HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/11/02 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM January 11,2002 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager SUBJECT: General Information 1. The law passed last year which imposes prevailing wages on redevelopment incentives is going to hurt our redevelopment efforts. It increases costs more than the incentive levels we have historically provided. The practical meaning of that is, for both Housing and Community Development monies, as well as tax increment, public facilities are now the more logical place to spend money. Give backs to developers, land assembly, etc. are no longer incentives, as they trigger prevailing wage. Bringing the public facilities and infrastructure up to quality therefore becomes the best way to spur redevelopment. 2. We are doing staff level work on the potential uses of Proposition 12 monies - an aquatic facility, ice rink, and other park improvements are possibilities. The Prop. 12 issue has been referred to the Community Services Committee. Although we have not regularly emphasized it, you may recall that we need more modern aquatic facilities and some of our older pools need to be rehabilitated. 3. We are starting work at staff level on the budget. In accordance with past practice, block grant recommendations will go to the Budget and Finance Committee. Federal advertising requirements cause that piece to go first. Regarding the general budget, the local economy remains strong, but State level concerns must be watched carefully. 4. The date for the next City / County joint meeting has been set for Monday, March 18th at 5:30 p.m.. As it is the City's turn to host, the meeting will be held in the Council Chambers. 5. Per the enclosed memo from Development Services, there is substantial progress in support of the recently approved General Plan adoption of a policy that promotes open space in the northeast. It is very positive to have a number of diverse interest groups come together in support of that effort! Honorable Mayor and City Council January 11, 2002 Page 2 6. The enclosed annexation status report, prepared by Development Services, indicates that uninhabited annexations are going well. 7. The Special Enforcement Gang Violence Report for year end 2001 is enclosed. The very positive numbers reflect a 46% decrease in gang related shootings over 2000, and 67.4% over the past two years. Congratulations to Chief Matlock and his staff for their efforts! 8. The annual department head retreat will take place January 31st and February 1st in Oxnard. 9. An update on the Food 4 Less project: the developer is submitting corrected plans on January 22nd. His bid date is February 15th, and the award is to be in 7-10 days after the bid opening. The ground breaking will be the third week in February, and physical construction will begin the end of February or early March. 10. The monthly activity report for December from Recreation and Parks is attached. 11. Responses to Council requests are enclosed, as follows: Councilmember Carson · Update on status of Lakeview area sub-station; · Update on the California Avenue Senior Housing project. Councilmember Couch · Tentative Schedule of the General Plan Update. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pam McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst E R S F I E MEMORANDUM Janua~ 10,2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER /..~/ FROM: JACK HARDISTY, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRE SUBJECT: FUNDING FOR N.E. OPEN SPACE As you know, there has been some pressure to preserve the open space around the bluffs in the northeast. There have been several meetings of interest group representatives to discuss how that might be done while addressing their goals. We believe that is possible and with all their support general plan policies were adopted to support that effort. This morning at a Habitat Conservation trustee meeting support for funding to preserve endangered plants and animals was received from the Kern River Parkway, Building Industry Association, property owners and staff. Somewhat guarded support was also offered by the Sierra Club and Audubon Society. Representatives of the State and Federal wildlife agencies were also supportive of the idea. We voted to earmark $4,000,000 for habitat preservation in the bluff area of northeast Bakersfield. JH:pjt p:mat CITY Of BAKERSFIELD ANNEXATION status REPORT DECEMBER 2001 [ ..... ~ .... ~---":L-i ~ ...... !-7 ..... I~ "'" ''~x~ .~ ~ i,~. ----"~ :~ .... 4 ..... SPHERE OF INFLUENCE ' ' i * i ........ ~ CITY LIMITS AS OF10/25/01 ' ' : ' ~ ' I I ~ ANNEXATIONS IN PROGRESS : : : : '. : : ~ DENIED ANNEXATIONS i: ...... ?' ' i ' i '? ...... ---,; ...... [ ......i ....... i ......[---~---L, I I WATER BANK ::" :: ":: "! ' ! ~ ' !' i" i' i ' I I .......... ~ PIONEER RANCH I t I I~L~ J ,, , BERRENDAMESA 4OOO 0 4OOO 800O F~t PEND_ANNEX [3ATE: 12/29/01 ANNEXATIONS/AREAS OF INTEREST-STATUS REPORT DECEMBER 2001 ANNEXATION ACRES POPULATION RESOLUTION COMMENTS COMPLETE NUMBER · Allen Rd. No. 4 94.60 2 City Council Complete February 9, 2001 Northwest corner of Allen Road and Resolution 010-01. Brimhall Road. 2. Hageman No. 4 124.52 0 LAFCO Complete June 26, 2001 Northwest corner Resolution 0 I- 12 3. Renfro No. 4 17.69 0 LAFCO Denied by LAFCO Northwest corner Stockdale Hwy. and Resolution 01 - 13. June 26, 2001 Renfro Road. 4. Resedale No. 10 1.56 3 4. LAFCO Complete July 24, 2001. North of Rosedale Hwy. at Henry Resolution 01-15. Lane. 5. Meacham No. 2 3.65 0 LAFCO Complete October 25, 2001. Southwest comer of Calloway Dr. and Resolution 01-20. Meacham Road. ANNEXATIONS IN ACRES POPULATION STATUS COMMENTS PROGRESS 6. Brimhall No. 7 40.00 0 Res. of Application to C.C· on Uninhabited county area. Southwest comer of Brimhall Road 3/28/01. LAFCO Hrg. 9/25/01. Property owner wants City and Jenkins Road. LAFCO Protest Hrg. 11/16/0 I. services (sewer)· LAFCO adopts Res for Protest Hrg. 11/28/01. 7. Stine No. 11 I I I + 0 Res. of Application to C.C. on Uninhabited county area. Southwest comer of Stine Road and 5/30/01. Application submitted Property owners want City McKee Road. to LAFCO 9/6/01. services. 8. Brimhall No. 8 2 ± 0 Res. of Application to C.C. on Uninhabited county area. North of Brirnhall Road, between 5/30/01. Application submitted Property owners want City Jewetta and Calloway Drive. to LAFCO 9/6/01. services. 9. Reina No. 2 230 ± 0 Res. of Application to C.C. on Uninhabited county area. North of Reina Road to Snow Road, 6/13/0 I. Application submitted Property owners want City between Jcwetta Avenue and Allen to LAFCO 9/14/01. services. Road. 10. Castro No. 5 I :t: 2 4- Res. of Application to C.C. on Uninhabited county area. Southeast comer of Castro Lane and 6/13/01. Application submitted Property owners want City Talisman Drive· to LAFCO 9/14/0 I. services. I I. Itosking No. $ 73 + 0 Res. of Application to C.C. on New High School· South of Hosking Road, west of Union 6/I 3/01. Application submitted Avenue. to LAFCO 9/14/01. &nnexations/Areas of Interest - Status Report ~ecember 2001 Page 2 .' 'ROt;m SS" .i,'i -i .:." : i: : 12. Reina No. 3 .186 + 0 Res. of Application to C.C. on Uninhabited county area. North of Reina Road, between Old 6/27/0 I. Application submitted Property owners want City Farm Road and Allen Road and at the to LAFCO 9/6/01. ;ervice~. southwest comer of Snow and Jewetta Avenue. 13. Jewetta No. I 30 4- '~ Res. of Application to C.C. on Inhabited county area. Northwest comer of Jewetta Avenue 5/30/01. Application submitted Property owners want City and Olive Drive. to LAFCO 8/20/01. services. 14. Allen Rd. No. 5 20 + '~ Res. of Application to C.C. on Inhabited county area. Southeast comer of Olive Drive and 5/30/01. Application submitted Property owners want City Allen Road. to LAFCO 8/20/01. services. 15. Ming No. 9 5 + 10 + Res. of Application to C.C. on Uninhabited county area. North side of Ming Avenue west of 6/13/01. Application submitted Property owners want City Anita Lane. to LAFCO 9/18/01. services. 16. Noriega No. 2 39 4- 0 Res. of Application to C.C. on Uninhabited county area. Northeast comer of Noriega and Allen 10/3/01. Property owners want City Road. services. 17. Brimhall No. 9 4 4- 2 Res. of Application to C.C. on County Island. Property owner Northwest comer of Brimhall and I/9/02. wants City services. Calloway Drive. p:xAS R-YEAR. NOW'xtwo t houaand ONE\DEC 12-200 I.wpd t RECEIVE .i*"*' ,?ITY ii~ANAGER°S BAKERSFIELD PoLic C' · MEMORANDUM January 10, 2002 To: Alan Tandy, City Manager Honorable Mayor Hall and Council Members From: Eric W. Matlock, Chief of Po!ic Subject: . Special Enforcement Gang Violence Report I am pleased to present the Year End special Enforcement Unit Report on gang violence which I think you will find quite impressive. The unit handled 29 gang related shootings in the City during 2001 compared to 54 for calendar year 2000 which reflects a 46% decrease. More impressive is that over the past two years, gang related shootings have decreased by 67.4%. The community deserves a great deal of credit for helping redUce gang violence by actively participating in the department's prevention and intervention efforts. Police staff will continue to make gang violence a priority and work with thepublic in an effort to keep our community safe. EWM/vrf Monthly Stat Totals for 2000 from January - December misd.wrrt, hrs. in hfs assisting new gang 2000 arrests training other depts mem. ID'd shootings 13 10 52 0 i~t ,~ 22 i" 62 99 163 8 7 11 22 163 111 14 . 8 :: 44 89 274 24 i ~'1~.~'i 8 81 150 4 .' 176 184 0 6 0 74 12 I 9 98 .. , 251 .... ':6 ,.,~ ..... · 25 '87 "' 505 6 2 0 "'7 October 12 0 58 45 7 8 13 .2 November 13 26 64 248 8 8 2 '3 December 12 126 83 565 3 2 1 7 Totals 209 586 1114 2560 51 27 87 54 Monthly Stat Totals for 2001 from January - December misd.wrrt, hrs. in prob/par hrsassisting special offense I CliP I search new gang 2001 arrests training searches other depts reports I reports I 180's I warrants mem. ID'd shootings 13 80 72 223 76141171 4 7 2 13 326 56 216 I77 I 4 I 16 I 3 20 4 24 108 106 75 I98 / 7 1241 3 8 4 27 314 78 161 1110 I 6 138 t 6 9 3 24 ~ 133 237 I~°5 t4/32I3 16 0 22 20 118 508 /114 /3I28/4 17 3 230 1257 2906 / 1114 ! 58 ! 278 / 38 302 29 2001 Compared to 2000 felony misd. fei. wrrt. misd. wrrt. hrs. in guns Fl's citations prob/par hfs assisting special offense CliP search new gang gang arrests arrests arrests arrests training seized searches other depts reports reports 180's warrants mem. ID'd shootings 2000 835 387 117 209 586 115 2898 268 1114 2560 867 51 298 27 87 54 2001 99._.....~_0 54~1 12~8 230 1467 116 3000 375 1257 2906 1114 58 278 38 302 29 - / I % Increase or decrease +19% +40% +9% +10% +150% +1% +4% +40% +13% +14% +28% +14% +41% +247% Bakersfield Police Department Special Enforcement Unit Monthly Report - December 2001 The following is a compilation of the performance of the Special Enforcement Unit and significant incidents / investigations for December 2001. 98 Felony Arrests 7 Guns Seized 88 Special Reports 34 Misd. Arrests 157 Fl's 6 Offense Reports 7 Felony 31 Citations 14 CHP 180's Warrants Arrests 13 Misd. Warrant 126 Probation / 4 Search Warrants Arrests Parole Searches 70 Hours in 102 Hours assisting 0 2001 Shootings Training other Department 7 2000 Shootings sections 5 1999 Shootings Year to Date Statistics January- December 2001 990 Felony Arrests 116 Guns Seized 1114 Special Reports 541 Misd. Arrests 3000 Fl's 58 Offense Reports 128 Felony 375 Citations 278 CHP 180's Warrants Arrests 230 Misd. Warrant 1257 Probation / 38 Search Warrants Arrests Parole Searches 1467 Hours in 2906 Hours assisting 29 2001 Shootings Training other Department 54 2000 Shootings sections 89 1999 Shootings RECEIVED JAN - T 200? i~IANAGER'S OF,~ DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS DATE: January 4, 2002 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Stan Ford, Director of Recreation and Parks SUBJECT: Monthly Report for December 2001 Attached are the monthly activity reports from each division. Of note in December was: Bakersfield Holiday Parade: For the fifth consecutive year, the Department of Recreation and Parks earned a first place trophy in the annual holiday parade. This year's theme was the Angels of Christmas. Staff working on the float were: Andi Bateman, Ralph. Carrasco, Grace Cruz, Jerry DeLaurie, Mary Earnst, Don Estrada,' Darrick Farley, Chuck Graviss, Ed Lazaroti, Terry McCormick, Margie Reyes, Susan Roussel, and Jose Salazar. Lifeguard Training: The first lifeguard training classes were held this month. Classes continue through spring. We anticipate another difficult year in having enough qualified staff for the aquatics program. Staff has continued to discuss options to solve this problem. Select (our contract employment agency) indicates that a wage increase is necessary in order to meet our staffing needs. R e cre atio nsc Pa rksCITY OF BA KERSFIEL D DECEMBER 2001 Monthly Report Submitted by: Holly Larson, Supervisor David Stricker, Specialist Josh Romine, Coordinator Lap Swim: Monthly Attendance 70 A lap swim guard in-service training was held on December 21. Aquatics: The first lifeguard instructor training and renewal lifeguard training of the season was held the 2® weekend in December. Four lifeguards attended a renewal training and five trainers attended the lifeguard instrUctor training. We have nine exceptional staff who will be training nearly 150 lifeguard/swim instructors this year. Interviews are continuing for summer staff. Seven interviews were held for lifeguard/swim instructors in December. An a ,dditional 21 interviews are already scheduled for January. Currently, we have two heated pools in operation which are servicing lap swim, swim club rentals and lifeguard trainings. Silver Creek pool is being utilized by the Aquatic Club of Bakersfield. Jastro pool is being used by Riptide Aquatics and the Bakersfield Swim Club. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Recreation gcParlcs December 2001 Monthly Report Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center Submitted by: Linda McVicker, Recreation Supervisor Dr. Martin Luther King Community_ Center The Center was rented six times this month. The gym was rented for basketball practice. K.C.E.O.C. held its Christmas party for pre-school families on December 17th . Approximately 80 people attended the party. Recreation Staff used the facility twice this month for training. EDCD used the facility fei its regular monthly meeting. Kwanzaa was held on Saturday, December 29th from 6-8:30pm. Activity Monthly Attendance Registered Participants Morning Fitness 696 * Afternoon Fitness Room Combined * Game Room 398 * After-School Program 300 12 Gym 1046 * Children's Dance Troupe 240 60 Saturday Tennis 75 32 Aerobics 120 25 Sunday Adult Basketball 220 * Intemet 175 (server down 4 days) * Karate(children) 19 52 Karate (adult) 14 28 Cheerleading 55 25 3,358 174 * Drop in program (Registration not required) DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. CENTER - RENTALS DATE AGENCY ATTENDANCE December 2na Williams/Gym Rental 20 December 11 th Recreation Department 04 December 15th Recreation Department 65 December 17th K.C.E.O.C.. 80 December 20th Charles Webb/EDCD 20 December 29th Kwanzaa 250 Monthly Attendance of all programs including rentals .................. 3797 (Participants may attend several activities each day) Lowell Neighborhood Community Center The Lowell Neighborhood Community Center was closed for three weeks for winter break. CITY OF BA KERSFIEL D Recreation ltcParlcs December 2001 Monthly Report ADULT AND YOUTH SPORTS MOBILE RECREATION Submitted by' Dean Jones, Supervisor 1 Youth sports Basketball registration deadline was December 14. The league is schedule to start Jan 5, at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr community center. Total registered for each division, 3rd and 4th 50 5th and 6th 48 7th and 8'h 19 Total 117 Mobile recreation All three units were shut down on December 20, for the holiday season. Attendance: Cehtennial 54 Grissom 157 Jefferson 137 Siemon 43 Wayside 82 Wilson 76 Windsor 44 Car Show The committee met on December 18, a tentative schedule of events are, Friday October 25, 2002 Open header cruise 7pm to 1 Opm Chester ave Street dance 9pm to 11 pm Saturday October 26, 2002 Burn out contest- Mesa Marin 8am to 1 lam Car show 12noon to 5pm- Chester ave Nostalgia cruise 5pm to 1 lpm Sunday October 27, 2002 Pancake breakfast 8am to 10am Awards ceremony 10am. Chester ave CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Recreation &Parl DECEMBER 2001 MONTHLY REPORT Submitted by: Henry Shipes, Recreation Supervisor Susan Roussel, Program Coordinator After School Sports: Training was conducted in basketball for the youth officials in preparation for upcoming season beginning in January. Greenfield will have two teams at each after school site totaling twelve teams. Bakersfield City School District tentatively has eleven teams sCheduled to participate. The teams include Lowell and Friendship House Centers and Casa Loma, College Heights, Evergreen, Fremont, McKinley and Pauly Schools. After School Program ( City School District): Average Daily Attendance Monthly Attendance Sequoia - 39 385 Stella Hills- 70 703 Casa Loma- 93 903 Total 202 1991 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Recreation &Parlcs December 2001 Monthly Report Silver Creek Community Center After School Programs Keep Bakersfield Beautiful Program Leisure Classes Submitted by: Terri Elison, Recreation Supervisor Colleen Cashmore, Recreation Specialist Amanda Greene, Program Coordinator Bakersfield B.E.S.T. After School Program The after school program was off from December 20th through January 6th for the holidays. The program resumes on January 7th. Greenfield Union School District Highlights of the activities at the various sites included performing Christmas plays at McKee ("Christmas Bears") and Plantation ("Gingerbread Man"); Palla's cheerleaders performed at their school's assembly; Kendrick and Plantation conducted science projects on rain and snow; students learned Christmas songs and performed them at their Christmas programs; many sites made Christmas gifts for their families and friends; and several arts and craft projects reflected the holidays such as Christmas ornaments, stockings, gingerbread houses, etc.; outdoor games were played; and all sites practiced basketball. Silver Creek After School Program Highlights of the activities included making a Christmas banner, performing Christmas songs to staff; creating several holiday crafts; and a Christmas party. Keep America Beautiful Program Colleen Cashmore and John Enriquez attended the Keep America Beautiful National Conference in Washington DC December 6th through the 8th. They brought back a lot of information to share. The Keep Bakersfield Beautiful Committee has been busy with several projects this month. The committee, in conjunction with the Recreation and Parks Department, planted trees on December 18th at Quailwood School honoring our police and fire departments. There were over 300 children involved with this planting. Ralph's donated 30 trees to the city at a ceremony celebrating the opening of their new store. Some of these trees were planted at Quailwood. Fifteen volunteers helped committee members cleanup Truxtun from Coffee to Yokuts Park on Saturday, December 15th. They picked up trash and cleaned up the area. In addition, the Waste in Place environmental curriculum, sponsored by Keep America Beautiful, was presented to 100 students at Stella Hills School. This curriculum focuses on litter prevention, recycling, and beautification. ATTENDANCE FIGURES Average Daily Attendance Monthly Attendance Greenfield Union School District Fairview ............................................................. 186 1860 Kendrick ............................................................ 237 2370 McKee ............................................................... 329 3289 Palla .................................................................. 367 3665 Plantation .......................................................... 236 2355 Planz ................................................................. 204 2042 Silver Creek After School Program ................ 7 74 (4-days only Mon. - Thurs) TOTAL ATTENDANCE AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS....~,..15,655 Silver Creek Rentals ................................................... $1239.00 (Figure does not include deposits) The Silver Creek multi-purpose room and or pavilion was rented 4 times during the month of December. The center was rented for a Christmas party, wedding reception, six basketball practices, and birthday party. Total attendance was 370. Classes at Silver Creek # Registered Total Attendance Ballet & Gym (6-11 ) 6 24 Ballet & Gym (recital) no class no class Ballet & Gym (3-5) 5 20 Calligraphy Workshop no class no class Cheerleading (5th-9th) 3 9 Cheerleading (2nd-4th) 6 18 Cheerleading (4yrs - 1st) 4 12 Chess no class no class Clogging no class no class Dance & Gym (4-5) no class no class Dance & Gym (2-3) no class no class Dog Obedience no class no class German no class no class Jazzercise 5 75 Karate 35 245 Kardio-Kick no class no class Latin Dance (Beg & Int.) 9 36 Spanish 9 27 Tennis (Child-Beg) no class no class Tennis (Adults) no class no class Tennis (Child-lnt) no class no class Tumbling &Gymnastics no class no class Upholstery 5 20 Baseball Conditioning Class 11 121 TOTAL 98 607 Classes at Other Facilities # Registered Total Attendance $iemon Park Tennis (Child) no class no class Tennis (Adult) no class no class All Star Dance Studio Ballet & Gym (2 ~ -4) no class no class Ballet & Gym (2 ½ -4) no class no class Ballet & Gym (4-5) no class no class Ballet & Gym (4-5) no class no class *Several classes were not held in December due to the holidays. Keep Bakersfield Beautiful Program Total Attendance Waste In Place Presentations 100 children / 5 teachers Tree Plantings 300 children 20 teachers/volunteers KBB Truxtun Clean-up 15 volunteers TOTAL 440 Attendance Silver Creek Center: Rentals ......................................... 370 Registrations Taken: 96 After School Program ................... 74 # of Guests Served: 139 Classes ....................................... 607 Training/Meetings ....................... 16 TOTAL .................... 1067 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Recreation &Parlcs PARKS DIVISION DECEMBER 2001, MONTHLY REPORT MORE MEDIAN WORK Irrigation system installation work commenced on the portion of Union Avenue from Niles Street north to Bernard/34th Street. The project is approximately one half mile in length. While undertaking demolition tasks, Street's Division found old road material under the median and first had to remove the "they don't make it like this anymore" material, then rebuild the entire median curb system, o Hardscaping will be installed over the next several weeks. Once all the tree wells are created, landscaping portion of the project will begin.. The project should be completed by end of January, or first of February, 2002. URBAN FORESTRY CPI Development's (Ralph's at California and Stockdale) latest expansion project required removal of 30 trees. Rather than simply destroying the trees, a collaborative effort between CPI and Parks Tree Section resulted in saving all 30 trees for future planting opportunities. Continuing with our program of offering to plant trees at various school sites, staff assisted in planting a total of 15 trees between Quailwood and Hart elementary schools. This brings to a total of over 140 trees planted at 13 school locations since initiating this portion of the Keep Bakersfield Beautiful program in October of 2001. Work continues with the Metropolitan Tree Advisory Ad Hoc Committee regarding refinements of Street Tree Ordinance, Chapter 12.40. Internal development of a database system for service requests in conjunction with assistance from M.I.S. division remains on track. Anticipate a test program completion time line of March 2002. Last but not least, Recreation and Parks was just notified our application for Tree City USA and recognition for Growth Award will be forthcoming through recommendation of California Department of Forestry. Official notice is expected in March, 2002. ~ENTENNIAL LANDSCAPING Over thc last few year's, several trees were either lost or damaged at Centennial Garden and Convention Center's main parking lot. Area supervisor, Ed Lazaroti, supervised re-planting of 29 trees within the same locations. In certain instances, tree species was changed out in order to offer a larger shade canopy as trees mature. A THIRD FIRST NIGHT Terry McCormick, Park Supervisor and designer extra ordinaire, lead several Park's Division personnel in creating elements for First Night 2001. Efforts included designing and construction or installation of 19th Street main entrance lighting, Resolution Wall and Aids Foundation Luminaria. Resolution Wall was a particularly well received as event attendees were provided an opportunity to scribe their new years's resolutions upon 6 double sided canvas framed panels. We also assisted by transporting tables and chairs, the loan of giant sized puppets, transporting and set-up of our portable stage and of course helping clean up following the event. Special kudos to those individuals who gave up their own holiday to work the event until 3:30 am New Year's morning. CHRISTMAS PARADE Saturday evening December 8, found several thousand children and adults huddled together to watch the annual Christmas Parade. Recreation and Parks staff are very proud to have participated by entering a float for this year's Angel's of Christmas theme. Twenty-one persons comprised of staff members, family and volunteers rode upon the float. We are also very proud for receiving the first place trophy in the "Special Volunteers" entries for the fifth consecutive year. i RECEIVED TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER JAN I 0 ~0~ FROM: ERIC W. MATLOCK, CHIEF OF POLICE ~ cl~' MANAGER'S DATE: Janua~ 10, 2002 SUBJECT: Southeast and South Bakersfield Police Satellite Office Update Council Referral No. WF 19092 (Ward 1) Council Member Carson requested 'an update on the status of the Lakeview Area Sub-Station. Southeast Satellite Office Meetings are scheduled today with the Housing Authority of Kern COunty and Vernon Strong Realty to determine suitable locations. We hope to make a recommendation in the next week or two. South Bakersfield Satellite Office Staff is recommending office space located at 2400 Wible Road #12. This is 2400 square feet of existing office space located on a major thoroughfare which is visible from the street and has adequate parking. No remodeling is required and it is available for occupancy. More specific details concerning operational costs and other budget issues will be submitted once the location of the southeast office is determined. EWM/vrf RECE VE[ ; _. B A K E R S F ' E L ~~~~39 MEMORANDUM --- January 11, 2002 TO: STANLY GRADY FROM: MARC GAUTHIER SUBJECT: TENTATIVE SCHEDULE GENERAL PLAN UPDATE Assuming: 1. Administrative Draft EIR submitted January 25, 2002. 2. Staff review comments completed by February 8, 2002. 3. DEIR out for 45 day review starting March 1, 2002. Then: 1. Joint City / County Planning Commission public hearing on DEIR April 4, 2002. 2. Joint City / County Planning Commission hearing on Project + EIR June 20, 2002. 3. City Council hearing on project + EIR August 4. Board of Supervisors hearing on project + EIR September / October MO:djl CC: Ted James Jack Hardisty Alan Tandy BAKERSFIELD Economic and Community'Development Department M E M O'RAN D U M -~'1~ ~) January 11,2002 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Donna L. Kunz, Economic Development Director SUBJECT: Capital Vision Equities (CVE) - 180 Senior Housing Units Project on California Avenue In the last 4 weeks City staff has been working with John Molloy, Executive Vice President of CVE in the submission of the necessary documentation for payment from the City's HOME Investment Partnership Program funds to acquire the properties associated with the California Avenue Senior Housing Project. On January '11,2002, staff met with Mr. Molloy, his brokers, and representatives from First American Title Company to finalize the escrow and title work needed to close escrow on most of the 26 properties involved in the acquisitions. According to First American, they will be able to delivered copies of the preliminary title reports and estimated closing costs for the majority of the properties early in the week of January 14, 2002. Within 2 to 3 days after the information is deliver to the City, staff will review the information and prepare the progress payment. Staff will expedite the payments. After escrows are closed on the properties, Mr. Molloy's relocation consultants will mail the required "90-day notice" to all the tenants as prescribed by the Uniform Relocation Act. According to Mr. Molloy, he anticipates the vacation of all the properties June 2002. The next Tax Credit Application is due to the State sometime in March/April 2002. RECEIVED JANI qANAGER"S dlk:S:\GEORGE\CVE update memo.wpd