HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/12/01 B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM January 12, 2001 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Tandy, City Manager FROM: Alan SUBJECT: General Information 1. Congratulations to Councilmember Maggard on his appointment to the Valley Air District Governing Board. He will serve as the Large City Representative for the Southern Region, which encompasses Kern and Tulare Counties. 2. Update on City Center project: · A draft of the Development and Disposition Agreement for the non-housing portion of the project is enclosed. It is not expected to be in final form until mid-March, and we anticipate many revisions during that period of time. We hope to send out the housing DDA next week. · On March 14th, the Council and the Redevelopment Agency will hold a joint public hearing to take comments on the proposed amendment to the Southeast Bakersfield Redevelopment Plan. The amendment will permit the Agency to assist in the financing of the multi-use stadium, should the project proceed. The enclosed memo from the City Attorney's office indicates the time frame for notifying the property owners and tenants in the area about the hearing. 3. Attached is the latest information from the Water Department regarding the effects of the recent storm system to hit California. Although the storm was a welcome relief to the dry winter, we still have a long way to go to reach normal water supply conditions this year. 4. The current year budget includes $470,000 General Fund transfers for 3 additional street sweepers and related operating costs. The 1999-2000 audit reflects the Refuse Fund has the ability to finance these sweepers directly. The Finance Director has suggested, and staff agrees, that if the City Council were to approve the financing of the additional sweepers through the Refuse Fund, this would free up $470,000 in the General Fund, which could be used for City Council unfunded priorities. Honorable Mayor and City Council January 12, 2001 Page 2 5. Enclosed is an update on the League of California Cities' legal challenge to SB402, relative to binding arbitration and public safety unions. The League will keep cities informed on future events. 6. Trudy Slater has been arranging for 6 new Hall of Fame honorees at Centennial Garden. Stop by the next time you are there - it's interesting material. 7. We are working on a plan to accelerate the Opticom (traffic preemption devices for fire trucks and ambulances) program. We can put in some more resources and contract for installation. 8. The first delegation going to Mongolia is now Jacquie Sullivan, Jack Hardisty, and myself. Going at their own cost from the community are Diane Hardisty and Marti Kemper. The dates are March 1st. 9th. Harold Hanson will be going on a future trip. It's been -40 degrees Fahrenheit there this week - we are hoping for a warming trend. 9. We are studying moving our City storage building from its present location on 14th Street to property we own on Sumner. An aerial photo of the Sumner Street property is enclosed. If City Center happens, our present metal building is on the theatre site. If City Center does not happen, it is adjacent to the arena parking lot and should be a part of it. 10. On January 24th, at 6:30 p.m., there will be a property owners meeting for the housing portion (south of California only) of the City Center project. Acquisition on that needs to be accelerated to meet State deadlines on housing tax credit applications. There is no impact north of California. 11. As a city, we will attempt to conserve energy in accordance with the Governor's guidelines. John Stinson has the assignment. 12. As reported to you several weeks ago, we sent a list of railroad crossings that are in need of repair to Assemblyman Ashburn, who has indicated he will assist us in our efforts to get the railroad to take action. We recently sent him an update to that list, which is enclosed for your information. 13. The activity report from Recreation and Parks for the month of December is enclosed. 14. The enclosed article from the California Real Estate Journal includes some very positive statements about the potential for industrial development attraction to Bakersfield. Honorable Mayor and City Council January 12, 2001 Page 3 15. Responses to Council requests are enclosed, as follows: Councilmember Carson · Citizen inquiry regarding a public access television channel; Councilmember Couch · Update on correspondence with the County regarding the policy on businesses on Calloway Drive and Coffee Road without right turn lanes. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Para McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst From: Ron Manfredi <rmanfredi@CityOfKerman.Org> To: 'Rhonda Smiley' <Rsmiley@ci.bakersfield.ca.us> Date: 1/12/01 2:18PM Subject: RE: Selection to Air District Board Ronda, The immediate contact should be with the Air District Board re: a meeting on Thursday the 18th. I will ask the Executive Committee just how much contact they desire in the future. Ron M. ..... Original Message ..... From: Rhonda Smiley [mailto:Rsmiley@ci.bakersfield.ca.us] Sent: Friday, January 12, 2001 1:23 PM To: rmanfredi @ CityOfKerman.Org Subject: RE: Selection to Air District Board Thank you for the information, R0n. Let me know what contact information you may need for Councilmember Maggard. ' >>> Ron Manfredi <rmanfredi @ CityOfKerman.Org> 01/12/01 11:29AM >>> Let's try this again and see how it works. > ..... Original Message ..... > From: Ron Manfredi > Sent: Friday, January 12, 2001 11:23 AM > To: 'sarmentrout@fresno.gov.ca' > Cc: 'dtooley@madnet.net'; 'rsmiley@ci.bakedield.ca.us' > Subject: Selection to Air District Board > Attn. Sam Armentrout, Mayor Madera; David Tooley, CA Madera; Mike > Maggard, City Council Bakersfield; Alan Tandy, City Manager > > Mr. Armentrout & Mr. Maggard have been selected as Representative to > the Air District Board. Please see attached announcement. Individual > cities or Air District should handle any press releases > > Thank you, Ron Manfredi, City Manager City of Kerman > << File: Air Di.strict.doc >> {~Rhonda Smiler"'-' Air DiStrict~Oc p ATTENTION CITY COUNCILS, CITY CLERKS AND CITY MANAGERS RE: .SELECTION OF CITY REPRESENTATIVE TO SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY UNIFIED AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT (VALLEY AIR DISTRICT) GOVERNING BOARD Mayor Trinidad Rodriguez, City of Kerman and President SSJV Division announces that the Executive Committee of the South San Joaquin Valley Division League of California Cities has selected the following representatives to the Air District Board I. Small City Representative (under 20,000 population) - Northern Region (not applicable to South San Joaquin Division) I1. Medium City Representative-(between 20,000 to 50,000) - Central Region (Madera, Fresno & Kings counties). Sam Arementrout, Mayor City of Madera II1. Large City Representative (over 50,000) - Southern Region (Tulare and Kern counties). Mike Magqard, Council member City of Bakersfield The Valley Air-District Governing Bard meets the third Thursday of each month (January /__8e~ The exception is the Board does not meet in July and November. Meetings are held at the Central Reqion Office, 1990 Eo Gettysburq Ave, Fresno. The meetings are broadcast via Video Teleconference System (VYC) to the regional, offices in Bakersfield and Modesto. Meetin.qs start at 9:00 a.m. and run from thirty minutes to three hours. If you have-questions regarding the operations of the Air District or the responsibilities of Board members ca//Sissy Smith, Clerk to the Board at 559/230-6038. Note: The Air District office is closed Fdday Jan. 12~ and Monday Jan. 15~ but a voice message may be left for Ms. Smith at the above number. Thank you, Ron Manfredi, Kerman City Manager (559-846-9387) e-mail rmanfredi @ cityofke rman .orq OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER January 11,2001 TO: All Readers of the Draft'DDA ./~.~ ! FROM: Alan Tandy, City.Manager //'/ // Attached is a draft of the Development and Disposition Agreement for the non-housing portion.of the City Center project. The draft DDA on housing with Capital ¥ision Equities will be separately released. This draft.has been reviewed by Mr. Olmscheid and Mr. Crawford, but not their attorneys. As a draft, it'has some blanks. As a draft, it will change .and evOlve many times before it is ready for action by the Ad Hoc committee, Redevelopment Agency and City Council. The draft is being released to encourage public review and for consideration by the above referenced groups. It is not.anticipated to be in final form until mid ,March, It is very likely the document will be-redrafted a dozen or more times during that period of time: DISPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Mr. Alan Tandy ExecUtive Director Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 661 ~326-3751 AGREEMENT NO. DISPOSITION AND-DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into on among the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a municipal corporation and California charter city the BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a redevelopment public body corporate and politic, organized and existing :under -laws e of California ("AGENCY" herein), RAY P. OLMSCHEID a sole proprietorship, in conjunction with D.W. SIVERS an i~!'~ authorized to do business in the State of Californi~ CITY, AGENCY and DEVELOPER agree ARTICLE I 100. PURPOSES OF THE AGREEMI 101. The purpose of this Dis reement (hereafter. "Agreement") is to effectuate the R, e Southeast Bakersfield Redevelopment Project Area ("Red ~lopmE for redevelopment of certain real property ("the Sit~ within boundaries of the Southeast Bakersfield Redevelopment Pi ..~.,., to this Agreement and the fulfillment of this ital rests of the,City of Bakersfield, and the health reof isidents and in accordance with the public put:poses ~ons e federal, state and local laws and requirements. 102. to assist in the redevelopment of the Site in order to stimuh ~nt of residents of the City, expand the AGENCY's tax revenues property values and enhance the general economic pro~ health, welfare of the residents of the City via the creation of fment o Theis that real property bounded by County of Kern, State of California. A legal description is set out ~ttached 'hereto and incorporated herein by reference. A map of the Site is' as Exhibit "B" and incorporated herein by .reference. 104. CITY and AGENCY desire to protect and promote the sound development and redevelopment of blighted areas, including the Site and other property adjacent to it, and to assist such redevelopment efforts, all subject to the conditions precedent specified S:~Edcd\CityCenter~agrs~citycenterddadrl 3.wpd January 11,2001 (10:53AM) herein and the requirements of all applicable laws, including, but not limited to, the Community Redevelopment Law of the State of California, commencing with Section 33000 of the California Health and Safety Code. 105. Ultimate redevelopment of this Site in a manner consistent with the 'Redevelopment Plan will promote the public health, peace, safety and welfare of the community, and would effectuate the purposes and policy of the Community Redevelopment Law (Health and Safety Code §§ 33000, et seq.). 106. 'The redevelopment of the Site could not by private enterprise acting alone without the aid and AGENCY. 1'0.7. The parties desire to enter, into an recitals to ensure the redevelopment of the ~nce w~ nd conditi°ns specified herein. ARTICLE II 200. SUMMARY OF THE 201. The Agreement This Agreement through which DEVELQPER, CITY and of the Site. 202. The Site he Bakersfield Redevelopment Project Area to this Agreement as Exhibit "B", attached hereto A legal description of the Site is set out in Exhibit "A", herein by reference. On Exhibit "B", the Site is divided in1 the Stadium Portion and the Housing Portion. DEVELOI the redevelopment of the. Entertainment Portion of the Sit~ ;ITY and ;hall be responsible for the redevelopment of the Stadium Port the Site. A ,..developer shall be responsible for the Housing Portion of The ect "Project" consists of redevelopment of the Site by constructing a nter consisting of a multi-plex movie theater, a commercial/retail center, a multi-use stadium, a multi-use .recreation and ice skating facility, several restaurants, a sports-themed.restaurant and a video fun zone. A 180-unit senior Iow-income housing will be constructed by a separate developer. Neither CITY, AGENCY or DEVELOPER are reSponsible :for the construction of the housing portion of the Project. S:~dcd~CityCenter~agrs~citycenterddadr13.wpd . January 11,2001(10:53AM) Page 2 of 28 Pages ' 204. The Redevelopment Plan. This Agreement is subject to and in conformance with the provisions of the Southeast Bakersfield Redevelopment Plan which has been approved and adopted by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield by Ordinance No. 3905 on June 30, 1999 and amended on by Ordinance No. , and as it may be subsequently amended. Said Redevelopment Plan is incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof. 205. The Southeast Redevelopment Project Area The Southeast'Bakersfield Redevelopment Project A.~ii~S .~ted .in the City of Bakersfield, California, the exact boundaries of sa.i.d Proj~i~* are specifically described in the Southeast Bakersfield Redevelopme ~i~n, or~!ii~I~i~iii.t...be~;~,:..City Clerk~¢ CITY and incorporated herein by this reference. ~i~ ,.~i ~'"' '"":ii ARTICLE I1~! '*~ 300. PARTIES TO THE AGREEMENT ~'"'"~= 301. CITY . The City of Bakersfield is a '~liifornia charter city. The principal office of the CITY is Tru~{~'"~'n Avenue, Bakersfield, California 93301. 302. AGENCY The is a public body, corporate and politic, ~ing gover functi~ and organized and existing under the Law of California (Health and Safety Code ~ ~al office of the AGENCY is located at City Hall, 1501 Truxtun ia 93301. 303. ~,Y P. OLMSCHEID DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, a proprietorship unction with D.W. SIVERS COMPANY, an Oregon "C" c~ to do business in the State of California. The principal office of )PER is Io! ~d at 190 ;North Wiget Lane, Suite 260, Walnut Creek, California . )PER has extensive knowledge and experience in (i) retail (ii) construction supervision and inspection; and (iii) the coordination of the engineering, architecture and construction of large multi-tenant properties. The substitution or addition of any entity as a party to this Agreement pursuant to this Section 303 shall not be effective unless and until such substituted or S:~dcd~CityCenter~agrs~citycenterddadrl 3.wpd January 11,2001 (10:53AM) Page 3 of 28 Pages additional entity has furnished to CITY and AGENCY, in form acceptable to its legal counsel, an express undertaking to be bound by all provisions of this Agreement which apply to DEVELOPER. Such substitution must be consented to in writing by CITY and AGENCY. 304. Contract Manager All notices, contacts and submittals required of DEVELOPER by this Agreement shall be in writing to the City-Manager of the City of-Bakersfield, or his designee, at the address set forth in Section 301 herein. ARTICLE IV 400. CONDITIONSPRECEDENT TO D The following' are oonditions obli and AGENCY. Until the conditions are satisfied, neith, AGENCY a~ fated to take any action under this Agreement. These con( ~t be satisfied by the time stated or, if no time is stated, within forty-five (45) AGENCY approval 'of the Agreement. The CITY and AGENCy, in condition or agree in writing to extend the t. ime for satisfactio~ and terminate this Agreement as provided herein for the ~dition 401. Existence and On or before signing this .- Agreement, g to the CITY and AGENCY: organization with a certification or other ¥'of State showing that the .articles is a legal entity; (b) a certified copy · ' of agreement, signed by all members, (i) ~at the entity is to construct and operate le Project, (ii) authorizing DEVELOPER to enter into Agreement, (iii) naming Ray Olmscheid as the of DEVELOPER, (iv) authorizing.Ray Olmscheid reement and any and all documents necessary to the purposes of this Agreement; (c) a tax identification 'DEVELOPER; (d) a letter or other evidence from Di constrUction and permanent lenders that VELOPER is the 'borrower for the leans and loan oommitments; :1 (e) evidence that DEVELOPER is adequately capitalized. Financing Commitments. On or ~before signing this Agreement, DEVELOPER will provide construction and permanent loan commitments from qualified conventional commercial lenders in sufficient amounts for DEVELOPER to complete DEVELOPER's reSponsibilities under this Agreement. Any conditions to the loan commitments must-be acceptable to CITY and AGENCY in their sole discretion. The commitments must be-signed by the lenders and S : ~.dcd~CityCenter~grs~citycenterddadr13. wpd Page 4 of 28 January 11,2001 (10:53AM) I"'a[~l~S accepted in writing by DEVELOPER. DEVELOPER's construction loan must, in the aggregate, be.not less than $ the permanent loan must not result in liens aggregating more than .~ 403. Leases from Major Tenants. On or before signing this Agreement, DEVELOPER will provide signed lease agreements acceptable to the CITY and AGENCY as follows: (a) a lease with Montezuma Esparza to occupy and operate an approximately 70,000 square foot movie theater and to provide approximately $2.3 million of furnil fixtures and equipment for the theater; (b) a lease restaurant to occupy and operate an a square foot restaurant on the Site; (c).a witl 'nity Sports and Events, Inc. to occupy and ope~ and skating facility in an approxim~ 73,00~ 404. Leases or purchase agree DEVELOPER does not intent construction i'four (4) restaurant pads along the Canal (riverwalk) until construction of the multi-use (construction on the sports-themed restaurant will after acquisition of the required-property), and/or sold and open for 2002. The two (2) other restaurants nal) shall be open for business no late As require~ this Agreement must impose :h the r~d assisted by the Bakersfield Redevel, ore, DEVELOPER's conveyance to will.~ -the same covenants and conditions and in the Grant Deed. As a successor in the purchaser of any parcel will be, and bound by, the terms of this Agreement. This the requirement to begin and complete :tic .accordance with the Schedule of Performance herein. Any purchase agreement shall contain language 405. Reports and 'Financial Statements. On or before CITY and ;ENCY approve this Agreement, DEVELOPER will provide credit fin. ancial statements, and financial data, satisfactory to the CITY and AGENCY or their designee, evidencing DEVELOPER's financial ability to complete DEVELOPER's obligations hereunder. 406. Marketing 'Plan for Project. On or before CITY and AGENCY approve this Agreement, DEVELOPER will provide its marketing plan which will demonstrate how DEVELOPER will market the Project to potential lessees as well as the public to ensure the economic S:~dcd\CityCenteCagrs~citycenterddadr13.wpd Ja.u.,~ ~, 2004 ¢o:53AM) Page 5 of 28 Pages success of the Project. 407. Performance and Material and Labor Bonds, DEVELOPER shall cause to be issued, a performance (completion) bond and a payment bond (labor and materials bond), each in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the estimated cost of DEVELOPER's portion of the Project, from a surety company admitted and licensed in California with a Best rating of "A" or better and approved .by CITY. and AGENCY, and naming the CITY and AGENCY as beneficiaries. These bonds must be in a form approved by CITY's le counsel. ARTICLE V 500. CONDITIONS 'PRECEDENT The following are conditions [ Until the conditions are-satisfied, DEVELOPER-is this AgreemenL These conditions must be time is stated, then within forty-five days after CITY and" approve .this Agreement. DEVELOPER, in writing, may waive any condition c .to extend the time for satisfaction. DEVELOPER may terminate this Ag herein for the failure of a condition. 501. Lease with Sin use' of multi-use stadium, CITY ente~ ireement with a single "A" baseball the stadium. DEVELOPER acknowled such an agreement' until CITY reement. ~:. 502.' tl Completion and adoption, of an tal ~ort under the California Environmental garding the Project. Completion and adoption of s under the National Environmental Protection Act of Southeast Bakersfield Redevelopment 'Plan, The ~ment Plan must' be amended to identify the multi-use as a facility which may be financially assisted by AGENCY. 504. g of Multi-USe Stadium. CITY and AGENCY hall work diligently to undertake a funding.mechanism to ensure that the multi-use, stadium can be constructed. Every effort will be .made to coordinate closing of CITY/AGENCY's funding mechanism with DEVELOPER's loans. Public records concerning CITY's and AGENCY's efforts shall be given to DEVELOPER upon written request. S:.~Edcd\CityCenter~agrs~citycenterddadrl 3.wpd January 11,2001(10:53AM) '-'--r=ye 6 of '28 Pages ARTICLE VI 600. ACQUISITION OF THE SITE 60,1.. Acquisition-of the Site .DEVELOPER shall use its best efforts to acquire all non-residential properties making up the Entertainment Portion of :the Site which are not owned by DEVELOPER, CITY or AGENCY at the time of execution of this Agreement nor needed by CITY for mdlti-use stadium and its requisite ·parking. CITY and AGENCY shall use their best efforts to assist DEVELOPER in acquiring all residential prqPerties..~ing up the Entertainment Portion of the Site which are not owned by DEVELO~B .,C....i..t.~ or AGENCY properties needed .for the multi-use stadium and its..'.:i~quisite~¢~ing?~ ~t.':'ii~.,..p........a..'E~ls required for the multi-use-recreation and ice skati~l~.e.....c, il!~l~'nd its reqiJ~i~~t¢~g, all funds for purchase of property making up the 'Ent~ii~t Portion of th'~'"'-"ii~tf~¢:~hall be DEVELOPER issues relating to the coordination of the., ,n of'"'"""-'"'-----"~i~i~=,.and demolition of improvements on the .properties needed e sta~?':' DEVELOPER shall be removal of hazardous waste, if any exists, from any ~ AGENCY for the multi- use stadium. DEVELOPER be uested by CITY or AGENCY, to supervise site work ;ite. se up to EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS funds to write down the cost of construction of the ice.rink portk and,ice skating facility only. DEVELOPER need not CITY. CITY shall contribute any CITy-owned land which i.,. of the .multi-use recreation and ice skating facility and requi~ via with DEVELOPER. In the event that more land than is C-CITY is :'the multi-use recreation and .ice skating facility, CITY shall a, 'e the needed p ~erty and'shall lease those parcels~to DEVELOPER in exchange f EVELOPER g~ lng to CITY parcels of similar square footage and characteristics 3PI ' ' elsewhere on the Site which are needed by CITY to meet der this Agreement. UAGE NEEDED-REGARDING UNFUNDED PORTION OF ICE RINK **** A table outlining the parcel number, appraised value and entity acquiring the property is attached hereto as Exhibit" "and incorporated herein by reference. S :~Edcd~CityCenteCagrs~citycenterddad r 13.wpd 7 of 28 January 11,2001 (10:53AM) rage r,~ges DEVELOPER agrees that no property owner will be offered less than fair market value for their property as determined by appraisals performed pursuant to City of Bakersfield Agreement No. 00-211. Fair market value may be achieved by means other than cash (e.g., a property owner may be amenable to acceptance of title to another property of equal value in lieu .of cash). DEVELOPER is free to negotiate property acquisition and structure land exchanges relative to properties as DEVELOPER deems appropriate provided all redevelopment and relocation laws are followed. As outlined.above, if a property owner prefers another property in lieu of cash, such a transaction is permitted as~long asthe property owner receives the eqUivalent of fair market value and al.I ~eloca.t..i~" issues are resolved to the'owner's and tenant's satisfaction. .~i~!.~i~i~:. ~.~i!~li?' .... DEVELOPER agrees and understar i: all '~~iiii~....cquisitions ar..:....e....~ subject to state and/or federal relocation ~equire!~'. DE~~!I inform..:~i'J owners and .tenants of their rights.,under the Californi .3..~J~Ws laws, whichever are applicable. DEVEL,O,,PER shall ....... ~er and":~iii~'cted the relocation information form.entitled within six~:~i!~i~"days of initiation of negotiations for acquisition. A sam attached hereto as Exhibit "C". Each owner, tenant, lessee or sublessee shall ment of receipt of that relocation information sheet. The form attached hereto as Exhibit "D". DEVELOPER shall submit all ment to CITY's Senior Real Property Agent at the address set 301 as soon as possible after they are signed. No escrow will close any ie property owner(s) and/or tenants, lessees or sub'lesse~ a agreeing that the relocation requirements have been met y relocation assistance from CITY or AGENCY. Such form is t "E". Jrchase agreement in the form attached hereto " ase agreement will :contain a nominee clause which will allow, for by CITY or AGENCY to be deeded directly to DEVEL( of.~ properties acquired by CITY or AGENCY which are !R Project. DEVELi and AGENCY shall devote their.best efforts to ensure close ~neously. CITY AGENCY shall adopt a Relocation Plan which shall address the tion needs residences and non-profit organizations. event all reasonable efforts fail and DEVELOPER, CITY and/or ~not successfully negotiate-for the purchase of a property(ies), CITY and/or AGENCY agree to explore the possibility of condemnation. CITY and/or AGENCY do not guarantee that condemnation will be used, as each property must be evaluated on a case- by-case basis as to its public use and necessity and other issues. If, after the requisite public hearings, the required findings can be made, CITY and/or AGENCY will proceed S :~Edcd~3ityCenter~agrs~citycenterddadrl 3.wpd January 11,2001 (10:53AM) Page 8 of 28 Pages with the condemnation. Prior to requesting condemnation, all parties must agree in writing. · that it is impossible to voluntarily acquire the property(les). DEVELOPER agrees .to reimburse CITY and/or AGENCY for the actual costs (eXClusive of staff costs) associated with such condemnation action(s), if any.' Said costs specifically include, but are not limited to, litigation guarantee(s) provided by a title company and all costs/fees associated with efforts to obtain pre-judgment possession of property, including the required deposit of fair market value prior to possession granted to CITY or AGENCY. CITY and AGENCY shall utilize the same procedu, res above in acquiring the residential properties for the Entertainment Portior ect. For all voluntary acquisitions, escr. ow lii ! pen afte..r., execution of.this Agreement by all parties. .,~::' DEVELOPER shall consult with and in the the AME Church property and the subsequent by: 1. Negotiating the purchase 2. Locating and negotiating te for a new church acceptable to AME ( 3. Negotiating the church for AME Church; 4. Overseeing 5. Assisting in the AME Church to occupy while new 700. CITY/AGENCY'S OBLIGATIONS TO THE SITE precedent to CITY and AGENCY's obligations to acquire fo~ 'roject. The party named must satisfy the condition by the ti benefitting waives the condition, or agrees in writing to of party to benefit from the ~condition may terminate thiS Ag~ as n for failure of any of the following conditions: .~iii!ii/!!!i!i. 7o1., .:~praisals and Review Appraisals. In order to ensure property iiiii~ii~!~,,.,¢~l~ii~vners-receive.just and full compensation, fair and objective property ~iii!ii/li~i!~ii~i~!ii~.~,,.,.~..,,.....~.,~:,,.~i¢*' valuations and consistency in acquisition, CITY has procured the '~¢,.:~.:,:i~:.,..i.,,'.~i~!!~ii~:;..~...'......'...i~.~;.~:~.¢:'''' services of certified appraisers to appraise all properbes contained '.'.~.~.~:::.~.,!:.!:~:~.?~..'..~:~:~[:~= ..... . ...... ~..'.¢.:-.'~i~¢-~,' ..... within the Site (initial appraisals and review appraisals). DEVELOPER shall reimburse CITY for the costs and expenses of such appraisals as set forth in Agreement No. 00-211, approved by the City Council on August 16, 2000. S:~E dcd\CityCenter~agrs~citycenterddadr 13.wpd m _ 9 of 28 Pages January 11,2001 (10:53AM) ra~e 702. Adoption of Relocation Plan and Replacement Housing Plan. CITY and AGENCY must adopt a Relocation Plan and Replacement Housing Plan. 703. DEVELOPER's Deposit of Acquisition Funds. Within ten (10) days of approval of this Agreement by CITY and AGENCY, DEVELOPER shall deposit with a title company of CITY and AGENCY's choice an amount at least equal to the aggregate amount of all of the residential properties which must be acquired for the Entertainment Portion of · the Project. Additionally, DEVELOPER shall deposit amount at least equal to the estimated costs to relocate lents and other acquisition costs associated with the Portion of the Project. .':~. ARTICLE VIII.: 800. *DISPOSITION OF THE SITE 801. After all of the properties within the red by either CITY, AGENCY or DEVELOPER, the parties shall meet and title of*properties to each other as needed for the Project. For example, C e to all properties upon which the multi-use stadium and its requisite be DEVELOPER shall need title to all other properties. In lieu Of sale of the .prol and DEVELOPER, it is agreed that all parties will (cleared land for cleared land, .paved parking lot for of the like square footage. CITY, that all necessary demolition will be completed any other party. All foundations shall be rem~ be removed prior to .transfer of title. The environmental review shall be completed and any the transfer of title. '.R shall share one hundred fifty (150) parking spaces located northeast corner of 14t~ and N Streets. The spaces are and incorporated 'herein by reference. CITY shall have solt lot during events held at Centennial-Garden. DEVELOPER shall during all times when there are no events at Centennial Garden. parcels needed .either for the construction of the multi-use facility or the required parking therefor (approximately 2.54 acres) to DEVELOPER for twenty-three (23) years with one five (5) year option for O R ($1.00) per year under the following conditions: 1 ) DEVELOPER shall execute a lease with CITY substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit" "; 2) DEVELOPER will compute -the rent DEVELOPER charges to its multi-sports facility tenant to be only that amount needed to fully amortize DEVELOPER's out,of-pocket Cost of construction (including the parking) -- DEVELOPER shall not recover the amount of money donated by the S:~dcd\CityCenter~agrs~citycenterddadrl 3.wpd ja,uary ~, 2004 ¢0:53~) ' Page 10 of 28 Pages community or other non-DEVELOPER sources. In the event the CITY-owned (leased) property ceases to be used as a multi-sports facility and required parking, the lease amount shall cease to be .ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) and shall revert to full market value. Additionally, CITY shall have first right of refusal to purchase the multi-sports facilitywithin sixty (60) days of cessation of the facility's use as a multi-use recreation and ice skating facility. CITY shall own the ice rink portion of the multi-sports facility building. (See Exhibit "_"). The multi-use recreation and ice skating facility tenant (Comm~ Sports and Events, Inc.) shall pay for all furniture, fixture and equipment for the ice portion of the facility. Upon expiration of the lease term or renew the is not exercised, the multi-Use recreation and revert ownership. 802, Parcel 'Exchange{s) CITY, AGENCY and DEVELOPER an escrow, pending the successful completion of .the financing package requirements, grant deeds to the properties in form and substar ched "H" reasonably satisfactory to DEVELOPER, CITY and AGI made out in the .name of OF BAKERSFIELD or the BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT simple conveyance of the properties subject to.each party's rig ~PER shall have the right to encumber its property to the to the debt instruments referred to herein. CITY and AGENCY s ~is.tent with this section to permit'said encumbrance of the Entertain for purposes of obtaining construction and/or Ion ~rm financin :onstruction of the Entertainment Portion of the Pr 803. to .Parcel Exchange(s) CITY or AGENCY of any property within the ~)EVELOPER, the followingconditions must be completed: A. Planning Commission of the City of Bakersfield must find the uisition and/or disposition of-the property(ies) to be in'conformance ,ith the City of Bakersfield's General Plan (Government Code section 65402). B. All of DEVELOPER's financing as set forth in this Agreement' shall be in place. C. The .Performance and Payment Bonds as set forth herein must be delivered to CITY. S:~Edcd\CityCenter~agrs~citycenterddadrl 3,wpd January11,2001 (10:53AM) Page 11 of 28 Pages. D. Indemnification for hazardous materials/contamination/clean-up provided. E. Insurance as required-herein. 804. Eminent Domain 'If, after DEVELOPER, CITY and AGENCY agree that a particular property within the Site is not attainable via voluntary purchase, the parties acknowledge that DEVELOPER will request-CITY or AGENCY to condemn the property. Neither CITY nor AGENCY guarantee that any pFoperty-will be acquired using eminent domai~.n. AGENCY shall use their best efforts to acquirethe property(les), but must rev on a case- by-case basis and, if the requisite findings can be made at )ublic hearing, will proceed with condemnation. 805. Possession of .Entertainment UPon Successful completion of all of p~ conditions, the escrow agent shall be authorized to transfer the property(les) within the Entertainment Portion of the Site to and record the deeds in DEVELOPER's .name. CITY and AGENCY warr~[' and n transfer of title to the property(les), that the DEVELOPER shall have ~t of pc the property(les) so that it may expeditiously complete ie escrow agent shall be authorized to..transfer the requisite .DEVl ;s) within the Site to CITY and record the deeds in CITY's and agrees, upon transfer of title to the property(les), that CITY ~ II hav session of the property(les) so that it may expeditiously complt The the. time of the commencement of the term of this Ag~ is suc permi and construction of the Project in accorda s including .presence of hazardous materials, of the allentirely suitable for the' use or uses to which the pro sole responsibility and obligation of the DEVELOPER to take lecessary to place the property(les) in a condition suitable for devel Neil AGENCY shall be responsible for any items of work cor~ with this r.Work 'by ~ENTERTAIN MENT DEVELOPER to the transfer of title to the property(les) from CITY .or AGENCY to of DEVELOPER shall have the right of access to .the at all reasonable times-for the purposeOf obtaining data and making surveys and tests-necessary'to carry out this Agreement. DEVELOPER shall defend, indemnify and hold CITY and AGENCY 'harmless for any injury or damages arising out of any activity of DEVELOPER, its agents, employees or independent contractors, pursuant to this Agreement. DEVELOPER shall have access to all data and information regarding the Site in the S:~Edcd~CityCenter~agrs~citycenterddadrl 3.wpd 12 of 28 January 11,2001 (10:53AM) ragu rages possession of or reasonably available to CITY and AGENCY. Any work undertaken on the CITY or AGENCY-owned property(ies) by DEVELOPER prior to Conveyance of title thereto ~ shall be done at DEVELOPER's sole expense and only in accordance with this Agreement. DEVELOPER shall save, hold harmless and indemnify CITY and AGENCY against any claims resulting from such work, access or use of the property(ies). Copies of all data, surveys and tests, including but not limited to the cost analysis .performed or obtained by DEVELOPER on-the Site shall be filed with CITY and AGENCY. Any preliminary work by DEVELOPER shall be undertaken only after securing all necessary permitsfrom the appropriate governmental agencies. CITY and the Site :to ~DEVELOPER, to .furnish to DEVELOPE~ilI~<i-- ~gEVE~i~i~..t..~ througb,.i~""?title comPany satisfactory to DEVELOPER an-CLTA ~i~er's F~'~='poli~ii~:~t (the · "Title Policy")with such endorsements as DEVELO~i~?.or D...~=ELOPER;'~!!ii~~ii~'ny, may reasonably require covering the Site and insurl~i!i~LOPER in t~=~i~nt of the estimated completed value of the Site that fee si~li~i!~,vested in ENTERTAINMENT DEVELOPER subject only to (1) the standard printe~i~~iii~=gntained in the Title Policy; (2) liens arising by reason of any current n&~!delin'~ii~..eral'"" '~=="~===~'"' taxes, bonds and assessments due or payable on all or an, Site; ~~' Permitted Exceptions as defined in the Title Policy. The Title Poli n affi~'endorsements ensuring DEVELOPER that there are no violati( if any, affecting the Site, and that the Site's im~ ) not adjoining property, nor do any improvements on adjoining eric ,ire. DEVELOPER of title to any property within the Site to CITY, to furnish to h a title company satisfactory to CITY, an CLTA _~er's Form its 'Title Policy") with such endorsements as CITY. insuring DEVELOPER in the amount of the Ihe Site that fee 'simple title is vested in CITY subject only to (1) the in the Title.Policy; (2) liens arising by reason of any curre~ bonds and assessments due or payable on all or any Exceptions as defined in .the Title Policy. The Title Poli ~ndorsements ensuring CITY that there are no violations of cover affecting the Site, and that the Site!s improvements do not onto any property, nor do any improvements on adjoining property onto the " Title ~Report. S :~Edcd\CitTCenter~agrs~citycenterddad r 13.wpd Janua~/11, 2001 (10:53AM) Page 13 of 28 ARTICLE IX. 900. DEVELOPMENT OF THE SIT-E 901' Scope of Development The Site shall be developed in accordance with this Agreement and, more particularly, the plans and specifications.furnished by DEVELO:PER,,.to .and..~i'oved by CITY and AGENCY, which define the overall development which will o..~r ~.t.'!i¢~ Site. '902. Cost of :Construction · ~.~!i!~ii~':":i ' ':~~~i~~ The cost of redeveloping and constru~ all m~'~m i~,i~'"?~h the exception of the multi-use Stadium and Stadium~[~..d...=i~t~king area$'~?=ii~~?"borne by DEVELOPER. In the event the Project should cos'~iii~ili~i..construct than"~ated herein or DEVELOPER makes changes to the Project w~!~iii~se ~the"redevelopment costs, DEVELOPER shall pay for and bear full responsib.~t~='=~ii~iiil!i~ costs. 903. Schedule DEVELOPER shall to ICY for review and approval a schedule outlining the .time on Project will be done. This document shall be in the form of Exhibit "1 H( this schedule shall be referred to as the "Schedule of ~nce.":: ;ER shall commence .and complete all redevelopr within of Performance or such reasonable extensi, b, .lly agreed upon by CITY, AGENCY and DE~ Performance is subject to revision from time to time if mutually DEVELOPER, CITY and AGENCY. The AGENCY's Executive Dir authorized to approve an extension of no more than nyset for performance in DEVELOPER's Schedule of Perform II automatically add that same amount of time to any act which is co lent upon subsequent to the act for which the extension was D[ shall complete all redevelopment as required ~herein by November )02. PER will produce a Schedule of Performance, which shall call for project by November 30, 2002. It is anticipated that the multi-use ction shall be completed and .it will be open for business by November 30, 20i ~e event construction on the multi-use stadium is delayed in such a way that its construction will not be completed and the stadium open by November' 30, 2002, DEVELOPER's Schedule of Performance will be extended such that the project will be completed the same time as the multi'use stadium. S:~dcd\CityCenter~agrs~citycenterddadrl 3.wpd January 11,2001(10:53AM) Page 14 of 28 Pages 904. Rehabilitation and Operation Standards DEVELOPER shall redevelop, complete and maintain the Project .in accordance with the plans and specifications delivered to CITY and AGENCY by DEVELOPER, which plans and specifications shall have been drawn by architects and engineers .of DEVELOPER and shall have been approved for consistency with CITY's General Plan, the Southeast Bakersfield Redevelopment Plan and all applicable development standards by AGENCY and 905. Bodily Injury, Property Damage and Workers' Compensation Insurance Prior to the'conveyance of anyreal property as set DEVELOPER shall each furnish or cause to be furnished to CITY )licate originals or appropriate certificates of bodily injury and pro~ing coverage on an occurrence basis in the least rany $10,000,000 for any occurrence and $5. and AGENCY as additional insureds. DEVELOPER ;h or cau shed to . CITY and AGENCY evidence satisfactory to that with whom it has contracted for the performance .workers' compensation insurance as required by law. Such insurance shall 'until CITY and AGENCY have issued its Certificate of Completion'for the ~ce shall be placed with a carrier having a Bests' rating of A;VII or :bette shall not require contribution by any insurance or .. of AGENCY, and shall provide that the carrier will give CITY an( days prior notice of any termination Or substantial reduction 906. City and Other Before comme ~ent.of~ ,pment of any buildings, structures or ~)f improve1 ¢' .... the proVided for by this Agreement, DEVEL( all, or cause to be secured, any and all permits which ired or any other governmental or pr-ivate agency affected such construction, development or work. 907. For the g compliance with this Agreement, representatives of and A( reasonable right of access to the Site without charges or .nd at normal co~ hours during the .period of redevelopment, including, but not d .to, the ins[on of the work-being performed in constructing the improvements inspections shall not unreasonably interfere with the redevelopment ~)EVELOPER shall .not be liable for any negligence of representative(s) of in performing inspections. CITY and AGENCY expressly reserve any and all immunities granted to them under applicable laws relating to. negligence of their representatives in performing inspections hereunder. This provision shall not be construed to replace or modify inspection requirements arising out of the issuance of building, permits or land use entitlements. S:~Edcd\CityCenter~agrs~citycenterddadrl 3.wpd January 11,2001(10:53AM) Page 1'5 of 28 "'--r-aye~ 908. Local; State and Federal Laws DEVELOPER shall carry out the development of the .improvements and all other work and activities provided for in this Agreement in conformity with all applicable laws. It is understood that DEVELOPER is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws including, but not limited to, the California Labor Code, California Public Contract Code and the .California Government Code. CITY and AGENCY make no representation as to the applicability or inapPlicability of any laws regarding contracts, and especially the payment of prevailing wages thereunder. DEVELOPER will not hold or Seek to hold CITY or AGENCY liable and DEVELO:PER will indemnify CITY and AGENCY against third or other enforcement entities from and for any failure bY DEVELOPER to such laws without regard to whether' CITY or AGENCY knew, could 'have kn( have known as to the necessity .of such compliance. 909. Anti-Discrimination During As with all projects in which 'the Baker in any way, DEVELOPER, for themselves andtheir 's and assigns, that in the redevelopment.of-the Site and .in the Operations, -maintenance provided for in 'this .Agreement to be .performed by A. DEVELOPER will not discrimi ainst or applicant for employment because of sex, national origin, ancestry or marital status :, but not be limited to; the following: em or transfer; recruitment or recruitment adverti for employees; layoffs or termination; for. of compensation; and selection for training, includin¢ agree to post in conspicuous places, availab for employment, notice setting forth the ~s of thi lination clause. iprovisions of this Section, DEVELO.PERshall be labor hereunder pursuant to the rules, regulations and unions. 910. Encumbrances and ~Liens A. )PER shall pay when due all personal property taxes and all taxes or assesdue from DEVELOPER. Unless otherwise addressed herein, shall when due all real estate taxes and assessments assessed and levied Site for a subsequent to transfer of title to DEVELOPER. Nothing herein Jeemed to prohibit DEVELOPER from contesting the validity or amounts Sessment, encumbrance or lien, nor to limit the remedies available to. !R in respect thereto. B. After DEVELOPER aCquires title to all properties pursuant to of this Agreement, and DEVELOPER is not in default in respect to any of its obligations under this Agreement, ~then DEVELOPER may pledge their interest within the Site as collateral for the S:~dcd~CityCenter~agrs~citycenterddadrl 3.wpd January'Il,2001 (10:53AM) Page 16 of 28 Pages satisfaction of payment obligations associated with private financing where the proceeds thereof are used entirely for completion of the Project, and CITYand AGENCY hereby agree, jointly and severally, that any lien or encumbrance on the Site held by CITY or-AGENCY and arising directly out of a loan or contribution made to DEVELOPER by CITY or AGENCY to assist in completion of the Project shall be subordinate to a lien created-by DEVELOPER in order to obtain private financing for the Project. 9i 1. Fees and Tax Rebates In order to offset costs of constructing the multi-use stadium., DEVELOPER agrees that tax increment generated .by the Project and flowing to A..GENC~i~all 'be used by AGENCY to assist-CITY in financing the construction of the mult. i~§: Because the tax increment money'~'"'~" ~'~'"'~'~'='~'~'='~'~i'ated'4~.".e..~. non-ClTY-o~..ned property(les) within the-Entertainment Portion of the S.;i~hs~'~''''''~''''''' going :..t:...e:ii'~ii?~'ii~!~.~,d.., to assi%~i'i~ng- term repayment of the multi-use stadium, DEVE'L..'.-~iSER ag.~,.~¢~ property within the Entertainment Portion of the Si{~!i!~:iJl re~ .on the ~":"~'~,..."~i~!~lls for a minimum of twenty-thre,e' (23) years commencing ~!i~l. Project reoeivi'~:- ~!~;~'~rtificate of from .CITY s Building Department. i~i~i!i~ion of the non-CITy owned Occupancy property(les) within the Entertainment Portion of the.,:~i!~":~~...s...e~":"":~"'"'~'":':-~"':'"'""'" to remain on the tax rolls for any part of those twenty-three (23) years, DEVE~ PER:'~,iii!~ii..b..,reached this Agreement and shall owe AGENCY and CITY an amount the ta,~":¥~~'that .would have been received by the AGENCY had the ;property f¢~!i!~ tax rolls. This remedy is cumulative and is in addition to all I~¢or equity and available to CITY .or AGENCY. Additionally, CITY stadium will be used as a multi-use stadium for'a .minimum g upon the stadium receiving a Certificate of Occupancy 912. ,pment to be completed by DEVELOPER, CITY and' AGEN( uest, furnish DEVELOPER with' a Certificate of Com for improvements upon the Site shall be in such form as to p~ Recorder's Office of 'Kern County. CITY al ENCY shall not unreasonably withhold any Certificate of ~letion. tf refuse or fail to furnish a Certificate of Completion for the lten re( by DEVELOPER, CITY and AGENCY shall, within thirty (30) days reqt provide.DEVELOPER with a written statement of the reasons CITY and r failed to furnish a Certificate of Completion. The statement shall also and AGENCY's opinion of the action DEVELOPER must take to obtain a Ci Completion. If the reason for such refusal is confined to the immediate availability of specific items of materials for landscaping, CITY and AGENCY will issue its Certificate of Completion.upon the posting of a letter of credit or performance bond by DEVELOPER with AGENCY in an 'amount representing the estimated .cost of the completion of the work not yet completed. If CITY and AGENCY fail to provide such written statement S:~dcd~CityCenteCagrs~citycenterddadrl 3.wpd January11,2001 (10:53AM) Page 17 of 28 Pages within Said thirty (30) day period, DEVELOPER shall be deemed entitled to the Certificate of Completionl Said security shall remain in force until the unfinished work is completed. Such Certificate of Completion is not the notice of completion referred to in California Civil Code Section 3093. ARTICLE X. 1000. MANAGEMENT AND CONT:ROL OF PROJECT 1001. Prohibition ~Against Transfer The qualifications and identity of DEVELO concern to CITY and AGENCY, and it is because of these qualificatio TY and have entered into this'.Agreement with the PER. or invc successor in interest of DEVELOPER shall ~ment except as provided in this Agreement.. assign, assign except as permitted elsewhere herein, all or any Agreement wi Ir~or written approval of CITY and AGENCY except as may ~d by a permitted lender or underwriter herein. 1002. The Site Must Stay on Real Tax This Agreement contem property tax increment monies. Therefore, it is agreed Site shall remain on the real property tax rolls for a term g .upon a Certificate of Occupancy for the last facet of ~nt of the Project. If the Entertainment Portion of the Site, or any porti, real property tax rolls for any time prior to the expiration of ;ars, the CITY and AGENCY shall be .entitled to remedies hereir' ARTICLE Xl 1100. I ECT cost of .the Project is in excess of Fifty Million Dollars ($50, ). In DEVELOPER's financing, the parties agree as set forth bel. iment Portion of the Site The following provisions shall apply to private financing; 1. The proceeds of such financing shall be available to DEVELOPER in full not later than forty-five (45) days after this Agreement is signed, and shall be in an amount sufficient to complete the following elements of the Project in accordance with plans and specifications approved .by CITY and AGENCY: the movie theater, the multi-sports facility and the sports, cafe. S:~Edcd~CityCenter~agrs~citycenterddadrl 3.wpd January 11,2001 (10:53AM) Page 18 of. 28 Pages 2. Prior to conveyance of any CITY or AGENCY-owned property(les) of the .Entertainment Portion of the Site to .DEVELOPER, DEVELOPER shall provide evidence satisfactory to CITY and AGENCY demonstrating that DEVELOPER has obtained financing sufficient to complete the Entertainment Portion of the Project. 1102. Multi-Use Stadium CITY shall construct the multi-use Stadium and such construction shall be completed with CITY and AGENCY funds. CITY and AGENCY shall engage the firm of Rossetti and Associates ("the Architect") to design .the multi-use stadium, shall negotiate a guaranteed maximum price for the construction of the mul' upon the "spec book" prepared by the Architect. CITY shall adhere to all its, requirements regarding bidding of the construction. DEVELOPER will assist CITY in all st~ ,Iopment.:~:'the multi-use Stadium and surrounding areas (e.g., CITY and AGENCY shall monitor an all phases of of the multi-use stadium. SPECIFICS OF MULTI-USE Suites, FF&E, .concessions 1103. Parking CITY all required for the multi-use stadium. DEVELOPER shall provide ng e remainder of the Project. CITY and DEVELOPER shall share on rking spaces located at CITY's parking lot at the r~.e. rtheast cor The spaces are shown in Exhibit "G" attache( ,d 1104. I )nditional Use Permit ("CUP") for the multi-use stadium. DEVEL, tuse of action under this Agreement if the CUP is denied. 1 1' Vacations/Parcel .Map or alley vacation will 'be processed through the regular CITY process CITY and AGENCY have. resolved all issues regarding property .OPER shall have no cause of action 'under this Agreement is any street be legally vacated. 1 106. Enterprise Zone Expansion CITY agrees to file an application with the California Trade and Commerce Agency to expand the Southeast Metropolitan Enterprise Zone to include the Site. S:~Edcd~ityCenteCagrs~citycenterddadr13.wpd January11,2001(10:53AM) Page 1 9 of 28 Pages 1107. DEVELOPER's Financing -Not Obtained A. All financing needed by DEVELOPER to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement shall be in place within forty-five (45) days from the date this Agreement .is signed by all parties. In the' event said financing has not been provided or is not available, then, except as .provided in subsection B of this Section, CITY, AGENCY and DEVELOPER are relieved of all obligations hereunder and this Agreement is terminated; provided, however, each party shall return to the other party everything of value received from the other party pursuant to this Agreement, and each party shall remain responsible for previously incurred and funds advanced pursuant to this Agreement by such as provided by way of separate reimbursement agreements executed d 'DEVELOPER. B. If this Agreement is terminated A hereof ~en DEVELOPER shall promptly on or before the fror ~s executed reimburse .CITY and AGENCY for all of'Property(les) within the Site. ARTICLE 1200. USES OF THE SITE 1201. Uses-of the Site DEYEL£ assigns and every suc_~essor in interest that during iEVELOPER, theirs successors and assigns shall devote the S in the Redevelopment Plan and this Agreement for the periods of 1202. =ER shall supervise and be solely responsible for the conve al to a featured water element for the Project. ;ndl! Similar .Plaza and Amtrak station Public area of the Site DEVELOPER shall maintain the Entertainment Portion of the Site, .including the parking facilities and landscaping in a good condition and shall keep the Site free from any accumulation of debris or waste materials prior to and after construction. DEVELOPER shall a~so maintain the landscaping required to be planted, if any, in a healthy condition. S:~Edcd\CityCenter~agrs~citycenterddadr13.wpd January 11,2001(10:53AM) '"--r'age 20 of 28 Pages If, at any time, DEVELOPER fails to maintain the landscaping as required by this Section, and the condition is not corrected within a reasonable.time from the date of written notice to correct from CITY and/or AGENCY, CITY and/or AGENCY may perform the necessary landscaping maintenance, and DEVELOPER shall pay all such costs as are reasonably incurred for such maintenance. Within forty-five (45) days of execution of this Agreement by all parties, the parties shall execute and record a landscape and improvement maintenance agreement outlining each parties' responsibilities to maintain the landscape, parking lots and structures in their respective portions of the Site. ..:i~.., DEVELOPER covenants and agrees f..~iii~self, successor in interest to the Site, or any parts thereo~iii~i:....!:~ .a..B~:~her right ~"~ili'~i~i~e, there shall be no discrimination against or segregatio~l!~ii~il;iDerson, or gro~J:~l~¢~ersons,' on account of sex, race, color, marital status, creed, r~~~.~tional origin or ancestry in the lease, sublease, transfer, use occupancy, 'ten..u..~"-'?~i!iii~j~:gnt of the Site, nor shall DEVELOPER, or any person claiming under or t~'~ugh"~I~i~.~blish'"' ~-~'"'"?'~~~ or permit anY such practice or practices of discrimination or se re~i~ii:.the selection, locati°n, number, use or occupancy of tenants, le~ ~nts, ~i~i~'sees or vendees of the Site. The foregoing covenant shall run 1205. Form of Nondiscrim Clauses DEVELOPER sh; the rental or lease of the property or property rights on the basis status, creed, religion, ancestry or national ' ' of any-p( ~r contracts shall contain or be subject to sub: nonsegregation clauses: (a', see herein covenants by and for itself, its successors claiming under or through it, and this lease is and subject to the following conditions: there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of any or group of persons, on account of race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, ' national origin or ancestry in the leasing, subleasing, transferring, use, occUpancy, tenure or enjoyment of the premises herein leased, nor shall the lessee itself, or any person claiming under or through it, establish or permit any such practice or practices of discrimination or segregation with reference to the selection, location, number, use or occupancy of tenants, lessees, sublessee, subtenants or vendees in the premises herein leased." (b) In Contracts: 'q'here shall be no discrimination against or segregation of S:~Edcd\CityCenter~agrs~citycenterddadrl 3.wpd January 11,2001(10:53AM) "'-r--a~je 21 of. 28 "'---- any person, or group of persons, on account .of race, color, creed, sex, religion, marital status, national origin or ancestry in the sale, lease, sublease, transfer, use, occupancy, tenure or enjoyment of the premises, nor shall the transferee itself, or any Person claiming under or through it, establish or permit any such practice or practices of discrimination or segregation with reference to the selection, location, number, use or occupancy of tenants, lessees, sub-tenants, sublessee or vendees of the premises." ARTICLE Xlll 1301. 'Defaults .:~.".'~.".:~:..':~¢~ .:~.~.~i~.:" ..:,,:~!~!!~;~:'"'~[.--[![~.".:~;';.';-'~';-'!!~.,,, ......... Subject to the extensions of bme for ~truct~on.:~ii~a'rsuan'fl~i~~t forth in th,e Schedule of Performance, or otherwise purs~.:.t....,..o.. !~[!~greeme~i~i~'~'"~elay by either party to perform any term or provision of this.~~t constitutes a '~'t under this Agreement. Except as may be otherwise pr~i~i~i~ ~D, which provisions shall be controlling, the party who so fails or delays must, u~iia:~i ~..or receiVing notice of such default, immediately commence to cure, correct'~ rem~":'=~ !ii~i~[~[lure or delay and shall complete such cure, correction or remedy wi ~nable ..... The injured party must of d.~ib'lt"='~'"'"'~- to the party in default, specifying the default complained the as. required.to protect against further damages, and exce othe[ )rovided in this Agreement, the injur, ed party .may not institute lainst party in default, nor shall the injured party be able to enforce any hereunder, until thirty (30) days after giving such notice and the not cured prior to the expiration thereof, in givin~ ~otice ~stitute a waiver of any default nor shall it change ARTICLE XIV 1400. TERMINATION 1401 Termin In the int that either party defaults and such default is not cured after the notice given and time to cure has elapsed, the non-defaulting party may . Agreement. The defaulting party shall be liable to the non-defaulting :aused by such default. 14{ Institution of Legal Actions Any party may institute legal action to cure, correct or remedy any default to recover damages for any default or to obtain any other remedy consistent with the purpose of this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement precludes the instigation of an action for S:~Edcd~CityCenter~agrs~citycenterddadrl 3,wpd January 11,2001 (10:53AM) "'-ra~e 22 of 28 Pages specific performance of the termS of this Agreement. 1403. .Rights and Remedies are Cumulative -Except with respect to rights and remedies expressly declared to be exclusive in this Agreement, the rights and remedies of the parties are cumulative, and the exercise by either party of one or. more of such rights or remedies shall not preclude the exercise by it, at the same or different times, of any other right or remedies for the same deft ult or any other default by the other party. 1404. Se_oarate Right .as to Bonds The performance and payment bond. forth ri of CITY and AGENCY. ARTICLE 1500. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1501. Notices, Demands and Parties Formal notices, demand,, CITY, AGENCY and DEVELOPER shall be sufficiently giv or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt' .~s-of CITY; AGENCY and of DEVELOPER as designated 302 303 hereof. Such written notices, demands and commur the ~ manner to such other addresses as either party may, from time de.~ ~s commenced by DEVELOPER against CITY and ~ss on CITY and/or AGENCY shall be made by. personal service u other manner as may be provided by law. " legal action is commenced by CITY and/or AGENCY againSl of on DEVELOPER shall be made by a personal servi¢ any in( as a party in Section 303 hereof or upon any officer of DE ,OPER, or in s~ er as may be provided otherwise by law, and shall be valid er made within Without the State of California. of 'Interest member, official or employee of CITY or AGENCY shall have any personal inl or indirect, in this Agreement .nor shall such member, official or employee participate in any decision relating to the Agreement which materially affects his personal interest or the interests of any corporation, partnership or association in which he is .directly or indirectly interested. S:~Edcd\CityCenter~agrs~citycenterddadrl 3.wpd 23 of 28 January 11,2001 (10:53AM) ~age ray.s DEVELOPER warrant that they have not paid or given, and will not pay or give, to any officer, agent or employee of CITY or AGENCY or to any third party any money or other consideration for obtaining this Agreement. 1503. Non-liability of CITY and AGENCY Officials and Employees No member, official or employee of CITY or AGENCY shall be personally liable to DEVELOPER, or any successor in .interest, in the event of any default or breach by CITY or AGENCY or for any amount which may become due to DEVELOPER or successor or on any obligations under the terms of this'Agreement. 1504. Enforced Delay: Extension of Times of In addition to specific provisions of-this :e by either hereunder shall not be deemed to be in default ~re due insurrection, earthquakes, labor disputes, any del~ TY or AGENCY, or acts.of God. An extension of time fori ~use shal of the enforced delay and shall commence to run le of the of the cause, if notice by the party claiming such extensio~ /he other party within ten (10) days of the commencement of the cause, under this Agreement may also be extended .by mutual agreement in writin and DEVELOPER. 1505. Approvals Approvals 'required )EVELOPER shall not be unreasonably withheld or, where a ti AGENCY or DEVELOPER is not specified, shall not be ur ;layed 'each case in which a specific time -period is prescribed for the ~r a particular item, if such approval (or disapproval) is not forthCOmin the' item requiring approval shall be deemed.a by term of this Agreement, including the attachm acceptance, satisfaction, review or any other action CITY or AGENCY, contemplates that the performance of any such onable on the part of the party to grant such approval, acceptance, action, and in respect to every item of these Ag ,nts .hereto, DEVELOPER, CITY and AGENCY hereby 1 Brol lhEnor AGENCY shall liable for any real estate commissions or e fees o~ ;rs fees which.may arise herefrom. CITY, AGENCY and DEVELOPER neither has engaged a broker, agent or finder in connection with this 1507. Execution This Agreement is effective upon execution. It is the product of negotiation and all parties are equally responsible for authorship of this Agreement. Section 1654 of the S:~dcd\CityCenter~agrs~citycenterddadrl 3.wpd January 11,2001 (~I0:53AM) Page 24 of 28 '"----r. age~ California Civil Code shall not apply to the interpretation of this Agreement. 1508. Exhibits In the event of a conflict between the terms, conditions or specifications set forth in this Agreement and those in exhibits attached hereto, the terms, conditions, or specifications set forth in this Agreement shall prevaiL' All exhibits to which reference is made in this Agreement are deemed incorporated in this Agreement, whether or not actually attached. 1509. Further Assurances Each party shall execute .and deliver such and instruments, and perform such acts as are necessary or the terms :his Agreement and the intent of the pa~ies to this 1510. Governing Law The laws of the State of California will ,validity of this Agreement, its interpretation and performance. Any litigation ad. from this Agreement shall be brought in 'Kern County, California. 1511. No Waiver of Default The failure of any party any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a ;r enforce such a provision at a later time, and shall not serve is of thi mement. 1512. Duplicate lree (3) duplicate originals, each of which is reement comprises pages 1 through , inclusive, and Exhibits ". the entire understanding and agreement of the parties. 1513. This sets forth the entire Agreement between the parties and all other or written representations. This Agreement may be modified only the CITY, AGENCY and signed by all the parties. All waivers of the provisions-of this Agreement must be in writing and signed by. the appropriate authorities of CITY, AGENCY and DEVELOPER. S:~Edcd~CityCenter~agrs~citycenterddadr13.wpd m__ m _ _ January 11.2001(10:53AM) r-age 25 of 28 rages 1515. Hold Harmless Agreement DEVELOPER hereby agrees to defend, indemnify, save and hold CITY, its officers, agents and employees, AGENCY, its officers, agents and employees, harmless from claims, costs and 'liabilities for any personal injury, death, or property damage which arises, directly or indirectly from operations performed under this Agreement by DEVELOPER or DEVELOPER's' contractors, subcontractors, by any one or more persons directly or indirectly employed by, or acting as agent for DEVELOPER or any of DEVELOPER's contractors or subcontractors. DEVELOPER shall defend CITY and AGENCY and their elected and appointed representativeS, officers, agents and employees against actions such personal injury, death, or property damage which is caused or alleged to by reason of DEVELOPER's activities in connection with this Agreeme~ Project Site. DEVELOPERS further agrees to defend and shall save hold ~,GENCY harmless from any and all claims, costs and liability arising al action !ght' against CITY and/or AGENCY which challenges lidity ents, or ~, of the terms and conditions therein. Nothing in ~ction s ~ that DEVELOPER shall hold CITY and AGENCY the of personal injury, death or property damage to the such claims'~, or are alleged to arise from, the sole negligence, willful or igence on the part of CITY or AGENCY, their elected and appointed ~gents and employees. 1516. No Joint Venture or Partnerst CITY, AGENCY and form of joint venture or partnership exists or ha and agree that nothing contained herein or in connection .herewith shall be construed as making CITY, joint venturers or partners. 1517. Severab ion of this Agreement is held by a court of com void or unenforceable, the remaining ~provisions of this agreemer and effect. 1518. This be recorded. IN WITNESS HEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be the day first-above written. "DEVELOPER" ;Id By: By: HARVEY HALL RAY P. OLMSCHEID Mayor President, Ray P. Olmscheid S:~dcd~CityCenter~agrs~citycenterddadr13'wpd Page 26.of 28 Pages January 11,2001 (10:53AM) Development Company APPROVED AS TO FORM: BART J. THILTGEN CitY Attorney By: DENNIS SlVERS By: President and CEO JANICE SCANLAN D.W. Sivers Company Deputy City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ALAN TANDy City-Manager By: ALAN CHRISTENSEN Assistant City Manager COUNTERSIGNED: By: GREGORY J. KLIMKO Finance Director "RDA" ~tiil!I~:'' Bakersfield Redevelopment Ag By: ~ APPROVED BART J. B JANICE TO CONTENT: Executive Director By: A'LAN CHRISTENSEN Interim Deputy Executive Director S:~Edcd~Cit¥Oenter~agrs~citycenterddadr 13.wpd January11. 2001(10:53AM) Page 27 of 28 Pages COUNTERSIGNED: By:- GREGORY J. KLIMKO Financial Officer S :~dcd~CityCenter~agrs~citycenterddadr 13.wpd January 11,2001 (10:53AM) Page 28 of 28 Pages From: Janice Scanlan To: Alan Tandy .. 'Date: Monday, January 08, 2001 11:17:32 AM Subject: Info for council On March 14, 2001, the City and the Redevelopment Agency will hold a joint public hearing to take comments on the proposed amendment to the Southeast Bakersfield Redevelopment Plan. The amendment will permit the Agency to assist in the financing of the multi-use stadium, should the City Center-project .proceed. Pursuant to redevelopment law, property owners in the project area must be notified by first class mail of the public hearing 60 days before the hearing (approximately Jan. 12). By law, tenants (business and residential) will receive the same notification 30 days before the hearing and the notice gets published in the Californian once a week for 4 weeks before the hearing. T. his is the same process that we followed for the adoption of ~the project areas. Let me know if you need any more information. Janice From: janice Scanlan To: Alan Tandy Date: Monday, January 08, 2001 11:17:32 AM Subject: Info for council On March 14, 2001, the City and the Redevelopment Agency will hold a joint public hearing to take comments on the proposed amendment to the Southeast Bakersfield Redevelopment Plan. The amendment will permit the Agency to assist in the financing of the multi-use stadium, should the City Center project proceed. Pursuant to redevelopment law, property owners in the project area must be notified by first class mail of the public hearing 60 days before the hearing (approximately Jan. 12). By law, tenants (business and residential) will receive the same notification 30 days before the hearing and the notice gets published in the Californian once a week for 4 weeks before the hearing. This is the same process that we followed for the adoption of the project areas. Let me know if you need any more information. Janice MEMORANDUM January 12, 2001 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager gerW' FROM: Gene Bogart, Water Resources Mana SUBJECT: WATER SUPPLY OUTLOOK - "Another Dry Start" The extreme lack of precipitation during the initial months of the 2000-2001 winter season was the result of an extended high pressure ridge over the West Coast of the United States that effectively pushed Pacific storms far to the north of California. This persistent weather pattern began to develop in early November. As you can see on the attached Kern River Snowpack Accumulation chart, current snow levels are eerily similar to those of one year ago. Prior to the most recent series of storms which began the week of January 8, 2001, snowpack readings for the Kern River watershed were less than 10% of normal. Results of yesterdays powerful storm which hit Kern County are still being evaluated, but initial readings out of the Kern River Basin indicate as much as 3 inches of new snow water content was left on the ground. Still, this only increases the forecast of 2001 April-July snowmelt yield on the Kern River to approximately 50% of normal, or 225,000 acre-feet. To put this most recent storm in perspective, we would need 7 more storms of similar magnitude to occur prior to April 1 st in order to reach normal water supply conditions on the Kern River basin. The short term weather outlook (January 12-17,2001) provided by Bill Mork, State climatologist, is for mild high pressure to build behind the latest storm, pushing the storm track north of the Kern River watershed once more. We will keep you updated on the Kern River snowpack condition as we work our way through the winter season. GB:sr Attachment KERN RIVER BASIN SNOWPACK ACCUMULATION EIGHT SENSOR INDEX January 12, 2001 40.0 , , : ~l~ , '~ ' 199~1997 100% of April 1 Average 20.0 -- 15.0 .............. ~vera~o ,..O001 10.0 ...................................... 20~-2001 , 53% A~ 5.0 , , ~ ! ~o% ~ I 0.0 ~ ~owmbor Docomber danua~ Februa~ March ~pril Snowpack ~ccumulation Soason CI~ OF BA~RSFIELD ~ATER ~SOURCES DEPARTME~ MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager ~/~ ~,,,. January 8, 2001 FROM: Gregory J. Klimko, FinanCe Dir or ~ SUBJECT: Refuse Fund The City Council budgeted transfers of $470,000 from the General Fund consisting of transfers to the Equipment Fund ($405,000) and the Refuse Fund ($65,000) in the 2000-01 fiscal year budget. These transfers were for three additional street sweepers and a portion of their cost of operations. The General Fund was budgeted as the source of funds since it was late in the budget process and in order for the Refuse fund to finance this increased service level the refuse rates would need to be increased. The time to advertise a higher rate increase was not practical even if the City Council was so inclined. The Refuse Fund ended the 1999-00 fiscal year with a $1.4 million fund balance larger than budgeted. This was the result of $763,000 in revenue exceeding projections and $637,000 in uncommitted appropriations (savings). In hind sight, the Refuse Fund is able to fund the start up capital cost of these additional sweepers and related operating cost. Therefore, I suggest the related General fund transfers be replaced by Refuse Fund transfers. This would free up $470,000 of General Fund resources which could be dedicated to one or more of the City Council's unfunded priorities. The Refuse Fund operating budget exceeds $22 million. Approximately $9 million is funded by residential charges billed through the County property tax system. The City receives this revenue commencing with the first tax turnover in December continuing through June of the fiscal year. This places a significant cash flow burden on this fund. I request consideration be given to placing any uncommitted portion of the June 30, 2000 fund balance into a cash basis or working capital reserve, or be reserved for other one time expenditures (i.e., additional equipment). cc: John Stinson, Assistant City Manager Kevin Barnes, Solid Waste Director GJK/dwb January 8, 2001 (10:59am) S:\Darrin\Gregory\Memo - Tandy RefuseFund.wpd ALAN T.~N'D Y CITY MANAGER League of California Cities i' 1400 K Street, Suite.40- ' Sacramento, California 95814 Phone: (916) 658-8200 Fax: (916) 658-8240 www. cacities.org To: League Board of Directors City Managers, Human Resource Directors and City Attorneys From: Chris McKenzie, Executive Director JoAnne Spoors, General Counsel Date; January 2, 2000 Subject: Update on League Legal Challenge to SB 402 We are writing to advise you that today the League filed its legal challenge to SB 402 before the Fifth District Court of Appeal in 'Fresno. The League's members authorized the League to file this action at the Lea~)ue's annual conference in September. The suit was filed on behalf of both charier and general law cities. The League is .pursuing an aggressive strategy of filing its challenge in the first instance before a state appellate court, instead of the more frequently used process of filing first with superior court, The action seeks a stay of ,SB 402's implementation and asks the court to rule on the stay request within 20 days. The inter-related goals underlying this approach include: · Obtaining an judicial order which would operate to restrain public safety unions from invoking SB 402's binding arbitration provisions · Avoiding a multiplicity of suits statewide relating to SB 402 · Obtaining, at the earliest possible time, an appellate court ruling that could be of benefit to cities facing demands for arbitration. Because, under SB 402, public safety unions have the option of demanding binding arbitration, we found it necessary to name a major and influential union as the respondent in the suit, The suit names the International Association of Fire Fighters as the respondent. Our understanding is that this organization is the parent of the various "locals' representing firefighters; because of the diversity of police representation, there was no single parent organization that could be named on a statewlde basis for police. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 SB 402 Lawsuit We expect an aggressive defense of SB 402 by the unions. We are hopeful, however, that everyone involved in this issue will recognize the benefits of an expeditious and determinative resolution of the constitutional questions surrounding SB 402. The suit contends that SB 402. is uncOnstitutional in two respects: 1) as an unlawful delegation af municipal functions to private individuals (a violation of article XI, section 11 of the California Constitution), and 2) as an unlawful usurpation of charter cities' absolute authority to determine employee compensation levels (a violation of article XI, section 5(b) of the California Constitution). We hope for a ruling on our request for a stay within about 3 weeks. In the meantime, it is extremely important that cities notify the :League immediately of 1) any demand for arbitration under SB 402, as well as 2) any lawsuits filed against cities seeking to compel compliance with SB 402, Contact League General Counsel JoAnne Speers (direct dial 9161658-8233 and email sp. eersi@cacities.orcj); JoAnne has materials and additional information to sham that will be helpful to'city officials dealing with arbitration demands. We will continue to keep League members posted on this impodant matter through postings on the Website, as well as through the Priority Focus newsletters and other direct communications with our members. BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (661) 326-3'/24 PAUL M. RO.IAS, D1REC'TOR * CITY ENGINEER January 10, 2001 Assemblyman Roy Ashburn California State Assembly - 32"d District 1200 Truxtun Avenue - Suite 120 Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Railroad Crossings in the City of Bakersfield and County of Kern in need of maintenance. Dear Assemblyman Ashburn: This is a follow up to our previous letter of December 27, 2000 regarding the list of railroad crossings that are in need of maintenance. We have received the State's listing and the priority of needed repairs. The listing of railroad crossings on State highways for Kern County in District 06 is as follows: KER 058 :PM 50.08 (WEST OF LANDCO DR.) Condition rough, badly cracked on all four lanes, eastbound and westbound, needs rebuild. KER 204 'PM 04.17 (AT JCT W/178 IN BAKERSFIELD) Condition Very rough, is abandoned, Southern Pacific RR.tracks should be removed. KER 119 :PM 26.8 (EAST OF OLD RIVER RD.) Condition rough, badly cracked, needs constant potholing, needs rebuild. KER 223 'PM 05.36 (JUST EAST OF OLD RIVER RD.) Condition Poor, badly cracked, rough & bumpy, requires constant potholing, needs rebuild. 184 PM 08.37 (AT EDISON HWY) Condition Poor, rough & bumpy, needs to be rebuilt. KER 155 :PM R00.17 (EAST OF 099 IN DELANO) Area supervisor has met with ATSF RR and was told it was due for rebuild soon. G:\GROUPDA'fM. etter~2OOO\OpdateRl:~xnos.wpO Page I of 2 January 10, 2001 Assemblyman Roy Ashburn California State Assembly - 32n~ District RE: Railroad Crossings in the City of Bakersfield and County of Kern in need of maintenance 223 PM 21.18 ( EAST END OF ARVIN) Condition poor, rough and bumpy. KER 033 PM 17.73 (SOUTH END OF TAFT) Condition fair, however, these tracks may be abandoned as there appears to be no usage. KER 043 PM 07.01 (SOUTH OF BRIMHALL RD) Condition fair, repaved a couple years ago, pavement a little high creating a bump. 043 PM 13.2 (NORTH OF SEVENTH STANDARD RD.) New spur, a little bumpy but otherwise good condition.- KER 184 PM 01.02 (AT DIGEORGIO RD IN LAMONT) Condition good, rebuilt two years ago. If I can be of further assistance, please give me call at (661) 326-3574. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, /~/ friterim Public Works Director c: Alan Tandy, City Manager Bart Thiltgen, City Attorney G:\GROUPDAT~Letters~000\UpdateRl~.ngs.wpd Page 2 of 2 DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS DATE: January 11,2001 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Stan Ford, Director of Recreation and Parks SUBJECT: Monthly Report- December Attached are the monthly activity reports from the recreation supervisors and director of operations. Of note in December was: Bakersfield Christmas Parade: For the fourth consecutive year, our float earned first place in the Special Volunteer Division. As with the three previous years, Terry McCormick lead our team in planning, design, and construction of the float. Festival of Lights: This year we had over 4,000 decorated farolitos for the display. Approximately 1,000 people visited the park during the event. Staff would like to thank Mayor-elect Hall for his participation. Photos are of some of the entertainers. Parks: A total of 65 trees were planted at Jastro and Beale parks. The new playground at MLK park was completed and the playground project at Jastro began. The Jastro project should be completed in January. C: Citizens Community Services Advisory Committee Alan Christensen, Assistant City Manager John Stinson, Assistant City Manager :,~ . , .... .. ~:~ ~ .. ..-. . ._ - ,Re,~re~ atio ~r~.& Pa~IC~sCITY OF BA KERSHELD ~ ,. DECEMBER 2000 Monthly Report Submitted by: Holly Larson, Supervisor Susan Roussel, Coordinator After School Program Demonstrations December 11, 2000 Casa Loma School MLK Dancers December 13, 2000 Plantation Bicycle Safety Bakersfield City Schools After School Program: The after school sites focused on holiday crafts, parties and presentations as Well as working on First Night puppets for the Merrymakers March on New Year's Eve. ,. See attached report. 2000 - 2001 AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS WEEKLY ATTENDANCE RECORDS Updaled 12/28/00 SCHOOL I WEEKOFITOTALIAVG IWAITIA,I. =,SCHOOL :. ]WEEKOFI TOTAL IAVG. I.WAITIA I .... CASA LOMA Ruby Harris STELLA HILLS Vanessa Paragrug 09/11/00 312 62 09/11/00 283 57 ~X 09/18/00 393 79 X 09/18/00 274 55 X 09/25/00 392 78 X 09/25/00 227 45 X MONTH TOTAL 10/02/00 400 "80 X 10/02/00 331 66 X 10/09/001 4021 80 X 10/09/00 329 66 X 10/16/00 ! 4071 81 X 10/16/00 296 59 X 10/23/00 ~ 426 85 X 10/23/00, 297 59 X MONTH TOTAL ~?:~.~5 :~::~:82 'MONTH TOTAL ~" .... 10/30/00: 420 84 10/30/00 279 56 X 11/06/00 358 90 X 11/06/00 202 51 X 11/13/00 451 90 X 11/13/00 308 62 O 11/20/00 2751 92 X 11/20/00 131 66 X MONTH TOTAL ~'~ ::~;, MONTH TOTAL 11/27/00 476 95 11/27/00 311 62 X 1~04/00 472 94 12/04/00 269 54 X 1~11/00 477 95 X 12/11/00 141 35 X MONTH TOTAL ~:~1~25 MONTH TOTAL 01/02/01 X 01/02/01 0 X 01/08/01 01/08/01 0 01/15/01 01/15/01 0 01/22/01 L, 01/2~01 0 MONTH TOTAL MONTH TOTAL 01/29/01 0 01/29/01 0 0~05/01 0 0~05/01 0 0~12/01 0 0~1~01 0 0~19/01 0 0~19/01 0 MONTH TOTAL MONTH TOTAL 0~26/01 0 0~26/01 0 03/05/01 0 03/05/01 0 03/12/01 0 03/1~01 0 03/19/01 0 03/19/01 0~ 03/26/01 0 - 03/26/01 '~0 MONTH TOTAL ~ ~ ~0 ~'~' ~ ,,~O~ MONTH TOTAL ~ ~:~ ~¢~:~ ~ ~ '~ o4/o /o i o o4/o o ........ ' 04/09/01 0 04/09/01 0 o o4/ 6/o MONTH TOTAL MONTH TOTAL 04/30/01 0 04/30/01 0 05/07/01 0 05/07/01 0 05/14/01 0 05/14/01 0 05/21/01 0 05/21/01 0 MONTH TOTAL ~'~';:~$~,~0 MONTH TOTAL ~ 05/28/01 0 05/28/01 0 06/04/01 0 06/04/01 0 orOrAL I I 2000 - 2001 AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS WEEKLY ATTENDANCE RECORDS Updated 12/28/00 WASHINGTON Almaiza Espinoza SEQUOIA Linda Bell 09/11/00 434 87 09/11/00 43 9 X 09/18/00 567 113 X 09/18/00 80 16 X 09/25/00 573 115 X 09/25/00 83 17 X MONTH TOTAL i~i?1574~?~05~ MONTH TOTAL 061 ~i',,'114!i 10/02/00 559 112 X 10/02/00 43 9 X 10~09~00 483 97 X 10~09~00 95 19 X 10/16/00 503 101 X 10/16/00 106 21 ,X 10/23/00 596 119 X 10/23/00 109 22 X MONTH TOTAL ~7214]i ~!i1:0~! MONTH TOTAL ~1~ 10/30/00 497 99 . 10/30/00 90 18 X 11/06/00 286 72 X 11/06/00 NA 0 X 11/13/00 598 120 X 11/13/00 79 16 O 11/20/00 123 62 X 11/20/00 73 37 X MONTH TOTAL ~?'~?~~ MONTH TOTAL ~'~:'r":~'~ ~ 11/27/00 561 112 11/27/00 227 45 X 12/04/00 475 g5 12/04/00 13g 28 X 1~11/00 351 70 X 1~11/00 ~ 21 X MONTH TOTAL ',~ MONTH TOTAL ]~ 01/02/01 X 01/0~01 0 X 01/08/01 01/08/01 0 01/15/01 01/15/01 0 01/2~01 01/2~01 0 MONTH TOTAL ~ MONTH TOTAL 01/29/01 0 01/29/01 0 0~05/01 0 0~05/01 0 0~1~01 0 0~1~01 0 0~19/01 0 0~19/01 0 MONTH TOTAL 'MONTH TOTAL 0~26/01 0 0~26/01 0 03/05/01 0 03/05/01 0! 03/12/01 0 03/1 ~01 0 03/19/01 0 03/19/01 0 ~ 03/26/01 0 - 03/26/01 0 ~ MONTH TOTAL MONTH TOTAL ~ 04/02/01 0 04/02/01 0 04/09/01 0 04/09/01 0 04/16/01 0 04/16/01 0 MONTH TOTAL MONTH TOTAL ~/30/01 0 04/30/01 0 05/07/01 0 05/07/01 0 05/14/01 0 05/14/01 0 05/21/01 0 05/21/01 0 MONTH TOTAL ~¢~:~,,~'~ :;~,~. MONTH TOTAL 05/28/01 0 05/28/01 0 06/04/01 0 06/04/01 0 ~D TOTAL I I 2000 - 2001 AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS WEEKLY ATTENDANCE RECORDS ~ Updated 12/28/00 SCHOOL I WEEK OF ITO+ALI AVO lWA'TIA I SCHOOL JWEEK TOTAL IAVGIWA'TIA I W. PENN Cynthia Curtis 09/11/00 320 64 09/18/00 350 70 X 09/25/00 389 78 X MONTH TOTAL 10/02/00 394 79 X 10/09/00 391 78 X 10/16/00 399 80 X 10/23/00 398 80 X 10/30/00 385 77 11/06/00 315 79 X 11/13/00 398 80 X 11/20/00 160 80 X. 11/27/00 394 79 12/04/00 389 78 12/11/00 318 64 X MONTH TOTAL 01/02/01 X 01/08/01 01/15/01 01122101 MONTH TOTAL 01/2g/01 0 0~05/01 0 0~1~01, 0; 0~1 gl01 0 MONTH TOTAL r~,~~,,~ ~,":~ ~,~, ........ 0~26/01 0 03/05/01 0 03/12/01 0 ,- 03/19/01 0 . 03/26/01 0 MONTH TOTAL ~/02/01 0 04/09/01 0 04/16/O 1 0 MONTH TOTAL 04/30/01 0 05/07/01 0 05/14/01 0 05/21/01 0 05/28/01 0 06104101 0 ~D TOTAL I S0001 I I CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Recreation 8cParl DECEMBER 2000 Monthly Report Submitted by: Sally Ihmels, Supervisor Jeannette Triscuit, Recreation Specialist David Stricker, Program Coordinator AQUATICS Renewal Guard Training was held on December 16th. There were 6 Lifeguards who renewed their licenses. The New Lifeguard Training was held on December 15, 16 &17th. There were 5 new lifeguards who received licenses.-Training ran smoothly and the weather was FREEZING! Enclosed is a lap swimming attendance report for the past year. The current lap swim attendance at Silver Creek is 141 people. SPECIAL EVENTS Luminaria, the Festival of Lights was held on December 9, 2000 at Yokuts Park. This event was co-sponsored by the Kern County Family Magazine. Over 4,000 bags decorated the 1/2 mile trail around the park. Close to 1,000 people enjoyed the event with entertainment donated by MLK dancers, Downtown .School's Kindergarten Class, William Penn School's Third Grade Class, the Boys & Girls Club Choir, All Star Dance Academy, and The Garden's Vocal Program. Santa was also there to meet our guests. Special thanks goes to the Bakersfield Police Department Explorers for helping with the distribution and clean up of the luminaria bags. Also, thanks goes to the Bakersfield Fire Department for having it's bicycle team patroling the lighted trail for the safety of our guests. 60 170 932 2177 60 231 78 181 60 232 60 187 60 244 60 .100 60' 100 60 146 61 287 167 196 83 143 141 141 LAP SWIM 300 I "275 250 225 200 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 'Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1999 2000 i S:~Aquafics\Lap Swim Totals.wb3 ° CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RecreatiOn &Parlcs December 2000 Monthly Report Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Community Center Lowell Community Center Adult and Youth Sports Submitted by: Dean Jones, Recreation Supervisor Cheryl Claybom, Clerk Typist Dr. Martin Luther Kin~ Communi~/Center Special events a. Kwanzaa- A evening of expression and African culture. b. Christmas party- A special recognition to Chris Gomcz and Faye Feltus for organizing a great event for many youths in the community that other wise might not have had a Christmas, with toys and goodies. c. Martin Luther King Dancers- Karen Bostlk and the dancers performed a beautiful dance recital for the community, many parents came out to support the program. Daily Activity Attendance: Activity Monthly attendance Morning fitness 219 Fitness room 309 Game room 621 Gym 645- - Saturday tennis 74 Aerobics 27 Salsa class 12 Rentals Date Agency Attendance Revenue 12/2/00 Elk's corporation 30 $123.00 12/9/00 Private party 80 $243.00 12/16/00 Private party 175 $646.00 12/23/00 St Paul church dinner 50 $190.00 Sunday morning basketball 89 $178.00 Lowell Community Center The center closed for the holidays on Dec. 22, 2000 and is scheduled to reopen on January 8, 2001. The extended closer is due to McKinley school and Emerson school being closed for the inter session and will not be back in session until Jan 8th. Daily attendance 40 Youth Sports Youth basketball registration closed on December 16th with completion of evaluations, which were held on Dec. 16th at Bakersfield high. Unfortunately we canceled the 3rd and 4th, 7th and 8th grade leagues due to low registration, a minimum of 30 participants in each grade was needed to offer the league. Registration 3rd and 4th grade 11 5th and 6th 30 7th and 8th 9 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Recreation gcParlcs December 2000 Monthly Report Silver Creek Community Center After School Playground Programs Leisure Classes Submitted by: Terri Elison, Recreation Supervisor Jeff Bogart, Program Coordinator Bakersfield B.E.S.T. After School Program Bakersfield B.E.S.T. participated in First Night's "Merry Maker March" on Sunday, December 31st. Each school site help create and decorate a star or planet. With the help of Susan Roussel, our program coordinator, we made four giant puppets-a sun, moon, angel, and the Grinch. The march started at 3:00 p.m. and everyone who participated had a really great time! The after school program was off from December 18th through January 1st for the holidays. The program resumes on January 2nd. Greenfield Union School District Highlights of the activities at the various sites included performing a play called "The Bear's Christmas"; learning Christmas songs and performing them at the school's Christmas programs; creating a seasonal bulletin board; Plantation School had a "Make A New Friend Day" and shared fun games and activities with each other; many sites made Christmas gifts for their families and friends; and several arts and crafts projects reflected the holidays such as Christmas ornaments, snowmen, wreaths, etc.; one site learned a new game called "Elbow Tag" which taught teamwork and sportsmanship. Silver Creek After School Program Highlights of the activities include playing Christmas bells, learning Christmas dances and making several holiday crafts such as ornaments, Christmas trees, and candy canes. ATI'ENDANCE FIGURES Activity Monthly Attendance Greenfield Union School District Fairview ............................................................. 871 Kendrick ............................................................ 1347 McKee ............................................................... 2152 Palla .................................................................. 2052 Plantation ................................. ' ......................... 1300 Planz ................................................................. 1059 Silver Creek After School Program ................ 152 (4-days only Mon. - Thurs) TOTAL ATTENDANCE AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS ....... 8933 Silver Creek Rentals ................................................... $542.00 The Silver Creek multi-purpose room and or pavilion was rented 3 times during the month of December. The center was rented for a family Christmas party, and two birthday parties. Total attendance for rentals was 210. Classes at Silver Creek: Classes at Other Facilities Ballet & Gym ............................... 16 Tennis (Siemon Park) Pressed Flower Workshop .......... no class (Children) ..................... no class Cheerleading ............................... 191 (Adult) .......................... no class Clogging ...................................... 40 Roller .Skating ...... ; ....... 0 Jazzercise ................................... 52 Jazz & Gym ................................. 8 TOTAL ........................... 0 Karate .......................................... 157 Kardio-Kick ................................... 32 ,' Dance & Gym (Tiny Tots) ............ 80 Scapbooking .............. i ................ no class Tennis Lessons(Children) ............. 32 Registrations Taken: 285 Tennis Lessons(Adults) ................. no class Number of Guests Served in Calligraphy Workshop ................... no class office: 375 Cycling I ....................................... no class .Latin Dance ................................... 20 Watercolor ..................................... no class TOTAL ........... 628 Attendance Silver Creek Center: Rentals ........................................ 210 After School Program ................. 152 Classes ........................................ 628 Meetings ........................... : .......... 19 TOTAL ........... 1009 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Recreation g,c.Parlcs PARKS DIVISION DECE ER 2000, MONTHLY REPORT BEALE PARK DRIVEWAY Staff coordinated removal of existing driveway and realigning of a new concrete driveway through Beale Park. Improved collection point for green waste material and aesthetic enhancement for refuse containers were also an element of the project. Our driveway is now sufficiently wide and strong enough to support service vehicles. BEALE AND JASTRO PARK RE-FORESTATION Ed Lazaroti, Park Supervisor and arborist, coordinated installation of 33 trees at Beale Park and 32 trees at Jastro Park. This capital improvement program was initiated after recognizing certain of our more mature park settings include trees that may either be prone to disease or may no longer be appropriate for surrounding facilities. At this time, only trees posing a concern for public safety will be removed. This number is currently three or less" at both park sites. We anticipate new trees will experience several years of growth before any further tree removals are required. Seven species of trees selected including California Sycamore, Scarlet and Live Oaks, Chinese Hackberry and Pistache in order to foster development of trees easily acclimated to the San Joaquin valley. In addition, by planting several varieties of trees, we minimize potential devastating situations of losing all of one variety due to pests or disease. Similar urban re-forestation projects are planned in future years. These projects will continue first within our more mature parks. DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. PLAYGROUND Final element of the new playground for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Park was installation of approximately 1,400 square feet of rubberized surfacing. The surfacing materials included recycled tire rubber used to establish a resilient, cushioning base. An added benefit to the project is this helps keep used tires out of California landfills. A color top coat of new rubber offers a wear resistant and uniform surface. In addition, persons with mobility impairments are afforded access to playground equipment where they may have otherwise been denied due to previous typical use of only sand surrounding playground structures. JASTRO PARK IMPROVEMENTS Our latest replacement playground equipment project is taking place at Jastro Park. Installation of equipment should be completed by end of December followed by installation of rubberized surfacing by mid January. Similar to all four playground projects to be undertaken this year (Jastro, Dr, Martin Luther King, Jr., Centennial and Grissom), the latest in playground equipment is offered including a three level tall structure designed for 5 - 12 year old children. These structures are.fully enclosed in order to eliminate opportunity of a child climbing out of or falling from within the confines of the structure. Enclosed spiral tube slides continue to be a big hit for youngsters. Park personnel also redesigned the serving shelter and main picnic area at the east side of the park. Relocating refuse dumpsters to a centralized location and constructing a wall to hide the dumpsters is included within this project. A new serving shelter, ADA accessible drinking fountain and access drive to the large picnic area round out improv~ements to the park. " Several members of the surrounding neighborhood have called the Recreation and Parks office or spoken to park personnel expressing their delight for the latest additions to "their park". s:\\Ops 2000-01\Monthly Report\December Bakersfield Raw land la selling again, says CB Richard Ellis' WaYne Kress, outside of the International Trade & Transportation Center's first building· This southern Central Valley city is poised for industrial development. By Ronald McNees the other half of the building. County in August was $84,000, according to the Bakersfield's 3.5 percent industrial vacancy. California Association of Realtors. That eom- F irst time in almost 15 years raw land in rate at midyear was the lowest in Grubb & Ellis' pares to a median single-family home price of the Bakersfield area is selling with an eye Pacific Southwest Region, compared to 5.2 per- 8143,630 in the Central Valley and 8255,580 toward developing it out as finished lots cent in Los Angeles, 7 percent in Riverside and statewide. for sale. San Bernardino, 8 percent in San Diego and 8.3 Bakerafield's monthly rental rate of 35 cents "We have 524 acres in play that weren't percent in Orange County. per square foot for standard industrial space in play a year ago," says Wayne Kress, a vice "You don't know how many phone calls we get compares to 53 cents in Los Angeles, 56 cents in president and industrial properties specialist from companies looking for 300,00, 400,000 or Orange County and 57 cents in San Diego, with CB Richard Ellis in Bakersfield. 500,000 square feet," says'Stephen Jr Haupt, according to Grubb & Ellis. Only Riverside/San Most of that land is in the Kern County Air- senior vice president with Colliers Tingey Inter- Beraardino is lower at 33 cents. port area. Kearny Real Estate Co. of Los Angeles national. "We just don't have that type of product Business operating costs in Bakersfield also is developing the 75-acre masterplanned Bakers- available on a spec basis." are less than Los Angeles Basin, mostly due to field Airport Business Center on behalf of the Unlike the Inland. Empire's 167 million- lower real estate taxes. In Bakersfield operating land's owner, the Morgan Stanley Real Estate square-foot industrial base, Bakersfield's indus- expenses add 4 cents to 4.5 cents per square foot Funds. That's on top of a pair of significant devel- trial buildings total only 23 million square feet. per month, Kress explains, compared to 6 cents opments that began two years ago. "[Single] deals get done in Ontario that equal to 7 cents in Ontario. One of those developments is Tejon Industrial our total annual gross absorption -- 750,000 to "When you add that to the basic rent m 27 Complex near Interstate 5 and Highway 99, 1.4 million square feet," Haupt says, adding that cents here vs. 35 cents there," Kress says, "all of · about' 27 miles south of Bakersfield. The 350- the average size industrial tenant in Bakersfield a sudden you're pushing a dime a square foot acre industrial park has been seeded by an 80- is 20,000 to 50,000 square feet. difference." acre sale to IKEA that closed in September. The In spite of wide open spaces for big'box distal- Swedish home furnishings retailer broke but. ion buildings such as IKEA's, Kress says Office market still reeling from ground Oct. 23 on a 1.8 million-square-foot dis. seven of last 10 big industrial deals were manu- oil company consolidations tribution center that will employ some 300 work- ' facturers. ers after its opening next spring. "First and foremost, they're looking for avail- Most of Bakersfield's office vacancy is in its The area's second significant development able labor and we have that in abundance," suburban southwest market, where the Class A is the International Trade and Transportation Kress says. "Although the going-in employee vacancy rate is about 28 percent, according to Center in the city of Shafter, northwest of Bak- skill level is Iow, the trainability and loyalty fac- David Williams, SIOR, senior vice president with ersfield on State Highway 43. The 720-acre tors are quite high." Colliers Tingey Interr~ational. The vacancy in all site is owned by the Allen Group. So far, one Another positive factor in Bakersfield's favor other classes is 8 percent. building of 168,000 square feet has been con- is Iow land costs. Prices for finished industrial "There are few opportunities in the Class B structed, half of which h'as been leased to lots range from $1.10 to $2 per square foot. and C buildings and a lot of opportunities in Cincinnati-based Hillman Fastener, a distribu- Cheap land also keeps housing costs Iow, A space," says Williams. The empties are tot of nuts and bolts. Kress says negotiations which helps attract and keep employees. The large, multistory buildings formerly occupied are under way with two prospective tenants for median price of a single-family home in Kern by oil companies that consolidated or moved PAnE 14 NOV~M(3ER 2000 CALIFORNIA REAL ESTATE JOURN,~L pul pi Iltt~ area. square feet of retail and entertainment spring, the site will· house a charter lng to general commercial zoning. "lf.s bccn a lillle bit of a bJood bath," space,, but it never got out. of the.. school,, community school and county ' Kern County's retail building permils Williams .~lys. ' ground. Paul Owhadi;. president 'of probation offices.' ';-' .. '" ' through August were down 55.5 percent More than 80 percent of the former Fresno-based Sierra Pacific Develop. Castle & Cooke's proposed Riverwalk compared to the first eight months of I Occidental Petroleum building at 1200 merit, purchased the 63-acre site' near Commercial .Center near-Stockdale l)i~overy Drive is available for lease. Panama Lane and Highway 99 last Jan- Highway and Calloway Drive is Under- -- $8.9 million this year vs. $19.9 million Occidental Petroleum moved its oil and uary. gas division headquarters from Bakers-. Owhadi Plans a. 550,000-square-fuOt going an environmental review for a pro: last year, according to the Construction field to Houston late last year and its open-air project' called 'The Gateway.:· ~osed land use change from· office Zon- Industry Research Board. lease ended in September. Ivanhoe The shopping.center will include' two Energy, a Canada-based international 130,000-square-foot anchor .' stores . A n°mon.~n~, approach to local taXes oil and gas exploration and production retail shops and restaurants.' ~/ ' company, moved its regional offices in Downtown, Pay P Olmscheid Devel* As documented in the 2000 Kosmont Cost of O~ing Business Survey~,.Netionat June to the third floor of the six-story, opment of Walnut Creek has proposed Online Edition, the cities of Bakersfield, Porterville, Tulare and Visalia have set 125,600-square-foot building, lvanhoe building a 850 million, 38-acre sports, business tax rates that are not quite negligible, but Iow to moderate. And the leased about 22,000 square feet of entertainment and retail project. City business tax rate structures tend to be straightforward and relatively simple. space. Grubb and EIIis/ASU and Asso- Council and the Bakersfield'Redevelop- Bakersfield and Visalia receive the Very Low Cost $ Kosmont Cost Rating. Utility elates is the set leasing agency. 'The 16- merit Agency gave Olmscheid .a six- taxes push Porterville and ?ulare into the Low Cost $$ Kosmont Cost Rating (now- year-old building reverted to its original month exclusive right to negofiatewith ever Porterville does cap these). name, Discovery Plaza. them in October. · Berkley Petroleum signed a five-year Called City Center, the site is located lease in September for 4,500 square feet just south of the Convention Center and of office space at One University Can- a newly constructed Amtrak station.' All four communities tax businesses based on gross receipts. None has a lock tre, also in southwest Bakersfield. The Olmscheid plans to build a $15 million, o~ the lowest rates, and no one city dominates the highest rates across business latest project of the Allen Group's office 5,000-seat stadium that could serve as categories. To make a business tax decision, relocating firms will need to division, University Centre is a 60,000- the new facilitY for the Bakersfield evaluate how their classification is treated in each case. square-foot, Class A two-story office Blaze baseball team. Entertainment Rate Comparison E#~edve Tax Ra~ Estimated r~x Due building. Salomon Smith Barney and facilities surrounding the stadium ~t~tot on~oo~m~r~o~ Commonwealth Land Title Insurance would include a 65,000-square-foot, 16- ord. trade,pta S~OM m dross Co. also signed leases for 13,000 and screen movie theater and a 73,000- GeneraIOffice 0.003%-0.052% $258-$5,200 10,250 square feet of space, square-foot community recreation facil- Professional Office 0.019%. 0.076% $1,920- $7.550 Bakersfie]d's office vacancy factor is ity that would include an ice rink, in-line Retail 0.009%- 0.03.7% $870- $ L650 13 percent citywide and less than 5 per- skate rink, gymnasium (for basketball, Wholesale 0.005%- 0,017% $500- $t.650 cent downtown, says Williams. volleyball, etc.) and fitness center. The Manufac.tu. rin~ 0.004%- 0.017% $370- $1,650 The Allen Group is developing a complex would also have 10,000 square persona~ Service 0.003%- 0.052% $258- $5.200 68,000-square-foot office building down- feet of retail shops, sports theme town that will house the Kern County restaurants and a 22,000-square-foot Superintendent of Schools and a satel- video-game arcade. An additional com- porterville and Tulare each have 6 percent utility taxes. Porterville caps the tax lite campus for the University of Cali- ponent would be a 225-unit affordable at $500 to $1,500 annually depending on company size. fornia at Merced. Completion of the senior housing development. five-story building and parking struc- The city Planning Commission unan- Tax Rate on Net Billin[s ture at 20th and K streets is expected imously approved a 440,306-square-foot Electric 0%- 6% by next spfing, iThe construction cost,'i, expansion.to'Northwest,~rome~ade:in~: =vTelephone -, :~ .,:' ,-:* '- ..... ;. :~... . - ....... , 0%-6% for the building"and parl~i¥~g~rcuc~t, re*' September:. The $30 million expa'nsio~' Cellular is S11.5 million, at 8400 Rosedale Highway would make Gas 0~- 5% Office building permits in Kern Northwest Promendade the second water o)6-5% County were up 143.6 percent for the largest shopping center in Bakersfield first eight months of this· year cpm- ahead of EastHilisMall and trailingVal- pared to the same period in 1999, ley Plaza. Plans call for eight major T,x Role according to the CIRB. Office building retail stores, four retail shops and six Typical Ad Valorum Property Tax 1%- 1. L497% permits through August totaled $13.1 freestanding sites for restaurants, fast Documentary Transfer Tax $1.10 per $1.000 million compared to 85.4 million for the food and retail, and 2,700 parking sales Tax 7.2~% same period last year. places. Developer Lee Jamieson says Transient Occupancy Tax 8%- t2~ Back-office Companies, 'call centers, eight major retail tenants have signed Parkin~Tax O~ service centers and second-tier technol- letters of intent. Wal-Mart already ogy firms are considering Bakersfield, anchors the center. "but no one has landed yet," Williams Also in' northwest Bakersfield, All fodr communities have some sort of traffic impact fee and a residential park says. Skarphol Associates has submitted fee. In Tulare there are fees for various public facilities as well, but they are Class A space rents range/rom S1.35 plans for a $5.6 million, ] 15,000-square- negligible. Bakersfield and Tulare have engaged and public/privates development tO 81.65 per square foot per month, full foot shopping center at 1100 Coffee deals with such incentives as deferred fees. Porterville, Tulare and Visalia can service and tenants can expect a $15 to Road. Befra Farming LLC is the land offer the Tulare County Business incentive Zone. Bakersfield and Portervi~le have $30 per square foot tenant improve- owner, state enterprise zones. ment allowances in second-generation A new residential and commercial space, development in northeast Bakersfield so~e: 2000 gosmoat cost of Doi~ Business Suevey®4Vational Onli~ Edition. "We have a good opportunity to mar- is in the initial planning phase. City in ket the city to users that' are getting the Hills, as it is called, would cover 694 pushed out of the LA. Basin or the San acres north of Highway 178 and east of Francisco Bay Area." Williams says, "or Morning Drive. The developer, Moun- new companies looking to come to Cai- tain View Bravo LLC, presented a draft ifornia from the Midwest or East Coast environmental impact report to the for affordable housing and some rea- Bakersfield Planning Commission in sonably priced real estate. August. The developer is looking to "Compared to anywhere else in the build a master-planned community with state of California, we're a good bar- 2,750 single-family homes, 1,300 multi- Commercial Real Estate Without the Runaround' gain." pie-family lots, schools, parks and greenbelts. At least 96 acres will be used for commercial buildings ranging Your ~ewte taa Gateway replacing Grand Canal from supermarkets to possible offices, On the retail side, Bakersfield's pro- A former Sandstone home improve- Wail/~t,_,~[~g] posed Grand Canal shopping and enter- ment and lumber supply store iii east ' tainment destination sank quietly early Bakersfield is being refurbished and a;~e_.) i this past year. Three years ago, devel-remodeled as an educational complex. oper Yehuda Netanel proposed an The Kern County Superintendent of ambitious $73 million re-creation of Schools purchased the site in 1998 for ~[ce,relall arid IIiilualPlal space far lease alllllle Venice, Italy's waterway with 565,000 $1.95 million. When completed next Thousands of Iisliegs In Los Angeles · Free t0 search, Easy t0 Iisi Broker Relerral www. cit~eet.com 626.744.050(; NOVEMBER 2000 CALIFORNIA REAL ESTATE JOURNAL PAGE 15 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDU'M JANUARY 3, 2000 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: TRUDY SLATER, ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST III SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERRAL WF0018716/001 REGARDING PUBLIC ACCESS TV Mr. D. K. Mason requested the City Council meeting of December 13, 2000, to: 1) require the public access channel provided for in the agreement; 2) recognize KCPA-TV, Inc. as the group which provides equipment and training for the general public, and which sets policy regarding content and access on the franchise required channel; 3) assist us in the above. Responding to 1): There is no requirement within the City's franchise agreement with Cox Communications to provide a public access channel. City Agreement No. 95-229, section 6(f), authorized August 30, 1995, requires Cox to deliver to its subscribers the signal of all television stations located in the metropolitan area of Bal(ersfield, including at least one educational station. Cox Communications, through the County, has some availability (channel 5) called "leased access" which provides regular programming as .well as open time for special requests for channel time use. In the City franchise with Time Warner, Agreement No. 95-228,in section 1 l(e), the City Council may require that Time Warner make a channel available primarily for public access. Any action by the City Council to require such a channel must be by adoption of an appropriate regulation pursuant to the franchise. The City Council has taken no formal action to 'require Time Warner to make a channel available primarily.for public access. Time Warner provides a "community channel" (channel 11) for local content and programming. There are specific criteria which must be followed to qualify for air time. These criteria are attached. On both the Cox and Time Warner Systems, KGOV uses the government channel and the Superintendent of Schools uses the education channel, with each providing its own production equipment and signal transmission cable. According to the City Attorney's Office, under Title 47, Section 531 of the United States Code, channel capacity may be designated for public access, education, or governmental use, thus indicating that all three are not required. The law requires nothing more than is in the City's franchise agreements. Alan Tandy January 3, 2000 Public Access TV Page 2 It should be noted that making a channel available does not require a cable company to provide equipment or training for the public to create programming in broadcast ready format. It merely requires system capacity to be available if someone provides the companies with a compatible signal to be broadcast. Responding to 2): This request extends beyond the City's authority under its franchise agreements. The City does not have the ability to grant what Mr. Mason is requesting. Responding to 3): Neither the City of Bakersfield nor its cable franchisees are required under the City's franchises or state or federal law to provide production facilities or financing for public access programming. Costs in this area can total hundreds of thousands of dollars, as the City has seen first-hand since it has begun televising-Council meetings and has had to face those costs without outside assistance. An in-depth analysis of the ramifications of requiring Time Warner to provide channel availability and all that it entails is recommended should Council wish to review this 'matter for further consideration. (P:\CABL~M0101031 ) cc: Bart Thiltgen, City Attorney Alan Daniel, Deputy City Attorney JRN-03-O1 NED 05:24 PM FAX NO, P, 04 ? T I W A R N E R C A E Time Warner Cable Public Access. Policies and Rules I. Eligibility 1. To be eligible to use Time Warner Cable's Public Access you must be resident of Kern County. 2, All shows submitted for Public Access must have been produced within the -boundaries of Kern County. Shows submitled that are produced outside of Kern County will-be refused. 3. Any person submitting a program for Public Access must sign a Public Access Statement and Agreement of Compliance. They also must acknowledge compliance with all program content policies, rules and guidelines, as well as knowledge of and responsibility for the content of the program. I1. Program Standards 1. Presentation of the. following material is prohibited: a. Advertising material designed to promote the safe of commercial products or services, or material which identifies any product, sewice, trademark or brand name in e manner which is not reasonably related to the non-commercial use of such product, service trademark or brand name on the program. b. Commercial programming which In whole or part depicts, demonstrates or discusses products, services or businesses with the intent or substantial effect of benefiting or enhancing a profit making enterprise. c. The direct solicitation or appeal~for funds or other things of value for any and all purposes. d. Political endorsements or advertising by or on behalf of candidates for public office. e. Material that is obscene. f. Any program which constitutes or promotes any lottery or gambling enterprise in a manner which is in violation of any applicable local, state or federal laws. JRN-03-O1 NED 05:2~ P~ ~RX NO. P, O~ g. Material which constitutes libel, slander, invasion of privacy or publicity rights, unfair competition, violation of trademark or copyright, or which may violate any local, state or federal law. h. Material which has a reasonable pr'obabi{ity of creating an immediate danger or damage to property or injury to persons, or of creating a public nuisance. i. Material or programming which has a reasonable probability of causing the substantial obstruction of law enforcement or other governmental functions or services, 2. Programs submitted for cablecast on Time Warner Cable's Public Access channel must meet minimal technical standards including, but not limited to, considerations of signal strength, continuity and quality, technical formatting and cueing considerations. 3. Programs must not exceed 58 minutes in length except as approved by Time warner Cable. 4. Programs must be in format suitable for Time Warner Cable's playback ( ether 112" or 3/4") III, Scheduling . 1. User will indicate a first and second choice of dates and times for cablecast. 2. Time Warner Cable will try to honor the dates and times requested. When this is not possible, Time Warner Cable will cablecast the program in the closest available day and time. 3. Time Warner Cable will cablecast each program 4 times. This 4 play cycle will fulfill Time Warner Cable's obligation for Public Access. 4. All programs to be cablecast must be delivered to Time Warner Cable, 24 hours before program is to air. If program is to run on Saturday or Sunday, the program must be delivered to 'lqme Warner Cable by the preceding Friday. Programs must be delivered to Time Warner Cable during normal business hours. IV. Responsibility 1. Users of Time Warner Cable's Public Access are fully responsible for all program material, 2. All programers/providers of programming shall agree, as a condition of cablecast, to indemnify and hold harmless Time Warner Cable, its Directors, Officers, employees and its agents from all loss, liability and damage arising out of or caused by the cablecast of the user's program. 3. Producers/providers are responsible for any misrepresentations arising from the · J~N-03-O1 NED 0~:2~ P~ FaX NO. ?, 06 cablecast of their program. 4. Producers/providers are responsible for all copyright clearances, rights or licenses involved in their programing. V. Violations 1. Violations of Time Warner Cable's program content policies and rules, or breach of the Public Access Statement and Agreement of Compliance form, may subject the user to immediate forfeiture of the privilege of using Time Warner Cable's Public Access. 2, Violations such as, making false or misleading statements on any Time Warner Cable Public Access documents, chronic and willful disregard for Time Warner Cable's Public Access rules and procedures, or abuse or harassment of Time Warner Cable's employees, may also subject the user to immediate forfeiture of the privilege of using Time Warner Cable's Public Access. 3. Time Warner Cable is held harmless ~in violations which involve local, state, or federal laws or regulations · JRN-03-01 NED 05:23 PM FRX NO, P. 02 PUBLIC ACCESS STATEMENT AND_ AGREEMENT OF COMPLIANCW. 1. The parties to this Agreement are Time Warner Cable, through its Bakersfield Office, and the undersigned, who represents to have authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of his/her respective organization (hereinafter, "Presenter"). 2. This'Public Access Statement and Agreement of Compliance relates to Presenter's request to be allowed public access to Time War-ncr Cable's facilities, consistent with the Federal Communication Commission guidelines. Presenter acknowledges that he/she seeks public access only in a manner which is consistent with Time Warner Cable's policy, which such policy is subject to amendment from time to time, and Presenter acknowledges that such amendments may occur prior to the time of the actual airing of its presentation and that Time Warner Cable's guidelines as in existence as of such date shall control and apply to the manner in which the presentation is aired and the contents of such presentation. 3. Presenter warrants and represents ~hat his/her presentation ("show") for public access was produced within the boundaries of Kern County, and acknowledges that the public access being sought by Presenter is for local programming prepared in a manner consistent with local standards and within the subject locality of Kern County. 4. Presenter realizes that'his/her show may be rejected if Time Warner Cable, in its discretion, finds that the production quality of the show is unsatisfactory, in Time Warner Cable's reasonable opinion, for presentation on Time Warner Cable's cable- cast facilities and equipment. 5. Presenter warrants and represents that his/her presentation/sh~w does not contain any offensive material that would be considered obscene by local standards, Consisten~ with Federal Communication Commission guidelines and 'legal standards, with any and all FCC .guidelines and legal standards to apply and controli 6. Presenter warrants and represents that his/her presentation/show does not contain any pleas, requests or suggestions for donations or that donations be made or for monetary support or that monetary supporu be provided to any individual, organization or agency. 7. Presenter warrants and represents that his/h~r presentation/show does not contain any o~fers for sale or any ruquesus for purchase of any property of any type or nature. WED 05:24 PM FAX NO, P, 03 8. Presenter warrants and represents that his/her presentation/show does not contain any commercial "breaks", advertising or promotions of any type or nature. 9. Presenter acknowledges and understands that Time Warner Cable, its .agents, employees and representatives will be relying upon the above warranties an4 representations and stipulates that he/she acknowledge that Time Warner Cable is not able to review and/or edit the presentation/show offered for airing. 10. Presenter acknowledges and understands that he/she is fully responsible for all program content. 11. Pre~enter warrants, and represents that his/her presentation/show does not contain any political endorsements, advertising or related information or promotion by or on behalf of or relating to any candidate for public office. 12. Presenter warrants and represents that his/her presentation/show does not contain, constitute or promote in any. manner any lottery information, gambling enterprise or other activity of such type or nature which is any way in violation of any applicable local, state or federal law, statute or regulation of any type or nature. 13. Presenter warrants and represents that his/her presentation/show does not contain any material which solicits, promotes or encourages any illegal or unlawful conduct of any nature. 14. Presenter agrees to indemnify and hold harmless and provide a defense to Time Warner Cable, its agents, employees and/or reprssentative~ in the event of any claim or suit of any type or nature arising out of or in any way related to the foregoing, including, but not limited to, the production, presentation, and/or airing of the presentation/show submitted by Presenter. 15. Presenter acknowledges and agrees that Time Warner Cable shall reserve the right, consistent with Federal Communication Commission guidelines and/or other applicable laws, to reject any and all materials submitted for airing as public access presentation(s). 16. The undersigned acknowledges that he/she has had the opportunity to read and understands the foregoing and has asked any questions/received any clarifica=ion needed prior to signing this Statement and Agreement of Compliance. DATED: Signing on behalf of (name of organization) 2 From: DK-Mason <dk-mason@excite.com> TO:Date: Sat,<city-c°uncil@ci'bakersfield'ca'us>'Dec 9, 2000 5:08 PM <mayor@ci.bak... 00 DEC I ~ aH 8= 33 Subject: KCPA-TV City Council Request [jA,~£~$.?~.~ ~J ~ Y [ Dear Bakersfield City Council Members: Enclosed is a-link to the .Bylaws for KCPA-TV, also known as Kern County P~~- ~ ¢" ~ "'r"":; ,,: ..... :_ Public Access TV. (http://tvstarr.freeyellow.com/kcpa/bylaws.htm) Some members will be attending your meetings to both inform you of our existance { d° 2000 and to solicit your support.of the cable franchise ordinances granting 5th Amendment rights to the citizens ! C~T'¢ ~' :- ', .... - ...... ."- , .... I will-be asking you to have Mr. Bart J. Thiltgen and his staff review the following portions of your cable franchise ordinances, and make a written report to your office.within a week or two. (e) At any time after the Grantee'has installed components capable of providing, when coupled with a suitable converter at the subscriber terminal, not less than thirty-five (35) channels of video signals throughout its entire CATV system situated within the franchise area and from time to time thereafter, .the City Council maY require that · the Grantee make one (1) such channel available primarily for educational use and one (1) such channel available primarily for public access. To the extent that any channel so required is not utilized for the specified purpose, it may be .utilized by the Grantee for commecrial purposes. Any action by the City Council to require such channel or channels shall be by adoption of an appropriate regulation pursuant to Section 9 hereof. We are in possession of an October 3, 2000 letter from the County lawyer, addressed to the Kern County Board of Supervisors, and I quote where it says here: "In our opinion, Cox is in full compliance with the public acoess provisions in Section 17 of Franchise Ordinance F-333, which requires them to .make "... one channel available primarily for public access use...". Channel availability does not require prividing equipment or training for the public to create programming in broadcast ready format. Some areas have a community based non-profit organization which provides equipment and training for the general public, and which sets .policy regarding content and access on the franchise required channel, but no such organization has evolved here. Mr. Distributed to: .Mason's request is the first of its kind." Mayor, At the City Council meetings we will 'be asking you to: Council 1 ) REQUIRE the .public access channel provided for in the agreement; City Mgr, 2) Recognize KCPA-TV, Inc as the group which provides equipment and training City Atty. for the general public, and which sets-policy regarding content and access Other on the franchise required channels; 3) Assist us in the above. Additional information about KCPA-TV is on our temporary site at By City Clerk City Council - KCPA-TV City Council Request Page 2 1 http://tvstarr.freeyellow.com and we have a lively discussion list that you may join by following the links soliciting comments. As public access TV in Kern County is just beginning and you may want to know how it works, you may want to look at what the other locations in ~California and around the globe are doing in this area. May I suggest you begin your research by starting at the bottom of this link? http://tvstarr.freeyellow.com/webring.html Since this is the beginning of a Iong relationship with our elected officials, we at KCPA-TV welcome the opportunity to be of further service to our community and the City of Bakersfield, California. Sincerely, "D.K." Mason, 1st Vice Pres. KCPA-TV, Inc. now offering '"Your Story Told Your Way" http://tvstarr.freeyellow~com Send a cool gift with your E-Card CC: <city_clerk@ci.bakersfield.ca.us>, <attorney@ci;ba... BAKERSFIELD Alan Tandy · City Manager December 12, 2001 Mr. D. K. Mason, 1st Vice President KCPA-TV P. O. Box 254 Bakersfield, CA 93302 Dear Mr. Mason: The attached memorandum is a staff response to the City Council's request of December 13, 2000 to respond to your December 9, 2000 e-mail regarding "KCPA-TV City Council Request." Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, Tmdy Slater Administrative Analyst III (P :\CAB LE~0101121) Attachment cc: Alan Tandy City of Bakersfield · City Managers Office · 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield · California · 93301 (661) 326-3751 · Fax (661) 852-2050 BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER DATE: JANUARY 10, 2001 SUBJECT: RIGHT TURN LANES Council Referral No. WF0018721 /001 (Ward 4) Councilmember Couch requests that a letter be sent to the County Planning Commission and the County Planning Department addressing the issue of businesses on Calloway Drive and Coffee Road without right turn lanes. Copy letter to Couch. UPDATE Enclosed is a copy of correspondence from Resource Management Agency Director David price III regarding the issue of right turn lanes. This is a very favorable response to our initial letter of December 22. The County has expressed their interest in working with the City to review our current development standards in an effort to achieve City-County consistency. G:\GROUPDAT~Referrals\Couch\UPDRightTumLanesWF0018721 .wpd IRCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY DAVID PRICE III, DIRECTOR, Community Development Program Department · Engineering and Survey Services Department · Environmental Health Services Department, Planning Department · Roads Department Phones: (661) 862-8800 ~ 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 350 (800) 552-5376 Option 5 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301-2370 Fax: (661)862-8801' ~ E-Mail: rma~co.kem.ca.us TrY Relay: (800) 735-2929 Web Page: http://www.co.kem.ca.us/rma/rma.htm January 8, 2001 J~',~ Mr. Raul Rojas, Public Works Director ~UBLI~; ~-,'-~,,,'~ ?'~' ' City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Correspondence Regarding Right Turn Lane Policy Dear Mr. Rojas: Thank you for your recent letter recommending that the County adopt a development standard regarding deceleration lanes where warranted by traffic volumes. We currently have a right turn lane standard for controlled intersections, as appropriate and your policy of requiring turn lanes into individual developments is a logical extension of this concept, where merited. This suggestion of Yours is greatly appreciated and I have asked that our Roads staff consult with your staff prior to developing recommendations regarding the matter. On a related issue and as you know, we are involved in periodic updates of our development standards. I understand that the City of Bakersfield also does the same. It would be my desire that as the City proceeds with its review and modifications, the County be provided with that information so that we can review our own standards in light of any changes made by the City. It is my intention that, as we undertake the joint updating of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan, we jointly review our development standards with the objective of achieving consistency where it makes sense for us to do so. Toward that end, I would be interested in learning any thoughts you have on the subject and am pleased to express my interest in us working cooperatively in this regard. Thank you again for your suggestion and interest in our programs. Sincerely, Director cc: C. Pope-Roads T. James-Planning Printed on Recycled Paper