HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/23/00 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM June 23, 2000 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER ~7'"D.V SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. The County decided this week to go with universal garbage collection - in south Taft. 2. The sales tax distribution is up; we'll have a few dollars to spend. The budget wrap up will contain details on the 28th. 3. Korn will play at the Garden on August 7th. The local group sold out last year and is likely to again. 4. Per the enclosed press release from Public Works, the Q Street underpass project will be ready for public use on Friday, June 30th. A ribbon cutting ceremony will be held on the 30th at 9:00 am on the south bound lanes of Q Street, just south of Truxtun Avenue. 5. Aramark's official notification of their recent acquisition of Ogden Entertainment is enclosed. Corporate representatives have informed us that they will be in town early next month to meet with staff. 6. CalTrans has notified us that, due to a construction project to install new signals, they will be closing State Route 178 at F Street on Wednesday night, June 28th, and Chester Avenue on Thursday night, June 29th, between 22"~ and 24th Streets. The closures will begin at 10:00 p.m. and end by 4:00 a.m. 7. I'm pleased to inform you that Pam McCarthy has met the criteria to be accepted into 'the International Institute of Municipal Clerks Academy. Congratulations to Pam for such well deserved recognition. 8. Congratulations to Sally Ihmels, Recreation Supervisor, for her selection to the University of Nevada - Las Vegas Athletic Hall of Fame. Honorable Mayor and City Council June 23, 2000 Page 2 9. The Recreation and Parks Department received the enclosed letter from a citizen in appreciation of the good work and polite attitude displayed by employees. 10. A report from Recreation and Parks on the results of their first aquatics operational safety audit of the season is enclosed. 11. The Fire Department will hold a "Family Traffic Safety Day" on Saturday, July 1st at Fire Station #1, 21st and H Streets. A flyer is enclosed. 12. Responses to Council requests are enclosed, as follows: Mayor Price · Response to citizen regarding formal tree-planting strategy. Councilmember Carson · Schedule a community meeting regarding CDBG funding and revitalization; · Provide information on park improvement fund balances and types of expenditures. Councilmember DeMond · Status on report which will include information on how much traffic can be diverted from 24th Street if the 204 and Union flyover occurs; · Contact citizen regarding Police and code enforcement issues; Councilmember Maggard · investigation of alternatives to minimum landscape standards for median islands that would be less expensive. Councilmember Couch · Response to citizen regarding "local authority..emergency management"; · Draft letter to Supervisors regarding waste collection fees and senior rebates; · Draft letter to Supervisors supporting points raised by citizen's correspondence regarding economic development incentives for IKEA; · Information regarding proposed tree ordinance; · Time Warner"Roadrunner" internet service issue on next Council agenda; · Correspondence to concrete companies regarding neighborhood noise; · Response to Channel 23 editorial regarding par course equipment safety; · Concern from DeWalt Corporation regarding identification of tree sizes; · Correspondence to legislators regarding railroad crossing maintenance; · Speed limit and enforcement on Gosford Road; · Elimination of Mohawk as arterial north of Hageman Road to Olive Drive; · Discuss with staff the issue of equitable building fees; Honorable Mayor and City Council June 23, 2000 Page 3 · Response to correspondence regarding Shellabarger Road issue; · Meet with staff to discuss Riverlakes Ranch request regarding access onto Coffee Road; · Draft letter to CAE in response to County recommendation for tobacco settlement funds; · Response regarding allocation in budget for safety retirement proposal (sent under separate cover); · Safety award jacket order; · Request to meet with staff regarding assessment information; · Response to citizen regarding request for traffic signal at Ridge Oak and Old River Road; · Provide Legislation and Litigation Committee summary report to Administrative Analyst; · Information on how Brimhall would be re-designated as arterial from collector, between Coffee and Calloway; · Information to Public Works regarding Caltrans / program 130 funding for railroad crossings; · Meeting with Public Works staff regarding wall and relocation of life station access road; · Information regarding fluoridation of water systems; · Thank you letters to legislators for support of cities during budget process; · Contact citizen regarding phasing of landscaping by developer. Councilmember Sullivan · Code enforcement efforts regarding former Builders' Square building at Ming Avenue/Akers Road. Councilmember Salvaggio · Information regarding the Council's eminent domain powers (City Attorney will provide response under separate cover) · Plans for resurfacing Planz Road between Hughes Lane and Wible Road; · Scheduling information for resurfacing Christmas Tree Lane; · Status of traffic monitoring and enforcement on Mesa Grande between Planz and White Lane (more detailed response to follow from Police Department). AT:rs cc: Mayor-Elect Harvey Hall Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst MEMORANDUM June 22,2000 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: ~ STANLEY C. GRADY, PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERRAL #WF0018498 COUNCILMEMBER DEMOND REGARDING REFERRAL FOR DISCUSSION OF BLOCK WALLS IN RESIDENTIAL ZONES. This issue has been schedule for discussion by the Planning Commission on July 6, 2000. Additional information will be provided following their meeting. SCG:pah RECEIVED I JUN CITY MANAGER'S OFRC~ 66/19/88 14:[IB:S1 Ci%~ o~ BaNers~icld-> ~13241850 RightF~X Page BB2 BAKERS F IELB PUBLIC WORKS I)EPARTMENT Rani Rojas, l)irector PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Arnold Ramming June 16, 2000 Project Manager 661.326-3591 We are bringing down the detour signsf After fourteen months of construction, the Q Street Underpass Project will be ready for public use on Friday, June 30, 2000. No longer will traffic on Q Street by held up by the trains that have stopped traffic for about 200 minutes per day. Now the traffic going to the Centennial Garden Arena, the Civic Center, the Holiday Inn Hotel, the Beale 'Library and the new Amtrak Station will have an unobstructed route on Q Street from California Avenue to Truxtun Avenue. /' The City's contractor on this project, the local office of Griffith Company, has worked long and hard on this project to bring it to completion by June 30, 2000 - just in time for the grand opening celebration for the new Amtrak Station'on July 4, 2000! ! The City appreciates that the citizens of our fair town have dealt with the inconveniende of constructing / the project. Now that it is complete, we hope that all of our citizens will benefit froh~ the project. And we invite you to join us for the official ribbon cutting ceremony at 9:00 am on Ju0e 30. The ceremony / will take place on the south bound lanes of Q Street just south of Truxtun Avehue. June 12, 2000 Mr. Alan Tandy VIA FAX City Manager 661-852-2050 City of Bakersfield California 1501 Truxton Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Tandy: As discussed during our telephone conversation, please be advised that as of Friday, June 2, 2000, ARAMARK Corporation acquired all of the stock of Ogden Entertainment, Inc. We now intend to change the name of Ogden Entertainment, Inc. to ARAMARK Entertainment, Inc. Although the ownership of Ogden Entertainment, Inc. has changed, the company itself remains intact and continues to administer the management contract with the City of Bakersfield. Consequently, any contractual obligations undertaken by Ogden Entertainment, Inc. continue to bind us. Henceforth,' the duties formerly fulfilled by Mr. Zausner will be undertaken by the undersigned and I will be visiting you shortly to discuss any concerns you may have and how the facility and its operations may be improved. All of us here at ARAMARK Entertainment, Inc. are excited at the prospects of being involved with .the City of Bakersfield and look forward to seeing you in person in the very near future. Sincerely, Robert L. Cavalieri Vice President 701114arket Street * Suite 4400-1 * Philadelphia, PA 19106 e Voice: 215.928.6402 ~ Fax: 215~922.7836 BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: JUNE 22, 2000 SUBJECT: CLOSURES ON "F" STREET AND CHESTER AVENUE NOTICE OF STREET CLOSURES The State of California, Department of Transportation (Caltrans) has notified the City that a Caltrans construction project to install new signals on State Route 178 will be closing "F" Street on Wednesday night, June 28, and Chester Avenue on Thursday night, June 29, between 22nd Street and 24sth Street (SR 178 westbound) These closures will begin at 10:00 p.m. (2200 hours) and end by 4:00 a.m. (0400 hours) each night. All traffic will need to use alternate City streets around these closures. 1 G:~GROUPDA~NEWSRELEASES[F_Chester^vem B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM June 21,2000 TO: Pamela McCarthy, City Manager FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manage;r~/~/,~ SUBJECT: Your Acceptance into the .International Institute of Municipal Clerks Academy Congratulations on your acceptance into the IIMC Master Municipal Clerk Academy. There is no doubt that you truly do meet the IIMC's recognition criteria, based on the high standards and dedicated work ethic that you continually demonstrate in your position as City Clerk. I'm sure you'll experience many positive benefits from your association with the Academy. AT:rs BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM June20,2000 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: John W. Stins(~,~?sistant City Manager SUBJECT: Pam McCarthy - Master Municipal Clerk Academy I just received a letter announcing that City Clerk, Pam McCarthy has been accepted into the International Institute of Municipal Clerks Master Municipal Clerk Academy. As explained in the attached letter this recognizes her continued achievement beyond the Certified Municipal Clerk award. Upon completion of the four levels of Academy membership, which require additional education and professional development, she will be granted the Master Municipal Clerk designation. Congratulations to Pam in achieving this honor in recognition of her continued professional development. cc. Pam McCarthy S:LIOHN~I Memo Template.wpd Internatio l Institute of Municipal Clerk na s Los Angeles County. California 1212 N. San Dimas Canyon Rd. °San Dimas. Callfornia 01773 Phone {~0~l 5~2-IIMC · Messages {8001 251-163~ · Fax IO0~l 5~2-1555 E-mall: hq@lime.eom ~o~ or ~cro.s-~o~ooo May 22, 2000 Executive Committee MARY LOU RAJ~D, CMC President Town Clerk/Assistant Town Manager SUSAN A. LAMBLACK, CMC City Secretary/Treasurer ' ~ark. ~awo~ Mr. John W. Stin$on · I ~ i~1~', ',.C ~-~-' , ~""' RANETTE LARSEN,2nd Vice President MMC Assistant City Manager c~ s~c~.,~ City of Bakersfield Cad.nd, Texas ,c~-.,,~s~.. c~c 1501 Truxtun Ave nue Immediate Past President c,~, c~,~ Bakersfield, California 93301 Phoen~:. Arizona Dtr~etom~'>O00 Expiration ~ ~. r. as'r~.~. ¢~c ~ear Mr. StinsoB: Towrt C~erk/ Collector G~l~ord. Nero Hampshire DIANNE J. BITZER, MMC MurlicipalClerk It gives me great pleasure to announce that Pamela A. McCarthy, CMC, c~.~on. Sou,~ Ca~oi~, City Clerk of the Cit~ of Bakersfield, California, has been accepted into LU~IND~ GRE~NWO01~, CMC s~ ~ c~ c~,~ the.liMe ~aster Municipal Clork ~¢adem¥. West Memph~. Arkanso.~ City Clerk- Winnsboro, Louisiana .r~,.~,.s~so/~.c,,c The Master Municipal Clerk Academy encourages Municipal Clerks to Cl~y Clerk/Recorder ~ .... ,o~.r~.~ continue their professional growth and development. The program honors ~u~,u~-r~,a~. c~c and salutes continued high-level achievement beyond the attainment of the City Clerk- Newton. Iowa ~r~ ~. ~E~:~.~. c~c prestigious Certified Municipal Clerk award. City Clerk ~ Park Rldfje. Illinois F_,IJ'SA D. OL~ON, CMC ~,,~,~o.~.~-~,..~.,~ ~.~,~. Or~,o, It is not easy to obtain entry into the Academy. Candidates must complete DONNA B. F~N/~r, CMC C~u~r~t~o~S~r~/C~Ct,~ graduate work at IIMG approved municipal clerks institutes or prove similar Surrey. B.C. Canada ~,~,~to~-~oo~,,o~ advanced educational attainment. ~rofessional participation must also ro~c~,~-~r~ot.~o~t~a demonstrated such as leadership in pro:essional associations, committee' ~o~a ~oo~-ca~w~., c~c work conforence attendance an0 professional writings and achievoments. Town CterR - Btacksbur~. Vt.r~n~ ' Clt~ Clerk - Gu/./' Shores. Atabama a~,,.~o,>~.c~c There are four levels of membership in the Academy: entrance, first, c,~ Ct~-~r~. ~ secon0 and third io¥ols. Academy Members need to apply for membership A/.JCE dr. MO/~J~/'$ON, CMC c~t~ c~/r~o~,~-~to~. ~,~ in ~ach continuing !e¥ol oYep! tv~o to.four yoars in ordor to romain activo. ~,~,p~t~ .... ~ct~ Upon completion of all four Academy levels, members will be ~ranted.the Fairbanks North .Star Borough. r~,~,~. ,~to~ Master Municipal Clerk (MMC) desi§nation. CR~ Manager - R¢~ortal Councff of LowerGattt,e.I .... t I cannot express my onthusiasm too ~reatly for this milestone that Ms. Dh'ecto~--200~ Expiration ~m-~. mss. ~c McCarthy has roached in her caroor. She is dodicatod to municipal 'sorvico Munic~al C~erk ~o~t ~ row~. ~ and an inspiration to all the members of our profession. ~Ir~LyN L. WOULFE, CMC Clt~ Clerk - Bloomington. M~nnesota C. lt~ CIerk- Parsons, Konso~ ~ ' ' .~ KAREN GOLDMAN, MMC City Clerk - Lakew~)d, Colorado Regional Clerk Regional Municipality of Waterloo Kilchener. Ontario, Canada GYSBERT REITZ HOFMEYR Tygerberg. South Africa Mary L0u-Rand, CMC/AAE ' President: IIMC R/s Francis L. Adsheado Ph.D Director of Education ]~ltl[./ 21-25, 2000... 54th IIMC Amutal Confere,ce . . . Rottenfam, The Netherlands (Academy May 20) RECEIVED N I 6 2.000 MANAGER'S ()F;:~,J;5 DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS DATE: June 16, 2000 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Stan Ford, Director of Recreation and Parks SUBJECT: Sally Ihmels, Recreation Supervisor During the council workshop June 14, 2000, I mentioned that Sally Ihmels, Recreation Supervisor, had recently been notified of her selection to the University of Nevada - Las Vegas Athletic Hall of Fame. Attached is a copy of the notification letter that Sally received. I am told that Sally, along with a former member of the UNLV men's swimming team, are the first swimmers to earn this recognition. Other inductees in this class of 2000, include the UNLV 1989-90 men's basketball team which I believe won the NCAA championship and featured several soon-to-be NBA stars. To be honored with accomplished athletes such as these is obviously very special. During her career, Sally earned All America honors seven times and qualified twice for the United States Olympic Trials. During her short time with the city, Sally has contributed greatly to not only the aquatics program, for which she was hired to supervise, but also has volunteered to assist with the development of the first comprehensive orientation and training program for new employees and with the city's employee incentive committee. The improvement of the aquatics program under Sally's direction and supervision was noted to the council by Ron Rhinehart, Vice President of Jeff Ellis & Associates, Inc., when he presented the city with the Ellis & Associates national aquatic safety award for 1999. Working with Sally is a pleasure for many of us. She is energetic, dedicated, and driven to provide quality programs and service to all citizens of Bakersfield.as well as her co-workers. On several occasions, I have received compliments about Sally from the staff of other city departments. She is truly a professional and her leadership and commitment to her work serves as a role model for all of us. Based on her performance in her current position, it is easy to understand why she also excelled during her swimming career. The city is fortunate to have Sally as an employee and we are very proud of the upcoming honor she will be receiving. c: Citizens Community Services Advisory Committee Alan Christensen, Assistant City Manager John Stinson, Assistant City Manager Department Staff June 1. 2000 Mrs. Sally lhmels. 8812 Timberloch Court Bakersfield CA 93311 Dear Sally, On behalf of the entire UNLV Hall of Fame Committee, I wo~ld Like u) take this opportunity to congratulate you on being voted for induction into the UNLV Degalxment of Intercollegiate Athletics' Hall of Fame, Class of 2000. 2000 Inductees: Sally Fleisher lhmels, Women's Swimming Bart Pippenger, Men's Swimming Paulin~ Jordan, Won~n's Basktabali Lisa Thompson Houston, Women's Track and ~ Trena Hull Cathe~, Women's Track and F'~:td Bob Blum, Distinguished Con~ribum~ 1989-90 Men's Basketball Team As you may or may not be aware, the UNLV Hall of Fame is one of tl~ most prestigious honors that can be bestowed on former student athletes, coaches, admimstramrs or distinguished contributors. We are all very proud of your accomplishments and contributions to UNLV and are honored to recognize you at this gala event. The ceremonies will be held on Friday, October 6, 2000. The real. on will begin at 6:00pm with a dinner and induction ceremonies to follow at 7:00pm. As an individual or team member of the induction class, yom' pn~ence is being requested. Please accept this as an official invitation for you and a guest to attend this ~ occasion. · The Hall of Fame Induction ceremonies will kick off a very exci~ing ~eekend for Rebel athletics. On Saturday, UNLV football will host our intra-state rivals, the Woffpack of the University of Nevada, Reno at 7:05pm. During half time of the game, a special half. line presen~aio~ m honor our inductees will be held for those who can attend. You and your family are invited to attend all of these events as our guests and in the near future you will rcceive an order form for additional tickets. We look forward to vis'ting with you during the weekend_ It is u~uly a pleasure for me to congratulate you on behalf of the UNLV Athletics Department, members of the Hall of Fame and the Hall of Fame Selection Conunittee.  ely, , Associate Athletics Director/Committee Chair Intercollegiate A:~,iet:cs 4505 Maryland Parkway · Box 450001 · _as Ve~as. ',evada 89154-0001 (702) 895-4033 · FAX i-'321 Thursday, June 15, 2000 10:55 AM Rick Garcia 6616640747 p01 93313 661-664-0747 June 15, 2000 Dear Mr. Mike Hello, My name is Rick Gafcia. I have been a re~Jent of Bakersfield for about 10 ],ears now. I Just wanted to send you a qgick lather Complimenting the men and women who take care of our Park's and Recreation Center's in the City of Bakersfield. I can speak on bebaue of a few people in the South West are~ of Bakersfield ",~lver Creek', who feel the mme. One example wo,ld be.that o, a regular basis the me, and women who maifltai, o,r City's ped~, Will stop runflingthem power equipment, and even say hello for people as they walk by, mn by or even as they' ~ by. They do this to a~ofd any ~ of injur~/damage to people or t~eir propertT. This may' not sound like much, but as someone with kids, who spends a lot of time at our parks, this Is something that is vet/muchi al)reclaimS. You, as we Assistant Superintendent of Pinks, I ask you on behave of commun~, to let your empleey's k~Ow that sm~enoe took the time t~ ~ them o compiimeat and not a complaint. And that their hard work to nmlntaln our City's ~ shows and Is very much appreciute(I. This Compliment Is also directed towards and yourstaft'for hidn§$uch good people. Tlmnkyou. Sincemb, Rick Gafcla Signature ~ JUN I 9 2000 CITY MAN.*,,., ,, ,., RECEIVED 21TY MANAGEIYS OFFICE DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS DATE: June 22, 2000 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Stan Ford, Director of Recreation and Parks SUBJECT: Aquatics Safety Audit On June 19, 2000, we had our first aquatics operational safety audit of the season. These "surprise" audits are conducted by the aquatics risk management firm of Jeff Ellis and Associates, Inc. It is my pleasure to report that the staff earned an overall evaluation of "above standards" and the performance of the lifeguards was judged to "exceed standards." In fact, each of the four lifeguards audited earned a perfect score of 100. 'A copy of the overall audit evaluation is attached. This performance by the staff is another indicator of the continuing trend of improvement in our aquatics program. Sally Ihmels, supervisor, and Holly Larson, specialist, have continued to enhance the operational efficiency of the aquatics program, while at the same time addressing the new challenges that face the industry (see related article from USA Today, attached). This year, while also making the transition to a temporary employment service, we have had to deal with many new staff, several of whom are in the workforce for the first time. I believe that this makes the staff's audit performance even more impressive. A major factor in achieving this type of performance, is the intensive training program that Sally and Holly have designed and implemented. The result of this training is a staff that is better prepared to deal with emergencies and more confident that they can provide a safe environment. At the same time, they are able to meet our goal of a ensuring a friendly and fun place for the citizens of Bakersfield to spend there leisure time. Obviously, Sally and Holly did not accomplish this alone. This year we have six new trainers who contributed greatly to the program. They are Jeff Bogart, Molly McCauley, Amber Ochoa, David Stricker, Mac Robertson, and Josh Romine. We are fortunate to have these individuals as well as the support of the Ellis program and staff. They city and Bakersfield residents should be very proud of our entire aquatics staff and we are fortunate to have leaders like Sally and Holly. c: Citizens Community Services Advisory Committee Alan Christensen, Assistant City Manager John Stinson, Assistant City Manager Jeff Ellis and Associates, Inc. "International Aquatic Safety and Risk Management Consultants" Overall AUdit Evaluation Audit ID 100 l)ate 6/19/2000 ' ClientlD Bakersfield Parks and Recreation Department Auditor Christi Rehmus Audit Type ' Random Unannounced Rainy Day ~ Good Weather ~ Individual Lifeguard(s) Perfomance Evaluation Exceeds Standards Number of Lifeguards Observed: i 4 ! Overall Average: : 100 Scoring 95 - 100 = Exceeds Standards 70 - 94 = Above Standards 40 - 69 = Satisfies Standards 0 - 39 = Fails Standards Lifeguard Management of a Simulated Emergency Above Standards Facility, Supervision, and Administrative Evaluation Exceeds Standards OVERALL AUDIT EVALUATION Above Standards E,ceeds+E,ceeds+Exceeds = Exceeds Standards Above+Above+Above = Above Standards Exceeds+ Exceeds+Above = Above Standards Above+Above+Satisfies = Above Standards E,ceeds+Exceeds+Satisfies = Above Standards Exceeds+Satisfies+Satisfies = Satisfies Standards Exceeds+Above+Above = Above Standards Above+Satisfies+Satisfies = Satisfies Standards Exceeds+Above+Satisfies = Above Standards Satisfies+Satisfies+Satisfies = Satisfies Standards Comments Lifeguards at all facilities appear professional and attentive. Scanning is consistent and rotations are exceptional. Guards are confident with unconscious protocol. Remernbex the 3 minute time frmne for spinal. Keep up the good work. Staff Response Debriefed staff members Park Contact Sally lhmels Signature: Auditor Signature: Monday June 19.20~X) Page Iofl BAKERSF:I:ELD F:I::R.E DEPARTMEN!T PR'ESENT5 FAMILY TRAFFIC 5A'FE'I'Y DAY DATE: SATURDAY,,TULY 1sT T'J:ME: 10:00 AM TO 2:00 PM WHERE: FTRE STATION .#1 · 2101 H STREET AC'I"J:VZT'J:E5 TNeLUDE; BzCYeLE RODEO CAR SEAT CHECK AUTO EXTP.'I;CAT'J;ON DEMO AT'P. BAG, DEPLOYMENT DEMO FIRE EC).U'I;PMENT TOURS SPONSORED BY: Bakersfield Fire Department Bakersfield Police Department Bakersfield Firemen's Relief Association Business, Transportation & Housing Agency California Office of Traffic Safety Kern County Superintendent of Schools S.A.F.E. Coalition, ]:nc. City COuncil. trees ~o'r-Ba~ers-fi~ld .................................................................... -Pa~e 1' From: "Karen Conger" <karenconger@msn.com> To: CITYDOM.citypol (City_Council) Date: Sun, Jun 11, 2000 7:03 PM Subject: trees for Bakersfield To City Council members: The Bakersfield Californian has suggested in an editorial today that a formal tree-planting strategy should be developed and implemented. This is an excellent idea and you should also consider a moratorium on tree cutting as is presently done throughout the city. As a resident of Pinewood Lake, I personally am surrounded by beautiful trees (as is my neighbor Jacquie Sullivan). But I find it rather disheartening to leave the gates of our community. Therefore, please cast my vote for a formal tree-planting and tree-cutting policy for Bakersfield. Sincerely, Karen Conger 4120 Pinewood Lake Drive 93309 i I,I,-AMER1CA CITY B A K . 1990 June 21,2000 Karen Conger 4120 Pinewood Lake Drive Bakersfield, California 93309 Dear Ms. Conger: I received a copy of the e-mail that you sent to the city council and I want to thank you for your interest in our urban forest management plan. Although I am not familiar with the editorial you referenced, hopefully, it included information about our efforts to ensure a safe and healthy urban forest. In the event that the information in the Bakersfield Californian was incomplete or inaccurate, I would like to make you aware of the some of the work the Department of Recreation and Parks has done related to the city's urban forest. During the Citizens Community Services Advisory Committee meeting of February 8, 2000, staff presented to the committee a pruning strategy for trees and shrubs. If you are not familiar with this group, this committee is comprised of citizens who advise the city council on matters relating to the department and also serves as the city's Tree Board. For your information, I have attached a copy of the pruning strategy that was presented to the committee. After discussion, the committee voted unanimously to approve the strategy. On April 12, '2000, staff made a presentation to the city council on urban forest management. As part of our presentation, staff provided the council with letters of support for our urban forest management plan which included the removal of trees in the downtown area. Letters were received from the Tree Foundation of Kern, the University of California Cooperative Extension, Turf "n" Trees, and ACRT Environmental Specialists. Without exception, each of these groups supported our plan for responsible forest management in the urban setting. As part of our plan, we will be instituting a public education program that includes helping citizens understand the importance of tree maintenance and removal. To assist in successfully implementing this component of the plan, the department will, with approval in the budget, hire the city's first professional urban forester. We currently have two certified arborists on staff and the addition of an urban forester will enhance RECREATION AND PARKS 4101 Truxtun Avenue o Bakersfield o California o 9~3.309 (66'1') .326-FI INN o Fax (661 ) 8,61438(54 our management of Bakersfield's urban forest. I would also like to note that for each of the past three years, the city has earned designation from the National Arbor Day Foundation as a Tree City USA. This recognition is something that the staff takes great pride in and we believe, based on comments we have received, the citizens do also. In 1999, our program earned the foundation's Growth Award. Again, I would like to thank you for your interest and I am happy to be able to report that our pro-active approach in maintaining a healthy urban forest resulted in a recommended strategy several months prior to the suggestion in the newspaper. If you need additional information or if I can be of further assistance, please call me at 326-3014. Sincerely, Start Ford, Director c: Alan Tandy, City Manager City Council Pruning Standards for Trees and Shrubs Purposes for pruning a. Compensation for root loss b. Training young trees c. Maintaining tree health and appearance d. Controlling tree size e. Influencing flowering, fruiting, and vigor f. Invigorating stagnated growth g. Increase air circulation to the interior of the tree h. Reduce branch weight Pruning cut types a. Heading back Problems created by this type of cut, particularly the growth of vigorous, weakly attached upright sprouts originating below such cuts. Heading cuts should be rarely used on mature trees, yet may be appropriate for specific purposes such as; training young trees, · pollarding, shaping terminal flowering of trees, and storm damage repair. A heading cut should consist of cutting a currently growing or one year old shoot back to a bud, or cutting an older branch or stem back to a stub or lateral branch not sufficiently large enough to assume the terminal role. b. Thinning or thinning out The thinning opens the foliage of a tree, reduces weight on heavy limbs, can reduce tree's height, distributes ensuing invigoration throughout a tree and helps retain the tree's natural shape. Thinning cuts are usually the preferred method of tree pruning. A thinning cut shall consist of the removal of a lateral branch at its point of origin or the shortening of a branch or stem by cutting to a lateral large enough to assume the terminal role. When removing a lateral branch at its point of origin on the trunk or parent limb, the final cut shall be made in the branch tissue close to the trunk or parent limb, without cuffing in to the branch bark ridge or collar, or leaving a stub. When removing a leader or length of a branch, the angle of the cut should bisect the angle between the branch bark ridge and an imaginary line perpendicular to the leader being removed. When removing a dead branch, the final cut shall be made just outside the collar of live tissue. It the collar has grown out along the branch stub, only the dead stub should be removed. The live collar shall remain intact and uninjured. Making the pruning cut a. Positioning the cutting blade on small limbs Location of the cut must be above the branch collar and the reason why. b. Saw cuts on large limbs The three cut step method c. No flush cuts and the reason why. Structural Strength a. Wide angled branch attachments are stronger Problems associated with narrow angle attachment b. Tapered trunks will withstand greater stress c. Temporary lower branches will strengthen the trunk and protect a young tree. Training young tree a. Understand the growth habits of the tree variety you are pruning. b. Minimal pruning the first few years. c. Branches selected for permanent scaffolds. d. Height of the lower limbs is determined by the use of the tree. e. Proper selection of vertical branch spacing. f. Radial branch distribution. gh' Pinching growing points. · Bud selection when making cuts. i. Temporary branch selection. j. Tree with a central leader should be pruned to remove any double leaders. Pruning mature trees Reasons for pruning mature trees a. Tree health and appearance b. It can remove new or holdover disease sources of some diseases. c. Remove broken, Iow, and crossing limbs for safety and appearance. d. Open the top of the tree to light so interior leaves, and branches can stay healthy e. Improve air circulation and minimize wind resistances. f. Moderate thinning to open up the tree to view. g. Size control by cutting branches to lower laterals (drop crotching) without heading back (topping). Pruning back to a lateral that is one- third the size of the leader that is being removed does this. The process shall not reduce the leaf area by 30%. Time of pruning a. Light pruning can be done any time. b. Heavy pruning should be done in the fall or winter. c. To retard tree development prune when growth is about complete which would be late spring to middle summer. d. Rapid plant development can best be maintained if the required pruning is done before the period of rapid growth usually occurring in the spring. e. Corrective pruning is done during the growing season. f. Bleeding of pruning wounds can be heavy in certain mature trees; cuts should be smaller than 3" and done in the fall or early winter. g. Heavy pruning of evergreens during winter month should be avoided; stimulation of new growth could result in freeze damage. Shrub pruning or trimming a.-Shrub pruning is to cut out dead wood and sometimes to free the plant of pest or disease ridden material. b. Pruning is to correct or shape plants when desired height has been achieved. c. Some shrubs pruning will maintain or improve flower displays. d. No heading cuts to drastically lower or change the shape of the plant. e. Allow the shrub to grow to a desired height. f. Trim the shrub to a preferred shape. g. To retain the shape of the desired shrubs remove new shoot growth. B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM June 23, 2000 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Alan Christensen, City Manager /~C__,~/, SUBJECT: Referral # WF0018505 CDBG Funding and Revitalization Per Councilmember Carson's request at the June 14th Council meeting, a community meeting to discuss CDBG funding, redevelopment, and the impacts on homeowners and revitalization has been tentatively scheduled for Saturday, August 5th. We will provide more details as they become available. AC:rs DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS DATE: June 21, 2000 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Stan Ford, Director ~ SUBJECT: Park Improvement Fund Balances and Types of Expenditures Attached is a table which provides Park Improvement Fund balances for acquisition and development by zone of benefit. A map indicating the city's six zones of benefit is attached. In general, monies may be expended only for the benefit of zone residents for real property purchase (in the case of the acquisition funds) and improvements to new park sites such as irrigation, landscaping, and playground equipment (in the case of development funds.) Council may also approve expenditures to improve existing parks. In zones where no new parks are expected to be built, all available funding, whether collected for acquisition or development, may be used for improvements to existing parks. The FY 99/00 approved and FY 00/01 proposed Capital Improvement Budget features projects which use Park Improvement Funds to improve existing parks. Other sources of funding are also utilized to improve parks, such as CDBG and grant funds. REcEiVED - CITY MANAGEFI'$ OFFICE P:\Park ^c,q & De¥\PIFbalcarson.wpd Docernber 17, 100~ (4:37~M) PARK IMPROVEMENT FUND Currently Available Balances by Zone of Benefit BALANCE at 06/21/00 AMOUNT PROPOSED AMOUNT Includes AIIoc BUDGETED FY 00/01 AVAILABLE Interest earned FY 99~00 BUDGET thru 6/30/99 ACCT # DESCRIPTION 357-11 PARK ACQ FEES-GAL STATE $105,435 · $0 $105,435 357-17 PARK ACQ FEES-STOCKDALE 2,791 2,791 0 357-15 PARK ACQ FEES-PANAMA 277,749 67,000 30,000 180,749 357-13 PARK ACQ FEES-FAIRVIEW 95,662 0 95,662 357-12 PARK ACQ FEES-CENTRAL 24,876 24,876 0 357-16 PARK ACQ FEES-PANORAMA 160,631 94,500 66,131 358-11 PARK DEV FEES-GAL STATE $1,113,055 $44,599 $1,068,456 358-17 PARK DEV FEES-STOCKDALE 225,856 169,084' 56,772 358-15 PARK DEV FEES-PANAMA 950,306 95,940 190,700 663,666 358-13 PARK DEV FEES-FAIRVIEW 828,479 25,950 802,529 358-12 PARK DEV FEES-CENTRAL 195,293 73,273 23,808 98,212 358-16 PARK DEV FEES-PANORAMA 816,917 12,975 803,942 208-39 3o Acre Stockdale Hwy/Buena Vista 97,670 38,000 59,670 208-32 NBRPD Park Development 1',247,803 362,850 884,953 0 Unallocated Interest 208,164 208,164 TOTALS $6,350,687 ' $973,838 $1,167,461 $4,209,388 NOTE 1: FIGURE EQUALS ESTIMATED ACTUAL EXPENDITURES FOR DEVELOPER AGREEMENT REIMBURSEMENT. ACTUAL EXPENDITURES WILL EQUAL COLLECTIONS. P:\Quattro Docs\Fund321\Park Improvement FundBAL.wb3 21-Jun-00 11:51 AM Legend City Parks Park Benefit Zones ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 ZONE 4 ZONE 5 ~1 ZONE 6 '1 0 ~ 2 Miles Ge~mphic Info[~n Sewices BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR j~ / DATE: JUNE 23, 2000 SUBJECT: HAGEMAN FLYOVER Council Referral Record # WF0018487 / 001 ICouncilmember Patricia DeMond requests a report back to Council regarding how much traffic can be diverted from 24th Street if the 204 and Union Flyover occurs. Traffic volume splits will be determined with the URS Greiner-Woodward Clyde study. That information will be given to Council as soon as it becomes available. tc RECEIVED G:~GROUPDA'13ReferralstOeMoncRHagemanFIIyover. wpd ~ '~ City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0018487 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 6~16~00 REQUEST DATE: 6/14/00 CREW: TIME PRINTED: 16:48:44 SCHEDULE DATES LOCATION: ~'I'A~'I': 6~14~00 LOCATION ID: ZIP CODE: COMPLETION: 6/26/00 GEN. LOC: FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: COUNCILMEMBER DEMOND ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: DSULLIVAN WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: HAGEMAN FLYOVER CONTACT Phone 1 - Phone 2 - / Bakersfield, CA 93301 REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** DEMOND REQUESTS A REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL REGARDING HOW MUCH TRAFFIC CAN BE DIVERTED FROM 24TH STREET IF THE 204 AND UNION FLYOVER OCCURS. Job Order Description: HAGEMAN FLYOVER Cat~gory: PUBLIC WORKS Task: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE __/__/__ COMPLETION DATE __/__/.__ BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM June 23, 2000 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Alan Christensen, City Manager SUBJECT: Referral#WF0018499 Mr. Ryan Free - Neighborhood Safety and Code Enforcement Concerns Councilmember DeMond requested I contact Mr. Ryan Free regarding a Police incident in his neighborhood, as well as some code enforcement issues. I attempted to contact Mr. Free by telephone, but was unable to reach him. However, he did leave a return phone message for me that the Police incident was resolved. I will be working with personnel from Development Services to provide information to Mr. Free, that will more fully explain reasons for the code enforcement actions and how they might be corrected. I will also follow up with written correspondence to him. AC:rs BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, City Manager FROM: RAUL ROJAS, Public Works Director //~ DATE: June 22, 2000 SUBJECT: LANDSCAPE MEDIAN ISLAND STANDARDS Council Referral WFO018491 / O01, Maggard Councilmember Mike Maggard requested staff to explore alternatives to the minimum landscape standards for median islands that would be less expensive and to report back to Council. Staff has explored other alternatives that would be less expensive than the minimum standard' design previously approved by Council, but most alternatives that are less expensive to install have higher maintenance costs. Councilmember Maggard mentioned using wood chips from the GreenWaste facility as a groundcover while still maintaining the perimeter (18" along each side)colored concrete edging. The cost for this type of median island treatment, if no trees were added to the median island, would be about $125,000 per mile. If trees were added, the cost would, be about $170,000 per mile. If Council desired to further explore this alternative, staff would recommend that another "demonstration project" be installed along a short section of existing median island so that installation and maintenance issues using wood chips as a groundcover could be studied. RECEIVED . UN Z 3 cc: Stan Ford, Recreation and Parks Director , Jacques R. LaRochelle, Engineering Services Manager CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE tdw:SRTED~2000memo~O62200at.wpd City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0018491 / 001 PROJEC~T: DATE PRINTED: 6116100 REQUEST DATE: 6/14/00 CREW: TIME PRINTED: 16:48:31 SCHEDULE DATES LOCATION: ~TA~'±': 6114~0~ LOCATION ID: ZIP CODE: COMPLETION: 6/26/0 GEN. LOC: FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: COUNCILMEMBER MAGGARD, ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: DSULLIVAN WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: LANDSCAPE MEDIAN STANDARDS REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** MAGGARD REQUESTED THAT STAFF EXPLORE ALTERNATIVES TO THE MINIMUM LANDSCAPE STANDARDS FOR MEDIAN ISLANDS THAT WOULD BE LESS EXPENSIVE AND REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL. ~ Job Order Description: LANDSCAPE MEDIAN STANDARDS at~gory: PUBLIC WORKS asK: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE / / B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM June 23,2000 TO: Councilmember Couch FROM: John W. Stins?n,~A~sistant City Manager SUBJECT: Referrals dated 6/14/00 The following are staff responses to the referrals made by you on 6/14/00. #1 Question: Prepare a response to letter from Anne Monroe regarding "Local authority usurped by federal police state under guise of emergency management." Response: The City Attorney's office has prepared a response which is attached. #2 Question: Draft letter to Board of Supervisors for your signature supporting the points raised by Ms. Avila's letter regarding waste collection fees and senior rebates. Response: Staff has prepared a draft for your signature, which is attached. If it is satisfactory, please contact me to finalize it. #3 Question: Draft letter to Board of Supervisors for your signature supporting the points raised by Mr. Krishnamurty's letter regarding economic development incentives for IKEA. Response: Staff has prepared the letter for your signature, which is attached. If it is satisfactory, please contact Stanley Grady to finalize it. #4 Question: . Information regarding the proposed tree ordinance. Response: This item was referred to the Urban Development Committee and these materials will be provided to the Committee for their next meeting. #5 Question: Place Time-Warner "Roadrunner" internet service fee waiver issue on next City Council Agenda for discussion. Councilmember Couch June 23, 2000 Page 2 Response: Staff has placed this item on the June 28, 2000 agenda. #6 Question: Concern regarding early morning noise in neighborhoods due to concrete trucks operated by Vulcan and other contractors. Response: Development Services has prepared correspondence to the contractors mentioned reminding them of city regulations regarding construction project noise and work hours restrictions. #7a Question: Channel23 editorial re. par course equipment safety. Response: Recreation and Parks has prepared a response to the issues presented in the editorial. The City Attorney contacted you with regard to your liability concerns. #7b Question: Channel 23 editorial re. Truxtun Extension / bikepath safety. Response: Public Works has prepared a response to the issues presented in the editorial. #8 Question: Concern regarding letter from DeWalt Corp. pertaining to identification of tree sizes. Response: Development Services has prepared a response, which is attached. #9 Question: Request letters which were sent to legislators regarding the maintenance of railroad crossings be sent to Jerry Karr. Response: This was done with the last set of referrals. #10 Question: E-mail regarding speeding and speed limits on Gosford Road. Response: Public Works has prepared an e-mail response regarding the speed limit on Gosford Road. The Police Department will address the enforcement issue. #11 Question: Concern regarding elimination of Mohawk as an arterial north of Hageman Rd. to Olive Drive. Reguest to have staff justify change. Response: Public Works staff has prepared a response memo which is attached. Councilmember Couch June 23, 2000 Page 3 #12 Question: Request to discuss the issue of building fees with staff to ensure all fees associated with the Building Division are neither excessive nor inadequate. Response: Staff from the City Manager's Office and the Development Services Director will schedule a meeting with you regarding this issue. #13 Question: Request to meet with staff to discuss an appropriate response to correspondence regarding the Shellabarger Road issue. Response: Staff from the City Manager's Office and the Public Works Department will schedule a meeting with you regarding this issue. #14 Question: Request to meet with staff to discuss a request by Riverlakes Ranch regarding access onto Coffee Road. Response: Staff from the Public Works Department will schedule a meeting with you regarding this issue. #15 Question: Draft letter to Scott Jones for your signature responding to the report and recommendations by the County regarding Tobacco Settlement funds. Response: Staff has prepared the letter for your signature, which is attached. #16 Question: Request for information on where funds are allocated in the budget regarding the safety retirement proposal. Response: The City Manager prepared a response which was provided to the City Council under separate cover last Friday, June 16th. A revised package, which includes more complete information, is being sent under separate cover today. #17 Question: Safety award jacket order. Response: Your request was provided to the City Clerk for processing. #18 Question: Request for meeting with staff re. assessment information. Response: Per our phone conversation, Mr. Klimko has contacted you regarding this item. He has provided a copy of the code section regarding notice to buyers relative to assessments, for your information. Councilmember Couch June 23, 2000 Page 4 #19 Question: Respond to Ms. Audrey Barnes request for traffic signal at Ridge Oak and Old River Road. Response: This was referred to the Traffic Engineer for a response, which is attached. #20 Question: Provide Legislation and Litigation Committee summary report draft to Trudy Slater. Response: The materials were provided to Trudy Slater per your request. #21 Question: Please provide information on howwe would re-designate Brimhall, (between Coffee and Calloway) an arterial from a collector, as currently designated. Response: Public Works staff has prepared a response memo which is attached. #22 Question: Provide Public Works with information from Caltrans regarding funding for railroad crossings under program 130. Response: The information has been provided to the Public Works Department per your request. They have made contact with CalTrans and have provided information on the program. #23 Question: Request to set up a meeting with Public Works staff regarding a wall and the relocation of a lift station access road involving Mr. Khalid Abureyaleh. Response: Staff from the Public Works Department will schedule a meeting with you regarding this issue. This item is on the agenda for the June 28, 2000 Council meeting. #24 Question: Information regarding fluoridation of water systems and current state law in that regard. Response: This information was referred to the Water Department for comment. A response regarding this subject is attached. #25 Question: Prepare thank you letters for your signature for State Assembly Member, George Runner and Senator Jim Brulte regarding their support of cities in recent State budget deliberations. Response: Staff has prepared the letters for your signature, which are attached. Councilmember Couch June 23, 2000 Page 5 #26 Question: Contact Eric Triquerro regarding the phasing of landscape by · developers. Response: Staff has contacted Mr. Triquerro regarding his concerns and a response is attached for your information. :jws Bart J. Thiltgen f[ ~i'~' ~ Robert M. Sheffy :: # ' *' Alan D. Daniel Allen M. Shaw Walter H. Porr, Jr. ~i~ ~. ~fo~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Carl Hemandez m Janice Scanlan OFFICE OF T~t'E CITY ATTORNEY Virginia Gennaro 1501 TRUXTLrN AVENUE And~w C. Thomson BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 ~DMINISTRATIVE ~SISTANT TELEPHONE: 661-326-3721 Loft A. Aquilar FACSIMILE: 661-852-2020 June 19,2000 Ms. Anne Monroe 3991 Marella Way Bakersfield, California 93309 Dear Ms. Monroe: Your letter dated June 5, 2000, addressed to David Couch, Council member for Ward 5, was recently referred to this office for response. Pursuant to your request, enclosed are copies of Chapters 2.40 and 2.48 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code which details the purpose, powers and duties of City officials in the event of an emergency or disaster, as such are defined inthe Code. If you have any questions, or desire additional information, please .do not hesitate to Contact me. Very truly yours, .. ,.Cj.'~t y Attorney BJT:laa Enclosures' cc: Honorable Mayorand City Council Alan Tandy, City Manager &\COUNCIL\Referrals\Monroe 2.40&48 Couch.wpd ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER 2.40.010 Chapter 2.40 2.40.030 Disaster councilmCreated--Mem- bership. EMERGENCY SERVICES The Bakersfield disaster council is created and shall consist of the following: Sections: A. The mayor, who shall be chairman; 2.40.010 Purposes of chapter-- B. The director of emergency services, who shall be Expenditures. vice-chairman; 2.40.020 Emergency del'med. C. The assistant director, who shall be vice-chair- 2.40.030 Disaster council--Created-- man during the absence or disability of the director; Membership. D. Such chiefs and deputy directors of emergency 2.40.040 Disaster council~Powers and services as arcprovided for by resolution pursuant to this duties. Chapter; 2.40.050 Director and assistant director of E. Such representatives Of civic, business, labor, emergency servic~Powers and veterans, professional or other organizations having an duties, official group or organi?ztion emergency services respon- 2.40.060 Powers of director during any sibility as may be appointed by the mayor with thc advice emergency, and consent of the city council. (Prior code § 1.80.030) 2.40.070 Emergency organization-- Constitution. 2.40.040 Disaster councilmPowers and du- 2.40~080 Emergency plan. ties. 2.40.090 Unlawful acts~Penalty. A.. It shall be thc duty of the Bakersfield disaster council, and it is empowered to review, develop and 2.40.010 Purposes of chapter--Expenditures, recommend for adoption by the city council, emergency A. The declared purposes of this chapter arc: and mutual aid plans and agreements and such ordinances 1. To provide for the preparation and carrying out and resolutions and rules and regulations as are necessary of plans for the protection of persons and property within to implement such plans and agreements. this city in the event of an emergency; B. Thc disaster council shall meet upon call of the 2. The direction of the emergency organization; and chairman or~ in his absence from the city .or inability to 3. The coordination of the emergency functions of call such meeting, upon call of the vice-chairman. (Prior this city with all other public, agencies, colporations, code § 1.80,040) organizations and affected private persons. · B. Any expenditures made in connection with such 2.40.050 Director and assistant director of emergency services shall be conclusively deemed to be emergency services--Powers and for the direct benefit and protection of the inhabitants of duties,, the city. (l~ior code § 1.80.010) A. There is created the office of director of emer- gency services. The city manager shall be the director of. 2.40.020 Emergency del'med, emergency services. There is also created the office of As used in this chapter, "emergency" means the actual assistant director of emergency services. The director of or threatened existence of conditions of disaster or of fire and development services shall be the assistant direc- extreme peril to the safety of persons and property within tor of emergency services and the chief of police and the this city caused by such conditions as air pollution, fire, director of public works shall serve as deputy directors flood, storm, epidemic, riot or earthquake, or other condi- of emergency services. Thc assistant director shall per- tions, including conditions resulting from war or immi- form thc duties and responsibilities of the director during nent threat of war, but other than conditions resulting the absence or disability of the director and shall perform from a labor controversy, which Conditions arc or are such other duties and responsibilities as maY be ordered likely to be beyond the control of thc services, personnel, by the director. equipment and facilities of this city, requiring the com- B. Thc director is empowered: bined forces of other political subdivisions to combat. 1. To request thc city council to proclaim the exis- (Prior code § 1.80.020) tence or threatened existence of a local emergency and the termination thereof, if the city council is in session, or to issue such proclamation if the city council is not in 51 2.40.050 session, subject to ratification by the city council at the 2.40.070 Emergency orgs~7-ntion--Constitu- earliest practicable time; tion. 2. To ask and/or advise the mayor to request the All officers and employees of this city, together with governor to proclaim a state of emergency when in the those volunteer forces enrolled to aid them during an opinion of the director, the locally available resources, are' emergency, and all groups, organizations and persons inadequate to cope the emergency; who may by agreement or operation of law, including 3. To comrol and direct the effort of the emergency persons impressed into service under the provisions of organization of .this city for ~he accomplishment of the Sections 2.40.050 and 2.40.060, be charged with duties purposes of this chapter; incident to the protection of life and property in this city ~4. To direct cooperation between and coordination during such emergency, shall constitute the emergency of services and staff of the emergency organization of organization of the city. (Prior code § 1.80.070) this city, and to resolve questions of'authority and respon- sibility that may arise between them; 2.40.080 Emergency plan. 5. To represent this city in all dealings with public A. The Bakersfield disaster council shall be respon- or private agencies on matters pertaining to emergencies sible for the development of the city emergency plan, as defined in Section 2.40.020. (Prior code § 1.80.050) which plan shall provide for the effective mobilization of all of the resources of this city, both public and private, 2.40.060 Powers'of director during any to meet any condition constituting a local emergency, emergency, state of emergency, or state of war emergency; and shall In the event of the proclamation of a local emergency provide for the organization, powers and duties, services, as provided in this chapter, theproclamation of a state of and staff of the emergency organization. emergency by the Governor or the Director of the State B. Such emergency plan shall take effect upon Office of Emergency ServiCes, or the existence of a state adoption by resolution of the city council. (Prior code § of war emergency', the director is empowered: 1.80.080) A. To make and issue rules and regulations on matters reasonably related to the protection of life and 2.40.090 Unlawful acts--Penalty. property as affected by such emergency;provided, how- It shall be a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine 'of not ever, such rules and regulations must be confirmed at the · to exceed five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for earliest practicable time by the city council; ~ not to .exceed six months, or both, for any person, during B. To obtain vital supplies, equipment and such an emergency, to: other properties found.lacking and needed for the protec- A. Wilfully obslxuct, hinder or delay any member tion of life and property and to bind the city for the fair of the emergency organization in the enforcement of any value thereof and, if required '.nnmediately, to comman-, lawful rule or regulation issued pursuant to this chapter, deer the same for public use; or in the performance of anY duty imposed upon him by C. To require emergency services of any city officer virtue of this chapter; or employee and, in the event of the proclamation of a B. Do any act forbidden by any lawful rule or state of emergency in the cOunty or the existence of a regulation issued pursuant to this chapter, if such act is state of war emergency, to command the aid of as many of such a nature as to give or be likely to give assistance citizens of this community as he deems necessary in the to the enemy or to imperil the lives or property of inhab- execution.of his duties; such persons shall be entitled to itants of this ciO, or to prevent,' hinder or delay the all privileges, benefits and immunities 'as are provided by defense or protection thereof; state law for registered disaster service workers; C. Wear, carry or display, without authority, any D. To requisition necessary perSonnel or material of means of identification specified by the emergency agen- any city department or agency; cy of the state. (Prior code § 1.80.090) E. To execute all of his ordinary power as city manager, all of the special powerS conferred upon him by this chapter or by resolution or emergency plan pursu- ant to this chapter adopted by the city council, all powers '~onferred upon him by' any statute, by any agreement approved by the city Council, and by any 'other lawful authority. (Prior code § 1.80.060) 2.48.0i0 Chapter 2.48 able to function as incumbents of the post for which they have been appointed in case of disaster. PRESERVATION OF GOVERNMENT IN EVENT D. "Unavailable" means that an officer is either OF DISASTER ' killed,' missing, or so seriously injured as to be unable to attend meetings and otherwise to perform his duties. Any Sections: questions as to whether a particular officer is unavailable 2.48.010 Findings--Purpose. shall be settled by the legislative body of the city, or any 2.48.020 Del'tuitions. remaining available members of the body (including 2.48.030 Standby office~Appointments, standby officers who are serving on the legislative body). vacancies and designations. (Prior code § 2.20.020) 2.48.040 Standby officers~Qualffications. · 2.48.050' Standby office~ Oath of 2.48.030 standby office~Appointments, office.Term and. remoVaL ' vacancies and designations. 2.48.060 Standby officermDufies. A. To provide for the continuance of the legislative 2.48.070 Meeting of legislative body after and administxative departments of the city, the city coun- disaster, cil shall have the:power to appoint the following standby 2.48.080 Power and 'duties in first officers: meeting. 1. Three for each councilman; 2.48.090 Temporary officers. 2. Three for the mayor;, 3. Three for the city manager;. :2.48.010 Findings-PurpoSe. 4. Three for each department head. A. The council of the city finds and declares that if B. The appointments shall be made by a simple this state or nation were attacked by an enemy of the majority of the city council. United States, the city might be subjected to the effects C. In case a standby office becomes vacant because of enemy attack and could be severely damaged, of removal, death, resignation, or other cause, the city B. While such attacks are in progress and during the council shall have the power to appoint another person reconslrUction period following, it is vital that the city to fill the office. government continue to function in order to preserve law D. Standby officers shall be designated 1, 2, and and order and to continue or restore local services, in the order of their priority of succession to the office. C. The purpose of this chapter is to furnish a means (Prior code § 2.20.030) by which the continued functioning of the city govern- merit will be assured. 2.48.040 Standby officers--Qualifications. D. In enacting this chapter, the city intends to avail A. The qualifications of each standby officer shall itself to the fullest extent of the powers granted to local be carefully investigated and a summary of the qualifica- governments by the California Emergency S~ervices Act, tions of each such officer shall be entered on the minutes' Title 2, Division 1, Chapter 7 of the Government Code when he is appointed. (commencing with Section 8550), including Article 15 B. Consideration shall be given to places of resi- thereof, concerning Preservation of Local Government. dence and work, so that for each office for which standby (Prior code § 2.20.010) officers are appointed, there 'shall be the greatest proba- bility of survivorship. Standby officers may be residents 2.48.020 Defmitions. or officers of a local agency other than that to which they For the purpose of this chapter, the following words are appointed as standby officers. The residence require- shall have the meanings as set forth in this section, ments for officers and employees contained in Section 43 A. '~Disaster" means a war or enemy-caused calami- of the city Charter shall not apply to standby officers. ty such as an enemy attack which renders unavailable a (prior code § 2.20.040) majority of the council of the city. B. 'T~x:al agency" means counties, cities and coun- 2.48.050 ' Standby otticers~Oath of office-- ties, cities, districts, authorities, and other public corpora- Term and removal. tions, and entities in the state, whether organized and A. Each standby officer shall take the oath of office existing under Charter or general law. required for the officer occupying the office for which he C. "Standby officers" means qualified persons ap- stands by. POinted pursuant to this chapter to hold themselves avail- 55 2.48.050 B. Persons appointedas standby officers shall serve B. Proceed to reconstitute itself by filling vacancies in their posts as standby officers at the pleasure of the until there are sufficient councilmen to form a quorum; legislative body appointing them and may be removed should only one councilman or the mayor be available,' . and replaced at any time with or without cause. Standby then he shall have the power to reconstitute the city officers shall receive no compensation for the perfor- council; mance of their duties as standby officers. (Prior code § C. Proceed to reconstitute the city council bY al> 2.20.050) pointment of qualified persons to fill vacancies; ~ D. Proceed to perform its functions in the preser- 2.48.060 Standby officer--Duties, ration of law and order and in the furnishing of local Each standby officer shall have the following duties: services. (Prior code § 2.20.080) ' A. To inform himself of the duties of the office for which he is standby officer;, for this purpose, the officers 2.48.090 Temporary officers. and employees of the city shall cooperate with the stand- Should all members of the 'city council, including all bY officers; standby members, be unavailable, temporary officers shall B. To keep informed of the business and affairs of be appointed as follows: the city to the extent necessary to fill his post completely; A. By the chairman of the board of supervisors of for this purpose, the city may arrange information meet- Kern County, and. if he is unavailable; ings and require attendance; B. By the chairman of the board of supervisors of C. To immediately report himself ready for duty in Tulare County, and if he is unavailable; the event of disaster at the place and in the method previ- C. By the chairman of the board of supervisors of ously designated by the city; Fresno County, and if he is unavailable; D. To fill the post for which he has been appointed D. By the mayor of the city of Delano, and ff he is when, because of disaster, it has become vacant. Standby unavailable; officers No. 2 and 3 shall substitute in succession for E. By the mayor of the city of Fresno. CPrior code standby officer No. 1 in the same way that said standby § 2.20.090) officer is substituted in place of the regular officer. He shall serve until the recovery of the regular officer from his injuries or the election or appointment of a new regular officer. (Prior code § 2.20.060) 2.48.070 Meeting of legislative body after di- A. The city council shall meet as soon as possible after a disaster. B. The place of meeting need not be within the local agency. C. The meeting may be called by the mayor, city manager, city attorney, or by a majority of the available members of the city council. : D. Should there be only one member of the city council available, he may call and hold the meeting and perform acts hecessary to reconstitute the city council. (Prior code § 2.20.070) 2.48.080 Power and duties in in'st meeting. At the first meeting after the disaster, the city council shall: A. Ascertain. the damage to the city and its person- nel and property; for this purpose, it shall have the power to issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of records;' 56 June 23,2000 Clerk of the Board Board of Supervisors 1115 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Subject: Increase of Property le Collection Fees and Request for gram Honorable Board: I received a copy of a Avila, regarding the increase of property ~s for in County areas and the absence of a sen izen As Ms. Avila the City of Bakersfield provides a ~%~.program ~llows a 50% rebate on their garbage fiscal year. view that, with the initiation of universal collection ~ Board should also establish a rebate program for /ho are affected by increased taxes. They should th of financial refund as the City offers their senior urge you to adopt such a policy. Sincere!~?~ Couch Councilmember, Ward 4 DC:JWS:rs MEMORANDUM RECEIVED JUN Z 6 2000 CITY MANAGER'S OFFIC' dune 22, 2000 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: ,¢'~TANLEY C. GRADY, PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERRAL NO. WF0018509 COUNCILMAN COUCH REGARDING DRAFTING A LETTER TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SUPPORTING DR. KRISHNAMURTHY'S LE'FrER REGARDING IKEA The attached letter parallels the comments in Dr. Krishnamurthy's letter. The letter can be directed to the Board after it has been reviewed, finalized and signed. SCG:pah Attachment June 22,2000 Kem County Board of Supervisors 1115 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Chairman and Members of the Board: The Board of Supervisors and the City desire to stimulate · economic development and job creation throu Our approaches may be different within our respective jurisdk ~ goal i A member of our community, Dr. Krishnamurthy, has ~ the approach being considered in the IKEA/Tejon Industrial His letter addresses three ~ spurring leap frog development, providing public assistance and land use issues that are site specific as well as countywide, oints contained in his letter, I believe you will these working towards our economic )als. proposed project does not take for 1 use, such as the Intemational Trade and economic development into a pristine mountainous area. t ~ssues that come into play when making land use · ' and urge you to give consideration to his concerns durin IKEA/Tejon Industrial Complex. Sincerely, David Couch Councilman Ward 4 SCG:pah .. JL~-22---O0 THU 15:09 CITY PLRNNIN6 FaX NO, 805'3270646 P, 02 O ME M O RAND UM June 22~ 2000 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: DENNIS FIDLER, BUILDING DIRECTOR 0~/ SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERRAL WF0018511 (Construction starting before 8:00 a.m, off weekends) My staffhas sent letters to all local cemeat companies and cement sub contractors notifying them that the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code Section 9.22.050 does not allow any construction prior to 6:00 a.m,, Monday through Friday and 8:00 a.rn, on Saturday and Sunday (copy of letter and ordinance is attached). ce: Trudy Slater, Administrative An~dyst JUN-22-O0 THU 15:09 CITY PLANNING FaX NO, 805 3270646 P, 03 DR,4F/. June 22,2000 TO: Concrete/Readymix Companies; Concrete Sub Contractors, General Contractors SUBJECT: Municipal Code 9.22.050 Noise During Construction The Building Department has recently received several complaints from the public regarding excessive noise levels in and around certain construction projects within the City. This letter is intended to remind the construction community that per the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code Section 9.25!.050, construction activities are limited to the hours between 6:00 a,m, and 9:00 p,m., Monday through Friday, and between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m., on Saturday's and Friday's. If you have any questions regarding this issue, please contact our Building Department staffat 326-3720, Sincerely, Dennis Fidler, Building Director DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS DATE: June 21, 2000 TO: John Stinson, Assistant City Manager FROM: Stan Ford, Director of Recreation and Parks SUBJECT: Council Referral Response I was contacted the week of May 29, 2000 by Lesley Kirk, editorial director at KERO-TV, regarding an upcoming editorial. I provided her with the information she requested. She offered the department a chance to respond. I requested a copy of the editorial so that I could view it and determine our response. As of today, I still have not received that video tape. During our conversation, Ms. Kirk mentioned that the reason for the editorial was that during the filming of a previous editorial, Don Lundy, the general manager of the station, had fallen off a piece of the Par Course equipment. That experience prompted the new editorial. Approximately one week after our conversation, I received what appears to be a transcript of the editorial. In it, Mr. Lundy describes this piece of equipment as "really dangerous" and then makes the leap to 200,000 kids that are injured and the fifteen that are killed annually in playground-related accidents. Mr. Lundy appropriately recognizes that this equipment is not designed for children. He fails to mention the potential for misuse of this, or any equipment in a park setting, or the responsibility of adults to ensure that children do not use equipment not designed for them. RECEIVED ' CITY MANAGER'S OFFIC!.-'. The editorial also fails to mention that a sign, demonstrating the proper use of the equipment, is adjacent to the equipment. If a person possesses the basic coordination and motor skills necessary for jogging and follows the posted directions, there should be no reason for that person to fall. Mr. Lundy also challenges the department to "come up with some official park course safety guidelines." Although I think I understand the intent, I believe that in the absence of national guidelines or standards, that our practice of using the Consumer Product Safety Commission, American Society of Testing Materials, and American with Disabilities Act guidelines and regulations is appropriate. The established guidelines adequately cover basic safety considerations such as entrapment, protrusion, and entanglement. For the department to attempt to develop guidelines that differ from the manufacturer's recommendations or conflict with those of agencies that specialize with equipment safety, may be inappropriate. This item was discussed at the last Citizens Community Services Advisory Committee meeting. During that discussion, it was pointed out that the department should not remove equipment simply because of one person's inability to properly use that equipment. Also, if we remove all equipment that was designed for adults and that children without adequate supervision might use, we would have to remove all of this equipment throughout the city. This action would result in penalizing all adults because of a few individuals that do not carry out their responsibility for their children's safety. The committee recommended that the department continue with our current goal of safety as the first priority for all programs and facilities. Also, that we continue with our inspection and maintenance program for all of the Par Course and playground equipment. BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTO~_/~.~,.~.~. DATE: June 21, 2000 SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERRAL WF0018513/001, WARD 4, 23 EDITORIAL - BIKE PATH. "'COUCH REFERRED THE 23 EDITORIAL ON THE SAFETY OF THE TRUXTUN EXTENSION BIKE PATH." The bike path along the west end of Truxtun was built to the standards of safety of the State of California Manual of Bikeway Planning and Design. This manual has the criteria for location of bike paths and their relation to public roads and highways, such as Truxtun. The State requires that bike paths that are less than 5 feet from a road's travel lane have a physical barrier, such as a chain link fence, to prevent the bicyclist from encroaching into the roadway. The section of bike path near Truxtun was built to be about 15 to 20 feet from the road, as noted in the editorial, so that no fence would be required to prevent cyclist from crossing into the roadway. The State of California Traffic Manual, used by the City, has requirements for the use of guardrail. Guardrails are used to prevent vehicles from leaving the road where there is a steep embankment or there are fixed objects near the road that could be hit. G0ardrails are also placed on the outside of sharp curves in a road to prevent a vehicle from running off the road. Along the bike path near Truxtun, there are no fixed objects that may be hit, the area is near flat with no steep embankment. The path and Truxtun are in either a straight segment or on a large radius, gentle curve of the roadway. This segment of Truxtun does not have a history of vehicles running off the road. Since the area of Truxtun and the bike path does not have sharp outside curves, does not have fixed objects in the way, does not have steep embankments and the path is much more than 5 feet from the road lane with no history of vehicles running offthe road into the path area and both the bike path and Truxtun are built to State of California requirements, guardrails are not installed. No changes are proposed at this time. --REcEiVED slw: S:\WP\CC_REFS\WF001851323EditorialBikePath.ref.wpd CITY MANAGEI~ $ OFFICE Page 1 of 1 =' -- jEd tonals' ' Standing up for you! Here's another example of a disaster waiting to happen. Your23 Editorial The people that walk, bike or mn here on the path beside the Tmxtun Extension ought to be scared out of their minds. Look at how fast these cars wlfiz by. The speed limit is 55 miles per hour but these guys go a lot faster. ~ This is really dangerous, the way the road curves here at the end, and cars' high speeds. We're surprised someone hasn't lost control and mn fight up here into someone on this path. This path is only 15 feet from the road...it's crazy that a guard rail hasn't been put up here yet.' We contacted the City's Public Works Department and we're told that the idea has been discussed but that it's never gone anywhere...surprise, surprise. This is something that should have been done a long time ago. Let's get a jump start and get ~ something done right now before something happens. Your23 calls on Public Works Director Raul Rojas to install guard rails ·along the Truxtun Extension immediately. It's a matter of public safety. That's our solution...what do you think? THIS EDITORIAL ORIGINALLY AIRED JUNE 3, 2000 BY KERO-TV PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER DON LUNDY city of Bakersfield *REPRINT* ..... ~ WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0018513 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 6~16~0 REQUEST DATE: 6/14/0~ CREW: TIME PRINTED: 16:47:01 SCHEDULE DATES LOCATION: STA~'±': 6~14~0~ LOCATION ID: ZIP CODE: COMPLETION: 6/22/0 GEN. LOC: FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: COUNCILMEMBER COUCH ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: DSULLIVAN WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: 23 EDITORIAL - BIKE PATH REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** COUCH REFERRED THE 23 EDITORIAL ON THE SAFETY OF THE TRUXTUN EXTENSION BIKE PATH. COPY OF CORRESPONDENCE AVAILABLE AT THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE FRONT COUNTER. Job Order Description: 23 EDITORIAL - BIKE PATH Category: PUBLIC WORKS Task: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE __/__/__ COMPLETION DATE MEMORANDUM June 22,2000 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: ~ STANLEY C. GRADY, PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERRAL #WF0018514 COUNClLMEMBER COUCH REGARDING LE'I-FER FROM DEWALT CORPORATION ON TREES The letter referred to Condition N°. 2 for a General Plan Amendment and Zone Change for a project to convert an old home and site into a restaurant on Calloway and Meacham. The project was approved on June 15, 2000 with the condition revised to read as follows: Planning Department Condition No. 2 - delete "The site plan is to be modified depicting that those trees adjacent to the block wall are to be redwoods (including local variants like Aptos Blues)." Replace with "Applicant must plant entire perimeter adjacent the block wall with a variety of tall evergreens, including redwood, cedar and pine trees." Perimeter evergreens shall be planted at a maximum distance of 25 feet apart. This case and the other cases in the general plan cycle are tentatively planned for City Council action on August 16, 2000. SCG:pah BAKE l~ S ? I ELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR~ DATE: June 21, 2000 SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERRAL WF00185'15/00'1, WARD 4, GOSFORD SPEED LIMIT. "COUCH REQUESTS THAT P/W'S- TRAFFIC ENGINEERING RESPOND BY E-MAIL TO CITIZEN REGARDING THE SPEED LIMIT ON GOSFORD ROAD AND INCLUDE IN RESPONSE WHEN WE REDUCED THE SPEED LIMIT. COUCH REQUESTS THAT THE POLICE DEPARTMENT INCREASE THEIR PRESENCE ON GOSFORD FOR A WEEK OR SO. ALSO, E-MAIL RESPONSE TO CITIZEN INFORMATION REGARDING OUR RED LIGHT ENFORCEMENT." The Traffic Engineer emailed the citizen regarding their concern over traffic speed on Gosford Road (copy attached). Traffic Engineering will re-check the speed in'the area to see if there have been changes since the speed limits were set last spring and make appropriate changes if needed. cc: Traffic Engineering File slw: S:\WP\CC_RE FS\WF0018515. OosfordSpeedLimit. ref. wpd 'RECEIVED Page I of I JUN ?_ ! 3000 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE !-E!~ffib - R~S~P0~§~.t0 ~Y_°iu~r ~mail'[? C!t~'?_o?.oc!!~-d.a'ted_ .J'uh~_8, 2000 ~egardihg ~Pe. ed li'~n'!ts~, 'i~_ _-.- ~i' . ,. '-. Page'1 From: Traffic To: inet:dailo6570@aol.com Subject: Response to your email to City Council dated June 8, 2000 regarding speed limits Thank you for contacting the City regarding speed limits on Gosford Road. Your email was given to Traffic Engineering for a response. The speed limit on Gosford Road is posted at 55 miles per hour. The speed limit is set in accordance with requirements of the California Vehicle Code and State law. The California Vehicle Code requires that the speed limits be checked every five years for changes that may allow the speed limit to be lowered or raised. Gosford Road was checked in April of last year. The average speed was found to be about 52 miles per hour and the 85th percentile speed was 57 miles per hour. Per the requirement 6f'the California Vehicle Code, the speed limit is to be 55 miles per hour. This allows the police to use radar enforcement of the speed limit. Since you have a concern about the speed limit, Traffic Engineering will recheck the speed on Gosford to see if a different speed limit may be justified under the California Vehicle Code. For your information, we are also preparing to implement a "red light enforcement camera" system that will be used on some intersections in the City. This will help reduce traffic accidents at problem intersections. For more information about traffic and speed limits, be sure and visit our website for Traffic Engineering at the City's webpage. The web address is: http://www, cl. bakersfield, ca. us/cityservices/pu bwrks/index, htm~traf You can also send email to our attention in Traffic Engineering at this location. Thanks for your interest in traffic. If we can be of further help or you have other questions, please email us or call at 326-3724 ti' City C°~ ncil - speed limits ' page 1 From: <DAILO6570@aol.com> To: CITYDOM.citypol(City_Council) Date: mhu, Jun 8, 2000 12:11 AM 00 JU~ -8 ~,~ 8-' ,2_6 Subject: speed limits To whom it may concern: I live in the southwest, with Gosford Road and White Lane as the cross streets. In the past year, I have been in one, of the several traffic accidents that have occurred on Gosford Road. I have had my share of speeding tickets in the past, and have been dubbed as a "lead foot", but even I think the speed limit on Gosford should be reduced to a more safer speed. /*%, City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0018515 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 6~16~00 REQUEST DATE: 6/14/00 CREW: TIME PRINTED: 16:46:45 SCHEDULE DATES LOCATION ID: ZIP CODE: COMPLETION: 6/22 GEN. LOC: FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY.ID: TO: REF NBR: REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: COUNCILMEMBER COUCH ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: DSULLIVAN WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: GOSFORD SPEED LIMIT REQUEST COMMENTS ***DUAL REFERP~AL TO PUBLIC WORKS & POLICE DEPT.*** COUCH REQUESTS THAT P/W'S - TRAFFIC ENGINEERING RESPOND BY E-MAIL TO CITIZEN REGARDING THE SPEED LIMIT ON GOSFORD ROAD A/~D INCLUDE IN RESPONSE WHEN WE REDUCED THE SPEED LIMIT. COUCH REQUESTS THAT THE POLICE DEPARTMENT INCREASE THEIR PRESENCE ON GOSFORD FOR A WEEK OR SO. ALSO, E-MAIL RESPONSE TO CITIZEN INFORMATION REGARDING OUR RED LIGHT ENFORCEMENT. COPY CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE ON E-MAIL RESPONSES. COPY OF CORRESPONDENCE AVAILABLE AT THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE FRONT COUNTER. Job Order Description: GOSFORD SPEED LIMIT Category: PUBLIC WORKS Task: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS ~START DATE __/__/__ COMPLETION DATE June 21, 2000 Tandy, City Manager "--_-RECEIVED To: Alan Honorable Mayor and Council Members From: Eric W. M atlock, Chief of Police ~;~_ JUN Subject: Update for Council Referrals CITY MANAGEI¥S OFFICE "Council Member Couch requested increased police presence on Gosford for a week or so, and response to a citizen regarding red light enforcement ..." Council Member Salvaggio requested traffic oversite on speeding on Mesa (~rande between Planz and White Lane. I have assigned Operations staff to monitor traffic and provide enforcement in both areas. I will forward a more detailed response for each referral on Tuesday afternoon, June 27, 2000. BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: JUNE 22, 2000 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~ SUBJECT: DELETING MOHAWK AS AN ARTERIAL NORTH OF HAGEMAN ROAD Council Referral WF0018516/001 Couch Councilmember Couch requests justification if staff recommends deleting Mohawk as an arterial, north of Hageman Road to Olive Drive. Copy of correspondence available at the City Clerk's office front counter The original circulation element showed Mohawk Street continuing north across Hageman Road and eventually connecting to Olive Drive via Victor Street (an existing local street). Traffic models of this area indicated Olive Drive would be over capacity by the year 2020. In fact the roadway was so over capacity that it required eight (8) lanes to properly covey traffic volumes at level of service "C". Due to the fact that Olive Drive would not operate properly, staff began to look at alternatives that would relieve congestion. These efforts led to the consideration of the Hageman flyover connection to Golden State Avenue. Traffic models utilizing the Hageman connection showed an improvement to Olive Drive congestion however, it did not bring volumes to the desired level of service. Further analysis led to consideration of eliminating the Mohawk Street connection between Hageman Road and Olive Drive. The reason for this consideration was twofold. First the connection point utilized Victor Street which is a local street. Adjacent neighborhoods located west of Victor Street were historically opposed to this connection. Its elimination would address o their concerns. In addition, eliminating the connection appeared to force more traffic to utilize Hageman Road rather than Olive Drive. When this arrangement of roadways were tested in the model, Olive Drive, Hageman Road and Mohawk Street all operated within acceptable levels of service. In essence, this arrangement split east-west traffic volumes rather ' '- ' Drive and Hageman Road thereby allowing both roadways to operate prop C?__~ MA, N~GER~ OFFICE AGENDA REGULAR PRE-MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Council Chamber, City Hall Monday, June 12, 2000 '12:'15 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL MICHAEL DHANENS, Chairman STEPHEN BO YLE, Vice Chairman MA THEW BRAD Y MARTI MUNIS-KEMPER TOM MCGINNIS RON SPRAGUE JEFFREY TKAC NOTE: Agendas may be amended up to 72 hours prior to the Planning Commission meeting. A final agenda may be obtained from the Planning Department 72 hours prior to the meeting. Items listed on this agenda will be continued to 5:30 p.m. on the Thursday following the date listed on this agenda. 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS ANY PERSON WHOSE NAME APPEARS ON THE AGENDA OR WISHES TO SPEAK REGARDING A PUBLIC HEARING NEED NOT FILL OUT A SPEAKER'S CARD. ALL OTHERS WISHING TO SPEAK BEFORE THE COMMISSION MAY FILL OUT A SPEAKER'S CARD AND PRESENT IT TO THE SECRETARY PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE MEETING. NOTICE OF RIGHT TO APPEAL Planning Commission decisions on Zone Changes, Parcel Maps and Tentative Subdivision maps are subject to appeal by any person aggrieved. No permit shall be issued for any use involved in an application until after the final acceptance date of appeal. Such appeal must be filed in writing within 10 days from date of hearing, addressed to the City Council, c/o Office of the City Clerk, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301. A $334 non-refundable filing fee must be included with filing of the initial appeal for those appeals filed by the applicant or any person outside the notice area. All appeals filed on land divisions will require a $334 non-refundable filing fee. If all appeals are withdrawn prior to the City Council hearing, it will not be conducted and the decision of the Planning Commission will stand. Agenda, PC, Monday - June 12, 2000 Page 2 If no appeal is received within the specified time period or if all appeals filed are withdrawn, the action of the Planning Commission shall become final. 3. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS - (marked by asterisk (*) These items will be acted on as a group without individual staff presentations if no member of the Planning Commission or audience wishes to comment or ask questions on a case. The items are recommended for approval by staff. The applicant has been informed of any special conditions and has signed an agreement to conditions of approval and requested to be placed on the consent agenda. If anyone wishes to discuss or testify on any of the consent items the item(s) will be taken off consent and will be considered in the order on the agenda. If not, the public hearing will be opened and the items acted on as a group. 3.1) Agenda Item 6.1 - Consistency Finding for acquisition of 23 acres 3.2) Agenda Item 6.2 - Consistency Finding for acquisition of ~/2 acre 4. PUBLIC HEARING - AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE Amendment to the text of Title '16 (Subdivisions Ordinance) of the Bakersfield Municipal Code (City of Bakersfield) Update the subdivision ordinance to reflect changes in the Subdivision Map Act and formalization of local implementation policy. (Exempt from CEQA) (Continued from June 1, 2000) (All Wards) RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE Roll Call Vote. 5. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT - Kyle Carter Resolution making findings and recommending that the City Council certify the Final EIR for General Plan Amendment/Zone Change P99-0482 which has been completed in compliance with CEQA, the State EIR Guidelines and the City of Bakersfield CEQA Implementation Procedures. (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: Approve and Adopt resolution making findings and recommend certification of the Final EIR to the City Council. Roll call vote. Agenda, PC, Monday - June '12, 2000 Page 3 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS - GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS, ASSOCIATED REZONINGS, ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS, AND CIRCULATION ELEMENT AMENDMENTS: 6.1.a) General Plan Amendment/Circulation Element Amendment File No. P99- 0482 - North of the River Sanitation District and Kyle Carter has proposed to amend the Land Use designations from LI (Light Industrial), SI (Service Industrial) a~d_JflL(Heavy-lnd_ustdal)_to LR (Low De.n~_ity E.~__~d_ential) on 64.58 ~ '/ ' acre.s.,-LMR (~-ow Medium Density Residential) on-~[?Sz~rcres-e~~al ...C~'~mercial) on 14.48 acres. Also, to amend the Circulation Element by (/ deleting Mohawk Street as an arterial north of Hageman Road to Olive Drive, ~,/ k~ change Hageman Road from a collector to an ,a. rterial betwe__een MohawJ~Street~ "~e, 3!cng ;;'~th ~odify~n§ the a,i~[~TT~hTS~ swinging it to the north a few hundred feet, and to establish a collector segment for Hageman Road between Knudsen Drive to State Route 99/State Route 204, generally bounded by Olive Drive on the north, State Route 99 on the east, Fruitvale Avenue on the west and Downing Road on the south. The approval of this project shall supercede any previous approvals done in the County, including any specific plan line alignments. (EIR on file) (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll call vote. 6.l.b) Zone Change P99-0482 - North of the River Sanitation District and Kyle Carter. has requested a change in zoning from an M-1 (Light Manufacturing) zone, M-2 (General Manufacturing) zone and an M-3 (Heavy Industrial) zone to an R-1 (One Family Dwelling) zone, R-2 (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling) zone and a C-2 (Regional Commercial) zone on 170.9 acres, generally bounded by Olive Drive on the north, State Route 99 on the east, Fruitvale Avenue on the west and Downing Road on the south. (EIR on file) (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: . Approve Roll call vote. 6.2.a) General Plan Amendment P00-0234 - Castle & Cooke, CA Inc. has proposed to change the land use designation from HMR (High Medium Density Residential) to LR (Low Density Residential) on 25.41 acres, located at the northwest corner of Ashe Road and Panama Lane. (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward 6) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll call vote. Agenda, PC, Monday - June 12, 2000 Page 4 6.2.b) Zone Change P00-0234 - Castle & Cooke, CA INC has requested a change in zoning from an R-2 (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling) zone to an R-1 (One Family Dwelling) zone on 25.41 acres, located at the northwest corner of Ashe Road and Panama Lane. (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward ~) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll call vote. 6.3.a) General Plan Amendment P00-0235 - Castle & Cooke, CA Inc. has proposed to change the land use designation from HMR (High Medium Density Residential) to LR (Low Density Residential) on 8.62 acres, generally located south of Campus Park Drive and west of Old River Road. (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll call vote. 6.3.b) Zone Change No. P00-0235 - Castle & Cooke, CA Inc. has proposed a change in zoning from a PUD (Planned Unit Development) zone to an R-1 (One Family Dwelling) zone on 65.44 acres, located south of Campus Park Drive and west of Old River Road to Mountain Vista Drive. (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll call vote. 6.4.a) General Plan Amendment P00-0236 - Halferty Development'Company LLC has proposed to change the land use designation from HMR (High Medium Density Residential) to GC (General Commercial) on 5.14 acres, located along the south side of Ming Avenue between Canter Way and Raintree Court. (Negative Declaration on file) (Wards 2 & 5) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll call vote. 6.4.b) Zone Change No. P00-0236 - Halferty Development Company LLC has proposed a change in zoning from an R-1 CH (One Family Dwelling-Church) and R-3 (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling) zone to a PCD (Planned Commercial Development) zone on 5.14 acres, located along the south side of Ming Avenue between Canter Way and Raintree Court. (Negative Declaration on file) (Wards 2 & 5) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll call vote. Agenda, PC, Monday - June 12, 2000 Page 5 6.5.a) General Plan Amendment P00-0238 - Karpe Real Estate has proposed to change the land use designation from GC (General Commercial) and SR (Suburban Residential) to LMR (Low Medium Density Residential) on 3.6 +/- acres, generally located along the north side of Brimhall Road approximately 600 feet east of Jewetta Avenue. (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll call vote. 6.5.b) Zone Change No. P00-0238 - Karpe Real Estate has proposed a change in zoning from a C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) zone and an E (Estate) zone to an R-2 (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling) zone on 3.6 +/- acres, generally located along the north side of Brimhall Road approximately 600 feet east of Jewetta Avenue. (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll call vote. 6.6.a) General Plan Amendment P00-0253 - DeWalt Corp. has proposed to change the land use designation from LR (Low Density Residential) to GC (General Commercial) on 3.93 gross acres, located on the northwest corner of Calloway Drive and Meacham Road. (Negative Declaration on file) '(Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll call vote, 6,6.b) Zone Change No. P00-0253 - Dewalt Corp. has proposed a change in zoning from an R-1 (One Family Dwelling) zone to a PCD (Planned Commercial Development) zone on 3.93 gross acres, located at the northwest corner of Calloway Drive and Meacham Road. (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll call vote. 7. PUBLIC HEARING - Revised PCD Zone Change P99-0911(Cornerstone Engineering) Change in land use zoning from a PCD (Planned Commercial Development) zone to a Revised PCD (Planned Commercial Development) zone on 10.1 acres for the Bakersfield Heart Hospital to allow a helicopter landing pad (helistop); revised footprint of the two-story, 40,000 square foot hospital wing; and a three-story, 38,416 square foot medical office building. Located at 3001 Sillect Avenue (south side of Sillect Avenue, east Of Buck Owens Blvd.). (Negative Declaration on file) (Continued from June 1, 2000) Agenda, PC, Monday - June 12, 2000 Page 6 (Ward ~) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll call vote. 8. GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY FINDINGS 8.1) General Plan Consistency Finding for the acquisition of approximately 23 acres of land by the City of Bakersfield for a fire station, park site and future Paladino Drive right-of-way, located generally south of Paladino Drive, east of Morning Drive. (Exempt from CEQA) (Ward3) RECOMMENDATION: Make Finding Group Vote. 8.2) General Plan Consistency Finding for the acquisition of % acre of land by the City of Bakersfield for Joshua Park, located generally north of State Route 178, east of San Dimas Street. (Exempt from CEQA) (Ward2) RECOMMENDATION: Make Finding Group Vote. 9. COMMUNICATIONS A) Written B) Verbal 10. COMMISSION COMMENTS A) Committees 11. ADJOURNMENT Planning Director June 2, 2000 City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* ~ WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0018516 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 6~16~00 REQUEST DATE: 6/0 14/0 CREW: TIME PRINTED: 16:51:33 SCHEDULE DATES LOCATION: ~'fA~'l': 6~14~0~ LOCATION ID: ZIP CODE: COMPLETION: 6/22/0 GEN: LOC: FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY:' HIGH REQUESTOR: COUNCILMEMBER COUCH ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: DSULLIVAN WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: GPA P99-0482 REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** COUCH REQUESTS JUSTIFICATION IF STAFF RECOMMENDS DELETING MOHAWK AS AN ARTERIAL, NORTH OF HAGEMAN ROAD TO OLIVE DRIVE. COPY OF CORRESPONDENCE AVAILABLE AT THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE FRONT COUNTER. Job Order Description: GPA P99-0482 at~gory: PUBLIC WORKS asK: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE /__/__ COMPLETION DATE __/__/__ BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA ~~i June 23, 2000 CITY COUNCIL Mr. Scott Jones County of Kern Bob l~ice Administrative Officer ~.yor 1115 Truxtun Avenue Inca Car~on Bakersfield, CA 93301 Vice. Mayor Ward l Dear Mr. Jones: Patricia DeMond Ward~ I would like to thank you for including the request made by City Manager Alan Tandy regarding the allocation of tobacco settlement funds, in your recent report to Mike Maggard the Board of Supervisors on this subject. Although the Board did not choose to Ward ~ include any of the proposals for funding consideration for the upcoming fiscal year, I would encourage you and the members of the Board of Supervisors to seriously David Couch consider them in subsequent deliberations to allocate future tobacco settlement Win.d4 funds. There'were many positive suggestions for City and County cooperation included in the material which could benefit all County Residents. It is important Randy Rowles that City residents receive their fair share and benefit from these revenues equitably Ward ~ with other County -residents. Jacquie Sullivan Ward6 I appreciate your efforts and encourage you to continue to work with our City to address our mutual problems and concerns. Mark Saivaggio Ward7 Sincerely, David Couch Councilmember, Ward 4 DC:JWS:rs 1501 Truxtun Avenue · Bakersfield, California 93301 · (661) 326-3767 · Fax (661) 323-3780 13.08.010 Chapter 13.08 13.08.050 Particular proceedings. When proceedings are taken pursuant to the Municipal LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROCEDURES Improvement Act of 1913, the following shall apply: A. Works or improvements which are existing or Sections: under construction may be acquired for thc value thereof 13.08.010 Assessment proceedings, to be determined- by the council. Payments on account of 13.08.020 Single proceeding, such acquisition may be made to the owner or the assigns 13.08.030 Chapter not exclusive, of the owner as the work progresses, based on engineer's 13.08.040 Del'tuitions. certificates. The provisions of Section 10010(a) of the 13.08.050 .Particular proceedings. Streets and Highway Code, requiring that any works, 13.08.060 Notice to buyer, improvements, appliances or facilities to be acquired be 13.08.070 Benefit spread, in existence and installed in place on or before the date 'of adoption of the resolution of intention for the acquisi- 13.08,010 Assessment proceedings, tion thereof, shall not apply. This section shall apply to Proceedings for the acquisition or construction, or any proceeding wherein the resolution of intention is both, of any public improvement or property of a local adopted after May 1, 1986, provided such resolution nature of the acquisition of lands or easements, or build- specifically refers to this section by number~ ings or improvements Or property~ or any or more than B. The rime provided for payment of assessments one thereof, therefor, may be had pursuant to this chapter, may be 'thirty days or such other period as the council whether or not provided in any general law. (Ord. 3036 determines in the interest of the affected parties. If the § 1 (part), 1986) owners of one hundred percent of the assessed property consent, the time for payment may be waived. (Ord. 3036 .13.08.020 Single proceeding. § 1 (part), 1986) One or more acquisitions and improvements or acqui- sitions or improvements may be had in a single proceed- i3.08.060 Notice to buyer. lng. (Ord. 3036 § 1 (part), 1986) A. Delivery of Local Addendum TDS. All transferors (sellers). of real property (including develop- 13~08.030 Chapter not exclusive, ers) subject to any special assessment district liens in the This chapter is not exclusive. The resolution of inten- city of Bakersfield shall deliver to the buyer a completed tion in any proceeding under an act or general law may Local Addendum Transfer Disclosure Statement pursuant provide that such act or general law is supplemented by to California Civil Code Section 1102.6(a), in which the any part or parts hereof. (ord. 3036 § 1 (part), 1986) nature and amount of all existing and/or proposed special assessment liens regarding the property shall be set forth '13.08.040 Def'mitious. plainly and concisely. This requirement applies to trans- For purposes of this chapter, the following words shall fers by sale, exchange, installment land sale contracts (as have the meanings set forth hereinbelow: defined in Civil Code Section 2985), lease with option to A. "Acquisition," etc. The words "acquisition" and purchase, any other option to purohase, or ground lease "improvement," refer to that which is done, which is to coupled with improvements, unless the transfer is exempt be done, or which may be done under proceedings had as set. forth in subsection C below. If the seller is un- under this chapter, and/or the purchase and retirement of aware of the exact amount of the special assessment lien, bonds which have been issued therefor,, and shall be the seller shall estimate the lien amount based on infor- understood to be generic and as being employed for the marion and knowledge available or known to seller at the purpose of brevity and to avoid repetition, and shall refer time of the disclosure. to and include any or all of the things comprehended in B. Time of Delivery. In the case of transfers of new the meaning of the words acquire and improve herein, one-to-four unit residential, properties wherein the trans- B. '~v'ork". "Work" or "improvement," whether fen'or is a developer or original builder and the residential used singly or in combination, means and includes any property has not previously been occupied, the Local work which is authorized to be done or any improvement Addendum Transfer Disclosure Statement shall be deliv- which is authorized to be made under this chapter as well ered to the buyer at or prior to the time the buyer enters as the construction, reconstruction and repair of all or into a contract for the sale of the property. In all other part of any such work or improvement. (ord. 3036 § 1 eases, the Local Addendum Transfer Disclosure- State- (parO, ~986) 463 13.08.060 ment shall be delivered to the buyer within five days after owner of the property to which assessments are reallocat- entering into a contract for the sale of the property, ed. , C. Exempt Transfers. Transfers made pursuant to D. Additionally, such alternate methods and rates of Business and Professions Code SeCtion 11010.4 (sales of assessment may only be determined and implemented by new one to four unit residential properties where no the city to pay for improvements that bear a rational public report is required) shall not be exempt from the nexus to the property to be assessed. requirements of this section. However, each of the re- E. Under no circumstances shall the city be obligat- maining categories of exempt transfers described in ed to implement any reallocation set forth in this seCtion, California Civil Code Section 1102.01, as set forth below, the determination to do so or not to do so being discre- shall be exempt transfers from the requirements of this tionary with the city. section, to wit: F. Except as otherwise provided for in this chapter, 1. Transfers pursuant to court order (such as probate the provisions of the 1913 Act shall remain in full force sales, sales by bankruptcy trustee, etc.); and effect. (Ord. 3643, 1995) 2. Transfers by foreclosure (including a Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure and a transfer by a beneficiary who has acquired the property by foreclosure or Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure); 3. Transfers by a fiduciary in the course of the administration of a decedent's estate, guardianship, con- servatorship, or trust; 4. Transfers from one co-owner to one or more other co-owners; 5. Transfers made to a spouse or to a direct blood relative; 6. Transfers between spouses in connection with a dissolution of marriage or similar proceexiing; 7. Transfers by the state controller pursuant to the Unclaimed Property Law; 8. Transfers as a result of a failure to pay property taxes; 9. Transfers or exchanges to or from any govern- mental entity. (Ord. 3674 § 1, 1995: Ord. 3643, 1995) 13.08.070 Benefit spread. A. In special assessment proceedings conducted by the city of Bakersfield pursuant, to the Municipal Im- provement Act of 1913 (Sections 10000 and following, California Streets and Highways Code), as amended from time to time (the "1913 Act"), and notwithstanding any provision of the 1913 Act to the contrary, the city may determine and implement an alternate method and rate of assessment reallocating assessments to alternate proper- ties. B. Such reallocation may occur even though doing so will result in no assessment being levied upon property which is, in fact, benefited by improvements for which the assessments are levied and which is determined dif- ferently from a direct cost/benefit ratio. C. Such alternate methods and rates of assessments may only be determined and implemented by the city when so requested by the owner of all property to be assessed, and upon written and recorded consent of the 464 BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~'/ DATE: June 21, 2000 SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERRAL WF0018517/001, WARD 4, AUDREY BARNSES FAX - RIDGE OAK AND OLD RIVER FUTURE SIGNAL. "COUCH REQUESTS A RESPONSE TO AUDREY BARNES FAXED LETTER." Mrs. Audrey Barnes is requesting that the City install traffic signals at the intersection of Ridge Oak and Old River Road. The Traffic Engineer contacted Mrs. Audrey Barnes and confirmed that the intersection of Ridge Oak and Old River met a warrant for a traffic signal. The location was studied and shown to meet one out of eleven possible warrants for a traffic signal in late March, 2000. Since this warrant study was performed after the Capital Improvement Projects list had been submitted and published for the FY2000-01 budget, it was not included in the list. The intersection is currently ranked number 11 out of 39 warranted future signal locations. The intersection should be considered for future funding in the next available budget. cc: Traffic Engineering File slw: S:\VVP\CC_REFS\VVF0018517.AudreyBarnesFax.ref. wpd RECEIVED Page I of I JUN ~ I CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE Don Barn~s PHI3NE NO. : 662 663Z1628 .Tun. 07 2888 03:21PM Pi '~ City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0018517 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 6~16~00 REQUEST DATE: 6/14/00 CREW: TIME PRINTED: 16:46:30 SCHEDULE DATES LOCATION: S'I'A~'I': 6~14~0~ LOCATION ID: ZIP CODE: COMPLETION: 6/22/0 GEN. LOC: FACILITY NODES .... FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: COUNCILMEMBER COUCH ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: DSULLIVAN WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: AUDREY BARNES FAX REQUEST COMMENTS **REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS - TRAFFIC ENGINEERING** COUCH REQUESTS A RESPONSE TO AUDREY BARNES FAXED LETTER. COPY-OF CORRESPONDENCE AVAILABLE AT THE '~ITY CLERK'S OFFICE FRONT COUNTER. Job Order Description: AUDREY BARNES FAX Cat~gory: PUBLIC WORKS Task: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE / / BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~ ~' DATE: June 20, 2000 SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERRAL WF0018518/001, WARD 4, BRIMHALL ROAD. ?COUCH REQUESTS THAT STAFF PROVIDE LYFORMATION ON HOW WE WOULD RE- DESIGNATE BRIMHALL, BETWEEN ~OFFEE AND CALLOWA Y,, AN ARTERIAL FROM COLLECTOR, AS CURRENTLY DESIGNA TED..." Changing the designation of Brimhall Road from a collector road to an arterial road will require amending the 2010 General Plan Circulation Element. The current designation is collector. The General Plan can be amended up to 4 times per year. Amendments can be initiated by the City Staff, as directed by the City Council. Applications for General Plan amendments are submitted to the Planning Department. The proposed amendment is then set for a public hearing at the next available General Plan cycle. After the proposed change to the General plan passes the Planning Commission public hearing, it is forwarded to the City Council for final public hearing and approval. This process can take 4 to 6 months. Once the Circulation Element of the 2010 General Plan is changed, new development along the road will be required to conform to the new designation of Arterial. Changes to the existing road segment would not be affected unless a new parcel map or tract map is proposed by a developer/land owner of the existing developed land. If developers file new maps to change the parcels, the map would have to comply with the new, wider, right of way requirements of the amended General Plan. If the City desires to widen the road segments already constructed to the collector width, additional right of way would have to be purchased and a project developed and funded to widen the roadway. About one-fourth of the north half of Brimhall is already constructed to a collector width. About two-thirds of the south side of Brimhall is constructed to the collector width. Brimhall was designated as a collector on the previous General Plan, developed in the early '60s. When the 2010 General Plan was being considered in the late '80s and approved in 1990, the segment of Brimhall west of Calloway was changed to an Arterial width road. Plans had been approved in 1987 for development of Brimhall under the Mclntosh Specific Plan as a collector width in conformance with the General Plan in effect at that time.' In 1987 and 1990, the future freeway corridor known as the "Kern River Freeway" was anticipated to handle the traffic in the area between Coffee Road and Callq_w=ay_Drive. , RECEIVED , slw:P:\DATA\VVP~000\WF0018518.BrimhallRoad.ref, wpd I ,JlJN 2 2 ~ Page 1 of 1 !'"~TY MANAGER'S ~qzc,,--- Vicinity ,Map ~ City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* ,~ WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 ? REQ/JOB: WF0018518 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 6~16~00 REQUEST DATE: 6/14/00 cREw: TIME PRINTED: 16:46:20 SCHEDULE DATES LOCATION: ~'l'~'l': ~4~00 LOCATION ID: ZIP CODE: COMPLETION: 2/00 GEN. LOC: FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: COUNCILMEMBER COUCH ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: DSULLIVAN WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: BRIMHALL ROAD REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** COUCH REQUESTS THAT STAFF PROVIDE INFORMATION ON HOW WE WOULD RE-DESIGNATE BRIMHALL, BETWEEN COFFEE AND CALLOWAY~ AN ARTERIAL FROM COLLECTOR, AS CURRENTLY DESIGNATED. Job Order Description: BRIMHALL ROAD Cat~gory: PUBLIC WORKS Task: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE / / BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, City Manager FROM: RAUL ROJAS, Public Works Director ~ DATE: June 21, 2000 SUBJECT: FUNDING RAILROAD CROSSINGS Council Referral WF0018519 / OOl, Couch ICouncilmember David R. Couch requested staff contact Mr. Vahak Petrossian with I Caltrans regarding Funding sources for Railroad Crossings. I Staff has tried to contact Mr. Petrossian, who is with the Public Utilities Commission, regarding available funding programs for railroad crossing improvements. Mr. Petrossian is out of the office until June 27, 2000. However, staff did leave a message for Mr. Petrossian to return a call. As part of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA) funds were authorized for, railway-highway grade crossing improvements (U.S. Code, Title 23, Sections 130/133). The "Section 130" Program" provides Federal Funds for a 90% share of the project cost, with local agencies providing the remaining 10% share for the "improvement of warning devices at existing railway-highway crossings." The Public Utilities Commission prepares and maintains the "Recommended List of Public Crossings in California for Improved Crossing Protection with Federal Funding" (the 130 project list). The funding portion of the program is administered by Caltrans. It should be noted that this is a safety related program, and improvements to the crossing must be primarily related to safety issues such as crossing arms and lights. In recent years, the total number of projects for the program has surpassed 1,000 at a total cost of nearly $200 million. Currently only $10 to $15 million is allocated annually for this program, so there is a fairly large shortfall between submitted projects and available funding. Several years ago, the City committed to providing the 10% share for the South Chester Avenue crossing of the San Joaquin Valley Railroad (SJVRR). The Federal funds for this crossing are currently anticipated to be available in 2001. In addition, the California Avenue Crossing of the San Joaquin Valley Railroad located east of Union Avenue has just been approved for funding through this program ($336,580). Staff has recommended in the FY 2000-2001 Capital Improvement Program budget funds for half of the local match as well as funds for improvements to the eastbound roadway approach to the railway, improvements which the Section 130 program does not fund. County staff is also proposing to the Board of Supervisors the funding of their half of the local match as well as funds to improve the westbound approach to the railway, as the City/Count~ is the railroad. RECEIVED-' " cc:, JacquesR. LaRochelle, EngineeringServicesManager l,JUN22~0l tdw: S : ~ TE O~2000rnemo~O62100at. wpd ~ITY MANAGER'S OFFICE .~.~ City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0018519 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 6~16~00 REQUEST DATE: 6/14/00 CREW: TIME PRINTED: 16:46:13 SCHEDULE DATES LOCATION: START: 6~14~00 LOCATION ID: ZIP CODE: COMPLETION: 6/22/00 GEN. LOC: FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: COUNCILMEMBER COUCH ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: DSULLIVAN WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: FUNDING RAILROAD CROSSINGS CONTACT MR. VAHAK PETROSSIAN Phone 1 213 - 5767077 ( ) CALTRANS Phone 2 - ( ) REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** COUCH REQUESTS THAT STAFF CONTACT MR. VAHAK PETROSSIAN(sp) WITH CAL TRANe REGARDING FUNDING SOURCES FOR RAILROAD CROSSINGS. Job Order Description: FUNDING RAILROAD CROSSINGS Cat~gory: PUBLIC WORKS Task: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE / / BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: JUNE 23, 2000 SUBJECT: TRACT 5877, UNIT D, LOT $ Council Referral Record # WF0018521 /001 Councilmember David Couch requested staff contact him regarding the letter received from Khalid Abureyaleh. He would like to schedule a meeting. Copy of correspondence available at the City Clerk's Office front counter. As requested, staff has called the office of Councilmember David Couch and Mr. Khalid Abureyaleh to schedule a meeting with Public Works staff. All parties will be notified of the date and time mutually agreeable to meet and discuss the above-subject matter. !CITY G:~.GROUPDAT~Referrals~Couch~ReIWF0018521 .wpd ..~_~ ~ City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0018521 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 6~16~00 REQUEST DATE: 6/14/00 CREW: TIME PRINTED: 16:45:53 SCHEDULE DATES LOCATION: ~'£'~R'l': 6~14~ LOCATION ID: ZIP CODE: COMPLETION: 6/22 GEN. LOC: FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: COUNCILMEMBER COUCH ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: DSULLIVAN WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: TRACT 5877,UNIT D,LOT 6 REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS***. COUCH WOULD LIKE MR. ROJAS, MR. LAROCHELLE. AND/OR MARIAN SHAW TO CONTACT HIM REGARDING THE LETTER RECEIVED FROM KHALID ABUREYALEH. HE WOULD LIKE TO SCHEDULE A MEETING. COPY OF CORRESPONDENCE AVAILABLE AT THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE FRONT COUNTER. - Job Order Description: TRACT 5877,UNIT D,LOT 6 Category: PUBLIC WORKS Task: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE __/__/__ COMPLETION DATE __/ /__ ~ Rhonda ~y - Fluondabon Page 1 i From: Florn Core To: inet:thehendersons@worldnet.att, net Date: Fri, Jun 9, 2000 4:22 PM Subject: Fluoridation I am responding on behalf of Mayor Bob Price on the fluoridation of City water. The issue of fluoridation of public water supplies is not new, in fact recent California law requires the fluoridation of large public water systems. However, the law provides that funds for the installation of fluoride injection facilities come from sources other than ratepayers, shareholders, local taxpayers or bondholders. Whether mandates by stae law or not, fluoridation of public water supplies is a controversial subject. Proponents have years of scientific studies to prove that fluoridation has reduced the incidence of dental caries (cavities) in-children. Opponents to fluoridation have gathered evidence that fluoride is a possible threat to health and, most importantly, it should be left to the individuars choice to provide or administer fluoride treatment for their children. That would include parental guidance on dental hygiene that incorporates fluoride toothpaste or at regular dentist check-ups, request fluoride treatments. The City of Bakersfield has looked at the fluoridation issue. At this time none of the local water service providers in the Bakersfield area are fluoridating their water. The Bakersfield area is served by several water agencies and companies, that have some overlap in City and unincorporated service areas. This creates a operational difficulty in injecting fluoride to specific areas, that is, if the City had fluoridation requirements to its consumers and the County of Kern had non-fluoridation in effect, considerable expenses would be incurred in isolating the injection zone. The estimated costs to install the pumping equipment, storage facilities and additional personnel to operate the injection systems at City water wells is estimated to be $7,850,000.00. Increases in monthly water rates would also be required. The City will continue to monitor the legislative requirements in fluoridating its drinking water. Thank you for interest and feel free to contact me if you have furhter questions. Florn Core, Water Resources Director City of Bakersfield 1000 Buena Vista Road 326-3715 or e-mail: fcore@ci.bakersfield.ca.us City Mayor B A K E R S F I E 'L D CALIFORNIA ~ June 23, 2000 CITY COUNCiL Bob Price Mayor The Honorable James Brulte L-ma Carson California State Senate, District 31 V'we. Mayor State Capitol, Room 305 Wa, d ~ Sacramento, CA 95814 Patricia DeMond Ward2 Dear Senator Brulte: Mike Maggard Ward3 I would like to personally thank you for your continued support 'of local David Couch government on several issues that recently came before the State Budget Ward4 Conference Committee. Your votes against proposals to lower the fiscal relief allocation to local governments and against reductions.'.to the Randy Rowles transportation package are sincerely appreciated. Your votes demonstrate r,',,.dS your understanding of the important role local government plays in providing essential services to its citizens. Jacquie Sullivan Ward6 I would like to thank you again on behalf of the citizen.s of-Bakersfield which Mark Salvaggio I represent. · Ward7 Sincerely, David Couch Councilmember, Ward 4 DC:JWS:rs 1501 Truxtun Avenue · Bakersfield, California 93301 · (661) 326-3767 · Fax (661) 323-3780 BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA June 23, 2000 CITY .COUNCIL Bob Price Mayor The Honorable George Runner ~'ma Carson California State Assembly, District 36 V'~e-Mayor State Capitol, Room 6027 Wa,~ ~ Sacramento, CA 95814 Patricia DeMond Ward2 Dear Assemblyman Runner: Mike Maggard Ward3 I would like to personally thank you for your. continued support of-local David Couch government on several issues that recently came before the State Budget w,~4 Conference .Committee. Your votes against proposals to lower the fiscal relief allocation to local governments and against reductions to the Randy Rowles 'transportation package are sincerely appreciated. Your votes demonstrate Wa, dS your understanding of the important role local government plays in providing Jacquie Sullivan essential services to its citizens. Ward6 I would like to thank you again on behalf of the citizens of Bakersfield which Mark Salvaggio I represent. Ward7 Sincerely, David Couch Councilmember, Ward 4 DC:JWS:rs 1501 Truxtun Avenue · Bakersfield, California 93301 · (661) 326-3767 · Fax (661) 323-3780 ' BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: JUNE 23, 2000 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: PAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~ __ SUBJECT: PHASING OF LANDSCAPING Council Referral WF0018497 / 001 Couch Councilmember Couch requests that staff contact Eric Triquerro regarding the phasing of landscape by developers. Staff has been in contact with Mr. Triquerro regarding timing of landscaping improvements near his home. The remaining improvements including streets, wall and landscaping must be installed in accordance with Tract 5905 by December 15, 2000. If the improvements are not installed, the City may call the security bond and compel the bonding company to have those improvements completed. In addition, staff is looking into the possibility of extending the existing roadway and landscape improvements on Renfro Road behind Mr. Triquerro's home. These improvements were omitted in an agreement with the original developer due to an interchange planned at that location. Since that interchange is no longer contemplated, extension of improvements would appear to be appropriate. JUN 2 3 2000 G:~GROUPOAT~Re ferrals~Co~ch~WF0018497 biquerro lalx~L~aping.re f.wix] City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* ~-~ ~ WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0018497 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 6~16100 REQUEST DATE: 6/14/ CREW: TIME PRINTED: 16:48:01 SCHEDULE DATES LOCATION: ~TA~T: ~14~00 LOCATION ID: ZIP CODE: COMPLETION: 6/22 00 GEN. LOC: FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: COUNCILMEMBER COUCH ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: DSULLIVAN WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: PHASING OF LANDSCAPING REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** COUCH REQUESTS THAT STAFF CONTACT ERIC TRIQUERRO REGARDING THE PHASING OF LANDSCAPE BY DEVELOPERS. Job Order Description: PHASING OF LANDSCAPING atggory: PUBLIC WORKS asK: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE / / MEMORANDUM June 22, 2000 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Randy Fidler, Chief Code Enforcement Officer ~[ SUBJECT: Council Referral #WF0018502 - Former Builders' Square Ming AVenue / Akers Road On June 8, 2000 a 7-day notice was sent to the property owner of the above listed property regarding weeds and trash. On May 30, 2000 1 had the City Parks Department respond and remove over 20 shopping carts that were abandoned in the parking lot. A follow-up investigation was done on June 15, 2000 and no abatement efforts had been made. An abatement heating will be scheduled for July 11, 2000. SD:cm cc: Tmdy Slater, Administrative Analyst RECEIVED i'CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE., BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~~ DATE: JUNE 22, 2000 SUBJECT: RESURFAClNG PLANZ ROAD Council Referral WF0018503 / 001 ICouncilmember Salvaggio requested staff provide him with a report on the plans for resurfacing Planz I Road between Hughes Lane and Wible Road. I Planz Road will be considered for resurfacing within the 2001/2002 budget year. The pavement on Planz Road between 'Hughes Lane and Wible Road was crack sealed in January 2000 and is in still fair condition. However, there are some pavement areas that are starting to show some wear. These areas will be patched and a rejuvenating seal coat will be applied to the entire pavement surface of Planz Road between Wible Road and Union Avenue. The rejuvenating seal coat will be applied in August 2000. RECEIVED CITY' MANAt3ER'$ OFFICE G:[G ROUP D^T~STREETS~Resud. Plar~ Road.wl:~l City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0018503'/ 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 6~20~00 REQUEST DATE: 6/14/00 CREW: TIME PRINTED: 14:03:49 SCHEDULE DATES LOCATION: ~'l'~u~'l': bZ14~00 LOCATION ID: ZIP CODE: COMPLETION: 6/26/00 GEN. LOC: FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: COUNCILMEMBER SALVAGGIO ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: DSULLIVAN WORK-TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: RESURFACING PLANZ ROAD REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** SALVAGGIO REQUESTED STAFF PROVIDE HIM WITH A REPORT ON THE PLANS FOR RESURFACING PLANZ ROAD, BETWEEN HUGHES AND WIBLE ROAD. Job Order Description: RESURFACING PLANZ ROAD at~gory: PUBLIC WORKS asK: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE / / BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: JUNE 22, 2000 SUBJECT: RESURFAClNG CHRISTMAS TREE LANE Council Referral WF0018492 / 001 Councilmember Salvaggio requested the scheduling information for resurfacing of Christmas Tree Lane. Christmas Tree Lane between Columbus Street and Panorama Drive was resurfaced in April, 2000. The area on Christmas Tree Lane between Mt. Vernon Avenue and Columbus Street was crack-sealed in February, 2000 and the pavement is in good condition. What it does need is a rejuvenating seal coat, which will be applied in the month of August, 2000. This portion of Christmas Tree Lane will be considered for'resurfacing within the 2001/2002 budget year. Columbus Avenue between Panorama Drive and Auburn Street was resurfaced in 1998. The portion of street between Auburn Street and Mt. Vernon Avenue was resurfaced in 1996 and the portion between Mt. Vernon and River Boulevard was done in 1994. Mt. Vernon Avenue between Panorama Drive and the 178 Highway bridge was resurfaced in 1995. There are some areas on Mt. Vernon that keep developing pavement failure. The Street Division has performed dig-outs and patching of these areas. However, Mt. Vernon Avenue was resurfaced with the use of Federal Funds and cannot be considered for resurfacing for another five years. The Public Works Department and especially the Streets Division have an unwritten policy that all approved budget funding for street improvements will be divided as equally as possible among the seven wards. NOTE: Attached is a record of streets and alleys that were r~es~ Irf~C.~-d or reconstructed in the College Heights area within the las~i~CEIVED to eight years. J~ ~ I 2000 STREET PAVING LIST - COLLEGE HEIGHTS AREA PHASE ONE -1999/2000 STREET AREA Boise Street Panorama Drive to Cardinal Avenue Marine Lane Wenatchee Avenue to east the end. Crest Drive Wenatehee Avenue to Raven Street (Reconstructed) Los Osos Lane Crest Drive to the north end Pasadena Street Harmony Drive to Cardinal Avenue Harmony Drive Pasadena Street to Boise Street Century Drive Pasadena Street to Miami Street Candlewood Drive Pasadena Street to Boise Street Cardinal Avenue Wenatchee Avenue to Boise Street Rally Street University Avenue to Cardinal Avenue Redlands' Drive University Avenue to Cardinal Avenue Raven Street Christmas Tree Lane to Crest Drive Christmas Tree Lane Columbus Street to Panorama Drive Foxwood Street Panorama Drive to the south end Fairwood Street Panorama Drive to the south end Goldwood Avenue Fairw0od Street to the east end Goldwood Court Goldwood Avenue to the north end Ironwood way Panorama Drive to Christmas Tree Lane Cambridge Street Silverado Street to the west end Bonaire Street Christmas Tree Lane to the north end Coronado Avenue Silverado Street To Mission Hills Street STREET AREA Camden Street University Avenue to Maywood Drive Maywood Drive Wendy Avenue to Glenbrook Avenue Indie Court Covina Street to east end Krista Court Covina Street to east end Orinda Way Maywood Drive To east end Ridgemoore Avenue Catalina Way to the west end Glenbrook Avenue Del Monte Drive to Maywood Drive Hinsdale Avenue Del Monte Drive to Maywood Drive Del Monte Drive Hinsdale Avenue to Ridgemoore Avenue STREETS TO BE ,RE-CONSTRUCTED IN AUGUST, 2000 Covina Street University Avenue to Darwin Avenue Fulton Avenue Covina Street to Apollo Street Apollo Street Fulton Avenue to Darwin Avenue Darwin Avenue Columbus Street to Covina Street fSTHEETS--HECONSTI UCTEI ~ETWEEN--1-9-97--&--2-0-0-01 STREET NAME BETWEEN ETON CHURCH TO PANORAMA (DIG-OUT) TELEGRAPH HALEY TO BUCKNELL (RECONSTRUCT) CAL UNIVERSITY TO TELEGRAPH (RECONSTRUCT) DUKE HALEY TO VANDERBUILT (RECONSTRUCT) DUKE PAMONA TO OCCIDENTAL (RECONSTRUCT) DUKE OCCIDENTAL TO MT. VERNON (RECONSTRUCT) CREST DR WEENATCHEE TO BOISE IPAVI'NG--LISTi ~ TREET--PA%-ED. BETWEEN.Ig-9-4--THRU .2-0~0'0! STREET FROM DANA UNIVERSITY TO CHRISTMAS TREE LN. HARMONY DANA TO WENATCHEE ETON CHRISTMAS TREE TO UNIVERSITY CARDINAL DANA TO RAMPART RAMPART CARDINAL TO HARMONY CENTURY RAMPART TO DANA TIARA CT CENTURY TO SOUTH END FLEETWOOD CENTURY TO CARDINAL ETON CHRISTMAS TREE TO CHURCH ST SUMMIT CIRCLE ETON TO EAST END CHURCH ETON TO MT. VERNON MT. VERNON FRONTAGE RD CHURCH TO CHRISTMAS TREE BISHOP DANA TO CHURCH CREST Dr. DANA TO WENATCHEE RENEGADE WENATCHEE TO MT. VERNON VASSAR RENEGADE TO KAIBAB KAIBAB VASSAR TO DANA ETON KAIBAB TO UNIVERSITY BLADE VASSAR TO DWIGHT CHANNING BLADE TO NOBLE VASSAR COLUMBUS TO ERIC ERIC VASSAR TO MT. VERNON DWIGHT NOBLE TO SAN PABLO GILL VASSAR TO DWIGHT SAN PABLO DWIGHT TO VASSAR RICE NOBLE TO COLUMBUS ERIC CT RICE TO NORTH END LOYOLA NOBLE TO COLUMBUS STAUNTON CT LOYOLA TO NORTH END CLAMSON CT LOYOLA TO NORTH END PASATIEMPO MONTE VISTA TO NORTH END EL CERRITO LOMALINDA TO MONTE VISTA MONTE VISTA LOMALINDA TO UNION BRYN MAWR PANORAMA TO ACACIA ACACIA BUCKNELL TO RIVER BLV ACACIA BUCKNELL TO EAST END PRINCETON AMHERST TO BRYN MAWR PRINCETON BRYN MAWR TO BUCKNELL PRINCETON BUCKNELL TO HALEY RADCLIFF HALEY TO BUCKNELL RADCLIFF BUCKNELL TO BRYN MAWR RADCLIFF BRYN MAWR TO AMHERST (RECONSTRUCT) SHATTUCK BRYN MAWR TO AMHERST ,BETWE EN--~.-9-gl-- T Hl~U--~.-99-61 J BETWEEN FROI~ HARYARD & PURDUB AUBURN TO OSWBLL ACACIA & UNIVBRSITY BUCKNBLL TO BBP~[LBY APOLLO & COVINA DARWIN TO FULTON BOSIB & WBNATCI-IBB CHRISTMAS TP~B TO CRBST CARDINAL & CANDLBWOOD BOSIB TO PASBDBNA TBLBGl~PH & UNIVBRSITY TBLBGP~PH TO ACAICA UNIVERSITY & KAIBAB BOSIE TO WEST END HARVARD & PURDUE AUBURN TO pASADENA LA COSTA & HEISEY BREWER TO SAN MIGUEL WAY HARVARD & PURDUE OSWELL TO KAIBAB UNIVERSITY & KAIBAB BOISE TO REDLANDS EAST OF RIVER BLVD UNIVERSITY TO ACACIA OBLIN & OXFORD ANNAPOLIS TO WEST END ACACIA & OXFORD ANNAPOLIS TO WEST END MIAMI & COLUMBUS UNIVERSITY TO CHRISTMAS TREE BONAIRE & COLUMBUS UNIVERSITY TO CHRISTMAS TREE BOSIE & COLGATE KAIBA TO COLGATE BOSIE & WENATCHE UNIVERSITY TO RENEGADE REDLANDS & PURDUE KAIBAB TO OSWELL PASADENA & WENATCHEE REDLANDS TO COLUMBUS EAST OF MT. VERNON UNIVERSITY TO NOBLE DARTMOUTH & VANDERBUILT HALEY TO VANDERBUILT CAMBRIDGE & CORONADO BONAIRE TO WEST END UNIVERSITY & CORONADO ARCADIA TO CAMDEN RIO VISTA & SILVER ETON TO SILVER PRINCETON & PANORAMA WEST OF BRYN MAWR WEST OF CAL DR. UNIVERSITY TO NORTH END AMHERST & RIVER BLVD ACACIA TO NORTH END YALE & STANFORD BERKELEY TO WEST END YALE & NOBLE BERKELEY TO RIVER BLVD BERKELEY & BUCKNELL UNIVERSITY TO COLUMBUS · NELSON & BUCKNELL UNIVERSITY TO NOBLE CRESCENT & MIAMI CENTURY TO CHRISTMAS TREE CHRISTMAS TREE & HARMON BOSIE TO CRESCENT CENTURY & CARDNIAL BOSIE TO MIAMI UNIVERSITY & KAIBAB REDLANDS TO EAST END UNIVERSITY & CARDNIAL DANA TO EAST END WENATCHEE & ETON CREST TO NORTH END UNIVERSITY & KAIBAB RENEGADE TO WEST END RIVER BLVD & BERKELEY UNIVERSITY TO YALE SOUTH OF COLUMBUS EAST OF RIVER BLV TO NELSON DARTMOUTH & NELSON NOBLE TO WEST POINT DARTMOUTH & BERGER COLUMBUS TO WEST POINT BERGER & FORDHAM COLUMBUS TO WEST POINT FORDHAM & HALEY COLUMBUS TO WEST POINT HALEY & CORNELL COLUMBUS TO NOBLE City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0018492 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 6~16~00 REQUEST DATE: 6/14/00 CREW: TIME PRINTED: 16:48:22 SCHEDULE DATES LOCATION: ~TA~T: 6~14~00 LOCATION ID: ZIP CODE: COMPLETION: 6/26/00 GEN. LOC: FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: COUNCILMEMBER SALVAGGIO ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: DSULLIVAN WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: RESURFACING CHRISTMAS TREE LN REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO pUBLIC WORKS*** SALVAGGIO REQUESTS THE SCHEDULING INFORMATION FOR THE RESURFACING OF CHRISTMAS TREE LANE. Job Order Description: RESURFACING CHRISTMAS TREE LN Category: PUBLIC WORKS Task: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE / ~