HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/12/84 "\ . ., ... I , AGENDA ------ WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1984 12:00 P.M. - NOON WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT CONFERENCE ROOM Call meeting to order. Roll call - Board Members: Barton, Chairman; Moore, Ratty. 1. Approve minutes of regular meeting held OctoJ>et.lO, 1984. 2. Scheduled public statements. 3. Correspondence.. 4. Agreement for Transportation, Exchange of Water and System Capacity between North Kern W.S.D. and Cawelo W.D. Since this exchange agreement involves the use of the Beardsley Canal, City Basic Contract water and North Kern W.S.D. use of Kern River water, it will require City approval before the agreement can be implemented. F.oR BOARD ACTION and RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL. 5. Proposed 5-year (1985-1989) agreement for the sale of City Oilfield Discharge water to Cawelo Water District. FOR BOARD ACTION and RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COm~CIL. 6. Proposed Weather Modification Agreement for City participation in the 1984-85 cloud seeding operation on the Kern River watershed. FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION. 7. Mainline Extension Agreement for Parcel Map No. 6772. FOR BOARD INFORMATION. 8. Closed Session - Water matters regarding potential litigation. 9. Staff comments. 10. Board comments. 11. Adjournment. " I ~ - . ",. WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10,1984 12:00 P.M. - NOON The meeting was called to order by Chairman Barton in the I Department of Water Resources Conference Room. ¡ \_- The secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Barton (Chairman), Moore, Ratty The minutes from the meeting of September 5,1984 were approved as presented. There were no public statements nor correspondence received. Mr. Dow presented, for Board Action, the long-term "Spreading and Extraction Agreement" between Kern County Water Agency and City of Bakersfield that provides the terms and conditions for Agency use of City's 2800-acre recharge facilities. Mr. Dow asked that the Board adopt this agreement and refer to City Council for approval. There was a motion by Mr. Moore to adopt this agreement. Motion passed. The next item of business was a letter agreement between Kern County Water Agency and City of Bakersfield for water spread by the Agency under the April 19, 1981 "Interim Spreading Agreement." Again, Mr. Dow presented this before the Board and asked that the Board approve and recommend that City Council approve. A motion was made by Dr. Ratty for this approval. ¡ Motion passed. \. ,-,-- An agreement was presented before the Board from Mr. Michael R. Rector requesting an hourly rate increase for his services as consulting Geologist for the City's Agricultural, Domestic, Wastewater and Public Works Departments. Mr. Rector agreed that if the charges for the City of Bakersfield would be $65.00 per hour and mileage would be 30ç per mile, there would be no monthly retainer requirèd. Dr. Ratty made a motion for approval of this agreement. Motion passed. Mr. Bogart presented before the Board the request by Kern County Water Agency (Optimization Committee) for City financial parti- cip~tion ($250.00) to investigate the potential for importing additional C.V.P. (Federal) water to Kern County. After some discussion a motion was made by Mr. Moore to authorize this $250.00 expenditure. Motion passed. Mr. Dow presented, for Board information, a Mainline Extension Agreement with Tenneco Realty Corporation for Tract No. 4465. Adjourned to Closed Session. ! I Reopened to the public. i ! There were no Staff or Board comments. '- -- - The meeting adjourned at 1:07 p.m. J C Board ~ Af'tZ11/ Carol agan City of Bakersfield Water Board '-.'- ,," --- -------~---- ~- " '. . " .' CITY OF' 1" IB3AIKIEIRSIFITIE LID) CA LI Fa R N I A DEPARTMENT OF WATER -".. North Kern Water Storage District P.o. Box 1195 Bakersfield, CA 93382 RE: Kern River Water Use This letter is being written as a result of negotia- tions between the City of Bakersfield ("City") and the North Kern Water Storage District ("North Kern") regarding the City's approval of an "Agreement for Transportation of Water, Exchange of Water and System Capacity and for Assignment of Capacity By and Between North Kern Water Storage District and Cawe1o Water District," dated 9/13/84 (the "Exchange Agreement"). The City has expressed its concern that delivering Kern River exchange water to Cawe1o Water District ("Cawelo") pursuant to the Exchange Agreement could result in an increase of use, above historical levels, of Kern River water by North Kern pursuant to the "Agreement for Use of Water Rights" between North Kern and Kern County Land Company and others, dated January 1, 1952 (the "1952 Agree- ment"). The rights of the Kern County Land Company under the 1952 Agreement are now held by the City. The 1952 Agreement states: "Any and all waters diverted by the District from the Kern River hereunder may be used within the present boundaries of the District, but not elsewhere." To avoid this unintended result, North Kern has agreed that the diversion of Kern River water to Cawe1o under the Exchange Agreement will be carried out in such a manner that it will not result in increased use of water under the 1952 Agreement by North Kern over that which has occurred historically since 1952. To carry out this commitment, North Kern has agreed to a limit on its groundwater replenishment so that exchange water de1iv~red to Cawe1o can be clearly identified as "in lieu" of spreading and not in addition thereto. 326-3715 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE . BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 . ( 8 0 5 ) )6}t)lX~1(f(5 - _mum _n - - ______n___~__-~----- - 0 , . ' . -. , , i 'j" Page Two North Kern Water Storage District To this end, the parties have agreed to the following North Kern flow utilization limits to be applied to all North Kern spreading for groundwater replenishment from any source, including but not limited to Kern River and Poso Creek waters, on those days North Kern is delivering Kern River exchange water to Cawelo pursuant to Section 2(b) of the Exchange Agreement. Month Average Daily C.F.S. Jan. 332 Feb. 349 Mar. 395 Apr. 364 May 375 Jun. 374 Jul. 286 Aug. 312 Sep. 346 Oct. 378 Nov. 351 Dec. 356 These figures are based on the maximum monthly amounts historically spread by North Kern. It is understood that these figures represent the adopted daily limit to be applied to the use of all North Kern spreading water. The "Average Daily C.F.S." figures above shall be reduced by that amount of Poso Creek natural flow passing the measuring station located in Section 6, T.27S., R.26E. (the easterly boundary of North Kern), up to a maximum of 70 c.f.s. per day. Whenever the sum of North Kern use of Kern River water for spreading in District ponds and in the Poso Creek Channel plus the exchange water being delivered to Cawelo Water District exceeds the "Average Daily C.F.S." amounts listed in the above table, adjusted for Poso Creek inflow, during the exchange period, then the excess water diverted by North Kern shall be calculated in acre feet and returned to the City in Isabella Reservoir by a transfer on the first day of the month following the exchange. Each exchange period shall be dealt with discretely, (i.e., calculations and resulting transfers, if any, shall be made for each exchange period and shall not be calculated cumulatively) and shall cover the period from the day that delivery of exchange water to Cawelo is commenced to the day it is terminated. .. . . ' ~ ,< i " ". Page Three North Kern Water Storage District North Kern shall provide City, for each day of each exchange period, all the required data relating to North Kern's spreading operation. It is recognized that these limitations may be subject to being increased or decreased in the future if it is demonstrated that the "Average Daily C.F.S." column requires modification to coincide with the intent of the parties that increased utilization of Kern River water by North Kern will not result from the Cawe10 Exchange Agreement. However, any adjustments made to the above "Average Daily C.F.S." column shall be made only after mutual review and the written consent of both the City and North Kern. It is understood and agreed that the consummation of this Letter Agreement is a prerequisite to the approval by the City of the above-mentioned Cawe10 Exchange Agree- mente If the agreements set forth herein are consistent with your understanding of the mutual commitments to be made at this time, please so indicate by having this letter executed by the President and Secretary of North Kern. Very truly yours, CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a Municipal Corporation DATE: BY: Mayor ATTEST Clerk of Council APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney I I . ; . , . ,'" ¡ '. Page Four North Kern Water Storage District The above letter correctly sets forth the agreements of the parties and the commitments of the North Kern Water Storage District. ' DATE: NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT BY: President BY: Secretary SCH: jkt I ---- .. ¡ . .' , NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT 1415 -18th STREET, ROOM 705 BOX 1195 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93302 (805) 325.3116 December 3, 1984 Honorable James J. Barton Chairman, Water Board City of Bake~sfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 Re: Discussions R~garding Use of Isabella Water Dear Mr. Barton: As part of the staff discussions regarding the City's approval of the North Kern/Cawelo Water Exchange Agreement which permits North Kern to utilize Kern River water outside its boundaries to implement its exchange with Cawelo, the issue was raised as to the willingness of the North Kern District to agree to the utilization of some portion of the water stored in Isabella Reservoir within the City of Bakersfield for purposes other than irrigation. North Kern appreciates the cooperation of the city in approving the North Kern/Cawe10 Exchange Agreement and pledges its cooperation in meeting with the city and in taking necessary action to determine the ramifications of such non-irrigation use within the city on North Kern, if any, and to work diligently and in good faith with the City to identify and resolve any identified problems with the purpose and intent of entering into a mutually acceptable agreement on this subject. It is also our understanding that the City is amenable to discussing with North Kern its concerns regarding use of Kern River water and that the City pledges to work diligently and in'good faith to resolve such concerns.' Please let us know when you would like to get together to discuss these matters. Very truly yours, NORTH ;AT? 7r DISTRICT By: President /gc i i . " . ;: ,. JOSEPH WOOLDRIDGE' LAW OFFICES AREA CODE IB05) A" CAMERON PAULDEN' YOUNG, WOOLDRIDGE, PAULDEN, SELF, FARR & GRIFFIN TELEPHONE 327-9661 ROBERT J. SELF' A PARTNERSHIP INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL CORPORATIONS G. NEIL FARR' MICHAEL R" YOUNG' 1675 CHESTER AVENUE DAVID GRIFFIN' FOURTH FLOOR ~:~L~;TWA"G~~~~T: 3AKERSFIELO, CALIFORNIA 93301-5298 ~:~~~NW~ N~~;OLS' IÆ ~ ,1"Q fI"'iI- T1 "\fr ~JJfOF C;U~~~~G LARRY R,'COX S t rob 21 1984 lW ~ IfJ.:.. It \\ J~E fj"R" HUGIE PHILIP N" OFFICER ep e er , 1 LEON R" HARRIS III ../ SCOTT K" KUNEY SEP ( -,' 'A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 2 £:1 1984 ClïY 0;: Sf.'.iC::S:::::LD DEPARTMENT Of V/.c,,:.. ,:::'.;).J:""C'~ Mr. Paul Dow, Director of Water Resources Department of Water Resources 4101 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Re: North - Cawe10 Agreement Our File NK 10.9.1 Dear Paul: Enclosed are three originals of the "AGREEMENT FOR TRANSPORTATION OF WATER..." which have been signed by North Kern Water Storage District and Cawelo Water District. These agreements are the same as previously transmitted to your office and reviewed by Stan Hatch, except for the changes which the City requested as shown on the copy transmitted by my letter of September 12, 1984 and by other minor clarifications described by my letters of September 14 and September 20, 1984, copies of which have previously been provided to you. We trust that this agreement will be approved by the City as soon as North Kern provides a supplemental letter, which I understand your office and Chuck have been working on. Thank you for your cooperation with this matter. Very truly yours, EAC:fg Ernest A. Conant Encls. cc: C. H. Williams John L. Jones Stanley C. Hatch Alan Daniel Stephen E. Wall (All without enclosures) - ----- '" I . ; I . . . 9/13/84 AGREEMENT FOR TRANSPORTATION OF WATER, EXCHANGE OF WATER AND SYSTEM CAPACITY AND FOR ASSIGNMENT OF CAPACITY BY AND BETWEEN NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT AND CAWELO v-lATER DISTRICT' THIS AGREEMENT is entered into on this day of , 19 , by and between NORTH KERN WATER - STORAGE DISTRICT, a California Water Storage District (hereinafter "North Kern") on behalf of itself and for JAMES-PIONEER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT and ROSEDALE RANCH IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (hereinafter "Improvement Districts"), as the case may be, and CAWELO WATER DISTRICT, a California Water District (hereinafter "Cawelo"} , with the approval of the City of Bakersfield (hereinafter "City"). RECITALS (A) Water users in North Kern and Cawe10 obtain substantial portions of their water supplies by pumping ground water from the common ground wa ter supply of North Kern and some portion or all of Cawe10, as the facts may be, in addition to surface water deliveries from the systems of the Districts; and (B) North Kern and Cawelo intend by this Agreement to incorporate herein certain provisions and supersede other provisions of the hereinafter defined 1972-74 Contract and a Memorandum of understanding, dated Apr i1 18, 1978, and, as contemplated in said Memorandum of Understanding, to provide a -1- I . . . .. , long-term agreement to effect transfers of system capacity, as well as provide the means for temporary exchanges of water supplies, all for the purpose of achieving the maximum benefit to said common groundwater supply through the optimum utilization of the facilities of both Districts and the water supplies available to them. (C) North Kern exclusive of its Improvement Districts owns certain rights to the use of water of the Kern River and diverts and conveys water from the Kern River through the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal and Calloway Canal Systems; and (D) Pursuant to a "CONTRACT BETWEEN KERN COUNTY WATER AGENCY AND CAWELO WATER DISTRICT FOR A WATER SUPPLY", dated September 28, 1972 (herein referred to as the "Agency-Cawe10 Contract"), Cawe10 holds contractual rights to delivery of water from the State Water Project in annual amounts building up to 38,200 acre-feet per year of firm water and 6,800 acre-feet of surplus water according to the schedule of annual entitlements reproduced as Exhibit "A" hereof; and (E) Cawe10, by virtue of its participation in the financing and construction of the Cross Valley Canal under provisions of "CONTRACT BETWEEN KERN COUNTY WATER AGENCY AND CAWELO WATER DISTRICT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF A CROSS VALLEY CANAL AND EXTENSION", dated September 28, 1972, and Amendments No. 1, 2 and 3 thereof (hereafter referred to as "Cawe10's Cross Valley Canal Contract"), is the owner, as a participant, of 135 -2- ------~ I . , I cfs of the conveyance capacity of the Cross Valley Canal between the Cross Valley Canal turnout from the California Aqueduct and the Discharge of Pumping Plant No. 6 on said Canal, and is the owner, as a participant, of 165 cfs of the capacity of the Cross Valley Canal Extension, from Pumping Plant No. 6 discharge to the intake of Cawelo's Pump Station II A" near the terminus of said Cross Valley Canal. Further, as a participant, Cawelo has a right to utilize the unused capacity in the Cross Valley Canal under the conditions set forth in Cawe10's Cross Valley Canal Contract; and (F) North Kern, prior to its establishing of its Improvement Districts, Cawe10 and the Kern River Canal and Irrigating Company entered into a contract entitled "CONTRACT AMONG CAWELO WATER DISTRICT, KERN RIVER CANAL AND IRRIGATING COMPANY AND NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT FOR USE OF PORTIONS OF BEARDSLEY AND LERDO CANALS ", dated December 21, 1972, and Amendment No. 1 thereof, dated Apr il 18, 1974 (referred to herein as the "1972-74 Cont~act"). As provided in said Contract, Cawelo implemented construction measures and increased the conveyance capacity of Beardsley Canal and Lerdo Canal between the discharge of Pump Station "All on the Beardsley Canal and the intake to Cawelo's Pump Station II B" on the Lerdo Canal for conveyance of Cawelo's water from the State Water Project; and (G) Cawelo caused to be constructed and continues to own and operate said Pump Station "A" and its discharge conduit which I -3- ---- ----------------~---~ , . " . have a design pumping and conveyance capacity of 165 cfs, and which facilities deliver water into said Beardsley Canal approximately 5.3 miles from the point where said Canal diverts from the Kern River; and (H) Ca\07elo caused to be constructed and continues to O\.¡n and operate Pump Station IIBII, and proposes to construct and operate additional pump stations, wh ich stations draw, or will draw, water from the Lerdo Canal for Cawe1o's use; and ( I) Pursuant to an IIAGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CITY OF BAKERSFIELD \vATER FACILITIES CORPORATION, TENNECO WEST, INC., KERN ISLAND WATER COMPANY, AND KERN RIVE R CANAL AND IRRIGATING COMPANylI, dated April 12, 1976, among other matters, the City became successor to the obligations and interests of said Kern River Canal and Irrigating Company and acquired ownership of the facilities of Kern River Canal and Irrigating Company, (including said Beardsley Canal) and the Central Division of the Calloway, Canal and further acquired certain water rights in and to the Kern River; and (J) Under an IIAGREEMENT FOR THE SALE OF KERN RIVER WATER AND CANALS BY AND BET\1EEN CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AND NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICTII (Agreement No.76-89), dated May 27, 1976, North Kern exclusive of its Improvement Districts has, among other things, a contractual right to divert and use Kern River water from the acquired water rights of the City in annual amounts expected to average 20,000 acre-feet per year over the -4- ---- 1 .,> 35-year term of the Agreement ending in the year 2012, and acquired ownership and control of the Beardsley Canal subject to the retained right of City to the use of 100 cfs of conveyance capacity in said canal, and further, North Kern owns and operates the Lerdo Canal; and (K) Pursuant to an "AGREEMENT FOR THE SALE OF KERN RIVER WATER BY AND BETWEEN CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AND CAWELO WATER DISTRICT" (Agreement No. 76-62), dated ~1ay 28, 1976, Cawe10 acquired a contractual right to divert and use Kern River water from the acquired water rights of the 'City in annual amounts which are expected to average 27,000 acre-feet per year over the 35-year term of the Agreement ending in the year 2012; and (L) North Kern, exclusive of its Improvement Districts, and Cawe10 subsequently entered into a "MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN CA\'lE LO WATER DISTRICT AND NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT", dated April 18, 1978, approved by the City of Bakersfield, the successor in interest to the Kern River Canal and Irrigating Company, whereby Cawelo was permitted to construct an 18-inch concrete curb and 1.5 foot embankment addition on each side of the Beardsley Canal from the Manor Street crossing upstream to the head of the concrete lined section of said canal and it was further agreed that Cawelo anà North Kern would enter into negotiations for a long-term agreement to provide certain rights in favor of Cawelo for use of the improved Beardsley and Lerdo Canals for transportation of Kern River water for use -5- -~-~- ~ 7 "" wi th in Cawe10 Water District; and as a result of these . modifications, the nominal flow capacity of the Beardsley Canal is considered to be 765 cfs between the head of the Beardsley Canal lined section and Seventh Standard Road crossing and larger rates of flow may be possible; and (M) The nominal flow capacity of the Lerdo Canal is considered to be 665 cfs between Seventh Standard Road crossing and Cawe10's Pump Station "B", and larger rates of flow may be possible. AGREEMENT 1. Term: This Agreement shall become effective on the date of execution and shall continue so long as the Agency-Cawelo Contract, or any renewal or extension thereof, shall remain in effect; and by mutual consent of the parties may be extended beyond the term so provided. 2. Exchange of Water: In the interest of improving their common ground water supply, Cawe10 and North Kern will endeavor to exchange from their respective water supplies water that is surplus to the needs of the other District on a continuing operational basis, and to this end: (a) Pursuant to the Agency - Cawelo Contract and the City of Bakersfield - Cawe10 Agreement (No. 76-62), Cawelo will place appropriate initial orders in each year for delivery of all of the water available to Cawe 10 under said Contract and Agreement for the coming year. If and as requested in writing by -6- . . I ~ . North Kern, and consistent with Cal¡lelo's diversions for its lands, as reasonably estimated by Cawe10, Ca\le 10 will subsequently revise said water. order in accordance with the water scheduling procedures of the Kern County Water Agency and the City of Bakersfield, and cause the ordered Cawe10 water as hereinafter defined to be delivered into the Beardsley Canal. (b) From North Kern's water supply available for spreading during the current calendar year North Kern will attempt to return water to Ca\ve 10, as requested by Cawelo, in amounts equal to the amounts of Cawe10's water utilized by North- Kern under 2(a) above; Prov id ed, however, water to be returned to Cawe10 may be carried over under mutually agreeable terms and conditions. (c) To the extent Cawelo does not request return water under 2(b) or North Kern is not able to deliver said water, North Kern will pay Cawelo for water nOt retùrned as provided in paragraph 6(a) of this Agreement. (d) North Kern is also awa re of the "normal delivery schedulell provision of the City of Bakersfield Agreement No. 76-62 with Cawe10 which may restrict the delivery of water from the City to 90 cfs. North Kern also understands that with this exchange Agreement, Cawe10 may be reduc ing its Cross Valley Canal capacity allocation to 100 cfs, thereby possibly limiting the delivery capability of Cawelo to 190 cfs. To alleviate this problem, North Kern will endeavor to exchange water with Cawelo -7- ô ' ¡ õ: . i I I subject to the terms of this Agreement, provided capacity within the Beardsley and Lerdo Canals is available. 3. Use of Cross Valley Canal and Extension Capacity by North Kern: Subject to the provisions of Cawe1o's Cross Valley Contract and for the consideration provided in paragraphs 6 and 8 hereof, Cawe10 hereby grants to North Kern the right to use under the same conditions as if North Kern were a participant, 35/135 of Cawelo's capacity in the Cross Valley Canal from the State Aqueduct turnout to the discharge of" Pumping Plant No. 6, and 35/165 of Cawelo's capacity in the Cross Valley Canal Extension and in Pump Station "A" and its discharge facility to the Beardsley Canal, together with the right to use any of Cawe1o's unused right to use unused capacity in the Cross Valley Canal and Extension at times and to the extent that Cawelo is not utilizing such capacity. 4. Petmanént Use of Cross Valley Canal Extension Capacity by North Kern: Subject to the provisions of Cawe1o's Cross Valley Canal Contract and in consideration of payments provided in paragraph 6(d) hereof, Cawelo grants to North Kern a permanent r igh t in perpetuity to the use, under the same conditions as if North Kern were a participant, of an additional 30/165 of Cawelo's capacity in the Cross Valley Canal Extension from the discharge of Pumping Plant No. 6 to and including Pump Station II All and its discharge into the Beardsley Canal. -8- I I ! I I i . . 5. Transportation of Cawelo's Water in Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System: (a) As formerly provided in the 1972-74 Contract and the Memorandum of Understanding and for the consideration provided in paragraphs 7 and 8 hereof, within the limits provided herein any water arising under Agency - Cawelo Contract or Cawe1o's Contract with the City (Agreement No. 76-62) ("Cawelo' s Water") shall be delivered by North Kern, for use within Cawelo's boundaries or for exchange hereunder through the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System from the Kern River or Conduit "A" to Pump Station "B" up to the maximum flow capacity of 165 cfs. Any capacity in the Beardsley and Lerdo Canals available for transporting Cawe1o's Ci ty and Agency water may also be used for the purpose of transporting water which Cawelo exchanges with others so long as the following conditions are met: (1). The exchange does not reduce the quantity of water (exc1ud ing adjustments for losses) which is otherwise available to be brought into the area under Cawelo's City and Agency contracts; and ( 2). The substitute supply is available on substantially same time schedule; and ( 3 ). The substitute supply is of at least the same quality; and ( 4). The exchange is not otherwise detrimental to North Kern's water supply or landowners. (Examples of such -9- . . , â . I detriment include where the exchange water involves Kern River I I water which advers1y affects North Kern's claimed First Point rights, inc1ud ing its rights to Isabella storage, or Federal water which would in any way subject North Kern or its landowners to the provisions of Federal reclamation law.) Any such exchange water meeting this criterion shall become II Cawelo' s Wa terll within the meaning of this Agreement and will be subject to paragraph 2 of this Agreement. The prov is ions of this Agreement shall not affect or modify the discretion of the City to approve or disapprove an exchange by Cawelo pursuant to the terms of Agreement No. 76-62. (b) Upon demonstration by Cawelo to North Kern's satisfaction, and to the City's satisfaction in the case of the Beardsley Canal, evidenced by the written approval of North Kern and the City, when applicable, that: 1) The modified Beardsley. Canal is capable of conveying up to 250 cfs in addition to the basic 600 cfs capacity for North Kern and City of Bakersfield; and 2) The Lerdo Canal between Seventh Standard Road and Cawe10's Pump Station IIBII is capable of conveying up to 250 cfs in addition to North Kern's basic capacity of 500 cfs; and 3) The Lerdo Canal between Pump Station II all and the Famoso Highway is capable of conveying up to 60 cfs in addition to North Kern's assumed basic capacity of 450 cfs; and -10- ~ ~ 4) That said additional conveyance capacities in the applicable reaches can be sustained with no threat to the security of the cana1¡ . Then the flow capacity mentioned in paragraph 5(a) shall include up to an additional 85 cis (250 cis - 165 cis) capacity in the Beards1ey-Lerdo Canal System from the Kern River as far downstream as the intake of Cawe1o's Pump Station "B" and/or up to 60 cfs of conveyance capacity of the Lerdo Canal between Pump Station "B" and the Famoso Highway. The conveyance capacities of the various reaches of the Beardsley and Lerdo Canals shall be determined based upon one foot of freeboard below the top of the cement curb for lined canals and two feet for unlined canals, as measured from the lowest point of the top of the canal curb or top of the ditch bank to the water surface, as the case may be¡ Provided, however, encroachment of such freeboard may be permitted from time to time, in North Kern's sole discretion, as provided at Paragraph 17(d). (c) Subject to the written approval of North Kern, Cawelo shall have the right at any time to design and cause to be contructed or implemented at its sole expense any measures necessary to achieve the maximum conveyance capacity objectives stated in paragraph 5(b) hereof, in \'lh ich case the maximum flow capacities mentioned in paragraph 5(a) shall be increased by the -11- ----- ------_n_____- --- . > , additional capacity that is demonstrated to the satisfaction of North Kern and approved by it in writing. (d) It is agreed, however, in the event that Cawelo is unable to prov ide North Kern with the written assurance required under paragraphs IO(a) and 10(b) hereof or should North Kern be required to pay any charge not borne by a Cross Valley Canal participant for North Kern's use of the Cross Valley Canal, as provided in paragraphs 3 and 4, Cawelo's . right to capacity in the Beardsley and Lerdo Canals hereunder shall be limited to 165 cfs, as provided in subparagraph Sea) and subparagraphs S(b) and (c) shall be void; Provided, however, Cawe10 retains whatever right it now has for use of the Beardsley Canal easterly of Mannor Street to the Kern River, if any. (e) Upon establishing additional capacity for the use of Cawe10 as provided in subparagraphs (b) or (c) hereof, Cawelo shall have the. right to construct, at its sole cost and expense, additional pumping stations to make use of said capacity for the purposes set forth in this Agreement, at such places, and in accordance with plans and specifications, including timing of construction, as North Kern in its discretion shall approve in writing. North Kern's approval shall be conditioned upon Cawe10 agreeing to pay North Kern's costs arising from its review and approval of the plans and specifications and the work to be performed thereunder. Except for the location of an additional pumping plant in the area of the intersection of the Lerdo Canal ," -12- I ~ 'J ¡ and Famoso Highway, the location of any additional pumping facilities shall be at the sole discretion of North Kern. 6. Payments to Cawelo. At such times as are established pursuant to paragraph 9, North Kern shall pay to Cawelo th_e following: (a) For water surplus to Cawelo's conveyance and diversion requirements delivered into North Kern's canal facilities and not returned to Cawe10 in that calendar year, as provided in paragraph 2 hereof, a price per acre-foot equal to Cawelo's cost per acre-foot of the water delivered to North Kern. For clarification, in the case the water delivered to North Kern arose from the Agency - Cawelo Contract, North Kern shall pay the additional cost that Cawelo incurred as a result of ordering the water which was delivered to North Kern. (b) For Cawe1o's costs as a participant of operation, maintenance, capital improvements (provided North Kern receives" a proportionate share of any increased capacity resulting therefrom, the same as a participant) and replacements in Cross Valley Canal: (1) 35/135 of Kern County Water Agency's charges to Cawelo for operation, maintenance, capital improvements, replacement, and standby power on the Cross Valley Canal from the Aqueduct turnout to and including Pumping Plant No. 6; -13- . , .;: . (2) 65/165 of Kern County Water Agency's charges for operation, maintenance, capital improvements, replacements and standby power on the Cross Valley Canal Extension from the discharge of Pumping Plant No. 6 to the intake of Cawelo's Pump Station "A". Provided, however, that if and to the extent that this payment obligation is billed by Kern County Water Agency directly to, and paid by, North Kern, the requirement of this subparagraph shall have no force and effect; and ( 3) Operation, maintenance, capital improvements, replacement and standby power costs for the portion of Cawelo's unused capacity (including Cawelo's use of unused capacity of other participants) used by North Kern based upon the ratio of the number of cfs-days of North Kern's use to the total number of cfs-days of Cawelo's unused capacity; (c) 65/165 of Cawe10's costs of operation, maintenance, capital improvements, replacements, and standby power for said Pump Station "A" and conduit plus payments for North Kern's additional use of Cawe1o's unused capacity in said facilities computed in the same manner as provided in paragraph 6(b)(3). (d)' For the permanent rights acquired pursuant to paragraph 4 in perpetuity of the use of 30/165 of Cawelo's capacity in the Cross Valley Canal Extension from the discharge of Pumping Plant No. 6 to and including Pump Station II A" and its discharge into the Beardsley Canal, a total payment of -14- ------- ----~---- . . ,. ¡' 11. Seepage Losses: It is hereby agreed that additional seepage resulting from the transportation of Cawe10's water in the Beardsley Canal as herein provided is two acre-feet per day for each day of transportation of Cawe10's water regardless of the \>1 a ter source. Additional seepage resulting from transportation of Cawe1o's water in the Lerdo Canal shall be calculated as one percent of all Cawe10 water diverted into Pump Station "B" plus two percent of all Cawelo water passing Pump Station "B". The calculated amount shall be accounted for as a daily deduction from Cawe10's diversion into Pump Station "B" or in any other manner as mutually determined by the managers of the parties hereto. Seepage losses within the Cross Valley Canal charged to Cawe10 shall be apportioned to North Kern by the ratio of use or allocation, whichever applies. Any water transported for 'North Kern through the CVC, Pump Station "A" and Conduit "A" as a result of this Agreement shall suffer its O\'Tn seepage losses. 12. Ownership and Use of North Kern Facilites: (a) All structures, facilities and equipment constructed or installed in the Beardsley Canal and Lerdo Canal, except facilities constructed by Cawelo to introduce or withdraw water from said canals, shall be the property of North Kern, exclusive of its Improvement Districts, but Cawelo shall have the -19- ~ , " :; " ~ right to have Cawelo's Water or exchanged for water pursuant to paragraph 5(a) hereinabove, transported through said facilities as provided for in this Agreement. (b) Nothing in this Agreement shall in any way reduce North Kern's or City's ownership in the Beardsley Canal, or North Kern's ownership in the Beards1ey-Lerdo Canal System, or North Kern's right to the beneficial use of its water supply as it deems appropriate in its sole discretion, as the same existed prior to the execution of this Agreement nor their right at all times to the first use of at least 600 cfs (including City's capacity right to 100 cfs) in the Beardsley Canal, 500 cfs in the Lerdo Canal between Seventh Standard Road and Cawelo's Pump Station "B" and assumed 450 cis between Pump Station "B" and Famoso Highway. 13. Water Quality: North Kern hereby makes no warranty, expressed or implied as to the quality of the water flowing in the District's system at any time. Each District ag rees to indemnify and hold harmless the other parties and their respective officers, agents and employees against any loss, damage, liability, claims or causes of action of every nature whatsoever resulting from or arising out of or in connection with the quality of water transported through North Kern's facilities and put to beneficial use within said District. Cawelo hereby makes no warranty, expressed or imp1 ied , as to the quality of the water discharged into the Beardsley and Lerdo Canals as obtained under the Aqency-Cal¡le 10 and City-Cawelo -20- I ' . , . I "" '- I Agreements. Cawe10 will do nothing to modify the quality of Cawe10's Water available under its said contracts with the Kern County Water Agency and the City of Bakersfield, and will exercise all the rights it has under said contracts to assure that the waters available under these contracts are of the quality contemplated in said contracts as they exist on December 31, 1983. 14. Poso Creek Water Rights: North Kern, exclusive of its Improvement Districts, and Cawelo shall execute concurrently with this Agreement a separate Agreement respecting their use of the water of Poso Creek. 15. Indemnification: (a) North Kern and its agents and employees, including the City of Bakersfield, shall operate North Kern facilities in accordance with this Agreement, including all of its improved facilities; Provided, however, Cawelo agrees to indemnify and hold harmless North Kern, its Improvement Districts and the City and their respective officers, agents and employees, and each of them, against any loss, damage, liability, claims or causes of action of every nature whatsoever resulting from or arising out of or in connection with the failure to deliver Cawe10 water to its facilities. (b) In connection with North Kern's use of Cawe10's Pump Station "A" and discharge into the Beardsley Canal as provided for by this Agreement, North Kern agrees to indemnify -21- u_- __un < , "'¡ " and hold harmless Cawe10 and its respective officers, agents and employees, and each of them, against any loss, damage, liability, claims or causes of action of every nature whatsoever resulting from or arising out of or in connection with the failure to deliver water to North Kern's faci1ites. (c) Cawelo agrees to indemnify and hold harmless North Kern, its Improvement Districts and City and their respective officers, agents and employees, and each of them, against any loss, damage, liability, claims or causes of ac t ion of every nature whatsoever resulting from or arising out of or in connection with the enlargement of portions of the Beards1ey-Lerdo Canal System or installation of additional pumping stations as provided in paragraphs 5(c) and (e) hereof. (d) Neither North Kern, its Improvement Districts, the City nor any of their respective officers, agents or employees, or any of them, shall be liable for the control, carriage, handling, use, disposal or distribution of water delivered to or for Cawelo pursuant to this Contract after such water has been delivered into its Pump Station "B" or any additional pump station, as the case may be, nor shall they be liable for any claim or damages of any nature whatsoever, including but not limited to property damage, personal injury, or death, arising out of or connected with the control, carriage, ha,ndl ing, use, disposal or distribution of such water beyond delivery to said pump station(s) and Cawe10 shall indemnify and hold harmless -22- --~ ~ > , " ' ,. .' North Kern, and its Improvement Districts and the City and their respective officers, agents and employees, and each of them, from any such damages or claims of damages. (e) North Kern, Rosedale Ranch Improvement District and Ca'V/elo shall contribute to any loss, damage, liability, claims or causes of action of every nature whatsoever which are not covered by, or is beyond the limits of, North Kern's insurance policy, in proportion to the quantity of their respective 'VIa ter supplies to the total quantity of water which was being transported in that portion of the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System at the time and place of the occurrence. (f) If it is determined that the provisions of Chapte r ; 21 (commenc ing with Section 895) Part 2, Division 3.6, Title 1 of the GovernITIent Code is applicable to this Agreement, provisions of this paragraph are intended to establish the contributions and indemnifications authorized by Section 895.4 of said Code and is in lieu of the provisions of Section 896.5 of said Code. 16. Insurance: North Kern and Cawelo will each obtain such insurance as it deems appropriate to protec t its ovm interest in the use and transportation of the subject water and will name the other party and its officers, agents and employees and the City as additional insureds. 17. Interpretation: (a) Article and section head ings used herein are for the convenience of the parties only and have no other meaning, force or effect. -23- , , ¡ . (b) Where the terms of this Agreement provide for action to be based upon the opinion or determination of either party hereto or the City, whether or not stated to be conclusive, said terms shall not be construed as permitting such action to be predicated upon arbitrary, capricious, or unreasonable opinions or determinations. (c) If any matter essential to this Agreement is left to the future determination of the parties hereto, each party is required to accept a reasonable determination as herein provided; Provided, however, notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement, North Kern and the -City reserve their respective unrestricted rights to the use of the first 600 cfs of the Beardsley Canal, the first 500 cfs in the Lerdo Canal between Seventh Standard Road and Pump Station "B" and assumed 450 cis between Pump Station "B" and the Famoso Highway. It is recognized that, this Agreement. is bebleen two public. bodies concerned with an extensive water serv ice project in the public interest, which involves the long-term and historical use of vital natural resource. In the unlikely event that said entities are unable to agree upon a reasonable and equitable solution to matters left to future determination, the matter shall be submitted to and determined by a court of competent jurisdiction. (d) Notwithstanding parag raphs l7(b) and (c), the matters mentioned in paragraphs 5 and 12 hereof shall be -24- I -¡. . ;: , determined by North Kern in its sole, absolute, uncontro11eò discretion. (e) The part ies are equally responsible for authorship of this Agreement and section 1654 of the Civil Code has no application to the interpretation hereof. ( f) Nothing contained in the Agreement shall be interpreted as modifying the term or the terms and conditions of any agreements between the City and its predecessors in interest and North Kern or Cawe10, including, but not limited to, the "AGREEMENT FOR USE OF WATER RIGHTS" between North Kern and Kern County Land Company and others, dated January 1, 1952, Agreement No. 76-62 and Agreement No. 76-89, except as expressly provided in paragraph 24 of this Agreement reg ard ing the supersession of the 1972-74 Agreement and the April 18, 1978 Memorandum of Understanding. 18. Litigation: In the event of any litigation among the parties hereto in connection with interpretation, performance or enforcement of this Agreement, the prevailing party or parties in such litigation shall be entitled to be reimbursed by the other party or parties thereto for all costs of the litigation, including but not limited to court costs, time and expenses of personnel, attorney's fees, experts fees and costs and the like; provided, however, that such litigation costs to be reimbursed shall not exceed such amount as the court in which the litigation I occurs shall determine to be reasonable. ! I -25- ---------~ I . ' . ~ ¡; '" . 19. Notices: Any notice which may be given by any party to the other pursuant, or with respect to, this Agreement shall be deemed to have been properly given when sent in writing by certified or registered mail addressed to such party at the address set opposite its signature hereto. Such notices may also be given, subject to proof of receipt thereof, by other means of communication. Any party may change its address for such purposes by giving the other parties written notice of its new address. 20. Assignments: This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and assigns of the parties hereto and the City. Neither party nor the City shall have the right to assign this Agreement or any part thereof, either voluntarily or by operation of law, without the prior written consent of the other party, and the City, and any such assignment or attempted ass ignment without such consent shall at the option of the other party or the City be null and void; provided, however, except as to a proposed assignment by Cawe10 to an area beyond its boundaries as they presently exist of less beneficial impact upon groundwater conditions in North Kern, that any such consent if requested shall not be unreasonably withheld. 21. Access: Ca""elo agrees that the inlet and outlet facilities constructed by Cawe10 within the Beardsley and Lerdo Canals shall be constructed in such fashion that there will be no interference with right of access along said existing canals. -26- , .;. '" . I . . . With approval of North Kern, Cawelo may provide substituted access. 22. Records: Each District and the City shall have access to such records of the other as necessary to the performance of this Agreement, together with the right to inspect and receive copies of all charts, records and other pertinent documents necessary to the performance of this Agreement. 23. Default: If any party shall fail to perform or observe any provision hereof required to be performed or observed by it hereunder, and such failure shall continue for ninety (90) days after written notice thereof from any other party or parties hereto, then in addition to all other rights and remedies available to it or them, the party or parties giving such notice may at its or their option suspend or terminate this Agreement. 24. 1972-74 Contract: The parties ag ree that the 1972-74 Contract and the above referenced Memorandum of Understanding, dated April 18, 1978, are hereby superseded as if the same did not exist; Provided, however, in the event this Agreement is terminated pursuant to parag raph 23 hereof, the 1972-74 Contract and said Memorandum of Understanding shall again become effective and binding on the parties hereto. 25. Validation: Promptly after the execution and delivery of this Contract, Cawe10 shall file and diligently prosecute to a final decree in a court of competent jurisdiction a val idat ion proceeding pursuant to Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 860), -27- , , ;;> " -i' . I Title 10, Part II of the Code of Civil Procedure for the judicial examination, approval and confirmation of the proceedings of Ca\'le10 leading up to and including the making of this Contract and the validity of the provision thereof. 26. Miscellaneous: Recognizing, that as part of their projects, Cawelo has possessory interests in facilities within North Kern and North Kern owns and has easements across lands within Cawe10, it is agreed that neither District shall levy any tax, assessment or charge relating to property interests (including possessory interests) within the boundaries of the other, except as may be otherwise provided herein. This Agreement is entered into, executed and to be preformed within Kern County, California, and shall be so interpreted. EXCUTED in S counterparts in Bakersfield, California, as of the day and year first ,above written. CAWELO WATER DISTRICT BY DATE, -fo/*Ú{ ¡If,,- Â.5 1fI¡f-- BY It s "'-4f it 1jfl4- -riCl?j¡ 7- Address: 1415 - 18th Street, Room 305 Bakersfield, California 93301 -28- " , - ----- Q i;' . < - -.' . r i NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT ON BEHALF OF ITSELF AND JAMES-PIONEER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT AND ROSEDALE RANCH IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BY A f: £ DATE 9- ",j-ty ,fl"~I' ,t'~to-1E.R sr;--_- " ~ I?-f -:. BY ,'Q ~":.. ~~ 0' ':z: üi" Its ~~;j ~ ....0 -' ... "J, C) ~ Address: ~ ~,\ - I --........"* ,,1 "'//11,1 APPROVED: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BY DATE Its Address: 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 ND #13 -29- ;" '~ ;~:¡ , ; . .' - , ~- . ~ I I I AGREEMENT NO. AGREEMENT FOR SALE OF NON-KERN RIVER WATER (OILFIELD DISCHARGE WATER) THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day I of , 1984, by the City of Bakersfield, a municipal corporation existing under the laws of the State of California, (City), and Cawelo Water District, a California Water District (Cawe10) . RECITALS 1. The Cawe10 Water District is interested in entering a long-term agreement with the City of Bakersfield regarding the purchase of certain non-Kern River waters (oilfield discharge) that accrue to the City via the Beardsley Canal, and the City is willing to sell these waters to Cawe10 Water District throughout the term of this Agreement, subject to the conditions contained herein. 2. Oilfield discharge water is recovered as part of oil recovery operations including steaming of wells and the production of water found in the strata that produce the oil. Oilfield discharge water is not as high in quality as Kern River water. 3. Chevron Oil Company, Getty Oil Company, and Tenneco Oil Company discharge water from oilfield recovery operations into the Beardsley Canal. 4. Oilfield discharge water is not consistently available because the amount available depends on uncertain oilfield operations over which City, has no contro11 and from time to time no water is available. 5. Oilfield discharge water is metered at the water treatment facilities of each oil company that provides discharge water. , I I ~,¡ , , ; ~' > 6. City desires that all the water possible remain within the Kern County groundwater basin to increase the amount of water available for use within the basin. Both parties agree that any movement of water which decreases the total amount of water available to the Kern County water basin is undesirable. AGREEMENT 7. Term. The term of this Agreement shall be for the period of March 1, 1985, through December 31,1989. The current non-Kern River water sale Agreement between Cawelo and City dated October 19, 1984, shall remain in effect through February 28,1985. 8. Purchase price. The purchase price for this oilfield discharge water supply shall be set by the City from year to year, based on then existing conditions and water supplies. Upon learning the price of the water for that year, Cawelo will have the option of accepting or rejecting any oilfield discharge water offered under this Agreement. 9. Priority position. Cawelo shall, at all times throughout the term of this Agreement, have a second priority position, after the City's Kern River Canal and Irrigating Company (K.R.C.&I. Co.) to purchase the oilfield discharge water supply referred to in this Agreement. City shall determine if any oilfield discharge water is required for K.R.C.&I. Co. Only if any available oilfield discharge water is not needed by K.R.C.&I. Co. will the City offer oilfield discharge water to Cawelo. 10. Hold harmless and indemnify. Cawelo shall indemnify and hold City harmless from all loss and liability, including attorneys I fees, court costs, and all other litigation expenses arising from the sale or use of the oilfield discharge water to Cawelo. City makes no guarantees or claims whatsoever as to the quality or daily quantities of this water supply. 11. A non-Kern River water supply. The water supply referred to herein will not be chargeable to Cawelo as "Basic - 2- - -~ --- " . . ',. . I Contract" or "Hiscellaneous Quantity" water, but as a non-Kern River (oilfield discharge) supply for diversion on an "as available" basis only. 12. Delivery point. The delivery point for this water supply shall be the terminus of the Beardsley Canal (7th Standard Road). Rates of flow will be as mutually agreed upon. Any transportation or wheeling costs associated with Cawelo's use of the Lerdo Canal are the sole responsibility of Cawelo, and it is Cawelo's sole responsibility to arrange for and to be responsible for, any losses or transportation cost that may occur with North Kern Water Storage District as a result of this Agreement. 13. Payment. City will invoice Cawelo monthly for water delivered under this Agreement and charges will be payable to City within thirty (30) days of receipt of City's invoice. 14. Nonassignment or transfer. Cawelo shall not assign, transfer, or attempt to resell this right to use oilfield discharge water to any other district or entity without the prior written consent of City, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Cawelo shall supply to City any reasonable information City shall request regarding Cawelo's intention to assign, transfer, or resell the water referred to in this Agreement. Cawelo understands and agrees that this information is necessary so City can make an informed decision concerning City's approval of any attempted assignment, transfer or sale of water. 15. Termination. This non-Kern River water sale Agreement may be terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days written notice without liability or obligation to either party. 16. Attorneys I fees. In any action to enforce the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its attorneys I fees and court costs and other non- reimbursable litigation expenses, such as expert witness fees and investigation expenses. -3- -~--- ~- ,,'- : ,f > 17. Merger and modification. This contract sets forth the entire agreement between the parties, and supersedes all other oral or written provisions. This contract may be modified or terminated only in a writing signed by all parties. 18. Notice. All notices relative to this contract shall'be in writing and sent by United States Mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the party intended at his address set forth below, or at any other address as that party may designate by notice to the others: City of Bakersfield Department of Water Resources 4101 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfie~d, California, 93301 Cawelo Water District 1601 IIFII Street, Suite 2 Bakersfield, California, 93301 19. Additional insured. The City shall be added as an additional. insured on Cawe10's insurance policies covering any liability that may result from City's delivery and Cawelo's use of oilfield discharge water. 20. Waiver of default. In the event a default under this Agreement by any party, and if such default is waived by the other party, such waiver shall not constitute a waiver of any subsequent defaults by either party, and shall not serve to vary the terms of this Agreement. 21. Headings. All paragraph or section captions are for reference only, and shall not be considered in construing this Agreement. ----------000---------- -4- -~--- __n_n___~_- ~- Co. " ; . . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the date and year first above written. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a municipal corporation By Mayor ATTEST: Clerk of the Council APPROVED AS TO FORM: By City Attorney CAWELO WATER DISTRICT By Agreement No. -5- -~--~---- - "' . " . '. " '; " NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT 1415 -18th STREET, ROOM 705 BOX 1195 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93302 (805) 325-3116 October 25, 1984 Mr. Paul Dow City of Bakersfield Department of Water Resources 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 REI Cloud Seeding - 1984/85 Dear Paul: Attached is a copy of the 1984/85 Contract with Atmospherics, Inc. which we anticipate will be executed soon after approval by the four parties. This year, Atmospherics has built in a base plus flight hours which is a result of Russell's suggestion. The base is $74,800.00 in contrast to the total 1983/84 program cost of $82,400.00. The "normal" flight hours expected are 60 and at the rate of $158.00 adds $9,480.00 to the $74,800.00 for a 1984/85 "normal" total of $84,280.00. As before, the insurance adds another $4,800.00 to $5,500.00. Therefore, the rough total program cost is $90,000.00. The City's share is 25% or $22,500.00 which will be billed per the contract schedule. Thanks for your assistance and if you have any questions, please let me know. Very Truly Yours, ~\4hJ~'~ C. H. Williams Engineer-Manager attachment CHW: I m .. !. j , I: I, : I I ," I , : I ¡ II" . , I I :1 j, CONTRACT TO CARRY OUT AND SUPERVISE , . ¡ ~ \ i. II KERN RIVER WE~THER MODIFICATION PROGRAM I I': I " I . II I,,', I 'i " :,' I"' ' : ! ¡¡::!I Ii ìThis çontract entered into this day of ,1984, by and ::\::1, betwee~ the'NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT, a Water Storage District II:: ¡I, organi~ed and ¡existing under and by virtue of Divis,ion 14 of the California, '¡ '\ ¡Water Code, hereinafter referred to as the "Di str iet", and ATMOSPHER ICS ' !I I 'INCORPqRATED,! a California corporation,1 hereinafter referred to as the " \ "c t t " I: ,I :"onr,l~cor. "il'~ 'I I : i i' I I , ,:1; 'i WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Department of Water Resources, State of California, has issued to the District a permit for Weather Resource Management (hereinafter referred to as the "permit"), dated July 2,1980 (permit #11), which authorizes the District to conduct a Weather Resource Management Program (hereinafter re~erre!d to a~ the "program"); and; ¡ 'I' ! WHEREAS~ the Contractor has on its staff weather resource managanent licensees and other professionals necessary to carry out and supervise the I ' Program, and has at its di sposal equipment to carry out the Program. I I I I " I ,I i ' , ' ~OW, THEREFORE, IT IS Jl6REED as follows: I' I i 1. Contractor shall engage'in artificial cloud nucleation operations , during the tenn of this contract, within the target area identified by and ,consistent with the INITIAL STUDY ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS OF KERN RIVER WEATHER ,MODIFICATION PROGRAM and the above referenced permit. The purpose of this cloud 'necleation operat ion is to increase precipitation within the target area. 2. The term of this contract shall cover one seasonal operational period : and shall commence December 1, 1984 and end April 30, 1985 unless mutually lextend~d. I I ! 3. The Contractor shall furnish and have available for use during the operational period the following equipment and personnel: a. The Contractor agrees to have available on a 24 hour-a-day ! 7-day-per-week basis the services of a competent staff to furnish : full meteorological data. b. A complete radar systan of the type designed to track precipitation areas within storms will be located in the vicinity of Portervi11e, California, and shall be installed to cover the target area to the best advantage. c. All weather data will be available at the location of the radar system and will be used to coordinate the various phases of the field program. d. Telephone and power facilities will be maintained at the location of the radar sys tan. . "!' "" .. , .. . .. , ," e. A weather radio receiver will be maintained at the location of the radar system for receiving airway weather reports. f. Contractor will provide special photographic equip11ent designed to furnish permanent records of the various phases of the Program. These phorographs will be used to study and analyze various storm situations and will be made available to the District upon request. g. A cloud seeding aircraft will be based at the Porterville Municipal Airport. This aircraft will be equipped for all-weather flying. It will be further eq uipped with fac 11 it ies for di spensi ng both dry ice ,< and silver iodide for use in cloud seeding activities thr~ugho~ the " target area. The contractor agrees that its aircraft and equipment thereon will be certified by the Federal Aviation Administration, an agency of the United States of America, and that any and all pilots operating aircraft for or on behalf of the Contractor shall be duly licensed by the said Federal Aviation Administration. duly licensed by the said Federal Aviation Administration. h. Contractor will provide a service vehicle for field work related to ' all ground and air equipment utilized on the project. 1. Contractor will furnish the following personnel who will be stationed within or near the project: (1) One radar meteorologist, (2) One instrument rated pilot meteorologist, (3) One radar technician, and (4) One field serviceman and equi¡:xnent technician. Thomas J. Henderson shall supervise the Program. 4. The main nucleating agent will be silver iodide, which shall be dispensed from aircraft. 5. The Contractor shall prepare all reports pertaining to the Program required to be fi led by the Contractor and Di str ict to comply with Federal and State Law. The Contractor shall furnish monthly operational reports during the course of the cloud nucleating operation. As soon as practical after the conclusion of the operational period, the Contractor will furnish the District a final evaluation report covering the entire yearly operation. 6. The Contractor shall furnish and keep in force during the operational period the following insurance: comprehensive public liability and property damage insurance, in the amount of $1 ,250,000.00 covering operation of its equipment, owned or leased, including aircraft; workmen's compensation insurance; and aviation bodily injury and property damage liability insurance of $2,000,000.00. Such insurance shall be maintained at Contractor's cost, except that the District shall pay the Contractor for the cost of the above referenced aviation bodily injury and property damage liability insurance in addition to payments delineated below. With respect to the above referenced insur~ce" policies, the contractor shall deposit certificates of insurance with the District prior to the commencement of the operational period reflecting the í ." , I ' . ... . . i ", i, I . .' . I " . , i , ! ¡ " i existence of the required insurance. The certificates of insurance for the canprehensive publ ic 1 iabil ity and property damage insurance and the aviation bodily injury and property damage liability insuran¿e additionally shall name North Kern Water Storage District, Buena Vista Water Storage District, Kern Delta Water District and the City of Bakersfield, and their officers, agents and anployees. as additionally named insureds. Parties require ð thirty (30) day notice of cancellation. " ( ".. I 7. Contractor agrees to be responsible for, and to indemnify and hold the District harmless and free from all claims of damage to person or property of any kind or character whatsoever caused by Contractor's acts of negligence or malpractice in its cloud seeding operations. 8. Contractor agrees to be bound by the laws of the State of California and the Federal Government particularly with respect to cloud nucleation operations, and that prior to conmencing the operation under the contract for the District, the Contractor shall have in force all necessary licenses and permits from the State of California to so operate. 9. This contract may be cancelled by the District upon five (5) days written notice, sent by mail to the principal office of the Contractor, upon the occurrence of anyone of the following contingencies: (a) The issuance of any court of competent jurisdiction of any temporary or permanent injunction against all or any part of the cloud nucleation operations undertaken by Contractor under this contract, whether the District is a part of said legal proceedings or not. It is understood that the issuance of any temporary restraining order, or any temporary injunction limited by its terms to a period of less than twenty (20) days in duration, shall not constitute a basis for cancellation under this paragraph. (b) The passage of any overriding legislation by the State of California which shall outlaw, 1 imit, void or alter in any substantial respect any provisions of this contract, or shall make unlawful or improper in any substantial respects, any of the operations of the Contractor under this contract. In the event of cancellation by the District under or pursuant to the terms of this paragraph, all monies already paid to the Contractor by the District shall be retained by the Contractor as compensation for service already performed and in addition thereto District shall pay to the Contractor the payment due on the first of the month following the month in which such cancellation is made. If the District requests an evaluation report on the cloud seeding operations for that season up to the time of such cancellation, Contractor will furnish such report. 10. In the event the District decides that additional precipitation is not desired for any portion of the operational period, the District may suspend cloud seeding operations for any specified porti'on of such operational period by providing three (3) days notice to the Contractor. In the event the District suspends operations under this paragraph, Contractor will reimburse the District I in the amount of $130.00 for each day of the suspension. I . I -~------- - I..'" . I -.. . I' ., . ' I ' . " I , ", , . . I. ." . \ :' i I 111. District agrees to pay to the Contractor for the serv,ices rendered, I as outlined in this contract, the total sum of Seventy Four Thousand Eight : Hundr~d Dollars ($74,800.00), plus an amount of OnejHundred Fifty Ei,ght Dollars \ (S15S¡00) per hour of aircraft seeding fl ight time tn payments as set forth ,below; It is understood and agreed that this sum includes the total fees for I ~all aircraft fl ights and evaluations of the program, except as provided at f Paragraph 6 above. District further agrees to pay the Contractor for the, services rendered during the month of May, 1985, as this contract may be i mutually extended as provided in ,Section 2 above by notice not later than April 20, 1985. ' 'I I ' ! i12. Schedule of payments. Operations 5 months MONTH - 1984/85 Dec - Apr December 1, 1984 $ 18,000. January 1,1985 16,000. + December flight time February 1,1985 16,000. + January flight time March I, 1985 9,000. + February flight time April 1, 1985 9,000. + March flight time ~ May 1, 1985 * 6,800. + April fl ight time TOTAL: $ 74,800. * If mutually agreed to extend the Program to include the month of May, the cost will be increased by $4,500 plus aircraft seeding flight time. 13. Any notice to be given hereunder may be served personally or by depositing the same in the United States mail, postage prepaid, and addressed to the party being notified at its address as set forth below, or at such other address as may be hereafter designated in writing. If served by mail, service shall be conclusively deemed to have been made upon deposit in the United States ma i 1. , I I ,,-- '00 .-), , " ~ ' ~ ¡ . - t ' . "'"' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this contract in duplicate the day and year first hereinabove written. Address: NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE OJ STR JCT 1415 18th St., Suite 705 Bakersfield, California 93301 By President By Secretary Address: AlMOSPHER ICS IN CORPORATE 0 5652 East Dayton Avenue BY~~~ Fresno, California 93727 Pre nt By ÁÎ~¿t-.-!~~J? (}¿1W¿""-:,{ . Secretary (SEAL) : I . .' ;" , Revised 5-83 I ,",~ . .'. :, Subdivider Installation Form No.1 I MLE CONTRACT 84-08 PM 6722/AFE 90361 AGREEMEN'r I I THIS AGREEMENT, made a~d entered into this day of , 19 , by and between the person or persons listed - I in paragraph 1 hereof, hereinafter collectively referred to as "Applicant," and CITY OF BAKERSFI~LD, a municipal corporation, here- inafter referred to as "City." WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, the Applicant is the developer of that certain sub- " , division of real property situate, laying and being in the County of Kern, State of California, wh+ch is known as PM 6722 in accordance with the map therof fi¡ed in the Office of the County I Recorder of said County on the day of 19 , in Volume of Maps at Page and, and which is hereinafter referred to as the "Subdivision"- and W EREAS, Applicant is now selling or proposes in the near future to sell lots in the Subdivision and/or Parcel Map and to this end de- sires to have water service available in the Subdivision and/or Parcel Map through, and by means of Inains and appur~enances, and by services (including serv,ice pipes, f i t,ting s, gates and housings thereof, and meter boxes), hereinafter referred to as the "Facilities," to be in- stalled therein substantially as ~hown on that certain map prepared by Applicant attached hereto, marked Exhibit "~", and by this reference r\ . made a part hereof; and 11/22/83 -1- , . -: 'i ; . " - WHEREAS, the .installation of the Facilities and the furnishing of water service by means thereof are necessary and valuable adjuncts to the sale of lots in the Subqivision, and will materially increase i the value of said lots; and WHEREAS, upon the terms and conditions herein set forth, Applicant is willing to install the. Facilities, or cause the same to be installed, at its own expense, all in accordance with the provisions hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, upop the terms and conditions herein set forth, City is willing to acquire the Facilities and is willing to furnish water service in the Subdivision and/or Parcel Map through and by means thereof at the rates and in accordance with the rules of City now in force or that may from time to time be lawfully established. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises and of the mutual covenants, agreements, terms and provisions herein contained, it is agreed' as follows, to wit: 1. Applicant. ¡ The names, addresses and descriptions of the person or persons herein collectively r~ferred to as "Applicant" are as follows: Name Address Descriptio~ Tenneco Realty Development Corp. P. O. Box 9380 Bakersfield, CA 93389-9380 2. Applicable Rule. This agreement is entered into pursuant to the requirements and in acc9rdance with the form of agreement and the various applicable provisions of City's Main Extension Rule,' as amended, hereinafter referred to as the "Rule", in effect and on file with the City; a copy of the Rule is attached hereto, marked Exhibit , "B" and by this reference made a part hereof. This agreement does not, therefore, require specific authorization of said City to carry out its terms and conditions. I I 11/22/83 -2- ---------- ---- -- ; . . , . ' . - 3. Applicant's Deposit~ City's cost relative to preparing or reviewing plans, specifications and cost estimates for the Facilities is $ N/A and City's cost in supervising and inspecting in- stallation of the Facilities is $ 1,406.00 . City hereby acknow- ledges receipt from Applicant of $ 1,406.00 , representing the total of said costs. Upon completion of installation of the Facilities, City will connect, or cause to be connected, the same to its existing mains and submit a statement of the cost thereof to Applicant, which sum Applicant agrees to pay promptly to City. The aggregate amount of the foregoing costs is hereinafter referred to as Applicant's Deposit. 4. Installation of Facilities. (a) Applicant agrees ~o install the Facilities, or cause the same to be, installed, at its owp expense on or before February 22 , 19 84. The Facilities shall be installed strictly in accordance with the specific~tions attached hereto, marked Exhibit "C" and by this ref- erence made a part hereof, and ~he install~tion thereof shall be subject to the approval of City in all respects. The Facilities shall be in- stalled by Applicant or by a contractor, hereinafter referred to as "said contractor," selected by Applicant. City will perform, or cause to be performed, the work of connecting the Facilities to City's exist- ing mains at ,the points designated on Exhibit "A" hereto. (b) Installation of the Facilities shall be subject to the inspection and approval of City in all respects. I (c) Title to the Facilities shall vest in City in accordance' with the provisions of paragraph 6 hereof. (d) Applicant agrees to reimburse City upon demand for the cost to City of all replacements and repairs to the Facilities made necessary within one (1) year from completion of installation thereof by reason of defective matefials or workmanship; and such reimbursement shall not be subject to refund hereunder. City's acceptance of the Facilities, ,as provided in paragraph 6 hereof, shall under no circum- stances be deemed to constitute approval of such materials and work- manship for purposes of the preceding sentence. 11/22/83 -3- j . < ~ . ,j 4. .. " , - (e) In the event Applicant prior to City's acceptance of the Facilities, as provided in paragraph 6 hereof, shall be unable to determine the size or location of any service (including service pipe, fittings, gates and housings therefor, and meter boxes) required in the Subdivision and/or Parcel Map, Applicant, or User, shall deposit " \ with City the cost of such service at the time service is requested, and City shall install, or cause to be installed such service. The amount of any such deposit so made by Applicant or User shall be add- ed to Applicant's Advance Subject to Refund determined pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 9 hereof. 5. Indemnity; Insurance.: (a) City shall not be responsible or held liable in any manner whatsoever for any injury or damage which may be done to any person or property in the course of installation of the facilities by or on behalf of Applicant or which may result from such installation, and Applicant agrees to indemnify City and hold free, safe and harm- less of, from and against any and all liability for the death of, or injury to, any person and for the loss of, or damage to, any pro- perty which may arise by reason of acts done or omitted to be done in the course of installation of the Facilities by or on .behalf of Applicant or which may result from such inst~llation, and Applicant further agrees to reimburse City upon demand for all costs and expenses which City may incur in resisting any claim which may be made against City for any such injury or damage to any person or property. Appli- cant expressly agrees that the ag~eements contained in this paragraph shall survive the performance of the remainder of this agreement and shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding such performance. ! Applicant further agrees that during the period beginning with the commencement of construction of the Facilities and terminating upon final acceptance of the same by City, the following insurance will be maintained in full force and effect by Applicant or said contractor (if the Facilities are to be installed by said contractor) without cost or expense to City: (i) Bodily injury liability insurance with , limits of not less than Three Hudnred Thousand Dollars ($300,000) per 11/22/83 -4- . , .' . " " ~ person and Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) per occurrance, and (ii) property damage insurance with a limit of not less than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) per accident, insuring City against any and all liability for the death of or injury to any person and for the loss of or damage to any property, respectively, which may arise by reason of acts done or omitted to be done in the course of installation of the Facilities or which may result from such installation, and further insuring City against all costs and expenses incurred by City in resisting any claim which may be made against City for any such injury or dænage to any person or property. Each such policy (A) shall be issued by an insurance company approved in writing by City, which is qualified to do and doing business in the state of California, (B) shall name City as an additional insured, (C) shall specify that it acts ~s primary insurance and that no in- surance effected by city shall be called upon to cover a loss under the policy "so procured or caused to ,be procured by Applicant, (0) shall provide that the policy shall not be cancelled or altered with- out thirty (30) days' prior written notice to City and (E) sha110ther- wise be in form satisfactory to City. Each such policy or a certificate thereof shall be delivered to City concurrently with execution of this agreement. (b) An endorsement or a certificate thereof to the workmen's I I compensation insurance policy of Applicant or said contractor (if the Facilities are to be installed by said contractor) providing that the underwriter thereof waives all right of subrogation against City by reason of any claim arising out of or connected with installation of the Facilities shall be delivered to City concurrently with execution of this agreement. Said endorsement shall provide that it shall not be cancelled or altered wit~out t~irty (30) days' prior written notice to City. 6. Title to Facilities. Title to each part or portion of the Facilities shall pass to city forthwith as e~ch such part or portion 11/22/83 -5- I -",. <, "' i- ;. - thereof shall be installed regardless of whether the same shall be installed by Applicant or said contractor and regardless of whether the same shall be attached to the balance of City's sytem, provided, however, that such passage of title shall under no circumstances be deemed to constitute acceptance by City of the Facilities as installed " ; " ,', in accordance with ~aid specifications, Exhibit C hereto. Such accep- , . : tance may only be effected by appropriate written notice from City to I , ¡ Applicant. Applicant warrants that upon such passage of title, the title shall be free and clear of and from any and all liens, charges and encumbrances whatsoever. 7. Street Grades. If the Facilities are installed in easements or rights-of-way where final grades have not been established or in streets whose grades have not been brought to those established by public authority prior to accept~nce by City, Applicant, upon written notice by City, shall deposit with City forthwith the estimated cost, as determined by City, of relocating, raising or lowering the Facilities l upon establishment of final grades. Adjustment of any difference between the amount so deposited and the actual cost of relocating, raising or lowering the Facilities shall be made within ten (10) days after City has ascertained such actual cost. The net deposit representing actual cost shall not be subject to refund. City will refund the entire de- posit relating to such proposed relocation, raising or lowering when appropriate authority determines that such displacements are not re- quired. 8. Applicant's Bond. Concurrently with execution of this agree- ment Applicant shall deliver to City a surety bond in the aggregate amount of $ N/A in form satisfactory to City, issued by a bonding company approved in writing by City which is qualified to " , do and doing business in the State of California guaranteeing unto City (a) the performance by Applicant and said contractor of all the obligations contracted to be performed hereunder, (b) installation of the Facilities in accordance ~ith the provisions hereof, (c) vest- ing ~n City of title to the Facilities in accordance with the pro- '. : visions hereof, (d) reimbursement of the cost to City of all replace- ments and repairs to the Facilities made necessary within one (1) year 11/22/83 -6-. . . I ,¡. . "- '." "þ - f from completion of install~tion thereof by reason of defective materials or workmanship, and (e) payment in full by Applicant or said contractor of the claims of all persons performing labor upon or furnishing materials or power to be used in the Facilities. 9. Applicant's Advance Subject to Refund. Applicant agrees that promptly upon completion of installation of the Facilities in accordance with said specifica~ions, Exhibit C hereto, and acceptance of the same by City, Applicant will, at its own expense, furnish to City a reason- ably detailed statement of the actual construction cost of the Faci1- ities,including in said cost, (a) Applicant's Deposit, (b) the cost, if any, to Applicant of complying with the insurance requirements of paragraph 5 hereof, and (c) the cost, if any, to Applicant of the bond required by paragraph 8 hereof. The total amount of said actual cost as shown by said statement, or the sum of $ 40,264.54 (being the price quoted by City to Applicant in City's detailed estimate of the cost of installation of the Facilities), whichever is the lesser, shall " , be conclusively deemed to be the actual construction cost of the Faci1- , I ities and is herein referred to as Applicant,'s Advance Subject to Re- fund. 10. Refund. Provided that Applicant is not in default hereunder, City agrees to make refunds hereunder to Applicant or such other party as may be entitled thereto in cash, without interest, for a period not to exceed forty (40) years from the date hereof in equal annual payments of 2~% (two and one-half percent) of the advance until the principal amount of the contract has been fully repaid. Refund shall be made not later than June 30 each year beginning the year following execution of this agreement. 11. Service from Facilities. The Facilities were designed to serve N/A customers as shown on Exhibit "A" hereto. I 12. City's Right to Offset. In the event Applicant shall become entitled to a refund under the provisions of paragraphs 7, 10, or 11 of this agreement, City shall have the right at such time to offset against the amount then due Applicant hereunder the total amount of any indebtedness then due or owing by Applicant to City. I I 11/22/83 -7- -- ." , . ; - .j f, ".-~ ,. :,': 13. Notices. Any notice which it is herein provided mayor shall be given by either party to the other shall be deemed to have been duly given when deposited in the United states mail, registered or certified, postage prepaid and' addres~ed' to the party to whom such notice is given at the following respective addresses: To Applicant: 'Tenneco Realty Development Corp. P. O. Box 9380 Bakersfield, èA 93389-9380 I To City: CityHall 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Either party, by notice given as hereinbefore provided, may change the address to which notice shall thereafter be addressed. 14. Nature of Obligations: Assignment. If more than o~~ person is named in Paragraph 1 hereof, the obligations of the persons executing this agreement as Applicant shall be joint and several. Until Applicant shall notify City in writing to the contrary, all refunds hereunder shall i I Tenneco Realty Development Corp. ! be paid by City to P. O. Box 9380, Bakersfield, CA 93389-9380, Attn, Cashier. I Applicant may assign this Agree~ent upon written notice to City at any time following determination of the amount of Applicant's Advance Subject to Refund. 'Any such assignment shall apply only to those refunds here- under which become due more than thirty (30) days after the date of receipt by City of such notice of assignment. City will not make any single refund payment hereunder to more than one person. . 15. Successors and Assigns. Subject to the provisions of the . preceding paragraph 14, this agreement shall inure to the benefit of and shall bind the respective heirs, executors, administrators, succes- sors and assigns of the parties hereto. 16. Jurisdiction of City. This Agreement, except for refund pro- visions, shall at all times be subject to such changes or modifications by the City of Bakersfield as said City may from time to time direct in the exercise of its jurisdiction. I 11/22/83 -8- I '~ . -- _n_- -----~-- . . ",;,._0 "'~~~. ,", IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agree- ment in duplicate the day and year first-above written. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER BOARD DOMESTIC WATER ENTERPRISE , I By APPROVED AS TO FORM: :Director of Water Resources City Attorney COUNTERSIGNED: Finance Director APPLICANT TENNECO REALTY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION , i ' By ~# V I céPres i dent 11/22/83 -9-