HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/25/00 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM February 25, 2000 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY./~O, gJ~CIL FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER,~ / SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION ~! 1. We are looking into having an independent economic analysis done on the City Center proposal. It would give us an objective read on projected economic impact on the downtown area, sales tax generation, and the like. It would also help with the referral given to us by Councilmember Maggard at the last Council meeting. 2. On a related note, Channel 17 did a telephone survey on whether the City should pay half of the cost of a new stadium. Interestingly, 70% said yes. My guess is they would not have prior to the Garden's success. 3. It appears the large NOR property in the northwest will be annexed. It has cleared Lafco. It is vacant, and it's development helps extend Hageman to get to the point where the Hageman flyover can move forward. 4. The next combined City/County meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 20th at the Board of Supervisors chambers. The County will host the meeting and have indicated a starting time of 4:00 p.m. We will supply further details as they become available. 5. A memo is enclosed from Development Services listing the annexation areas that have been processed in the past two years. 6. Recognition is due to the Fire Department staff for their success in obtaining grants and other funding/programs. See the enclosed memo from the Fire Chief for further details. 7. EDCD staff met with the Southeast Bakersfield Community Neighborhood Housing Development Group on February 14th. A report is enclosed. 8. Per the attached memo from EDCD, we have received a request from two organizations, Isaiah's Sober Living Home and California Community Services, Inc. to use the City owned property at 508 Lakeview Avenue as a community garden. Staff recommends allowing the agencies to use the property, and will request that the City Attorney's office prepare a lease for future Council action. Honorable Mayor and City Council February 25, 2000 Page 2 9. The Southeast Bakersfield Project Area Committee met on February 17th. A report from EDCD is attached. 10. The Recreation and Parks Department will be hosting the Disney Institute Keys to Excellence professional development seminar on April 11th at the Holiday Inn Select. A brochure is enclosed for your information. 11. Responses to Council requests are enclosed, as follows: Carsoq · Processing of emergency calls. Couch · Follow up correspondence to previous response regarding Sonic Drive-In and sump reconstruction at Rosedale Highway and El Toro Viejo. AT: rs cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst Bakersfield, Station H~e Page & More LOCal Iflf~rrraflon New Stadium? The results of Wednesday night's 17-feedback poll-look promising for a new stadium. We asked if you think the city should pay half the cost of a new baseball stadium? 70% of our callers said, yes, the city should chip in. We thank all that participated in our 17-feedback poll ~ #Exr  MSNB~ ts optlmIz~d for ~~ · Micro~oft Xnternet Explore~ Conditions and ~::~e'~ · Windows Media Player Pr~ ~ 2000 ~er I Oui~ N~ 1 No~ } Business J S~s I LO~I ] T~hnoto~ [Uving & T~vgl 1 H~h ~ Ne~ I Opinions J Weather I Shop~MSNBC I MSN ] Comi~ I Find I A~ MSNBC I Held ~ Index Cool Tools I Jobs J WrRe Us ~ Adve~slffg o~ MSNBC I Y2K Statement ORtGINAL TOTRL P.O2 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM February 22, 2000 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Christensen, Assistant City Manager ~.~ SUBJECT: Combined City/County Meeting Just a reminder that the next combined City/County meeting is scheduled for March 20th at the Board of Supervisors chambers. The County is host this time and they are indicating a 4 p.m. start time. As is customary, this meeting will take the place of the regularly scheduled Intergovernmental Relations Committee (IGRC) meeting. Please contact me if you have suggestions for agenda items. cc: Alan Tandy, City Manager MEMORANDUM February 23, 2000 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: JACK HARDISTY, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIR SUBJECT: ANNEXATIONS PROCESSED Per your request the following identifies the City of Bakersfield annexation areas that have been processed in the past two years. 1. Palm-Olive Located south of Rosedale Hwy. to Brimhall Road between Allen Road & Jewetta Avenue, south of Olive Drive between Fruitvale Avenue & Coffee Road and at the Northwest corner of Jewetta Avenue & Brimhall Road. 747 Acres. Completed March 9, 1998. 2. Brimhall No. 4 Located at the northeast corner of Brimhall Road and Calloway Drive. 1 Acre. Completed April 21, 1998. 3. Allen Rd. No. 2 Located at the northeast corner of Allen Road and Stockdale Highway. 1 Acre. Completed May 11, 1998. 4. Panama Rd. No. 12 Located north and south of Panama Lane, west of Freeway 99. 78 Acres and population of 54 +. Completed July 20, 1998. 5. Vista Finestra Located north of Freeway 178, east of Valley Street. 20 Acres. Completed March 31, 1999. 6. Rosedale No. 6 Located south of Rosedale Hwy., east of the Calloway Canal. 31 Acres. Completed May 21, 1999. 7. Panama No. 13 Located east of Cottonwood Rd., ~ mile south of Panama Lane. 179 Acres. Completed June 2, 1999. 8. Brimhall No. 5 Located at the southeast corner Palm Avenue and Jewetta Avenue. 1.75 Acres. Completed October 7, 1999. 9. Brimhall No. 6 Located at the southwest corner of Brimhall Road and Calloway Drive. 3.08 Acres. Completed December 20, 1999. Alan Tandy, City Manager February 23, 2000 Page 2 10. Pacheco No. 11 Located at the northeast corner of Pacheco Road and Eve Street. 8.2 Acres. Property owner wants City services. Approved by LAFCO on January 25, 2000. 11. Rosedale No. 7 Located along the south side of Rosedale Highway, east of Coffee Road. 0.98 Acres. Property owner wants City services. Approved by LAFCO on January 25, 2000. 12. Washington No. 2 Located along the south side of Feliz Street, west of Washington Street. 42.62 Acres. Property owners wish to receive City services. Approved by LAFCO on January 25, 2000. 13. Hageman No. 3 Located generally between Freeway 99 and Fruitvale Avenue, south of Olive Drive. 504.33 Acres. Property owner wants City services. Approved by LAFCO on January 25, 2000. MO cc: Stanley Grady, Planning Director s:gauthier/annex status BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Date: FebrUary 23, 2000 To: Alan Tandy, City Manager . . , From: Ron Fraze, Fire Chief ~/~ Subject: Update of Bakersfield Fire Department Grants and Programs The status of Bakersfield Fire Department grants and programs' are listed below. · The department has received a $31,084 grant from the Office of Emergency Services to reimburse our department for the cost of Y2K and to acquire computer equipment and software to monitor chemical releases. · The department has received a $10,000 grant from the Environment System R~search Institute for mapping software programs used for statistical analysis and disaster preparedness programs. · The department has received a $1,500 grant from FM Global towards the purchase of an accelerant detector to enhance our arson investigations. · The department has been aPProved for a $30,000 grant from the Start a Heart Foundation for nine Automatic External Defibrillators. Eight new defibrillators will replace outdated units carded on our fire engines and one will be placed on with our new EMS Bike Squad. · The department has been approved for a $61,940 grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety for the purchase of three sets of extrication equipment. This ' equipment will be placed on fire engines located near freeways that currently do ' not carry this equipment. This grant includes funding for more than ..100 bicycle helmets and 80 car seats to be distributed at public education events and to underserved members of the community. * The department has signed a ten-year agreement with Hall Ambulance Company for $146,750 for their continued donation to our Signal Pree_m_p~_on~P.~gr__ar~ ..... ~_: ....... Update of Bakersfield Fire Departmem Grants Febmary 23, 2000 Page 2 · The department was selected for the United States Fire Administration's Fire and Arson Investigation Technical Assistance Program. This program pays for a team of technical experts to provide on-site assistance for arson and fire prevention and provide written recommendations on management, operations, interagency, cooperation, data reporting, prosecution, and prevention relating to arson. The Fire Department's Accounting Clerk Tod Hannah is responsible for writing these grants and programs. RF/kec pSmemosXFraze\grant update BAKERSFIELD Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM February 25, 2000 TO: Jake Wager, Economic Development Director FROM: George Gonzales,~oVmmunity Development Coordinator SUBJECT: Meeting with the Southeast Bakersfield Community Neighborhood Housing Development Group. Information was forwarded to staff from the City Manager's office from the Southeast Bakersfield Community Neighborhood Housing Development Group (Group) to discuss housing development in southeast Bakersfield Redevelopment Project Area (SERPA). That meeting was held on February 14, 2000. Those in attendance were David Cross, Adrienne Herd, Robert Jones, and Marvin Dean. The Group is seeking financial assistance to initiate an in-fill housing development project. The financial assistance will allow the Group to acquire scattered vacant lots (between $4,500 - $7,500/Iot), pay for building permits ($3,500 - $5,000/Iot), and assist with the installation of curb, gutter, sidewalks, and sewer tie-ins ($3,000 - $7,500/Iot) for single-family dwellings for first time homebuyers. The estimated cost of a 1,200 sq. ft. one story stucco 3-bedroom is $65,000. Any assistance to the project would reduce the overall cost to the new homebuyer and reduce the mortgage to the family. Itwas suggested by staff that the City's Home Investment Partnership Program funds could be lent to the Group, secured with a second deed of trust for the amount of assistance and transferred to the new first time homebuyer upon sale. The note due to the City from the homebuyer would be due and payable if the house was sold within 30 years. A second option could have the City assistance be repaid by a mortgage lender and have the homebuyer access the City's First Time Homebuyer Mortgage Assistance (FTHB) program. The FTHB program provides one-half the downpayment and closing costs up to $3,500 as a soft second with no interest, no payments, due and payable if the home was sold within 30 years. If the family remains in the home after the 30 years the City's assistance to the homeowner is forgiven. Both options are currently in place for other housing development builders ............... FEB 253000 I dlk:P:\OEORGE\dean cross meeting update memo.wpd ..... (. - -, -. Mr. Dean indicated that he and the Group would also be requesting housing set-aside monies generated from the SERPA to help finance the proposed housing development. The Group will also be submitting a request for funding assistance to the Redevelopment Agency. A completed HOME application will be necessary to document the total cost and sources of funding for their project. The Group was informed that $235,000 of HOME funds were allocated for new construction from FY 2000/2001 HOME program. They were also advised that other proposals which were received during the CDBG/HOME application deadline period did request new construction, HOME assistance for their project. dlk:P:\GEORGE\dean cross meeting update memo.wpd For one day only, Disney Institute is bringing its renowned brand ~..a~ ~ .~ ~P~ WELCOMES of professional development to our city. It's your chance to learn proven Disney success strategies that you can easily adapt to your organization. Dynamic presentations and relevant case studies bring each program topic to life in true Disney fashion. It's an information-packed session that will challenge you to look at your business in a whole new light. More importantly, it will provide "key" information to help you begin affecting positive THE change in your organization. Attend with others from your andmanagementinspiration.team and be prepared for a day full of insight, ideas DISNEY' !NST TUT KEYS To HOLIDAY INN SELECT ~-' EXCELLENCE "The Disney Keys to Excellence" is just one in an array of CONVENTION CENTER programs offered by the Disney Institute. At the Walt Disney Worm® Resort in Florida, business professionals go behind the 80 1 TRUXTUN AVENUE scenes to meet with Disney management and see the opera- tion of this amazing living laboratory. For more information, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFO~IA call 407/828-KEYS (5397) or write to: APRIL 1 1, 2000 Disney Institute P.O. Box ~0093 AGENDA Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830-0093 8:00 a.m.-8:30 a.m ............................... Breakfast/Registration Visit our website at www. disneyseminars.com 8:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m ......................... Leadership, Disney Style 10:30 a.m.- 11:00 a.m ..................................................... Break 11:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m ..................... Management, Disney Style A Full Day of Training with ~' ~,~'~ 1:00 p.m.- 2:00 p.m ................................................ , ...... Lunch ----'---'/~'~/~'g~-~ 2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m ................................ Service, Disney Style Discover the Business Behind the Magic. × ~ Leadership, Disney Style ~ ~> ~ Management, Disney Seyle ~ ~ Service, Disney Style ©Disney Discover how effective leadership has propelled the Walt Disney Take a firsthand look at elements of selection, training, Go beyond textbook theory and discover how service philosophy NAME World® Resort to be the world's premier vacation destination for communication and care that make up the famous Walt Dhney can become an integral part of standard operating procedure. TITLE more than a quarter of a century. You'll enhance your own leadership lF&r/d® Corporate Culture. You'll learn applicable strategies for: You'll return to your organization with new ideas for: COMPANY skills as you learn to: Establishing a corporate culture Developing a service philosophy INDUSTRY Communicate a compelling vision for the future ¥ Translate it into high performance V Analyze the Disney definition of quality service ¥ Understand,, the true difference between "vision" and "vision Selecting and hiring the best ~' Experience the power in developing and using a service theme ADDRESS statement '~ Examine a recruitment and selection process called "Casting" '~ Map out service strategies that deliver consistently CITY, STATE, ZIP ~ See the role passion plays in expressing a vision '~ See how to communicate conditions of employment in a manner outstanding service PHONE Mobilize your team to meet its business challenges that's consistent, engaging and easily understood Understanding your "Guests" FAX E-MAIL ~' Explore the relationship between organizational culture Training and motivating employees ~' Explore qualitative and quantitative techniques for [] I am unable to attend at this time, but would like more information and structure '~ Study the "Disney Traditions" orientation process understanding who your customers are about other Disney Institute program offerings. ¥ Leverage your strengths to successfully implement '~ Hear how training techniques can be used to encourage employee '~ Study how needs, wants, stereotypes and emotions affect management directives buy-in to the corporate culture perceptions of service PROGRAM FEE: $295 Power your team's progress Communicating with j~ontline staff ~' Gain insight into ways a service culture evolves Please make checks payable to: City of Bakersfield ¥ Examine ways to build accountability into your performance '~ Find out how Disney meets the challenge of communicating with Implementing service strategies And mail or fax this form to: Department of Recreation and Parks and that of others V Discover four service standards that empower Disney Cast over 50,000 Cast Members (Disney parlance for employees) 4101 Truxtun Ave. ~ Identify behaviors that can direct the progress of your team ~' See how communication tools can help reinforce the culture Members Be a leader who makes an impact Creating a caring environment ~' See how facilities and systems can enhance service, improve Bakersfield, CA 93309 ¥ Discover a powerful tool that creates the "Disney Difference" efficiency and deliver customer satisfaction For more information call: (661) 326-3866 '~ Understand how "care" reduces turnover and reflects '1~ Learn how to create processes that ensure positive customer CANCELLATIONPOLICY.. in leadership commitment to the Cast interactions No refunds after March 15, 2000. ~' Learn how to use leadership values to uplift, enable, empower ~ Learn about low-cost employee programs that contribute to and inspire job satisfaction and productivity CONTINUING EDUCATION.. WHO SHOULD ~ND The following associations will consider this seminar for continuing education I ~ This program is ideal for !eaders in Fortune 500 companies or small credit. If you're planning to apply for credit, please specify the organization: ' businesses, Whether youre the newest member of a management team or a seasoned executive, you'll find enormous value in =The [] The American C611ege of Healthcare Executives Disney Keys to Excellence.' Some of the organizations that have [] The National Association of State Boards of Accountancy previously Participated in this :program inClude: ~ [] The Club Managers Association of America ~' Hospitals and Healthcare Providers [] Other ~* Financial Institutions V Manufacturing Operations V Retail Outlets ~1~ Automotive Sales and Service Locations ~ Government Organizations ~ Restaurants and Food~Service Companies ~ Real Estate Development and Management Companies V Utilities BAKERSFIELD Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM February 24, 2000 TO: Jake Wager, Economic Development Director FROM: George Gonzales,/'~mmunity Development Director SUBJECT: City-owned Prope'l'ty at 508 Lakeview Avenue A letter was received from Isaiah's Sober Living Home (Isaiah Crompton) asking if his organization and California Community Services, Inc. (CCS) a public benefit non-profit organization be allowed to use City-owned property located at 508 Lakeview Avenue (southwest corner of Lakeview and Ralston) for a community garden. The property was originally purchased in 1985 by the City as part of a clearance program to remove vacant substandard properties and make available for economic development projects. The 65' x 105' (6,825 sq.ft.) parcel, zoned C-2 Commercial zoned was developed with a 3,400 square foot dilapidated wood frame building was purchased for $39,000. The building was demolished in 1985. Since then, no proposal has been received to use this parcel. In 1995, Public Works used 1,264 square feet of this parcel to construct a cul- de-sac at Ralston and Lakeview. The remaining 65' x 85' parcel (which is completely fenced with chain link) is undersized to be developed separately for a commercial project. Mr. Crompton is requesting the City's authorization to use the property as a community garden by the surrounding Lakeview residents. Mr. Crompton will be required to maintain the necessary insurance to use the property as a community garden as part of the lease agreement. In addition, Mr. Crompton would also clean and maintain the property from weeds and debris which the Recreation and Parks Department has been doing twice a year. I would recommend that the City allow Isaiah Crompton and his agencies to use the property for a community garden and ask Janice Scanlan to prepare a lease agreement for Council action. FEB25 dlk:P:\GEORGE\508 lakeview comm garden mem.wpd . . PROPERTY LINE , CENTER LINE / LA_f~EV£EW A WEZ~fUK --- CUL-DE-SAC I File Nome: TR1262 STREET! Job No' - I G~N~RAL LOCAZ' Dote: '~-18-00 ~ ~ ~S~ C ~ O~ ~AK~8~I~ ~ CALI~RNIA BAKERSFIELD Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM February24,2000 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Jake Wager, Economic Development Directo[~e:~ SUBJECT: Update of February 17, 2000 Southeast Bak'~rrs~eld PAC meeting The Southeast Bakersfield Project Area Committee (PAC) met on February 17. (As a reminder, the Old Town Kern-Pioneer PAC is not meeting, at their request· Their last meeting was held on April 27, 1999.) The Southeast PAC agenda'covered the following items: Reports: A. Business Subcommittee: an update on a business incubator by Gary Chatman B. Community Organization Subcommittee C. Community Relations Subcommittee D. Staff Report on Relocation Assistance New Business: A. Election of PAC Officers for 2000 Chairman Art Powell called the meeting to order at 6:36PM. Nine of the ten PAC members, and one alternate, were present. Under Public Statements, Kevin Cummings asked about curb and gutter work being done on Madison, Shellmacher, and East Planz. He also commented that street lights need to be installed, and he has a friend opening a business on White Lane who has a question regarding curb and gutter. Charles Webb will research and find answers to his questions. Graham Kaye-Eddie made comments, and handed out a recommendation regarding a proposed master plan. Marvin Dean asked that Mr. Kaye-Eddie be placed on the March agenda., Dave Cross said he wanted to provide an update on discussions regarding his proposed development around "Q" Street. Meetings with the developers of the City Center project will be held on Wednesday and it is important for PAC members to attend. Chairman Art Powell and Vice Chaivm,~StephanieT: · . i: ~ ~-'. .'.-'. ~. Campbell each asked who was sponsonng the meeting. Mr. Cross stated that Mr. Olmshe~&asl~ed--h~m- S:\REDVAREA\PAC meeting 2-17-00 memo.wpd "~ Alan Tandy February 24, 2000 Page 2 to coordinate a 10AM meeting at the Beale Library. The Convention and Visitors Bureau is sponsoring an 8AM meeting at the Doubletree and a noon lunch at the Kern County Superintendent of Schools is being sponsored by the Downtown Business Association. Isaiah Crompton asked if a PAC member had been invited. Mr. Cross said none that he knew of. Ms. Campbell asked if staffknew about these meetings. Mr. Webb, Janice Scanlan, and David Lyman indicated they had not been informed of the meetings. Upon a request from Mr. Dean, Mr. Cross provided an update on his proposed development ~and said the community should get involved. On another matter, Mr. Cross was informed by Mr. Webb that letters will be sent out to property owners in the proposed development area regarding owner participation opportunities. Mr. Gerald Alderete asked if the project areas were being combined. Mr. Webb answered that they were not. The minutes from the December meeting were approved with a correction. Mr. Jonathan Webster, president of Mount Elgon Corporation, made a presentation about the organization's mission and its programs. Mr. Powell asked how the PAC can work with Mount Elgon. Mr. Webster replied that they are in the planning process and would like to come back to the PAC at a later date. Mr. Dean complimented Mr. Webster and pledged his support to work together. Ms. Campbell said Mount Elgon is phenomenal and indicated she has had previous discussions with the organization regarding an business incubator. Under Reports, Mr. Gary Chatman of GC Group in Riverside County discussed what a business incubator is and said a copy of the presentation will be provided to Mr. Webb on Monday. He suggested that the PAC spend time with Mount El.gon since they are already in the community. Ms. Campbell said she sees the role of the PAC as conducting a business plan and finding a location for an incubator. Resources the PAC has could be used to help Mount Elgon with an incubator. She then asked Mr. Chatman about the cost of a business plan and a developing a strategy for opening an incubator. Mr. Chatman said it would be a little less than $25,000 and would take about six months to complete. S:\REDVAREA\PAC meeting 2-17-00 memo.wpd Alan Tandy February 24, 2000 Page 3 Ralph Martinez said he knows the Small Business Development Center has done some work on this issue. Before the PAC pursues something, the PAC should look at existing resources. He volunteered to contact Mr. Jeff Johnson at the SBDC to see if he has done any feasibility study for incubators in southeast Bakersfield. He will contact Mr. Webb if Mr. Johnson has information or is available to come to the next meeting. Mr. Dean said the PAC is only an advisory board and asked Ms. Scanlan if the only resource the PAC could lend was its support. Ms. Scanlan replied Mr. Dean was correct. Ms. Campbell said she wants to lend support to Mount Elgon and realizes funds will be available later. She made a motion, seconded by Mr. Crompton, that if Mr. Chatman was asked to return, that the City should be responsible to pay for his expenses. Mr. Martinez said he felt it was a bad precedent to set if people are paid to make presentations. Ms. Campbell stated that twice she has taken the burden of paying Mr. Chatman's expenses. Mr. Dean said he concurred with Mr. Martinez' comments. The motion passed. Mr. Crompton made a motion, seconded by Ms. Campbell, that all fliers and business cards that affect the PAC should be approved by the PAC before they are done. Mr. Powell said that the PAC failed to put rules and regulations into place when subcommittees were formed. Mr. Peterson said there were specific guidelines and they said that any items disseminated by subcommittees had to be reviewed by the PAC first. Several PAC members questioned what materials were being discussed. Staff referred them to copies that were included in the agenda packet. Mr. Dean said the fliers said the meetings in question were subcommittee meetings and any action would need to be taken by the entire PAC. From this point forward, his meetings will be under the name of the Southeast Bakersfield Business and Property Owners Association. The motion passed. Ms. Campbell said that the PAC had told Mr. Peterson not to speak to the media and that the chairman should speak. Until we get a copy of the guidelines, she said the subcommittees should be disbanded, and made such a motion. The motion died for lack of a second. S:\REDVAREA\PAC meeting 2-17-00 memo.wpd Alan Tandy February 24, 2000 Page 4 Mr. Dean said that the last time the PAC met, the issue of a master plan was tabled so he could pursue private funding. He said he has met with Cal State Bakersfield. He also wants to coordinate a job bank with Mount Elgon and will be getting with Charles Owens to discuss how the PAC can refer people who need to go to work. Mr. Dean said the PAC needs to think about a community-wide meeting to get the word out about projects being proposed. If the PAC is not in support of a community-wide meeting, the Southeast Bakersfield Business and Property Owners Association will go forth with setting such a meeting. Mr. Powell said the African American Network should have a minority directory which could help with setting up a job bank. Ms. Campbell said Employers' Training Resource recently.opened a one-stop center in Oildale and asked how one could be established in Southeast Bakersfield. Mr. Webb referred her to an article from the Bakersfield Californian in the agenda packet about such a one-stop center opening in southeast Bakersfield. Mr. Crompton had no Community Organization Subcommittee report. , Under the Community Relations Subcommittee report, Mr. Peterson discussed the history of southeast Bakersfield. He said that the previous generation homesteaded the area and about 30 years ago, people moved to more affluent areas. Lighting would help improve the area. Mr. Peterson requested a proposal to implement their lighting plan be brought to the PAC. They want a $275,000 lighting proposal, just like Old Town Kern Project Area got. Staff referred them to the Council referral memos in their agenda packet outlining street lights recently installed and planned for in the next budget year. Under Staff reports, Mr. Webb provided an overview of Relocation Assistance available under redevelopment. There was no Old Business. Under New Business, the only item was the election of officers for 2000. Mr. Peterson made a Point of Procedure to vacate both chair and vice chair positions. Ms. Scanlan then ran the meeting. She opened the floor for nominations for chair. Mr. Peterson nominated himself. Mr. Crompton nominated Mr. Powell, who declined. Mr. Dean nominated Mr. Owens, who declined. S:\REDVAREA~PAC meeting 2-17-00 memo.wpd Alan Tandy February 24, 2000 Page 5 Mr. Powell nominated Mr. Crompton, who accepted. Mr. Dean nominated Mr. Martinez, who declined. After the nominations were closed, voting began for the position of chair. Mr. Peterson received three votes, and Mr. Crompton received three votes; two PAC members did not vote. Because five votes were needed (a majority of PAC members present), no one received a majority and the voting began again. In the second round, Mr. Peterson received three votes, and Mr. Crompton received four votes; one PAC member did not vote. Again, because five votes were needed, no one received a majority and the voting began again. In the third round, Mr. Peterson received one vote and Mr. Crompton received six votes. Mr. Crompton was elected chair, and asked Ms. Scanlan to continue running the election for vice-chair. Mr. Powell nominated Mr. Peterson, who accepted. The nominations were closed and Mr. Peterson became vice-chair. Mr. Crompton then opened the meeting to PAC Member Statements. Mr. Peterson asked the status of Devon Johnson, who has missed several meetings. Mr. Webb indicated he had talked with Mr. Johnson, who had said he would attend. Mr. Crompton asked that the status of Mr. Johnson be placed on the next meeting agenda. Ms. Campbell asked that the next agenda also include options for holding an election to replace Mr. Johnson, since no alternates are available to take his position. All the PAC members thanked Mr. Powell for being chair. . . ~ Ms. Porter said she felt insulted in a staff memo regarding a request to the Police Department regarding the placement of street lights and its effect on crime. She said the people of the area know about crime and staff doesn't need to ask the Police. Mr. Webb replied that was not the intent of the memo, and that the Police Department is always consulted each time street lights are being proposed, for an area. Ms. Porter asked if staff had to limit their report to 15 minutes like other presenters.. Ms. Porter also asked if anyone knew about the drainage sump she heard was being proposed on Ms. McClanahan's property, because she's opposed to it. Staff will research the issue. She also complained that emergency vehicles responding to the area east of Bakersfield Municipal Airport proceed east on East Planz Road east of South Union Avenue, find the street ends, then the S:\REDVAREA\PAC meeting 2-17-00 memo.wpd Alan Tandy February 24, 2000 Page 6 vehicles have to backtrack to get to the other side of the airport. Staff will investigate. Mr. Dean thanked Mr. Webb and Ms. Scanlan. He said they have been very responsive to PAC requests. Mr. Dean wanted to again emphasize the importance of a master plan. The PAC needs to be involved with the new freeway and highspeed rail. There are lots of resources out there and the PAC needs to tap into them. The problem with southeast Bakersfield is that everyone is too busy fighting with each other. If everyone worked together, then everyone could be at the table. Mr. Peterson said he knew of a new business at Planz and Lotus Lane and asked if a crosswalk or stop sign could be placed at the intersection, since it is also a bus stop. Mr. Webb replied that he had talked with Streets about this. To get a four-way stop sign requires 350 vehicles in a eight hour period. A survey last year showed the intersection had less than half the required number and no accidents. The PAC requested a new survey be done. He will follow-up with the request for a new survey and crosswalk. Ms. Campbell asked how the PAC could request a four-way stop sign and crosswalk at the intersection even if the survey shows not enough cars or accidents. Mr. Webb replied that citizens could approach City Council. Ms. Campbell said she is confused about the role of the PAC. Can the PAC make recommendations on how to spend money? . :~ Mr. Lyman replied that the funds generated from the redevelopment area belong to the Redevelopment Agency, not the PAC. The PAC has no funds and has no financial responsibility. The responsibility for, and decisions about, redevelopment funds rests with the Agency. Ms. Campbell said small business have such a hard time staying in business. The PAC has the ability to help businesses but has not done a lot in one year. She said the PAC should do something. Mr. Peterson said the incubator is a good idea but the PAC has received no proposal on paper. If the PAC gets a proposal, then it can act upon it. The meeting was adjourned at 9PM. cc: Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency S:\REDVAREA\PAC meeting 2-17-00 memo.wpd ~' BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Date: February 22, 2000 i FEB 2 2 2000 To: Alan Tandy, City Manager \ From: Ron Fraze, Fire Chief% Subject: 9-1-1 Emergency Calls This memorandum is in response to Councilmember Carson's inquiry regarding how emergency calls are processed. When ~the EmergencY Communications Center receives a 9-1-1 telephone call, it is processed through the Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) procedure. The EMD procedure determines what type of fire equipment/apparatus is dispatched to an emergency incident. If it is determined an ambulance needs to be dispatched to a specific location involving the Bakersfield Fire Department, information is relayed to Hall Ambulance Communication Center via telephone and they, in mm, dispatch their, closest unit. When the appropriate fire station is dispatched to respond to an emergency, a page is simultaneously sent to Hall's Communication Center with all pertinent information to ensure their notification. It has been past practice for some time that individuals may call the ambulance company direct using a seven-digit telephone number. If Hall's Communication Center receives a seven-digit private request.number, this is also processed through Hall's dispatch utilizing the EMD procedure. When Hall's Communication Center determines through the EMD process that it is an emergency call, the Emergency Communications Center is notified by telephone. The appropriate fire department unit is then dispatched. Please note, the Emergency Communications Center does not have a backup system, i.e., pager, printer, etc., such as we are providing for Hall's Communication Center at this time; however, we are currently working with Louis Cox of Hall Ambulance to remedy this situation. If you have any questions, please contact me. pArnemos~Fraze~911 procedure BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (661) 326-3724 PAUL M. ROJAS, DIRECTOR · C1TY ENGRqEER February 23, 2000 Cornerstone Engineering 2505 "M" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: Michael Callagy Subject: Agreement No. 98-126, "Agreement to Pay All Costs" Sonic Drive-In and Sump Reconstruction, Rosedale Highway at El Toro Viejo Dear Sir; We have received your request to place on the City Council Agenda an item to defer the construction of the south and east sump fences on the above referenced project. We have conferred with the City Attorney's Office on this matter, and they have informed us that this is essentially a request to waive City Standards, and the City Council cannot, by the use of a contract, agree to waive adopted City standards. Very truly yours, c'RAuL M. R~-~S Public Works Director G:\GROUPDAT~Letters~2000\sonic sump.wpd cc: Alan Tandy, City Manager Bart Thiltgen, City Attorney