HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/02/01 B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM March 2, 2001 TO: Honorable Mayor and (~ity Council FROM: Alan Tan anager SUBJECT: General Information 1. The Redevelopment Agency decided it preferred a one time grant of assistance for a southeast charrette, rather than granting the Southeast PAC request for 10% of the tax increment. That would then cause the financing to go back to the 100% application of tax increment to the stadium debt service. A revised financial sheet is attached. Agency members cited concerns about the precedent. They also indicated a strong desire to help the southeast; The City Center project, itself, would jump start economic activity and generate new tax increments to the southeast, and the plan developed by the charrette would help. 2. We received responses that five design/build teams will participate in our stadium process: ARB / Rossetti Bernard Brothers / HNTB Colombo / Turner / Rossetti HOK / Griffith SC Anderson / Birtcher / Rossetti It's a good field, with three major architectural firms and a nice mixture of local and regional contractors. 3. At the request of Council, three community meetings have been scheduled to allow the public an opportunity to ask questions and provide input regarding the City Center project. Dates and locations are as follows: Thursday, March 8th Bakersfield City School District Office; Thursday, March 13th - Liberty High School Auditorium; Wednesday, March 21st - City Council Chambers. The meetings will begin at 6:00 p.m. The attached press release went out today. We will also run notices in the newspapers (including the Hispanic publications), and the information will appear on KGOV and the City's web page. Honorable Mayor and City Council February 23, 2001 Page 2 4. The Chamber of Commerce and Building Industry Association have officially endorsed the City Center project. Their letters are enclosed. 5. As mentioned in General Information two weeks ago, a local soils engineering firm, has offered to donate their services for the geotechnical report for the stadium. That firm is Krazan and Associates, and they will give a presentation at the March 14th Council meeting. 6. An interesting article is enclosed about a new minor league baseball park that will open in Camden, New Jersey, as part of a major urban renewal process taking place there. 7. Congratulations are in order for two or our department heads who recently received their service awards - Chief of Police Eric Matlock for 30 years and Fire Chief Ron Fraze for 15 years. 8. The Kugel Fountain for the Amtrack Station is scheduled to arrive in Bakersfield on Monday, March 12th. An unveiling ceremony is being planned for Friday, March 16th. We will get more details on that to you next week. 9. The water situation has been somewhat improved by the recent rains and mountain snow. The latest numbers indicate that we are up to 55% of normal, which is slightly better than anticipated. 10. Enclosed is correspondence and a staff memo relating to the concerns expressed by a citizen at the February 14th City Council meeting pertaining to handicapped access curb cuts, GET and PG&E. Staff is working with the citizen and the agencies involved to address his concerns. 11. Responses to Council requests are enclosed, as follows: Councilmember Benham · Information from Police and Recreation and Parks regarding the lack of restroom facilities at International Square. This is a difficult issue with public safety and nearly business owner concerns depending on what action is taken. Staff has been in ongoing discussions with the Old Town kern group to explore possible alternatives and solutions. Councilmember Couch · Regarding the City Center project, we have received the second check for appraisal fees from Ray Olmscheid. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pam McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst CITY Of BAKERSFIELD STADIUM FINANCING PLANS TAKING GRC STUDY INTO ACCOUNT Previously Updated Option B _ Option C Option D Stadium Cost $16,000,000 $16,000,000 $16,000,000 Less Franchise Contribution -2,500,000 -2,500,000 -2,500,000 Subtotal 13,500,000 13,500,000 13,500,000 Less City Contribution -2,200,000 Less Reinvestment of: I... GRC One Time Revenues -300,000 -300,000 -300,000 Stadium Cost Financed $13,200,000 $13,200,000 $11,000,000 Annual Cost After One Time Contributions: Additional Annual Debt $924,000 $905,000 $717,000 Less Tax Increment -317,000 -317,000 -317,000 Plus Tax Increment (SE PAC Request 10%) 32,000 Less Direct/Indirect Revenue -288,000 -288,000 -288,000 Less Franchise Lease -103,000 -115,000 -115,000 Unfunded Cost to Taxpayer $248,000 $185,000 -$3,000 Notes: Option .B assumed a 25 year COP with final matudty in 2026, funded interest for 18 months, City investment of $300,000, bond insurance and a Debt Service Reserve surety. Option C assumed a 27 year COP with final matudty in 2028 funded interest for 23 months, City investment of $300,000, bond insurance and a funded Debt Service Reserve. Option D assumes a 27 year COP with final matudty in 2028, funded interest for 23 months, City investment of $2,$00,000, bond insurance and a funded Debt Service Reserve. $;~mG~Wksht - StadF~nW-Gl~Cl.vZo3 28-Fel3-01 B A K E R S F I E L D Alan Tandy · City Manager PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Alan Christensen March 2, 2001 Assistant City Manager (661) 326-3751 The City of'Bakersfield City Couhcil invites you to attend one of the community meetings scheduled to discuss the City Center Project. This ,project has 'been in the news regularly over the last year. The City Council would like to.hear the opinions and input from citizens unable to attend the various public meetings {o date. At the Community Meetings, City staff will give a brief overview of the project, including estimated costs and financial projections. Most of the time will be reserved for the public to ask any questions or provide their opinions to Council and staff. The City Council wants to get .more public input prior to upcoming decisions they need to make. The three scheduled Community Meetings give citizens the opportunity to provide their opinions for and against the project. Thursday, March 8, 2001 at 6:00 P.M. Bakersfield City School District Office, 1300 Baker Street Tuesday, March 13, 2001 at 6:00 P.M. Liberty High School.Auditorium, 925 Jewetta Ave. Wednesday, March 21, 2001 at 6:00 ~P.M. Bakersfield City Council Chambers, 1501 Truxtun Ave. The Community Meetings are an .informal chance to discuss the City Center Project and are not substitutes for required Public Hearings. For additional information, please call 326-3765. City of Bakersfield ® City Manager's Office I 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield · California · 93301 (661) 326-3751 · Fax (661) 324-1850 February 26, 2001 Alan Tandy City Manager 1501 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93303 The Greater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce has been working to evaluate the complex issues surrounding the proposed City Center project. We have sought differing views and input from our members to ensure that we have effectively captured the concerns and comments from the business community. Following this process, we are excited to offer our support of the City Center Project if the estimated 250 thousand dollars of unfunded costs can be maintained. If this condition can be supported, we believe the project will be a good investment for the future of this community. The Chamber strongly supports the redevelopment of sixteen blocks and 13 acres of essential downtown area. Sincerely, CTu'is Frank President/CEO Cc: Council Member Irma Carson Council Member Sue Benham Council Member Mike Maggard Council Member David Couch Council Member Harold Hanson Council Member Jacquie Sullivan Council Member Mark Salvaggio Mayor Harvey Hall Greater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce Your Partner in Business. 1725 Eye Street · P.O. Box 1947, Bakersfield, CA 93303 · Tel 661.327.4421 · Fax 661.327.8751 · http://www.bakersfield.org/chamber Affiliated with BUILDING INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF KERN COUNTY Bill NAHB BAKERSFIELD, CA93301 PHONE (661) 633-1316 FAX (661) 633-1317NATIONALA$SOCIATION OF HOME BUILDERS President David Turner February 26, 2001 ~ r-. O :,~. =~ ~, ~, i-' David A. Turner Homes i ~ ~ ~ ~.~ ~, .... First Vice President Mr. Alan Tandy ~ ¥~27 -( ~' Roger Mclntosh Manager L: '~''-' - ......... Mclntosh & Associates City of Bakersfield 150t Truxtun Avenue CITY g;!;-,~ '~.~,~,.:~.~r', ,.:. Second Vice President Bakersfield, California 9330'1 ~- ................................... Gregory Petrini Petrini Construction Dear Alan: Secretary Calvin R. Stead, Esq. It is my pleasure to communicate to you that our Board'of Directors have Borton, Petrini & Conron, LLP voted unanimously to lend our organization's support to the proposed City Center project. Treasurer John Cicerone In order to sell new homes, our member builders must first sell Bakersfield Mountain V~ew Bravo, LLC itself. Our lifestyle, affordable access to home ownership, and livability are Immediate Past President vital to retaining and attracting residents to our City. We believe that the David Dmohowski City Center project is an exciting, logical next step in a series of Project Design Consuhants enhancements that are elevating Bakersfield's already high quality of life to anew and unprecedented level. Board of Directors Kyle Carter Kyle Carter Homes, Inc. We commit our support and help to the approval and completion-of this important project. Glenn Davis Bank of Stockdale Mike Granlee Sincerely, Stewart Title Greg Hash ~ Fallgatter-Rhodes Insurance Agencies Pat Henneberry Castle & Cooke California, Inc. Executive Vice President Mike Kane Granite Construction Marion Malamma Cc: Bakersfield-City Council First American Title Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce Ron Ray Bakersfield Association of Realtors Coleman Homes, Inc. Kern County BUilders Exchange Betsy Teeter Kern County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Stroope Realtors - GMAC Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors of California Darryl Tucker McAllister Ranch/Jasman Development Executive Vice President Brian J. Todd BAKERSFIELD Alan Tandy · City Manager March 1,2001 Mr. Kip Williamson, Managing Partner Krazan and Associates 4231 Foster Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 Dear Mr. Williamson: Thank you for yoUr letter of February 26th and the offer to donate the services of your firm to.do the geotechnical report for the multi-use stadium. The City Council is currently in the decision-making process to determine if it is feasible for the City of Bakersfield to build the stadium, which would be a major component of the City Center project. If the project proceeds, we would be pleased to. consider your offer. Your support of the City Center project is appreciated. Sincerely, Alan Tandy City Manager AT:rs cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council Jack LaRochelle, Interim Public Works Director City of Bakersfield · City Manager's Office · 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield · California · 93301 (661) 326-3751 · Fax (661) 852-2050 GEOT~CHNICAL ENGINEERING · ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION TESTING & INSPECTION February 26, 2001 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 201 Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: City Center Project · Dear Mr. Tandy, We have been watching with great interest as .the City of Bakersfield moves forward in developing the-City Center project in the downtown of our city. We strongly believe, as you do, that this 88 acre; mixed-use sports ! entertainment commercial center with its senior residential component will dramatically revitalize a portion of our inner core that is in desperate need of our attention. The City's actions since June 24, 1998 on this project, clearly reflects our leaders vision for a Greater Bakersfield. While we as a Bakersfield Company, are intrigued by all of the seven proposed major components, the Multi-Use Stadium has captured our attention. In the spirit of doing our share to help transform our city, the firm ofKrazan & Associates wishes to donate, at no cost to the City of Bakersfield, the Geotechnical Report that will be needed to progress with the Multi-Use Stadium project. Please call me at 633-2200 or contact me at Krazan & Associates, 4231 Foster Avenue, Bakersfield 93308. If you wish to accelX our offer. Ki~illian~on Managing Partner KW:ct Eleven Offices Servin~ The Western United States 4231 Foster Avenue * Bakersfield, CA 93308 * (661) 633-2200 · (888) 633-2200 * Fax' (661) 633-3930 A~m Blighted city sees hope in baseball Icngc a city can ell,hire iff the last 50 yearn . ;~--.-. ...... : ~ r~ .~. :.~.;'~: ~ Before that, Camdcll was a thriving indus- ~ trial city ,lint was ho,ne ,o shiplmilding ... t':~:~':l plants and con,pa,tics like Can,pbell's Soup. WILLLING0 (~mpbcll's is stJJl around, but most all tl~e other companies (and jobs) are gone. Another step In urban ren~al In 1950 ~mden was one of New Jersey's Camdefl's new ballpark pr0~des for majestic vie~ major cities. ~n]den, Eli?a~th, Jersey City, [,.lc.,,.... :5 Looking For Hope cent of the state's i~)l)tl[ation. By i998, those If yOtl're wondering how an area can dcvcl- into a cmldOfllinillni alld rclail dcvdopment. cities had just I I 5 percent of the popttlatioll, op an inferiority conlplex like thai, ,hell )'pti Philadcll)hia i~ I)tlilding a $ i90 nliliiofl ell,er- Companies left. Jobs left. People left. Tax don't know mutt1 about Canlden. q11c I)eparl- tainment complex across the riw'r at Penn's money left. Poverty, crime arid corrtlptiofl fllellt of }lotlsifl~ and Urban Developmeflt l.anding, arid there are plans for an aerial arrived and settled in. (~mden's i~pulation coll{hlcte{I a Stlldy last year callcd "Places I~ft tram to link thc two waterfronts. in 1950 was 124,555. In 1998 it was 83,546. Behind in the New Economy." ,¢a.u¢ ¢,,.U d ..r ,,r Fighting Perceptions ing an important part ill what civic leade~ tlnemploymellt rate is more than three times ~Te Riversharks have a first-year revefltle are hoping is a ttlrflarotllld for the city. With the national average of 4 perCellt. More than goal of $5 million, an ambitious ntlmbcr in public loans alld ~rants, (~mden is building a 40 percent of its citizens live.below the ~ver- Camden. Even more notablc, they appear to $20.5 million baseball park ill the shadow of ty line. ifs regarded as one of the most dan- be on their way toward making it. the Ben Franklin Brklge. gemus cities Jn AnlerJca alld has pile of the Campbdl's bought the llalllillg rights for ~lTe C~mden R ive~harks are scheduled to highest mtlrder rates in the country. begin play ils thc independent Atlantic What's more, efforts to ftlrfl tIHngs arollfl(I League in May, and their early Sil~C('ss belies have been dogged by corruption. Former the ballpark for $2.5 million. ]l~e chd) the tales of economic woe that otherwise mayor Milton Milan is in federal prison now, has leased 13 of 19 luxury suites at emanate from (~ntden. after being convicted in Decenlber of molley approximately $3(),(R~) a year, and has If'~ another sigl] of hope fl)r the city. ~tate latlnderiflg, insurance fratld and accepting ~)M more than l,~R) seasoft tickets. leaders sclcctcd Camden last year as ti~e final bribes from mol) figtlre~ and city vendor, lie '111e batlpa~ Jt~Jf is afl adlievclllent, a port for the USS New Jersey, the flips, (iccp- is tile third of ~mden's last five mayo~ to be significant investment in infrastructll~ in rated I)attleshJp i,I naval 'history. 'llle ship convicted ofcorrtlplion in omce. a city that has had little ill rccellt yea~. arrivcd in Camden hi July and is expected to Info this b~ach di~ the Rive~harks. While Rive~harks owner Steve Shilling con- opcfl as a ffoatiilg musetml in September. it's a bit nmdl to ask a basal)all team to turn Iributcd $4 million tmvard tile project. 'Finally. ~mdefl gets ~)nl~thing of vahle," amtllld a city in this nmcll trotlble-the state of 'llle Delaware Ri~r l~)rt Alltllority kicked (~mtlcn County official Pat Jones told the New Jc~ey !las threalencd fi)r yea~ lo take in $6.5 million, New Je~ey's e~)nomic t~)unty's (Nnlrier-~)st iTewspaper after tile cee- over thc city's finances-it is tile kind of flew dcvchq)ment authority contribuled anoth- - .... cmony celebrating the ship's aerial. "We're so investment that pnwi~s tile seeds for success, er $2 million, anti Rutge~-(~mdcn ~a~' $3 mil- to hear it hcrc: Who's going to come? tlSe{I to ~)sing, I can't I~licve xve've got it." 'We're not going to challge tile economic lion. Rutge~-Camdell's baseball team will "We'll do ()tlr job to make sure ifs safe and face of Camden,' Riversharks general manag- shaw the ballpark with tl,e Rip,harks. secure and affordable entertainment." er John Brand, said. "~llt wr can help change Brandt came to the Riversharks from the · Besides, Brand, says C~mden's terrible per- its i~a~e, and we call give thc city somethillg Bridge,)et Bluefish, another Atlantic I.eaglle ception is overblown. It's an t~rban setting not it can be proud of." frandlJsC that provided a boost for a city that unlike many other, and as long as you stay The waterfront development already has been through Ilard times, lie said his wi~cre ~)u're $up~)~ed to ~, }~)tl're rifle. includes tile New Je~ey stale aq,ariunl, a experience in Collnecticllt prepared him for "The perceptiofl most people WOtlld have children,s garden and a 25,000-seat (~nlden and dealing with people's concerns about Camden has not been met by my expe- amphitileatcr, and with the ballpark and thc al~)ut tile city. rience,' he said. battleship mltsetlm, local officials hope to "'H~e cities are sin{ilar in many ways- ~i/I Lingo is the m~naoing ed#or for 8;seball draw one million visito~ a year. inch]ding their perceptions," he said. "in America. You ~ contact him by sending e-mail fo The city is making over the Nipper Bridgeport we heard it just like we'~e going wi/I/inoo~base~/lamed~.~m. Btlikling, the former, hcadqtlarte~ of RCA, BAKERSFIELD Public Works Department Memorandum Date: March 2, 2001 To: Alan Tandy, City Manager From Jacques R. LaRochelle, Interim Public Works Director Subject~K~(gel The wait is now just a few more days. We were informed today that the kugel is scheduled to arrive in Bakersfield on Monday, March 12, 2001. Our contractor, Elite Landscaping, will then begin installation of the kugel. They should be finished the following day, March 13. Staff has been in contact with the Hogan Family Foundation to plan an unveiling ceremony. It will be held at 2:00 pm on Friday, March 16, 2001, at the Bakersfield Amtrak Station. Staff is currently working o,n the ceremony program including a list of speakers for the event. S:tPROJECTS~RNOLDV~dVITRAK. STA~KugeltTandy 03_01_01,wpd 0.3/02/200i 11:41 8132483671 RED HOGAN ENT. INC. PAGE 01 Via .Fax: (661)324-1850 No. Of Pages: 1 Including Cover March'3, 2001 KU TO: Mr. Alan Tandy, City Manager City of Bakersfield I~atl~ ~mn.i~ Ball ;6untaln RE: Bakersfield Arntrak Station Kugel ~Floating Granite,Ball Fountain Red Hogan Entefl~se~, Inc. Exclusive U.S.A,.Dis[ribu~or ,.a so~ ~3~0~ ' To confirm my.conversation, on March 1 2001 with-Ms. Christina Taml;~. FL 33681-3~1 ~0~ ~. 4~h ^~. (33605) Hunter, Program Director · The Hogan Family Foundation, Inc. Icl: 800.919;0080 tel: 81'3,248.3428 1. I.informed,Ms. Hunter that our shipping agent confirmed that the tax: 813.248.3671 e.meil: rnc~ug¢lOaol:com Kugel 'Fountain.is scheduled to arrive, 'in the :port of Los Angeles, on March 3, 2001. 2. An installation-date of March 12, 2001 was agreed-upon. 3. :Ms. Hunter agreed :to pay any additional fees, which might be incurred, for requesting .the trucking company to delay the delivery until March 12, 2001. If the above information is not .correct, please contact us at (800)919-0080. Following is my itinerary: Thomas L.(Red) Hogan AR~UVI~: March 11, 2001 ,'Bakersfield Meadows Field Airport at President 3:11 p.m. £1i¢n Hosan ~; Holiday Inn 'Select . 801 Truxtun Ave .Tel: 661-323-1900 V~Ce President ~: March 14, 2001 · Bakersfield Meadows Field Airport at 12:'03 P.M. If we can be of assistance, please call (800)919-0080. Respectfully, -R~ President Red Hogan ~Enterprises, Inc. RH:cs Cc: Edward Hogan, Pres. · The Hogan Family Foundation Christina Hunter, Program Director · The Hogan Family Found. Arnold Ramming, Project Mgr · Bakersfield Public Works Dept. Dave Shepperd · Elite Landscaping Monufoc~rccl OY A~¢~, BAKERSFIELD Alan Tandy · City Manager March 2, 2001 Mr. Chester Moland, General Manager Golden Empire Transit District 1830 Golden State Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Moland: This letter is to follow up on our previous conversation regarding concerns that were expressed by Mr. Richard Hill at the February 14, 2000 City Council meeting. Mr. Hill indicated concerns .regarding lack of response by GET when he complained about a GET bus driver who would not let him ride the GET bus and concerns about the cleanliness of the restrooms at the Valley Plaza bus station. You may contact Mr. Hill at 397-6314 if you need additional information. Per our conversation you indicated that steps were being taken to address the cleanliness issue at the bus station. I would request that GET also work with Mr, Hill to address his concerns regarding the.bus driver situation. I know that GET is interested in making sure that all citizens have access to bus transportation, particularly those who may be disabled such as Mr. Hill. I would appreciate a response with regard to both of these matters so I can 'share that information with the City Council. I appreciate your attention to Mr. Hill's concerns. Sincerely, ,John W. Stinson Assistant City Manager cc. Mr. Richard 'Hill Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Alan Tandy, City Manager S:~JOHN\Council Referals~hill GET letter final.wpd City of Bakersfield · City Manager's Office · 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield · California · 93301 (661) 326-3751 · Fax (661) 852-2050 B A K E R S F I E L D March 2, 2001 Certified Mail - Return Receipt Requested Mr. Hill 2601 Fremont Street, Apt.#27 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Request for assistanCe with PG& E Dear Mr. Hill: At the last City Council meeting, you expressed an interest in receiving help to resolve an issue with Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E). We are always pleased when we can assist a city resident. However, we have been unable to reach you .at your telephone (397-6314) after repeated attempts since February 21, 2001. Since we were not able to reach you by telephone we felt it was important to write you this letter. As we understand Your request, you have had your power unjustly turned off by PG&E after paying your bill. Since we have been unable to contact you, we don't know if you have had the situation taken care of or not. If you have not, please contact us at 326-3764 and ask for Ms. Tficia Richter, this will allow her to determine what information we may need from you in order for us to determine what remedies are available to you. In the meantime, we have contacted Kern County Economic Opportunity Corporation (KCEOC) who works with PG&E to assist clients who have been unable to pay their utilities or have had their power shut off. The name of program is LHEAP. Feel free to contact the following person by telephone if your situation has not changed: Ms. Loretta Andrews, Program Director K.C.E.O.C. Telephone: (661) 336-5203 Ms. Andrews will need some information from You and then will be able to contact PG&E on your behalf If you have any questions regarding this letter, please feel free to contact Ms. Tricia Richter or myself at 326-3765. Sincerely, ' Geef~e Gonza, I/~'s · Community D~'velopment Coordinator xc: John Stinson Assistant City Manager City of Bakersfield · Economic and Community Development Department 515 Truxtun Avenue · Bakersfield · California 93301 (661) 326-3765. · Fax (661) 328-1548 · TDD (661) 324-3631 BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER ~/~JACQUES R. LaROCHELLE, FROM: ~ INTERIM PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR II DATE: v March 2, 2001 SUBJECT: WILSON ROAD BUS ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS At the City Council meeting February 14, 2001, Mr. Richard .Hill spoke regarding difficulties he was encountering accessing buses near his residence. Public Works staff has spoken with Mr. Hill, and will be installing an additional wheelchair ramp and a short section of'sidewalk so that Mr. Hill will have better access to the buses. These improvements should be complete by the end of this month. cc: Theodore D. Wright, Civil Engineer IV ,.'.',. ~ .: Luis Peralez, Street Superintendent "~ SATED~2001 memo&030201 al.wlXl DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS DATE: March 2, 2001 TO: John Stinson, Assistant City Manager FROM: Stan Ford, Director of Recreation and Parks SUBJECT: International Square As we discussed during our recent meetings regarding International Square, the department does not believe that installing public restrooms is a solution to the perceived problem at this site. Although, restrooms may partially address some basic issues, they would create other, and possibly more serious, problems. Also, the fundamental need of providing services to those who frequent the park is not being addressed through the installation of restrooms. The department recently reconsidered utilizing portable toilets at this site. Although an option, again this approach would create other problems. In addition, the expense would likely prove to be too costly and ultimately fail as a solution. I have attached a quote from local company that specializes in portable toilets. Of particular interest is the provision and cost for damages. This is provided for your information. Currently, in addition to the ongoing costs associated with maintaining a public park, the city spends approximately $1,100 annually to lease this site from the railroad. This, along with the construction costs and ongoing maintenance, make restrooms at this site expensive and still inadequate. If the city determines that it wants to construct restrooms, I would first propose exploring the possibility of working with the Rescue Mission to better solve both the restroom and services needs. Should we determine that a restroom will be constructed at International Square, then I would recommend a "permanent outhouse" instead of the typical restroom. This would eliminate the cost of a sewer connection, minimize vandalism and maintenance, and make it easier to remove the facility should the city decide to terminate the property lease in the future. If you require additional information, please let me know. c: Citizens Community Services Advisory Committee City ~~ Att:. Joo Gomzdm 4101 Tt'uxfm A~. Bakmfi~ CA ~o~' mtia~'s Pump~ & Pombb Sew., In~. P.O. Box 41657 * Bakersfield, CA 93384-1657 *Tel. (661) 397-4116 · Fax (661) 397-,.'.'.~g9 PUMPING & .PORTABLE SB:IVICES, INC. ! Tmlan~ ~ DAMAGE WAIVER Dear Customer, TI~ letter is to inform you that Knight's Pumping and Portable Services, Inc. is now o~g a damage protection program to all of its Portable Restroom ~ AH replacement costs and/or repairs of~nted portable restrooms and trailer units due .... to ~ tlmfl, carol .e~mess, sccidemtal damag~ vandalism or riot, ar~ the sole ........ '~. ~. ..... · .... ..~'...~ .. reapons~ility ofthe les~e. Lessee agrees to return'each and every ~ unit to Knight's Pumping and Portable Services, Inc. in the condition that it was delivered, ordinary use and wear · To insure agah~t damage tO rented -nlt~ cu~t°mex~lesse~ may pay a mmtll co~ per - rental period of 6% of the total bill to cover damage should it occur. If a unit i~ totally d~troyed, there will be a one tlm~ $100.pO deduc~olo for eno& portable refaomn. customer wishes to decline tl~ program, Aen that cx~omer should sign a damage waiver, which again makes the lessee mspon~'ble for all damag~ and/or de~xzction of each and every portable restroom and/or trailer unit rented by that customer. Please sign in the'appropriate plai:e on the ~cond page'of this letter and s~nd it to our office. We will return a copy of the fully ~xecuted document to you. ;. We appreciate yout~businoss and look'forward to se~in~ aH of Your sanitation needs Very truly yours, Mark Napier, Vice President Knight's Pumping and Portable Services, Inc. P.O. Box 41657 · Bakersfield, CA 93384-1657 ,Tel. (661) 397-4116 · Fax (661) 397-3899 '~ DeC~ ? '00 8:5? F~X P. I March 2, 2001 To: Alan Tandy, City Manager From: Eric W. Matlock, Chief of Police ,~.¢~-~. Subject: International Square Issues concerning International Square and the transient population who congregate in the area have long been a law enforcement problem and a nuisance to merchants and residents in the area. Historically, law enforcement issues and concerns revolved around crimes against persons, drug abuse, and public intoxication along with public urination and defecation. Prior to constructing restroom facilities, I would recommend further collaboration with the Old Town Kern Business Association, the Bakersfield Rescue Mission and other social service agencies in an effort to reach a long term solution. I am concerned that constructing restrooms at International Park will only create different law enforcement problems rather than addressing the social issues regarding those who congregate in the area. Please refer to the attached memorandum by Lt. Robert Bivens for additional information. EWM/vrf Attachment: "International Square" Memorandum by Lt. B. Bivens To: Eric Matlock, Chief of Police From: B. Bivens, Lieutenant, Operations Subject: International Square International Square is and has been a major concern for business owners and residents in the Old Town Kern Business District. The proximity to the homeless centers and nearby liquor stores, makes it a popular spot for the transient population to congregate. I have been attending the Old Town Kern Association meetings and I am familiar with the complaints of the local business owners. The business owners and their customers are exposed to people urinating in and around the park during business hours. The construction of a restroom facility at International Square could pose some problems for officers patrolling the area. The restroom alone will draw more homeless people to the park for use of the facility. On any given day, there are as many as 30-50 people in the park. A restroom could provide a place of concealment for persons to engage in sex crimes, drug sales/use, and vandalism. In considering the construction of a restroom facility, I would recommend it be planned and designed with environmental crime prevention in mind. A restroom could reduce the incidents of public urination and deification in and around the business district. Off site alternatives should be considered. Currently, the Rescue Mission maintains a vacant lot, approximately one block east of International Square on Sumner Street. As an alternative site, this would be an ideal location for the construction of a restroom which would also curtail the problem. : :" Lieutenant R. Bivens -: ?.: . '~:..'.,.. '- ' :' :'4 '' ~:" .' ': ~ M E M ORA N D U M TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER _,/ FROM: GREGORY J KLIMKO, FINANCE DIRECTOR/~/~' DATE: February 27, 2001 SUBJECT: CHECK FROM OLMSCHEID Council Referral No. WF0018751 Councilmember Couch requested that staff notify him and council when the second check for appraisal fees was received from Mr. Olmschied. The second check for appraisal fees was received February 20, 2001 for $36,000. S:\KimG\Gregory~Memo - RefResp.wpd D W Sivers Co. First Security Bank, N.A. 1661 The Sivers Building 4949 SW Meadows Rd, Suite 150 4730 SW Macadam Ave., #101 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Portland, OR 97201 1-800-574-0055 (503) 223-2680 323270436 **** THIRTY SIX THOUSAND AND 00/100 DOLLARS TO THE ORDER OF 02/15/01 $36,000.00'* The City of Bakersfield City Attorney's Office 1501 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 ,'DO ],~, 6 1,,' ': ~, 8 ~, 8 ?O~, ~,&~: DATE:02/15/01 CK#:1661 TOTAL:S36,000.00** BANK:dwsconew - DWSiversCo. PAYEE:The City of Bakersfield(Vbakerci) Property Account Invoice Description t'"~v~ Amount 1147 1610 Cost of appraisal ~k 36,000.00 36,000.00 WFJKJLR City of Bakersfield 2/27/01 s..--.:'£%~ ~ , Display Work Request Comments 14:13:27 Request number .... : WF0018751 Short description . . : CHECK FROM OLMSCHEID Request status .... : OP Open Detail Description ***REFERRAL TO FINANCE DEPT.*** COUNCILMEMBER COUCH HAS REQUESTED STAFF NOTIFY HE AND THE COUNCIL WHEN THE SECOND CHECK FOR THE APPRAISAL FEE IS RECEIVED FROM MR. OLMSCHEID. Press Enter to continue. F3=Exit F12=Cancel SUMMARY OF PROCEEDINGS BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - COUNTY OF KERN 1115 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California Tuesday, February 27, 2001 9:00 A.M. BOARD RECONVENED Supervisors: McQuiston, Perez, Patrick, Peterson, Parra ROLL CALL: All Present SALUTE TO FLAG - Led by Supervisor Perez NOTE: Mc, Pz, Pa, Pe, Pr are abbreviations for Supervisors McQuiston, Perez, Patrick, Peterson, and Parra, respectively. For example, Pa-Pe denotes Supervisor Patrick made the motion and Supervisor Peterson seconded it. The abbreviation (Ab) means absent, and (Abd) abstained. CONSENT AGENDA/OPPORTUNITYFOR PUBLIC COMM~; ALL ITEMS LISTED WITH AN ASTERISK (*) OR A NUMBER SIGN (%) WERE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE AND APPROVED BY ONE MOTION. BOARD ACTION SHOWN IN CAPS .. RESOLUTIONS/PROCLAMATIONS 1) Presentation of Certificate of Recognition to Chuck McCollough as 2001 Tehachapi Citizen of the Year - MADE PRESENTATION TO CHUCK MCCOLLOUGH; CHUCK MCCOLLOUGH HEARD Pr-Pe 2) Proclamation proclaiming March as Red Cross Month in Kern Ail Ayes County - PROCLAIMED; PRESENTATION CONTINUED TO TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2001 AT 2:00 P.M., ITEM NO. A Pe-Pz . 3) Proclamation proclaimingMarch as Social Work Recognition Ail Ayes Month - PROCLAINED; MADE PRESENTATION TO ANA PAGAN, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES; ANA PAGAN, BRIAN PARNELL AND SANDRA TURNER HEARD Pr-Pe 4) Proclamation proclaiming March 15-18, 2001 as Mesa Marin All Ayes Raceway's NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series Weekend - PROCLAIMED; MADE PRESENTATION TO LARRY COLLINS, SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT/GENERALMANAGER, M~SAMARINRACEWAY; LARRY COLLINS AND JUDY SALAMACHA, VICE PRESIDENT, HEARD Mc-Pe 5) Proclamation proclaiming March 17-18, 2001 as the 13th All Ayes Annual Keyesville Classic Weekend - PROCLAIMED; MADE PRESENTATION TO ARIN RESNICKE, ASSISTANT RACE DIRECTOR, GOLDEN EMPIRE RACE MANAGEMENT; ARIN RESNICKE AND SAM AMES, RACE DIRECTOR, HEARD Summary of Proceedings Page 2 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 02/27/2001 Pe-Pz *6) Proclamation proclaiming March 3, 2001 as a Day of Youth Ail Ayes Enrichment "Strategies for Success in the New Millennium' in Kern County - PROCLAIMED; REFERRED TO CLERK OF THE BOARD FOR PREPARATION Pe-Pz *7) Proclamation proclaiming March 10, 2001 as Northwest Babe All Ayes Ruth/Cal Ripken Baseball Day in Kern County - PROCLAIMED; REFERRED TO CLERK OF THE BOARD FOR PREPARATION Pe-Pz *8) Reappointments of Jerry Wallace and Joseph Ciriello as All Ayes at-large members to the Alcohol and Drug Advisory Board, terms to expire December 31, 2003 - MADE REAPPOINTMENTS Pe-Pz *9) Request of McAllister Ranch Irrigation District for the Ail Ayes Board to appoint William D. Stampley (replacing James M. Manley), effective February 27, 2001 - MADE APPOINTMENT PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS 10) This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons to address the Board on any matter not on this agenda but under the jurisdiction of the Board. Board members may respond briefly to statements made or questions posed. They may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff for factual information or request staff to report back to the Board at a later meeting. Also, the Board may take action to direct the staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. SPEAKERS ARE LIMITED TO TWO ~INUTES. PLEASE STATE YOUR NAME BEFORE MAKING YOUR PRESENTATION. THANK YOU! - NO ONE HEARD BOARD MEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS OR R~PQ~T~ 11) On their own initiative, Board members may make an announcement or a report on their own activities. They may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda (Gov. Code Sec. 54954.2[a]) - SUPERVISOR PER~Z ANNOUNCED ~ WILL BE ATTENDING THE NACO LEGISLATIV~ CONFERENCE IN WASHINGTON, D.C. NEXT WEEK AND WILL CHAIR TH~ NACO LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMITTEE DEPARTMENTAL REOUEET~ AGING AND ADULT SERVICEE Pe-Pz '12) Proposed Amendment No. 5 to California Department of All Ayes Aging Agreement Number FF-9900-33 for Title III and VII programs to adjust United States Department of Agriculture funding for meals served - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SI~NAGREEMENT 149-2001 Pe-Pz '1'3) Proposed Amendment No. I to California Department of All Ayes Aging Agreement Number FF-0001-33 for Title III/VII programs to distribute additional funding to all programs - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SI~N CONTRACT AMENDMENT AGREEMENT 150-2001 AND AMENDED AREA PLAN BUDGET; AUTHORIZED AUDITOR-CONTROLLER TO INCREASE THE SERVICE PROVIDER CONTRACTS AS PROVIDED IN AMENDMENT NO. 1 Summary of Proceedings Page 3 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 02/27/2001 AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER Pe-Pz '14) Proposed retroactive Amendment No. 1 to Multiple Trapping Ail Ayes Agreement Number 00-0013 with California Department of Food and Agriculture, for additional supplies to aid in pest prevention within Kern County, for fiscal year 2000- 2001, in an amount not to exceed $2,500 (prior notification June 27, 2000) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 151-2001 Pz-Pe 15) Notification of proposed retroactive Cooperative Pest All Ayes Control Agreement with United States Department of Agriculture and request for authorization to sign standard form retroactive grower compliance agreements - RECEIVED AND FILED NOTIFICATION; ADOPTED RESOLUTION 2001- 067 AUTHORIZING AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER TO SIGN SUBJECT TO COUNTY COUNSEL'S APPROVAL AS TO FORM Pe-Pr 16) Presentation byOdell Associates, Inc., and Department of All Ayes Airports regarding the progress and status of the planning and architectural phases for the proposed new air passenger terminal at Meadows Field Airport - RAY BISHOP, DIRECTOR OF AIRPORTS, AND ROHN PRICE, PROJECT ARCHITECT, ODELL ASSOCIATES, INC., MADE PRESENTATION; RECEIVED AND FILED AUDITQR-CONTROLLER-COUNTY CLERK Pe-Pz '17) Proposed addition of one (1) Elections Process Clerk III All Ayes and deletion of one (1) Elections Process Clerk I/II, effective February 27, 2001 - APPROVED; REFERRED TO PERSONNEL TO AMEND DEPARTMENTAL POSITIONS AND SALARY SCHEDULE COUNTY COUNSEL Pr-Mc 18) Proposed Urgency Ordinance amending Section 8.12.060 of Ail Ayes the Kern County Ordinance Code relating, to renewal of ambulance permits in order to permit review of current EMS ordinance - JACKIE ATT, HALL AMBULANCE, HEARD; WAIVED READING; ENACTED URGENCY ORDINANCE G-6757 AND DEFERRED PROCESSING APPLICATIONS FOR RENEWALS FILED TO DATE DISTRICT ATTORNEY Pz-Mc 19) Proposed retroactive approval of the Plan of Cooperation Ail Ayes form used in the voluntary acknowledgment of paternity program (POP) with participating hospitals and clinics effective July 1, 2000 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED DISTRICT ATTORNEY TO SIGN ALL AGREEMENTS IN THIS FORM, SUBJECT TO ANNUAL COUNTY COUNSEL REVIEW, UNTIL TERMINATION OF THE PATERNITY OPPORTUNITY PRO(~RAM ~aE DEPART~E~ Pe-Pz *20) Unusual travel request for Battalion Chief Robert Klinoff All Ayes to attend National Fire Protection AssociationManagement Team training in Boston, Massachusetts, and to the National Fire Academy in E~nitsburg, Maryland, fromM arch 15, 2001 through March 30, 2001; fiscal impact: estin%ated cost of $272; Fire Fund, Budgeted - APPROVED Summary of Proceedings Page 4 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 02/27/2001 Pe-Pz '21) Appropriation of unanticipated revenue from State Fire All Ayes Trust Fund to Fire Department Budget Unit 2415 for Fire Station Maintenance Projects; fiscal impact: appropriation of $319,647 - APPROVED CASH TRANSFER OF $16,020.28 FROM PRIOR YEAR FIRE DEPARTMENT BUDGET TO THE STATE FIRE TRUST FUND (FUND 24043); APPROVED APPROPRIATION OF UNANTICIPATED REVENUE FROM THE STATE FIRE TRUST FUND (FUND 24043) IN THE AMOUNT OF $319,647 TO APPROPRIATIONS FOR CONTINGENCIES; APPROVED BUDGET TRANSFER FROM APPROPRIATIONS FOR CONTINGENCIES TO FIRE DEPARTMENT BUIX~ETUNIT 2415 IN THE AMOUNT OF $319,647 HUMAN SERVICES Pe-Pz *22) Proposed Agreement with ARRC Enterprises, Inc., for All Ayes Independent Living Program Foster Youth Computer Camp, February 27, 2001 to June 30, 2001, in an amount not to exceed $73,266.50 (Federal/State; no County cost) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 152-2001 KERN M~DICAL CENTER Pr-Pe 23) Proposed Agreement with EPIC Systems Corporation, for All Ayes purchase and implementation of outpatient clinic information system from February 27, 2001, including a three-year maintenance contract, in an amount not to exceed $2,951,751 - AWARDED THE BID FROM THE RFP PROCESS TO EPIC SYSTEMS CORPORATION; APPROVEDAGREEMENT; ADOPTED RESOLUTION 2001-068 AUTHORIZING CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 153-2001; REFERRED THE ISSUE OF INDEMNIFICATION AND LIABILITY TO RISK MANAGEMENT FOR REVIEW Pe-Pr 24) Notification and proposed .retroactive Agreement with All Ayes Kevork A. Bouldoukian, M.D., for professional physician services at Kern Medical Center, from February 15, 2001 to February 14, 2003, in an amount not to exceed $150,000 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 154- 2001 Pe-Pr 25) Proposed retroactive Agreement with Karen Cooley, CTR, Ail Ayes for professional cancer registry services, from December 5, 2000 to June 30, 2001, in an amount not to exceed $4,246.50 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED 'CHAIRMAN TO SIGN A~REEMENT 155-2001 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES Pe-Pz *26) Proposed addition/deletion of positions in Budget Unit All Ayes 4120 effective February 27, 2001: Addition of three (3) Mental Health Rehabilitation Specialists I/II/III, one (1) Mental Health Case Management Aide, one (1) Supervising Mental Health Clinician, one (1) Vocational Nurse I/II, one (1) Mental Health Unit Supervisor I, one (1) Employment Services Clerk, and one (1) Staff Nurse and deletion of one (1) HIV Services Supervisor, one (1) Mental Health Technician I/II, four (4) Mental Health Case Management Assistant I/II, two (2) Typist Clerk I/II, one (1) Clinical Psychologist I/II, and one (1) Mental Health Nurse I/II - APPROVED; REFERRED TO PERSONNEL TO AMEND DEPARTMENTAL POSITIONS AND SALARY SCHEDULE Summary of Proceedings Page 5 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 02/27/2001 Pe-Pz *27) Application to hold a bicycle event - Back on Track All Ayes Productions on April 8, 2001 - FOUND THATTHE SHERIFF HAS NOTEDHISAPPROVALONTHE PERMIT ANDTHATTHE PARADE WILL NOT RESULT IN THE UNDUE OR UNMANAGEABLE OBSTRUCTION OR HINDRANCE OF TRAFFIC ON THE HIGHWAY WHERE IT IS TO BE HELD; WILL NOT LEAD TO BREACH OF THE PEACE, PROPERTY DAMAGE, OR OTHER DISORDERLY OR UNLAWFUL CONDUCT; WOULD NOT CONFLICT WITH OTHER PARADES .PREVIOUSLY GRANTED PERMITS, AND THAT THE SHERIFF HAS FACILITIES TO PROPERLY SUPERVISE THE PARADE; APPROVED PERMIT; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN Pe-Pz *28) Proposed addition of one (1)'Account Clerk IV position All Ayes and deletion of one (1) Account Clerk III position, effective February 24, 2001 - APPROVED; REFERRED TO PERSONNEL TO AMEND DEPARTMENTAL POSITIONS AND SALARY Pe-Pz *29) Unusual retroactive travel request for Information Ail Ayes Systems Specialist Kevin Fisher and Computer Telecommunications Technician Jennifer Burris to attend the Jbuilder4 Class in Atlanta, Georgia, from February 26, 2001 through March 2, 2001, in an amount not to exceed $2,744 - APPROVED Pe-Pz *30) Request for authorization to apply for State Mentally Ill All Ayes Offender Crime Reduction Demonstration Grant from the Board of Corrections - AUTHORIZED GRANT APPLICATION; ADOPTED RESOLUTION 2001-069 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTQ~ Pe-Pz '31) Pooled Cash Portfolio AnalySis for Month Ended January Ail Ayes 2001 - RECEIVED AND FILED CLOSED SESSIONS COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE Pz-Pe 32) Request for Closed Session regarding Me~'t and Confer, All Ayes CCAPE - Pz-Pe 33) Request for Closed Session regarding Department Head All Ayes recruitment - Title: Director of Emergency Medical Services - COD'NTY COUNSEL Pz-Pr 34) Results of Closed Session regarding a lawsuit entitled All Ayes Kern Law Enforcement Aaencv. et al. vs. Board of Retirement. et al., KCSC Case No. 236460 NFT (Government Code Section 54956.9(a)) - CONTINUED TOTUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2001 AT 2:00 P.M., ITEM NO. 41 Summa~ of Proceedings Page 6 Board of Supe~isors Re~lar Meeting 02/27/2001 Pz-Pr ~CONVENED FROM CLOSED SESSION; ~CESSED TO 2:00 P.M. [C~erk of the Board Barbara Patrick Chairman, Board of Supe~isors SUMMARY OF PROCEEDINGS BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - COUNTY OF KERN 1115 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California Regular Meeting Tuesday, February 27, 2001 BOARD RECONVENED Supervisors: McQuis%on, Perez, Patrick, Peterson, Parra ROLL CALL: All Present CONSENT AGENDA/OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC COM~NT: ALL ITEMS LISTED WITH AN ASTERISK (*) OR A NUMBER SIGN (#) WERE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE AND APPROVED BY ONE MOTION. BOARD ACTION SHOWN IN CAPS RESOLUTION/PROCLAMATION Pr-Pe A) Proclamation proclaiming March as Red Cross Month in Kern All Ayes County (continued from 2/27/2001, 9:00 A.M., Item No. 2) - PROCLAIMED; MADE PRESENTATION TO CHRIS PHILLIPS, DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT; CHRIS PHILLIPS HEARD PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS 1) This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons to address the Board on any matter not on this agenda but under the jurisdiction of the Board. Board members may respond briefly to statements made or questions posed. They may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff for factual information or request staff to report back to the Board at a later meeting. Also, the Board may take action to direct the staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. SPEAKERS ARE LIMITED TO TWO MINUTES. PLEASE STATE YOUR NAME BEFORE MAKING YOUR PRESENTATION. THANK YOU! - NO ONE HEARD BOARD MEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS OR R~PORT$ 2) On their own initiative, Board members may make an announcement or a report on their own activities. They may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda (Gov. Code Sec. 54954.2(a)) - NO ONE HEARD Summary of Proceedings Page 8 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 02/27/2001 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCy . Plannina Department Mc-Pe *3) Request from Delm-r and C~r~rude Van Dam to include All Ayes 4~6.35 acres within the boundaries of an AgricuLtural Preserve located at the southeast corner of 170th Street West and Gaskell Road, Willow Springs area (SD 2) Specific Request: Inclusion of 476.36 acres within an Agricultural Preserve (Ag Pres %24 - Incl; Map %233-36)' (Categorically Exempt, Section 15317; Published Rosamond Weekly News) - OPENED HEARING; NO ONE HEARD; CLOSED HEARING; ADOPTED RESOLUTION 2001-070 APPROVING INCLUSION AS REQUESTED, PER PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Mc-Pe *4) Request from Michael E. Robinson and Vincent Osburn to Ail Ayes vacate, portions of Prospect Street located at approximately 5/8 mile south of Backus Road, 1/4 mile west of 20th S~reet West, five miles north of Rosamond (SD 2) Specific Request: Nonsummary vacation of portions of Prospect Street (213- 20 3 098; Streets and Highways) (General Rule, Section 15061(b) (3); Published Mojave Desert News) - OPENED HEARING; NO ONE HEARD; CLOSED HEARING; ADOPTED RESOLUTION 2001-071 APPROVING VACATION, EXCEPTING AND RESERVING AN EASEMENT FOR EXISTING UTILITIES, PER PLANNING DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION DEPARTMENTAL REOUESTS RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY Planninc DeDartment S.D. Mc-Pe *5) Proposed Williamson Act Contract and Contract Amending All Ayes Land Use Contract for 2002 Calendar Year, Contract 00-31, Alexander Partnership by Delmarter & Deifel, Weldon Area, Agricultural Preserve No. 15, 70.70 acres - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN; DIRECTED CLERK OF THE BOARD TO RECORD RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY ~Qrm~unity DeveloDment Program S.D. #4 Mc-Pe *6) Proposed Agreement with J.T.S. Construction, Inc., for Ail Ayes construction of the Buttonwillow School Gym Improvements, in an amount not to exceed $120,250 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 156-2001 Summary of Proceedings Page 9 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 02/27/2001 S.D.'s #3 & ~5 Mc-Pe *7) Request to the California Technology, Trade and Commerce All Ayes Agency for extension of the Southeast Metropolitan Bakersfield Enterprise Zone - ADOPTED RESOLUTION 2001-072; AUTHORIZED DIRECTOR TO COMPLETE APPLICATION INCLUDING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND ANY CHANGES THERETO, SUBMIT IT JOINTLY WITH CITY OF BAKERSFIELD TO THE STATE, AND RESPOND TO AND PROVIDE ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION THAT MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE STATE RESOURCE M3kNAGEMENT AGENCY Enaineerina and Survey Service~ Mc-Pe *8) Proposed Agreement with Quad Knopf, Inc., for engineering All Ayes services associated with design of Mojave Curb and Gutter and Drainage Improvements in the unincorporated area of Mojave, in an amount not to exceed $130,000 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 157-2001 UPON APPROVAL BY COUNTY COUNSEL AS TO FORM S.D. ~{ WITH- *9) Proposed Agreement with McIntosh & Associates for DRAWN engineering services associated with design of Frazier Park Drainage Improvements in the unincorporated area of Frazier Park, in an amount not to exceed $11,500 - Mc-Pe '10) Contract No. 20026, Change Order No. I for Frazier Park All Ayes Drainage Improvements Phase IV, an increase of $11,649.26, for a new total of $174,649.26 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN S.D. #5 Mc-Pe '11) Purchasing Agent Contract, Final Plans, Specifications All Ayes and Notice to Contractors for the Bakersfield Senior Center Interior Improvements - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN; AUTHORIZED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM DEPARTMENT TO PREPARE NECESSARY REQUISITION AND GENERAL SERVICES TO SOLICIT BIDS Mc-Pe '12) Proposed Agreement with McIntosh & Associates for All Ayes engineering services associated with design of Panama Road Ditch Improvements in the unincorporated area of Lamont, in an amount not to exceed $45,000 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 158-2001 UPON APPROVAL BY COUNTY COUNSEL AS TO FORM Summary of Proceedings Page 10 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 02/27/2001 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY Roads DePartment Mc-Pe '13) Proposed 45 mile per hour speed zone on Seventh Standard Ail Ayes Road between 500 feet west of Golden State Highway and Porterville Highway - APPROVED; REFERRED TO COUNTY COUNSEL FOR PREPARATION OF ORDINANCE Mc-Pe '14) Proposed Contract No. 01011 with Granite Construction, Ail Ayes for construction on Strecker Street, Calvert Boulevard, and Pinto Street, in an amount not to exceed $433,163 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 159-2001 Mc-Pe '15) Purchase of tax delinquent property necessary for Ail Ayes construction of the Seventh Standard Road Grade Separation Project - ADOPTED RESOLUTION 2001-073 APPROVING NEGOTIATION WITH KERN COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR FOR PURCHASE OF TAX DEFAULTED PARCEL; AUTHORIZED ROADS TO PURCHASE-PROPERTY Mc-Pe '16) Contract No. 01004, Notice of Completion for construction All Ayes on Scodie Park Road from Cypress Avenue to State Route 178 - RECEIVED AND FILED Mc-Pe '17) Proposed no stopping zone on South P Street adjacent to All Ayes the fairgrounds between Ming Avenue and Belle Terrace, including rescinding on-street parking ordinance - APPROVED; REFERRED TO COUNTY COUNSEL FOR PREPARATION OF NEW ORDINANCE, INCLUDING RESCINDING ON-STREET PARKING ORDINANCE WASTE MANAGEMENT S.D. #1 Mc-Pe 18) Proposal to establish a 20 cubic yard limit on loads Ail Ayes accepted at the McFarland-Delano Transfer Station, to provide financial assistance to the Cities of Delano and McFarland and to proceed with the ImPlementation Plan, effective July 1, 2001 - ROY WEYGAND, KERN COUNTY TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION; GARY JOHNSON, CITY ADMINISTRATOR, CITY OF MCFARLAND; AND ADELAGONZALES, CITY MANAGER, CITY OF DELANO, HEARD; APPROVED; AUTHORIZED WASTE MANAGEMENT TO IMPLEMENT PROGRAM Pz-Pr 19) Request for Unusual Travel for Ramzi Mansour to attend Ail Ayes the Eighth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium in Sardinia, Italy, from October I through October 5, 2001, for an estimated cost of $2,500 (employee to pay for transportation costs) - ROYWEYGAND, KERN COUNTY TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION AND RAMZI M3%NSOUR, HEARD; APPROVED WITH INCLUSION OF TRANSPORTATION COSTS; AUTHORIZED WASTE MANAGEMENT TO FUND TRAVEL REQUEST FROM SOLID WASTE ENTERPRISE FUND 35050, DEPARTMENT 8999 Summary of Proceedings Page 11 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 02/27/2001 Mc-Pe *20) Proposed addition of one (1) Engineer I/II/III and Ail Ayes deletion of one (1) Building Inspector from Budget Unit 4400, effective February 27, 2001 - APPROVED; REFERRED TO PERSONNEL TO AMEND DEPARTMENTAL POSITIONS AND SALARY SCHEDULE Mc-Pe '21) Proposed Agreement and Memorandum of Understanding with All Ayes the Mesa Verde Community Correctional Facility to provide prison inmate labor for Fiscal Years 2001-2004, in an amount not to exceed $300,000 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 160-2001 Pz-Pr 22) Proposed sole source Agreement with Burkert and Cox, LLC, All Ayes to provide financial planning services and conduct fee/special studies for Fiscal Years 2001-2003, in an amount not to exceed $140,000 - ROY WEYGAND, KERN COUNTY TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION, HEARD; APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 161-2001 COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFI~ Mc-Pe *23) Proposed participation in the Federal Secure Rural Ail Ayes Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000 - ELECTED TO RECEIVE "FULL PAYMENT" UNDER THE ACT, WITH SUPPLEMENTAL FUNDING TO BE USED FOR ELIGIBLE LOCAL PROJECTS ON FEDERAL LANDS PURSUANT TO TITLE III OF THE ACT; DIRECTED COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE TO NOTIFY SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE OF DECISION; REFERRED ALLOCATION OF FUNDS TO THE FISCAL YEAR~2001-2002 BUDGET FILE Pr-Pe 24) Request for County to participate in Regional 'Energy All Ayes Summit hosted by County of Fresno - APPROVED; DESIGNATED SUPERVISOR PATRICK AS BOARD MEMBER TO REPRESENT COUNTY Pz-Mc 25) Update and recommended actions on financial impact of All Ayes pending assessment appeals cases - AUTHORIZED AUDITOR- CONTROLLER-COUNTY CLERK TO MAKE NECESSARY ACCOUNTING TRANSACTIONS TO TRANSFER $3,000,000 FROM COUNTY'S FISCAL STABILITY RESERVE AND $1,000,000 FROM APPROPRIATIONS FOR CONTINGENCIES TO TAX LIABILITY RESERVE Pz-Pe 26) Fiscal Year 2001-2002 preliminary financial forecast and All Ayes proposed budget development guidelines - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE TO ISSUE GUIDELINES TO ALL DEPARTMENTS Leaislative Matters: Mc-Pe *27) SB 30X (State Senator James Brulte, Rancho Cucamonga), All Ayes Added property tax allocation to local jurisdictions that grant permits to new electrical generation facilities - ADOPTED POSITION IN SUPPORT; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN CORRESPONDENCE Summary of Proceedings Page 12 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 02/27/2001 Mc-Pe *28) SB 40X (Assembly Member Darrel Steinberg, Sacramento), Ail Ayes Energy efficiency grants and loans to local governments and school districts - ADOPTED POSITION OF SUPPORT; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN CORRESPONDENCE COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE. General Services Division Mc-Pe *29) Proposed acceptance of patent from the Bureau of Land Ail Ayes Management to transfer ownership to the County of Kern of approximately 3.75 acres of land at the Twin Oaks/Loraine Transfer Station Site - MADE FINDING THAT PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM CEQA PER SECTION 15301; AUTHORIZED GENERAL SERVICES TO FILE NOTICE OF EXEMPTION; DIRECTED CLERK OF BOARD TO ACCEPT AND RECORD PATENT Mc-Pe *30) Proposed Amendment to Agreement with Orville Handy for Ail Ayes lease of 14654 Caliente Creek Road, %6, Twin Oaks, presently used as office space by the Sheriff's Department, providing for an extension of the term of the lease to February 28, 2002, and a rent increase of $5 for a new monthly rental of $280, with all other terms to remain the same - MADE FINDING THAT PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM CEQA PER'SECTION 15301; AUTHORIZED GENERAL SERVICES TO FILE NOTICE OF EXEMPTION; APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREE~NT 162-2001 Mc-Pe '31) Accept bid of Kern Asphalt Paving & Sealing Company for Ail Ayes Kern Medical Center Doctor's Parking Lot Reconfiguration & Repaying, in an amount not to exceed $196,839 (8997.7001DVA) - ACCEPTED LOW BID; AUTHORIZED GENERAL SERVICES TO RELEASE ALL OTHER BID GUARANTEES; AUTHORIZED PREPARATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ., Mc-Pe *32) Proposed No-Rent Lease Agreement with U.S. House of All Ayes Representatives District Office for a portion of 12014 Main Street, Lamont, to be used as office space by the Field Representative for U,S. Representative, Calvin Dooley - MADE FINDING THAT PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM CEQA PER SECTION 15301; AUTHORIZED GENERAL SERVICES TO FILE NOTICE OF EXEMPTION; APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 163-2001 Mc-Pe *33) Accept bid submitted by Westcoast Corporation, dba, Ail Ayes Westcoast Nielson, for Job Order Contract - ACCEPTED BID; AUTHORIZED GENERAL SERVICES TO RELEASE ALL OTHER BID GUARANTEES; AUTHORIZED PREPARATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Summary of Proceedings Page 13 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 02/27/2001 Pz-Pe 34) Request for declaration of local emergency due to energy Ail Ayes shortages and costs - KEN BLANTON, KERN COUNTY FIRE FIGHTERS UNION, HEARD; ADOPTED RESOLUTION 2001-074 DECLARING EMERGENCY AND REQUESTING THE GOVERNOR TO PROCLAIM A STATE OF EMERGENCY COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFIC~ Information Technoloav Servicem Mc-Pe *35) Proposed Agreement with the U.S. Drug Enforcement All Ayes Administration of the United States Department of Justice for access to the Kern County Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 164-2001 MATTERS FOR EXECUTIVE APPROVAL Mc-Pe *36) Budget Transfers - APPROVED #135 THROUGH #141 All Ayes Mc-Pe *37) Minutes for week of February 4, 2001 - APPROVED Ail Ayes Mc-Pe *38) Miscellaneous Letters and Documents - FILED All Ayes Mc-Pe *39) Miscellaneous Departmental Referrals by Clerk of the Ail Ayes Board - APPROVED AND FILED Mc-Pe *40) Claims and Lawsuits filed with and referred by Clerk of All Ayes the Board - APPROVED AND FILED COUNTY COUNSEL Pe-Pz '41) Request for Closed Session regarding a lawsuit entitled Kern Law Enforcement Agency. et al. vs. Board of Retirement. et al., KCSC Case No. 236460 NFT (Government Code Section 54956.9(a)) (continued from 2-27-2001, Item No. 34 A.M.) - Mc-Pr RECONVENED FROM CLOSED SESSION; ADJOURNED TO TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 2001, AT 9:00 A.M. Chairman, Board of Supervisors Summary of Proceedings Page 14 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 02/27/2001 38) MISCELLANEOUS LETTERS AND D0CUM~NT$ - FILED Auditor-Controller-County Clerk A) Report of Current Internal Controls and Financial Records of the Board of Supervisors B) Report (Amended) of Current Internal Controls and Financial Records of the District Attorney Clerk of the Board C) Memorandum from Employers' Training Resource re resignation of Patrick Michaels and Martin Castro fro~ the Workforce Investment Board(Copies to each Supervisor and CAO) County Administrative Office D) Letter to Gloria J. Merk, State Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs, re Resolution 2001-047 designating Department of Mental Health as lead agency for implementation of the Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act of 2000 District Attorney E) Response to Auditor's Report of Current Internal Controls and Financial Records of the District Attorney F) 2000-2001 Grand Jury Preliminary Report, Kernville Union School District (Copies to each Supervisor and CAO) G) Letter from William C. Gatschet re need for east/west travel through Bakersfield (Copies to each Supervisor, CAO and Roads) Letter from Terry Trinidad, State Department of Health Services, re forms and guidelines for 'submission of County Health Services Report of Actual Financial Data for Fiscal Year 1999-2000 (Copies to each Supervisor and CAO) I) Letter from Peter W. Brandon, Liberty Ambulance Service, re intent to apply to the City of Bakersfield for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Need per Bakersfield City Ambulance Ordinance, Chapter 5.10, Section 5.10.020 (Copies to each Supervisor, CAO, Emergency Medical Service and County Counsel) J) Letter from Shirley M. Daly re concerns surrounding the proposal for a large volume transfer/processing facility in Taft (Copies to each Supervisor, CAO, Waste Management, Planning and County Counsel) K) Letter from LeRoy Marquardt, Eastern Kern County Resource Conservation District, re efforts to recruit Associate Directors on the EKCRCD Board (Copies to each Supervisor, CAO and County Counsel) Summary of Proceedings Page 15 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 02/27/2001 L) Letter from Rueben Alvarez, Dole Fresh Fruit Company, re Notice of Discontinuation of Dole Farming Company's seasonal operations, Ducor, Cawelo and Famoso Ranches (Copies to each Supervisor, CAO and Employers' Training Resource) M) Letter from Rueben Alvarez, Dole Fresh Fruit Company, re Notice of Discontinuation of Dole Farming Company's seasonal operations, Loma Ranch (Copies to each Supervisor, CAO and Employers' Training Resource). N) Letter from Jeanine A. Derby, U.S. Department of Agriculture, re National Forests of Southern California Public Workshop Schedule (Copies to each Supervisor, CAO, Planning and County Counsel) O) Letter from Len and Mary Jane Lund re failure of deregulation of power companies (Copies to each Supervisor and CAO) P) Memorandum from San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District, Citizens Advisory Committee, Attendance Records for meeting on Tuesday, February 6, 2001 (Copies to each Supervisor, CA0 and City Selection Committee) Q) Fair Political Practices Commission Bulletin, Vol. 27, No. 1, February, 2001. (Copies to each Supervisor, CAO, County Counsel and Ail Elected Officials) R) American Land Rights Association Bulletin (Copies to each Supervisor and CAO) S) CALFED Bay-Delta Program, Annual Report, 2000 "~i~s ~ ................ each Supervisor, CAO and Resource Management Agency) T) U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Newsletter, January, 2001, #02 (Copies to each Supervisor and CAO) U) Agenda of meeting from Human Rel'ations Commission on Tuesday, February 13, 2001 39) L~TTERS RECEIVED AND REFERRED BY CLERK OF THE BOARD - APPROVED AND FILED A) Application for alcohol beverage license: Westwinds, 1385 Highway 58, Mojave, CA 93501 - REFERRED TO PLANNING (Copies to each Supervisor and CAO) 40) CLAIMS AND LAWSUITS FILED WITH AND R~FERRED BY THE CLERK OF THE BOARD - APPROVED AND FILED A) Claim in the matter of Susan J. Myers vs. Kern County - REFERRED TO COUNTY COUNSEL (Copy to Risk Management) B) Claim in the matter of Teresa L. Johnson vs. Kern County - REFERRED TO COUNTY COUNSEL (Copy to Risk Management) C) Claim in the matter of Dawn M. Balenger-Curl and Norman ~%X~vs. Kern County - REFERRED TO COUNTY COUNSEL (Copy to Risk Management) D) Claim in the matter of Larry Allen Cockran vs. Kern County - REFERRED TO COUNTY COUNSEL (Copy to Risk Management) Summary of Proceedings page 16 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 02/27/2001 E) .Claim in the matter of ~ria Carmen Ruiz, Leonel Perea Banuelos individually and as surviving heir to Maria Del Carmen Perea, Leonel Perea. Hernandez vS. Kern County - REFERRED TO COUNTY COUNSEL (Copy to Risk Management) F) Claim in the matter of Michael Scott Waaner, an incompetent and minor child, bv and throuah his Guardian ad Litem, Leesa Ro~riauez: Elizabeth Ella Gatica, a minor child by an~ t~Q~gh her Guardian ad Litem, Leesa Rodriauez: Kaina LeAnn Gatica, a minor child, bv and through her Guardian ad Litem, Leesa Rodricuez: Leesa Rodriguez, an individual: Noel Gatica, an individual: Arturo Santos Rodriguez, an individual vs. Kern County - REFERRED TO COUNTY COUNSEL (Copy to Risk Management) G) Claim in the matter of William R. Greenlee: William R. Greenlee, Jr.: William Greenlee, III: Bradley Jason Greenlee: Robin Greenlee: Michelle Greenlee: Debbie Griswold: Vivian Je~sen: Barbara Blankenship vs. Kern County - REFERRED TO COUNTY COUNSEL (Copy to Risk Management) H) Claim in the matter of Thomas Dale Richardson vs. Kern County - REFERRED TO COUNTY COUNSEL (Copy to Risk Management) I) Claim in the matter of Sandee Childers vs. Kern County - REFERRED TO COUNTY COUNSEL (Copy to Risk Management) J) Claim in the matter of Golden Empire Medical Transportation, a subsidiary of Kern County Transportation Services, Inc., a California Corporation: Philip B. Bradford, an individual vs. Kern County - REFERRED TO COUNTY COUNSEL (Copy to Risk'Management)