HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/28/00 B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM January 28,2000 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER ~ 7-6.,/, r-/c,s. SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Councilmember Salvaggio asked for the full list of Capital Improvement items that will be converted into concourse level suite construction. That list is, as follows: From Arena: Smoke evacuation system $ 32,000 Current system adequate Load in doors 23,000 Savings - project complete Staging units 46,000 Lower priority Motorized speakers 12,000 Lower priority Subtotal $113,000 From Convention Center: Lighting 47,000 Lower priority Dishwasher 10,000 Lower priority Spotlights 20,000 Lower priority Seat riser repair 31,000 Lower priority Subtotal $108,000 Construction Fund Balance 58,360 Miscellaneous 9,164 Grand Total $288,524 2. The outdoor skate park at Beach Park will officially open to the public this Saturday, January 29th at 2:00 p.m. 3. I'm pleased to inform you that Rhonda Barnhard, Assistant City Clerk, recently received her designation as a Certified Municipal Clerk. The notification from the International Institute of Municipal Clerks is enclosed. 4. The Police Department's Special Enforcement Unit Progress Report for the month of December is enclosed for your information. Honorable Mayor and City Council January 28, 2000 Page 2 5. A Hazardous Waste Site Remediation Status Report from the Fire Department is enclosed. · 6. The January 20th meeting of the Southeast Bakersfield PAC was canceled due to a lack of quorum. There are further details in the enclosed memo. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM January 21, 2000 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: John W. StinsoQn,~ssistant City Manager SUBJECT: Assistant City Clerk Recognition I recently received the attached letter which aclEnowledges that Rhonda Barnhard, Assistant City Clerk has been awarded the designation of Certified Municipal Clerk. As stated in the letter this prestigious designation reflects the her exceptional education, experience and professionalism. Rhonda becomes the third employee in the City Clerk's office to receive this designation, joining City Clerk Pam McCarthy and Deputy Clerk Bobby Zaragosa. I am very proud of Rhonda's efforts to obtain this designation and have provided this information to Trudy Slater, so she may be further recognized in the City newsletter. cc. Rhonda Barnhard Pam McCarthy S:~JO~S~Asst City CIk Recognition.wpd International Institute of Municipal Clerks [,ils AIII.~t'[C~4 ['Olllll\', ('allil~H'Ilial l_ l~ ~. ,~illl [)ill/il~ ('illlVIlll Rd. SLlll [)illlLlS. Callil'Ol'Hla 91773 [~[Iollt' (~}0,{,)) 592-[[M(' Xlcssagcs (N00} 251-1639 Fax (9091 592-I555 December 29, 1999 BOARD OF DIRECTORS- t999-'>000 Executive Committee MARY LOU RAND, CMC/AAE o~,,. ..... ,~.o~,~ Ca~o, .... Mr. John W. Stinson s,$,~ A. ~,~,.~,~c~. c~c~,~ Assistant City Manager ~,,~ ~.,,,,.,,,r,..; ............ . City of Bakersfield ~,*~,E~ ~,~$~. c~,c/,vu~ 1501 Truxtun Avenue c,,~ s .......... .,, Bakersfield, California 93301 Oarlmtd. VICKY MIEL, CMC/AAE c,, c~,,,, Dear Mr. Stinson: Directors--2000 Expiration 'a DEBRAE. EAST.,YZ.4.N. CMC/.42[E On behalf of the Intern tional Institute of Municipal Clerks, it gives me Tou,n Cleric/' Collector o,?~,.,¥~.,.,,,,,,,.~,,,,.,, great honor and pleasure to announce that Rhonda W. Barnhard, CMO, ~,,~.~..n.z~,.c~c/.,u~,~,,,,,,,,,¢,,,t c~.,~, Assistant City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, California, has-been c~, .......... s,,,,,, c,,~,,, .... awarded the designation of Certified Municipal Clerk. LUCINDA GREENWOOD, CMC/AAE St: Deputl C{ltt Clerk w~m.,,,.,,. ~v~,,:~r. c~c/,u~ This prestigious award fully recognizes the professional competency of Ms. c,,, ~_.,~.,,- ,,.,,,,,.~,,,,,-.. Lo,,,.~, ...... Barnhard fulfilling the responsibilities of her office. It is granted only after a JUDY B. $IMERSON. CMC/,iAE o~.r,,,,,,,,,,.,,.c""c"'"'~"~'"'"¥'~'"'r~,,,,,...~,.,, person has met high educational, experience, participatory and service ~OA*ErHU..ALA. c~c/,u~ standards established by lIMO. BETTY W. HENNEMAN. CMC/AAE c,~ct,.,.~,-,.,.~t~,~,,,.,,,.,,, Tine International Institute of Municipal Clerks was founded iD 1947, and ELISA D. OLSON. CMC/AAE c,~ a.,.,,,~t,.,.-~ ....... ,~..,,.~. o,.,., .... has a membership of over 10,000 members throughout the United States. DONNA B. KENNY, CMC/AAE ~ ' c,,, .,t,,,,,,,.,. ~.,.~,,~,,,,~.~..~,.,,.,,.,.~.c,,, ~.~,~,,~ Canada and 15 other countries, lIMO prepares and meets challenges of SHrrc!l. H.C. Direct .... 2001Expiration the diverse role of the Municipal Clerk through its Ce~ification and HDUYEC. MEDERO$, CMC/AAE Advanced Academy educational service programs. These programs are 'l'olctl Clerk - Hri~tot. Rhodc L'~kuld HO~.~,OO*,~:,U.H,,~.~.. c~c/,u~, updated regularly to keep pace with changing local government needs. Town Clerk - Hlaclc. sbm'9. Virginirl RENEE F. RAY-MOORE, CMC/AAE ('it!lCt,,rk (.;~,(I,'Si,o,'cs. AIol ........ We are very pleased to haVe Ms. Barnhard as a member of the AMY J. nODDY, CMC/AAE c:,,,c,.,.,~.,,,,.,,,,,i.~,,,t,,, .... International Institute of IVlunicipal Clerks, and deepiy appreciate your ALICE J. MORRISON, CMC/AAE c,,,, (:,.,-,,/.r,,. ...... .,.,..,,,, .... ¥. ,...~ encouragement of her involvement with the IIMC Certification prograrn It ,*,o,,,.,,',.,S,,H,,,.x,.,.:,~.,~,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,, ,:,,.,-,~c~'c reflects your understanding of the purpose of IIMC and your commitment ~'"'"""'"~",,.,,,,.,,,,,,,~.~.'~"'"'",,,,~,,.,,'~"'"' ....... '~" to professional development and growth. GAL1 SHAHAM, CMC/AAE City Mtmttflt.r. Rcfliotlcll ('olmt il QI "" "' "'"". '~'""" ...., ,.~.qincerel,,, Directors--2002 Expiration ELIZABETH H. KISS, CMC/AAE ~ 'C~ Miuliciprll ( :h'rk EVELYN L. WOULFE, CMC MARY C. REED. CMC KAREN GOLDMAN. CMC/AAE -,,,,~:,,',',, ,.,,,,-,., ....... ,.,',,, ...... ,,, Mar,/Lou Rand, CMC/AAE EVELYN L. ORTH. CMO ,,',?, ....... ,(',,.,,~ President, IIMC GYSBERT REITZ HOFMEYR' Francis L. Adshettd, Ph.D Director of Education AltI[/ )-[ ~-L ~_()()fl -)-[[/I //,\I(.' 'llllllltl/ (.-Oll[i'll'tlt'l' . . /~o[[l'l'thlllh '['~Il' ,% '[/I '1'/ Itll[5 (,"~c'tll/t'lll,l/ .'~]~iI! )_iD Janua~ 24,2000 To: Alan Tandy, City Manager Honorable Mayor Price and Council Members From: William Rector, Assistant Chief of Police Subject: Special Enforcement Unit Progress Report I have enclosed the December report from our Special Enforcement Unit for your information. Please call if you have any questions. WRR/vrf enclosure: "Sanitized" BPD Special Enforcement Unit Monthly Report, December, 1999 Bakersfield Police Department Special Enforcement Unit Monthly Report - December 1999 The following is a compilation of the performance of the Special Enforcement Unit and significant incidents / investigations for December 1999.' Performance: Felony Arrests Guns Seized Special Reports Misd. Arrests FI's Offense Reports Felony Warrants Arrests Citations CHP 180's Misd. Warrant Arrests Probation / Parole Search Warrants Searches Hours in Training Hours assisting other New gang members Department sections identified Gang related shooting incidents: 1. 12/12/99 237 T St. SEU personnel responded to a report of a shooting at 237 T St. Investigation revealed that two BM suspects standing ~ 3ra and T St. fired at least 28 shots from a 9mm at two victims, , BM 11/21/80 (ESC) and , BM 11/27/76 (ESC) who were standing in the front yard at 237 T St. received a very minor injury to his hand, was not injured. 40 cal. casings were found in the front yard of 237 T St., but both and denied shooting back at the suspects. A search of the residence failed to located the firearms. (99-46908) 2. 12/13/99 911 8t~ St. SEU personnel responded to a report of a shooting at 8th St. & P St. Investigation revealed that the victim, , BM 20, was sitting on his bicycle in front of 911 82 St. when the suspect(s) fired at least 20 rounds at him from the west alley of P St. ~ 8th St. was hit once in the upper arm and suffered very minor ~njudes. stated that he is known as a WSC by the rival ESC gang, but denied being a gang member. The occupied residence at 709 P St. was hit several times, however no injuries there. Ten (10) 45 caliber cases' & ten (10) .40 caliber casings were found at the mouth of the alley. The .40 caliber cases were similar to the casing located at 237 T St. on 12/12/99. (99-47033) This report has been redacted to remove all identififing information regarding arrested subjects. Gang affiliation information has been included. Bakersfield Polic~ Dq~amncnt Special Enfor~n~nt Unit Monthly Rcpor~ - D~h~ber 1999 Pa~e 2 3. 12/13/99 900 Block of Melwood St. SEU personnel responded to a report of a shooting in the 900 block of Melwood St. Investigation revealed that the victim, , BM 24 (CBC) was to the front of the residence at 905 MelwoOd St. when the suspects drove slowly E/B in a newer white or . yellow Explorer or similar type SUV and fired several shots at the victim. was hit once in the upper thigh and taken to KMC with moderate injuries. Two (2) 9 mm casings were located at the scene, stated "unofficially" that the Stroller Boys or Mid-City Crips did the shooting.. (99-47042) 4. 12/14/99 1000 Block M St. Patrol officers responded to a report of a drive by shooting in the 1000 block of M St. Investigation determined that suspect vehicle, described as either a 70% gold possible Chevrolet Impala or a 70's beige Cadillac, occupied by an unknown number of black male suspects drove by a group of black males standing in front of the vacant residence at 1006 M St. and fired several shots at them. No victims were located, .22 caliber casings were found at the scene. (99-47129) · 5. 12/18/99 1400 Block of Hwy. 58 Patrol officers responded to a report of a drive by shooting on Highway 58 near Chester Ave. Investigation determined that , BM 27 7/26/72 (Crip) and his wife , BF 30, 9/9/69 were followed by the suspect vehicle, described as a red 90% Dodge Neon, occupied by at least four black male suspects, as they left their residence on Smith Street. The suspect vehicle followed vehicle onto highway 58, where a passenger in the suspect vehicle fired one round striking the driver's side of vehicle. No injuries (99-47676) SEU ACTIVITY 12/4/99 Officers of the Special Enforcement Unit arrested , HM 22, 9/12/76, (Vat'rio Bakers) while at 2032 Stine Road for a variety of felony violations and warrants (99-45893). was wanted for questioning in regards to the double homicide from 31st St. was found in possession of two guns and a pound of methamphetamine. Investigation determined that an associate, , fied prior to our arrest of This report has been redacted to remove all identifying information regarding arrested subjects. Gang affiliation information has been included. Bnkersfieid Police Depnrtmcnt Special Enforcement Unit Monthly Report - December 1999 Page 3 12/8 - 12/10 SEU members attended the three day Cai-Gang class. 12/12/99 SEU personnel responded and investigated a reported gang related shooting at 237 T St. (See entry #1 in above section) 12/13/99 SEU personnel assisted CAP detectives in surveillance for possible solicitation for murder investigation. SEU personnel responded and investigated two reported gang related shooting incidents. (See entry #3 in above section) 12/15/99 SEU Officers investigating the recent gang shootings in the District 3 area arrested three suspects and seized four guns at 10th and M St. These arrests were linked to the recent shootings. SEU personnel arrested , HM 12/4/79, (Varrio Bakers) who fled fi.om 2032 Stine Rd. on 12/4/99 just prior to the arrest of (listed above), was also wanted for questioning in regards to the double homicide fi.om 31 ~ St. for Det. Stratton. Det. Stratton had been attempting to locate for several weeks. 12/16/99 SEU Officers arrested four suspects at 1014 M St. in response to the recent shootings in District 3 for weapons and drug violations. SEU Officers' seized one gun which was used in the 12-14-99 shooting which occurred at 10th and M St. along with approximately 50 pieces of rock cocaine. 12/17/99 SEU Officers assisted Vice officers in the service of search warrants and the officers handed out X-mas Baskets. 12/21/99 SEU personnel responded to 156 North Stine Rd. in an attempt to conduct a parole search of , WM 3/22/75 (Peckerwood). The parolee was not home, however SEU personnel located a loaded sawed off shotgun while conducting a consent search and arrested the resident / owner of the shotgun. 12/23/99 SEU Officers arrested (CBC) on a felony narcotics warrant. 12/24/99 SEU Officers conducted follow up of a Carjaeking in which a female was. abducted fi.om a local fitness center parking lot at Gosford and White In.. This report has been redacted to remove all identifying information regarding arrested subjects. Gang affiliation information has been included. Bakersfield Police D~artment Special Enforcement Unit Monthly Report - December 1999 Page 4 SEU officers talked with the parents of the suspect and convinced them to locate and turn their son in for the Kidnapping and Armed Robbery. The parents complied and turned their son in the following 12/30/99 SEU Officers conducted six hours of surveillance for a robbery suspect for Det. Martin of the Investigations Division. 12/31/99 SEU personnel were assigned to the "First Night 2000 - Bakersfield" celebration in the downtown area to provide police services and site security for the event. This report has been redacted to remove all identifying information regarding arrested subjects. Gang affiliation information has been included. From: Ralph Huey To: Ron Fraze Date: Monday, January 24, 2000 3:35:20 PM Subject: Hazardous Waste Site Status as of 1 - 24 - 00 Attached please find a copy of the current Hazardous Waste remediation Status report. CC: Kirk Blair  City of Bakersfield Required Environmental Clean-up Status as of 12/31/99 Contact: Ralph E. Huey e-mail: rhuey~ci.bakersfield.ca.us ..... ~'~"~"~ Phone: (661) 326-3979 1715 Chester Av. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Hazardous Waste Corrective Actions: Ld Agency Site Name. Location Status/Environmental Contractor BFD Pierce Rd. Properties 3900 Buck Owens Blvd. Remaining waste materials (non-RCRA) are drummed and awaiting transport. Sentencing is 1/30/2000 for 6 mo. In jail & $85,000 restitution to property owner & cost recovery. BFD . PG&E Kern Steam Plant 2401 Coffee Rd. Nickel & vanadium impacted soil excavated on 12/20/99, disposal pending profiling. PG&E is req'd by PUC to also evaluate this plant for divestiture. DTSC K&D Salvage 600 S. Union DTSC has removed solid wastes from K&D Double D Recycling 340 Daniels Ln. site, and is performing further assessment. Former Benham-Johnson (Sites are contiguous) Double D has shown high levels of DDT in soil, high levels of lead in scrap metal piles. On 9/23/99 a structure fire occurred in the vacant office bldg at 340 Daniels Ln.. Runoff water was adequately contained & did not pose a hazard to firefighters, public, or the environment. USEPA Former Magna Site Pacheco Rd & Progress Rd EPA has transferred final stage of clean-up to (Owned by Southern DTSC for neutralization of low pH soils and Pacific-Union Pacific offsite disposal of petroleum impacted soils. R/R) An asphalt cap will be placed over the site. Underground Petroleum Storable Tank Release Corrective Actions: Ld Agency Site Name Location Status BFD Schwebel Petroleum 900 Sacramento St. DTSC imposing hazardous waste tank closure DTSC requirements to waste oil tank removal, based on facility's prior application as a waste transfer station. Possible lead agency issue. Site Asmt performed 9/1/99. All soil cuttings to be analyzed for haz. waste per DTSC. BFD will act as lead agency & copy DTSC for closure concurrence. BFD Elks Lodge 1414 E. California Av. Vapor extraction wells installed and RAM Env. has run piping to manifold and area is fenced. McKee electric installed power pole on 8/6/99. No other equipment yet on site. Cash flow continues to cause delays as CUF requires $10,000 reimbursement increments which RAM is carrying the costs for the Elks. BFD St. Vincent De Paul 310 Baker St. Vapor extraction system now in operation for a three month period ending in Feb. 2000 as per State Cleanup Fund. BFD Apex Bulk Commodities 2111 Bricyn Ln. Diesel impacted soil & G/W ~ 17' BGS. W/P submitted for excavation & disposal of impacted soil w/G/W monitoring. Land owner notification sent on 11/8/99 not yet returned. BFD Former AAA Auto Club 2700 F St. Groundwater monitoring by SECOR still in (Now owned by ARCO) progress on a quarterly basis. Low level benzene (1.2 ppb) detected in G/W during last quarter after three consecutive qtrs of N/D. No MtBE involved as release occurred in 1970's. If the RWQCB concurs, this will be the City's first officat G/W case closure. RWQCB Sunland Refinery 2150 Coffee Rd. Free product removal, air sparging & vapor extraction in progress by The Source Group. BFD (Underwood) involved in approval of AST's used for condensate collection and free product storage. AST's approved & installed. RWQCB Mr. Fast Gas 600 Brundage Ln. Free product removal, air sparging & vapor extraction in progress by AquaGeoScience. Plume still not defined to the south. Vapor extraction unit has been recently removed for repairs. RWQCB Beacon Truck Stop 3225 Buck Owens Blvd. Vapor extraction proposed to RWQCB in March, 1999. Nothing further at this time. KCEHSD KHSD Maint. Yard 3100 Chester Ay. Over-excavation performed for remediation of Underground Injection Well. G/W monitoring now in progress. KCEHSD Former James Cardlock 601 Golden State Hwy. Groundwater monitoring in progress. RWQCB has concurred with KCEH on closure pending destruction of G/W ~ monitoring wells. KCEHSD 7-Eleven 1701 Pacheco Rd. Vapor extraction, carbon canisters on site, G/W monitoring since 1988. Unknown current status. Request for closure was denied by KCEH & 7-Eleven was asked to perform confirmation sampling & risk asmt prior to requesting closure. KCEHSD McKenny's Air Cond. 2323 R St. Vapor extraction, G/W monitoring. Smith- Gutcher was consultant at one time. Vapor extraction system has been set up, and facility submitted their last quarterly report in May 1999. KCEHSD Former Navy Oil Co. 1531 Union Ay. Vapor extraction completed. Groundwater (Owned by Burlington pumping & disposal to City sewer on-going. Northern-Santa Fe R/R) BNSF has recently requested closure. RWQCB is requiring further testing for oxygenates prior to considering closure. Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM January 21, 2000 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Jake Wager, Economic Development Directc~,,-<:x SUBJECT: Southeast Bakersfield PAC meeting schedu~uary 20, 2000 canceled due to lack of quorum The Southeast Bakersfield Project Area Committee (PAC) did not meet on January 20, due to a lack of quorum. (As a reminder, the Old Town Kern-Pioneer PAC is not meeting, at their request. Their last meeting was held on April 27th.) The following requests were made of staff the day before the scheduled meeting: - Marvin Dean requested to have a phone set up in the meeting room so he could participate via a conference call in the election of officers for the PAC, because he had to be in Sacramento. - Two of the speakers which the PAC requested, Mt. Elgon organization and Gary Chapman, canceled indicating they were not ready to present. - Chairman Art Powell called PAC members and determined a quorum would not be met for the meeting and felt the meeting should be canceled. Ricky Peterson inquired of staff on how to call for a special meeting. He felt a special meeting should be held the next week to continue the business of the PAC. The Chair was contacted by staff, he felt none of the agenda items warranted a special meeting being called. Mr. Peterson was informed that special meetings are called through the Chair only if there is urgent business that needs to be addressed. cc: Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency S:\REDVAREA\PAC meeting 1-20 memo.wpd