HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/01/02 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM February 1,2002 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager /~7-~./ SUBJECT: General Information 1. AFSA, which is located at the old Kmart location on 34th Street, held a ceremony this week marking their expansion plans. We helped recruit them to Bakersfield a few years ago, and they are going up to 850 employees and growing. 2. We submitted 6 rehabilitation projects to KernCOG to consider for the 2002 Regional Transportation Improvement Program. See the attached memo for details on the locations and projected costs. 3. A status report from Water Resources is enclosed regarding the construction progress of the Northeast Bakersfield Water Supply Project. 4. Congratulations to Rhonda Barnhard, EDCD Business Manager, who was recently elected Vice-President of the local chapter of the American Society of Public Administrators. 5. Responses to Council requests are enclosed, as follows: Mayor Hall · Status report regarding preparation to request community support for the High Speed Rail project; Councilmember Benham · Police enforcement and Traffic Engineering actions regarding speeding problems on 18th and 21st Streets, between Oak and C Streets; · Update on code enforcement efforts at 921 Baker Street; Councilmember Couch · Citizen concern regarding the street light behind residence at Hageman/Calloway area; · Citizen concern regarding status of road construction on Buena Vista Road; · Citizen concern regarding status of funding for requested flashing beacon on White Lane at Stockdale High School; Honorable Mayor and City Council February 1,2002 Page 2 · Analysis of Emergency Services Coordinator position responsibilities; · Report on what can be done to help facilitate the bridge construction at Olive Drive and Calloway; · Report on the process for awarding the design contract on the Fire and Police substation; · Status report on the General Plan Update; · Status report on the annexation of property at Brimhall and Verdugo: · Correspondence to the Sierra Club regarding comments on northeast preservation; Councilmember Salvaggio · Status on request for increased downtown parking, that would incorporate a design for diagonal parking on the south side of 17th Street, between N' and Q Streets; · Actions regarding graffiti on bus stop enclosure at Plaza Towers; · Citizen concern regarding day care center on Siam Court. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pam McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst MEMORANDUM (White paper duc to photographs) January 30, 2002 TO: Gene Bogart, Water Resources Manager FROM: Florn Core, Water Resources Director SUBJECT: Northeast Bakersfield Water Supply Project - Construction Progress The Northeast Bakersfield Water Supply Project is to bring high quality Kern River drinking water to the citizens of northeast and central Bakersfield, as well as provide the catalyst for orderly development of the dry foothills on the eastside. The project began with the City constructing a Kern River turn-out structure, located below the California Living Museum. The entire project, a public-private cooperation between California Water Service Co. and the City, will include a river pumping station, two adjoining reservoirs, the purification/filtration plant and distribution pipelines to and from the purification plant. The Cai Water portion of the pumping plant and the City reservoirs are under construction at this time. Construction of the two reservoirs began in earnest on December 15, 2001. This construction is being funded through City Water Resources. Over 80,000 cubic yards of compacted earth and rock embankment will be excavated, sorted and placed to create two reservoirs with storage capacity of 50 acre-feet each. As of January 28, 2002, the reservoirs are over 80% complete. The contractor expects to be finished by February 15, 2002. Compacted embankment for east reservoir. Fine grade materials being placed on inside slopes as smooth support of future liner. ~" The pumping plant construction is under way also. This started in November 2001 with California Water Service as lead on the contract. City portion of the pump station will be less than 20% of the cost. This phase of the pump station is to have 3,000 horsepower of electric pumping capacity to pull water from the river and lift the water over 250 vertical feet to the ~ ?~;:~7~:'~'~:~::~:~ filtration plant. Smaller pumps will be installed near !::¥. ~ ~,.,..~).. ~. -'~':' ~:~ the end of the construction for City pumping capacity~...~_~_;~;~ ~" :-,,: ~ to maintain water levels in the adjacent reservoirs as a stand-by supply for the filtration plant, and for water Pumping plant intake well floor being formed with steel flOWS to Hart Park and the Kern Soccer Park. The plant reinforcement bars. Note river intake pipe size to steelworkers. is scheduled to be completed in September 2002, with a testing period to follow. The contractor is currently on schedule at 10%o of the plant complete. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY'MANAGER FROM: ~'~ ~ tUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: /I ~ffJanuary 25, 2002 SUBJECT: HIGH SPEED RAIL Council Referral #WF0019117 Mayor Hall requested that letters of support are needed for the High Speed Rail Station. Staff has been directed to develop a workshop report for the City Council. This workshop will evaluation the two downtown sites with respect to location, accessibility, multi-modal capabilities, proximity to downtown venues, and other criteria deemed necessary to make a proper decision. Included in the report will be schematic drawings of how each station location may appear. This will be done for discussion purposes. It is our intent to use the findings of this report to approach various community groups for letters of support. It is our hope to also establish a single preferred location for those support letters. We anticipate this report to be completed within 2-3 weeks at which time it will be scheduled for a Council Workshop. G:'~GROUPDA'I~Rc~rralsk2002'~CC Mtg 1-23~WF0019117- Jack.wl',d BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT i~~=' ............. : ' MEMORANDUM ,.~ JAN 3 0 2002 C~T '. L,-~. ",! .~ (~.-'~:',' :': F TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M, ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~ DATE: January 28, 2002 SUBJECT: SPEEDING ON ~8TH ~. 21ST Council Referral #WF0019109 (Ward 2) Councilmember Benham requested Police Department enforcement and a Public Works report on speeding problems on 18th and 21st Streets between Oak and C Streets. Traffic Engineering will be placing traffic counters to monitor the volume and speeds on 18th and 21st Streets during this week and will verify the traffic speed limit as required by the California Vehicle Code. This information will be given to the Police Department to aid them in their enforcement effort. S:\WP\CC_REF S\WF0019109- speeding 18th&21 st - Traffi c.wpd / FEB- I tOOt ~ B A K E R S F I E L D ~ J TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Jack Hardisty, Development Services Director ~ ~ J/~ DATE: February 1, 2002 SUBJECT: Council Referral No. WF0019108 I C°uncilmember Benham requested an update °n the eff°rts at the Rankin H°tel IIocated at 921 Baker Street. On January 29, 2002, code enforcement responded to 921 Baker Street. During the inspection several violations were found. A violation notice will be issued to the property owner to correct these violations. BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT u-z,_:~'~.~, MEMORANDUM ~i JAN 3 0 ~002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER C!T~',__.;.~ ",~'a ~'~: ~.r- FROM: PAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: January 23, 2002 SUBJECT: CRAIG MICHAUD REQUEST Council Referral #WF0019100 (Ward 4) Councilmember Couch requests that staff contact Craig Michaud regarding his request for baffles/shields on the street lights behind his house - at Hageman, to direct the light down. General Services has contacted Mr. Michaud and will tilt the light housing forward to try to reduce the amount of back lighting. A shield may be used if this does not help alleviate the problem. The City's Urban Forester has also met with Mr. Michaud at the location and will install three trees within the next week to try to shield the light and the view of the light poles from Mr. Michaud's residence. Traffic Engineering investigated the street light illumination pattern as required by the California Vehicle Code and the Department of Transportation. Removing a street light would cause the intersection to not be in compliance with illumination requirements for the intersection. Staff will continue to work with Mr. Michaud as necessary to resolve the situation. S:\WP\CC_REF S\WF0019100- GS - Michaud StreetLights.wpd BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ; tt~ ..~- ;~' ~.. · MEMORANDUM ~i t JAN 3 0 TO: ALAN TANDY, Cl~ MANAGER -~- FROM: ~UL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~~ DATE: Janua~ 23, 2002 SUBJECT: BUENA VISTA ROAD Council Referral #WF0019098 (Ward 4) Councilmember Couch requests that Staff contact Charlotte Cunningham regarding her concerns about construction on Buena Vista Road and update her on the status of the project, and report back to Councilmember Couch. Staff contacted Charlotte Cunningham by telephone on January 23,2002. Ms. Cunningham was concerned that the road construction on Buena Vista Road south of White Lane had been idle for some time. However, she did express that she was happy to see that the road construction had resumed. Staff explained to Ms. Cunningham that some design discrepancies were discovered which necessitated a delay in the road work in order to insure that Buena Vista Road was built properly. The construction of the roadway portion of Buena Vista Road is currently in progress. The contractor has estimated that Buena Vista Road should be paved in about 2 to 3 weeks. This information was also given to Ms. Cunningham. The entire sewer project is scheduled to be completed on April 14, 2002. G:\GROUP DATxRe ferr als\2002\CC Mtg 1-23\WF0019098- Const.wpd -- BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR~ ~ DATE: January 28, 2002 SUBJECT: FUNDING CONCERNS Council Referral #WF0019097 (Ward 4) Councilmember Couch requests that Staff contact Grace Jeanpierre regarding funding concerns for the flashing red light on White Lane, between Mountain Vista and Buena Vista, near Stockdale High School. The Traffic Engineer contacted Mrs. Grace JeanPierre regarding a proposed School Crossing Flashing Beacon for the crosswalk on White Lane at Stockdale High School. Mrs. JeanPierre had talked to the Traffic Engineer about the crossing problems at the high school last year. The Traffic Engineer contacted the high school and verified that a beacon would be warranted at the location on White Lane. At that time, Mrs. JeanPierre was told that no funds were available for the project, but that Miscellaneous Traffic Signal funds should be available after the start of the 2001-02 budget year. The Traffic Engineer spoke with Mrs. JeanPierre again +this week and gave her an update of the project status. Because of a funding shortage for other signals, Traffic Engineering funds for Miscellaneous Traffic Signals were used to fund three signal projects that were awarded this past summer. Those signals were at Truxtun/Truxtun Plaza West, Chester/8th, and Fairview/Monitor. Since the other, high priority, traffic signals used up all the Miscellaneous Traffic Signals fund, no money was available for the proposed beacon project. The beacon is now being proposed for funding as a project for the upcoming 2002-03 CIP Budget to be approved in June. If the project is approved for funding by the City Council, if would be built this fall. Mrs. JeanPierre appreciated the information and update on the status of the project, but still wants to have the project built as soon as possible and may petition the Council to fund the beacon now. GAGROUPDAT~Referralsk2002V2;C Mtg 1-23XWF0019097 - Trafl~.wpd B A K E R S F I~ E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM January 30, 2002 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Christensen, Assistant City Manager/~ SUBJECT: Analysis of Emergency Services Coordinator responsibilities Councilmember David Couch asked for staff to look into an emergency services coordinator position for the City Of Bakersfield. To seriously consider whether a new position for emergency services function is justified, the cost of a position and where the position might be located should be considered. Staff surveyed other California cities with population between 150,000 and 400,000. The results indicated that the responsibilities of emergency services are treated in a variety ways. One model is to have the responsibilities assigned to an existing position, such as police lieutenant or fire deputy chief. This is the model the City Of Bakersfield uses and four other cities in our survey do the same. The second model is to have a position dedicated almost exclusively to emergency services. The survey indicates that 7 cities have chosen this method, with 'the position assigned to police department (3) or fire department (4). The survey is attached. The survey indicated that the cost of funding a new dedicated position is varied. Based upon the positions used by other cities, we estimate that the base salary of an emergency services coordinator position would cost between $60,000 and $100,000. The fringe benefits would add another 40% to the cost and increase the range from $84,000 to $140,000. Given the cost of such a position and service demands in other areas, staff recommends that Emergency Services function remain a responsibility of the fire department and that no new position be created in the coming year. The Fire Department is the logical department to oversee this important work. The Fire Department has an existing relationship with the State OES and we are confident that the personnel currently assigned to the function will continue to provide leadership in this area. cc Alan Tandy, City Manager EMERGENCY SERVICES COORDINATOR Separate Position/Department Dual Role/Department Fontana/Police Department/Lieutenant Pasadena/Fire/Fire Chief Berkeley/Fire Santa Rosa/Fire/Training Battalion Chief Anaheim/Fire Tustin/Public Works/Administrative Services Manager Carson/Public Services/Public Safety Salinas/Fire/Captain Huntington Beach/Fire Mountain View/Fire Torrance/Police :i JAN 3 0 2002 BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT '... " ' -''~ ' .... ' MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ,~"~..._~.__.~_.. DATE: January 23, 2002 SUBJECT: OLIVE & CALLOWAY BRIDGE Council Referral #WF0019099 (Ward 4) Councilmember Couch referred the issue of the developer, Coleman, interested in working with the City on a bridge at Olive Drive & Calloway. Councilmember Couch would like Public Works to see what the City can do to facilitate this project and report back to him. This project involves the construction of a 450 foot long, 46 foot wide and 17 foot deep culved. This culvert will be constructed diagonally across the intersection of Calloway Drive and Olive Drive and connected at each end to the existing canal. The existing canal crossing on Calloway Drive will be removed, the canal filled in, and then the new canal alignment land will be traded for the old canal alignment land, which will require an agreement between the City and the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR). The City has gotten approval of this concept by both the Friant Water Users, the operators of the canal, and the USBR, the owners of the canal. A preliminary design outlining access and operational issues has also been prepared and preliminarily approved. As a result of the biological impact study performed for the project, it was discovered that the canal banks were established Kit Fox corridors. The City is proposing to mitigate impacting these corridors by constructing a type of underground passage adjacent to the culvert. This passage design must have approval from Fish and Wildlife and from USBR biologists. As there have previously been no long passages built like this for Kit Foxes, these agencies are questioning whether the Kit Fox will use such a long passage. City staff and our consultant, Michael Brandman and Associates, have sent a proposed passage (2 feet wide by 3 feet tall) to the USBR who is arranging an "Informal Consultation" with the Fish and Wildlife to discuss the issue. Should Fish and Wildlife determine that a "Formal Consultation" is required, this approval process will be extended many months. However, in the meantime, Public Works staff is proceeding with the anticipated design of the culvert and have also initiated the land trade process. cc: Jacques R. LaRochelle, Assistant Public Works Director G:~GROUPDATkRe ferrals~2002~CC Mi8 1-23W~FOOIgO99- Ted. wpd BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~X.7 _....._.- DATE: January 29, 2002 SUBJECT: AWARD OF CONTRACTS Council Referral #WF0019106 (Ward 4) Councilmember Couch requested that staff meet with the two citizens who sent letters regarding the award of contract for the design of the Fire and Police Substation. Give specifics as to why one firm is chosen over the other and possibly revisit the manner in which the City awards contracts and give more to local contractors. On January 29, 2002, Staff from Public Works, Fire and Police Departments met with the two citizens regarding the award of contract for the design of Fire Station No. 15 and Westside Police Substation. These two citizens are architects who jointly had submitted a Statement of Qualifications for providing architectural services for the project. Staff reviewed with them the qualification based selection criteria that was used to select the consultant for this project. In a recent prior conversation with staff, one of these citizens had commented that they felt the selection process was "fair". In January of 1990, the "Mini-Brooks Act" (Sections 4526-4529 of the Government Code) was enacted by the Legislature. This "Act" mandated local agencies throughout California to select professional consultant services on the basis of demonstrated competence and professional qualifications. This process has been in use by the City since that time, and is the process by which the consultant was selected for providing architectural services for the Fire and Police Substation. Several years later in the mid-1990's, the issue regarding local vendors, consultants, and contractors arose with the City Council. The concern was expressed that local projects should as much as possible include local firms. Council Policy 167-94 allows a 1% preference for local vendors. Public Works staff at the time concluded that a 5% preference would be an appropriate local incentive for professional consultant work. The City Attorney's Office indicated that other attempts to provide greater local preference without quantifiable justification have been successfully challenged and overturned by the courts. So at that time, staff began including this local preference when evaluating consultants for our projects. A team or firm can receive up to 5 local participation points (5% of the total evaluation score) depending upon the local participation of the firm/team. The remaining 95 points in the scoring pertain to the consultant's experience, qualifications and experience of project personnel, understanding of the project, approach to completing the project, availability of consultant resources, references from previous projects, and prior experience with the City of Bakersfield. In January, 1998, Public Works staff performed a review of Engineering Division consultants hired over the previous 18 months. Nearly $1.3 million had been paid out to consultants and 80% of that work was with local firms. The Engineering Division uses local on-call consultants year-round for such things as engineering, inspection, and material testing. Staff is currently accumulating up-to-date data regarding the use of local consultants and will provide that information when it is available. cc: Bart Thiltgen, City Attorney Jacques R. LaRochelle, Assistant Public Works Director G:~GROUPDAT~¢ fen'als~2002\CC MI6 1*23\WFOO19106- Ted wpd B A K E R S F I E' L D MEMORANDUM January 11, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER T~~. ,/ FROM: JACK HARDISTY, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIREC SUBJECT: RESPONSE TO COUNCILMEMBER COUCH'S REQUEST The attached memorandum is in response to Councilman Couch's request for a status report on the General Plan Update. CC: Rhonda Smiley, Office Administrator B A K E R S F I E L D MEMORANDUM January 1i, 2002 TO: STANLY GRADY FROM: MARC GAUTHIER ~t/~ SUBJECT: TENTATIVE SCHEDULE GENERAL PLAN UPDATE Assuming: 1. Administrative Draft EIR submitted January 25, 2002. 2. Staff review comments completed by February 8, 2002. 3. DEIR out for 45 day review starting March 1, 2002. Then: 1. Joint City / County Planning Commission public hearing on.DEIR April 4, 2002. 2. Joint City / County Planning Commission hearing on Project + EIR June 20, 2002. 3. City Council hearing on project + EIR August 4. Board of Supervisors hearing on project + EIR September / October M0:djl CC: Ted James Jack Hardisty Alan Tandy B A K E R S F I E L D1 ~ ..... : M E M 0 RAN D U M 'c,' TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER JACK HARDISTY, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECT,.~~ FROM: DATE: January 28, 2002 SUBJECT: BRIMHALL I VERDUGO ANNEXATION Council Referral No. WF0019062 COUNCILMEMBER COUCH REQUESTED TO SPEAK WITH JACK HARDISTY, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR, REGARDING THE ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AT BRIMHALL AND VERDUGO. Councilmember Couch requested the status of the annexation (Annexation of Brimhall # 8, City Annexation #421, LAFCO Proceeding #1314) located northeast of Brimhall Road and Verdugo Lane. The City Council adopted the Resolution of Application on May 30, 2001, with the application submitted to LAFCO on September 6, 2001.The property tax split negotiations were complete in early December 2001. The City is waiting for LAFCO to schedule the hearing for this annexation along with approximately eight other annexations. MO:djl CC: Rhonda Smiley, Office Administrator/Public Relations Martin Ortiz, Associate Planner P:\CCReferral\WF0019062.wpd City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* --~'~% ~ WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0019062 / 001 PROJECT: REQUEST DATE: 11~14~01 PRINT DATE: 1/25/02 CREW: PRINT TIME: 15:43:34 SCHEDULE DATES LOCATION: START DATE: 11~14~01 COMP DATE: 11/21/01 GEN. LOC: LOC ID: REF NBR: REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: COUNCILMEMBER COUCH ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: DSULLIVAN AUTH: DSULLIVAN WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: BRIMHALL/VERDUGO ANNEXATION REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO J.HARDISTY, DEV. SVC. DIRECTOR*** COUCH REQUESTED TO SPEAK WITH JACK HARDISTY, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR REGARDING THE ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AT BRIMHALL AND VERDUGO. Job Order Description: BRIMHALL/VERDUGO ANNEXATION Category code . : DEVELOPMENT SERVICES RDVS Task code: . . : RESPONSE TO REFERRAL RESP Facility ID . . : Assigned Department: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES B ~'~ K E R S F I E L~' D! TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER -~j FROM: JACK HARDISTY, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECT DATE: January 28, 2002 SUBJECT: LETTER FROM MR. NIPP Council Referral No. WF0019060 ! COUNCiLMEMBER COUCH REFERRED THE LETTER RECEIVED FROM MR' NIPP TO JACK HARDISTY FOR A RESPONSE. Response to Mr. Nipp's letter dated September 14, 2001 is attached. JM:djl CC: Rhonda Smiley, Office Administrator/Public Relations Jim Movius, Principal Planner p:\CCReferral\WF0019060.wpd *REPRINT* , City Of Bakersfield PAGE 1 WORK REQUEST REQUEST DATE: 11~14~01 REQ/JOB: WF0019060 / 001 PROJECT: PRINT DATE: 1/25/02 PRINT TIME: 15:43:34 CREW: SCHEDULE DATES START DATE: 11~14~01 LOCATION: COMP DATE: 11/21/01 LOC ID: GEN. LOC: REF NBR: REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: COUNCILMEMBER COUCH ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: DSULLIVAN AUTH: DSULLIVAN WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: LETTER FROM MR. NIPP .................... ============================ REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO J.HARDISTY, DEV. SERV. DIRECTOR*** COUCH REFERRED THE LETTER RECEIVED FROM MR. NIPP TO JACK HARDISTY FOR A RESPONSE. COPY OF CORRESPONDENCE AVAILABLE AT THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE FRONT COUNTER ............................. ~~de~ D~s~i~tion: LETTER FROM MR. NIPP uategory co~e . : DEVELOPMENT SERVICES RDVS Task coae: . . : RESPONSE TO REFERRAL RESP Facility ID . . : Assigned Department: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BAKERSFIELD Development Services Department Jack Hardisty, Director Dennis C. Fidler Stanley C. Grady Building Director Planning Director (661) 326-3720 Fax (661) 325-0266 September 19, 2001 (661) 326-3733 Fax (661) 327-0646 Sierra Club Kem-Kaweah Chapter P.O. Box 3357 Bakersfield, CA 93385 Dear Sirs: This letter is in response to your correspondence of September 17, 2001 in which you make five basic comments: 1. The open space area should be as large as possible. We agree. The general area shown on the map is more than 2800 acres, but that size is somewhat misleading. Property owner cooperation is required for open space acquisition. Cleady the open space area acquired will be much smaller than the map shows, as all northeast Bakersfield is designated for urban development. It is reasonable to assume that areas too steep to support development economically may be acquired. In addition, you mention the need to include some fiat areas to ensure the "integrity of habitat conservation efforts". This will only have meaning if we are able to utilize funding from the Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan - something Arthur Unger, Sierra Club representative, has repeatedly denigrated in numerous public meetings on this very subject. Your organization has not been consistent on this point but we certainly welcome your current support. ' 2. In order to preserve the viewshed, development on the edge of the bluffs should be prohibited. The existing Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan designates the ridge lines for development. Staff must respect the existing plan. 3. Degradation of northeast Bakersfield by off road vehicle use. Funding should be sought to restore area. Green sticker money should be used to pay for restoration. City of Bakersfield · 1715 Chester Avenue ° Bakersfield, California · 93301 Sierra Club Kem-Kaweah Chapter September 19, 2001 Page Two This is getting the cart ahead of the horse. This project asks "should we preserve a portion of northeast Bakersfield?" If the answer is yes, then the discussion of what to do with the area, and how to fund activities inside the area are pertinent. These issues are appropriate for discussion only if the NBOS^ concept is approved. 4. Housing will be more desirable and profitable, developers Will benefit from NBOSA. Developers should be required to fund land purchase of NBOSA. The NBOSA will not take place without developer's approval. The idea of land acquisition is voluntary only. It is very unlikely developers would agree to give money and property to the City. 5. A Kyle Carter development (Tract 6000) has refused public access to trails within that project area. Tract 6000 is not yet developed. That tract has not been recorded. The trails within the tract are not yet dedicated as public access easements. Therefore, all Mr. Carter's property is still under pdvate ownership and it is completely appropriate not to permit people access to his property. Sincerely, Marc Gauthier Principal Planner MG:pah 3655 View Street Bakersfield. CA 93306 September 14. 2001 SIERRA C; LU B Marc Gauthier, Principal Planner ~-6~,'. 6'~ii ,8~ City of Bakersfield Kern-Kaweah Chapter Development Services Department P.O. Box 3357 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93385 httpJ/kernkaweah.sierraclub.org. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Executive Committee Paul Gipe, Chair Dear Mr. Gauthier: Glenn Shellcross, Vice Chair Arthur Unger, Secretary Richard Garcia, Fund Raising The Sierra Club supports the concept of preserving open space within the Northeast Monte Harper Bakersfield Open Space Area (NBOSA). We have several specific comments on Ara Marderosian, Conservation Harry Love, Political the General Plan Amendment No. PO 1-0571' Gordon Nipp, Ph.D. Lorraine Unger. Membership l. The open space area should be as large as possible. In past discussions, Regional Delegates acreage has been limited to 1500 acres, most of which is very steep. Harry Love, RCC The project description states, "The policy would apply to Ara Marderosian, RCC Lorraine Unger, SC Council approximately 2500 acres of existing open space lands." We are puT,.led but pleased with the discrepancy. The land proposed for open Sub-Committee Chairs Mary Ann Lockhart. Roadrunner space in Exhibit B is of minimal size for the proposed uses, and the Teresa Stump, Outings steep hillsides make it of marginal value to many older walkers. Some Larry Wailes, Treasurer fiat areas behind the bluffs shouM be included. Additionally, it is likely Condor Group that preservation of some of the flat areas is necessary in order to ensure Chester Arthur, Chair integrity of habitat conservation efforts to preserve endangered species. Candy Peasen, Secretary Marta Bigler, Treasurer Kevin Royle, Conservation 2. In order to preserve the viewshed, development on the edge of the bluffs Mary Ann Lockhart, Newsletter Debra Sheets, Webmaster should be prohibited The existing Open Space Element states, "The Barbara Kelley, Outings aesthetic value of open space areas and the impact of development on Erika Cordes, Publicity public viewsheds should be considered." Policy 6 states, "Development Kaweah Group on or adjacent to bluff areas should complement the aesthetic integrity Theresa Stump, Chair Dianne Jetter, Vice Chair of such areas." Policy 5 states, "Development location and siting should Carla Clear, Conservation DC sensitive to its relatibnship to the Kern River", considered in the Jim Clark, Outings Boyd Leavitt, Treasurer Open Space element as "the area's greatest natural resource." As nice a Para Clark, Agriculture view as it might be for'those lucky few who could live in houses built Mineral King Group on the edge of the bluffs, such houses would be a gross and permanent Harold Wood, Chair disturbance of the viewshed for the many thousands of citizens along Mary Moy, Vice Chair the Kern River. For these aesthetic considerations and to ensure Cynthia Koval, Secretary Janet Wood, Treasurer consistency with the existing Open Space Element, we ask that you Nell Fernbaugh, Conservation include an additional implementation measure regarding adoption of a Beverly Garcia, Program Richard Garcia, Fund Raising viewshed ordinance requiring significant setbacks from the edge of the Brian Newton, Outings bluffs. The Panorama bluffs give us a good example of such a setback. Patricia Phillips, Agriculture Owena Peak Group 3. Much of the area has been severely degraded by off road vehicle use. Dennis Burge, Chair Steve Smith, Vice Chair Funding for restoration and replanting with native vegetation should be Jeanie Haye. Conservation obtained, and a biological study should direct such restoration. We Delph Amstar. Treasurer Janet Westbrook, Webmaster suggest that a primary use of any available green sticker money should Den Peterson, Outings be for such restoration. Carol Hewer. Al large Sequoia Task Force Carla Clear. Chair 10(~,(,, recykt, ed ~aper ::!O% pos,-(:~nsume¢ wasle 4. Since housing here will be more desirable and profitable, developers in the area will benefit from establishment of the NBOSA. Developers should be required to contribute funding to purchase land in the NBOSA. Additionally, we ask that the impact on the NBOSA of prospective future developments in the area be studied in the environmental documentation for any such proposed project. 5. In light of the fact that the recently approved Kyle Carter development (Tentative Tract 6000) has refused to provide public access to open space and existing trails in the area, proposed Policy 18 and proposed Implementation Measure 9 should be strengthened to give them some teeth. We have a great opportunity in northeast Bakersfield to develop a livable community with natural landscapes preserved, with room for endangered species, and where people can enjoy open space. Let's make the most of it. Sincerely, Gordon L. Nipp BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM 'i JAN 3 O 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CIW MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: Janua~ 25, 2002 SUBJECT: PARKING DOWNTOWN Council Referral #WF0019116 (Ward 7) Councilmember Salvaggio referred to Public Works a letter from Tom Carosella regarding increasing parking downtown. Councilmember Salvaggio would like to see this done for downtown. The Traffic Engineer received the original letter requesting diagonal parking and has started a project to investigate a design for diagonal parking on the south side of 17th Street between N and Q Streets. The design investigation will determine if the diagonal parking will be feasible and will not be detrimental to traffic. Mr. Carosella has been contacted by the Traffic Engineer and advised that the request is being considered. S:\WP\CC_REFS\WF0019116- 17thDiagonalParking - Traffic.wpd B A K E R S F I E L D !!CIV',, '-- PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER DATE: ~J January 25, z002 SUBJECT: GRAFFITI ON BUS STOP ENCLOSURE Council Referral #WF0019114 (Ward 7) Councilmember Salvaggio referred to Public Works the issue of graffiti on the bus stop enclosure in front of Plaza Towers. This particular bus stop is a GET enclosure. GET prefers to maintain their own enclosures and has asked the City notify them regarding any graffiti discovered. GET was informed and the bus stop was cleaned last weekend. G:\GROUPDAT'~RefemflskT.002~CC MIS 1-23\WF0019114- GS.wpd BAKERSFIELD Alan Tandy · City Manager January 28, 2002 Mrs. Ruth Overton 1501 Calcutta Drive, #27 Bakersfield, CA 93307-4686 Dear Mrs. Overton: Following through on our earlier conversation, I am attaching the City's Code Enforcement memo relating to your neighbor's day care home.-Mrs. Welch is licensed with the State for day care for up to eight children. Thank you for explaining your concerns over the noise generated in connection with the daY care and other concerns you have had.previously. As urban residents, it is important for each of us to consider how our actions impact our neighbors. Please feel free to call. me if you have any questions. I have enclosed my card for your convenience in contacting me. Sincerely, Trudy Slater Administrative Analyst III L0201281 Attachment cc: CoUncilmember Salvaggio City Manager Alan Tandy City of Bakersfield' · City Manager's Office · 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield · California · 93301 (661) 326-3751 · Fax (661) 852-2050 BAKERSFIELD BUilding Department Dennis C. Fidler · Building Director November 28, 2001 To: Randy Fidler, Chief Code Enforcement Officer From: Terry Buss Re: Day Care 'complaint at 4501 Siam Ct.. On November 27th, 2001, I contacted the owner of the above daycare at4501 Siam Ct., who. was identified as Marcie Welch ('836-2579). -Welch advised me that she is licensed with the State of California -(FaCility number 153802902) for daycare for up to eight children. Welch said she presently does not care for that many children. Upon checking with the planning department, Welch is not required to have a permit or city b6siness tax certificate 'unless she applies for a large family day care, which exceeds nine children. The house and yard are clean and well kept.. Welch was issu~ed a correction notice to remove the business -banner off of her fence. cc: Dennis Fidler, Building Director Councilmember Salvaggio TB:pl City of Bakersfield · Development Services · 1715 Chester Avenue B A K E R.$ F I E L D Alan Tandy · City Manager January 29, 2002 Ms. Marcie Welch 4501 Siam Court Bakersfield, CA 93307 Dear Ms. Welch: A concern has.been lodged with the City of Bakersfield relating to the noise generated through your day care activities. As we all know, children and noise by nature tend to go together. Because you must deal with a number of children, it is especially important to keep in mind that higher than normal noise levels may have a negative impact on your neighbors. A residential-area also is generally more quiet than, say, a retail or industrial area, so "out of the ordinary" noise is more noticeable. Thus, loud noise from children or music can, and oiten is, an irritant to others living close by. I encourage your efforts to be a good neighbor by attempting to keep the noise levels at a minimum- so as to not annoy or otherwise dismay your surrounding neighbors. Sincerely, Trudy Slater Administrative Analyst III .L0201293 City of Bakersfield · City Manager's Office · 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield · California · 93301 (661) 326-3751 · Fax (661) 852-2050 From: Ted Wright To: Raul Rojas Date: 1/29/02 4:55PM Subject: KernCOG Road Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Projects The six rehabilitation prOjects listed below were submitted to KernCOG by the City for consideration for the 2002 Regional Transportation Improvement Program. These projects total $7,163,000. Approximately $7,000,000 is available for the program for the entire KernCOG region. The projects were selected based on their existing pavement condition as well as the estimated project cost (a minimum project cost of $750,000 is required for this program). 1. Resurface the following street segments $1,058,000 Mt Vernon Ave: Hwy 178 to Panorama Dr Columbus St: Haley St to Mt Vernon Ave Panorama Dr: Mt Vernon Ave to Wenatchee Ave 2. Reconstruct White Ln: Dovewood St to Real Rd $1,033,000 3. Reconstruct NB lanes of Gosford Rd: Panama Ln $ 932,000 to Pacheco Rd 4. Reconstruct Gosford Rd: Pacheco Rd to White Ln $1,050,000 5. Reconstruct White Ln: South H St to Kenny St $!,958,000 6. Reconstruct Mt Vernon Ave: E Planz Rd to E Belle Ter $1,132,000 CC: Jack LaRochelle