HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/24/01 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM August 24, 2001 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager /~ T~/,/--,~. SUBJECT: General Information 1. I will be taking some vacation time on Thursday and Friday, August 30th and 31st During my absence, Alan Christensen will be in charge, and the office will be able to reach me on my cell phone if something unusual arises. 2. The "back up" City Council office is now available for your use. It will provide an additional location to conduct business, in the event that one of you is already using the Council office located in the City Clerk's department. Pam McCarthy or Roberta Gafford can show it to you, at your convenience. It is on the first floor of City Hall, near the northeast entrance of the building. 3. We have been approached by the owners of Mesa Marin, who want to sell us the softball complex there - it is currently deteriorating from non-use. It would be a good long term investment. As the area grows, demand will be there that has not been in the past. Due to the budget not having an appropriate district, acquisition and development funds would be the primary financial opportunity. Perhaps it should be referred to a committee for consideration? 4. Earlier this week, we sent thirteen firefighters and four pieces of equipment to assist in battling the Creek Fire in the Yosemite area. We're pleased that the Bakersfield team was able to provide some much needed help,, and that they gained some valuable training from the experience. 5. MIS will be busy this year with a number of projects. Enclosed is a work plan listing the major MIS projects and estimated completion dates. Highlights include a permits system that provides for on-line processing, mobile data computers for police vehicles, and an internet portal for government services county-wide, which was a joint effort between City and County MIS personnel. 6. Public Works has requested a modification to this year's budget to add a Fleet Mechanic I at the Police Garage. Analysis has shown that the vehicle to employee ratio has increased considerably since FY 1996/97, from 80.2 to 96.4 currently. The addition of the new position would bring the ratio back down to 96/97 levels. We will bring the formal request to you next month. Honorable Mayor and City Council August 24, 2001 Page 2 7. Responses to Council requests are enclosed, as follows: Councilmember Carson · Information to be provided to contact property owners in Ward 1 who are being assessed for web/debris removal; · Report showing breakdown of vendor payments from 7/6/01 through 7/26/01; Councilmember Couch · Schedule for Council workshop regarding the Fire Station 15 design; Councilmember Salvaggio · Status report on the Citizens' Community Services Advisory Committee contact with the Native American Heritage Preservation Council and Coleman Homes regarding the name of a new park development. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pam McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst RECEIVED: 8/24/01 11:04AM; ->CITY OF BAKERSFZELD; #836; PAGE 2 08/24/01 FRI 09:53 FAX 661 395 1349 BKFLD FIRE ADMIN ~002 CREEK FIRE Bakersfield Fire Department Assistant Task 'Force Leader: Battalion Chief Kenny Wiggins Engine 7 Type 2 Capt. Lynch Eng. Sloan FF Lencioni Engine 8 Type 2 Capt. Neumann Eng. Moffatt FF Payne Squad 1 Type 3 Capt. Luken Eng. Paulden FF Newell Squad 13 Type 3 Capt. Poyner Eng. Johnson FF Mullen Cai City Fire Department Engine Type 2 Capt. Maxwell Eng. Martinou FF Marx SAAssL Task Force Leader. wlxl MIS Work Plan Estimated Project Status Completion PC Replacements In Progress Ongoing Internet Portal Project currently available on-line; Council workshop in September Aug-01 Council Tracking-eWorks Software being tested. Live in September Sep-01 AS 400 Upgrade Hardware purchase in September Oct-01 Police/Fire CAD Mapping Take over for County; combine a single map for public safety use Nov-01 Laserfiche-Burn WORMS Council approve electronic storage as an official storage medium Nov-01 Wide Area Network Upgrade Replace hardware, upgrade routers Dec-01 HTE Permits Software Conversion Software training in progress Jan-02 Police RMS Jan-02 Convert to MS Office from Corel Suite CM, .Clerk, & Attorney receive MS Office in November Jan-02 HTE Permits, Bus. Lic., Code Enf. Modules HTE training in progress Mar-02 Mobile Data Computers (MDC) CM/PD evaluating technology, grant funding of $500,000 available in 01-0; Aug-~02. P:\MIS~IIS Projects Tracking.qpw 08/17/01 B A K E R S F I E L D ,.;.,'~.,:,.~,- ....... PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM To: Alan Tandy, City Manager From: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director Date: August 22, 2001 Subject: FY 2001/02 Budget Modification Request-Fleet Mechanic I During the Public Works Department's FY 2001/02 budget presentation to Council, staff was instructed by Council to evaluate the need for an additional staff position of Fleet Mechanic or Trades Assistant. At that time, staff recommended adding a trades assistant position within the General Services Division and deferring the addition of a fleet mechanic until further analysis could be completed. During the FY 2000/01, the Fleet Services Division received 3 new regular positions resulting from the conversion of "year round, full time" temporary positions to regular positions. In addition, this Division did not have all of its regular positions filled until November, 2000. Staff recommended that an analysis should be made of workloads with all of the regular positions filled before bringing any new Fleet Mechanic requests to Council. The attached memo from the Fleet Superintendent provides justification for adding a Fleet Mechanic I position as soon as possible. This position would be assigned to the Police Garage. There are currently 5 full time mechanical staff servicing approximately 465 equipment items at the Police Garage. This Facility has seen an increase of 90 vehicles since FY 1996/97. The vehicle to employee ratio was at 80.2 in FY 1996/97 and is expected to reach 96.4 by the end of the current fiscal year. Adding an additional mechanic would bring the vehicle to employee ratio down to FY 1996/97 levels. I concur with the Fleet Superintendent's recommendation to add a Fleet Mechanic I at the Police Garage as soon as possible in order to maintain acceptable service levels for the using Departments. Approval Of this position would have no impact on equipment rental rates. Savings would be realized by decreasing the outsourcing of equipment repairs because of workload issues. In addition, this position would also allow the Fleet Services Division to be more aggressive in their preventative maintenance program; thereby, reducing some major repair costs. With your approval, I will have my staff prepare the administrative report adding the Fleet Mechanic I position to the FY 2001/02 budget. BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: August 17, 2001 TO: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works'Director FROM: Ernest , Fleet Superintendent SUBJECT: Additional Staff- Downtown Facility The Fleet Services Downtown Facility is currently staffed with one (1) Fleet Mechanic II, two (2) Fleet Mechanic I's, and two (2) Fleet Service Workers. Additionally, one (1) laborer has been approved for this current year, but has not been hired at this time (this is a support position and not mechanical staff). The facility operates from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., Monday through Friday and 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Saturday. The inventory of vehicles maintained at this facility is approximately 465 with this budget year. The facility has seen an increase of 90 vehicles since fiscal year 1996/1997. The breakdown of those vehicles is as follows: FY 96/97 - Police 9 = 9 total FY 97/98 - Police 25, Fire Admin. 1, Public Works 1, Dev. Ser. 1 = 28 total FY 98/99 - Police 21, MIS 1 = 22 total FY 99/00 - Police 10 = 10 total FY 00/01 - Police 1, MIS 1, Dev. Ser. 2 = 4 total FY 01/02 - Police 15, Communications 2 = 17 total S:\Medina\WP\Mcmos\AddifionalStafiPG081701 .wpd Memo to Raul Rojas August 17, 2001 Page Two In addition, since fiscal year 1996/1997, the ratio of vehicles per employee has increased at the Downtown Facility as indicated below: Fiscal Total Increase of Total Vehicle to Year Employees Vehicles Vehicles Employee Ratio FY 96/97 5 9 401 80.2 FY 97/98 5 28 429 85.8 FY 98/99 5 22 451 90.2 FY 99/00 5 10 461 92.2 FY 00/01 5 4 465 93.0 FY 01/02 5 17 482 96.4 Addition of one (1) employee: 80.3 In order to maintain service levels necessary to operate the fleet at an acceptable level, the Downtown Facility is in need of an additional Fleet Mechanic I as soon as possible. Also consideration should be given for adding a Fleet Service Worker I in the current budget year. The Fleet Service Worker I would perform and provide the regular preventative maintenance on the 90 vehicles that have been added to the Downtown Facility, since fiscal year 1996/1997. cc: Brad Underwood, Public Works Operations Manager John Adamson, Supervisor II S:\Medina\W P\Memos\AddifionalSt aITPG08170 I.wpd ,; AU6 2 4 2001 B A K E R S F I E L D ~,i TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager . //..~ / FROM: Jack Hardisty, Development Services D DATE: August 14, 2001 SUBJECT: Council Referral No. WF0018965 - Phone Numbers of Property Owners Councilmember Carson requested that prior to the hearing, she would like the telephone numbers of the property owners that are being assessed for the removal of weeds and debris in her ward. In the future, we will provide telephone numbers (if they are available) of property owners when we send the second notice of violation. MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Gregory J. Klimko, Finance Director~//~ DATE: August 22, 2001 SUBJECT: Council Referral - Breakdown Payments Referral # WF0018976 Councilmember Carson requested a breakdown of vendor payments for the period from July 6, 2001 through July 26, 2001. The referral indicated an interest in use of "local" vendors and women/minority businesses. We have defined "local" vendors as either: 1) having a Bakersfield mailing address, or 2) having an office / store physically in Bakersfield (for companies that have a local presence but payments are mailed to an address outside of Bakersfield). A summary breakdown of the vendor payments for the two week period is attached. The analysis shows that approximately 75% of the payments (as adjusted) were paid to" local" vendors. The vendor files kept by the finance department do not have any reference regarding ownership of the company (i.e.: women/minority) and therefore we cannot provide, information regarding the number or percentage of women/minority vendors receiving payments from the City at this time. We are investigating other possible sources that may have a comprehensive listing, registry or database of women/minority business owners in the Bakersfield area so we can accurately respond to your request. Attachment nks:p:klimkoklocalvendors.wpd City of Bakersfield - Finance Department City Council Referral # WF 0018965 1 001 - Local Vendors Requested Breakdown of Payments from 7/6/01 through 7/26/01 Amount Total Payments Made During Period $7,833,580.50 Less Employee Benefit Related Payments: IRS Withholdings, Medical Premiums, etc. ($2,215,494.21) Less One - Time Vendor Payments: Refunds, Return of Deposits, etc. ($22,885.00) Less Debt Service Payment: Principal & Interest on Section 108 Loan ($313,444.50) Vendors Subject to Analysis $5,281,756.79 Percent Amount of Vendors Bakersfield Vendors: Checks Mailed to Bakersfield Address $3,590,118.41 Vendors with Office / Store in Bakersfield $375,376.20 Subtotal- Bakersfield Vendors $3,965,494.61 75.08% Outside Vendors $1,316,262.18 24.92% Total Vendors Subject to Analysis $5,281,756.79 file name: nks:p:\klimko\localvendors.wb3 08/22/01 B A K E R S F I E L D ~qJ$2 I~0DI BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FR(~M' RON F'RAZE, FI RE CHIEF'~',~ DATE: August 16, 2001 SUBJECT: FIRE STATION 15 Council Referral No. WF0018968 / 001 (Ward 4) Councilmember Couch requested clarification regarding Fire Station 15 design and also requested a future Council Workshop. Staff has tentatively scheduled a workshop for Council on September 5, 2001. RF/kec p:\memos\Fraze\Council Referral Station 15 design and workshop City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* · WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 ~EQ/JO~: WF0018968 / 001 PROJECT: REQUEST DATE: 8~08~01 PRINT DATE: 8/16/01 CREW: PRINT TIME: 16:00:10 SCHEDULE DATES LOCATION: START DATE: 8~08~01 COMP DATE: 8/16/01 GEN. LOC: LOC ID: REF NBR: REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: COUNCILMEMBER COUCH ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: DSULLIVAN AUTH: DSULLIVAN WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: FIRE STATION 15 REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO CHIEF FRAZE, FIRE DEPARTMENT*** COUCH REQUESTED CLARIFICATION REGARDING FIRE STATION 15 DESIGN ANDALSO REQUESTED A FUTURE COUNCIL WORKSHOP. Job Order Description: FIRE STATION 15 Catggor~ coae . : FIRE SERVICES RFIR Tas~ coae: . . RESPONSE TO REFERRAL RESP Facility ID . ._: Assigned Departmen5 FIRE SERVICES INSTRUCTIONS wu ~v~ i'~%'ATIVELY SCHEDULED A WORKSHOP FOR COUNCIL ON SEPTEMBER 5, 2001. DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS DATE: August 16, 2001 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Stan Ford, Director ~ SUBJECT: Referral Subject WF0018987 (Ward 7) Councilmember Salvaggio requested that the Citizens' Community Services Advisory committee contact Dave Jones of the Native American Heritage Preservation Counsel of Kern County and Coleman Homes to work out a compromise regarding the name of the new park being developed. At the August 8, 2001 Council meeting Dave Jones of the Native American Heritage Preservation counsel of Kern County questioned the naming of Coleman Homes new 10 acre park along the south side of the Kern river and west of Buena Vista. The Native American group would like the park's name to reflect the Indian groups that settle here in the earlier years. Council member SalvaggiO referred this to the Citizens Community Services Advisory Committee. Stan Ford, Director of Recreation and Parks, is scheduled to meet with Coleman Homes and the Native American Heritage Preservation Counsel on August 29, 2001 to discuss various options in resolving this issue. Mr. Ford has also scheduled the Citizens Community Services Advisory Committee to address this item at their monthly meeting on September 11, 2001. S:\Council Referrals\WF0018987.wpd August 16, 2001 (1 ;41PM)