HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/31/02 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM May 31, 2002 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager,/~,,~ SUBJECT: General Information 1. Capital Vision Equities was officially awarded tax credits from the State this week for the Senior Housing Project south of California Avenue. Another project on Brundage Lane was also awarded tax credits - they will not be relying on City or redevelopment funds. 2. Enclosed is a memo from John Stinson, Assistant City Manager, regarding possible budget reductions to respond to the Govemor's proposed State budget cuts. 3. Construction is complete on the Buena Vista Phase 2 sewer project. This nearly $8.0 million project completes the final segment of sewer trunk lines identified in the 2010 General Plan as future trunk lines. 4. There was a very good turn out last Friday night at Jastro Park, with approximately 500 people showing up to watch Forrest Gump. Next Friday, Home Alone will be shown at Pin Oak Park. The shows begin at 8:00 p.m., are free of charge, and continue every Friday through June 28th. 5. Responses to Budget Hearing requests follow: City Attorney's Office · Copy of the plan for remediation of problem railroad crossings whereby the crossings will be repairs in an orderly - Councilmembers Couch and Maggard Centennial Garden and Convention Center · Executive summary showing cost savings over the years to reach the $2.8 million savings figure quoted in the budget presentation - Councilmember Maggard · Copy of the Centennial Garden-Convention Center proposed operating expenses and revenues for FY 02/03 - Councilmembers Couch and Maggard Executive · Report showing sales tax distribution and the percentage that goes to Kern County- Councilmember Couch HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MAY 31, 2002 PAGE 2 Finance · Brief memo clarifying the shift in the redevelopment reimbursement regarding the Arena Certificates of Participation (COP) from the General Fund to the Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) Fund - Councilmember Couch · Inclusion of current City Auditors in the bid process when the City requests proposals from firms to prepare the federal cost allocation plan - Coun¢ilmember Maggard 12. In response to Council direction, our Property Manager is currently working with Development Services and the City Attorney's office to sell City-owned propertywithin the eight-acre park. 13. Responses to miscellaneous Council requests are enclosed, as follows: Councilmember Benham · Response to citizen regarding highway and City beautification · Policy regarding renaming of freeways Councilmember Carson · Speeding on Burke Way · Possible installation of signs at Union Avenue and 8t~ Street Councilmember Couch · Clarification regarding the equestrian trail and staging area · Transportation Impact Fee credits · Excessive irrigation on median at Hageman / east of Coffee Councilmember Hanson · A meeting was arranged with Councilmember Hanson, Chester Moland, and ACM Alan Christensen for Thursday, May 30, 2002 regarding a handicapped person needing assistance on GET buses. Mr. Hanson will respond directly to the citizen. Councilmember Mag~qard · Traffic flow at Mt. Vernon and Mallview Road AT:al cc: Department Heads Para McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst B A K E R S F I E L D OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM May 29, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Through: Alan Tandy, City Manager From: John W. Stins~ ,, A~ssistant City Manager Subject: Possible Budget Reductions to respond to Governor's Proposed State Budget Cuts The Governor's May Revise of the Proposed State Budget recommends the elimination of the Booking Fee reimbursement (these funds are in the General Fund) of $714,400 and of capture Redevelopment funds of approximately $80,920. In order to address the General Fund revenue reductions, staff is recommending the following for Council consideration: Primary Recommendations (General Fund) Skateboard Park $ 125,000 Convention Center Seating $ 150,000 Haggin Oaks Playground Equipment $ 185,900 National League of Cities Conference $ 14,000 1% Increase in Convention and Visitors Bureau Contract $ 58,000 Reduce Council Contingency $ 181,500 Total Recommended $ 714,400 Alternates I Food For Thouqht Stramler Park Playground Equipment $ 80,000 (County Park - No reciprocity shown on City requests) KEDC - Reduce allocation to $10,000 $ 50,000 ($10,000 is the same as Tejon Ranch, Delano and Shafter pay - all are treated equally) National League of Cities membership $ 11,700 Kern County Association of Cities $ 400 Total of Alternates $ 142,100 These recommended actions would address the shortfall created due to the loss of the booking fee reimbursement. The Council may want to consider items on the alternate list in place of those recommended by staff. Regarding the capture of redevelopment funds, there are currently sufficient uncommitted redevelopment funds estimated for next fiscal year to address the proposed revenue shifts. Therefore, no changes are recommended to the Redevelopment budgets at this time. The fiscal impact of the state budget cuts and these figures could change depending on which cuts are finally implemented by the State. Staff will continue to monitor state budget deliberations and explore alternatives that may need to be considered should the state take more severe actions involving city funding. JWS S:~udget Options 1.doc BAKERSFIELD t ..'m-,, ~,, .~ rrl t, i' ' , PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR .,~L~ DATE: May 22, 2002 SUBJECT: BUENA VISTA SEWER, PHASE 2 COMPLETE Construction is complete on the Buena Vista Phase 2 trunk sewer project. This nearly eight million dollar project completes the final segment of sewer trunk lines identified in the 2010 general plan as future trunk lines. The three projects that made up this trunk line were the Buena Vista Sewer, Phase 1, the Allen Road Sewer, and the Buena Vista Sewer, Phase 2 trunk line projects. Among other things, the completion of these projects will relieve the overflow to the lift station at Gosford Road and District Boulevard, reduce the very high flow to the trunk line in White Lane, and allowed the elimination of an odorous lift station on Brimhall Road across from Brimhall Estates. G:\GROUPDAT~Memo~002\BV 2 Sewer complete 5-22-02.wpd Springtime In Wonderland Page 1 of 1 ~ Recreation & Parks I City Services ) Home Movies in the Park 4 May 17 Friday Night at the Movies! Siemon Park May 24 Our latest event in family fun at a park located in Jastro Park your neighborhood. You'll see some of your favorite family movie classics and be eligible for May 31 free raffle prizes. Just pack up the kids, your picnic Pin Oak Park gear, blankets and lawn chairs for an evening of family entertainment. Refreshments will be available including movie goers favorite - freshly June 7 popped popcorn. Wilson Park June 14 Fridays Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Park 8:00 pm June 21 Free! Yokuts Park June 28 Silver Creek Park ~ Help I Search I Site Map I Contact Us http://www.ci.bakersfield.ca.us/reereation/Summer2OO2/MoviesinthePark.htm 5/29/2002 FY 2002/03 BUDGET WORKSHOP QU ESTIONS/RESPONSES Date: May 2~ 2002 Budget Presentations to City Council Question Response Councilmember No. 10 Requested a copy of the plan for the Response memo attached. David Couch/ remediation of problem railroad Mike Maggard crossings whereby the crossings will be repaired in an orderly fashion. (Bart Thiltgen) No. 11 Requested an executive summary Response memo attached - includes Question Nos. 11 Mike Maggard showing how the deficit was reduced and 12. over the years to reach the $2.8 million savings figure quoted in the budget presentation. (Jim Foss) No. 12 Requested a copy of the Centennial Response memo attached - includes Question Nos. 11 David Couch/ Garden/Convention Center proposed and 12. Mike Maggard operating expenses and revenues for fiscal year 2002-03. (Jim Foss) No. 13 Requested a report showing the sales Response memo attached. David Couch tax distribution and what percentage · goes to Kern County. (John Stinson) Date: May PP; 2002 Budcjet Presentations to City Council - continued Question Response Councilmember No. 14 Would like a brief memorandum Response memo attached- includes Question Nos. 14 David Couch clarifying the shift in the and 15. redevelopment reimbursement regarding the Arena Certificates of Participation from the General Fund to the Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) Fund. (Gregory Klimko) No. 15 Requested staff to include the current Response memo attached - includes Question Nos. 14 Mike Maggard City auditors in the bid process when and 15. the City requests proposals from firms to prepare the federal cost allocation plan for the City of Bakersfield. (Gregory Klimko) 2 QUESTION NO. 10 MEMORANDUM CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE May 28, 2002 TO: BART J. THILTGEN, CITY ATTORNEY FROM: ALAN D. DANIEL, DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY SUBJECT: RAILROAD AT-GRADE CROSSING REPAIRS QUESTION 10 OF FY 2002/03 BUDGET WORKSHOP HELD ON MAY 22, 2002 Confusion seems to have arisen over the railroad repair "plan." At my last update to you, which was some time ago, I was under the impression a written plan was being developed, in conjunction with Asemblymember Roy Ashburn's office, which would detail an organized approach to the repair of certain substandard at-grade railroad crossings within the City of Bakersfield and County of Kern. The plan being discussed was the railroads would repair the substandard crossings along their main lines in a sequential manner rather than jump from one crossing to another in a random fashion. As each railroad ran its repair crews down their line they would repair the at- grade crossings in question; thus, we would always know which crossings were going to be repaired next and how the program had progressed. The City had offered to assist in the crossing repair by paying the difference between the cost of materials for a minimal reconstruction with wood and asphalt and an upgraded crossing of concrete or other longer-lasting material. We would also assist in traffic control and in repairing the approaches to the crossings so as to integrate the railroad repairs with our surface streets for a better interface between the projects. The plan being discussed also called for the railroads to agree to an ongoing preventative maintenance program to stop the deterioration of crossings at an early stage and prevent substandard crossings from developing. The upgraded crossings would also assist in the maintenance program because such crossings would far outlast the asphalt and wood crossings, thereby reducing or even eliminating maintenance on the crossings for years. As of today's date it appears correspondence with Assemblymember Ashburn's office identified eight at-grade crossings within the City of Bakersfield that were in need of immediate repair, and eight additional crossings that would need repair in the future. Union Pacific Railroad proceeded with the repair of 30th and "M," and "Q" Street and the removal of the 24th Street crossing which effectively completed all their repair work. Union Pacific, with City assistance, upgraded their crossings to concrete which will minimize future maintenance. Bart J. Thiltgen, City Attorney May 28, 2002 Page 2 The San Joaquin Valley Railroad has repaired crossings at South "H" and Stine Road. They have verbally agreed to repair other crossings at the rate of one crossing every two weeks; however, recent management changes and a derailment have delayed this schedule. Thus far, San Joaquin Valley Railroad has, in these crossing repairs, replaced wooden ties with new wood and used asphalt to repair the crossings as normally required by the California Public Utilities Code. San Joaquin Valley Railroad was present at all the meetings I attended at Assemblymember Ashburn's office, and they verbally committed to a repair program; however, of all the railroads present San Joaquin Valley Railroad was the most resistant to undertaking a substantial repair and maintenance program. City and County staff, and Assemblymember Ashburn insisted that repairs be accomplished. The Los Angeles area representative of the California Public Utilities Commission was also present at no less than one of the meetings. The Public Utilities Commission representative seemed to be supportive of the repair program. In addition, the Public Utilities Commission has sent correspondence to San Joaquin Valley Railroad requesting they make repairs in a timely manner to bring the railroad into Public Utility Code standards. This correspondence was sent in August of 2001. In spite of the progress that has been made no written agreement between the railroads and the Public Utilities Commission, the State of California, the County of Kern or the City of Bakersfield seems to exist that would require repairs to be made within a definite time frame. I was under the impression an understanding did exist between the railroads and Assemblymember Ashburn's office through correspondence between the parties and that the current activity was a result of this understanding. It now appears the understanding was verbal, even though lists of the crossings and the priority of repair were exchanged. I am encouraged by the swift response of the Union Pacific Railroad. More public concern may need to be expressed over the relatively slow response of the San Joaquin Valley Railroad. Perhaps more pressure from Assemblymember Ashburn's office would assist the San Joaquin Valley Railroad in making a firm decision to proceed at all deliberate speed in the at-grade crossing repairs. ADD:Isc ~ cc: Jacques LaRochelle, Assistant Public Works Director Luis Peralez, Street Maintenance Superintendent Ted Wright, Civil Engineer IV S'.\Public Works\MEMOS\Bjt. RRcrossings.doc B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ;501 TRUXTUN .&VENUE BAKERSFIELD. C.&LiFOR_NIA 9~301 (661) RAL~ 5t. ROJAS. D[I~C-~ OR · C.%i'Y =NG~.~EER December 27, 2000 Assemblyman Roy Ashburn California State Assembly '32~'c District 1200 Truxtun Avenue - Suite 120 Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Railroad Crossings in neec of repair in the City of Bakersfield and County of Kern. Dear Assemblyman Ashburn: Attached are the lists of at-grade railroad crossings that are in need of repair compiled by both the City of Bakersfield and Kern County. We were also supposed to have received a similar list from Caltrans but have yet not received that information. Even though the list is not complete (still awaiting the State's list of crossings), this information should be useful in order for the railroad to begin improvement process on the much needed railroad crossings. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please give me a calf.at (661) 326-3574. Sincerely, "~erim Director of Public Works / -'" Attachments. c: Alan Tandy, City Manager BAKERSFIELD CITY OF BAKERSFIELD LIST OF RAILROAD CROSSINGS IN NEED OF REPAIR (ONE PAGE) RAILROAD~:~ San' Joaquirr. Valley: Railroad Company (SJV). Burlingtorr Northerrr&Santa. Fe-Railroad: Company (BNSF) Union Pacific: Railroad Company (UNP) RAILROAD CROSSINGS IN NEED OF REPAIR -PRIORITY LIST RAILROAD CROSSING: 1. #BT 319.6 (SJV) - On White Lane between Hughes Lane & So. "H" Street. 2. #BT 318.2 (SJV') - On So. "H" Street, between White Lane & Julian Avenue. ;~. #BT 319.5 (SJV) - On Wible Road, north of Pacheco Road. _ 4. #BT 320.5 (SJV) - On Stine Road, north of Pacheco Road. 5. #RT 319.9 (SJV~ -.On Hughes Lane, south of White Lane. 6. #R 312.9 (UNP) - On Raker Street between Sumner Street & Jackson Street. 7. #BT 324.5 (SJV) - Buena Vista Road, North of Pacheco Road. 8. #BT 2-420.1C (SJV) - On Pacheco Road, west of Progress Road. The following crossings are currently in fair to good condition. However, concrete planks would be needed at some point in the future. 9. #BT 321.4. (SJV) - On District Boulevard, west of Grissom Street. 10. #BT 321.6 C (SJV) - On Grissom Street, north of District Boulevard. 11. #BT 315.2 (SJV) - On Brundage Lane, west of Lakeview Avenue. 12. #BT 312.25 C (UNP) - On 30~ Street, west of Jewett Avenue. 13. #BT 315.1 (SJV) - On Lakeview Avenue, north of Brundage Lane. 14. #BT 314.4 (SJV) - On Potomac Avenue; east of Collins Way.. 15. #BT 314.7 (S;IV) - On Virginia Avenue, east of So. Brown Street. 16. #b 312.24 C (UNP) - On 24TM Street' between "R" Street & Golden State Avenue. COUNTY OF KERN, LIST OF AT GRADE RAILROAD CROSSINGS IN NEED OF REPAIR RAII, ROA !) .... TR,,I CKN TR,,I CKN iiQ-328.8 (hmlam'he ~ I)i(;iorgio 2 ....... ~ ............ 3 7 2 I 4 4 BQ-330.6 Ih,em, Vista Blwl & 'l'ejon Ilwy 2 I '2 3 BQ-331.3 i{ussel Ave & 'l'cjo~ Ilwy 2 ............ ~ ............... 4 4 BQ-331.6 Sunset. Bird & 'l'~jon IIwy 2 2 3 3 BQ-332.1 Lamlers Rd & 'l'ejon i!wy 2 ............ L .............. 4 4 BQ-332.3 Richardson ltd ~ 'i'ejou Ihvy 2 I 3 4 BQ-33Z.6 Widmere ltd & Tej(m Ihvy 2 IlT-314.11-C Washington St B'i'-314.2-(~ Edisoli iiwy & Washingloli St 4 ~__~ ........................... 7 9 IYr-314.67-C Virginia Ave & M(mlecito I)r 2 I .1 8 BT-314.82-C Washi.glon SI & Virginia Ave 2 ............. ~ .........................(~ ................. 6 IV1'-315.09-C lmluslriai SI & Virgiuia Ave · 2 I 5 6 iyr-315.8 Madison SI & Belle Terrace 2 I 9 9 ,. IJ,.'~ M-4() i 4.() IJc(h'()(:l(, II.,'m(Isl),,'t~ & (;~lrl()d(, 2 _i I .......... j ...... ) .............................. 0 tt .S'ET 01" Bii'l'tl'I{.I{.N TIt,,I(.'I~W 1107'!1 " l R,,I (.. I~,~ I)!i~i~.C1'i0N'¥ R,,Ill. RO.,II) (~R(),S,SIN(, tt I,,,INL4V.. TR,,ICKA' , ,,~ . , , . .... i~AM-420.9 (;oler Rd & (;arloclt lid 2 ............. ~ ............ 4 ...... 4 !1AM-418.6 Searless Shllion I~li & SR 395 2 ........... ~ ............... 3 5 A'/~ ,1()/10UIN I/A I. LE Y R,,I ll. RO,'~ D C(. EXETER BR,,I N( 'Il (, R/I DL CRO.~;~'IN(,~' BC-296.5 Cecil Ave & I;;llllOso i'ol'l Ihvy 2 I}-AIIANI)(}N 6 ~4 2 0-AIIANi)ON 6 3 BC-298.7 Woollomes & Iramoso I'orl llwy _ 11(:-300.4 ~lianglcr & lhnnoso Porl ilwy 2 O-AIIANI)i)N ........ ~ ................... 2 BC-300.9 I'ond Rd & i~anlsos Port Ii'wy 2 0-AIIANI)ON '6 5 It(~-3(12.1 l'clci'soli ltd & I;amoso Porl IIw~ 2 0-AItANI)i)N ..... 6 4 ItC-303.2 I~hno ilwy & i;;imoso l'orl Ihvy 2 I}-AllANI)ON 6 4 ii(~-304.3 She,'~vood Ave & l;alllOso Porl lhvy 2 ........ I ~ .......... 2 3 i~C-305.4 ilanawall Ave & i,'anioso i'oi'l~h~__ 2 I I ................. 2 ........ i1(~-306.5 Whisler Rd & I;amoso I'orl ilwy 2 I , 2 2 B(~-3-7.11 Driver Rd & I,'amoso I'ol'l Ilw~ 2 .....................! ........................ 3 ............................. ? .................. !t(:-307.5 I'hillips Rd & i;amoso Porl Iiwy 2 I 2 3 A'/IN :!()d~()UIN IqJ'I,i, EY I{A IL?),.'I !~ co, RICH(Hq)vic/tR,,I NCI/ (;RA D/C (./?O,S.S INGA 3 # ilci1-300.6-C Bassell Ave & Zachary Ave 2 -ABANli(}N 3 .l A'/!N .1()/10(/IN ?A/.L E }' !Cd II. ROA !) 6¥), ,.!.g ?!N BRA NCI/ (,'RA DE (. Rt).~.S IN ,, BQ-316.8 Edisofl Ihvy & Fai,-fi~x Rd 4 ........ ~ ............... 6 9 BQ-317.3 ih'umlage Ln & Fairfi~x Rd 2 I 9 9 BQ-318.3 Re(ll)anl{ Rd & Ciml7 I)r 2 I : 5 5 E/B 5 BQ-319.3 Muller I{d & Fairlhx ltd- 2 I 4 W/Ii 6 ilQ-~/0.3 llermosa Rd & ICairfilx i{d 2 I 4 5 llQ-~ZI.3 ihmama l,n & Fairfi~x I{d 2 3 6 6 !1Q-322.3 Mom~lain View I{d & Fai,'fi~x Rd 2 I 4 6 iiQ-323.3 I'amima i{d & Fairfi~x I{d 2 I 4 7 IIQ-324.54 San l)icgo SI & l)iGiorgio Rd 2 4 3 4 IIQ-325.0 Myrlle St & DiGiorgio Rd 2 2 3 6 BQ-325.8 ViHehmd Rd & DiGiorgio Rd ' 2 I 9 9 ]1Q-326.8 Edisofl ltd & i)iGiorgio Rd 2 I 3 4 _ i11)-327.8 Malaga Rd & i)iGiorgio Rd 2 I 3 4 [ql} I,I}[q(;l~lt IN II~;i,~-SI(;NS 111.2hll)VI,'.l} N()'l' ~IAIN'I'. 428-2.14 Kct'lo Rd & i'enllaml Rd 2 I 2 3 II ,¥1;'T 01'* i~F.'.I.'It~I,;IC.N '/'R,.I ¢.'/L~; 1~07'11 ' '.., ..... L l I0 R,A I1.1~0,,I I) ~. RO, S,S IN(; t !,,,I Nh~¥ 1 R,,I (. A,S ! R,.I C A,~ I) IRE 428-4.0 Cadet ltd & Pelrolcmn (;lid) ltd 2 ....... ~ ................~2 2 B-292.4 Iqlmo~o Rd & SR 99 2 4 ............ ,~ 7 ll-3iiil.41-C ~l'l~er Rd (wesi) ~ l,erllo I iwy ...................... li-307.4 ~liil~ Rd & Goblin ~l;lle llw B-308.9 ()live i)r & Roi)el'is l,n __4 2 6 B-315.4 Oswell St n/o E(lison ihv~ , e · 4 7 B-318.5 Vinelan(! l)r & L(hs(m ilwy 2 2 B-319.9 Pel)l)er I)r & Edison llwy '2 4 5 : ......... 7 --- S/l{ 9 11-324.8 Neunlarlde Rd & Bena lid ~ .............. ~ ................... 9-1iIJliBI~;i{ & tX(' 9 11-335.5 (:alienle lhldfish Rtl & Ilealevill~ lid 2 I filIC'I'AII,-9 9 ll-340.5 Bealeville Rd & llena lid 2 .... 2 M iC'l'A I I, -9 9 1i-364.4 Willianlson lid & Tehachalfi IIh,(i 2 __ 2 ............~.(~ ..................................... :~ ....... B-36S.~ Tehachapi Bird & i~mnalilla SI ................................................................................................. .......................?.,I (?i£R i'~1 CF.I? loft' OUT OF" II ,YET 01" BI':7'II"I'JI£N 7W,,ICK,¥ B()771 · 11-369.2 Camc,'o~, l{tl & SI{ 58 2 2 9 6 11-379.4 A~'royo. Ave w/o 8RI4 & SR Iq 2 ............... ~ ............... ~4 4 I } I~'.l ,ICl'lC.I} ii-380.2 Oak Creek Rd & SR 14 3-W/B TRACKS 3-WEST SI DE !1-382.6 Pm'dy Ave & SR 14 2 2 10-E/il TRA(~KS 5-EAST SIDE 11-388.7 So~i~ Rd & Sierra lhvy 2 I 4 7 ..................... 2-WEST Sll)E 11-393.8 Rosamoml ilivd & Sierra IIw~ 4 ~l 10 2-EAST SIDE UNION !5'! CIFlC !'R/I N,¥t'OR 771 'I[IQN CO, 0~1K C'!?lrEK ilR/I ~(-'H G R,,I D L (.. R(),$,~ IN(,,~ I I !1AS-381.4 Iloll SI & IJrich Ave 2 ,¥,'! N Jt),d ()t/!N I+l l.l. ljl' RAII, R(4.~ I) {~'0: OIL crrY BRA~CI! i1Ail-308.13 Rol}crlsl,n& Norris ltd 2__ I 3 6 IIAII31}8.34 Norris ltd & Pegasus I)r 2 ~ I 3 5 ............................... t ............................ iiAii308.38 Norris ltd & Pegasus i)r 2 I 3 5 ilA!i-308.60 Roberls l,n & Caslaic Ave ' 2 I _ 4 _ 6 IIAII-309.90 Smmyside CI & Pegasus I)r ~ 2 2 3 6 IIAII-309.2 Airport I)r & Norris ltd 4 ................. [ ............ W(}()I) ................ 7 ~.~1Aii-309.5 Sequoia Ih' & Norris ltd 2 I _ ~¥()O!) j 8 6 It ,YET 01" Itli'rll'l,'.l,:N 'I'I~,,ICK,¥ BOTli RA !!, BOA I) C R(),~,~ IN(; # I,/1NE,¥ TRA CK,¥ 'I'RA CK.¥ I) IR ECI'ION,¥ IIA!1-309.8 ()ihhlle l)r & Norris ltd 2 ............ [ ............... W()()I) 6 BAil-310.1 Calilbrnia SI & ~on'is R(I 2 ....... ~ ............... WOOl,' 7 !1Aii-310.3 N Chesler Ave & Norris Rd 4 ........ ~ ................ WOOl) 7 IIAII-310.7 Manor SI & Norris Rd 4 I W()OI} 7 . 2.783.9 lioron Ave & 20 Mule Team lid 2 2 6 5 2-784.93-C Mohawk lid & Rosedale ihvy 2 3 8 CONCRETI,; 7 2)890. I Calloway I)r & l,angley lid 2 I 3 5 2-892.6 ilageman lid & S:mla lee Way 2 I CON(:IiETE~ 7 2-896.6 Reina lid & Sanla lee Way 2 i CON(~RI,;Ti~ 6 2-897.3 l(ralzme~er lid & Rmhl lid 2 ........ ~ ............. (:ON{~RI~;TIg _ 5 { TI'¥ {)1" 2-899.5 7~' Slandard lid & Sanla lee Way 2-902.2-{: Sanla Fe Way & Ilm'lmnk SI 2 ............... 2.902.3 ilurbanl¢ SI & Sanla Ire Way 2 I 8LWOI}I} 4 2.903.0-C Cher~ Ave & iil~ri}ank SI 2. I 8-WOOl) 4 2.903.0 Cherry Ave & Orange St 2 l 9-1'C(' _ .................. ~ .......... 7 # I.A NE,¥ IRA CK, S I R/I C K,~ DIRi~CTI[)N,¥ ~A ILROA D .... · ... 2.907.2 i)()l)i;ll' Ave & Sii 43 2 ......... ~ ............ 9_1)(~( ? 4 2.908.0 Merce(I Ave & SR 43 2 .................. ! ........... . .... 9-1)(;(? 4 2.910.4 l~iml)erlitla Ave & Wasco W:ty 2 I 2-914.5 Mc(?oml)s lid & SR 43 2 I S-PC(; __ 5 2-917.0 . TaussigAve & SR 43 2 I 8-WO()I) ._ S 2-9 i 8.0 Iilanlce~lshiI) Ave & S I{ 43 2 I ' fi-W()() I) 6 2-920.5 l)elet'so~l lid & SR 43 2 I 2-921.5 !)o~(I !{(i & SI{ 43 2 I 6 8 2-922.5 Sch.sler lid & SR 43 ~ .............. ~ ..................... fi 2 2-924.6 (;:it'ces Ilwy & SI{ 43 2 2 9 4 ~ H) 1 ()UIN 42-2. i Mc(;~lchen lid & Progress Rd 2 I 2 4 42-5.1 lloughlon lid & Ohl River lid 2 ............. ~ ................ .1 4 42-6. I Shal'ler lid & Ohl Ilivev lid 2 ............ # ,¥1'.'T 01" i~l~.'l'J~q~.F.N TR/I (?~¥ BOTll ' - fl I, ANE,¥ TR~I CKA' ~RACK,~' I)IRECTION, V 2-14.5 ilill lid & Millu~ lid 2 ............................ I ........... ~ ....................... ....... ~ .......... 42-18.3 SOlllh i,ake lid & Ilill RiI 2 j _ l0 9 42-19.83 New lid & Soulhlalte Rd 42-24.1 Col)us R(I & Basic School Rd 2 I S ~ 5 42-24.7 Ilasic School R(I & (~()i)ils R(! 2 I S 5 42-27.5 I'enthlnd R(I & SII 166 2 I ..... 5 5 i{Rl'i'O i,AY ACC lid & SR 58 2 3 10-1'(X ~ 9 MP784 20 MUI.,i~ TEAM RI) APPIIOX 500' W Oie PARI(S KN()I,I,S BI,VI) I)()T 02821 Il) 2 I 3 3 9 BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD. CALIFOR.NIA 93301 ,'661) 326-3724 KAL'L M. ROJAS. DIRECTOR. crT%' ~NGLN'EER January 10, 2001 Assemblyman Roy Ashburn- California State Assembly - 32~° District 1200 Truxtun Avenue - Suite 120 Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Railroad Crossings in the City of Bakersfield and County of Kern in need of maintenance. Dear Assemblyman ,~shburn: This is a follow up to our previous letter of December 27, 2000 regarding the list of railroad crossings that are in need of maintenance. We have received the State's listing and the priority of needed repairs. The listing of railroad crossings on State highways for Kern County in District 06 is as follows: KER 058 PM 50.08 (WEST OF LANDCO DR.) Condition rough, badly cracked on all four lanes, eastbound and westbound, needs rebuild. (AT JOT W/178 IN BAKERSFIELD) KER 204 PM 04.17 Condition very rough, is abandoned, Southern Pacific RR tracks shou,ld be~ KER 119 PM 26.8 (EAST OF OLD RIVER RD.) Condition rough, badly cracked, needs constant potholing, needs rebuild. KER 223 PM 05.36 (JUST EAST OF OLD RIVER RD.) Condition poor, badly cracked, rough & bumpy, requires constant potholing, needs rebuild. 184 PM 08.37 ( AT EDISON HWY) Condition poor, rough & bumpy, needs to be rebuilt. KER 155 PM R00.17 (EAST OF 099 IN DELANO) ~_..~ [:::::~) Area supervisor has met with ATSF RR and was told ~was due for rebuild soon. January 10, 2001 Assemblyman Roy Aslflburn California State Assembly - 32¢'° District RE: , Railroad Crossings in the City of ~ar, ersfield ano County of Kern :,n need of maintenance 223 PM 21.18 ( EAST END OF ARVIN) Condition poor, rough and bumpy. KER 033 PM 17.73 (SOUTH END OF TAFT) · Condition fair. however, these tracks may be abandoned as there appears to be no usage. KER 043 PlY1 07.01 (SOUTH OF BRIMHALL RD) Condition fair, repaved a couple years ago, pavement a little high creating a bump. 043 PM 13.2 (NORTH OF SEVENTH STANDARD RD.) New spur, a little bumpy but otherwise good Condition. KER 184 :'~M 01.02 (AT DIGEORGIO RD IN LAMONT'~ Condition good, rebuilt two years ago. If I can be of further assistance, please give me call at (661) 326-3574. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, /J~UES R. LaROCHELLE r'dterim Public Works Director c: Alan Tandy, City Manager Bart Thiltgen, City Attorney S~TE OF ~ALIFORNIA ' GRAY DAVIS, Governor PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 320 West 4~ Stree'(, Suite 500 Los Artgeles, CA 90013 August 22, 2001 FILE NO. 183/15/BT-318.2, et. al. South "H" Street, et. al. ICS-01-08-002/008 Steve Coomes, General Manager San Joaquin Valley Railroad Company P.O. Box 937 221 North F Street Exeter, California 93221 Dear Mr. Coomes: The Commission's Rail Safety and Carriers Division staff on May 24, 2001, met with Jeff Flores, Field Deputy for State of Califomia Assemblyman Roy Ashburn, and with representatives of the City of Bakersfield (City) and San Joaquin Valley Railroad Company (SJ'VR) to review the crossing surface conditions at the following at-grade crossings of SYVR's Buttonwillow Branch (BT Line) and Sunset Railway Branch (42 Line) in Bakersfield, Kern County: Crossing Number Roadway BT-318.2 South "H" Street Crossing between White Lane and Julian Avenue BT-319.5 Wible Road Crossing north of Pacheco Road BT-319.6 White Lane Crossing between Hughes Lane and South "H" Street BT-319.9 Hughes Lane Crossing south of White Lane BT-320.5 Stine Road Crossing north of Pacheco Road BT-324.5 Buena Vista Road Crossing north of Pacheco Road 42-0.10 Pacheco Road Crossing west of Progress Road The Commission staff was advised by Assemblyman Ashburn's Bakersfield office and the City that SJVR apparently has not maintained the surfaces at the above-referenced grade crossing in compliance with Commission General Order (GO) 72-B. Please fred enclosed a copy of GO 72-B. Section VII of GO 72-B states, as follows: VII Maintenance of Crossing in Track Area It shall normally be the responsibility of each railroad corporation to maintain the crossing area between lines two (2) feet outside of the rails of each track. When two or more tracks are involved, the railroad shall maintain the area between the tracks where the distance between the center lines of tracks is fifteen (15) feet or less measured at the center line of the road or ihighway normal to the tracks. The Commission staff requests that SJVR perform the necessary repairs in a timely manner in compliance with GO 72-B and advise Mr. Flores, the City, and the Commission staff when the raikoad completes the repairs. · ~' August 22, 2001 Steve Coomes - San Joaquin Valley Railroad Company Page 2 of 2 Please note that so far this matter has been handled by the Commission staff on an informal basis. However, in the event SJVR fails to comply with the Commission staff's request and perform the repairs in compliance with GO 72-B in a timely manner, the CiB' of Bakersfield may file a formal Complaint against your company with the Public Utilities Commission. Thank you for your timely cooperation with this matter. If you' have any questions or need any additional information, please contact the Commission staff at the above address or at (213) 576- 7085. Very truly yours, STEVEN HANDELMAN, P.E. Utilities Engineer Rail Crossings Engineering Section Rail Safety and Carriers Division Enclosure cc: Assemblyman Roy Ashbum - Attention: Jeff Flores Ted Wright- Public Works Engineer, City of Bakersfield Jerry Karr GENERAL ORDER NO. 72-B (Supersedes General Order No. 72-A) Public Utilities Commission of the State 'of California - RULES GOVERNING THE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF CRosSINGS AT GRADE OF RAIl,ROADS WITH PUBLIC STREETS, ROADS AND HIGHWAYS IN THE~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA P~d~pted May 22,1973. Effective January 21, 1973. (Decision No. 81410, Case No. 9454) Amended September 25, 1990, Effective October 25, 1990 Resolution No. SR 21 . Amended April 10, 1991; Effective April 10, 1991 Resolution No. SR 25 IT IS ORDERED by the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California, that the following rules governing construction standards and maintenance responsibilities at railroad grade crossings with public streets, roads and highways are approved for use in this State, unless otherwise ordered or directed by the Commission: [Purpose of Rules. - The purpose of these rules is to formulate in the State of California, uniform standards for grade crossing construction in the interests of greater safety to the public. 11 Scope of Rules: These rules are not intended as complete construction or maintenance specifications but embody requirements which are most important from the standpoint of public safety. Construction should be according to accepted good practice for the given local conditions in all particulars not specified herein. II_~ Width of Public Crossings.- Grade crossings shall be a width not less than the traveled approach portions of the adjacent sections of the road, h~ghway or street, including usable shoulders and sidewalks, if any. If both approaches are .widened the crossing shall also be widened. If only one approach is widened, an appropriate taper shall be constructed to channelize traffic over the crossing. Political bodies shall not widen any approach to a grade crossing beyond the width of existing pavement at the rails without permission of the Commission. IV Minimum Width: Unless the Commission otherwise authorizes, public crossings hereai~er constructed shall be not In general, approach grades not in excess of six percent are desirable, but where not reasonably obtainable due to local topograph/cal conditions the gradients in the vicinity of the rails shall be kept as Iow as feasible. XII This Order shall not be Retroactive.. This Order shall not be retroactive with respect to grade crossings lawfully existing on its effective date, except that the Commission reserves the fight to require, by appropriate proceedings, alterations or improvements at any such grade crossing. XIII Illustrations.. The illustrations attached hereto are hereby declared to be a part of this General Order and shall be known as Commission Standa~ds~ XIV Exemptions.. In a particular case, a written request may be made for an exemption from any of the requirements or standards herein. Such a request should be accompanied by a full statement of the conditions existing and the reasons relied onto justify the exemption. It is to be understood that any exemption so granted shall be limited to the particular case covered by the request. Nothing herein shall be construed as limiting the 'trial installation of experimental types of grade crossing construction, provided the Commission has approved such plan in advance of the time the crossing is constructed. The Commission reserves the fight to modify any of the provisions of these roles in specific cases, when, in the Commission's opinion, public interest or safety would be served by so doing. Compliance with these rules shah not relieve a raikoad from any statutory requirement. This order shall be effective on and after.the 21st day of June, 1973. Approved and dated at San Francisco, California, this 22nd day' of May, 1973. PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA By WILLIAM R. JOHNSON, Secretary --5- STANDARD NO. 4-A Alternate methods of guard rail installation r:'-'t'"',i',' I __ ~,-... , Filling Material: Asphaltic concrete or o~er equally su/table pang mater/al. Guam1 Hail: Tee ra/] sec~ed to ra/] or ties by proper £aste~g ... forming a flaz~geway not exceec~g 2~ Luches i~ wide. Above " ~a~a~ il]ust~ates suggested me~o& of i-~taZTation only. STANDASD NO. 4-B Alternate methods o£ guard raft Lustal]ation · . ,,...., r:.. · - '-.---' i "- - ~, .* ~.. o, o ;?.'~;"~' o-o). ~.%n..~,a~ ,',' ,'. ,'o~ ... Planking: Vertical grain timider of good wearing and decay r~sist. ........ _. ' Lug qualities shall be used, laid with grain vertical. '"'-~ Planks at ends o£ crossing to be beveled. ;, Planks to he substantially secured to ties. ..... Guard Hail.. Special rolled guard section or lightweight Tee i'ail  ' laid on side to provide flang.eway not more than ~.~ Luahes wide..Top ~. . '!i ' . ' o£ flangewa¥ to be substantially same height as top of running rail. · :' ' Guard rail to be secured to rail or ties by proper fastening. " ....... .... ' . : .. ~:" (3.0. .-" ....... :..... -;. :: .... . ::. : .. .. :.... -~.. . .... : .-'.-?:' · · '. .... ' ' ': ': "· · % ...:: .: .':: ......:: :. : -'. . . .. .. ' ~.-! STANDARD NO. _ ·. . .-:..::.... Girder Rail Cor~truction For use in municipalities requiring girder rail construction. Pave- ment between rails and two feet outside to be consistent in type with adjacent pavement or as specified bY local authorities. STANDARD'NO. $ * · -'). 5'. 7'; [-7 ' ' ' ' K ' · ---~-'~"'-'~-~- --'-'." .~, ~ ' ,-' ' ' · .. _.--~_.~. j~ Rubber Panels: ~ type of crossinl sur£ace consists of molded "--. . rubber panels usually sl-dmmed, steel-reinforced and with a patterned ........ ~'--...__.. surface, but some are ~ depth rubber. The panels can be removed · and/or replaced for track maintenance. Flan~eway sha~ not be more ;~ than two and one-ha~ i~-~) inches wide. · · . ~. '.. ':' .'.. C.O. ?2-B .~.. . . ?-. :.'.i!?. i - . '. -. ~ ... : :.'..~...::., · "· '. ':' Z ' '"¥"' <'-~ :' .' 'E~~':~' ~':" .... ~'~: "..~. . .~..,,, ..... .- . .,.'.. '... ...' ~.' . - .: - . ...... .... :':::.':'i._:} :~i' (':.'i ': .: .... :~ ' :. : ' ' ' ' ~.. .'.":'. "" ':'":'"-:: ::.':'2 · :.: . ... .. :.. · · · · . .':..":'t!;..,':t :.. ': '.:......: -.....:... : ..- ....-:.t... ' ' .' '.' '. ':;'...-?'.,:,".-.';'..'...~. :-;'.,...//..-.,.'.?.:.' :" ':'.'.'"'.': ".;: v /-' .... ' · '". :.' .-".??.-:*..;"-'.?" ,;,,.-.~.,;:-.:?:-'.......-i;;,.:..:,*:,.Xc...;;,X-:......;; ;; ;;... :.::,.:.: :.;;.;..;-.-./. ".. · .. · -'h STAND. AHD NO. 9 * · . -.:: . .. Steel Sections: ~ ~pe o£ crossing surface ¢or~ists o£ pre£abri- cared, steel sections o£ an open grating type that may be installed and removed individually £or rn~r~tenance and replacement purposes. Flangeway shall not be more ~h~, two and one-hal~ (2~) inches wide. QUESTIONS NO. 11 AND NO. 12 Me lo To: Alan Tandy From: Jim Foss CC: Darnell W. Haynes, Greg Klimko Date: May 30, 2002 Re: Response to questions from Budget Workshop, May 22, 2002 Attached is a schedule of Income Statements from 1998 through 2003. The $2.8 million dollar savings figure quoted in the budget meeting was based on a benchmark of $1.1 million dollar loss for the 1997-1998 year, this number is an approximate. The schedule attached uses the actual exact number and therefore is different, the breakdown is as follows: Year Savings 1998/1999 543,833 1999/2000 910,316 2000/2001 673,736 2001/2002 785,192 Total $ 2,913,077 Two items I would like to note, the benchmark has not been indexed for inflation and the revenue from the three additional suites built in 2000 are not included in any of the years. Please feel free to call either myself or Steve Womack if you have any additional questions. CENTENNIAL GARDEN AND CONVENTION CENTER REVISED PROPOSED ACTUAL ESTIMATE BUDGET REVENUE ~189811898 158912000 2000/200~1 200~12002 2002/2003 Rent $ 1,205,259 $ 1,583,092 $ 1,405,741 $ 1~642,818 $ 1,715,022 Rebilled Expenses 533,814 702,695 795,378 995~334 729,800 Suite & Premium Seats 491,393 553,276 551,648 677,881 684,967 Concession Commission 399,047 532,432 451,847 589,097 939,870 Signage (Net) 207,374 401,958 446,779 389,671 382,269 Parking 101,244 123~593 126,650 203,579 212,622 Ticketing/Box Office 70~110 109,154 130,528 200,742 182,500 Merchandise 59,009 82~311 63~035 64,794 51,950 Miscellaneous 19,241 TOTAL REVENUE $ 3,077,257 $ 4,207,721 $ 4,071,606 $ 4,730,886 $ 4,595,700 EVENT EXPENSES Event Labor $ 918,454 $ 1,210,618 $ 1,002,111 $ 1,231,792 $ 1,251,170 Event Advertising 46,247 158,975 222,371 190,787 78,500 Direct Event E:~p enses 115,168 200,710 311,023 337,561 316,250 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 1,079,869 $ 1,570,301 $ 1,535,505 $ 1,760,140 $ 1,645,920 G & A EXPENSES Full Time Staff $ 1,013,995 $ 1,057,544 $ 1,101,387 $ 1,141,455 $ 1,202,404 Part Time Staff 49,515 81,690 73,073 113,662 116,175 Postage 4,366 4,568 7,124 5,237 5,400 Office Supplies 12,437 13,896 11,743 17,943 16,000 Legal, Prof,, Bank Fees 18,000 12,000 12,500 22,136 54,800 Printing. 12,522 13,342 15,548 19,863 9,066 Dues & Subs 1,447 3,366 2,775 2,567 1,000 Telephone 15,434 20,418 22,682 38,703 37,750 Marketing 28,332 33,688 37,817 43,963 36,000 Travel 21,613 27,414 30,560 25,608 30,500 Missetianeous 47,249 9,057 8,823 6,060 9,000 Utilities 465,395 563,322 618,028 765,850 815,432 Supplies 69,194 115,408 97,095 131,211 147,000 Insurance 137,038 75,222 235,316 214,286 230,700 Contract Maintenance 87,675 79,506 56,937 15,115 CONDOR Premium ex~ense 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 Repairs & Maintenance 6,079 22,975 15,407 19,828 24,000 Credit Card & Ticket Charges 42,311 52,718 40,538 59,630 56,500 Equipment 128,536 159,656 156,428 163,906 161,460 Uniform Maintenance 1,803 4,550 1,116 2,353 2,200 Training & Education 2,632 885 785 .1,839 1,000 Management Fee 178,548 266,344 211,834 244,795 218,751 Secudty 140,504 144,858 134,286 137,118 121,200 Employment Fees 3,654 568 2,257 1,948 950 Depraciation 5,350 8,887 14,925 14,000 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 2,608,279 $ 2,888,341 $ 3,023,046 $ 3,330,001 $ 3,431,088 INTEREST INCOME $ (16,784) $ (23,298) $ (22,741) $ (6,507) $ (6,000) NET p ROFIT/(LOSS) $ (594,107) $ (227,624) $ (464,204) $ (352,748) $ (475,308) BENCHMARK * $ 1,137,940 $ 1,137,940 $ 1,137,940 $ 1,137,940 $ 1,137,940 SAVINGS $ 543,833 $ 910,316 $ 673,736 $ 785,192 $ 662,632 * Net Loss for the 1997/1998 year QDESTION NO. 13 B A K E R $ F I E L D OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM May 31, 2002 To: Alan Tandy, City Manager From: John W. Stinso~,~ssistant City Manager Subject: Sales Tax Distribution to Local Government This memo is in response to Councilmember Couch's question during the May 22nd budget workshop regarding the distribution of the sales tax and the percentages allocated to the County of Kern. Sales taxes are collected by the state anddistributed in the following manner: Rate Jurisdiction 5.50% State (General Fund) 0.50% Prop 172 (Local Public Safety Fund) 0.25% Local Government Transportation Funds (TDA) 1.00% Bradley-Burns Sales Tax (City or County) 7.25% Total Statewide Base Sales/Use Tax State Sales Tax. The State government receives sales tax revenues equal to 5.5 percent of taxable sales. These are allocated to the State's General Fund and are used to fund activities of the State. Proposition 172 Sales Tax. Under this provision passed by the voters, Counties receive tax revenues equal to 0.5 percent of all taxable sales occurring anywhere within their boundaries. Counties must redirect a small portion (less than 10 percent) of these revenues to cities, based on each city's net losses from the 1993-94 property tax shift (ERAF). While state law requires counties (and cities) to spend these Proposition 172 sales taxes on public safety purposes, local governments were allowed to redirect to other purposes monies they previously spent on public safety programs. Local governments were required to increase public safety expenditures annually by the amount of growth in their Proposition172 revenues. As a result, although Proposition 172 is referred to as the "public safety" sales tax, the predominate effect of enacting this tax in 1993 was to replace some of the discretionary revenues lost due to the property tax shift. State Transportation Sales Tax Pursuant to SB 325 (Transportation Development Act) an amount equivalent to .25 percent of taxable sales is designated for transportation purposes. These funds are allocated to each county based upon sales taxes generated within the county. The majority of these transportation funds are allocated to mass transit purposes (GET and County Transit). Approximately 2% of these funds are allocated for non-motorized transportation projects such as bike paths etc. Bradley-Burns Sales Tax An amount equivalent to 1 percent of the taxable sales is allocated to cities or unincorporated county areas based upon the location (situs) where the sales take place. The use of these funds by local government is unrestricted. JWS S:\Sales Tax Memo.doc QUESTIONS NO. 14 AND NO. 15 MEMORANDUM May 30, 2002 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager ,,,fl/ FROM: Gregory J. Klimko, Finance Director SUBJECT: Budget Workshop of May 22, 2002 Responses to City Council Concerns Question No. 14: Would like a brief memorandum clarifying the shift in the redevelopment reimbursement regarding the Arena Certificates of Participation from the General Fund to the Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) fund. (Councilmember David Couch) Answer: The City receives a $1.2 million reimbursement from the Redevelopment Agency per agreement RA 97-2. This reimbursement is for the Agency debt refinanced as part of the $40 million 1997 Certificates of Participation (COPs) issued to include financing the Arena Project. Since 1998-99 the lease payment on the COPs has been charged to the Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) Fund while the reimbursement has been credited to the General Fund. The proposed 2002-03 budget has the reimbursement credited to the TOT fund to "match" the lease payment as an offset. A cash flow schedule is attached. Question No. 15: Requested staff to include the current City Auditors in the bid process when the City requests proposals from firms to prepare the federal cost allocation plan for the City of Bakersfield. (Councilmember Mike Maggard) Answer: The Finance Department staff will include the current City Auditors on the RFQ to prepare a federal cost allocation plan for the City Of Bakersfield. S:\KimG\Gregory\Memo - BudWrkshpQuestions.doc 5/30/2002 Arena COP Cash Flow City RDA T.O.T. Operating Fund Fund City RDA General Debt Service Fund · Fund ~ (Prior to 2001-02) B A K E R S F I E L D ,.: ~]AY~09P~? TO: ALAN TANDY, CitY MANAGER FROM: DON ANDERSON, REAL PROPERTY MANAGER DATE: MAY 29, 2002 SUBJECT: PROPERTY PURCHASE BY CASTLE & COOKE Council Referral No. Ref000093 ICity Council directed Don Anderson to sell city owned two acres of property within the eight acre park to Castle & Cooke for $160,000. Currently working with Development Services and City Attorney's Office to effectuate this transaction. S:\KimG\Referrals\Memo - RefResp020523.wpd : ~ Metastorm e-work client Page 1 of 1 Referral Display ................................ Requestor: !General Council I Ward: [City Wide I Referral Created: Req. Completion Date: 15/30/2002 J Meeting: [~/22/2002 ] !5/23/2002 .... Initial Referral Information Short Description: JPROPERTY PURCHASE BY CASTLE & COOKE J Long Description: '**DUAL REFERRAL TO DON ANDERSON FINANCE AND DEVELOPMENT [] SERVICES, DON ANDERSON LEAD*** MR. ANDERSON IS DIRECTED TO SELL CITY OWNED TWO ACRES OF PROPERTY WITHIN THE EIGHT ACRE PARK (HEARING ITEM 9.d.) TO Attachment A CASTLE & COOKE FOR $160,000. Attachment B Attachment C ~ Attachment D - Lead:-~ Assigned To: Response? I (1) ~Finance I Reassigned To: Response? (2) IDev. Services & Planning R3I (3) 1 I ! ' l' Optional Citizen Contact Information Name: Name: I Address: Address: 1 ............................................................................................................................................... Phone: Phone: r i I http://ew~rk/s~ripts/e~eb~d~FF~~derPage?Page=Referra~%2524Disp~ay&F~~der~D=EW~R~~~ 5/29/2002 (~alifornia ® (_~l{il:~ m~.r ~rh~ ~L ~ 1990 May 28,2002 Mr. Stephen Montgomery 21'15 1 ,t Street Bakersfield, CA 93304 Dear Mr. Montgomery: Thank you for contacting Councilmember Sue Benham concerning highway and city beautification. She has passed your E-mail along to me so that I could comment on some of your concerns. The City of Bakersfield is aware of the problems along Freeway 99. We are currently working with Caltrans to clean up and add attractive landscaping along this freeway. We have also contacted our local legislators asking them to provide additional funding for these projects. We want individuals driving along Freeway 99 to have a positive image of Bakersfield and the wonderful people who live in the city. We are very interested in creating landscaping throughout the city and along the freeways that will include trees. The Vision 2020 Plan includes increasing the amount of trees we currently have to not only help with our environmental and air quality, but to make our city more attractive. Creating an attractive city, especially along the freeway, makes a positive impact on individuals who may want to visit or seek employment within our community. I appreciate your interest in beautifying our city and highways, and urge you to also contact our local legislators concerning this issue as well. If we have support from more citizens like you, I know these projects will be a success. Again, thank you for contacting us. Resl~ectfully you. rs, Harvey L. Hall Mayor /' HLH/Ila cc: City Council Alan Tandy, City Manager Pam McCarthy, City Clerk 1501 Truxtun Avenue · Bakersfield, California 93301 · (661) 326-3770 · Fax (661) 326-3779 I:::-m~il ~rlHr~' rn~t/nr~.i h~E~r~fi~lrl ~.~ ~l~ City Council; Not-s~-scenic 99 Californian story From: Stephen Montgomery <samonty@ pacbell.net> To: <city_council@ci.bakersfield.ca.us> 02 J~,{¥ - 9 P~ 2:0 9 Date: Thu, May 9, 2002 10:59 AM Subject: Not-so-scenic 99 Californian story BAKERSFI~.[.C] CITY CLERK Ms. Sue Benham ' Bakersfield City Council Dear Sue, The story on the front page of today' s Californian Local section reminds me of discussions we had back in the early ~E80s when I was on the Plan 2010 citizens advisory committee. One point that came up was the impression travelers got of Bakersfield based on what they were exposed to. Mostly we concentrated on key entry points like the 24th Street exit and Weedpatch Hwy exit on SR58. The unfortunate result of our work was it was totally disregarded and replaced by a more 3practical* plan that suited the perceived and short term interests of the Building Industry Association which means we were simply window dressing to satisfy a state requirement. We saw upcoming plans to rebuild the 24th Street exit and many of us along with the Kern River advocacy group, equestrian and bicycle groups and the local Sierra Club were advocating restoring the landscape to appear the way it did before the area was developed. Old aerial photos were available to show how the area looked. Many cottonwood trees and water were present in contrast to then where much exposed concrete rubble left over from the 1952 earthquake demolition and a few bullied eucalyptus trees on the west side along with dried weeds dominated the riverbank between the 24th street and SR99 bridges. Typical of CaITrans construction away from Sacramento the bridges that existed then were designed solely with their job of conveying motor traffic with no regard of their visual impact on the landscape. At that time the traffic islands were cracked and faded black asphalt. The older of the bridges crossing the river was built to pre Isabella Dam needs and was replaced solely on the idea that CalTrans wanted to remove unauthorized habitat for bums. The all steel bridge was otherwise structurally sound by CalTrans standards including proper alignment with its companion but less expensive means of blocking the underside from use by unauthorized human habitation was not explored so an expensive new bridge was built. When that area project was completed, missed opportunities include landscaping that focused on a river theme. Landscaping is now an overused red brick look concrete and rather ordinary planting. The concrete rubble has been covered mostly with sand but no real attempt has been made to restore riverbank habitat to the way it looked earlier in the last century. Things that could be done to make Bakersfield look more inviting is to reconsider how freeway landscaping is handled. Notice the sharp line between private business property landscaping that stops short at a fence that is a setback from the freeway. Consider ways to unify adjacent private landscaping with the landscaping on the freeway such as access ramps that pass close to business. This includes relocating or removing fences that actually serve little real use. As a ~3olicy, reconsider landscaping at all ',o ~_~ ~.; Page 2~ ~l~/-~ouncil - Not-s,o,-scenic 99 Californian story key entry points such as 24th Street and the Buck Owens Exit with a real focus on themes. Encourage the commissioning and development of art on the freeway. Both surface art such as tile, painting and such and freestanding sculpture as part of the landscaping. Remove billboards from the freeway. (This of course will require overcoming a strong well funded lobby but remember, freedom of speech does not require others to listen.) Develop and enforce a quality sign ordinance that would force the ~' elimination of many unsightly signs. (Again overcoming the self-serving pressure from the billboard and commercial sign lobby) Make greater use of small CalTrans signs designating the brand of roadside businesses at upcoming exits such as lodging, food and fuel. It makes no sense to have a structure that, necessary to help a motorist find a business, costs as much as a house and uses resources to match when by the time the motorist sees it and figures out which exit he needs has missed it when the same job can be done better and with greater assurance with a 12 X 14 inch decal. Get private funding to place CalTrans approved Historic Route 99 signs on those portions of SR99 that cover the route used by the former US99 (South county line to the 99/5 separation, Grapevine southbound lanes only, 99/15 separation south of Bakersfield to the Union Avenue Exit and SR204 entrance to SR99 to the county line.) These signs could also be placed on Union Avenue to Golden State, SR204 to SR99. Develop a mini park like a rest stop on Buck Owens Blvd. with focus on rest rooms and picnic facilities that would be in walking distance of convenience stores and such. I believe there is some unused state property on Buck Owens Blvd. that could be considered for this. Note that expressway authorities in Europe have long figured out that people really want commercial conveniences near their rest stops, a point CalTrans ignores when it places freeway rest stops as far away from commercial roadside business as possible only grudgingly allowing limited vending in response to public pressure. Make full use of zoning ordinances to require the cleanup of substandard properties along the freeway corridor. Sue, thank you for your consideration of these points. This would make my wife* s job of trying to recruit key employees for her employer* s firm a little easier. Steve Stephen Montgomery 2115 1st Street Bakersfield CA 93304 Home 324 3522 Mobile 496 6585 BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: MAY 30, 2002 SUBJECT: RENAMING FREEWAY SUGGESTION Council Referral ~O00097 Councilmember Benham referred attached e-mail to Public Works from Gary Johannson suggesting renaming of a freeway in honor of Highway Patrolman David Manning. Staff is requested to advise Councilmember Benham regarding pertinent policy. Only the California State Legislature can officially name a State highway or freeway. This is done in the form of a "Concurrent Resolution" (CR) which can be introduced by either the Assembly (ACR) or the Senate (SCR). The resolution will appear in the statutes of the year it was passed. Once done, CalTrans puts up signs, which are paid for by the sponsors or friends of the person it is being named after. As renaming a highway can only be accomplished through State Legislative action, Mr. Johannson may wish to contact his California State Senate or Assembly representative directly. G:'~GROUPDA'I~Rcferrals~002'~CC Mtg 5.22'~000097-J~k. wpd TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: ERIC W. MATLOCK, CHIEF OF POLICE//~ DATE: MAY 31,2002 SUBJECT: SPEEDING ON BROOK STREET Council Referral No. WF000087 (Ward 1) Council Member Carson referred to police a complaint from Mr. Gonzales regarding speeding on Burke Way. There is no stop sign. Note: The correspondence from Mr. Gonzales is actually for "Brook Street" off of Cottonwood. On May 13, Operations staff was assigned to monitor the area and provide enforcement as necessary. Officers utilized radar during a two week period at various hours of the day, and no violations were observed. Staff will continue to monitor the area as time permits. EWM/vrf MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager ( ~[cO FROM: Gene Bogart, Water Resources Ma DATE: May 28, 2002 SUBJECT: EQUESTRIAN TRAIL AND STAGING AREA Council Referral No. 000096 (Ward 4) ICouncilmember Couch clarification be made regarding the Equestrian Trail and Staging requested Area. Citizens on the attached list to be provided a map. Copies of faxes are informational for water (Zone Change No. P01-1019). In follow-up to the May 22, 2002 City Council meeting, Councilmember David Couch requested the attached map be forwarded to the local equestrians who attended the public hearing. Agenda item 9e. (Zone Change PO 1-1019) referred to realignment of the equestrian trail along the Rio Bravo Canal north of Stockdale Highway and east of Allen Road. As adopted by the City Council, the zone change requires dedication of an equestrian trail, parking lot and a $30,000 payment to City for improvements to the staging and picnic areas. GB:sr Attachment S 52002MEMOS\Referral000096 SCOOTER LUSK 17960 JOHNSON RD BAKERSFIELD CA 93312 589-2586 GERALDINE STEWART 17948 JOHNSON RD BAKERSFIELD CA 93312 589-3396 BRIAN CHOATE 217 JEFFERSON BAKERSFIELD CA 93305 619-6033 SANDY EICKENHORST 511 RUGGER ST BAKERSFIELD CA 93312 587-0830 DEBRA COYLE 10417 SH ELLABARGER BAKERSFIELD CA 589-3579 CHUCK AND JOYCE SNAPP 10321 A SHELLABARGER BAKERSFIELD CA 93312 589-9109 DAN N KIMM 2709 ROSE MARIE DR BAKERSFIELD CA 831-6682 ROBERT WHITE FAX: 872-0229 872-2969 ~ . SCA~ IN ~T ~ FU~RE E~uE~R~AN DWG NO. SHE~ ~: ~ o, , ' ~ ~~~m~ .~.x~-~.~m WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT ~ITE PLAN ~ R~SION DA~ DESCRIPTION ~P. ~ A~RDINGLY. B A K E R S F I E L D,~. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~.-".L._....._.~.~ DATE: MAY 30, 2002 SUBJECT: 8T" AND UNION INTERSECTION Council Referral #000095 Councilmember Carson requested staff contact CalTrans regarding installing signs or making a controlled intersection at 8t~ Street and Union Avenue. The Traffic Engineer contacted Caltrans traffic engineering staff and requested a study of the intersection of State Highway 204 (Union Avenue) and 8t~ Street for possible traffic signal or pedestrian signal. Caltrans staff asked for City traffic accident information to augment their study data. This information is being collected from Traffic Engineering and Police Department data to be sent to Caltrans. G:\GROUPDAT\TRAFF1C\000095-Tmffie._SR204Un~on~gth.wpd '* 3 I B A K E R S F I E L D" fi ~A¥ ' 2002~ I PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT iiC.~'i' ~ ,~;:-~?~;:l~:t,,.., ~ MEMORANDUM TO:' ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: MAY 30, 2002 SUBJECT: TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE CREDIT Council Referral #000100 Councilmember Couch stated he received a copy of a letter from the City to an appellant regarding the Transportation Impact Fee Credit issue and requested Council be provided all the information and background regarding this issue. (Copy of Letter not provided) The applicant, Craig Carver, is appealing a decision by the City on the distribution of traffic impact fee credits for projects underway at Calloway Drive and Olive Drive. These projects are the construction of Olive Drive, full width, between Callloway Drive and Riverlakes Drive and the construction of the east side of Calloway Drive from Olive Drive to about 1800 feet north of Calloway Drive. Coleman Homes is constructing these projects in association with their Tract 6023 at the northeast corner of Cailoway and Olive, and will be receiving the Transportation Impact Fee credit as well as a partial reimbursement for the costs of the projects as a consequence of Agreement No. 99-118. This agreement, entered into in 1999, was between the City and Fruitvale Properties as the "Master Developer" and was entered into to insure that the construction cost of the offsite public street improvements were allocated to the benefitted Riverlakes parcels and to assure the orderly development of the area by requiring the completion of the major roads in their entirety, rather than in a piecemeal fashion. This agreement, as well as all pertinent correspondence, will be attached as a part of the staff report for the appeal, currently scheduled for the June 12, 2002 City Council meeting. G:~GROUPDAT~Referr~,Is~002¥2C Mtg $-22~00100-Marim~.WlXl B A K E R S F I E L D ® 1990 DATE: May 29, 2002 TO: John W. Stinson, Assistant City Manager FROM: Stan Ford, Director ~ SUBJECT: REFERRAL-1tAGEMAN/EAST OF COFFEE MEDIAN Councilmember Couch requested we investigate the excessive irrigation water running off the median islands on Hageman around 12:30 AM on May 16, 2002. This particular area is programmed to mn 10 minutes at a time three days a week. In investigating the median water mn off staff discovered that two underground irrigation lines were broken and a large amount of water was running off the median and going intO the street. The two broken irrigation lines have been repaired. RECREATION AND PARKS 4101 Truxtun Avenue · Bakersfield o California · 93309 (661) 326-FUNN o' Fax (661) 861-0864 Metastorm e-work client Page 1 of 1 Response Display Requestor: IHaro~d Hanson ] ID: IRefO00~03 J Council Meeting Date: 15/22/2002 .I Created On: !5/24/2002 Short Description: ISCHEDULE MEETING WITH CHESTER MOLAND ,I Response to City Manager's Office sent on: !5/24/2002 Response Comments: Meeting was arranged with Councilmember Hanson, Chester Moland, and ACM Alan Chdstensen for Thursday, May 30, 2002 at 9 am. regarding a handicapped person needing assistance on GET buses. Mr. Hanson will respond directly to lhe citizen. achdste - 5/24/2002 1:42:04 PM Attachment E Attachment F Attach'Tent G Attachment H http://~w~r~dscripts/eweb~d~/F~derPage?Page=Resp~nse%2524Disp~ay&F~der~D=EW~ 5/31/2002 Metastorm e-work client Page 1 of 1 Referral Display ...................... Requestor: lUarold Hanson J Ward: Is t Referral Created: Req. Completion Date: 1513012002 J Meeting: [5/22/2002 _J !5/24/2002 l Initial Referral Information Short Descdption: [SCHEDULE MEETING WITH CHESTER MOLAND I Long Description: "*REFERRAL TO ALAN CHRISTENSEN*** i COUNCILMEMBER HANSON REQUESTED ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER CHRISTENSEN CONTACT CHESTER MOLAND AND SCHEDULE A MEETING REGARDING ASSISTANCE TO A CITIZEN. Attachment Attachment B Attachment C [] Attachment D Assigned To: Response? -Lead:q (1) rcity Manager I Reassigned To: Response? (2)[ I I J R~I-' (~)1 I I, Optional Citizen Contact Information Name: Name: Address: Address: Phone: Phone: http://ework/scripts/eWeb.dll/FolderPage?Page=Referral%2524Display&FolderlD=EWOR... 5/31/2002 B A K E R S F I E L D t I~/~¥312007_, ; MEMORANDUM ~-~=-' ~ .... TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: MAY 30, 2002 SUBJECT: TRAFFIC AT MT. VERNON AND MALLVlEW Council Referral #000104 Counciimember Maggard requested staff review the traffic flow southward on Mt. Vernon where the island is causing potential hazardous traffic conditions and the left turn lane east at Mallview Road where the lanes reduce from two to one which could create the potential for accidents. Traffic Engineering staff have been working, with Caltrans and with Kern County Roads, since before the shopping center opened a few weeks ago, to finalize the signal coordination plan on Mount Vernon Avenue. The Caltrans engineers are preparing their signals to coordinate with the City operated signals at Columbus and at the shopping center signal. Kern County engineers are still reviewing the signal timing plans for their traffic signal at Mount Vernon and Bernard Street. When fully implemented in a few weeks, the occasional traffic backups should be greatly reduced or eliminated as predicted in the traffic model. After implementation, Traffic Engineering staff will continue to monitor and '~fine tune" the signal timing for efficient flow. Traffic Engineering also required the extension of the two incoming lanes of traffic on the shopping center private road with the plans for the next phase of the center. This was just imposed recently at the Planning Commission meeting a few weeks ago. As directed by the City Council, the Traffic Engineer had been monitoring the traffic flows and determined that the lane reduction needed to be removed and two inbound lanes continued to the Home Depot drive aisle on the site. This will reduce confusion and congestion onsite. G:\GR OUPDAT\TRAFFI C\000104-Trat~.c_HomeDepotShoppingCenter.wpd