HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/14/00 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM July 14, 2000 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY CO ~GfE~ // /J / FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER ~,//// / SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. There is a letter enclosed from the Federal Aviation Administration. They have the last safety plan for the airpark we submitted under active consideration. 2. The Recreation and Parks Department is extending their hours to better serve the public. The administration office will be open from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm Monday through Friday. These new hours are effective beginning July 17th. 3. The search for the new Economic Development Director continues. DMG -Maximus, the firm handling the recruitment, has placed an advertisement in the latest journal from the League of California Cities to aid in the effort. The filing deadline is July 28th. 4. Authorization has been received from CalTrans to begin preliminary engineering for the Metropolitan Bakersfield Transportation Systems Study. In addition, the State budget placed $350,000 to serve as a local match. The $200,000 appropriated earlier for this project could either return to fund balance or be used for other projects. 5. An update from KernCOG on the Metropolitan Bakersfield Transportation Systems Study, Route 58 Kern River Alignment, CalTrans SHOPP Projects, and the Route 46 Ground Breaking Ceremonies is enclosed. 6. California State Senator Charles Poochigian has authored a bill, SB1605, which proposes to make the COPS Program permanent and increase the funding from $100 million to $250 million. From that legislation, we expect to receive $700,000 this year ($500,000 was budgeted) and $500,000 each of the next four years. The early monies are for the Police Records System. 7. The Special Enforcement Unit Progress Report for June 2000 has been provided by the Police Department. 8. I regret to inform you that Howdy Miller, Chair of the Redevelopment Board, is resigning that position. He has done an excellent job over the years. Honorable Mayor and City Council July 14, 2000 Page 2 9. We had intended to have reimbursement agreements on the Council agenda of July 19th to start the environmental and approval work for the City Center. That slipped a meeting as pricing efforts on the work need to continue. i0. The Mayor, Solids Waste Director, Kevin Barnes and I will be going to Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia September 7th - 15th, It is the U.S. Agency for International Development's Resource City Program, and the costs are born by the USAID. We will be assisting them with their solid waste and planning issues. 11. Aramark and SMG appeared here this week - Aramark bought Ogden. SMG is owned ~ by Aramark and is the world's largest firm managing public sector assembly facilities. Operations at the Garden and Convention Center will continue as usual. Aramark has requested the Ogden contract be assigned to SMG - we are doing research on that issue. 12. The Redevelopment Agency appointed members, Mishoe, Anthony and Davenport to the Ad Hoc Committee - City Center Project. The first meeting took place this week. Staff spent Thursday and Friday in negotiations with the developers of the City Center hoping to clarify several issues. Concrete things, however, will occur only after documents are exchanged. They were positive sessions. 13. We are planning a tour of new California League Baseball Stadiums July 24 - 25 with the architects and the developers of the City Center. If any of you are up for a bus ride, let me know. The purpose is to get the good and bad ideas from the other experiences. A memo providing details is enclosed. 14. Attached is the Traffic Engineer's response to the July 8, 2000 KERO-TV editorial concerning synchronization of traffic lights and widening of roads to improve traffic flow. 15. A memo from Public Works is attached which discusses the proposed "Q" Street grade separation at the Union Pacific Railroad. It is a future potential project. 16. A memo is attached from Public Works listing responses to various inquiries from Council member Carson regarding street work. 17. Public Works has provided an update on the posting of the street sweeping schedule in the Bakersfield Californian. AT:al cc: Mayor-Elect Harvey Hall Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst  P.O. Box 92007 ~,/estem-Pacific Region ~Jqorldway Postal Center Los ,~ngleles, C,a~ 90009 of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration 21 MANAGER S OFF!.,.?? Mr. Alan Tandy City Manager City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Tandy: Thank you for your letter dated June 16, 2000, requesting the Federal Aviation Administration reconsider expansion of the controlled airspace at Bakersfield Meadows Field to include Bakersfield Municipal Airport and reclassify the airspace from Class D to Class C. We are making inquiries within our Regional Division offices to collect the necessary information to respond to your request. You can expect to hear from me within 30 days. Sincerely, William C. Withycombe Regional Administrator From: Jane Gardner To: Amber Lawrence Date: 7/14/00 10:11 Subject: General Info Memo Can we sneak this info into today's memo? It's about our extending our hours to better serve the public. The City of Bakersfield Department of Recreation and Parks administration office will be open from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The office hours are being extended an additional hour each day to provide better service. The new hours are effective beginning July 17, 2000. _ RECEIVED B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'SOFi:!.~::il PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: JULY 11, 2000 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER ~y/ FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKSD/{RECTOR SUBJECT: METROPOLITAN BAKERSFIELD TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS STUDY Good news! We have just received notification from CalTrans that all federal paperwork has been completed for the subject study and have been given authorization to proceed (see attached letter). Work should start in earnest very soon. In addition, the State budget placed $350,000 into this project to serve as our local match. Therefore, the $200,000 that was appropriated earlier may return to fund balance or be used for other projects. 07/10/2000 04:24 FAX 6613248215 KERN COG D'EPARTMENT TATION ~ ~ ~ OLI~ A~ P.O. ~X 1~16 July 1 O, 2~ 06-Ke,-O-KCOG HP21B-6087 Traffic Szudy: Mr. IRon Brummett Execmiv~ Di~ Kem Council of Gevemmems ~a,O~ ~9"' Street, Su~ 300 ~ai(ersfkaki, CA 933O1 Deer Mr. BrummelC The abase-noted I~Oject has bee~ author~zecl for Pret[minary E. ginem-ing by Caltrans Headquarters, effeu'thm June 30, 2000. S~ the Federal ~ ~ drWm at l~'tat t~ne, this let~lK ~tll ~ ~ the ~ Au~orizart~m :o Proceed wfth the Preliminary Engine~ri.g Dhase for ~ aDove.4~:~ed project. Ple~ be advts~l that an e~ Preliminary Err~imru~e~Yta! Stt~ly (PIES) form must I~ on file I~fm'e major design c~mmences. Fe~eraJ fur~lng for ~mzucrlon is not authorized at this time. An e~orova] f~r AuthorizatMn t~ Prcgaa~ w~ a~vertising mu:g be obtained from this office prior to advert~ing f~r If ~ have 8xly qu.stim, or r~ em=o. al h~rr. auor,, pleana call Larry Gao m (55,9) ,t45-eO34_ Sincerely, MARVIN ~ Pr~jmma:~r~je~ Mafla~lemem Diviaion TOTRL P.B2 ' : RECEIVED Kern Council JUL of Governments C~TY MANAGER'S OFFICE To: Kern Council of Governments From: Ronald E. Brummett, Executive Director Date: July 7, 2000 Subject: FRIDAYS REPORT METROPOLITAN BAKERSFIELD TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS STUDY: On Thursday, the staff received -verbal-approval to-begin-fhe-Systems-Study:--The-$350;000 irrthe-S~ate'b-0~d~e't-W~ ap~-K6~,ed~ ..... AREAWlDE DIRECTORY: The 20th addition of the Areawide Directow is nearing completion. This updated addition should be available by ,September. ROUTE 58 - KERN RIVER ALIGNMANT: Staff is continuing to meet with representatives of the Kern County Water Agency to resolve issues concerning the Cross Valley Canal. It is estimated that the Position Paper will be available for the Kern COG Board meeting in October. CALTRANS SHOPP PROJECTS: The Caltrans SHOPP program continues to be a problem. Caltrans continues to "walk" projects in at the last minute. They are continuing to requesting projects be added to the RTIP/STIP program, using the Kern COG Board appraved Administrative Approval Process. On Thursday, July 6, 2000, the day after the TTAC meeting, Caltrans District 06 is requesting that a $10 million rehabilitation project be added. The project location is on I-5 from Route 99 to Lerdo Highway. Kern COG typically gets 5 to 10 of these requests each year. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Caltrans Headquarters want to reduce the number of amendments each year. Kern COGs goal is to have quarterly RTIP/STIP amendments. SHOPP ROUTE 46 GROUND BREAKING CEREMONIES: Caltrans has scheduled a ground breaking ceremony for J01y 21,2000 at 10:00 AM. The ceremony will be held at the Lost Hills Park in Lost Hills. Kern Council of Governments 1401 19th Street, Suite 300, Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 861-2191 Facsimile (805) 324-8215 TrY (805) 832-7433 'Gent ;By: Kern C, cunty; 661 391 7515; Jul-lO-O0 10:29; Page D~.r IVtr. Sparks: I am w-ritLp.~ to update you on thc recent a~don~ t~kcn by the .Legislatu~c on thc 2000-01 B~Iget Bill with re, spe~ to loea! law enl~orcement aSenei~ and, more sp~i~c, nlly, to ,the A~ :you are wall aw~e, ~dm~e ~t COPS ~, dfi~ ~ .~d~ r~ve $100 million ~ liw ~~t ~. S~fic~lly, ~ ~ ~ ~l~ on a ~laflon ~le ~ law ~fom~,~t a~ have 9uc~s~[lY ~ ~e Fo~ ~ s~pl~mt c~nt p~Iie s~ a~6~, ~ ha~ b~ limit~ in Ti~ ~. ~S iS due m the ~t ~nt ~e ~udin~ fo~ ~ ~ b ~t ~mt, R~ng ~ dil~ma-~ lo~ law ~for~t ~~ S~te Bill ] ~5 w~eh ~ mon~ wo~d have ~ ~ ~ pm~de a mi~ ~t of$1~,~ m ~ ~ ~hicf, ag~ ~d ~ ~ifi~ law ~~t ~c], n~om~ o~ce to ~e ~ t~lo~ -Sent By: Kern County; 661 391 7515; Jul-l¢-O0 10:29; Fage 316 ~d~~ ey~n of~ ~o ~~. U~~My BiU 288~, $121 ~U~ ~~lc~ ~~ ~~. ~m~ ~ ~o~1 $75 ~on ~r ~ ~ ~w ~~t ~ ~~ w~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~e ~ w~ ~ ~le ~ s~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ for ~ is ~ ~~ of~ ~ ~ ~ law ~. If ~u ~ my ~~ ~~ ~ ~i~ ~~ in Ch~l,s $. Poochi~ian .Sent ~y: Kern County; 661 391 7515; JuZ-IO-OC 10:30; Page 4/~ Anticipated Law Enforcement Funding As adopted by AB 2885 Not~: These am esUmates only-the State-Controller's Office will make the actual all.ohs COPS Funding · $t00 million ;allocated In similar manner as current program · $21 million for $100,000 minimum grant CltylCmmty Last Year's Th~ Ye~'s Increase H~n $1~,7~ $1~ ~7,~7 ,,, ~n ~ .... ~,7~ ~1~i~ ,,, $74,~ '" :~ ~46,~17 ......... S516.317 ........ 0 w~ .... ~,~7 s~,~, ~ '8~ 'S3.~7 $~,~ ~,713 Sen~, Ey: Kerr County; 661 391 ¢515; Jul-lO-O0 10:31; Fage 5/6 ExMM' ,.,$16,738 ~1 ..(~), ,000 el,262 :-F. mw.vtk - ~1e,-72~ $10Q.000 ' ' e3,...272 Und..v ~1.e,661 $~-00.0oo ' ...eo,33,g Pod~r~lkF " !$8%686 , . , .SlO0._,O~O 1'8.314 -Woodlake '. $i4:0~13 '. ~ii.- $100, .0~9..._i. 6~5,.~i_ 7'--- _ Unln~ ;...$3:13,492, , $.313,~2 ....... 0 Law 'Enforcement Technology Grantm · $75 million.one.time · Minimum grant of $100,000 · Population distribution Loc~ Agency Popul~tion lOOK min. Populdlon Total Fm~O "~ ao~ooo ....... -'"-':'-'"-' -":' "~_~Jl111s1_._ Clovlm 70,700 $100;000 ~ 887 S144,M7 cod,. ........ ... - $ oo,o o .. Fireblmgh .... 6,125 $,,1,, ,00.000$3,889'. $103,__P-~ _ fow~r . 3,e?o $~00.000 .$2.,4~7 _ _?echo 420,em .. $100.000 .~7~034_ ~e7,034 .., ~,Huron . . 6~875' $'1....00,000 $3,730 $103,730 .. .... .,42~ ' $~00.000 .~,084 , ','"'"'$~,084 Orange Co~ '" 7;~K)O" ~,100.000 .$$,0.~) .p,d~ .,, - 11;400 $100,000 .ST,238 $~.07,2~.. ~ 20,e~o .... ~100~000 S13.30~ ....$113,3q.1 8an...Joequln 3,.2Q0. $I 00,000 $2~070 ...... $1C)2,_095 Seh~a 18,700 ~I00~000 -~11;872 ~111~872 Unl~ ~te,4~ ~ ~ ~1,~,000 $111,994 ':~n .._ ess, e00 ...... . .$,!,710,343 _e~ 237,2o0. $,!00,000 $150,505 c.momM, city 8;775 ..... ~00~000. '~': $6,571~-,:,~ . $105,571 ' D.~..o 3~,5~0 $~00~000 S22.S?O ~22,570 :'!Medcoo. ".:' 1,,~0 $~00._000 , ~704 SlOO, rO4 M(~fedind 9,450 $I00,000 " ,~;000 .. "$1-.c~..:0~0 ' L...~ ........ 27,300 ~00,000 ' $17,_~_~ $!.17,sn~ Shmb~. ....... 11;000 $~00,000 '- $?,'_r~_5 . ._$107,556 Sent By: Kern County; 661 391 7515; Jui-1C-O0 10:31; Page 8tllF~on ~ 1,512 ~100,000 ~ISl $100,961 .Unlncorport~d "'272~? .S!~,OQC) '" 1172,e72 ~72.e72 _:r_.u~r~ ~rr,Kx)" . .. omube 1~,,~79~) S~oo,~ · ~o, oe~ ' . ~.!~,(~e~ - ~ '~,,-- ~100,000 ~76 $105,41'6 F~III ?jTQO. ;IOO,O(X) 4,~ $104~89 Lindsav ..... O.O~O I $100.00Q ~,74~ '-$!.0l~,74~ .. Podda~n. n?+.oo ... $100,000 ~?~,r/2 I' $~2~,872 v'u~ .. ~6,~oo .... $1o%ooo ~'1,457$1ei.4~? ' _w~ ~'~ ' $1~ ._~,o. ' $1~c~ ..... Urllfw, i)q)orll~ ld4,;~(X) . ,,,~100,000 ~1'014 ...... _11 ~L;blVi::19 ~ ?!.'FY MANAGER'S OF BAKERSFIELD POLICE ~ MEMORANDUM July 11, 2000 To: Alan Tandy, City Manager Honorable Mayor Price and Council Members From: Eric Matlock, Chief of Police ~ Subject: Special Enforcement Unit Progress Report for June 2000 I have enclosed sanitized copies of our Special Enforcement Unit's monthly report, and year to date statistics on gang related shootings. Please call if you have any questions. EWM/vrf enclosures: "Sanitized" BPD Special Enforcement Unit MonthlF Report, June 2000 "Memorandum - "Reported Ganq Related Shootinqs, January 1 - June 22, 2000" Bakersfield Police Department Special Enforcement Unit Sanitized Monthly Report for June 2000 The following is a compilation of the performance of the Special Enforcement Unit and significant incidents / investigations for June 2000. 4() Felony Arrests Guns Seized Special Reports ' Misd, Arrests Fl's Offense Reports Felony Warrants Citations CHP 180's Arrests Misd. Warrant Probation / Parole Search Warrants Arrests Searches 16 Hours in Training ' Hours assisting Gang Shootings other Department sections Year to Date Statistics January - June 2000 Felony Arrests 60 Guns Seized Special Reports _~Misd. Arrests 1022 Fl's Offense Reports Felony Warrants 98 Citations CHP 180's " Arrests Misd. Warrant 602 Probation / Parole Search Warrants Arrests Searches Hours in Training 836 Hours assisting 1999 Shootings other Department ~ sections 2000 Shootings SEU ACTIVITY 6/1/00 SEU officers conducted one probation search on ( ) (WSC) at 920 K Street, Apt. D. He was a primary suspect in a gang related shooting that occurred at 8th and L Street on Sunday the 28th. SEU officers located approximately 1 ounce of rock cocaine in the residence and two weapons. The suspect later confessed to the shooting. He was booked for PC186.22, PC12031 (A)(2)(C)(two counts), PC245(A)(2), PC182.1, HS11366, and HSl1351.5. Two additional arrests were made as follows: ( )(WSC) for PC3056, PC182.1, PC186.22, PC11366, and HS11351.5. ( )(WSC) for PC182.1, PC186.22, HSl1351.5, and HS11366. The two weapons seized were a .25 caliber pistol believed to be the weapon from the 8th Street shootinq and .32 caliber revolver believed to be the weapon from a shooting that occurred in the 1400 block of l~ Street. 6/2/00 SEU Officers assisted Investigations in a possible gang related murder that occurred in the 1000 block of P Street. SEU officers conducted three probation search and parole searches on gang members. We arrested ( .) (Loma Boys) for a furlough violation... Another subject, in his residence, was cited for HS 11357(B). ( .) was arrested for HS11377 and ( .) was arrested for HS11377. 6/3/00 SEU officers assisted Investigations in searching for a weapon in the area of 10th and P Street. SEU officers conducted three probation and parole searches on gang members which met with negative results. SEU officers arrested ( .) for PC69, PC245(D)(1), PC186.22, HSl1351.5 and PC243(B). He had an outstanding warrant for parole violation. During the detention, the suspect hit, bit and kicked Officer Darbee and struck Lt. Lynn in the face. Darbee was treated and released for injuries at Memorial Hospital. Officers provided high visibility patrol on Lakeview Avenue due to treats of a retaliatory shooting. Information was received that (. .) was going to shoot individuals at the Elks Lodge or The Rising Son. Three Deputy District Attorneys conducted a ride along with officers of the SEU. 6~7~00 SEU officers responded to 1404 Monterey Street regarding a vehicle burglary which had just occurred. Officers arrested ( )12, ( .)17, and ( .) as they were fleeing from the scene. The loss was recovered and suspects arrested for petty theft from a vehicle. Officers arrested ( )(WSC) for violation of parole from the 1000 block of 8th Street. Officers arrested ( )(Bakers) on a no bail felony warrant for narcotics at 3020 San Dimas Street. Officers arrested ( ) (Blood) for participation in a criminal street gang and possession of marijuana for sales from 107 S. Owens Street. SEU officers responded to 5th and K Street regarding a "shots fired" call with suspects running with a gun. SEU officers located ( )(WSC) at 1318 5th Street and patrol officers identified him as the suspect running and armed with the gun. No victim located. 6~9~00 SEU officers conducted nine probation and parole searches on gang members which met with negative results. Officers provided high visibility patrol during the funeral of Carlton Mosley (WSC). (. ) was arrested for an outstanding warrant for PC476. (. ) was arrested for VC14601A and H&S11357B. 6/10/00 SEU officers arrested ( .) (ESC) for violation of parole at 10 Kincade and (. ) for a misdemeanor warrant. SEU officers noted light gang activity in District 3,8,9,9-1 for the night. 6/14/00 SEU officers arrested ( )(Colonia) and (. ,) (Colonia) for violation of probation from 2002 Potomac St. Officers arrested (. )(ESC) for possession of marijuana for sale and participation in a criminal street gang. 6/15/00 SEU officers conducted one probation and parole searches on gang members, which met with negative results. ( .)(WSC) was arrested for probation violation. SEU officers stopped a rolling GTA, and ( )was arrested for VC10851. (. .)(Loma Bakers) was arrrested for PC148 and three other Loma Bakers gang members were arrested with the suspect for curfew violations in district eight. Two SEU officers received firearms training at the range. 6/16/00 SEU members conducted one probation and search on gang members which led to the arrest of ( .)(Loma) for PC3056 and' HSl1550. ( .)(Loma) was arrested for three misdemeanor warrants and probation violation. (. .)(Varrio Bakers)' was arrested for PC273.5 after SEU officers witnessed an assault on S. Tulare St. ( )(ESC) was arrested for parole violation. He is suspected as the main shot caller for the East Side Crips and he is also the primary suspect in the Carlton Mosley murder. ( ) was arrested for a felony warrant for PC460 and PC666. ( ) was arrested for PC466 and curfew violation. His partner, ( ) was arrested for curfew violation and public intoxication. 6/21/00 SEU officers arrested felony assault warrant suspects ( .) at 7904 Selkirk and (. ,) at 920 Mt. Lassen St, for Detective Krueger. SEU officers arrested ( ) and parole absconder ( ,)(ESC) in the 300 block of Lakeview Avenue. Officers arrested ( )(Lomita) for resisting arrest and parole violation in the 1200 block of Quincy St. Officers arrested ( .)(Stockton Cdp) for parole violation in the 2000 block of Gage St. Officers arrested ( ) for possession of methamphetamine in the 1400 block of Miller St. Officers observed a strong-armed robbery at Jefferson Park and chased the suspect on foot. Officers arrested ( .)(Bakers) for the robbery. Officers arrested ( )(WSC) for curfew violation from 8th and P St. 6/22/00 SEU officers assisted KNET in a narcotics' investigation in Shafter and Bakersfield. SEU officers attended the community meeting at the Boy's and Girl's Club with the chief of police, city staff, and area residents. Approximately 45-50 residents attended. SEU officers arrested three suspects (all Loma Baker gang members) for resisting arrest and vehicle code violations after they ran from officers in the 1600 block of Beale Avenue. Officers arrested two suspects for public intoxication from 900 Monterey Street. 6/23/00 SEU officers, along with juvenile probation officers conducted probation searches in the greater Bakersfield area with the emphasis on gang members in district 3, 8, 9 and 9-1 areas. Officers arrested three suspects on misdemeanor warrants and one suspect (ESC) for a felony narcotic warrant in the 700 block of S. Williams Street. The felony suspect ran from officers and was located by a police canine. Officers arrested ( ) for possession of heroin from 200 Eye Street and ( )(Bakers) for parole violation. 6/24/00 SEU members conducted two probation searches on gang members which met with negative results. ( )(NLR) was arrested for parole violation. ( )(Colonia Bakers) was stopped in a cold plated Toyota Camry and arrested for VC4362 (B) and VC14601, pending further investigation. 6/28/00 SEU officers arrested ( .) and (. ) for a misdemeanor warrant and possession of a dangerous weapon, drug paraphernalia and maintaining a residence for narcotics use at 620 32nd Street. Officers seized a loaded .32 caliber revolver from suspect during the arrest at his residence. Officers seized and forfeited approximately $650.00 from the suspect. Officers arrested three suspects for resisting arrest, possession of marijuana and loitering for the purpose of narcotic activity from the apartment complex at 1200 38th Street, 6~29~00 While on patrol, SEU officers observed ( )(Bakers) in the 600 block of W. Columbus acting suspicious. Upon contact, the suspect discarded a stolen .38 caliber revolver. Through the investigation, officers located and arrested (. )(Bakers) for supplying the gun. Both suspects were charged with the weapon, possession of a stolen gun and participating in a criminal street gang. Officers arrested (. )(Colonia) on a felony warrant for kidnapping in the 1000 block of Lakeview Avenue. Officers arrested ( .)(ESC) for a felony warrant charging narcotic violations and ( )(ESC) for misdemeanor warrant in the 1000 block of Monterey Street. Officers arrested ( ) for possession of crystal PCP, rock cocaine and transportation of narcotics in the 300 block of Chester Avenue. 6/30/00 SEU officers responded to complaints of gang/narcotic activity at 230 S. Owens Street. Officers arrested (. .) at this location for possession of marijuana for sale, possession of cocaine for sale and maintaining a residence for narcotic sales. Officers seized approximately 2 pounds of marijuana, several grams of cocaine and forfeited $1,200. Officers responded to 605 8th Street regarding cultivation of marijuana and sales of marijuana. Officers arrested two suspects and seized three plants, one of which was 8 % x 3 feet. Officers arrested four suspects (ESC), in the Lakeview area for under the influence of PCP. Officers arrested (. ) and (. ) in the 800 block of Union Avenue for public intoxication and a misdemeanor warrant. ()(WSC) was arrested in the 100 block of California Avenue on a misdemeanor warrant. ( .) was arrested for DUI and driving without a license in the 1900 block of Union Avenue. (. .) was arrested at HWY 178 and Oswell for reckless driving and driving in excess of 100 miles per hour. ( ) was arrested at 200 E. 8th Street for a misdemeanor warrant. BAKERSFIELD POLICE MEMORANDUM Date: July 11, 2000 To: Captain N. Mahan, Support Services From: Sergeant D. Martin, Special Enforcement Unit Subject: Reported Gang Related Shootings January 1, 2000 - June 22, 2000 Date Victim(s) Affiliation Location Offense Affiliation Case No. 01/23/00 Eastside 823 East Brundage Drive-By Unknown N/A Crips Lane PC 246 01/26/00- Country 3316 Lotus Lane PC 664/18'7 East Side 00-03345 Boy Crips Crips 01/29/00 Westside 5309 Marina Drive Drive-By East Side 00-04264 Crips PC 246 Crips 01/30/00 Unknown 2500 block of PC245 (a)(2) Pacheco 00-03859 Hughes Lane Clique 02/15/00 Eastside 300 block of Hayes ADW/firearm Eastside 00-06078 Crips Street Crips 02/12/00 Delano 3216 Ming Avenue PC187 Delano 00-05661 02/17/00 Varrio 928 Flower Street PC664/187 Loma 00-06427 Bakers Bakers PK~Special Enforcement Unit\Gang Shootings 2000 Gang Related Shootings from 01/01/2000 - July 11, 2000 Page 2 Information contained in this document is confidential and is not to be released without the approval of the Chief of Police. Date I Victim(s) IAffiliatiOn I Location I Offense I Affiliation I CaseNo. I 02/19/00 Colonial 100 block PC245(a) (2) Colonia 00-06654 Bakers, Grove/1812 Union Bakers Rolling Avenue 60's 02/19/00 Westside 818 Real Road PC246.3 Eastside 00-06808 Crips Crips 02/21/00 None 420 8th Street PC246 Eastside 00-06993 Crips 02/23/00 Westside 519 N Street PC664/187 Eastside 00-07207 Crip Crips 03/02/00 4040 California PC212.5(C) Long Beach 00-08340 Avenue Crips 03/04/00 Unknown 3600 Dana Street PC12031a(1) Bakers 00-08502 03/05/00 Eastside 2600 Freemont PC245a(2) Westside 00-08707 Cdp Street Crips 03/06/00 Westside 6312 Chester W. PC245a(2) Eastside 00-08850 Crip Nimitz Crips 03/29/00 Tiny 1330 1st Street PC245(a)(2) Eastside 00-11958 Rascals Crips Gang 03/29/00 Eastside 200 block of S. PC246.3 . Country 00-12238 Crips Owens Street Boy Crips 03/29/00 None 10 block of Kincaid PC245(a)(2) Country 00-11964 Street Boy Crips 03/13/00 None 1015 L Street PC246 Westside 00-00972 Cdps 05/03/00 unknown unknown 900 block of Valhalla PC246 Loma Flats 00-16568 Drive 05/14/00 unknown Country 800 block of Casino PC245(a)(2) Eastside 00-18051 Boy Crips Street Crips PK~Special Enforcement Unit\Gang Shootings 2000 Gang Related Shootings from 01/01/2000- July 11, 2000 Page 3 Information contained in this document is confidential and is not to be released without the approval of the Chief of Police. Date I Victim(s) IAffiliati°n I Location I Offense Affiliation 'J Case No. I 05/16/00 Eastside 107 S. Owens Street PC245(a)(2) Eastside 00-18362 Cdp Crips Associate 5/27/00 Varrio 800 block of Kern PC245(a)(2) Varrio 00-19785 Bakers Street Bakers 5/28/00 Crip 800 block of L Street PC 245 Westside 00-19882 Crip 6/2/00 Okie E. Alley/900 block of PC187 00-20568 Bakers P Street PC664/187 6/3/00 Westside 1500 block of PC187 Eastside 00-20635 Cdp Murdock Street Crip 6/7/00 unknown 700 block of L Street PC246.3 Westside 00-21337 Crip 6/25/00 10 block of Northrup -PC187 Country 00-23620 PC187 Boy Cdp 00-23617 PK~Special Enforcement Unit\Gang Sh?otings 2000 B A K E R S F I E L D OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM July 14, 2000 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Mayor-Elect Harvey Hall FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager /~~ SUBJECT: New Stadium Tour The City Center developers asked me to be sure you knew you are invited to participate in a tour of four baseball stadiums July 24th and 25th. These are new facilities. The purpose is to get the good and bad ideas from each as input to the architect on design of the possible new stadium here. The tour will leave by minibus midafternoon on Monday, July 24th. We would tour Lancaster and see part of a game. We would then drive to Ontario to spend the night. On the 25th, we would tour stadiums in Rancho Cucamunga, San Bernardino and Lake Elsinore, returning to Bakersfield around 6:30 - 7:00 p.m. The Pattons, owners of the Blaze, have also been invited. We well understand the difficulties of your schedules, so it is clear why it may not be possible. Those who were able to tour the Grand Rapids arena found it to be worthwhile, however. If you are able to attend, please let Rhonda know, or call me if you have questions. AT:al RECEIVED B A K E R S F I E L D ClTY MANAGER'SOF PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director DATE: July 13, 2000 SUBJECT: "Your23 Editorial" regarding existing traffic and "KERN RIVER FREEWAY" Attached is the Traffic Engineer's response to the July 8, 2000 KERO-TV editorial concerning synchronization of traffic lights and widening of roads to improve traffic flow. Attachment G: ~G RO U PDA'r~lem o~2000[Your23Edit orial_J ulyS._00.wl~l BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM . TO: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR _ ,~,~.~ ri FROM: STEPHEN L. WALKER, PUBLIC WORKS TRAFFIC ENGINEE~/.J,,'///~ J DATE: July 12, 2000 ~ SUBJECT: TRAFFIC ENGINEER'S RESPONSE TO "YOUR 23 EDITORIAL" REGARDING EXISTING TRAFFIC AND KERN RIVER FREEWAY. Television Station KERO-23 produced an "editorial" which aired on July 8, 2000. The subject of the editorial was the Kern River Freeway and how the City must be conspiring to make traffic worse, thus justifying the project. The "editorial" asks, "Have you ever noticed how the city has never synchronized the traffic lights on Rosedale, Ming or Stockdale ?" According to Traffic Engineering staff, no one from KERO has called asking about any of those streets and synchronization of traffic signals. If they had done so, they would have found out that Ming Avenue, from Castro Lane through Ashe Road is fully synchronized for priority traffic flow all day long. They would also have been informed that Stockdale Highway is likewise synchronized from Oak/Wible to Coffee/Gosford, with the exception of the Kern County signal at Fairway Drive. These major arterials were some of the first road segments, outside of the downtown, to be synchronized in the early 1980s. They would have also been informed that the City does not synchronize Rosedale Highway because it is NOT a City street. Only about one and a half miles out of eight miles of road in the urban area is even within the City limits. The State Of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) does synchronize the signals on State Highway 58 (Rosedale Highway) from Highway 99 to Landco Drive. The statement by KERO-23 in the "editorial" has no basis in fact and was apparently not even researched by the editorial staff of KERO-23. If the "editorial" had instead questioned that streets such as Ming, Stockdale or even Rosedale need improvement in their traffic synchronization of traffic flow, I would agree with them. These streets are steadily increasing in traffic and though improvements are performed regularly, additional improvements will always be needed. Because of the congestion increases, Traffic Engineering continues to modify and adapt the signal timing and synchronization to try and meet the traffic demand. The problem is that much of the time there is simply too much traffic for the roads to handle and the signal synchronization then fails, what traffic engineers call "cycle failure". This traffic term describes the condition where there is more traffic than the signals can accommodate, no matter how the timing is programed or how the signal is synchronized. This is one reason why an alternative like the Kern River Freeway, or similar facility, is needed to reduce traffic impacts to major streets. Other factors can also disrupt traffic signal synchronization. For example, the use Page I of 2 of the emergency vehicle preemption devices on both Ming and Stockdale negatively affect the signal synchronization. The Fire Department stations near these two streets respond to a high number of calls, according to Fire Department information, causing many short disruptions of the signal synchronization throughout a typical day. This is a necessary function to provide a high level of fire protection, but one that does cause signal problems on a high volume street and it presents a challenge to maintain traffic flow afterwards. The "editorial" also asks, "Or how about the streets that haven't been widened to handle traffic, like BrimhallRoad?" Hardly any roads in the City are built by the City. They are built by development as new housing or commercial projects are constructed. But sometimes the City needs to help move things along faster than development is moving. This is the case with Brimhall Road since development does not appear likely for several years on the north side of the road, west of Coffee. According to Engineering Services Manager Jack LaRochelle, the Public Works Department started work on a widening project for Brimhall Road last year. The Department is already in the process of completing the design and the right of way acquisition to widen Brimhall Road to handle the traffic. The editorial staff of KERO-23 apparently did not research the status of this project either. The "editorial" also asserts that the City has "175 million dollars just sitting there" and that the City should "use money to synch up traffic lights on Rosedale, Stockdale and Ming, and widen Brimhall Road so it can handle traffic." It is my understanding that this money is not just sitting in a bank account that the City can tap into whenever it wants to do so for any project. The money is designated for a specific use, the Kern River Freeway, through Caltrans and the Kern Council of Governments; it cannot be used for traffic signal synchronization or for the widening of Brimhall Road. Again, the editorial staff of KERO-23 apparently did not research any of the funding limitations associated with the Kern River Freeway in preparing this "editorial" piece. In summary, the "editorial" by KERO-23 contains false information and is without merit. Traffic signals are synchronized, roads are in the process of being widened and Traffic Engineering staff works to improve traffic flow on a regular basis. cc: Traffic Engineering slw: S:\WP\CC_REFS\TV23TrafficSig&KernFwyEditorial. July8.response.wpd Page 2 of 2 Editorials Standing up for you! We're not saying this is a cOnspiracy, but we've got something that's worthy of Oliver Ston~/7/ 7 Your23 Editorial You know, if you didn't know any better, you'd think that the city is just trying to make traffic worse s0. they can just_i~ the Kern River Freeway Project.. Have you ever noticed how the city has never synchronized the traffic lights on Rosedale, Ming or Stockdale? Or how about the streets that haven't been widened to handle traffic, like Brimhall Road? Seems pretty odd to us. There's money just sitting there for the Kern River Freeway...175- million dollars just sitting there. Caltrans and even the United States Depaxtment of the Interior say that the Kern River Freeway is a bad idea. We need to concentrate on improvements that can be made now. Let's use money to synch up traffic lights on Rosedale, Stockdale and Ming, and widen Brimhall Road so it can handle the traffic. That's our solution...what do you think? THIS EDITORIAL ORIGINALLY AIRED JULY 8, 2000 .... BY KERO-TVPRESIDENT AND GENERAL' MANAGER DON LUNDY RECEIVED B A K E R $ F I £ L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: JULY 13, 2000 ///// TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER /~/ FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS ~IRECTOR// SUBJECT: PROPOSED Q STREET GRADE SEPARATION ~ UNION PACIFIC R.R. The priority list of potential grade separation projects was recently adopted by the State Public Utilities Commission (PUC). One of the projects on the list is Q Street at the Union Pacific Railway located just north of Golden State Avenue (currently ranked 14th). Staff has asked the Grade Separation District to analyze this project with respect to its potential for being reached for funding. The attached letter outlines the proposed projects status with respect to funding. It appears the project is reachable for funding provided preliminary engineering is completed in the not to distant future. The District is willing to fund the preliminary engineering which will better determine roadway alignments, potentially affect properties and overall costs. This project proposes to remove only one at-grade crossing. The existing crossing near McCarthy Steel would remain intact. Based on our history of successfully attracting state money for grade separation projects, I would recommend we move forward with preliminary engineering by the District in order to obtain the information necessary to proceed. cc: Jack LaRochelle July 6, 2000 112-01 Mr. Jacques R. LaRochelle Public Works Departmem City. of Bakersfield 1501 Tmxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA. 93301 REF: Proposed Q Street Underpass at Union Pacific Railroad Dear Jack: Recently in a telephone conversation, you indicated the City may have a desire to accomplish a separation of grade at the Q Street/Union Pacific Railroad crossing. You asked if the Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District Would entertain making a request ~for allocation under the State Grade Separation Program. In order to obtain funding for a given project we generally accomplish what we refer to as Phase I preliminary engineering. This work would consist of: · Defining a geometric configuration ...... Preparing an estimate for construction, right of way and related costs · Negotiating a construction and maintenance railroad agreement · Obtaining an "authorization to construct' from the PUC · Passing a City Council resolution stating that matching funds will be made available for the project · Filing a formal request for allocation to Caltrans on or before April 2, 2001 for fiscal year 2000-2001 The cost to complete Phase I engineering is estimated at $50,000 to $60,000. The concept of having a project "on the shelf" and ready for allocation has served us well in the past. Several times we have been funded when a higher-ranking project is unable to complete the prerequisites for funding. Further, fiscal year 2000-2001 is the first year of a two-year priority list ranked by the PUC. Higher ranked and more complicated projects tend J. LaRochelle 112-01 July 6, 2000 Page 2 to slide into the second year funding. Once the allocation request is made, it is a relatively simple matter to resubmit the request for allocation in subsequent years. The PUC priority ranking for Q Street at the Union Pacific is//14 for fiscal years 2000-2001 and 2001-2002. We are currentlY trying to determine the "state of readiness" for higher- ranking projects to get some idea of the probability of receiving funding. This matter was a topic of discussion at the District Board of Commissioners meeting held June 26, 2000. The Board directed me to investigate the probability of obtaining funds from fiscal year 2000-2001 and to request a letter from the Public Works Director, or City Manager, formally requesting the District to proceed with an allocation request and expressing in writing the City's willingness to commit at the appropriate time to pay the local agency's share of such project cost. Due to balancing and supplemental allocations, it appears only about $10 million will be available for allocation in the 2000-2001 fiscal year. There are several active higher-ranking projects. I hope to have a better assessment of higher-ranking projects in the next few days. The current nomination shows a cost estimate of $7,145,000. This estimate is based on very preliminary information. AssUming a $5.0 million allocation and 10% funding by the railroad, a $7.0 million project would require a $1.3 million local match. A $7.5 million or $8.0 million project would require $1.75 million or $2.2 million, respectively. After your initial review., of this letter, please contact me for any clarification or further discussion. Very truly yours, Ruettgers Engineer to the Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District cc: Each Commissioner James R. Parker, Jr. _ RECE)VED B A K E R $ F I E L D :iTYMANAGER'SOFFtC~: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ~ MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/,/~~ DATE: JULY 10, 2000 SUBJECT: STREETS NEEDING WORK INQUIRY FROM COUNClLMEMBER CARSON 1. Maple Street from "H" Street to Oleander Avenue needs to be paved. Maple Street is on the Street Division's 2000/2001 resurfacing list and it will be approximately late October 2000 before they commence with this project. 2. "0" Street, behind New City Cleaners on 8~ Street. "O" Street between 7th & 6th Street and 7th Street from "N" Street to "O" Street will be resurfaced during the month of August 2000. 3. Watts Drive & Casino Street alley was paved reverting7 to dirt. There is only one alley between Watts Drive & Casino Street and it runs from Lotus Lane to Cottonwood Road. The alley's pavement surface is in good condition and is not in need of resurfacing. However, there are large weeds growing adjacent to the fences. Since the weeds are a potential fire hazard, Code Enforcement will be addressing this problem. The residents of 1000, 1006 and 1008 Watts Drive have already cleaned the area adjacent to their fences. G:~GROUPDAT~TREETS~ktq ui~.Ward Olte,wl3d I! Raul ROjas- Streets needing work Page 111 From: Alan Tandy To: Raul Rojas Date: Friday, June 30,. 2000 2:49:23 PM Subject: streets needing work from Irma Carson 1. Maple from H to Oleander- needs to be repaved 2.O Street- behind New City Cleaners-by 8th 3. Watts and Casino- ally- was paved revereting to dirt Please check out and let me know what and when something will be done thanks BAKERSFIELD CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3751 Fax: (661) 324-1850 FAX TRANSMISSION To: Councilmember Irma Carson Date: July 10, 2000 Fax #: 324-1652 Pages: 2 Pages (including cover sheet) From: Alan Tandy City Manager Subject: Streets per your inquiries. Comments: Please call if you have further questions or concerns. Jbt MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: JULY 10, 2000 SUBJECT: STREETS NEEDING WORK INQUIRY FROM COUNClLMEMBER CARSON 1. Maple Street from "H" Street to Oleander Avenue needs to be paved. Maple Street is on the Street Division's 2000/2001 resurfacing list and it will be approximately late October 2000 before they commence with this project. 2. "0" Street, behind New City Cleaners on 8~ Street. "O" Street between 7th & 6th Street: and 7t' Street from "N" Street to "O" Street will be resurfaced during the month of August 2000. 3. Watts Drive & Casino Street.alleY' was paved revertin.q to dirt. There is only one alley between Watts* Drive & Casino Street and it runs from Lotus Lane to Cottonwood Road. :The alley's pavement surface is in good condition and is not in need of resurfacing. However, there are large weeds growing adjacent to the fenceS. Since the weeds are a potential fire hazard, Code Enforcement will be addressing this problem. The residents of 1000, 1006 and i 008 Watts Drive have already cleaned the area adjacent to their fences. G:~ ROU POAT~.STRE ET S~lnquil'/.Warcl Ofle.wpd RECEIVED 21TY MANAGER'S OF::, BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: JULY 12, 2000 SUBJECT: FISCAL YEAR 2000101 BUDGET WORKSHOP Questions/Responses UPDATE ON POSTING OF STREET SWEEPING SCHEDULE [ Councilmember Sullivan requested staff review the possibility of printing a notice with the Streetsweeping Schedule in The Bakersfield Californian. Mr. James Burger, Staff Writer, for the Bakersfield Californian was contacted. Mr. Burger informed staff that there would not be any cost for printing a weekly Street Sweeping Schedule in the Public Notice section of The Bakersfield Californian. However, judging from his experience, he guessed that approximately 25 to 30 per cent of City residents would become aware of the Sweeping Schedule. This method alone will not be completely effective for notifying all residents of a sweeping schedule. Staff recommends the use of door-hangers (SEE ATTACHED) in addition to placing a notice in The Bakersfield Californian to insure that all residents are informed of the street sweeping schedule. Three additional Sweeper Operators and sweepers were recently approved within the Fiscal Year 2000/01 Budget. This will assure once a month sweeping of residential areas and will enable us to maintain a two-week sweeping cycle on major streets. The additional sweepers will be ordered and it will be approximately December 2000 before the sweepers would be available. A recruitment for Sweeper Operators will be requested and hopefully the positions Can be filled by November 2000 and be operational by January of 2001. We will select areas for implementing a Schedule Sweeping Program, notify residents by using the door-hangers and The Bakersfield Californian for one sweeping route from each ward included in this first phase. We will then evaluate its effectiveness and report to the Council in June 2001, as to whether it can be extended to the rest of the City. - Page 1 of 2 Pages - Currently, if a resident calls and states the area in front of their house was not swept because they could not move their vehicle in time, the sweeper operator is contacted and ordered to go back and sweep the missed area. Once the Sweeping Schedule is implemented, it will then become difficult for the sweeper operator to return to an area after a vehicle is moved. This will be a change to our normal routine which may or may not affect the resident. Rubber stamps have been ordered and will be used to fill in the blank spaces on the door- hangers such as the day of the month and the time that the area will be swept. We will continue to seek a way where each sweeping cycle will not interfere with trash pick up days. We will continue to keep Council aware of changes that may occur in regards to the plan of implementing a Schedule Sweeping Program. Attachment - Page 2 of 2 Pages - DIVISION FOR INFORMATION CALL (661) 326-3111 4101 TRU~UN AVENUE PARA C~RIFICAR ESTA NOTICIA PUEDE LIAMAR (661) 326-3111 HERE'S HOW TO HELP US SERVE YOU BETTER Please be advised of the Sweeping Schedule ....... ~ .,: .~ for your neighborhood. '-'"' ::. ! ,- .: ..... ,'...i...::-.,' ..,.',.~,, The Street Sweeper will be in your area every ' 'i. :i ' :;~: ' ::' between the hours of :".....':'.i:_'.:" ' ' ' ' Please try to remove vehicles off the street ' ' ' ':" ' during this period. THANK YOU! ' Please keep this notice as a reminder of your Neighborhood Sweeping Schedule. If you have any questions please call Ernie Arriola at (661) 326-3111. Your cooperation will be appreciated and will assist us in our effort to give efficient service.