HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/27/83 \; u_- -, '- I-. "¡. \ "'- AGENDA - - -- - - - WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1983 12:00 P.M. - NOON Call meeting to order. Roll call - Board Members: Barton, Chairman; Payne, Ratty, Kelmar, Oberholzer 1. Approve minutes of meeting held June 1, 1983. 2. City of Bakersfield/California Regional Water Quality Control Board contract for groundwater quality investigation of City's "2800 Acre" recharge area; Seventh and Eighth Quarterly Reports. FOR BOARD INFORMATION. 3. Proposed 29-year miscellaneous water sale agreement between City of Bakersfield and the California Living Museum Corporation (C.A.L.M.). FOR BOARD ACTION. 4. Request from Stanley C. Hatch, special water attorney, for hourly rate increase. FOR BOARD ACTION. 5. Closed Session - water matters concerning potential litigation. 6. Public comments to the Board. 7. Staff comments. 8. Board comments. 9. Adj ournment. .-';' ? .¡ M I NUT E S ------- WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1983 12:00 P.M. - NOON The meeting was called to order by Chairman Barton in the Department of Water Resources Conference Room. The secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Barton (Chairman), Payne, Oberholzer. Absent: Ratty, Kelmar. The minutes from the special meeting of April 21, 1983, were approved as presented. Correspondence: Cawelo W.D. letter to City Council dated April 25, 1983. This letter was referred to Water Board by Council action on May 4, 1983. Mr. Oberholzer made the motion to authorize the Chairman to send the Water Board response letter to Cawelo W.D. The motion passed. It was later suggested by Mr. Oberholzer that the letter be changed to indicate that the City Council referred this letter Lo the Water Board and that the Water Board is answering on behalf of the Ci ty Counci l. Mr. Payne made a motion for the Director of Water Resources to execute Mainline Extension Agreements. The motion passed. Mr. Oberho1zer made a motion for the Director of Water Resources to execute Amendment to all Mainline Extension Agreements entered into between City and Developers after June 11, 1982. The motion passed. A list of Mainline Extension Agreements for various tracts in Ashe Water System was presented for information only. The meeting adjourned at 12:l4pm. ~. ~ k:é J¡á es J. /Barton, Chairman Oity of Bakersfield Water Board :Jf '/ / - - /1Ut t,t---("-f.:}_"d, L-/ J..; ~tl-¡'¿; Caro Pagan, Secretary ~ City of Bakersfield Wat~r card ---d -""'-"'" -¡, -0. '..~ , -¡ . r SEVENTH QUARTER PROGRESS REPORT City of Bakersfield- California Regional Water Quality-Control Board Groundwater Quality Improvement Project Standard Agreement No. 0-142-158-0 FEBRUARY 15, 1983 - -- -- --u- ¡ t ( i l' , . 2800 ACRE REC~~GE FACILITY CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Standard Agreement No. 0-142-158-0 Groundwater is the primary source of water supply for àll users in the Bakersfield area of Kern County. The aquifers have been subjected to intensive use over the past one hundred years and as a result, areas of bad water quality have developed. The over-all basin supply has also shown signs of quality degrada- tion during this time period. Since nearly all water entering the groundwater basin area stays there until it is used consump-- tively, the original salt load becomes concentrated as the total water volume is reduced. Natural soil salts are also leached, from the soil into the groundwater supply as a result of irri- gated agriculture, recharge operations and point source disposal activities. Additional basin-wide salt concentration results from the continued over-draft of the basin supply. E.P.A. has approved the Regional Board's Phase IV workplan for Water Quality Management Planning for the Central Valley Region, pursuant to Section 208 of Public Law 92-500 (The Clean Water Act). The Phase IV workplan contains the Tulare Basin Ground- water Quality Improvement element which names the City of Bakers- field as Contractor for the Bakersfield Recharge Study, On May 15, 1981 S.W.R.C.B. Contract 0-142-158-0 was officially recognized and the work plan was initiated by City of Bakersfield personnel. - ;J , ~ . ., . i . SCOPE OF ACTIVITIES The objective of this contract is to improve local groundwater quality by investigating the feasibility of recharging low salinity surface water into the aquifer which will provide Bakersfield with an underground reservoir of good quality water for domestic use. The 2800 acre recharge site is currently located within a highly developed agricultural area which contributes significantly to groundwater degradation due to the deep per- colation of applied irrigation water. Continued and optimized artificial recharge of low salinity surface water from the site, located adjacent to the Kern River channel, will tend to improve the quality of deep percolating waters in this area thereby reducing the rate of degradation normally associated with farming, WORK TO BE PERFORMED 1. Define surface and subsurface conditions which influence the flow of recharge water at this time, establish a plan for monitoring future flows of groundwater and a basis for planning structures to manage surface water flows more efficiently. 2. Plan for a most efficient use of recharge property under various stages of water availability and various manage- ment options. -2- ) ~ } . . . i' 3. Identify management options available to the City of Bakersfield in acquiring, storing and extracting water; determine the institutional and legal arrangements that might have an effect on how recharge can be used to develop the conjunctive use of the site by others. -3- '" -1 ~~ " '" '-~. --..1 ...J. "--'U...} I ( .,' . , SEVENTH QUARTER PROGRESS REPORT "CITY OF B~~ERSFIELD GROUNDWATER QUALITY e'"!PROVE~ENT PROJECT" Continual monitoring of the seven observation wells at the project site has been ongoing. Recent groundwater level measurements have shown increases in water levels in the last two months. The influence of Kern River water and Friant-Kern Canal supplies has been dr~~atic to the groundwater conditions at the project site. The increases in groundwater levels were expected at the project site, and efforts to capture and use for recharge, the good quality waters should show decreased salt concentration in the areas groundwater. Monitoring of the water quality of the recharge waters to t;¡e ?roject site was also .:o~tinued. At this ~ricing a mixture of Kern River and waters 0: the Tule River and Kaweah River are being used for percolation at the project site, The draft report on the project was started during the seventh quarter and a review draft should be available during the eighth quarter of the project. Quarterly reports on :he progress of the project have been brought before the public ~eetings of the City or Bakersfield ~~ater Board. Questions or comments are aired before the public at this time. ------- _u .- ..- - ..... ( / " " . EIGHTH QUARTER PROGRESS REPORT City of Bakersfield- Cal~£ornia Regional Water Quality-Co~tro1 Board Groundwater Quality Improvement Project Standard Agreement No. 0-142-158-0 May 16, 1983 I I " . - .. ( f ' . ,¡ . I I 2800 ACRE RECHARGE FACILITY CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Standard Agreement No: 0-142-158-0 Groundwater is the primary source of water supply for all users in the Bakersfield area of Kern County. The aquifers have been subjected to intensive use over the past one hundred years and as a result, areas of bad water quality have developed. The ~ over-all basin supply has also shown signs of quality degrada- tion during this time period. Since nearly all water entering the groundwater basin area stays there until it is used consump- tively, the original salt load becomes concentrated as the total water volume is reduced. Natural soil salts are also leached, from the soil into the groundwater supply as a result of irri- gated agriculture, recharge operations and point source disposal activities. Additional basin-wide salt concentration results from the continued over-draft of the basin supply. E.P..A. has approved the Regional Board's Phase IV workplan for Water Quality Management Planning for the Central Valley Region, pursuant to Section 208 of Public Law 92-500 ~The Clean Water Act). The Phase IV workplan contains the Tulare Basin Ground- water Quality Improvement element which names the City of Bakers- field as Contractor for the Bakersfield Recharge Study. On May 15, 1981 S.W.R.C.B. Contract 0-142-158-0 was officially recognized and the work plan was initiated by City of Bakersfield personnel. :. í f , ò'. SCOPE OF ACTIVITIES The objective of this contract is to improve local groundwater quality by investigating the feasibility of recharging low salinity surface water into the aquifer which will provide Bakersfield with an underground reservoir of good quality water for domestic use. The 2800 acre recharge site is currently located within a highly developed agricultural area which contributes significantly to groundwater degradation due to the deep percolation of applied irrigation water. Continued and optimized artificial recharge of low salinity surface water from the site, located adjacent to the Kern River channel, will tend to improve the quality of deep percolating waters in this area thereby reducing the rate of degradation normally associated with farming. WORK TO BE PERFORMED 1. Define surface and subsurface conditions which influence the flow of recharge water at this time, establish a plan for monitoring future flows of groundwater and a basis for planning structures to manage surface water flows more efficiently. 2. Plan for a most efficient use of recharge property under various stages of water availability and various manage- ment options. -2- ,,~ .. II ( , 'i, 3. Identify management options available to the City of Bakersfield in acquiring, storing and extracting water; determine the institutional and legal arrangements that might have an effect on how recharge can be used to develop the conjunctive use of the site by others. -3- ¡; i\ . " I /' " >' . EIGHTH QUARTER PROGRESS REPORT "CITY OF BAKERSFIELD GROUNDWATER QUALTIY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT" The emphasis of the project during this quarter has been focused on preparation of the data for the Draft Final Report on the project. All mapping and technical data re- quired of the contract has been drafted in final form and the various discussions on management options has been prepared. The Draft Final Report should be ready for Regional Board Staff review by July 15, 1983. Groundwater data is still being collected, reviewed and filed by City staff on the groundwater monitoring wells at the project site. The groundwater levels are still rising, although not as dramatically as in the past, at the project site. City personnel are scheduled to test pump and obtain water quality samples in the near future of the monitoring wells. This work will be outside of the contract, but the data will be available for others to use. The groundwater quality map, that will be included in Final Draft Report, shows the groundwater in the area is already of slightly better quality than the area that surrounds it. Calculations of water quality improve~ents show that through use of increased spreading areas that can be developed at the project site, groundwater quality can be improved in the vicinity. I ;;. .' - . ( ,. ". Water quality samples of the various surface water flowing into the porject site have been and are being taken. The inflow of Tule, Kaweah and San Joaquin River waters has ceased and the only water source involved at this time is the Kern River. Quarterly reports on the progress of the project have been brought before the public meetings of the City of Bakersfield Water Board. Questions of comments are aired before the public at this time. -2- - .. 4-- . - I i '.'. WATER SUPPLY AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made, entered into and executed in duplicate, either copy of which may be considered and used as the original hereof for all purposes, as of the day of 1983 in the City of Bakersfield, - , California by and between THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a California Municipal Corporation, (hereinafter referred to as "CITY"), and CALIFORNIA LIVING MUSEUM, a California non-profit corporation, (hereinafter referred to as "CALM"). FACTUAL BASIS This Agreement is based on the following facts: A. CITY is a chartered City organized and existing under and by virtue of the Constitution and laws of the State of California and is situated in the County of Kern. B. CALM is a non-profit corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the Constitution and laws of the State of California an¿ is situated entirely within the County of Kern. C. CALM is presently leasing land from the County of Kern, a political subdivision of the State of California, at Kern River Park which leased land is described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto, to construct, maintain and operate a facility which would include animal exhibits, nature trails, botanical gardens, zoo, museum, ponds, refreshment areas, etc., (hereinafter referred to "the premises"), all on a non-profit basis. D. CALM desires to obtain water from the Kern River for use at the premises, described above. E. CITY has certain rights to the waters of the Kern River, and CITY has determined that under existing conditions and for an interim period of time certain of said waters and water rights may be available for CAIkl's use. AGREEMENT In consideration of the statements, promises, and covenants herein contained CITY and CALM hereby agree as follows: -1- . . I ' c.. I 1. Term of Agreement The basic term of this Agreement shall commence on the first day of January 1983 and shall continue for a period of twenty-nine (2 9) successive years the 31st day of December 2012, unless previously terminated by mutual agreement or as otherwise provided in this Agreement. 2. Prior Rights and Obligations The rights of CITY in and to the water of the Kern River and the obligations agreed to herein. are subject to the existing rights and obligations flowing from all prior executed agreements and documents relating to such rights including but not limited to the following: a. Miller-Haggin Agreement, dated 1888; b. D. Farmers Canal Co., et al., v. J.R. Simmons, et al., (Findings and Decree, Judge Lucien Shaw), dated 1900; c. Agreement to supply water to Hart Park, dated 1934; d. Agreement for Use of Water Rights, date¿ January 1, 1952; e. Agreement of Sale of Canals and Other Assets for Transportation of Water, dated January 1, 1952; f. Agreement Amending Miller-Haggin Agreement, dated DeceIT~er 14, 1955; g. Agreement to Transport Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water, dated 1960; h. Kern River Water Service Agreement, dated August 31, 1961; i. Kern River Water Rights and Storage Agreement by and among Buena Vista Water Storage District, North Kern Water Storage District, Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District, and Hacienda Water Storage District, dated December 31, 1962; J. Agreement for Establishment and Maintenance of Minimum Recreation Pool of 30,000 Acre Feet in Isabella Reservoir, dated 1963; k. 1964 Amendment to the Miller-Haggin Agreement, dated January 1, 1964; I -2- . . ¡ Co. 1. Storage Agreement among First Points Entities, dated March 3, 1964; m. Ming Lake Temporary Service Agreement, dated 1964; n. Contract Among the United States of America and North Kern Water Storage District, Buena Vista Water Storage District, Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District, and Hacienda Water District, dated 1964; o. Contract among Cawelo Water District, Kern River Canal & Irrigating Co. and North Kern Water Storage District, dated December 21, 1972; p. Agreement among the State of California, Kern County Water Agency, and the Kern River Interest for Diversion of Flood Waters through the Kern River-California, Aqueduct Intertie, dated October 16, 1975; q. Agreement by and between City of Bakers- field, City of Bakersfield Water Facilities Corporation, Tenneco West, Inc., Kern Island Water Company, and Kern River Canal and Irrigating Company, dated April 1976; r. Agreement for the Sale of Kern River Water and Canals by and between City of Bakersfield and North Kern Water Storage District, dated Hay 2i, 1976; s. Agreement for the sale of Kern River Water by and between City of Bakersfield anà Cawelo Water District, dated May 28, 1976; t. Agreement for the Sale of Kern River Water by and between City of Bakersfield and Kern-Tulare Water District, dated May 28, 1976; . u. Agreement for the Sale of Kern River Water by and between City of Bakersfielà and Rag Gulch Water District, dated May 28, 1976; v. Agreement Amending the Kern River ~ater Service Agreement, dated August 31, 1961 To Provide for the Long-Term Sale and Delivery of Kern River Water by and between City of Bakersfield and Roseda1e-Rio Bravo Water Storage district, dated June 6, 1976: w. Agreement for the sale of Kern River Water Rights and Canals by and between City of Bakersfield and Kern Delta Water District, dated June 15, 1976. I -3- - . i '. x. Agreement by and between City of Bakersfield and Tenneco West, Inc. and Tenneco Realty Development Corporation, dateà May 2, 1977. y. Future sales, transfers or assignments of any part or all of the rights referred to in any of the agreements and documents .identified in this Paragraph 2. 3. Quantity CITY agrees to sell to CALM an amount, not to exceed twenty (20) acre feet per year, of CITY's non-utility Kern River water àuring the term of this Agreement for irrigation purposes on the premises described in Exhibit "An attached hereto, subject to the terms of this Agreement; provided, however, CITY does not represent or guarantee that the quantity above-stated will be available each and every year of this Agreement or in any year. 4. Quality CITY does not represent or guarantee the quality of the water which is the subject of this Agreement. 5. Payment of Administrative Cost As consideration for tte sale of any water delivered and for administrative cost and record keeping expenses incurred in furnishing water pursuant to this Agreement, CA~l shall pay to CITY at the beginning of each calendar year, commencing January 1, 1983, the annual sum of ONE THOUSAND AND TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($1,200.00) for a period of five (5) consecutive years. Commencing January 1, 1988 the annual charge shall be escalated based on changes from the July 1, 1983 price under the "all commodities" classification of the "wholesale price indices" for major commodities groups published by the u.s. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Adjustments shall be made in January of each year. If the referenced index is discontinued, the CITY will designate an appropriate substitute basis to reflect the effects of inflation. 6. Delivery of Water The place of delivery of the water shall be at the Kern River. CALM may construct a pipeline from the Kern River to CALM's property as needed for the purpose of water delivery. Such pipeline construction shall be done to the satisfaction of the City of Bakersfield, Director of -4- ; :> >. '. Water Resources, with all construction to be approved by the Director of Water Resources. That portion of the pipeline between the river and the meter, including the meter, shall become and remain the property of CITY. CALM shall bear all costs and expenses of all pipeline construction and all costs and expenses related to the maintenance and upkeep of all the pipeline during the term of this Agreement. Upon termination of this Agreement, the pipeline shall be removed upon request by the CITY, and all costs and expenses of removing the pipeline shall be borne by CALM. 7. Suspension of Deliveries Whenever maintenance of CITY's system, in the opinion of the Director of Water Resources of CITY, shall require suspension of delivery of water at any point or points, such delivery shall be suspended without liability on the part of CITY; provided that, except in cases of emergency as determined by the Director of Water Resources, reasonable notice of such suspension of service shall be given in advance of such suspension. Further, suspension of delivery may occur without notice and without liability to the CITY whenever CITY is unable to obtain sufficient amounts of water to supply previously existing contract demands. 8. Use of Water CALM shall utilize the water received under this Agreement subject to the following conditions: a. The water shall be used only for irrigation, spreading, stock water and incidental agricul- tural purposes within the boundaries of CALM. b. CALM shall not sell, transfer, or exchange any water received under this Agreement unless it has given prior written notice to and received the prior written consent of CITY, to any such proposed transfer, sale or exchange. 9. Water Meters It shall be the obligation of CALM to provide, maintain and pay for any water meter or meters necessary to measure the quantities of water received by CALM from CITY under the terms of this Agreement. CITY is not required during the term of this Agreement to bear the cost of any construction or maintenance of measuring facilities. CALM shall semi-annually provide to CITY reports detailing the amount of water used by CALM at its premises. -5- , .. Such reports shall be in a format as determined and approved by the City of Bakersfield's Director of Water Resources from time to time. 10. Default In the event of any default by CALM in the payment of any money required to be paid by CALM to CITY, as stated herein, or the failure to comply with any term or condition of this Agreement, CITY shall, after thirty (30) days written notice to cure the specified default, have the right to suspend deliveries of water under the terms of this Agreement until such default is cured including closure of the pipeline. Action taken pursuant to this paragraph shall not deprive or limit CITY of any remedy provided by this Agreement or by law for the recovery of money due or which may become due hereunder. 11. Assignments Neither this Agreement nor any part hereof shall be assigned by CA~1 without prior notice to and written consent of CITY. 12. Right of Entry CALM agrees to allow CITY to enter CLAM's premises during businees hours for the purpose of inspecting CA~1's facilities, monitoring water meters, or taking any required action pursuant to Paragraph 7 regarding suspension of deliveries. 13. Water Rights CALM agrees that nothing contained in this Agreement shall affect or change the existing Kern River rights or Lake Isabella storage rights of CITY; and CALM explicitly agrees that its receipt of water is subject to all existing contracts and documents as set forth in Section 2 of this Agreement. CALM further agrees that it will never claim any right against CITY to the use of Kern River Water, superior to the rights of CITY. Without limiting the foregoing, CALM, and for its successors and assigns, agrees never to assert or claim that its receipt or use of waters of the Kern River pursuant to this Agreement shall create, constitute or establish a right to the use of such water as against CITY at any time or in any manner or for any purpose except pursuant to and in accordance with this Agreement. If any such claim be made, I -6- . . . .. it shall be void ab initio. If at any time during the term of this Agreement, CALM should endeavor to establish or claim to established any right to any such water as against CITY, then CITY may terminate the supply of water to CALM hereunder by written notic~ to CALM. CALM and CITY hereby agree during the time this Agreement is in effect that all rights or claims of rights in and to the use of Kern River water CITY may now have or which it may hereafter acquire are subject to all those agreements, documents, and decrees to which its predecessors in interest were parties, the same as if the CITY itself had executed such agreements or documents or it had been a party bound by said decree and to the same extent as if the CITY had itself administered or otherwise interpreted such matters; to the so-called Shaw Decree to the same extent as if it had been a party defendant in said litigation; and to all agreements executed by North Kern acting for itself and for other First Point interests the same as if the CITY had expressly requested North Kern to so act for the benefit of its predecessors and to the same extent as if the CITY itself had administered and interpreted said matters in the place and stead of its predecessors-in-interest. 14. Liability and Indemnification Neither the CITY nor any of its officers, agents, or employees shall be liable for the control, carriage, handling, use, disposal, or distribution of water received by CAU~ under this Agreement after such water has been received by CALM; CITY shall not be liable for any claim of damage of any nature whatsoever, including, but not limited to, property damage, personal injury, or death, arising out of or connected with the control, carriage, handling, use, disposal, or distribution of such water beyond the point of receipt by CALM; and CALM shall indemnify and hold harmless the CITY and its officers, agents, and employees from any such damage or claims of damages by CALM, its officers, agent, and employees or by any third party. 15. Insurance CALM will obtain sufficient insurance to protect its interest in the use and transportation of the subject water herein and will name the CITY and its officers, agents, and employees as additional insureds. 16. Notices Notices required to be given in writing under this Agreement shall be sent as follows: -7- .,--- ¡ , .. TO CITY: City of Bakersfield Department of Water Resources 4101 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 TO CALM: California Living Museum P.O. Box 6613 Bakersfield, CA 93306 A change of address may be made by either party by written notice thereof to the other. 17. Interpretation a. Numbers and paragraph headings used herein are for the convenience of the parties only and have no other meaning, force, or effect. b. This Agreement is entered into, executed, and to be performed within the County of Kern, California, and shall be so interpreted. 18. Litigation In the event of any litigation among the parties hereto in connection with interpretation, performance, or enforcement of this Agreement, the prevailing party or parties in such litigation shall be entitled to be reimbursed by the other party thereto for all costs of the litigation including but not limited to court costs, time and expenses of personnel, attorneys' fees, and the like, provided, however, that the attorneys' fees to be reimbursed shall not exceed such amount as the court in which the litigation occurs shall determine to be reasonable. 19. Description of Premises A description of the premises of CALM is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". 20. Administrative Agent During the term of this Agreement each party shall at all times have appointed a sole and exclusive agent with full authority to act on behalf of and to bind said appoint- ing bodies in all matters regarding the administration of this Agreement, excepting only execution of an assignment or -8- -- . "' .. amendment or any other matter not legally capable of being delegated. The foregoing authority includes the authority for appointment of such subagents as the agent deems neces- sary. The appointment may be revoked by the appointing authority. CALM hereby appoints as its said agent; CITY hereby appoints the Director, of Water Resources as its agent. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written by their respective duly authorized officers. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD By Mayor Þ.TTEST: By City Clerk SEAL Approved as to form and execution this - day of , 1983. City Attorney Finance Director -9- ~ ¡ .. CALIFORNIA LIVING MUSEUM By President ATTEST: By Secretary SEAL Approved as to form and execution this ---- day of , 1983. Attorney for CALM -10- - :F . . - - "" /.: ..~ .' ,,' , . r<I.V1SLIJ 'n- -- - -- .- .- --- D£SCRIPT1O¡¡ - - - - -- -'- - -. - -- -- KERli RIVER PARK Nature Museum Site Lease All that portion of Section 5, 1ownship 29 South, Range 29 Eðst, MOM, County of Kern, Stdte of California, being a parcel of lanrl descrihed as: Commencing at. the ~lorUll-iest corner' of the SouUi\':cst qUi.Ht(~r of said Section; TIIUlC£ (1) South 0<> 39' 47" Cast. along the ~:I'.st line of said South~lest qud!'ter, a dist.,ncc of ,;3"3.02 feet to the C(~nt('r1ine of County Po,HI :10. 2239, THUKt: (2) South (j)v 07' 49" LIst, {\101\9 s<1id Cl:llterline, .1 distancr. of 414.81 feet, to the centerline of the future extension of r-\orni09 Orive~ TIf[l CE (3) North 4:::0 19' ~4" East, alonr] said e;o:tpnsion, a dist,.lnce of ßr')f] feet; TItUlC[ (4) South ~7° !¡()' l()" East, a distil nee of 5!.i feet to the true point of beginning; THENCE (5) florth 420 19' 44" East, ð distance of 886.31 feet, to Lease Corner rio, 7; THENC[ (6) So~th /0° 231 33" East. a distance of 1303 .O57,feet. to lease Corner No.6; "TIIEflCE (7) From a t':ltl\)ent which bears north 33" 02' 16" Cast, Easterly d1ong a curve, concave Southerly, having ð radius of 1300 feet. through a centrJ1 , angle of 31° o~' 28", an arc lenqth of 97G.23 feet; THENCE (8) South 20 09' 50" East, ð distance of 113.4Q8 feet to Lease Corner liD. 1;' THEflCE (9) South 27° ']5' 59" East, a distance of 1(jO.474 feet to Lease COI"raCI' flo. 2. being the North end of an existing barbed wire fence; TIIENCE (10) South 21° 491 26" East, a distance of 297.11 feet to Lease Corner rto. 3; TI1EtICE (11) South ]!.o 49' 00" L1st, a distanc? of 207.405 feet to lease Corner no, 4; . TIlEnCE (12) South 7° 13' 28" West, il distJnce of 107.389 feet to Lease Cor'n~~" ~10, ~; THU,ICE (13) Continuing South 7° 13' 28" ¡'Icst, ð distance of 13.90 fret to tht: Northerly ri':Jht-of--\"lay line of ColJntj Hoad ;:0. 711 ð~ per D(~cd rccordceJ January 30, 19~~9, in Book ?87, rò~JI'. 206, Officidl Records of Kern Cmmty; Typrd 9-l)-Rn/rw EXHIBIT (II An --.".,. .-." -----,"" _"""_'-_'_-~'--_"'-"'_----_'_'-'_-"....,._,..'.--.-..---.-,..- "-",,,_,--'-'-. . "'---------" '--"--'--"-'-----'" -_---_.._n_._'_" - "----- ...---..-..---.-..-.--...-.,... -.- ,. . --...-"- - ; -:1': ,0 (~..-~: "Ìf4' " " ,,' - - - - '\ :,. 1l1cnce ;}ìolJ~j '¡:1id no¡-u,(~()'y ritJ'1t-C:-",~y ì in'.: tliC fo! 100,,'u.!J UJ) COI.J(~f;S: 11i[ljC[ (H) From .1 t;lngent \'¡hicì, br"rs !iorUI f';¡0 ~,1' 04" West, \';ester1y :: lon9 it circular Cur'VI', conCl\VP to thr! :;ou;:h, ~,êlvin1 .l raJiu~ r)f 130 fer:t, through <1 centrJl ;lIlqle of l~n ~ì' Jr". cH1,WC length of <¡l.'n feet; TtIErICL (15) ~)()lJth :\.')0 11' ?O" \'J(~t. J di<;t.,\n(f' of lljOl,:m f,...>~, TI![nCE (If)) lJeSLt:r)y ,ilOI1~ d t;II1.¡!'nt cir,:vL1r' Cllr',,(~. c.OII(ÚVt:' ìil);'Lherly, h.lvínu a rðJ;U:; of 11l0 feet, thrQu~jh ;, Ct'lItr;¡] t1fì.:¡ìe of I:;" 1\1' 00", dr, UC length of 153,?G feet; IHLI!c[ (In j o1't.h 1\1" {ìi' 4()" \'Ii::,f., i1 c1i,',tI1I1Cf' IIf '/74.dJ feet; THÅ’CE (13) !1ort!I'..'c~lel'ly illollCj ¡} til"gent: Ctit'""" concave ::orthr:~a<,t~I'ly, h,ì'iin<:; J radius of 37(1 feet, tlll'OW.:li 11 u"ltr,d ~lnrì1e of 11° lC' fJn". an .we 1enrJth of 13/ .33 ft:ct, T ¡[¡¡Cl (19) North ~,",C r.il' ¡fr)" \':,.~st) ð dlstclnu' cd 398.?() fr.r:t,; Tli[UC[ (20) I!lw¡',!I'.'I.::sti~rl'y aìOfHj ':1 LlI¡c;,:;)t r:irCLJliJr curiC, r:(":;:~V(' ~;Ollth;i(";ter'ly, hil'l;n~1 .1 r,ìt;iu;, of 4:\i"J Î(~et, c\¡rolJflìl d LPn:r"l df1lile nf II" 01' i' f)", ,In ¡)I'C l('n~jth cr In.~ß fpet; ì:¡UJC[ (;:1) r¡í¡rth 7(¡'J t)l' 40' I-Jest", di:.~'lri(\ ,;f r¡j,O"¡' fN~t, to a rCiint in tile ex lorioI' bOUIHI{\ ry of Colin ty í-~oad 110. (?:;,-,; Thence aloJìí} :;,lirJ t~xtcrior bnllndary, the Îollowinr! (If) C(Jurs('~: THEIICE (22) Nurt.:1 4Jo 39' ?G" \1i~st. a d1st<lncr. of 399.48 feet, TIIEtKE (23) North '12° 191 44" [,Jst, a disf.;lnce of 290 feeL TII£r¡CE (24) Horth 47") 40' 16" ¡.test, a distance of 25 feet; TIIU¡CE (25) Horth 42° 19' t¡4" East, a distance of 200 feet to the true point of beginnin9. Containing 87.3 ^cres., more or le:;s. , .::-i-!(';-~ (;F ,>'~,i¡:~'.. :¡'_::::(¿'(O;( . Typed 9-12-AO/rw /"~;:~(~J h>{~_,_~.-:~'" . 'i'I-- , . .-------...-..--...-----------_u_.,. r-Jmr:,' r~j ~y - -- - ':-::(-', .. . -, . - - - ~"-.:. -- -- -. -- ~-- ~ ~..:-- -. 1 ~ -. . ~:,'j',ti.:~c'J t;\, ""."'- .., - .. --. - -"" .-.._-----,---.._--~ ¡~--- EXHIBIT "A" .. .. -- _u "" .. -""" - -"""---'-""--'-'----'-------"-,-~,- "."-------, ,.. -- ,--- ---,-----..- - --_u _u_,-.---.--.. --- _u_-u I . I ~ ~ ¡ '. LAW OFFICES HATCH AND PARENT STANLEY C. HATCH A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION TELEPHONE GERALD 6. PARENT 21 EAST CARRILLO STREET (605) 963' 1971 S. TIMOTHY BUYNAK, .JR. SANTA BARBARA. CALIFORNIA 93101 MAILING ADDRESS SUSAN F. PETROVICH POST OFFICE DRAWER 720 PETER N. BROWN SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA 93102 STANLEY M. RODEN MARK A. LESTER THOMAS D. WISE .JERRY L. DELAUGHTER 27 l-iay 1983 ~ f C IE " \v ~ ,t JUN 0 11983 .,¡\, Ut Dl'lN:ØIt:~ Mr. Paul N. Dow .~ rv: WA'D Director of Water Resources City of Bakersfield 4l0l.Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Paul: Enclosed find a proposed Modification of Agreement dealing with the hourly billing rate applicable to governmental agencies represented by our firm. Effective July 1,. 1983, senior at- torneys will be billed at the rate of $120.00 per hour, member attorneys will be billed at the rate of $110.00 per hour, asso- ciate attorneys will continue to be billed at the rate of $95.00 per hour. This modification is an attempt to keep all govern- mental billings at approximately the same rate which our firm established in 1965 for governmental agencies, corrected pri- marilyover the years for the effects of inflation. We would appreciate your having the Water Board consider and execute this modification prior to July 1, 1983. STANLEY C. HATCH For HATCH AND PARENT SCH:sb Enclosure -.-.-.-.- ----.-..------ ..... ~ ~ .. (~ #83- W.B. - MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made this 1st day of July, 1983, is by and between the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a political subdivi- sion of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as "Bakersfield", and HATCH AND PARENT, a Professional Corpora- tion of the State of California, whose professional employees are duly qualified and licensed to practice law in the State of California, hereinafter referred to as "Attorney". On October 5, 1978, Bakersfield and Attorney entered into an agreement, #78-14 W.B., for Attorney's services which was amended by Agreements #80-02 W.B. dated June 25, 1980, #81-14 W.B. dated July 22, 1981, and #82-12 W.B. dated June 30, 1982. The parties now wish to amend that Agreement to read: 1. The Fourth Paragraph on the first page of Agree- ment #78-14 W.B. is amended to read: "Attorney time shall be billed by Attorney and paid by Bakersfield at the rate of One Hundred Twenty Dollars ($120.00) per hour for senior attorneys, One Hundred Ten Dollars ($110.00) per hour for other mem- ber attorneys, and Ninety-Five Dollars ($95.00) per hour for associate attorneys of the firm." All other terms, conditions and provisions of #78-14 W.B. as amended by #80-02 W.B., #81-14 W.B. and #82-12 W.B. shall re- main unchanged. I ~... -. , .> ~ ... I I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Modification of Agreement on the date and year first above written. HATCH AND PARENT, A Professional Corporation By ~ Stanley C. Hatch,~resident CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER BOARD By James J. Barton, Chairman -2- 1- v:¡ . - ---- -______n_-- --------w ~; -" f-; FOR !NFOR~/'L'\ TtO~' O~;~L Y H.,-)!) W.R. WATER USER hGREEMENT ---.--- THIS AGREEMENT dated , 19---_, is by and between HUFFCO CALIFORNIA, INC., dba INDEPENDENT VALLEY ENERGY COMPANY, "User", and the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, "City." WHEREAS, User owns that certain property described in Exhibit "An, attached hereto, hereinafter referred to as "the property," and wishes to have water service to said propertYf and WHEREAS, City owns and operates a domestic ~ater system which can provi~c w~ter to User's property. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants, aqr~cmcntR, tcrmø and provisionø herein contained, it is agreed as follows, to wit: 1. User. The names, addresses and description of the person or persons herein collectively referred to as "User" arc as follows: ~ Address Description HUFFCa CALIFORNIA, INC., dba 3663 Gibson Street, Corporation INDEPENDENT VALLEY ENERGY P. O. Box 386 COMPANY Bakersfield, CA 93302 2. Upon and subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, and e~ch and every ordinance, rule and regulation of the City relevant thereto, City agrees to include User within the service area of the Fairhaven Division of the City Municipal Water System and to provide domestic water and water for fire protection service under the prevailing water rates which may be changed from time to time as the City sees fit. 3. The User herein agrees to pay the City an availability fee of TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00) per acre, which amounts . --------- - ----- . ~ ,"' '~ ;;- -" ... :, to THIRTY-EIGHT THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FORTY DOLLARS ($38,540.00), for the User's property, which contains 'nineteen and twenty-seven hundrodths,(19.27) ~cros, more or loss. Said payment will be m~dc within ninety (90) days of this ^(Jroeml'nt. 4. 'l'h<.' UHl'l" here in ..Up"C'l'n to pity thL' City thu prev411lnq availability fee for each acre that was exempted from the above paragraph 3 at the time that each acre of exempted land receives benefit from delivered water for either domestic or fire protection purposes. This exempted acreage contains three and thirty-five hundredths (3.35) acres, more or less, and represents the area within the Calloway Canal easement. 5. Nothin~ contained in this Agreement shall be construed as a severance of User's water rights as an overlaying land- owner. User retains the non-exclusive right, to the extent it otherwise exists, to extract groundwater for use on the property, provided, however, ~ny other provision of this Agreement notwithetandiny that User may excrc i BU said r i'Jht only as speclf led below: (I) UHcr may extract groundwater [or well-tcstiny and well-maintenance purposes, such water not being otherwise utilized, and i I (2) To the extent and for such time as City is unable to meet User's water needs, User may install a well on the I refinery property and extract the groundwater necessary for I User's refinery operations. Once the City has re-established its ability to meet User's water needs, User may continue to extract groundwater by means of such well for such time, in any event not to exceed five (5) years, as it takes User to recover, by amortization or depreciation, the cost of such well. During such period, User shall, as a condition and covenant relating to such extraction, take and/or pay City, at the then applicable rate, for not less than sixty-six and two-third percent of the total annual water deliveries User took the twelve (12) months preceding the date upon which City became unable to meet User's water needs. -- -- .-. £',~-'.. .,," - I ~ .0" ~ ;¡ " I 6. In the event User violates the above provisions by utilizing water from private sources on the property, except as expressly permitted hereinabove, User agrees to pay to City that amount of money User would have paid to City had such water been purchased from City and delivered through City's distribution system. User agrees to report to City any utilization of a private well or water therefrom on the property. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first-above written. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL W^TER ENTERPRISE By Director of Water Resources APPROVED AS TO FORM: City 'Attorney COUNTERSIGNED: Assistant City Manager-Finance HUFFCO CALIFORNIA, INC., dba INDEPENDENT VALLEY ENERGY COMPANY "User" AJS:mro - 9/8/82 9/11)/82 II 6/20/83 7/01./83