HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/02/01 B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM February 2, 2001 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager /~7-b..y /-'~_~-. SUBJECT: General Information 1. The Police Department is finalizing plans for the start up of their Citizens Academy, a ten week course designed to familiarize members of the community with the role of public safety providers and to create a partnership of cooperation. Information about the application process will be forthcoming. 2. A status report on the charrette process for the downtown area is enclosed from Development Services. 3. The company that intends to restart the power plant at Coffee Road and Rosedale Highway has received permission from the California Energy Commission to begin some preliminary repair and maintenance activities at the site. See the attached correspondence for details. 4. Recreation and Parks is reporting an increase in requests for rental of City pool facilities. A schedule showing the rental information for the schools and aquatic clubs that are currently using the pools is enclosed for your information. 5. The January Activity Report from Development Services is enclosed. 6. The department head retreat went well. We prepared an updated draft of the suggested goals document, incorporating the Vision 2020 material, for the Goal Setting meeting scheduled for Sunday, February 11th. The meeting will be held in the Truxtun Room at the Convention Center. 7. Representatives from Rossetti & Associates Architects will be at the February 14th Council meeting to discuss the design of the multi-use stadium. The Ad Hoc Committee and Redevelopment Agency members will be invited to attend. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pam McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst ~'~-? *'~' ;,-<,:', BAKERSFIELD POLICE "". ,',1 i',~'¥~:; .... Janua~ 30, 2001 To: Alan Tandy, City Manager Honorable Mayor Hall and Council. Members From: Eric W. Matlock, Chief of Police Subject: Citizen's Academy Staff has completed the curriculum for a Citizen's Academy in accordance with the police department's proposed five year goals. The purpose of the academy is to give citizens of Bakersfield a comprehensive overview of the police department and to create a cadre of informed individuals from which the department can collaborate with on issues affecting the community. The Citizen's Academy is a ten-week course, and our first presentation is set to begin as soon as mid-February or early March of this year. The instructors will come from the Planning, Research and Training Section, or the Bakersfield Law Enforcement Training Academy and will be paid by Bakersfield College who has agreed to offer the Citizen's Academy as a special studies class. A proposed schedule, course overview, and media release is attached for your information. EWM/vrf attachments BAKERSFIELD POLICE { MEMORANDUM August 24, 2000 To: Lt. T. Taylor- Planning, Research and Training From: Sgt. K. Borton - Reserve Coordinator Subject: Citizen Police Academy RECOMMENDATION: The Bakersfield Police Department should implement a Citizen's Police Academy as a means of increasing citizen awareness to the law enforcement role. BACKGROUND: The Citizen Academy is a program currently underway in several other jurisdictions in California. It is a program in which a wide variety of individual citizens may learn about law enforcement in a "hands on" environment. The academy as it is envisioned, would consist of a curriculum 10 weeks in length. The class would meet one night per week, 4 hours each session, excluding the ride-along, and one 8 hour block of instruction on a Saturday. Each class would be taught by specially selected instructors. The Bakersfield Police Department's Training room would be utilized as the main classroom, with several small field trips to other facilities throughout the course. There would be no "tests". However, selection of students would require a pledge to attend all classes in order to receive a graduation certificate. (One absence would probably be acceptable). The program will be a true attempt at familiarizing ordinary citizens with the Law Enforcement role in society. Many, if not most, people see police officers in a singular role, perhaps issuing traffic tickets or arresting violators. Very few have been exposed to the training of the officer, the custody function, investigations, crime prevention, specialized units such as SWAT, K-9, Bomb Technicians, etc. This program would give a fair overview of selected topics. The goal of the program would not be to make police officers out of the participants, but to present law enforcement in a manner which will dispel public misunderstanding and promote valuable and lasting relationships. 'BENEFITS: There will be a variety of benefit to this program. By selecting a wide range of individuals to attend from many different backgrounds and age groups, the "message" is that police officers are dedicated and professional public servants whose concern for the people they serve is at the heart of everything they do. In other jurisdictions, a core of volunteers have evolved from Citizen academY alumni. These people can help establish neighborhood watches, can assist with future programs, and form effective relationships throughout the city. A envisioned, the Bakersfield Police Department would conduct two, possibly three classes per year. Each class would have approximately 25 -30 members. Within two years, the city of Bakersfield would have over 100 alumni able to dispel myths and misunderstandings about how police officers do the.ir jobs. That alone is worth the minimal cost of this program. CURRICULUM: The curriculum is certainly still open for discussion/ideas. However, it should be as open an encompassing as possible. Listed are topics which may be included. Week One: Introduction/Academy Agenda and Objectives/Goals/ Mission Statement/Tour of Facility Orientation/ Rules&Distribution of Material. Ride Along Procedure/ Dispatch and Communication/Police Records Management Week Two: History and Overview of the Criminal Justice System/ Police Ethics/Hiring Process Week Three: Patrol Procedures/Traffic Procedures and Enforcement/ District Attorney's Office & Court Processes Week Four: Investigations/Internal Affairs/Juvenile Sex Crimes/Elder Abuse/C.A.P Week Five: Crime Prevention/Neighborhood Watch/Gang Awareness Community Oriented Policing Week Six: Narcotics Enforcement/Search Warrants/DARE/ Crime Analysis Week Seven: First Aid/CPR Week Eight: Civil Procedures/Domestic Violence/Custody Issues Week Nine: Use of Force & Firearms Policy/Defensive Tactics/Vehicle Stops ' Week Ten: F.A.T.S Training/Swat Team/Negotiations/K-9/Bomb Technicians. ( 8 hours instruction at BPD Range) ' COSTS: The Citizen Academy costs are minimal. We would like to provide each student with a laminated ID Badge, a one inch three ring binder to maintain notes and lesson plans, a commemorative coffee mug, and a class photo. A detailed description of potential costs is listed below. ID Badge $ 50.00 One Inch Three Ring Binder (100 count) $164.00 Coffee mug with academy Logo (Order of 100) $300.00 Budget for weekly refreshments (Coffee, soft drinks, cookies, etc.) $ 300.00 $ 811.00 Each class will not cost the initial $811.00 start up fee. As can be seen by the cost figures above, there will be relatively minor ongoing expenses after the start-up costs. Costs for refreshments could be eliminated by inviting students to use the employee lounge vending and coffee machines. In other jurisdictions, response to the program has ben overwhelming. As indicated previously, the widest possible base of students should be involved. Retired persons, business people, college students, all ethnic groups and backgrounds should make up the alumni. The student selection process will be coordinated by myself in conjunction with the Training division staff. Public service announcements via radio and television will advertise for student applicants and an advertisement or article in the Bakersfield Californian could be placed to stimulate citizen interest. Bakersfield Police Department Media release Eric Matlock, Chief of Police Nature of Incident: Citizen Police Academy to Start Location: Bakersfield Police Department 1601 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, Ca 93301 Date & Time: To be announced Narrative: Chief Eric Matlock and the Bakersfield Police Department are pleased to announce the start of a new Citizen Police Academy. This program will familiarize members of the community with the role that Public safety has in our society. Many people see officers in a singular role, perhaps issuing traffic tickets or arresting violators. Very few have seen the training it takes to become a law enforcement officer or truly understand what officers do while working in patrol, investigations, or in specialized assignments such as SWAT, Bomb Technicians, K-9 Officers or the Special Enforcement Unit. This program presented by members of the Bakersfield Police Department will give a comprehensive overview of these topics and also address numerous others programs and details currently functioning within the Police Department. The Citizen Police Academy is not intended to make officers out of the participants; but rather, is designed to educate and inform our residents about the pubic safety providers in their community, in order to create a partnership of cooperation. The first ten week course is scheduled to begin in January of 2001. The classes will be held one evening a week for 4 hours. (6:00 to 10:00 p.m) The last session will be held on a Saturday from 8:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m and will include demonstrations by the SWAT Team, the K-9 handlers, and the Bomb Detail. Students Will also be able to participate in F.A.T.S training (Firearms Training Systems)a firearms training simulator. For more information and to sign up for the program, please contact Sgt. Kris Borton at (661) 326-3885. Or the training division at (661) 326-3980. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA POLICE DEPARTMENT ERIC W, MATLOCK (661) 326-3800 CHIEF OF POLICE FAX (661) 852-2158 Bakersfield Police Department CITIZEN POLICE ACADEMY Introduction The" Citizen' Police academy" is a concept borrowed from the British. Specifically, from Devon and Cornwall Constabulary, Middlemoor Exeter. It began in 1977 when two small police departments in England established a "Police Night School," or what is known throughout the United States as a Citizen Police Academy. The idea came about when citizens let their local police agencies know that they were anxious to learn how police departments operated. Once the agency or constabulary decided to explore the possibility of a citizens' night school, it became apparent that even the most educated and well disposed member of the public was almost completely unaware of the features of police work. The people who attended the academy came from every walk of life including professionals, students, media personalities and domestic engineers. Academy participants quickly developed an eagerness to not only learn about the services available through local law enforcement, but their experience in the Academy also started to bddge the gap between the community and law enforcement and actually created a closer bond and mutual.understanding. Since the early 1980's many cities in the United States, including Austin, Texas and Phoenix, Arizona, have established Citizen Police Academies. The Bakersfield Police Department welcomes you to our Citizen Police Academy. It is our hope that by having the opportunity for pOlice-citizen exchange and dialogue, participants and the Department, will establish a mutual sense of trust, respect and cooperation. The'Citizen Police Academy is part of an ongoing effort to promote a cohesive partnership between the Bakersfield Police Department and the community we serve. 1601 TRUXTUN AVENUE · P.O. BOX 59 · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93302 Bakersfield Law Enforcement Training Academy Citizen Police Academy Time I TUESDAY, 8 TUESDAY, 16 TUESDAY, 23 II TUESDAY, 30 I TUESDAY, 6 1800 INTRODUCTION / HISTORY AND OVERVIEW PATROL PROCEDURES INTERVIEWS AND CRIME PREVENTION / AGENDA / OBJECTIVES OF THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND ENFORCEMENT INTERROGATIONS NEIGHBORHOOD GOALS SYSTEM WATCH PROGRAM ROUND TABLE SESSION 1900 HOLLYWOOD BANK INTERNAL AFFAIRS ROBBERY VIDEO POLICE ETHICS TRAFFIC PROCEDURES AND ENFORCEMENT 2000 TOUR OF FACILITY SEX CRIMES GANG AWARENESS AND COMM CENTER ORIENTATION 2100 CRIMES AGAINST COMMUNITY ORIENTED POLICE HIRING PROCESS DISTRICT ATTORNEYS PERSONS / POLICING RULES AND MATERIAL OFFICE ELDER ABUSE DISTRIBUTION COURT PROCESS RIDE ALONG 2200 PROCEDURES ' S:\WPDAYA\ACADEMY\Citizen Academy\l-01 .wb3 Bakersfield Law Enforcement Training Academy Citizen Police Academy WEEK 6 WEEK 7 WEEK 8 WEEK 9 WEEK 10 Time TUESDAY, 13 I TUESDAY, 20 I TUESDAY, 27 TUESDAY, 6 I SATURDAY, 17 1800 NARCOTICS DOMESTIC VIOLENCE USE OF FORCE O8OO - 1700 HRS. INVESTIGATIONS AND DEFENSIVE TACTICS SEARCH WARRANTS 0900 HRS BOMB SQUAD 1900 FIREARMS POLICY FIRST AID / CPR lo3o HRS S.W.A.T. DEMO 2000 D.A.R.E. UNIT CIVIL PROCEDURES VEHICLE STOPS 1200-1330 HRS LUNCH 1330 HRS K-9 DEMO 2100 CRIME ANALYSIS CUSTODY PROCEDURES 1500 HRS CLOSING COMMENTS GARDUATION 2200 S:\WPDATA~ACADEMY\Citizen Academy\1-01 .wb3 MEMORANDUM i JAN 3 ~ ?r~01 January 31, 2001 ~C~TY MANAGER TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: JACK HARDISTY, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECT~~, RE: CHARRETTE STATUS No date has ben set for the charrette pending collection of sufficient funds to pay for it. Since Randy Rowles has left the City Council, his fund raising efforts have dropped off. So far we have: $ 20,000 City Appropriation 2,500 Bakersfield Californian donation 10,000 Groat Valley Grant - pledged 2,500 Superintendent of Schools - pledged 500 Local American Planning Association - pledged 5,000 Vision 2020 - pledged I am told by Sheryl Barbich that a group of 2020 participants is interested in helping raise money for the charrette. Mogavero Notestine Associates has been working with me on preparing for the charrette. Mike Notestine has visited downtown, taken pictures, interviewed interested parties and listed the materials and space needs to conduct the charrette. Once they catch their breath after completing and presenting the Vision 2020 Report, I will meet with that group to discuss their support. JH:pah STATE OF CALIFORNIA--THE RESOURCES AGENCY GRA~'DAVIS, Governor CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION ~ . 1516 NINTH STREET SACRAMENTO, CA 95814-5512 Januaw 18,2001 Johh Wofford Project'Manager Burns & McDonnell 9400 Ward Parkway Kansas City MO 64114-3319 SUBJECT: Kern Power Plant Restart, Repair and Maintenance Activities Dear Mr. Wofford: Thank you for submitting yo, ur letter dated December 27, 2000 that outlines the activities that you anticipate will be necessary to restart the Kern Power Plant that is located near the intersection of Coffee Road and the Rosedale Highway in the City of Bakersfield. It is our understanding that this 160 MW natural gas fired power plant, formerly owned by PG&E, has not operated for over ten years. As you are aware, the restarting of this power plant will fall under the permitting authority of.;.the California Energy.commission (Energy Commission), and it will be necessary for-yOu to submit an Application for Certification (AFC) for environmental review and approval by the Energy Commission (Pub. Resources Code section 25500 et. seq.). It will be permissible for you to begin some clean-up, repair, and maintenance activities prior to review of the AFC by the Energy Commission, as I will describe later in this letter. However, any activities that are subject to further evaluation during the Energy Commission's review of the AFC, such as the design and installation of new mechanical equipment, or the construction of on-site foundations/structures, will need to be postponed pending project approval by the Energy Commission and the completion of any applicable conditions of certification. Please be reminded that any decision you make to perform clean-up, repair, or maintenance activities prior to a final decision by the Energy Commission will be at your own risk, as there are no guarantees that the Energy Commission will approve the restart of the power plant, or approve it as described in an AFC. Should it be required, we will assist local agencies with any enforcement actions that they may initiate. Therefore, the following summary generally identifies the activities that you listed in your 12/27/00 letter that will (or will not be) acceptable to the Energy Commission to be performed prior to the Energy Commission's decision on the AFC: Please note that some of these early activities may require that.you secure appropriate permits/licenses from other agencies. John Wofford January 18, 2001 Page 2 1. Cleaning and housekeeping: All activities listed are permissible. Please note that waste materials must be properly classified, handled, treated, and when necessary, disposed of through use of a registered waste hauler. We understand that you are aware that asbestos is incorporated into the existing structure that will require special handling methods, and that hexavalent chromium may be present in the cooling system components. 2. Electrical: Only the cleanup and recalibration of the plant electrical switchgear and the in-plant electrical motor control centers are permissible at this time. The remaining activities, such as site preparation and installation of step-up transformers, and the design and installation of new control systems, will need to be evaluated during review of the AFC. 3. Mechanical: All repair and inspection activities listed are permissible at this time.' Those activities that require installation of new equipment, such as replacing existing dual fuel burners with new burners, and reconfiguring the natUral gas piping to the boiler burners, will need to be evaluated during review of the AFC. 4. Cooling towers: All cleaning and inspection activities are permissible at this time. Please see item #1 above, in reference to waste resulting from this activity. 5. Testing: Only the testing of service water, testir~ the deep and shallow well(s), and hydrotesting and air pressure testing of system Piping are permissible at this time. The remaining tests most likely will be dependent on project elements that are subject to Energy Commission review during the certification process. I hope th6 foregoing information will be of assistance to you. If you have any questions, please call me at (916) 653-0385 or E-mail me at rjohnson@energy.state.ca.us. Siting Office Manager cc: Ronald Fraze, City of Bakersfield Fire Department Stanley Grady, City of Bakersfield Planning Department Dennis Fidler,-City of Bakersfield Building Department Steve McCalley, Kern County Environmental Services Department Bob Haussler, Energy Commission Steve Baker, Energy Commission  JAN 3 ~ ' ! ! CITY MANAGER,., OFF~CE DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS MEMORANDUM DATE: January 16, 2001 TO: Alan Tandy FROM: Sally Ihmel~~ THROUGH: Stan Ford SUBJECT: Pool Rental Information This is to inform you of the current pool rental situation in case you receive calls pertaining to usage of the city's pools. Bakersfield College is beginning their pool renovations this month and we are feeling the pressure from one less pool in Bakersfield. There has been an increase in requests to rent the city's three heated pools and we are unable to accommodate all the requests. Next week there will be 7 high schools and three aquatic clubs using Jastro, Jefferson and SilverCreek pools. Along with these monthly rentals, companies such as Fox Scuba are seeking time at the pools on various weekends. So far we have been able meet all the rental requests except one from Bakersfield Swim Club. The enclosed pool rental schedule reflects the pool schedules as of Monday, January 29, 2001. The only item not on the schedule is the high schools' morning usage at Jastro and Jefferson pools. This schedule will be available on Tuesday, January 30, 2001. Please let me know if you have any questions. cc- Allen Abe The City of Bakersfield, Department of Recreation and Parks goal is to provide the public with the highest quality service, facilities, parks, and programs possible. .ev,sed,-29-O, 2001 SPRING POOL RENTALS (Weekdays) JANUARY 29 THRU APRIL 27, 2001 JASTRO POOL IEFFERSON POOL Monday thru Friday 2:15pm - 4:15pm Bakersfield H.S, Boys .arge Pool: Monday thru Friday 4:15pm - 6:15pm Garces H.S. Boys & Girls Monday thru Friday 2:30pm - 4:30pm East/Foothill H.S. Boys & Girls Monday thru Thursday 6:15pm - 7:45pm Kern Aquatic Club Monday thru Friday 4:30pm - 7:30pm Highland H.S. Boys & Girls SILVER CREEK POOL Small Pool: Monday thru Saturday 5:15am -7:45am Lap Swim Monday thru Thursday 6:00pm - 7:00pm Riptide Aquatics Mon/Wed/Fri 5:45am - 6:45am Aquatic Club of Bakersfield Monday thru Friday 2:30pm - 4:30pm Bakersfield H.S. Girls Monday thru Friday 4:30pm - 6:30pm South/Ridgeview H.S. Boys & Girls Monday thru Friday 6:30pm - 9:00pm Aquatic Club of Bakersfield APRIL 30 THRU MAY 18, 2001 JASTRO POOL JEFFERSON POOL Mon/Wed/Fri 5:45am - 6:45am Aquatic Club of Bakersfield Large Pool: Monday thru Friday 2:15pm - 4:15pm Bakersfield H.S. Boys Monday thru Friday 2:30pm - 4:30pm East/Foothill H.S. Boys & Girls Monday thru Friday 4:15pm - 6:15pm Garces H.S. Boys & Girls Monday thru Friday 4:30pm - 7:30pm Highland H.S. Boys & Girls Monday thru Thursday 6:30pm - 9:00pm Aquatic Club of Bakersfield Fddays 4:30pm - 6:30pm Aquatic Club of Bakersfield Small Pooh SILVER CREEK POOL Monday thru Thursday 6:00pm - 7:00pm Riptide Aquatics Monday thru Saturday 5:15am - 7:45am Lap Swim Monday thru Friday 2:30pm - 4:30pm Bakersfield H.S. Girls Monday thru Friday 4:30pm - 6:30pm South/Ridgeview H.S. Boys & Girls Monday thru Friday 5:15pm - 8:30pm City Trainings & Sprin!~ Swim Lessons MAY 21 THRU 30, 2001 JASTRO POOL JEFFERSON POOL Mon/Wed/Fri 5:45am - 6:45am Aquatic Club of Bakersfield Pool tentatively scheduled for rennovations Monday thru Thursday 4:00pm - 7:30pm Aquatic Club of Bakersfield Fridays 4:30pm - 6:30pm Aquatic Club of Bakersfield SILVER CREEK POOL Monday thru Saturday 5:15am - 7:45am Lap Swim Monday thru Friday 5:15pm - 8:00pm City Spring Swim Lessons MAY 30 THRU AUGUST 30, 2001 -- NO RENTALS ALL POOLS: City Summer Aquatic Programs SPRING 2001 WEEKEND POOL'USAGE Jastro Jefferson SilverCreek Saturday__l February 3 9~1 lam Aquatic Club of Bakersfield · S,t~nda_.y February 4 Saturda_y_ February 10 9~1 lam Aquatic Club of Bakersfield S [__Ln_ .d_a. y_ _.. F_e_b.r_t_~ a_r_y 11 Saturday :February 17 9-1 lam Aquatic Club of Bakersfield Sunday !February 18 Saturday February 24 9-11am Aquatic Club of Bakersfield Sunday February 25 Saturday March 3 High School Meet Sunday March 4 Saturday' March 10 Sunday March 11 Saturday March 17 City Ellis Training Sunday March 18 City Ellis Training Saturday March 24 City Ellis Training City Ellis Training Sunday March 25 City Ellis Training] City Ellis Training Saturday March 31 9~11am Aquatic Club of Bakersfield Saturday April 7 City Ellis Training City Ellis Training Sunday April 8 City Ellis Training City Ellis Training Saturday April 14 9~11am Aquatic Club of Bakersfield Sunday April 15 Saturday ~April 21 City Ellis Training City Ellis Training Sunday April 22 City Ellis Training City Ellis Training Saturday April 28 Sunday April 29 Saturday May 5 Sunday May 6 Saturday May 12 City Ellis Training City Ellis Training Sunday May 13 City Ellis Training City Ellis Training Saturday May 19 City Ellis Training City Ellis Training Sunday May 20 City Ellis Training City Ellis Training Saturday May 26 City Ellis Training Sunda,.y, May 27 City Ellis Training DEVELOPMENT SERVICES NOTES ~ .JAN 3 0 5001 1130101 IClTY MANAGER'S OFFICE Northeast Trails and Southeast Planning/Studies Planning staff has been working in an ad hoc fashion to develop information to support development plans or strategies for these two areas. Budget impacts were detailed in a separate memo in response to Council referral #WF0018525. The result of sta~'s effort is outlined below. Northeast Trails Received a copy of proposed trails plan from Rich O'Neil in December 2000 and met with Rich O'Neil and Michelle Beck during the week of January 8, 2001, to discuss amending the general plan to include trails in the OS area of Northeast Bakersfield. Provided property ownership and zoning maps information to Councilmember Mike Maggard. Assistant Planner imported Rich O'Neil's proposed plan into GIS and prepared large scale map for Councilmember Maggard. Map will be overiayed onto aerial to examine the relationship of trail to topography. Planning Director attended meeting with Councilmember Maggard on January 25, 2001, with the Kern County Grand Jury Association. Provided Councilmember Maggard a map of proposed trail plan which he presented to the Association. We have had preliminary contact with Bureau of Land Management regarding land within proposed trail area. Their letter of response is attached. Staff is trying to set a meeting Rich O'Neil and other interest parties the week of February 4th to discuss options. A budget estimate was prepared and submitted on November 8, 2000. It is proposed that the FY 2001-02 budget proposal include a request for additional staff and funds for special studies which includes Northeast Trails and Southeast Planning. Southeast Planning Staff made a presentation on planning strategies to the Southeast Bakersfield project area committee. A contract for an economic study was approved by the City Council on September 27, 2000. This effort is being managed by staff from the Economic and Community Development Department. Planning staff has offered to provide support to this effort if needed. Demolition specifications have been prepared for Public Works' approval for advertisement of bids to demolish the north wing and restaurant of the Chaparral and the Turner Inn. There are seven general plan cases scheduled for hearing on February 14, 2001. One has been appealed by the neighbors objecting to commercial development at the northwest corner of Renfro Road and Stockdale Highway. Another has been appealed by the developer of a proposed Home Depot west of East Hills Mall because the Planning Commission denied his zoning in favor of a future Planned Commercial Development. There are another seven scheduled for hearings by the Planning Commission in March. Jeff Bryson, supervisor for the City's Building Department, has been appointed to the California Building Standards Commission by Governor Grey Davis. The Commission is r~ade up of a ten-member panel and is responsible for review, evaluation, and publishing all building standards of state agencies. The Commission also serves as an appeal's forum for problems that may arise from the administration of state standards. Eric Poore and Gary Fenstermaker were recently interviewed by the Bakersfield Californian regarding two human interest stories. Eric responded to concerns for proper ventilation for gas fired appliances, and Gary provided a positive Code Enforcement effort regarding enforcement of illegal signs. Buildinq Fees Update The Building Industry Association's (BIA) has indicated a concern about a building permit revenue balance. In response to the BIA's request.regarding the status of building fees, staff has been coordinating data preparation for review by Assistant City Manager, John Stinson; in anticipation of an forthcoming meeting with the BIA. Building's FY 2000/01 budget contains several programs that will better serve the industry. Program implementation, in conjunction with no fee increases and rising costs, would deplete any excess balance. These programs include one time expenditures for an Integrated Voice Response (IVR) system ($70,000), Hand Held Field Inspection Tracking ($135,000), and implementing an ongoing Laser Fiche records management program. As internet permitting is a priority with the City, funds will be earmarked for this project next budget year. The implementation of the Integrated Voice Management System (IVR) is virtually completed and will allow for the public to schedule inspections, obtain inspection results, and determine the status of a permit quickly and easily over the phone. The Laser Fiche program will be an ongoing project consisting of scanning laack files into laser fiche and adding the new plans as they arrive. Building's Tract Map files have been scanned and staff is in the process of developing a bid proposal to continue with the remaining work. Alan Christensen has met with staff regarding the City's priority for intemet development and indicated to staff that any future software enhancements would have to meet the needs of the existing dual systems, HTE and Accela. This criteria was met with the IVR vendor. Building has funding of $135,000 for a hand held inspection tracking system for the inspectors to use in the field. As was the case with the IVR, the successful bidder would need to have the ability to support both systems.- Medical Office Dispute The medical office dispute at 5101 Commerce Drive has been resolved with the exception of the eave overhang. A meeting between the groups is tentatively planned for next week. The Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA) is scheduled to hear on February 13th. Ordinance Staff has completed meetings with the Landscape Committee of the Planning Commission concerning changes to the landscape standards and other development standards applied to PCDs. Once the Urban Development Committee completes its review of the landscape changes, they will be scheduled for public hearing for review by the entire PC. Recent Maior Site Plan Approvals Costco - 3800 Rosedale Hwy 57-unit motel- 3115 Camino del Rio (across from Double Tree) Denny's - 4400 Gosford Rd 13,000 sf medical office - 1502 Haggin Oaks Bird 20,000 sf Smart & Final - 3400 White Lane (nw cor White & Wible) 62,700 sf Coca Cola distribution center - 4320 Ride St 107,000 sf shopping center by Castle & Cooke - 1645 Buena Vista (nw cot Buena Vista & Ming) 60,000 sf manufacturing bldg - 600 Enterprise - Gateway Ind Park, S Mt Vernon (Blue Diamond Straw and Toothpick Co) United States D ment of the Inteno BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT i--! Bakerst'~Id Field Office 3~01 P~gasus Drive Bakersfield, California 93308 1700; CA-160 January 10, 2001 Jack Hardisty City of Bakersfield, Development Services Dept. t715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Hardisty: .. . ~i'::~; . .. ,. Yotff.[e~er of November 29, 2000 inquired about'a'p~ible land exchange invoking a 4C-acre parcel of Bl_lvl land south of Hart Park, specifically the NW1/4NW1/4 of Seclionr6~T29S, R29E, MDM. I undemtand that the City would like to acqutre this parcel for use in yoUr planned open- spoce~ preserve in northeast Bakemfieid. This parcel is in a land exchange that we initiated in 1998;':5ut have not yet concluded. The exchange is planned to be completed with Conservation pa'~nerS:', Inc., an exchange facilitator that we use frequently. Parties that are Interested in ac~ul~hg BMVI parcels through our exChange Pro'ess can enter into'a contm~ith Conservation Pa.?tne~ Inc. to acquire the parcel immediately.a~ter the exchange takes plac~..'~,~lf you would like to !lSUtsi~e the acquisition of this parcel through our exchange process, please~ll'Dan Vaughn at th&"n'umber below to go over the details of the 'prOcess. .~. · An alternative to acquiring the land through our exchange process might be ~qulre the land directly through the Recreation and Public Purposes Act. This process involves a direct conveyance o~ the land to the City at Iow cost, however qualifying under this Act~.depends on what the City plans to do with the land. Certain uses will not qualify under this Act. You should be aware that there are several parcels of BLM mineral estate ownership within the arge[,bf!,your planned preserve. These parcels, are shown in pink on the enclosed maps. The yellov~.,Parcels are the BLM surface+mineral estate ownership in the area (full fee estate]. The UaltedliStates retains full surface entry rights on the mineral estate parcels, ~ we sometimes lease them for eli & gas exploration/development. These surface entry fights ~oa~ over the e~re:parcel. You may want to assess the risk that these rrdneml estate peJ'qe, *l'~;~pose in consideration of the goals of the preserve. If you think that the City's acqu~.'~o~'0f these mineral es~te!pameis is needed to ensure the integrity of the-preserve, the City ~_e able to acquire · .. th.em through the land exchange process described above. Please call Dan ~,~ghn'at (661) 391- 61~25 ifl you have any questions in this matter. . · i~ ~!'i!' . '.~ ~-. :.~ · .. ~ Ron Fellows i:. ',; ~ ;- Field Office Manager Enclosure: maps ~ :;;. ' ~ ~ '*Visit os on the Internet at www, c~blm.~:ov/bakersfield