HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/26/02 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM April 26, 200~.. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council//~~ FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager SUBJECT: General Information 1. Under State law, the Old Town Kern and Southeast PAC's expire in July, unless renewed by the Council. I am told Old Town Kern wants theirs to expire. Councilmember Carson has asked for renewal of the Southeast PAC, so we will place it on a future agenda. 2. Mayor Hall, on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, received a letter of appreciation from the California Army National Guard, Company B, Third Battalion 160th Infantry stationed in Bakersfield. They wished to thank everyone for their continued support during this trying time. 3. A memo detailing a recent Mayor's meeting where city representation for LAFCO (including getting a permanent seat for Bakersfield) was discussed is attached for your information. There are two seats available for LAFCO which will be appointed by the City Selection Committee (the Mayors of all the Kern County cities) on May 20th. 4. To update you on Joshua Park, the irrigation and all concrete work is done, and all of the rough grading has been completed. The backflow device and the electrical box are in. The light poles need to be put up, but the bases are in. We are waiting for PG&E to hook up the power, then the landscaping will be installed. 5. The Urban Development Committee asked thatthe Planning Commission review the issue of amendments to the Ordinance for oil drilling and production. A response is attached. 6. Responses to Council requests are enclosed, as follows: Councilmember Salvaggio · Additional patrols on Benton between Wilson and Belvedere to control speeding AT:al cc: Department Heads Para McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Q CALIFORNIA ARMY NATIONAL GUARD Company B, Third Battalion 160th Infantry (M) 1512 South.P Street Bakersfield, California 93307 TEL: (661) 395-2821/3809 FAX: (661) 395-2994 RECEIVED 23 April, 2002 Honorable Harvey L. Hall Mayor of Bakersfield MAYOR'S OFF CE , Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear Mayor Hall: I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for all of the support you have given us. The support you and the City of Bakersfield have given has been second to none. The soldiers of B Company 3rd Battalion of the 160th Infantry have been performing their duties in extreme weather conditions for long periods of time. Their motivation to continually set the standards has greatly been influenced by the support we have received from the community. We have been performing our duties side by side with many soldiers from different communities and even they recognize the patriotism that is displayed from our community. The lineage Bakersfield has earned throughout the history of our combat units will not be degraded. Our soldiers continue to face the challenges set before them and they continue to stay focused, motivated and continue to set the standards. Although they eagerly await our demobilization, their drive has been fueled by the outstanding display of support that the community of Bakersfield has displayed. Bakersfield continues to lead the way with people like Mel and Donna Gardiner who continually support our efforts. They call just to see how the soldiers are doing. They have sent care packages just to insure the soldiers had a little taste of home. Mr Hodel is another fine example of a true patriot who would continually strive to show his support in all he could do. He rallied support from various restaurants and made sure the soldiers were well fed with the finest foods before our deployment. You and the City of Bakersfield stood up to insure our families had a great holiday season. These are the examples we'will never forget. The examples are numerous and I wish I could name them all. When we return we will take the time to gather all the names and somehow recognize them all. In the meantime I would hope that you would thank the City of Bakersfield for their continued support and to thank our fellow brothers and sisters in Afghanistan and around the world. I would like to grant you this coin as a small token of my appreciation. The coin was made in remembrance of the tragedy of 11 September 2001. This coin represents many things to me. Of all that this coin represents, it mainly reminds me of how quickly we can join together and defeat any thing that might threaten our way of life. United we stand divided we fall. The blue-collar workers, the white-collar workers, deputies, salesman, correctional officers, all races and religions united. That is what we are made of. Thank you Mayor and thank you Bakersfield. Thank you for supporting your own. Sincerely, ~ Commander BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM April 26, 2002 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: John W. Stinson0,~As~sistant City Manager SUBJECT: Mayor's Meeting Regarding LAFCO Representation On Tuesday, April 23ra I attended a meeting of the Mayors of Kern County Cities with Mayor Hall. One of the topics discussed was the proposal to have two additional city representatives with one to be a permanent seat for Bakersfield on the LAFCO board. At the previous months meeting the mayors in attendance had agreed to this proposal and said they would adopt resolutions supporting it. Subsequent to that meeting I received copies of resolutions fi:om Delano, McFarland and Shafter. At the April 23rd meeting several Cities indicated they had adopted resolutions and they would send them to me. As of today I have received resolutions fi:om all but the City of Arvin. I have spoken to their City Clerk who said she would provide the resolution information to their Mayor and City Manager and they would consider adopting it at a furore meeting. The resolutions are essentially the same supporting two additional city seats on LAFCO with one being a permanent seat for Bakersfield with some slight differences (see the attached sheet for specific language). The City of California City indicated one of the additional city seats should be designated for an East Kern City and the City of Delano indicated that the second additional seat be selected by the Kern County Association of Cities (current law provides for selection by the City Selection Committee). The City of Shatter recommended a two-year rotation of cities for LAFCO seats, but said they would support a request made by a majority of cities to add two additional seats with one of which to be a permanent seat for Bakersfield, with the other seat to be a small city seat. Current law proscribes 4 year terms on LAFCO, and it is uncertain as to what constitutes a"small city seat". Based on this information, we have the support of a large majority of Kern County cities for this proposal. At Tuesday's meeting there was discussion regarding the proposal and the two upcoming city LAFCO appointments (one city representative and the city alternate). The City Selection Committee is scheduled to meet May 20th prior to the Kemcog meeting. It was suggested that perhaps a rotation of the appointment as proposed in Shafter's resolution should be considered so each city could have an opportunity to serve. I indicated Bakersfield continued desire to have a permanent seat and that a rotational system would possibly result in Bakersfield having a seat on LAFCO only once every twenty years due to the number of cities (11) and the four year terms. It was suggested that each city S:~JOH~I Memo Template.wpd discuss this proposal and another Mayors meeting would be scheduled prior to the City Selection meeting to appoint the LAFCO members. I will continue working with Mayor Hall on this issue and will be working with him to draft a letter to the Board of Supervisors to encourage their support of the Cities proposal to add two seats to LAFCO. S:',JOHNXl Memo Template.wpd Resolutions supporting a call of the Board of Mayors of the Kern County Association of Cities for reorganization of the Kern County Local Agency Formation Commission: Maricopa, McFarland, Ridgecrest, Taft, Tehachapi, Wasco: Resolved; "that it supports a call by the Board of Mayors of thc Kern County Association of Cities to reorganize the Kern County Local Agency Formation Commission by asking state legislators to add two additional city representatives to LAFCO, one of which to be a permanent seat for the City of Bakersfield." California City: Resolved; "that it supports a call by the Board of Mayors of the Kern County Association of Cities to reorganize the Kern County Local Agency Formation Commission by asking state legislators to add two additional city representatives to LAFCO, one of which to be a permanent seat for the City of Bakersfield and the other being designated for an East Kern City." Delano: Resolved; "that it supports a call by the Board of Mayors of the Kern County Association of Cities to reorganize the Kern County Local Agency Formation Commission by asking state legislators to add two additional City representatives to LAFCO, one of which to be a permanent seat for the City of Bakersfield and the other to be selected by the Kern County Association of Cities." Shafter: Resolved; "that it recommends that the cities of the County of Kern amend the polices of the City Selection Committee to provide for the rotation of City LAFCO seats on a two year rotation allowing all cities equal opportunity to serve. The City Council.of Shaf~er further resolves that, although its preference is not to increase the total number of LACFO Board seats, it will support any request made by the majority of cities to state legislators to add two additional city representatives to LAFCO, one of which to be a permanent seat for the City of Bakersfield and the other to be an additional small city seat should such request be made." From: Alan Tandy To: Rhonda Smiley Date: 4/23/02 1:50 Subject: Fwd: Joshua Park Update for gen info please From: Allen Abe To: Stan Ford Date: 4/23/02 12:55 Subject: Joshua Park Update The irrigation and all concrete work is done with all the rough grading completed. Backflow device and the electrical box are in. We are waiting for PG&E to hook up the power then the landscaping will be installed. The light poles also need to be put up but the bases are in ............................... CC: Grog Crank; Joe E. Gonzales; Ken Trone B A K E R S F I E L D AP~22~002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: JACK HARDISTY, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIR~TO~~. DATE: April 15, 2002 SUBJECT: OIL DRILLING AND PRODUCTION ORDINANCE Council Referral No. Ref000051 THE URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REFERRED THE ISSUE OF AMENDMENTS TO THE ORDINANCE FOR OIL DRILLING AND PRODUCTION FOR REVIEW BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION. The Planning Commission held a Public Hearing on April 4, 2002. A recommendation was made to the City Council for adoption of the amendments. Recommendation will be on City Council agenda May 8, 2002 for first reading. JH:djl CC: Alan Tandy, City Manager Rhonda Smiley, Office Administrator/Public Relations Jennie Eng, Associate Planner P:\CCReferral\Ref000051 .wpd P:\CCReferral\Ref000051 .wpd f - :-'~Vletastorm e-work client Page 1 of 1 Referral Display Requestor: IGeneral Council Ward: ICity Wide Referral Created: Req. Completion Date: 13/28/2002 Meeting: 13/20/2002 I3/22/'2002 Initial Referral Information Short Description: lOlL DR!LLING AND PRODUCTION ORDINANCE Long Description: '**REFERRAL TO PLANNING COMMISSION*** DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REFERRED THE ISSUE OF 1 THE URBAN AMENDMENTS TO THE ORDINANCE FOR OIL DRILLING AND PRODUCTION FOR REVIEW BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION. Attachment A Attachment B Attachment C ~ Attachment O ~ Lead: - Assigned To: Response? R1 (1) IDev. Services..& Planning . ...... Reassigned To: Response? . R2 (2)I I R3 i---- (3) 1 I Optional Citizen Contact Information Name: Name: I ~ I I I Address: Address: I ! I Phone: Phone: I ...... I I ................... I http://ew~rk/scripts/e~eb~d~~/F~~d~rPage?Page=Referra~%2524Disp~ay&F~~der~D=EW~RK 3/25/2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: ERIC W. MATLOCK, CHIEF OF PoLIcE(~k.~ DATE: April 23, 2002 SUBJECT: Speeding on Benton Council Referral No. 000065 (Ward 7) Council Member Salvaggio requested additional patrols on Benton between Wilson and Belvedere to control speeding. Operations staff was assigned to monitor the area during various hours and days of the week. The increased enforcement efforts resulted in eight citations and one vehicle impound. A citizen advised officers that most violations were occurring during morning commuter hours, however, very few violations were observed. Staff will continue to monitor the area as a special project, and provide enforcement as needed.' TDT/vrf EWM/vrf attachment: SUMMARY OF PROCEEDINGS BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - COUNTY OFKERN 1115 TruxtunAvenue Bakersfield, California Regular Meeting Monday, April 22, 2002 8:00 A.M. BOARD RECONVENED Supervisors: McQuiston, Perez, Patrick, Peterson, Parra ROLL CALL: All Present BOARD ACTION SHOWN IN CAPS PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS 1) This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons to address the Board on any matter not on this agenda but under the jurisdiction of the Board. Board members may respond briefly to statements made or questions posed. They may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff for factual information or request staff to report back to the Board at a later meeting. A/so, the Board may take action to direct the staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. SPEAKERS ARE LIMITED TO TWO MINUTES. PLEASE STATE YOUR NAME BEFORE MAKING YOUR PRESENTATION. THANK YOU! - NO ONE HEARD ADJOURNED TO CLOSED SESSION Peterson CLOSED SESSIONS COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 2) Results of Closed Session regarding Department Head interviews - Title: Director of Emergency Medical Services - APPOINTED DAVID BAUMSTARK AS DIRECTOR OF EMERGEN~ MEDICAL SERVICES EFFECTIVE MAY 13, 2002 .(see Item lA, Tuesday, April23, 2002, 9:00 A.M.) Peterson-Parra -All Ayes RECONVENED FROM CLOSEDSESSION; ADJOURNED TOTUESD~Y, APRIL 23, 2002 AT 9:00 P&rra-Peterson nise Pennell ~l~rk of the Board Steve A. Perez Chairman, Board of Supervisors SUMMARY OF PROCEEDINGS BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - COUNTY OF KERN 1115 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California Regular Meeting Tuesday, April 23, 2002 9:00 A.M. BOARD RECONVENED Supervisors: McQuiston, Perez, Patrick, Peterson, Parra ROLL CALL: All Present SALUTE TO FLAG - Led by Supervisor Parra NOTE: The vote is displayed in bold below each item. For example, Patrick-Peterson denotes Supervisor Patrick made the motion and Supervisor Peterson seconded the motion. CONSENT AGENDA/OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC COMMENT: ALL ITEMS LISTED WITH AN ASTERISK (*) OR A NUMBER SIGN (%) WERE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE AND APPROVED BY ONE MOTION. BOARD.ACTION SHOWN IN CAPS lA) Results of Closed Session from April 22, 2002, 9:00 A.M., Item No. 2, regarding Department Head interviews - Title: Director of Emergency Medical Services - CHAIRMAN PEREZ ANNOUNCED THE APPOINTMENT OF DAVID BAUMSTARK AS DIRECTOR OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES EFFECTIVE F~IY 13, 2002; DAVID BAUMSTARKHEARD RESOLUTIONS/PROCLAMATIONS 1) Proclamation proclaiming May 4, 2002 as Loyalty Day in Kern County - PROCLAIMED; MADE PRESENTATION TO DORIS MCDONALD; DORIS MCDONALD, PAST STATE PRESIDENT, VETERA/gS OF FOREIGN WARS AUXILIARY, HPJtRD Mc~u£ston-Peterson - All Ayes 2) Proclamation proclaiming the week of May' 5, 2002 as Kases for Kids Week in Kern County - PROCLAIMED; MADE PRESENTATION TO KADEN FERRETTI; KADEN FERRETTI, FOUNDER AND PRESIDENT OF KASES FOR KIDS, HEARD Patrick-Peterson -A11Ayes 3) Proclamation proclaiming April 26, 2002 as Arbor Day in Taft - PROCLAIMED; MADE PRESENTATION TO LEE WILSON A2~D CAROLYN CARVER, TA~T PLANNING COMMISSION; ISAAC GEORGE, CITY OF TA~"T; STEVE MCCALLEY, PRESIDENT, TREE FOUNDATION OF KERN; BOB ADDISON, DIRECTOR OF PARKS; AND LEE WILSON HEARD; RAY ANDREWS, TAFT CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION, INTRODUCED Peterson-Pe~r~ck -All Ayes Board of Supervisors - Regular Meeting 04/2a/2002 4) Proclamation proclaiming April 21-27, 2002 as Architecture Week in Kern County - PROCLAIMED; FJ~DE PRESENTATION TO LARRY WIGGINS, PRESIDENT, ~24ERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS ~OLDEN EMPIRE CHAPTER; LARRY WIGGINS HEARD; JOE COVINGTON INTRODUCED Parra-Mc~uiston - All Ayes 5) Proclamation proclaiut%ng April 21-27, 2002 as Crime Victims' Rights Week in Kern County - PROCLAIMED; MADE PRESENTATION TO SONYA MCCALL, KERN COUNTY PROBATION DEPARTMENT, VICTIM'S WITNESS UNIT; SONYA MCCALL ~ Paterson-Patrick - All Ayes 6) Resolution honoring and commending John E. "Ed" Bishop upon his retirement after 32 1/2 years of service to Kern County (continued from 4/9/02) - ADOPTED RESOLUTION; MADE PRESENTATION TO ED BISHOP; DEPIYTY CHIEF LECOSTEL HAILEY AND ~D BISHOP HEARD Peterson-Mc~uiston - All Ayes *7) Resolutions honoring Chuck Waide and Jack Brigham, recipients of the 33rd Labor Leader of the Year Award - ADOPTED RESOLUTIONS; REFERRED TO BOARD OF TRADE FOR PREPARATION Patrick-Paterson - All Ayes PUBLIC REQUESTS 8) Request of 2002 Youth Voice Students to address the Board regarding the leadership program and to recognize agencies/speakers who have assisted them in the past year - SILV]ER ARIAS, 2001-2002 PRESIDENT, YOU~ VOICE; JUA/~ AVILA, SENIOR, EAST HIGH SCHOOL; AUBP. EY CALLOWAY; EUGENE QWON, SENIOR, HI GHLAITD HIGH SCHOOL; DAVID STRONG, FIELD REPRESENTATIVE; AND SUPERVISOR PETE PARRA HEARD; JUAN CASTRO AITD LAWRENCE ST;tLLION, FOOTHILL HIGH SCHOOL, INTRODUCED; JOYCE THOMPSON, FOOTHILL HI GH SCHOOL, RECOGNIZED A/PD HFJ%RD 9) Request of Kenneth Fry to address the Board regarding the Human Relations Commission - KENNETH FRY AND DAVID TORRES, PRESIDENT, HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION, HEARD; RECEIVED AND FILED Peterson-McQuiston - All Ayes APPOINTMENTS '10) Appointment of Becky Kaiser as Second District Member to the Citizens A~visory Committee on Annexations, term to expire at the pleasure of the Board - MADE APPOINTMENT Patrick-Paterson - ~.ll Ayes '11) Appointment of Larry Phelps (replacing Dr. Christina Hoffman) as Local School District Representative Member to the Children and Families Commission, =erin to expire March 31, 2004 - MADE APPOINT~TT Patrick-Peterson - 9-ll Ayes ~ummary of Pgoceed/ngs Page 4 Board of Supervisors - Regular Meeting 04/23/2002 · 12) Appointments of Barbara Fields and Jane Prewett as at-large members to the Citizens Advisory Committee on Annexations, terms to expire at the pleasure of the Board - MADE APPOINTMENTS P&tr~ck-Peterson -~tll Ayes · 13) Appointment of Stu Witt (replacing Sean Roberts) to the Board of Trade, term to expire at the pleasure of the Board - MADE APPOINTMENT P&tr~ck-Peterson -All Ayes · 14) Appointment of Marie Walker (replacing Jack Conley) as Second District Member to the Board of Trade, term expire at the pleasure of the Board - MADE APPOINTMENT Patrick-Paterson -All Ayes PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS 15) This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons to address the Board on any ma=tar, not on this agenda but under the jurisdiction of the Board. Board members may respond briefly to statements made or questions posed. They may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff for factual information or request staff to report back to the Board at a later meeting. Also, the Board may take action to direct the staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. SPEAKERS ARE LIMITED TO TWO MINUTES. PLEASE STATE YOUR NAME BEFORE MAKING YOUR PRESENTATION. THANK YOU! - WESLEY MUHAMMAD CRAWFORD HEARD REGARDING THE AUTHORITY OF THE HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION; RECEIVED AND FILED Paterson-Patrick - All Ayes DR. B. A. JINADU, PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICER, REPORTED ON RECEIVING THE BEAUTIFUL BAKERSFIELD AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING ARCHITECTURE IN A PUBLIC BUILDING, AND ACKNOWLEDGED THE SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTIONS OF MARK RUSSELL, GENERAL SERVICES DIVISION, ON THIS PROJECT~ MARK RUSSELL HEARD BOARD MEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS OR REPORTS 16) On their own initiative, Board members may make an announcement or a report on their own activities. They may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda (Gev. Code Sec. 54954.2[a]) - SUPERVISOR PATRICK OFFERED CONGRATULATIONS FOR THE BEAUTIFUL BAKERSFIELD AWARD AND ANNOUNCED THAT THE KERN COUNTY FILM COMMISSION AND THE KERN COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES/HEALTH UNIT ALSO RECEIVED AWARDS Board of Supervisors - Regvlar Meeting 04/23/2002 DEPARTMENTAL Pd~QUESTS AGING AND ADULT SERVICES '17) Proposed Ordinance adding Chapter 2.140 to Title 2 of the Kern County Code concerning creation of the County of Kern In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority - WAIVED P-P~%DING; INTRODUCED ORDINANCE; DIReCTeD COUN~ COUNSEL TO PREPARE, AND CLERK OF THE BOARD TO PUBLISH, ORDINANCE SUMMARY Patrick-Paterson -All Ayes AIRPORTS · 18) Proposed Grant Offer from the Federal Aviation Administration for compensation of a portion of direct costs associated with additional security requirements at Meadows Field Airport, in the amount of $64,110 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SI~N' AGREEMENT 267-2002 Patrick-Paterson -All Ayes COUNTY COUNSEL · 19) Resolution Providing for the Authorization, Issuance, and Sale of General Obligation Bonds on the Fairfax School District in the Aggregate Principal Amount Not to Exceed $1,775,107.95 - ADOPTED RESOLUTION 2002-137 Patrick-Paterson -All Ayes · 20) Resolution Authorizing the Sale of Greenfield Union Elementary School District General Obligation Bonds, 1990 Election, Series C in an Aggregate Principal Amount of $1,500,000 - ADOPTED RESOLUTION 2002-138 Patrick-Paterson - AX1 Ayes · 21) Resolution Authorizing the Sale of Greenfield Union Elementary School District General Obligation Bonds, 2002 Election, Series A in an Aggregate Principal Amount Not to Exceed $2,000,000 - ADOPTED RESOLUTION 2002-139 Patrick-Paterson - All Ayes · 22) Request to appoint Clarke Schlabach to serve as Director on the Board of Directors of the CSAC Excess Insurance Authority (EIA) -APPROVED · . Patrick-Paterson ' All Ayes DISTRICT ATTORNEY · 23) Appropriation of unanticipated revenue in the amount of $54,100 from the ~overnor's Office of Criminal Justice Planning for the Local Forensic Laboratory Improvement Program; proposed addition of one (1) Supervising Criminalist, one (1) Criminalist I/II/III, and one (1) Forensic Laboratory Technician positions; and deletion of one (1) DNA Criminalist position, effective April 9, 2002 - APPROVED APPROPRIATION OF UNANTICIPATED REVENUE IN THE AMOUNT OF $54,100 TO APPROPRIATIONS FOR CONTINGENCIES; APPROVED BUDGET TRANSFER IN THE AMOUNT OF $54,100 FROM APPROPRIATIONS FOR CONTINGENCIES TO BUDGET UNIT 2200; APPROVED; REFERRED TO PERSONNEL TO AMEND DEPARTMENTAL POSITIONS AND SALARY SCHEDULE Patrick-Paterson -All Ayes Board of Supervisors - Regular ~eetin~ Page 6' EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES *24) Proposed retroactive Agreement with State of California Emergency Medical Services Authority for Trauma Center funding in Kern County, from July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002, in an amount not to exceed $75,750 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 268-2002 Patrick-Paterson - All Ayes *25) Proposed re=reactive Agreements with Hall Ambulance Service, Inc., for prehospital emergency medical transportation service and prehospital emergency medical aircraft service, from July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENTS 269-2002 AND 270-2002 Patrick-Paterson -All Ayes EMPLOYERSt TRAINING RESOURC~ *26) Not'ification of retroactive Agreement with La Cooperative CampeSina de California for the M/grant and Seasonal Farmworker Energy Conservation program - REcEIVED AND FILED Patrick-Paterson -All Ayes FIRE DEPARTMENT *27) Proposed addition of one (1) Storekeeper I and deletion of one (1) Fire Equipment Supply Worker positions, effective April 23, 2002 - APPROVED; REFERRED TO PERSONNEL TO AMEND DEPARTMENTALPOSITIONSAND SALARY SCHEDULE Patrick-Paterson -All Ayes *28) Request to accept donation of two (2) vehicles valued at $35,000 from Aera Energy LLC (1978 Chevrolet ambulance and a Chevrolet Van 20) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN LETTER OFAPPRECIATION Patrick*Paterson -All Ayes '29) Request for transfer of $25,000 from K/tchen Trust Fund to Fire Department Budget Unit for large barbecues, tables and chairs for fire /nc/dent kitchen - APPROVED TRANSFER OF $25,000 FROM FIRE KITCHEN TRUST FUND (FUND %24050) TO APPROPRIATIONS FOR CONTINGENCIES; APPROVED BUDGET TRANSFER FROM APPROPRIATIONS FOR CONTINGENCIES TO FIRE DEPARTMENT BUDGET UNIT 2415 Patrick~Peterson -All Ayes HUMAN SERVICES *30) Proposed Agreement wXth Garden Pathways, Inc., for provision of the Family to Fam/ly Mentoring Program, from May 1, 2002 to April 30, 2003, in an amount not to exceed $283,200 (Fed/State; no County cost) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SiGN AGREEMENT 271-2002 Patrick-Paterson -All Ayes Board of Supe~isors - Re~lar Mee~n~ 04/23/2002 ~ ~DI~ C~ER '31) ProPosed ~reemen~ w~th ~lse Healthcare S~affing ~o provide ~rso~el ~o work interim assi~n=s on =he nursing ~i~s, from April 23, 2002 =~ough April 22, 2004, in an a~t not ~o ~ceed $1,000,000 - ~PRO~; A~ORIZ~ ~I~ TO SI~ AG~ 272-2002 P~r~ck-Pe~erson - ~1 Ayes *32) PropOsed retroactive ~nd~n~ No. 3 ~o Agreemen~ 693-2000 with Jack H. Bloch, M.D., ~o se~e as Chair of ~pa~n~ of Surge~, ex~ending ~he ~e~ by 12 ~n~hs from July 3, 2000 =~ough ~ce~r 31, 2002 ~d increasing con~rac~ual amo~= by $290,000, for a ~o=al a~= no= ~o exceed $750,000 ~PRO~ A~ORIZ~ ~I~ ~ SI~ AG~~ 273-2002 Patrick-Pe~erson - ~1 Ayes *33) Proposed Agreemen~ wi~h Ker~ A. Oliver, M.D., =o provide ~dical se~ices in the ~par~nt of In=e~al Medicine, from April 24, 2002 =~ough April 23, 2004, in an amo~ no= ~o exceed $130,000 - ~PRO~; A~ORIZ~ ~I~ TO SI~ AG~~ 274-2002 Patrick-Pe~erson - ~1 Ayes *34) Proposed retroactive Agreement w~=h State of California, ~par~ment of Correc=~ons Califo~ia Correctional Ins= itu=ion (CCI) Tehachapi, for special~y care, from Nove~er 1, 2000 =~ough J~e 30, 2003, in an amo~= exceed $400,000 - ~PRO~D; A~ORIZ~ ~I~ TO SIGN AG~E~ 275-2002 Pa~r~ck-Pe=erson - All Ayes ~35) Proposed Amendment No. 27 to Medi-Cal Con=fac= for Hospital Inpatien~ Se~ices, medical education supplemental paten= - ~PRO~D; A~ORIZED ~I~ TO SI~ AG~~ 276-2002 Pa~r~ck-Pe~erson - ~1 Ayes *36) Proposed Resolution granting golden ~dshake retirement Elizabeth Ma~aret Villicano, effective J~e 1, 2002, ~d deletion of Storekeeper II, effective J~e 2, 2002 - APPRO~D; ~P~ ~SOL~ION 2002-140; ~FE~D TO PERSO~L ~ ~ DEP~~~ POSITION ~ ~y Patr~ck-Poterson - ~1 Ayes ~ ~ SERVI~S '37) Proposed ~n~n= No. 3 =o A~ree~n= 414-99 with Sycamore Health Care, Inc., to decrease the general aggregate i~ur~ce rate from $3,000,000 to $2,000,000 correspond wi~h si~lar agree~nts for intensive residential se~ices (no fiscal i~ac=) - A~ORIZ~ ~I~ ~ SI~ AG~ 277-2002 Patr~ck-Peterlon - ~1 Ayes *38) Proposed Amendment No. X to Agreement 553-2001 with T~rning Point of Central California, Inc. dba Kennemer Center, to increase the number of bed days from 236 to 736 for sober living environment and- detoxification treatment services for County clients residing in the Bakersfield area, in an amount not to exceed $30,324 (an increase of $13,328) APPROVED; AUTHORIZF. D CHAIRMAN TO SI~NAGR~EM~NT 278-2002 Patr~ckopeterson -All Ayes *39) Proposed Amendment No. 1 to Agreement 564-2001 with Nankil Enterprises, Inc., dba Union Villa, to increase au~ented ' board and care services by increasing bed days from 1,577 to 2,365 for County Jailink and Kern Linkage clients residing in their facility, in an amount not to exceed . $60,000 (an increase of $20,000) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREE~Tr 279-2002 Patrick-Peteraon -JLllAyas *40) Proposed Amendment No. I to Agreement 873'-2001 with Le Jardin Room and Board to relieve contractor from automobile: insurance requirements for services it does not provide (no. fiscal impact) APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 280-2002 Patrick-Psterson -All Ayes '41) Proposed Amendment No. i to Agreement 402-2001 with SKF' Drugs, Inc., dba Brundage Pharmacy, to transfer agreement to Albertson's Inc., dba Brundage Pharmacy, as successor to SKF Drugs, Inc., for continued prescription pharmacy. services to County Clients residing in the Bakersfield area, from April 23, 2002 to June 30, 3002 (no fiscal ~ impact) APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 281-2002 Patrick-Paterson -]L11 Ayes PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT *42) Proposed Parks Facilities Strategic Plan - I~ECEIVED AND FILED; REFERRED TO BUDGET FILE Patrick-Paterson -]tll Ayes *43) Request for authorization to apply for grant funding through the State of California, Department of Parks and Recreation, Land and Water Conservation Fund Program to redevelop campground recreation area at Buena Vista Aquatic. Recreation Area - MADE FINDING THAT PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM CEQA REQUIREMENTS PURSUANT TO GUIDELINES SECTION 15303(E); ADOPTED RESOLUTION 2002-141 ALrfHORIZING PARKS .DEPARTME/qT TO APPLY FOR GRANT FUNDING FROM THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION; DIRECTED CLERK OF THE BOARD TO FILE NOTICE OF EXEMPTION; AU/~iORIZED DIRECTOR TO SIGN APPLICATION DOCUMENTS PatrAck-Pe~erson -All Ayes ~,---z'yo£ Pz'oc®ed:Lngs Page 9 Soard of Supervisors - Regular Neeting 04/23/2002 PARKS AND RECREATION Wildlife Resources Commission *44) Proposed funding request from Taft Sportsman's Club to purchase pheasant for the 2002 junior pheasant hunt, in the amount of $1,000 - APPROVED FROM FUNDS AVAILABLE IN 2001- 2002 APPROPRIATIONS FOR CONTRIBUTIONS TO OTHER AGENCIES; AUTHORIZED PARKS DEPARTMENT TO PROCESS NECESSARY DOCUMENTS TO COMPLETE TRANSACTION; AUTHORIZED PURCHASING AGENT TO ESTABLISH PURCHASE ORDER Petr~ck-Peterson -A11Ayes *45) Proposed funding request for California Department of Fish & Game to purchase pheasant for the 2002 family pheasant hunt, in the amount of $2,000 - APPROVED FROM FUNDS AVAILABLE IN THE 2001-2002 APPROPRIATIONS FOR CONTRIBUTIONS TO OTHER AGENCIES; A%ITHORIZED PARKS DEPARTMENT TO PROCESS NECESSARY DOCUMENTS TO COMPLETE TRANSACTION; AUTHORIZED PURCHASING AGENT TO ESTABLISH PURCHASE ORDER Patrick-Peterson - ltll Ayes PERSONNEL *46) Classifications of positions recommended by the Civil Service Commission effective to May 4, 2002 - APPROVED; REFERRED TO PERSONNEL TO AMEND DEPARTMENTAL POSITION AND SAIJURYSCHEDULE P&trick-Peterson - All Ayes PROBATION *47) Proposed Memorandum of Understanding with California Franchise Tax Board for Court-Ordered Debt Collection Program - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 282-2002 Patrick-Paterson -All Ayes PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES *48) Proposed retroactive Agreement with Kern Radiology Medical Group, Inc., for clinical x-ray services, from January 1, 2002, through March 8, 2002, in an amount not to exceed $5,000 (prior notification December 11, 2001) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 283-2002 Petrick-Peterson -All Ayes *49) Proposed Agreement with Central California Center for Health and Human Services, California State University, Fresno Foundation, to provide training for' the Public Health Training Academy through June 30, 2003, in an amount not to exceed $10,000 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 284-2002 P&trick-Peterson -All Ayes *50) Request for addition of one (1) Public Health Nurse III and one (1) Administrative Coordinator positions, effective April 23, 2002 and deletion of three (3) Public Health Program Specialists positions, effective June 30, 2002 - APPROVED; REFERRED TO PERSONNEL TO AMEND DEPARTMENTAL POSITIONS AND SALARY SCHEDULE Patri~k-Peterson -1%11 Ayes · ua~m~ of Proceedings Page 10 Board of Supervisors - Regular Meeting 04/23/2002 SHERIFF '51) Proposed donation from Nuevo Energy Company of a 1998 Ford F-150 pick-up to the Kern CoLmty Sheriff's Department Citizen Service Unit, valued at $9,525 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN LETTER OF APPRECIATION Patrick-Peterson - All Ayes · 52) Application to hold a bike race - Inyokern Chamber of Commerce on May 11, 2002 - FOUND THAT THE SHERIFF HAS NOTED HIS APPROVAL ON THE PERMIT AND THAT THE PARADE WILL NOT R~SU'LT IN ~ UI~DUE OR UNMANAGEABLE OBSTRUCTION OR HINDRANCE OF TRAFFIC ON THE HIGHWAY WHERE IT IS TO BE HELD; WIIJ~ NOT ~ TO BREACH OF THE PEACE, PROPERTY DAMAGE, OR OTHER DISORDERLy OR UNIJ%WFUL CONDUCT; WILL NOT CONFLICT WITH OTHER PARADES PREVIOUSLY GRANTED PERMITS, AND THAT THE SHERIFF HAS FACILITIES TO PROPERLY SUPERVISE THE P~RADE; APPROVED PERMIT; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN Patriok-Peterson -AX1 Ayes ~F-J%SU'RER-TAX COLLECTOR · 52A)Proposed Agreement with Govolution, Inc., for an interactive voice response and intex-net system for data access and payment processing, from April 23, 2002 through April 23, 2005, in an amount not to exceed $543,080.63 and a 35-cent per minute telephone usage, cost - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 285-2002 P&trick-Peterson -All Ayes · 52B)Request for unusual travel for Cash Management Officer John Mattly to attend the 23~ Association for Financial Professional's Conference in New Orleans, from November 2, 2002 through November 6, 2002, in an amount not to exceed $2,643 -APPROVED Patrick-Peterson -Ail Ayes · 52C)Request for unusual travel for Information Systems Specialist II Colin Corcoran to attend specialized training in Austin, Texas, from May 21, 2002 through May 25, 2002, in an amount not to exceed $3,734 - APPROVED Patrick-Peterson -AllAyes ADJOURNED TO C~OSED SESSION Peterson CLOSED SESSIONS COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 53) Request for Closed Session regarding Meet and Confer, KLEA 54) Request for Closed Session regarding Department Head interviews - Title= Fire Chief (continued from 4/15/02) - ~-----~-~ o£ Procee~4ngs Page 11 Board of Supervisors - Regular Meeting 04/23/2002 CO~ CO~SEL 55) Re.est for Closed Session re~ardin~ a lawsuit entitled Var~as, et al. vs. Cowry of Ke~, et al. (~ve~ent Code Section 54956.9(a)) - ~CO~D ~OM CLOSED SESSION; ~CESSED TO 2:00 P.M. Peter~on-Pmrra - ~1 Ayes ~:~)~i se Pennell ~erk of the Board eve A Perez ~hairman, Board of Supervisors SUMMARY OF PROCEEDINGS BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - COUNTY OFKERN 1115 TruxtunAvenue Bakersfi61d, California Regular Meeting Tuesday, April 23, 2002 2:00 P.M. BOARD RECONVENED Supervisors: McQuiston, Perez, Patrick, Peterson, Parra ROLL CALL: All Present lA) Results of Closed Session from April 23, 2002, at 9:00 a.m., Item No. 54, regarding Department Head Appointment, Fire Chief - CHAIRMAN PEREZ ANNOUNCED THE APPOINTMENT OF STEVE GAGE AS THE NEW FIRE CHIEF, EFFECTIVE APRIL 23, 2002; STEVE GAGE HEARD CONSENT AGENDA/OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC COMMENT: ALL ITEMS LISTED WITH AN ASTERISK (*) OR A NUMBER SIGN (#) WERE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE AND APPROVED BY ONE MOTION. BOARD ACTION SHOWN IN CAPS PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS 1) This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons to address the Board on any matter not on this agenda but under the jurisdiction of the Board. Board members may respond briefly to statements made or questions posed. They may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff for factual information or request staff to report back to the Board at a later meeting. Also, the Board may take action to direct the staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. SPEAKERS AR~ LIMITED TO TWO MINUTES. PLEASE STATE YOUR NAME BEFORE MAKING YOUR PRESENTATION. THANK YOU! - BARBARA FIELDS AND BECKY KAISER HEARD P~EGARDING CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ANNEXATIONS AND EXPRESSED APPRECIATION FOR THEIR APPOINTMENTS TO THE COMMITTEE. CAROL MIRANDA EXPRESSED HER APPRECIATION FOR BRINGING THE VIETNAM WALL TO KERN COUN/'Y ~ ENCOURAGED CITIZENS TO DO THEIR PART IN THE WAR EFFORT. BOARD MEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS OR REPORTS 2) On their own initiative, Board members may make an announcement or a report on their own activities. They may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda (Gov. Code Sec. 54954.2 Ia]) - NO ONE HEARD ~ Bo&=d o£ ~upe~so=~ Page 13 Summar~ of Proceedings - Regular HeeCtng 04/23/200? HEARING RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY Planning Department Request fram Kern County Pl---~ng Department regarding changes to various sections of ~he Kern County Zoning Ordinance text, Countywide (A/1 ~D's) Specific Request: A revision to the Kern County Zoning Ordinance text relating to kennels, animal shelters, and dog keeping restrictions in residential zoning districts. Changes are also proposed pertaining to off-site advertising sign (billboard) size and setback requirements and to the uses perm/teed within the Floodplain Primary (FPP) Zoning District (Zoning Ordinance Revisions - 2001-02) (~eneral .Rule, Section 15061(b) (3); Published Bakersfield Californian) - OPENED HEARING; RELATING TO KENNELS, ANIMAL SHELTERS AND DOG KEEPING RESTRICTIONS IN RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICTS, THE FOLLOWING WERE HEARD IN SUPPORT OF STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: PAT SQUIRES AND FLORENCE DUNAGAN; HEARD IN OPPOSITION TO STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: GILBERT ESTEVEZ, LORI LA CHANEY, KATHERINE HANAGER, DONALD O. METTLER, SR. , DALE SPEAR, JOHN FOSTER, BETH RASMUSSEN, BAR~ARA LEE, CAROL MIRANDA, BAR~ARA FOWLER, MARY LOYA, DEE SHEARER, CASEY LocKHART, RON SOATON, BONNIE TREGONING, ALAN MASCHHAFF AND FRANCES RATLIFF; GREGORY GAVINO AND CASEY SQUIRES, HEARD; ADOPTED RESOLUTION 2002-142 ~ ENACTED ORDINANCE Go6870 A~PROVING ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT REVISIONS AS RECOMMENDED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION PERTAINING TO ANIMAL SHELTER AND GRACE PERIOD; REFERRED ALL OTHER DOG KEEPING P-ESTRICTIONS BACK TO STAFF'; RECEIVED AND FILED DOCUMENTS Psterson-Patrick - All Ayes RECESSED AT 4:29 P.M.; RECONVENED AT 4:40 P.M. ROLL CALL: 4 Present; i Absent: Supervisor McQuiston NOTE: SUPERVISOR MCQUISTON ENTERED THE MEETING DURING STAFF' S PRESENTATION RELATING TO OFF-SITE ADVERTISING SIGN (BILLBOARD) SIZE AND SETBACK REQUIREMENTS, THE FOLLOWING WERE HEARD: GREGORY GAVINO; AND RANDY ABBOTT, ABBOTT ASSOCIATES, REPRESENTING LAMAR ADVERTISING COMPANY; ADOPTED RESOLUTION 2002-143 AND ENACTED ORDINANCE G-6871 APPROVING ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT REVISIONS AS RECOMMENDED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE PROPOSED 300 SQUARE FOOT SIGN SIZE R~QUIREMENT CHAIRMAN PASSED GAVEL RELATING TO FLOODPLAIN PRIMARY (FPP) ZONING DISTRICT, NO ONE HEARD; CLOSED H~J~RING; ADOPTED RESOLUTION 2002-144 AND ENACTED ORDINANCE G-6872 APPROVING ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT REVISIONS AS RECOMMENDED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION Peterson-Parra - All Ayes So&rd o£ ~upe~vieors Page 14 ., Summary of Proceedings - Regul&r Heeting 04/23/200? DEPARTMENTAL REQUESTS RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY Plannin~ Land Use S.D. #4 *4) Proposed Williamson Act Land Use Contract for 2003 Calendar Year, Contract 02-03, Western Ag Specialists, east of Maricopa, Agricultural Preserve No. 12, 80 acres - APPROVED; AU77{ORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN; DIRECTED CLERK OF THE BOARD TO RECORD Peterson-P&rr& - All Ayes Miscellaneous S.D. #1 *5) Request by 1095 ~ulare Corporation by Daljinder Chatthan for Determination of Public Convenience for the Issuance of an Off-Sale Beer and Wine License at 35184 Seventh Standard Road, Bakersfield, pursuant to the A/cohol Beverage Control Act, Section 23958 of the Business and Professions Code - APPROVED; ADOPTED RESOLUTION 2002-145 Peterson-Parra - ~_ll Ayes S.D. #4 *6) Proposed Amendment to Agreement with ~uad-Knopf, Inc., for additional technical studies related to the Frazier Park/Lebec Specific Plan and Program Environmental Impact Report, an addition 'of $48,500, for' a new total not to exceed $198,469 - APPROVED; AUlT{ORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 286-2002 Peterson-Parra -A~i Ayes Ail S.D.'s MOTION TO CONSIDER NON-AGENDA ITEM: MADE FINDING THAT NEED TO TAKE ACTION ON NON-AGENDA MATTER OCCURRED AFTER THE AGENDA WAS POSTED BECAUSE ON MONDAY, APRIL 29, 2002, THE. STATE MINING AND GEOLOGY BOARD WILL CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON THE PROPOSED RULEMAKING ACTION AMENDING TITLE 14 CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS SECTION, 3502. COMMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY THIS DATE TO BE INCLUDED~ IN THE CONSIDERATION OF THE PROPOSED RULES AT THE REGULAR~ BUSINESS MEETING OF THE MINING BOARD SCHEDU~.k~n FOR THURSDAY, MAY 9, 2002. TH~ PROPOSED RULES WILL HAVE A SIGNIFICANT' EFFECT ON SURFACE MINING OPERATIONS IN KERN COUld; STA/~F BE~ AWARE OF ~ NEED FOR SUCH COMMENT AFTER THE POSTING OF THE AGENDA FOR TODAY'S MEETING Peterson-Patriuk -All Ayes Bouz'd of 8upez"v:Looz-s Page Su.~aary o~ P~oceedings - Regul&r Mee~.ng 04/23/2002 red~c~n~ ~oca~ ~d use con~ro~ w~ respec~ ~o ~ec~a~on plans ~der the Surface Mining ~d Recla~tion Act, Title 14, Califo~ia Code of Repletions, Section 35-2 - JIM ~GER, PErilING ~ ~~~ ~FAIRS, ~RI~S ~, ~; ~P~ POSITION OF OPPOSITION; A~ORIZ~ ~I~ ~ SI~ ~PROPRIA~ CO--SPOt. CE PROVIDE. ~PIES ~ ~ ~OR ~ ~ ~IES; INCORPO~ ~S BY ~ ~I~S IF DE~I~ BY P~ING TO ~INCIDE WI~ ~ B~'S ~SITION; ~CEI~ FI~ ~S Pe~or~on-Parra - ~1 Ayes ~SO~CE ~G~ AG~ All S.D.'s * 7 ) Proposed Resolu= ~on supper= ing f~ding ~d s~rea~ ined pe~i=~ing for San Joa~in Valley Wa=er S~orage and Watershed Manage~n= Projec=s - ~PRO~; ~P~ ~SOL~ION 2002-146; A~ORIZ~ ~E~ OF ~ BO~ TO PROVIDE COPIES TO ~SO~CE ~G~ AG~ ~ ~ JOAQUIN V~Y WATER CO~ITION Peteroon-Parra - ~1 Ayes ~SO~CE ~AG~ AG~ Co~i=y Developmen= All S.D. 's *8) Proposed ~endmen= No. 2 ~o Agreemen= 548-93 be=ween Kern Co~y Economic ~por~i~y Co.oration (KCEOC) and =he Co~=y of Ke~ a~nding loan repa~ent criteria ~d audit prac=ices rela=ing ~o ~he KCEOC Family Health Clinic - ~PRO~D; A~ORIZ~ ~I~ TO SI~ AG~~ 287-2002 Pe~erson-Parra - ~1 Ayes ~SO~CE ~G~ AG~ En~ineerin~ and Sudsy Se~ices S.D. ~1 *9) Proposed Resolu=ion accepting Ordin~ce continuing in effec~ ~d fixing a sewer s=~y or avail~ili~y charge in Co~y Se~ice ~ea No. 23 (Shaf~er) - ~PRO~; ~P~ ~SOL~ION 2002-147~ ~~ O~I~CE G-6873 Po~or~on-P~ra - ~1 Ayes '10) Proposed Resolu=ion accep=ing Ordinance continuing in ~d fixing a sewer s=~y or avail~ili=y charge in Se~ice ~ea No. 39 (Ke~ Valley) - ~PRO~; ~PT~ ~SOL~ION 2002-148~ ~~ 0~I~'G-6874 '11) Con,fac= No. 01034, No=ice of Co~le=ion for S~=h Canyon- ~w Flow B~aos - ~CEI~ ~ FI~ Peterlon-Plrra - ~1 Ayes Board o£ Supe=v~aorl. Page 16 .. Summary of Proceedings - Regular Meeting 04/23/2002 '12) Proposed Amendment No. I to Agreement 157-2001 with Quad- Knopf, Inc., for engineering services associated with design of MOjave Drainage Improvements, an increase of $25,000, for a new total of $155,000 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED BUDGET TRANSFER OF $30,000 FROM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDGB) UNPROGRAMMED FUNDS TO C.D. %31.97.1; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 288-2002 Pe~erBon-Parr& -A/1Ayas · 13) Report regarding Rosamond Westpark Pool closure, County Service Area 63.5 - RECEIVED AND FITJ~ Peterson-P&rra -All Ayes '14) Contract No. 02002, Notice of Completion for Mojave Drainage Improvements-Basin Tie-In - RECEIVED ANDFILED Pe=erlon-Parra - All Ayes · 15) Contract No. 01043, Notice of Completion for Mojave Retention Basin-Fence Installation - RECEIVED AND FILED Paterson-Parr& - All Ayes S.D. #3 · 16) Notice of Completion for demolition of substandard structure at 329 Harding Avenue~ Oildale (C.D. No. 35.99.1) - RECEIVED AND FILED Pe~erson-P&rra -All Ayes · 17) Contract No. 01016, Change Order No. 1, for construction of North Beardsley' Drainage Improvements, an increase of $54,158.99, for a new total of $744,779.89 - S.D. #4 · 18) Contract No. 01039, Not/ce of Completion for Drainage Facilities and Road Widening, Landfill Road, Lebec RECEIVED AND FILED Peterson-Parra - All Ayes S.D. #5 '19) Contract No. 02003, 'Not/ce of Completion for Lament Drainfield, Phase VI - RECEIVED AND FILED Peterson-P&rra -All Ayes S.D.'s #1, #3, & #4' · 20) Proposed Resolution accepting Ordinance continuing in effect and fixing a sewer standby or availability charge in County Service Area No. 71 (West Bakersfield) - APPROVED; ADOPTED J~ESOLUTION 2002-149; ENACTED ORDINANCE G-6875 Pe~erson-P&rra -All Ayes Bo&rd o£ ~upe~vLiors Page 17 Summary of Proceedings - Regular Keeting 04/23/200R RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY Roads Department · 21) Contract No. 02029, Plans', Specifications, and Notice to Contractors for manufacturing and delivery of asphalt concrete (windrow stockpile) at various locations in Kern County - MADE FINDING THAT PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM CEQA PER SECTIONS 15301(c); AUTHORIZED ROADS TO FILE NOTICE OF EXEMPTION; APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN; AUTHORIZED ROADS TO PUBLISH PURSUANT TO SECTION 20392 OF THE PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE; BID OPENING TO BE WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 2002, AT 11:00 A.M. Peterson-P&rr& - All Ayes WASTE MANAGEMENT S.D. %4 · 22) Proposed Resolution setting a public hearing for Tuesday, June 4, 2002, at 2:00 p.m. to consider the Ordinance establishing the schedule of Universal Solid Waste Management Collection Charges for residential properties with four or fewer units in the Unincorporated Taft Universal Collection Area for Fiscal Year 2002-2003 - ADOPTED RESOLUTION 2002-150; DIRECTED COUNTY COUNSEL TO PREPARE, AND CLERK OF THE BOARD TO PUBLISH, NOTICE OF HEARING AND ORDINANCE SUMMARY Peterson-P&rra - Jill Ayes · 23) Proposed selection of Paradigm Software, LLC, to provide Disposal Site Gate Fee Software and Equipment - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED WASTE MANAGEMENT TO NEGOTIATE AGREEMENT Peterson-Parra - All Ayes COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE · 24) Request to appropriate unanticipated revenue from Community Development Block Grant Funds to establish two Community Development Projects in the General Fund - APPROVED APPROPRIATION OF UNANTICIPATED REVENUE IN THE AMOUNT OF $133,718 TO APPROPRIATIONS FOR CONTINGENCIES; APPROVED BUDGET TRANSFER FROM APPROPRIATIONS FOR CONTINGENCIES TO CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET UNIT %1960 IN THE AMOUNT OF $133,718 Peterson-Parra - All Ayes · 25) Request to appropriate unanticipated revenue from Kern Council of ~overnments to assist in funding the South Taft Community Development Plan and proposed professional services agreement with Quad-Knopf, Inc., to prepare plan in an amount not to exceed $47,013 - APPROVED APPROPRIATION OF UNANTICIPATED REVENUE IN THE AMOUNT OF $20,000 TO APPROPRIATIONS FOR CONTINGENCIES; APPROVED BUDGET TRANSFER FROM APPROPRIATIONS FOR CONTINGENCIES TO CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET UNIT %1960 IN THE AMOUNT OF $20,000; APPROVED AGREEMENT; AU'rHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 289-2002 Peberson-P&rra -All Ayes Board o£ Sup,zwtsors Page 18 Summary of Proceedings - Regular Nesting 04/23/2002 *26) Request for authorization .to reimburse moving expenses for D/rector of Human Services in an amount not to exceed $6,000 - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED AUDITOR-CONTROLI~R-COUNTY CLERK TO PAY l~etereon'P&rra -- ~tll Ayes Legislative Matters *27) Opposition to proposed State budget reductions - ADOPTED POSITION IN OPPOSITION; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN APPROPRIATE CORRESPONDENCE Peterson-P&rra -All Ayes *28) AB 1833: Revised payment procedures for claims against the emergency medical services fund - ADOPTED POSITION IN OPPOSITION; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SI(~; APPROPRIATE CORRESPONDENCE Peterson-Parr& - All Ayes *29) SB 1989: Improved coordination with governing authority of restricted airspace on s/ting of small wind energy systems - ADOPTED POSITION IN SUPPORT; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN APPROPRIATE CORRESPONDENCE Peterson-Parra - All Ayes COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICF, General Services Division S.D. %2 *30) Proposed purchase of 30 acres of undeveloped land near the Mojave-Rosamond landfill from the Lewis Pfeifer Revocable Trust, for ground water and gas monitoring well, buffer and habitat purposes, in the amount of $23,025 - MADE FINDING THAT PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM CEQA PER SECTION 15061(b)(3); AUTHORIZED GENERAL SERVICES TO FILE NOTICE OF EXEMPTION; ADOPTED RESOLUTION 2002-151; ACCEPTED GRANT DEED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN SALE ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS; DIRECTED AUDITOR- CONTROLLER TO ISSUE A WARRANT FOR $23,025 TO COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE COMPANY Peterson-P&rra - All Ayes '31) Request =o object to sale of tax-defaulted proper~y and proposed Resolution authorizing Waste Management Department and General Services Division to negotiate with Kern County Treasurer-Tax Collector to purchase property located just north, west and south of Mojave Rosamond Landfill, in an amount not to exceed $18,000 - MADE FINDING THAT PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM CEQA PER SECTION 15061 (b) (3); AUTHORIZED GENERAL SERVICES TO FILE NOTICE OF EXEMPTION; ADOPTED RESOLUTION 2002-152; AUTHORIZED GENERAL SERVICES AND HASTE MANAGEMENT TO SUBMIT LETTER OBJECTING TO SALE; AUTHORIZED AUDITOR- CONTROLLER TO TRANSFER FUNDS, NOT TO EXCEED $18,000, TO TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR FROM SOLID WASTE ENTERPRISE FUND 35050, BUDGET UNIT 8993, KEY %8008, SUBJECT TO SUCCESSFUL NEGOTIATIONS; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN DOCUMENTS TO CONSUMMATE TRANSFER Peterson-Parre - All Ayes Su.=~ary o! Proceedings - Re~ulaF Meeting *32) Proposed Resolution dedicatin~ portions of County Airport property adjacent to Highway ~5 and Imperial Avenue (County Road #3893) for use as road ri~ht-of-way - APPROVED; ADOPTED RESOLUTION 2002-153; DIRECTED CLERK OF THE BOARD TO RECORD Peterso~-Parra -All Ayes S.D. %5 *33) Plans and Specifications for development of a park at the former Public Health Department site (1960.8248) - MADE FINDIN~ THAT PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM CEQA PER SECTION 15301; AUTHORIZED ~ENERAL SERVICES TO FILE NOTICE OF EXEMPTION; APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SI~N; AUTHORIZED ~ENERAL SERVICES TO PUBLISH PURSUANT TO PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE SECTION 10125; BID OPENING TO BE THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2002, AT 11:00 A.M. Peterson-Parra -All Ayes *34) Proposed License Agreement with Professional Title Services for =he operation of a reader/printer machine within County's Hall of Records, from April 23, 2002 to March 30, 2003 (semi-annual fee of $825) - MADE FINDING THAT PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM CEQA PER SECTION 15301; AUTHORIZED GENERAL SERVICES TO FILE NOTICE OF EXEMPTION; APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SI~NAGREEMENT 290-2002 Peterson-P&rra -All Ayes All S.D.'s *35) Proposed Agreement with-~Enterpr[se- Rent-A-Car company provide short-term rental cars, from April 23, 2002 to April 23, 2004 APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SI~N AGREEMENT 291-2002 Peterson-Parra -All Ayes MATTERS FOR EXECUTIVE APPROVAL *36) Budget Transfers - APPROVED #208 THROUGH #219 Peterson-Parra - All Ayes *37) Minutes for week of March 18, 2002 -APPROVED Peterson-Parra -All Ayes *38) Miscellaneous Letters and Documents - FILED Peterson-Parra -All Ayes *39) Miscellaneous Departmental Referrals by Clerk of the Board - APPROVED AND FILED Peterson-Parra -A11Ayes *40) Claims and Lawsuits filed with and referred by Clerk of the Board - APPROVED AND FILED Peterso~-Parra - All Ayes Board o£ Svpezwtsors Page 20 Summary of Proceedings - Regular Neeting 04/23/2002 ADJOURNED TO TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 2002, AT 9:00 A.M. Peterson- Administrative Coordinator ~:~, P~or:rzd of Supervisors Bo&~d o£Supe~'~oors Pa~e ~ Suw~ar~ of ~roceed~ngs - Regu~a~ Meeting 04/23/2002 38)MISCELLANEOUS LETTERS AND DOCUMENTS - FI~.~ Auditor-Controller-County Clerk A) Report on Refunds (Government Code Section 26906) of Erroneous Deposits pursuant to Board Resolution 71-4 B) County of Kern Single Audit Report for 2000-2001 C) Audit report of the County Service Areas Community Development D) County Loan A~reement, HOME Investment Partnerships Program, Owner Rehabilitation Program, with Grace P. Garza Employers' Training Resource E) WIA/WtWAgreements: 1. A. B. Dick Products Company dba A. B. Dick-IPS, WIA Title 201, dated April 1, 2002; 2. AFSA .Data Corporation,. WIA Title 201, dated April 1, 2002; 3.Amtel Communications Corporation, WtW Title 70%, dated April 10, 2002; 4. Berchtold Equipment Co., WIA Title 501, dated March 26, 2002; 5. Branch Warehouse Corporation, WIA Title 201, dated March 13, 2002; 6. New Directions Group Home for Girls, Inc., WIA Title 301, dated March 12, 2002; 7. Poston Furniture,_ WI~ T~i_~ ~91~, da~ed F~brua_ry. 27 2.002; ........ 8. Shafter Concrete Pipe Company, Inc., WIA Title 201, dated April 1, 2002; 9. Sharpe Sola~ Energy Systems, WIA Title 201, dated March 20, 2002 Environmental Health Services F) Nine (9) thank you letters to individuals and corporations for donations to the Bakersfield and Mojave animal shelters (Copies to each Supervisor and CAO) General Services G) Acceptance and Franchise Bond No. 51BSBB03387, Hartford Fire Insurance Company, Vaughn Water Company, Inc.', Franchise F- 438 H) Certificate of Acceptance for Quitclaim Deed, APN 260-121- 01, New Frazier Park Branch Library Site Local Agency Formation Commission I) Resolution No. 02-10, Proceeding No. 1317, in the matter of West Kern Water D/strict Annexation No. 12 (Copies to each Supervisor and CAO) J) Letter from Bart J. Thiltgen, City of Bakersfield, re Brimhall No. 9 Annexation No. 431, LAFCO Proceeding No. 1336 (Copies to each Supervisor and CAO) So&rd o£ ~upervtmorm Page 22 Summary of Proceedings - Regular Needing 04/23/2002 Resource Manaqement Agency ~ K) L~tter to Ray Chopra, Caltrans, re closure of the Bakersfield Caltrans maintenance office upon closure of the Kern county Cal/EPA Petit ~sistance Center (Copies to each Supez-visor a~nd CAO) L) Q~arterly Status Report on Key Issues (Copies to each Supervisor and CAO) Treasurer-Tax Collector M) Report of Compliance - 2001 Conflict of Interest Statements Kern County Treasury Oversight Committee (KCTOC) Application for Nomination and Annual Filing Miscellaneous N) Letter from Carl Billings, Hope Lutheran Church, re improvements of Routes 41 and 46 from Highway 198 to Highway 101 (Copies to each Supervisor, CAO and Roads) O) Letter from Bill Saylor, Boys & Girls Club of North SLO County, re improvements to Routes 41 and 46 from Highway 198 to Highway 101 (Copies to each Supervisor, CAO and Roads) P) Letter from Jan Sherwood, State Department of Child Support Services, re funding for health insurance incentive payments (Copies to each Supervisor, CAO and Child Support Services) Q) Letter from Jack Stewart, City of California City, in support of Proposition 36, 18-unit project sponsored and administered by Support System Home, Campbell Company and College Health (Copies to each Supervisor, CAO and Mental Health)' R) Letter from .NanCy. El .Hayward£' State Department of Health Services, re revised documents and reports due for. Fiscal year 2001-2002 (Copies to each Supervisor, CAO, Public Health and Auditor-Controller) S) Letter from Randy Wright, Caltrans, re illegal or threatened discharge of hazardous waste on Tuesday, April 9, 2002, State Route 58, Post Mile 90.6, eastbound offramp (Copies to each Supervisor, CAO, Environmental Health and Fire-Haz Mat) T) Letter from Randy Wright, Caltrans, re illegal or threatened discharge of hazardous waste on Tuesday, April 9, 2002, State Route 14, Post Mile 6.1, northbound onramp (Copies to each Supervisor, CAO, Environmental Health and Fire-Haz Mat) U) Fax from ~eorge Wuerch, Mayor of Anchorage, re support for oil and gas exploration of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge coastal plain (Copies to each Supervisor and CAO) V) Notices from Alcoholic Beverage Control re Applications for A/coholicBeverage Licenses: Beacon Oil, 21938 Highway 46, Lost Hills; and Club Caliente, 150 South Main Street, Buttonwillow (Copies to each Supervisor, CAO'and Planning) W) Notice from Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, re public ~eting on Friday, April 26, 2002 (Copies to each Supervisor and CAO) X) Bulletin from U.S. Department of Justice, OJJDP Fact Sheet re National Youth Gang Survey Trends .from 1996 to 2000, February 2002, No. 03 (Copies to each Supervisor and CAO) Y) Bulletin from California Forestry Association, Forests, January/March 2002, Volu~ 6, No. I (Copies to each Supervisor and CAO) Su~ of Proceedings - Re~lar MeeC~n~ 04/23/2002 Z) Agenda of ~e~in9 from Tehachapi City Cocci1 ~d Tehachapi Redevelopment Agency (~A) on Monday, April 15, 2002 39) LE~ERS ~CEI~ ~ ~FE~ BY C~RK OF ~ BO~ - ~PRO~D ~ FInD A) F~ from Mayor Ha~ey Hall re ~nistrative Report conce~in~ resolution re~esting fo~m for citizens ' conce~s ~out closure ~d shortage of e~ency roo~ ~FE~D ~ ~RG~ ~I~ SERVICES (Copies to each Supe~isor ~d ~0) B) ~tter from ~e~l Vesely, Dale Scott & Co. any, re Greenfield Union School District ~neral Obligation Bonds, 2002 Election, Series A, Election of 1990, Series C - ~FE~ ~ ~ ~SEL 40) ~IMS ~ ~WSUITS FInD WI~ ~ ~~ BY ~ C~ OF ~ BO~ - ~PRO~D ~ FI~ A) Claim in the ~tter of Silvestre ~tamir~o vs. Ke~ Cowry - ~F~ ~ ~ ~S~ (Copy ~o Risk M~age~nt) B) Claim in the ~tter of No~ Garza vs. Ke~ Cowry - ~FE~ TO CO~ ~SEL (Copy to Risk ~agement) C) Claim in the ~tter of Jea~e A. Martin vs. Ke~ Cowry - ~FE~D TO CO~ ~SEL (Copy to Risk ~nagement) D) Claim in the ~tter of Jose Luis ~mez, Jr. vs. Ke~ Cowry - ~FE~ED TO CO~ CO~SEL (Copy to Risk M~agement) E) Claim in the ~tter of Beverly Nichols vs. Ke~ Cowry - ~FE~D TO CO~ CO~SEL (Copy to Risk M~agement) F) Discrimination co~laint in the ~tter of Warren F. Crooker vs. ~Ke~ Cowry~- ~FE~D'TO 'CO~--CO~SEL--(C~ t0- Ri~ Management and Perso~el) G) Notice of transfer of discriminat'ion co~laint in the ~tter of Brenda Gall Mushy vs. Ke~ Cowry - ~FE~D TO CO~ CO~SEL (Copy to Risk M~agement and Perso~el) H) Su~ons ~d co~laint in the ~tter of Barbara Eliades vs. Ke~ Cowry ~FE~ ~ ~ ~SEL (Copy ~o Risk Management ) I) Su~ons and co~laint in the ~tter of Travelers Inde~ity Co. any of Illinois vs. Ke~ Cowry - ~FE~ TO CO~Y CO~SEL (Copy to Risk Management)