HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/26/01 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM October 26, 2001 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager /~7"(zz/, SUBJECT: General Information 1. The meeting held by Assemblyman Florez on the upcoming State park bond issue went well. Staff will be compiling a list of projects that would be desirable to carry out, if it is approved by the voters. 2. Disney on Ice is drawing exceptional crowds to the Garden this week. Another concert, "Linkin Park", was also booked for November 20th. That is a big name for a youthful audience. We also have WWF coming up December 11th. 3. Enclosed is a status report from Water Resources regarding the northeast water supply project. 4. Good news from the Fire Department. They have received a grant from the State Office of Emergency Services for a community notification system. It is designed to call telephone numbers within a specified area to deliver a pre-recorded message, which could be used for a variety of purposes, in both emergency and non-emergency situations. The attached information gives more details. 5. A memo is attached from Public Works concerning the affect on our electricity rates due to the surcharge added by the State. Even with the conservation efforts we have in place, we expect energy costs will be significantly higher than what we projected. 6. The latest CIP status report from Public Works is enclosed for your information. 7. Responses to Council requests are enclosed, as follows: Councilmember Couch · Citizen contact by Police regarding speeding on Old River Road. Councilmember Salvaggio · Report on the possibility of adding a left turn into a church located at 7000 Wible Road. AT:rs cc.' Department Heads Pam McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst I Rhonda Smiley - General Information From: Gene Bogart To: Rhonda Smiley Date:. 10/26/01 10:32AM Subject: General Information Work on the Northeast Water Supply Project is progressing rapidly. The primary 54" water line running from the Kern River to the future Cai-Water Treatment Plant located near Paladino Drive (approximately 8,000 ft.) is in the ground. The 18" water line that will bring treated water from the new plant to Alfred Harrell Hwy. to serve CALM and Cattle King estates is approximately 75% complete. Conduits are now being installed parallel to the bike path alignment that will carry electricty to the future P.G. & E. substation, Water Treatment Plant and Kern River pump station. Paving work is underway on Paladino Drive and the new extension of the Bike Path from Morning Drive to the parking lot at CALM is now estimated to be completed by December 1st. of this year. We'll keep you posted as this exciting project progresses. CC: Alan Tandy; Florn Core From: Ron Fraze To.' Rhonda Smiley Date; 10/23/01 1:51 PM Subject; Fwd: OES Grant for a Community Notification System Rhonda, here is the background on the latest grant we will be taking to Council for acceptance. This system will greatly enhance our capabilities in both emergency and non-emergency situations. CC; Alan Tandy From: Ralph Huey To: Ron Fraze Date: 10/23/01 12:43PM Subject: OES Grant for a Community Notification System Ron; The Bakersfield Fire Department has been successful in receiving a grant for $27,080 through the State Office of Emergency Services ( OE$ ), for the purchase and installation of a community notification system. This system is designed to call all of the telephone numbers within a specified area and deliver one of several pre-recorded messages. The pre-recorded messages can deal with evacuation instructions, shelter in place instructions or any other directions for the residences and businesses within the designated area, relating to a specific emergency. The system can also be used for simple informative messages or surveys. The calling area can be defined as any regular or irregular shape on a GIS map of the city via a computer interface. This call area would be defined at the scene in an emergency, or by other management for informational calls, then relayed to ECC to initiate the fully automatic calling system. The grant does have a" soft match" share of $6,770, in addition to the $27,080, to be provided by the city. This can easily be covered by our labor cost to operate the system, pre-record messages etc. and does not include any additional personnel. Ralph CC: Kirk Blair; Susan Chichester B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FROM: BRAD B. UNDERWOOD, PUBLIC WORKS OPERATIONS MANAGER ~-~'~ ~ DATE: OCTOBER 15, 2001 SUBJECT: ELECTRIC RATE BUDGETARY CONSEQUENCES With the surcharge to electricity rates added by the State, we have seen substantial increases in electricity charges to the various facilities. This has occurred even with the conservation efforts by all City Departments. We are projecting the following: GENERAL SERVICES BUDGET 01-02 Budget YTD-3 mos. Projected Costs Budget Shortfall for full year (Projected) Building Maintenance $221,000 $67,746 $298,000 <$77,000> (City Hall, Annex, ED/CD and Development Services) Plant Maintenance $130,000 $55,709 $183,000 <$53 i000> (Corporation Yard Bldgs) Traffic Signals $650,000 $231,690 $855,000 <$205,000> and Street Lights Total Division Budget $1,001,000 $355,145 $1,336,000 <$335,000> Other estimated budget shortfalls: Police Department <$80,000> (estimated by General Services) Centennial Garden <$222,000> (estimated by General Services) Convention Center <$71,000> (estimated by General Services) Fire Department <$60,000> (estimated by the Fire Department) Wastewater Plant 2 <$128,000> (estimated by Wastewater) Wastewater Plant 3 <$52,000> (estimated by Wastewater) We will continue to monitor the energy usage and associated costs. As you can see, this is a significant dollar amount that may be difficult to absorb. I have directed General Services staff to continue monitoring the situation and make budgetary adjustments where possible to absorb part of this projected shortfall. G:\GROUPDATXGenSvcs\Energy Impact 10-01 memo.wpd BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM , OCT 2 ~ 2001 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director ~ DATE: October 23, 2001 SUBJECT: ELECTRICITY RATES Attached is a copy of the memorandum from the Operations Manager concerning the City's conservation efforts and costs associated with surcharge electricity rates. Attach. BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ,~ ...... ~ ......... ---'-~'~ DATE: OCTOBER 19, 2001 SUBJECT: CIP REPORT Attached please find our monthly CIP report reflecting the status of Public Works CIP projects. If you have any questions, please call me at 326-3596. OCT I 9 200l G:\GROUPDAI~Memo\CIt~I3o~b~'01.~pd City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 2001-02 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - Fri 10/19/01 Ward Proj. No. Description Jul '01 I Aug'01 I Sap'01 I Oct'01 I Nov'01 I Dec '01 I Jan'02 I Feb'021 Mar'02 I Apr'02 I May'02 I Jun'02 I Jul'02j 5 TIK031 KROLL WAY BRIDGE- WEST OF GOSFORD RD i : i : i i i i i ! ............... Bid Request/Award ' [ Advertise fo'r Bids ~ Award of Bid i i ii ii i Construction i! ii ii Nc tice:to Proceed ~ i i i. r~ No*'tice of Co"mpletion ii VAR. T2K02,RESURFACING VARIOUS STREETS (FEDERA, ................................................. Bid Request/Award~ ................................................................................................................................~i ..................~i ....... ; ......... ii ................... iii ................... .:i ................... Advertisei ................. forBids~ ................... ~*~ .................. Awa*rdofBid~ .................. ~i ........................................ ............................................................................................................................................. Construction ~ .................. i ................... !~ .................. i? .......... i i i i Notice to Proceed ~ i ~. ~ Notice o 6 T2K033 STREET IMPROVEMENTS; WHITE / DOVEWOOD ~ ~ ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... Design i Ii Ii i i ~ Plan Approval i ii ................................. Bid Request/Award .................. ii ................... i .................. ! .......... i i i Advertise fo~Bids ~ Award of Bidi ................................. Construction i! !i ii ii Notic~ to Proceed ~ ! ~ :Notice of:Completi 4 T2K020 STREET IMPROVEMENTS; COFFEE RD/DOWNING ~ .................................. Design ................................................................ i ................... i ................... i ...... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Pia, Appro~a~ Bid Request/Award ................... i ................... ! .................. i ........... dvertise ~or Bids Award o Construction i i i i i i i i i Notice to Proceed 4,5 EgK011 MOHAWK SEWER CONSTRUCTION PHASE II i ! Design ,~r~,~ ,,~ ....... , ,"- BidRequest/Award AdvertiseforB~ls ~ i i ~ Awar~ofBid ! i ii i! ii 4 E1J014 SOUTHWEST BIKE PATH i .................................. Bid Request/Award :: i AdVertise forbids ~ : ! ~ A'ward of Bid i iI i .............................................................................................................................................. Construction i i Notice to:Proceed ~ i ~ i ~ ~ Not'ce of Co 3 T9K015 SIGNAL NEW, COMANCHE/S,R, 178 ~ i i ~ ~ i i ~ ! ~ Design ~ ~ ............. ..............................................................................................................................................Construction i . Notice o Procee i : i ~i Notice of Complet o~o~s~.~,~.P Page I of 11 FY 2001-02 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 2001-02 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - Fri 10/19/01 Ward Proj. No. I Description Jul '01 I Aug'01 I Sep'01I Oct'01 I Nov'01 iDac'01 I Jan '02 I Feb '02I Mar'02 I Apr'02 I May'02 I Jun '02 I Jul '02 3 TIK028 STREET IMPROVEMENTS; COLLEGE/FAIRFAX i i i i ~ ~ ............................................................................................................................................. i i i ii ii ~ Plan Approval Design I I r I I Bid Request/Award .................. ii ................... i .................. i ................ ~ ................... ! ................... ~ ................... i ................. ~ ................... ! ................... ~ .................. .: ....................................... ............................................................................................................................................... i ii i A:dvertise 'for Bids ~ ! ~ Award of Bid[ .................................. ................................................................................................................................................. Construction i .................. i ................ '"i ................... ~i .................. ~i ....................................................................................................................................... i i i No"tice to Pr~ceed ~ i. _ 4 TOK013 BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION; OLIVF_JCALLOWAY Design I r i I I I I I ~ Plan Approval ................................ Bid Request/Award i i i ii [ i Advertise for Bids ~ Award of Bid ................................ ............................................................................................................. Construction ........................................ i .................. i ............... ii: ................... i "' .................. ':i ................... ~i ........................................................ i "Notice to Proceed ~ .................. <~ VAR. T1K007 RESURFAClNG VARIOUS STREETS 00-01 i i Design i i i I ~ Plan Approval Bid Request/Award i i Advertise l'orBids C : : ~ Award of Bid i i i ................................. Construction ii ~i i Noee to PrOceed C ! i. ~ Nolee of Co;npletion 2 T1K032 WIDEN TRUXTUN AVENUE i ~ .................................. 5;~i~';~ ................................................................................................................. i ................... i ................ ~ ......... ~, i ,~ Ptan Approval i ~ ~ .................................. Bid RequesVAward i i Advertise'for Bids ~ Award of Bid i i ................................. Construction i i i i! Not'ce to ProCeed C i ~. ~ I~otice of C°mPletio~ I E9K014 MT VERNON TRUNK SEWER IMPROVEMENT i i ................................. Bid Request/Award ! ! Adverti-, ; fo'r Bids ~ Award of Bid i i i ................................. Construction I~otice to ~roceed d ! > ~lotice of 6ompletio; Design mm~a~. Plan Approval Bid Request/Award or Bids ~ Award of Bid ....... i ................... ~ .................. ~ ................... : ................. : ................... ~ .................. : .................. : .................. ~' ................... ................................................................................................................................................................. Construction ii ................... Notice t~ .................. Proceed..~ ........... ~.~_ i. i ~ ii Notice of:Complet~on !i i 1,7 TIK014 SlG NEW FAIRVlEW/MONITOR i i ................................Design ~ Plan Approval Bid Request/Award or Bids ~ Award of Bid ................... ~ ................... ? .................. ... ................. .: ................... ,~ .................. ~ ................... : ................. : ................... : ................... : .................. : ................... : .................... ............................................................................................................................................. Construction [ Notice tO Procee~ ~ ! ! ~ iNotice of:Completion i !i 0~o~.~.~ Page 2 of 11 FY 2001-02 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 2001-02 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - Fri 10/19/01 Ward I Proj. No. I Description Jul '01 I Aug '01 I Sep '01 I Oct '01 I Nov'01 I Dec '01 I Jan '02 I Feb '02 I Mar'02 I Apr'02 I May '02 I Jun '02 I Jul '02 3 TIK011 SIG NEW AUBURN/EISSLER i i i i ! Bid Request/Award Advertise for Bids ,~. ! ~ iAward of'Bid i i iI ii ii ................................................................................................................................................................................. Construction i .................. i .................. No~ice~ .................................................................................................................... to PrOceed ~ ~. ~ ~ N~tice of C~mpletion i .................. ~ ....................................... :: 3 TIK009 SIG NEW MT VERNON/PANORAMA Design ........................................................ i ................. :: ................... :: ................... ~ ................... i ................. ~ ................... ~ ................... ~ ................... i ................... i ............................................................................................................................................ i ~ Plan*Approval i i ii i i ................................................................................................................................................................................ Construction ..................i ! ................. ii : ................... i! : ................... Notio~ : ................... to Proceed : ................. ~ i. : ................... i. : ................... ~ No:tice : .................. of Completion ~ .................. "* ! 4 TIK024 SlG NEW VERDUGO/HAGEMAN ~ ................................. ! Design i i ~ 'Plan Approval i !i i ii BidRequest/Award .................. i ................... i .................. i .......... Advertise fo~ Bids ~ Award of B'id i iI ii .................................................................................................................................................................................. Construction i .................. i .................. i ................... ~ .................. Notice~ ................... to Proceedi ................. ~ ................... i .................. ~ Notice"' .................. of Completioni'" .................. '" ................... 5 T2K036 FS#11 MEDIAN & SIGNAL MOD i ! i i i i i i i : Bid Request/Award ..................................... i .................. i .................. [ ................... :: ................... ~ ................... i ................. ~ ................... i ................... .: .................. -: ................... ..................................................................................................................... i Advert~seforBid's ~ AwardofBid, i i ................................................................................................................................................................................. Construction ..................ii ................. '::i ................... ii ................... ~i ................... Notice ~o! ................. Proceed! ................... ~i ................... Notice'" .................. of completion~ ................... ii ................... I T2K028 SIG NEW BRUNDAGE AT WASH i Bid Request/Award ................... [[ ................... i .................. i .......... ii i ii Advertise for Bids C ~ ~ *Award of Bid 6 T2K023 SlG PLANZ AT REAL i Design i i ii ii i ammm~. Plan Approval i i ii ................................. .................................................................................................................................................. construction i .................. i ............................................................................................................................................................................ i i! iI "Notice t~ Proceed ~ i. ~ i Notice o~: ................... Completi 5,6 T2K027 SlG PLANZ AT WILSON ~ i i Design i i i il m~mi~. Plan Approval i i ................................. .................................................................................................................................................. Construction i .................. i ............................................................................................................................................................................ i i i ii ii Notic:e to Proceed ~ ! ~i ................... Notice c o~o~.M~ Page 3 of 11 FY 2001-02 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 2001-02 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - Fri 10/19/01 Ward Proj. No. Description Jul '01 I Aug '01 I Sap '01 I Oct '01 I Nov '01 I Dec '01 I Jan '02 I Feb'02 I Mar '02 I Apr '02 I May '02 I Jun '02 I Jul '02_ 7 E1K002 SEWER IMPROV GWENDOLYN i i i i ~: ~ ~ i:i :: Design ,,a~ Plan Approval Bid Request/Award s <~,,,,,~,,,.m~ Award of Bid Construction i Notice to P'rocee, C ! ! i. '~ Notic~ of Comp~etion 4 KE,S4s SEWER MA~N/SR~MHALL ROAD Bid Request/Award Advertise for Bid; C ' [ ~ Award of Bid [ Construction i i i ilNoticeto:Proceed~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ .~otice of :Compieti~_ I E7K005 SEWER REHAB MAIN / SO CHESTER : i ~ ~ ~ i: ~ :~ Bid Request/Award : i i i i AdVertise forbids ~ i : ~ Award of Bic~ .................................. Construction ii i i i! i! Notic~ to Proce"ed 2 PIK003 HVAC UPGRADE, CITY HALL i Design i ~ ~i Plan APProval ~City Council) i Bid Request/Award / RFP Request / Advertise for RFP (Design/Buil¢ ~ward of B ................................................................................................................................................................................... Construction / (Design/Build) ..................i~ ................. ~N°tice ................... to ii~roceed .................. ~i ................... ~! ................... 7 ELK003 SEWER IMPROV PACHECO # 10 .................................................................................................................................................................................... Bid Request/Award i .................. i .................. ii ................... ii ................... ~i ................... i: ................. i: ................... Advertise; .................. for Bidsi~ .................. ~: .................. ~: .................... ~ Awe Construction i i i i i i i i i i Notice to P 5 E2K013 SEWER IMPROV ARROW LIFT .................................. Design ! i ! i ~. PI, nApp~oval i ................................................................................................................................................................. Bid Request/Award i ................... i .................. i ................. ii ................... i: ................... Advertise; ................... 'for : ................. Bids ~= ................... Construction : ~ Notic to Proc d Notice 5 T1 K037 SIGNAL AT TRUXTUN PLAZA WEST AND TRUXTUN E ~ ~ Bid Request/Award ertise for Bids ~ Award ~f B~d i i! i i ................................................................................................................................................................ Construction i ................... Notice toi .................. Proceedi .......... ~.,~ i i ~ Notic 'e of Completion i o~P. Page 4 of 11 FY 2001-02 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 2001-02 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - Fri 10/19/01 Ward I Proj. No. Desc~ipi. ion Jul '01 I Aug '01 I Sap '01 I Oct '01 I Nov '01 I Dec '01 I Jan '02 I Feb '02 I Mar '02 I Apr '02 I May '02 I Jun '02 I Jul '02 2 PIH004 FIRE STATION #4 ELEC UPGRADE i i i ~ ~ ~ : i i:i : ............................................................................................................................................................... Bid RequesVAward i ................... Advertisei .................. fori .......... Bid~ "Award of Bid [ ii [ ii [ ................................................................................................................................................................ Construction ii ................... i? .................. Notice~ .......... t, , PrOceed ~ i. i. ~ /qotice of **CompletiOn ii i 3 TIK034 MING INTERSECTION EXP. AT ASHE AND NEW STINE i ............... Construction ....................................................... i ii Notice t~ Proceed il : i : ~ Not. ice of Co..mpletion 4 T2K022 WIDENING INTERSECTION AT MING AND SR99 : ~ i ~ ....................................................................................................................................................................................................Bid Request/Award i i .................. ~i ................... Advertise ior Bids ~ .................. ~ ................... ~ i ................. : ................... Award of Bid : ................... ~iI .................. :i! ................... i: ................... Construction i i ![ f~otice to ~roceed ~ i. ¢i! Notice o:f completi 5 TOKO09 STORM IMPROVEMENT WHITE ! HUGHES ............... ....................................................................................................................................................... Bid Request/Award i ................................... :ii ................... t!i .................. Advert!se~ ................... forbidsi ................. ~: ................... Award of Bidi: ................... : .................. :i ................... ................................................................................................................................................................. Construction :i ................... i? .................. i~ .......... i i i **Notice to:Proceed ~ i i ~i! Notice of 3 TIK027 ST. IMPROV. RAILROAD CROSSINGS ~ ~ .................................. Design - This schedule is based on the assuption that we ........ i ....................................... : il ................... Ii ................. !i ................... ~ Plan Approvall ................... ~ ................... ii ................... Bid Request/Award i i ii i Advertise for Bids ~ Awa'rd of Bid i .................................. .................................................................................................................................................. Construction i .................. i ................ ""i ................... i~ .................. ~ii ................... :i ................. ~Votice : ................... to/~roceed ~ .................. ~ ~ .................. !:: .................. ~ ~ ................... Notice o 7 T9K028 INTERCONNECT AT WHITE AND WlBLE i i o~,~PP Page 5 of 11 FY 2001-02 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 2001-02 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - Fri 10/19/01 Ward I Proj. No. ,I D~s'cription. Jul '01 I Aug '01 I Sop'01 I Oct'01 I Nov'01 I Dec'01 I Jan '02 I Feb'02 I Mar'02 I Apr'02 I May'02 I Jun '02 I Jul '02 VAR. T8K045 SEISMIC RETROFIT - SIX BRIDGES :: i i i i i i 7 T8K002 BRDG WIDENING WHITE LANE AT SR99 : i : Bid Request/Award i ! i :: :: == i :: 2 P2B001 MULTI-PURPOSE STADIUM PARKING ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ 2 POB001 PARKING LOT EXPANSION, 14TH AND P ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:~ :~ ~ 4 TOK007 STREET IMPROVEME~S - BRIMHALL ROAD ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Design ............. '~ ~,~- ............... ~ .......... I ~ Plan Approval Bid R~ues~Award ~ ~ A dve~ise for Bids ~ Award of Bid Construction ~ ~ ~ Notice to Proc~d C ~ Notice of Compl 2 , T4K055 STRE~ IMPROVEME~S - ~KE STRE~ ~ ~ . :~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Design ~ .~ ~ .:~ . ~ : Bid RequesFAward ~ :: ~ [ ~ ~ ~ :: Construction ~ : : I TOKI~ CASA LOMA ~6 STRE~ IMPROVEMENTS ~:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :~ Design : Bid Reques~Award 01~U~ Page 6 of 11 ~ 2~1~2 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 2001-02 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - Fri 10/19/01 Ward Proj. No. Description Jul '01 I Aug'01 I Sep'01 I Oct'01 I Nov'C1 I Dec'01 I Jan'02 I Feb'02 I Mar'02 I Apr'02 I May'02 I Jun'02. I Jul 'O2 2 T8K080 WATER SYSTEM UPGRADE/CHESTER #3 i i : i i Construction i Notice lo Proceed a. i i ~ Notice of Completion i i 4 T2K031 TRAFFIC SIGNAL: OLD RIVER RD AT RIDGE OAK DRI Bid Request/Award ................... i ................... i .................. i .................. i .................. i ................... ~ ................... : ................. : ................... : ................... ; .................. : .................. ; ................... .............................................................................................................................................. i Advertise for Bidsi ~ Award of Bid Construction [ Notice to Proceed ~ ! ~ Notice of C~ ompletio:n 3 ~TK02t ~"~ERC.A.GE O. SRO?. AT FA~RFAX RCA= ................... i ................... i ................... i .......... Dosi~n ~ Bid RequesFAward ................... ~ ................... [ .................. ~ .......... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~dve.ise fOr Bids ~ : ~ Award of Bid Construction ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 PIC020 PARK IMPROV, RIO VISTA PARK (construction will ~ ~ ~ Design I r I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~PlanApproval~ ................................. Bid RequesVAward ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~dve~ise ~or Bids ~ Award of Bid Design ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Plan Ap ............................................................................................................................................................... Bid Reques~Award ~[ ................... ~ ............................................................................................... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ................. ~ ................... ~ ................... ~dve~ise~ .................. ~or~ ................... Bids ~: ................... ................................. Construction ..................................... ~ ~ ...... ~ ................... ~ .................. ~ ................... ~ ................. ~'" ~ ~ ~ Notice to 0,~.~ Page 7 of 11 FY 2001-02 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 2001-02 Capital Improvement Program Schedule -'Fri 10/19/01 Ward Proj. No. Des(;ription Jul'01 I Aug'01 I Sep'01 I Oct'01 I Nov '01 I Dec '01 I Jan'02 I Feb'021 Mar '02 I Apr '02 I May'02 I Jun '02 I Jul '02 6 P5C002 LANDSCAPE MEDIANS COLUMBUS, PANORAMA TO, i i : i i i : Bid Request/Award [ Adverlfse ~orBids ~ Award'ofBid i i i Construction i · · ! i !~ ~ i N Notic of Comp ptice to Proceed~ :letion 6 T1 K022 LANDSCAPE MEDIANS WHITE LANE, AKERS TO STII~ i ~ ~ ~ i i:~ ............................................................................................................................................. [ !1 i i ~ Plan ApproVal Construction Notice to Proceed ~. i i ~ Notice of Completion 2 TIK022 LANDSCAPE MEDIANS STOCKDALE HWY - ASHE TO ~ ~ i ~ ~ i i ~ i Bid Request/Award :i .................. i ................ ~i ................... !:* .................. Adve/lise for Bids: ................... : ................. (:~ AwardofBid= ................... : ................... i~ .................. , ~i .................. ~i ................... Construction ~ ! = ~ Notice of Completion i i i Notice to Proceed ~ i 3 TIK022 LANDSCAPE MEDIANS UNION AVE - PANORAMA MAt i ~ ~ ~ : i ~ i i Design i ii i b PlanAPproval i ! I Bd Request/Award : i ~dvertis~forBids ~ Award'ofBid !i i ................................. ]Construction ................................................................................................................................................... [ .................. [ .................................................................................................................................................................................................. ii i! i N~tice to P~oceed ~ ! !. ~ 'Notice of ~ompletio I T2K016 LANDSCAPE MEDIANS CALIFORNIA AVE - UNION - C Var. T1 K021 LANDSCAPE MEDIANS VARIOUS MEDIANS :i i i ! i~ i :! i i~ ii ii ::: 2 TIK022 LANDSCAPE MEDIANS UNION AVE - MONTREY - 34TI ~ ................................................................................................................................................................. Design ammamamemm~i ................... P l a ni ................... A p p r o v a l~ ........................................................ i .......................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................. Bid Request/Award i: ................... :! .................. i ................. i ...................................... i .......................................................................... O~O~.~,.~.M--" Page 8 of 11 FY 2001-02 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 2001-02 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - Fri 10/19/01 Ward Proj. No. Description Jul '01 I Aug '01 7 TIK022 LANDSCAPE MEDIANS SOUTH CHESTER Design n Approval .................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 T1K022 ConstructionLANDSCAPE MEDIANS WHITE LANE AKERS TO WIB .................................. Oonstruction ................... ~ ................... } .................. } .................. } ................... ~ .................. ~ ................... ~ ................. ~ ................... ~ ................... } .................. ~ .................. ~ ................... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ) Notice of Completion : Var. TIK033 ENTRY MONUMENTS ................................................................................................................................................................ Construction ............................................................................................................................................................... Construction o~.u.. Page 9 of 11 FY 2001-02 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 2001-02 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - Fri 10/19/01 Ward I Proj. No. Description Jul '01 I Aug '01 I Sap'01 I Oct'01 I Nov'01 I Dec'01 3 T9K012 NORTHEAST BIKE PATH i ~ i ~ Construction .................. i ................... i .................. i ................. ~ ................... i ........................................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................................. ! ~ Not;ce of Completion 2 Q9K003 NATURAL GAS FUELING STATION ................................................................................................................................................................. Var. TOK011 STREETC°nstructi°nRESURFACE - Phase 2 ~;~ ................... :~ ................................... ~ ...................................... ~ .......................................................................... ~ .................. ~ ...................................... Bid RequesFAward .............................................................................................................................................................. 4 P8H001 ConstructionFiRESTATiON NO. 15 e of completion~ ................... ~ .................. ~ ................ ~ ................... ~ .................. Design I, ......... -~ ........... [ ........ ~ I I I I I I I I ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................~ ~ ................... ! ................... ?-" ......... ~"~ ......................................... : : Bid Reques~Award Gonstruction ~ 01~.MPP Page 10 of 11 FY 2001-02 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 2001-02 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - Fri 10/19/01 ~ Ward Proj. No. I~es(;ription Jul'01 I Aug '01 I Sap'01 I Oct'01 I Nov'01 I Dec'01 I Jan'02 I Feb'021 Mar '02 I Apr '02 I May'02 I Jun'02 I Jul'02 I TIK021 CALIFORNIA AVENUE STREETSCAPE ~ i i ~ i i ............................................................................................................ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Advedise for Bids ~ Awa 4 TIK023 STRE~ IMPROVEMENTS HAGEMAN ~ Design ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~ Plan Approval ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ................................................................................................................................................................. ~ ................... ~ .................. ; .................. ~ ................... ~ .................. : ................... : ................. : ................... ~ .................. ~ .................. ~ ................... : ................... Bid RequesVAward :: ~ Adve~ise fo,'Bids ~ Award of Bid ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .................................................................................................................................................................................... Construction ~ ..................~ ................. ~ ................... Notice ~0~ .................. Proc~d~ ................... ~ Notice~ ................. of ~ompletion~ ................... ~ ................... ~ .................. ~ .................. ~ ................... Page 11 of 11 FY 2001-02 BAKERSFIELD POLICE MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager 1. OCT. 2 FROM: Eric W. Matlock, Chief of Police~ DATE: October 24, 2001 ' SUBJECT: Speeding on Old River Road Council Referral No. WF 0019040/00 (Ward 4) Council Member Couch requested that the police department contact Mr. and Mrs. Barnes regarding speeding on Old River Road. Traffic Sergeant Gary Moore contacted Mr. Barnes to discuss his report of speeding on Old River Road. Mr. Barnes is concerned about the heavy traffic and speeding vehicles in both the north and southbound roadway. He further advised that the City is going to place a traffic signal at the intersection of Old River and Ridge Oak. Police staff agrees that a traffic signal will enhance safety for cross traffic at the intersection. Officers were assigned to monitor traffic, and five citations were issued for speeds exceeding 65 MPH. During the week of October 15, the SMART trailer was utilized in the area in an effort to deter speeding. Additionally, Sgt. Moore contacted Stockdale High School and requested that staff remind driving students to obey speed limit laws in the area. Officers will continue to provide extra enforcement in the area as time permits. EWM/vrf BAKERSFIELD OCT Z 3 2001 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ' MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR~---~- DATE: October 23, 2001 SUBJECT: LEFT TURN REQUEST, 7000 WIBLE ROAD Council Referral # (NONE - Informal) (Ward 7) Councilmember Salvaggio asked Public Works staff to investigate a request for a left turn lane into a church at 7000 Wible Road. Traffic Engineering investigated the request by the church at 7000 Wible Road for a marked left turn lane into the parking lot. This portion of Wible Road is only two lanes wide and would benefit from widening to allowing a turn lane into the Church parking area. It would require a substantial amount of grading due to the roadway elevation rise as it approaches the canal crossing 100' north of the Church's drive approach. Additional road right-of-way would also need to be acquired to be able to implement a widened roadway for a turn lane. As land developments nearby complete the road construction on Wible, the left turn lanes will be incorporated. There have only been two reported accidents in the area within the last five years and neither was related to the Church parking access. One accident was caused by a vehicle swerving to avoid hitting an animal in the roadway. The second accident, which damaged the Church's fence, was caused by a vehicle suddenly braking due to its hood popping open and was then rear ended by a trailing vehicle. Safety improvements have been, or will be, implemented along this section of Wible ROad and include: 1) The speed limit reduced from 55mph to 50mph in Nov. 98 2) A road widening project at Wible/Berkshire intersection to accommodate north and southbound left turn storage area was recently designed by Traffic Engineering and will be constructed by Street Maintenance 3) The nearby intersection of Wible/Berkshire is being studied for an all-way stop control. This may help control traffic on Wible to make the left turns at the church easier. (Wible/Berkshire is appr. 1000' south of the Church's drive approach) The Traffic Engineer will continue to monitor this operation for other improvements as opportunities become available. S:\VVP\CC_REFS\lnformalReferral7OOOWibleRoadLeftTurnWard7.wpd