HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/01/02 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM March 1,2002 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Tandy, City Manager FROM: Alan SUBJECT: General Information 1. The ground breaking ceremony for the Food 4 Less grocery store in the southeast went very well. There was strong attendance and good enthusiasm. 2. The Garden continues to diversify by signing a high school basketball tournament game this past week and a high school football event for later this spring. 3. There is a significant memo enclosed from Public Works dealing with a major program to repair our arterial streets. This will be a part of the presentation that will be made to you on street repair issues at the March 6th Council meeting. 4. Councilmember Benham and staff had a very positive meeting with members of the Veterans Memorial Park Committee last week regarding their request for a Veterans memorial area located within Central Park or at an expanded park. We are working with the Committee to create a mutually acceptable plan. 5. A report is enclosed from the City Attorney on the process used by the City of Stockton when the downtown formed a new Business Improvement District several years ago. Some members of the DBA have expressed a similar interest. 6. Recreation and Parks was recognized at last night's KernCog award ceremony, receiving a Regional Award of Merit for Local Government for their mobile program. 7. KEDC has requested an increase in its allocation from us from $60,000, plus an incentive potential to $150,000, due to a loss of County money. We will analyze it in connection with budget preparation, meet with them, etc. It's a lot ! 8. Responses to Council requests are enclosed, as follows: Councilmember Carson · Provide assistance to citizen regarding concerns related to relocation process efforts at Vision Homes Development; Honorable Mayor and City Council March 1,2002 Page 2 Councilmember Benham · Update on the status of the road at Golden State and Q Streets; · Status report on curtailment of street sweeper dumping near GET site on Golden State; Councilmember Maggard · Status report on development and implementation of red light violation enforcement program; · Contact citizen regarding debris on Goodmanville area off Alfred Harrell Highway; Councilmember Couch · Contact citizen regarding lack of room to make u-turns at Hageman and Jewetta; · Contact citizen regarding garbage service issues on Seann Court; Councilmember Sullivan · Status report on concept plan and estimated cost of plan for Liberty Garden; Councilmember Salvaggio · Status report on turn lane at Wible and Panama. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pam McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM February 28, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT: REHABILITATION OF MAJOR ROADWAYS THE PROBLEM The City of Bakersfield, like many other cities throughout the United States, has a lerge backlog of deferred maintenance on its roadways. Simply put, rehabilitation needs far outpace revenues each and every year. This problem has also been amplified do to an inadequate design standard utilized by the City some years ago. As a result of the inadequate standard, many major roadways (arterials and collectors) in southwest Bakersfield fail prematurely. Repairing these roads has depleted a significant amount of existing resources that could have been used for more routine maintenance purposes. Currently, the City receives approximately $6 million per year that can be used for roadway maintenance. Of this amount, $4 million comes from State gas tax and the remaining $2 million from Federal gas tax. State and Federal gas tax is generally divided into the following uses: State Gas Tax · Purchase pavement materials for Streets Division in Public Works - $1,200,000 · Fund Signing and Marking Section of General Services - $ 800,000 · Local match for Federal gas tax - $ 300,000 · New traffic signals - $ 700,000 · Miscellaneous street projects - $1,000,000 Federal Gas Tax · Rehabilitation of major streets/roads - $2,000,000 The amount of revenue necessary to merely keep up with routine maintenance totals more than $15 million per year. As a result, the backlog of roadway rehabilitation has grown to more than $80 million and continues to grow each year. Much of this backlog occurs on our major streets (arterials and collectors) where the majority of traffic travels. February 28, 2002 Alan Tandy, City Manager Subject: Rehabilitation of Major Roadways Page 2 THE SOLUTION Staff was asked to develop a strategy to address this problem which would produce the greatest benefit with those limited resources at hand. By utilizing a combination of City forces and contracted work, approximately 71 lane miles can be rehabilitated this spring and summer. The 71 lane miles represents those road segments that could be rehabilitated with existing funds currently on hand. This could drastically change with infusion of KernCOG money as identified below. The roadway segments which were identified by staff that could be rehabilitated with existing funds on hand are listed as follows: White Lane South H Street Gosford Road Panama Lane Stine Road Pin Oak Park Boulevard Camino Media Ashe Road Ming Avenue Truxtun Avenue 21st Street 19th Street Attachment I indicates limits and rehabilitation strategies for each of the roadways identified above. . ADDITIONAL STRATEGIES Staff is continuing to pursue additional revenue streams though KernCOG and other sources. As a result of Senate Bill 45 (SB 45), local jurisdictions have the ability to assign a portion of their annual allotment to roadway rehabilitation. It is staff's desire to secure a one time allocation out of Metro-Bakersfield's share of STIP dollars. The City Council has passed a resolution asking for 10% of our STIP balance. Due to technical issues, that may need to change to a flat $12 million. It should be noted that in order to secure additional funding from STIP sources in perpetuity, City Council and public support will be necessary. Although we only have one vote on the KernCOG board (1 vote out of 13 votes), Bakersfield itself constitutes 36% of the entire County population which should have a significant influencing factor. February 28, 2002 Alan Tandy, City Manager Subject: Rehabilitation of Major Roadways Page 3 KernCOG recently approved their 2002 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) which left approximately $9 million not programmed. Some months ago, it was determined that the $9 million would be divided equally to give each agency a rehabilitation project totaling about $1 million each. Subsequent to that commitment, KernCOG introduced five (5) additional projects into the RTP from the County and various cities which lowered available rehabilitation funding to approximately $3.7 million. Currently, staff is working to secure the original $1 million commitment of funds, however, there may be others who want to divide the remaining money 10 ways leaving us only about $370,000 for a rehabilitation project. We are working with the other cities who did not get a project to form a coalition to make this situation right. Attachment 2 shows the roadways that we propose to be rehabilitated with the $1 million original request. It should be noted that if we were to receive the $1 million allocation, the actual cash would not be available until fiscal year 2004 - 2005. Last June, the City requested that 10% of our STIP funds be reprogrammed for rehabilitation projects within Metropolitan Bakersfield. We just recently heard that savings from the Westside Parkway project, totaling approximately $20 million may be available for rehabilitation projects. It is our understanding that if all State and Federal approvals are granted, the money will become available this June. Attachment 3 shows those roadways that we propose to be rehabilitated. Proposition 42 goes before the California voters March 5, 2002. If passed (every indication shows that it will pass) this Constitutional Amendment will redirect sales tax on gasoline towards roads. Preliminary estimates show Bakersfield may receive as much as $3 million per year from this measure alone starting in the 2008-2009 fiscal year. Staff is also in the process of completing an agreement with the City of McFarland to purchase their Federal resurfacing funds with State Gas Tax dollars. McFarland is unable to utilize these funds due to their limited staff. As a result, Bakersfield can purchase these funds at a discounted rate thereby stretching our dollars even farther. Revenue summary: Annual 1. Existing annual revenue $ 6 million Available now 2. Additional annual STIP revenue $1.5 million Available starting FY 2004- 2005 3. Proposition 42 revenue $ 3 million Available after 2008 Total $10.5 million One time 1. STIP funds (reprogrammed) $12 million Available June 2002 2. STIP funds (yet to be programmed) $ 1 million Available FY 2004- 2005 February 28, 2002 Alan Tandy, City Manager Subject: Rehabilitation of Major Roadways Page 4 ACTION PLAN A combination of annual contractors, City Streets Division staff, and outside contractors will be utilized to accomplish the outlined work. In some instances, outside contractors will dig out localized areas of pavement that have failed, reconstruct these areas, and then resurface the entire street. In other locations, where the entire roadway pavement has failed, an outside contractor will remove all of the existing roadway and reconstruct the entire street. On still other streets, City crews will dig out the localized failed areas of pavement and reconstruct them with full depth asphalt, and then the entire street will be resurfaced by either City crews or an outside contractor. This resurfacing work will take place either this summer or next summer depending upon the current condition of the roadway. Taking the actions outlined in this report, together with those identified in the Public Works memo dated February 21,2002, will make a significant improvement in the quality of roadways within Bakersfield. Staff has determined that a combination of all of the above practices will yield the best result at the lowest cost. The attachments indicate street segment, the strategy employed and the approximate cost of each based upon current .and anticipated revenues.. Attachments: Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3 ATTACHMENT A: CANDIDATE PROJECTS WITH FUNDING IN-PLACE ARTERIAL STREETS - RESURFACE AND RECONSTRUCT STREET TYPE LIMITS LANE CITY WORK CONTRACTOR WORK ESTIMATED 2002 COST MI LES City I Contractor Ashe A White to Ming 6.8 Digouts, Patch $65,000 Fairfax A College to SR 178 3.4 Digouts/resurface/reconstruct $564,000 Gosford A Ming to Stockdale 6.0 Reconstruct $1,500,000 Gosford A White to Ming 9.0 Digouts, Patch $253,000 Panama A Akers to Wible 1.5 Reconstruct with full depth AC $455,000 Panama A Colony to South H 2.3 Digouts, Patch $50,000 Panama A Summerfield to Akers 1.8 Resurface with fabric $112,000 Panama ^ Wible to SR99 1.3 Median Island Reconstruct with full depth AC $25,000 $385,000 South H A Panama to Ming 9.0 Digouts/Median Islands Resurface $132,000 $1,120,000 Stine A Panama to Harris 1.5 Resurface with fabric $91,000 Truxtun A A to F 1.9 Digouts, Thin Overlay $40,000 Truxtun A East of Coffee 0.7 Digouts, Thin Overlay $8,000 Truxtun A F to H 1.5 Digouts, Thin Overlay $16,000 White Lane A Ashe to Wilson 1.9 Digouts Resudace $20,000 White Lane A Dovewood to Wible 4.5 Resurface $244,920 White Lane A Saddle to Old River 0.6 Reconstruct $192,000 White Lane A South H to Kenny 4.3 Digouts, Patch $120,000 SUBTOTAL $729,000 $4,663,920 SUBTOTAL 58.1 COLLECTOR STREETS - RESURFACE AND RECONSTRUCT STREET TYPE LIMITS LANE CITY WORK CONTRACTOR WORK ESTIMATED 2002 COST MILES City I Contractor 19th MC Westwind to Oak 0.4 Resurface $28,000 21st C Oak to F 3.5 Grind and resudace $282,000 Camino Media C AE Canal to Gosford 0.8 Reconstruct with full depth AC $258,000 Pin Oak Park C District to White 1.3 Digouts, Patch $77,000 South H C Ming to Belle Terrrace 8.0 Digouts/Median Islands $70,000 Virginia C S. King to RR Crossing 1.4 Digouts/resurface/reconstruct $240,000 Wilson C Planz to Agate 8.4 Digouts/resurface/reconstruct $680,000 SU~¥OTAL $175,000 $1,460,000 SUBTOTAL 23.7 TOTAL LANE MILES 81.79 TOTAL: $904,000 $6,123,920 TOTAL THIS SHEET: $7,027,920 S:\PROJ ECTS~JAF~2002_streets.wb3 ATTACHMENT B: CANDIDATE PROJECTS USING UNPROGRAMMED STIP FUNDS ARTERIAL STREETS - RESURFACE STREET TYPE LIMITS LANE CITY WORK CONTRACTOR WORK ESTIMATED 2003~4 COST MILES C ty I Contractor Columbus A Haley to Mt. Vernon 2.0 Resurface w/digouts $274,000 Mt. Vernon A SR 178 to Panorama 7.1 Resurface w/digouts $821,000 Panorama A Mt. Vernon to Wenatchee 3.0 Resurface w/digouts $342~000 TOTAL LANE MILES 12.1 SUBTOTAL: $0 $1,437,000 TOTAL THIS SHEET: ~ $1,437,000 S:\PROJECTS~JAF',2.002_streets.wb3 ATTACHMENT C: CANDIDATE PROJECTS USING UNALLOCATED STIP FUNDS ARTEI~IAL STREETS - RECONSTRUCTION STREET TYPE LIMITS LANE CITY WORK CONTRACTOR WORK ~IESTIMATED 2002/3 COST MILES ~1Contractor I City Mt Vernon Ave A S End to Belle Terrace 1.0 Reconstruct with full depth AC $975,600 Gosford Rd A Panama Ln to Pacheco Rd 6.0 Reconstruct with full depth AC $1,190,400 White Ln A Dovewood St to Real Rd 3.0 Reconstruct with full depth AC $873,600 Panama Ln A S H St to Monitor St 3.0 Reconstruct with full depth AC $891,600 Stockdale Hwy A Jenkins to Scottsburg 1.5 Reconstruct/Resurface $360,400 Panama Ln A Colony St to 340' E/Colony St 0.4 Reconstruct with full depth AC $118,500 White Ln A S H St to Kenny St 3.4 Reconstruct with full depth AC $1 t069~200 SUBTOTAL $5~479r300 COLLECTOR STREETS - RECONSTRUCTION STREET TYPE LIMITS LANE CITY WORK CONTRACTOR WORK {~IESTIMATED 2002/3 COST M LES ~1C°ntract°r I City Marella Wy C California Ave to Montclair 0.5 Reconstruct with full depth AC $316,332 Harris Rd C CL E/Marin St to Wible Rd 1.5 Reconstruct with full depth AC $432,216 Monitor St C Panama Ln to Fairview Rd 2.0 Reconstruct with full depth AC $576,288 King St C Virginia Ave to Potomac Ave 1.0 Reconstruct with full depth AC $191,052 Montclair St C Stockdale Hwy to Easton Dr 1.5 Reconstruct with full depth AC $460~404 SUBTOTAL $1,976,292 RECONSTRUCT TOTAL: $7,455,592 ARTERIAL STREETS - RESURFACING STREET TYPE LIMITS I LANE CITY WORK CONTRACTOR WORK I{IESTIMATED 2002/3 COST I MILES ~lContractor I Oswell A~ Auburn to Columbus 1.0 Resurface $200,000 Ashe A Ming to Stockdale 6.0 Resurface $528,000 Ming A Ashe to New Stine 4.9 Digouts Resurface $408,000 $152,000 Ming A Baldwin to South H 3.0 Resurface $172,000 Ming A Gosford to Ashe 6.8 Digouts Resudace $510,000 $75,000 Wible A Harris to Pacheco 3.0 Resurface $191,000 White Lane A Ashe to Wilson 1.9 Resurface $118,000 SUBTOTAL $2,009,000 $227,000 COLLECTOR STREETS - RESURFAClNG STREET TYPE LIMITS LANE CITY WORK CONTRACI~OR WORK IIESTIMATED 2002/3 COST M LES /IContractor ICity Lakeview Ave C SCL @ Hwy 58 to Brundage 1.3 Resurface $110,220 Q St C Golden State Ave to 32 St 1.7 Resurface $149,490 Panorama Dr C Fairfax Rd to 200' E/Juniper Rdg Rd 1.6 Resudace $140,910 El Portal Dr C Calle Los Manzanos to Ming Ave 0.8 Resurface $68,310 Sillect Ave C Buck Owens Blvd to S Arrow St 1.1 Resurface $95,700 Sillect Ave C Gilmore Ave to N Arrow St 2.3 Resurface $196,680 Laurelglen BI C Glenflora Ln to El Portal Dr 1.0 Resurface $87,450 Olympia Dr C S Laurelglen BIvd to S Half Moon Dr 1.9 Resurface $169,290 Pacheco Rd C Hughes Ln to S H St 2.() Resurface $174,570 Planz Rd C Larson Ln to Hughes Ln 1.7 Resurface $147,510 Sumner St C Kern St to E Truxtun Ave 3.3 Resurface $290,730 N Half Moon Dr C Olympia Dr to Ashe Rd 3.0 Resurface $259,710 SUBTOTAL $1 ~890~570 RESURFACE TOTM . $3,899,~'~n TOTAL LANE MILES TOTAL THIS SHEET: $11,582,162 S:\PROJECTS~JAF~2002__streets.wb3 , , est o get , , FebmaW 26, 2002 Mr. AI~ T~dy, Ci~ Manager F .............. ~ 1501 T~tun Avenue ~.~ '~' Ref: Meethig, Friday, Febm~ 22, 2002 ,..,:-~-, ~, .~,~, r~, ~ ~ ~'c.....,_., .~.. ~[: ~. ~F~[C5 ~ Dear ~. Tandy~ Thank you for the time spent with the Kern Vetera~ Memorial Park Co~ee this past Friday. We were pleased with the outcome of these discussions, and tha~ you and your staff for the cooperation ~d encouragement we received. From our discussions, it is our unders~nding that the Ci~ will provide Ordi~Melby Architects, Inc. an enlarged aerial photo~aph and the architects will aaempt to place an overlay of veterans park over the existing area of Central Park and the prope~ No~h of 21 st Street. We will work wi~ the Parks Depa~ment to work out whatever these details might require. Hope~lly, when we finish, we will have a plan acceptable to both the Ci~ and to the Kern Veterans Memorial Park CommiEee. We look fo~ard to the time when we will have a plan and when we might meet, on~ again to review this proposed Park overlay and the de~ils ofo~ veterans park inco~orated therein. This should occur within a month or so if all goes well with the process. Assming we have an accep~ble park plan, the steps we ~ke after ~at event will still need to be defined. Should we a~ee to proceed with our veterans park at the Central Park site, it would be our desire to have a combined news conference announcing o~ a~angements, whatever they miCt be, to the media for public release. ~is event would be impo~nt to the co~i~ee, since much of our effo~ to get co~i~ involvement and ~nding will rest on the fact that we have a reco~ized park site available to the commiEee. ~nk y~u once again for your help ~d ~o~er~ti°n~ We lo0k forard t~ su~c~s~l pr~m W~th th~ - Ci~ of Bakersfield. Very Truly Yours, Dale R. Wilson, Chairman Kern Veterans Memorial Park Committee Veterans Memorial Park Committee, P.O. Box 41564 Bakersfield, CA 93304 Chairman - Dale Wilson (661) 832-8532 Cell (661) 319-5775 Vice Chairman - Michael Sabol (661) 831-6458 Cell (661) 205-9274 cc: Start Ford Sue Benham Mike Sabol Dan Ordiz Bill Melby Ed LeLouis Dr. Charles Carlson Bob Otto Ray Simmons Bob Mahaffey - ~ ' MEMORANDUM CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE March 1, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, City Manager FROM: BART J. THILTGEN, City Attorney SUBJECT: STOCKTON'S DOWNTOWN BID You requested I provide you a memorandum regarding the process used in the City of Stockton when the downtown formed a new Business Improvement District in 1997-98. Initially, the city had two existing districts: 1) A Central Parking District established to fund construction and operation of a downtown parking garage and other parking lots, which obtained its revenue from parking charges and a special tax on downtown property owners; and 2) a Business Improvement District formed to promote and market the downtown area, which obtained its revenues via assessments collected from business in conjunction with the Business License Tax. The Central Parking District was operated by the Downtown Business Associates ("DBA") (an association of business owners who hired a manager to operate the facility) under contract with the city, and all budgets, expenditures, revenue, etc. were approved by the City Council. The parking garage and lots were funded by bonds, with the revenue from the special tax being used for debt service. Parking revenue was used to finance operation of the facilities. In essence, it operated like an Enterprise Fund. The Business Improvement District had been established as a marketing device, along with the required Board. The budget was approved by the City Council, but the Board controlled day-to-day operations. This organization had a lot of in-fighting and was not accomplishing very much. Due to the lack of efficacy of the existing BID, combined with a desire to expand services to the public and enhance the image of the downtown area, the DBA embraced the idea of forming another BID. Based upon our advice, combined with the recent passage of Proposition 218, a separate, non-profit organization was formed to facilitate the formation of a BID. This organization, funded initially by the DBA, prepared an overall program which: 1) established a marketing/image enhancement program; 2) established a beautification and cleaning/maintenance program; and 3) established a "downtown guide" program where individual "guides" would assist and provide directions to downtown shoppers and visitors. An assessment district engineer was hired to determine the benefits attributable to the properties in the District (three zones were established in the District with a declining benefit as the subject zone was ALAN TANDY, City Manager March 1,2002 Page 2 geographically more distant from the District's center). Since the BID was being formed pursuant to the Property and Business Improvement District Law of 1994 (Street and Highways Code sections 36600 to 36651), the assessments would be on real property, including property owned by the State, County, City, and Redevelopment Agency which were in the District. The new BID would be operated by the newly formed, non-profit entity. The group obtained a written petition from property owners who would pay more than 50 percent of the assessments. This petition included the City of Stockton and the Stockton Redevelopment Agency, who accounted for about 26 percent of the 54 percent covered by the petition. The group submitted the petition to the City Council, along with a Management District Plan, for adoption of a Resolution of Intention to form the District. After providing proper notice to the property owners, a public protest hearing was conducted. With no majority protest occurring, the Council adopted a Resolution of Preliminary Adoption. Since these assessments were on real property, we advised that a Proposition 218 ballot procedure should be followed to coincide with the protest hearing, which was accomplished. Subsequently, the Council adopted a resolution establishing the District, the benefit zones, the amount of assessments, appointing an Advisory Board (required by the Act), and directing the assessments be collected on the property tax bill. The District is in place for a period of five (5) years but is subject to extension upon another process being performed. It should be noted that the State and County each filed with the City a statement of "no benefit" being derived from the proposed activities and were excluded from the District (allowable under the law). It is my information the non-profit entity hired a full-time manager to perform/ manage the functions of the District, and the District purportedly has been very successful. BJT:las S:~VIANAGER\MEMOS\BUS IMP DST-STOCKTON,DOC BAKERSFIELD. Economic and Community Development Department TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager ;>~, FROM: George~C~nzales, Community Development Director ~ ........... · ' FEB 2 8 DATE: February ~, '2002 SUBJECT: RELOCATION OF ¥151ON HOMES Council Referral No. WF0019145/001 (Ward 1) Councilmember Carson request to Assistant City Manager Alan Christensen to assist a citizen with difficulties regarding relocation process efforts at Vision Homes Development. Celie Stanford, the Relocation Consultant (Stanford Group) for the Capital Vision Equities, (developer) - 180 unit senior housing project on California Avenue met with Mary Mackey, tenant at 1016 N Street concerning her relocation benefits. On February 15, 2002, Ms. Stanford and Sharon Bates (Stanford Group) explained the relocation and moving benefits available to Mrs. Mackey under the Uniform Relocation Act. According to Ms. Stanford, at the end of the two hour meeting, Mrs. Mackey seemed to be satisfied with the information provided. Mrs. Mackey was requested to compile her financial information so that the Stanford Group could calculate her benefits. On February 27, 2002, Ms. Stanford did call to confirm another meeting with Mrs. Mackey and Irma Carson for March 1,2002. Hopefully, final resolution regarding Mrs. Mackey's concerns will be completed at that time. BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~ DATE: FEBRUARY 28, 2002 SUBJECT: GOLDEN STATE @ "Q" STREET- RAILROAD TRACKS Councilmember Inquiry - Ward 2 Councilmember Sue Benham requested staff provide her with a status of the road at Golden State and "Q" Street. Railroad tracks removed, road extremely rough. 7-31-01 August 1, 2001 Our Operations Manager notified Caltrans and expressed staff's concern regarding the rough patch work that was done after the tracks were removed. Caltrans indicated they were going to have someone from their staff look into it. February 28, 2002 Our Street Maintenance Superintendent took a drive to this location on this date and found the condition of the road remains the same. Staff will contact a Caltrans Inspector to make him aware that the condition of the road has not been corrected. We will provide you with a status when we find out what Caltrans is going to do, if anything, to resolve this matter. G:\GROUPDAT~Referrals\Benham2~JayGauthier_GoldenState_Q StreetFeb28_2002.wpd B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: FEBRUARY 28, 2002 SUBJECT: TRANSFER SITES FOR STREET SWEEPING Councilmember Inquiry - Ward 2 Councilmember Sue Benham requested staff provide her with a status regarding City dumps (street sweepers) at "turnaround" site near GET on golden State. Citizen trying to market adjacent property. Prospective buyers not interested because of piles on City lot. 11-8-01 November 9, 2001 Street Maintenance Supervisor Mike Connor talked to constituent Doug Minner and told him this particular area in question was a transfer site for our sweeper dumps and will make arrangements to have the sweeper dumps picked up more often--twice a week. February 28, 2002 - Update The transfer site was inspected by Street Maintenance Superintendent Luis Peralez on this date. Mr. Peralez has instructed Street Cleaning staff to clean up the area, and thereafter the site will no longer be used for sweeper dumps. G:\GROUPDAT~Referrals\Benham2\StreetSweepersTransferSites-Feb28-2002'wpd TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: ERIC W. MATLOCK, CHIEF OF POLICE (: Lt DATE: February 26, 2002 SUBJECT: Red Light Enforcement Council Referral No. WF19140/001 (Ward 3) Dual Referral to Police Department and John Stinson, Assistant City Manager. Council Member Maggard requested staff develop and implement a short term program for increased red light violation enforcement. As you know, on February 20, 2002, Assistant City Manager John Stinson presented a council workshop on the progress of the Red Light Camera System. The program is proceeding and a tentative implementation date of August, 2002 was identified. Staff is continuing to contact other agencies for information and will make a site visit to Ventura on Thursday, February 28, 2002. Officers will also conduct special red light enforcement at various intersections in the city until the red light cameras are in place and working. EWM/vrf B A K E R S F I E L 13 ~,:cp4; PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: FEBRUARY 28, 2002 SUBJECT: TRASH IN GOODMANVILLE AREA Council Referral #WF0019148 Councilmember Maggard requested that Public Works staff contact Greg Iger regarding trash and debris in the Goodmanville Area off Alfred Harrell Highway. Staff has field checked the Goodmanville Road area off Alfred Harrell Highway and found a pile of rubbish in a County area between the bluffs and the highway. Staff requested a clean up by the Kern County Waste Management Department, and a cleanup has been dispatched. Staff is awaiting a return call from Mr. Greg Iger to find out any other specific information. G:\GROUPDATxReferrals\2002\CC Mtg 2-20\WF0019148-SW.wpd B A K E R S F I E L PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ~!~, ;? ~. ..... ~ FFIC~ MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: February 26, 2002 SUBJECT: HAGEMAN & JEWETTA WIDTH Council Referral #WF0019144 Councilmember Couch requested that staff contact citizen and explain as to what can be done to resolve the condition of lack of room to make a U-turn on Hageman & Jewetta. She has previously spoken with Traffic Engineering. Report back to Couch on response. Traffic Engineering staff spoke with Ms Lily Klevann Tu regarding the inability to make a U-turn at the intersection of Hageman Road and Jewetta. Because of medians on Hageman Road, a direct left turn out of Pride Street is not possible. At this time, the road is too narrow to physically make a U-turn. Ms Tu was informed of alternate routes that can be used to go east on Hageman until such time as the rest of Hageman is widened by development. When the remainder of Hageman is widened and improved by developers, the problem will be eliminated. In the interim, staff is researching ways to widen the road at the intersection within the existing narrow right of way and change the road lane lines to facilitate a U-turn. G:\GROUPDAT~Keferrals\200ZCC Mtg 2-20\WF0019144-Tra~fic.wpd B A K E R S F I E L D '; ~ 1 F~:.~--?z'~'I'/::~L~~-~~ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT !!~ FEB 2 8 2002 MEMORANDUM ¢' , tC~TY ,~4~,~, ~ GER'~ OFFIC~ TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: FEBRUARY 28, 2002 SUBJECT: 13220 SEANN COURT GARBAGE SERVICE Council Referral #WF0019143 Councilmember Couch requested that Public Works Solid Waste staff contact the O'Donley residence, 13220 Seann Court, regarding difficulties with their garbage services and facilitate a solution with a response back to Councilmember Couch. Staff contacted the O'Donley residence and spoke with the daughter of Mrs. O'Donley on Wednesday, February 20th to report that the difficulty regarding collection of a green waste cart had been resolved. 13220 Seann is on a cul de sac that was inaccessible for the refuse vehicle due to a minivan that had parked in a nosedive position. This affects turning radius for the refuse vehicle and forced the driver to not be able to safely provide service in this cul de sac. The minivan belonged to the neighbor of the O'Donley's but prevented the refuse vehicle from accessing the O'Donley's as well. A service utility vehicle was dispatched to service the green cart at the O'Donley's. In addition, in an effort to resolve future occurrences such as this, the minivan was tagged with an informative sticker explaining the need to park parallel in cul de sacs and the Police Department was notified and ticketed this minivan. Vehicles who park "nosedive" in cul de sacs are an ongoing problem for refuse collection vehicles. Discussions with PD to resolve these in the past has led to the more recent policy of ticketing vehicles improperly parked in neighborhoods. C:q]~ocuments and Set ting s'~2eralez~ocal Settings\Tcmp\13220 Seann - nosedive vehicle 2-26-02.wlxl DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS DATE: February 26, 2002 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM' Stan Ford, Director SUBJECT: 'Libedy Garden ~WF0019152 (Ward The development and establishment of Liberty Garden was referred back to the Keep Bakersfield Beautiful Committee and Recreation and Parks Department. The department will report back to Council. Staff is meeting to develop a concept plan and an estimated cost of that plan. The department will update Council when it has further information regarding the project. S:\Council Referrals\WF0019152.wpd February 26, 2002 (2:50pm) B A K E R S F I E L D ..... ' ..... :~ 7'""' PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: FEBRUARY 26, 2002 SUBJECT: TURN LANE AT WIBLE & PANAMA Council Referral #WF0019150 Councilmember Salvaggio stated he had spoken with Steve Walker, Traffic Engineer, regarding a letter he received regarding a "No Right Turn" at Wible and Panama Lane and asked if the sign had been removed; requested staff provide, the status of this issue. The sign is located at a driveway exit within a shopping center on the northwest corner of Wible and Panama Lane. Left turns are prohibited because of a painted median area on Panama Lane and the sign allows right turns only. The sign was adjusted for better visibility since drivers claimed to not see the sign, turn left and receive a citation from the Police Department for crossing a double-double yellow median line. A review by the Traffic Engineer shows that drivers are still making the illegal left turn. Additional signs and markings are to be installed in the median area and in view of drivers leaving the shopping center driveway to re-enforce the notice. G:\GROUP DATxRe ferrals\2002\CC Mtg 2-20\WFO019150-Traffic.wpd