HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/22/02 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM March 22, 2004,. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: ~A~an Tandy, City Manager SUBJECT: General Information 1. The KemCOG meting this week came out with a positive conclusion. We would get the $12 million we are seeking (plus $8 million to the County), and we will get $750,000 from the surplus funds. Now it requires approval of the California Transportation Commission. Their staff is suggesting the date for release of the money be pushed out from the present to 2004 or 2006. We will lobby and appeal the timing issue. 2. We had a Friday meeting with Cai State officials, including a large group of Cai State Foundation members. After much discussion, including my reaffirmation that they can submit a letter to get out of the lease, it was left that only three conflict dates remain. We offered that those games be played in the Convention Center. They are checking and will get back to us. 3. The Kem Delta / North Kem lawsuit did not settle as a result of the 9th settlement conference held recently. They will go before the Court of Appeals in four to six months. 4. In light of passage of the labor agreements last Wednesday, we are rushing the documents through on the new pension program. Tentatively, we can do first reading May 8th. 5. We are working with the prospective purchasers of the Padre Hotel. They may wish to lease parking at the 18th and Eye garage. Wouldn't that be nice to have back in use! 6. You may recall that Capital Vision Equities, the California Avenue housing developer, was to pay $60,000 of in-lieu taxes, which amount was to be applied to the stadium debt at that time. They now wish to pay the full amount in net present value up front, which is $720,000. An amendment to their development agreement will be prepared. The payment would be dependent on them getting tax credits, which is probable. 7. We are doing some "dig out" repairs on Gosford Road between White Lane and Ming Avenue, and will be doing repairs between Ming Avenue and Stockdale Highway in the near future. The repairs are to buy time, not the complete rebuild that is needed. HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MARCH 22, 2002 PAGE 2 8. Beginning March 25u~, the first in a series of paving projects will begin on White Lane, between Wilson Road and Dovewood Street. The attached news release shows details. 9. Enclosed is a memo from Public Works regarding status on various street rehabilitation projects. 10. The contractor of the entry monument signs anticipates completion of the project by April 5th. At that point, Recreation and Parks can finish the irrigation and start the landscaping. 11. The next GPA meeting will be held atthe Council meeting of May 22nd, instead of May 8th, as originally scheduled. 12. Attached is the latest index showing the Kern River Basin snowpack accumulation. It is bad news for the fourth year in a row. 13. A memo is attached which details the actions at the recent Metropolitan Bakersfield Tree Advisory Ad-Hoc Committee meeting. 14. The Fire Department's public education division is again being nationally recognized for its efforts to make Bakersfield a safer community. Public Education Specialist, Leslie Devitt has been requested to speak at the annual Office of Traffic Safety conference. Kudos to Leslie! Attached is information regarding their Child Passenger Safety Seat Program. 15. Responses to Council requests are enclosed, as follows: Councilmember Couch · Response to lighting concerns at Liberty Park Councilmember Salvaggio · Response to citizen regarding suspension of driver's license AT:al cc: Department Heads Pam McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Rick Millwee March 2'1,2002 Public Works Department 326-313,49 Paving of White Lane Between . _ Wilson Road and Dovewood Street Beginning Monday March 251 2002, the first in a series of paving project's will begin on White Lane Between Wilson Road and Dovewood Street. This work on this project will include roadway reconstruction and paving as well as median-curb installation on White Lane. In order to facilitate this construction, some long term lane closures will be in effect between Stine Road and Wilson Road. The current schedule for these' Closures is as follows: North half of White Lane closed March 25 to April 22 South half of White Lane closed April ,33 to Ma'y Other daily lane closures will be in effect during the course of the project.- Street parking will also be limited a-s necessary as the project progresses. This project is scheduled to-be completed by June 7 2002. B A K E R S F I E L D it ~gP~P~O~ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT .~;~, .. MEMORANDUM -- TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~ DATE: March 21,2002 SUBJECT: STREET REHABILITATION PROGRESS During the past few weeks the Street Division has done work On the following projects: · Truxtun Avenue, A Street to F Street. · Westbound lanes completed (February 27 - March 1). · Eastbound lanes completed (March 3-4). · This work was done with the paving machine of Whitten Construction, as the City paving machine was having major maintenance work done. Truxtun Avenue, west of the Santa Fe Railroad underpass to Empire Drive. · Westbound lanes completed with assistance from Granite Construction due to improper pavement section. (March 10-13). · Eastbound #1 lane completed (March 17-18). The #2 lane will be rehabilitated once the developer completes adjacent right turn lane construction. · Gosford Road, Ming Avenue to White Lane. · Southbound work was begun today grinding the #1 lane (March 21). · Work is expected to continue through April 30. · Police Department Parking lot. · Initial paving complete (March 19-20). · Corporation Yard. · Pulverizing and paving complete in front of the Fleet Services building (March 14- 15). This was done as part of the training in the use of the new pulverizing machine approved by City Council March 6. We have begun placing signs prior to beginning the road work to alert the public about potential · delays due to construction activities. In addition we are notifying the press and other agencies of our activities. c: Jacques R. LaRochelle, Assistant Public Works Director Brad Underwood, Public Works Operations Manager Ted Wright, Civil Engineer IV Luis Peralez, Street Superintendent G:\GROUPDA'l'~Vl2002_CityManage~ehab update 3-21 .wpd B A K E R S F I E L D ',,,~;'~- - - ','~ ~. ,.:'7~ ~ ~ _ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL U. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: March 22, 2002 SUBJECT: STATUS OF ENTRY MONUMENT SIGNS All of the letters and Iogos have been fabricated and are currently at the paint shop being powder coated. The contractor, Omega Construction, expects to have the finished letters and Iogos back in their shop by the end of next week. They are anticipating having all lettering and Iogos mounted and installed on both signs by April 5, 2002. This would be within the 30 days they had stated once the final colors and dimensions were approved. After mounting and installing the lettering and Iogos, the only work left for the contractor will be some fine grading and cleanup. At that point, Recreation and Parks can finish the irrigation and start the landscaping. The lighting is already installed. c: Jacques R. LaRochelle, Assistant Public Works Director Greg Cronk, Recreation & Parks Department Rick Millwee, Construction Supervisor, Public Works John Ussery, Civil Engineer, Public Works Don Hoggatt, Landscape Designer, Public Works G:\GROUPDAT~M2002_CityManager~Entry Mont. Update 3-22-02.wpd From: Pam McCarthy To: Alan Tandy Date:' 3/18/02 10:01 Subject: GPA Meeting Alan, With the Planning Departments permission I have changed the date of the GPA meeting to May 22nd as I will be leaving for Kauai Thursday morning. We have approximately 9 hearings and it would be better if I were in attendance at that meeting. By way of this e-mail I will copy all parties. You may wish to note in General Info. Let me know if you have any questions ..... Pam CC: Bart Thiltgen; Jack Hardisty; Keitha Turner; Marc Gauthier; Mayor, City ~ KERN RIVER BASIN SNOWPACK ACCUMULATION EIGHT SENSOR INDEX March 18, 2002 40.0 , 242% A-J ~'~', 35.0 30.0 25.0 100% of April 1 Average 20.0 ........ - '-- Average 2001-2002 : 1998'1999 ' 6S%A-,, ! 5.0 ~ 1976-1977120% A~ I 0.0 November December Janua~ Februa~ March April Snowpack Accumulation Season CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Recreation &Parks DATE: 7-March-2002 TO: Stan Ford, Director Recreation and Parks FROM: Paul Graham, Urban Forester S UBJ ECT: Metropolitan Bakersfield Tree Advisory Ad-Hoc Committee Meeting The committee recommended that Ralph Adame be removed from the committee due to very low attendance. Mr. Adame did attend the meeting, His second since July. Judy Miller, a real estate representative has submitted a letter of resignation to the clerks office. She cites difficulty in attending due to the amotmt of business she does in Taft. The committee was informed that the issue of licencing is being discussed by the Urban Development Committee and that staff with direction from Stan Ford and John Stinson were developing options with regard to this subject. Committee chair, Dana Adams, asked if the committee needed to send a recommendation to the UDC. Staff informed Mrs. Adams and the rest of the committee of the options presented to, and expected course of action to be taken by the UDC, and that we should wait for the UDC recommendation and support their decision. The chair agreed. Staff introduced to the committee Palo Alto's Tree Technical Manual. the committee was asked to review the document as a whole and determine if this format would be a reasonable model for the committee to follow, and if so, review the document and make notations of sections that would need to be re-evaluated based on the members representative organizations. Recognition of Fire Department's Child Passenger Safety Seat Program The Bakersfield Fire Department's public education division is again being nationally recognized for its efforts to make Bakersfield a safer community. Public Education Specialist Leslie Devitt has been requested to speak at the annual Office of Traffic Safety conference in Anaheim. This is her second time in the last few years. Her first time at the podium was for the fire department's variety of work with the local media. This time it's for our Child Passenger Safety Seat Program. In addition, the National League of Cities is going to place an article in their weekly newsletter focusing on our car seat program. It's a logical fit for the Fire Department to provide this service and the more our community learns of the inspections, the more requests we receive. Attached is the current program. As we get more Fire Department personnel certified, we will improve our response time to appointments and schedule larger clinics to keep up with the demand. Kudos to Leslie and the volunteers who put on this worthwhile program. Child Passenger Safety Seat Program Bakersfield Fire Department Bakersfield Fire Department began their Child Passenger Safety Seat Program with the assi,stance of a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety in 2000. The grant not only purchased materials such as coloring books and handouts, but also pro, vialed bicycle helmets and car seats. The grant also paid for two department members to become nationally certified by the National Highway Transportation Safety I . Administration (NHTSA). Bakersfield Fire Department now has seven trained car seat technicians. To maintain ce~ification, technicians are required to re-certify annually. The department is currently in the,~ process of obtaining a technician instructor within it's staff to keep up with the demands of re-certification and the of the community for car seat inspection requests. In 2000, the department performed approximately 75 inspections. By December 2001, over 150 inspections were performed by department personnel,j In the first quarter of 2002, nearly 90 inspections have taken place. Bal4ersfield Fire Department makes appointments for car seat inspections to insure each indMdual's needs are met. Most appointments are complete in two to four days. The department holds approximately one clinic each month, usually on Saturdays. Appointments are made for clinics as well, again to insure individual needs. Walk-ins are always welcome and are usually present at all the clinics. ReCently, Bakersfield Fire Department hosted "Buckle The Ones You Love' Car Seat Clinic. The clinic took place on Valentine's Day and was sponsored by 23 News, the local ABC affil'iate. Co-sponsors included AAA and a local cafe, Bonnie's Best. Approximately 45 appointments were taken the week before the event with almost as many walk-ins. Bakersfield Fire Department is planning another event to coincide with Buckle Up America We~ek in May. "Buckel Up Bakersfield!' will take place in conjunction with the city's first street fair of the season. The season's first street fair is traditionally dedicated to Emergency Medical Service (EMS) workers in honor of their annual EMS Week cel~ebration. The program is coordinated and overseen by Public Education Specialist Leslie Devitt, a certified NHTSA technician since 2000. Leslie can be reached at 661-326:3696. DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS DATE: March 15, 2002 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Stan Ford, Director SUBJECT: Lights At Liberty Park #WF0019160 (Ward 4 ) Council member Couch requested staff take photographs of the Liberty Park lights after North Bakersfield Recreation and Park District had them re-aimed on March 7, 2002 to determine if the adjustments addressed the neighbors concerns. Recreation and Parks and Planning staff members visited Liberty Park on March 13, 2002 to inspect the lighting levels after the re-aiming and adjustments by the lighting contractor. The lighting levels were insufficient to take photographs of the light pole adjustments. A 35 mm camera and a digital camera both produced unrecognizable photos The overall visual appearance seems to have improved. Several neighbors who were on site at the time of staff's inspection exPressed a concern of excessive lighting still existing. City staff has and will continue to encourage North Bakersfield Recreation and Park District to try and work out a solution that will satisfy the surrounding neighbors of the park. C:\Documents and Settings~sforsyth\Local Settings\Temp\WF0019160.wpd March 15, 2002 (8:45am) BAKERSFIELD Alan Tandy · City Manager March 18, 2002 Ms. Denice M. Kincheloe 1808 Mallard Court Bakersfield, CA 93304 Dear Ms. Kincheloe: I am in receipt of your letter of February 11, 2002, to Council Member Mark Salvaggio seeking assistance with issues relating to the suspension of your driver's license by the California State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). The DMV is the sole determiner of your legal ability to drive or not to drive in the State of California and therefore the granting or suspensions of drivers licenses. 'Upon my call, a member of the DMV indicated that a suspension remains on the record for three years. While she was unable to tell me whether there was a procedure for removing a suspension, she indicated you might want to call the DMV's Drivers License Unit at (916) 657-6525, provide them with the information pertinent to your case, and perhaps they would be able to assist you in finding out whether anything could be done to completely eliminate -the suspension from your driving record. This is an automated system which has a number of options where you must make selections. After trying several times to reach someone in this manner, I found at the DMV Internet website a section relating to "Request for amendment of a record." This may get you access more quickly than trying the long distance telephone number above. The address is: Department of Motor Vehicles, Mandatory Actions Unit, P. O; Box 942890 Mail Station J233, Sacramento, CA 94290-0001. Regarding vehicular insurance, it is common practice among insurance companies to increase insurance rates after an insured has had an accident. You may wish to explore with your existing insurance company, or others of your choice, the options available to you relating to types of coverage, i.e., full vs. partial coverage, lower or higher deductibles, etc. I hope the above information is of some assistance. Sincerely, Trudy Slater Administrative Analyst III P:~A'l~i_0203181-Kincheloe cc: Council Member Mark Salvaggio City Manager Alan Tandy City of Bakersfield · City Manager's Office · 1501 TrUxtun Avenue Bakersfield · California · 93301 (661) 326-3751 ° Fax (661) 852-2050