HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/29/00__ _ _ _ _ - _ , � _, : � � B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM September 29, 2000 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER A� C�y /�"�s'. SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. A memo from the Water Resources Department is enclosed that discusses the fiscai effects of the proposed revision in the arsenic standard in drinking water. The costs could be significant and cause a dramatic increase in City water rates. 2. The Governor signed SB 141 this week. It will provide the legal framework and criteria for a budget appropriation in FY 2001-02 to equalize Proposition 12 funding for cities and park districts between the populations of 200,000 and 300,000. We had been left out in a loophole; that is now corrected. 3. Because there was a delay with the manufacturer receiving the stone, the shipment of the Kugel floating granite ball fountain for the Amtrack station has been delayed. We now expect it to arrive at the end of January. 4. The County will hold a public workshop on October 12t" regarding sewer service in northwest Bakersfield. 5. I will be on vacation Thursday and Friday, October 5ih and 6th. During my absence, John Stinson will be in charge, and the office will be able to reach me. 6. The Police Department Special Enforcement Unit report for August is enclosed. 7. A brief status report from Public Works on the Bakersfield System Study project held on Tuesday, September 26t" is enclosed. .-F '+ Honorable Mayor and City Council September 29, 2000 Page 2 8. Updates on Council requests are enclosed, as follows: Councilmember Carson • Information on Casa Loma area street improvements; Councilmember DeMond • Status report on traffic enforcement on Beech Street. Councilmember Couch • Status report on traffic enforcement on North Montclair; • Update on Noriega Road resurfacing project; • Information regarding Verdugo Lane construction between Brimhall Road and Shellabarger Road. AT: rs cc: Mayor-Elect Harvey Hall Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst 7 J�' MEMORANDUM ��,� � =� .;,, _�o,� illlll�u,� �� .. , September 29, 2000 TO: Gene Bog�t�r Resources Manager �� FROM: Florn Core, Water Resources Director SUBJECT: EPA Arsenic Rule Change for Drinking Water The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), under authority of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act of 1996, has issued a proposed standard to reduce the Maximutn Contaminant Level (MCL) of arsenic allowed in drinking water from the present standard of 50 parts per billion (ppb) to 5 ppb. This would have a dramatic effect across the country due to the incidences of naturally occurring arsenic in many areas and the extreme high cost to treat water for arsenic removal. Most of the naturally occurring arsenic is in the groundwater supplies, particularly in the arid southwest of the United States. Public comments were to be received by EPA on the proposed ruling until September 20, 2000. This proposed action was brought to the attention of the City Water Board at its meeting of July 12, 2000. After staff presentation, the Board directed staff to submit comments to EPA concerning the proposed arsenic rule. Attached to this memorandum is a copy of the letter that was sent. The cost of going to a 5 ppb MCL for Bakersfield would be high. As you are aware, 85% of our drinking water supplies are derived from groundwater. There are over 200 wells that are used to extract and distribute groundwater for drinking water to residents in the City of Bakersfield. The maj ority of the wells are owned by California Water Service Co. and the City of Bakersfield. Of the approximate 170 wells that Cal-Water operates, 35 have measured concentrations of arsenic of 5 ppb or more. The City has 11 wells of its 45 wells that are 5 ppb arsenic or more. Of the City's wells, only 2 wells exceed 10 ppb arsenic. The cost to treat for arsenic removal to attain the less than 5 ppb MCL is expensive, depending on the initial concentration level. The higher the initial concentration, the higher the cost to treat. Estimated cost of arsenic removal vary and there are different methods that could be used, but drinking water industry professionals have compiled ranges of costs for wellhead treatment. These costs are estimated and each situation will have variables that may or may be contended with at each location. The costs for amortized capital, operations, additional power, chemical supplies, disposal and financing are from $200 per acre- foot to over $350, over and above the existing costs to construct and operate a water well facility. An �,., . EPA Arsenic Rule September 29, 2000 Page - 2 - acre-foot is an approximate amount of water a typical family uses in a year. Since at the present time, only a portion of the City's system is at or above the proposed MCL for arsenic, the costs to treat that portion affected would be spread over the entire customer base. Translating that into the impact on a typical monthly water bill, the rates for a customer on the City's water system would have to be increased between $5.50 and $8.50 per month. There would be additional consideration for the upfront capital costs of over $1,250,000 per well. Alternatives for wellhead treatment are blending sources or abandoning existing high level arsenic wells and constructing new wells in "non-arsenic" areas of the system. The costs to do this are even more variable than the well head treatment scenarios. Blending can be accomplished, but first it would have to be approved by the EPA, then storage tanks and piping built to achieve a blended product. This cost estimated to be between $100 and $250 per acre-foot. A start from scratch new water well facility costs approximately $400,000 each. Piping the new well supply to the needed area and adding storage tanks could exceed $1,250,000 each, bringing the total to over $1,650,000 per replaced well. Cost per acre-foot amortized would be approximately $50 to $75 per acre-foot. If a combination of treatment actions were used to comply with the proposed rule that included certain elements of wellhead treatment, blending and replacement wells it is possible to lower the financial impact on the City customers as described. All actions for complying with this proposed ruling would be under the scrutiny of the EPA and the California Department of Health Services. Therefore, it is difficult at this time to define the exact costs and the total fiscal impact on the City and its water customers. ;�> -� CITY OF ����������� CALIFORfVIA WATER BOARD Mark C. Salvaggio, Chair David Couch, Vice Chair Irma Carson September 5, 2000 W-99-16 Arsenic Comment Clerk Water pocket (MC-4101) - United States Environmental Protection Agency - 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20460 RE: PROPOSED ARSEIVIC REGULATIONS FOR DRINKING WATER Deaz Sir or Madam: �i/:,, �= �= �j ... l� ���_ "� ; - `'`� _ ;- . �-, � � �� - = ; � � ^ � �- � � � � - =_ _ . ; �: .I, �� f -�a�A ���q _" _ The City of Bakersfield Water Board requests the United States En�ironmental Protection Agency (iJSEPA) postpone any change to the current 50 parts per billion (ppb) Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for arsenic in drinking water until completed and validated scientific studies support such a change. The City of Bakersfield is a community of over 250,000 people and whose drinking water source is primazily groundwater. Due to the geography and geology of the valley in which we live, arsenic does occur naturally in some area groundwater, as it does in other parts of the United States. Although the levels of arsenic in groundwater in the City of Bakersfield are for the most part non-existent or very low, arbitrarily setting an MCL of 5 ppb, or even 10 ppb could cause substantial detrimental effects to the City's water delivery capability and significant adverse fiscal impacts on the City and its ratepayers. The USEPA proposals for this drastic reduction do not provide sufficient health effects information nor the consequences of creating a hazardous product from the arsenic removal process. We understand the fact that USEPA has been researching this issue since 1996 and the studies and data referred to in proposing these standards are outdated and were not performed under controlled conditions. These studies apparently were not representative of normal and valid real life experience in the United States. The National Academy of Sciences has found no scientific consensus as to what level the standard should be set. The American Water Works Association has questioned the applicability of setting standards without legitimate study and assessing the consequences implementing such a drastic rule change. It is very obvious that much more research is required before any changes in this regulation are forced upon our water consumers. While we agree that the arsenic MCL should be set at a level that is protective of public health, more research and conclusive studies are needed to determine those levels. The City of Bakersfield Water Board respectfully requests the existing drinking water standard for azsenic be retained until such time as adequate and legitimate research is performed and to avoid unwarranted financial burden on our citizens. C- MARK SALVAGGI , Chair City of Bakersfield Water Board cc: Honorable Mayor Bob Price Members of the City Council 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93311 (661) 326-3715 „/28/2000. 10:24 �� � � • >.• • • : s�”" " ,3;?�"rt3' , �, .., L4iYLS�JS�f� ��. f � Floating Grenft� Ball Fountain Red Nogan Enterprises, Inc. Exclvs�v¢ U.S.A. ��stnbutw PO. Box 13S?0� Tam�e, iL 33681•3E01 3109 E. a�h Ave. (33605) te!: 800,919.008Q tel, 613.448.344H 'ax: 813.4a8.3571 e.mail: rhekugel�aol �om Thomas l. (Red) Hogan President Ellen Wo9an Vice President ti'bnufoClV�td Dy KUSS�• GreniM'Qrke A�.hG, �Crr�tlny 8132483671 Via Fax: {805)744�209 September 28, 2000 � R� MESSAGE: RED HOGAN ENT. INC. No. Of Pages: z Including Caver Ms. Christina V_ Hunter, Program Dir. The Hagan Family �oundation, inc. Amtrak • Bakersfield, CA Kugel Floatin� Granite Ball Fountain Attached is a copy of the letter we received from the manufactucer, regarding the compietion schedule. If wie can bE of assistance, please do not hesitate to calf us at (800)919-Q080. Thank you. Sineerely, 1��� ^ Christine Simpson OfFice Manager Red Nogan �nterprises, Inc, Attachmsnt Cc: Atan Tandy, City Manager � City ofi Bak�rsfield A�no�d Ramming, Project Mgr. — Be�ker�eld Public Works David Sheppard — Elite tandscapinq PAGE 01 �9/28/2000 10:24 8132483671 � ;'' 2E��"20� 16 ��'a .T05EF KI.�R A 1 C}1�i � iwe! Rcswr6mRN � ta�o � O�q�a+a 9•�te �du w� w��e • avm�ny Red H��an Enterprieoa, lnc. Ma. Chri�tine Simpaon 3 L 09 �aat 4"' Avsnue Tampa, PL 33605 USA Your r�hnnce Yow mass�qe dn�d Job # 2501- Amtrak RED HOGAN ENT. INC. +49 6�'S44 962r90 S. @i loacf Kusaer GmbM 6 Co.KG CnlburyonstfBSk 6 9�519 Aich� vom� Wald Germany id 0019 (0� B 5 44 9615 0 �ax 00 49 (0) BS a 96 25 90 f•Mrl: kutflf�R�ser.tan IM�m�I; NI!�yy(II,SyLti. KUSSER AI�HA � Cd il l$W��"�p pur rahnnn Exhnflen D�u JK•ie 9625-24 2�.09.2000 PAGE 02 �. 1 Dcar Ckuig: W e have fineity recaived th� block for tha baae ato�ue fnr th¢ ebav�mec�tioned f�o�ting sphe�te, Unfortunale�y, thie dolay in fhe da2ivery of the nAaterial hes cauee+d a con9idarable delay in o� prvductio� d�e. The ftosting sphere will be ra�ty fbr ebipment (including trial run cnd video tape) in our works aro�usd pecembar Zo, �Q00. According to IC&N there wilt be a 9h,fp leaving on Decembe� 26, 2000, which givos ue uri �pproximete arrival on site in Bakasfield at the end of January 2001, Sincerely. ;. A . ,%'� St�!�� �E..0 Kuseer wicha C3ranitwerke Sperka�se Eging Frf011ungSOR� NcNa Y. W. f{rme: Josd Kusur GmbM (4 Ca.i(G pentlnllch hakpndl Ges�!hcAahv�in: Ge5ch3tti(Ghrer; Kanoo 620 j01 7B6 Gaichlatsnd: P�sseu fitt: Akhe voim Wold KuSSeI GmbH mit dem S(� in Ai<IW V. W. Kbsser losli, sen. � 6lI 7a4 50Q 00 ID•N►, DE 1�0949543 RlOGr : AG Psuau - MRA /07I2 R�r � P��um - N9R 5055 Kncco� Ir.a) ��u� �''� C�9PPiT SE 1 T�7J 01 :�^��- �' . �c,- � '` RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY DAVlD�PR/CE lll. D/RECTOR Communiry Development Program Department•Engineering and Survey Services Department• Environmental Health Services Department• Planning Department• Roads Department Phones: (661) 862-8800 (800) 552-5376 Option 5 � 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 350 Fax: (661) 862-8801 • BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301-2370 TTY Relay: (800) 735-2929 � � • E-Mail: rma@co.kem.ca.us Web Page: http:/lwww.co.kem.ca.us/rma/rma.htm PUBLIC WO.RKSHOP NOTICE SEWER SERVICE IN NORTHWEST BAKERSFIELD THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2000, 7:00 P.M. KERN COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICES BUILDING 2700 "M" Street, First Floor Public Meeting Room Staff from the East Niles Community Services District, North of the River Sanitary District, City of Bakersfield (City), and County of Kern have met to discuss metropolitan area sewer issues. After meeting as a group, it was decided that initial actions would focus on the updating of County standards. It was further decided that these revised County policies would first focus on the County Service Area 71 region, which is the subject of the recently revised agreement between Bakersfield and Kern County and for which the County is obligated to act. Remaining portions of the metropolitan area will be added in this sewer policy as a part of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan update process and as master sewer plans are adopted. Currently, County staff is drafting amendment language for the Western Rosedale Specific Plan, Greater Bakersfield 2010 General Plan, and affected chapters of the ordinance code. These amendments will effectively extend the area subject to sanitary sewer requirements within the CSA 71 boundary by requiring: All new de�elopment with lot sizes of three gross acres or less and all commercial and industrial parcels to connect to a public sewer when they are within 1,000 feet or less of the development. In those cases where sewer trunk lines are beyond 1,000 feet of the new development, then a fee will be paid into a separate interest bearing #rust fund to pay the cost of providing sewer service at such time as the facilities are available. 2. All existing residential lots with lot sizes of three gross acres or less and all commercia! and industrial parcels to connect to a public sewer when they are within 200 feet of sewer service. Where the trunk lines are beyond 200 feet of these parcels, then a fee will be paid as noted above. Accompanying the amendment language wiil be the capital improvement program and nexus documents identifying the per parcel cost for this sewering program. The public is encouraged to attend this workshop. The Planning Commission is scheduled to consider this issue at its October 26, 2000 meeting and it is anticipated that the policies and ordinance code changes will be considered by the Kern County Board of Supervisors on December 10, 2000. Printed on Recycled Paper ,.�- .. To: From: Subject BAKERSFIELD POLICE MEMORANDUM Alan Tandy, City Manager Honorabie Mayor Price and Council Members Eric Matlock, Chief of Police� ./�- ��; .� 1J�Y��'�.�. �' Vv�VV r �AKERSFIELD � ��rt�:�';�� } �`�'19 � J'OLICti.I. ` �`. .. ._��v \ `�� �' �✓ fi �_�u.- � . ;-� September 26, 2000 Special Enforcement Unit Progress Report for August 2000 I have enclosed sanitized copies of our Special Enforcement Unit's monthly report, and daily stats for August. Please call if you have any questions. EWM/vrf enclosures: "Sanitized" BPD Special Enforcement Unit Monthlv Report, Auqust 2000 "Dailv Stafistics forAupust" a Bakersfield Police Department Special Enforcement Unit Monthly Report - August 2000 Sanitized Version The following is a compilation of the perFormance of the Special Enforcement Unit and significant incidents / investigations for August 2000. 92 58 15 30 175 555 267 83 147 425 Felony Arrests Misd. Arrests Felony Warrants Arrests Misd. Warrant Arrests Hours in Training Felony Arrests Misd. Arrests Felony Warrants Arrests Misd. Warrant Arrests Hours in Training 12 325 46 98 251 Guns Seized FI's Citations Probation / Parole Searches Hours assisting other Department sections Year to Date Statistics January- August 2000 79 1692 178 822 1197 Guns Seized FI's Citations Probation / Parole Searches Hours assisting other Department sections Page 1 of 11 � � . . 568 27 196 7 74 35 � Special Reports Offense Reports CHP 180's Search Warrants Gang Shootings Special Reports Offense Reports CHP 180's Search Warrants 1999 Shootings 2000 Shootings �� m SEU ACTIVITY �8/2/00 1600-0200 hrs. SEU officers conducted eight probation and parole searches of gang members. SEU officers assisted detectives in a PC288 investigation at 433 T Street. ( ) was arrested for a misdemeanor warrant at 800 Lakeview Avenue. ( ) Sr. was arrested for PC288(A), PC286(C) 1 in the 1400 block of Reese Street. ( )(ESC) was arrested for GTA/PC496 in the 300 block of Hayes Street. ( )(ESC) was arrested for H&S11357 B, probation violation in the 300 block of Hayes Street. ( ) was arrested for felony H&S warrant in the 1400 block of Miller St. ( ) was arrested for H&S11377, H&S11364, and 2 misdemeanor warrants in the 1400 block of Miller Street. � f 8/3/00 1600-0200 hrs. j SEU officers conducted four probation and parole searches on gang � members. Five SEU officers attended range qualification. � ( )(Varrio Bakers) was arrested for PC245 at 412 Lloyd St. � ( ) was arrested for HS11350(a), PC132, PC3056 in 700 block of i � Union Avenue. i ( ) was arrested for VC14601(a) at 23`d and F Street. � ( ) and ( ) were arrested for HS11350, HS11364 at ' 316 S. Union Ave. ( ) was arrested for misd. warrant in the 1600 blk. of Clarendon. ( )(ESC) and ( )(ESC) were arrested for HS11359, PC182, PC186.22 in the 300 block of Hayes Street. ( ) was arrested for PC135, PC148, HS11364 in the 1000 block of Belle Terrace. ( ) was arrested for a felony warrant in the 1000 block of Brundage Lane. ( ) was arrested for felony warrant at 200 E. 7th Street. ! 8/4/00 1700-0200 hrs. ; SEU officers and four juvenile probation officers conducted twenty-six . probation searches on gang members. Page 2 of 11 ( ) was arrested for HS 11377 and VC 21201 D in the 1700 block of Brown Street. ( ) for misdemeanor warrant at 619 Niles Street. ( ) for Felony in the 600 block of Irene Street. ( ) for HS 11378, HS 11377, VC 4000 A, HS 11379 at 600 E. Brundage Lane. ( )(Okie Bakers) for PC 148.9 in the 1000 block of Feliz Street. ( ) for HS 11377 and VC 26708 in the 1000 block of Feliz St. ( ) for felony warrant at 1620 Baker Street. ( ) for HS 11364 at 2000 Quincy St. ( ) for misdemeanor warrant in the 1500 block of Padre Street. ( )(Colonia Bakers) for VC 12500 A. ' 8/5/00 1700-0300 hrs. � SEU officers conducted five probation searches on gang members. ; ( )(NLR).was arrested for HS 11377 in the 2200 block of S. Union � Avenue. � � 8/8/00 � for PC12020 at 2200 S. Union Avenue. ( ) for VC 31, CA 12500 A, VC 27007 at 2200 S. Union Ave. ( ) for HS 11357 and HS 11364 at 2000 S. K Street. ( ) for VC 14601 in the 1500 block of Williams Street. ( )(CBC) for misdemeanor warrant at S. H Street and Wilson Rd. ( ) for HS 11357B at 1300 Beale Avenue. ( ) for sexual battery, 3 counts malicious mischief and PC 148 at 410 Water Street. ( ) for misdemeanor warrant at 200 Kentucky St. 1400-0000 hrs. SEU officers responded to Sandra and S. Chester Avenue regarding Detective O. Love witnessing a shooting in progress between two rival gangs. The Country Boy Crips and Eastside Crips. This shooting was in regard to the Casa Loma shooting. No one was injured in the shooting. � SEU officers arrested ( ) and ( )(both CBC) fleeing ! the area. They were arrested for terrorist threats, conspiracy, participation in a j criminal street gang and gang member in possession of a firearm. Officers arrested six suspects (all CBC) for possession of rock cocaine , for sale, loitering for narcotic activity and participating in a criminal � street gang at 807 Melwood Street. � 8/9/00 1500-0100 hrs. � SEU officers responded to the area of Wayside Park and went door to door to i all the residences on EI Toro Drive and spoke to the residents about the Page 3 of 11 � ;8/10/00 � recent shootings at the park. The residents were given business cards and were advised of increased SEU patrol in the area. SEU officers attended the neighborhood watch meeting at 1323 Gorrill Street. SEU was contacted by probation officer Dave Driskill and was asked to locate ( ) as he was possibly in possession of a stolen rifle. We went to 1026 S. Brown Street and conducted a probation search. ( ) was not there. Officers arrested ( ) and ( ) on a misdemeanor warrant and far delaying a police officer. SEU was contacted by probation officer Dennis Allen who provided information on felony warrant suspect ( ) and she was arrested at 1700 Golden State Hwy for an outstanding felony warrant for probation violation. Officers arrested ( ) for a misdemeanor warrant at Oregon and Gage Streets. Officers located and arrested four suspects (all Colonia Bakers) for possession of firearm with the serial number removed, conspiracy, possession of narcotic paraphernalia, participation in a criminal street gang, public intoxication and probationers in possession of a firearm when exclusively restricted by terms of their probation. They were arrested at 916 Quincy Street, Apt. D. Officers arrested ( ) and ( )(Okie Bakers) for a misdemeanor warrant and driving on a suspended license at 1000 Padre Street. 1600-0200 hrs. SEU officers assisted Wasco State Prison's SSU team in attempting to locate a prison escapee in the area of Niles and Sterling. This met with negative resutts. Detective Adair requested that we attempt to locate ( ) from the homicide from 1123 Inyo Street. We were unsuccessfut. Officers arrested ( ) for a misdemeanor warrant from 1000 Gage. ( )(Colonia Bakers) for misdemeanor warrant at 1300 Flower. ( ) for possession of a heroin at 10 block S. Kincade St. ( ) for a felony narcotics warrant at 300 S. Owens St. ( ) for a misdemeanor warrant at 2300 Niles Street. for drug paraphernalia at 1400 Flower Street. 8/11/00 1400-2400 hrs. SEU officers responded to assist the SSU unit of California Department of Corrections in surveillance and attempting to locate a escapee from Wasco State Prison identified as ( ). Officers arrested ( )(ESC) for participation in a gang, terrorist threats, reckless discharge of a weapon and gang member in possession of a firearm in the 300 block of Northrup. ( )(CBC) for violation of parole and a misdemeanor warrant charging resisting arrest at the police department. Page 4 of 11 � 8/ 13/00 � i 8/16/00 ( ) (Bakers), ( ) and ( ) for possession of marijuana and parole violation in the 300 block of Hayes Street. SEU officers responded to an armed robbery which had just occurred in the 500 block of Robinson Street with a suspect description provided. SEU officers circulated the area and saw a suspect matching the description in the 1100 block of Delores Street. A foot pursuit ensued with officers locating the suspect hiding in a residence and additional suspects in the area. The victim's wallet was located at the front of the residence where the suspects were first observed along with a loaded Tec 9 with a 24 round magazine and a loaded .380 caliber semi auto handgun. lnside the residence officers found a sawed off .12 gauge shotgun, another .380 caliber semi auto hand gun and a Tec 22 assau/t weapon. Five weapons were seized. Officers arrested the four suspects (all Varrio Bakers gang members) for the following charges: conspiracy, armed robberyLparticipation in a criminal street gang, Qang member in possession of firearms, possession of loaded firearms, �ang members in possession of unregistered guns and possession of loaded concealable firearms. Officers arrested three suspects (all Country Boy Crip gang members) for possession of marijuana for sale, conspiracy and participation in a criminal street gang in the 300 block of Northrup. 1400-2400 hrs. SEU officers arrested ( in the 800 block of Union Avenue. for possession of narcotic paraphernalia ( ) and ( ) for public intoxication, resisting arrest and parole violation in the 800 block of EI Rancho. SEU officers saw an occupied stolen vehicle and arrested ( ) for auto theft and possession of stolen property in the 1300 block of Padre Street. ( ) for housing code violation at 10th and M Street, ( ) for a misdemeanor warrant and ( ) for possession of inethamphetamine for sales 11 grams in the 700 block of Beverly. Four suspects were arrested for participation in a criminal street gang, conspiracy and possession of rock cocaine in the 400 block of S. Williams St. After receiving several complaints from citizens living in the area of Pershing Street about narcotic sales at the Ramkabir Motel, SEU officers responded and arrested six suspects for possession of cocaine, drug paraphernalia, resting arrest, false information to a police officer and parole violation at the Ramkabir Motel rooms #36 and #37. 1330-2330 hrs. SEU officers provided patrol for the Lopez funeral and spoke with family members about the shooting. Information developed was passed on to Page 5 of 11 Detective Bianco and GSU. Officers arrested four suspects for possession of inethamphetamine, drug paraphernalia and violation of parole at 2100 River Blvd. Officers responded to the Sheriff's DepartmenYs gang shooting at Lincoln and Miller St. This has been the third consecutive shooting in the area. 8/17/00 1600-0200 hrs. SEU officers received information from neighborhood watch about gang/narcotic activity taking place at 1813 Potomac St. Officers conducted a probation search and seized 15 grams of methamphetamine and arrested four suspects for possession of methamphetamine for sales, loitering for the purpose of narcotic sales, and maintaining a residence for sales. Officers arrested ( ) for a misdemeanor warrant at 1813 Potomac Street. ( ) for a misdemeanor warrant at 1400 Virginia Avenue. ( ),( ) and ( ) for possession of drug paraphernalia and false information to a police officer in the 1300 block of Robinson St. ( ) and ( ) for possession and sales of methamphetamine in the 1100 block of Oregon Street. ( ) for a misdemeanor warrant at 1010 S. Union Avenue. ( ) for driving on a suspended license and false information to a police officer at 1700 Potomoc Street. ( ) for a misdemeanor warrant to 1100 block of Flower Street. ( ) and ( ) for violation of parole and ( ) far a misdemeanor warrant at 100 Kincade Street. 8/18/00 1700-0300 hrs. SEU officers conducted directed patrol in Districts 5& 8 due to the recent hispanic gang shootings in the neighboring county areas. Information received has the Los Primos and Loma Gage Street gangs at odds which has been confirmed through the last 4 shootings on consecutive days in the county area off of Bernard Street. During patrol SEU officers arrested the following people: ( )•for several misdemeanor warrants for Detective Charmley while in the 2600 block of Buck Owens Blvd. ( ) for violation of parole from 600 Water Street. ( )(Loma Bakers) for violation of parole at 1200 Niles Street. ( )(ESC) and ( ) for violation of a court order and resisting arrest from 39 Kincade. ( ) for resisting arrest and battery on a police officer in the block of Quincy Street. ( ) for driving on a suspended license resisting arrest and on a police officer in the 700 block of Irene Street. Page 6 of 11 1100 battery While on patrol SEU officers observed a rolling GTA vehicle which had occurred earlier in the day from the county. Officers stopped the vehicle and arrested ( )(Colonia Bakers) for auto theft, possession of stoien property, participation in a criminal street gang and possession of master keys in the 100 block of W. Sumner Street 8/19/00 1800-0400 hrs. SEU officers conducted directed patrol in districts 5& 8 due to the recent hispanic gang shootings in the nsighboring county areas. Information received has the Los Primos and Loma Gage Street gangs at odds which has been confirmed through the last 4 shootings on consecutive days in the county area off Bernard Street. During patrol, SEU officers arrested the following people: ( ) for unlicensed driver at 1400 Robinson Street. ( )(CBC) for possession of marijuana at 3500 Hale Street. ( ) for possession of marijuana at 1000 Flower Street. ( ) for a felony warrant for burglary at'1200 Water Street. . ( ),( ),( ),( ) for transportation and possession for sales of inethamphetamine for sale as approximately 11 arams were seized from 1200 E. Belle Terrace. ( )(ESC) for felony resisting arrest, participation in a criminal street gang, sales of narcotics, destruction of evidence and violation of parole, in the 10 block of Kincade Street. During this arrest officers were confronted with numerous subjects who were upset with police about the arrests and recent arrests the police department has been making the last month ie.. 133 Clyde Street and 106 S. Kincade Street where 28 Eastside Crips have been ' arrested and charged. This arrest was a culmination of frustration for this neighborhood as it is involved in the support of the sales of narcotics for the Eastside Crip organization. During the arrest of ( ) he attempted to take Officer Carruesco's gun from him and made statements that he did not have anything to lose as he is a two strike parolee. ( ) for possession of marijuana for sale at 300 S. Brown Street. 8/20/00 1500-0900 hrs. SEU officers during patrol arrested the three suspects for possession of PCP and under the influence of PCP while in the 1200 block of Monterey Street. SEU officers conducted follow-up on the patrol arrest at 106 S. Kincade Street where 13 people were arrested and 2.5 ounces of rock cocaine were seized. The main suspect was identified as ( ) a Compton Crip. We had learned he was the main supplier of rock cocaine in that particular area. SEU officers identified him as ( ) and served a search Page 7 of 11 warrant at 122 S. Owens Street where over one ounce of rock cocaine was seized along with a loaded .22 caliber revolver. During the investigation three suspects were arrested. They were arrested for possession of cocaine base, conspiracy, ex felon in possession of a firearm, violation of parole, participation in a criminal street gang and transportation of drugs. SEU officers responded to a KCSO shooting which occurred at Jastro and Cannon Streets where one subject was shot. SEU officers saw the suspect vehicle at 4th and P Streets and made the stop. Three suspects, all Eastside Crips, were identified as responsible for the shooting. Officers located and seized the loaded .38 caliber revolver from the vehicle which was used in the shootinq. All suspects were charged with 8 felony charges for weapons, narcotics and gang.participation. SEU officers provided directed patrol to the Adelante Circle area for subjects armed with guns as patrol had been responding to shots fired calls in the area from the previous night after SEU was off duty. Officers located and arrested three suspects, all Eastside Crips, for possession of a loaded .45 caliber Gtock 5emi auto handgun, gang participation, gang member in possession of a handgun, CCW, conspiracy and possession of an unregistered handgun in the 1100 block of Adelante Circle. These same suspects are suspected of committing a car jacking the previous night from Ralston and Lakeview area. 8/23/00 0845-0445 hrs. SEU officers assisted the 4 Secret Service Agents in the protection of visiting vice president candidate, Richard Cheney. $/24/00 SEU officers assisted ATF with an illegal weapons sales case for 4 hours in the metro area of Bakersfield. Officers attended the community meeting at the PAL Center for 1/1/2 hours and answered community concerns. SEU officers arrested the following subjects: ( ) was arrested for unlicensed driver and resisting arrest as he and another suspect ran from the vehicle which had been stopped. The suspect who got away was armed with a hand gun. ( ) was arrested at 300 Hayes Street. Officers arrested ( ) for residential burglary at 900 C Street. SEU officers responded and handled the in progress burglary prior to their duty hours. ( )(CBC) and ( )(Pacheco Clique) for parole violation and DUI at 200 Kincade. Page 8 of 11 ( ) and ( ) for a misdemeanor warrant and public intoxification form the 10 block of Kincade St. Three suspects for parole violation, under the influence and possession of narcotic paraphernalia from Texas and Kincade. ( ) for possession of heroin and narcotics paraphernalia at 1500 E. 10t'' Street. � ( ) for transportation, possession of marijuana and violation of parole from 1100 E 3�d Street. 8/25/00 1700-0300 hrs. SEU officers responding to community complaints about gang/narcotic sales from the Kincade Street area conducted directed patrol efforts in this area. Officers towed 4 vehicles from the 10 block, conducted a probation search and made several contacts on cocaine buyers making 3 arrests relating to possession of rock cocaine. Officers responded and handled gang related shooting at the Rising Son's at Murdock and Lakeview. ( )(ESC) was shot once while standing in the parking lot. Information being developed is that the suspects were other Eastside Crips. Officers Wilson, Guyton and Phlugh provided emergency medical aide to the victim by sticking their finger in the gunshot wound and applvingpressure on the artery to stop the bleeding. Officers also started an I.V. while waiting for medical aide. Officers arrested ( ) and ( ) for possession of cocaine base and violation of parole at 800 Texas Street. These suspects were seen buying narcotics from the 10 block of Kincade Street. ( ) for driving on a suspended license at 500 R Street. While patrolling, SEU officers observed an occupied GTA vehicle in the 10 block of Northrup and arrested ( ) and ( )(ESC) for GTA, possession of stolen property and participation in a criminal street gang. ( ) for violation of parole in the 10 block of Kincade. , Officers responded to 300 Whitlock regardinq a qanq shootinq in which 3 peop(e were shot (Varrio Bakers) wifh one victim dead at the scene. SEU offciers and �atrol officers located witnesses and identified possible suspects. SEU officers were familiar with the suspects and had seen the sus�ect vehicle earlier int the niqht. SEU officers located the suspect vehicle on McNew Ct and conducted a probation search at 1109 McNew Ct, Apt. B. Officers arrested ( ) and ( )(Okie Bakers) for the shooting and recovered the .38 caliber revolver used in the shooting. Page 9 of 11 Officers arrested ( ) for possession of cocaine base in the 300 block of Hayes Street. ( ) for resisting arrest in the 1700 block of Clarendon street. ( ) for a felony warrant from the 1100 block of Mc New Court. 8/26/00 1800-0400 hrs. SEU officers arrested the following people: ( ) for false information to a police officer and driving on a suspended license at 100 Clyde Street. ( ) for a felony warrant at 1400 Flower Street. ( ) for a misdemeanor warrant 1400 E 9'h Street. ( ) for public intoxication at 1500 Murdock. ( ) for possession of a dangerous weapon at 900 S. Robinson St. ( ' ) for under the influence of PCP at 1300 E 10`h Street. ( ) and ( ) for a misdemeanor warrant and possession of inethamphetamine from 2400 S. H Street. ( ) for a felony warrant at 300 Hayes Street. SEU officers closed down the Rising Sun Motorcycle Club for illegal operation as they do not have proper permits and for allowing minors drinking in their establishment. Code enforcement, ABC vice narcotics, and fire marshal were notified regarding the investigation. 8/27/00 1500-0100 hrs. SEU officers arrested the following people: ( ) for misdemeanor warrants at E 9th and Lakeview. SEU officers were attacked by a pit bull while investigating a possible residential burglary at 710 R Street. Officers shot and killed the dog. 8/30/00 8/31 /00 SEU officers conducted two probation and parole searches with negative results. ( ) was arrested for driving on a suspended license. Officer Peery is out of town attending fitness instructor training. SEU officers conducted three probations searches on gang members and one search warrant. ( ) was arrested for misdemeanor warrants, 300 Villa St. ( )(VB) was cited for unlawful rider, 8`h and Union. ( )(VB) was arrested for PC 653K, 500 K St. ( ) was arrested for misdemeanor warrant, 800 Collins St. ( )(ESC) was arrested for VC 12500A, 300 Clifton St. Page 10 of 11 ( ) was arrested for misdemeanor, 900 4�h St. ( ) was arrested for PC 647F, 300 block of Hayes St. ( )(Blood) was arreste.d for PC 3056, H&S 11357B, PC 148, 400 block S. Brown St. Page 11 of 11 DAILY STATS FOR AUGUST - e ony mis . e. wr . mis .wr . rs. in guns pro par Date day arrests arrests arrests arrests training seized FI'S Citations searches 08/01 Tues. Off 08102 Wed. 3 1 1 1 0 0 11 0 8 08/03 Thur. 6 2 2 2 15 0 15 Q 4 08104 Fri. 4 3 4 2 0 0 15 1 26 08/05 Sat. 4 2 0 3 0 1 15 0 5 08106 Sun. Off 08/07 Mon. off 08108 Tues. 4 4 0 1 32 0 15 1 3 08/09 Wed. 4 3 1 2 52 1 7 1 3 08I10 Thur. 1 2 1 2 52 1 7 1 3 08/11 Fri. 11 2 0 2 0 5 23 0 5 08112 Sat. off 08/13 Sun. 11 5 0 1 0 0 8 0 3 08114 Mon. OfF 08115 Tues. Off 08116 Wed. 4 0 0 0 18 0 10 2 2 08/17 Thur. 6 8 0 5 6 0 28 1 4 08118 Fri. 4 5 0 1 0 0 28 13 2 08/19 Sat. . 6 4 1 0 0 0 26 5 7 08/20 Sun. 10 2 0 2 0 3 9 1 6 08/21 Mon. Off 08122 Tues. off 08/23 Wed. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 08/24 Thur. 5 5 0 1 0 0 19 4 4 08125 Fri. 7 2 3 0 0 1 40 2 4 08126 Sat. 1 3 2 1 0 0 17 8 3 08/27 Sun. 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 1 1 08/28 Mon. off 08/29 Tues. Off 08/30 Wed. 0 1 0 0 0 0 7 1 2 08131 Thur. 1 4 0 3 0 0 22 4 3 Totals 92 58 15 30 175 12 325 46 98 �- DAILY STATS FOR AUGUST cont. assisting specia o ense searc new gang shootings Date day other reports reports 180's warrants mem.ID'd shootings shootings 08I01 Tues. 2 08/02 Wed. 18 3 0 0 0 1 08/03 Thur. 18 6 1 2 0 1 08/04 Fri. 0 6 1 1 0 2 08/05 Sat. 0 6 0 4 0 0 08/06 Sun. 08/07 Mon. 08108 Tues. 0 5 0 1 0 0 08/09 Wed. 0 5 0 1 0 0 08/10 Thur. 0 5 0 1 0 0 08/11 Fri. 28 7 0 0 0 0 08/12 Sat. 08/13 Sun. 0 5 0 2 0 0 08114 Mon. 08/15 Tues. 08/16 Wed. 0 3 2 0 0 0 08/17 Thur. 0 6 0 4 0 0 08/18 Fri. 0 6 2 2 0 0 08119 Sat. 0 6 0 1 0 0 08/20 Sun. 0 4 0 2 1 0 08/21 Mon. 08/22 Tues. 08/23 Wed. 64 0 0 0 0 0 08124 Thur. 15 9 1 6 1 0 08/25 Fri. 75 14 1 10 0 0 08/26 Sat. 20 7 1 4 0 0 08127 Sun. 0 2 0 1 0 0 08/28 Mon. � 08/29 Tues. 0813o Wed. 10 0 0 3 0 0 08/31 Thur. 3 5 0 2 1 0 Totals 251 110 9 47 3 6 36 35 ,.� �. � � � , �.�..- � ....� .. -- .. � � . .� . . Rhonda Smiley - Bakersfield S stems Stud u date __„�_, ,.__„ w _,, __� __�, Pa e 1. From: Steve Walker To: Rhonda Smiley Date: Fri, Sep 29, 2000 10:38 AM Subject: Bakersfield Systems Study update The Bakersfield Systems Study consultant team held a workshop for the public on Tuesday, September 26, from 6 pm to 8 pm at the Beale Library. The purpose of the workshop was to introduce the study and the study team, gather public input regarding transportation problems in the Metro area and outling community involvement opportunities. Addtional workshops are scheduled for NovembeN December, 2000 to discuss candidate alternative projects to be studied with more workshops in March/April, 2001 to discuss the project alternatives. About 30 members of the community attended the workshop, giving input regarding problem roads, intersections and future freeway needs. Members of the City Public Works Department, County Roads Department, Kern Council of Government Staff, the:project consultant URS Greiner team and the media were present. The consultant will analyze the public input from this meeting for use as an aid in determining issues to be resolved by the study and candidate alternative projects. CC: Bruce Deeter; Jack LaRochelle; Raul Rojas .. - -< < TO: FROM: DATE: � B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SEPTEMBER 29, 2000 SUBJECT: CASA LOMA AREA STREET IMPROVEMENTS .�— Councilmember Irma Carson requested Streets Division provide her with a survey of streets that need resurfacing in the Casa Loma area (i.e. Casa Loma, Watts Drive, E. Planz Road., Lotus Lane, White Lane, etc.) Attached is the information requested by Councilmember lrma Carson relating to the Casa Loma area street improvements. Attach. ��������� --_�z � �FP 2 � ri_ �� �� ---..� ����s'� t'�_ '� _.1` G:IGROUPDAIIMemo12000\CasaLomaSVeetlmprovements.wpd _ _ V-.e :;�. ���. : ''���lllrll' � ;� J:�'--� \\1�11 � �� r; � _ \`�� � ^ v �< � � �j� _ ��i •�: \� _,Nr 1�11k1um� � �Q� T` __ �� c1 ,`,�1``0 �--,,,�:.{ Iinn TO: RAUL ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FROM: LUIS PERALE ��ET MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT DATE: SEPTEMBER 26, 2000 SUBJECT: CASA LOMA AREA, STREET IMPROVEMENTS The installation of curb and gutter on Madison Avenue, between Casa Loma Drive and Watts Drive has been completed. We are cun�entty working on the street re-construction of Madison Street within this area All work on Madison Street will be paid out of the Street Division's budget. The following streets within the Casa Loma area are still in need of street improvements: Lotus Lane between Casa Loma Drive & Bradshaw Street: Curb 8t gutter ( C 8t G) has to be designed and installed before the street can be - resurfaced. The portion of Lotus Lane that was paved had existing C& G. If new C& G is to match existing C& G, eleven (11) PG&E. telephone poles would have to be relocated. In addition, there are some p=operty fences that would have to be set back. Lotus Lane fronn 3010 Lotus Lane to Planz Road: C& G has to be designed and installed before the street can be resurfaced. No poles have to be relocated. Right-of-way is OK. � Nina Street between Lotus Lane & Madison Street: C 8t G has to be designed and installed before the street can be resurfaced. Right-of-way seems OK. Meeka Avenue between Ptanz Road & Brook Street: C 8t G has to be designed and installed before the street can be resurfaced. Right-of-way is OK. However, the California Water Company was going to do some work on the street, which they still have not done. Horne Street between Planz Road & Brook Street: C& G has to be designed and installed before the street can be resurfaced. California , Water Company still has to do some work. Right-of-way is OK. � Page -1- .��-<� -� _ Anderson Street between Planz Road & Brook Street: C& G has to be designed and installed before the street can be resurfaced. Right-of-way is OK. Califomia Water Company still has to do some work. Oliver Street between Planz Road & Brook Street: C& G has to be designed and installed before the street can be resurfaced. Some homes on Oliver Street already have C& G. Right-of-way is OK. California Water Company still has to do some work. There is ED/CD funding to complete the street improvements within the Casa Loma area. However, none of the streets can be resurfaced until C& G is installed and on the streets between Planz Road & Brooks the California Water Company has to complete their work. Engineering is currently working on the design phase for the installation of curb 8c gutter for Lotus Lane. Since we are already at the end of September, even if the design for C& G for this area was completed we would only have time to perform the installation of C& G and could not pave the streets till appmximately late April or early May of 2001, when the weather warms up again. Page -2- � To From: BAKERSFIELD POLICE MEMORANDUM Alan Tandy, City Manager Honorable Mayor Price and Council Members Eric W. Matlock, Chief of Police�y" '"l Subject: Traffic Enforcement on Beech Street Council Date: September 13, 2000 Council Member: DeMond ; � .�:.� `� 1JVi �Jr'Y�". . . V"yv r � �aK� Fr�`l� °^ c �.�� � �� '��r i: (:�:��!);:�. � ' f' LIC�''� \�i�� � °, ✓ ��..�,� ��'�i � . . v��', J � �`s September 26, 2000 "DeMond referred the issue of speeding on Beech Street and requested increased traffic patrol." Officers were assigned to monitor traffic on Beech Street between 24`h and 30'h streets, from September 13 through September 21 during various hours of the day. These efforts resulted in a minimum of six speeding and nine stop sign violation citations. Additional enforcement will continue in this area. EWM/vrf � � � � To: From: P ,_.�,.�� � ��-'-,���,'�'-�//'//.i5'.�' w ��[. �� .r. .4 BAKERSFIELD POLICE MEMORANDUM Alan Tandy, City Manager Honorable Mayor Price and Council Members Eric W. Matlock, Chief of Police Subject: Speeding on North Montclair Council Date: September 13, 2000 Council Member Couch � � � :�� ���„ -. . :•v.,�� . � �pKERSF/El�' ^ r� � %�, � �; �' ;;� !?�'.�} ��;�,�'�, \/�r, '.' `-�. .:'..ti � f'OLICti.�' \'� ` ' ';`;� � ����'� �>�: i •, ` '��:� ✓ September 27, 2000 "Couch referred to Chief Matlock the issue of speeding on North Montclair and requested increased traffic patrol." Operations staff were assigned to monitor speeding on Montclair and provide additional traffic enforcement. The issue of speeding on Montclair is a recent community oriented policing project. Traffic Sergeant Gary Moore contacted area resident Marion Jourdan about speeding in the area. Jourdan advised that drivers are using North Montclair as a shortcut between Stockdale Highway and California Avenue. Officer Eurto monitored the area during daylight hours on 8/26, 8/27, and 9/10 and she did not observe any significant problems. Additionally, the SMART trailer was placed there on 9/12, 9/19, and 9/22. Officer Cowell monitored the area on 9/25 between 12:50 p.m. and 1:20 p.m. with no violations. Officer Schimon has also monitored the area on three separate evenings and only found one speeding violation and one loud music violation. We have requested a survey from Traffic Engineering to determine if a stop sign is warranted along North Montclair. I have attached copies of our problem solving worksheets for your information. Please contact me if you have any questions. � Of'ticc�• Assi�;ned Datc Opencd: Rcporting Partv: Distrirt No. Bakersfield Police Department Problem ' g Worksheet � ,CHaav�✓ No. Sergeant Assigned: � �� __ Date Clased: Ser�eant's initials: __� f�_ (Reyuire�l turclosure► Name __�"i%�'(Zt d�l �"7u.R►D� Address ?45 S� � ^� � Phone (H) �'�a-%' �3�� (W) WP advisect of results? �Ye� No (l/� "ito, " stute reuson tii�/t t) (Lixt nnme/bud,��e niunber if'repnrted or initiated by an oJJicer.) __.:... PROBLEM STA�['EMENT: (Briej's►��ropsrs o� pi-oblems a�id issues ��equrriirg attention.) , ?ec�� orJ �`'t�c.� � c�.A� � � �c�1.J�� Sinc.ko�. �.t,i�- � 0?3 c7 - 090� �130 — �.1� � , S'u n c�q�.1 � ni0 O t� S tp L:"U�7�1c �J� : —('�e.�F,F"� �� �.c� ►A .� M �.l.S t C� . l 'F �,1.4Rr�t� 110� MAy •.J.�.wl.— 'f� �cew+�r►� 't� �1C/�:�2.c�J �, � Si''°� ��r� �="r' Ly4 M��d A�, ACTION PLAN: (Dc�tai/ed list of proposed steps to resolve problem/.s.) Sergeant's initiais _ `'/ a �Jv.� �T -i-¢.-�� �F- ¢_ ��rr r-t� � r.� -�+F �l7Cx'.� �t� r.�L. r� � i'�O�► � c��� tZ. ���.��►-B�O�.� NQ � s�"' ��7 Nb Hc�� � 2S �. J;-v� t ��9 �;�., �1-2� 're.�ic cti2 P��c_c_,n i,.� -r-,-aE u�c��� ;�� c-�c�_ n� 4� UN 1.L. e�'( 2+ 5Cx c T�-I RCa( ( i. ��j,1.t �^-1 y�,�,� �v►��t-�rc.; '-fYZ.��c F-s'L '��-ACC{) 1 N'T1-IE `S� 3�c�� o� � in�o �� ► c �. � . ,�o ru-��so���r� �l'� < J►.�1 � ; �-+ aE�r�,��, c�_S�r- �✓I�e� _-- Bv: �/�/od Continued on Rever.ce , Bakersfield Police Departmei:t Problem Solving Worksheet RESULTS: � � � �. ��� � � � � \ �� '� a\ . .� ►� � I � � . � a \ � �� � � � .L.a► . � � � � . ► ��� !■ � � . ► u► :.�u': : Arrests Impounds Citations FI's Other Agencies/Departments/Associations lnvolved (Cncle Enforc mc�n�, conclo associcrtion, etc.) ��� Date �? � : � � ,� 6_ 1, Date � � • Action Taken ACTIVITY LOG ...�-� Contact Person and Phone Number Action Taken �n1 �� Action Taken -�..r •J" 1N Time � ���. Oyvl= (-c�u-c�� �U,SI (� �'t" �'i I I O�J , Ops/ik 5/l/00 Attach additional pages, ifnecessary. ��. TO: FROM: DATE: � B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DAVID R. COUCH, COUNCILMEMBER, WARD 4 ;� f�����°��� � � � !� SEP 2 � 2000 . � ; � ���� . �9� ���.i�J�C����'� ��- �-� RAUL ROJAS, PUBLiC WORKS DIRECTOR//'�,,�---- l/ SEPTEMBER 27, 2000 SUBJECT: NORIEGA ROAD RESURFACING PROJECT - UPDATE The Streets Division completed the resurfacing of Noriega Road between Jewetta Avenue and Allen Road, Monday (9-25-00). The west end of Noriega Road (648 feet), which is County, was also resurfaced. Traffic on Noriega Road has increased since the school was built at Noriega Road and Jewetta Avenue. Consequently, safety being a factor, Public Works staff could not permit the County portion of the street remain with potholes and pavement deterioration. coPY: Alan Tandy, City Manager G:IGROUPDATISTREETSINorlepa Memo.Couch.wpd TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: � B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM ALAN TANDY, City Manager RAUL ROJAS, Public Works Director �Dc� �`—' J September 27, 2000 Verdugo Lane Construction between Brimhail Road and Shellabarger Road **************************************************************************************************************** Staff has estimated the cost to construct Verdugo Lane between Shellabarger Road and Brimhall Road. These estimates include both design and construction engineering, but neither estimate includes a traffic signal at Brimhall Road which wouid add about $125,000 to the costs shown below. Right-of-way exists for the first option, but additional right-of-way woutd need to be purchased for the second option (full width improvements): For two 12' travel lanes with 4' paved shoulders and added width at Brimhall Road intersection for right/lert turn channelization: For full width standard collector improvements including curb and gutter (no sidewalk) and acquisition of additional required right-of-way: $235,000.00 $610,000.00 Traffic has not completed final analysis of the traffic volumes that considered the addition of a Verdugo Lane connection between Brimhall Road and Shellabarger Road. But based on their initial review of the data, two lanes with paved shoulders (the cheaper option) would appear to be adequate for a number of years. However, they caution this could change if Verdugo Lane is extended north from Shellabarger Road north to Palm Avenue. Regarding the need for a traffic signal, the initial numbers do not appear to warrant the installation of a signal based on current volumes. However, Traffic believes that operational considerations and increasing volume on Brimhall Road may, after 3 to 5 years, warrant the signal installation. Traffic also stated that a 4-way stop would also not be initially needed, but that again operational issues might require its installation in a year or two. The final traffic analysis will be complete next week. cc: Jacques R. LaRochelle, Engineering Services Manager Steve Walker, Traffic Engineer tdw: S:\T E D�2000memo\092700at3. wpd � ���������� SEP 2 °� �s�v n�����E�°� ��9���u