HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/21/82 \ ~ " I ," r ,- ...¡;¡ I ,"' , , AGENDA J:~ ------ .. WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1982 4:00 P.M. Call meeting to order Roll Call - Board Members: Barton, Chairman; Payne, Ratty, Kelmar Oberholzer 1. Approve minutes of Water Board meeting of April 7, 1982 2. Scheduled Public Statements ""- 3. Engineering agreements for final design and construction of Beardsley and Rocky Point river weirs. City will act as lead agency in the reconstruction of these jointly owned facilities. FOR BOARD ACTION. 4. Calloway Canal agreement between City of Bakersfield, North Kern Water Storage District and Improvement District #4, setting forth the terms and conditions for use of the Calloway Canal by I.D. #4. FOR BOARD ACTION AND RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL. 5. 1982-83 Agricultural Water Enterprise Budget. The budget this year consists of two (2) separate compònents as follows: A) "1982-83 Operations and Capital Outlay Budget." B) "1982 Water Price and Sand Sale Sch~dule." FOR BOARD ACTIONS AND RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL. 6. Staff Comments 7. Board Comments 8. Adjournments " -- -------.- -,...-- .'-.-" .-.-',,-."--'---... , ,- "-.._...._------_.__..--~.__.- '__"'_--_.~-'---'---._-,.._---_._-----_.-._-------- .-; I ~.. i r . ~"- , .' ~ ~!~~!~~ -.: ' WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, APRIL' 7,1982 4:00 P.M. , 'I -'- The meeting was called to order by Chairman Barton in the Depart- ment of Water Conference Room. The secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Barton, Payne, Ratty, Kelmar, Oberholzer Absent: None The minutes from the Special Water Board Meeting of March 15, 1982, were approved as presented. Agreement between the City of Bakersfield and California Water Service Company for the Operation and Maintenance of the Fair- haven Water System was presented to the board. . At this time Mr. Hawley explained that this agreement provides for California Water Service Company to operate and maintain the Fairhaven Water System under terms similar to the Ashe Water System Agreement. The termination date is December 31, 1982, with provisions for a year to year extension. Stetson Engineers has reviewed the agreement and recommends approval; the staff concurs with this recommendation. After discussion Mr. Kelmar made a motion that the board recommend acceptance by City Council. The motion was passed. .-~ Deed and Bill of Sale of California Water Service Company's water service area within the Fairhaven System was brought before the board. Mr. Hawley gave a map illustration of the area and stated this Deed and Bill of Sale provides for the acquisition of California Water Service Company's pipeline and related facilities in the area west of 99 Freeway between Rosedale Highway and the Calloway Canal. There are approxi- mately 60 service connections served by these facilities. This acquistion is in accordance to Agreement of Sale No. 81-109 dated July 29, 1981. The acquisition cost is $220,000. After a brief discussion between board and staff Mr. Ratty made a motion that the Deed and Bill of Sale be recommended to City Council for acceptance of the Deed and direct payment of the sale. The motion was passed. Special Facilities Contract with Tenneco Realty Development Corporation to construct and acquire a well, reservoir, and booster plant near Mohawk Street and Truxtun Avenue was pre- sented to the board. Mr. Hawley stated the area around Mohawk Street from Truxtun Avenue to California Avenue does not have an adequate supply of domestic fire flow water. In order to continue the development of the area, Tenneco has agreed to construct a well, reservoir and booster plant and transfer these facilities to the City as part of the Ahse Water System. -- These facilities will serve approximately 200 acres. Tenneco .. " will be reimbursed for a portion of the cost (63%) in accordance with California Public Utility Commission's Rule 15. As property is developed within the service area, refunds will be made with Domestic Water funds, based on properties proportionate share of the refundable costs. Stetson Engineers recommend this project and agreement; staff concurs with this recommendation. After discussion Mr. Kelmar made a motion that the board recommend Contract to City Council for execution. The motion was passed. - u ----- -- -- - -- - u '--~------._----~----------'------------------------------,....,....-----~-~-----~-~------.---.--- - - ------- . j - 7 T I ' .' 0 .STAFF COMMENTS , ,~ I' Mr. Hawley brought the board up-to-date on the Ashe Water System Rate Study and distributed a Proposed Water Service Rates General Metered Service Schedule, along with a Comparison of unit Revenues ($/Customer/Month) Schedule. He informed the board and distributed a letter announcing a public hearing of the Ashe Water System Rate Study to be held in the City Council Chambers on April 21, 1982 at 8:00 P.M. BOARD COMMENTS At this time Mr. Ratty asked staff to explain the I.D.#4, Nickel ~ agreement exchange. Water Manager Chafin explained in general '~I the terms of the agreement. There being no further business to come before the board, Chair- man Barton adjourned the meeting at 5:00 P.M. James J. Barton, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Linda Hostmyer, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board ,..-",.,. ¡;,'.' t - t.:, ~>:1 - r;-"1 --. I . . 1 I - - ---- ~, Ý' , ( ¡ I . , { ,,' , CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BEARDSLEY AND CARRIER CANAL POHERPLÞ_NTS An analysis of the economics of constructing a low-head .' hydropower plant. in conjunction with the replacement of the Beardsley Diversion Weir. has been completed. The powerplant would be constructed adjacent to the reconstructed diversion weir and would consist of two 435 KW turbine-generators rated at 525 cfs each. operating under a normal head of 12 feet. Based on the 1954-1980 period of record, the powerplant could generate an average of 3,506,000 KHH annually. Estimated costs of the powerplant facilities included the structural works required to house the outdoor type turbine- generators, the two 435 KW turbine-generators and electrical controls and switchgear necessary to connect with the public utility's transmission lines. Total project costs for the powerplant facilities was estimated to be $3,380,000, including all bonding, financial. legal and engineering costs. Annual repayment costs. totaling $461,000, were based on a bond interest rate of 13% and a 25 year repayment period. Annual O@i costs of $50.700 were estimated to increase 8% annually. based on current inflation rates. Sale of energy produced at the powerplant would be made to the utilities at their "avoided cost" of energy, which averaged $0.068/~iH in 1981. This rate is projected to increase 10% ann- ually, during the project study period. First year income. based on average energy produced. would be $349,000. - ,". ." T,. I '.' . .. " Results of the feasibility study, showed that first year benefit-cost ratio would be 0.74 to 1.0. Accumulated benefit- \ costs would exceed 1.0 to 1.0 in the 17th year and total accum- ulated benefit-costs for the 28 year study period would be 1.09 to 1. 0 . Since the benefit-cost ratio of the project is borderline, as to its feasibility, it is recommended the construction of the powerplant project be delayed until such time, as increased en- ergy rates or lower interest rates result in a more feasible pro- ject. Reconstruction of the Beardsley Weir should allow construc- tion of the powerplant at some future time without major changes in the weir structure. A complete feasibility study of the Carrier Canal powerplant was not conducted, however, since total costs of constructing the Carrier Canal Powerplant exceed the costs of the Beardsley Power- plant and energy production is less, the overall project benefit- costs will be less than the 1.09 to 1.0 ratio calculated for the Beardsley Powerplant. I ,I !! . .- . ¡' , .' I ;. .' < > CITY OF BAKERSFIELD > BEARDSLEY AND CARRIER CANAL POvlliRPLANTS I SUMMARY OF FACILITIES I ITEM "BEARDSLEY POHERPLANT CARRIER CANAL PO1.JERPLANT Maximum Flow Rate 1050 cfs 1050 cfs Hinirnurn Flow Rate 175 cfs 175 cfs Design Head 12 feet 10 feet Total Installed Capacity 870 KÌ^l 720 KH Number of Units 2 2 Type of Turbine Standard Tube Standard Tube Average Energy Produced for 28 year Record 3,506,063 KHH/yr. 2,944,942 KHH/yr. First Year Average Income from Sale of Energy }j $349,000 $293,000 Incremental Cost of Power Facilities $3,380,000 $4,035,000 '5:../ Annual Repayment Cost $550,000 @ 13%-25 years $461,000 '!:../ Operation & Maintenance $50,700 $60,500 '5:../ Project Benefit~Cost Ratio for 28 year Study Period 1. 09 : 1 0.77:1 '!:../ 1.1 Energy sales estimated to increase 10% annually during project study period. 2/ Projected costs and benefits based on Beardsley Powerplant Study. --- --- ., i' 'f ~. AGREE~ŒNT , ,;, $ FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES This agreement, dated , 1982 be- tween the City of Bakersfield and North Kern Hater Storage District, hereinafter called "Owner", and RICKS, TAYLOR & lŒYER, INC., a California Corporation, hereinafter called "Engineer". WITNESSETH: ---------- ~mEREAS, Owner claims title to the Beardsley Canal and appurtenances thereto, including the Beardsley Diversion Weir, (elsewhere called the "Beardsley River 1-1eir") and the Beardsley ,I , ! Headworks Structure, as provided by Agreement No. 76-89 and a I, QUITCLAIM OF CANAL EASENENTS, INCLUDING CERTAIN APPURTENAl'1CES I~ THERETO AND INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY, executed February 28, I 1978, and WHEREAS, the Owner desires to secure engineering services for the final design and construction of the Beardsley Diversion Weir and Beardsley Headworks Structure, substantially as shown on preliminary drawings, dated February 5, 1982, and WHEREAS, Engineer is qualified and properly registered as a civil engineer under the laws of the State of California to per- form engineering required hereunder by Owner and is willing to furnish and perform said services for the considerations and upon . the terms'and conditions herein set forth, and NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: , ~- .. ,¡, T I £ ARTICLE I ~s SCOPE OF P~OJECT Section 1.01: Engineer's EmEloyment: Subject to the limitations, restrictions and conditions herein set forth, Engineer is employed by Owner to perform all the engineer- ing work and furnish all the engineering services herein- after listed which are required to complete the planning, design and construction of works for the Beardsley Diversion Weir and the Beardsley Canal Headworks Structure. Engineer accepts said employment and agrees to provide engineering services as herein required in a skillful and professional manner. Section 1.02: Commencement of Engineering Work: Owner, by execution of this agreement, authorizes and directs the im- mediate commencement of the work required by Engineer hereunder. ? \ , . 'j :r 'i' ' < "' ARTICLE II , :; DUTIES AIm RESPONSIBILITIES OF ENGINEER , Section 2.01: Services to be performed and Supplies - . - to be Furnished on Hourly and Fixed Rate Basis: Engl.neer J .shall perform all the following work and services and fur- nish the following supplies in connection with engineering required for the planning, design and construction of the Project in accordance with the attached hourly and fixed fee rates and charges and at no other cost or expense except as hereinafter in this agreement specifically provided: (a) Hold conferences and obtain information and data pertaining to all aspects of the Project with representatives of the Owner, property owners and Lessees involved, public agencies, regulatory authorities and others as required to per~ form the required engineering for the planning, designing and construction of the Project: (b) Coordinate and assume responsibility for the preparation and drafting of documents for complying with provisions of the California Environmental quality Act of 1970, as amended, The Guidelines for Implementation of said Act, as from time to time promulgated by the Secretary of the California Resources Agency. (c) Prepare engineering data for all regulatory permit applications that may be required by local, state or federal authorities; ~ I I 3 \ '. . (d) Prepare final engineering designs for the Project; , " (e) Prepare construction plans and specifications and con- tract documents, satisfactory to Owner's counsel ~nd adequate for the receipt of construction proposals; (f) Prepare estimates of quantities and costs; (g) Process plans and specifications for approval as re- quired by participating agencies; (h) Assist ~vner in securing bids, tabulation and analysis of bid results and in letting of contracts; (i) Perform services requested by Owner in connection with acquisition of land and rights-of-way required by the Project, including surveying, preparation of legal descriptions and plans and all engineering work in connection with condemnation pro- ceedings; (j) Provide engineering assistance to Owner's counsel in the preparation of legal proceedings and appearances before courts or commissions in connection with litigation which might occur between the Owner and others; (k) Furnish construction supervision and inspectors of construction; as required to assure Owner that the work is con- structed according to plans and specifications; (1) Furnish Owner, as requested by Owner, reproductions of construction drawings and specifications, including bound plans and specifications for bidding purposes; . I 4 \ .' Î' I . ' .,.. (m) Furnish or make arrangements for ordinary surveys > during both planning and construction phases. aerial photograrn- I metry services and surveys, materials testings. and soils in- I vestigation. including field testings; provided. however, that the laboratory or professional organizations to perform the work required by this sub-paragraph, under supervision of Engineer, I shall be mutually agreed upon and selected by Engineer and Owner. (n) Review laboratory and inspection reports on materials and soils tests and correlate such reports with the intention of the plans and specifications; (0) Certify to Owner all progress payments to contractors; (p) Until completion of the Project. furnish monthly written progress reports with respect to the construction contra~t and to progress under this contract; (q) Furnish Owner a final inspection and a written report of the completed Project; (r) Prepare record. "as constructed". drawings when the con- struction work has been completed (this shall mean the tracings of the plans will be ~odified, where necessary, because of deviations from the original plans, The original tracings, after being mod- ified, shall become Owner's property); (s) Provide. on request of Owner. attendance of a consulting engineer at all meetings of ~NTIer's Committee until completion of the Project; c; . , ¡ è' " ", (t) Within one month following execution of this agreement, . prepare and furnish Owner a time schedule of all work to be per- . formed by Engineer and thereafter for each regular meeting of I Owner's Committee, furnish Ow~er a written status report of work I performed during the preceeding month and of adherence to said schedule, which written report may be part of the progress reports required under sub-paragraph (q) above; Owner may directly perform any of the work and service set forth in this Section 2.01 at its own expense. provided that Owner, and Engineer shall first mutually agree upon the work to be per- formed by Owner and provided further that all such work shall be accomplished under the supervision of Engineer. I r: I . "' " , ' ; I I ARTICLE III i> ; ENGINEER'S FEES ~1D CO~œENSTION; . N-mUNT; HHEN DUE , Section 3.01: Hourly and Fixed Rate Fee: For all items of work and services, including the furnishing of supplies and equipment, pertaining to the Project and required to be fur- nished by Engineer as set forth in Section 2.01 hereof, Owner shall pay Engineer and Engineer shall receive and accept, as payment in full, the following sums of money: Classification Rate - Consulting Civil Engineer $ 55.aO Per Hour Registered Civil Engineer $ 50.00 Per Hour Associate Engineer $ 42.00 Per Hour Construction Engineer $ 38.00 Per Hour Assistant Engineer $ 33.00 Per Hour Junior Engineer $ 31.00 Per Hour Engineering Technician $ 27.00 Per Hour Design Draftsman $ 20.00 Per Hour Draftsman $ 16.00 Per Hour Secretary $ 15.00 Per Hour Aerial Photograrnmetry Services and Surveys Invoice Cost Blueprints, Perôits and other Invoice Cost + 10% special items Soils Investigations and Field Tests Invoice Cost Automobile Mileage $0.40 Per Mile 7 - - ----- , " , . , ~ The hourly rates above set forth shall remain in effect Jo until July 30, 1982, after which date such rates shall be re- negotiated on a basis consistent with any increase in Engineer's labor costs over those prevailing at the date of this contract. The rates and charges set forth above include all required cler- ical (except secretarial) services and normal equipement and mat- erials used in connection with the production of the required engineering services. Section 3.02: Payment of Engineer's Fees: Engineer shall furnish Owner monthly progress billings for all amounts becoming due and payable to Engineer under the provisions of Section 3.01 hereof and such billings shall be paid by Owner to Engineer on the date of Owner's regular monthly meeting next occurring or within thirty (30) days following date of presentment. Section 3.03: Deferment of Payment of Engineer's Fees: In the event Owner gives Engineer notice of cancellation of this contract in accordance with the provisions of Section 7.01 hereof, payment of all engineering fees then due and payable (computed as provided in Section 3.01 hereof) may be deferred by Owner until there are available in Owner's General Fund monies, otherwise unen- cumbered, available for the payment of said fees, provided, how- ever, that any of such fees deferred beyond thirty (30) days after presentment shall thereafter bear interest at the rate of l~% per month. I R 'i '1' I " ' < .> Section 3.04: Payment for Services on Abandonment or < . Substantial Reduction of Project: In the event of abandonment of the Project by Owner during progress of work hereunder, Eng- ineer shall 'be paid for all work completed to date of abandonment and the amount of final fee due and payable by Owner will be calculated at the hourly rates set forth in Section 3.01 hereof. Section 3.05: Cost sharing among the Owners: The City of Bakersfield and North Kern Water Storage District, (or their res- pective predecessors in interest) have agreed to share costs in accordance with capacity right of use in the Beardsley Canal as provided for in "AGREEMENT OF SALE OF CANALS AND OTHER ASSETS AND FOR TRANSPORTATION OF WATER", dated January I, 1952; and as provided by agreement No. 76-89 between the City of Bakersfield and North Kern ~'¡ater Storage District; and a "QUITCLAIM OF CANAL EASEHENTS, INCLUDING CERTAIN APPURTENANCES THERETO AND INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY", executed February 28, 1978. The costs to be shared by reason of this Agreement shall be as follows: BEARDSLEY PERCENT (%) OF ~ CAPACITY COST SHARED City of Bakersfield 100 cfs 16.667% North Kern Water Storage District 500cfs 83.333% Totals 600 cfs 100.000% ARTICLE IV ULTI~ATE CONTROL OF PROJECT ", Section 4.01: Owner Control: Ultimate control of the Pro- ject, its criteria and operational capabilities shall at all times Q : 0 'j' '., ' < ~emain in Owner. To this end Engineer shall confer regularly and < . frequently with Owner's Representative. In the event Engineer and Owner's Representative do not agree with respect to any recommen- dation of Engineer, the written determination of Owner's Represent- ative with respect thereto shall be final and binding upon the par- ties hereto. City of Bakersfield is hereby designated as Owner's Representative and shall have full authority to act for Owner. ARTICLE V COMPLETION Section 5.01: Time for Completion of Plans, Specifications and Contract Documents: Final plans, specifications and contract documents for the project shall be filed with Owner within one hundred twenty (120) days after approval of the Engineering Ser- vices Agreement. Extension of said filing date may be granted by Owner's Representative where there appears to said Representative to be sufficient reason for extension. ARTICLE VI ATTORNEY'S FEES Section 6.01: Award to Successful Party: If any action is brought to enforce the terms of this agreement. the party found by the court to be in default shall pay reasonable attorney's fees to the successful party in an amount to be fixed by the court. .° ", . " c ,,' ARTICLE VII -' TERJ.'1INATION Section 7.01: Termination of Engineering Agreement: This agreement may be terminated at any time by mutual consent of the parties. This agreement may be terminated, without cause, at any time by Owner. upon its giving ten (10) days written notice of termination to Engineer. This agreement may be terminated, with cause. effective immediately upon receipt of written notice of such termination by Engineer. If. in the opinion of Engineer, any requirement of Owner regarding any engineering provided for , under the terms of this agreement 'is unsound from an engineering standpoint. Engineer may terminate this agreement by giving Owner thirty (30) days written notice of termination of this contract. ARTICLE VIII NOTICES Section 8.01: All notices herein provided for shall be in writing and shall be given either personally or by registered mail. registration fees prepaid. Notices delivered to Owner's representatives, if personally given, shall be delivered to Owner's office on Truxtun Avenue in the City of Bakersfield. California. or, if delivered by mail, shall be addressed to Owner at 1501 Trux- tun Ave.. Bakersfield. California 93301. Notice to Engineer may be personally delivered or mailed. registered mail. registration fees prepaid, to Engineer at 930 Truxtun Avenue. Suite 102. Bakersfield. California 93301. Mailed notices so given. if posted in Bakersfield, California, shall be conclusively deemed received on the second business day following mailing. 11 ,'" '. . . " " IN WITNESS ~iHEP~OFthe parties have executed this agreement , as of the date first hereinabove written. OWNER ENGINEER BY BY City of Bakersfield BY BY North Kern Water Storage RICKS. TAYLOR & MEYER. INC. District j ", ;: ',' I ~ > AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES This agreemen t, dated April 1, 1982 between the City of Bakersfield and Kern Delta Water District, hereinafter called "Owner", and RICKS, TAYLOR & MEYER, INC.. a California cor- , / poration, hereinafter called "Engineer". WIT N E SSE T H: ---------- WHEREAS, Owner claims title to the Carrier Canal and appurtenances thereto, including the Rocky Point Diversion Weir, and the Carrier Canal Headworks Structure, as provided by Agreement No. 76- 70 "AGREEHENT FOR SALE OF KER1~ RIVER ~'¡ATER RIGHTS AND CANALS" between the City of Bakersfield and Kern Delta Water District, executed June 15, 1976; and HHEREAS, the Owner desires to secure engineering services for the final design and construction of the Rocky Point Diversion Weir with provisions for future construction of Carrier Canal Headworks Structure, substantially as shovm on preliminary draw- ings dated February 5, 1982, and WHEREAS, Engineer is qualified and properly registered as 'I I a civil engineer under the laws of the State of California to perform engineering required hereunder by Owner and is willing to furnish and perform said services for the considerations and upon the terms and conditions herein set forth, and NOU, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1 .' < ' ¡ ARTICLE I " SCOPE OF PROJECT Section 1.01: Engineer's Employment: Subject to the limitations, restrictions and conditions herein set forth, Engineer is employed by Owner to perform all the engineer- ing work and furnish all the engineering services herein- ? after listed which are required to complete ,tbe planning, design and construction of works for the Rocky Point Diversion Structure with provisions for future construction of Carrier Canal Headworks Structure. Engineer accepts said employment and agrees to provide engineering services as herein required in a skillful and professional manner. Sèction 1.02: Commencement of Engineering Work: Owner, - . by execution of this agreement, authorizes and directs the immediate commencement of the work required by Engineer here- under. 2 ~ I " < < ., ARTICLE II DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF ENGINEER Section 2.01: Services to be Performed and Supplies to be Furnished on Hourly and Fixed Rate Basis Engineer shall perform all the following work and services and fur- nish the following supplies in connection with engineering required for the planning, design and construction of the Project in accordance with the attached hourly and fixed fee rates and charges and at no other cost or expense except as hereinafter in this agreement specifically provided; (a) Hold conferences and obtain information and data pertaining to all aspects of the Project with representatives of the Owner, property owners and Lessees involved, public agencies, regulatory authorities and others as required to per- form the required engineering for the planning, designing and construction of the Project; (b) Coordinate and assume responsibility for the p~eparation and drafting of documents for complying with provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended. The Guidelines for Implementation of Said Act, as from time to time promulgated by the Secretary of the California Resources Agency. (c) Prepare engineering data for all regulatory permit applications that may be required by local, state or federal authorities; - 1 --------- .' . .' . "' . (d) Prepare final engineering designs for the Project; . . (e) Prepare construction plans and specifications and contract documents, satisfactory to Owner's counsel and ade- quate for the receipt of construction proposals; (f) Prepare estimates of quantities and costs; (g) Process plans and specifications for approval as required by participating agencies; (h) Assist Owner in securing bids, tabulation and analysis of bid results and in letting of contracts; (i) Perform services requested by Owner in connection with acquisition of land and rights-of-way required by the Project, including surveying, preparation of legal descriptions and plans and all engineering work in connection with condemnation pro- ceedings; (j) Provide engineering assistance to Owner's counsel in the preparation of legal proceedings and appearances before courts or commissions in connection with litigation which might occur between the Owner and others; (k) Furnish construction supervision and inspectors of construction, as required to assure Owner that the work is con- structed according to plans and specifications; (1) Furnish Owner, as requested by Owner, reproductions of construction drawings and specifications, including bound plans I and specifications for bidding purposes; , '. .. . ,' . ' ~ , (m) Furnish or make arrangements for ordinary surveys . ¡ aerial photogram- . during both planning and construction phases, me try services and surveys, materials testings, and soils in- vestigation, including field testings; provided, however, that the laboratory or professional organizations to perform the work required by this sub-paragraph, under supervision of Engineer, shall be mutually agreed upon and selected by Engineer and Owner. (n) Review laboratory and inspection reports on materials and soils tests and correlate such reports with the intention of the plans and specifications; (0) Certify to Owner all progress payments to contractors; (p) Until completion of the Project, furnish monthly written progress reports with respect to the construction contract and to progress under this contract; (q) Furnish Owner a final inspection and a written report of the completed Project; (r) Prepare record, "as constructed", drawings when the con- struction work has been completed (this shall mean the tracings of the plans will be modified, where necessary, because of deviations from the original plans. The original tracings, after being mod- ified, shall become Owner's property); (s) Provide, on request of Owner. attendance of a consulting engineer at all meetings of Owner's Committee until completion of the Project; C\ '. c~ . ,' I ' " " (t) Within one month following execution of this agreement. i' ; prepare and furnish Owner a time schedule of all work to be per- formed by Engineer and thereafter for each regular meeting of Owner's Committee. furnish Owner a written status report of work performed during the preceeding month and of adherence to said schedule. which written report may be part of the progress reports required under sub-paragraph (q) above; Owner may directly perform any of the work and service set forth in this Section 2.01 at its own expense. provided that Owner. and Engineer shall first mutually agree upon the work to be per- formed by Owner and provided further that all such work shall be accomplished under the supervision of Engineer. , I I 'I ,. -- . ..' ~ r 7 ' . > ARTICLE III ' . ENGINEER'S FEES AND COMPENSATION; k'10UNT; HHEN DUE Section 3.01: Hourly and Fixed Rate Fee: For all items of work and services. including the furnishing of supplies and equipment. pertaining to the Project and required to be fur- nished by Engineer as set forth in Section 2.01 hereof. O;m e r shall pay Engineer and Engineer shall receive and accept. as payment in full. the following sums of money: Classification Rate - Consulting Civil Engineer $ 55.00 Per Hour Registered Civil Engineer $ 50.00 Per Hour Associate Engineer $ 42.00 Per Hour Construction Engineer $ 38.00 Per Hour Assistant Engineer $ 33,00 Per Hour Junior Engineer - $ 31.00 Per Hour Engineering Technician $ 27.00 Per Hour Design Draftsman $ 20.00 Per Hour Draftsman $ 16.00 Per Hour Secretary $ 15.00 Per Hour Aerial Photogrammetry Services and Surveys Invoice Cost Blueprints, Permits and other Special Items Invoice Cost + 10% Soils Investigations and Field Tests Invoice Cost Automobile Mileage $0.40 Per Mile 7 -- --- ---- --- . ,~ . .' . . > The hourly rates above set forth shall remain in effect ~ < until July 30, 1982, after which date such rates shall be re- negotiated on a basis consistent with any increase in Engineer's labor costs over those prevailing at the date of this contract. The rates and charges set forth above include all required cler- ical (except secretarial) services and normal equipment and mat- erials used in connection with the production of the required engineering services. Section 3.02: Payment of Engineer's Fees: Engineer shall furnish Owner monthly progress billings- for all al!lounts becoming due and payable to Engineer under the provisions of Section 3.01 hereof and such billings shall be paid by Owner to Engineer on the date of Owner's regular monthly meeting next occurring or within thirty (30) days following date of presentment. Section 3.03: Deferment of Payment of Engineer's Fees: In the event Owner gives Engineer notice of cancellation of this con- tract in accordance with the provisions of Section 7.01 hereof, payment of all engineering fees then due and payable (computed as provided in Section 3.01 hereof) may be deferred by Owner until there are available in Owner's General Fund monies, otherwise unen- cumbered, available for the payment of said fees, provided, how- ever, that any of such fees deferred beyond thirty (30) days after presentment shall thereafter bear interest at the rate of l~% per ',I month. .' I Q I . ~ . ~ ~ . < ~ > Section 3.04: Payment for ~ervices on Abandonment or . Substantial Reduction of Project: In the event of abandonment of the Project by Owner during progress of work hereunder, Eng- ineer shall be paid for all work completed to date of abandonment and the amount of final fee due and payable by Owner will be cal- culated at the hourly rates set forth in Section 3.01 hereof. Section 3.05: Cost sharing among the Owners: The City of Bakersfield and Kern Delta Water District, (or their respective predecessors in interest) have agreed to share costs incurred by reason of this Agreement as follows: City of Bakersfield - 51% Kern Delta Water District - 49% ARTICLE IV ULTIMATE CONTROL OF PROJECT Section 4.01: ~vner Control: Ultimate control of the Pro- ject, its criteria and operational capabilities shall at all times remain in Owner. To this end Engineer shall confer regularly and frequently with Owner's Representative. In the event Engineer and Owner's Representative do not agree with respect to any recommen- dation of Engineer, the written determination of Owner's Represent- ative with respect thereto shall be final and binding upon the par- ties hereto. City of Bakersfield is hereby designated as Owner's Representative and shall have full authority to act for Owner. n --- ,- '," ! ';' .. . " " ARTICLE V " CONPLETION Section 5.01: Time for Completion of ,Plans, Specifications and Contract Documents: Final plans, specifications and contract documents for the project shall be filed with Owner within one hundred twenty (120) days after approval of the Engineering Ser- vices Agreement. Extension of said filing date may be granted by Owner's Representative where there appears to said Representative to be sufficient reason for extension. ARTICLE VI ATTORJ.'.¡EY' S FEES Section 6.01: Award to Successful Party: If any action is brought to enforce thè terms of this agreement, the party found by the court to be in default shall pay reasonable attorney's fees to the successful party in an amount to be fixed by the court. ARTICLE VII TERNINATION Section 7.01: Termination of Engineering Agreement: This agreement may be terminated at any time by mutual consent of the parties, This agreement may be terminated, without cause, at any time by Owner, upon its giving ten (10) days written notice of termination to Engineer. This agreement may be terminated, with cause, effective immediately upon receipt of written notice of such termination by Engineer. If, in the opinion of Engineer, 10 -- un____-- ,. .. t' ! . ¡ . o' any requirement of Owner regarding any engineering provided for ;! under the terms of this agreement is unsound from an engineering standpoint, Engineer may terminate this ßgreement by giving Owner thirty (30) days written notice of termination of this contract. ARTICLE VIII NOTICES Section 8.01: All notices herein provided for shall be in writing and shall be given either personally or by registered mail. registration fees prepaid, Notices delivered to Owner.s representatives. if personally given. shall be delivered to Owner's office on Truxtun Avenue in the City of Bakersfield. California. or, if delivered by mail, shall be addressed to Owner at 1501 Trux- tun Ave., Bakersfield, California 93301. Notice to Engineer may be personally delivered or mailed, registered mail. registration fees prepaid. to Engineer at 930 Truxtun Avenue. Suite 102. Bakersfield, California 93301, Mailed notices so given. if posted in Bakersfield. California, shall be conclusively deemed received on the second business day following mailing, IN 1vITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this agreement as of the date first hereinabove written. OWNER, ENGINEER .! BY City of Bakersfield .. BY BY' Kern Delta Water District RICKS, TAYLOR & MEYER, INC. -( , r , , . ,., i AœIDJENT IN RE CALLCMAY CANAL " ' . THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 1982, by and between the NORTH lŒRN WATER STORA:;E DISTRICT and the CITY OF BAlŒRSFmD, hereafter referred to as the "Partners" and the KERL"\f CDUN1Y WATER AGENCY, acting for and on behalf of ll1PROVEMENT DISTRICT 00. 4, hereafter Kern County Water Agency will be referred to as the "Agency" and Improvement District No. 4 will be referred to as "LD.II4". WIT N E SSE T H: "WHEREAS, LD.jl4'. desires to convey, from time to t:iIœ, Kern River water from the Calloway Canal to the Cross Valley Canal Extension and to LD.jf4's Temperature Pond and/or Treatment Plant. In addition, LD.1J:4 wishes to use the Calloway Canal, when available, for groundwater re- plenishment operations, and WHEREAS, to enhance the water quality processedtbr~J:he_I.P..f.!4 Treatment Plant and to reduce operational fluctuations associated with existing conditions, I.D.f/4 (as well as the Partners) also wishes to isolate the Calloway Canal flows from the Cross Valley Canal Extension, and WHEREAS, to accomplish some of the aforesaid objectives, I.D.iJ:4 has heretofore constructed a temporary structure in the Calloway Canal adjacent to the Cross Valley Canal easement. The Partners are willing to allow I. D.ff4 to use the Calloway Canal to accOmplish its objectives provided a new measuring weir is constructed and becanes operational under the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. . N:Nl, 'IHEREFDRE, it is nutually agreed as follows: 1 I . . . " "'- i . 1. To ensure the accurate measurement of Calloway Canal flows "' . and to provide 1. D.1f4 with a water surface elevation required for "gated" gravity flow operations, Partners shall construct or cause to be constructed, a measuring weir at a location selected by Partners; provided, however, that in order to make certain that said measuring weir will not interfere with existing Cross Valley Canal pipeline easements or impair or impede maintenance, repair, and re- placement of pipelines located within such easement, the location of said weir shall be subject to the approval of LD.f/:4. The crest ele- vation of the measuring weir shall be as agreed to by Partners and 1. 1) . #4. 2. It is agreed and understood that the weir referred to in Para- graph 1 hereof shall be constructed at LD.:fI4' s expense, but in no event at a cost to I.D.#4 in excess of $50,000.00. It is also under- stood that the tbrth Kern Hater Storage District shall act as the lead agency in the construction of the weir and that LD.jj4 shall remit pay- rent to said District for the actual cost thereof within thirty days after the receipt of appropriate :L..voices for mrk performed. 1 3. For and in consideration of LD.:¡'j4's promise to pay for the construction of the measuring weir described in Paragraph 1 hereof, the Partners agree that at such times and tmder such conditions as do not interfere with the conveyance and control of water in the Calloway Canal by and for the Partners: 'I (a) LD.jf4 may use said canal for the purpose of conveying Kern River water to the Cross Valley Canal extension and to LD.fJ:4' s I Temperature Pond and/or Treatment Plant and for the purpose of grotmd- water replenishment operations. 2 . I . . ~ , "'. " I ,i (b) 1.D.if4 rmy, upan approval .of the plans and specifications " . therefore by the Partners, construct a submerged, "gated" turnout and pipeline upstream .of the new Callaway Canal measuring weir, capable of supplying metered KeTI1 River water by gravity flow for I.D.if4 purposes., (c) Agency and/or I. D. #4 may have reasonable use .of the North and South banks of the Calloway Canal between Arrow Street and Golden State Highway for access purposes to the Cross Valley Canal Extension. (d) Agency may, upon approval by the Partners of the plans and specifications therefare, construct, repair, reconstruct, and rmintain a culvert or bridge at Arrm.., Street with the design flow capacity requirements as detennined by Partners. (e) 1. D.ff4 shall rermve the control struCture on the South side .of the canal dawnstream .of the low water crassing upon rea- sonable natice by Partners and restore the banks of the Callaway Canal. (f) 1.D.if:4 shall cease disposal of Airport Drive drainage inta the Callaway Canal South of the 1. D.ff4 Treatment Plant, reroove installed culvert and refill ditches to origjnal configuration. 1.D.ij4 rmy, upon approval of plans and specificatians of Partners, canstruct, .operate and maintain a pipe under the canal to dispose .of this drainage water. 4. The parties further agree that: ." (a) 1. D.if4 shall coardinate with and give Partners at least 48 hours natice of its intentian ta rmke any changes in its use .of 3 - ------ , , . " ~ the Calloway. Canal.. The Partners, in turn, shall give 1.D.i{4 ." ' . reasonable notice of Partners I carmencement or discontinuance of the use of the Calloway Canal or as to any change in use which will interfere with or significantly affect 1. D.if4' s use of the Calloway Canal. (b) To recover the cost of operation and maintenance in-:- incurred by the Partriers, 1.D.i/4 shall be subject to a charge of $0.75 per acre foot for all water entering the Calloway Canal from the Calloway headWJrks and/or the Cross Valley Canal for 1.D.i/4 use. For 1.D.il4 use of the westerly reach of the Calloway Canal, an additional charge of $0.75 per acre foot shall be charged to LD.if4 for all LD.i/4 water passing the grade weir in the northeast quarter of section 22 of T.29S./R.27E., H.D.B.&M. These transpor- tation charges shall be subject to escalation on the basis of the January 1, 1982 Price Index "all cOITIIDdities" classification for the wholesale price ind~xes for major commodity group published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. If 1. D.il4' s use of the Calloway Canal pursuant to this Section is found to be mutually beneficial (through exchanges or other means), Partners my, at their discretion, waive any portion or all of the above fees. 1.D.i/4 shall also be subject to all unusual or unforeseen costs created by I.D.il4 operations which may be imposed upon Partners by other governmental agencies. Any special flow measura:nents or activities beyond the nonnal func- tions requested by I.D.i{4, shall be at the sole expense of I.D.It4. Any unusual maintenance or restoration WJrk above Golden 4 . Q ; <. " State Highway relat:L.'1g to the N.O.R. Recreation Park lands or ¡ ~ . Airport Drive Drainage area which may beccrne necessary due to the I.D.#4 use shall be I.D.#4's responsibility. The City of Bakersfield Water DepartIrent, in its role of Central Records, will be resp::msible for detennining the alloca- tions of water delivered for which North Kern Water Storage District will invoice, collect and distribute the use fees according to prior agreanents between Partners. (c) All appurtenant structures located in the Calloway Canal including the turnout constructed pursuant to Paragraph 3 (b) above shall be operated by the Partners. Cross Valley Canal turnouts to the Calloway Canal shall be mutually scheduled and flow changes shall be made jointly by Partners and LD.#4,' (d) The existing Arrow Street culvert and the temporary struc- ture referred to in the recitals located below the Cross Valley Canal siphon, may remain in place so long as they do not impede the capacity of the Calloway Canal or its use and operations as determined by the Partners. If, in the reasonable judgement of the Partners, either of said structures impede the capacity of the Calloway Canal or its use and operation by the Partners to any significant extent, Agency shall, on sixty days notice rem::>ve, repair or replace the obstructing structure and restore the premises at its own expense. 5. 1. D.it4 agrees to protect, defend, indemnify and hold Partners , free and hannless from and agafust a.I:ly and all losses, claims, liens, costs (including legal fees). demands, and causes of action of every kind and character arising or caused directly or indirectly from 1.D.iþ4 and/or Agency's negligence or the negligence of any of its employees in the use 5 ---- i. " õ ~. > of the Calloway Canal and the maintenance of the Þ:rrow Street culvert , o . and that tEmpOrary structure referred to in the recitals hereof as autmrized by this Agreanent. Partners, in tUTIl, agree to protect, defend, indemnify and hold Agency and/or LD.1f:4 free and harmless fran and against any and all losses, claims, liens, costs (including legal fees), demmds and causes of action of every kind and character arising or caused directly or indirectly by the negligence of the Partners or either of than or the negligence of any of their employees. 6. This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and assigns of the parties hereto; provided, how- ever, no party hereto shall assign or otherwise transfer this Agreement or any rights hereunder withJut prior written consent of the parties hereto. í.JHEREFDRE, the parties herein above have executed this Agreement on the date first aoove written. KERN COUN'lY WATER AGEN:Y for J}fP RO VÐ1ENT D I S 1RI cr 00. 4 ,i By '\ ffiR PAR1NERS: IDRTII KERN WATER SlORAGE DISTRICT APPROVED AS 10 FORM: By CIIT OF BAlŒRSFIELD City Attorney By CD UNIE RS I GNE D : Hayor "City" MIDager, Department of Water OOUNTERS IGNED : I 6 Assistant City M:mager-Finance L , , I ' ~~ J ~ Recording requested by & Return to: ~ . NJR1H KERN HATER STORAGE DISTRICT Post Office Box 1195 Bakersfield, California 93302 JOINT USE AND OCCUPAN;Y AGREEMENI' TIITS AGRID1ENT, entered into this day of 1982 by and between NORr.tl KERN WATER S1DRAGE DISTRICT, a political subdivision of the State of California, hereinafter called "District", and KERJ.';¡ mUNTY WATER AGENCY, a political subdivision of the State of California, hereinafter called "Agency", WIT N E SSE T H: ---------- '[ ~v'HEREAS, District is the owner in possession of certain rights I of way and easements for the Calloway Canal, hereinaft~r referred to as "District's easerœnt", and WHEREAS, Agency has acquired certain lands hereinafter referred to as "Agency's easement" for the construction of the Calloway Canal siph.::m, part of Agency's Cross Valley Canal Project; and WHEREAS, facilities presently installed pursuant to said easements cb not interfere with or obstruct eåch other; row, THEREFORE, District and Agency hereby mutually agree as fo Hows: 1. Agency acknowledges District's title to District easement in the Joint Use Area where the Calloway Canal and Cross Valley Canal intersect, as shown by the drawing attached hereto as Exhibit "A", 1 I I ------ , " . ~ > " and District acknowledges Agency's title to Agency easement in said " .; Joint Use Area. District and Agency each have and reserve the right and easement to use, in conmm the other's use, sàid Joint Use Area for all of the purposes for which said easements were acquired without need for any further permit or permission. Except in emergencies, District and Agency shall each give reasonable notice to the other before perfonning any IDrk in said Joint Use Area which could affect the other's facilities. 2. In the event that the Agency's future use of said Agency right of way shall at any t~ or tbnes necessitate a rearrangement, reloca- tion or reconstruction of any of District's facilities then existing in said Joint Use Area, Agency shall notify District in writing of such necessity and agree to reimburse District on demand for its cost in- curred in canplying with such notice. 3. In the event that the District's future use of said District right of T.vay shall at any t:ime or t:imes necessitate a rearrangement, relocation or reconstruction of any of Agency's facilities then exist- ing in said Joint Use Area, District shall notify Agency in writing of such necessity and agree to reimburse Agency on demand for its cost incurred in canplying with such notice. 4. Both Agency and District shall use said Joint Use Area in such a rnarmer as not to interfere unreasonably with the rights of the other. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as a release or waiver of any cla:im for canpensation or darmges T.vhich District or Agency my now have or may hereafter acquire resulting from the construction of addition- al facilities or the alteration of existing facilities by either Agency 2 ., i: . i .. , or District in such a manner as to cause an unreasonable interference < ,. with the use of said Joint Use Area by the other party. 5. This agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors and assigns of both parties. IN WITNESS ~F, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed in duplicate by their respective officers thereunto duly authorized. NORTII IŒRN WATER SIDRAGE DISTRICT By President By Secretary Acknowledged by: KERN CXmNIY HAlER AGENCY By Cbairmm President City Water Board By -. Secretary I ,. 3 . I " , . . .. S 'fA'IE OF CAL IFD RNIA * ~ * ss. .. COUNTY OF KERN * On , before me, the undersigned, a futary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Milo E. Hall, known to me to be the President, and Charlene Hefner, known to me to be the secretary of the NJRTII KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT, a California water storage district, and known to me to be the persons wh::> executed the within instrument on behalf of said public corporation, agency or political subdivision and acknowledged to me that the NJR1H KERN \-JA'IER SIDRAGE DISTRICf executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. futary Public STATE OF CALIFDRNIA * 'k ss. mUNIY OF KE&~. * On , before me, the undersigned, a futary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Gene Ltmdquist, known to me to be the President, and Lois Buchenberger, known to me to be the secretary of the IŒPJ~ mUNI'Y vIA'IER AGENCY, a political subdivision of the State of California, and known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrurœnt on behalf of said public corporation, agency or politi- cal subdivision and acknowledged to Iœ that the KERN COUNTY WATER AGENCY executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. futary Public 4 " (ô?2'.?~7, 47 Exhibi t A I , ' IC.:x;:J ...ç:.,l!J. ~ I :58.9"41'14 "e ;!J~,25 'b . ",'!- . '-- ---- /) " c. A N A L R/w l < \ '" ~. ." ~. ,I 'i I r . ~ 6'.<:'. J,! - .~ Q Jo~ ~ <. "7°40 ' . "'-"'0 ~.. - <::) '....,. "..>.. .... '" I;' " ~ ~.:... '0 ~ , ~ 'I .~ , :..> f\ ~ ~ .. q./OS ~ ~~ O~ ~.l~ Æ=h 0 ~ ~ ~ /1:400' I I <:, C". oJ" ""..;). /08$ " "-/7.S7 2 ~ ~ð I),. .<:'. ..:r,,<». " v 08¿- ~ "'~~8s: SECTION~JT.~S"t R. Z'7 E., M.D.M. PER RECORD OF SURVEY BK. ..LLPG.Æ-.. .1 CROSS VALLEY CANAL RICKETT, WARD a DELMARTER KERN COUNTY WATER AGENCY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA . KERN COUNTY, CALIFORNIA R@1lSÇO.4-24-7B' ~~~ ~..J ~ APPROYEO.Lq.:25:_74 , MESToELMÁRTERRCE.l7564 APPROVED 11- 6 74 SoT. PYLE RoC.E. 8 00 DESIGNED-O€LMARTER . ,. '.. . ' . "°11104 'j.6','" MEMORANDUM April 15, 1982 - __n--- -_u- ____-_n_U ---- Un___- -----______n_- -_u__u . TO John E. Chafin, Water Manager -- -- n- -- u- - _n- -- -- _u - - --- --- u__-_n- ------- - -- ---- n ------ - --- _n - -- -- - --- - U _n_- __n- -- -- _n un -- n -- - - n- - - - -. -- - - _n_'- __n_-- --- - - -.- _n - un- n_- u_.-. FRO M _n____n__n.9-:~_=--~-~.!? a :_~--~------ ___m__-_--_------______n__nu,____----_'__._m_____----- ------------- ------ ----______m'-___- SUBJECT - - - - - --- - -~ -~~ -~:~.~- -~~ ~-~ -~ -': ~-~-~~-~ ~- - ~ ~- ~ = _:. - - ~_::~ _:_: p_: -~ -~ = - - - ~ ~-~ ~ _:- ~ - u - -_u -- --.- - - - --- - ------ -- -. --- -- -- - Attached for your information and review is the proposed 1982-83 Agricultural Water Enterprise Budget. This year the budget consists of 2 major components that will require two separate actions by the Water Board and confirmation by the City Council. These components are as follows: 1) 1982-83 "OPERATIONS and CAPITAL OUTLAY BUDGET." Attached to the operations budget is a schedule showing the source of estimated 1982-83 revenues and a summary explanation of the various cost centers found in this years budget. As you can see from the attached information the 1982-83 fiscal year is estimated to yield $657,210 in "net" income (before capital transfers), due primarily to the forecasted 130% of normal water supply for 1982. You might also note that the "Consultants-Engineering and Attorney" catagory has been reduced by 12% for 1982-83. This was done pri- marily since more research and investigation work is now being performed "in house" by existing Water Department staff. Also, beginning 1982-83, the Domestic Water Enter- prise operation will assume its proportionate share of the 1976'Water Bond principal and interest payments. This item will represent an annual savings to the Agricultural Water Enterprise of approximately $179,900 annually. 2) "1982 WATER PRICE and SAND SALE SCHEDULE" recormnended for approval which would remain in effect until water supply conditions warranted adjustment to these prices. GB:ss attachments cc: Phil Kelmar W.D. Higginbotham . .. . " CITY OF BAKERSFIELD \ AGRICULTURAL WATER ENTERPRISE " " Estimated Revenues and Expenses For the Period 07/01/82 to 06/30/83 Estimated Projected Actual For Fiscal Year Fiscal Year OPERATING BUDGET 1981-82 1982-83 Revenue~~otn Ope~~t'ions .. .................................. $2,635,500 $2,733,300 Ope_~.~ ti ng E~J?_enses Field Expenses: Wages and Employee Benefits ............................... $ 534,405 $ 588,860 U.S. Corps of Engineers 0 & M - Lake Isabella ............. 30,250- 30,250 Maintenance Expense. ...................................... 91,200 95,000 Weed Control .............................................. 23,440 25,000 Charges From Vehicle Pool................................. 162,240 162,240 Charges From General Services Department .................. 2,820 2,500 Expenses Reimbursed-Qearing Accounts (Joint Facilities).. (142,400) (145,000) Total Field Expenses ..... ............................ $ 701,955 $ 758,850 Administrative Expenses: Consultants - Engineering and Attorney.................... $ 113,200 $ 100,000 Department of Water Resources - Snow Survey............... 5,110 6,200 U.S.B.R. - Contract Administration ........................ 550 550 Self Insurance - Liability & Property Damage Reserve ...... 27,200 27,200 Charges From Administrative Departments ................... 7,800 8,500 Field Office - Rents & Related Expenses ................... 34,800 38,000 Property, In Lieu & Possessory Interest Taxes ... .......... 55,700 56,800 Cloud Seeding Participation .. ............................. 23,800 25,000 Kern River I,nvestigations (Power Filings, Ent'l, etc.) .... 10,200 12,000 Misc. General Expense ( Assoc. Dues, Security, etc.) ... ... 36,800 38,000 Total Administrative Expenses ........................ $ 315,160 $ 312,250 Net Operating Income Before Depreciation .................... $1,618,385 $1,662,200 Depreciation.............................................. (148,000) (153,000) Net Operating Income (Loss) ................................. $1,470,385 $1,509,200 Non-Operating Expenses 1) 1976 Water Bonds - Interest ............................... $ 788,240 $ 638,890 1) 1976 Water Bonds - Principal.............................. 250,000 219,000 1965 NKWSD - Isabella Bonds - Interest & Fees ............. 28,150 26,650 1965 NKWSD - Isabella Bonds - Principal.:................. '37,500 38,750 Less: Þmortization of Bond Premium ....................... (1,100) (1,100) Less: Rental of Isabella Storage Space ................... (52,900) (70,200) Total Non-Operating Expenses ......................... $1,049,890 $ 851,990 Net Income (Loss) Before Capital Transfers .. ................ $ 420,495 $ 657,210 2) Repayment of Organization Acquisition Cost " .......... 90,000 90,000 2) Transfer to Capital Improvement Budget .... ............ 330.495 567,210 NETINCm~E (LOSS) ........................................... $ ø $ ø ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Beginning 1982-83 fiscal year, proportionate share of "1976 Water Bonds" principal and interest payments assumlTIed by Domestic Water Enterprise. 2) Repayment of acquisition costs and transfer to capital improvement budget are predicated upon receipt of estimated revenues during fiscal year. ~-~.. .~-- : i " Page Two I <,' . CITY OF BAKERSFIELD "\ AGRICULTURAL WATER ENTERPRISE Estimated Revenues For the Period 07/01/82 to 06/30/83 Estimated Proj ected Actual For Fiscal Year Fiscal Year 1981-1982 1982- 1983 Sales to Five (5) Major, Districts ........... $1,400,000 $1,418,900 Kern River Canal & Irrigating Co. Sales. .... 212,500 220,000 Lake Ming Agreement (County of Kern) ........ 4,700 4,700 Oilfield Discharge (Getty Oil) . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6,800 7,000 Annual Pumping Agreements ... ................ 5,400 5,500 Temporary Pumping Agreements ................ 1,000 1,200 Borrow-Payback Exchange Fee ................. 2,800 ø Miscellaneous Irrigation Water Sales ........ 598,000 700,000 Non-Kern River Water Sales .. ................ 51,200 52,000 Groundwater Sal~s .. ......................... 118,000 109,000 Sand Sales .................................. 14, 1 00 15,000 Interest Income ............................. 221,000 200,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES .............. $2,635,500 $2,733,300 ------- - - ' .1 Page Three . . ' .. _, . CITY OF BAKERSFIELD " AGRICULTURAL WATER ENTERPRISE Capital Outlay Program For the Period 07/01/82 to 06/30/83 Fi sca1 Year 1982 -83 Source of Funds Capital Improvement and Replacement Reserve ....................... $269,790 Net Operating Revenues ............................................ CD 567,210 TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS ........................................ $837,000 Proposed Application of Funds 1) Final design and reconstruction costs for Beardsley and Rocky Point river weir replacement. ........................... $100,000 (City share for balance of total project cost). 2) New and replacement fencing on Carrier and Kern River Canal (City share of total cost). ............................. 85,000 3) Diversion weir and Headgate structure for 2800 acre spreading basin (in accordance with "Proposed Plan of Deve 1 opment" as adopted by Water Board on August 19, 1981) ..., 300,000 4) Sharp-Crested measuring and grade control weir to accurately measure and record flows into 2800 acre spreading basin. .. ... 125,000 5) Capital improvements and weir replacements to Kern River Canal & Irrigating Co. laterals. ............................. 15,000 6) Public Works storm drain construction projects ................ 212,000 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 1982-83 .......................... $837,000 0 Actual construction is predicated upon receipt of "Net Operating Revenues." I I . . /I I . Page Four -~ , ~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AGRICULTURAL WATER ENTERPRISE Explanation of Operating Expenses For Current Fiscal Year Wages & Employee Benefits Based on present staff size with allowance for increment step raises and temporary help as required for current water year operations. U.S. Corps of Engineers 0 & M - Lake Isabella This expense is based on the actual operations and maintenance costs incurred by the Corps of Engineers and are readjusted every five years. For the period 1979-1983 City's share of the annual charge will be $30,250. Maintenance Expense Those expenses included are for specialized equipment such as; gradalls, draglines, etc., also includes steel, weir boards, fencing and other contract expenses and materials incurred for maintenance. Weed Control Annual charges made for herbicides and other chemicals, contract labor and equipment used to control weed growth on ditch banks and canal right-of-ways. Charges From Vehicle Pool This figure represents the rental costs as charged by the equipment division of Public Works for fueling, maintenance and replacement of Agricultural Water vehicles and heavy equipment. Charges From General Services Department Charges incurred for metal fabrication, machine work and carpentry for various construction projects. Includes labor and materials. Expens~~ Reimbursed - Clearing Accounts (Joint Facilities) Moneys collected from other Water Districts for their'proportionate share of labor and equipment costs incurred for the operation and maintenance of jointly owned facilities and the Kern River Central Records function performed by the City of Bakersfield. Consultants - Engineering & Attorney Fees Expenses incurred for technical and professional assistance provided by water attorney and engineering firms. Department of Water Resources - Snow Survey This expense covers City's share of the California Cooperative Snow Surveys Program in cooperation with other Kern River interests to provide forecast and runoff information pertaining to the Kern River watershed. . ..' '. .r ¡; I . Page Five t . " " U.S.B.R. - Contract Administration Under existing agreements, the City is responsible for 34% of the annual charge ,made by the Bureau for administrating the Isabella Reservoir contract. Self Insurance - liability. & Property Damage Reserve This covers Agricultural Water Enterprise premium share for self-insured costs as quoted by Finance Department. Charges From Administrative Departments These are charges made by other departments, such as; Data Processing, Finance, Personnel, etc. Field Office - Rents & Related Expenses This includes expenses for rents of office space and equipment, maintenance for communication equipment, office supplies, utilities, etc. Property, In lieu and Possessory Interest Taxes Taxes for real property and facilities operated by the Agricultural Water Enterprise and those Possessory Interest Taxes associated with Storage Rights at lake Isabella. Cloud Seeding Participation City's share of annual costs associated with cloud seeding operations on Kern River Water Shed. Kern River Investigations (Power Filings, Entitlements, etc.) Those specific items in which City has pursued investigations to preserve and maintain the Kern River operation and entitlement structure. Miscellaneous General Expenses Charges included are dues to organizations, literature, committee meetings, profes- sional security agencies, travel expenses for out-of-town meetings, training programs, etc. Depreci at ion A schedule of depreciation was established on December 22,1976 based upon the esti- mated life and replacement value of those physical assets acquired from Tenneco West, Inc. This depreciation schedule will change as new capital assets are added and others are deleted from asset inventory. . 1976 Water Bonds General obligation bonds issued for purchase of Kern River Water Rights and physical assets. There are two payments due annually, a principal and interest payment due on December 15 and a single interest payment due June 15. 1965 N.K.W.S.D. Bonds City's 50% share of the 1965 bonds issued for purchase of conservation storage space at Isabella Reservoir. There is a principal and interest payment due in January and an interest payment due in July. - --- -- - - ~I - ',- --c ~. ~ j, - - # 1 J'/ ~ AGRICULTURAL WATER ENTERPRISE 1982 WATER PRICE AND SAND SALE SCHEDULE The following recommended water prices reflect the current, above-normal water supply conditions of the lower San Joaquin Valley. Of the eight (8) water price cata- gories shown below, items 1 through 3 are established by existing contracts, with items 2 and 3 escalated by the IIAll Commodities II Index annually. The prices for items 4 and 5 are dependent upon time of year and water supply conditions. The rec- ommended water rates for catagories 4 through 7 would take effect May 1,1982 and would remain in effect until water supply conditions warranted changes or adjustments to these prices. For information and reference, the 1980 and 1981 schedule for surface water sales is shown for comparison: EFFECTIVE ACTUAL 1980 ACTUAL 1981 MAY 1,1982 (225% of Normal (55% of Normal (130% of Normal TYPE OF WATER Water Year) Water Year) Water Year) 1) Basic Contract Water ............. $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 (price set by contract) 2) City IIBorrow/Paybackli Water .. .... $14.21 $15.81 $16.62 (price set by contract) 3) Miscellaneous Water that would $8.12 $9.04 $9.51 otherwise be used for ground- water replenishment ............. (price set by contract) 4) Miscellaneous Kern River Water $12.18 $25.00 $25.00 sold for surface irrigation ..... March - September 5) Miscellaneous Kern River Water $12.18 $13.56 $14.27 sold for surface irrigation ..... October - February 6) Kern River Canal & Irr. Co. ..... $12.00 $14.40 $16.30 (includes 30% sale to NKWSD) 7) City non-Kern River Water Sales. $12.00 $20.00 $22.00 (oilfield discharge, etc.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For annual and/or temporary pumping agreements (from canal and river facilities) and sand removal sales from the Kern River primary flood channel (owned by the City), the following rates are recommended and would remain in effect until conditions warranted changes: ITEM PRICE 1) Temporary Pumping Agreements .................. $40.00 per day 2) Annual Pumping Agreements 5 truck units or less .................. $350.00 (minimum charge) 6 truck units or more .................. $550.00 (or greater, depending upon volume or size of fl eet) 3) Sand Removal Sales ............................ $1.00 per cubic yard (plus sales tax, where applicable) -- ----------- = ~, ---