HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/06/02 B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM December 6, 2002 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Tandy, City Manager /~ T-~/, f--,~_.~, FROM: Alan SUBJECT: General Information 1. We've been advised that the local grocery union will run a television advertisement regarding the proposed Super WaI-Marts. The ad apparently takes accusatory jabs at the City Council and urges the public to protest by calling the City Clerk's office. The staff in that office is always extremely busy anyway, and it is unfortunate that they may have to be pulled away from their normal duties to spend excessive time fielding calls based on inflammatory tactics. 2. A City delegation met this week with Kern Delta and the Kern County Water Agency on the concerns of the City about selling Kern River water to Los Angeles. It was agreed that the four parties would use the time up to December 12th to try to work out a contract to assure that sale will not occur. As of this writing, drafts are being exchanged. The lawsuit authorized earlier by City Council must be filed by the 12th unless the contract negotiations are successful. 3. Interviews are to take place next Monday with firms that would manage the new ice rink. We hope to prepare for City Council action in January on that subject. 4. Since the California Transportation Commission was not supportive of our proposal to transfer funding from the Westside parkway project to a local streets rehabilitation project, we have withdrawn our request to amend the STIP and FTIP. The letter to KernCog is enclosed for your information. It is to be replaced with a request to use the money for the road section from Mohawk to -I'ruxtun, which is not currently funded. 5. Enclosed is an information packet that was distributed by the Kern Veterans Memorial Foundation at the meeting held this week to officially begin the fund- raising activities for the project at Central Park. Honorable Mayor and City Council December 6, 2002 Page 2 6. Regarding the County's proposal to raise the Solid Waste fees: The Budget and Finance Committee met with County staff earlier this week regarding the proposed increases and changes to the Solid Waste fees. The discussion did not result in any favorable changes. The Committee sent the enclosed letter to the Board of Supervisors, stating the City's concerns, for the Board's consideration prior to the public hearing on December 10th. At the Budget and Finance Committee meeting, the County cited one of their reasons for the additional fee increase is that the California Regional Water Quality Control Board will require them to construct double liners at some of the landfills. Per the enclosed memo from Pubic Works, staff contacted the RWQCB to verify that requirement and were informed by the RWQCB manager that double liners will not be required. Councilmember Salvaggio, in his role on the RWQCB Board, made that motion. 7. Letters were faxed to our local legislators (new and returning) regarding the special legislative session called by the Governor and his proposed budget cuts. It is very important for us to keep our legislators aware that local government is already burdened with backfilling the 1990s State budget deficit and further hits will have an immediate and detrimental impact on City services, including public safety services. 8. A memo from EDCD is attached regarding a grant application from the RDA to caPitalize a revolving loan fund to help clean up properties with hazardous materials in the City's redevelopment areas. Staff is doing the initial proposal, which must be approved by the EPA. We will keep you apprised as the process moves along. We have gotten lucky on several of these efforts from EDCD. 9. The latest CIP report from Public Works is enclosed. 10. Responses to Council requests are enclosed, as follows: Councilmember Benham · Status of bike path clean-up after the recent rain storms; · Code enforcement actions regarding noise and trash build up at Montgomery Ward property; · Citizen concern regarding tennis court lighting at City parks; Councilmember Couch · Update on the timeframe for installation of a traffic signal at Old River and White Oak; · Update on traffic concerns related to the three-way stop at Polo Trail and Remington Park Drive; · Modification of the signal timing at the intersection of New Stine and Stockdale Highway; · Actions to alleviate street drainage problems on Glenlakes Court; Honorable Mayor and City Council December 6, 2002 Page 3 · Status meeting regarding various Public Works issues; · Update regarding the completion of the wall on Stockdale Highway across from the Crossings at Riverwalk; · Initial report on recurring storm drain problems on Feather River Drive and the surrounding area; · Status on reviewing speed limits on Coffee Road, Hageman Road, and Fruitvale Avenue; · Interim report on discussions with AYSO regarding moving soccer games at Liberty Park; · Speed control actions on Abbott Drive; · Report on actions regarding County proposal to increase Solid Waste fees (See Item # 5); · Citizen concern regarding trees on Grandlakes Avenue; Councilmember Hanson · Report on Fire and Code Enforcement inspections at the Decatur Hotel; · Status report on the closure of Eastbourne Way; Councilmember Salvaggio · Status report on the improvement project at White Lane/Highway 99 and acquisition of right-of-way. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pam McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst B A K E R S F I E L D ,,, DEC , 2002i CITY MANAGER'S OFF{CE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT~ ~ 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (661) 326-3724 RAISL M. ROSAS. DIRECTOR · CITY ENG1NEFaR November 26, 2002 Ronald E. Brummett, Executive Director Kern Council of Governments 1401 19m Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Withdrawal of State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and Federal Transportation Improvement Program '(FTIP) Amendments regarding Road Rehabilitation Project Dear Rom Thank you for arranging the meeting between you, City staff, and Executive Director Diane Eidam and Commissioner John Lawson of the California Transportation Commission (CTC) on November 19, 2002. This meeting was to discuss the'proposed amendment to the STIP and F-TIP that would transfer $20 million in funds from the Westside Parkway project to a project to rehabilitate streets in the metropolitan Bakersfield area. Based on the results of this meeting, and on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, I request the withdrawal of this amendment. I' do, however, request that the description of the Westside Parkway as listed in the FTIP and the STIP be amended to read as follows: Bakersfield, City of - Westside Parkway In Bakersfield, from Stockdale Highway to Truxtun Avenue at Route 99 - Construct 4-lane and 6-lane new facility. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. If you have any questions or need additional information, .please contact me at your convenience at 326-3596. Very truly yours, Raul M. Rojas Public Works Director Alan Tandy, City Manager Craig Pope, Kern County Roads Department S:\TE D~0021tr~kemcog2~)O2amendwithdrawal.doc ~, KERN VETERANS MEMORIAL FOUNDATION, INC. We veterans need your contributions and your support! One Star -k-k Two Stars -k-k-~' Three Stars -k-A--A--A- Four Stars '~ Gold Star [] $500.® [] $1,000.® [] $2,500.® [] $5,000.® [] $10,000. Our Stars will be recognized for their contributions. Planning and working in conjunction with over 60 Kern County Veteran Organizations, we, the concerned citizens of Kern County, intend to honor those fellow citizen soldiers who gave so much in defending our country and the freedoms we enjoy today. Now is the time to step forward and say "Thank You" to our veterans. Name Address Phone Cell Other types of support All contributions are tax deductible under 501 C3 status Call Dale Wilson for further details (661) ~32-8532 STAMP FOUNDATION, INC. P.O. BOX 41564 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93384 Kern Ve,erans Memorial Park Commi, ee Lest We Forget. Dear Patron, Kern County has long been associated with family values, patriotism, loyalty and "doing it o~se.!ve.s o~im_~e."_. We_ we_, a!.s.o, ve..ry proud_ of o_ur !o,_c~ .b.~si.ne`~s !e._a4e.r_s ~_d _th_e. e.mph.a_~i~ ~e`y place on supporting their communities. That is why we are coming to you to ask for your 8_uppo~ _~ag_~ to giv..e_ yo__u a_n oppo_rt_urfi_ty to join with us i_n major public attraction. With your help, a Veteran's Memorial Park and Museum/Learning Center for all veterans from aA! t_he_ c_onflic_ts o_ur. c_ou_ntry h_a~ bee`~ i~v.olv~d in. sine_e_ the_ R_e_volution__ary W__ar e.ra_ will ~..o.o_n be_ a_ reality in Metropolitan Bakersfield. Also we must recognize and honor our men and women who ~e_ _c_.u~r~ e`_nt.!y _s.e_mi_ng 9ur _co__urt____try, Mue.h w.or_k h_as _be_e_~ d_one., but much r_m.a~_s._ With the. recent approval and support of the Bakersfield City Council to locate the memorial at Central P~k i~ 0pvm__town B_~ers. fie.ld, we. __are. _now re~ody t_o move_ ~is proje~c~t fo.rw_ar4._ _The. Ve_t_er._ans Memorial Foundation needs approximately $50,000.00 to complete phase I of this project. Over the past eighteen (18) months, much has been accomplished.., significant volunteer effort at_ min_imal_ c_osts t.o. date_! A co_al_ iti_o._n of_a_pproxim~te_ly sixty- (60) Ke`m_ go_u~_ty vete_r~ organizations has been formed and has been operating as a committee over the past twelve (12) mo.n._.th~, Ot. he_r _a__c_comp!i~hm.e_.nts have. (1) Kem Veterans Memorial Foundation, Inc. has been formed. (2) The Found_ation h._as filed for 50! © 3 stares. (3) Advisory Board has been formed and Officers elected. (4) Se.ye.roi pos_sible., sites throughout the County have be~e~n re_viewe.d, (5) Meeting with various private and public officials is ongoing. (6) R~n_d_erings by a 1.ocal ~e_hitect fi_rm_ of a pre.!imin_ary layou! of the park have. been completed. The current phase (phase I) will take the project to a point where construction begins. We estimme this phase L.aking ._ano_ther ! 2 months ~d should _co, st approximately $50,000,00: (1) Develop construction plans and obtain permits. (_2) Ob~ approv._a!_ _from _the_ gity of [3_ak_e.rsfie_l_d, (3) Obtain commitments from local unions to donate labor for construction. (4) W_riti_ng gr_aj!t.s. _a_n.d applying for proje_c_t (5) Local fund raising projects. (6) _Ge._ne.r~ a~im__'stra.ti'o_n ~0 ov_erhe.-a0, A major milestone was achieved on October 2nd when the Bakersfield City Council unanimously voted to support the Kern Veterans Memorial project. Furthermore, the Council unanimously approved the location of this memorial at Central Park in downtown Bakersfield. The Kern Veterans Memorial Park Committee - P.O. Box 41564, Bakersfield, CA 93384 Chairman - Dale Wilson (661) 832-8532 Cell (661) 204-5775 Vice Chairman, Project Coordinator - Wendell Gustin (66~) 832-7590 E-mail: gusbev~earthllnk.net Vice Chairman, Community Rdations -Michael Sabol (661) 831-6458 Cell (661) 205-9274 Foundation believes this site will be an ideal location to honor the men and women who have ~acrifice_d _so much t-o prot-ec~t_ t-his gte_at_ cou_nt_ry; _ _Ar~_ot~he_r ve_ry posi_t-.ive de~t__a_il is ~e_ fact_ t_hat_ t!fis memorial project at Central Park dovetails with the Vision 20/20 plan nicely .... and will be a first_ class project_ _th_m w,i!! e~__nh~ce~ the_ c_i_ty for m~y ye_~s to _come_, The_ ve_t-e_r~s __are_ sure_ t_hat_ this Memorial and Learning Center will attract visitors. This should enhance the local business envirome_nt, ia ~e dow~__t_owa_~ B__ak__ersfie_!_d C~ o __mm___un,ity; Enclosed is a brochure that contains information about the Veterans Memorial Park project. Also inc!u0e_d is a letter of suppo_rt from several .individuals throughout our co__mm__u_ni~. They see the value of such a project .... We hope you will also. To help the veterans, please consider making a sizeable donation to this project. We look forw.ard to hav,ing th.is long, overdue- Memo.ri'a! and Le~ng Center be-come a rea!_iW so we can honor our veterans and reflect upon the sacrifices they made for all of us. A return envelope has been enclosed for your convenience. We intend to give "due recognition" to all of those who are willing to support the veterans. Your fina_ncial help will be greatly appreciated, Sincerely, Dale Wilson, President & CEO Kern Veter~s Me_morial Foundation, _Inc, P.O. Box 41564 _B_ake-r~sfie_!O, CA 93384 KERN VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK COMMITTEE P.O. BOX 41564 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93384 PARTNER INFORMATION FORM The Kern Veterans Memorial Park Committee is in the process of developing a Memorial Park which will include monuments to veterans of the various wars in American history, a state-of-the-art interactive Learning Center which will provide information to citizens of all ages about the military history of the United States.and an Oral History Project where local veterans and citizens can record their personal memories of their experiences in combat, support or home-front activities. The City of Bakersfield is prOviding the land and support services; labor unions, local corporations and individuals are providing in-kind services. The Kern Veterans Memorial Park Committee, recognizing that this is a very signi.ficant and important project in many ways, is seeking financial, equipment, in-kind services, volunteer, information/public relations, training, or any other practical support from organizations, corporations, local businesses, foundations, and individuals. Your serious consideration of partiCipation and support will be greatly appreciated by many generations to come. Veterans associations, .military organizations, institutions of higher education, K-12 institutions, historical societies, civic groups, corporations, foundations, families and private individuals are encouraged to become official partners of the Kern Veterans Memorial Park Committee. Partners will be officially recognized by the Kern Veterans Memorial Park Committee in official publications, periodic public events, and on the project's official web site. If partners wish to publicize and announce their participation in the Kern Veterans Memorial Park Project, and wish to use the project name and/or graphics, they are requested to first consult with the Kern Veterans Memorial Park Committee. However, such publicity is strongly encouraged. I. Please provide us with the following information so we can work together more effectively: Name/Name of Organization Name and title of authorizing official:, Address: Contact person for the Kern Veterans Memorial Park Project: Name of your Project/Partnership Activity (if any): Telephone: .. Fax: E-mail: Web-site: (OVER) II. Please describe the way(s) you/your organization is willing to particiPate in the Kern Veterans Memorial Park Project by checking actions or activities on the list below, or describing them in your own words. Endorsing the Kern Veterans Memorial Park Project and announcing our participation. Including information about the Project in: Publications Broadcasts Other (describe) Financial support. Amount: Time frame: Appointing a project leader to the Kern Veterans Memorial Project within our organization. Enlisting our members/employees as part of the Project's Volunteer Cops to support construction activities, project promotion activities, interviews, preparation of transcripts, or collection of documents/exhibit items. Lending/donating equipment for the state-of-the-art Learning Center. Contributing technological support/consultation. Creating public programs relating to all American veterans of all wars and those who supported them. identifying war veterans, support or home-front participants willing to be interviewed on their experiences. Sponsor, record, and share interviews we conduct. Other (explain): Kern,Veteran Coalition Members 1. .,_40/8 Kern Voiture #93 - Bakersfield 2. 82nd. Airbourne Assoc. San Joaquin Chapter - Bakersfield. 3. Air force Association~ #26- Bakersfield 4. American Ex Prisoner of War - Cessna Sargent Chapter 5. Disabled American Veterans - $$LSP Post # 157 6. Disabled American Veterans, Chapter #20 - Bakersfield 7. Fleet Reserve Assoc. China Lake Branch #95 -.Ridgecrest 8. Fleet Reserve Assoc. Post #26 - Bakersfield 9. Fleet Reserve Assoc. post #26- Bakersfield - Auxiliary 10 Korean War Veterans AssociaUon CHB Chapter #211 Bkfld. 11. Marine Corp. League, Golden .Empire detachment #714 12. Military Order of Lost Hut 14 13. Military Order of the Purple Heart Chapter #604 14. Naval Enlisted Reserve Association 15. Navy League Of The United States Council #80 16. NOTR #159- Bakersfield 17. Son of the American Revolution, Kern Chapter #38 18. The American Legion Post #26 - Bakersfield 19. The American Legion Post #26 - Bakersfield - Auxiliary 20. The American Legion Post #63 - Fellows 21. The American Legion Post #63 - Fellows - Auxiliary Page I 22. The American Legion Post #70- Taft 23. The American Legion Post #124 - Delano 24. The American Legion Post # 124 - Delano - Auxiliary 25. The American Legion Post #476 - California City 26. The American Legion Post #476 - California City - Auxiliary 27. The American Legion Post #490 - Rosamond 28. The American Legion Post #490 - Rosamond - Auxiliary 29. The American Legion Post #636 - Boron 30. The American Legion Post #640 - Gert Vicente Lim - Delano 31. The American Legion Post #674 - Buttonwillow 32. The American Legion post #682 - Bakersfield 33. The American Legion Post #711 - Lake Isabella 34. The American Legion Post #$60 - Frazier Park 35. TREA The Retired Enlisted Association #53 - Lancaster 36. TREA The Retired Enlisted Association #53 - Lancaster - Aux. 37. TROA The Retired Officers Association, Bakersfield Chapter 38. United States Coast Guard Auxiliary 39. USS Enterprise CV - 6 40. Veterans of Foreign Wars - 9th District 41. Veterans of Foreign Wars - 9th District - Auxiliary 42. Veterans of Foreign Wars POST #97 - Bakersfield 43. Veterans of Foreign Wars POST #97 - Bakersfield - Auxiliary 44. Veterans of Foreign Wars - 10th District Auxiliary Page 2 45. Veterans of Foreign. Wars Post # 1468 - Bakersfield 46. Veterans of Foreign Wars Post # 1468 - Bakersfield - Auxiliary 47. Veterans of Foreign Wars POST~#3741 - Bakersfield 48. Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #5948 - Tehachapi 49 Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #5948 -Tehachapi -Auxiliary 50. Veterans of Foreign Wars POST #6313 - Boron 51. Veterans of Foreign Wars POST #6601 - Oildale 52. Veterans of Foreign Wars POST #6601 - Oildale - Auxiliary 53. Veterans of Foreign Wars POST #6742 - Wasco 54. Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #7156 - California City 55. Veterans of Foreign Wars POST #7216 - Bakersfield 56. Veterans of Foreign Wars POST #7216 - Bakersfield -Auxiliary 57. Veterans of FOreign Wars POST #7665 - Lake Isabella 58. Veterans of Foreign Wars POST #7665~- Lake Isabella 59. Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #8192 - Delano 60. Veterans of Foreign Wars POST #8398 - Lamont 61. Veterans of Foreign Wars POST #8398 - Lamont - Auxiliary 62. Veterans of Foreign Wars POST #880~) - Arvin 63. Veterans of Foreign Wars POST #9282 - Buttonwillow 64. Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #9375 - California City 65. veterans of Foreign Wars POST #9657 - Rosamond 66. Veterans of Foreign Wars POST #9657 - Rosamond - Auxiliary Page 3 67. Veterans of Foreign Wars POST #9791 - Frazier Park 68. Veterans of Foreign Wars POST # 10859 - Rosedale 69. Veterans of FOreign Wars Post #10859 - Rosedale 70. Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #11012 - Mariposa 71. Vietnam Veterans Of America Chapter #536 - Bakersfield / Page RESOLUTION NO. ] 6 9- 0 2 A RESOLUTION COMMITTING THE.CITY OF BAKERSFIELD TO THE CONCEPT OF DEVELOPING A KERN VETERANS' MEMORIAL PARK. WHEREAS, Kern County's young men and women have been doing contributions to our Military forces since the days of the Civil War; and WHEREAS, in recognition of this sizeable element of our population, many of whom are approaching their last days, the City of Bakersfield believes that the sacrifices made by our military people over the years' deserves due recognition; "and WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield is committed to working with the Kern Veterans' Memorial Park Committee to establish a Kern Veterans' Memorial Park in Central Park, located in downtown Bakersfield; and WHEREAS, in conjunction with the development of the Kern Veterans' Memorial Park, it is understood the Veterans' Committee is dedicated to developing a Military History Museum/Learning Center which would "bring to life" for all concerned, the military history of'the United States in a state-of-the-art fashion so that all future generations may know and understand the consequences and impact of warfare. In support of this facility, the Kern County Superintendent of Schools Office, the Kern High School District, Bakersfield College, and CSU Bakersfield will be fully included in the development, funding, and operation of such a facility. It is anticipated that this facility will be located on land in the direct vicinity of Central Park. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AS FOLLOWS: 1.~ The above recitals are true and correct; --Page 1 of 3 Pages-- 2. The City of Bakersfield is committed to the concept of developing the Kern Veterans' Memorial Park Committee with the following understanding: a) The Kern Veterans' Memorial Park would be located on a current city park, known as Central Park, and the park and all facilities developed thereon shall ~remain as a City-oWned park fOr public use. It is anticipated the development would include a Memorial Plaza, individual War Monuments, an amphitheater seating approximately 1,000 people, barbeque facilities accommodating approximately 600 people, and other recreational fac. ilities as deemed appropriate by the City; b) The Kern Veterans' Memorial Park Committee will pursue funding and in-kind support to develop facilities beyond the financial capacity of the City of Bakersfield, including local donations, local and state government funding, federal and military-related funding, corporate and private foundations, etc. c) The City of Bakersfield will assist the Kern Veterans' Memorial Park Committee to pursue all appropriate park and other related grants, tax opportunities, etc., to assist in the development of the Kern Veterans' Memorial Park; d) The Kern Veterans' memorial Park Committee shall, within three (3) years of the date of this Resolution, submit for approval by the City Council, a comprehensive plan depicting the development of the Kern Veterans' Memorial Park, including locations of facilities, types of facilities, estimated costs of the facilities, the means, sources and amounts of financing the development, and a schedule for development of all the facilities. 3. In cooperation with the Kern Veterans'. Memorial Park Committee, the City of Bakersfield intends to appropriately recognize all veterans throughout the history of the United States, and specifically Kern County, so their families and descendants may always be able to understand and appreciate the sacrifices they made. ........ 000 ........ --Page 2 of 3 Pages-- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on OCT 2 Z00Z _, bythe following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBER CARSON, BENHAM, MAGGARD, COUCH, HANSON, SULLIVAN, SALVAGGiO NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ~ ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBER ~;:¥~._. ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER ~ CITY CLERK and Ex Offici~;lerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED OCT ~, Z00Z APPROVED AS TO FORM: BART J. THILTGEN CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney S:\COUNCIL\Resos\VetMemParkReso. DOC -- September 26, 2002 --Page 3 of 3 Pages-- Veterans Memorial Park Comrn~tt¢~ . Lest We Forget . PLEASE TAKE NOTE: Kern Veterans Memorial Park and the Associated Military History Museum and Learning Center is a worthwhile endeavor that the Veterans Coalition has committed themselves in doing for their fellow veterans, both those who have been killed in action, missing in action and those who came home to live out their lives here in Kern County. No appropriate memorial exists today in Kern County for all of our fellow citizen soldiers who sacrificed so much so that we could live in freedom. They need your support and, if possible, your contributions. Please give serious thought to helping the Veterans. Respectfully: C~rnelio C. Rodriquez :' Charle} Rotiriquez Bakersfield College Staff Fern-Charlie's Grill & Catering r ~Xax;ier "Harvey" Reye~ t~' -Fallgetter Insurance Bakersfield College Staff D}.' ~harles R~. ~arlson ' r~cxn~ounty~uper~D['--La~'"'R"e~-de--rintendant of Schools President, Center for Living & Learning, CSUB Andrew Wahrenbrock - _ _ . President, Wahrenbrock Capital Management, Inc. Ha~rey~iall w ,~ Mayor of Bakersfield ·  ~Vard Wolles~n President, Central Labor Council Community Action Partnership of Kern Marion Collins President, Mesa Marin Raceway Business Manager, Carpenter's Local #743 County Supervisor, 1st District Allen Scott Hair Brace C. J/ay3 President, Green Frog Markets Preside/r~ B~,nk of Stockdale :~rsfield e~ae; James L. Nickel Business Conference ' Chairman, Nickel Family LLC ~~' ,t/~. 0' ~vlt~Cher~t1 ..j A. Long , VFW 9th District, Vice President ' / Ed-'~n W. WilsOn . Attorney at Law . /,.; George W. Nickel,, Jif ~[~ A. Colombo ' Nickel Family LLC, Chairman Emeritus ~ice President of Sales, Colombo Construction Company Aunt Cherie's Home, Inc. ~ · / Be'rni~. Gonillas! X~acqu[ily~n__~'~gle~ -~ ~ Qjhairp'LYson for A~ademic Senate CSU Director, Kern Co. Fair Board Al Wagner Ted J. Thiesen Chief of Staff for Assemblyman Dean Florez Chairman, Chapter 563 of ScOre Kern Veterans Memorial Foundation, Inc. Dale Wilson, President · (661) 832-8532 ° Cell (661) 204-5775 , .. Wendell Gustin, Vice President ° (661) 832-7590 ~ SAMPLE AUCTION SHEET Items & Description 1. Kern County Supervisor X will wash your car - value unlimited Donated by XYZ. 2. Weekend u~e of house in Cambria, CA - Value of $400 Donated bY XYZ 3. A new 32" flat TV - value $1,200 Donated by XYZ 4. A 1996 Ford Explorer - value $5,500 Donated by XYZ 5. A trip to Hawaii including Air & lodging for two for 6 nights at the Kahula - value $3,800 Donated by XYZ 6. Two tickets to the 19th annual Bakersfield Business Conference - value $700 Donated by XYZ 7. An autographed photo of Cai Ripken - value priceless Donated by XYZ 8. Assistant coach for the night of the Bakersfield Condors - value priceless Donated by XYZ 9. Dinner for two and appear on stage to sing streets of Bakersfield With Buck Owens - value priceless Donated by XYZ 10. $500 Gift Certificate from XYZ Accountant toward preparation of tax returns Donated by XYZ 11. A Nordic Track (excellent condition) - value $500 Donated by XYZ 12. Dinner for two at the Dutch Frontier - value $100 Donated by XYZ 434510.1 - MARTIN Item for Auction Description Value of item Donated by Item for Auction Description Value of item Donated by Item for Auction Description Value of item Donated by 434566.1 - MARTIN BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA December 4, 2002 CITY COUNCIL Kern County Board of Supervisors 1115 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Mayor MarkSalvaggio Honorable Chairman and Members of the Board: Hce-Mayor Ward? The Budget and Finance Committee of the Bakersfield City Council met with County staff on. December. 2, 2002 to review the proposed increases and changes to Solid trmaCarson Waste fees proposed by the County staff. The Committee has several serious concerns wa,~ ~ regarding the proposed increase and changes which are summarized below: $11$a11~ B~pham 1. Cities and the Board of Supervisors need moYe time for input. ward2 There is insufficient time for the City of Bakersfield policy makers and those from other cities to review and make comments on the proposed rate increases and MikeMaggard changes prior to the proposed adoption date by the County. Adopting the new Ward3 fees on December 10th does not provide sufficient time for adequate city input, DavidCouch much less, time for the two newest Supervisors to become fully informed of the Ward4 implications of this important issue. This matter should be delayed to allow for additional study. The City Council of Bakersfield, for example, does not meet tlaroidW. Flan~on until December 11th. The day after the County staff proposes that a $1.6 million' Wards rate increase to City residents be adopted. JacquieSullivan 2. The land use fee increase is too severe and should be phased in and/or wan~ 6 moderated. The approximately 15% increase to residential customers is very severe and consideration should be made to moderate or phase in this increase if needed, over several years. The elderly and people on fixed incomes will have trouble bearing the cost of $750~000 in the City of Bakersfield alone. Your Board should take input from the Kern County City Manager's Association on belt tightening ideas. 3. The flat rate structure is inequitable to cities who recycle. The proposed rate structure does not address the inequity caused by billing all customers the same, regardless of their efforts to recycle or divert waste. This flat rate approach disadvantages those cities who have implemented significant recycling or green waste programs. 1501 Tmxtun Avenue ~ Bakersfield, California 93301 · (661) 326-3767 · Fax (661) 323-3780 ., Kern County Board of Supervisors December 4, 2002 Page - _~- 4. The commercial rate chanqes are too severe and should be phased in. The adjustment proposed to commercial tonnage rates will cause a 24% increase in the per ton cost for commercial users in the City of Bakersfield and the City of Taft while there will be a 5% decrease in commercial bin rates for others. This seems an extremely severe adjustment to make in one fiscal period and if the change is indeed warranted, consideration should be given to phasing in this change over say three to five years so budgetary adjustments can be reasonably made. The cost to Bakersfield business for this rate increase is $900~000. That will impose a serious hardship on many'of our businesses. 5. City residents should not pay for non-city recyclinq and qreen wast.-t. proqrams. Due to the pooled revenue approach used by the County, funds collected from city property owners in the land use fee and landfill fees are being used to pay for green waste and other recycling costs which are for non-city residents. This means that city residents pay for city programs and for a share of non-city programs,, therefore paying twice. This inequity needs to be addressed. 6. City Residents should not pay for non,city landfill closure costs. Similar to the previous item, the county intends to use pooled funds to pay for the non-city share approximately ($4 Million) of the Bakersfield landfill closure. Again city residents are paying their share of the closure costs and a portion of the non- city share of these costs. Again, paying twice. 7. City Residents should not pay for non-city operational costs County exclusive costs (such as those for Green waste programs, administration of the haulers in the unincorporated areas and illegal dumping programs) have been paid for out of pooled or blended revenues for many years. Since 1994 it is estimated by city staff that at least $1.7 Million was paid by City residents for non-city costs. This practice should not be permitted to continue. 8..The City has worked with the County in the past to fairly apply costs. We would like similar fair treatment. The City of Bakersfield has been very generous by allowing the County to pay a break even rate to utilize city sewer plant capacity (CSA 71, Rexland Acres, etc.) and now they are asking us to pay for many things on top of a pure capacity basis for use of the county landfill. 9. State Water Board requirements were reduced. Why is there no-reduction in fees? County staff originally recommended an increase to $64 in the land use fee and $34 per ton. They later indicated that an additional $2 increase in the land use fee and a $2 increase in the per ton fee was necessary due to requirements of the Regional Water Quality Control Board for a double liner at the Shafter-Wasco and other County landfills. It is our understanding that the Regional Water Quality Control Board with Vice Mayor Mark Salvaggio voting on your behalf has reduced some of the requirements to the benefit of the County. These regulatory changes which should reduce the need for additional funds are not reflected in the proposed rates. Kern County Board of Supervisors December 4, 2002 Page - 3- The Budget and Finance Committee is sending this letter to the Board of Supervisors since the City Council's next meeting is on December 11t~ which is after the public hearing scheduled on this matter. These issues are of such concern it was important for us to communicate with the Board prior to our Council meeting. We expect that the other members of the Bakersfield City Council as well as many Kern County cities will share these concerns. RepreSentatives from other cities have met with our staff and indicated they too would appreciate additional opportunities for input and review of these proposals. We appreciate your consideration of these concerns and request that the proposed fee increase and changes be delayed until the issues presented can be fully reviewed and addressed. Respectfully, Mike Maggard, Budget and Finance Committee Chairman Mark salvaggio, Vice Mayor arold Hanson,~ouncilmember cc. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council B 'A K E R S F I E L D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director DATE: December 6, 2002 SUBJECT: County Landfill Cost Issues During the December 2nd meeting of the Budget and Finance Committee, County staff presented reasons for a proposed landfill fee increase. One of these reasons was stated to be a new requirement of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) for construction of double liners at various Kern County landfills. The County cited this particular requirement in an October 8th letter as the reason for an additional increase in the rates beyond the original rate increase announcement letter on September 18th. The liner requirement was said to cause an increase to $36 from $34 per ton for commercial refuse, and from $63 to $ $66 for residential refuse. The current fees are $29 per ton for commercial and $57 per residence. However, as Councilmember Salvaggio recalled from his service on the RWQCB, the County's liner requirements were subsequently reduced by RWQCB in an October 17th meeting. Staff has contacted RWQCB to gain an understanding of what the County's actual requirements are.- According to both the RWQCB manager and the project manager, double liners are not required. They stated that, after urging and special negotiation by County staff, one landfill liner requirement (Shafter) was reduced. For the other landfill (Bena), no double liner requirement had been set by the RWQCB. Because the requirements are not as cited in the County's rate increase announcement and presentation, it would be appropriate for the Board of Supervisors to defer the rate change until adequate review can be made. G:\GROU PDA'r~12002_CityManagertCounty 1 ,doc December 6, 2002 Economic and Community Development Department ME M 0 RAND U-M December 3, 2002 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Donna L. Kunz, Economic Development Director SUBJECT: Application for Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund Our department is submitting an application for $1 million to capitalize a revolving loan fund to help clean up properties with hazardous materials, contaminants, and pollutants in the City's three redevelopment areas: Southeast Bakersfield, Old Town Kern-Pioneer, and Downtown. These funds are available from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under a new law, the Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act. We are requesting the maximum amount allowable under the program. The applicant for these EPA funds will be the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency. One requirement of funding is that the Agency must commit to a 20 percent cost share. This contribution will be in the form of tax increment and staff in-kind resources. Applying for the funds is a two-step process. First, an Initial Proposal must be postmarked by December 16; we are working on this step now. If our Initial Proposal is reviewed favorably by EPA, we will be invited by EPA to submit a Final Proposal. This Final Proposal must be postmarked by March 5, 2003. We expect to hear how well our Initial Proposal scored by mid-January 2003. dI:\S:\EPA RL~Memo to AT 12-3-02.doc dl:\C:~Documents and Settings~rsmiley~Local Settings~TempLMemotoAT.doc ~ ~ RECEIVED DEC 5 2002 E R $ F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM December 4, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CIP REPORT Attached please find our monthly report reflecting the status of Public Works ClP projects. If you have any questions, please call me at 326-3596. G:\GROUPDAT~Dani\C1P~ncmo Dec 02.doc NUM I NUM BEGIN (est.) END (est.) BEGIN (est.) END (est.) T3K057 BmMHALL ROAD W~DEN~NG; 4 Feb-0$ ^pr-03 Jun-03 Aug-03 CALLOWAY TO JEW~- i ~ A T2K033 STREET IMPROVEMENTS; WHITE/ 6 in design Sep-02 Jan-03 Mar-03 May-03 DOVEWOOD EGK011 MOHAWK SEWER CONSTRUCTION 4, 5 under construction Feb-00 Jan-02 Aug-02 Mar-03 PHASE II TOK144 SOUTHWEST BIKE PATH 4 construction completed Feb-01 Dec-01 May-02 Sep-02 TSK015 SIGNAL NEW, COMANCHE/SR 178 3 ~nder construction Mar-00 Mar-02 Nov-02 Feb-03 TIK028 STREET IMPROVEMENTS; COLLEGE/ 3 in design May-01 Dec~02 Feb~03 Apr-03 FAIRFAX TOK013 BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION - OLIVE/ 4 first phase under construction Jun-99 Oct-02 Nov-02 Jul-03 CALLOWAY Aug-02 Oct-02 TIK007 RESURFACINGVARIOUS STREETS VAR completed KEN659 WIDEN TRUXTUN AVENUE 2 in design Sep-01 Jan-03 May-03 Jun-03 E9K014 MT VERNON TRUNK SEWER IMPROV I completed Mar-00 Mar-02 Sep-02 Nov-02 TIK011 SIG NEW AUBURN AT EISSLER 3 construction completed May-01 Oct-01 Sep-02 TIK009 SIG NEW MT VERNON AT PANORAMA 3 bids opened, awarded in September. Waiting for Notice to Nov-01 Aug-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 Proceed T1K024 SIG NEW VERDUGO AT HAGEMAN 4 awarded, waiting for Notice to Proceed Oct-01 Mar-02 Oct-02 Dec-02 T2K036 FS #11 MEDIAN & SIG MOD 5 Design complete. Frank Electrical Service Build" Dec-01 Nov-02 Jan-03 Feb-03 T2K028 SIG NEW BRUNDAGE ATWASH 1 in design Feb-02 Dec-02 Feb-03 Apr-03 T2K023 SIG PLANZ AT REAL 6 design complete Jan-02 Nov-02 Jan-03 Mar-03 T2K027 SIG PLANZ ATWILSON 5, 6 design complete Feb-02 Nov-02 Jan-03 Mar-03 P3K004 COUNCIL CHAMBERS EXPANSION 2 currently under construction Jul-02 Aug-02 Aug-02 Jan-03 G:\GROUPDAT~Dani\CIP\CIP FY 02-03 DEC,xls 1 of 5 12/4/2002 PROJ pROjEcT TITLE WARE COMMENTS DESIGN PHASE CONSTRUCTION PHASE NUM NUM BEGIN (est.) END (est.) BEGIN (est.) END (est.) E7K005 SEWER REHAB MAIN/SO CHESTER 1 study only Nov-02 Mar-03 Jul-03 Nov-03 study by Ruettgers & Schuler completed . PIK003 HVAC UPGRADE, CITY HALL 2 under construction May-02 Jun-02 Nov-02 May-03 ELK003 SEWER IMPROV PACHECO #10 7 in design - not enough funds for construction Mar-02 Nov-02 Jul-03 Sep-03 PIH004 FS #4 ELEC UPGRADE 2 construction completed Nov-01 Jan-02 Apr-02 Jul-02 TIK034 MING INTERSECTION EXPANSION 3. iindesign, Property Management acquiring temporary Dec-00 Jan-03 Mar-03 Jun-03 AT ASHE AND NEW STINE construction easements, PG&E to relocate facilities T2K022 MING INTERSECTION EXPANSION 4 !working on comments received from CalTrans, design complete Nov-01 Mar-03 May-03 Aug-03 AT SR99 Icontinued with right turn lanes on Truxtun Extension T1K027 ST IMPROV RR CROSSINGS 3 in design, awaiting Public Utilities Commission approval Jan-02 Jun-03 Aug-03 Dec-03 T8K002 BRDG WIDENING WHITE LANE AT SR99 7 iproject report currently being prepared, in design Mar-02 Jan-03 Feb-03 Dec-03 Iprepare 95% PS&E T2K031 TRAFFIC SIG OLD RIVER RD AT 4 construction complete, waiting for PG&E to power signal Feb-02 Apr-02 ^ug-02 Jan-03 RIDGE OAK DRIVE T7K021 INTERCHANGE ON SR178 3 project report submitted to Caltrans. consultant has begun Jul-99 Feb-03 Jun-03 Nov-04 AT FAIRFAX i'inal design TOK006 STWIDENING ROSEDALE HIGHWAY 2 in design Aug-01 Jan-03 Jul-03 Oct-03 PLC020 RIO VISTA PARK 4 in design Mar-01 Feb-03 Jan-03 Sep-03 TOK012 BRIDGE CONST, HAGEMAN AT SR99 2 in design, PSR approval anticipated for September Jul-01 Dec-03 P5C002 LANDSCAPE MEDIANS 6 construction completed Jan-02 Feb-02 Feb-02 Apr..02 COLUMBUS/PANORAMA T3K045 RIGHT TURN LANE - MING/TRUXTUN 5,7 working on comments received from CalTrans, design complete Oct-02 Mar-03 May-03 Aug-03 continued with right turn lanes on Truxtun Extension P8H001 FS #15 4 consultant designing project Aug-01 Jan-03 Mar-03 Nov-03 POC009 CENTENNIAL GARDEN SMOKE 2 :onstruction is complete Nov-01 Feb-02 Sep-02 Nov-02 HATCH MODIFICATION TIK023 STREET IMPROVEMENTS; HAGEMAN 4 awarded at November 20, Council Meeting 'Sep-01 MAY-02 Oct-02 Jan-03 T4K055 STREET IMPROVEMENTS; LAKE STREET 2 design complete, construction by City crews scheduled to start Jan-03 Mar-03 In Sept., 2002;delay caused by accelerated resurfacing projects ¥0K138 CASA LOMA #6 STREET IMPROV'S I construction by City crews scheduled to start in Sept., 2002; Jan-02 Feb~02 ' Sep-02 Juno03 delay caused by accelerated resurfacing projects G:\GROUPDAT\Dani\ClP\ClP FY 02-03 DEC.xls 2 of 5 1214/2002 ruot c wores ua tr pro'oemenL rrooram ScOeb. le- - Fiscal'Year PROJ PROJECT TITLE WARD COMMENTS DESIGN PHASE CONSTRUCTION PHASE NUM NUM BEGIN (est.). END (est.) BEGIN (est.) END (est.) TgK012 NORTHEAST BIKE PATH 3 construction completed QgK003 INATURAL GAS FUELING STATION 2 design complete. Waiting on site placement NOV-02 Mar-03 TOK011 STREET RECONSTRUCTION-WHITE LANE 6 construction completed Apr-02 Jun-02 T2K026 :TRAFFIC SIG-STINE (~ BEECHWOOD 6 construction contract awarded Feb-02 Aug-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 T2K043 TRAFFIC SIG-STOCKDALE ~ McDONALD 2,5 in design Mar-02. Nov-02 Feb-03 Apr-OS TRAFFIC SIG-MT VERNON 1~ CHURCH 3 awarded, waiting for notice to proceed Feb-02 Jul-02 Sep-02 Nov-02 E7K012 WWTF~3 HEADWORKS out to bid POC009 CENTENNIAL GARDEN BULLET 2 new contracts have been awarded. Construction started Sep-01 Oct-01 Oct-02 Feb-OS RESISTANT GLASS in October, 2002, installation contingent upon events in arena. T2K048 PANAMA LANE RECONSTRUCT 6,7 construction completed Sep-02 Nov-02 !STREET IMPROVEMENTS 4 award for construction at November 20, Council Meeting Sep-02 Nov-02 !OLD FARM ROAD T3K014 AKERS ROAD RR XING/BRIDGE 6,7 awaiting Public Utilities Commission approval Jan-03 Jun-03 Aug-03 Nov-03 T3K047 A, KERS ROAD CONSTRUCTION 6 Jan-03 Jun-03 Aug-03 Nov-03 E2J121 BIKE PATH WIDENING CSUB TO MANOR 2,3,4 in design, survey complete Sep-02 Dec-02 Mar-03 May-03 T8K083/ SEISMIC RETROFIT OF 4 CITY BRIDGES 2,3 begin advertisement for construction in December Jan-98 Sep-02 Dec-02 May-03 T8K084 T8K085 SEISMIC RETROFIT OF NORTH 3 in design Apr-02 Feb-03 Sep-02 May-03 CHESTER BRIDGE T8K083 SEISMIC RETROFIT OF MANOR BRIDGE 3 waiting on environmental clearance, design complete Jan-98 Sep-02 .EFT AND RIGHT T3K048 NALLSTREET IMPROVEMENTS 2 construction completed 10/25/02 Feb-02 May-02 ^ug-02 Oct-02 T3K058 FREEWAY BEAUTIFICATION MASTER VAR lin design May-02 Mar-03 NIA N/A PLAN P3C088 ACQUISITION AND DEMO 1,2 r~ngoing Sep-02 Mar-03 Sep-02 Jun-03 P3K003 REPLACE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM 2 in design Sep-02 Dec-03 Jan-03 Apr-03 '..~=.-.: ;7--7,,c,T,7~,,,;',C;7-\C,;~ F',' G2-G3 DF_.C.x, ~ 3 ur 5 12t4/';G02 PROJ PROJECT TITLE WARI; iCOMMENTS DESIGN PHASE CONSTRUCTION PHASE NUM NUM BEGIN (est.) END (est.) BEGIN (est.) END (est.) P3C084 JEFFERSON & MLK POOL REHAB 1,2 in design Nov-02 Mar-03 Sep-03 Feb-04 LBSJ01 BAKER STREET STREETSCAPE 2 in design Sep-02 Dec-02 Feb-03 May-03 T3K056 20TH STREET PARKING MALL 2 Mar-03 , May-03 Jul-03 Sep-03 T3K133 HWY 58 ENTRY MONUMENT 1 on hold pending results of Freeway Beautification Master Plan Feb-03 Sep-03 Nov-03 Mar-04 T3K046 IMPROV MEDIAN ISLANDS VAR Jan-03 Apr-03 Jul-03 Dec-03 T3K052 NEW STINE ROAD LANDSCAPING 5 Feb-03 Apr-03 Jun-03 Aug-03 T3K049 NORTH CHESTER STREETSCAPE 2 Mar-03 May-03 Jul-03 Oct-03 EJK010 "L" STREET SEWER REHAB 1 base map is done Oct-02 Jan-03 May-03 Sep-03 EJK009 BRUNDAGE LANE SEWER REHAB I base map is done Nov-02 Feb-03 Jun-03 Oct-03 TIK038 SIGNAL MT VERNON AT CHURCH AVE. 3 awarded, waiting for notice to proceed Dec-01 Jul-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 T3K055 SIGNAL HAGEMAN AT JEWE'VI'A 4 in design Nov-02 Feb-03 Apr-03 May-03 SIGNAL BUENAVISTA AT DEER PEAK 4 in design Dec-02 Feb-03 May-03 Jun-03 T9K011 TRAFFIC PRE-EMPTION VAR in design Jul-02 Mar-03 Apr-03 Jun-03 T3K013 UPGRAOE OPTICOM VAR in design Jan-03 Mar-03 Apr-03 Jun-03 E9K012 TRUXTUN STORM DRAIN TJK008 RESURFACINGVARIOUS STREETS VAR in design Sep-02 Mar-03 Apr-03 Jul-03 T3K017 TJK059 T3K053 STOCKDALE HWY MEDIAN RECONSTR Oct-02 Jun-03 Jul-03 Sep-03 T3K012 SIGNAL JEWE'I-I' AT 34TH in design Oct-02 Jan-03 Apr-03 Apr-03 PJKO02 MT VERNON FACILITY AC PAD in design' Feb-03 Mar-03 Apr-03 Apr-03 T2K012 CAPE/CHIPSEAL VAR in design Jul-02 Nov-02 Jun-03 Jul-03 ,~,.\GR&UFDAT\Da.i\CiF\CiF FY 62-03 DEC.x ¢, 4 u[ 5 1214i~G02 r.ouc worRs ~a'o~ta~ ~mpro~ement rro~ram ~c~)eou~e ~scat · ear PROd PROJECT TITLE WARE COMMENTS DESIGN PHASE CONSTRUCTION PHASE NUM NUM BEGIN (est.) END (est.) BEGIN (est.) END (est.) TOK146 SLURRYSEAL I in design Nov-02 I Feb-03 Jun-03 I Jul-03 BAKERSFIELD AIRPORT I I G:\GROUPDA~Dani\ClP\ClP FY 02-03 DEC.xls 5 of 5 12/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS DATE: November 27, 2002 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Stan Ford, Director (~ SUBJECT: BIKE PATH AND RAIN DAMAGE #Ref000295 (Ward 2) Councilmember Benham requested Recreation and Parks Department look into the issue of damage and debris on the bike path due to recent rain storms. Staff contacted Dick Stewart of the Kern Wheelmen regarding the condition of the bike path during the recent storms. He commented there were tumbleweeds, cardboard boxes, cans, dirt and mud blown onto the bike path which City parks employees cleaned up right after the storm. Mr. Stewart could not give me any specific area that was damaged by the storm. He was just making sure we cleaned up immediately after the storm so user's of the path could bike safely and not worry about debris on the path. Parks staff that is assigned the bike path was asked if they saw any damaged areas caused by the recent storms and they indicated they have not seen any nor had any damaged areas been reported to them. C:\Documents and Settings~sforsyth\Local Settings\Temp\RefO00295 doc December 3, 2002 (11:3.qAM) ;B A ..K E R $ F ! E'L D' MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Jack Hardisty, Development Services Dire DATE: December 3, 2002 ,/ ' SUBJECT: Council Referral Ref000297 ICouncilmember Benham requested staff address the noise and trash buildup at the Montgomery Ward property. On November 30, 2002, Code Enforcement Officer Shane Denton issued a 7-day notice of violation for trash to the manager of the business located at 3201 F Street. He was also advised of noise complaints regarding the live music they have been providing their customers. The manager advised they would have live music on December 15, 2002 from noon until 3:00 p.m. under permit while they give toys away for needy children. 121512O02 Page 1 RECEIVED ,,, DEC" 5 :C! MANAGER S oFI~C~J DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS DATE: November 26, 2002 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Stan Ford, Director ~. SUBJECT: TENNIS COURT LIGHTS AT CITY PARKS Ref000296 (Ward 2 ) Councilmember Benham requested Recreation and Parks Department address the issue of tennis court lights at city parks. Staff contacted Mr. Laybourn regarding his experience with light problems at Jastro and Centennial tennis courts. Mr. Laybourn saidhe was aware of the light sensors and how they worked. He described the problems he had experienced at both parks. General Services (electricians) reviewed the problem at the Jastro tennis courts and found no problems. The lights activated and de-activated as they were designed. The park supervisor of that area visited the tennis courts on two consecutive evenings and activated the lights several times on different courts with no problems. Staff will continue to monitor this situation. Then, the electricians visited Centennial Park's tenni's court lights and found a bad light sensor. The bad sensor was replaced and the lights are functioning." Mr...Laybourn was notified of our findings at both parks and was asked in the future to contact the supervisor of that area immediately when he had a problem with the lights. The supervisor would come out and review the problem immediately. S:\Council Referrals\Response Ternplate.wpd 12/5/200210:30 AM I DEC 2 2002 CITY MANAGER'S OFF:,._ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM November 25, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~ SUBJECT: UPDATE - TRAFFIC SIGNAL OLD RIVER & WHITE OAK Council Referral #000195 ICouncilmember Couch requests staff move up on the priority list the installation of a traffic signal at Old River and White Oak. The intersection of Old River at White Oak was reviewed by the Traffic Engineer for any changes in volume, accident history and speeds. The intersection remains ranked at number 29 out of 38 on the Traffic Engineer's list of warranted future signal locations. The intersection has a lower incidence of traffic accidents and a lower traffic volume than other, higher ranked, locations on the Traffic Engineer's list of future signal locations. The list is maintained by the Traffic Engineer for comparison purposes and information only, it does not necessarily reflect a project position on the Capital Improvement Project list for the City's budget. G:\GROUPDATXReferralsX2002\CC Mtg 11-6\195-UPDATED_Traffic_OldRiverWhiteOak_referral.doc RECEIVED DEC 2 2002 P C1T MANAGER'S OFT',''''~: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM November 20, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~ ----~- SUBJECT: UPDATE - POLO TRAIL & REMINGTON PARK INTERSECTION Council Referral #000199 ICouncilmember Couch requested staff resolve the traffic problem with the three- way stop at Polo Trail & Remington Park Drive. The Traffic Engineer investigated the traffic concerns at the intersection of Polo Trail and Remington Park Drive, as noted in the September 4, 2002 memo. These two streets are local interior residential streets with a speed limit of 25 miles per hour. The investigation and traffic warrant study for stop signs was performed in accordance with the State of California Traffic Manual and the Federal Highway Administration's Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. No warrants for traffic control were met. The study revealed that there have been no recorded accidents in the past year. The average hourly volume of traffic for the intersection was only 44 vehicles, much less than the threshold minimum volume of 500 vehicles per hour in the warrant. The average side street volume was only 14 vehicles per hour, much less than the threshold minimum volume requirement of 200 vehicles per hour in the warrant. The total volume of traffic per day was only 573 vehicles. No operational problems were observed at the intersection. No changes in traffic control at the intersection are proposed at this time G:\GROUPDATXReferralsX2002\CC Mtg 11-6\199_UPDATED-Traffic_PoloTrailRemingtonParkDfive_referral.doc _RECE VE© B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OF'-- CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM November 25, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/~.--"~---.~~ SUBJECT: SIGNAL TIMING AT NEW STINE & STOCKDALE Council Referral #000221 Councilmember Couch requested staff look into the signal timing for the left hand turn, north and south bound on New Stine at Stockdale. Check timing as it appears to be too short to accommodate traffic flow. Traffic Engineering reviewed the operations of the intersection and modeled the signal operations with timing changes. Additional time was added to the left turns to accommodate more traffic flow on the left turns without seriously affecting the through traffic movements. G:\GROUPDAT~ReferralsX2002\CC Mtg 11-6~21-UPDATED_Traffic_Referral_NewStineStockdale.doc i RECEIVED ]EG 5 B .A K E R S F I E L P CITY MANAGER'S OFFiCI~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM December 4, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS SUBJECT: STREET DRAINAGE Update on Council Referral #000263 Councilmember Couch requested staff contact Gina Badger regarding street drainage on Glenlakes. I Luis Peralez, Street Maintenance Superintendent, has contacted Mrs. Gina Badger and informed her that the drainage problem in front of her property will be corrected. A Catch Basin will be installed at the north east corner of Glenlakes Court and Ahaina Club Drive. The cross-gutter that is creating the drainage problem will then be eliminated. The Storm Maintenance crew will start the project the week of December 2, 2002. Mrs. Badger was satisfied with our response. G:\GROUPDAT~Referrals~2002\CC Mtg 11-6~Follow Up 263.doc ......... RECE VEE) DEC 002 B A K E R S F I E L D c~wv MANAGER'S OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM December 2, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~ SUBJECT: DISCUSS WITH COUCH VARIOUS PUBLIC WORKS ISSUES Council Referral #000283 I Discuss with Couch various Public Works Issues. Mr. Couch met with Jack LaRochelle on Monday, November 25, 2002, to address various Public Works issues: · Tejon Ranch and Transportation Impact Fees in County. · 25th Street and Oak Street · Traffic Signal Priority Project · Parking at Liberty Park As discussed, Mr. LaRochelle will follow up on the above items and keep Council advised of status. G:\GROUPDAT~ReferralsL2002\CC Mtg 11-6~283-Jack.doc _RECEIVED DEC 2 3)02 -~v - MANAGER'S OFFICE CiTY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM December 2, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT: WALL ON STOCKDALE COMPLETION DATE Council Referral #000285 Councilmember Couch requested staff contact Mr. Ken Hammer and explain the earliest date work will commence and the completion date for the wall across from Crossings at Riverwalk. Darrel Graves spoke with Dick Meyer of Mclntosh & Associates on November 26. He said the wall is currently being constructed, which was field verified today. Because of storm drain work which is to be done in the area, the wall will not be completed until the storm drain work is done. He did not have a completion date for either. He did mention the fact that Castle & Cooke are ahead of schedule, because the occurrence which triggers the requirement for the construction hasn't occurred. Mr. Graves spoke with Mr. Hammer and passed on the above information. G:\GROUPDATXReferralsX2002\CC Mtg 11-6X285-Marian. doc DEC 2 ?.00 : CITY MANAGER'S OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM December 2, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT: BACKED UP DRAINS ON FEATHER RIVER Council Referral #000286 Councilmember Couch requested staff look into storm drains that are constantly backed up on Feather River. The storm drains that are constantly backed up in the Feather River area are actually siphons. There will always be some water standing in a siphon. The Street Division has received several citizen complaints regarding the standing water in the siphons. In the area between Feather River Drive and Live Oak Way, from Patton Way to Coffee Road, there are siphons at Clear Lake Street and Feather River Drive, Huntington Court and Clear Lake Street, Yuma Way and Six Rivers Street, and at Willow Creek Drive and Soda Springs Place. The only catch basins in the area are located at Feather River drive and Carriage Ranch Drive, and at McCIoud Court and Willow Creek Drive. Utility conflicts would most likely be encountered if storm lines were to be installed. However, we will explore the possibility of extending the storm line at Feather River Drive and Carriage to the east, one blgck (600 Feet), and connecting the siphons at Clear Lake Street and Feather River Drive. Also, extending the storm line at McCIoud Court and Willow Creek Drive to the east, half block (300 Feet), and connecting the siphons that are located at Willow Spring Drive and Soda Springs Place. We will also explore the possibility of replacing the remaining siphons with cross-gutters. A profile (survey) will be performed of the entire area to determine if the corrective measures can be implemented. In addition, funding for this project would have to be researched. It will take a while to obtain the profile of the area. However, we will keep you updated on this matter. G:\GROUPDAT~Referrals~2002\CC Mtg 11-6L286-Luis.doc RECEIVE© DEC 2 2002 B A K ]~ ]'~ $ F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM December 2, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT: SPEED LIMIT ON COFFEE ROAD Council Referral #000287 Councilmember Couch requested staff review the speed limit on Coffee road and Hageman. Speed limits are required by the California Vehicle Code and the Traffic Manual to be reviewed and verified every five years or less. In high growth areas, Traffic Engineering performs these studies to set or verify speed limits more often. Traffic Engineering will review Hageman Road, Coffee Road and Fruitvale Avenue for any changes in the current speed limit per CVC requirements and report the results. Depending on weather delays, the reports should be available in a few weeks. G:\GROUPDATXReferralsX2002\CC Mtg 11-6X287-Traffic.doc DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS DATE: December 2, 2002 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Stan Ford, Director ~ SUBJECT: LIBERTY PARK SOCCER LAYOUT #REF000290 (Ward 4, ) Councilmember Couch requested Stan Ford provide a status of discussions with AYSO regarding moving soccer games at Liberty Park. Councilmember Couch, Dave McArthur, Brian Wilkinson of AYSO and staff met at Liberty Park in mid October to discuss different field layouts and scheduling to reduce noise created by the teams playing gameS near the neighbors wall. Brian Wilkinson said he would look at the various options and then notify us of his recommendation. Staff talked to Mr. Wilkinson this week regarding AYSO's findings. He said with the soccer season just ending he has not had any time to address this item but planned to work on it next week. Brian thought he could get back to us with more information by the middle of December. S:\Council Referrals~R ef00029Q doc December 3, 2002 (10:36AM) DEC 2 2002 B ~. I~ '~ g S F I '~ -L D CITY MANAGER'S CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM November 25, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~ SUBJECT: STOP SIGN ON ABBOTT DRIVE Council Referral #000293 Councilmember Couch Traffic Division contact Mr, Grant Kniffen and provide status of possible stop sign on Abbott Drive, When contacted by Traffic Engineering staff, Mr. Kniffen requested stop signs to try and control speeding on Abbot Drive. Stop signs were installed on Tumwater at Abbott and speed limit signs were installed on Abbott at each end. Since the request was for speed controls and stop signs are not approved for use to control speeds per the California Vehicle Code and Traffic Manual, a speed limit study was done. The study showed that the average speed was only 26 miles per hour and that most vehicles were going less than 30 miles per hour. This is an excellent speed profile for a local street. Abbott Street has very Iow volumes with only 515 vehicles per day using the street. Standard warrants for stops signs were far from meeting the minimum 'threshold volumes and there have been no intersection accidents. No changes are proposed. The traffic speed data was given to the Police Department for their use in enforcement. G:\GROUPDATXReferralsX2002\CC Mtg 11-6X293-Traffic.doc '-'~' RECEIVED B A K E R S F I E L D CITYMAJ~F-~$ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM December 5, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR,..~i.~ SUBJECT: REFUSE RATE NOTICE Council Referral #000289 ICouncilmember Couch requested Kevin Barnes meet with Councilmember Couch regarding refuse rate notice from the County. I This issue has been referred to the Budget and Finance Committee. The Committee met with County staff and representatives of the Kern County Association of Cities on December 2nd. Seeing no favorable change in the County's proposal following this meeting, the Committee has drafted a protest letter to the County Board of Supervisors. This letter will be forwarded to Councilmembers in this week's information packet. The Board will hold its public hearing and may approve the rate increase on December 10th, before a Committee report can be presented at the next City Council meeting. In the meantime, Kevin Barnes is available for discussion. G:\GROUPDAT~RefcrralsX2002\CC Mtg 1 l-6L289-Kcvin.doc CITY OF BAKEJ SYIFJ.,D Recre n gcParlcs DATE: December 5, 2002 TO: John W. Stinson FROM: Allen Abe SUBJECT: Councilmember Couch- Trees on Grandlakes Avenue Councilmember Couch requested at the November 20th council meeting staff investigate three Redwood trees on Grandlakes Avenue. Staff contacted the resident to determine their concern of the Redwood trees. They indicated the trees were dying. The Urban Forester inspected the trees and determined they were dying of a disease and'needed to be .removed. The trees have been removed and cedar trees will be replanted in their place. BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ' RECEIVED ! U E U ORA N D U.M I ~ I CITY MANAGER'S OFF~¢E TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM' RON FF~.ZE, FIRE CHIEF '~//~7 DATE: DECEMBER 3, 2002 SUBJECT: DECATUR HOTEL INSPECTIONS Council Referral No. Ref000302 (Ward 5) Councilmember Hanson requested Chief Fraze contact him regarding Mr. Sears' concern about the Decatur Hotel inspections. The fire department inspects residential buildings that house four or more occupants. The Decatur Hotel is annually inspected to comply with applicable fire codes. It was last inspected November 24, 2001, with a Violation Notice issued to have a fire extinguisher recharged. We inspect the common areas of a hotel and request to see a vacant room when available. We are unable to inspect someone's private room. This fire was caused by the misuse of a space heater in a resident's room. It was not' due to any fire code violation of management. I contacted the Code Enforcement Division of our Building Department and they confirmed they only inspect this type of facility if there is a complaint. The last complaint they had on file was in 1997 and that issue was corrected. RF/kec P:\memos\Fraze\Councilmember Hanson referral 11-20-02 CITY MANAGLt:'- ' ' B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM December 3, 2002 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director ~ SUBJECT: STATUS- EASTBOURNE WAY Councilmember Hanson requested staff provide him with an update on the closure of Eastboume Way. Public Works has a design for the closure wall done, but would like to do another variation alternative. After a cost estimate and the variation are done within the next few weeks, Councilman Hanson will be notified for his review, if he wishes. After that, Traffic Engineering will meet with the neighbors again and show them what we have planned. We are targeting early January to meet with the neighborhood again. G:\G ROUPDATffv12002_CityManager~Hanso~_Eastbou meWayClosure_l 2-03-02.doc From: Don Anderson (Rhonda Smiley) To: Rhonda Smiley Subject: Status Report - White Lane / Highway 99 I have been in contact with the Caltrans Project Manager, Ron Dragoo, and their Right of Way Manager, Randeen Walter. They asked their staff to send me preliminary right of way maps. Caltrans is supposed to have their survey work done in January, 2003. This will allow them to prepare final legal descriptions and right of way maps. Upon receipt of the final maps/legals I will have appraisals prepared for the properties affected by this project. In the meantime, we are setting up acquisition files and ordering title reports. Once we have determined who the owners/tenants are, I will contact them to do a meet and greet. The purpose of this meeting will be to find out what they know about the project and their general feelings about it. Since we will not have the final legal descriptions at this point, we won't talk specifics but rather big picture issues, timing, process, etc. Also, I will advise them that if we need to acquire any property interest(s) an appraiser will contact them in early 2003.