HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/27/02 B A K'E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM November 27, 2002 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Tandy, City Manager /~'T'L~.,./ FROM: Alan SUBJECT: General Information 1. A kick off event for the Veterans' Park fundraiser has been scheduled for next week by private sector supporters. 2. We have submitted a request to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board to defer a required upgrade to Wastewater Treatment Plant 3 from 2005 to 2010, when the next expansion of that facility is anticipated. It would result in considerable costs savings. An explanatory memo and copy of the letter is attached. 3. An update on Proposition 40 funds is enclosed from Recreation and Parks, based on information staff has received from the State. It looks like nothing will be available in the 2002/03 fiscal year. 4. As reported to you earlier this month, the agency we used for temporary employees cancelled their contract with us. Staff has done an evaluation to determine which temporary positions should be retained as temporary City employees and which should be converted to permanent positions. We are in the process of assessing the need to retain a new temporary employment service. A status report with more details is enclosed. 5. Enclosed for your information are two letters from staff to the FAA regarding the Bakersfield Airpark: · Request for reconsideration of their denial to upgrade the airspace designation at the Airpark to Class C for safety reasons. This was an action requested by the Urban Development Committee; · Request for clarification on the time limit for the City's obligations relating to Federal funding and requirements for closure of the Airpark. Honorable Mayor and City Council November 27, 2002 Page 2 6. Responses to Council requests are enclosed, as follows: Councilmember Maggard · Status of inquiry to acquire BLM land in northeast Bakersfield; · Update on mold issues; Councilmember Couch · Status on draft letter to Discovery School principal regarding Hageman and Patton intersection; · Status report on railroad crossing repair; Councilmember Hanson · Policy regarding the refund of sewer user charges. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pam McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst RECEIVED [10V 2 6 i CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director ~ DATE: November 26, 2002 SUBJECT: Letter to California Regional Water Quality Control Board (CRWQCB) regarding Wastewater Treatment Plant 3 (Plant 3) 'discharge permit. Attached is a letter to the CRWQCB requesting a change to a discharge permit requirement on Plant 3. The attached letter is rather technical since it is written to the CRWQCB staff that developed the Plant 3 discharge permit requirements, but the purpose of this letter is to get permission to defer a plant upgrade until the next Plant 3 expansion. Currently the Plant 3 permit has a water quality provision in it called "CBOD". This CBOD provision has been in the Plant 3 permit since 1988 and has not been a problem. Never the less, when the CRWQCB issued a new permit for Plant 3 in 2001, the CBOD provision was scheduled to be phased out in 2005. To meet this requirement by 2005, the City would need to spend approximately $8 million in plant upgrades. We are requesting that the CRWQCB delay the CBOD phase out until 2010. Because of the building boom in Bakersfield, Plant 3 is expected to need expansion by 2010. By deferring the CBOD phase out, the City will be able to construct the plant expansion and the required plant upgrades in one construction project, thus minimizing the costs and difficulties associated with two major construction projects. The attached letter has a more detailed explanation of situation. The purpose of this memo is to inform you and City Council of these negotiations with the CRWQCB Staff. If City staff is successful in negotiating this permit change, it will benefit the City both in construction cost savings and in allowing Mr. Klimko to pay off the bonds from the 1997 Plant 3 expansion early, resulting in a savings of $1.3 million in interest payments. Attachments (2) G:~GROUPDAT~WASTEWTR~002~n_112602_WtrBrd to CM.doc BAKERSFIELD . PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (661) 326-3?24 RAUL M. ROJA~, DIRECTOR · CITY ENGINEER November 25, 2002 JoAnne Kipps, PE Senior Engineer California Regional Water Quality Control Board 1685 E Street Fresno, CA 93706 RE: Request for Change to Waste Discharge Requirements Order No. 5-01-105 Dear Ms. Kipps: On April 27, 2001, the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region (CRWQCB) adopted new Waste Discharge Requirements (WDRs) for the City of Bakersfield's Wastewater Treatment Plant 3 (Plant 3). Discharge Specification B.2 on page -19- provides for discharge limits on either the BOD5 (40/80 mg/L)or CBOD5 (35/70 rog/L). Discharge Specification B.3 stipulates that on April 15~, 2005 the CBOD$ allowance will be dropped from the permit and the BOD5 discharge limit must be met beyond this date. There are some difficulties with meeting this requirement and the City of Bakersfield requests that the implementation date for this Discharge Specification be extended by 5 years to April 15th, 2010. The purpose of this correspondence is to convey this request and explain our reasons and justification for it. As you know, the WDRs also require that a comprehensive evaluation of Best Practicable Treatment and Control (BPTC) practices be prepared for Plant 3. The Workplan for this analysis has already been approved by the CRWQCB and City Staff is. working on its implementation. We h'ope to be finished with the BPTC evaluation by January 2005 but'it could drag on longer. David Stringfield with Carollo Engineers has indicated to City Staff that the completion of the BPTC analysis could take up to four years. The BPTC analysis report is expected to require upgrades and modifications to treatment processes at Plant 3. In addition, the City of Bakersfield is currently growing at a phenomenal rate. 200 new homes each month are being constructed. Most of these homes are in the Plant 3 service area. The City is planning and budgeting for an 8 mgd expansion of Plant 3 by 2010. Design and construction will take 3-4 years and is anticipated to cost approximately $26 million. Also, the City of Bakersfield is still paying off the bond debt incurred from the 4 mgd expansion of Plant 3 that was completed in 1999. These bonds will be paid off by 2007. Plant upgrade and expansion projects are messy; Page 2 November. 25, 2002 JoAnne Kipps, PE, Senior Engineer' RE: Request for Change to Waste Discharge Requirements Order No. 5-01-105 ' requiring state financing, bypass pumping and process shutdown ordeals. We request relief so that the City can get all of this work done in one large capital project rather then mobilizing two or three times over the next 8 years. The attached schedule conveYs the timeline for all these activities. As can be seen, 'it would help reduce overall costs and simplify things greatly, if the City were allowed to design and construct the BPTC process improvements, the upgrades required to meet the BODs requirements, and the 8 mgd plant expansion, all at one time. From a budgeting, planning and engineering standpoint, the best way to deal with all of these needs is in single capital improvement project to be financed, designed and constructed between 2007 and 2010. We would like to proceed accordingly but cannot without a delay in WDR requirement B.3. Based upon the stress testing on Plant 3 that was done this summer, we believe that the Plant can meet the CBODs permit requirement until the Plant is expanded and upgraded in 2010. Therefore, the City of Bakersfield requests that the effective date for Discharge Specification B.3 be changed to April 15th, 2010. This request is justified and reasonable. The CBODs discharge limit has been in the Plant 3 permit since 1988. Since then, no harm to the environment or to public health has been experienced. This reasonable accommodation on the part of the CRWQCB will allow the City of Bakersfield to finance, plan and implement the orderly expansion and upgrade of Plant 3 by 2010. Your thoughtful consideration of this request is appreciated. If you have any questions regarding this situation, we invite you to contact Derrill Whitten in the Wastewater Division at 661-326-3254. Sincerely Public Works Director Attachment: Schedule C: Alan Tandy, City Manager Jacques R. LaRochelle, Assistant Public Works Director Brad B. Underwood, Public Works Operations Manager Joe Turner, Wastewater Superintendent Derrill Whitten, Civil Engineer III, Wastewater Division ~ 112.~2_Wu'f~I_O~OD ~ ext.d,c~ Upl~'~de and Expansion Mllestone~ -~ BPTC Evalua~on Period ! (~.~)uld extend into 2006) B.3) . 8 mgd Plant 3 Expanalon ~ ~ I:qanfling Io From: Ken Trone To: Alan Tandy Date: 11/26/02 9:12AM Subject: Prop 40 From a recent session with state staff. No per capita funds will be available in 02-03. Hopeful for appropriation in July 03, no guarantee. No project cost for per capita can be incurred prior to appropriation. State staff plans to begin developing administrative guidelines for per capita and corn petitive early 03. Same session, there are some exciting prop 40 competitive programs we have great projects for: RZH, AB 1481, SB 359, and healthy communities all possible. We need to start lobbying our legislators soon. CC: Stan Ford B A K E R S F I E L D OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM ~ November 27, 2002 TO: Alan Tandy, City,,~,~oManager i~Ma~~gge FROM: John W. Stins,,,., ,-,osistant Cn r SUBJECT: Temporary Employee Status Report This memo is to provide a report on the current status of temporary employees used by City departments. As you recall Select services cancelled their contract with the city. At that time the city had about 186 temporary employees. The City Human Resources division was not staffed at a level to assume this great influx of positions and vacancies as well as doing all of the other work required of it. Also, due to Select's action there was an opportunity to reevaluate the use of temporary employees by city departments. A task force was used to review temporary positions which were requested by departments to be continued as city temporary employees. After review by the task force and discussions with department heads, this number was authorized at 74 temporary employees. The majority of these (53) are for recreation programs. Of the 74 recommended positions 16 are to be continued only until vacant permanent positions have been filled. 2 positions are due to medical leaves and will be eliminated when the medical leave is over. We have reduced the number of drivers significantly as well. In September we had 114 drivers. The number of drivers after review by the task force is now 20 (only 2 of these are commercial drivers). 11 of these temporary drivers will be gone when the vacant regular positions they are filling in for are filled during the next several months. Liability associated with temporary employees driving was aprimary reason that Select chose to terminate it's contract. The task force also recommended that 9 of the 100 positions be converted to permanent positions. These are 3 drivers in Solid Waste; 1 Service Maintenance Worker and 2 Laborers for the Construction and Demolition program in Solid Waste; and 2 Building Inspectors and a Clerk Typist in Development Services. This will require future City Council action As you are aware the number of temporaries needed changes due to seasonal programs (such as recreational programs like aquatics, etc,); increases in seasonal workloads or to fill long term' vacancies in key areas. Any new temporaries will require approval by the department head and the City Manager within budgetary S:~JOHN\HR\Temporary Employee Status Report.doc constraints. Staff will also continue to closely track the hours for each position and individUal temporary employees to comply with employment regulations and restrictions. An assessment of the need to retain a different temporary employment service is in process. S:~JOHN\HR\Temporary Employee Status Report.doc RECEIVED NOV 2 6 2002 B A K E R S F I E L D C~IYMAN^G£R'$O[F~CE ~M. ROJaS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR · CITY ENGINEER PUBLIC WORKS OPERATIONS MANAGER November 25, 2002 Mr. William C. Withycombe, AWP. 1 Regional Administrator Federal Aviation Administration, Western Pacific Region P. O. Box 92007, WWPC Los Angeles, CA 90009-2007 SUBJECT: Reconsideration of Air Safety Bakersfield Municipal Airport (L-45) Dear Mr. withycombe: As you are aware the City of Bakersfield is concerned with air safety between traffic of Bakersfield Municipal Airport (L-45) and Meadows Field (BFL). In the past we had requested that the airspace designation at BFL be upgraded to Class C, which would incorporate L-45 and allow air traffic controllers to monitor traffic at both airports. You ".,.. have previously denied the designation change because it has not met minimum FAA guidelines. We are requesting that you review the conditions again for changing the BFL airspace to Class C or Class C from 1500' - 3000'. We believe this change in airspace would alleviate our safety concerns and protect the ILS to Meadows Field. We would accept any other ideas that you may have to control traffic that would further protect the ILS into Meadows Field. The City of Bakersfield remains concerned about aircraft safety and would like a remedy to the conflict of airspace between BFL and L-45. Thank you for your assistance. Very truly yo~urfi,..~~ Brad B. Underwoo¢/ Airport Manager c: Alan Tandy, City Manager Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director PUBLIC WORKS OPERATIONS 4101 TRUXTUN AVENUE (661) 326-3781 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93309 Fax (661) 852-2113 RECEIVED NOV 2 6 2002 I% B A K E R S F I E L D CI'I'YMANAG__~ER'SOFFiCE UAUC/~.ROJAS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT B~D B. tn~rmwooD DnU:xWOU-crrv ~n, amR etmL~c worsts om~v~oNs November 25, 2002 ' Mr. Ellsworth Chan :.,.. Manager Safety and Standards Branch AWP-620 ,.:: Federal Aviation Administration -~, 'P.O. Box 92007 Los Angeles, CA 90009-2007 Dear Mr. Chan: Thank you for your response to questions I posed in a previous letter. I request clarification with regard to your response and the information you attached. · ~: The City of Bakersfield is under the impression that the Federal Grant obligations expire 20 years from the date of the last grant received. If this assumption is an accurate one, the City would be free from any obligations in the year 2016. It is our understanding that · closure of the airport (L-45) could occur at that time and the City would not have to pay .~. back any of the grant funds received. In your response c)(ii) you stated: "The City obtained federal funds to construct a new replacement airport. Therefore, the obligations run with the land and do not expire while the airport continues to be operated as an airport." Airport Sponsor Assurances B 1 further states: "There shall be no limit on the duration of the term, conditions,' and assurances with respect to real property acquired with federal funds." We request clarification~on the following: Does the 20-year time limit.apply to any or all of the federal funds received by the City? · In the year 2016, if airport closure'occurs would the City be required to pay back any funds, just the portion used for purchase of real property, or all of the federal funds received? ·Is a release to discontinue operation of the airport by the FAA a requirement in releasing the City from the grant assurances and repayment of federal funds? · If a release was granted to discontinue operation of the airport by the FAA at any time in the future, would the City be released of the federal obligations including repayment of any, a portion, or all of the federal funds received? · Is it the FAA's understanding that the City purchased real property for the airport with federal funds? PUBLIC WORKS OPERATIONS 4101 TRUXTUN AVENUE (661) 326-3781 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93309 Fax (661) 852-2113 · Does "no limit on the duration of the term," mean it can be less than 20 years or an indefinite time? Your assistance in clarifying these issues is greatly appreciated. Very truly yours, ^ ~ Brad B. Underwood~ · ., .Airport Manager c: Alan Tandy, City Manager Raul Rojas, Public Works Director B A K E R S F I E L D OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM November26,2002 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: ~-'~lan Christensen; Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: BLM Land in Northeast Bakersfield Council Referral #000300 Councilmember Maggard asked that staff contact the Bureau of Land Management to consider acquiring 40 acres of surplus BLM land in northeast Bakersfield. Initial research on this request indicates that there could be no or little cost to acquire the 40 acres. Apparently, BLM's desire is for the land to be preserved as open space and not be developed. They are willing to deed it to the City under those restrictions. Real Property Manager Don Anderson has already been in contact with BLM to obtain the necessary paperwork to begin the process. cc Jack Hardisty, Development Services Director Don Anderson, Real Property Manager B A K E R S F I E L D OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM J/ November 27, 2002 TO: AlanTandy, City Manager ~ / FROM: John W. Stinso~,~'~ssistant City Manager SUBJECT: Councilmember Maggard request for update on mold issue The issue of mold and the involvement of public agencies in addressing concerns and questions from the public continues to be an evolving one. City staff has met with representatives from the Kern County Health and Environmental Health Departments. They indicate the issue of mold and how to respond to public concerns is a difficult one. Mold occurs naturally and often in our environment and it is not simply a matter of identifying any mold and considering it a toxic material. Further, where individual health concerns are involved it requires trained medical and epidemiological skills to make determinations as to individual risks in a given environment. City staff as part of normal code enforcement processes works with property owners to remedy situations which may result in the creation of mold such as leaky pipes or other instances where water intrusion has occurred in a building. Staff responds to such situations by providing information to property owners or tenants regarding the prevention and clean-up of mold within buildings. Staff has met' with Kern County Environmental Health who have suggested a protocol for responding to questions from the public regarding mold, which is attached. It provides information for the public regarding testing, referrals for renters, and phone numbers and web sites for additional information. City and County Code enforcement personnel are working together to try and provide a consistent response to these occurrences. Development services staff continue to attend training and seminars regarding the development by the state of the criteria which would determine when mold becomes a health hazard. Due to the large scope of this issue and the medical, scientific and legal complexities involved, this process has been slow to result in any definitive guidance from the state. Staff will continue to pursue information on this issue and work with the appropriate state and local agencies to address specific concerns which may arise. S:~JOHN\Mold Status.doc !NVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY ;TEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S., Director ~ DAVID PRICE III, RMA DIRECTOR 700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 ~ Community Development Program Department ~AKERSFIELD, CA 93301-2370 Engineering & Survey Services Department oice: (661) 862-8700 ax: (661) 862-8701 Environmental Health Services Department TY Relay: (800) 735-2929 Planning Department -mail: el~co, kern. c,, us Roads Department Inquiries Regarding Mold Do you test for mold? 1. NO. A private company can be hired to test for mold. A. Companies are listed in the Pacific Bell Yellow Pages 2002 ed., Page 372, 3Td column, 2/3 of the way down, "Industrial Hygiene Consultants" category. B. Test kits for mold are available on the Internet and maybe available locally at 'the larger hardware stores. I have a moldproblem; what do I do? 1. Ask if they are owner/occupants or rent and occupy subject location. A. If they are owner/occupants, provide web site links. B. If they live in a motel or employee housing, refer them to Environmental Health ([661 ] 862-8700). C. If they are renters, ask if they live within a city limit or in the unincorporated area of the county. 1. If they live within an incorporated city, refer them to the incorporated city agency that has jurisdiction. 2. If they live in the unincorporated area of the county, refer them to County Code Compliance ([661] 862-8603). 2. Ask if there currently is water intrusion or leaking pipes (also ask the location of the mold). A. Yes. Take the appropriate action to resolve the problem. B. No. Ask if landlord repaired leaks or stopped the water intrusion but did not finish repairing the effects of the leaks or intrusion. 1. If did not finish repairing, take the appropriate action to resolve the problem. C. If there are no leaking pipes or known causes for the mold, refer them to the web site links. I want more information regarding mold; where do I get it ? 1. Refer them to Web site links: http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/bldvent/2002-139.htmi. http://www.aerotechlabs.com/press.htm http://www.epa.gov/iaq/pubs/moldresources.html http://www.cal-iaq.org//iaqsheet.htm#Mold Mold Test Kit: http://shop.auctionwatch.com/holtzman/home.html (WpdocshMold\moldquestionsaug29) RECEIVED NOV 2 7 2002 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM November 26, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~ SUBJECT: HAGEMAN AND PATTON Council Referral #000292 Councilmember Couch requested staff draft a letter for Councilmember Couch's signature describing when the intersection of Hageman and Patton is to be completed and include confirmation of discussion from previous meeting. Staff has drafted a letter for Councilmember Couch's signature providing the requested information. The project is being designed in the current fiscal year. The traffic signal system is planned to be operational before school starts in August 2003. While it has a Iow ranking based on warrants compared to other intersections, the traffic signal on Hageman Road at Patton Way is ranked number one of the signals that are to be funded with Transportation Development Funds. G:\GROUPDATXRefcrrals',2002\CC Mtg 1 l-6L292-Arnold.doc _RECEIVED NOV 2 7 2002 C~TY MANAGER'S CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM · November 27, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS, DIRECTOR ~ SUBJECT: STATUS OF REPAIR AT RAILROAD CROSSINGS Council Referral #000288 ICouncilmember Couch requested staff provide a status of the railroad crossings to be repaired. The City's Third Party Administrator (AIMS) has been working with Traffic Division staff to review the existing crossings that have not been repaired. They are documenting the conditions, accumulating accident data, and incorporating opinions from the Traffic Engineer into a report that will be submitted to the C!ty Attorney's Office. The City Attorney's Office will then prepare a formal submittal to the California Public Utility Commission (PUC) requesting the PUC take action to require the immediate repair of the crossings. The Traffic Division should complete their review of the crossings with AIMS next week. G:\GROU PDAT~Referrals\2002\CC Mtg 11-6'O.88-Ted.doc ._RECEIVED NOV 2 6 2002 .=ITY MANAGER'S OFF~CE B A K E R $ F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director.~_~ DATE: November 26, 2002 SUBJECT: REFUND OF SEWER USER CHARGES Recently, Councilman Harold Hanson inquired about the City policy regarding the refund of sewer user fees to citizens who have been erroneously assessed these charges on their tax bills. Occasionally, a citizen will contact the Wastewater Division to inform us that they have been assessed a sewer user fee on their tax bill and they claim not to be hooked up to the sewer. When these situations come to our attention, city staff will investigate the connection to make sure that this is the case; a dye test is done to confirm the connection status. If the home or business is not connected to the sewer, the City will refund the past fees paid, back four years, plus any fee paid in the current year. This policy has been in effect since 1989 and is based upon an opinion rendered on the subject by Robert M. Sherfy, Assistant City Attorney (see attached memo). c: Derrril Whitten, Civil Engineer III, Wastewater Division G:\G ROUPDAl'~002_CityManageAW~N_memo 112502.doc ..... page iMaSa Pe~lez - U112502.pdf , ,, ~; ~ ~ ! October 3, 1989 to: iwm~-s~z c~u~, waS~wAT~ SU~zNTm~Dm~ ZZ ~ Should the C' OPINION charges beyond ~ ..... ~ty ref~d erroneously Paid Sewer set%ice -"~ years? ~USIO.: The Ci~y should not ref~d erroneously Paid se/er service charges, beyond four years. ~IS: California Revenue and T~atton PrOVides, in'Pertinent par~, as follows: "On order of =h SUpervisors .... e ~ard of rezunded if .=__ =-~w~ shall b erroneous~,, u,~ were: . . Revenue and Taxa=lo~ Code Dart: · section 5097 ~rovides, In Dertinen: "(a; No .order for a refund under this article shall be made, except on a claim: · (1) Verified by the ~rson'who the ~, his or her guardt~a~d executor, or. a~tntstra:or' (2; Filed W~thla four years after making of the ~a~ent sought to be refunded or Within one the mailing year after of notice as Drescribed in ~Section 2635, or the Dert6d agreed to as DrOVtd · 532.1-whtche .~ a _~d in Secttoa OCT 6 It M~qa peq31ez , M112502.pdf ...... .... ' page 2il ~ae a~ve la~' ~+c~ m~lng th~ ~.c~e Clt -~ u~c~ ~estdent Cha. +~- ~e section ~n~..~ears. ~h .... *Oneoua/~ ..~ ~ Co :ezunds di .... ~:~a tsee i~o-=; '~-- WaACh. deal. - ~ aevenue ~ ·