HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/05/84 f T f ~4 ~ ~ 'i'- AGENDA ;: ------ ~ WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ~j ,; WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1984 ~t AI 1; 12: 00 P.M. - NOON ~ i:i' 1, i f~ Call meeting to order. ~ ,", ê;' Roll call - Board Members: Barton, Chairman; Moore, Ratty. '~;I 1. Approve minutes of meeting held July 25,1984. G , ~ 2. Scheduled public statements ~, ¡;t ;:/ 3. Correspondence. !i '" "', 4. Discussion of recommended changes to the Draft Kern t River Plan - ACTION TO BE DETERMINED BY THE BOARD.þl 5. Mainline Extension Agreements for various tracts -'. FOR BOARD INFORMATION. ., 6. Staff comments. ~ 7. Board comments. 8 . Adj ournmen t ::, " i- " , , '. , I;'"~ ~.'. it¿ þ} .:'£ " , , .' , , .. , ,,' ;, . " " --, , .- J I -- -'. '."---"~--' ;; , WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, JULY 25,' 1984 12:00 P.M. - NOON The meeting was called to order by Chairman Barton in the Department of Water Resources Conference Room. , ' The secretary called t~e roll as follows: Present: Barton (Cha,irman) , Moore, Ratty The minutes from the special meeting of June 26,1984 were approved as presented. There were no public statements nor correspondence received. The Water Board reviewed the draft Kern River Plan and came up with a list of recommendations and clarifications. Chairman Barton made the motion that the attached report and list of clarifications be submitted to the Council with the recommendation they approve the chånges and fo.rward the l.ist to, the Kern County Board of Supervisors for their cons iderat ion. There were no staff or board comments. The meeting adjourned at l:37p.m. Bo ard ~. ~L ¡(~~ Caror-Pagan, Secretary - City of Bakersfield Water Board ¡ I - - ---- ~ , - -'. _: <" --'----... '\. - - -'~ --=- -= --~ ,--- - rOAM P6',A ,,' .. = t '4 "" . . ~i MEMORANDUM ,", :':( -- ------_IlY.9_lJ~~L~Q-,-_JJ!84______- >" i :', ' TO -----_....P_~W~.1..jCEßlEs..~_~ _AJ3 __1lJAY..l'p_Q~_t\.Bl__SAALflI.~lL~_- -------- ,';,. 1 FROM JACK HARDISTyí~24> ' ---------------------"'---- - ------------------------------- , ~ , SU BJ E CT -____--1SfBtL R I Y. E R P l.A -_:..Ji A T ~B_J3_QÆ~!L,Ç_Q..NJJ.BN S_----------"--------_.:-._----- ;' i Attached is a compilqtion of Kern River Plan policies, Water Board concerns (July 25,1982), responses by Randy Abbott (August 23,1984), and staff concensus on how to resolve the differences. They are presented in that sequence with WB = Water Board, RA = Randy Abbott - and S = Staff concensus. The staff concensus is as I last understood it. In some instances there was very little or no discussion so if you disagree with those statements please contact me by noon, Frjday (August 31,1984) so I can correct them for inclusion in the Water Board's agenda Friday afternoon. If there are significant problems with this we will have to get together again to resolve them. The Water Board meets September 5, 1984~ Dewey and I will be in a meeting with the City Manager Friday morning beginning at 8:30 a.m. cc: Mel Krause 'Gene Bogart i ."', .........,.....~......"'-"'-'" .,"'. ..., .," '" . . " ," I . ¡ . . . . '" I .' - > ' ,. ¡ '. I 1. During the past few years, an increased awareness of the potential for ground- water recharge in the River area has led to major programs to develop more fully groundwater storage facilities. In 1976, the City of Bakersfield acquired lands and water rights for approximately 2,800 acres of land along the River, from Renfro Road to Interstate 5, for the purpose of creating an intensive groundwater recharge program. Thus, protection of the River area for groundwater management has joined flood protection, open space, and recreation as a major consideration in planning for the Kern River. WB - Section 2.3, page 4 --- The following sentence should be added to second paragraph on page 4 immediately following the sentence ending ... intensive groundwater recharge program. On August 24, 1983 the City Council certified an Environmental Impact Report for the 2,800-Acre Groundwater Recharge Facility Along the Kern Rivet- for the City of Bakersfield. For the purposes of the Kern River Plan the City's Environmental Impact Report shall govern the activities within the 2,800-Acres, and the report shall be referenced in the appendix of this plan. RA - Reference to the City's 2,800-acre recharge area final EIR could be made in the plan;s appendix. In fact, it may be appropriate to list all City- and County- adopted final EIRls which address past projects within the plan boundaries. How- ever, the list must include a disclaimer that the final EIRls indicated are not to be incorporated by reference into the plan decision-making process unless findings are made each time the respective legislative bodies consider projects within the planning area. In considering the impact of using any past EIR to govern planning decisions, authority would be invoked by Sections 21083 and 21087, Public Resources Code, requiring findings with respect to reported significant adverse effects. S - Include in appendix. 2. The survey centerline of the River and the primary floodway -- as shown on maps adopted by the State Reclamation Board and the Kern County Water Agency -- were drawn on large base maps. The primary floodway designates the minimum channel area required to contain a 100-year flood flow of 15,000 cfs (Fig. II-I). WB - Section 2.4, page 4 --- The first sentence of paragraph 2 should be changed to read... liThe survey centerline of the River and the primaryfloodway -- be sho\^m on maps adopted by the State Reclamation Board, the Kern County Water Agency, and t~5_Çity of Bakersfield within their respective jurisdictions -- were drawn on large base maps." RA - The concern can be resolved by simply removing the reference to the Kern County [dater Agency. The "survey centerl ine" has no importance or special mean- ing in the Kern River Plan. S - The survey centerline of the River and the primary floodway - as shown on maps adopted by the State Reclamation Board - were drawn on large base maps. The primary floodl-¡ay designates the minimum channel area t'equired to contain a IOO-year flood flow of 15,000 cfs (Fig. II-I). ------------- ------- -- - - ------ --' . " -, I , '" -2- ; . ;, , " 3. The secondary floodway was drawn to show where floods would occur if various flood control structures, such as dikes or levees, were to fail. This secondary floodway was based on the City of Bakersfield's "Designated Floodway" maps. WB - Section 2.4, page 4 --- The last sentence should be corrected to read "This secondary floodway was based on the City of Bakersfield's Kern River Floodway Maps." RA - It is agreed that reference to the "Kern River Floodway Map" would be pro- per in the last sentence on page 4 of Section 2.4; it should be changed as in- dicated. - S - This secondary floodway was based on the City of Bakersfield's "Kern River Floodway Map." - 4. 6. Grading or earthmoving for projects within the secondary floodway shall blend with existing topography, and vegetation shall subsequently be harmoniously re- established where it does not conflict with channel maintenance and recharge facilities as identified by the Kern County Water Agency or the City of Bakersfield Water Resources Department. WB - Section, page 4 --- The following should be added to the end of com- ment 6 ... within their respective jurisdictions. RA - Proposed addition of the term "within respective jurisdictions II would not be in keeping with direction and goals given by the City Council and Board of Supervisors that a consistent, uniform plan be prepared. The proposed plan is a joint product of the City and County and fully intended to be implemented in the same manner as it was prepared and heard by the joint City and County planning bodies. The excellent intergovernmental coordination demonstrated by this venture to date would indicate caution not to build into the plan artificial barriers to future implementation cooperation. So many planning issues transcend political boundaries of the Kern River that the advancement of City/County relationships during the implementation of the plan is critical. S - 6. Grading or earthmoving for projects within the secondary floodway shall blend with existing topogrphy, and vegetation shall subsequently be harmoniously reestablished where it does not conflict with channel maintenance and recharge fac'il ities. 5. 1.' Areas of well defined unique scenic, vegetative, or wildlife habitat value should be acquired by a public entity or shall other wise be protected by zoning, easements, or convenants for long-range preservation and enhancement. WB - Section, page 6 --- The word "shall" should be changed to "should". . RA - If the "shall" were changed to "should," implementation control of private development with respect to unique and sensitive areas would not be afforded. S - Areas which are officially designated now or in the future as having unique scenic, vegetative, or wildlife habitat value should be acquired by a public en- tity or shall otherwise be protected by zoning, easements, or covenants for long- range pt'eservation and enhancement. ~-"",-----""",~"~,-,,----,-~.._,,...- -... -'.'" ~.:-..-..-, '. . ". . ! .. . . ,. . I ..; .'. -3- .' ! 7 '. , .. ' . . 6. The placement of structures and other related accessory uses shall not obstruct nor hinder the movement or migration of wildlife. WB - Section, page 6 --- The sentence should be changed to read ... "Where possible, the placement of structures and other related accessory uses should not obstruct nor hinder the movement or migration of wildlife." RA - Changing the policy by addition of terms "where possible" and "should" would negate the intent of the plan to control placement of structures with respect to wildlife corridors (i .e., wildlife dependent. on river habitat). Existing corridors are paramount to the protection and enhancement of wildlife, some being rare and/ or endanaged species. The plan's proposed Negative Declaration may become over!:~: stepped with such an approach. S - The placement of structures and other related accessory uses shall respect wildlife corridors and shall not unneccessarily obstruct the movement or migration of wi 1 dl ife. 7. 8. The County of Kern, the City of Bakersfield, The Kern County Water Agency, and appropriate water districts shall study and report on the potential for establishing and maintaining a minimum annual flow of water within the lower Kern River. WB - Section, page 7 --- Comment 8 should be changed to read ... "The County of Kern, the City of Bakersfield, the Kern County Water Agency, and appro- priate water districts shouli study and report on the potential for establishing and maintaining a minimum flow of water within the river Manor Street and Stockdal~ Highway." RA - Thi~ policy is direct result of public input and is directive, not operational. The policy requires a study of minimum river flow þossiblilities; it does not mandate a minimum flow. . S - The County of Kern, the City of Bakersfield, the Kern County Water Agency, and appropriate water districts shall consult with each other and City Department of Water Resources shall report to the City Council and Board of Supervisors on the potential for establishing and maintaining a minimum annual flow of water within the Kern River between Manor Street and the Stockdale Highway crossing. 8. The California Department of Fish and Game and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service shall be requested to survey the Kern River for identification of areas containing special and unique biological resources. A plan for maintenance and enhancement of such areas shall become a future appendix to this plan. WB - Section, page 7 --- Comment 9 should be changed to read ... "If the California Department of Fish and Game and the U.S. Fish and \~ildlife Service conducts a survey of the Kern River for identification of areas containing special and unique biological resources, a plan for maintenance and enhancement Qf such areas sho~l~_~e reviewed by the City and County for consideration of adoption as a future appendix to this plan." RA - Again, the policy is directive and commits local government to requesting assistance from State and Federal agencies to survey for unique biological re- sources in order to maintain and enhance these resources. --""'-""_._.--m'--.. , ... on.... ....... ... """"'" .....h"--.. "--"----"-- <' :¡ . '. I ..' -4- ';" \ ' ¡ -~ ,ì S - The California Department of Fish and Game and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service shall be requested to survey the Kern River for identification of areas containing special and unique biological resources. A plan for maintenance and enhancement of such areas shall be considered. 9. To maximize and fully utilize the groundwater rechårge potential of the Kern River, its floodplains, and other potential recharge aquifers. Enhance riparian vegetation and wildlife habitat as a component of groundwater recharge programs. Design re- charge facilities in such a way as to facilitate public use for riding and hiking trails, nature study, or other non-intensive forms of recreation. WB - Section 3.4.2, page 7 --- The third sentence of the second paragraph should be changed to read ... "Where possible and when not in conflict with existing recharge policies, recharge facilities should be designed in such a way as to ... " RA - Would replace fundamental goals and policies of the proposed plan \tJith ex- isting plans and policies. If existing recharge policies are desired, they should be stated in the Kern River Plan so that the Element remains comprehensive and consistent. The proposed change could be considered prohibited based on Sierra Club vs. Board of Supervisors of Kern County (1981),126 Cal. App. 3d 698, be- cause of possible inconsistences in using reference plan policies which are not the same as those afforded by the Kern River Plan. S - Do not change text. 10. Designation and mapping of the primary floodway of the Kern River in the plan area shall be the same as that adopted by the Reclamation Board of the State of Cali- fornia and the Kern County Water Agency so as to establish the 15,000-cubic-foot- per-second (cfs) primary floodway. WB - Section, page 8 --- Comment 1 should be changed to read ... "Desig- nation and mapping of the primary floodway of the Kern River in the plan area shall be the same as that adopted by the Reclamation Board of the State of Cali- farina, the Kern County Water Agency, or the City of Bakersfield within their respective jurisdictions so as to maintain the 15,000-cubic-foot-per-second (cfs) \ primary floodway." ' I RA - Again, the concern can be resolved by simply removing the reference to the Kern County Water Agency. Basis would be that the Reclamation Board has overall jurisdiction for designation of the Kern River Primary Floodway. 5 - Designation and mapping of the primary floodway of the Kern River in the plan area shall be the same as that adopted by the Reclamation Board of the State of California to maintain the 15,000 cubic-foot-per-second (cfs) primary floodway. 11. 4. Designation of the secondary floodway of the Kern River shall be in accordance with the criteria used by the Kern County Water Agency, the City of Bakersfield Water Resources Department, and the Federal Emergency nanagement Agency. ""'-', - - ",--- - - - - . - ., -- ----- -- , I I I I .. I Ii . ¡, I ¡ I i -5- ! WB - Section, page 8 --- The word lIandll in comm~nt 4 should be changed to lIor", and the following should be added to the end of the comment... "within thelrrespective jurisdications.1I i 'i! I, I RA - In keeping with the intergovernmental cooperation Illspiritll of the Kern River Plan, it would be prudent to not alter Policy'4 inSect~on 3.4.3. The current wording means that all jurisdictions would häve to ,agree on what constitutes a secondary.fl~o~way. Alteration of the poliçy would, ent¡ice internal plan conflicts and unrellablllty. I : I . ! S - The secondary floodway adopted by thislplan has been in accordance with criteria used by the Kern County Water Agency, the!~ityiof Bakersfield Water Re- sources Department and the Federal Emergency Manangemeh;t'Agenciesy. Future changes to the designation of the secondary floodwa~ ~hall :~espect the then applicable criteria of those agencies. \1;' ii ,'I: . 12. 5. Sand and gravel removal by temporary portable eqUiÞ~ent is allowed in the primary floodway. Permanent structures and [aêcessÓry p~ocessing facilities shall be located outside of the primary and secondary flÓodwayiarea. I ¡, I' II I , I'! WB - Section, page 8 --- The words 11and secondaryll should be removed from comment 5. I .,1 I' :;\: . 1 i RA - Changing Policy 5 in Section 3.4;3 wou~~'allo~ ~aci~ities such as batch plants, rock crushers, smelters, and other major, permanent fac~lities in the secondary floodway. The current wording of Policy 5 Has already ~ndergone several revisions by the Planning hearing bodies to clarify i~s iÌntent. i . I ' I , S - Do not change text. I .;1 I,'" 13. 9. Oil and mineral exploration ~nd producdori shall be. allowed within the secondary floodwaY~ provided that adverse effects on riparian: vegetation and wildlife habitat are minimized. Appurtenant facilities, such'as tank farms and steam genèrators, shall. be located outside any floodway. i " I " , , " I WB - Section, page 9 --- In the second sentence~ the word IIshalll1 should be changed to IIshoul dll . i ': ¡ I. RA - As in #12, the policy position hasèbeen clearly established in previous dis- cussion and public hearings. The indicated ¡change could permit tank farms, steam generators, wastewater processing plants~ and other oil/mineral production and processing facilities in any floodway. : . ¡ I I . ì' "i S - Do not change text because the issues df where,and¡~ow oil and mineral exploration and production would be conducted were ¡thoroughly debated and agreed upon at Planning Commission/PAC hearings. I:: i I: I I"~ I I , 14. 10. Resource extraction activities, such as!, s'and and g~ável removal, shall be re- quired to have a site rehabilitation plan a~ a conditioniof permit approval. . I ,I I . . .: i : j 11< I; ¡ . ; ! I, I. I 'I' 1 I ,i i ¡ I :1 --'-- -- C'-"-~-'-~'~~~-'- ;'.J I .. i . . -6- I , ; ". WB - Section, page 9 --- Comment 10 should be removed. RA - Policy 10, in part, is intended as a means of insuring consistency among City, County, and State policies, as expressed in the IICalifornia Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 197511 (Government Code Section 2710 et seq.) S - Resource extraction activities, such as sand and gravel removal, shall comply with the tlCalifornia Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975.11 15. 11. Nonemergency levee construction, river channel maintenance, grading or con- struction which would reduce the area of the primary floodway shall require an amendment to the Kern River Plan. WB - Section, page 9 --- The word lIareall should be changed to IIcapacityll in comment 11. RA - Because of discussion held among you, City Planning, and my staff on August 3, it was indicated by you that no change would be needed in Policy 11 of Section 3.4.3, as originally recommended. S - Do not change text. 16. 12. Groundwater recharge shall be considered to be a principal allowable use of both primary and secondary floodways. Prior to construction of recharge basins in the Primary Floodway, such areas shall be evaluated for biological importance. 13. Groundwater recharge, conservation, and flood control projects shall have de- sign considerations for recreational uses, such as hiking, horseback riding, nature study, and fishing. . ' . WB - Section, and 13, page 9 --- the word IIshallll should be changed to IIshould" in comments 12 and 13. RA - This policy is based on mutually developed Kern River Plan goals, objectives, and intent, requiring all project to include biological surveys and design con- siderations for public access, recreational uses, nature study, trails, or fishing. S ~ 12. Goundwater recharge shall be considered to be principal allowable use of both the primary and secondary floodways. The continued groundwater recharge pro- gram involving properties owned by the City are of paramount importance. This Element was prepared using the City's approved conceptual Plan for the 2,800-acres Groundwater Recharge Facility. The design, construction, operation, and main- . tenance of the Facility are not intended to be altered or restricted by any policy or implementation measure of this Element. Future projects outside the 2~800-acre Recharge Facility shall be evaluated for any significant biological importance. 13. Ground water recharge, conservation, and flood control projects shall include in their development consideration of designs for recreational uses such as hiking, hourseback riding, nature study, and fishing. . I '.,: ,,1 I . ' i . , I ., , -7- :' " 17. 14. The practice of filling and grading land within the primary floodway for the purpose of raising any site above the floor encroachment limit to allow future construction shall be prohibited. WB - Section, page 10 --- The wordsllbe prohibited" in comment 10 should be replaced with "require approval of the Reclamation Board of the State of California.1I RA - The Kern ,River Plan goes far beyond Reclamation Board criteria for primary floodway control" The Reclamation Board is interested in floodway engineering and not with aesthetics or environmental attributes. The request is asking a major compromise of fundamental community goals and objectives reflected in the Plan; i.e., that the primary floodway be pro- tected and enhanced as an asset to the City and the County, not allowing the Kern River to just become another ditch or canal. S - The practice of filling and grading land with"in the primary floodway to raise any site above the flood encroachment limit to allow future construc- tion shall be prohibited excepting levies and water control facilities approved by the Reclamation Board of the State of California. 18. '15. A channel, maintenance program shall be developed by the City Water Resources Department, with participation of all other responsible River àgencies and districts, and shall be included as an appendix to this plan upon approval by the respective jurisdictions. WB - Section, page 10 --- Comment 15 should be changed to read. ... "A channel maintenance program shall be developed by the City ~' ater Resources Department and Kern County within their respective jurisdictions and shall be included as an appendix to this plan upon approval.1I RA - Policy 15 in Section 3.4.3 was developed to state clearly the plan's intent and to give the City the lead in developing a channel maintenance program consistent with other policies of the plan, while--at the same time--ensuring participation by all affeæted jurisdictions. S - A channel maintenance p~ogram shall be developed by the City Water Resources Department and Kern County for their respective .jurisdictions. These plans shàll be included as appendixes to this element upon their approval by the Reclamation Board of the State of California. 19. 1. Sand and gravel removal shall be done in such a m~nner as to not degrade, or otherwise adversely affect, the natural and scenic qualities of the Kern River, riparian vegetation, or wildlife habitat. WB - Section, page 12 --- The following should be added to comment 1.... lIexcept as requi red to maintain the required channel capacity." RA - This change could effectively sacrifice any environmental and aesthetic goals of the plan in the name of channel capacity maintenance. Numerous " rev~sions to earlier drafts were made to ensure the City's concerns for I flexibility in channel maintenance would be afforded. S - Sand and gravel removal shall be done in such a manner as to not degrade. or otherv¡ise adversely affect, the natural and scenic qualities of the Kern River, riparian vegetation, or wildlife habitat except as is necessary or ".... on,- ;,' .} I . . , '., .. -8- appropriate to'maintain the required channel capacity for flood control in I the primary floodway. - ': I 20. 5. Mineral and petroleum exploration and extraction activities are permitted in the primary and secondary floodways, subject to regulations to be adopted within a two-year period by the County and City to accomplish the goals and policies of this Element and to mitigate adverse impacts which may otherwise result from construction of facilities and access thereto. Such regulations shall include~ but need not be limited to, requirements limiting the impact of access and facilities construction upon adjacent areas, prohibiting activities creating obstructions to floodflow, establishing minimum standards for floodproofing all wells, pumps and associated equipment, specifying spill prevention control and counter-measure plans and emergency procedures, and specifying site and access restoration. WB - Section, page 13 --- The words ~~nd Ci~ should be removed from comment 5. RA - Policy 5 was drafted by the Deputy Assistant City Attorney and, after lengthy deliberations, adopted by the joint planning hearing body. Deleting City government's reponsibility in development of reglations limiting adverse impacts of oilfield access and facilities in the primary floodway would not be in keeping with the intergovernm~ntal coordination intent of the jointly implemented plan, as d1scussed previou~ly in #4~ S - Do not change the text. 21. The intent of this plan with regard to the Primary and Secondary Floodways of the Kern River is that: No development or physical improvements for uses in the Primary Floodway which would restrict flows, interfere with groundwater recharge, or increase the rise in water surface during high flows of the Kern River, or displace the primary floodway wiTl be permitted. limited development with an emphasis on preserving open space within the area of the Secondary Floodway, with recognition of the potential flood hazard that exists therein, may be permitted. WB - Chapter IV, page 1 --- The first sentence of the third paragraph should be changed to read ... ~The intent of this plan with regard to development in the Primary and Secondary Floodways of the Kern Ri ver is that: II .--- RA - The current wording of the sentence, liThe intent of this plan with regard to the Primary and Secondary Floodways of the Kern River is that no development... in Primary... will be permitted," is clear and unambiguous as written. The sentence is the central feature of the Kern River Plan and has been written în direct response to the public's desire to afford the fullest possible protection of the Kern River within the reasonable scope of planning statutes. S - Do not change text. I . ,.¡ . ./ ;. . . ' ';, .. . ,. '.. -9- 22. 6. The secondary floodway of the Kern River, designated by the hazard overlay 2.5 on the Kern River Plan, is defined by the secondary floodway line of the City of Bakersfield's Designated Floodway Map. ,WB - Section 4.10.6, page 13 _-:-- In comment 6 the words "Designated Floodway" shoul d be changed to II Kern Ri ver Floodway r1ap. II RA - As in #3, above, it is agreed that reference to the "Kern River Floodway . ~1ap" would be proper in Policy 6 of Section 4.10. S - 6. The secondary floodway of the Kern River, designated by the hazard overlay 2.5 on the Kern River Plan, is defined by the secondary floodway line of the City of Bakersfield's Kern River Floodway Map. 23. 3. Riding and hiking trails shall be located in the general areas indicated on the plan map. Variations in location of actúal trails, as they are devel- oped, would be allowed in order to make best use of physical features, public land ownerships, easements, and the like. WB - Section 4.11.3, page 14 ---- Should be changed to read "General locations for the recommended riding and htking trails are indicated on the plan map. Variations in location.of actual trails, as they are developed, would be allowed in order to make best use of physical features, public and private land owner- ships, easements, and the like. RA - As presently written, Policy 3 in Section 4.11 was a direct result of the joint planning body deliberations; it is extremely general and provides a great deal of flexibility in interpretation. S -3. Rîding and hiking trails shall be located in the general areas indicated on the plan map. Actual development of the trails may vary and shall take into consideration physical features, topography, wildlife habitats, public and private ownerships, land uses, easements, and the like. 24. WB - Map Sheet No.5 ---- The map should be corrected to show the'centerline of the Kern River within the Designated Floodway. RA - The indicated mapping error with respect to the centerline of the River on Sheet 5 should be corrected. S - Correct map. 25. WB - r1ap Sheet No.7 ---- The "parking area" shown adjacent to Enos Lane should be removed. RA - The pal'king area shown ina generalized location at Enos Lane is necessary for public trail access. There is no other suitable location within the project at the terminus of the trail system. S - No need to change. Refer to Policy 5, Chapter IV, page 14. 5. Parking should be provided in the general location of areas indicated on the Kern River Plan Map. It is intended that major access points for River users would have improved parking areas. ! ~, ..' . ¡ . . . ; . 7" . .' . -10- 26. WB~- Map Sheets No.6 and No.7 ---- The hiking and equestrian trails shown within the City's 2800 acre recharge area (between Renfro Road and Interstate 5) should be removed from Map Sheets No.6 and 7. This area is designated by . I the City as a "NATURAL PRESERVE AREA" which would permit restricted, controlled: access only. The "NATURAL PRESERVE AREA" designation is defined as follows: "Natural Preserve Areas would be restricted, controlled access. The recommended uses would be limited to natural science-related educational and scientific purposes. It would be assumed that educational institutions, conservation organizations or professionally credentialed individuals would request access permits for research or educational projects. The criteria for Natural Preserve designation includes usage, or proposed usage, as a water recharge basin, and the presence of unique or valuable native vegetation or animal habitat which is fragile or would be endangered by a more intense use." If hiking and equestrian trails are considered to be necessary through this "Natural Preserve" area, the Committee should meet with City's Water Resources staff to determine the location of such trials. RA - Policies already state that the trails are shown in conceptual locations and that further refinement of location would be necessary prior to development. S - Only one trail is to be indicated by the map along the northern boundary of the 2800 ac. 27. 4. Develop a cooperative effort with educational programs at California State College, Bakersfield, in assuring both preservðtion of and research access to a portion of the 2,800 acres of City-owned groundwater recharge area as a natural preserve area. WB - Section 5.1.4, page 2 ---- "Develop a cooperative effort with programs at educational institutions, such as, California State College, Bakersfield, to assure both preservation of and research access to a portion of the 2800 Acres of City-owned groundwater recharge area as a natural preserve area." RA - There would be no problem with expansion of the definition of "educational institut(ions" in Implementation Policy 4, Section 5.1. The ~Jater Board's suggested additional woråing would suffice. S - Develop a cooperative effort with programs at educational institutions such as California State College, Bakersfield. . . 28. 2. Prior to any development within the Kern River Plan boundaries, including residential, commercial, industrial: recreational, water recharge, channel improvement, and resource recovery projects, a landscaping plan shall be submitted to the respective City or County Planning Department for review and approva 1 . HB - Section 5.3.C.2, page 7 ---- The words "water recnargê, channel improve- ment" shaul d be removed from comment 2. ~ RA - Implementation Policy 2 in Section 5.3,C merely indicates that public agencies are not exempt from State policies afforded in Sections 21000 and 21001 of the California Environmental Quality Act. ". '"",'-"""o,"..'.::¿-.;.:-"-C' _. ..... --.- "-"-"""""'."'.~11',"""';I;> ~; .' . t . , :: . .. , . . -11- ?. . ," S - Prior to any development within the Kern River Plan boundaries, : inèluding residential, commercial, industrial, recreational, and resource recovery projects, a landscaping plan shall be submitted to the respective City or County Planning Department for review and approval. I ""'..,.=-ro~""7'-;"-"""""""'-'-",""-,,,-,-~,-,"-""""<"""H' "-'-""""""'-"""""'-"~""."""'-'-'~----"-'-"~"""'""...........................-' .-""" '-.':;;'~"" \ ..I ¡,.. 'ã .~ DOMEST I C WATER ENTERPRISE MAINLINE EXTENSION REFUND AGREEMENTS WATER BOARD MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 5, 1984 TRACT OR .AGREEMENT WATER DEVELOPER PARCEL MAP REFUND AMOUNT BOARD NUMBER Tenneco Realty Development Corp. PM 6790 $153,527.43 Tenneco Realty Development Corp. p~~ 6791 60,811.37 Tenneco Realty Development Corp. Tract 4601 37,142.48 (Est.) Tenneco Realty Development Corp. Tract 4650 51,737.31 (Est.) Tenneco Realty Development Corp. Tract 4696 18,382.49 Tenneco Realty Development Corp. Camino Media 22,984.98 Phase I Tenneco Realty Development Corp. Old River ~ad 65,066.87 (N/O Wh i te Lane S/O Wh i te Oak) ¡ .!. I .~ J\