HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/25/84 ,I I . :- ,. ~ '1 AGENDA ------ WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, JULY 25,1984 12:00 P.M. - NOON , Call meeting to order. Roll call - Board Members: Barton, Chairman: Moore J. Ratty. 1. Approve minutes of special meeting held June 26, 1984. 2. Scheduled public statements. .. 3. Correspondence. 4. Discussion of the Draft Kern River Plan - ACTION TO BE DETEfu~INED BY THE BOARD. 5. Staff comments. I' Board comments. o. 7. Adj ournment. ; " -'--------'-'--.'..--."..--.---..- ".-..--- . - ....- .,'.. ..-. "d_.--'_,.___..m_~____-_._._-'-:{!:~ , ' SPECIAL MEETING WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1984 12:00 P.M. -:' NOON The meeting was called to order by Cha~rman Barton in the Department of Water Resources Conference Room, The secretary called the roll as follows: I ' Present: Barton (Chairman), Moóre, Ratty The minutes from the meeting of May 16, 1984 were approved as presented. Mr. Core presented, for Board information, a Mainline Extension Røf1.md RCY-¡;lIHJ;!,B'1tntj).tlt fr;¡-;Jii1 Mr, It. 1\. Ìi1el{i'£u't6l'1. tw Tejon Valley Development Company. There will be no change'in City's liability on this contract. , The Olcese Water District's letter request for deferral of construction of facilities in the 2800 Acres was presented by Mr. Core, for information and discussion by the Board. The contract between the Buena Vista Water Storage District and Olcese Water District requires extraction facilities to be installed by July 1, 1982 and ownership transferred to City; with a provision for a two year deferral upon consent of the City. The City granted that deferral two years ago. ~ Olcese Water District has sent a letter to the City requesting ~" another two year deferral on construction of these facilities L:', and requested the same from Buena Vista Water Storage District. The Buena Vista Water Storage District's board meeting of June 12, 1984 passed a minute order which states "The Board approved that a two year extension on the construction of wells in the 2800 Acres by Olcese Water District be negotiated on the basis of a continuing guarantee that Isabella water would be available as a replacement under terms of the existing agreement." Mr. Dow brought to the Board's attention that a meeting is planned with Olcese Water District and Buena Vista \ Water Storage District to ne,gotiate an extension. Mr. Dow stated that no action is requested at this time. I : Adjourned to Closed Session. Reopened to the, public. The meeting adjourned at 1:06 p.m. ~ ~a~ r.. ,-; l' : f. l car~ ~ ~~ii~y City of Bakersfield Water Board ~ . --.... ~ ,- :/- w ~ ~ - ~o ð--f e;HA/~~ iIl1. ,)". I/J¿{.JJ11 &.1 tf I '9 7 7 -: -~ Mr. Bergen informed the Board that we are now getti~g some " ""'Vv-.--- ~t. Ðo fJ~ t-II . requests that are of a permanent nature, for example the . /' skeet shooters are talking about wanting an acre of land to I build a building and this could very well be compatibl~, however, it is of utmost importance that we get a map and start laying I this area out. Mr. Rogers asked what committee or board all of I these requests and ideas should be brought before and Mr. Bergen II stated that he was willing to take care of these matters in the ' Manager's Office. Mr. Bergen feels that the Planning Department! and, also, the Water Department are very much interested in this! matter. He feels that this pro'~~ r- erls 0 1.ce '," - '","", e, Q ,'" nvo v . got e Boar a a 0 teet ers an 1.nqu1.res that have been received regarding tqe use of the Kern River bed! have been referred to the Water and City Growth Committee, and Mr. Bergen informed the Boa+d that the Water and City Growth . Committee is his responsibility and he has assigned Jim Buell" to work on this project. Mr. Rogers suggested that Mr. Bergen's office come up with what they think is a coherent plan. Mr-. Bergen feels that the organization should be done by the Water ~~ and City Growth' Committee and then brought before t~e Water Board. . ~t was ;he1.~o~c'lce so~\ the ~~~~t in l~~:ri~:p::;a:~~gQn~~d I p ann1.ng or e r1.ver e- area. ~ I Board member Barton entered the meeting at this time. Staff Comments Mr. Bergen informed the Board that it is anticipated that Mr. i Kamprath from Division 5, Kern County Water Agency will be re- , signing and we have been requested to submit the name of a i person to them that we think would be capable and able to devote' time to serve on the Kern County Water Agency Board. Bob Bellue, District Engineer, Kern County Water Agency, informed the Board :' . that they want to know potential canidates before the end of j . ( December and there is only one more meeting scheduled, which is II, , next Tuesday, December 20, 1977. Mr. Hoagland informed the Board I d that there was a new State law which requires a posting of ten, days whenever there is a vacancy on'any board or commission and I he suggested that Mr. Bellue check with Kern Cou~ty Water Agency . attorney regarding this law, which does affect the City. : I Board Comments ¡', . , - I Mr. Bergen informed the Board that District 5 is esentially Kern' . ,River on the. north, .Union Avenue on the east, Stockdale Highway I ,/ I on the soutþ. Park Stockda]p iR in n~ui~in" ~ ~n~ ~r~~~~~'o - ~""..."" , ., \ - - ,.., \ ,", ,k"-' ,r ..., MINUTES '~' ------- '. .. \, WATER BOARD - Cl'l'Y O,f' BAKERSFIELD " ." WEDNESDAY, SßP'l'EMBER 3, 1980 , ," , 4:00 P.M. , . , The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Payne in the Çity Hall Caucus Room. .f , ,~~ The secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Barton (~rrived at 4:05 P.M.) Payne, Ratty, Bergen, , Hoagland Absent: None :, . $taff Present: Bogart, Hawley, Hostmyer, Needham, Oberholzer Others Present: Tom Clark, Olcese Water District Roy Gargano, Attorney for Kern County Water Agency Jack Garren Gayle Schontzler, The Bakersfield Californian The minutes from the regular meeting of August 13, 1980, were ~pproved as presented. Correspondence a) A le t tl.!r ..1~1 n:\JItIVIIl: W..J1;> pn.:~¡cn l cd tu tile IJoü,nl from WillÜuÍl 'r. Ualch, rl'enneco West, Inc. f.or the purpose of setting forth the agreement betwéen th~ City of Bakersfield and Tenneco . West, Inc. wherein the City agrees to sell . 100,000 acre 'feet of water in place in City's 2800 agre vroyndwøe.r Þ~ßin 'ør a said water price of $3.00 per acre foot. After a brief discussion between board and staff Mr. Bergen made a motion that the letter agreement be approved and the Chairman authorized to sign. The motion was passed. Item number four (4) was deferred to Executive Session. At 4:10 P.M. the meeting was recessed to Executive Session for the purpose of discussing two (2) possible items of litigation. The regular meeting was reconvened at 5: 00 P.M. Mr. Hoagland made a motion that as a result of our Executive '~ Session regarding the lawsuit that has currently been filed . by the Kern County Water Agency against various defendents relative to the ownership of the Cross Valley Canal, Mr. Hoagland made a motion that the City participate to the extent necessary in that , , lawsuit in support of the agency's position and, also, recommend }.þ " , to the City Council that the City participate as an intervenor. " .'~ ~ The motion was passed. Staff Comments At this time two (2) draft letters were presented to the board regarding the processing of various developments in the Rio Bravo Annexation area ,which are currently pending approval by the City of Bakersfield. After discussion by board and staff Mr. Bergen made a r.\otion that the board direct the ~taff. to maJl the letters in final form to Mr. George W. Nickel, Jr. and each developer in the Olcese District. The motion was passed. > .. " . - .:...~ , ~- . /o~~~ ~;.' .,- e , 01 ' . M I NUT E S ------- .. WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD , ( WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1,1980 ' 4:00 P.M. -- The meeting was called to order by Chairman Barton in the City Hall Caucus Room. , The secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Barton, Payne, Ratty, Oberholzer . Absent: Bergen Staff Present: Chafin, Hansen, Hawley Others Present:. Melvin Jans, Vice-President, Tenneco West, Inc. Gayle Schontzler, The Bakersfield Californian Chuck Tolfree, Manager Tenneco Realty Deve,lop- ment The minutes from the regular meeting of September 3, 1980, were approved as presented. Communication from David A. Head, Supervisor Second District, dated August 22, 1980, regarding the coordination of a pro- water organization, addressed to Chairman Barton was presented to the board. After a brief discussion Mr. Ratty made a motion that the letter be received and placed on file. The motion was . passed. At. this time a recommendation was made to the board for considera- '-- tion on obtaining a consultant for the Preliminary Kern River Open Space Land Use Plan. At this time Water Manager Chafin asked Dale Hawley, Public Works Direotor to present the Plan. Mr. Hawley stated that requests for proposals Were presented to five (5) firms and proposals from two (2) firms have been received. The firm of Lusich, Lusich, Morales & Associates, Inc. has offer- ed to do the study for the sum of $20,500.00 and the proposal from the firm of Rickett, Ward & Delmarter who have offered to do the work for the sum of $23,500.00. A staff committee from the Public Works Department, the Development Services Department and the Department of Water have reviewed these two (2) proposals, and based upon an understanding of the work to .be done and, also, the experience and qualifications of the staff available, the work load of the two firms, it is the staff's recommendation that the firm of Rickett, Ward & Delmarter be selected to prepare th~ land use plan. Mr. Hawley stated that their fee is slightly higher, however, they will be doing a more tho~ugh hydro-geologic analysis on the two (2) parcels that are in question in the vicinity of Mohawk Street. Also, they have retained a subcontractor Bill Park, who is a Consulting Geologist and Qu~d Consultants who are p~anners and environmental specialists. After a lengthy discussion between bòard and staff, Mr. Ratty made a motion that the staff's recommendation to use Rickett, , Ward & Delmarter to eatablish a Kern River'Open Space Land Use ~ Plan be accepted. At this time City Attorney Oberholzer aadèd the following items as an amendment to the motion: ,1) That the staff should approve the agreement and it should be reviewÐd by the City Attorney before the final agreement is brought back to . the board for approval. 2) This agreement will state thât payment for each completed task will be made to con- ~ sultant after the task has been approved by the board. , 3) Upon completion copies of the Agreement are to be submitted to the City CounciJ¡. -, , !It.- ":\~'.' . .-- ~~,. .....~,I'.\",<~, e " . '"f., )?#I': ", ' . "é;/>" At this time Mr. Bogart presented a letter from C.H. Williams, " Engineer-Manager of North Kern Water Storage District a4dresse4 to James J. Barton, Cþairrnan of the City of Bakersfiel~ Water, ' l!ii';' Board. The proposal would be between the City of Bakersfield, ,,"" , and North Kern Water Storage District for use of the City of , ; - ",,1' , Bakersfield's 2800 acres for groundwater replenishment. Mr. ~,. , , '" <,~,', t,; Bergen made a motion that the cover letter and proposal letter ; ':~:"~' pe received by the board and referred to staff,. including Mr~ ; ,',;¡-.':<1' , , Hatch and Mr. Stetson for study and reconunendat.1.on. The mot.1.on "":' "f" was passed. , '.':',. '::;/ , At this time Mr. Bogart presented to the board the final report '""r, ~rom Ricks, Taylor & Meyer, lnc. on the Replacement of Kern' , ,:,~' . River Diversion & Metering Structures dated August 1980. After v ~r. Bogart summarized the report and the feasibility of low- "~ ,"", 1 head power generation, Mr. Bergen made a motio!) that the board. ,~ . 'receive the report and that staff be instructed to meet with the v' staff of the other boards and work out a joint powers agreement which would be acceptable to all the boards. The motion was ,passed. ' ,,'>" 'b' "~t this time DëÏle Hawl~;~~:~~7~' ;~;k;D'i;';.;;t~;~;b<P;;;¡;;~d~:-;':';~~<", {t.i.', .', , ~equest for proposal to the board on the Study Design of the Kern f '!: River Open Space Land Use Preliminary Plan. Mr. Hawley outlined' Ý , " -,' , ,::', the area for discussion on a map that was made available for the ~ , '., ' board. Mr. Hawley stated that the Council of Governments will k 'L be seeking some funding. for planning and construction of a parks H .' " system along the Kerf\ R1.ver from Interstate 5 to the mouth of 11 ',' ; the canyon, with the idea that it would tie into the éxisting I " 'j- City, County and State facilities, Hart Park, Lake Ming, Beach h , Park, ~tc., P~ior to th~ Council of Co~crrnnents making. their ~ ~ study 1t was felt that 1t would be des1rable for the C1ty to ; ,~ establish some prio~ities or policies regarding groundwater J .. re2harge, c~~-~ .~!!'l£E~~"-7'!!!"~<!1,t_s, and IDa ~ t~lli!.~",A.!~~tië' ri:y,!r. ~ 11 A1so, a few weeks ago the City Council deferred action oñ~twó (2) W : existing or proposed general plan amendments, which Mr. Hawley ~ '~ believes are to be reconsidered by the City CounGil in December. ~ I The ~dea of this Study Design.would be to ,obtai~ ~rofessional : ¡ 1, serV1.ces to prel?ar~ a x:~onnä.:vi~!l~e~.._~~Y,~l prel1.ID1.nary plan ,~.- , ¡; f~f l~~~._~~~~ ~1. th.1.n the open space area'S""'aîortg"'thè"'Kerfi""'Rìver. ~ '" Mr :tiawley recommended that this draft" proposal "be" pres'ented"-'to ~ several consulting firms such as engineering and planning con- \~ sultants for estimates. The motion was passed. , "'-""> ','" '" ' ,,' "'" "", """"'.-.......u.,.",~,-._,..-,,~---~<.---I There be1ng no furtherbusine~s to come before the bo~rd, Chair- man Barton adjourned the meeting at 5:35 P.M. , Board , ,~ ' , .,,- ,"'",',,'1,(..< ".'::-'::'-t"!(.,~,,.1 , " L nda Hostmyer, Sec- etary City of Bakersfield' Water Board , . ,-, , , .. , .\, .~,- --'t --------------- #'?i .1: ~ -.. i' , ;;. I /. .' BUDGET REVIEW AND FINANCE COMMITTEE I REPORT NO. 18-81 August 26, 1981 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: KERN RIVER COMPONENT OF THE OPEN SPACE ELEMENT The City Council recently directed staff to present Council with a draft of a Kern River Component of the Open Space Element, covering a11 lands within the River corridor from the mouth of the Kern Canyon to Interstate 5. This committee has thoroughly reviewed the points brought forth from the meetings between City, Kern County Planning, and Kern County Council of Governments staffs. The points discussed included: 1) The Kern River corridor consists of both City and County lands, . . which lends itself to the concept of a combined effort in formulating the Open Space policy along the River. 2) Kern Cog is vitally interested and would. be a funding source in light of the multi-jurisdictional facet for this project. .. 3) Existing staffs are not able to completely facilitate a study. As such, a qualified consultant firm is needed to assist in the data collection, field work, and basic preliminary formulation of the text in conjunction with close supervision by staff personnel of both City and County Planning Departments. The land use policy recommendations of the study of the Kern River corridor would include mainly those lands within the flood plain primary and secondary. Presently, a study is underway as commissioned by the Water Board : 1;0 study their recently adopted development plan for ground water recharging. The Water Board's report covers the area from Chester Avenue to Interstàte 5. .~ ~----~-- I ~~.. -/-,' , .' ~.' ," ",' "~ ..." '. " I " . ' '", .' o'n the uses .0 f C Hyowned property only. The proposed s ¡UdY be; n9 rev; ewed A . (/~' by this committee would include only those lands not considered in the study presently underway for 'the Water Board. In fact, the Water Board's study would be attached to the Council's study to form a document which will com- pletely cover the Kern River corridor as directed by the City Council. This plan will assure that there will be no duplicated effort in this study. The cost of the study is estimated to be $25,000. The Cityl s portion would be $5,000 with the County and Kern Cog funding the balance. In conclusion, the Budget Review and Finance Committee recommends the City Council authorize the appropriation of $5,000 from the Council Contingency Account for the study and direct staff to proceed with a draft Request for Proposal to be returned to the City Council for approval prior to proceeding further. Respectfully submitted, Councilman Arthur l. Rockoff, Chairman Councilman Donald K. Ratty 'I Councilman John M. Means . , . . , . '.. , '" .. .. -2- " ~"'" ' ., ,:_' >i~':', " '~"\ f , L ; :'" "\ l " I, , ~'~ ~ ~ ,,' ,", , I; MINUTES ! I ------- WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD <~":'WEDNts'iSÂY-;<:~JA~ÔÄa¥ is;'' 19à2"', ';';J 4:00 P.M. .. , The meeting was called to order by Chairman Barton in the Department of Water Conference Room. - The secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Barton, Payne, Ratty, Kelmar, Oberholzer Absent: None The minutes from the meeting of December 9,1981, were approved, as presented. tJij(~;:h';~'ìÜ'¡;e?,'õþ(in' Š-pàc~Lârtâifse pH\Ìltl)' was presented t~ the board. At this time Mr. Dale Hawley, Public Works Direotor introduced Mr. Harry Tow, Civil Engineer for Quad Consultants to the board. Mr. Tow stated that Quad Consultants was the subcontractor for Rickett, Ward & Delmarter and gave a brief outl~n~ ,Qf the "Kern River Open Space Land Use,Plan". .~~~-- .í~å'tty ..madea. mOtióii "t]-rät:,~:ftfê' þlan be, rècèive~and plâöed éjrt','¿ ,file., The motion was passed. Mr. Hawley presented the final billing to the board and Mr. Kelmar made a motion that the final, payment of $14,000.00 be made to Rickett, Ward & Delmarter~ The motion was passed. City of Bakersfield-California Regional Water Quality Control , Board contract for groundwater quality investigation of City's ! 280Q tigt~ ~@d.hA:t'g@ ¡:n~ßa.' ßeeQfu:!1 Ouar'Èerly Report was submitted ~, to the board by Florn Core for their information. At this time Mr. Hawley presented and gave a map,outline of five (5) Mainline Extension Agreements for various tracts', and parcel maps within the Ashe Water System to the board for: acceptance. Mr. Ratty made a motion that the agreements be ' approved. The motion was passed. ' Discussion regarding City participation in Olcese Water District No.2 annexation lawsuit was item number seven (7) .At 4:20 P.M~ Mr. Oberholzer made a motion that the board adjourn to Closed' Session to discuss this pending litigation and potentialliti9à~ ~ion in respect to the City. The motion was passed. The regular meeting was reconveyned at 5: 00 P.M. Mr. Obe*holzet ' ,\ made a motion with respect to Olcese Water District No.2 annex- ation lawsuit and that is the board permit the City Attorney to .' file an amicus brief in support of the defendants after he makes' an evaluation and determination that such an amicus brief would assist the court in its determination of the issues in the case. The motion was passed. There being no further business to come before the board, Chair- man Barton adjourned the meeting at 5:02 P.M. ,--, James J. Barton, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board , " Linda Hostrnyer, Secretary , City of Bakersfield Water Board : ' :: '" ~, . ':.. 'J', ' ï, " ' , '.. . , " i ,',' , , ' , , i:¡ :f1.' 't? "" . , ,,~ " , ,,', . < ,', . 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' ' " ' '(," ..0 ' ¿~ ", .. . - . ~. -- .? -"-".,.' .. - - -." h - .>, ,-. '. -- ,. .. '~"--"""""""""""v...,,-. "~."'" - '" ., . '.', - ....""" -'-- "'----"'.'" -~. - e-4 MEMORANDUM "t.. CI. August 9,1982 TO Dennis Pisila. Planning Department FROM John Chafin, Water Manager ~.£..C . ~ b~9th&d 8-9-B'2. SUBJECT Kern River Open Space P1an - Chapter 3 In response to your memorandum calling for comments on Chapter 3 of the Kern River Open Space Plan please take the following into consideration: Page 3-1: Under PROJECTS; City of Bakersfield Groundwater Recharge Pro- gram -.The City has constructed and operated a turnout to convey recharge water through the River Canal to an existing spreading basin. Page 3-10: Under INTERESTS; Community Groups and Governmental Agencies - ThE first line of paragraph refers to the IIRiver Haster". This title is the IIKern River Watennaster" and his function is as the appointed representative of all Kern River water right interests. The last paragraph under this section refers to the "water basin",.this should be "groundwater basinll. Page )-13: Unde r CON FL I CTS; lack of Coordination vs. Comprehensive Management - The City has allowed sand and gravel removal as a function of channel management in areas that are beneficial to the use of the Kern River channel - flood control and water transport. We feel this is a part of com- prehensive management of the channel. Page 3-14: Under CONn t CTS; Aesthetics vs. Utility and Costs. second paragraph refers to rip-rap and asphalt waste materials - The City does not .. allow dumping of concrete and asphalt waste-materials except under the following. cond i t ions: 1) if we (Water Department) have immediate need for clean, useable materials at specific sites 'for maintenance work on City structures or 2) if we have plans for use of materials in the near future then temporary storage sites are determined and clean, useable materials are accepted. As a pract ice, if illegal dumping is observed cornective measures are taken to remedy those situ- ations. 'i I. i , 1 1 ~e,~,~,j,~~,(,~.~~~,~~ , ' ,",' ;'. """"'M" """ ,'," ,'..",' ,,',' . . 0' .'~; , ,>,.,,~.,.<.ntl ,O,,:RAN'DUM,',:' '~':'", ~',- '" . . Þ . ,',: , ',.:,. ",,".<:.-.:' .. "';. ~œ ',.': ':, .,", , " , , " , ,'::'",..co", ',,".. ",ct,H:'¿, '0, ", AUGUST: 16,',1,982 0' j , TO DEWEY SCEALES, PLANNING DIRECTOR .' , " 'f.ROM GENE BOGART, ASSISTANT' WATER MANAGER ;' , , ,.. , ,~ "$tiBJECT':, -DRAFT REPORT" KERN JD:~ OPEN SPACE P , ,~'~~t~:(Z~;~'~:';~(~~~_:'\", -, ',,: ..' .. "~'{-?:~~f:::",>':'" '' " , " , , ~";..:ij):::'," AS ',a follow-up to the A,ugust13tb staff review of' the pre-draft "~,.:"'-:',~:):-' ',-Kern River Open Space Plan" ," several areas of the draft ,report : ... ::/:::.:: ::: "';require further comment, as ,follows:, " ' '," ,-" ,.." , ,:'::::;S{;."" ,: ,', " '.. , : ,(:", ';,' , ~ 1) It appears the report wanders outside the areas ,>:: >: :;,~:.~. :" .. ., originally intended for the study. Th~ Kern ':;:3~~:::'~:~:";:~; ,'~:(;~:'~< .: ':, River corridor .woul~ n<?rmally consist of on~y :,-:-,~~.:" .. 7,"..,' ,,:,: those lands 1,Y1.ng W1.th1n the secondary floo i~:';~':' ..;::,~, '::>" ' plain and/or within exising barriers (levees, : ',,',';.' ';::': ,canàls, roads, etc.) located iIDIDediately ", ,', ,:\p~::<. adjacent to'the floOd plains.' ;"':",> :':' ,2) Much of the 'report is referenced to the " '" ~.':~ ," , "riparian'" habitat. We feel the':xeport , ,,<~:\,":, should recognize the obvious changes in ; :.\,/,:'"..: >' ;:.~ riparian growth as it relates to the Kern- ,., "', :'~ C'~' '.. " River flow. For example, the Kern River , ,:: "'", 'flows run year-round between' Isabella " -.. "-, "", ' 'Resevoir and the -Beardsley river weir, " -,':;' ""whichis located in the vicinity ,of .. " ,',<:"', 'Gordon' sFerry :Bridgè.'The riparian,' , ~':' ,-;,;:,::, habitat alongside and adjacent to this" ',:'" ~ ' reach of the river 'channel' is sustained" ~ ",'~'::",,:;:':"by this ëontinuoas' flow of water.' . ",' ,', , '<':"', """ , " " " " , ' ~', ;' ,,', , , ",:,>, ':: " ,0-.. 'It should 'be recognized that flows occurring ,:' , , ,:,J ': "below the Beardsley Weir àre completely' ", .. ' , ": '..';.-, . dependentupødrrigation, conservation, and" ,", ':',: ,~;,;,: ,: ',water supply conditions in, anY9ivenyear.-" ':. 'This ,reach,ofthe;river channel between :', .. ;'" ,'," 'Gordon's Ferry Br1dge ,andI-S,sho~ld'be' ,,' ^ ",,'-'-"-.. ,,0::' ,,' ' " ...', , , ~.! .:: ~,--_.' . '~. ~~. ;' . Fc, :;~'i~~~~Ž::~~~:~~ >:;TO:','DEWEYSCEALES ,PLANNtNG 'DIRECTOR, " " .~.:-FROM: GENE BOGART," 'ASSISTANT WATER MANAGER " , j ,SUBJECT: "DRAFT UPORT,w, KERN RIVER OPEN SPACE ~LAN ., '.. 'c,' " " " ,,' ,', " , ..-- ." , .,' " , .. \ ". ,. . ',:, , "',' ',' ,:' < ' . ::.,' 1"' .' ,~:';-:' :~¡;'; 'Significant growth in any, reach ,of, the primary ~:flood channel ,',:':"~-:, '.', below Gordon'.sFerryBridge could )èopardize: ", ' ' ',',; , ""," . " ' , , "4':",,'~ á) Flood control, " b) Groundwater'rep'lEmishement, ànd .;" :>". c} Mosquito abatèJDent operat'ions within, City limits. " '~ Ui1a.ttended the natural growth resulting from the wet/dry ,J ':;,' /:" river flow in these reaches. could 'ul tima'tely result in: " ""', :,'"..>¿,,-~ ',."'",, , ,',' ',' "a) Flooding to adjacent. lands, . ;. " " ".br Restriction of ongoing groundwater replenishment .. ',':operationsfordomestic and agricultural uses" and " -, c) Increased 'mosqui to populations and abatement costs. <,'., 3) Although referred to in the draft. report it should be' ." ,,' ,-emphasized that', the ,KernRi ver corridor ,is ,and should ~, " remain 'primarily' for 'the ,purpÒse of ,flood control and ,.. ',. 'groundwater replenishment, operations. 'These uses of the Kern River 'corridor are paramoUnt to the general urban 'community.. ,Again# we: !eelthat the above' stated policies ,should bare-emphasized il\, th~ ' report,. ' " , , ¡f' you have' any questions reqarding,',the 'abovet ':do ..not"hesitate _to contact our ,office. . ", ':,. ";';',' ,', " '; ", . , " "" ," , . ",' , ',' '" " ,', ~ .. .. ,'. ':,Ì1I, ¡, cc: John Chafin;Wate.x<Manager, ;.. ': " " ; '> , Dennis 'Needham, Pire' i&Deyelopment." Services Director", ',. ,,',,;;f H, '",' "':'c':;':';,,'~'~::":': ",..",.,:.:",;, \. " (.,>~'~ ' ~ 'c " ~':.' ,:; , . -, , ' , ' , , " 'c'" , ; ," , ,,"..' " I:. ' I; ,:,':,. ~, ',' ", , 0 ,', ' '