HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/26/02 B A K E R 'S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM July 26, 2002 TO: Honorable Mayor and City 71 ~- FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager SUBJECT: General Information 1. Redflex has done some testing of the new cameras for red light enfomement. Based on the results, I can safely say a lot of peoPle will be receiving $280 tickets after the test pedod is over. When they call to complain, please remind them this is a safety program, and despite the large amount of the tickets, the City is not doing it. for profit! 2. Thanks to the Police Department for the opening celebration at the Lakeview substation this past Wednesday. Please join us for another opening celebration next Tuesday at 3945 Hughes Lane - the Central Bakersfield Satellite Office. 3. Next Tuesday is also the date we will hold the dedication ceremony for the national motto and historical documents. The evening will begin with a program on the steps of City Hall at 7:00 p.m. 4. For some time we have been negotiating with a developer to sell our 113-acre property on Mt Vernon to them - we hope that the private sector's marketing techniques will be more effective in creating jobs on that parcel than ours have been. That is particularly true now that Senate Bill 975 is in effect. We are getting closer to terms and hope to have something ready for you fairly soon. 5.. Due to time constraints, it was not possible to answer all of the questions raised at the State of the City Luncheon. Attached are responses to the remaining questions. 6. The City of Bakersfield has the pleasure of coordinating the next meeting for the California Commission on Tax Policy for the New Economy. This statewide commission will meet in Bakersfield July 29th. Details are attached. 7. Attached is an update of the meeting held July 23rd at the Bakersfield Senior Center regarding the planning and status of the senior housing project. I am happy to report that the responsibilities required of staff have been well' handled and I do not anticipate any delays or issues as a result of our performance requirements under the contract. Honorable Mayor and City Council July 26, 2002 Page 2 8. We have over the past few years had most schools in the Bakersfield City School District pull out of the After-School 'Recreation Program. Please see the enclosed memo from Stan Ford. When they pull out, we propose to replace the service with the mobile recreation program. 9. The Special Enforcement Gang Violence Report for the month of June is enclosed. 10. Responses to Council requests are enclosed, as follows: Councilmember Benham · Traffic Enforcement at Baker and Eureka Streets · BMX Bike Park Councilmember Ma.q.clard · Red Light Traffic Enforcement on 24th Street Councilmember Salva.q.qio · Speeding between Ming Avenue and Wilson Road. AT:al cc: Department Heads Pam McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst July 22, 2002 M E M O'R A'N.D U M TO: Alan Tandy City Manager FROM: Mayor.l-~rvey L. Hall'~ SUBJECT: State of the' City Questions In an effort to further communications with the attendees at the recent "State of the City" luncheon, the Chamber of Commerce has offered to print the answers to some'of_ the questions they were unable to get through at the luncheon. The answers will be printed in their next newsletter. Please send the original responses to my office and I will forward .them along with the other presenters' answers. Thank you. -HLH/Ila Attachment 1501 Truxtun Avenue · Bakersfield, California 93301 ° (661) 326-3770 · Fax (661) 326-3779- E-mail address: rnayor@ci.bakersfield.ca.us 'State of the City Questions-2002 Mr. Alan Tandy: If monies can.be "borrowed" for roadwork because it is more cost effective to do this, why can't a sOlution and money be found to clean up Kern County's air? Aren't there other cities we can model after? Concern' for Kern coUnty's poor air quality and traffic congestion. Will the local AQMD institute mandated car-pooling for businesses as they do down south through the S.C. AQMD. Mr. David Lyman: On proposed housing "central Park Cottages" and 0ther- How will these be occupied, what would be 'the qualifications to own and will they be subsidized housing or ownership property.9, Mr. Stan Ford Thanks for the efforts to advance water flow in kern River'during recreational season!! What can be done to remove trash and litter from Beach park and Riverbank areas? This condition is unsightly and unhealthy for our community. Is there a possibility ofputting in a hedge along the fence on Stockdale Highway (south side) to hide the canal paralleling the new entrance road into Cal State? Mr, Gene Bogart: What are the chances of adding additional drinking fOuntains' or water sources and garbage cans in the bike path on the westerly and easterly portions? Given the increase awareness due to terrorist events, to our vulnerability, are there any plans to increase security to our potable water supply? This is Greater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce Your Partner in Business. 1725 Eye Street · P..O. Box 1947, Bakersfield, CA 93303. Tel 661.327.4421 · Fax 661.327.8751 · http://wwW, bakersfield.orq/ch~mber specifically of interest given the vast accessibility, to .the California Aqueduct System. Mr. Raul Roias: In the Quail Wood Development~ half of the streets were completed where the remaining roads, which were equally needing repairs, Were lei~ unfinished. Are there plans to complete these partially begun projects? If so what are the proposed time frames? What are the plans to connect.Hwy 178 going west to Hwy.99 to bypass 24th Street to help the east-west traffic flow? Are there plans to reduce speed on TruxtunExtension and add a median to. improves safety? Is there an interchange planned for Hwy 99 and H°sking Road? B A K E R S F I E L' D OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM July 24, 2002 TO: Honorable Mayor Harvey L. Hall FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager SUBJECT: ' State of the City Questions - 2002 Question #1 - If monies can be "borrowed" for roadwork because it is more cost effective to do this, why can't a solution and money be found to clean up Kern .County'.s air? Aren't there other cities we can model after? ' The issue of it being cheaper to borrow money to repair streets is a technical one. If the deterioration can be stopped by resurfacing, the cost runs about $.80 per square foot. If too much time passes and reconstruction is necessary, it is $4.00 per square foot. Thus, interest costs to borrow are less than the higher street repair cost. Air pollution is, by its nature, not limited to being a City problem. Much of Bakersfield's bad air comes down the valley from San Francisco, from farms and from industrial sources outside the City limits. Under the governance of the San Joaquin Air Pollution Control District, a wide range of mandates exist that is gradually improving air quality. The "model" exists - it is a massive problem and the solutions carry significant economic impact so the "cure" takes a long time. Question #2 - Concern for Kern County's poor air quality and traffic congestion. Will the local AQMD institute mandate' car-pooling for businesses as they do down south through the S.C. SQMD. We are aware of no talk about mandatory car pooling in our area. BAKERSFIELD M E MORAN DU M July 25, .900~) TO: Mayor Harvey Hall FROM: Donna .L' Kunz, Economic Development Director SUBJECT: State of the ~ity Question - Central Park Housing Plans Ouestion: On proposed ho~sing "Central Park Cottages" and other - How will these be occuPied, what-would be the qualifications to own and will .they be subsidized housjng or ownersl~ip p~operty. Answer: The Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency received a special deferred IOw interest loan from the California Ho~using .Finance Agency., (CHAFA) in the amount of $1.2 million dollars to assist in the acquisition of 7 acres near Central park and 21st and R sffeets for the purpose of creating affOrdable u~-ban ho'~ising Downtown. The Agency is planning a for sale - owner occupied single family housing project on this location that will consist of about 73, cottage craftsman style - two story homes. The homes will be clustered on private streets and will part of a homeowner association. The project will also include courtYards, common area green space, landscaping features, a public art piece and a water element entry feature. At least half of these homes will be reserved for affordable homebuyers whose incomes do not exceed 80% of the area median income. Affordable homes purchased by qualified homebuyers will contain owner occupancy and affordable covenants. This means that the homes reserved for affordable buyers must remain affordable to persons at 80% median income for a pedod of 50 years. Currently, a family of four whose income does not exceed 80% of median can qualify for a'home mortgage in an amount between $85,000 and $105,000 depending on the interest rate and other credit issues. The Agency is currently working with a private developer, who is conducting a market study to determine the pricing of the homes and the feasibility of the project. BAKERSFIELD DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND pARKS DATE: July 26, 2002 TO: Honorable Mayor Harvey L, Hall FROM: 'St'an .Ford, Director of RecreatiOn and Parks SUBJECT: State of the City Questiotts- 2002 Is there a possibility of.puffing in a hedge along the fence on Stockdale Highway (south side) to hide the canal paralleling the new entrance rOad to Cai State? The property in question is owned by Cai-State Bake_rsfield. We Will forward this comment on to C-al State. ThanEs for the efforts to advance water flow in the Kern River during recreational season!! What can be done to -remove trash and litter from Beach Park and riverbank areas? This condition is-unsightly and unhealthy for our community, Our City parkcrews pick up trash and lifter daily between the hours of 6:30 AM and 2:30 PM along the developed shoreline areas of the Kern River at Beach and Yokuts Park. Trash' is often dumped after hours and it is then picked up the next day. The Kern River Bike Path is also scheduled for daily trash and litter collection. The Keep Bakersfield Beautiful Committee has adopted the Truxtun Avenue extension along the river from Yokuts Park to Coffee Road. These volunteers clean this area once a month. This committee also responds to citizen calls regarding areas that need to be cleaned up. B A K ,E R S F I E L' D MEMORANDUM July 26, 2002 TO: , Honorable Mayor HarVey L. Hall FROM: Gene Bogart, Water Resources Manager SUBJECT: State of the City Questions - 2002 What are the chances of adding additional drinking fountains or water sources and garbage cans in the bike path on the Westerly and easterly portions? Additional drinking fountains are planned to be installed in the newer areas of the · bikePath. These areas include the westerly extension of the bike path to Enos Lane and in the area near California Living MuseUm. Drinking fountains on the southwest bikepath will be located near existing water wells located in the City's 2800 Acre water bank. In the northeast, drinking fountains can be installed along the future bike path where water mains are now being extended to serve .areas paralleling Alfred Harrel] Highway. Existing parks located between Manor Street and Stockdale Hwy. (Riverview, Beach Park, Yokuts Park and the Cai-State rest area) now provide drinking fountains. Parks Dept. can provide additional trash cans if litter becomes a problem along the older areas of the bike path. Given the increase awareness due to terrorist events, to our vulnerability, are there any plans to increase security to .our potable water supply? This is specifically of interest given the vast availability to the California Aqueduct System. Our local drinking water comes mOstly (80%) from groundwater wells. This means most of our urban water is delivered and transported in underground pipelines. Water wells are located in secured brick PUmP buildings with locked steel doors. The existing Garnett water treatment plant operated by the Kern County Water Agency has 24-hour operational secudty and strict contingency plans in place to respond to emergencies. They have the ability to divert surface water from three different sources: a) The California Aqueduct b) The Kern River - c) The Federal Friant-Kern canal All three sources can be used to provide water.as a back-up supply to the treatment plant in case of vandalism or attack. Most other canal systems located in and around the Bakersfield area are used to convey irrigation water to farms. Should one or more of these canals become contaminated or unusable, most farmers would be able to turn on water wells to supplement their water supply. BAKERS.FIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ,~ayor Harvey L. Hall FROM: '7~rRaul Rojas, Public Works Director THROUGh- Jacques R. LaRochelle, Assistant Public Works Director DATE:~V July 26, 2002 ' SUBJECT: State of the City Questions 2002 - Responses In the Quailwood Development, half of the streets were completed where the remaining roads, which were equally needing repairs, were left unfinished. Are there plans to complete these partially begun projects? If so, what are the proposed time frames? Each budget year we receive a certain amount of gas-tax funding to purchase material for street resurfacing. We have a list of streets in each Council Ward that are in need of resurfacing. Funds are divided as equally as possible for street resurfacing in each Council Ward. Unfortunately, there is never sufficient gas-tax funding to resurface all the streets in one time period. So, we have to use our judgement of which streets we can maintain, for a year or more, until we can schedule them for resurfacing. The streets in the Quailwood Development have been on our back-log of streets that are in need of resurfacing. Lack of funds, manpower, and time does not allow us to resurface all the street in the Quailwood area in one season. We used El Rio Drive as the break point for resurfacing the streets in that area. Some streets west of El Rio Drive were resurfaced during the 2001/02 budget year. We have the streets, east of El Rio Drive, that are in need of resurfacing, scheduled for work in the Spring of 2003. In the meantime, the streets in that area have been sealed to hold them through the winter months. The Street Division has a list of all residential streets that are in need of repair. This list is updated and reviewed each year. The list is quite long and it seems to grow longer each year. In our best judgement, by actual field review and assistance from the Pavement Management System, we prioritize the street resurfacing/reconstruction list each year. G:\GROUPDATWlarla~State_of_the_Clty_Ouestions2002_Responsee.doc July 26, 2002 Mayor Harvey L. Hall State of the City Questions 2002 - Responses Page 2 Are there plans to reduce speed on Truxtun Extension and add a median to improve safety? The current speed limit of 55 miles per hour was justified, in accordance with State Law in the California Vehicle Code (CVC), in 1998. The previous speed limit had been 65 miles per hour. California law requires that the speed limits be reviewed at least every. five years. Since the speed limit would have been scheduled for review in less than a year, an early study to verify the speed limit for Police enforcement will be moved up to within the next two weeks. Results from the speed study will be provided to the Police Department for their use in enforcement of the existing speed limit. If the data supports a lowering of the speed limit in conformance with the CVC, a new speed limit will be proposed for approval by the City Council. The City has been installing median islands on Truxtun Avenue whenever the opportunity has arisen with an adjacent project. Recently, nearly 1000 feet were added with the installed signal on Truxtun Avenue and Truxtun Plaza West. It is one of the City goals to install median islands along the entire lane on Truxtun Avenue as soon as funds are available. What are the plans to connect Hwy. 178 going west to Hwy. 99 to bypass 24th Street to help the east-west traffic flow? If Caltrans elects to locate SR 58 at another location, the City will pursue connecting SR 178 to SR 99 via the SR 204 Alignment, so as to bypass 24th Street through Downtown and Westchester. As part of the Bakersfield Systems Study, Alternate 15, Hwy. 178 is proposed to connect directly to SR 99 via a new SR 58 alignment. Is there an interchange planned for Hwy. 99 and Hosking Road? Yes, our general plan calls for a full interchange at that location. In this year's budget, funds were set aside to establish preliminary geometry and right-of-way needs for that project. Once this preliminary work is complete, land can be set aside and/or purchased for the interchange before it is developed. c: Alan Tandy, City Manager NEWS RELEASE July 24, 2002 For more informatioff. Marshall Graves California Technology, Trade, and Commerce Agency (916) 445-7654 Tax Policy Commission to Meet in Bakersfield The Califomia Commission on Tax Policy for the New Economy will hold its July 29 meeting in Bakersfield. The Commission will meet at the Raybum S. Dezember Leadership Development Center, Room 401, at California State University, Bakersfield beginning at 11AM. · The meeting is open to the public. The meeting agenda is attached. (more) CAUFORNIA COMMISSION ON TAX POUCY IN THE NEW ECONOMY Rayburn S. Dezember Leadership Development Center, Room 401 Califomia State University, Bakersfield July 29, 2002 RNALAGENDA 11:00 AM Meeting called to order, Chairman Rosendahl 11:05 AM Welcoming Remarks Harvey Hall, Mayor, City of Bakersfield Steve Perez, Kern County Board of Supervisors Dr. Tomas Arciniega, President, CSU Bakersfield 11:15 AM. Discussion / approval of minutes from 5/16 meeting 11:20 AM Daniel Thompson, CPA Sales and Use Tax 12:00 PM Kimberly Bott, Assembly Revenue and Tax Committee Ex-Officio Member Legislature Perspective 12:30 PM Lunch Break 1:00 PM Lee Goodman, Esq. of Counsel, Wiley, Rein and Fielding Former Chief of Staff for the Chairman, Congressional Advisory Commission on Electronic Commerce 1:45 PM Bill Weintraub, Commissioner Tax Dispute Resolution in California 2:15 PM Connie Squires, Department of Finance Ex-Officio Member Governor's veto of Streamlined Sales Tax Project legislation 2:45 PM Kathryn Doi, Chief Counsel, TeChnology Trade and Commerce Agency Conflict of Interest Code ( m ore) 3:15 PM Commissioners' Work Streamlined Sales Tax Project (Connie Squires assist) Discussion Public Comment Vote Conflict of Interest Code (Kathryn Doi assist) Discussion Public Comment Vote Strategy for Report Writing (Jesse Szeto assist) Next Meeting 4:15 PM Additional Public Comment 4:25 PM Concluding Remarks, Chairman Rosendahl 4:30 PM Adjoumment Note: Agendas for public bodies located within the Califomia Technology, Trade and Commerce Agency, including the Califomia Commission on Tax Policy in the New Economy are available at h~to~/commerce.ca.aov. For additional information regarding this notice, please contact Marshall Graves, California Technology, Trade and Commerce Agency, 1102 Q Street, Suite 6000, Sacmmanto, CA, 95814, (916) 445-7654, mgrevasc~commerce.ca.aov ~ -.B 'A K E R 'S F I E':.L D -i'-"LZ:: .............. -'] C !Tv iV!,;.*,~'~ MEMORANDUM ' _ July 25, F~O~: Donna Kun~, fi~onomio ~evelopm~nt Director O~Bd[GT: ~pdate on th~ Bakersfield Senior G~nter Hou~in~ ~roi~ot ~loaso find a~achod, an update of the meetin~ hold on dul~ 23~ at tho Bakersfield Senior' ~onter concernin~ tho plannin~ and status o[ tho sonior~houSin~ proioct: I'm happy to. ropo~ that tho rosponSibilitios required o[ tho Gi~ sta~ havo boon Well handl0d an0 I do not anticipate any dalays or issues as a result of our po~ormanca requirements under tho contract. ~loaso fool free to call mo or Goor~o Gonzaloz if you hav~ luther concoms or quostions. $: \ HOMEProjects\ Bak. Sr. Center 'CHDO Housing\ BSCl.wpd B A K E.R S FIELD Economic and Community Development Department M'EMORANDUM July 24,2002 TO: Donna/. Kunz, Economic Development Director FROM: Vince A. Zaragoza, Principal Planner '~,.~ . SUBJECT: Update to Bakersfield Senior Center Housing (BSC) Project Yesterday city staff met with BSC at 530 4th Street for a meeting to discuss the city's acquisition/relocation/demo timeline for the BSC Senior Housing Project. The attendees included the BSC Board of Directors, project HUD 202 consultant (Retirement Housing Foundation), project architect (S.A.B.A. - Chabafy ArchiteCts), project engineer (Fred Porter), City staff (EDCD) and Ms. Irma Carson. The agenda was prepared by BSC and is attached. 'City staff spoke during the lUnch hour on the acquisition timeline which is also attached. City HOME funds are earmarked only for the acquisition phase of the project. The properties to be acquired with HOME funds are in escrow, and per the timeline (step 28) we are currently meeting with tenants to determine the cost of relocation and their benefits. Escrow for the five properties is anticipated to close mid-August. The project HUD 202 consultant was satisfied with the city's tentative acquisition timeline and felt that it meshed with their overall project timeline and HUD's November 30th initial closing deadline. The architect's next step is to complete the final bid package and secure a competitive bid and building permit by fall. City HOME funds will not be part of the design or construction phase of the project. A meeting is planned for July 25 at 1:30 PM to review the preliminary site plan' and 5th Street vacation conditions. The meeting will be held at City Development Services Department. Attendees will be the project consultants and City staff (EDCD, PW, Building Department, Planning). Dr. Alexander Lark (BSC Executive Director) and Mr. Vernon Strong will also be invited to the meeting. For your perusal, a preliminary architectural site plan is attached. Please let me know if you have any questions. S:\HOMEProjects\Bak. Sr. Center CHDO Housing\BSCMTG.wpd 1 MEETING AGENDA BAKERSFIELD SENIOR HOUSING, INC Tuesday, July 23, 2002 Project: 80 Unit-Affordable Senior Housing Location: Bakersfield Senior Center 530 4th Street - Crafts ROom Bakersfield, CA 10:00 a.m.- 12:00 Introduction - Dr. Lark Comments - Polly Warren Comments - Richard Washington Design Review - Architect 12:00 p.m.-l:00 p.m. Lunch Meeting Meeting ~vith Bakersfield Economic & Community Development Discuss time lines and property issues Contractor Interviews - 1:00 p.m, _ 5:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m.- 1:45 p.m. Colombo COnstruction· 2:00 p.m.-2;45 .p.m. Alpha Construction 3:00 p,m.-3:45 p.m. Wallace & Smith Contractors 4:00 p.m.-4:45 p.m. S.C. Anderson, Inc. Bakersfield Sr. Center Acquisition/ReloCation/Demo Time Line City of Bakersfield Economic and Community Development Department (EDCD} (Ju y 2002) _ Key Action Steps Target Date Date Done Responsible _, 1. Initiate Draft community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) Project 11'/7/2001 11/7/2001' EDCD Agreement 2. Notice of Interest to Acquire to 3 property owners. Per the agreement letter 11/9/2001 11/9/2001 EDCD will state "voluntary acquisition". 3. Notice of Residential Tenant to be Displaced to 9 tenants in English and 11/9/2001 11/9/2001 EDCD Spanish (may be less tenants). Include pamphlet "Relocation Assistance to Tenants Displaced from Their Homes." 4. Submit draft agreement to BSC (2 party agreement - BSC/City) 11/22/2001 12/5/2001 EDCD 5. Meet with owners. Obtain the addresses of vacant units, the names and 11/22/2001 11/20/200'1 EDCD addresses of tenants, and the number of bedrooms and tenants in each units. Also need to know the amount paid for rent. 6. On behalf of BSC Housing Inc., EDCD to submit Letter of Application to PW 11/27/2001 12/3/2001 BSC Housing Inc. for vacation of 5~h west to "R" Street. vacation to be recorded by owner of · vacated property (BSC Housing Inc.) after all conditions met by owner. 7. Receive comments on draft CHDO Agreement by BSC 12/05/2002 12/18/2001 BSC 8. Submit Agreement to Senior Center for approval (assume 2 week turnaround) 12/19/2001 '1/02/2002 EDCD 9. Final CHDO Agreement approved by BSC 1/02/2001 2/7/2002 BSC 10. Council approval of CHDO Agreeement assuming approved by BsC 1/23/2002 2/20/2002 CITY 11. Approval of MOU between BSC and Retirement Housing Associates (RHA) 3/20/2002 3/12/02 BSC & RHA (if not approved per CHDO agreement section 2.5, following steps 12 & beyond on hold) Bakersfield Sr., Center AcqUisition/Relocation/Demo Time Line July 2002 r,u¥ ~c. on ;~eF,5 Tar~let Date Date Done Responsible Party 12..Order title reports *from Fidelity National Title Co. only if MOU is signed 1/24/2002 3/29/2002 EDCD 13. Letter to owners to cooperate with appraiser only if MOU is signed 1/24/2002 3/29/2002 EDCD 14. Order appraisal~ per Uniform Rel0c;~tion Act (URA) from appraiser only if 1/24/2002 4/5/2002 EDCD MOU is signed 15. Review of fair market appraisals (3 owners involved) * . 5/2/2002 5/9/2002 City R.E. Agent 16. Just Compensation established bY City per URA 5/7/2002 5/9/2002 City. 17. Notify owners of Just compensation - Initial 3 purchase, offers (needs 5/8/2002 5/9/2002 EDCD summary statement) "Disclosure to Seller with Voluntary, Arm's Length 6/12/2002 Written res. req. Purchase Offer" (start of initiation of negotiationS). · 6/24/2002 2"d Offer to Purch. 18. Resolution of Intention of 5th St. vacation and set public hearing 5/8/2002 5/8/2002 PW & City Council 19. Public hearing and final order of vacation of 5th St. 6/26/2002 6/26/2002 PW & City Council 20. On behalf of BSC properties placed into escrow 7/1/2002 7/17/02 EDCD~ 21. Go out to bid for asbestos Study - Request for Propo. sals (RFP) 7/1/2002 7/8/02 PW 22. Owners accept or rejects offers (if rejected, project stops here and project is- 7/3/2002 7/16/02 EDCD/owners/BSC either re-designed or scrapped) 23. Send letters of non eligibility to tenants who move in after initiation'of 7/3/2002 NA EDCD negotiations Bakersfield Sr. Center Acquisition/Relocation/Demo Time Line July 2002 K%' Action Ster)S Tar~let Date Date Done Responsible Party 24. LM households to receive a Notice of Eligibility for Relocation Assist~ance for 7/2/2002 7/16/02 EDCD ·Res dential Tenant with brochure "Relocation Assistance To Tenants Displaced From Their Homes." Low income households will receive Notide of eligibility for Section 104(d) Relocation Assistance for Lower Income Residential Tenant". · They will also receive the brochure "Relocation Assistance To Tenants Displaced From Their Homes." 25.90 day notice to vacate mailed t° 9 tenants 7/5/2002 7/17/02 EDCD 26. Asbestos RFP returned - Review Bids 7/9/2002 7/19/02 PW 27. Request income verification info from tenants I~y letter 7/9/2002 7/19/2002 EDCD 28.. Meet with 9 tenants; give info. answer questions ~//11/:~002 EDCD 29.. Come to agreement with up to 9 tenants on relocation claims - may need' to 7/16/2002 EDCD assist them in locating new residences 30. Asbestos/LBP Results to Air Pollution Control District (APCD) - 10 Day 7/26/2002 pW APCD Notice 31. Open escrow per CHDO Agreement -'Fidelity Natl. Title Insurance 'Co. 8/1/2~'002 7/22/02 EDCD 32. Escrow closes - title vested in BSC with Trust Deed and Deed of 8/15/2002 Escrow Restrictions in favor of City (will be reconveyed when transferred to new entity after firm HUD commitment for 202 funding for amended site is produced) 33. Bid Out Building Moving/Demolition (3 weeks notice) 8/15/2002 EDCD 34. Bid Out Street Demo/Vacation (3 weeks notice) 8/15/2002 EDCD 35. Award Low Bid for Building Moving/Demolition 9/16/2002 BSC 36. Award Low Bid for Demolition/St. Vacation 9/'16/2002 BSC 37. Receive Firm HUD 202 commitment - Request Reconveyance by City 10/1//2002 BSC/BSC Housing Inc. Bakersfield Sr. Center AcqUisition/Relocation/Demo Time Line July 2002 · ~,y ~c.u. o~up,=~ Tarcjet Date Date Done Res. Bible Party' 38.. Open Escrow & Transfer Properties to BSC Housing, Inc/BSC 10/1/2002 BSC/BSC Housing 39.. Close Escrow - BSC/BSC Housing, Inc. 10/25/2002 BSC/BSC Housing 40. Complete demo/moving buildings/Contractor 10/25/2002 Contractor 41. Complete st. demolition/vacation/contractor - end of City role for this phase 11/15/2002 Contractor of the project 42. Request vacation of street to be recorded. 11/16/2002 BSC Housing !nc.. Note: * Properties to be purchased are: Address Owner Type ~- Owner Residin,q~ 508 R St. Boydstun MF No - tenants only 500 R St. Boydstun SFR No - tenants only 612 5th St. Johnson SFR Yes - owner residing 618 5th St. Boydstun MF No - tenants only 604 5th St. Sakamoto SFR No - vacant property S:\HOMEProjects\Bak. Sr. Center CHDO Housing~July2002time.wpd 4 RETIREMENT HOUSING FOUNDATION SABA, - CHABAFY ARCHITECTS / I TABULATION first floor 0ross: --~ ........... 24,026 sf ~ socond floor 0ross: 22,371 sf - oho b~d room (75 Units) 539.80 sf ~ach .- bod room ~ ,hir~ floor gross: _ 22,371 ~, I 11two (1 unit> 744 s, each ~ total overall g~oss: 68,768 sf [~] one bed room (hc)(4 units,5%) 539.80 si eadh SITE PLAN FIRST FLOOR PLAN SECOND & THIRD FLOOR PLANS VIEW FROM SENIOR CENTER DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS DATE: July 26, 2002 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager .FROM: Stan Ford, Director of Recreation and Parks ~,~ SUBJECT: After-School Program - Bakersfield City School District In 1997, the city council approved funding for after-school programs in both the Greenfield-Union and the Bakersfield City school districts. The programs in each district are essentially th~ same with the exception that the Greenfield district receives funds from a state grant that allows.for longer hours of operation at each school site. Since their inception, these programs have been very popular and demand remains very high. Typically, these programs have an initial waiting list for openings and enrollment remains at a minimum 75%-80% throughout the year. The department has continued to budget for the maximum number of program sites despite inconsistent school participation in the Bakersfield City School District. The number of participating city schools has continued to decline and staff has been told that we should expect only Stella Hills school to participate under the existing agreement for the upcoming year. The cost of the program is $25,000 per site with the city and the individual school contributing $12,500 each. I should note that participation in our partnership is at the discretion of each individual school, not determined by the district. Department staff continues to work with the district staff to encourage school participation. As we are made aware that a school is dropping out of the program or that we do not have five schools participating, as the budget allows, we work though the district to ensure maximum participation. The department's obligation under the agreement calls for us to recruit, train, and supervise staff (this is now done through our contracted employment agency), purchase and maintain equipment and. supplies, and plan and conduct recreational activities. For the upcoming school year, the district has received a grant that provides funding for after-school programing for eight city schools. Note: Stella Hills was not included in this grant .This program is intended to be fundamentally different than the program we currently conduct. The primary difference is that there will be no recreation component. Also, the district has indicated that the hourly wage for staff should be substantially higher than we pay at other sites or for similar positions in other recreation programs. Of the eight schools included in the grant, only Casa Loma has expressed interest in working with the department. The other schools will be partnering with organizations like the Boys and Girls Club. As proposed by the district, the city would provide only funding for the Casa Loma program. Staffing, training, programming, etc. would be conducted by the district. Because of the fundamental change to the program, which no longer requires our expertise or professional staff's involvement, and due to the demand to expand our mobile recreation program, I am recommending that the city only participate with Stella Hills under the current agreement. Further, it is my recommendation that the remaining budgeted funds be used to expand the mobile program into under-served neighborhoods. Staff is aware of several parks that are potential sites for new after-school activities. These include: Planz, Central, Joshua, Stiern, Quailwood, and Bill Park Greens. If approved, staff will develop a budget and schedule for expanded services and survey the proposed areas to determine which areas would make the best use of these services. July 19, 2002 To: Alan Tandy, City Manager Honorable Mayor Hall and Council Members From: Eric W. Matlock, Chief of Police ~ Subject: Special Enforcement Gang Violence Report I have enclosed the Special Enforcement Unit's monthly report for June, 2002. Please call me if you have any questions. EWM/vrf Bakersfield Police Department Special Enforcement Unit Monthly Report - June 2002 The following is a compilation of the performance of the Special Enforcement Unit and significant incidents / investigations for June 2002. 102 Felony Arrests 11. Guns Seized 94 Special Reports 49 Misd. Arrests 110. Fl's 12 Offense. Reports 14 Felony Warrants 50 Citations 21 CHP 180's Arrests 13 Misd. Warrant 107 Probation / 4 Search Warrants Arrests Parole Searches 216 Hours in 63 Hours assisting 3 2002 Shootings Training other Department 2 2001 Shootings, sections 4 2000 Shootings 9 1999 Shootings Year to Date statistics .January- June 2002 496 Felony Arrests 67 Guns Seized 568 Special Reports 180 Misd. Arrests 1005 Fl's 39 Offense Reports 110 Felony Warrants 132 Citations 79 CliP 180's Arrests 110 Misd. Warrant 633 Probation / 31 Search Warrants Arrests Parole Searches 1278 Hours in 1210 Hours assisting 13 2002 Shootings Training other Department 19 2001 Shootings sections 28 2000 Shootings 1999 Shootings BAKERSFIELD POLICE TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: ERIC W. MATLOCK, CHIEF OF POLICE OAI~: Ju~y 22, 2002 S~BJ~GI: X~aff~c ~e~o~ce~ee~ a~ ~ake~ ae~ ~u~eka S~ee~s Couec~ ~e~e~a~ ~o. 000~ ~0 (~a~ 2) Oouec~ ~e~e~ ~ee~a~ ~e~ues~e~ ~e ~o~e deoa~ee~ ~ov~e ee~a~e~ ee~o~ce~ee~ a~ ~ake~ ae~ ~u~eka S~ee~s ~ue ~o ~a~s ~o~ s~oo~ a~ ~e c~osswa~ks. ~ ~es~oese ~o ~s ~e~e~a~, Ooe~afious s~a~ ~oe~o~e~ ~e ~e~e~secfioe oe vadous ~a~s ~ude~ ~e a~emooe ~ou~s. Off~e~s o~se~e~ ve~c~es s~ooo~e~ a~ ~e ~o~eveg ~ae~ ~dve~s ~oefi~ue~ ~o e~e ou~ ove~ ~e c~oss~a~k ~e o~e~ ~o see oas~ oa~ked ve~c~es be~o~e O~o~ee~u~ ~ou~ ~e ~e~e~secfiom I~s ~s ~o~ a v~o~aUoo, aed ~e~e ~e~e ~o v~o~afioes O~se~e~ ~ee ~e a~ea ~as supereX. EWM/vrf B A K E R S F I E L D l,J~[_ ~$ 2002 RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT ..... C!T~' id!,;...r~; ,:'~ ::~',~ ;-. TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: STAN FORD, DIRECTOR OF RECREATION AND PARKS ~ DATE: July 25, 2002 SUBJECT: BMX B~KE~ PARK Council Referral No. Ref000150 (Ward 2) I Councilmember Benham requested that staff investigate the feasibility of a bike park. I The feasibility of providing a BMX park for freestyle riding generates many misconceptions and perceptions, depending on your frame of reference. Agency administrators and enthusiasts are clearly at odds in regards to many key issues. There is no lack of information regarding the problems. Magazines, industry journals, and numerous web sites discuss them at length from both perspectives. At the core of the problem is the fact that many communities have provided new skate parks. Ninety percent of these parks do not allow free style BMX activities. About ten percent of the parks allow skaters and BMX riders to utilize the same facility either together or at separate times. Bakersfield is among those communities that does not allow BMX riders into the skate park. Reasons for allowing or not allowing BMX riders in a skate park are mostly an issue of liability and wear. The question then becomes how to address the needs of BMX riders. There are three basic ways to do this. ALLOW BMX TO RIDE ALL HOURS WITH SKATEBOARDERS Enthusiasts believe this is a viable solution as some of the oldest skate/BMX parks existing operate in this manner. They believe the issue of liability is mitigated by California Government Code Section 831.7 which gives agency immunity by listing bicycle racing or jumping as a "Hazardous recreational activity". Enthusiasts say there are no studies that prove BMX riders do any more damage to a facility than skateboard riders. Administrators disagree. They believe the Government Code only limits their liability if the facility was originally designed to be used for BMX activities. Most skate parks were not, including Bakersfield's. Administrators say they have direct evidence that the "pegs" on BMX bikes cause additional damage to skate park facilities. HAVE SEPARATE HOURS FOR BMX BMX riders say they understand the need to split the hours of use. But if separate hours are set up, they must be fair to all users of the park and include popular weekend and after-school timeslots. In their opinion, the same liability issues apply. Administrators P:~BMXREFERRAL.DOC disagree. They say, to make this work, you would need to monitor the facility for compliance with exclusive use. As paradoxical as it may sound, monitoring the facility would increase compliance and may actually decrease the occurrence of injuries, however, having a monitor increases the potential liability of the City based on a claim that the monitor acted negligently or improperly and that this caused or contributed to the injury. BUILD A BIKE ONLY PARK IN ADDITION TO THE SKATE PARK Interestingly, this is not the solution preferred by BMX riders. They encourage the development of BMX parks, but believe the facility should be open to all sports. Again, they believe liability is addressed by Government Code 831.7. This is the solution preferred by administrators, funding notwithstanding, They believe BMX bikes do damage skate parks, to the extent it will cause hazards for skateboarding, and that the speed, action, and size of BMX bikes requires a different design than skate parks to be user friendly and limit liability. Not surprisingly, the Recreation and Parks Department's recommendation to address the needs of BMX riders is to construct a new facility. The major issues with this are location, facility size and amenities, and funding. A public planning process that included local BMX riders would be the preferred method to address all of the issues stated above, however, some general guidelines and costs can be assumed for study purposes. · Placement of a BMX facility would be very challenging in any existing city park. A regional park or sports complex may accommodate the necessary buffers for this activity from adjacent uses. Preferably, a new parcel of land 11/2 to 2 acres in size can be acquired in an appropriate location. Depending on the size, location, and zoning of a parcel, the cost is likely to range from $100,000 to $300,000 with full infrastructure improvements installed and ready to build on. · Assuming a similar amount of users as we have for the Beach Park Skate Park, the actual BMX facility would need to be about 25% larger or 20,000 square feet. Current construction costs are about $30 per square foot for an estimated total of $600,000. This total does not reflect cost to improve the balance of the parcel with landscape, parking, and restrooms. Assuming a 1Y2 acre parcel. This cost could range from $200,000 to $300,000. · No funding was identified for this project in the 2002-2003 budget cycle. Staff will attempt to identify an alternative source should a project be identified. p:bmxReferral P:~BMXREFERRAL.DOC BAKERSFIELD POLICE TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: ERIC W. MATLOCK, CHIEF OF POLICE DATE: July 22, 2002 SUBJECT: Red Light Traffic Enforcement on 24th Street Council Referral No. 000134 (Ward 3) Council Member Maggard requested the police department increase law enforcement efforts against red light runners via ticketing at problem intersections of M, Chester and F Streets. Council Member Maggard also asked the other council members to submit lists of problem intersections to be given extra enforcement attention. In response to Council Member Maggard's request, a traffic officer was assigned to monitor the area and provide enforcement as necessary. On July 9, three citations for seat belt violations were issued, and on July 10, eight seatbelt citations were issued. To date, officers have not observed any red light violations; however, staff will continue to monitor the area. EWM/vrf ~-.~ "-~ ~,~ BAKERSFIELD POLICE . ~_c~_'~.. .................. TO: ALAN TANDY, CItY MANAGER ~ 2 4 2002 FROM: ERIC W. MATLOCK, CHIEF OF POLICE ,~':.,~.~ .... ~ ~¢" -' ~.. DATE: July 22, 2002 SUBJECT: Speeding Be~een Ming and Wilson Council Referral No. 000136 Council Member Salvaggio thanked the police department for their efforts in increased enforcement of speed laws between Ming and Wilson Roads at H Street, and requested an officer be stationed at that intersection. The officer assigned to this specific area of the city is cognizant of the history of Speeding. The officer regularly monitors this area and speeding on Benton has not been a problem, however drivers have been cited for recent stop sign violations. Staff will continue with enhanced enforcement efforts in this area. EWM/vrf