HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/11/84 :'" -;',;-;',~J,¡i~~<:~ i ~ '. -~ ; ;'~"',:~,'\~¡r;¡'bi'" " ì ", ' ;' fV!:~~~?(!". I .. ----- - ..-- ... ...-- ,,-, .. --,-_. .--'m ------ ---- -, ,) ..--. ----- ---'-"-~ ----- I AGENDA i ---,--- WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD- WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1984 12: 00 P.M. - NOON Call meeting to order. Roll call - Board Membérs: Barton, Chairman; Payne, Moore. '. Approve minutes of regular meeting held March 14, 1984. 2.' Scheduled public statements. 3; Corresp on dence. 4. 1984-85 Domestic Water Enterprise Operations and Capital Outlay. Budf!.et. FOR BOARD ACTION and RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL. 5. 1984-85 Agricultural Water Enterprise Budget. The, bud~et consists of two (2) separate components as follows: a) "198~-85 Operations and Capital Outlay Budget.1I b) . 19 84- 8 5 ¡,J ate r Price and S and Sa 1 e S c h e d u 1 e ." FOR BOARD ACTIONS and RECO}~ffiNDATION TO CITY COUNCIL. 6. Ditch Eradication Agreement and Pipeline Easement ~or 1-2-0 lateral located at Olive Drive iust east of Coffee Road. 7. Sta~f comments. 8. Board comments. 9. Adiournment. .. \ " ,., "'~ "-'- - ,- " _0 - _.' -- ' -'.- """ ---, ¡ '. WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD I WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14,1984 12:00 NOON , -: : i i , ' The meet ing was called to order by Chairman Barton in the:.'", I -::::;"':~¡ - Department of Water Resources Conference Room. , ,.~~<;: Itt':,<.! The secretary called the roll as follows: ' ";;~:"', '-':1 ":,:,':-,,[ ~;¡',;?~;$" Present: ,Barton (Chairman), Payne, Moore:'.',::)/;'::"}~' , " ,': :?r-, ,: ! The minutes from the Special Meeting of ,February 2, 1984,' ",> '::~i'; ' ':;;:,-;-j were approved as presented.' :.<'i'~(Lj'>:' :fJ There were no public statements nor correspondence received. "",:;;~::: :".~ê):J The Weather Modification Agreement for City participation in ::>::) ( the 1984 cloud seeding program on the Kern River Watershed was' ' ",': presented by Mr. Bogart. This item was discussed at length., .,' <: ¡ Mr. Moore brought up a few questions, one of which was how the,', success of cloud seeding was determined. Mr. Dow stated he ',' , didn't think there was any information available to quantitatively: measure the success of cloud seeding. Different studies have' estimated that cloud seeding can increase rainfall from 8-15%. ¡ Mr. Moore commented that it's just a risk factor for everyone involved then. Mr. Moore also brought up the question on the ¡ method of payment for cloud seeding. Mr. Bogart suggested that! instead of a flat fee, which is the methòd of payment now, that; we may be able to negotiate an agreement on a per storm basis, I ~lus a mobilization standby charge. Mr. Dow said the method of -- payment would be looked into next year. Mr. Payne made a motion for approval. The motion passed. ~ " , Mr. Bogart presented the Water Transportation Agre~ment with ¡ Arvin-Edison to the Board. Mr. Bogart stated that" this Agreement " allows the City to provide, at Mr. Garone's request, fresh water to approximately 2,500 acres of Wastewater Treatmet1t Plant 2, south of Panama Lane; 936 acres of which Mr. Garone is planning I to farm with rice. Mr. Bogart pointed out that the Arvin-Edison I Canal was sponsored by Arvin~Edison, but paid for my the Federal Government and if any problems arise it would be in this area. Mr. Dow stated he would recommend the Water Board referring to City Council for approval, with the condition that the U. S. i Bureau of Reclamation also approve., Mr. Payne made amotion to I . >,: recommend approval to City Council. Motion passed. ¡ ,¿:,~1 Mr. Core presente~ for Board information the Mainline Extension! -::',~i~d Agreements at varl.OUS sourthwest locations, involving five differ~nt';~.,J tracts.: " ,;::.j , ""', '1 ,"',\, : Before going t,o Closed Session Mr. Barton asked if there were any !:T'~ Staff or Board corrnnents. Being none, Mr. Payne made a motion to ! >:.:. go into Closed Session. Motion passed. ,'::~~: ,r - The meeting reopened to the public. , f I .<. ::~>;;! , The meeting adjourned at 1:40p.m. i ,!}\:!.; - ,; l~~ "'" ~ ,- - O~ ' ,"-:," -- :¿-~c;.~ - ~ ,,-,'~_"I James J. Barton, Ch irman :):.~r! City of Bakersfield Water Board:'~': /7 i , e ¡} F:// . i ,_.; t- ~~ r íJ -Ie /l>Yl.~/ i >; Carol Pagan, See etary . City of Bakersfield Water Board : ..o..~,..... 7 r .. :, {\' MEMORANDUM - _n n --~-~-~-~-~- --~ g_!_-_!. ~-~-~- m- --m____m..__m_- TO Paul Dow, Director of Water .Resources . - --. -- -- -- -. - - -.. - --.. -- - - --- _n. - - -- - - -. - - -- - - -. -, ----. -. - - - - -- - -. - -. -"-' - -. -. - -- - -- ----- n_--_n_- -. ----- n -- --__n~_-¡;¡;. T!iiK-------------------------- FRO M . __n- _.F._~~-~~. ._~~-~~_~__~5L~_i_.~_~- ~-~-~!.~ -~ - -~ ~~---~-~~-~-~-~~n~-~~~-~--~~-~~-~-~-~--_~----__m--____------..------------- SUBJECT - _.!'. ~ 2!'.2 .~-~Q _--~2_~.~ -~ ILÇ_. !'!~I_~_~...~ .~I .~-~ ~ ~ ~- ~ .~. ~ --. ~.~-~~-~- ~-~~- ~-~- --!_~-~-~ _: _!_~_~2- ---- ------------------------- At t ac hed is the proposed 1984-1985 budget for the Domestic Water Enterprise of ~he Department of Water Resources. The Domestic Water Division budget has an "Estimated Revenues and Expenses . Budget" sheet and a "Proposed Capital Expenditure Program" sheet. In addition, explanations of budget line items of the Division are included in the package as well as explanations on the Capital Expenditure Programs. Overall, we experienced a 15% growth in new customer accounts in the system, whi ch \vas more than the projected. 10% rate for the year. The pro j e c t i on s for revenues and expenses reflect a projected gravth rate of I 0 % for the 1984-1985 fiscal year. FC:sr Attachments cc: Richard Russe 11 W. D. Higginbotham .. . , .' "" 'Î ¡, ¡. ,,' CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DOMESTIC WATER ENTERPRISE ESTIMATED REVENUES AND EXPENSES BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1984-85 I I Adopted FY 1983-1984 Est. Actual Proposed Budget I' FY 1983-84 FY 1984-85 REVENUES: Metered Water & Fire Services $2,393,000 $2,536,300 $2,775,000 Interest Income 75,000 74,400 85,000 TOTAL REVENUES $2,468,QOO .$2,610,700 $2,860,000 OPERATING EXPENSES: Field Expenses: O&M Charges from Cal ifornia Water $ 524,900 $ 591 ,600 $ 650,000 Power for Pumping & Del ivery, Tele- phones & Telemetry 485,000 432,000 548,000 Unscheduled Maintenance 120,000 52,000 120,000 TOTAL FIELD EXPENSES $1 , 1 29 , 900 $1,075,600 $1,318,000 Administrative Expenses: Salaries and Fringe Benefits $ 85,000 $ 86,500 $ 90,000 Charges from Other City Departments 18,300 11,000 15,000 Management Fee from California Water 53,800 58,050 62,500 Consultant Charge (Engineer, Attorney, etc.) 62,500 8,500 30,000 Insurance Expenses 17 ,800 17,800 18,700 Pumping Taxes 210,000 205,800 212,000 Misc. General Expenses 18,300 12,000 17,500 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES $ 465,700 $ 399,650 $ 445,700 NET OPERATING INCOME: Before Depreciation $ 872 ,400 $ 1 , 1 34 t 750' $1 ,096,300 Depreci at ion (296,000) (320,308) <352,500) TOTAL $ 576,400 $ 814,442 $ 743,800 NON-OPERATING EXPENSE: Hainline Extension Refunds . $ ( 95,000) $ (209,000) $ (242,000) Net Operating Income 481 ,400 905,~':t~ 501,800 BOND PAYMENT: $ (178,500) $ (1]8,500) $ (178,500) TRANSFER TO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET: $ 302,900 $ ~~',94"2 $ 323.300 NET INCOME (LOSS): $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- I ¡ - ~~ '.. " . ,."',~;~\~;,«~::_,.:- ),\:,:'~ .. "':.:':. . . -:;..'. I ""'u ----u. ,-- -," -- t~ I I ¡, i . CITY OF BAKERSF I ELD '¡ ¡,. DOMESTIC WATER ENTERPRISE PROPOSED CAPITAL EXPENDITURE PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 1984-1985 PROJECTED 1985-1986 Proposed SOURCE OF FUNDS FY 1984-1985 Capital Improvement Reserves (Depreciation) $ 352,500 Net Operating Income 323,300 ";Avai labi 1 i ty Fees Estimate 150,000 1981-1982 Budget Allocation for Water Main accross Kern River 109,800 $ 935,600 PROPOSED APPLI CATION OF FUNDS Proposed Projected FY 1984-1985 FY 1985-1986 - Additional Water Mains Truxtun Avenue Extension - from Parcel 3 of Parcel Map 6791 to Quai lridge Drive approximately 3300' of Ac P ma in. $ 123,000 $ Pacheco Road - from Progress Road to Old River Road approximately 2200' of ACP. 70,000 Stine Road'" approx-imatély 250' of ACP. 10,000 - Water Meters and Related Sùppl ies 60,000 60,000 - Additional Water Wells and Pump Stations 1) Special Faci 1 ities payment on Truxtun Avenue Station #13. 95,000 74,000 2) *Special Faci Ii ties payment on Warrenton Avenue Station #12. 95,000 95,000 3) Completion of Station #14 at Pacheco Road and Progress Road (Progress Well). 63,000 4) Completion of Station F103 at northern section of Fairhaven area. 68,000 25,000 5) *New well near Warrenton Avenue and Jenkins Road. 75,000 50,000 6) New well near White Lane and Old River Road in Pin Oak Park (Pin Oak Well). 75,000 7) New well near Pacheco Road and Old River Road (Pacheco Well). 100,000 50,000 8) New we11 near Ming Avenue and Old River Road 100,000 65,000 - Mobile radio equipment for domestic water vehicle 1,600 $ 935,600 *Jtems 2) and 5) under Additiona1 We11s and Pump Stations are contingent upon receipt of Avai1abi1ity Fees. ~ I 1 !;~ ~f ---- :¡ i . I :.' CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DOMESTIC WATER ENTERPRISE EXPLANAT ION 0 F BUDG ETED REVENUES AND EXP ENSES FY 1984-1985 REVENUES: Donestic Water Sales: Sales of metered water and standby fi re protection service to customers of the Domest:ic. Water Enterprise. Estimated actual for' f i sca 1 1983-1984 is based on actual revenue through February 29, 1984 with projection based on experience fa r the ba 1 anèe of 1984. The proposed 1984-1985 budget is projected from an estimated i nc rease in customers, the average consumption per customer and the rate schedule in effect. ' , now Interest Income: This income is from interest earned,on funds on account in the City Treasury th r-oughout the year. The amount of funds wi 11 vary throughout the year as revenue on the water system varies with the seasons. EXPENSES: Field Expenses: Under Agreements 80-83 and 82-55, the City contracts with California Water Service Company to operate and perform normal maintenance on the City's Water S ys t em. 'The charges are based on a yearly estimate of the pro-rata customer service cost for the combined distribution systems. The act ua 1 costs are determined at the end of each calendar year with adjustments for the difference between actual and estimated costs. The proposed 1983-1984 costs are estimated at a growth rate of 10% plus Inflation factor of 5%. Power for Pumping: This is for electricity, natural gas, and telemetry ~sed for pumping groundwater from wells, and del ivery to the customer. The 1984-1985 budgeted figure will reflect an estimated gas and electric unit rate increase of 10% in the coming fiscal year, and an increased use of electricity and gas for the projected system expansion. Unscheduled Maintenance Expense: These expenses are not covered by normal operations and maintenance as outlined by the contract with California. Water S~rvice. This would be emergency replacement. . and repairs of burned out motors, mechan.ical f~ilure of water well equipment, restoration charges of customers meters, .and water main breaks. As equ i pment in the system becomes older, it is necessary that this account be uti 1 ized to serve as a contingency fund for such emergency repairs. )0.. I 'ÿI . 1 i 'I I '. , \ 1 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES: I I Salaries and- Fringe Benefi ts: These expenses reflect a ~ share of the time of the Director of Water Resources (20%), Assistant Director of Water Resources (20%), Ag. and Domestic Water Manager (50%), Water Supervisor III (50%), C1erk-Typist I (50%), and one Temporary Helper (50%) . Charges and Other City Department Expenses: These charges consist of expenses incurred by support divisions with ~he City of Bakersfield (i.e. Finance, Engineering, etc.). Management Fee to Cali fornia Water Service: This fee is based on Agreement 80-83 and 82-55 with California Water Service and is establ ished as2k% of the gross revenues of the Domestic Water Syst'em. These charges are paid monthly based on yearly estimates, then actual costs are determined at c~lendar year!s end and adjusted accordingly. The 1984-1985 estimate is based on a 10% increase in the number of ~ustomers and resultant increase in revenue. Consultant Charges: The nature of these expenses are for professional and technical assistance provided by water attorney and engineering services from time to time, to aid in long-range planning, revenue studies and rates and tQ help assure the orderly and camp 1 ete expans i on of the sys t.em. Insurance Expense: This expense reflects the Domestic Water Enterprise share of self-insured costs as quoted by the Finance Department. Property and Pumping Taxes: .1 Property taxes relate to City ownership of faci lities in the unincorporated areas of the water system. Pumping taxes of $20.00 per acre-foot produced are imposed by the Kern County Water Agency Improvement District #4. ,. K Miscellaneous General Expenses: ~ \i Charges relate to organizational dues, literature, professional meetings, travel ~ expenses, training programs, office supplies,uncol1ectab1e expenses, and vehicle ¡,\ '¡ ren t 'j ~ Depreciation: \ The calculated value loss of the equipment, water mains, meters, and appurtenances. This amount will increase as the system expands. The 1984-1985 budget wi 11 show an estimated 10% increase in the system value because of new expansion. - ..,. . 'I I -'.':':,..r:;..;'~'.,:'>:";::,;' ; 2 "'--' ~ I : ~" ;, I I NON-OPERATING EXPENSES: Mainrine Extensicin Refunds: These contractual agreements reimburse the developer for the costs of installing the water distribution system within their sub-division. In the past, these agreements call for a refund on an annual basis calculated on 22% of revenue generated within said sub-divisions for a period of 20 years or unti 1 the cost of the installation of the water distribution system has been reimbursed. The rul ing now in effect will change the method of payback to developers to be 2!% of the total cost of mainline installation per year for 40 years. The increases predicted for 1984-1985 are estimated based on fi led' but undeveloped tract maps and parcels in the service area. BOND PAYMENT: This is the Domestic Water Enterprise's share of the 1976 Water Bonds that were used to purchase the Kern River Water Rights and lands and the Kern Island Water Company. At the time of acquisition in 1976, it was determined the Ashe Water assets were 17.2% of the total 'Kern River purchase. This budgeted amount represents a 17.2% share of the annual bond paymen t. < , t 3 'I ;~, ># ;¡., . '¡ . '-' CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DOMESTIC WATER ENTERPRISE EXPLANATION OF PROPOSED (APITAL EXPENDITURE PROGRAM FY 1984-1985 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Capï'tal Improvement Reserves (Depree i at ion): These funds are derived through a calculated loss of value on the assets of the system. The transfer to the capital program allows this depreciation to be used to upgrade the system or to replace major items. Net Operating Income: The difference between revenue less field expenses, administrative expenses, depreciation, main] ine extension refunds, and, 1976 Water Bond payment. Avai labi 1 ity Fees: F~e5 adopted by Counci 1 levied on developers proposing to connect to the City's water system. The fee if $2,000.00 per acre of land. These fees are to pay for development of new water suppl jes, storage, and distribution stations. Certain projects 1 i s tedunder the Appl ication of Funds section are subject to receipt of fees. 1981-82 Budget Allocation for Water Main Across Kern River: This expenditure for capital outlay for a pipeline across the Kern River at Coffee Road was budgeted in Fiscal Year 1981-1982, but was not constructed. The demand for water has not materialized at this time and it is proposed to re-allocate a po r t i on of this prior budget iter; to the 1984-1985 Budget for Capital Expenditures. PROPOSED APPLICATION OF FUNDS FOR CAPITAL EXPENDITURE PROGRAM: - Additional Water Mains 1) Truxtun Avenue Extension: T"ruxtun Avenue west of Mohawk has a 16" ACP water main that terminates at the west end of Parcel 3 of Parcel Map 6791. An extension of this main to tie-in to an existing water line in Quai lridge Drive would improve the effi.ciency and flow characteristics in the north side of the service area and provide additional protectiôn to areas in the event of general power outages. 2), Pacheco Road: Connecting Station #14 westerly along Pacheco Road from Progress Road to Old River Road using 1411 ACP wi 11 allow a designed loop of the system.in that area and can be beneficial to connection of a planned well at Old River Road and Pacheco. 3) S tine Road: This pipeline will connect existing water mains in Stine Road between New Horizon Drive and White Lane. Th i 5 wi 11 help improve flow characteristics and rèduce excessive velocities in local supply mains. , .-... '~. -, .. Water Meters: This is the estimated cost to purchase water meters for installation in the system. : i.. "-, ',' ~ ..' ~. :."., "'.."~<' , 'r' ~ -",h.:. -, - ' ..,...' .. ",,- . - 0- ¡ - Additional Wells and Pumping Plants I) Speci al Fac ¡Ii t-ies Agreement for Stat ion #13 on Truxtun Avenue has been completed. Final cost was $1,025.365 of which 63% is reimburseable to the developer. This year's budget reflects additional funding to be set aside for payment. 2) Special Faci I ¡ties payment on Warrenton Avenue Station #12. Payback provisions to developer reç¡uire an annual interest payment plus paydown of principal balance if availabil ity fees are collected on tracts that connect to that particular system. This budgeted amount is interest plus a principal payment~ but will be I imited to i~t~rest only if no fees are collected. 3) Completion of Station i14 at P-acheco Road and Progress Road (Progress Well). _Pur~hase land and existing well, convert to existing standards, pump, motor, electrical switchgear, gable roof pumphouse, paving, land- scaping and fencing. Partial funding was budgeted in 1983-1984. This budgeted amount wi¡¡ allow completiòn of the project. 4) Completion of Station Fl03 in the northern section of the Fairhaven area. Prior year's budget allowed for purchase of land needed for a ne~ well, this budget will allow completion of the project of drilling, casing, equipping and housing the new well. 5) New well near Warrenton Avenue and Jenkins Road. Funding for this well is contingent upon receipt of availabil ¡ty fees from the developers in the area. The costs will be for land, drilling, casing; equipping, housing: and fencing of a production station. 6) New well near White Lane and Old River Road in Pin Oak Park (Pin Oak Well). Drilling well, casing, pump, motor, switchgear, recording controls, piping, pumphouse and landscaping. - 7) New well near Pacheco Road and Old River Road (Pacheco Well). Purchse land, drilling well, casing, pump, motor, switchgear, recording controls, piping, pumphouse, landscaping and equipped with capabi-lity of alternate power emergency production capabil ity. 8) New well near Ming Avenue and Old River Road. To consist of acquiring land, drill ing well, casing pump, motor, switchgear, recording equipment, piping, pumphouse, landscaping and fencing. !h. .. 2 -~_.--- -" ô 'i ~~." I. e MEMORANDUM ~. --m_~P.r:~_L_~_t_.J9J ~-- --.-- _____m__- -- --- - - - TO m______- - --~_<!~- L __Q_9.kJ_J_--Qj. r.~.ÇJ_9.!. _.9. f --W~ _~~r. - ~~.~~~..r: s~ ~- - _m -- -------u----- .m----m__m_Um_- _--n_n_-----U--------------" F R 0 Ml__{_ie.o_e- _.~_9.9.~_Lt_J, _.A?~~;j- ?_t~!1~_..R .i..r: ~ ~.~ ~ !:~- ~r.~ ~.~~!:_-_~_~_~9_~_r:.Ç~:~___m_- -----U_-'------m--------m__--__m m-- SU BJ E CT --_.]3.8.':*. :-_85--.!1!lr.Lç_\,J_Lt\,J_!".9J. uW!H~r.. J!"i~~.r: P..r:.L~~--.ê~~9~_L___--m_-- -------------------------------------------- --...-. Attached for your information and review is the proposed 1984-85 Agricu1tur~1 Enterprise Budget. This year, the budget consists of two (2) major components that will require actions by the Water Board and confi rmation by the City Council. These components are as follows: 1) 1984-85 "OPERATIONS AND CAPITAL OUTLAY BUDGET" - Attached to the operations budget is a schedule showing the source of estimated 1984-85 revenues and a summary explanation of the various cost centers found in this year's budget. As you can see from the attached information, the 1984-85 fiscal year is estimated to yield $131,500 in "Net" income (before acquisition and capital transfers) due prima~i Iy to the 95% of normal water supply fore- casted for 1984. Water pr ices in 1984, per the attached "Wa ter Price Schedule", should encourage maximum use of City's mis- cellaneous water at rates competitive with other local sources. 2) 1984-85 "WATER PRICE AND SAND SALE SCHEDULE" - As recommended, the Water Price schedule reflects 1984 conditions for local surface water supp1 i es. Through sand sales, the City is able to enhance the river channel capacity within City limits and the designated floodway. These operations will add revenues to the City as part of its ongoing program .to maintain the river channel within the urban area. The proposed price schedules for all categories would remain in effect until conditions warranted adjustments to the items set forth in the current "WATER PRICE AND SAND SALE SCHEDULE." GB: s r Attachnents cc: Richard Russell W. D. Higginbotham .k. r . ". -. ~ --,' Page One CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AGRICULTURAL WATER ENTERPRISE Estimated Revenues and Expenses For the Period 07/01/84 to 06/30/85 Adopted Estimated Proposed Budget Actual Budget: Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year OPERATING BUDGET 1983-84 ~83-84 1984-85 Revenues From Operations.. ................. $ 2,888,500 $ 2,931,000 $ 2,450.000 Operat i ng Expenses ~~..: Field Expenses: 'j I Wages ,and Employee Benefits .............. $ 646,000 $ 634.300 $ 632.500 ' u.s. Corps of Engineers 0 & M - Lake Isabella ............................... 30,250 30,250 54.700 Maintenance Expense ...................... 95,000 104,400 95,000 Weed Control............................. 32,000 32,200 34.000 Charges from Vehicle Pool................ 178,500 177,550 178.500 Charges from General Servi,ces Dept. ...... 2,450 2,100 2.500 Expenses Reimbursed-Clearing Accounts .... (145,000) (168,800) (145.000) Total Field Expenses ................ $ ,839,200 $ 812,000 $ 852.200 Administrative Expenses: ~ Consultants - Engineering & Attorney..... $ 180,000 $ 176,540 $ 180.000 Department of Water Resources - Snow Survey ...~............................. 7,900 9,260 9.500 u. S. B. R. - Cont ract Adm in is t rat ion. . . . .. . 550 500 , SOO! Self Insurance - Liability & ,Property . " ';:':: Damage Reserve .:.....:................. 32,900 32.900 34t500;;',;,h~~j Charges from Administrative Depts. ....... 9,450 14.150 15,000 ".::. Field Office - Rents & Re1ated Expenses .. 37,500 36,200 ' ,~O~.OOO :/::',; Property, In Lieu & Possessory , .';. -, I Interest Taxes ......................... 49,000 43,950 44'.800 Cloud Seeding Participation.............. 25,000 10.500 25.000 Kern River Invest. (Water rights, etc.) .. 12,000 10.200 12.000. Misc. General Expense (Assoc. dues, Security, etc.) ',""""""""""'" 38,000 15,90018.000 ':': , . . - .'-;', I Total Administrative Expenses ....... $ 392,300 $ 350.100 $ 37':!3~ .;,';-:; ,'.; """ Net Operating Income Before Depreciation ... $ 1,657,000 $1.768,900 $ 1.2~8,.500 '~':~ Depreciation ............................. 076,000)~) _(21å.-oOO),;'¡"¡ Net Operating Income (Loss) ................ $ 1,481,000 $ 1,568,900 $ I,OO8.S00' '-.: ! Non-Operating Expenses 1) 1976 Water Bonds -Interest ............ $ 626,330 $ 626,350 $ 611,950 1) 1976 Water Bonds - Principal........... 231,840 231,840 248,400 1965 NKWSD - Isabella Bonds Int. & Fees 25,100 25,100 23,500 1965 NKWSD - Isabella Bonds - Principal 40,000 40,000 41~250 Less: Þmortization of'Bond Premium.... (.1,100) (1,100) (1,100) Less: Rental of Isabella Stor. Space.. ( 83,670) (63,940) (47,000) Total Non-Operating Ex~enses ....... $ 838,500 $ 858,250 $ 877,000 Net Income (Loss) Before Capital Transfers. $ 642,500 $ 710,650 $ 131,500 2) Repymt. of Organ. Acquis. Cost .....,.. 90,000 90,00090,000 2) Transfer to Capital Improvement Budget. 552,500 620,650 41,500 NET INCOME (LOSS) ......................... $ IJ $ IJ $ CI --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Beginning 1982-83 fiscal year, proportionate share of 111976 Water Bonds" principal and interest payment assumed by Domestic Water Enterprise. 2) Repayment of acquisition costs and transfer to capital improvement budget are predicàted upon receipt of estimated revenues during fiscal year. .i- . ; Page Two , , '" CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AGRICULTURAL WATER ENTERPRISE Estimated Revenues For the Period 07/01/84 ~o 06/30/85 Adopted Estimated Proposed Budget Actual Budget Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year 1983-84 1983-84 1984-85 Sales to Five (5) Major Districts...... ..... $ 1,4"19,000 $ 1,419,000 $" 1 ,420,000 Kern River Canal & Irrigating Co. Sales .... 179,300 187,500 195,000 La ke M i ng Ag reemen t (Co~nty of Kern) ....,.. 4,700 4,700 4,700 Oilfield Discharge (Getty Oi I) ..,.......... 11,000 13,600 14,000 ArinualPumping Agreements. .... ... ... ... .... 10 , 000 4,800 5,000 Tempora ry Pump i ng Ag reement s ...........,... 400 2,800 3,000 Borrow-Payback Exchange Fee ... .., ..... ..... 83,600 85 , 900 173 ,300 Miscellaneous Irrigation Water Sales. ....,. 956,000 969,700 395,000 Non-Kern River Water Sales ..............,.. 52,000 36,900 55,000 Sand Sale"s ................................. 7,500 5,300 5,000 Interest Income ..............;............. 165,000 200,800 180,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES .............. $ 2,888,500 $ 2,931,000 $ 2,450,000 t ! ~,¡ ~------ ; Page Three. . '; \ ¡ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AGRICULTURAL WATER ENTERPRISE Capital Outlay Program For the Period 07/01/84 to 06/30/85 Fi scal Year 1984-1985 SOURCE OF FUNDS Capital Improvement and Replacement Reserve .............................. $ 210,000 Net-Operating Revenues (includes carry-forward from previous fiscal year) .................................................................. 109,650 TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS ............................................... $ 319,650 PROPOSED APPLICATION OF FUNDS 1) Final desig'n and replacement costs for reconstruction of box culvert @ Carrier Canal and 21st Street. ........ ............... $ 45,000 2) Upgrading and replacement of 14 mobile radio units within Water Resources Department. ..... ...... ............................. 19.650 3) Permanent (weir and levee) improvements to 2800 acre spreading bas in - Phase I I (i n accordance to adop ted plan of work) ........... 40,000 4) Public Works stòrm drain and sewer projects .......................... 215,000 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPEND lURES 1984-85 ................................... $ 319,650 (1) I" c- (1) ~tual oonstruction is predicated upon receipt of esti~ted revenœs during & f i sca 1 yea r. t: :~ ..< . , ';1 II i Ii ~ " ~. " . '00 . ...' 0 . 0 .. .." ~ _o;;."il~Uf~~'~__- o. q -- í~ Page Fou r ; ¡ ,. ... CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AGRICULTURAL WATER ENTERPRISE Explanation of Operating Expenses For Current Fiscal Year Wages & Employee Benefits Based on present staff size with allowance for increment step raises, re-organization adjustment costs (effective January I, 1984) and temporary help as required for current water year operations. U.S. Corps of Engineers 0 & M - lake Isabella This exp~nse is based on the actual operations and maintenance costs incurred by the Corps of Engineers for conservation and irrigation regulation - these costs are re- adjusted every five years. For the period 1979-1983,City's share of the annual charge was $30,250. For the period 1984-1988, the City's share will be $54,700. Maintenance Expense. Those expenses included are for specialized non-City equipment such as; gradalls, draglines, scrapers, heavy-duty dozers, etc.; also includes steel-, weir boards, fèncing and other contract expenses and materials i~curred for maintenance. Weed Control Annual charges made for herbicides and other chemicals, contract labor and equipment used to control weed growth on di tch banks and canal right-of ways. Charges from Vehicle Pool As establ ished by Public Works Department, those annual fees for supplying fuel, maintenance and replacement of all Agricultural Water light and heavy equipment. Charges From General Services Department Charges incurred for metal fabrication, machine work and carpentry for various con- struction projects. Includes labor and materials. Expenses Reimbursed - Clearing Accounts (Joint Facilities) Monies collected from other Water Districts for their proportionate share of labor and equipment costs incurred for the Operation and Maintenance of jointly owned canal facilities and the Kern River Central Record and Watermaster reporting functions per- i formed by the City of Bakersfield. ¡ Consultants - Engineering & Attorney Fees Expenses incurred for technical and professional assistance provided by water attorney, geological, structural and general engineering firms. Department of Water Resources - Snow Survey This expense covers City'sshare of the Cooperative Snow Surveys Program in coordination with the State of California and other Kern River interests to provide updated forecast and runoff information pertaining to the Kern Ri.ver watershed. ,;- ,. , I Page Five . . . " 'U'.S.B.R. -' Contract .Administration oUnder existing agreements, the City. is responsible for 34% of the annual charge made by the Bureau of Reclamation for administrating the Isabella Reservoir contract. Self-Insurance - Liability & Property Damage Reserve This covers Agricultural Water .Enterprise premium share for self-insured costs as quoted by Finance Department. Charges from Administrative Departments These are charges incurred by the Agricultural Water Enterprise that are performed by I other City ,departments, including Data Processing, Finance, Attorney's Office, Personnel, etc. Field Office - Rents & Related Expenses This includes expenses fDr rents of office space and equipment, maintenance for communication equipment, office supplies, uti I ¡ties, etc. Property, In Lieu :and Possessory Interest Taxes Taxes for real prope~ty and facilities operated by the Agricultural Water Enterprise and those Possessory Interest Taxes associated with Storage Rights at lake Isabella. Cloud Seeqing Participation City.s share of annual costs associated with cloud seeding operations on Kern River Watershed. Kern River Investigations (Power Fi lings, Entitlements, etc.) Those specific items in which City has pursued investigations and the follow-up required to maintain and preserveCity's Kern River ownership, operation and entitlement structure. Miscellaneous General Expenses Charges included are dues to organizations, literature, committee meetings, profes- sional securi ty agencies, travel expenses for out-of-town meetings, training programs, etc.' Depreciation A schedule of depreciation was established on December 22, 1976 based upon the esti- mateq life and replacement value of those physical assets acquired from Tenneco West, Inc. This depreciation schedule is adjusted annually as new capital assets are added, and others are deleted from asset inventory. ,~ ," 1976 Water Bonds General obl igation bonds, issued for purchase of Kern River Water Rights and physical assets. There is a principal and interest payment due on December 15 and a single ,,~ interest payment due on.June 15. 1965 N.K.W.S.D. Bonds City's 50% share of the 1965 bonds issued for purchase of conservation storage space at Isabella Reservoir. There is a principal and interest payment due in January and a single interest payment due in July. Rental of Isabella Storage Space 1 Per existing contracts and agreements. those monies reimbursed to City for temporary 'I use of City storage space at Isabella Reservoir by Kern Delta W.D. and Hacienda W.O. 'J: ;1-.'t".. I, I ,.- C : -., . ,',..~. I .. ,. ò .' . ,~. AGRICULTURAL WATER ENTERPRISE . .4..:'- 1984/85 WATER PRICE AND SAND SALE SCHEDULE The following recommended water prices reflect the current, below-normal water supply condi.tions of the lower San Joaquin Valley. Of the seven (]) water price cate- gories shown below, items 1 and 2 are established by existing contracts, with item 2 escalated by the IIAll commoditiesll Index annually. The prices for items 3,4,5 and 6 are dependent upon time of year and current water supply conditions *(see footnote below). The recommended water rates for categories 3 through 6 would remain In effect until water supply conditions warranted changes or adjustments to these prices. For information and reference, the 1982 and 1983 schedule for surface water sales is shown for comparison (price per acre foot): Effective Actual 1982 Actua11983 May 1,1984 (175% of Normal (340% of Normal (95% of HorN' ' TYPE OF WATER Water Year) Water Year) Water Ve.r)_~;;/' .' . ',' :';';;~' 1) Basic Contract Water .......... $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ 20.00 ,,'>' (price set by contract) 2) City IIBorrow/Paybackll Water ... 16.62 16.72 17.17 (price set by contract) 3) *Miscellaneous Kern River Water v sold for surface irrigation ... 25.00 *12.50 25.00 March - September 4) *Miscel1aneous Kern River Water sold for surface irrigation... 14.27 * 7.18 14.74 October - February 5) *Mlsce11aneous Water that would othe rw i se be used for g round- water replenishment ........... 9.51 )'r 4.78 9.83 6) *city non-Kern River Water Sales (oilfield discharge, etc.) .... 22.00 *11.00 22.00 March - September n Kern River Canal & Irr. Co. ... 16.30 16.30 16.30 *To encourage maximum use within the Kern River groundwater basin, water prices In categories number 3,4,5 and 6 are reduced 50% during periods of mandatory release and/or encroachment at Isabella Reservoir. ",' ... ----------~------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For annual and/or temporary pumping agreements (from canal and river facilities) and sand sales from the Kern River primary flood channel (City-owned property), the following rates are recommended and would remain in effect until conditions warrented changes: ITEM PRICE 1) Temporary Pumping Agreements .................~... $ 40.00 per day 2) Annual Pumping Agreements 5 truck units or less ....................... $350.00, (minimum charge) 6 truck uni,ts or more... .................... 550.00 (or greater proportionately, depending upon volume) 3) Sand Removal Sales (from primary river channel) ....................................... $ 1.00 per cubic yard (plus sales t~x,where applicable) 4) Overburden Sales (canal bank overburden and remedié l work in flood channel) """""""" $ .50 per cubic yard (plus sales tax, where applicable) , ~- - ~ ~ ~ -- ~, ',.,.i:-"'-ord'ing Request'ed By' "" '",,',X':k' ,,;~'},',,';'.,,~~'" t-< """",' . " . ;... '~I~"'¡t t¡"..;t',\,}~"<-"," , - ~---- ---' -, m ~':- -- --~,Ô' - - ,,-,-~"\¡~¡1~ "~)~!:~~;:;~2~&:"{i;;t'~._., and when recorded mall to: I..;,.,',"":,,. li:}~"i..(,.,.¡.<,:1!(\ - -', ,'C'-'""'l:,,,y-~.^.~:r"..'.:o.,jl'<> City of Bakersfield "'.-,0, ~i<5':;>i;:1?t;. ; Department of Water Resources r, - ,:.:-:I~;~,',,~;, 4101 Truxtun Avenue ' - <~.'~;' :::;,- Bakersfield, CA 93301 AGREEMENT tÐ. ' ",. -. DITCH ERADICATION AGREEMENT AND P I PEL I NE EASEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, dated April 11, 1984, between Alice M. Davin or Pierre Davin hereinafter called "First Party", whether one or more, and Kern River Canal and Irrigating Company, owned in full by the City of Bakersfield, hereinafter called "Second! Party", WIT N E SSE T H T HAT: WHEREAS, Second Party is the owner and operator of the Beardsley Canal Lateral, also known as lateral 1-2-0, now existing as an open ditch, and is the owner of a right of way and easement therefor over and across that certain real property owned by First Party in the County of Kern, State of California, par- ticularly described as follows: Lot 26 in Section 9, T.29S., R.2lE., M.D.B.&M., Kern County, California, according to the "Sales Map of lands of Kern County Land Company", fi led in the Office of the Kern County Recorder on April 4, 1893. WHEREAS, First Party desi res to fill in and eradicate said open ditch and to substitute therefor a concrete pipeline, of the type and inside diameter hereinafter specified, in and along said easement and right of way, as hereafter provided; and WHEREAS, Second Party is will jng to consent to such substitution upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; NOW THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: 1. -Fi~st Party does hereby grant to Second Party the exclusive and permane~t right of way and easement to maintain, alter, repair, improve, reconstruct, enlarge and supplement and to flow and conduct water through a buried pipeline or pipelines over, along and in those certain strips of land in the County of Kern, State of Cal ifornia, more particularly described as follows: The north 10 feet of the south 65 feet of said Lot 26, which Lot is 660' in length. For the purposes of this description, the south line of said Lot 26 is the south line of Section 9, T.29S., R.27E., M.D.B.&M. T " {'.~ ." ,. ,.,'; ~;:,;},;:;, ~'(,'{~>~~~~~~~C~" ,..' ",' " . - ... . ......0 .... ..... '-~:'-"~'~:~~~t~I~)fr; together with al1 rights convenient and incidental thereto, incJudli)g 'the rt'~ht.;, ..::""Ci¡;;t~;:.!'<" : of ingress to and egress from said strip of land over and across said real :t< t;lr{.:,:,,'; property of Fi rst Party, and Fi rst Party convenants and agrees that nobùt1ding ,'.~;~;':Y' or other structure shall be constructed, and no trees, vines, or shrubs shall' ,;:: be planted upon said right of way and easement. 2. Fhr~ Party agrees, at its own expense, to procure an Easement Guarantee Pol icy of ti tle:A nsurànce tn the amount of $2,000.00 from a reputable title insurance company acceptable to Second Party, insuring that the'right of way and easement herein granted is vested in Second Party free and cleàr of all liens and encumbrances excepting only those matters waived in writing, if any, ~y Second Pa rty. 3. First Party agrees to construct and install along the center-line of said right of way and easement a twenty-four inch inside diameter rubbed gasket Class III concrete irrigation pipeline. Said pipeline shall be of the quality and on the grade and in the manner to be designated and approved in writing by Second Party's engineer. Sai~ construction and installation work shall be done at a time that wi 11 not interfere with the flow or distribution of water through the present,ditch as required by Second Party. 4. Fi rstParty shall cont ract for or otherwi se have, see above described pipelines, installed and.shall pay the entire cost of laying, constructing and in- stalling said pipeline or pipelines, inlet s, outlets, and other structures re- qui red by Second Party, including the costs of all labor and materials incurred or used in connection withihe installation, trenching, backfilling, leveling and testing the same, and the cost of all engineering, professional and other necessary services furnished by Second ParJy or others in connection therewith. First Party shall provide to Second Party a performancebond equal in value to the engineers estimate of the total cost of the project, in the event that Fi rst Party shall not þ~y the entire costs thereof and complete said work as provided in this ag reement, and if the installation of the pipeline(s) is to be contracted for, a payment bond equal in value to one-half of such estimate. Prior to any work being done to ins ta 11 the pipeline(s), First Party shall present Second Party with a certificate evidencing Workers' Compensation Insurance coverage for any contractor invQlved on the project. 5. Fi rst Party agrees to COfT111ence the construction and installation of said pipeline or pipelines and str'uctures within 12, months. 6. Fi rs t Party agrees that, upon completion of construction and installation of said pipeline or pipelines, lnlet~, outlets and other structures, and acceptance of same by ~econd Party, the same sha 11 become and,remain the property of Second Pa rty and Fi rst Party shall have no right, title or interest therein, and Second Party shall be in the sole and.absolute control of the manner, method and time of conducting and discharging water through said pipeline or pipelines and facilities; and the nature and extent of Second Party's right of way and easement shall be in no manner dimished or restricted bý the construction of said pipeline by First Pa r ty. 7. First Party agrees to keep and maintain sa i d pi pe 11 ne or pi pe lines, and the inlets, outlets and other structures thereon, in good operating condition and repair for a period of one year after, the completion of construction and acceptance thereof by Second' Party; and to pay all costs of such repairs and maintenance and of any replacement of any part thereof required to maintain said r ,- ,'---_.~-q-- , ,o_or- In ~ ~-"'-' "~ ,'.,m.mm. '-'~':~-,"'::~;:.~~41~~¿~\~i~:'j1~~~::,,;::~<~:~~;'~~""'F ;, /.çP¡;~1 ine or pipelines and structures in good operating condition. ~trs~t'~art:f?' ?:'.t,:'i5:~,~ '~:, r~ agrees that, in the event it fails, neglects or refuses to repair, maintain or'~:' '.,-- , ',! \ replace promptly, upon demand, any part of said pipeline, or the structures ' '._., , , . " connected therewith, during said period of one year, Second Party sha11 have the right, but sha11 not be required, to make any such repairs or replacements, and First Party does hereby agree to repay Second Party the cost of any such repairs or replacem~n~s made by Second Party within 30 days of mailing by Second Party of an invoice therefo~e, with interest at 12% per annum from the date such cost is incurred to t~e date of'Tepayment if payment made is received by Second Party within such 30 day period. 8. First Party agrees to indemnify and ~old Second Party free and hanm1ess of and from any and all claims and liabilities arising out of or in connection with the construction, maintenance and repair of said pipeline or pipelines, and any. other thing or matter done or required herein to be done by First Party. 9. Upon full performance of this agreement by First Party, and the ac- ceptance of said pipeline or pipelines and other structures by Second Party, Second Party agrees to quitclaim to First Party that portion of its present open ditch and right of way therefor which will be replaced by said pipeline or pipel ines and the right of way and easement herein granted. 10. First Party agrees to pay to Second Party reasonable attorney's fees, trial preparation expens~; and court costs in any successful action brought by Second Party to enforce any of the terms, convenants and conditions of this agree- ment. 11. Second Party agrees to quitclaim all prior easements of record. 12. This agreement shall apply to and be binding upon the heirs, executors, admi'nistrators, successors and assi~ns of the respective parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto ha've caused this i nst rument to be executed in duplicate as of the day and year first above written. i /' 7~' - ~{¿-(~ /¿¿cGt;- Mayor Al ice M. Davin I .Pu ~ JV ~H>tt~ . . I Assistant City Manàger - Finance Pierre Davin First Party APPROVED AS TO FORM: KERN RIVER CANAL AND IRRIGATING COMPANY B~ ~~ ¿J -' /h- e,,?'..-Q.- C i tv Attorney Chairm~n, City of Bakersfield Water Board Second Pa r ty ------- --- ---'..- -',\ ", ,,;~;: ' ", , " ,> ' . . \ :(...... I ""'(', n '.. !!' .....-, ,:".' .~...;.. .... ,n ..', "JfI~ ~\,' " ..' ',' ,_"k ,A,.., "\_,, .1..." " ,,- ~~if;'~:::~~;:;~:~:;', ~,." '" ~ .';' ~ . ..' , , , ":~~ "'èVf""'Y:;'1,~;"',:"" ,kt.: ,/ " ~~r;~,,:?: ';c' " ',¡ i , '~,:,,". T::' : " " it' ,--...,¡. STATE OF CALIFORNIA } ss, COUNTY OF Kern On this 9th day of April , in the year 19 84, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said, State, personally appeared Alice M. Davin and Pierre Davin (i~ OFFICIAL SEAl DIANNE CARLSON ' personally known to me ...*', NOTARY PUBLIC C;'~!r()RNiA (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person~ whose name-.ß P;;INC!f'AL OffiCE IN b 'bed t th 'th" t d k led d t th t h ,-' " i\ERNCOI!NTY 'ere su scn 0 e WI In ¡nstrumen ,an ac now ge orne at.. ¥- My Comm!$SI()I1 bp Auli.. 19. 198~ executed it, WITNESS my hand and official seal, \~ \l \. ~ ~ ~-I:;, c: ~ - Cì~ ---('¡ Notary Public in and for said State, ACKNOWLEDGMENT -General-WOlcott' Form 233CA-Rev 5.82 191982 WOLCOTTS, INC '. ;:~. .~:¡. -, ,~~ ..~ . . ',:~' ,.,J:, .', r, '," ,. .~} - ' j,~~r;. , ,-- -',." !-:,,' " " f I, .. ,.' , ~> ' '" ~ --- -- --- --=-=- -- '~ 1 'Clt.y OF /. , /-U;'i' ~"""~ 1" ~'</';' ~~ '!ia"., . //- ~ IB3A~JEIRSIFITJE ILID CA L IF 0 R N I A '~~:¡;,~.,-,..¿ Á ~ ---..;..~~ ~ -----'$::- ~ ~- f~~ '~'O'- DEPARTMENT OF WATER ~?-' .-.Li ., (, , -~7 , 2 ~. .' '= F ~ . = ._~~ ~-=-~~-==--:-- -~ HEETING NOTICE ---:-:~-:.c~"."".~ A Special Meeting of the City of Bakersfield Water Board will be held on Tuesday, June 26, 1984, at 12:00 Noon. in the Department of Water Resources Conference Room, 4101 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California. The following items will be discussed: - 1. Approve minutes of regular meeting held May 16, 1984. 2. Mainline Extension Refund Assignment - FOR BOARD INFORMATION. 3. Olcese Water District's request for deferral of construction of facilities in 2800 Acres - FOR BOARD DISCUSSION. 4. Closed Session - Water matters regarding potential litigation. 5. Adjournment. i ~/JkAJ Director of Water Resources Posted: June 22, 1984 . 326-3715 .1 5.01. !. ~.IJ"~!Y .~ ~-~~!"~\J...I!__. .-_! '.. _..~~A ~.If. R,.~ F E L 0-, C A L IF 0 ~ N ~ A .9 3 3 0 1 . .J'. -~.~J~,J..Lg,:nI,'28~X~q~:_,=.,- -~~. .' .