HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/30/00'~ / B A K E R S F I E L D · CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM June 30,2000 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COU/N/~IL~- FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Nelson Smith, an accounting supervisor with us has been promoted to the position of Assistant Finance Director. Congratulations! 2. Jim Foss is continuing efforts to bring us an arena football exhibition game next season and a franchise at a later date. It is too soon to know the outcome. 3. A memo is included which discusses "double taxation" in relation to the parks, streets and median landscape maintenance district assessments. The council addressed that issue some time ago, and now a subsidy flows to each maintenance district to cover the base level of services that exist Citywide. In other words, no double taxation. 4. Recreation and Parks is up and running with their new registration software. This will give them easy access to more information about their programs, providing better customer service. 5. Memos from Alan Christensen provide information regarding the employment status for Stier's Leisure Vehicles, Inc. dba Stier's RV Sales, Guy Chaddock & Company, and Pleasant Holidays. 6. The California Trade & Commerce Agency requires an annual report detailing specific ~ business data and administrative costs for each Enterprise Zone throughout the ': State. The report is included for your reference. :i, Honorable Mayorand City Council June 30,2000 Page 2 7. EDCD staff has been working with Don Anderson, Sr. Real Property Manager, to see if there would be interest for home builders to develop affordable housing units on five City properties that have been declared surplus. A memo is attached outlining the process and projected timeline. 8. An interesting problem - with the City Center moving forward, should we go ahead with the architectural and feasibility study work for a skating rink that only have value if the City Center falls through and we go to an off-site location? I think we will consult the Community Services Committee on that. 9. An update from Development Services is enclosed. 10. The "Q" Street Grade Separation looks great. Tuesday will open an even nicer Amtrak Facility. 11. Several weeks ago, the City Council approved our participation in the United States Agency for International Development's Resource Cities program. At that time, we believed the mentee city would be Raong, Thailand. That has been changed, and the mentee is now Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Dates for the first delegation exchange have not yet been set. Their problems are solid waste and planning. 12. A memo from Development Services dealing with a council referral on the Subdivision Ordinance is enclosed. 13. A report from Development Services dealing the assignments and role of advance planning is also enclosed. AT:al cc: Mayor-Elect Harvey Hall Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM June 22, 2000 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: John W. Stins~A'~sssistant City Manager SUBJECT: Parks, Street and Median Landscape Maintenance Districts - "Double Taxation" Issue At a recent Council meeting several Councilmembers commented about "double taxation" in relation to the parks, streets and median landscape maintenance district assessments. This had been a concern for several years, however it was addressed in the early 1990's when the City created the Consolidated Maintenance District. When the consolidated maintenance district was created, a subsidy equivalent to the relative amount of general tax supported parks, streets and median maintenance provided throughout the city was applied towards the cost of maintaining areas included in the maintenance districts. This was intended to provide residents with an equitable amount of general tax supported funding for park and streets and median landscape maintenance throughout the city in order to eliminate the issue of"double taxation." It was estimated that a 66% subsidy of park maintenance costs and 7.3% subsidy for street and median landscaping should be supported by general tax funds. This approach was adopted by the Council and included in the calculation of these assessments. Therefore, the current assessments include those costs of providing park, street and median landscaping above the adopted city-wide standard for these facilities and amenities. In addition to this base level of general tax funding, increases in general tax support for median maintenance resulting from the Council's recent adoption of a new median standard will, over time, cause some increase in the subsidy from general taxes for those who currently pay for improved medians though maintenance districts. S:~JOFl~aint. Dist. Memo.wpd .~V~ ~ · I Rhonda Smfley~ - There:::::~s ............. Nothing'"' To Do In Bakersfleld."~'~";~ From: Stan Ford To: Alan Tandy Date: Mon, Jun 26, 2000 9:09 AM Subject: There's Nothing To Do In Bakersfield? Thanks to our new registration software, we have easy access to more information about our programs. One interesting bit of trivia. We have approximately 600 different program opportunities for the public this summer. For example, we may a dance class that is offered on either Monday-Wednesday or Tuesday-Thursday. The computer considers that two different classes. Counting each section of a class and each one-time activity, our summerr brochure features over 600 different classes or activities. There's something to do in Bakersfield. CC: Department Heads; Rhonda Smiley JUN 8 B A K E R S F I E L D -'ITYMANAGERSOF~C "F ~J Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM June 28, 2000 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager ~_ FROM: Alan Christensen, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Employment Status for Stier's Leisure Vehicles, Inc. d.b.a. Stier's RV Sales Agreement No. 99-83 between the City of Bakersfield and Stier's RV Sales, provided a $60,000 loan to the company for a term of five years. This loan is not a forgivable loan and will be repaid at 0% interest in 2004. However, if in any year the company fails to comply with the terms of the agreement, 20% of the loan (or $12,000) would reimbursed to the city. These terms include, · hiring eight workers from Bakersfield during the first year, twelve during the second year, five during the third year, five during the fourth year, and zero during the fifth year for a total of 30 new jobs over the term of the agreement; and · of those workers hired each year, at least 51% must be low- and moderate-income individuals. During the first year (1999-00), the company exceeded the terms and conditions of the agreement, with 12 new workers, 80% of which were low- and moderate-income individuals. Therefore, Stier's RV Sales, Inc., has met the terms and conditions required in the agreement for the first year and will not be required to immediately reimburse the city for 20% of the loan. Payment for the entire loan is due on April 14, 2004. I propose we send a letter confirms to the company that they have met their obligations during 1999-00. With a nod from you we will immediately mail the letter. attachment dl:\P:\Stier's~Forgive 20% of Year 1.Stiers.wpd BAKERSFIELD Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM June 22,2000 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Alan Christensen, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Employment Status for Guy Chaddock & Company Agreement No.96-192 between the City of Bakersfield and Guy Chaddock & Company provided a $200,000 loan to the company for a term of five years. Twenty percent of the loan will be forgiven for each year the company meets all terms and conditions of the agreement. These terms included, *hiring 35 workers from Bakersfield. *of those workers hired in the second to fifth years, at least 51% must be low- and moderate-income individuals. Exercising this forgiveness is a ministerial action and, thus, requires no Council action. Based upon the report submitted to our office from the company, the company has exceeded both conditions noted above. For the third year of the agreement, the company employed 115 new hires, and 91.3% of these hires were low- and moderate-income individuals. Currently, this company employs 281. Early projections estimated 85 people would be transferred to Bakersfield, with an additional 35 local hires. Therefore, Guy Chaddock & Company has met the terms and conditions required in the agreement and qualifies to have 20%, or $40,000, of the loan amount forgiven for the third year of the agreement. For the past two years, the company has met the terms of the agreement and 20% of the loan amount has been forgiven each year. I propose we send a letter like we did last year, which merely reflects the ministerial action of the debt forgiveness. With approval from you, we will immediately mail the letter. dI:\P:\CHADDOCK~Forgive 20% of Year 3.wpd BAKERSFIELD Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM June 23, 2000 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Alan Christensen, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Employment Status for Pleasant Holidays Agreement No. 99-175 between the City of Bakersfield and Pleasant Holidays provided a $250,000 loan to the company for a term of five years. Twenty percent of the loan will be forgiven for each year the company met all terms and conditions of the agreement. These terms included, · hiring 150 workers within the first five years, with 50 new jobs in Year 1 · of those workers hired, at least 51% must be low- and moderate-income individuals for each of the first five years of the agreement. Exercising this forgiveness is a ministerial action and, thus, requires no Council action. Based upon the report submitted to our office from the company, the company has exceeded both conditions. For the first year of the agreement, the company employed 154 new hires, and 83.77% of these hires were low- and moderate-income individuals. Therefore, Pleasant Holidays has met the terms and conditions required in the agreement and qualifies to have 20%, or $50,000, of the loan amount forgiven for the first year of the agreement. I propose we send a letter like we have to other companies, which merely reflects the ministerial action of the debt forgiveness. With approval from you, we will immediately mail the letter. dl2P:\Pleasant Travel~Forgive 20% of Year I.wpd B A K 'E R S V I E L D ewMl~..s0~-;,::.~! Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM June 26, 2000 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Alan Christensen, Assistant City Manager/Z~ SUBJECT: METROPOLITAN BAKERSFIELD ENTERPRISE ZONE 1999 ANNUAL REPORT The California Trade & Commerce Agency requires an annual report detailing specific business data and administrative costs for each Enterprise Zone throughout the state. Enclosed is the 1999 Annual Report forthe Metropolitan Bakersfield Enterprise Zone which we recently forwarded to the state. The information within the report is the aggregate data by both jurisdictions. Of special note is the category of Vouchered Employees totaling 497 for 1999. Should you have any questions regarding the report please call. P:\EZ~ANNUAL\annual report 99 memo - tandy.wpd southeast metropolitan June 15, 2000 bakersfield · etZtert l'lS¢ California Trade and Commerce Agency Enterprise Zone Unit ~ojr~e Ms. Michelle Adams 801 K Street, Suite 1700 Sacramento, CA 95822 RE: 1999 Annual Report Dear Ms. Adams, Enclosed herewith is the City of Bakersfield and County of Kern's annual report for the Southeast Metropolitan Bakersfield Enterprise Zone for calendar year 1999. Employers' Training Resource was successful in issuing 497 employment vouchers for the period. Should you have any questions, please call Paul Sippel, (661) 862-5029, or David Lyman (661) 326-3765. Sincerely, City of Bakersfield Bill Mungary, Director | Alan Christensen, Asst. City Mgr Economic and Community Kern County Community City of Bakersfield Development Department Development Program Economic and Community .515 Truxtun Avenue Department Development Department Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3765 Fax (66i) 861-8326 Attachment xc: Pat Collins, KEDC (wi attachment) County of'Kern John Nilon, ETR (wi attachment) Community Development Program Department 2700 "M" Street, Suite 250 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 862-5029 F:\WP6DATA\ECONDEV~coverltr.wpd Fax (66 I) 862-5052 ENTERPRISE ZONE 1999 CALENDAR YEAR ANNUAL REPORT SURVEY Name of Zone: Metropolitan Bakersfield Enterprise Zone Name of Coordinator: David Lyman (City) / Paul Sippel (County) Date: June 15, 2000 1. Number of Building Permits. Indicate the total number of all building permits issued in the enterprise zone during 1999. Include EVERY and ALL type(s) of building permits issued by the jurisdictions comprising the zone whether it is for signs, plumbing, remodels, etc. Please differentiate ONLY between permits issued for businesses and residential construction. ALL BUSINESS 55 ALL RESIDENTIAL 15 Source(s): Kem County Planning Department Permit Log City of Bakersfield Development Services Department 2. Value of Building Permits. Indicate the total value of EVERY and ALL building permit(s) issued in the enterprise zone during 1999. ALL BUSINESS $__9,122,278 ALL RESIDENTIAL$ 124,679 Source(s): Kern County Planning Department Permit Log City of Bakersfield Development Services Department 3. New Business Licenses. Indicate the total number of ALL new business licenses (including home businesses) issued in the enterprise zone during 1999. Please note whether any of the jurisdictions comprising the zone do not require business licenses. 33 Source(s): *Kern County does not require business licenses City of Bakersfield Financial Services Department 4. Businesses in the Zone. Indicate the total number of businesses located within the enterprise zone and whether or not they participate in either program. Please make an estimate (and so indicate) if an exact number is not possible. 425 Source(s): Reverse street directory, estimate 5. Vouchered Employees. Indicate the total number of individuals vouchered and subsequently hired in 1999. 497 Source(s): Employers' Training Resource JTPA 102 Dislocated Worker Military Dislocated Worker WOTC TEA Resident 229 Other 166 6. Hourly Wage Rate. Indicate the average'hourly wage rate of vouchered employees hired within 1999. $7.42 Source(s): Employers' Training Resource 7. Size of Businesses. Indicate the size, according to the number of employees, of businesses which have hired vouchered/qualifying employees during 1999. Please take a sampling of businesses if data is not available for all businesses. Size 1999 0-50 Employees 70 % 51-100 Employees % 100+ Employees 30 % If this a sampling, indicate the number of businesses sampled Source(s): Employers' Training Resource 8. Vacancy Rates. Indicate the vacancy rates in percentages for the following categories: 1999 Industrial 5 % Source(s): CB Richard Ellis for Metro Bakersfield Office 12 , % Source(s): CB Richard Ellis for Metro Bakersfield Retail 15 % Source(s): CB Richard Ellis for Metro Bakersfield 9. Local Contribution. Indicate the funds expended by jurisdictions comprising your zone for your zone program for the 1999 calendar year. Include the direct dollars and the estimated value of in-kind services. (For example, the estimated value of in-kind services could be based on the estimated number of hours spent providing special services for zone businesses multiplied by an average hourly rate.) Please round off to the nearest thousand dollars. Also include those funds from other than locally-generated funds, but are used and controlled by the local jurisdiction(s) for the designated purposes. Be as realistic as possible. Reduction/elimination of permit/construction related fees $ Source(s): Expedited processing of plans/permits $ Source(s): Reduced utility rates contribution to utility users tax $ Source(s): Low-interest loans $ Source(s): Grants/rebates $ Source(s): Business workshops/training sessions $ Source(s): Export Assistance $ Source(s): Site selection assistance $_25,000__ Source(s): City & KEDC staff est. Business incubator facility $ Source(s): Job training/placement assistance $ Source(s): Land assemblage assistance/writedowns $ Source(s): Marketing $_5,000 Source(s): City & KEDC est. Other staffing costs $ 20 000 Source(s): City & KEDC Staff est. Other administrative costs $_10,000__ Source(s): County & City est. Other in-kind services $ Source(s): Other: Vouchering services $__23,500__ Source(s): Employers' Training Resource TOTAL CONTRIBUTION $ 83 500 10. PUblic InfrastrUcture Improvements. Indicate the amount of funds expended by your jurisdiction(s) in your zone for public infrastructure improvements for the 1999 calendar year. Please round off to the nearest thousand dollars. Also include those funds from other than locally-generated funds, but are used and controlled by the local jurisdiction(s). Be as realistic as possible. $ 2 513 000 Source(s): County Community Development & Public Works CiW Community Development & Public Works 11. Business Success Stories. Provide success stories for your zone businesses. These stories are about businesses retained, newly 16cated, or expanded in 1999. Please rely on the attached form to include information about: · the number of new and retained employees; · the number of vouchered employees · the square footage of the buildings; · estimated dollar investment; · the nature of the business; · copies of any relevant news articles. 12. Success Stories about Other Improvements (optional). Attach a list describing success stories about civic improvements in the zone that enhanced the environment in which people live and work. Examples could include: street tree-lining projects, park developments, major traffic circulation improvements, graffiti clean-up programs, and new government buildings. The City of Bakersfield adopted two redevelopment project areas that overlay the Enterprise Zone. Over the next thirty years the tax increment funds generated by the project areas will be used to alleviate economic and physical blight conditions that currently exist. The ability to use redevelopment funds will have a major impact on the Enterprise Zone. A major streetscape project for Union Avenue, the main throughfare for the Enterprise Zone is being designed and funded for the upcoming year. The approximately $1 Million project .will enhance the main commercial business corridor of the Zone. Both the City and County have major graffiti removal programs which serve the Enterprise Zone and surrounding area. The County is making major improvements to their parks which serve the Enterprise Zone area (Potomac Park, Belle Terrace Park and Virginia Avenue Park) 13. Challenges (ootional). Attach a list of your comments about the challenges you_face in making your enterprise zone successful. Include suggestions about what more TCA might do to support your efforts and what legislative or regulatory changes should be made. Your thoughts are important to us as we strive to improve these pr6grams. BAKERSFIELD Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM June 23, 2000 TO: Alan Christensen, Assistant City Manager FROM: George Gonzales,~Coordinator SUBJECT: City Surplus Properties EDCD Staffhas been working with Don Anderson, the City's Senior Real Property Manager, to see if there would be interest for home builders to develop affordable housing units on City surplus properties. These properties were former drainage sumps that were no longer needed and have been declared surplus. Staff has conducted an analysis to determine the feasibility of developing affordable housing on these properties which resulted in five properties being recommended for housing development. These properties are listed below along with the value of single-family homes in each neighborhood where the properties are located. · 5300 Jonah Street $75,000 - $85,000 · 5304 Jonah Street $75,000 - $85,000 · 329 Clyde Street $60,000 ~ $65,000 · 3531 Adanac Court $90,000 - $100,000 · 406 Eye Street $60,000 - $65,000 Staff will be sending out a letter, as well as advertising in local newspapers, to solicit interest from non-profit and for-profit developers to acquire and build single-family homes on the properties listed above. The letter will explain that the properties will be donated to the developer, with the City holding title, and will include construction parameters set by the City for each single-family home. Once the bids are received, staff will evaluate each developers proposal and recommend two developers for the five property project. Once two developers have been chosen, the necessary paperwork (i.e., agreement, contract, etc.) will be completed to outline the responsibilities of each developer in the construction of single-family homes on the five properties. The attached timeline outlines the major steps in this project and the projected completion date of each step. Timeline Activity Estimated Completion Letter of Solicitation to Developers July 7, 2000 Proposals from Developers Due July 28, 2000 Review Responses and Make Recommendation August 8, 2000 Agreements and Paperwork Signed with Developer August 25, 2000 Council Approves Agreement September 13, 2000 Notice to Proceed October 2, 2000 RECEIVED , DEVELOPMENT SERVICES NOTES JUNE 30, 2000 CiTY MANAGER;S' O~;,..;-: BUILDING 1.. Some of the building projects of note for the second quarter include: a) U.C. Merced Extension and Parking Structure, 2000 "K" Street, 137,000 square feet. b) U.S. Cold Storage addition, 6501 District Blvd., 70,000 square feet. This will put a total of six acres under roof for this cold storage facility. c) St. John Baptist Church . Brundage Lane, 47,000 square feet. d) Bethany Services addition, 1620 E. Brundage Lane, 3000 square feet. e) Krispy Kreme, 5300 Stockdale Highway, 4,000 square feet. 2. Code Enforcement's work against illegal dumping took on a new twist in dealing with septic tank pumpers. In a coordinated investigation involving Wastewater Treatment, County Environmental Health Services, and City Environmental Services, three pumpers were caught illegally disposing of Waste in the city sewerage system and on their property. We are now preparing cases to seek legal remedies. 3. Other Code Enforcement activities include: a) Order to demolish the burnt body/paint shop at 1922 "V" Street. b) Notice to the Turner Inn (701 Union) to repair or demolish. c) Notice to Chaparal to repair or demolish the wing recently burnt. d) Contract signed to demolish the old restaurant portion of the Bakersfield Inn. e) Notice to repair or demolish the Brown Building at Kentucky and Baker Streets. f) Demolition of old building at 2408 - 18t~ Street. g) Rehabilitation of Columbus Gardens (old JLJ). A new owner began work without permits and created dangerous conditions in the process. He became responsive to our correction notices after being served with a notice to repair or vacate the premises. He plans to invest about $1.2 million in renovating the property and he has a good track record in San Diego, Riverside and Fresno. 4. The Business Manager, Assistant Building Director and Permits Supervisor are visiting other cities with good reputations for use of computer technology in building inspection. Evaluating their systems in operation will be helpful in our consideration of programs available for our use! Development Services Notes June 30, 2000 Page 2 PLANNING 1. The Planning Commission is about to conclude its hearings on proposed changes to the general plan. They are scheduled for City Council hearing on August 16, 2000. a) Kyle Carter's proposal to develop part of the former NOR Sanitary District property. He has done an outstanding job of creating planned transitional relationships between industrial and residential development. Residential neighbors to the north and 'west and industrial neighbors to the southeast spoke in support of the project. The Planning Commission required some additional buffering between an oil well service company and proposed future apartments. The Planning Commission did not accept a northeast property owner's interpretation that an arterial street should run along his property and intersect a freeway on-ramp from Olive Drive to Highway 99. However Carter offered to dedicate 55 feet of right-of-way as his half of the street if it should be needed. b) Castle & Cooke proposed changing 65.44 acres south of Campus Park Drive and west of Old River Road from planned unit development to single family. The applicant objected to doing road work past a vacant school-owned property to link his subdivision to a roadway leading to a junior high school. Public Works recommended that the work be done for safety of children walking to and from school. The Planning Commission agreed and also required fencing of canals within one quarter mile. c) Halferty Development proposed converting a church property and some apartments (zoned R-l-Ch and R-3) to planned commercial development at the southwest corner of Ming Avenue and Canter Way. Reaction from the neighborhood was mixed for and against. It was referred to committee and reported back to the Planning Commission recommending approval with additional conditions including a parking ratio closer to the city's standards. d) DeWalt Corporation proposed consolidating 3.6 acres of mixed neighborhood commercial and suburban residential into a Iow medium density residential. No objections were heard and it was approved. e) DeWalt Corporation proposed to change 3.93 acres at the northwest corner of Calloway and Meacham from Iow density residential to general commercial with a PCD to open a restaurant. Two neighbors to the south and one to the north objected. The Planning Commission eliminated one of the driveways to protect the neighbors across the street from the glare of headlights from exiting cars. The Planning Commission also permitted the playing of outdoor music by three- piece ensembles. The music should be conditioned to prohibit percussion and brass instruments and prohibit the disturbance of neighbors. 2. The Heart Hospital's revised PCD is scheduled for hearing on July 6. This would add a helicopter landing pad and a 38,416 square foot medical office building and revise the 40,000 square fOot hospital wing. Development Services Notes June 30, 2000 Page 3 3. Mountain View Bravo's proposal to develop a section of land north of Mesa Marin will be ready for hearing by the Planning Commission in September with completion of a draft EIR shortly. There are a couple of unusual problems posed by this project. The first is caused by its noise exposure. The second is that this project precipitates the need for another fire station. This raises the question of who should pay for it. 4. Sierra' Pacific Development (Paul Owhadi) the new owner of the "Grand Canal" property at South "H" Street and Berkshire Road has recently sent a letter stating his intent to pursue C-2 zoning rather than a revised PCD. Apparently, he has just reviewed the requirements to develop the property as a commercial center and determined his project "cannot withstand such unreasonable expenses." A meeting is scheduled for next week to discuss "whether or not the City of Bakersfield is supportive of the project." 5. The Tree Foundation's plan is under review by staff to see how it might best be integrated into the city's landscaping requirement. Any changes would also undergo public review in hearings by the Planning Commission and consideration by the City Council. From staff's perspective it would be helpful if there were a way to prevent the complete removal of landscaping and its replacement by minimum sized trees and plants. The ordinance requires the treescape to be designed to achieve a certain coverage at maturity but in some'instances there seems to be a concerted effort to never let the trees grow up. 6. In response to the City Council's growing interest in various focused planning efforts, we will put together a coordinated work program to address the following projects. Councilwoman Carson has asked for a strategic plan(s) for economic development and elimination of blight in the southeast. This would involve numerous departments, other agencies and constituents. Councilwoman DeMond also called attention to the need for attention to the other newly adopted redevelopment area and downtown. She also understands that circulation planning will affect development. I have been told of a growing desire for a downtown redevelopment element. Councilman Couch has an ongoing interest in circulation issues which Public Works and Kern COG are working on. Councilman Maggard has asked that we review the general plan for the northeast to ensure that development in that area is coordinated with circulation, preservation of open space and incorporates its unique features. We are already involved in an update of the general plan, working with the Vision 2020 group, the downtown Vision Committee, and a Charrette. JH:pjt p:dsn6-30 / - -- RECEIVED ~ ~,--,~, ~'~ JUNE 29, 2000 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER ~/ FROM: JACK HARDISTY, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRE SUBJECT: ADVANCE PLANNING Council members have indicated an interest in pursuing long range strategies or plans for development of portions of the city. The Planning Director will prepare a work program for your consideration. The Council also asked for a review of work that each of the Planning Sections does. As we prepare our focused work program, a review of existing advanced planning projects may be useful. A similar review of work done by the other two sections will follow. The Advanced Planning Section is responsible for preparing amendments to the general plan including all it's elements such as circulation, land use, the Kem River Element, and any specific plans such as the Riverlakes Ranch Specific Plan. They are also responsible for coordinating the implementation of CEQA, annexations, and processing concurrent land use and zone changes (eg. Kyle Carter's annexation, general plan amendment, zone change and E1R) Current case load for this section exemplifies their work. GPA 3rd Quarter 2000 Cycle Application List & Description 06/28/2000 P99-0647 City by the Hills . A to 0-2 on 9G.G acres and A to R-3 on R Mountain View Bravo LLC - Fr~m LR to HR on 65.5 acres and MUC to 65.5 acres. E GC on 96.9 acres. Located south of Paladino Drive to State Route 178, D between Masterson Street and the undeveloped extension of Vineland Road. EIR in progress. P00-0234 Castle & Cooke California, Inc. - From HMR to LR on 25.41 acres. R-2 to R-1 on 25.41 acres W Located at the northwest corner of Ashe Road and Panama Lane. C P00-0291 East of the 29 acre park on Stockdale Hwy C-O to C-2 on 40.52 acres W Castle & Cooke California, Inc. - From OC (2010) & 6.25 (Kem River C Plan Element) to GC & 6.1 on 40.52 acres. Located on the north side i Stockdale Hwy, between Calloway Drive and Buena Vista Road. EIR in progress P00-0468 Castle & Cooke CA, Inc. - From HMR to LMR on 27.91 acres. N~, R Northwest comer of Buena Vista Road and Ming Avenue (extended) E D P00-0474 Lone Palm Farms & Richard Fmehlich - From SR to GC on 12.5 acres E to C-2 on 12.5 acresand C-1 and R-2 M and from GC and LMR to SR on 10 acres. Located north of Brimhall to to E on 10 acres O Palm Avenue, between Allen and Jenkins Road. P00-0477 Fairways property and west of Stockdale Hwy Bridge R-1 to C-2 on 1.29 acres, R-2 to R-1 on R Castle & Cooke CA, Inc. - From: LR to GC on 1.29 acres, HMR to LR on 10.63 acres, C-2 to R-2 on 2.66 acres, E 10.63 acres, GC to LR on 0.58 acres, GC to HMR on 2.66 acres, LR to C-2 to R-1 on 0.58 acres, R-1 to R-2 on D HMR on 6.14 acres and OS to LR on 81.11 acres. 6.14 acres and PUD to R-1 on 224.15 acres. P99-0647 Mountain View Brave LLC - Proposed arterials and collectors, and N/A R proposed realignments and of arterialS and collectors. E D P00-0477 Delete Vermillion Drive as a collector, detete Old Farm Road as a N/A R Collector and proposed extension of Jewetta Avenue as a collector. E D Annexations First Reading Second Reading Muni Farm #5 - 476.94 acres Ward Boundary Council July 19 Aug. 16 Allen Road #3 - 144.10 acres Richard Froehlich LAFCO Approved June 27 Council July 19 Stockdale #14 .05 acres Scott Gillian LAFCO Approved June 27 Council July 19 Rosedale #8 - 20.00 acres Clyde Barbeau ~LAFCO Rosedale #9 - 2.50 acres Valley Boats ~LAFCO (Water Connection Issue) Alien Road g4 94.60 acres Ron Froehlich ~LAFCO Hageman g4 - 100.00 acres Jaco Oil Council Aug. 16 Zone Changes P00-0410 M-3 to M-2 Initial Study prepared and sent June 23, for Planning Commission hearing Aug 3. Env. Documents in Preparation Calloway & Friant - Kern Canal Relocation SW Kern River Bike Path (Extension to Enos Lane) EIR/EIS White Lane and Highway 99 Interchange expansion. City Center EIR South Beltway EIR NEPA documents for bridges (5) seismic retrofit. Mt. View Rio Bravo LLC Other Advance Planning Projects 2010 Plan Update and EIR 2020 Vision Participation SG: pas S:\pat~nemo,sg,6,29.wpd RECEIVED E?IVI O R A N D U M JUN 3 0 2000 ;ITY MANAGER'S Oi~ June 30,2000 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER .,,,.~ /' FROM: JACK HARDISTY, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIR SUBJECT: SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE AMENDMENT Councilman Maggard has inquired about the degree of notification and involvement by CELSOC, BIA, Roger Mclntosh and Fred Porter in development of the subdivision ordinance amendments to be presented to the City Council for adoption in August. They and many others were invited to participate in drafting of the ordinance update and then sent notices of the hearings by the Planning Commission. As a result of their input, changes were made to the - draft ordinance and by the concluding hearing the only person to speak was Roger Mclntosh who said he was satisfied with the changes. The BIA's participation was minimal but this was explained in their letter as a preference to defer until after the Planning Commission's review. The attached information from the file highlights the four months of public involvement in preparing the ordinance for Council adoption, the notices and comments and the evolution of the ordinance. There was also a question about how this ordinance might relate to the work of the Streamlining Task Force. Matters that are under deliberation by the task force were not included in this draft. When the Task Force completes its work if any additional changes are recommended, public hearings will be scheduled for them. JH:pjt cc: John Stinson, Assistant City Manager Bart Thiltgen, City Attorney Stanley Grady, Planning Director m\mat6-30 PUBLIC CON,T-/~CT ~CHRONOLOGY FOR SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS 1. March 6, 2000 City sends letter with draft proposed amendments to local engineers, building industry organizations and individuals known to City to have interest in Subdivision Ordinance amendments requesting comments. (City hand delivered letter to BIA.) 2. On or about Phone call from Fred Porter, Porter-Robertson informing city of April 6, 2000 typo in Section16.28.160 D.2 as shown in March 6, 2000 draft of proposed amendments. Also indicted CELSOC would submit comments. 3. April 7, 2000 Letter from CELSOC submitting comments on draft proposed amendments. 4. On or about City called Brian Todd asking if BIA will submit any comments. April 7, 2000 (BIA unable to find March 6th letter; secretary declined offer for City to send other copy.) 5. April 19, 2000 Brian Todd, BIA faxed City copy of draft amendments (sent with March 6th letter) to verify that those were the amendments they should be commenting on. (Yes, those were the correct ' amendments circulated for comment.) 6. April 24, 2000 Meeting with BIA to discuss amendments cancelled. Rescheduled to April 27, 2000. 7. April 27, 2000 Meeting with BIA to discuss amendments cancelled. Unable to reschedule. 8. May 2, 2000 Letter from BIA (dated May 1, 2000) indicating BIA desire to monitor progress of amendments but not offering specific comments. 9. May 8, 2000 Letter sent to CELSOC with City's response to CELSOC comments dated April 7', 2000. 10. May 11, 2000 Note from staff to Planning Department secretary to send copy of Planning Commission staff report for proposed amendments to CELSOC and BIA. (Staff report sent on May 22, 2000.) P:~ T16~subord-contact. wpd 1 June 29, 2000 Subdivision Ordinance Public Contact Page 2 11. May 18, 2000 Notice of public hearing sent to local engineers, building industry organizations and individuals know to City to have interest in Subdivision Ordinance amendments. 12. May 22, 2000 A copy of Planning Commission agenda sent to Mclntosh & Associates and Porter-Robertson listing public hearing on Subdivision Ordinance amendments. 13. May 22, 2000 Staff report available to public. 14. June 1, 2000 Planning Commission held public hearing. Roger Mclntosh, - Mclntosh & Associates spoke during June 1't public hearing. Planning Commission continued item to June 15, 2000 meeting. 15. June 8, 2000 Planning Director memo sent to Planning Commission, Roger Mclntosh, Mclntosh & Associates; John Wilson, CELSOC; and Brian Todd, BIA. 16. June 15, 2000 Continued public hearing before the Planning Commission. Roger Mclntosh spoke during public hearing. Planning Commission adopted resolution recommending approval of amendments to City Council. P:~ T16~subord-contact. wpd 2 June 29, 2000 BAKERSFIELD Development Services Department Jack Hardisty, Director Dennis C. Fidler Stanley C. Grady Building Director Plannin§ Director (661) 326-3720 Fax (661) 325-0266 March 6, 2000 (661) 326-3733 Fax (661) 327-0646 Dear Interested Persons (See attached list): RE: Proposed Amendment to Title 16: Subdivision Ordinance In a effort to keep the City's Subdivision Ordinance up to date with changes made by the State legislature, and to clarify podions of the Ordinance, several amendments to the City's local Subdivision Ordinance are proposed. A copy of the proposed amendments is enclosed for your information. Please send your comments to this office by March 31, 2000. A notice of public hearing will be sent to you in a few weeks to inform you of the public hearing held before the Planning Commission regarding this item. Your input is valuable and if possible, we would like to address your comments prior to the hearing. Please send or call Jennie Eng, Associate Planner at 326-3733 with your comments. Sincerely, Stanle Planmng Director jeng P:\T16\LT16.wpd City of Bakersfield · 1715 Chester Avenue · Bakersfield, California · 93301 BIA AIA BAKERSFIELD ASSOC O~ REALTORS 1326 H STREET 1712 - 19TM STREET PO BOX 9338 SUITE 15 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389-9338 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 TERI BJORN ALTA ENGINEERING/HUGHES CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING CLIFFORD AND BROWN SURVEYING 2505 "M" STREET 1430 TRUXTUN AVENUE #900 218 SOUTH H STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 DEWALT CORPORATION FAS ENGINEERING & SURVEYING FRENCH & ASSOCIATES 1930 22N° STREET 2003 20TM STREET 2716 L STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 JOHN CAROLLO ENGINEERS DELMARTER & DEIFEL MclNTOSH & ASSOCIATES 5100 CALIFORNIA AVE 2901 H STREET 2001 WHEELAN COURT SUITE 203 BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 PASQUINI ENGINEERING PORTER-ROBERTSON ENGINEERING THE LUSICH COMPANY 903 H STREET 1200 21sT STREET 651 H STREET #200 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 RONALD F RUETTGERS SMITHTECH/USA INC TELSTAR ENGINEERING INC. CIVIL ENGINEER 1424 17TM STREET 5301 OFFICE PARK DRIVE SUITE 125 1801 21sT STREET SUITE 4 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 WILSON & ASSOCIATES MICHELLE LAMOINE EASTON BUSINESS COMPLEX MCINTOSH & ASSOCIATES 1400 EASTON DRIVE BUILDING E 2001 WHEELAN CT SUITE 132 BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS March 2000 Proposed revisions to Title 16 (Subdivision Ordinance) of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code are shown as follows: Bold indicates new text; strike out ~) indicates deletion of text. Italics provides a short note explaining why the revision is proposed and is not to be included in the actual text of the ordinance amendment. 16.16.030 F INFORMATION SHOWN. The tentative map shall show the following information. F. Bearings and distances showing the map boundaries and other sufficient description to define the location and boundaries of the proposed subdivision ef~ including its relationship to existing, adjacent subdivisions and surroundings; (Note: Necessary to facilitate City's computer mapping system.) 16.16.060 PUBLIC HEARING. F. If multiple tentative maps covering the same parcel of property are filed-et-the ~, the following shall apply: 1. { The action of the advisory agency shall relate only to one such map, if multiple tentative maps are filed at the same time, except as described in the following paragraph. 2. No property or portion thereof shall have more than one approved tentative map at any one time, except for purposes of phasing as in the case of a tentative parcel map consisting of large parcels over a tentative tract map to facilitate sale or financing tentative map phasing. Further, if the advisory agency approves or conditionally approves a second tentative map on said property for purposes of phasing, there shall be no more than two approved tentative maps at any one time. The tentative map proposed to facilitate phasing prior to recordation of the subdivision showing the ultimate development of said property shall be designed to have r. easonable relationship with respect to phase lines of the tentative map intended for the ultimate development based on sound engineering practices and subdivision design features. The advisory agency shall conditionally approve each tentative map, as needed, to facilitate orderly development, and provide for the public health, safety and general welfare. P:\T16\proposed-amend.wpd March 7, 2000 Proposed Amendments Page 2 ,3. For purposes of this subsection, a lot line adjustment or parcel map waiver does not constitute a different tentative map. (Note: Needed for clarification in the ordinance. Currently, ordinance does not address the possibility of more that one approved tentative map on the same piece of property at the same time. This amendment codifies staff's practice to allow a subdivider have two approved tentative maps where one map is a large lot subdivision in preparation of phasing or for further subdivision. This provides a subdivider additional flexibility to structure financing and development schedules.) 16.16.080 EXPIRATION OF MAP APPROVAL - EXTENSION. A. An approved or conditionally approved tentative map shall expire 24 months after its approval or conditional approval; provided, however, that any tentative map approved or conditionally approved by Kern County for an area which is subsequently annexed into the City prior to recordation of a final map shall expire in accordance with the ordinance requirements of Kern County and the Subdivision Map Act. B. An extension or extensions of tentative-tr-aet map approval or conditional approval shall not exceed an aggregate of-3- five (5) years: An~,,,~,~"*^~:,~,,,,, ..... or,,,,,~,'~-~=~,.~,,.,, ,o of ~,~, ~,, .... ~, ..... However, if an extension of time application is appealed in accordance with Section 16.52, an approved or conditionally approved tentative ' map shall not expire prior to a decision by the City Council in accordance with Section 16.52. (Note: Reflects a change in the Subdivision Map Act approved by the State legislature, · making the number of years a tentative tract map may be extended consistent with extension on a tentative parcel map.) C. The subdivider may request an extension of the tentative map approval or conditional approval by written application to the advisory agency. Such application shall be filed before the approval or conditional approval is due to expire, but shall not be filed any sooner than 60 days prior to expiration date of the tentative map. The application shall state the reasons for requesting the extension. Consent of the subdivider to new or revised conditions required by the advisory agency shall be a prerequisite to approval of any extension. P:\T16~proposed-amend.wpd March 7, 2000 Proposed Amendments Page 3 D. Failure to file a final tract map or a final parcel map with the City Engineer within 24 months from the approval or conditional approval of the tentative map or within the specified time period on any extension thereof, shall terminate all proceedings. Before such final tract or final parcel map may thereafter be filed with the County Recorder a new tentative map shall be submitted. E. If the subdivider whose tract has been approved by the advisory agency for multiple, or phased, final maps is subject to a requirement of $125,000 or more, as adjusted pursuant to Section 66452.6(a)(2), to construct or improve or finance the construction or improvement of public improvements outside the boundaries of the tentative map, each filing of a final map authorized by Section 66456.1 of the Map Act shall extend the expiration of the approved or conditionally approved tentative map by 36 months from the date of its expiration as provided in this section, or the date of the previously approved final map, whichever is later. The extensions shall not extend the tentative map more than 10 years from its approval or conditional approval. Prior to the filing of the first final map, the subdivider shall make written notification to the City Engineer of eligibility for such extension of time. Such notification shall include documentation as determined by the City Engineer by which eligibility can be verified. "Public improvements," as used in this subsection, include fees, traffic controls, streets, roads, highways, freeways, bridges, over-crossings, street interchanges, flood control or storm drain facilities, sewer facilities, water facilities, and lighting facilities. (Note: Identifies the section of the Subdivision Map Act by which the amount may be adjusted.) F. A tentative map on property subject to a development agreement may be extended for the period of time provided for in the agreement, but not beyond the duration of the agreement. G. After approval of the tentative map, if changes deemed substantial by the City Engineer and Planning Director are proposed, a filing of a Revised Tentative Map will be required. (Note: Provides a collaborative determination between the City Engineer and Planning Director in determining a substantial change.) 1. The previously assigned tract number will be used with the word "Revised" added to the number. The procedure for filing a Revised ,! Tentative Map is the same as for the Tentative Map. A Revised Tentative Map cannot be filed if the approval on the original map has expired. An approved revised tentative map supersedes the tentative map for which it was filed. P:\T16~proposed-amend.wpd March 7, 2000 Proposed Amendments Page 4 2. A Revised Tentative Map will be required to include all the land subdivided under the originally assigned tract number, as approved by the advisory agency, except a phase or phases of the original tentative map which have recorded in accordance with this Chapter shall be excluded from the revised tentative map. (Note: Clarifies the boundaries of a Revised Tentative Map and which property shall be included in a Revised Tentative Map. This amendment codifies staff's policy.) 16.20.110 STATEMENT OF PLANNING DIRECTOR. A statement by the Planning Director is required on the final tract map. He shall state that: A. The Planning Commission, or City Council upon appeal, approved or conditionally approved the tentative map and any applicable extensions thereof and the date such action was taken. B. The subdivision, as shown on the final map, is substantially the same as it appeared on the tentative map and in accordance with any conditions approved by the commission, or City Council upon appeal. (Note: Specifically allows the Planning Director to sign a final tract map based on a decision of the City Council on an appeal of a tentative tract map.) 16.24.090 VESTING ON APPROVAL OF VESTING TENTATIVE MAP. C. The rights referred to herein shall expire if a final map is not.approved prior to the expiration of the vesting tentative map as provided in Section 16.24.080. If the final map is approved, these rights shall last for the following periods of time: 1. An initial time period of 12 months. Where several final maps are recorded on various phases of a project covered by a single vesting tentative map, this initial time period shall begin for each phase when the final map for that phase is recorded. 2. The initial time period set forth in subsection C., 1., of this section shall be automatically extended by any time used for processing a complete application for a grading permit or for design or architectural review, if such processing exceeds 30 days, from the date a complete application is filed. P:~ T16~proposed-arnend. wpd March 7, 2000 Proposed Amendments Page 5 3. A subdivider may apply for a I year extension of time before the initial time period set forth in subsection C., 1., of this section expires. The application shall be submitted in the form of a written request with justification for the extension and all applicable fees shall be paid to the Planning Director and shall be considered by the Planning Commission in an unadvertised public hearing. If the extension is denied by the Commission, the subdivider may appeal that denial to City Council within 15 days. 4. If the subdivider submits a complete application for a building permit during the periods of time specified in subdivisions 1-3 of this subsection, the rights referred to herein shall continue until the expiration of that permit, or any extension of that permit. The time limits set forth herein shall specifically apply only to those building permit applications submitted during the periods of time specified in subdivisions 1-3 of this subsection. The expiration and extension of such building permits shall be governed by the specific provisions of Chapter 15.12 of this Code (Uniform Building Code) pertaining to permit issuance. (Note: Clarifies that the vesting rights applies to each building permit which has been issued prior to the expiration and extension of the vesting rights, and that the vesting rights remain on each building permit as long as the building permit remains active and in good standing. Vesting rights do not apply to those building permits which were not issued prior to expiration and extension of the vesting rights. 16.28.170 LOTS. B. Lot Frontage. All residential lots shall have a minimum street frontage of 55 feet except as follows: 1. The minimum street frontage for interior one family dwelling lots in an R-2 zone shall be 45 feet. 2. The minimum lot frontage for corner lots shall be 60 feet except for one family dwelling lots in an R-2 zone where it is 50 feet. For purposes of measuring frontage on a corner lot with a radius return, the distance shall be measured from the point of intersection of the extensions of the street side property line and the front property line. 3. Cul-de-sac or Elbow lot: 35 lineal feet as measured along the arc. 4. Flag lot: 20 feet. P:[ T16~proposed-arnend. wpd March 7, 2000 Proposed Amendments Page 6 5. Lots proposing access off an arterial or collector street shall have a minimum street frontage of 100 feet. D. Lot Width. The lot width is the length of a line between side property lines that is the perpendicular bisect of the lot depth. The minimum width for residential lots shall be 55 feet on interior lots and 60 feet on corner lots, except as follows: 1. The minimum width for a lot with a side yard abutting agricultural or residential suburban zoned property shall be 100 feet'. 2. The minimum width for a lot with a rear yard abutting a freeway or railroad · right-of-way shall be 85 feet on interior lots and 90 feet on corner lots. 3. The minimum width for a one family dwelling lot in the R-2 zone shall be 45 feet on interior lots and 50 feet on corner lots except as required in subsection D., 1. and 2. 4. Lots proposing access off an arterial or collector street shall have a minimum lot width of 100 feet. H. Double Frontage Lots. Double frontage lots having a depth less than two hundred feet will not be approved except where, as determined by the advisory agency, conditions permit no other reasonable form of platting, or where the proposed double frontage lots abut a-major an arterial or collector street and the advisory agency deems it to be reasonable due to such controlling factors as traffic, safety, appearance and setback. Further, no lot for the purposes of single family development shall front on an arterial street, except where the advisory agency deems reasonable due to existing conditions and is not detrimental to the public safety and welfare. Each such lot shall have a six foot high masonry wall (the height shall be measured from whichever side of the wall the adjacent finished grade is higher) with landscaping (on the exterior side) installed by the subdivider adjacent to the rear property line or, where the wall and landscaping are to be maintained by a homeowner's association or maintenance district installed within the street right-of-way and additional landscape easement or adjacent common lot. Alternate wall and landscape concepts may be approved in areas where, in the opinion of the advisory agency, topographic or other physical conditions make strict adherence to this criteria undesirable. Conceptual wall and landscaping plans shall be reviewed and approved by the advisory agency prior to filing of any final tract or final parcel map. (Note: In order to maintain capacity on arterial and co/lector streets, and as a matter of public safety, the minimum length of the street frontage and lot width of residential lots fronting along these types of streets is recommended to change from a minimum of 55- 60 feet to 100 feet. ThelO0 foot minimum lot frontage and width would allow for (but not require) a circular driveway, which is consistent with County of Kern standards. A circular driveway provides safer vehicle movement along the street and ingress/egress to the lot. P:~ T16~proposed-amend. wpd March 7, 2000 Proposed Amendments Page 7 Access of residential lots to arterial streets is prohibited unless the Planning Commission makes specific findings based on public safety and welfare. Double frontage lots which waive access to the collector or artedal street would not be subject to this standard because they are not proposing access to the major street. 16.28.190 APPROVED ACCESS REQUIRED. A. Legal access to each lot or parcel of a subdivision shall be provided by: 1. Having frontage upon a public street (other than an alley), with the ability to access it (per Section 17.04.370); or 2. Having frontage upon a private easement (or private road) determined by the Planning Commission to be adequate for purposes of access (per Section 17.04.370); or 3. Dedication, or an offer of dedication, to the city for street purposes from a public road to each parcel; or 4. Recordation of a covenant of easement in accordance with Section 65870 of the Government Code. Such covenant may be released by direction of the Planning Commission, following a public hearing thereon, after the applicant seeking release has paid the fee therefor set by City Council resolution. 5. Residential subdivisions shall be designed so that all lots or parcels obtain access from a collector or local street; except the advisory agency may approve limited access to arterial streets from multiple family developments if access does not disrupt traffic circulation, is not detrimental to the public health and safety, observes City engineering standards, and is based on sound engineering practices. The advisory agency may require improvements to provide for the public health and safety; and waiver of direct access from the remainder of the property along the arterial street frontage. (Note: The 100 foot minimum lot frontage and width would allow for a circular driveway, which is consistent with County of Kern standards. A circular driveway provides safer vehicle movement along the street and ingress/egress to the lot. Access of residential lots to arterial streets is prohibited unless the Planning Commission makes specific findings based on public safety and welfare. P:~ T16~proposed-arnend. wpd March 7, 2000 Proposed Amendments Page 8 16.32.080 IMPROVEMENTS - IN SUBDIVISIONS FOR WHICH PARCEL MAP IS REQUIRED. E. The provisions of subsections C. and D. of Section~ 16,32,060 shall apply to subdivisions for which a final parcel map is required. (Note: Corrects a typographica/ error.) P:i T16~proposed-amend. wpd March 7, 2000 WILSON & ___ $SOCIA CIVIL ENGIblEER1NG SURVEYllqG F,4X TRANSMITTAL CO PER SHEET ATTENTION: NUMBER OF PAGES: FAXNO.: _~,~ (Including Cover Sheet) COMME~S: If you do not rcccivc all of thc pag~ or it' you have any questions please give m~ a call at (661) 325-4862. We are tranm~ from FAX No. (661) 325-S126. 1400 EASTON DR., 8urI'E 132 · BAKERSFI]U.D, CA 93309 (661) 325-4862 · FAX (661) 32.q-S126 ~.a ~.a~m ~ Bakemflelcl, Qll~ml~ March 23, 2000 1cnn/¢ Eng Development Services Department 1715 Chester Ave Bakgrs~eld, CA /)3301 RE: Proposed Amendments Title 16: Subdivision Or~i,~,ice The following comments were prepared in rcgards to the Proposed amendment to Title 16: Subdivision Ordinau~. Bearing and distances showing the map botmctaries ami or other ....... Submittal of dectronic "~ data ma_v satisfy_ this requirement. En~noer/dcvelopcr is not rcsponsible for accuracy of data submitted and is submitted for informational purposes. : (City should wait until final map is recorded to update thcir computer mapping, if they want accurate information.) 16.16.060. F. (This entire chaug¢ seems unnecessary. The State Map Act allows multiple Tentative Maps. The cliang= would restrict flexibility and restrict extension of time. This change could eliminate a Parcel Map on a Phased Tentative Map. The owner may want to create a smaller parcel for fmanc/ng purposes prior to recordation o£ a Final Map. Is it proposed to "void"' the previous Tentative upon approval of the next Tentative? A large parcel of land, could, over the lifo of a pwject, have several approved tentative maps, pr/or to recordation of tho fit'at tentative map.) l 6.16.080 Expiration of Map Approval - Exteneion A. An approval ...... shall expire -24 36 months ...... ~er State Map AcO (Ally new or r~vised conditiom t,~llfir~ or requested by thc advisory agency and/or the subdivider should go basle through the proper chmmels. A "vesting map" may not be ~ 'Nested" map after' alL) lermie Eh§ 3/23/00 Dovelopmc'nt Services Dcparuueut Pa~e 2 of 2 D. ~ 36 M~ G.2 ........ sh~ b~ cxclud~ ~om ~c re~8d t~five ~, or legal p~ceh sold or ~f~ed ~om ofig~ t~five ~p. ~d ~d bc ~~ but l~d ~uld not ~ add~. ~t abo~ p~els ofl~ so]~ d~, or ~n~. See pro~s~ "G'.) 16.24.~0 V~E ~ ~p~v~ of V~g T~ve M~ 1 & 2 (c~gc 12 mon~ to 36 mon~, p~r S~c Map Act.) B-5 (cllmi~n~, poor u~fion of~ ~op~) D~ (~tc, poor ufiH~fion of ~b~ p~pe~y) H (e~ate old c~ges) Myou havc ~y ~o~ pl~e ~n~t Io~ W~on. BtHLDING INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF KERN COUNTY Phone (661) 633-1316 Fax (661) 633-1317 NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER SHEET: Please call if you did not receive all pages. Thank you. SUMMAP. Y OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS March 2000 Proposed revisions to TilJe 16 (Subdivision Ordinance) of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code are shown as follows: Bold indicates new text; strike out (et~eu{) indicates deletion ol~ texL Italio~ provides a shorf note expleining why the revision is proposed and is not to be included in the a~tual text of the ordinance amendment. 16.16,030 F INFORMATION SHOWN, The tentative map shall show the followlng information. ~" F. Bearings and distances showing the map boundaries' a~d other sufficient description to define the location and boundaries Of lhe proposed subdivision end including Its relationship to existing, adjacent subdivisions and surroundings; 1:::/.~/7...~'~) (No~e: Necessary to facilitate City's computer mapping system.) 16.16.060 PUBLIC HEARING. F. If multiple tentative maps covedng ~e same parcel of property are filed-at-the eeme-time, the following shall apply: 1. t The action ~ the advisory agency shall relate only to one such map, if .. /,,[ multiple tentative maps are filed at the same time, except as . described in the following paragraph. - · Z. No property or portion thereof shall have more than one app~;oved tentative map at any one time, except for purposes of phasing as in the case of a tentative parcel map consisting of large parcels over a tentative tract map to facilitate sale or financing tentative map ,~ phasing. Further, if the advisory agency approves or conditionally approves a second tentative map on said property for purposes of phasing, there shall be no more than two approved tentative maps at any one time, The tentative map proposed to facilitate phasing prior to recordation of the subdivision stlowing the ultimate development i of said property shall be designed to have reasonable relationship with respect to phase lines of the tentative map Intended for the ultimate development based on sound engineering prat'does and subdivision design features. The advisory agency shall conditionally approve each tentative map, as needed, to facilitate orderly development, and provide for the public health, safety and ~ general welfare. P:tT16'~pro~oeed.-em en6..~ March 7.2000 Proposed Amendments Page 2 3. For purposes of this subsection, a lot line adjustment or parcel map waiver does not constitute a different tentative map. (Note: Needed for clarification in the ordinance. Currently, ordinance does not address the possibility of more that one approved tentative map on the same piece of property at the same t/me. This amendment codif'~s staff's practice to al/ow a subdivider have two approved tentative maps where one map is a large lot subdivision In preparation of--/v phasing or for further subdivision. This provides a subdivider additional flexibility to ~tructure financing and development schedules.) 'Z'~ 16.16.080 EXPIRATION OF MAP APPROVAL-EXTENSION. __,~,1 A. An approved or conditionally approved tentative map shall expire ~4~onths after 01Dfl'~-" its approval or conditional approval; provided, however, that any tentative map ~ approved or conditionally approved by Kem County for an ama which is ~ ~.~/_p~ ~<:~.~fl~ ~ ,fsLlbseqLlerltly anrlexed iht° the city prior t° recordatiOn °f a firla, map shall e''q:)ire,/ in accordance with the ordinance requirements of Kern County and the Subdivision Map Act. B. An extension or extensions of tentative-tract map approval or conditional approval shall net exceed an aggregate of~ five (5) years;-A~ c~,,c,,'~=c,'~ ,,, ~×-t ...... =g~rc~c, tc cf 5 ye~.~.~. Howeve¢, if an extension of time application is appealed in.._ accordance with Section 16.52, an approved or conditionally approved tentative map shall not expire pr/o( to a decision by the C..ity Cound! in accordance with Section 16,52. (Note: IReflec~s a change in the Subdivision Map Ad approved by the State legi$/ature, making the number of years a tentative tract map may be extended consistent with extension on a tentative parco~ map.) C. The subdMder may request an extension of the tentative map approval or conditional approval by written applica~on to the advisory agency. Such application shall be filed before the approval or conditional approval is due to expire, but shall not be filed any sooner than 60 days prior to expiration date of lhe tentative map. The application shall state the reasons for requesting the extension. Consent of the subdivider to new or revised conditions required by the advisory agency shall be a prerequisite to approval of any extension. P~'r 1611xoposed-am~.~d Mamh 7. 2000 Proposed Amendments Page 3 D. Failure to file · final traot map or a final parcel map w~th the City Engineer within. 24 months ~ the approval or conditional approval of the tentative map or within the specified time period on any extension thereaf, shall terminate all proceedings. Before such final tract or Final parcel map may thereafter be filed with the County Recorder a new tentative map shall be submitted. E. If the subdivider whose tract has been approved by the advisory agency for multiple, or phased, final maps.is subject to a requirement of $125,000 or more,  a= adjusted pursuant to Section 66452.6(a)(2), to construct or improve or finance the cons~ruclion or improvement of public improvements outside the boundaries of the tentative map, each tiling of a final map authorized by Section 66456.1 of the Map Act shall extend the expiration of the approved or conditionally approved tentative map by 36 months from the date of its expiration as provided in this section, or the date of the previously approved final map, whichever is later. The extensions shall not extend the tentative map more than 10 years from its approval or conditional approval. Prior to the filing of the first final map, the subdivider shall make written notification to the City Engineer of eligibility for such extension of time. Such notification shall include documentation as determined by the City Engineer by whi~ eligibility can be vedfied. 'Public improvements," as used in this subsection, include fees, traffic controls, streets, roads, highways, freeways, bridges, over-crossings, street interchanges. flood control or storm drain facilities, sewer facilities, water facilities, and lighting facilities. ; (Note: tdenti§es the section of the Subdivision Map Ac{'by which the amount may be adjusted.) F, A tentative map on property subject to a development agreement may be extend~l for the period of tJme provided for in the agreement, but not beyond Ihs duration of the agreement. G. After approval of the tental~ve map, if changes deemed substantial by the City ~IA~ Engineer and Planning Director am proposed, a filing of a Revised TentaUve Map will be required. (Note: Provides a collaborative (fetermlnaEon between the City Engineer and Planning Director in determining a substantial change.) 1. The previously assigned tm~t number will be used with the word "Revised" added to the number. The procedure for filing a Revised Tentative Map is the same as for the Tentative Map. A Revised Tentative Map cannot be filed if the approval on the original map has expired. An approved revised tentative map supersedes the tentative map for which it Was filed. ~Tle'~o raposed-am~.,~S Page 4 2. A ~sed Tentat~e Ua~ill be required to include nil ~e land subdi~d~ under the originally assigned tm~ number, ~ appr~ed by ~e advisow agency, ex. pt a ph~e or phases of the oHgi~l · ten.live ~p which ~ve rec~d~ in accordance wlth this Chn~ · s~ll be excluded from ~e revved tentat~e map, - ~ (N~e: ~a~fies ~e bou~ades ora Re~sed Tenta~e Map and wh~ p~pe~ shall includ~ ~ a Re~=ed Tentat~ Map. ~is amendment codiF~s sm~s policy.) 16.~.110 STATEMENT OF P~NING DIRECTOR. ~ A statement by ~e ~nning Director is required on the final t~ct map, He s~ll s~te ~ ~e P~nni~ ~mmlsslon, or Ci~ Council upon appeal, approved or ~ndifiona~y appm~ the ten~t~ map end any appli~ble e~ensions ~r~f and the date =u~ action ~s ~ken. ~ B. ~e su~ivis~n, as s~n on the final map, is substantially ~ same as app~md on the tenta~ve map and In a=cordan~ with any ~ndi~ons approved by the comm~=ion~ or C~ Council upon appeal (Note: Specifi~ily allows ~e Planning Di~or to sign a final t~ map ba~d on a derision of the C~y ~unc~ on an appeal ora mn~t~e ~ct mepJ 16.24.090 ~STING ON APPROV~ OF VESTING TENTATIVE, MAP. C. ~e Hgh~ referred to heroin s~ll expire if a final map ~ ~t approved p~or to ex~mfion of~e vesting ten.five ~p as prodded in Se~on 16,24.080. If ~e final map ~ a~mved, ~e dgh~ sha~ last for ~e follo~ng ~H~s of time: m~ ~ vad~ phases of a project cover~ ~ a sin~e ves~ng  ten~ ~is in~l time pe~ shall ~gin for each p~se when map,  fi~l map for that p~ ~ m~ed. 2. ~ ~illal ~me ~ set foRh in subsec00n C,. 1.. of ~{s ~c~n shall be a~ll~[i~ for a grading ~ ~ f~ design or ar~itectuml re~ew, ~ such pro~lng ex~s ~ da~, from ~ date a ~mplete appli~fion P.~ TI b~propos ed.emend, wp d Man,h7,2000  P roposed Amendments Page 5 3. A subdivider may apply for a 1 year extension of time before the initial '1~'~ time period set forth in subsection C., 1, of Ibis se~on expires. The ~.~__ application shall be submitted in the form ora written request v~th juslilicalion for the extension and all applicable fees shall be paid to the Planning Director end shall be considered by the Planning Commission in ~'~C'_'/ an unadvertised public hearing. If the extension is denied by the '~'.~ v/' Commission, the subdivider may appeal that denial to City Council within 4. if the subdivider submits a complete application for a building permit during tA.e periods of time spe~. ified in subdivisions 1-.3 of this subsection, permit, or any extension of that permit. The time limits set forth herein shall specifi~ally apply only to those building permit applications submitted during the periods of time specified in subdivisions t-3 of this subsection. The expiration and extension of such building permits shall be governed by the specific provisions of Chapter 15,12 of this Code (Uniform Building Code) pertaining to permit issuance. (Note: Clarifies that the vesting rights applies to each building permit which has been issued pdor to the expfration and exfension of the vesting rights, and that the vesting rights remain on each building permit as long as the building permit remains active and in good standing. Ve~ting rights do not apply to those bur?ding permits which were not i.~sued prfor' to expiration and extension of the vesting rights. : 16.28.170 LOTS. : B. Lot Frontage. All residential lots shall have a minimum street frontage of 55 feet except as follows: 1. Th~ minimum street frontage for interior one family dwelling lots in an R-2 zone shall be 45 feet. 2. The minimum lot frontage for comer lots shall be 60 feet except for one family dwelling lots in an R-2 zone where it is 50 feet. For purposes of measuring frontage on a corner iol with a radius return, the distance shall be measured from the point of Intersection of the extensions of the street side property line and the front property line. 3. Cul-de-sac or Elbow lot: 35 lineal feet as measured along the arc. 4. Flag lot: 20 feel P.'[ T f 61pmposed-amend. wpd Proposed Amendments ~.~'~ ...... /" 5. Lots proposing access off an erterml or collector street shall have a ~ inimum street frontage of 100 feet. perpendicular bisect of the lot depth. The minimum widt~ for resldenMal lots shall be 55 feet on inlerior lots and 60 feet on comer lots, except as follows: _v/J 1. The minimum width for a lot with a side yard abutting agricultural or ,Ciaot~' residential suburban zoned property shall be 100 feet. ~r~/~ ~* _~/'O~J 2. Tlle minimum width for a lot with a rear yard abutting a freeway or railroad U~/ ~i~1~ ~j right-of-way shall be 85 feet on interior lots and 90 feet on comer lots. 0~,~2~l~[f~ ~/,,~ subsection45feet on intedorlots and 50 feet on corner lots except as required inD., 1, and 2,... . ...-._ . _ I~" ~t~4- Lots proposing access off an arterial or collector street shali-h'ave a~ .J~intmu la3J~_w_idth of 100 feet. H. Double Frontage Lo~. Double frontage lots having a depth less than two hundred feet will not be approved except where, as determined by the advisory agency, conditions pen'nit no other reasonable form of platting, or where the proposed double frontage lots abut-e-meier an arterial or collector street and the advlsoh/ ~ agency deems it to be reasonable due to such controlling factors as traffic, ~,L~'~ safety, appearance and setback. Further, no lot for the purposes of single family development sba.Il front on an arterial street, except where the advisor/agency deems'reasonable due to e~isting conditions and is not ~ detrimental to the public safety and welfare. Each such lot shall have a six wall the adjacent finished grade is higher) with landscaping (on the exterior side) Installed by the subdivider adjacent lo the mar property line or, where the wall and lanclscaplng are to be maintained by a homeowner's association or maintenance district Installed within the street right-of-way and additional land,cape easement or adjacent common lot. Alternate wall end landscape concepts may be approved in areas where, in the opinion of the advisory agency, topographic or other physical conditions make strict adherence to this cfiteda undeslmbla. Conceptual wall and landscaping plans shall be reviewed and approved by the advisory agency prior to filing of any final tract or final parcel map. (Note: In order to maintain capacity on arterial and collector streets, and as a matter of pubflo ,~afety, the minimum length of the street frontage and lot wi~h of re~identie! Iot~ frc~ir~g along the~e types of streets is recommended to change from e minimum of 55- 60 feet to 100 feet. ThelO0 foot minimum lot frontage and width would allow for (bu~ require) e circular driveway, which is consistent with County of Kern ~andard$. A circular driveway provides safer vehicle movement along the street and ingres~egress to the IoL P.'t T l Oipropo~cl. amend, wpd Ma~h ?, 2000 Pmpesed Amendments Page 7' Access of resfdential lots to arterial streets is prohibited unless the Planning Commission makes specif'= findings based on public safety and welfare. Double frontage lots which waive access to the colleotor or arterial street would not be subject to this standard because they are not prolx~ing acce=,~ to the major street, 16.28.190 APPROVED ACCESS REQUIRED. A. Legal access to each lot or parcel of a subdivision shall be provided by: 1. Having frontage upon a public street (other than an aJley), with the ability to access it (per Section 17.04.370); or 2. Having frontage upon a private easement (or pdvate road) determined by the Planning Commission to be adequate for purposes of access (per ,.~ection 17.0¢.370); or 3. Dedication, o¢ en offer of dedication, to the cily for street purposes from a public mad to each parcel; or 4. Recordation of a covenant of easement in accordance with Section 6587'0 of the Government Code. S~ch covenant may be released by direction of the Planning Commission. f0ilowing a public hearing thereon, after the applicant seeking release has paid the fee therefor set by City Council resolution.  " 5. Residential subdivisions shall be designed so that all lots or parcels Y/"' obtain access fr~m a collector or Iocatstreet; except the advi, ory agency may approve limited access to arterial streets fro~ multiple family developments if access does not disrupt traffic circulation, is not detrimental to the public health and safety, observes City practices, The advisory agency may require improvements to provide for the public health and safety; and waiver of dlrect access from the remainder of rite property along the arterial street frontage. (Note: ThelO0 foot minimum lot frontage and width would allow for a circular driveway, which is consistent with County of Kern standards. A circular ddvew'ay provides safer vehicle movement along the street and hgressfegres.~ to tile lot. Access of residential lots to arterial ~treets is prohibited unless the Planning Commiesion makes specific findings based on public safety and welfare. P:% T f Olpropo.~d-amend. wpd BUILDING INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF KERN COUNTY Biff NAHB BAKEfl,~FIELD, CA 93301 PHONE (661) 633-1316 FAX (661) 633-1317 ~TIO{~. (X' H( )MI-' Iltlt May 1. Ms. Jennie Eag Planning Dcpadment City ol'Bakersliuld 1715 Chester Argue Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear Jennie: Thank you for thc opportunity to review the proposed amendments to'the City's Subdivifion Ordinance. l~lA fully supports [he recommendations of thc Development Streamlining Tazk Force, as well as other oprn~rtuniti~ for improvement voiced by industry rcp~sentativcs during those meetings. Since thc Planning Commisskm will so<m review the proposed ordinance changes, we will monitor and actively p.,m, icipatc in that process beforo taking a formal position on any specific chang0s. Once Planning Commissioners' review ~nd input is accomplished, r will gl~'tdly communicate to you any BIA position(e) on lhe final w:rsion of thc ordinance. Cc: Rogcr Mclnlosh, Ch~,~.an, BIA I,egislative Cornmittce City Planning Commissioncm ~ BAKERSFIELD Development Services Department Jack Hardisty, Director Dennis C. Fidler Stanley C. Grady Building Director Planning Director (661) 326-3720 Fax (661) 325-0266 (661) 326-3733 Fax (661) 327-0646 May 8, 2000 Mr. John Wilson, President Kern Chapter CELSOC P.O. Box 176 Bakersfield CA 93302 RE: Proposed Amendments to Title 16: Subdivision Ordinance Dear John: Thank you for your organization's comments regarding proposed amendments to the Subdivision Ordinance. Upon consideration of your comments, staff has made some revisions and withdrawn some proposed amendments. A copy of the revisions is attached with the heading "May 8, 2000." The following highlights staff's changes and responds to your other comments. 16.16.030 F. Staff has revised the proposed amendment incorporating the intent you indicated in your letter regarding submittal of bearings and distance data via electronic means for only informational purposes. 16.16.060 F. In response to your comments, staff is withdrawing amendment to Section16.16.060 F and no change to this section will be included. 16.16.080 Your request to change the expiration date of approved tentative maps from 24 to 36 months is being addressed separately through the "Development Streamlining Task Force" coordinated by John Stinson, Assistant City Manager. 16.16.080 G.2 Staff has considered your suggested text addition. However, the amendment proposed by staff is intended to only codify current policy and practice to require Revised Tentative Maps to include all land within the boundaries of the original subdivision, except for the phase(s) that has recorded. City of Bakersfield · 1 715 Chester Avenue · Bakersfield, California · 93301 John Wilson May 8, 2000 Page 2 16.24.090 Subdivision Map Act Section 66498.5(b) states: "The rights conferred by a vesting tentative map as provided by this chapter shall last for an initial period, as provided by ordinance, but shall no be less than one year or more than two years beyond recording of the final map .... " The current ordinance reflects the City Council's 1997 decision that the vested rights are automatically extended through the first year after a map has recorded. A developer's request to the Planning Commission to extend the vested rights for a second year is to receive perfunctory approval. Staff could not verify your reference that the Map Act allows vesting rights to extend up to 36 months. 16.28.170 Staff withdraws the amendment to add these sections. and 16.28.190 No change is proposed to the current requirements. 16.16.010 G Staff is adding this amendment to clarify that waiver of any improvements for a .parcel map must be made in writing. Your insightful comments are appreciated. The BIA has stated that they will monitor the proposed amendments as they are submitted to the Planning Commission. A notice of public hearing will be sent to you and other local interested persons at a later date. Please call me at (661) 326-3733 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Associate Planner P:\T16\L-CELSOC.wpd SUMMARY OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS May 8, 2000 Proposed revisions to Title 16 (Subdivision Ordinance) of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code are shown as follows: Bold indicates new text; strike out (~r-ik~-~t); indicates deletion of text; bold strike out ~{-HEe-out) is new text no longer proposed; ~ indicates text change to the proposed amendment in response to comments received. Italics provides a short note explaining why the revision is proposed, and is not to be included in the actual text of the ordinance amendment. 16.16.010 G FILING Every person submitting a tentative parcel map who desires consideration of deferral and waiver of any improvements in accordance with Section 16.32.080 shall submit a written request which details what deferrals and waivers are requested for consideration with justification for each requested deferral and waiver. (Note: Clarifies that a request for waiver of improvements related to a tentative parcel map must be make in writing) 16.16.030 F INFORMATION SHOWN. The tentative map shall show the following information. F. Sufficient description to define the location and boundaries of the proposed subdivision a~ including ~ the subdivision's relationship to existing, adjacent subdivisions, ~ the subdivision's surroundings, and bearings and distances indicating the map boundaries. Submittal of electronic data may satisfy the requirement for bearings and distances, Submittal of electronic data may satisfy the requirement for providing bearings and distances and such data shall be used for informational purposes only, (Clarifies that a request for waiver of improvements related to a tentative parcel map must be made in writing. This information will be used to provide more accurate growth projections, provide cumulative impact analysis now accomplished through labor intension hand calculations, and provide development statistics after requested by marketing firms and currently unavailable.) P:\T16~amend-May8.wpd May 8, 2000 Exhibit "1" Proposed Title 16 Amendments Page 2 16.16.060 PUBLIC HEARING. F. If multiple tentative maps covering the same parcel of property are filed at the time, '"- ,,,,~ followlnfi o ..... c, pply: same -1. t :l:he action of the advisory agency shall relate only to one such map. ,-r-i-f .." ,,"'_ _.__A t~ntat[v~ t,.,..t map t.. ,.,,.,,,..,.~ o..,~ .,, financ[n.3 t~,,t..t,.~ map appr~¥~s ....... -. .... . ......... ~. ....... ~....~.~..~ .... ~...., ...... G~l~' ~IIG LIIIIG. I IIG LGIILCiJ. IV~;; IllCa,~ ~/I ~,~JVOGM %i Ig~.~,IIL~iLG iJil~;~Olll~.j i,Ji 1%/1 For purposes of this subsection, a lot line adjustment or parcel map waiver does not constitute a different tentative map. (Note: Staff has considered CELSOC comments and withdraws the amendment. No change is proposed to the current standards.) 16.16.080 EXPIRATION OF MAP APPROVAL - EXTENSION. A. An approved or conditionally approved tentative map shall expire 24 months after its approval or conditional approval; provided, however, that any tentative map approved or conditionally approved by Kern County for an area which is subsequently annexed into the City prior to recordation of a final map shall expire in accordance with the ordinance requirements of Kern County and the Subdivision Map Act. P:\T16~amend-May8.wpd May 8, 2000 Exhibit "1" Proposed Title 16 Amendments Page 3 B. An extension or extensions of tentative-t-r-eet map approval or conditional approval shall not exceed an aggregate of-'3- five (5) years. A~,~,,,~,~"'~-~,o,,.,, ......., ,.,, ~,,,~,'^-~"~"",o,,.,, ,o of ,:,~, ~ ..... 5 yes, rs. However, if an extension of time application is appealed in accordance with Section 16.52, an approved, or conditionally approved tentative map shall not expire prior to a decision by the City Council in accordance with Section 16.52. (Note: Reflects a change in the Subdivision Map Act approved by the State legislature, making the number of years a tentative tract map may be extended consistent with extension on a tentative parcel map. CELSOC did not object to this amendment.) C. The subdivider may request an extension of the tentative map approval or conditional approval by written application to the advisory agency. Such application shall be filed before the approval or conditional approval is due to expire, but shall not be filed any sooner than 60 days prior to expiration date of the tentative map. The application shall state the reasons for requesting the extension. Consent of the subdivider to new or revised conditions required by the advisory agency shall be a prerequisite to approval of any extension. D. Failure to file a final tract map or a final parcel map with the City Engineer within 24 months from the approval or conditional approval of the tentative map or within the specified time period on any extension thereof, shall terminate all proceedings. Before such final tract or final parcel map may thereafter be filed with the County Recorder a new tentative map shall be submitted. E. If the subdivider whose tract has been approved by the advisory agency for multiple, or phased, final maps is subject to a requirement of $125,000 or more, as adjusted pursuant to Section 66452.6(a)(2), to construct or improve or finance the construction or improvement of public improvements outside the boundaries of the tentative map, each filing of a final map authorized by Section 66456.1 of the Map Act shall extend the expiration of the approved or conditionally approved tentative map by 36 months from the date of its expiration as provided in this section, or the date of the previously approved final map, whichever is later. The extensions shall not extend the tentative map more than 10 years from its approval or conditional approval. Prior to the filing of the first final map, the subdivider shall make written notification to the City Engineer of eligibility for such extension of time. Such notification shall include documentation as determined by the City Engineer by which eligibility can be verified. P:\T 16~amend-May8.wpd May 8, 2000 Exhibit "1" Proposed Title 16 Amendments Page 4 "Public improvements," as used in this subsection, include Fees, traffic controls, streets, roads, highways, freeways, bridges, over-crossings, street interchanges, flood control or storm drain facilities, sewer facilities, water facilities, and lighting facilities. (Note: Identifies the section of the Map Act by which the amount may be adjusted. CELSOC did not object to this amendment) F. A tentative map on property subject to a development agreement may be extended for the period of time provided for in the agreement, but not beyond the duration of the agreement. G. After approval of the tentative map, if changes deemed substantial by the City Engineer and Planning Director are proposed, a filing of a Revised Tentative Map will be required. (Note: Provides a coflaborative determination between the City Engineer and Planning Director in determining a substantial change. CELSOC did not object to this amendment.) 1. The previously assigned tract number will be used with the word "Revised" added to the number. The procedure for filing a Revised Tentative Map is the same as for the Tentative Map. A Revised Tentative Map cannot be filed if the approval on the original map has expired. An approved revised tentative map supersedes the tentative map for which it was filed. 2. A Revised Tentative Map will be required to include all the land subdivided under the originally assigned tract number, as approved by the advisory agency, except a phase or phases of the original tentative map which have recorded in accordance with this Chapter shall be excluded from the revised tentative map. (Note: Staff has considered CELSOC comments to expand the criteria to exclude property from the Revised Map as a result of a change to ownership. Staff believes it is important that the decision makers are able to consider the proposed changed to the original map in the context of the original project and not in a piecemeal fashion. No change is proposed to staff's amendment because this amendment is only intended to codify current policy related to recordation of phases, not change in ownership.) P:\T16~amend-May8.wpd May 8. 2000 Exhibit "1" Proposed Title 16 Amendments Page 5 16.20.110 STATEMENT OF PLANNING DIRECTOR. A statement by the Planning Director is required on the final tract map. He shall state that: A. The Planning Commission, or City Council upon appeal, approved or conditionally approved the tentative map and any applicable extensions thereof and the date such action was taken. B. The subdivision, as shoWn on the final map, is substantially the same as it appeared on the tentative map and in accordance with any conditions approved by the commission, or City Council upon appeal. (Note: Specifically allows the Planning Director to sign a final tract map based on a decision of the City Council on an appeal of a tentative tract map. Recognizes the appeal process. CELSOC did not object to this amendment.) 16.24.090 VESTING ON APPROVAL OF VESTING TENTATIVE MAP. C. The rights referred to herein shall expire if a final map is not approved prior to the expiration of the vesting tentative map as provided in Section 16.24.080. If the final map is approved, these rights shall last for the following periods of time: 1. An initial time period of 12 months. Where several final maps are recorded on various phases of a project covered by a single vesting tentative map, this initial time period shall begin for each phase when the final map for that phase is recorded. 2. The initial time period set forth in subsection C., 1., of this section shall be automatically extended by any time used for processing a complete application for a grading permit or for design or architectural review, if such processing exceeds 30 days, from the date a complete application is filed. 3. A subdivider may apply for a I year extension of time before the initial time period set forth in subsection C., 1., of this section expires. The application shall be submitted in the form of a written request with justification for the extension and all applicable fees shall be paid to the Planning Director and shall be considered by the Planning Commission in an unadvertised public hearing. If the extension is denied by the Commission, the subdivider may appeal that denial to City Council within 15 days. P:~ T16\arnend-May8. wpd May 8, 2000 Exhibit "1" Proposed Title 16 Amendments Page 6 4. If the subdivider submits a complete application for a building permit during the periods of time specified in subdivisions 'i-3 of this subsection, the rights referred to herein shall continue until the expiration of that permit, or any extension of that permit. The time limits set forth herein shall specifically apply only to those building permit applications submitted during the periods of time specified in subdivisions 1-3 of this subsection. The expiration and extension of such building permits shall be governed by the specific provisions of Chapter 15.12 of this Code (Uniform Building Code) pertaining to permit issuance. (Note: Clarifies that the vesting rights applies to each building permit which has been issued prior to the expiration and extension of the vesting rights, and that the vesting rights remain on each building permit as long as the building permit remains active and in good standing. Vesting rights do not apply to those building permits which were not issued prior to expiration and extension of the vesting rights. CELSOC did not Object to this amendment. ) 16.28.170 LOTS. B. Lot Frontage. All residential lots shall have a minimum street frontage of 55.~feet except as follows: % 1. The minimum street frontage for interior one family dwelling lots in an R-2 zone shall be 45 feet. 2. The minimum lot frontage for corner lots shall be 60 feet except for one family dwelling lots in an R-2 zone where it is 50 feet. For purposes of measuring frontage on a corner lot with a radius return, the distance shall be measured from the point of intersection of the extensions of the street side property line and the front property line. 3. Cul-de-sac or Elbow lot: 35 lineal feet as measured along the arc. 4. Flag lot: 20 feet. L t ,~. I --. II & & & I~ II L ..... Lot VVidth. The lot width is the length of a fine bebveen side property lines that is the perpendicular bisect of the lot depth. The minimum width for residential lots shall be 55 feet on interior lots and 60 feet on corner lots, except as follows: P:t T16~amend-May8. wpd May 8, 2000 i Exhibit "1" Proposed Title 16 Amendments Page 7 1. The minimum width for a lot with a side yard abutting agricultural or residential suburban zoned property shall be 100 feet. 2. The minimum width for a lot with a side yard abutting a freeway or railroad right-of-way shall be 85 feet on interior lots and 90 feet on corner lots. 3. The minimum width for a one family dwelling lot in the R-2 zone shall be 45 feet on interior lots and 50 feet on corner lots except as required in subsection D., 1. and 2. .'n.~n~ .~.u.~. l,.t~ width ,~f~ 100 fe~t~. H. Double Frontage Lots. Double frontage lots having a depth less than two hundred feet will not be approved except where, as determined by the advisory agency, conditions permit no other reasonable form of platting, or where the proposed double frontage lots abut e-meier an arterial or collector street and the advisory agency deems it to be reasonable due to such controlling factors as traffic, ty __ ,_, ,A. ,~. ........... · safe , appearance and setback. ,".'.',-ther, ........ , ,,,,~ ~,,,, ~ ...... r,~r, a '---: '" '~ .... ' ..... ' -'--" f, ,.,, mt '-- ...... -- --~,,- -',,~,--:-,,,' o,,-'---',,~,, except '",, h,, ,~--- the - -: .... '- th,~ -" :- --~-' .... -' .... "--- Each such lot shall have a six foot high masonry wall (the height shall be measured from whichever side of the wall the adjacent finished grade is higher) with landscaping (on the exterior side) installed by the subdivider adjacent to the rear property line or, where the wall and landscaping are to be maintained by a homeowner's association or maintenance district installed within the street right-of-way and additional landscape easement or adjacent common lot. Alternate wall and landscape concepts may be approved in areas where, in the opinion of the advisory agency, topographic or other physical conditions make strict adherence to this criteria undesirable. Conceptual wall and landscaping plans shall be reviewed and approved by the advisory agency prior to filing of any final tract or final parcel map. (Note: Staff has considered CELSOC comments and withdraws the amendment to add the requirement for residential lots fronting arterials and collector streets to have minimum 100 foot lot frontage and width. No change is proposed to the current lot standards.) 16.28.190 APPROVED ACCESS REQUIRED. A. Legal access to each lot or parcel of a subdivision shall be provided by: P:t T16tamend-May8. wpd May 8, 2000 Exhibit "1" Proposed Title 16 Amendments Page 8 1. Having frontage upon a public street (other than an alley'), with the ability to access it (per Section 17.04.370); or 2. Having frontage upon a private easement (or private road) determined by the Planning Commission to be adequate for purposes of access (per Section 17.04.370); or 3.Dedication, or an offer of dedication, to the city for street purposes from a public road to each parcel; or 4. Recordation of a covenant of easement in accordance with Section 65870 of the Government Code. Such covenant may be released by direction of the Planning Commission, following a public hearing thereon, after the applicant seeking release has paid the fee therefor set by City Council resolution. d~v~Ic, p,m,~nt$ ~f =cc~ss d,,;o nc, t disrupt t, st:'.ndc, rds ---' :- ,----~-- --..-., ---: .... fy; ...... : .... -' '~: ......... ' '---- "- ssf~ ,~,,d ................ ,. ..........· ........ o,,,d .... - (Note: Staff has considered CELSOC comments and withdraws the amendment to add this requirement prohibiting residential lots fronting arterial and collector streets because existing General Plan policies address this issue and local police power may address specific circumstances related to the public health, welfare and safety. No change is proposed to the current standards.) 16.32.080 IMPROVEMENTS - IN SUBDIVISIONS FOR WHICH PARCEL MAP IS REQUIRED. E. The provisions of subsections C. and D. of Section~ 16.32.060 shall apply to subdivisions for which a final parcel map is required. (Note: Corrects a typographical error. No CELSOC objection.) P:~ T16~arnend-May8. wpd May 8, 2000 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a hearing accepting testimony will be held before the Planning Commission of the City of Bakersfield. The hearing will begin at 12:15 p.m., or as soon thereafter, as the matter may be heard on TUESDAY, MAY 30, 2000, in the Council Chambers in City Hall. The Tuesday portion will be for presentation of staff testimony only. No action to approve or deny this project will be taken on Monday. The hearing will be continued to take testimony from others at 5:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard on THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 2000, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, 93301, to consider the following request: 1. The project to be considered: Amendment to Title 16, Subdivisions, of the Bakersfield Municipal Code to update the subdivision ordinan'ce to reflect changes in the Subdivision Map Act and local implementation. 2. Project location: City-wide 3. The name and address of the project applicant: City of Bakersfield Planning Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield CA 93301 NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Department of the City of Bakersfield has determined that the proposed project is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to Section 15061 (b)(3), General Rule.~ Staff has found that the proposal will not have a significant effect on the environment. The :~ Notice of Exemption may be inspected at the Planning Department (contact Jennie Eng) in the Development Services building at 1715 Chester Avenue, or by telephoning the department at (661) 326-3733. PUBLIC COMMENT regarding the proposed project will be accepted, in writing, on or before the hearing date indicated above at the Planning Department. If you challenge the action taken on this proposal in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues raised at the public hearing, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Bakersfield prior to the close of the hearing. DATED: May 18, 2000 POSTED: May 18, 2000 jje P:\T16\NPH.wpd Eng/Surveyors ,,/,,~. ALTA ENGINEERING BRUCE L. NYBO INC. ~L~T~'~'C~--~'~u~ ~/~'/0~) HUGHES SURVEYING CIVIL ENGINEERING & LAND labels\engsur-nl ~ 218 SOUTH H ST SURVEYING BAKERSFIELD CA 93304 4200 EASTON DRIVE BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING DEWALT CORPORATION JOHN CAROLLO ENGINEERS 2505 "M" STREET 1930 - 22ND STREET 4200 TRUXTUN AVENUE SUITE 20~ BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 PASQUINI ENGINEERING PORTER-ROBERTSON 1117-A W. COLUMBUS STREET ENGINEERING BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 1200 - 21ST STREET BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 DELMARTER & DEIFEL JERRY HENDRICKS 2901 "H" STREET 2003 20TH ST BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 TELSTAR ENGINEERING INC. RONALD F. RUETTGERS 5301 OFFICE PARK DRIVE SUITE 125 CIVIL ENGINEER BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 1801 21ST STREET SUITE 4 BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 FAS ENGINEERING & SURVEYING FRENCH & ASSOCIATES 2003 20TH STREET 2716 L STREET BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 SMITHTECH/USA INC 1424 17TH STREET BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 BRIAN TODD CELSOC KERN CO CHAPTER WILSON & ASSOCIATES BIA P O BOX 176 1400 EASTON BUILDING E #132 1326 H ST #15 BAKERSFIELD CA 93302 BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 LUSICH & CO MICHELLE LAMOINE MCINTOSH & ASSOCIATES 651H STREET #200 MCINTOSH & ASSOCIATES 2001WHEELAN CT BAKERSFIELD CA 93304 2001 WHEELAN CT BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Council Chamber, City Hall Tuesday, May 30, 2000 - 12:15 p.m. Thursday, June 1, 2000 - 5:30 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL MICHAEL DHANENS, Chairman STEPHEN BOYLE, Vice-Chairman MA THEW BRAD Y MARTI MUNIS-KEMPER TOM MCGINNIS RON SPRAGUE JEFFREY TKAC NOTE: Agendas may be amended up to 72 hours prior to the Planning Commission meeting. A final agenda may be obtained from the Planning Department 72 hours prior to the meeting. 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS ANY PERSON WHOSE NAME APPEARS ON THE AGENDA OR WISHES TO SPEAK REGARDING A PUBLIC HEARING NEED NOT FILL OUT A SPEAKER'S CARD. ALL OTHERS WISHING TO SPEAK BEFORE THE COMMISSION MAY FILL OUT A SPEAKER'S. CARD AND PRESENT IT TO THE SECRETARY PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE MEETING. NOTICE OF RIGHT TO APPEAL Planning Commission decisions on Zone Changes, Parcel Maps and Tentative Subdivision maps are subject to appeal by any person aggrieved. No permit shall be issued for any use involved in an application until after the final acceptance date of appeal. Such appeal must be filed in writing within 10 days from date of hearing, addressed to the City Council, c/o Office of the City Clerk, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301. A $334 non-refundable filing fee must be included with filing of the initial appeal for those appeals filed by the applicant or any person outside the notice area. All appeals filed on land divisions will require a $334 non-refundable filing fee. If all appeals are withdrawn prior to the City Council hearing, it will not be conducted and the decision of the Planning Commission will stand. If no appeal is received within the specified time period or if all appeals filed are withdrawn, the action of the Planning Commission shall become final. Agenda, PC, Monday - May 30, 2000 and Thursday - June 1, 2000 Page 2 3. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS - (marked by asterisk (*) These items will be acted on as a group without individual staff presentations if no member of the Planning Commission or audience wishes to comment or ask questions on a case. The items are recommended for approval by staff. The applicant has been informed of any special conditions and has signed an agreement to conditions of approval and requested to be placed on the consent agenda. If anyone wishes to discuss or testify on any of the consent items the item(s) will be taken off consent and will be considered in the order on the agenda. If not, the public hearing will be opened and the items acted on as a group. 3.1) Agenda Item 4) - Minutes of May I and May 4, 2000, Planning Commission meetings. 3.2) Agenda Item 9 - Consistency Finding for the vacation of 20-foot wide sewer lift station access easement. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of minutes of the regular meetings held May 1 and May 4, 2000. 5. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM BUDGET FY 2000-2005 DETERMINATION BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF CONSISTENCY WITH THE GENERAL AND SPECIFIC PLANS. (City of Bakersfield - Public Works Department) (City-wide) RECOMMENDATION: Find consistent with General and Specific Plans GROUP VOTE: 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS - VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAPS 6.1) Vestina Tentative Tract Map 5989 (Porter-Robertson) Containing 24 lots on 4.7 net acres for single family residential purposes, zoned R-1 (One Family Dwelling). Located on the south side of Cesar Chavez School, at the northeast corner of Chase Avenue and Mesa Marin Drive. (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward 3) RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE Group Vote. 6.2) Vesting Tentative Tract Map $991 (Porter-Robertson) Containing 86 lots on 46.82 acres for single family residential purposes, zoned R-1 (One Family Dwelling) and a modification to exceed the maximum block length. Located 1/4 mile south of Olive Drive on the north side of Hageman Road (extended) approximately 2/3 of a mile west of Highway 99. (Negative Declaration on file) Agenda, PC, Monday - May 30, 2000 and Thursday - June 1, 2000 Page 3 (Ward4) RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE Group Vote. 6.3) Vesting Tentative Tract Map 5996 (Mclntosh and Associates) Containing six lots on 1.82 acres for multiple family residential purposes (six, 4-unit apartments (total of 24 units)), zoned C-O (Professional and Administrative Office; a request to. reduce the lot frontage, and approval of access. Located on the southeast corner of Ardmore Avenue and Wheelan Court. (Negative Declaration on file) (WardS) RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE Group Vote. 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS - ZONE CHANGES 7.1) Zone Change P00-0285 (Timeless Architecture) Change in land use zoning from an R-2 (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling) zone to an R-1 CH (One Family Dwelling-Church) zone on approximately one acre to allow development of church related uses to an existing church located on property adjacent to the south. Located at the southwest corner of El Rio Drive and Quailwood Drive, north of Stockdale Highway. (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward 5) RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE Roll call vote. 7.2) Revised PCD Zone Chanae P99-0911 (Cornerstone Engineering) Change in land use zoning from a PCD (Planned Commercial Development) zone to a Revised PCD (Planned Commercial Development) zone on 10.1 acres for the Bakersfield Heart Hospital to allow a helicopter landing pad (helistop); revised footprint of the two- story, 40,000 square foot hospital wing; and a three-story, 38,416 square foot medical office building. Located at 3001 $illect Avenue (south side of Sillect Avenue, east of Buck Owens Blvd.). (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward 5) RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE Roll call vote. Agenda, PC, Monday - May 30, 2000 and Thursday. June 1, 2000 Page 4 8. PUBLIC HEARING - AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE Amendment to the text of Title t6 (Subdivisions Ordinance) of the Bakersfield Municipal Code (City of Bakersfield) Update the subdivision ordinance to reflect changes in the Subdivision Map Act and formalization of local implementation policy. (Exempt from CEQA) (All Wards) RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE Roll Call Vote. 9. GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY FINDING The vacation of the 20-foot wide sewer lift station access easement and portion of the city lift station parcel at the northeast corner of Ming Avenue and Grand Lakes Avenue. (Exempt from CEQA) (Ward4) RECOMMENDATION: MAKE FINDING Group Vote. 10. COMMUNICATIONS A)' Written B) Verbal 11. COMMISSION COMMENTS A) Committees 12, DISCUSSION AND ACTION REGARDING POSSIBLE CANCELLATION OF THE NEXT PRE-MEETING. '13. ADJOURNMENT May 17, 2000 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission AGENDA ITEM: ~ FROM: Stanley C. Grady, Planning Director APPROVED ~ DATE: June 1, 2000 SUBJECT: AMENDMENTS TO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE (TITLE 16 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE ) Proposed amendments to various section of the local Subdivision Ordinance to reflect changes in the Subdivision Map Act and local implementation. APPLICANT: City of Bakersfield LOCATION: City-wide RECOMMENDATION: Motion to ADOPT resolution approving amendments with findings set forth in the attached res(~iution and recommend same to the City Council (Exhibit "A"). Roll Call Vote PROJECT ANALYSIS: Title 16 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is known as the Subdivision Ordinance. The Subdivision Ordinance provides local implementation of the State's Subdivision Map Act (Map Act), and local regulation of the design and imi~rovement of land division. From time to time, the State of California adopts legislation amending the Map Act. SUbsequently, the City must update the local Subdivision Ordinance to reflect recent changes in the Map Act. Staff also proposes other changes needed to address processing and implementation as well as clarify certain sections of the ordinance. In early March, 2000, staff sent a copy of the proposed amendments to the Building Industry Association (BIA), local engineers, land surveyors, and individuals known to have an interest in the Subdivision Ordinance. The local chapter of CELSOC (Consulting Engineers and Land Surveyors of Prepared by jeng ~ May 12, 2000 ~ S:LIENG~T16~pc-sr. wpd Page 1 Subdivision Ord. Amendments California) submitted several substantive comments. Staff revised or withdrew some of the original proposed text amendments in response to CELSOC's comments. In summary, staff included wording suggested by CELSOC regarding submission of electronic data; withdrew proposed amendments related to filing multiple tentative maps on the same piece of property; and a change to require a 100 foot minimum lot width and frontage for residential lots fronting on major streets. The only other comment submitted was from the BIA. The BIA has stated they "will monitor and actively participate in the process before taking a formal position on any specific changes." BIA desires to communicate any BIA position(s) after Planning Commission review of the proposed ordinance. Exhibit "1" of the attached resolution shows each proposed amendment. Strike-out text indicates text to be deleted. New text is shown in bold. Immediately following each proposed amendment staff has provided in italics an explanation for the amendment. Table "A" below summarizes some of the proposed amendments including a brief comment. TABLE A: SUMMARY OF AMENDMENTS SECTION PROPOSED AMENDMENT COMMENT NO. 16.16.030 Requires bearings and distances be Needed to facilitate City's computer shown on tentative map. mapping system. 16.16.080 B Increases the number of years a Reflects recent change in the Subdivision tentative tract map may be extended Map Act for tentative tract maps to match from 3 to 5 years, the number of years a tentative parcel map may be extended. 16.16.080 E Includes a reference to applicable ' Needed for cross reference purposes. section of the Subdivision Map Act. 16.16.080 G Adds Planning Director as responsible Provides collaborative determination staff in determining a "substantial between the City Engineer and Planning change" which may require application Director. Planning Director is required to for a Revised Tentative Map. sign final map indicating it is substantially the same as the approved tentative map (§ 16.20.110). 16.16.080 G.2 A revised tentative map must include all Codifies existing policy. Requires land subdivided under the original consideration of the development project approved tentative map, except for as originally submitted instead of phase(s) which have recorded, piecemeal changes. Table continued on next page. Prepared by jeng ~ May 12, 2000 ~ S:~JENG~T16~pc-sr. wpd Page 2 Subdivision Ord. " " Amendments ,~ TABLE A: SUMMARY OF AMENDMENTS cont. SECTION PROPOSED AMENDMENT COMMENT NO. .16.20.110 Acknowledges that a tentative map may Clarifies that the Planning Director may be approved by the City Council upon sign a final map resulting from a City appeal. Council decision of a map which was appealed. 16.24.090 C.4 Adds text explaining time limits of vesting Clarifies that vesting rights applies to rights related to building permits issued, each building permit which has been issued prior to the expiration and extension of the vesting rights, and the vesting rights remain on each building permit as long as the building permit remains in good standing. Vesting rights do not apply to those building permits which were not issued prior to expiration and extension of the vesting rights. 16.32.080 E Correct citation of Section 16.32.060. Corrects typographical error. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW AND DETERMINATION: Staff determined the proposed amendments are exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to Section 15061 (b)(3), General Rule. Staff has found that the proposal will not have a significant effect on the environment. Notice of public hearing before the Planning Commission of the City of Bakersfield for the project with the associated determination of exemption from CEQA was advertised in the newspaper and posted on the bulletin board of the Bakersfield City Planning Department at least 10 days prior to the hearing. Notices were also sent to local engineers, land surveyors and building industry groups. Exhibits: (Attached) A. Resolution with Exhibit: 1. Proposed amendments to Title 16, Subdivisions. B. Notice of Exemption Prepared by jeng I May 12, 2000 ~ S:lJENG~T16~pc-sr. wpd Page 3 EXHIBIT "A" DRAFT RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING AMENDMENT OF TITLE SIXTEEN OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATED TO SUBDIVISIONS. WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield, filed an application requesting amendment to Title 16 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code related to subdivisions as shown on the attached Exhibit "1"; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, through its Secretary, did set, TUESDAY, MAY 30, 2000, and, THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 2000 at the hour of 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, as the time and place for a public hearing before said Planning Commission on said application and notice of the public hearing was given in the manner provided in Title Seventeen of the Bakersfield Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the law and regulations relating to the preparation and adoption of Negative Declarations as set forth in CEQA and City of Bakersfield's CEQA Implementation Procedures, have been duly followed by city staff and the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the proposed project is exempt from CEQA pursuant to Guidelines section 15061 (b)(3), general rule; and WHEREAS, the facts presented 'in the staff report and evidence at the above referenced public hearings support the findings contained in this resolution; and WHEREAS, persons spoke at the June 1, 2000 hearing before the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the local chapter of CELSOC (Consulting Engineers and Land Surveyors of California) submitted several substantive comments, which have been fully considered by the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing held June 1, 2000, the proposed amendments to said Title 16, was duly heard and considered and the Planning Commission found as follows: 1. All required public notices have been given. 2. The proposed project is exempt from CEQA pursuant to Guidelines Section 15061 (b)(3), general rule. 3. The proposed ordinance amendments are consistent with the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan. 4. 'The amendments are necessary for orderly development of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD as follows: 1. That the above recitals, incorporated herein, are true and correct. 2. That the proposed amendments to Title 16 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code, as shown on attached Exhibit "1" are recommended for approval to the City Council. On a motion by Commissioner and seconded by Commissioner the Planning Commission approved the foregoing, and recommend same to the City Council by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners NOES: ABSENT: I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 1st day of June, 2000. DATED: June 1, 2000 PLANNING COMMISSION THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD JEFFREY TKAC, Chairman Planning Commission JENG S:~IENG\T16\Res-PC.wpd May 12, 2000 EXHIBIT "1" PROPOSED SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS May 12, 2000 Proposed revisions to Title 16 (Subdivision Ordinance) of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code are shown as follows: Bold indicates new text; strike out (str~;~c c, ut); indicates deletion of text; Italics provides a short note explaining why the revision is proposed, and is not to be included in the actual text of the ordinance amendment. 16.16.010 G FILING Every person submitting a tentative parcel map who desires consideration of deferral and waiver of any improvements in accordance with Section 16.32.080 shall submit a written request which details what deferrals and waivers are requested for consideration with justification for each requested deferral and waiver. (Note: Clarifies that a request for waiver of improvements related to a tentative parcel map must be make in writing) 16.16.030 F INFORMATION SHOWN. The tentative map shall show the following information. F. Sufficient description to define the location and boundaries of the proposed subdivision end including it's the subdivision's relationship to existing, adjacent subdivisions, ~ the subdivision's surroundings, and bearings and distances indicating the map boundaries. Submittal of electronic data may satisfy the requirement for bearings and distances. Submittal of electronic data may satisfy the requirement for providing bearings and distances and such data shall be used for informational purposes only. (Clarifies that a request for waiver of improvements related to a tentative parcel map must be made in writing. This information will be used to provide more accurate growth projections, provide cumulative impact analysis now accomplished through labor intension hand calculations, and Provide development statistics after requested by marketing firms and currently unavailable.) 16.16.080 EXPIRATION OF MAP APPROVAL - EXTENSION. A. An approved or conditionally approved tentative map shall expire 24 months after its approval or conditional approval; provided, however, that any tentative map approved or conditionally approved by Kern County for an area which is S:~JENG\T16\pc-ex1 .wpd May 12, 2000 Exhibit "1" Proposed Title 16 Amendments Page 2 subsequently annexed into the City prior to recordation of a final map shall expire in accordance with the ordinance requirements of Kern County and the Subdivision Map Act. B. An extension or extensions of tentative-traet map approval or conditional approval shall not exceed an aggregate of-3- five (5) years.,-,,," ........ ~^,~,,o,,,,,'~- or~^,~,,o,,.,,'^--,o of s~,~re§ate of ,5 years. However, if an extension of time application is appealed in accordance with Section 16.52, an approved or conditionally approved tentative map shall not expire prior to a decision by the City Council in accordance with Section 16.52. (Note: Reflects a change in the Subdivision Map Act approved by the State legislature, making the number of years a tentative tract map may be extended cons/stent with extension on a tentative parcel map. CELSOC did not object to this amendment.) C. The subdivider may request an extension of the tentative map approval or conditional approval by written application to the advisory agency. Such application shall be filed before the.approval or conditional approval is due to expire, but shall not be filed any sooner than 60 days prior to expiration date of the tentative map. The application shall state the reasons for requesting the extension. Consent of the subdivider to new or revised conditions required by the advisory agency shall be a prerequisite to approval of any extension. ::. D. Failure to file a final tract map or a final parcel map with the City Engineer within 24 months from the approval or conditional approval of the tentative map or within the specified time period on any extension thereof, shall terminate all proceedings. Before such final tract or final parcel map may thereafter be filed with the County Recorder a new tentative map shall be submitted. E. If the subdivider whose tract has been approved by the advisory agency for multiple, or phased, final maps is subject to a requirement of $125,000 or more, as adjusted pursuant to Section 66452.6(a)(2), to construct or improve or finance the construction or improvement of public improvements outside the boundaries of the tentative map, each filing of a final map authorized by Section 66456.1 of the Map Act shall extend the expiration of the approved or conditionally approved tentative map by 36 months from the date of its expiration as provided in this section, or the date of the previously approved final map, whichever is later. The extensions shall not extend the tentative map more than 10 years from its approval or conditional approval. S:~JENG\T16\pc-ex1.wpd May 12, 2000 Exhibit "1" Proposed Title 16 Amendments Page 3 Prior to the filing of the first final map, the subdivider shall make written notification to the City Engineer of eligibility for such extension of time. Such notification shall include documentation as determined by the City Engineer by which eligibility can be verified. "Public improvements," as used in this subsection, include fees, traffic controls, streets, roads, highways, freeways, bridges, over-crossings, street interchanges, flood control or storm drain facilities, sewer facilities, water facilities, and lighting facilities. (Note: Identifies the section of the Map Act by which the amount may be adjusted. CELSOC did not object lo this amendment) F. A tentative map on property subject to a development agreement may be extended for the period of time provided for in the agreement, but not beyond the duration of the agreement. G. After approval of the tentative map, .if changes deemed substantial by the City Engineer and Planning Director are proposed, a filing of a Revised Tentative Map will be required. (Note: Provides a collaborative determination between the City Engineer and Planning Director in determining a substantial change. CELSOC did not object to this amendment.) 1. The previously assigned tract number will be used with the word "Revised" added to the number. The procedure for filing a Revised Tentative Map is the same as for the Tentative Map. A Revised Tentative Map cannot be filed if the approval on the original map has expired. An approved revised.tentative map supersedes the tentative map for which it was filed. 2. A Revised Tentative Map will be required to include all the land subdivided under the originally assigned tract number, as approved by the advisory agency, except a phase or phases of the original tentative map which have recorded in accordance with this Chapter shall be excluded from the revised tentative map. S:~JENG\T16\pc-ex1.wpd May 12, 2000 Exhibit "1" Proposed Title 16 Amendments Page 4 (Note: Staff has considered CELSOC comments to expand the cdteda to exclude property from the Revised Map as a result cfa change to ownership. Staff believes it is important that the decision makers are able to consider the proposed changed to the original map in the context of the original project and not in a piecemeal fashion. No change is proposed to staff's amendment because this amendment is only intended to codify current policy related to recordation of phases, not change in ownership.) 16.20.110 STATEMENT OF PLANNING DIRECTOR. A statement by the Planning Director is required on the final tract map. He shall state that: A. The Planning Commission, or City Council upon appeal, approved or conditionally approved the tentative map and any applicable extensions thereof and the date such action was taken. B. The subdivision, as shown on the final map, is substantially the same as it appeared on the tentative map and in accordance with any conditions approved by the commission, or City Council upon appeal. (Note: Specifically allows the Planning Director to sign a final tract map based on a decision of the City Council on an appeal of a tentative tract map. Recognizes the apPeal process. CELSOC did not object to this amendment.) 16.24.090 VESTING ON APPROVAL OF VESTING TENTATIVE MAP. C. The rights referred to herein shall expire if a final map is not approved prior to the expiration of the vesting tentative map as provided in Section 16.24.080. If the final map is approved, these rights shall last for the following periods of time: 1. An initial time period of 12 months. Where several final maps are recorded on various phases of a project covered by a single vesting tentative map, this initial time period shall begin for each phase when the final map for that phase is recorded. 2. The initial time period set forth in subsection C., 1., of this section shall be automatically extended by any time used for processing a complete application for a grading permit or for design or architectural review, if such processing exceeds 30 days, from the date a complete application is filed. S:~JENG\T16\pc-ex1.wpd May 12, 2000 Exhibit "1" Proposed Title 16 Amendments Page 5 3. A subdivider may apply for a 1 year extension of time before the initial time period set forth in subsection (3., 1., of this section expires. The application shall be submitted in the form of a written request with justification for the extension and all applicable fees shall be paid to the Planning Director and shall be considered by the Planning Commission in an unadvertised public hearing. If the extension is denied by the Commission, the subdivider may appeal that denial to City Council within 15 days. 4. If the subdivider submits a complete application for a building permit during the periods of time specified in subdivisions 1-3 of this subsection, the rights referred to herein shall continue until the expiration of that permit, or any extension of that permit. The time limits set forth herein shall specifically apply only to those building permit applications submitted during the periods of time specified in subdivisions 1-3 of this subsection. The expiration and extension of such building permits shall be governed by the specific provisions of Chapter 15.12 of this Code (Uniform Building Code) pertaining to permit issuance. (Note: Clarifies that the vesting rights applies to each building permit which has been issued prior to the expiration and extension of the vesting rights, and that the vesting rights remain on each building permit as long as the building permit remains active and in good standing. Vesting rights do not apply to those building permits which were not issued prior to expiration and extension of the vesting rights. CELSOC did not object to this amendment.) 16.28.170 LOTS. H. Double Frontage Lots. Double frontage lots having a depth less than two hundred feet will not be approved except where, as determined by the advisory agency, conditions permit no other reasonable form of platting, or where the proposed double frontage lots abut a-major an arterial or collector street and the advisory agency deems it to be reasonable due to such controlling factors as traffic, safety, appearance and setback. Each such lot shall have a six foot high masonry wall (the height shall be measured from whichever side of the wall the adjacent finished grade is higher) with landscaping (on the exterior side) installed by the subdivider adjacent to the rear property line or, where the wall and landscaping are to be maintained by a homeowner's association or maintenance district installed within the street right-of-way and additional landscape easement or adjacent common lot. Alternate wall and landscape concepts may be approved in areas where, in the opinion of the advisory agency, topographic or other physical conditions make strict adherence to this criteria undesirable. Conceptual S:~JENG\T16~pc-ex1 .wpd May 12, 2000 Exhibit "1" Proposed Title 16 Amendments Page 6 ~ wall and landscaping plans shall be reviewed and approved by the advisory agency prior to filing of any final tract or final parcel map. (Note: The amendment is correctly reference the types of streets as "arterial and collector" streets, as defined in the general plan, rather than "major" street. No change is proposed to the current lot standards.) 16.32.080 IMPROVEMENTS - IN SUBDIVISIONS FOR WHICH PARCEL MAP IS REQUIRED. E. The provisions of subsections C. and D. of Section~ 16.32.060 shall apply to subdivisions for which a final parcel map is required. (Note: Corrects a typographical error. No CELSOC objection.) S:~JENG\T16\pc-ex1.wpd May 12, 2000 '" N"OTIC~ OF EXEMPTION EXHIBIT TO: _ Office of Planning and Research FROM: City of Bakersfield 1400 Tenth Street, Room 121 Planning Department Sacramento, CA 95814 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 __X County Clerk County of Kern · 1115 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Project Title: Amendments to Subdivision Ordinance {Title 16 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code ) Project Location-Specific: City-wide Project Location-City: Bakersfield Project Location-County: Kern Description of Project: Proposed amendments to various section of the local Subdivision Ordinance to reflect chan,qes in the Subdivision Map Act and local implementation. Name of Public Agency Approving Project: City of Bakersfield Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: City of Bakersfield Exempt Status: __ Ministerial (Sec.21080(b)(1); 15268)); m Declared Emergency (Sec.21080(b)(3); 15269(a)); m Emergency Project (Sec. 21080(b)(4); 15269(b)(c)); __ Categorical Exemption. State type and section number. Statutory Exemptions. State section number. ~ Project is exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15061 (b)(3), .General Rule. Reasons why project is exempt: Proiect would not have a si.qn ficant impact on the environment. Lead Agency: Contact Person: Jennie En.q, Associate Planner Phone:(661) 326-3733 If filed by applicant: 1. Attach certified document of exemption finding. 2. Has a notice of exemption been filed by the public agency approving the project? Yes_ No_ Signature: /" .~~' l//)/~,/~J ~i'//~U'~'~ .... Date:May 11, 2000 ~x ency Date received for filing at OPR: _ Signed by Applicant P:\T16\noe.wpd Minutes, PC, Thursday, June 1, 2000 Parle 9 Public portion of the meeting was opened. Dennis Fox said that one thing he would like to see in the staff report under a health and safety issue is that the distance from helipads to any structures and/or power lines should be looked at. Motion was made by Commissioner Sprague, seconded by Commissioner Kemper to continue this item until the June 15, 2000, Planning Commission meeting. Motion carried. 8. PUBLIC HEARING - AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE Amendment to the text of Title 16 (Subdivisions Ordinance) of the Bakersfield Municipal Code (City of Bakersfield) CA# Wa~=) Staff report given recommending adopting the ordinance and approving amendments attached to resolution. Public portion of the meeting was opened. Roger Mclntosh spoke addressing Section 16.16.030 F specifically as it pertains to electronic data. Mr. Mclntosh said the wording in the proposed ordinance amendment is different than the odginal proposal that he saw a month ago. Mr. Mclntosh said, the reasoning behind submitting electronic data does not make sense to him. He said that in accordance with State law a set of plans, map or report, has to have a signature and a seal. Submitting an electronic document does not comply with State law, it does not give you an electronic signature which is not allowed in the State of California. Mr. Mclntosh said that he supports the requirement for showing bearings and distances. A clarification is not a problem. But to allow the submittal of electronic data to satisfy that requirement is not satisfying that requirement as not everyone has the ability to read the electronic data. Mr. Mclntosh said that he noticed in the clarification it says that "information will be used to provide more accurate growth projections, provide cumulative impact analysis, now accomplished through labor-intensive hand calculations and provide development statistics requested by marketing firms and currently unavailable." Mr. Mclntosh said that what disturbs him is that the electronic information is not always the final product. It is not their work product. It is only a means to get to that work product and the tentative map is not always the final map that gets recorded with the recorders office. Once the electronic data is in the city's hands, it becomes public information that is released to anyone. Mr. Mclntosh requested that the sentence "submittal of electronic data may satisfy the requirement for providing bearing and distances and such data shall be used for informational purposes only" be stricken. Public portion of the meeting was closed. Commissioner Boyle said that he was having a problem understanding the first sentence that says "submittal of electronic data may satisfy the requirement for bearings and distance" and the next sentence, the first clause that says "submittal of electronic data may satisfy the requirement for providing for bearings and distance." It seems redundant to him and wanted staff to explain the difference between the two. Mr. Hemandez said that he agrees with Commissioner Boyle analysis and said there is no intent for the two clauses to have different meanings. He said that unless Public .Works and/or Planning has a different purpose for the two sentences, he thinks the last sentence could be eliminated. Minutes, PC, Thursday, June 1, 2000 Page 10 Commissioner Boyle asked if Public Works had a comment. Mr. Grady said that they are checking the case file to see if there is a clerical error or if there is something missing in the language between our office and the City Attorney's office. They should have an answer in a few minutes. Roger Mclntosh said that he meant to say that the last two sentences should be deleted. They both are unnecessary and do not meet the requirements of State law. Mr. Grady said they could not find anything to clarify this. It appears the sentence was written twice with a different ending. He made a suggestion to continue this item to a later meeting. The Public Works Department is really concerned about this and unfortunately staff from the department in engineering and subdivision were unable to attend tonight's meeting. Ms. Shaw could clarify the difference. Commissioner Boyle said that until he understands what they are trying to do, he has a problem including either sentence. Commissioner Dhanens asked if the Planning Department would like electronic files or is it primarily a Public Works requirement? Mr. Grady said that both departments would use the information. It will be helpful with GIS and save staff time. Commissioner Dhanens asked how staff is going to track the maps through the system electronically so that whatever changes are made on the final map will be captured? Mr. Grady said that typically we would get both, a hard copy and an electronic file. We would take a disk and map and make sure they are the same. The hard copy of the map is still the legal document that is recorded. Mr. Hernandez said he had an answer to the problem now and there is an additional clause that is contained in Section I that is a typographical error. The sentence reads "submittal of electronic data may satisfy the requirement for bearings and distances." That should be stricken. The last sentence should remain. Commissioner Boyle asked if the electronic data is being submitted to satisfy the requirement, then why can it only be used for informational purposes? Why can't it be used for all purposes? Mr. Hernandez said that he believed the "informational purposes only" was to try to appease concerns that the data might be used for any other purpose other than for the city's GIS system. Commissioner Boyle asked if that is the case then why not just ask for both an electronic file and a map and still have the bearings and distances on the map itself? Mr. Hernandez said he wasn't sure what the Public Works Department has in mind. It might not meet their needs. Mr. Hernandez said that he thinks the item should be continued until Ms. Shaw can attend so that she may explain why they want the electronic data. Motion was made by Commissioner Sprague, seconded by Commissioner Kemper, to continue the item to the June 15, 2000 meeting and place it at the front of the agenda. 9. GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY FINDING The vacation of the 20-foot wide sewer lift station access easement and portion of the city lift station parcel at the northeast corner of Ming Avenue and Grand Lakes Avenue. (Exempt from CEQA) (Ward4) CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING PLANNING FAX # 661-327-0646 1715 Chester Avenue Phone # 661-326-3733 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date: June 8, 2000 TO: CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: STANLEY GRADY, PLANNING DIRECTOR Number of Pages (Including Cover Sheet) THREE RE: JULY 12 AND 15, 2000 MEETING AGENDA ITEM # 4 SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE AMENDMENT Staff has prepared the attached memo in response to concerns raised during the last Planning Commission hearing regarding the proposed amendment to the Subdivision .._:. Ordinance. This item has been continued to the Planning Commission meetings to be held June 12 and 15, 2000. If you have any questions, please contact Jim Movius at 326-3778. cc: Roger Mclntosh, Mclntosh & Associates John Wilson, President, Local Chapter CELSOC Brian Todd, BIA MEMORANDUM June $, 2000 TO: CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: ~ STANLEY GRADY, PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM # 4 SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE AMENDMENT At the June 1, 2000 Planning Commission meeting, a concern was raised regarding the proposed revision of Section 16.16.030 F, and the proprietary nature of the subdivision map prepared under the direction of a professional registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor and the availability of the electronic data to the public. Staff is recommending additional text to Section 16.16.020:Form as shown on the attached Exhibit "A" to state that the "hard copy" of the subdivision map with the physical seal and signature of the registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor that is submitted to the Planning Department is the official application. At the option of the applicant, he/she may provide the subdivision's bearings and distances in one of two ways: 1. Show the bearings and distances on the "paper" map; or 2. At the option of the applicant, provide the bearings and distances information electronically. The combination of the additional text to Section 16.16.020:Form and the proposed text for Section 16.16.030 F clarifies that bearings and distances are required and the applicant has an option to provide this information electronically. ' Bearings and distance information will be used to provide more accurate growth projections, provide cumulative impact analysis now accomplished through labor intension hand calculations, and provide development statistics often requested by marketing firms and currently unavailable. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Motion to ADOPT resolution approving amendments with findings set forth in the attached resolution, incorporating the revision as shown on the Planning Director's memo dated June 8, 2000, and recommend same to the City Council (Exhibit "A"). Roll Call Vote S:",JENG\T16\M-PC.wpd June 8, 2000 EXHIBIT "A" PLANNING DIRECTOR'S MEMO June 8, 2000 SECTION 16.16.020 FORM The tentative map shall be prepared by or under the direction of a registered civil engineer authorized to perform land surveying or a licensed land surveyor and shall be in the following form: A. The tentative map and all information thereon shall be clearly and legibly drawn,-afld written, printed or reproduced, and may be rejected by the Planning Director if not so done. The tentative map shall be submitted on sheets of paper or other acceptable mediums, such as vellum or mylar, and shall contain a legible stamp and signature of the registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor. SECTION 16.16.030 F INFORMATION SHOWN. The tentative map shall show the following information. F. Sufficient description to define the location and boundaries of the proposed · subdivision ef~d including itzs the subdivision's relationship to existing, adjacent subdivisions, ~ the subdivision's surroundings, and bearings and distan_~_es indicating the map boundaries. At the option of the applicant, electronic data may be submitted to provide the bearings and distances indicating the map boundaries. S:~IENG\T16\M-PC.wpd June 8, 2000 AGENDA REGULAR PRE-MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Council Chamber, City Hall Monday, June 12, 2000 12:15 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL MICHAEL DHANENS, Chairman STEPHEN BOYLE, Vice Chairman MA THEW BRAD Y ~ MARTI MUNIS-KEMPER TOM MCGINNIS RON SPRAGUE JEFFREY TKAC NOTE: Agendas may be amended up to 72 hours prior to the Planning Commission meeting. A final agenda may be obtained from the Planning Department 72 hours pdor to the meeting. Items listed on this agenda will be continued to 5:30 p.m. on the Thursday following the date listed on this agenda. 2. PUBLIC .STATEMENTS ANY PERSON WHOSE NAME APPEARS ON THE AGENDA OR WISHES TO SPEAK REGARDING A PUBLIC HEARING NEED NOT FILL OUT A SPEAKER'S CARD. ALL OTHERS WISHING TO SPEAK BEFORE THE COMMISSION MAY FILL OUT A SPEAKER'S CARD AND PRESENT IT TO THE SECRETARY PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE MEETING. NOTICE OF RIGHT TO APPEAL Planning Commission decisions on Zone Changes, Parcel Maps and Tentative Subdivision maps are subject to appeal by any person aggrieved. No permit shall be issued for any use involved in an application until after the final acceptance date of appeal. Such appeal must be filed in writing within 10 days from date of hearing, addressed to the City Council, c/o Office of the City Clerk, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301. A $334 non-refundable filing fee must be included with filing of the initial appeal for those appeals filed by the applicant or any person outside the notice area. All appeals filed on land divisions will require a $334 non-refundable filing fee. If all appeals are withdrawn prior to the City Council hearing, it will not be conducted and the decision of the Planning Commission will stand. Agenda, PC, Monday - June 12, 2000 Page 2 If no appeal is received within the specified time period or if all appeals filed are withdrawn, the action of the Planning Commission shall become final. 3. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS - (marked by asterisk (*) These items will be acted on as a group without individual staff presentations if no member of the Planning Commission or audience wishes to comment or ask questions on a case. The items are recommended for approval by staff. The applicant has been informed of any special conditions and has signed an agreement to conditions of approval and requested to be placed on the consent agenda. If anyone wishes to discuss or testify on any of the consent items the item(s) will be taken off consent and will be considered in the order on the agenda. If not, the public hearing will be opened and the items acted on as a group. 3.t) Agenda Item 6.t - Consistency Finding for acquisition of 23 acres 3.2) Agenda Item 6.2 .- Consistency Finding for acquisition of I/2 acre 4. PUBLIC HEARING - AMENDMENT TO oRDINANCE Amendment to the text of Title 16 (Subdivisions Ordinance) of the Bakersfield Municipal Code (City of Bakersfield) Update the subdivision ordinance to reflect changes in the Subdivision Map Act and formalization of local implementation policy. (Exempt from CEQA) (Continued from June 1, 2000) (All wa~s) RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE Roll Call Vote. 5. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT - Kyle Carter Resolution making findings and recommending that the City Council certify the Final EIR for General Plan Amendment/Zone Change P99-0482 which has been completed in compliance with CEQA, the State EIR Guidelines and the City of Bakersfield CEQA Implementation Procedures. (Ward4) RECOMMENDATION: Approve and Adopt resolution making findings and recommend certification of the Final EIR to the City Council. Roll call vote, Agenda, PC, Monday - June 12, 2000 Page 3 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS - GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS, ASSOCIATED REZONINGS, ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS, AND CIRCULATION ELEMENT AMENDMENTS: 6.1.a) General Plan Amendment/Circulation Element Amendment File No. P99- 0482 - North of the River Sanitation District and Kyle Carter has proposed to amend the Land Use designations from LI (Light Industrial), SI (Service Industrial) and HI (Heavy Industrial) to LR (Low Density Residential) on 64.58 acres, LMR (Low Medium Density Residential) on 91.84 acres and GC (General Commercial) on 14.48 acres. Aisc, to amend the Circulation Element by deleting Mohawk Street as an arterial north of Hageman Road to Olive Drive, change Hageman Road from a collector to an arterial between Mohawk Street and Knudsen Drive, along with modifying the alignment by swinging it to the north a few hundred feet, and to establish a collector segment for Hageman Road between Knudsen Drive to State Route 99/State Route 204, generally bounded by Olive Drive on the north, State Route 99 on the east, Fruitvale Avenue on the west and Downing Road on the south. The approval of this project shall supercede any previous approvals done in the County, including any specific plan line alignments. (EIR on file) (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll call vote. 6.1.b) Zone Chanqe P99-0482 - North of the River Sanitation District and Kyle Carter has requested a change in zoning from an M-1 (Light Manufacturing) zone, M-2 (General Manufacturing) zone and an M-3 (Heavy Industrial) zone to an R-1 (One Family Dwelling) zone, R-2 (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling) zone and a C-2 (Regional Commercial) zone on 170.9 acres, generally bounded by Olive Drive on the north, State Route 99 on the east, Fruitvale Avenue on the west and Downing Road on the south. (EIR on file) (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll call vote. 6.2.a) General Plan Amendment P00-0234 - Castle & Cooke, CA Inc. has proposed to change the land use designation from HMR (High Medium Density Residential) to LR (Low Density Residential) on 25.41 acres, located at the northwest corner of Ashe Road and Panama Lane. (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward 6) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll call vote. .A_genda, PC, Monday - June 12, 2000 Page 4 6.2.b) Zone Change P00-0234 - Castle & Cooke, CA INC has requested a change in zoning from an R-2 (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling) zone to an R-1 (One Family Dwelling) zone on 25.41 acres, located at the northwest corner of Ashe Road and Panama Lane. (Negative Declaration on file) (ward 6) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll call vote. 6.3.a) General Plan Amendment P00-0235 - Castle & Cooke, CA Inc. has proposed to change the land use designation from HMR (High Medium Density Residential) to LR (Low Density Residential) on 8.62 acres, generally located south of Campus Park Drive and west of Old River Road. (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll call vote. 6.3.b) Zone Change No. P00-0235 - Castle & Cooke, CA Inc. has proposed a change in zoning from a PUD (Planned Unit Development) zone to an R-1 (One Family Dwelling) zone on 65.44 acres, located south of Campus Park Drive and. west of Old River Road to Mountain Vista Drive. (Negative Declaration on file)- (Ward 4) - RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll call vote. 6.4.a) General Plan Amendment P00-0236 - Halferty Development Company LLC has proposed to change the land use designation from HMR (High Medium Density Residential) to GC (General Commercial) on 5.14 acres, located along the south side of Ming Avenue between Canter Way and Raintree Court. (Negative Declaration on file) (Wards 2 & 5) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll call vote. 6.4.b) Zone Change No. P00-0236 - Halferty Development Company LLC has proposed a change in zoning from an R-1 CH (One Family Dwelling-Church) and R-3 (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling) zone to a PCD (Planned Commercial Development) zone on 5.14 acres, located along the south side of Ming Avenue between Canter Way and Raintree Court. (Negative Declaration on file) (Wards 2 & 5) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll call vote. Agenda, PC, Monday -June 12, 2000 Page 5 6.5.a) General Plan Amendment P00-0238 - Karpe Real Estate has proposed to change the land use designation from GC (General Commercial) and SR (Suburban Residential) to LMR (Low Medium Density Residential) on 3.6 +/- acres, generally located along the north side of Brimhall Road approximately 600 feet east of Jewetta Avenue. (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll call vote. 6.$.b) Zone Change No. P00-0238 - Karpe Real Estate has proposed a change in zoning from a C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) zone and an E (Estate) zone to an R-2 (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling) zone on 3.6 +/- acres, generally located along the north side of Brimhall Road approximately 600 feet east of Jewetta Avenue. (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll call vote. 6.6.a) General Plan Amendment P00-0253 - DeWalt Corp. has proposed to change the land use designation from LR (Low Density Residential) to GC (General Commercial) on 3.93 gross acres, located on the northwest corner of Calloway Ddve and Meacham Road. (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: . Approve Roll-call vote. 6.6.b) Zone Change No. P00-0253 - Dewalt Corp. has proposed a change in zoning from an R~I (One Family Dwelling) zone to a PCD (Planned Commercial Development) zone on 3.93 gross acres, located at the northwest corner of Calloway Drive and Meacham Road. (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward4) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll call vote. 7. PUBLIC HEARING - Revised PCD Zone Change P99-0911(Cornerstone Engineering) Change in land use zoning from a PCD (Planned Commercial Development) zone to a Revised PCD (Planned Commercial Development) zone on 10.1 acres for the Bakersfield Heart Hospital to allow a helicopter landing pad (helistop); revised footprint of the two-story, 40,000 square foot hospital wing; and a three-story, 38,416 square foot medical office building. Located at 3001 Sillect Avenue (south side of Sillect Avenue, east of Buck Owens Blvd.). (Negative Declaration on file) (Continued from June l, 2000) Agenda, PC, Monday - June 12, 2000 Page 6 (Ward 5) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll call vote. 8. GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY FINDINGS 8.1) General Plan Consistency Finding for the acquisition of approximately 23 acres of land by the City of Bakersfield for a fire station, park site and future Paladino Drive right-of-way, located generally south of Paladino Drive, east of Morning Drive. (Exempt from CEQA) (ward ~) RECOMMENDATION: Make Finding Group Vote. 8.2) General Plan Consistency Finding for the acquisition of % acre of land by the City of Bakersfield for Joshua Park, located generally north of State Route 178, east of San Dimas Street. (Exempt from CEQA) (Ward 2) RECOMMENDATION: Make Finding Group Vote. ':': 9, COMMUNICATIONS A) Written B) Verbal '10. COMMISSION COMMENTS A) Committees '1'1. ADJOURNMENT Planning Director June 2, 2000 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Council Chamber, City Hall Thursday, June 15, 2000 $:30 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL MICHAEL DHANENS, Chairman STEPHEN BOYLE, Vice Chairman MA THEW BRAD Y MARTI MUNIS-KEMPEF~ TOM MCGINNIS RON SPRAGUE JEFFREY TKAC NOTE: Agendas may be amended up to 72 hours prior to the Planning Commission meeting. A final agenda may be obtained from the Planning Department 72 hours prior to the meeting. 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS ANY PERSON WHOSE NAME APPEARS ON THE AGENDA OR WISHES TO SPEAK REGARDING A PUBLIC HEARING NEED NOT FILL OUT A SPEAKER'S CARD. ALL OTHERS WISHING TO SPEAK BEFORE THE COMMISSION MAY FILL OUT A SPEAKER'S CARD AND PRESENT IT TO THE SECRETARY PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE MEETING. NOTICE OF RIGHT TO APPEAL Planning Commission decisions on Zone Changes, Parcel Maps and Tentative Subdivision maps are subject to appeal by any person aggrieved. No permit shall be issued for any use involved in an application until after the final acceptance date of appeal. Such appeal must be filed in writing within 10 days from date of hearing, addressed to the City Council, c/o Office of the City Clerk, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301. A $334 non-refundable filing fee must be included with filing of the initial appeal for those appeals filed by the applicant or any person outside the notice area. All appeals filed on land divisions will require a $334 non-refundable filing fee. If all appeals are withdrawn prior to the City Council hearing, it will not be conducted and the decision of the Planning Commission will stand. Agenda, PC, Thursday- June 15, 2000 Page 3 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS - GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS, ASSOCIATED REZONINGS, ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS, AND CIRCULATION ELEMENT AMENDMENTS: 6.1.a) General Plan Amendment/Circulation Element Amendment File No. P99- 0482 - North of the River Sanitation District and Kyle Carter has proposed to amend the Land Use designations from LI (Light Industrial), SI (Service Industrial) and HI (Heavy Industrial) to LR (Low Density Residential) on 64.58 acres, LMR (Low Medium Density Residential) on 91.84 acres and GC (General Commercial) on 14.48 acres. Also, to amend the Circulation Element by deleting Mohawk Street as an arterial north of Hageman Road to Olive Drive, change Hageman Road from a collector to an artedal between Mohawk Street and Knudsen Drive, along with modifying the alignment by swinging it to the north a few hundred feet, and to establish a collector segment for Hageman Road between Knudsen Drive to State Route 991State Route 204, generally bounded by Olive Drive on the north, State Route 99 on the east, Fruitvale Avenue on the west and Downing Road on the south. The approval of this project shall supercede any previous approvals done in the County, including any specific plan line alignments. (EIR on file) (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll call vote. 6.t.b) Zone Change P99-0482 - North of the River Sanitation District and Kyle .~ Carter has requested a change in zoning from an M-1 (Light Manufacturing) zone, M-2 (General Manufacturing) zone and an M-3 (Heavy Industrial) zone to an R-1 (One Family Dwelling) zone, R-2 (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling) zone and a C-2 (Regional Commercial) zone on 170.9 acres, generally bounded by Olive Drive on the north, State Route 99 on the east, Fruitvale Avenue on the west and.Downing Road on the south. (EIR on file) (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll call vote. 6.2.a) General Plan Amendment P00-0234 - Castle & Cooke, CA Inc. has proposed to change the land use designation from HMR (High Medium Density Residential) to LR (Low Density Residential) on 25.41 acres, located at the northwest corner of Ashe Road and Panama Lane. (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward 6) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll call vote. Agenda, PC, Thursday -June 15, 2000 Page 5 6.5.a) General Plan Amendment P00-0238 - Karpe Real Estate has proposed to change the land use designation from GC (General Commercial) and SR (Suburban Residential) to LMR (Low Medium Density Residential) on 3.6 +/- acres, generally located along the north side of Brimhall Road approximately 600 feet east of Jewetta Avenue. (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward 4) , RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll call vote. 6.5.b) Zone Change No. P00-0238 - Karpe Real Estate has proposed a change in zoning from a C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) zone and an E (Estate) zone to an R-2 (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling) zone on 3.6 +/- acres, generally located along the north side of Bfimhall Road approximately 600 feet east of Jewetta Avenue. (Negative Declaration on file) (ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll call vote. 6.6.a) General Plan Amendment P00-0253 - DeWalt Corp. has proposed to change the land use designation from LR (Low Density Residential) to GC (General Commercial) on 3.93 gross acres, located on the northwest corner of Calloway Drive and Meacham Road. (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll call vote. 6.6.b) Zone Change No. P00-0253 - Dewalt Corp. has proposed a change in zoning from an R-1 (One Family Dwelling) zone to a PCD (Planned Commercial Development) zone on 3.93 gross acres, located at the northwest comer of Calloway Drive and Meacham Road. (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward4) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll call vote. 7. PUBLIC HEARING - Revised PCD Zone Change P99-0911 (Cornerstone Engineering) Change in land use zoning from a PCD (Planned Commercial Development) zone to a Revised PCD (Planned Commercial Development) zone on 10.1 acres for the Bakersfield Heart Hospital to allow a helicopter landing pad (helistop); revised footprint of the two-story, 40,000 square foot hospital wing; and a three-story, 38,416 square foot medical office building. Located at 3001 Sillect Avenue (south side of Sillect Avenue, east of Buck Owens Blvd.). (Negative Declaration on file) (Continued from June 1, 2000) Minutes, PC, Thursday, June 15, :2000 Page PAM TOWNSEND, Recording Secretary 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None DRAFT 3. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS If anyone wishes to discuss or testify on any of the consent items the item(s) will be taken off consent and will be considered in the order on the agenda. If not, the public hearing will be opened and the items acted on as a group. Commissioner Brady: Did not attend the pre-meeting on Monday, however, he did listen to the tape, and he will be participating. Commissioner Tkac: Did not attend the pre-meeting on Monday, however, he did listen to the tape, and he will be participating. ~. 3.1) Agenda Item 8.1 - Consistency Finding for acquisition of 23 acres. ~.~ Agenda Item 8.2 - Consistency Finding for acquisition of ~ acre. Agenda Item 7 - Revised PCD Zone Change P99-0911- Continue~Until July 6, 2000. Commissioner Sprague: "I'd make a motion to accept the .... or approve the Consent Agenda." ~' .- Motion seconded by Commissioner Boyle. All those in favor say aye. Aye. No opposition. Motion Carded. 4, PUBLIC HEARING - AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE Amendment to the text of Title 16 (Subdivisions Ordinance) of the Bakemfield Municipal Code (City of Bakersfield) Update the subdivision ordinance to reflect changes in the Subdivision Map Act and formalization of Minutes, PC, Thursday, June 15, 2000 Page 3 local implementation policy. (Exempt from CEQ^) (Continued from June 1, 2000) (All Wards) Staff Report Given. Public Portion of Hearing Opened. Roger Mclntosh brought up this issue at the last hearing. He has reviewed the language as proposed and is comfortable with the change. Closed the Public Portion of the Hearing. Meeting opened up for Commissioner comments and questions. Commissioner Brady inquired if Staff wanted the information in 'electronic fashion to which Staff responded that they did because it would be a cost savings to them in terms of preparing reports, and that it could be for the engineer as well. There is a requirement that the map be submitted in a paper format by a licensed engineer. 16.020 State Map Act specifies requirements of the form of the map. One piece of information, the bearings, could be provided in electronic form than putting it in a table on that particular map. All of the other required material that needs to listed on the map would be on the map, except this one we are giving them the option of either submitting it electronically or submitting it on paper. Commissioner Brady inquired of Mr. Mclntosh if there was a cost factor to what he produces in paper in electronic fashion and if they would have to go out and purchase software to which Mr. Mclntosh responded that there is a cost factor for software because not everyone has the same software and not everyone has electronic means to put that information into 'effect. If it was mandatory they would be imposing the requirement. Commissioner Brady stated that he would support the motion as is presently structured. Commissioner Sprague stated that if the engineers do not have the electronic data capable for submitting they could put it written printed or produced on acceptable medians similar to the paragraph prior to this and just make it more adaptable, more legible for someone reading this code. Could support subsection F. Commissioner Dhanens asked Staff if the bearings and distances are not required on the map currently to which Staff responded that they are required, and that they always get them to the best of their knowledge. Minutes, PC, Thursday, June 15, 2000 Page 4 Commissioner Dhanens further clarified with Staff that if an engineer did not have the capability and they submitted their paper map with all of the requirements they would satisfy all of the City's requirements as it relates to this ordinance. Commissioner Dhanens stated that based on the revised wording as shown in Exhibit "A" prepared by Staff he would support the motion. Commissioner Kemper made a motion "to adopt Resolution approving amendment for findings set forth in the attached Resolution incorporating the revision as shown on Planning Director's Memo dated June 8, 2000, and. recommend same to City Council with Exhibit "A"." Seconded by Commissioner McGinnis Roll Call Vote: STEPHEN BOYLE Aye MATHEW BRADY Aye MARTI MUNIS-KEMPER Aye TOM MCGINNIS Aye RON SPRAGUE Aye JEFFREY TKAC Aye MICHAEL DHANENS Aye Motion Carried. 5. ENVIRONMENTAL ACT REPORT - K¥1e Carter Resolution making s and recommending that the City Council certify the Final EIR for Pla~ ImentJZone Change P99-0482 which has been completed in com CEQA, the State EIR Guidelines and the City of Bakersfield CEQA Im on Procedures. (Ward 4) Oommissioner Dhanens stated his ~nflict of interest in this agenda item number as well as Item Number 6.1(a) and 6.1(b) al tumed the meeting over to Vice-Chair Boyle. Oommissioner Brady declared a conflict. 8taft Report Given. SUMMARY OF PROCEEDINGS. ~BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - COUNTY OF KE~RN 1115 TruxtunAvenue Bakersfield, California RECEIVED Regular Meeting Tuesday, June 27, 2000 3UN 3 0 9:00 A.M. CITY MANAGER'S OFF~CE BOARD RECONVENED Supervisors: McQuiston, Perez, Patrick, Peterson, Parra ROLL CALL: All Present SALUTE TO FLAG - Led by Supervisor McQuiston NOTE: Mc, Pz, Pa, Pe, Pr are abbreviations for Supervisors McQuiston, Perez, Patrick, Peterson, and Parra, respect ively. For example, Pa- Pe denotes Supervisor Patrick made the motion and Supervisor Peterson seconded it. The abbreviation (Ab) means absent, and (Abd) abstained. CONSENT AGEAIDA/OPPOR~JNITY FOR PUBLIC CO~E/TT: LISTED WITH AN ASTERISK (*) OR A NUMBER SIGN (#) WERE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE ;%ND APPROVED BY ONE MOTION. BOARD ACTION SHOWN IN CAPS RESOLUTIONS / PROCLAMATI ON~ 1 ) Presentation of Certificate of Recognition to the Bakersfield AIDS Project - MADE PRESENTATION TO AUDREY CHAVEZ; AUDREY CHAVEZ AND DR. B. A. JINADU, PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICER, HEARD PUBLIC REOUESTS Pz-Pa 2) Request of representatives of the Kern Equestrians for All Ayes the Preservation of Trails, the Kern River Parkway Committee, and the Kern River Access Con~nittee to address the Board regarding the Kern River - CAROLYN BELLI, KERN EQUESTRIANS FOR PRESERVATION OF TRAILS, HEARD; P-ECEIVED AND FILED DOCUMENT Pz-Pa *3) Reappointment of Janis Kessler to the San Joaquin Valley All Ayes Library System Advisory Board, term tO. expire March 31, 2002 - MADE REAI~POINTMENT Pz-Pa *4) Reappointment of Raymond Hernandez as Fifth District All Ayes Child Care Provider Member to the Local Child Care and Development Planning Council, term to expire June 30, 2003 - MADE P, EAPPOIN~ Summary of Proceedings Page 2 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 06/27/2000 PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS 5) This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons to address the Board on any matter not on 'this agenda but under the jurisdiction of the Board. Board members may respond'briefly to statements made or questions posed. They may ask a question for clarification, make a ~ 0 ~ ..referral to staff' for factual information or request staff to report back to the Board at a later meeting. .... ~lso, the Board may take action to direct the staff to .place a matter of business on a future agenda. 'SPEAKERS ARE LIMITED TO TWO MINUTES. PLEASE STATE YOUR NAME BEFOR]~ MAKING YOUR PRESENTATION. THANK YOU! - NO ONE BOARD MEMBER AITNOUNC"AT[ENTS OR R~PORTS 6) On their own initiative, Board members may make an announcement or a report on their own activities. They may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda (Gov. Code Sec. 54954.2(a)) NO ONE HEARD DEPARTMENT~J~ REOLr~STS AGINGANDADULT SERVICES Pz-Pr 7) Revision to ActiOn Plan and goal dates and proposed All Ayes appointment and member terms to the AB 1682 Advisory Committee, In-Home Supportive Services, Employer of Record, for Herminia Damo, Trudy Unger, Catherine Young, Mary Vasinda, and Dean Rice for the term July 1, 2000 to June 30, 200.1; and Tonya Padilla, Mary Ann Parker, Ronetta Kirkhom, Wilfred ~Hezzy" Brown, and Susan Wells for the term July 1, 2000 to June 30, 2002 - BOB JONSON, UNITED DOMESTIC WORKERS, HEARD; MADE A~POINTMENTS; · APPROVED REVISED GOAL DATES, AND R~FERRED BACK TO AGING ~ ADULT SERVICES DEPARTMENT FOR IMPLEMENTATION Pz-Pa *8) Proposed Agreement with California Department of Aging All Ayes Contract No. CB-0001-33 for $548,042 in funding for Community-Based Service Programs for Fiscal Year 2000- 2001 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGR~EMENT 540-2000; AUTHORIZED AGINGANDADULT SERVICES DEPARTMENT DIP~ECTOR TO TRANSMIT OLDER AMERICANS ACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS TO CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF AGING Pz-Pa *9) Proposed Aging and Adult Services Area Plan Update for All Ayes Fiscal Year 2000-2001 o APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN Pz-Pa -10) Proposed Agreement with Richard Prado Senior Center for All Ayes nutrition services, from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, in an amount not to exceed $242,404 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 541-2000 Pz-Pa '11) Proposed Agreement with Adventist Health of Central Ail Ayes California for nutrition services, from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, in an amount not to exceed $155,262 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGRE~'T~I 542-2000 Summary of Proceedings Page 3 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 06/27/2000 Pz-Pa '12) Proposed Agreement with North Bakersfield Recreation and All Ayes Park District for nutrition services, from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, in an amount not to exceed $277,653 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 543-2000 Pz-Pa '13) Proposed Agreement with City of Delano for nutrition All Ayes services, from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, in an amount not to exceed $145,203 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEM]~NT 544-2000 Pz-Pa '14) Proposed Agreement with City of Ridgecrest for nutrition All Ayes services, from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, in an amount not to exceed $149,374 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 545-2000 Pz-Pa '15) Proposed Agreement with North Bakersfield Recreation and All Ayes Park District for homemaker services, from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, in an amount not to exceed $70,617 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 546- 2000 Pz-Pa '16) Proposed Agreement with Interim Health Care for homemaker All Ayes services, from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, in an amount not to exceed $7,649 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 547-2000 Pz-Pa -17) Proposed Agreement with Valley Caregiver for homemaker All Ayes services, from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, in an amount not to exceed $10,801 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 548-2000 Pz-Pa '18) Proposed Agreement with Around the Clock Foundation for All Ayes homemaker services, from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, in an amount not to exceed $23,734 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 549-2000 Pz-Pa '19) Proposed Agreement with Around the' Clock Foundation for All Ayes Linkages and Respite Purchase of Service Program, from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, in an~amount not to exceed $199,558 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 550-2000 Pz-Pa *20) Proposed Agreement with Homemaker Services of Indian All Ayes Wells Valley, Inc., for homemaker services, from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, in an amount not to exceed $7,461 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 551-2000 Pz-Pa '21) Proposed Agreement with Homemaker Service of InclianWells A~i Ayes Valley, Inc., for case management services, from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, in an amount not to exceed $5,596 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 552-2000 '~' Pz-Pa *22) Proposed Agreement with Homemaker Services of Indian All Ayes Wells Valley, Inc., for Adult Day Care services, from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, in an amount not to exceed $7,112 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 553-2000 Summary of Proceedings Page 4 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 06/27/2000 Pz-Pa *23) Proposed Agreement with Homemaker Services of Indian All Ayes Wells Valley, Inc., for information and assistance, from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, in an amount not to exceed $21,279 - ;tPPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRF~%N TO SIGN AGREEMENT 554-2000 Pz-Pa *24) Proposed Agreement with A/zheimer's Disease Association All Ayes of Kern County for respite services, from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, in an amount not to exceed $13,622 APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SI~N AGREEMENT 555- 2000 Pz-Pa *25) Proposed Agreement with A/zheimer'S Disease Association All-Ayes of Kern County for Alzheimer's Day Care services, from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, in an amount not to exceed $80,000 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 556-2000 Pz-Pa *26) Proposed Agreement with Kern County Economic Opportunity Ail Ayes Corporation for Brown Bag services, from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, in an amount not to exceed $23,842 APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 557- 2000 AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER Pa-Pr 27) proposed Resolution increasing .fees for Phytosanitary Ail Ayes Inspection and Certification, Plant Quarantine Inspection, "In Field" Grape Inspection and Certification, Time and Mileage, deleting fees for Watermelon and Banana Squash Inspection and Certification (Section 8.08.010, Chapter 8.08 Ordinance Code of Kern. County), deleting fee for special computer generated reports',- and establishing a new fee for Solid Wood' Packing Material Certification fo~ commodity shipments exported to Republic of China - OPENED HEARING; .NO ONE HEARD; CLOSED HEARING; APPROVED; ADOPTED. Pd~SOLUTION 2000- 213 Pz-Pa 28) Notification of anticipated retroactive approval of All Ayes Agreements w/th California Department of Food and Agriculture, California Department of Pesticide RegulationS, and California Crop Improvement Association for services provided during Fiscal Year .2000-2001 - RECEIVED ANDFILED Pr-Pa 29) 'Proposed.retroactive approvaI of Agreement No. 99-0704 All Ayes with California Department of Food and Agriculture to reimburse Kern County for detection, surveillance and trapping of Olive Fruit Fly, from May 1, 2000 through November 30, 2000, in an amount not to exceed $764 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED'CHAIRMANTO SIGN AGREEMENT 558-2000 Pz-Pa *30) Proposed retroactive Agreement No. 99-0792 w/th All Ayes California Department of Food and Agriculture to reimburse Kern County for detection and surveillance of Glassy-winged Sharpshooter, from March 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, in an amount not to exceed $291,929.15 (prior notification June 6, 2000) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 559-2000 Summary of Proceedings Page 5 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 06/27/20q0 Pz-Pa '31) Proposed Agreement with Willard B. Christiansen, M.D., to Ail Ayes evaluate employees who handle pesticides in Toxicity Category I or II containing phosphates or carbamates as requestedbytheAgricultural Commissioner, Farmand Home Advisor, Airports, Parks, and Environmental Health Departments, at a cost of $25 per hour plus test costs, to expire June 30, 2001 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 560-2000 Pz-Pa *32) Proposed Agreement No. 00-0013 with California Department All Ayes of Food and Agriculture to reimburse County for trapping conducted by county personnel within Kern County, Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in an amount not to exceed $163,411 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SI~NAGT~-q~ENT 561-2000 Pz-Pr 33) Proposed retroactive Agreement No. K~R-00 with California All Ayes Cantaloupe Advisory Board to reimburse Kern County for cantaloupe surveillance work, from June 1, 2000 through October 31, 2000, in an amount not to exceed $26,632.40 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRFJUN TO SI~NAGREEMENT 562-2000 Pz-Pa 34) Proposed retroactiveAmendment No. I to Agreement No. 99- All Ayes 0082 with California Department of Food and Agriculture to reimburse Kern County for detection surveys for Red Imported Fire Ant, from May 12, 2000 through June 30, 2000, in an amount not to exceed $38,000 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 563-2000 Pa-Pr 35) Notification of anticipated retroactive Agreement with All Ayes U.S.D.A., Ani~l and Plant Health Inspection .Service Wildlife Services for control of predatory animals, Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in an amount not to exceed $57,120 - RECEIVED AND FILED ASSESSOR-RECORDER Pz-Pa *36) Proposed Agreement with Eric Brown, Dolphin Safe All Ayes Software, to provide contract analyst support to continue upgrading the Kern Integrated Property~ystem (KIPS) pursuant to AB 719, from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, in an amount not to exceed $135,000 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 564-2000 COUNTY COUNSEL Pz-Pa *37) Proposed Resolution requesting extension of time for All Ayes negotiation of Garbage Collection Agreement for Benz Sanitation, Boron Sanitation, Mojave Sanitation, Ridgecrest Sanitation, and Rosamond Sanitation, to October 31, 2000 -.APPROVED; ADOPTED RESOLUTION 2000-214 DISTRICT ATTORNEY Pz-Pa *38) Proposed Amendment No. I to Agreement with Metamor All Ayes Business Solutions to extend term from June 30, 2000 to September 30, 2000 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 565-2000 Summary of Proceedings Page 6 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting.. 06/27/2000 Pz-Pa *39) Proposed addition of one (1) Supervising Human Services All.Ayes Investigator, two (2) Senior Human Services Investigator, eighteen (18) Human Services Investigator, one (1) Word Processing Technician I, one (1) Typist Clerk I, and two (2) Investigative Aide positions in District Attorney's Budget Unit 2180, effective July 1,.2000, and deletion of one (1) Supervising Human Services Investigator, two (2) Senior Human Services Investigator, eighteen (18) Human Services Investigator, one (1) Word Processing Technician. I and one (1) Typist Clerk I positions.in Human Services Budget Unit 5120, effective July 1, 2000 - A~PROVED; REFERRED TO PERSONNEL TOAMENDDEPARTMENTALPOSITIONSAND SALARYSCHEDULE EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Pz-Pa *40) Proposed Agreements with CARE.Ambulance Service, Delano All Ayes Ambulance Service, Hall ~nbulance Service, Liberty ~m%bulance Service, Mercy Air Ambulance Service, and Golden Empire Air Rescue, for prehospit&l emergency medical transportation, from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENTS 566-2000 THROUGH 571-2000 Pz-Pa '41) Resignation of Fred Drew, Director of Kern County All Ayes Emergency Medical Services Department, effective July 6, 2000 - ACCEPTED RESIGNATION EMPLOYERS' TRAINING .RESOURCE Pr-Mc 42) Notification of anticipated retroactive Agreements with All Ayes the State of California EmploymentDevelopmentDepartment for job placement services for CalWORKs eligible individuals in eastern Kern County, and with Proteus, Inc., for job placement services for CalWORKs eligible individuals in northern Kern County - P. ECEIVEDAND FILED Pz-Pa *43) Proposed Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 463-99 with All Ayes Kern Community College District to provide classroom training, supportive services, and payment to JTPA or Welfare-to-Work eligible individuals, to extend term to August 18, 2000 - APPROVED; .AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 572-2000 Pz-Pa *44) Proposed Amendment No. i to Agreement No. 400-99 with All Ayes Delano Joint Union High School District to provide classroom training for JTPA or Welfare-to-Work eligible individuals 'in northern Kern County, to extend term to August 18, 2000 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMA~ TO SIGN AGREEMENT 573-2000 pz-Pa *45) Proposed Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 192-99 with All Ayes Kern County Superintendent of Schools for coordination of School-to-Career activities in Kern County, to extend term to September 30, 2000 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIPuVJ~N TO SIGN AGREE~TT 574-2000 Pz-Pa *46) Proposed retroactive Amendment No. I to Agreement No. All Ayes 461-99 with Proteus, Inc., to provide employment and training sex-vices to dislocated agricultural workers in Kern, Fresno, Kings, and Tulare Counties, and to extend term to June 30, 2000 (prior notification June 13, 2000) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEM]~TT 575- 2000 Summary of Proceedings Page 7 Board gf Supervisors Regular Meeting 06/.~27/2000 FIRE DEPARTMENT Pz-Pa *47) Proposed Agreement with Intergraph Public Safety for All Ayes specialized training on computer-aided dispatch system, from July 10, 2000 through August 3, 2000, in an amount not to exceed $20,750 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SI~NAGREEMENT 576-2000 Pz-Pa '47A) Request for appropriation of unanticipated revenue to All Ayes cover payroll costs resulting from out-of-state emergency response - APPROVED APPROPRIATION OF UNANTICIPATED REVENUE IN THE AMOUNT OF $605,000 FROM FIRE COST REIMBURSEMENTS, AND $191,000 FROM EXCESS PROPERTY TAX REVENUES TO APPROPRIATIONS FOR CONTINGENCIES; APPROVED BUDGET TRANSFER IN THE AMOUNT OF $796,000 FROM APPROPRIATIONS FOR CONTINGENCIES TO BUDGET UNIT 2415 HUMAN SERVICES Pz-Pa *48) Request to hire retired County employee Judy A. Henderson All Ayes as Eligibility Technician III, Range 42.9, Step E, in Fiscal Year 2000-2001, effective June 27, 2000, for a period not to exceed 120 working days or 960 hours, whichever is greater - APPROVED Pz-Pa *49) Proposed Agreement with Kern Economic Development All Ayes Corporation for economic development and job creation services, from July 1, 2000 to December 31, 2000, in an amount not to exceed $469,037.21'- APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 577-2000 Pz-Pa *50) Proposed Agreement with Kern Community College District All Ayes for economic development for small business, from July 1, 2000 to December 31, 2000, in an amount not to exceed $162,500 (State/Federal; no County .cost) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 578-2000 Pz-Pa '51) Proposed Agreement with Clinica Sierra Vista, Inc., for All Ayes case management services for participant~ in the Cai- Learn Program, from July 1, 2000 to June 30, 2001, in an amount not to exceed $1,169,832 (State/Federal; no County cost) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 579-2000 Pz-Pa *52) Proposed Amendment No. i to Agreement No. 777-97 with All Ayes Monetary Management of California, Inc., for food stamp coupon issuance in the Lamont District, effective August 1, 2000, (State/Federal funds; no County cost) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 580-2000 KERN MEDICAL CENTER Pr-Pa 53) Notification of proposed retroactive Agreement with All Ayes Golden. Empire Transit District" for door-to-door transportation for ElderLifekdult Day Health Care Center services - RECEIVED AND FILED Pz-Pa *54) Proposed 30-day reappointment extension of Hormuz Irani, Ail Ayes M.D., and Richard T. Ling, M.D., to Courtesy Medical Staff Membership - APPROVED Pz-Pa *55) Proposed appointment of Jeffory R. Miller, PA/NP, to All Ayes allied health professional Medical Staff Membership - APPROVED Summary of Proceedings Page 8 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 06/27/2000 Pz-Pa *56) Proposed reappointment of thirty-six (36) physicians and Ail Ayes 'allied health professionals (Active, Courtesy, Consulting, and Provisional) to Medical Staff Membership - APPROVED WITH- *57) Proposed Agreement with Rick McPheeters, D.O., for DRAWN' professional emergency medicine physician services, from July 1, 2000 to September 30, 2006, in an amount not to exceed $119,811.34 for the first 15 months, to be renegotiated prior to the end of the 15 months - Pz-Pa *58) Proposed Amendment No. 3 to Agreement with Central All Ayes NephrologyMedical Group for nephrology and hemodialysis services, extending term from July 1, 2000 to June 30, 2002, and'increasing the total maximum contract amount by $150,000 to $900,000 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED 'CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 581-2000 Pz-Pa *59) Proposed Agreement with Pacific Geriatric Foundation for All Ayes educational program in geriatric medicine for medical staff and resident, house staff, from July 1, 2000 to June 30, 2002, in an amount not to exceed $81,000 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN. TO SIGN AGREEMENT 582-2000 Pa-Mc 60) Notification of proposed retroactive Agreement with -All Ayes ClinicaI One for registered nurses interim assignment services - RECEIVED AND FILED Pa-Mc 61) Notification of proposed retroactive Agreemen~ with Al! Ayes stanford University to assist in support of Stanford 'teaching program for physician assistants and nurse 'practitioners - RECEIVED AND FILED Pa-MC 62) Notification of proposed retroactive Agreement with All Ayes Harbor UCLA for rheumatology physician services RECEIVED AND FILED Pa-Mc 63) Notification of proposed retroactive Agreement with All Ayes Bakersfield Dialysis Center for professioaal nephro!ogy and hemodialysis services - RECEIVED AND FILED MENTAL ~EALTM SERVICES Pz-Pa *64) ProPosed Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 500-98 with All Ayes Anne Sippi Clinic for increasing numbers of clients served and increasing compensation for services, for Fiscal Year 1998.to March 2001, in an amount not to exceed $300,000' (State, Medi-Cal; Mandated/Budgeted) APPROVED;' AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGRE~4ENT 583-2000 Pz-Pa *65) Proposed Amendment No. l~to Agreement No. 375-99 with All Ayes' Valley Catholic Charities, Diocese of Fresno, for 'increased compensation for representative payee services, from June'15, 1999 to June 30, 2000,..&n an amount not to exceed $163,300 (an increase of $2,500) (State, Mandated/Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED C]{AIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 584-2000 Summary of Proceedings Page 9 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 06/~7/2000 Pz-Pa *66) Proposed Amendment No. 4 to Agreement No. 417-99 with Ail Ayes Citizens for the Betterment of Community and Country, Inc., for increased women's residential services and decreased CalWorks bed days, from July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000, in an amount not to exceed $953,219 (a decrease of $21,250) (State, Medi-Cal; Mandated/Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SI~NAGREEMENT 585-2000 Pz-Pa *67) Proposed Amendment No. I to Agreement No. 489-99 with All Ayes Desert Counseling, Inc., for increased service hours and compensation, from July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000, in an amount not to exceed $239,000 (an increase of $39,000) (State, Mandated/Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 586-2000 Pz-Pa *68) Proposed Amendment No. I to Agreement No. 493-99 with All Ayes College Health IPA, Inc., for additional units of service for children and adolescents residing in the Ridgecrest area, from July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000, in an amount not to exceed $420,000 (an increase of $70,000) (Medi- Cal, State;' Mandated/Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 587-2000 Pz-Pa *69) Proposed Amendment No. I to Agreement No. 494-99 with All Ayes College Health IPA, Inc., for additional mental health units of service for children and adolescent clients residing in the Lake Isabella area, from July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000, in an amount not to exceed $298,000 (an increase of $20,000) (Medi-Cal, State; Mandated/Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 588- 2000 Pz-Pa *70) Proposed Amendment No. i to Agreement No. 495-99 with All Ayes College Health IPA, Inc., for additional mental health units of service for children and adolescent clients residing in the Mojave/Tehachapi areas, and increasing compensation for services, in an amount not to exceed $1,445,000 (an increase of $100,000) (Me'i-Cai, State; Mandated/Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 589-2000 Pz-Pa .71) Proposed Amendment No. 3 to Agreement No. 499-99 with All Ayes Kern County Hispanic Commission, Inc., to reduce compensation for women's residential services, from July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000, in an amount not to exceed $179,399 (a decrease of $750) (State, Mandated/Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SI~N AGREEMENT 590- 2000 Pz-Pa *72) Proposed Amendment No. I to Agreement No. 515-99 with All Ayes Clinica Sierra Vista,.Inc., for additional mental health services for children and adolescent'clients residing in the Arvin, Lamont, and Frazier Park areas, from July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000, in'an amount not to exceed $1,200,000 (an increase of $435,000) (State, Mandated/Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 591-2000 Summary of Proceedings Page i0 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 06/27/2000 Pz-Pa ' *.73) Proposed Amendment No. I to Agreement No. 535-99 with All Ayes Henrietta Weill Memorial Child Guidance Clinic, Inc., for additional outpatient mental health ser~.ices for high risk adolescent clients in central Bakersfield, from July 1,.1999 to June 30, 2000, in an amount 'not to exceed $2,125,000- (an increase of $325,000) (Medi-Cal, State; Mandated/Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SI~NAGREEMENT 592-2000 Pz-Pa *74) Proposed Amendment'No. i to Agreement No. 537-99 with All Ayes Henrietta Weill Memorial Child Guidance. Clinic, Inc., for additional intensive outpatient mental health services -for high risk pre-school children and their la,Lilies, . - from July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000, in an amount not to exceed $397,934 (an increase of $25,000) (Medi-Cal, State; Mandated/Budgeted) -APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 593~20.00 Pz-Pa *75) Proposed Amendment No. I to Agreement No. 538-99. with' All Ayes Henrietta Weill Memorial Child Guidance Clinic,. Inc., for increased compensation for intensified outpatient mental health services for high risk children, from July 1, 1999 to June 30,' 2000, in an amount not to exceed $563.,800 (an increase of $35,000) (Medi-Cal, State; Mandated/Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 594- 2000 Pz-Pa '76i Proposed Amendment No. I to Agreement No. 297-2000 with All Ayes Devereux Texas Treatment Network, inc'., to correct' language and delete non-relative sections from agreement, from April 25, 2000 to June 30, 2000, no fiscal impact (Mandated/Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 595-2000 Pz-Pa *77) .Proposed Agreement with Henrietta Weill Memorial Child All Ayes GUidance Clinic, Inc., for substance abuse prevention services for County .clients residing in the Delano area, for Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in an amount', not to exceed $88,909.(State,' Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZF~D CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 596-2000 Pz-Pa *78) Proposed Agreement with Henrietta Well1 Memorial Child All. Ayes Guidance .Clinic, Inc., for substance abuse prevention services for County clients residing in the West Bakersfield area, for Fiscal Year2000-2001, in anamount not to exceed $88,909 (State~ Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 597-2000 Pz-Pa. *79). Proposed Agreement with Henrietta Well1 Memorial Chi1d Alt Ayes Guidance Clinic, Inc., for full continuum of mental health services for youths incarcerated in Juvenile Hall and Camp Irwin Owen, for Fiscal Year 2000-2001,-in an amount not to exceed $295,000 (state, Medi-Cal; Mandated/Budgeted) APPROVED; A.L.~H. ORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 598-2000 Pz-Pa ,80) Proposed Agreement with Henrietta Wei!l Memorial Child All Ayes Guidance Clinic, Inc.,. for mental health services for County .children and adolescent clients in the Central Bakersfield area, for Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in an amount not to exceed $1,968,263 (Medi-Cal, State; Mandated/Budgeted) - APPROVED.; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMA~ TO SIGN AGREEMENT 599-2000 Summary of Proceedings Page 11 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 06/27/2000 Pz-Pa '81) Proposed Agreement with Henrietta Weill Memorial Child All Ayes Guidance Clinic, Inc., for intensive outpatient mental health services for pre-school aged children and their families residing in Kern County, for Fiscal Year 2000- 2001, in an amount not to exceed $410,500 (State, Medi- Cal; Mandated/Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SI~NAGREEMENT 600-2000 Pz-Pa *82) Proposed Agreement with Henrietta Weill Memorial Child All Ayes Guidance Clinic, Inc., for substance abuse prevention services for County clients residing in the Greater Bakersfield area, for Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in an amount not to exceed $88,909 (State, Budgeted) - A~PROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SI~NAGREEMENT 601-2000 Pz-Pa *83)- Proposed Agreement with Henrietta Well1 Memorial Child All Ayes Guidance Clinic, Inc., for mental health services for children and adolescent clients in the West Bakersfield area, for Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in an amount not to exceed $1,360,689 (Medi-Cal, State; Mandated/Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 602-2000 Pz-Pa *84) Proposed Agreement with Henrietta Well1 Memorial Child All Ayes Guidance Clinic, Inc., for mental health services for children and adolescent clients residing in the Delano area, for Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in an amount not to exceed $781,289 (Medi-Cal, State; Mandated/Budgeted) - ;tPPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGP. EEMENT 603-2000 Pz-Pa *85) Proposed Agreement with Henrietta Weill Memorial Child Ail Ayes Guidance Clinic, Inc., for intensive outpatient mental health services for children and their families residing in Kern County, for Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in an amount not to exceed $588,800 (State, Medi-Cal; Mandated/Budgeted) APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGPd~EMENT 604-2000 Pz-Pa *86) Proposed Agreement with Citizens for the Betterment of Ail Ayes Community and Country, Inc., for substance abuse residential services at Jason's Retreat for County clients, for Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in an amount not to exceed $395,178 (State; Mandated/Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SI(~NAGREEMENT 605-2000 Pz-Pa *87) Proposed Agreement with Citizens for the Betterment of All Ayes Community and Country, Inc., for substance abuse treatment services to Country residents, for Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in an amount not to exceed $89,000 (Medi-Cal, State; Mandated/Budgeted) -APPROVED; AUTHORIZED C~AIRMAN TO SI~NAGREEMENT 606-2000 Pz-Pa *88) Proposed Agreement with Westcare, California, Inc., for All Ayes case management services to County parolees, for Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in an amount not to exceed $45,762 (State; Mandated/Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SI~N AGREEMENT 607-2000 Pz-Pa *89) Proposed Agreement with Community Service Organization, All Ayes Inc., for substance abuse treatment services for clients residing in Bast Bakersfield, for Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in an amount not to exceed $164,000 (State, Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SI~NAGREEMENT 608-2000 Summary of Proceedings Page 12 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 06/27/.2000 Pz-Pa *90) P~opose~ Agreement with North Bakersfield Recreation and All Ayes Park' D/strict, Inc., for substance abuse prevention services for clients r~siding in North Bakersfield, for Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in an amount not to exceed $109,944 (State, Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 609-2000 Pm-Pa '91) Proposed Agreement with Kern County Hispanic Commission, All Ayes for. substance abuse residential services at Casa Serena and Serenity House residential treatment facilities for County clients,, for Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in an amount not to exceed $211,362 (Medi-Cal, State; Mandated/Budgeted) -.APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 610-2000 Pm-Pa *92) Proposed Agreementl with The Drug 'Store, Inc., for All Ayes prescription medication services for County clients residing in the Lake Isabella area, for Fiscal Year 2000- 2001, in amount not to exceed $92,530 (State; Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 611-2000 Pz-Pa *93) .Proposed Agreement with BakerSfield Memorial HospitaI dba All Ayes Memorial Center; for substance abuse treatment services for County clients residing in the West Bakersfield area, for Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in an amount not tO exceed $101,000 (Medi-Cal, State, CalWorks; Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 612-2000 Pm-Pa ,94) Proposed Agreement with Bakersfield Memorial Hospital dba All Ayes Memorial Center, for substance abuse and mental health services treatment services for adult clients residing in the Delano area, for Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in an amount not. to exceed $544,090' (State, Medi-Cal;. Mandated/Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 613-2000 ~z.-Pa *95) Proposed Agreement withBakersfield. Memorial Hospital dba All Ayes Memorial Center, for day treatment intensive services for children and their fam/lies through the Phoenix Learning Center, for Fiscal Year.2000-2001, in aH amount not to exceed $246,620 (Medi-Cal, State; Mandated/Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 614-2000 pm-pa *96) Proposed Agre~ment with Bakersfield Memorial Hospital dba All Ayes Memorial Center, for intensive inpatient mental health services for children and their families, for Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in an amoUnt not to exceed'S18,000 (Medi-Cal, State; "Mandated/ Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGP~ 615-2000 Pm-Pa *97) Proposed Agreement with Bakersfield Memorial Hospital dba All Ayes · Memorial .Center, for substance abuse and mental health treatment ~ervices for adult clients residing in the Taft area,.'for Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in an amount not to exceed $332,877 (Medi-Cal, State; Budge=ed) -'APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 616-2000 Pm-Pa *98) Proposed Agreement with Bakersfield Memorial Hospital.dba All Ayes Memorial Center, for specialty mental health services for adult Level-II clients, for Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in an amount not to .exceed $256,086 (Medi-Cal, State; Mandated/Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 617-2000 Summary of Proceedings Page 13 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 06/27/2000 Pz-Pa *99) Proposed Agreement with Bakersfield Memorial Hospital dba All Ayes Memorial Center, for mental health services for county children and adolescent clients in the Taft area, for Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in an amount not to exceed $304,450 (Medi-Cal, State; Mandated/Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 618-2000 Pz-Pa '100) PropOsed Agreement with American Health Services dba All Ayes Bakersfield Medical and Mental Health Services, for substance abuse methadone services to County clients residing in the Southeast Bakersfield area, for Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in an amount not to exceed $775,000 (Medi-Cal, State; Mandated/Budgeted) APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 619-2000 Pz-Pa '101) Proposed Agreement with Aegis Medical Systems, Inc., for All Ayes substance abuse methadone services to County clients residing in the Bakersfield area, for Fiscal Year 2000- 2001, in an amount not to exceed $1,120,000 (Medi-Cal, State; Mandated/Budgeted) -APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 620-2000 Pz-Pa '102) Proposed Agreement with Aegis Medical Systems, Inc., for All Ayes substance abuse methadone services to County clients residing in the Delano area, for Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in an amount not to exceed $270,000 (Medi-Cal, State; Mandated/Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 621-2000 Pz-Pa '103) Proposed Agreement with Anne Sippi Clinic, Inc., for All Ayes residential beds and augmented boardand care services in their facility for 18 County clients, for Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in an amount not to exceed $591,300 (Medi-Cal; Mandated/Budgeted) APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 622-2000 Pz-Pa '104) Proposed Agreement with Anne Sippi Clinic, Inc., for All Ayes outpatient psychiatric treatment services through their facility for 45 County clients, for Fiscal Year 2000- 2001, in an amount not to exceed $1,290,'Q00 (Medi-Cal, State; Mandated/Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 623-2000 Pz-Pa '105) Proposed Agreement with Truxtun Psychiatric Medical Ail Ayes Group, L.P., for professional psychiatric services for County clients, for Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in an amount not to exceed $65,000 (Medi-Cal; Mandated/Budgeted) APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMANTO SIGN AG~REEMENT 624-2000 Pz-Pa '106) Proposed Agreement with Victor Treatment Centers, Inc., All Ayes for mental health residential services for five severely emotionally disturbed adolescent clients residing in their facility, for Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in an amount not to exceed $193,600 (State, Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 625-2000 Pz-Pa -107) PropOsed Agreement with Milh6us Children Services, for All Ayes mental health residential services for high need, high risk children and adolescents who are seriously emotionally disturbed, for Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in an amount not to exceed $165,374 (Mandated/Budgeted) _ APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 626-2000 Summary of Proceedings Page 14 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 06/27/2000 Pz-Pa .108) P~opose~ Agreement with Child and Family PsyChology All Ayes Clinic, Inc., for psychological services for children and adolescents enrolled in the Human Services Department, Specialized Placement Program, in an amount not to exceed $145,000 (State, Medi-Cal; Mandated/Budgeted) -APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 627-2000 Pz-Pa '109) Proposed Agreement with. Turning Point of. Central All Ayes California, Inc., for substance abuse residential treatment services for clients residing in East Bakersfield, for Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in an amount not to exceed $700,760 (State, Budgeted). - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 628-2000 Pz-Pa '.'110) Proposed Agreement with Turning Point of' California, All Ayes Inc., for substance abuse treatment services in the East Bakersfield area, for Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in an amount not to exceed $66,500 (State, Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 629-2000 Pz-Pa '111) Proposed Agreement with Turning Point of California, All Ayes Inc., for professional psychiatric services for County clients residing in Greater Bakersfield, for Fiscal Year 2000-2001., in an amount not to exceed $704,000 (Medi-Cal, State; Mandated/Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 630-2000 Pz-Pa '112) prOPosed 'Agreement with Clinica Sierra Vista, Inc., for All Ayes substance abuse prevention services for County clients in the Ridgecrest area, for Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in an amount not to exceed $69,067 (Medi-Cal; Mandated/Budgeted) APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 631-2000 Pz-Pa '113) Proposed Agreement with Clinica Sierra Vista, Inc., for All Ayes substance abuse preventi°n services for County clients in the' Tehachapi/Mojave/Rosamond areas, for Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in an amount not to exceed $69,067 (Medi-Cal; Mandated/Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 632-2000 Pz-Pa '114) Proposed Agreement with Clinica Sierra Vista, Inc., for All Ayes. substance abuse prevention services for County clients in the Arvin/Lamont areas, for Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in an amount not to exceed $44,335 .(Medi,Cal; Mandated/Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 633-2000 Pz-Pa '115) Proposed Agreement with Clinica Sierra Vista, Inc., for All Ayes substance abuse prevention services for County clients in the Lake Isabella area, for Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in an amount not to exceed $52,580 (Medi-Cal; Mandated/Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO. SI~NAGREEMENT 63'4-2000 Pz-Pa -116) Proposed Agreement w/th Sequest Technologies, Incl, for All Ayes specialized computer programming and technical training for Department's Information Technology'System's staff, for Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in an amount not to exceed $75,000 (State; Budgeted) -APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREF24ENT 635-2000 Summary of Proceedings Page 15 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 06/27/2000 Pz-Pa '117) ~roposed Agreement with College Health IPA, Inc., for All Ayes mental health services for children and adolescent clients residing in the Tehachapi/Mojave areas, for Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in an amount not to exceed $2,887,279 (Medi-Cal, State; Mandated/Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SI~N AGREEMENT 636-2000 Pz-Pa '118) Proposed Agreement with College Health IPA, Inc., for All Ayes mental health services for children and adolescent clients residing in the Lake Isabella area, for Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in an amount not to exceed $445,910 (Medi-Cal, State; Mandated/Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 637-2000 Pz-Pa '119) Proposed Agreement with College Health IPA, Inc., for All Ayes mental health services for children and adolescent clients residing in the Ridgecrest area, for Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in an amount not to exceed $440,748 (Medi-Cal, State; Mandated/Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 638-2000 Pz-Pa '120) Appropriation of %unanticipated revenue from the State All Ayes Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs for professional and special services - APPROVED APPROPRIATION OF UNANTICIPATED REVENUE IN THE AMOUNT OF $541,164 TO APPROPRIATIONS FOR CONTINGENCIES; APPROVED BUDGET TRANSFER IN THE AMOUNT OF $541,164 FROM APPROPRIATIONS FOR CONTINGENCIES TO BUDGET UNIT NO. 4123 Pz-Mc 121) Proposed retroactive Agreement with American Health All Ayes Services dba Bakersfield Mental Health and Medical Services Inc., for substance abuse outpatient methadone services to County clients residing in the Southeast Bakersfield area, from January 1, 2000 to June 30, 2000, in an amount not to exceed $255,314 (Medi-Cal, State; Mandated/Budgeted) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 639-2000 Pz-Pa '122) Proposed Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 504-99 with SKF All Ayes Drug, Inc., dba Brundage Pharmacy, for increased Short- Doyle compensation for medication services, from July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000, in an amount not to exceed $480,303 (an increase of $20,000) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 640-2000 p~.~SONN~L DEPARTMENT Pz-Pa '123) Classifications of positions reco~nended by Civil Service Ail Ayes Commission, effective July 1, 2000 - APPROVED; REFERRED TO PERSONNEL TO AMEND DEPARTMENTAL POSITIONS AND SALARY SCHEDULE PUBLIC HEALTM SERVIC~ "7 Pz-Pa '124) Proposed Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 176-2000 with All Ayes The Regents of the University of California, San Francisco for case management services, from April 1, 1999 through March 31, 2001, in an amount not to exceed $21,056 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 641-2000 Summary of Proceedings Page 16 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 06/27/2000 Pm-Pa '125) Proposed Agreement with William E, Gullett, Jr., M.D., All Ayes for medical services, from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, in an amount not to exceed $10,000 APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 642-2000 Pz-Pa '126) Proposed Agreement with California State Department of All Ayes Health Services for AIDS Drug Assistance Program, from July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000, in an amount not to exceed $4,734 (prior notification June 6, 2000) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN 'TO SI~N AGREEMENT 643-2000 Pz-Pa '127) Proposed Agreement with Sage Cor~nunity Health Center for All Ayes immunization services, from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, in an amount not to exceed $14,076 - APPROVe. D; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SI~N AGREEMENT 644-2000 Pz-Pa '128) Proposed Agreement with National Health Services, Inc., All Ayes for HIV/AIDS prevention and education services, from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, in an amount not to exceed $37,000 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 645-2000 Pz-Pa '129) Proposed Agreement with National Health Services, Inc., Ail Ayes for immunization services, from July 1, 2000 :hrough June 30, 2001, in an amount .not to exceed $65,943 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 646-2000. Pz-Pa '130) Proposed Agreement with Applied Research Center a 'All 'Ayes Division of California State University, Bakersfield, for tobacco control evaluation and consulting services, from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, in an amount not to exceed $17,831 -'APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 647-2000 Pz-Pa '131) Proposed Agreement with Bonita P. Coyle for housing Ail Ayes resource development for HOPWA, from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, in an amount not' to exceed $7,000 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 648-2000 Pz-Pa '132) Proposed Agreement' with' Hans E. Einstein, M.D., for All Ayes medical services, from July 1, 2000 through' June 30, 2001, in an amount not to exceed $12,000 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 649-2000 Pz-Pa '133) .Proposed Agreement with Kern County Economic O~portunity Ali Ayes Corporation for HIV/AIDS education and prevention program, from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, in an amount not to. exceed .$54,645 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED (:mAZmV, AN TO SI~N AGREmMENT 65o-2ooo Pz-Pa . '134) proposed Agreement with Clinica Sierra Vista, Znc., for All Ayes HIV/AIDS education and prevention program, from July 1, 2000 .through June'30, 2001, in an amount not to exceed $51,002 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 651-2000 Pm-Pa '135) Proposed Agreement with Neloufa Roshini Merrill, M.D., All Ayes for medical services, from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, in an amount not'to exceed $10,000 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 652-2000 Summary of Proceedings Page 17 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 06/27/2000 Pz-Pa '136) Proposed Agreement with the State of California, All Ayes Department of Corrections, for transitional case management services for persons with HIV Disease, from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, in an amount not to exceed $472,798 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 653-2000 Pz-Pa '137) Proposed Agreement with Planned Parenthood-Mar Monte for All Ayes HIV/AIDS education and prevention program, from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, in an amount not to exceed $51,002 -APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMANTOSI~NAGREEMENT 654-2000 Pz-Pa '138) Proposed Agreement with Kern County Economic Opportunity All Ayes Corporation for i~m~unization services, from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, inanamount not toe, xceed $28,084 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 655- 2000 Pz-Pa '139) Proposed Agreement with Clinica Sierra Vista, Inc., for All Ayes immunization services, from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, in an amount not to exceed $186,081 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREF24ENT 656-2000 Pz-Pa '140) Proposed Agreement with Ebony Counseling Center for All Ayes HIV/AIDS education and prevention program, from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, in an amount not to exceed $36,430 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SI~N AGREEMENT 657-2000 Pz-Pa '141) Proposed Agreement with Care-A-Van, Mobile Health Clinic, All Ayes for immunization services, from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, in an amount not to. exceed $10,000 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 658-2000 Pz-Pa '142) Proposed Agreement with California State Department of All Ayes Health Services for AIDS drug assistance program, from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, in an amount not to exceed $4,633 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIG~N AGREF26ENT 659-2000 . Pz-Pa '143) Proposed Agreement with Clinica Sierra Vista, Inc., for All Ayes housing opportunities for people with AIDS (HOPWA) funds, from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, in an amount not to exceed $102,290 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SI~NAGREEMENT 660-2000 Pr-Pz 144) Notification of anticipated retroactive Agreements with All Ayes the State of California, Department of Health Services; Solano County; Beardsley School District; Clinica Sierra Vista, Inc.; E1 Tejon Unified School District; North of the River Recreation and Park District for Medi-Cal Administrative Activities (MAA); State of California, Department of Health Services for Medi-Cal Outreach Program; Tobacco Control Program; Chlamydia Awareness and Prevention Project; AIDS Master Grant Agreement and MOU's; Drummond Medical Group; Norman E. Levan, M.D.; Friendship House Co~,,unity Center; Kern Superintendent of Schools; Optimal Hospice Care; Optimal Home Care; Interim Health Care; and Bakersfield AIDS Foundation for health related activities - R~CEIVEDAND FILED Summary of Proceedings Page 18 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 06/27/2000 RETIREM~'~TASSOCIATION Pa-Mc 145) Proposeddeletion of one Departmental Aide II position, All Ayes effective July 1, 2000 - A~PROVED; P~EFERR~D TO pERSON1FEL TO AMEND DEPARTMENTAL POSITIONS AND SALARY SCHEDULE Pz-Pr' 146) Proposed employer and employee contribution rates for the All Ayes retirement system, as reco~nended by the KCERA's actuary - DAVID DEUTSCH, EXECUTIVE DIP. ECTOR, KCERA AND WARD WOLLESON, CCAPE, HEARD;'CONTINUED TO TUESDAY, JULY 25, 2000 AT 9:00'A.M. Pz-Pa .147) Proposed Amendment No. i to Agreement No, 334-99 with All Ayes Canteen Correctional services Division to establish meal price for Fiscal Year 2000-2001 at current levels ($0.972 per.al) and increasing level of inmate participation in kitchen operation -APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMANTO SIGN AGREEMENT. 661-2000 Pz-Pa ~ '148) Proposed three-year Agreement with City of Wasco for law All Ayes enforcement services, from July 1, 2000 to June 30, 2003, (County to receive $1,536,064 in Fiscal Year 2000-2001) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMANTO SIGN AGREEMENT662-2000 CLOSED SESSIONS COU~TTY ~/DMINISTRATIVE oFFICE Pr. Pz 149)' Request for Closed Session regarding Meet and Confer, Ail Ayes CCAPE - Pr-Pz 150) Request for Closed Session regarding interim appointment All .Ayes of department head, Director of Emergency Medical Services Pr-Pz 151) Request for Closed session regarding department head All Ayes performance evaluation] Chief Executive Officer,- Kern Medical Center - Pz-MC RECONVENED FROM CLOSED SESSION; RECESSED TO 2.:00 P.M. ~en~ se Pennell  rk of the Board Kenneth W. Peterson Chairman, Board of Supervisors SUMMARY OF PROCEEDINGS BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - COUNTY OF KER~ i 1115 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California Regular Meeting Tuesday, June 27, 2000 BOARD RECONVENED Supervisors: McQuiston, Perez, Patrick, Peterson, Parra ROLL CALL: All Present Pr-Pz lA) Results of Closed Session from June 27, 2000, at 9:00 All Ayes a.m., Item No. 150, regarding interim appointment of department head, Director of Emergency Medical Services - CHAIRMAN PETERSONANNOUNCEDTHEAPPOINTMENT OF RUSS BLIND AS INTERIM DIRECTOR OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES, EFFECTIVE JULY 7, 2000 CONSENT AGENDA/OPPQRTUNITYFOR PUBLIC COMMENT: ;iLL ITEMS LISTED WITH AN ASTERISK (*) OR A NUMBER SIGN (#) WERE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE AND APPROVED BY ONE MOTION. BOARD ACTION SHOWN IN CAPS KERN SANITATION AUT~ORI~ Pz-Pa 1) Public Hearing to consider report concerning Fiscal Year All Ayes 2000-2001 Sewer Service Charges for Kern Sanitation Authority - OPENED HEARING; NO ONE HEARD; CLOSED HEARING; MADE FINDING THAT PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM CEQA PER SECTIONS 15273 ARD 21080(b) (8); DIRECTED CLERK OF BOARD TO FILE NOTICE OF EXEMPTION; ADOPTED R~SOLUTION 2000-215 Pr-Mc %2) Proposed Resolution to establish Fiscal Year 2000-2001 All Ayes Appropriations Limit for Kern Sanitation Authority - ADOPTED RESOLUTION 2000-216 Pr-Mc #3) Proposed plans and special provisions for Wastewater All Ayes Treatment Plant Reservoir Improvements at Kern Sanitation Authority - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SI~N; MADE FINDING THAT PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM CEQA PER SECTION 15301(b); DIRECTED CLERK OF THE BOARD TO FILE NOTICE OF EXEMPTION; DIRECTED WASTE MANAGEMENT TO PREPARE REQUISITION AND PURCHASING TO SOLICIT EIDS Summary of Proceedings Page 20 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 06/27/2000 ~ORD CITY-TAFT HEIGHTS SANITATION DISTRICT ' . Pa-Pr 4) Public. Hearing to consider report concerning Fiscal Year All Ayes 2000-2001 Sewer Service Charges for Ford city-Taft Heights Sanitation District - OPENED HEARING; NO ONE HEARD; CLOSED HEARING; MADE FINDING THAT PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM CEQA PER SECTIONS 15273 AND 21080(b) (8); DIRECTED CLERK OF THE BOARD TO FILE NOTICE OF EXEMPTION; ADOPTED RESOLUTION 2000-217' Pr-Mc 85) Proposed Resolution to establish Fiscal Year 2000~200.1 All Ayes Appropriations Limit 'for Ford City-Taft Heights Sanitation District - ADOPTED RESOLUTION 2000-218 PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS 6) This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons to address the Board on any matter not on this agenda but under the jurisdiction of the Board. Board me, ers may respond briefly to statements made or questions posed. They may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff for factual information or request staff to report back to the Board at a later meeting. 'Also, the Board may take action to direct the staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. SPEAKERS ARE LIMITED TO TWO MINUTES. PLEASE STATE YOUR NAME BEFORE MAKING YOUR PRESENTATION. THANK YOU! .- GWEN SPENCER; MARY BERGLAND AND DUNCAN HARVEY, KERN COUNTY NEIGHBORS FOR QUALITY AIR, WATER AND GROWTH; 'SONIA SWENSON-WOOLSEY, PARENTS UNITED FOR A HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT; AND FRED VOLTZ HEARD REGARDING DAIRIES IN KERN COUNTY Pz-Pa RECEIVED'AND FILED DOCUMENTS All Ayes ~ .~QARD MEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS OR REPORTS 7) On their own initiative, Board members may make an announcement or a report on their own activities. They may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda .(Gov. CodeSec. 54954.2(a)) - NO ONE HEARD Summary of Proceedings Page 21 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 06/27/2000 GENERAL PLAN AMENDN~ ~EARINGS RESOURCE ~NAGE~EN'T AGENCY Planning Departmen~ AMendment of the Land Use, Open Space and Conservation Element, Maximum Allowed Land Use Density Table of the Kern County ~eneral Plan; Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan; Kern County General Plan Circulation Element; Amend Appendix G of the Kern County~eneral Plan to include the MetropolitanBakersfield (Ben·) Sanitary Landfill; Rescind the Pacificana Specific Plan; Realignment of the West Beltway ·s ·hewn and adopted by the Pacificana Specific Plan; O~her Items as cited Which Include Amendments of Certain Zoning ]taps and Applications and Proceedings Pr-Mc *8) Request frc~ Kern County Waste Management Department for Ail Ayes &n amen4ment to include the former buffer exam around Bakersfield Metropolitan (Be·a) Sanitary Landfill into the exist£ng 3.4 (Solid Waste Facility) dasi~nation £or the landfill on ~he Kern County General Plan; in addition, · sene change ~s requested to delete the GH (Oeologic Hazard) D~strict fr~m · portion of the 1and£i11, lot&ted at Bakersfield Metropolitan (Ben&) Sanitary Landfill, 17 m/les east of the City of Bakersfield, north of Highway $8 ~nd east of Tower Line Road, 2951 Ne,,mmrkle Road (eD's I & 2) Specific Request: (a). Amend the Land Use, Open Space .and Conservation Element of the Kern County General Plan from Map Code(s) 8.4 (Mineral and Petroleum), 8.4/2.4 (Mineral and Petroleum Steep Slope), and 8.3/2.4 (Extensive Agriculture - Steep Slope) to Map Code(s) 3.4 (Solid Waste Facilities) and 3.4/2.4 (Solid Waste Facilities - Steep Slope) or a more restrictive'map code designation; Amend Appendix G of the Kern County General Plan to include the Metropolitan Bakersfield (~ena} Sanitary Landfill (GPA %2, Map %105) (b) Amend the Land Use, Open Space and Conservation Element of the Kern County~eneral Plan from Map Code(s) 8.3 (Extensive Agriculture), 8.3/2.5 (Extensive Agriculture - Flood Hazard), and 8.3/2.4 (Extensive Agriculture - Steep Slope) to Map Code(s) 3.4 (Solid Waste Facilities), 3.4/2.5 (Solid Waste Facilities Flood Hazard), and 3.4/2.4 (Solid Waste Facilities Steep Slope) or a more restrictive map code designation; Amend Appendix ~ of the Kern County General Plan include the Metropolitan Bakersfield (Be·a) Sanitary Landfill (GPA %3,-Map %126) c) A change in zone classification .from A G~H (Exclusive Agriculture - Geologic Hazard Combining) to A (Exclusive Agriculture) or amore restrictive district (ZCC %10, Map %126) (Continued on Page 22) Summary of Proceedings Page 22 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 06/27/2000 (Continued from Page 21) (Environmental Impact Report (Metropolitan Bakersfield (Bena) Sanitary Landfill); Published Bakersfield Californian) - OPENED-HEARING; NO ONE HEARD; CLOSED HEARING; CERTIFIED THE SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT; ADOPTED SECTION 15091 FINDINGS AND SECTION 15093 STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS; ADOPTED RESOLUTIONS 2000-219 AND 2000-220 AND ENACTED ORDINANCE G-6694 APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT, INCLUDING THE BAK~-RSFIELD METROPOLITAN (BENA) SANITARY LANDFILL INTO APPENDIX G OF THE GENERAL PLAN AND APPROVING ZONE CHANGE As ~EQU~STED All AYes Xn~.. to delete m fu~e ee=on~m~ ~ghway along ~e nor~-lov~ ~ec~ion line of Section 31, T25S, ~4E, be~we~ 'Pond Road ~d Pe~erson ~oad, approx~el~ ~les wes~ of McFarl~d (SD 4) Specific .Re.est: ~nd the Circulation Ble~nt of the Ke~ Co~ty ~neral Plan to delete a future seconda~hi~hway aliment alon~ ~he north-sOuth ~dsection line of Section 31, T25S, ~24E, between Pond Road and Paterson Road (~PA %1, Map %8) (~neral Rule, Section 15061(b) (3); ~lished Delano ~ecord) ~ OP~D ~ING; NO O~ ~; C~S~ ~ING; ~OPTED ~SOL~ION 2000-219 ~PROVIN~ G~ Pr-Mc '10) Re~est. fr~E~ Erro ~ POrter-~bertson All Ayes ~d B~eying to c~ge the pe~tted agr$cul~ural to cmrc~al ~o 'a11~ a ~n~r~ w$~ fasb-food res~a~t located a~ ~he nor~heas~ uo~er of In~er.~a~e 5 ~d B~a~e ~ou~e 119 (Ta~ Highway). ~outh o~ B~ers~ield Specific Re.est: (a) ~nd the Metropolit~ Bakersfield 2010 ~neral Plan from Map Code(s) R-IA (Intensive Agriculture) =o HC (Highway .Co~ercial) or a ~re restrictive ~p code designation (GPA ~4, Map ~122) (b) A chugs in zone classification from A-1 (Limited Agriculture) to C-2 PD (~neral Co~ercial - Precise ~velopment Co~ining) or a ~re restrictive district (ZCC 813, Map ~122) (c) A Precise ~velop~n= Pi~ for =he cons=~ction of a convenience store with' fuel isl~ds ~d a fast-food restarts= (PD PI~ 84, ~p %122) (Negative~clara=ion; ~lished Bakersfield Califo~i~) - OP~ ~ING; NO O~ ~; ~S~ ~ING; ~PT~ ~TI~ DEC~TION'.~ MITI~TION ~~ MONITORING PR~; ~P~SOL~IONS 2000-219, 2000-221 ~ 2000- 222 ~ ~~ O~I~CE G-6695 ~PROVING " ~~ ~ ZO~ ~GE ~ ~Q~S~; ~PRO~ PRECISE D~P~ P~ S~ TO ~ ~CO~ED CO~ITIONS; ~PT~ ~ SU~EST~ FI~INGS Summary of Proceedings Page 23 · Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 06/27/2000 Pz-Pr 11) Request from ~eorge Borba a~d James Both& by Tschudin Ail Ayes Consulting Group to rescind the Pacificane Specific Plan to establish an Intensive A~riculture desi~nation, amend *:he Circulation Element of ~e Me~ropoli~ 2010 ~eral Pi~, ~d to approve c~tto~l use ~o m11~ ~e cons~c~lon of ~o ~iries on approx4---te 4,T00-acre li:e located ~ ~e iou~h side of Taft Highway ~d wes~ o~ ~a V~s~a ~ad, west of B~ersfield (SD 4) Specific Re.est: (a) ~nd the Metropolit~ Bakersfield 2010 ~neral Plan to rescind the Pacific~a Specific PI~ ~d est~lish a land use Map Code of R-IA (Intensive Agricult~e) or a more restrictive ~p c~e desi~ation; a proposed reali~ent of the West Beltway as sho~ ~d adopted by the Pacificana Specific Pi~; a re.est ~0 delete the retirement for future arterial road ali~men=s along section lines ~d future collector road alights along midsection lines should the Pacificana Specific Plan be rescinded (GPA %3, Map 4141) (b) and (c) ~o Conditional Use Pe~ts =o allow establishment of a 4,677-acre integrated dai~ operation (Section 19.12.030.A.2) consisting of two'dairies of similar design, each occupying approxi~tely 341 acres, and would consist of a central dai~ ba~, large free stall ba~s for milking cows, corrals with shade s=~ctures for suppor~ stock, ~ure separation pits and wastewater ponds, feed storage facilities, ~d assorted support buildings. Three to five dwellings would be const~cted on each site for o~ers and/or e~loyees. Each facility would support 7,200 dai~ cows, 3,264 cows and bred heifers, 1,092 heifers, ~d 2,730 calves for a total of 28,572 head of cattle at ~he project site in an A (~clusive Agriculture) District (~ 412, Map 4141; ~ ~13, Map ~141) (Environmental I~act Report; P~lished Bakersfield Califo~ian) - CO~I~D TO ~SDAY, ~Y 25, 2000, AT 2:00 P.M. DEPARTMENTAL REOUESTE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY Planning Department Pr-Mc '12) Report verifying contingency associated with June 13, All Ayes 2000 Board action approving request from Tejon Industrial Corporation (PP99241) for a Development Agreement for an approved 320-acre industrial development in order to vest previous approvals and freeze existing applicable County Ordinances, regulations, and policies for a ten-year period of time, located on the west side of Interstate 5 at the Lava1 Road interchange, approximately 20 miles south of Bakersfield (SD 4) - RECEIVED AND FILED Summary of Proceedings Page 24 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 06/27/2000 R_~SOI~RCE ~AGf~ AGENCy Community Development Program Pr-Mc '13) ProPosed Subordination of County loans to United States All Ayes Department of Agriculture Rural Development loan on the Shafter Farm Worker HoUsing Project - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED DIRECTOR TO SUBORDINATE COUNTY'S TWO HOME- FUNDED LOANS ON SHAFTER FARM WORKER HOUSING PROJECT TO RURAL DEVELOPMENT LOAN IN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $150,000 THROUGH EXECUTION OF ONE OR MORE SUBORDINATION.AGT~EMENTS IN A FORM TO BE APPROVED BY COUN~ COUNSEL Pr-Mc '14) proposed 9u~endment No. 1-toAgreement No. 115-2000 with All Ayes City of Ridgecrest for use of an additional $37,600 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds for construction of Ridgecrest Skate Park Improvement in the City of' Ridgecrest - APPROVED;.AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AG~tEEMENT 663-2000 Pr-Mc '15) Proposed designation of National Health Services, Inc'., Ail Ayes as a Community Housing Develop~nt Organization (CHDO) under the HOME Program-- APPROVED Pr-Mc ,16) Proposed Agreement to obligate $140,000 of HOME Program All Ayes funds for costs in connect/on with City of Wasco Housing Authority Housing .- APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRF~TO SIGN AGREEMENT 664.-2000; AUTHORIZED DIRECTOR TO ADMINISTER PROJECT AGREEMEN~T AND EXECU~ REQUIRED 'DOCU~S TO IMPLE~ PROJECT, INCLUDING DEED RESTRICTION AGREF2~EN~, SECURITY AGREEMENT, ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS, AND OTHERS, IN A FORM APPROVED BY COUNT~ COUNSEL Pr-Mc '17) Proposed Agreements with the City of Arvin, to provide All Ayes CDBG funding in the amount of $127,770 for the Arvin Downtown Revitalization-Adobe Complex/Outdoor Community "Center Renovation and Improvements activity, and with the RRM Design'Group, architect for the design, construction plans and specifications, cOnstruct/on engineering, and 'observation services, contract administration and construction monitoring of the activity, in an amount not, to exceed $125,770 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENTS 665-2000 AND 666-2000; AUTHORIZED DIRECTOR TO TRANSMIT EXECUTED ACTIVITY AGREEMENTS; AUTHORIZED CO~ TO IMPLEMENT ACTIVITY' Summary of Proceedings Page 25 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 06/27/2000 Engineerin~ and Survey Services Pr-Mc '18) Tract 5842, Phase 2, south of Orange Street and west of All Ayes 35th Street West, Rosamond area; Agreement Extending and Amending Subdivision Improvement Agreement and Agreement Extending Time to Complete Permanent Survey Monuments; Kaufman & Broad of Southern California, Inc. - GRANTED REQUESTED EXTENSION OF TIM~ TO COMPLETE THE REQUIRED IMPROVEMENT WORKANDMONUMENTATIONTOFRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2000; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SI~N; RETAINED EXISTING IMPROVEMENT SECURITIES IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT Pr-Mc '19) Tract 5201, Unit C, northeast corner of 35th Street West All Ayes and Holiday Avenue, Rosamond area; Agreement Extending and Amending Subdivision Improvement Agreement and Agreement Extending Time to Complete Permanent Survey Monuments; Barratt American Incorporated - GRARTED REQUESTED EXTENSION OF TIME TO COMPLETE THE REQUIRED IMPROVEMENT WORK AND MONUMENTATION TO FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 2001; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN; RETAINED EXISTING IMPROVEMENT SECURITIES IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT Pr-Mc *20) Tract 5606, Unit C, northwest corner of Jenkins Road and All Ayes Hageman Road, Release of Laborers and Materialmen Security; BateyDevelopment, Inc. - RELEASED TH~ LABORERS AND MATERIALMEN SECURITY LETTER OF CREDIT #NZS316078 IN THE AMOUNT OF $408,156 AND RETXIRNED SAME TO THE ISSUING INSTITUTION, WELLS FARGO BANK Pr-Mc '21) Proposed Request for Proposal for 9ngineering design of All Ayes the North Beardsley Area Curb & Gutter Improvements - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED ENGINEERING AND SURVEY SERVICES TO SOLICIT PROPOSALS ~ Pr-Mc *22) Proposed Resolution Initiating Proceedings for Annexation All Ayes No. 10 (Tracts 5884 and 5918) and Extension of Zones of Benefit Nos. i and 2 (Tracts 5655, 5884 and 5918) to County Service Area No. 17 (LAFCO Proceeding 81280) - ADOPTED RESOLUTION 2000-223 INITIATING PROCEEDINGS FOR ANNEXATION NO. 10 AND EXTENSION OF ZONES OF BENEFIT NOS. I AND 2 TO COUNTY SERVICE AREANO. 17; SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 2000, AT 2:00 P.M., TO P-ECEIVE PUBLIC INPUT AND TALLY BALLOTS; INSTRUCTED ENGINEERING AND SURVEY SERVICES TO MAIL NOTICES AND BALLOTS TO ALL PROPERTY OWNERS APFECTEDAND TO CONDUCT A PUBLIC MEETING IN COMPLIANCE WITH ARTICLE XIII D.: OF TH~ CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION; INSTRUCTED CLERK OF 'THE BOARD TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF HEARING; APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT 667-2000 WITH LAFCO Summary of Proceedings Page 26 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 06/27/2000 R~SOURCE MA/~AGEM~AG~NCy. ~ -', Environmental Health Servicem Animal Control Servicem Pr-Mc *23) Proposed Join= Powers Agreement with the CitY of All Ayes Ridgecrest for the City to provide animal shelter services for Indian Wells Valley, in an amount not to exceed $60,587 for Fiscal Years 1998-1999 and 1999-2000., and $32,087 for Fiscal Year .2000-2001 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZE CHAIRMAN TO SI~NAGREEMENT 668-2000 R~SOURCE MANA~4ENT&~NCY Roads Department Pr-Mc .*24) Contract No. 20022, plans, specifications and notice to All Ayes contractors for construction on Oak Creek Road from one mile east of Tehachapi Willow Springs Road to 10-.35 miles east of Tehachapi Willow Springs Road - MADE FINDING THAT PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM CEQA PER SECTION 15301(c); AUTHORIZED ROADS TO FILE NOTICE OF EXEMPTION; APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SI~N; ALTTHORIZED ROADS TO PUBLISH PURSUANT TO SECTION 20392 OF PUBLIC CONTRACTS CODE; BID OPENING TO BE WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 2000, 11:00 A.M. WITH- *25) Contract No. 20021, accept low bid 'of Sturgeon &' S6h, DRAWN Inc. for construction on College Avenue from Oswell Street to Bakersfield city limits at Montello Street, in an amount not to exceed $174,228.63 - Pr-Mc *26) Proposed Agreement with Equilon Enterpr%ses, LLC, for All Ayes pipeline relocation on Calloway Drive-underpass, in an amount not to exceed $225,000 APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 669-2000 Pr-Mc *27) Contract No. 20020, accept low bid of Granite All Ayes Construction .Company for construction on Meacham Road between Renfro Road and Phairfield Street, in an amount not to exceed $203,505 - ACCEPTED LOW BID; AUTHORIZED ROADS TO PREPARE NECESSARYCONTRACTDOCUMENTSANDRL~LEASE ~T, OTHER BID ~UARANTEBS Pr-Mc *28) Contract No. '20028, accept low bid of Granite ;ull Ayes Construct/on Company for construction of Calloway Drive underpass at Burlington NOrthern Santa Fe Railway, PUC No. 2-892.6B and the elimination of parking on roadways in conjunction with this project, in an amount not to exceed $4,618,808 - ACCEPTED LOW BID; AUTHORIZED ROADS TO PREPAR~ NECESSARY CONTRACT DOCU~S ARD RELEASE ALL OTHER BID GUARANTEES Summary of Proceedings Page 27 . Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 06/27/2000 Pr-Mc *29) Proposed Contract No. 20019 with Griffith Co'any for All Ayes construction on various northeast Bakersfield streets bounded by state Highway 184 and Niles Street to the north and south, and between Mt. Vernon Avenue and Fairfax Road, in an amount not to exceed $455,000 - ;tPPROI~; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 670-2000 Pr-Mc *30) Proposed establishment of a no stopping zone on the west All Ayes side of Mt. Vernon Avenue north of Texas Street - APPROVED; REFERRED TO COUNTY COUNSEL FOR PREPARATION OF ORDINANCE Pr-Mc '31) Contract No. 20037, plans, specifications and notice to All Ayes contractors for construction on Malaga Road between Buena Vista Boulevard and DiGiorgio Road - F~,DE FINDING THAT PROJECT IS'EXEMPT FROM CEQA PER SECTIONS 15301(c)AND 15302; AUTHORIZED ROADS TO FILE NOTICE OF EXEMPTION; APPROVED PLANS ANDSPECIFICATIONS; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMANTO SIGN; AUTHORIZED ROADS TO PUBLISH PURSUANT TO SECTION 20392 OF PUBLIC CONTRACTS CODE; BID OPENING TO BE WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 2000, 11:00 A.M. S.D.'s ~1 & ~3 Pr-Mc *32) Contract No. 20023, accept low bid of Granite All Ayes Construction Company for construction on China Grade Loop between Airport Drive and 300' east of North Chester Avenue, in an amount not to exceed $487,717 - ACCEPTED LOW BID; AUTHORIZED ROADS TO PREPARE NECESSARY CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND RELEASE ALL OTHER BID G~JARANTEES Pr-Mc *33) Contract No. 20017, accept low bid of Griffith Company Ail Ayes for construction on various streets in Oildale (Area 1) bounded by Seventh Standard Road and Olivm Drive to the north and south, and between Coffee ROad and North Chester Avenue, in an amount not to exceed $507,000 - ACCEPTED LOW BID; AUTHORIZED ROADS TO PREPAR~ NECESSARY CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND RELEASE ALL OTHER BID GUARANTEES Pr-Mc .34) Contract No. 20027, accept 10w bid of Griffith Company All Ayes for construction on Alfred Harrell Highway from city limits at Panorama Drive and through Hart Park, in an amount not to exceed $925,000.00 - ACCEPTED LOW BID; AUTHORIZED ROADS TO PREPAR~NECESSARY CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND RELEASE A/~L OTHER BID G%rARANTEES Pr-Mc *35) Contract No. 20031, accept low bid of Griffith Company All Ayes for construction on various streets in southwest Bakersfield bounded by Stockdale Highway and Ming Avenue to the north and south, and between New Stine Road and State Highway 99, in an amount not to exceed $703,000 - ACCEPTED LOW BID; AUTHORIZED ROADS TO PREPARE NECESSARY CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND RELEASE ALL OTHER BID GUARANTEES Summary of Proceedings Page 28 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 06/27/2000 WASTE MANAGEMENT Pr-Mc *36) Public Hearing on proposed amendment to the Siting All Ayes Element of the Countywide Integrated Waste Management Plan for closure of Lebec Sanitary Landfill - OPENED HEARING; NO ONE HEARD; CLOSED HEARING; ADOPTED RESOLUTION 2000-224; DIRECTED CLERK OF THE BOARD TO FILE NOTICE OF DETERMINATION; AUTHORIZED WASTE MANAGEMENT TO REIMBURSE PLANNING DEPARTMENT FOR PROCESSING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND ZONE (~NGE S.D.'s ~1 & ~2 Pr-Mc *37) Proposed Contract No. 20025 with Bakersfield Well and All Ayes Pump Company to install a turbine pump and construct an access road and weI1 pad at Bakersfield Metropolitan (Bena) Sanitary Landfill, in an amount not to exceed $168,055 - APPRO%FED; ALFI~HOR I ZED CHAI~ TO SIGN AGREEMENT 671-2000 · Pr-Mc *38) Proposed Amendment No. 2 to Agreement 444-96 with All Ayes Community Clean Sweep for operation of the Drop-Off Recycling Program, extending term to June 30, 2003, in an amount'not to exceed $380,000 (increase of $186,000) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 672-2000 Pr-Mc *39) Proposed Agreement with the City of Bakersfield for'Waste All Ayes Disposal incorporating a new formula to calculate gate fees collected from the City .APPRO%FED; ALF/"AORIZED CHAIRF~%N TO SIGN AGREEMENT 673-2000 Pr-Mc *40) Proposed Agreement with the City of ~akersfield to All Ayes process County greenwaste at the. Mt. Vernon facility for Fiscal Years 2000-2003, in an amount not to exceed $3,500,000 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 674-200'0 COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 'Pr-Mc '41) Proposed Amendment. No. 4 to Agreement with UNITED -All Ayes HealthCare for employee health insurance plan administration, extending, term to September 30, 2000 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 675-2000 Pr-Mc *42) Transfer of property tax. entitlement - City of All Ayes Bakersfield Annexation No. 412 (Rosedale #8).- ADOPTED RESOLUTION 2000-225 AUTHORIZING AUDITOR-CONTROLLER-COUNTY CLERK TO TRANSFER A PORTION OF THE COUNTY'S PROPERTYTAX ENTITLEMENT TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD COMMENCING FISCAL YEAR 2001-2002 .~ . Summary of Proceedings Page 29 · Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 06/27/2000 Pr-Mc *43) Proposed application for grant funding from the U.S. Ail Ayes Department of Justice for Sheriff support positions in the amount of $75,000 - AUTHORIZED COUNT~ ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE A/ND SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT TO SUBMIT APPLICATION Pr-Mc *44) Proposed establishment of separate capital project fund Ail Ayes for the Public Health Facility project - AUTHORIZED ESTABLISHMENT OF INTEREST BEARING PUBLIC HF. JtLTH FACILITY FUND; AUTHORIZED AUDITOR-CONTROLLER-COUNTY CLERK TO COMPLETE NECESSARY ACCOUNTING ADJUSTMENTS TO TRANSFERTHE PUBLIC HEALTHFACILITYPROJECTFROMTHEGENERALFUND INTO NEW CAPIT;tL PROJECT FUND; AUTHORIZED ESTABLISHMENT OF A LINE OF CREDIT FROM THE ACO GENERAL FUND TO THE PUBLIC HEALTH FACILITY FUND IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $3,000,000 Pr-Mc *45) Proposed Agreement with California Grape and Tree Fruit All Ayes League for financial contribution to assist in eradication of Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter, in an amount not to exceed $150,000 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 676-2000, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL AS TO FORM BY COUNTY COUNSEL Pr-Mc *46) Proposed establishment of Tobacco Litigation Settlement Ail Ayes Special Revenue Fund - AUTHORIZED ESTABLISHMENT OF INTEREST BEARING TOBACCO LITIGATION SETTLEMENT SPECIAL REVENUEFUND; AUTHORIZED AUDITOR-CONTROLLER-COUNTY CLERK TO TRANSFER FUNDS FROM THE TOBACCO LITIGATION SETTLEMENT TRUST FUND TO THE TOBACCO LITIGATION SETTLEMENT SPECIAL REVENUE FUND; AUTHORIZED AUDITOR-CONTRO~.?~R-COUNTY CLERK TO ELIMINATE THE TOBACCO LITIGATION SETTLEMENT TRUST FUND Pr-Mc *47) Proposed Agreement with Kern Economic Development All Ayes Corporation for economic development services for a one- year term ending June 30, 2001, in an ~pmount not to exceed $42,000 in cash plus in-kind contributions - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEM~NT 677-2000 Pr-Mc *48) Report on telecommunication strategy for the San Joaquin All Ayes Valley - RECEIVED AND FILED Pr-Mc *49) Report on credit rating and pricing of Fiscal Year 2000- All Ayes 2001 Tax and Revenue Anticipation Note - RECEI%"ED AND FILED Pr-Mc *50) Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial All Ayes Reporting received by James A. Rhoades, Auditor- Controller-County Clerk - RECEIVED AND FILED Leaislative Matters Pr-Mc '51) Emergency declaration and expenditure of federal funds in All Ayes the amount of $7,000,000 to control Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter (Pierce's Disease) - ADOPTED POSITION IN SUPPORT; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN APPROPRIATE CORRESPONDENCE Summary of Proceedings Page 30 Board of Supervisors RegUlar 'Meeting 06/27/2000 Pr-Mc *52) P~oposed Resolution requesting exclusion of C~ass ~'I Ail Ayes Waste from local jurisdiction recycling calculations '- ADOPTED RESOLUTION 2000-226; AUTHORIZED CHAIRF~ TO SIGN APPROPRIATE CORRESPONDENCE CO~ ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICR ~eneral Services Division Pr-Mc *53) Proposed .purchase of a fee interest in 37.84 acres of All Ayes land adjacent to and west of the Mojave Landfill from Louise Stookey Jones WooIsey, in the amount of $49,400, plus closing costs - OPEN'SI) HEARING; NO ONE HEARD; CLOSED HEARING; MADE FINDING THAT PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM CEQA PER SECTION 15061; AUTHORIZED GENERAL SERVICES TO FILE NOTICE OF EXEMPTION; APPROVED; AU~/4ORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN SALE ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS; .ACCEPTED GRANT' DEED; ADOPTED RESOLUTION 2000-227; DIRECTED AUDITOR-CON/]{OLLER TO ISS.UE A WARRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $49,554.84 TO COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE COMPANY Pr-Mc *54) Proposed .License Agreement with State Department of All Ayes Transportation for installation and operation of communications equipment at County's- communications facilities on Brecker~ridge Mountain from june 27, 2000 to December 31, 2016 (monthly rent of $350) - MADE FINDING THAT PROJECT .IS'EXEMPT FROM CEQA PER SECTION 15301;' AUTHORIZED GENERAL SERVICES TO FIL~ NOTICE OF F_~XEMPTION; APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SI~N AGREEMENT 678-2000 Pr-Mc *55) (3000.7546) Accept 'low bid from 'Piper & DeVries, ~Inc., All Ayes d.b.a. Omega Construction, for the demolition and removal of existing sand bunker building at Greemhorn Mountain Park and construction of a new building, in the amount of $191,000 - ACCEPTED LOW BID; 'AUTHORIZED GENERAL SERVICES TO P, ELF~ASE ALL OTHER BID GUARANTEES AND PREPAR~ CONTRACT Pr-Mc *5'6) (1650.7256) PrOposed Agreement` with Kern Asphalt Paving Ail Ayes & Sealing Company to repave parking lot at Kern River Valley County Building, in an amount not to exceed $112,279 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SI~N AGP~EEMENT 679-2000 Summary of Proceedings Page 31 · Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 06/27/2000 Pr-Mc *57) Proposed month-to-month office and hanger Sublease All Ayes Agreement with Mercury Air Center for use by the Kern County Fire Department of a portion of Lease Site %4 at Meadows Field to station a helicopter and crew for duration of fire season, from July 1, 2000 through October or November, 2000 (monthly rent of $1,750) - MADE FINDING THAT PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM CEQA PER SECTION 15301; AUTHORIZED GENERAL SERVICES TO FILE NOTICE OF EXEMPTION; APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CT{AIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 680-2000, SUBJECT TO FINAL APPROVALAS TO FORM BY COUN~/ COUNSEL Pr-Mc *58) (8994.8221) Proposed assessment of penalty for~nergytek, All Ayes Inc., under Public Contract Code, Section 4110, for violation of Section 4106 Subcontracting Listing Requirement on the Poso A/x-port Project - APPROVED; ASSESSED FINE OF $500 AGAINST ENERGYTEK, INC. Pr-Mc *59) (1650.7235)~Accept low bid from Journey Air Conditioning All Ayes Company for the replacement of two air-conditioningunits at the Mary K. Shell Mental Health Building, in the amount of $185,582 - ACCEPTED LOW BID; AUTHORIZED GENERAL SERVICES TO RELEASE ALL OTHER BID GTJARANTEES AND PREPARE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Pr-Mc *60) (1650.7240) Proposed Agreement with Piper & DeVries, Ai~-Ayes Inc., d.b.a. Omega Construction, to' replace one air- conditioning unit at Reprographics, in an amount not to exceed $156,000 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 681-2000 CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCES INTRODUCED ON JUNE 20. 2000 Pr-Mc '61) Proposed Ordinance establishing the schedule of Universal All Ayes Solid Waste Collection Charges for Fiscal Year 2000-2001 i for the South Taft Universal Collection ;trea -.ENACTED · ' ~ ORDINANCE G-6696 Pr-Mc *62) Proposed Ordinance amending Sections 8.28.060 and A/1 Ayes 8.28.080 and adding Sections 8.28.081, 8.28.082, 8.28.083 and 8.28.084 to the Ordinance Code of Kern County regarding illegal dumping and the establishment of Universal Solid Waste Collection in specified collection areas - ENACTED ORDINANCE G-6697 W~kTT~RS FOR ~X~CUTIV~ APPRovAL Pr-Mc *63) Budget Transfers - APPROVED %276 THROUGH %301 All Ayes Pr-Mc *64) Minutes for week of June 5, 2000 - APPROVED All Ayes Summary of Proceedings Page 32 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 06/27/2000 *65) ~iscel~aneous Letters and Documents - FILED Pr-Mc All Ayes Pr-Mc *66) Miscellaneous Departmental Referrals by Clerk of the Ail Ayes Board - APPROVED AND FILED Pr-Mc *67) Claims and Lawsuits filed with and referred by Clerk of All Ayes the Board ~ APPROVED AND FILED Pr-Pz ADJOURNED TO MONDAY, JULY 3, 2000, AT 9:00'~A.M. D~ni~se Pennell  .k of the Board Kenneth Chairman, Board of Supervisors Summary of Proceedings Page 33 · Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 06/27/2000 65) MISCELLANEOUS L~TTERS AATD DO~S - FILED Auditor-Controller A) Audit of the County Service Areas, Fiscal Years ended 1998 and 1999 - R]~CEIVE AND FILE B) Kern Medical Center Audit Report for June 30, 1999 RECEIVE AND FILE Engineering and Survey Services C) Recorded Irrevocable Offers of Dedication of Tract 5772 for landscape and wall easement and storm drain easements from the Dewalt Group, Inc. Environmental Health Servicem D) Thank you letters to various individuals and companies for donations to the Bakersfield and Mojave animal shelters (Copies to each Supervisor) E) Recorded Irrevocable Offer of Dedication PD Plan %7 Map %103-35 County Road %3855 from Shakib Dashtipour F) Agenda of regular meeting for the Planning Commission of the City of Bakersfield on June 15, 2000(Copy to each Supervisor and CAO) _ Notice of meeting for CalFed Bay-Delta Advisory Council Watershed Work Group on June 16, 2000 (Copy to each Supervisor, CAO and Resource Management Agency) Notice of meeting for CalFed Bay-Delta Watershed Ecosystem Roundtable Meeting on J~ne 22, 2000 (Copy to each Supervisor, CAO and Resource Management Agency) Newsletter from American Land Rights Association, National Inholders Association (Copy to each Supervisor, CAO, Planning and County Counsel) J) Publication entitled "California Forests 2000 (Copy to each Supervisor, CAO, Planning and County Counsel) K) Department of Fish and Game Wildlife Conservation Board Minutes of May 24, 2000 (Copy to each Supervisor, CAO, Planning and County Counsel) L) Department.of Water Resources D/strict Repor~ entitled "San Joaquin Valley Drainage Monitoring Pro, ram, 1997" (Copy to each Supervisor, CAO, ..Engineering & Survey Services and Resource Management Agency) M) Not/ce of Hearing on proposed Annexation to the Lost Hills Utility District (Copy to each Supervisor, CAO, Planning and County Counsel) N) T~o (2) letters in support of proposed garbage collection services for unincorporated Bakersfield (Copy to each Supervisor, CAO, Waste Management and County Counsel) Summary of Proceedings Page 34 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 06/27/2000 O) Seventy-three (73) letters in opposition to proposed mandat~ry garbage collection services for unincorporated Bakersfield (Copy to' each Supervisor, CAO, Waste Management and County Counsel) P) One hundred-two (102) cards in support of the Borba Dairy Project (Copy to each Supervisor, CA0, Planning, EnvironmenUal Health Services and County Counsel) Q) Twelve (12) cards in support of an alternate location for the Borba Dairy Project {~opy to each Supervisor, CAO, Planning, Environmental Health Services and County Counsel) R) Two (2) letters in opposition to the Borba Dairy Project (Copy to each Supervisor, CAO, Planning, Environmental Health Services and COunty Counsel) S) Letter from Chuck McCollough thanking the Board of Supervisors for presentation of Certificate of Recognition (Copy to each Supervisor and CAO) T) Response to referral by ~eneral Services to Dr. Craig Swanson re parking citation (Copy to each Supervisor and CAO) U) Response to referral by General Services re donation of property in California City by Nancy Halpin ( Copy to each SUpervisor and CAO) V) RePort from California Highway 'Patrol regarding illegal discharge of hazardous waste (Copy to' each Supervisor, CAO, Environmental Health Services, Fire - Haz-Mat) W) Proposed fiscal year 2000-01 operating and. capital budgets for Golden Empire Transit District (Copy to each Supervisor and CA0) X) E-mail from Bob Sellers, Agriswiss/ Inc. re application of Doug Carman to serve on the Kern County Citrus Pest Control District (Copy to each Supervisor and CAO) Y) 'Letter from Don Thompson re share of cost for Medi-Cal and the tobacco settlement (Copy to each Supervisor and Z) Resolution 24-00 from Tehachapi City Council seeking a fair share of tobacco settlement revenue for all county taxpayers (Copy to each Supervisor, CAO and County Counsel) AA) Resolution No..2554-00 from Taft City Council re 'the tobacco settlement revenue (C~y to each Supervisor, CAO and County Counsel) BB) Letter of resignation'from Elizabeth Keogh asa ~ember of the Citizens Advisory Committee on Annexations {Copy to each 'Supervisor, CAO and County Counsel) CC) Minutes of meeting from Kern Council of Governments on Thursday, May 18, 2000 Summary of. Proceedings Page 35 · Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 06/27/2000 ~ 66) I'.ETTERS 'RECEIVED AND REFERRED BY CLW. RK OF THE BOARD - APPROVED AND FILED A) Applications 'for Alcoholic Beverage License for Wizard Gaming Inc., 118 20th Street W., Rosamond, CA, Hill Nichol III, 6701 Niles Street, Bakersfield, CA, and Slaters Pub, 20-22 Tobias Street, Kernville, CA REFERRED TO PLANNING (Copy to each Supervisor, CAO and County Counsel ) B) Preliminary Official Statement of ~eneral Obligation Bonds for Norris School District o REFERRED TO COUNTY COUNSEL C) Proposal for purchase of 2000 Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes for Kern High School District - REFERRED TO COUNT~ COUNSEL D) Request from Shafter City Council to consolidate the general municipal election to be held on November 7, 2000 -(REFERRED TO ELECTIONS) E) Letter from California Workforce Investment Board addressing requirements for the completion of Local Workforce Investment Act plans - REFERRED TO EMPLOYERS TRAINING RESOURCE (Copy to each Supervisor and CAO) 67) CLAIMS ARID LAWSUITS FILED WIT~ AATD R~F~.RRED BY T~E CL~.RK OF THE BOARD - APPRQVED AND PILED A) Claim in the matter of Tracy Ainsworth vs Kern County - REFERRED TO COUNTY COUNSEL (Copy to Risk Management) B) Claim in the m~tter of Benjamin G. }{~a~ vs Kern County - REFERRED TO COUNTY COUNSEL (Copy to Risk Management) C) Claim in the matter of ~ vs Kern County - REFERRED TO COUNTY COUNSEL (Copy to Risk Management) D) Summons and complaint in the matter'of Jose Martin Romero and Maria Soledad Romero vs Kern County - REFERRED TO COUNTY COUNSEL (Copy to Risk Management)"