::-~~ .L~V. 1039-~! I ¡-. 'n ' Sheet. 8 ~; ~~--: j . . ".I.' Rule No. 15 . . .. . }~IN EXTENSIONS - (Continued), C. r.xtensio-:ls to Serve Subdivisions, 1'r<lcts~using 'Proiects 1 . .fndustrial D~v~lcome~ts or Organized Cox~ercial Districts (Continued) h.f'. a. .. . 2. T'oB, uY'- 5 . . ' a. The arnorint advanced under Sectio~s C.I.a.) C.l.b. and C.l~c. ~hal1 . be subject to refund ,by the uti~ity~ in cash, vitho~t ~nterest) to the party, or parties entitled thereto as set' forth in the follot./Î!1g, . two paragraphs. !hetotzl amount so refunded shall no~ exc~ed the , , total of the aI!'.O'.lrlt adva~ced. Except as hereinafter provi¿ecl, th~ .- refunds shall be r:..ade ~nual, "semi-annua~ or quartQr~Lv,ege_:1~S, . ' at the election of the utj.lity, and for a period not to exceed 20 " ~s ntr.er th~__ç.a.t,~ _o,f._the,_coQ.t.r~c,t. -. , ,. , , , b. tfhenever costs o~ main extensions.have been ~dvanccd pursu~nt to . ,Sections C.I.å. or C.l.c., the utility shall dete~in~ the revene~ . received fro~ custo~ers, including fire ,protection agencies; supplie, .by service pipes connected directly to the. extension-for which tl;e cost W3S advanced. The refund shall be 22% of the reven~e so,re- 0 celved. . - ' c. _~,éneve~ costs of special facilities have bee~ :dv~~~Qd pur_~~ ,.: to SectJ.ons C.l.b. or C.l.co:. the amount so LlGVd~C:èd sh.:1l1 ¡,,~ ..-;;-= . ~-,- ,'-"-""'-- ~ . d,iv~g.~Èy-t;þ'g-~-~:_!':'.þ~r.. oJ.J.9~S ~o, b~..,ser\'ecl hi,,'_trl~-:-~2ç,i~ï~_"_' , . fãéiliti~s. This advà~ce per lot shall be ~efunded for each lot on ""Fïr¿h_Qn~,p~.mo.re bona,Iide custora,ers nre ser~¿~("b,Ÿ' those -" . facilities. . , ,"'-' '. , ' - d. With 'respect to a contract entere.d into on a~d after the effective . date of this rule:. if~ at any' time during the 20~year refund period specified nbove, ßO7. of the bona fide Cl'sto:ners for \.:hích the . -"-------- extension or spëCial-fac:ilitics \,reredési-griecr-äre-'oei,'l;-g--Å¡êrvè-ci . ,therefr?m~ th~ utility sha~~ _~~,I;:_el~¡"no.tif;y ,th_~_c9nt~~ct .hol¿¿,r . of that iact., and at that tim~,.~h~...1..~_,b~~oli'.e ob~ig~~_ed,~~ P~YJ in - . cash. any balance \-lhich tr.2.y r:eLi13in um:efu-:lded élt th~, cC'.d, of sã{¿-- 2~~~r-pe.r~o~'Süèò -b¿tl'åï'ic'è shall be refunded in five c(p~l . " annual' installments J payable beginning 21 years af ter the. ¿ate of the contract. . . . . .' . . ' (ContInued) . - - , ~ . . ~ ¡ . , '""e<f 11, ' Advice L.~cr ~o, '.58 -kd' ~ D.", Fjlcd ;~', 2~J ~îï:-:: . r . . '" 1"\ A J"-..... D<cision No. 8l,3)!. ED F. CATEY. Viet. Prl'J~!"'lr Effc:ctL...~ . - ) '.. J J : , -------- __".L_.-~'-.~::-'-'--'-'- ". 0 - - ,d, ~::, "d-_",.. - - .-.,---",._- :~=:: ~'.:--~-:~--'-- --. - " -- - O1ncdiin¡: ~~V.ood o1!, P.U.C ~h",' NO'_JQI~D-11 1 . [ ~ , - Sheet 9 of 11 i . ,Role No. 15 I .-.-. -----. .~.1 M:\1N EX1'E~¡S10~S . . . (COûtinued) 0 . , C. Extensions to SeX'v~ Subdivis ions', 'rr<1cts , Housin~ Pro; ects , 'Industriäl Develov~pnts or OL~~nized Co~~erci~l Districts (Continued) . , , -! . . 0 . . 2; Refrmé!.s (Continl!.ed) . , , ' e. .Where a contract h2s been entered into under a forrn~r main, extension rule, and where 80% of the bona fide customers for ~hich' the extension or special facilitiès were designed are bein~ served - -, u 0 therefrot:l~', the utilit:y pay negotiate and enter into a new and - substitute contract, identical in all respects uith t;he original contract, inclu¿L~g the 'original te~ination date, exc~?t'that 'said substitute contract shall include the follo~ingOprov~sion: t'llotuithstanding an;; oth~r, 'provisions hereof . 'any unreftH1ded . balance recaining at the termination date of this contract shall be paid in five equal annual installments beginning one year after said tercination date." The advice let:ter provisions of Section X of General Order No. 96-A shall apply to .all such replacem<mt: contracts. . . 3. Temnc.tion, of Ua.i:n E:de.ns'Îor! Contracts . ¡ a. J..ny contract \-lith refunds based upon percentage of revenues 2nd \ . entered into under Section C. of this r~le, or under siDilar I provisions of ior~er' rules, may be pu~cnas~d by the utility aad ¡ termiT\ated, provlded the payr:-.ent is nót in excess of the estime.tcd' j revenue refund multiplied by the ter~ination,factor in the ¡ , following table~ the terms are othe~~ise ~utually agreed to by th~ ' parties or their assignees and Section C.3.b. and Section C.3.c. ¡ hereof are- -co::1plied ,dth. The esti!õ'.ated revenue refund is, the : amount that would othen.ise be refunè;!d, at the current lev~l of ,. refunds) over the rereaind~r of the t~enty-year contract period or shorter period that ~ould ba required to extinguish th~ tot~l ' , - refund obligation. It shall be determined by multiplying 22 percent . of the average a~nual revenue per service for the immedi~tely, preceding calenda~ yea~ by the number of bona fide Customer; nt the proposedte~~i~at~cn date, ti~e5 the number of years or fractio~s . thereof to the end of the twenty-year contract period or shorter period that would be required to refund the remaining contract . . balance. . 0" .. 0 o. - . 0 . , .' . -. . . :,-., ¡ I . . ' ..' I '0'. (Continued? . - I . J I,wd b'll: . 9.' ... ---... Advic= letter No,- 458 g -T -~ DJte Fj!~ _t~_:J:J ;JJ.) 00 ~ rat'" _.ì-:;¡r.-.~, n_:o:;nn Nn Pol. "'\,~ PO P. CA.rE"". YiC'C' PrC:.Jj~Ic:,it I:!fcc~...~ .' I ):. J J, ) . " " ,,'-"----'.' ..., -..,...._,----_... L~.,...., _.-:..:...-.'-~~_.~-_._.- .., <', --..." '-: t' .'. o.rtcclli:-'f..!-c"'_l.~~d C:!.I. ?U.C Sh..'ct ~o. lC~J.-~.! , ' , -------- . . ~ ----- I ~ . ,-- . .. .,_.. ... Shcet:tO of 1.1 I . ~ Rule lZo. 15 . .'. . . - . . . It<\I~ E:ITENSlm¡S . . -:-': - . --. --.- (Continued) . C. Extensions to Sen'e Subdivlsio71s. Tracts. Housi:1~ ProiC'J.:::ts, . industrial D~llelopmp"'ts or Ory,.:lt'.izcd Cor:1:r.~rcÜd. Districts (Con.tin~ed) . . " .. 3. Tex:m-ir.ation of /fain E:r:tzì".sion Contr.:zcts (Continued) . . 7ermlnatio~ t~ctors Years '. Years . Remaining: . Yacto~ Remait\in~' Factor' ." . 1 .8929 ' 11 .' . .5398 . ., 2 .8450 :. 12 .5162 3 '.' . .8006 13 . .1.941 4 . .7593 14 . . .4734 5 .7210 - 15. .4541 6 .6852 16 .4359 7 ' . . .6520 11' .4is8 8 .6210 . 18 : .4028 .9 .5920 19 ..3877 10 .5650 . . ". . b. The ':ltility ~hélll furnish promptly to the Com::¡issio;"t the follo,...br; ,:.:;.;',. ,...: . . . . inforraation. in Hrltiaz and sh.:Ül o'ht:élin .P'rior ¿),uthori7.at.iol'1 by i! formal application under Sections 816-830 of the Public Utiliti~~ Code if payrï:ent is to be ~éJ.d~ other th::m in cash: . (1) A copy of the tilain extension contr<l::::t, together . vith data adeq~ately describing the develop~ent . for-w~ich the advance was pade and the total adjusted construction cost of the extension. ' (2) The bala~ce unpaid on the contract and the ,calculation of the maximum temination price, . . as above' defined, as of the date of t'errotination . . and, the terms under ~lhich the obligation \;as . terminated. . . , -' . - (3) The n~ffie of the holder of the contract ~hen . , terminated. .' . , . .. c. Discounts obtained by the utility from contracts terminated under . ~be provisions of this section shall be accounted.for by credits . to Ac. 265, Contributions in Aid of Constructio:l. ' . , (Continued) , ,~..:.J br " . 9. 1/ "--'.... Ad vie. L.t«i !'la, . 4 58 ~R ;7 ~ ~ D.t-- FîI<d .. ;j:" ;J ~ ; J J . ) l.. ~. ,- ,...~ -"') ",-..... D:cisio:i ~o. 84334 ED F. CA TEY. Yi!:~ PUS;t!:!/lt EûC\."ti,,'e . I_) .- J 1, : . - . - , ----- --- . _. -,-.-,'--;---'~--- -. -- .. . . C:mcdlir:g C:t!. I).D.c. 5h;:c.:t No. ' ' ' ;, -- -- . ------ . --., .--.- . . .. Sh~et 11 of It .,' I . Rule No. 15 , .. .. . . HAH; EÀ"LF.NSIÅ’1S ~ . (Continued) . .. D. Extensio~3 Designed to lncluèe Fire Protcctioa '1. .'Ì'he. cost of distribc.tion'I:lain5 ¿£signed to.,.recet the .fire f10",. re(}uir~- ¡/ nents set forth in Sectio~ VIII.l(a) of General Order No. 103 is to be" adv~nced by th2 applicant. The utility :h311 xefund this advance as {f provided in Sectiorts B.3. and C.2. of th.l.s .rule. . :' ' . . . 2. Should dis~~ibu~~o~y:;t.ins be. d2signe?' to Eee.t fire flo~~..requ,ir~_r::~nts.'r! . in excess o¡ those set forth in S2ct.l.On VIII-lea) of Cener.::.l Ord~r f,' . no. 103, the incr~;;lse_~n cos t of the distrib~ti£~_F1~i~.~...E~cess:tiy to !) - ----- -._-- --- .-..----.. . . roeet Sl1c!1_~~þh~r £~.E~. f~:::.3::~l:1~~ct:'.~n~~. :5þ_a]'1_.be--pai4~t¡',~ut..£rit>." .' tis _a ~óÌifri'èu.,,!-_~a in ai~_~,--~~~t~~ct~o~. . . . - ..' '...: I. . 3. The. co_sot, ~ allocatr:d 2.S approp:late, oOL facilities ot~er t~,~n distri-:"f / .l1 butJ.on maJ.ns requJ.red to provJ.Cle suP~~Y'o__pre.:S_~_':l.r,eJ -9};~t;.~r,!-g.e \;~ .! ¡ Pri~¡y f-or }i~,=-..E'rot~_~~~õri:Eti~fjã~ès, shall be pa~ to the utilit~t7 ' i . 'ãs'ã:COritribüYion' in-ilid-of -construction. . 'I o;~ oJ (L '__0-" '-----"-",. . . ~ . ..::,:Lj, . , ). f . . . . . .,(; . ' .' 0 , . . 0 . . . . o . . ... . . 00 ."-:. ... . . ~ . "; . . . . ' . . . . . ~ . . ' ., ,,'. . . . . .", 0 . . ,"e.' . '. . . .0 ' ~.' .' .. . . . . . , . 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