HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/30/82 -~ ~- e- -- ' " 'ì p -- AGE N D A ------ WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1982 12:00 P.M. Call meeting to order Roll Call - Board Members: Barton, Chairman; Payne, Ratty, Kelmar, Oberholzer 1. Approve minutes of Water Board meeting of June 2, 1982. 2. Scheduled Public Statements 3. Request from Stanley C. Hatch, special water attorney for hourly rate increase. - FOR BOARD ACTION - 4. 1982-83 Domestic Water Enterprise Operating and Capital Outlay Budget for the Ashe Division. - MOTION TO APPROVE BUDGET AND RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. 5. 1982-83 Domestic Water Enterprise Operating and Capital Outlay Budget for the Fairhaven Division. - MOTION TO APPROVE BUDGET AND RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. 6. Staff Comments 7. Board Comments 8. Adjournment ------- -~ ------ /,r~ f l' .L .'- M I NUT E S ------- WATER BOARD - CÌTY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2,1982 12:00 P.M. '¡':'j The meeting was called to order by Chairman Barton in the ,~y," Department of Water Conference Room. , .";) >j.,.- The secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Barton, Ratty, Kelmar, Oberholzer Absent: Payne The minutes from the meeting of April 21; 1982, were approved as presented. Acceptance of the completed Fairhaven Water System pursuant to , Agreement No. 80-36 ("Agreement for the Acquisition, Construction, Operation and Financing of the BaÜr-haven Water Distribution System")' was presented to the board. Mr. Hawley explained the Fairhaven Industrial Fïre Protection District Board has completed the water system and has taken action to transfer the system to the City of Bakersfield in accordance with the agreement. The Public Works Department has reviewed the completed work and recommends acceptance of the facilities. After discussion Mr. Ratty made a motion that the board recommend to City Council for acceptance. The motion was pa$sed. A rate schedule for the Fairhaven Water Service Area was presented :t~ to the board. Mr. Hawley and Mr. Hansen explained the City will '{'t:t] soon be selling water within the Fairhaven area. The Public Works ~ Department recommends that the Ashe Water rates be adopted for the Fàtrhaven System until such time as adequate information is available for a rate study. At this time Mr. Oberholzer made a motion that the board recommend adoption by City Council subject to the adjustment of the flat rate comparable to the average fee charged. The motion was passed. Agreement with Tumblin Construction Company for water ,service in the Fáirhaven Water System was presented tic the board. Mr. Hawley gave a map illustration of the area involved. He stated the agreement provides the terms and conditions for installation of water facilities for domestic, industrial and fire protection uses to 1.5 acres, located at the'north end of Standard Street, adjacent to 99 Freeway. The developer is responsible for constructing approximately 310 feet of 11" AC water main to the property, plus a connection fee of $2,000 per acre. Mr. Ratty made a motion that the board recommend to the City Council for approval. The motion was passed. ' Special Facilities Agreement for water facilities in Tracts 4188, I 4189, and 4190 were brought before the board. This agreement provides the terms and conditions for installation of water - facilities for domestic and fire protection uses within the \~: tracts. ,The agreement requires the rei~bursement of $14,0?0 ~ by the C1ty to developer (funds are ava1lable as per Counc1l , -: Action on December 16, 1982) for the oversizing of the storage reservoir. In addition, these facilities benefit property adjacent to the tracts and as adjacent developers connect to the water ,facilities, they will reimburse the City $14,000 and the developer of Tracts 4188, 4189, and 4190 a sum of $142,848. These tracts are located south of Stockdale Highway, a quarter of a mile west of Allen Road, and contain approximately 79 acres. Mr. Oberholzer made a motion that the board recommend approval by the City Council. The motion was passed. I / .-".---...-.------.--. --"-----'---:-~--~---- -"--h_~___'--,----------- - -,-":.........---..-.---"., .. __h --- , - ----- ., i' ì, '-""" , STAFF COMMENTS At this time Mr. Bogart gave an update on the Kern River Water Forecasts. . There being no further business to come before the board, Chair- m~n Barton adjourned the meeting at 12:31 P.M. James J. Barton, Chairman , city of Bakersfield Water Board ~ Linda Hostmyer, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board ,.. I ! /,J~::::<:-~ --.-. ---.= h - -..: --- =--:. '---'-:----....-'.- --. -._. --'" -. ---'" .-..--.--.---..--...--- --'-'u' . . ~':-:--:'" .-.--.- .... .-.. .~ -'i J~~ -~- t L:. .. ~ ' ': I, r... II ...../? i" ~ f'~ LAW OFFICES MAY2tjØ2 HATCH AND PARENT ,I r vr dI;J\.::~'Ir:L. STANLEY C. HATCH A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION .." -MI!NH~Wi6,T' GERALD 8. PARENT 21 EAST CARRILLO STREET (60S) 963-1971 S. TIMOTHY BUYNAK,JR. SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA 93101 MAILING ADDRESS SUSAN F. PETROVICH POST OFFICE DRAWER 720 PETER N. BROWN SANTA BARBARA,CALIFORNIA 93102 MARK A. LESTER THOMAS D. WISE May 21, 1982 Mr. John E. Chafin Water Manager City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear John: Enclosed find a proposed modification of agreement dealing with the hourly billing rate applicable to. governmental agencies represented by our firm. Effective July 1, 1982, senior attorneys will be billed at the rate of $115.00 per hour, member attorneys will be billed at the rate of $105.00 per hour, and associate attorneys will be billed at the rate of $95.00 per hour. This is an annual modifi- cation in an attempt to keep all governmental billings at approximately the same rate which our firm established in 1965 for governmental agencies, corrected primarily over the years for the effects of inflation. We would appreciate your having the Water Board consider and execute this modification prior to July 1,1982. Very jiUlY yours, ~ I ,. / .--- STANLEY C. HATCH For HATCH AND PARENT SCH/sn Enclosure , -;¡ >-¡? " W.B. MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENT THIS AGREEl1ENT made this day of , 1982, by and between the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a political subdivision of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as "Bakersfield," and HATCH AND PARENT, a professional corporation of the State of California, whose professional employees are duly qualified and licensed to practice law in the State of California, hereinafter referred to as "Attorney. " On October 5, 1978, Bakersfield and Attorney entered into an agreement, 78-14 W.B., for Attorney's services which was amended by Agreements 80-02 W.B. June 25, 1980, and 81-14 \-J. B. July 22, 1981. The parties now wish to amend that Agree- ment to read: 1. The Fourth Paragraph on the first page of Agreement 78-14 W.B. is amended to read: "Attorney time shall be billed by,Attorney and paid by Bakersfield at the rate of One Hundred Fifteen Dollars ($115.00) per 'hour for senior attorneys, One Hundred Five Dollars ($105.00) per hour for member attorneys, and Ninety-Five Dollars ($95.00) per hour for associate attorneys of the firm." All other terms, conditions and provisions of 78-14 W.B. as amended by 80-02 W.B. and 81-14 W.B. shall remain unchanged. -1- ------ ~ '.¡r/ . . IN WITNESS _WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Modification of Agreement on the date and year first above written. HATCH AND PARENT A Professional Corporation , " Ii - - / -, By / ~X' \~"¿'í-.{ þ~/ I/:,_.~/\/._. /;' -^ STÁNLEY'C. HATCH,' President CITY OF BAKERSFIELD (WATER BOARD) By JAMES J. BARTON, Chairman, . City of Bakersfield Water Board -2- - ------~~--------- --- ------ - - ~---- ---.- - -. , . . CITY OF BAKERSFIELD #, DOMESTIC WATER ENTERPRISE I ASHE DIVISION ' ESTI~~TED REVENUES AND EXPENSES BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1982-83 Est. Actual Proposed Projected FY 1981-82 FY 1982-83 FY 1983-84 REVENUES Domestic Water Sales $1,439,000 $1,954,000 $2,139,000 Construction Water Sales 28,000 16,000 16,000 Interest Income 91,000 75,000 75,000 TOTAL REVENUES $1,558,000 $2,045,000 $2,230,000 OPERATING EXPENSES: Field Expense: 0 & M Charges from California Water $ 377,000 $ 437,000 $ 507,000 Power for Pumping 341,000 365,000 475,000 Other Maintenance 64,000 120,000 128,000 TOTAL FIELD EXPENSES $ 782,000 $ 922,000 $1,110,000 Administrative Expenses: Salaries and Fringe Benefits $ 58,000 $ 72,000 $ 79,000 Charges from Other City Departments 21,000 24,000 26,000 !\Ianagement Fee from California Water 33,000 35,000 36,000 Consultant Charge (Engineer, Attorney, etc.) 80,000 55,000 30,000 Insurance Expenses 15,000 17,000 20,000 Property and Pumping Taxes 159,000 175,500 185,000 Misc. General Expenses 14,500 16,500 18,000 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES $ 380,500 $ 394,000 $ 394,000 NET OPERATING INCOME: Before Depreciation $ 395,500 $ '729,000 $ 7Z6, 000 Depreciation (195,000) (219,000) (241,000) TOTAL $ 2.00,500 $ 510,000 $ 485,000 NON-OPERATING EXPENSE: Mainline Extension Refunds $ (55,000) $ (83,000) $ (93,000) Net Operating Income before Capital Outlay Program 145,500 427,000 392,000 BOND PAYMENT -0- (178,500) (178,000) I 145,500 214,000 ' TRANSFER TO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 248,500 NET INCOME (LOSS) -0- -0- -0- -~ " CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ! , . DOMESTIC WATER ENTERPRISE .¡ PROPOSED CAPITAL OUTLAY PROGRAM FISCAL YEARS 1982-83 AND 1983-84 --" ------- Proposed Projected FY 1982-83 FY 1983-84 ------ -------- SOURCE OF FUNDS Capital Improvement Reserves (Oop r.) $219,000 $241,000 Net °rcr~ting Income 248,SOO 214,000 Loan Rcray~ent from Fairhaven Div. -0- _____4_Q_J!.9,Q. ---- --"- $4CJ7,SOO $495,000 PROPOS EO APPLlCA'nON OF j:UNDS -----'~-'--------- Additional Water Mains Stockdale Highway, EI Rio Urive to Tract 450:"1. 7,500 -0- Two Million Gallon Storage System at Mohawk & Truxtun Avenue. 180,000 120, 000 (Special Facility Payments) Water ~1ctcrs & Appurtenances 46,000 49,000 Pumping Station Improvements 1. Build:ing at Station 12 jn Tract 4188 20,000 44,000 @ Stations 4 & 10 2. Replace swjtchboard at Station 1 on Ashe Roacl f¡ Clubview Dr:ivc. 16,000 -0- ~L Telemeterin¡; system at Station 1 on Ashe I<oad & C1ltbvj.ew Drive. 13,000 40,000 @ Stations ]], 12 ¡~ 13 Additional \Vel] and Pump:ing Plant 1. Station 14 around Ming and Old River ($220,000 @ 63% == $13S,OOO) 17,000 67,000 2. Station 15 west of Gosford Road near Padleco Road \Ve 11 plus main $265,000 @ 63% == $168,000 21 ,000 _i:..3,OOO . TOTAL $320,~OQ- $383,000 --,----- ---- Ba lance * $147,000 $112,000 *Avai1ab1e for Deferral of Rate Adjustment. I ~~'-~=~'___'n-----~- ,-,- --- ----------- - -- -- - ------~---------- ~ ~' ~ , ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 I"ì "000 0 0 0 0 ~ I'- " 0) I 0 0 0 0 1'1') 0 .¡.J1"ì ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , uoo 0 \C> ~ 00 ~ 00 0)0'1 I"ì ~ ~ I'- '<:t .,...,~ N 0 N ~ N 0 ~ ~ 1-<>- N N o...~ ~ 1'1') 0 0 0 0 0 ~ "000 0 0 0 0 t.n I"ì 0) I 0 t.n t.n t.n 0 \C> V1N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 000 t.n \C> 00 00 0'1 I'- 0..0'1 ~ 0'1 ~ I'- ~ O~ 0 I'- N ~ N I-< ~ ~ 0...->- N ~ ~ ~ N 0 0 0 0 0 "0 00 0 0 0 0 N O)~ I 0 t.n t.n 0'1 N .¡.Jro~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ro;::!OO 00 N t.n 0 -.:r I'- S.¡.JO'I t.n ~ -.:r I 0'1 "'-; U~ t.n -.:r ~ ~ .¡.J-< ~ '" V1 >-< ~ ~ u.:i ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 I"ì 00 0 0 0 0 t.n ~ I ~ 0 I"ì 0 \C> roo '" '" '" I "' '" ;::!OO \C> 0 \C> 0 t.n \C> .¡.JO'I ~ t.n 0'1 I N U~ ~ ~ N ~ -< '" '" . >- ~ ~ V1 u.:i ~ ~ .¡.J Cf) ¡:: ~ ;::! 0 0:: 0 -.:r 0 ~ t.n 0'1 0 ....:I 0... >- 00 ~ ~ 0 t.n t.n U u.:i 0:: 0:: ~ I ~ 0'1 N 00 0 U ~ u.:i -< roO'l '" '" '" I '" '" -< ~ E-< ~ ;::!I'- I"ì 00 ~ 0 0 \C> Cf) Z .¡.JO'I 0'1 t.n 1'1') I ~ 0) 0:: u.:i U~ N 00 ~ ~ > u.:i Cf) -< '" "'-; ~ 0:: >- ~ .¡.J -< W Z ~ ~ U QQ E-< 0 -< ~ ..... ~ E-< 0'1 0'1 ~ \C> N 00 ~ 0 ~ I'- ~ N 00 ~ N ro U ~ I t.n I"ì -.:r I'- ~ . !J ~ ~ u.:i rooo '" '" '" I '" '" 0 E-< 0... ;::!I'- 00 N ~ 0 -.:r t.n E-< ~ Cf) 0 .¡.JO'I 0'1 C) ,...; I 0'1 U u.:i u...... 0 \C> I"ì 00 ~ -< '" \C> >- ,...; I"ì 0 ~ ~ '" I"ì 00 ..c: I'- .¡.J ,...; I 00 \C> N N \C> 0 "'-; rol'- ~ ~ 0 0 I'- 00 ~ ;::!I'- t.n 1'1') N 0'1 ¡<.... t.n .¡.JO'I '" '" '" '" '" '" \C> Ur-t \0 t<) I"ì LI) ~ ~ " -< I'- \C> ...... \C> 00 0'1 >-< \C> \0 ,...; ~ ~ '" N 1""""\ N \D- I'- 00 t.n N 0 1'1') ,...; 1'-1'- I"ì t.n I'- 00 \C> I"ì I-< .................. 00 I"ì I'- 00 I'- 00 0) NO '" ~ ~ '" '" ~ ~ NI"ì 0 I"ì 0'1 I'- 00 1'1') .................. I'- 0 N I'- 1'1') 0) N\c> ,...; I"ì ,...; U ,...;0 ~ '-' 0) 0 b.O 1""""\ § ¡:: V1 "'-; V1 .¡.J 0 ¡:: S ro ....:l>- "'-; 0) I-< '-'ro .¡.J 0) ,...; V1 V1 0.. 0).¡.J .¡.Ji< >- 0 S ;::! ¡::O tI) I 00 ;::!I"ì -¡:: U 0 ""d a ¡::,...; U <J) (l) z ~ ro U ¡:: ¡.., .¡J -< ;::! ,..-; ""d b.O ,..-; OJ ;::! ¡:: ¡:: 0.. .¡.J ¡:: 0) 0"' ro ,..-; ro ¡:: 0 > ¡:: U V1 .¡JU <J) "'-; "'-; 0 -< b.OO) ro S .¡J .¡J V1 ¡:: V1 ¡.., <J) >- ro U S >- <J) ,..-; ¡:: <J) ¡.., ro "'-; -< 0) .¡.J ;::! .¡J <J) &J3 0... U .¡J ...-; ¡:: ro P... <J) ...... V1 U <J) ¡.., >< <J) ""d I-< ro>. '. i< : >- <J)u.:i .¡JQQ ¡:: p.. .¡JCf) <J) 0.. 0) 0 <J) 0 ' . - ,0:: 0 Z QQ 0 E-< .j I " , . CITY OF BAKERSFIELD I ..t . DOMESTIC WATER ENTERPRISE i FAIRHAVEN DIVSION I ESTIMATED REVENUES AND EXPENSES BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1982-83 Proposed FY 1982-83 REVENUES: Domestic Water Sales 635 AF @ $315/AF $200,025 Construction Water Sales 1% Dom. Water Sales 2,000 Interest Income -0- TOTAL REVENUES $202,025 OPERATING EXPENSES: 85 Customers + 60 CWS Customers = 145 Customers Field Expense: 0 & M Charges from Ca1ifQrnia Water @ $54/Customer $ 7,830 Power for Pumping 635 AF @ $65/AF 41,275 Other Maintenance Estimated 17,600 TOTAL FIELD EXPENSES $ 66,705 Administrative Expenses: Salaries and Fringe Benefits $10/Cust. $ 1,450 Charges from Other City'Departments $2/Cust. 290 Management Fee from California Water 2-1/4% of Rev. 4,545 Consultant Charge (Engineer, Attorney) Estimated 22,000 Insurance Expenses $2/Cust. 290 Property and Pumping Taxes 1% of $3M 42,700 Misc. General Expenses $2/Cust. 290 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES $ 71,565 NET OPERATING INCOME: Before Depreciation $ 63,755 Depreciation 2-1/2% of $3M (75,000) TOTAL {$ 11,245) NON-OPERATING EXPENSE: Mainline Extension Refunds -0- Net Operating Income before Capital Outlay Program -0- BOND PAYMENT -0- TRANSFER TO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET -0- NET INCOME (LOSS) ($ 11,245) ---_u I ,; I , . .' ~. . . , . , CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DOMESTIC WATER ENTERPRISE-FAIRHAVEN DIVISION PROPOSED CAPITAL OUTLAY PROG~f FISCAL YEAR 1982-83 PROPOSED SOURCE OF HiNDS FY 1982-83 Capital Improvement Reserves $ 75,000 Net Operating Income (Loss) (11,245) Developer Advances 79,540 Sale of Surplus Equipment (2 Fire pumps @ Truxtun/Mohawk Fac.) 45,000 Interdepartment Transfer 121,956 TOTAL $310,251 PROPOSED APPLICATION OF FUNDS California Water Service Area Acquisition $220,000 Meters 25,000 Pumping Station Improvements 1. Connection of Hilton Inn Well to System 18,700 2. Street and driveway construction @ storage facilities on Burr St. 20,000 SUBTOTAL $283,700 Capital Reserve Acct. '$ 26,551 TOTAL $310,251 ..----- .-..-- .~ I ' .f ." ,..' , . I . ESTIMATED WATER CONSUMPTION WITHIN I FAIRHAVEN DIVISION ANNUAL CONSUMPTION Independent Valley Energy Co. 400 Acre-feet Fairhaven Mutual 92 California Water Customers 75 New Customers 45 @.l AF /Cust. 45 Hil ton Inn 23 - TOTAL 635 Acre-feet - , I DEVELOPERS ADVANCES Lunn Production (remaining) $38,000 Tumblin Construction 3,000 Independent Valley Energy Co. 38,540 TOTAL. $79,540 .'!<, . ~ , WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ITEMS FOR AGENDA Agenda Section NEW BUSINESS Requesting Department PUBLIC WORKS Date for Water Board Action June 23, 1982 I 1. Description of Item: 1982-83 Domestic Water Enterprise Operating and Capital Outlay Budget for the Ashe Division. 2. Comments: This budget is based upon the recent Stetson Engineer's rate study for the Domestic Water Enterprise. 3. Suggested Action: Motion to approve budget and recommend to Council for adoption. 4. Attachments: Ashe Budget. of Public Works ~~ ~ ~ Approved, Ci y Man'1 er NOTE: Items for Water Board Agenda are to be submitted prior to 10 a.m. Friday I' for the Wednesday meeting of the following week. I , I . , I I I -i' Î WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ITEMS FOR AGENDA Agenda Section NEW BUSINESS Requesting Department PUBLIC WORKS Date for Water Board Action June 23, 1982 1. Description of Item: 1982-83 Domestic Water Enterprise Operating and Capital Outlay Budget for the Fairhaven Division. 2. Comments: This budget.is based upon the recent Stetson Engineer's rate study for the Domestic Water Enterprise. 3. Suggested Action: Motion to approve budget and recommend to Council for adoption. 4. Attachments: Fairhaven Budget. ' .. NOTE: Items for Water Board Agenda are to be submitted prior to 10 a.m. Friday I' for the Wednesday meeting of the following week. . I ,', I