HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/11/02 B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM October 11, 2002 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager ~'{_2~ /~$. SUBJECT: General Information 1. The Laker game at the Garden was a huge success, and they are rebooking for next year. (The food service issues that appeared at the Kings game were substantially improved.) 2. If present trends continue, we will eventually have to put up safety netting above the glass on the two goals ends for the Condors games. Last year in the NHL, after 85 years of operation, a death occurred due to a puck hitting a fan. The NHL has ordered netting, and the ECHL also has (Bakersfield will be in the ECHL next year). The WCHL, our current league, encourages it. We are evaluating systems and costs. If the rules do not change, it will have to be in place a year from now. The fans, of course, will not like it. 3. It did not get much news coverage, but the Allen Road annexation election went the right way, and they will now be a part of the City! Thanks to Pam McCarthy and her staff for their hard work! 4. After their initial review of the Airpark closure, the Urban Development Committee asked staff to try again on the issue of getting tower control from Meadows Field extended over the facility as a safety measure. Other options have not been ruled out permanently, but closure is difficult, so this is to be explored. 5. Per the enclosed memo from Public Works, there have been several inquiries from parties interested in operating the restaurant and leasing hangar space at the Airpark. 6. We have communicated to LAFCO that we are very interested in financially participating in the work to amend the existing City Sphere of Influence. Staff sent the enclosed letter requesting information on how we can be involved in the program. 7. I took a tour of the Padre Hotel this week. Much investment and effort is being made. Though it is in a "torn up" stage at this point, the future looks promising! Work also continues on the Wall Street alley project. Honorable Mayor and City Council October 11, 2002 Page 2 8. Recreation and Parks has indicated that the dedication of Joshua Park will take place on Sunday, November 2nd, at 2:00 p.m. The Rotary Club of Bakersfield-East is making the final arrangements for the dedication and officially turning the park over to the City of Bakersfield. 9. The state has notified us that, unfortunately, our grant application requesting funding for the amphitheater at the 32-acre park was not approved. Their correspondence is attached. 10. A status report from Public Works on the street rehabilitation projects is enclosed. 11. The September activity report for the Recreation and Parks Department is attached for your review. 12. Responses to Council requests are enclosed, as follows: Mayor Hall and Councilmember Benham · Status report on staff's efforts to meet the High Speed Rail Authority deadlines; Councilmember Couch · Plan for working with contractors to encourage them to submit bids for City projects; · Status report on the request from the Bakersfield Rescue Mission kitchen for a CDBG Grant; · Update on the timeline for installation of a traffic signal at Hageman and Patton; · Copies provided for Alternative No. 15 Funding and Phasing Plan chart and key discussion points on the project; Councilmember Salvaggio · Status report on installation of curb and gutters on Monitor Street; · Status report on code enforcement actions regarding blighted homes south of Panama Lane, west of Stine Road, north of Ridgeview High School. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pam McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director 'DATE: October 10, 2002 SUBJECT: AIRPORT ACTIVITY UPDATE We have met with two individuals interested in operating the restaurant at the Airport and are meeting with a third today. No details have been received from any of the parties. These individuals are also working with staff at EDCD. You will be informed as this issue progresses. General Services' staff has been cleaning out the restaurant building from the fire damage. The structural damage appears to be limited and may be repaired with minimal effort. There are two and possibly three individuals interested in ground leases for building hangars at the airport. We are preparing agreements and will be bringing them before the City Council for their approval in the near future. .......... o0o ........... copy: Brad B. Underwood, Public Works Operations Manager G:\GROUPDAT~Airport~airport activity lO-lO.doc BBU@3781 I BAKERSFIELD Development Services Department Jack Hardisty, Director Dennis C. Fidler Stanley C. Grad)/ Building Director Planning Director (661) 326-3720 Fax (661) 325-0266 (661) 326-3733 Fax (661) 327-0646 October 9, 2002 William A. Turpin, Executive Officer Local Agency Formation Commission 2700 M Street, Suite 290 Bakersfield, CA. 93301 File: Sphere of Influence Amendment Dear Mr. Turpin: This letter is in response to your telecom of October 4, 2002 to Marc Gauthier. You informed Marc that LAFCO is in the process of formulating work programs for Sphere of Influence amendments for various cities. Specifically, the inquiry regarded the City of Bakersfield's willingness to participate in the funding for the analysis necessary to amend the existing Sphere of Influence. We are very interested in financially participating in the work necessary to amend the existing City of Bakersfield Sphere of Influence. LAFCO is anticipated to have completed work programs for a few cities in November. At that time LAFCO will be able to estimate the cost of the work necessary to complete the basic public facilities analysis for the City of Bakersfield. There are actively growing areas in the southwest part of the city where public infrastructure is available and housing tracts are under construction at the limits of the current SOl. This situation clearly does not provide for the logical, outward growth of the city but does encourage the formation of multiple service providers in an inefficient manner. Please let us know at your earliest convenience how we participate in the program to amend our existing SOl. Sincerely, SG:djl CC: Ruben Garza, LAFCO Commissioner Barbara Patrick, LAFCO Commissioner Cathy Prout, LAFCO Commissioner John McQuiston, LAFCO Commissioner Harley Kunkel, LAFCO Commissioner .._-Ala~n Tandy, _City Manager Jack Hardisty, Development Services Director P:\letters\Turpin SOl.doc City of Bakersfield · 1715 Chester Avenue · Bakersfield, California ° 93301 State of California · The Resources Agency Gray Davis, Governor DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION · P.O. Box 942896 · Sacramento, CA 94296-0001 Ruth G. Coleman, Acting Director (916) 653-8380 Stan Ford, Director Parks and Recreation City of Bakersfield 4101 Truxtun Avenue ~ · Bakersfield, California 93309 RE: ZR-15-001 KERN RIVER AMPHITHEATER Dear Stan Ford: We have completed the application review process for the Riparian and Riverine (RR) Program. Thank you for applying and for your interest in our grant program. Unfortunately, we were unable to recommend the project-identified above for funding. We received 121 applications, totaling $36 million for the $9,446,000 allocated to the program. As you can see, the amount requested far exceeded the amount available. For additional grant program information, please access our website at .http://www.parks.ca.gov/and use the link "Grants & Bond Acts." If you have any questions, about your project or the RR Program, please call your project officer, Julie Maim, at (916) 651-8574, or send email to jmalm@parks.ca.gov. Sin~ ', :k V. Mitchell Deputy Director External Affairs Enclosure(s) BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director ~ DATE.~' October 3, 2002 SUBJECT: STREET REHABILITATION PROGRESS During the past three weeks the Street Division has done work on the following street rehabilitation projects: Paving is complete at the following locations: Montclair Stockdale to Easton Vista Verde Mesa Verde to Kroll Vista Verde Kroll to South End Mesa Verde El Rio to Starmount Mesa Verde El Rio to Vista Verde El Rio Stockdale to Vista Verde . Jamaica Kroll to North End Jamaica Kroll to South ~End Starmount Mesa Verde to Jamaica Starmount Ct Starmount to East End El Robie Montalvo to East End El Robie Montalvo to West End Del Canto Montalvo to East End Del Canto Montalvo to West End Eliso Montalvo to East End Pulverizing and Paving is been complete at the following locations: Pepper Tree Apple Tree to Appleblossom Meek Planz to Brook Sugera &Trabert Inwood to Barrington G:\GROUPDAT~STREETS~rehab update 10-3.d0c BBU@3781 October 3, 2002 Alan Tandy, City Manager STREET REHABILITATION PROGRESS (Continued) Page 2 Grinding complete and ready for paving at the following locations: San Carlos El Verano to Dos Rios Ferdinand Dos Rios to South End Dos Rios Ct Dos Rios to South End Dos Rios San Carlos to Montalvo Montalvo Kroll to Las Cruces Los Nietos Las Cruces to South End El Verano San Carlos to Montalvo Calzada El Verano to North End Meek Planz to Brook (Reconstruction) Pulverizing and Paving will begin October 5th on 19th Street between Oak and Westwind. Section repairs are to begin soon on Ashe Road between Ming and Stockdale. Median Island work will .begin at the following locations: Columbus St. Panorama to Oswell rock placement White Ln. Akers to Dovewood Truxtun Ave. west of AT&SF Railroad Other projects complete as follows: Curb and Gutter 401 & 405 Myrtle Pine St. north of Truxtun Eye St. between Wall Street Alley and 18th St. .......... O00 ........... C: Jacques R. LaRochelle, Assistant Public Works Director Brad B. Underwood, Public Works Operations Manager Ted Wright, Civil Engineer IV Luis Peralez, Street Superintendent G:\GROUPDAT~STREETS~rehab update 10-3.doc DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS DATE:. October 7, 2002 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Stan Ford, Director of Recreation and Parks SUBJECT: Monthly Report for September Attached are the monthly activity reports for September. Of note is: Keep Bakersfield Beautiful Report: The program has been very busy with the Liberty Garden groundbreaking, 86-CLEAN and CUB programs, the Shade Festival, and the Liter Index Survey. Included in the repOrt is the completed litter index survey for 2002. c: Citizens Community Services Advisory Committee CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Recreation &Parks September 2002 Monthly Report Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center Submitted by: Linda McVicker, Recreation Supervisor David Stricker, Recreation Specialist Dr. Martin Luther King Community Center The Center had a total of three rentals £or the month o£ September. The Center was utilized for a City planning department meeting, Southeast Neighborhood Partnership meeting and Southeast grant meeting. We are working on an agreement with Wheelers Fitness to maintain the workout equipment in the gym. The center will participate in Christmas on Lakeview on December 21, 2002. Activity Monthly Attendance Registered Participants Weight Room 414 * Game Room 569 * Basketball Gym 619 * Tennis Class 95 20 Aerobics 175 15 Intemet 196 * Dance Troupe 57 18 Cheerleading 110 24 Sunday Basketball 88 21 Quilting Class 99 20 2,422 118 * Drop-in program (Registration not required) DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. CENTER - RENTALS DATE AGENCY ATTENDANCE September l0th Southeast Grant Meeting 20 September 17th City Planning 30 September 30th Southeast Neighborhood 25 Total Attendance 75 Monthly Attendance of all. programs including rentals .................. 2,497 Monthly Counter walk-in participants .................................. 162 LOWELL NEIGHBORHOOD COMMUNITY CENTER The Lowell Neighborhood Community Center had a total 1,275 participants for the month of September. The average daily attendance is approximately 64 children a day. Weekly themes included, Back to Nature, Sports Week, Arts and Crafts and Cartoon Characters. Activities included homework help, computer class, decorating flower pots and making tissue flowers, wheel borrow races, and beaded dinosaurs. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Recreation gcPadcs Se tember2002 Monthl Re ort Silver Creek Community Center Movies in the Park Keep America Beautiful Program Leisure Classes Submitted by: Terri Elison, Recreation Supervisor Colleen Cashmore, Recreation Specialist Vincent Sierra, Program Coordinator Silver Creek After School Program The After School Program started up again on August 26, 2002. Highlights include teaching a variety of dances and cheerleading routines, making turtle and hare puppets, presenting the "Three Little Pigs" puppet show, and playing soccer and outdoor games. Keep America Beautiful Program Keep Bakersfield Beautiful and the city of Bakersfield Recreation and Parks Department held a groundbreaking ceremony on September 11th at 3:00 p.m. for a Liberty Garden at Bakersfield City Fire Department and Bakersfield Police Department's new Southwest Substation: Station 15. Mayor Harvey Hall joined other local leaders which included representatives from our community's law enforcement, fire departments, and Hall Ambulance. Actis Jr. High band and chorus provided the music and 150 attended the groundbreaking ceremony. This garden will serve to honor those who lost their lives on September 11th and to reaffirm the values of freedom and liberty upon which our country was built. Community support will be vital to the establishment and maintenance of Liberty Gardens as it will be solely funded through corporate and private donations. Actis Jr. High presented a check for $776.39 to help fund this Liberty Gardens project. Local schools and businesses.aro also participating in the "fill the boot" fundraising project which gives individuals the opportunity to fill the firemen's boot with cash. Currently, 15 schools are participating'in this fundraising project. KBB, the city of Bakersfield Recreation and Parks Department, and the Tree Foundation of Kern teamed up to present "Cool in the Shade" event on Sunday, September 22, 2002 at Jastro Park from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. This celebration featured music by Kris Tiner, children's activities, tree pruning and planting demonstrations, and food. One hundred and fifty people attended this educational event. KBB did a presentation on the Clean-Up Bakersfield Patch Program (C.U.B.) to local boy scouts groups this month and encouraged scouts to participate in community clean- ups. KBB also held a clean-up around the river beds and Yokuts Park area with the Probation Department this month. This proved to be a very successful clean-up. KBB has been working hard on getting the 86 CLEAN number up and running by the first of the year. Other projects KBB is working on are the Waste in Place school presentations, and community beautification projects. ATTENDANCE FIGURES Silver Creek Rentals ................................................... $595.00 The Silver Creek multi-purpose room and or pavilion were rented two times during the month of September. The center was rented for a company picnic and family dinner. Total attendance was 350. Silver Creek After School Program ..................... 34 Average Daily Attendance ...................... 538 Total Attendance Classes at Silver Creek: # Registered Total Attendance Ballet & Gym (6 -11) 16 64 Ballet & Gym (3-5) 17 68 Calligraphy Workshop no class no class Chess 15 60 Clogging 23 92 Dance & Gym (4-5) no class no class Dance& Gym (2-3) 9 36 Dog Obedience 18 72 Drawing no class no class SC Gymnastics (Mom & Me) 8 32 SC Gymnastics (3 -5) 6 24 Jazzercize 5 95 Kardio Kick 28 224 Karate 52 416 Photography no class no class Pressed Flower Workshop no class no class Scrapbooking no class no class Spanish no class no class '~-- Tennis (Child-Beg) 17 136 Tennis (Child-lnt) 15 120' Tennis (Adults) 10 80 Upholstery 10 40 Watercolor no class no class TOTAL 249 1,559 Classes at Other Facilities # Registered Total Attendance Siemon Park Tennis (Child) no class no class Tennis (Adult) 3 24 _ All Star Dance Studio Dance & Gym (2 ¼ - 4) 3 12 Dance & Gym (4 - 5) 4 16 American Academy of Gymnastics GymnastiCs (2 ½- 3) 2 8 Gymnastics (3 - 4) 5 20 Gymnastics (K - 6yrs) 12 48 Jastro Park Tennis no class no class TOTAL 29 128 Keep Bakersfield Beautiful Program Liberty Gardens Groundbreaking Ceremony 150 attendance Cool in the Shade Event 150 attendance Clean-Up (Yokuts/river bed) 40 volunteers KBB C.U.B. Presentation 30 volunteers TOTAL 370 Movies in the Park Each Friday night in September a movie was shown in a different park each week. Families enjoyed this free entertainment and the opportunity to win free raffle prizes. Popcom and sodas are also available for a small cost. The following movies have been presented: Sept. 6th Saunders Park Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs 300 Sept. 13th Jastro Park Oliver' 275 Sept. 20th Siemon Park Star Wars 600 Sept. 27th Bill Park Greens Swiss Family Robinson 200 TotalAttendance 1,375 Attendance Silver Creek Center: Rentals ......................................... 359 Classes ........................................ 1,559 Registrations Taken: 352 After School Program ................538 CPR Day ................................. 17 # of Guests Served: 412 (The # of Guests served does not include registration) TOTAL .................... 2,473 Se tember 2002 Monthl Re ort Adult and youth sports Mobile Recreation Car show Submitted By: Dean Jones, Superviso~ 1 Adult Sports Softbafl Our fall session like the summer league has increase significantly. We have a total of 71 teams registered compared to 58 last year at this time, 21 teams, 375 participants in the co-recreational league and 50 men's teams, 904 participants, and a total of 1279 adults playing. The addition of the new infield turf at Beach Park has added to the quality of our program; we have had nothing but positive comments. Youth Sports Pee Wee sports Our clinics are very popular as indicated by our sign ups. We currently have 21 for our tiny dribbler's session a fundamentals of basketball which will start on Saturday October 12, and 22 for soccer program to begin in November. Punt, Pass, and Kick We hosted our area meet on September 21. There were a total of 32 participates ranging from ages 8 to 15. The winners of each age group advance to the next competition. To be held at Fresno State University Bulldog stadium on Nov 16. Cross country We moved our meet from Yokuts Park to Heritage Park due to the cancer walk for life event also schedule at Yokuts the same day. Greenfield After school Sports Flag football league began on Friday September 27. There is a total of 12 teams each school having an A and B team. We have taken steps to ensure the program is recreational and non competitive, the first rule change is there is no score kept. ._.~_ Golf .... Lessons are going well; we had a total of 21 participants during the September session which is the largest group ever. Mobile Recreation Our program started on September 9, we are currently at the same sites as last year, and they are, Centennial, Grissom, Jefferson, Siemon Wayside, Wilson and ~-~ Windsor. Car show Our committee met twice in September. Several members had the opportunity to attend the Route 66 car show in San Bernardino on September 12-15 and brought back great ideas for our event. Some of the additions such as, location of the viewing stand, cruise route and raffle prizes, we think will add to the success of our event. We currently have 352' cars registered and expect a great deal more before the event. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Recreation gcPar Date: October 3, 2002 To: Sally Ihmels From: Susan Roussel Subject: Monthly Repod' Our Greenfield After School Program is up and running, our new curriculum seems to be working out well. Football season has started and the children eagerly participate in their practice time. We are looking forward to the outcome of the new (no scorel approach of our After School football games. The Monthly attendance for Greenfield is as follows: Fairview 2954 Kendrick 3506 McKee 2589 Palla 4445 Plantation 3390 Planz 3228 Stella Hills After School program is up and running as of September 24, 2002. The program is full and we have a waiting list of 45 children. Registration was September 23 rd. The Food Bank is providing daily snacks for the children in the program. The attendance for the shaft week: Ste/la Hills 320 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Recreation &Parlcs Keep Bakersfield Beautiful Program September 2002 Monthly Report Submitted by: Keep Bakersfield Beautiful Committee Cathi Guerrero, Chair (Ward 7) Kevin Burton,Vice Chair (Ward 4) Kimberly Caesar (Ward 3) John Enriquez (Ward 6) Dana Karcher (Ward 2) Mike Ming (Ward 5) Keith Stoller (Ward 1) City Staff Liaison: Colleen Cashmore ,Liberty Gardens Keep Bakersfield Beautiful and the city of Bakersfield Recreation and Parks Department held a groundbreaking ceremony on September 11th at 3:00 p.m. for a Liberty Garden at Bakersfield City Fire Department and Bakersfield Police Department's new Southwest Substation: Station 15. Mayor Harvey hall joined other local leaders which included representatives from our community's law enforcement, fire departments, and Hall Ambulance.. Actis Jr. High band and chorus provided the music and 150 attended the groundbreaking ceremony. This garden will serve to honor those who lost their lives on September 11th and to reaffirm the values of freedom and liberty upon which our country was built. Community support will be vital to the establishment and maintenance of Liberty Gardens as it will be solely funded through corporate and private donations. Actis Jr. High presented a check for $776.39 to help fund this Liberty Ga,r,d, ens project. Fifteen schools and several businesses · are also participating in the "fill the boot fundraising project which provides the opportunity to fill the firemen's boot with cash. Other projects will be offered to help pay for this garden. Waste in Place I'nformation on this program has gone out to the schools and presentations are currently being set up. 86-CLEAN A meeting with supervisors and Solid Waste was held to discuss the proposal for this project. The committee is working hard to get this number operating, with a target date of January 1 2003. The goal of this program is to get the public more involved in litter prevention by, identifying areas in need of clean-up and having one phone number where they can call for assistance. Through effective communication, we hope to achieve measurable results in litter reduction by promoting community pride and accountability. We are actively seeking volunteers for this project, we have phone called and or sent fliers to several organizations over the last month. We have been contacting clubs and organizations at both Bakersfield College and Cai State. Litter Index Survey The annual Litter Index Surveys was completed in the month of August. Clean-up projects will focus on some of those areas indicating a litter problem. The survey results are attached. Shade Festival KBB, the city of Bakersfield Recreation and Parks Department, and the Tree Foundation of kern teamed up to present the "Cool in the Shade" event on Sunday, September 22, 2002 at Jastro Park from 6:00 to 6:00 p.m. This celebration featured music by Kris Tiner, children's activities, tree pruning and planting demonstrations, and food. One hundred and fifty people attended this educational event. clean-Up Bakersfield (CUB) Patch Program KBB did a presentation on the Clean-Up Bakersfield (C.U.B.) Patch Program to local boy scout groups this month and encouraged scouts to participate in community clean-ups. Beautification Projects KBB and the Probation Department cleaned up river bed areas and Yokuts Park this month. This clean-up was very successful. The next scheduled KBB meeting is for September 13~2002 Litter Index Survey 2002 Keep Bakersfield Beautiful At Large Ward Ward Score Sub-area 1 2.48 Sub-area Average Scores 2 1.83 1 1.16 3 2.18 2 3.00 4 2.34 3 2.50 5 2.19 4 2.09 6 1.78 5 2.38 7 1.93 6 2.94 Total Average Score 2.10 7 1.75 8 1.38 '- 9 1.31 At Large Overall Score 2.05 Score Key Virtually no litter can be observed at the sub-area being scored. The scorer has to look hard to see any litter, perhaps a very occasional litter item or two in a city block, or equivalent. Any I litter seen could be quickly collected by one individual. The entire sub-area has a generally "No Litter" neat and rid ap~nce; nothing grabs the e_ye as being littered or messy. Upon careful inspection, a small amount of litter is obvious to scorer. The litter in the 2 sub-area could be collected by one or two individuals in a shod period of time. While the ~L~ttered sub-area has a small amount of litter, the.eye is not continuallygrabbed by litter items. 3 Visible litter can readily be seen throughout the sub-area, likely requiring an organized effort for "Littered" removal. This area is "littered" and clearly needs to be addressed. A continuous amount of litter level is one of the first things noticed about the sub-area. Major 4 illegal dumpsites might be see in the sub-area, requiring equipment and/or extra manpower for "Extremely.__Littered" removal. There is a strong i____mpression of a lack of concern about litter in the sub-area. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Recreation &Parlcs PARKS DIVISION SEPTEMBER 2002, MONTHLY REPORT GOSFROD MEDIAN IMPROVEMENTS With the Gosford Road major paving project complete from Ming Avenue to Stockdale Highway, Park's crews were able to prepare the barren median for landscaping. Staff coordinated planting of 26 trees and installation of approximately 38,000 square feet of Zoysia turf. Other work included a week long task of pruning existing trees to thin and re-shape the tree canopy. Several small medians on the easterly side streets accessing Gosford Road were also renovated by removal of certain plant material and installation of turf. BEACH PARK SOFTBALL FIELD RENNOVATION Resurrection of popularity for adult softball leagues provided impetus for upgrading Beach Park softball field. We began by removing 2 - 3 inches of existing infield soil and replacing with a specialized infield mix called Stabilizer Pro Gold. This product is currently used by many collegiate softball and baseball teams as well as several professional baseball teams. Greater dust control and better recovery time when prepping the infield and a more uniform playing surface are reasons which lead us to use a hybrid product. Other work included aeration of outfield turf and replacement of all irrigation heads. The "brow" area where the infield meets the outfield turf was renovated and re-seeded. An ulterior motive for trying a new infield soil blend was we are aware Mesa Marin softball complex will need significant improvements made to infield playing surfaces. Beach Park will provide us with valuable data prior to making a determination for the type of infield mix to specify for Mesa Matin. SHADE FESTIVAL ..... The week of September 22-28 was acknowledged as Bakersfield's first Shade Festival. Kick off activities began in Jastro Park where approximately 75 people were treated to everything from musical entertainment to information regarding planting, pruning, and general care of trees. Paul Graham of our Urban Forestry section and Colleen Cashmore who coordinates Keep Bakersfield Beautiful activities organized the event. In addition to informational sessions, 5 trees were planted at Roosevelt and Nichols and 16 trees were planted at Sing Lum elementary schools. Finally, a group of volunteers assisted with planting an additional 350 saplings at our tree farm. Similar activities will likely occur this spring during Arbor Day events. NEW MAINTENANCE ACREAGE August data on new acreage was not available by the time our August report was compiled. As such, August data is included within this September report. In August, Parks Division assumed maintenance responsibilities for two parcels totaling 1.2 acres. Approximately 567 shrubs and 88 trees plus groundcover were planted within these two parcels. In September, another 3 parcels totaling 1.5 acres were completed final acceptance standards. Approximately 508 shrubs and 92 trees plus ground cover are contained within these locations. SKATE PARK REPAIRS Beach Park Skate Park was closed for several days in early September for repairs due to vandalism. Removal of painted graffiti on the skating surface was most, but not all of the required work. Both Skate Park Rules signs were scratched or painted to the point text required by state law was illegible. Lastly, the sponsor acknowledgement bench was once again targeted for graffiti painting which has left a white residue. General Service Graffiti Crew was of great assistance in trying to high pressure wash the skating. surface. They experimented with a new type of high pressure washer to try and remove as much of the paint residue as possible. Unfortunately, continued use of high pressure washing to remove graffiti will likely damage the smooth concrete surface and shorten the useful life of the skate park. B A K E R S F I E L D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM October 10, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOP~-~~ SUBJECT: LOCATION FOR HIGH SPEED RAIL Council Referral #000230 Councilmember Benham and Mayor Hall requested staff move forward to meet the deadlines set by the High Speed Rail Authority. Mayor Hall requested staff work with Kern COG, County and DBA and do whatever is necessary to come to a consensus on the location by the November 20th meeting with the High Speed Rail Authority. Staff is diligently working in conjunction with the High Speed Rail Authority in order to develop a consensus for the station location. G:\GROUPDAT~Referrals\2002\CC Mtg 10-2\230-Jack. doc CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM October 10, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~ SUBJECT: ENCOURAGE CONTRACTORS TO SUBMIT BIDS Council Referral #000232 I C°uncilmember C°uch requested staff meet with c°ntract°rs and enc°urage themIto submit bids. As background information, the City's Purchasing Officer maintains a database of contractors that have indicated a desire to construct projects for the City. When a specific construction project is advertised for bids, the Purchasing Officer sends a notice to all of the contractors in their database that have the necessary contractor's license for that project. This notice informs them of the nature of the project, the date on which bids are due and what the contractor needs to do if they are interested in bidding on the project either as a general contractor or as a subcontractor. To be listed in this database, contractors only need to complete a form, which is available both at the office of the City's Purchasing Officer and on the City's web site. In addition to sending out the notice, the Purchasing Officer advertises specific construction project bids in the local newspaper, at the local plan rooms maintained by different contractor groups and on the City's web site. Staff is currently investigating an information internet service that has the potential to greatly enhance distribution of information regarding the City's projects that are out to bid. Staff is also working towards scheduling meetings with contractors to discuss with them why they have not submitted bids on our larger pavement rehabilitation projects. From those discussions, staff hopes to determine if there are elements of our purchasing policies that are keeping those contractors from bidding on our projects. Staff will then also determine if those policies can be modified to encourage more of those contractors to submit bids while still conforming to the local, state and federal laws that govern the City's purchasing procedures. G:\GROUPDAT~Referrals~002\CC Mtg 10-2~232-Amold.doc BAKERSFIELD Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM October 10, 2002 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: George Gonzales,~,oV~mmunity Development Coordinator SUBJECT: BAKERSFIELD RESCUE MISSION KITCHEN Council Referral No. Ref000237 Councilmember Couch requested staff provide a status and opinion and/or recommendations of a CDBG Grant for rehabilitation of the Bakersfield Rescue Mission kitchen. During the 2002-2003 CDBG funding period, the Bakersfield Rescue Mission (BRM) submitted a request for CDBG funds to construct a 2,400 square foot commercial kitchen addition at their facility located at 830 Beale Avenue. The total construction cost of the proposed addition was $706,000. BRM was asking the City to contribute $272,000 of that cost and the County of Kern Community Development CDBG program to help with $409,000, with the Mission providing $25,000. An issue that impacted BRM's application was that their by-laws identified them as a religious entity. HUD regulations prohibit the use of block grants funds to assist a primarily religious organization. During that time, Community Development staff did make recommendations that the Rescue Mission could make in order to comply with the HUD rules. BRM was very receptive to the recommendations made by staff and indicated that they would pursue those adjustments to their by-laws. Nevertheless, the County did not allocate BRM CDBG funds for FY 02/03 nor did the City. The deadline for the submission for FY 03104 CDBG program is October 31, 2002. We understand that the Rescue Mission will be submitting another joint City/County CDBG application for their project. The proposed kitchen expansion to provide meals to the homeless population is an eligible public facilities activity and as long as the BRM amends their by-laws to be consistent with the HUD rules their proposal would be a very competitive project for CDBG assistance. S:\DEBBIE'S\Council Referral BRM Kitchen.doc B A K E R S F I E L D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM October 10, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT: TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT HAGEMAN AND PATTON Council Referral #000236 Councilmember Couch referred a letter from Mary Westendoff, Discovery School, regarding traffic signal at Hageman and Patton. Would like to use TIF money and move this project up on the list with completion before end of school year. The future signal project at Hageman and Patton is on the list for Traffic Impact Fee funding. The Traffic Engineer's list of warranted traffic signal locations was also updated to the most recent traffic counts. The intersection's ranking moved up to 19 out of 38 warranted signal locations in the City with this quarterly update. . G:\GROUPDAT~ReferralsX2002\CC Mig 10-2~236-Steve.doc Signal Priority List as of OCtober 9, 2002 Warranted Signals Date First Rank Warranted Location Comments ........ .1_ .......... _3_-/.3_.1_¢.~-9Z ..... .sjan._a. k.N_.e_?__:___L__e_t.z_r!.n.~..L._a._n._e__a__t__.W.__hj_t~. ~ ~ ~ ................................................................. ....... _2_ ............ _4_!.3.(!_9..9..8. .... .S. jan_.a_[:_.N_.e.?__:_..2.4..t.h..._S)_r._e__eg_.L_. _S_t.r..e..e.t. ............. : ......................... ..S.I.A./. _E._Ln)..e_r. _s.e..c__t!.o_.n_ ........ ....... _3. ............ _5_/-~/__1_.9..9._9. .... .sJan..a.[~-~.N-.e-?..:~9..~-[?-.b~-u~.s~.s--t.r.-e..e.t..a..n..d.~-.w-..e~..a-~s~×~.u-~- ............................................ ................... _5_!.2_.4_/__2_9. 9..~ ..... .Sjaa_.a_[,__N..e_ ~_.-_. _C_.o_.f.f.e..e__.n_.o_.a_.d__.a_ L _w..e_.s_ !_fLeJg__~¢.g.¢. ............................................................ ....... _5_ .......... _! -/.2_.s_/-_2_9. 9..2. .... .Sja,_.a_k_N__e_~_:___B_r!mb__,_mJ_B._o_a..d__/.9_[.d.__F__~_?___.n_.o. ~.d_ .............................................................. ....... §. .......... _9_./.2_.4_/_.1_.9._9..7. ..... .S. jan..a.m: ._N_e__w.. :_. _A..k._e.r_ .s_. _R__o_a_d__.a. t_. 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J.o_!_!J_/_.1_.9_.9_.4_ ..... .s.~.`q.n--a.[...N-e-w-~:~-.w--~[-s-°-n-~.R~-°--a-d---a-t~-s-.-°-u--t-h-~-K---s~?~ ............................................................. ................. .!.o_./_1__9_/.1~.9_.8_ ._. *.._s_j~q.n_ ~ k ..N_.e_ .w. :_. 9__a. 11. _o. _w_a_~__.D__rLv_.e..a_.t...N_9_r__r Ls__.a_.o. ~_ .............................................................. ....... .3_5 ........ .3_/.2~_/!_9__9_.9. ..... .Sj~.n_.a.[:..N_.e_..w..:. Ea..r.b..e_.r_._W__a. y__.a_t__.W__!.b_l..e_. _R__o__a__d_ .......... .. ........................................................ ....... .3_.6_ .......... Z/..7./..1._9._9..9. ..... .sj ~.~_~ k_.N..e_~.-_..A, rr_o_~..S.!r_e_.e_t___a.t. _S.~.~!e_.c_t__.A_.v_.e__n_.u.e. .............................................................. ....... .3.7_ ...... .1_.0_-/_1_.8_-/5_9._0..8. ..... _S_jan_a_k.N._e_w___-___A_~_a_t__e___S_t_.r_e__e.t__a_t__~[g~_B.e_g~ ................................................................... 38 6/1/2001 ,Signal, New - Meadow Vista Street/Panorama Drive Note: Signals denoted with (*) are to be funded by the Regional Transportation Impact Fee (RTIF) program. i S:\Spreadsheets\SIGRNK2003.xls 10/9/2002 Worksheet: Simple_List Signal Priority List as of OCtober 9, 2002 -- Ward 4 Warranted Signals Date First Rank Warranted Location Comments ........ .3_ .......... .5__/_2__4_/_-2.9. 9__~ ..... .s-..'~.n..a.[:~N...e..w.~:.9..~.f.f..e.-e-R..~..a..d.~.a.t~.w-e..s.!tL~ ............................................................. ........ _5_ .......... .1_ L2__5_/__2_9. 9..2. .... _Sjg_n__a_l:__N__e__w__:___B__r!_m___h__aJJ_B._o_a__d_L_O_Ld._E_aZ m. Bg¢ ~ .............................................................. ........ .8. ........ ~ .o__/j_ !/..2.9_.o_ .o' ..... _Sj~.n._a_[.._N..e_.w_.:.__B.r!_m__b__aJLR___o_a__d.__a_.t_Wj~ ~ ~_~_~!r~ ~! ........................................................ ....... La_ ........... .2._/.0_/_.1__9__9_.a. ..... _s.j.~_n._a.[, __N_.e__w__ :___H__a_ g_e_ _m___a. 9__Bg__a_d___a_t.__M___aj.n___P_La_ ~__~ rj ×~- ...................... : .................... ~ ......... ....... .1__9_ ....... .1_.2__/_1__6_/_.1__9__9_.6 * Si.~nal, New- Hal]eman Road at Patton Wa~. · ....... _2.4.: ......... .6_ _/_3_/_ _1. _9_. 0_.4. ._.*___s_j~.n..a_[, __N__e__w. _.:. _C__o__f_f_e._e__.R_.o_.a_.d.__a_t__D__o_..w..n_i.n_.g_ ~.~ ~ A ................... ._5__0_°./.o_F__u__n.d..e..d_b. × _ _R__TJ.F.. ..... ....... _2__5_ ........ .2_ ./_2_ _0_/_ .2_9_g_ .2_: .__.__Sjg.n_.a_[:__N__e_w. _ :_.9__a_[Lo. _w_a_z__D__r!_v_.e_.a..t._ _N_g.r_i..e.,:j.a__..R_o__a. ¢- ........................................................... ....... _2_.0. .......... Z!.2.!.2.9_9_.2. ..... -s-J~.n..a.[:--N..e-w-.-.-9-J.d---RJ.v..e.r-.R..~..a-.d--.a--t-..w..hJ-t.e.-.~.-.a-.k-- _D_rLv..e_ .................................... ~ ................. ....... .3.J_ ........ .1__/2.2./.L0_.0..6. ..... .Sj~?.~t:..N..e...w..z. Er!.m...h._~J_~.~.t..M_o.?..d..~.v.! .............................................................................. 33 10/19/1998 * Signal, New - Calloway Drive at Norris Road Note': Signals denoted with (*) are to be funded by the Regional Transportation Impact Fee (RTIF) program. S:\Spreadsheets\SlGRNK2003.xls 101912002 Worksheet: Simple_List B A K E R S F I E L D~~ ~' " --~' ~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM October 7, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~'"Z~t....~~ SUBJECT: COPIES OF ALTERNATIVE 15 FUNDING AND PHASING Council Referral #000238 ICouncilmember Couch requested 50 copies of the Alternative No. 15 Funding and Phasing Plan chart and one copy of the talking points. Copies are attached. C:~Documents and Settings\twright\Local Settings\Tcmp\238-Ted I.doe Alternative No. 15 Funding 'and Phasing Plan New Revenue $50.0 $50.0 $58.0 $59.0 * $50.0 $50.0 $50.0 !!, $50.0 Revenue Balance $188.001-$20.401+$10.0 = $177.6 $227.6 $207.6 $148.6 $108.6 $36.0 $36.0 $35.0 $35.0 $85.0 $85.0 $0.0 $0.0 $50.0 $50,'.0 $10.0 $10.0 ! Year of Construction 04~05 05/06 06~07 07/08 08~09 09110 10/11 ! 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/1~ 18/19 19/20 Totals Ha~eman Flyover $21.0 ~ ' $21.0 24th ~ Oak $21.0 ~ $21.0 ~ $584.6 FUNDING AND PHASING FOR ALTERNATE 15 WESTS[DE PARKWAY - STATE ROUTE 99 TO STOCKDAIJE HWY/HEATH ROAD · Approximately $185 million has been programmed for this project · $2.7 million budgeted in 2002/03 for preliminary engineering and final environmental document · $19.2 million budgeted in 2002/03 for right'of way purchase · $5.5 million budgeted in 2003/04 for design · $136 million slated for construction in FY 2006/07 · Final construction level Environmental Document should be completed within 2 years · · All right of way should be purchased within 3 years · Project will be phased · First to be constructed will be Mohawk Street between Truxtun Avenue and Rosedale Highway · Second will be Parkway from Mohawk Street to Calloway Drive · Third will be Parkway from CalloWay Drive to Stockdale Highway/Heath Road · Last phase will be from Mohawk Street to Truxtun Avenue @ S.R. 99 CENTENNIAL CORRIDOR - STATE ROUTE 99 TO STATE ROUTE 178 · Will begin environmental process in fiscal year 2002/03 · Environmental process will take approximately 4 to 5 years to complete · Project will be phased · Phase 1 - State Route 99 to F Street (FY 08/09) · Phase 2 - F Street to Chester Avenue (FY 10/11) · Phase 3 - Q Street to State Route 178 (FY 14/15) · Phase 4 - Chester To Q Street (FY 18/19) HAGEMAN FLYOVER · . Will begin environmental process in fiscal year 2002/03 · Environmental process will take approximately 3 to 4 years to complete · Construction scheduled in FY 06/07 24~ STREET @ OAK STREET INTERCHANGE/24t~ STREET WIDENING · Will begin environmental process in fiscal year 200/04 Environmental process will take approximately 4 to 5 years to complete · ' Construction scheduled by FY 08/09 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM October 7, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM.: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~ SUBJECT: CURB AND GUTTER ON FAIRVIEW ROAD Council Referral #000233 Councilmember Salvaggio referred a call from Elaine Gentry and Paula School and requested staff look into and report back regarding curb and gutters on 2-3 homes on Monitor Street (1100 or 1200 Block). Donna Kunz to look into block grant eligibility. Public Works staff have been working with the subject property owners along Fairview Road for several months regarding the installation of street improvements alon~j their frontages. There are three properties fronting Fairview that do not have curb, gutter or sidewalk and which require additional street dedication for the improvements to be constructed. As these are the last remaining properties in the area without ultimate street improvements, as all three properties have existing residences, and as there is a high volume of pedestrian traffic due to the nearby school, the offer was made that curb, gutter, sidewalk and pavement tie-in would be completed by the City upon dedication of the ultimate street right-of-way (The properties need to dedicate an additional 15 feet to provide the proper right-of-way width.). All three property owners were offered this same proposal. Mr. Noe B. Avalos at 1109 Fairview Road (southeast corner Osborne Street and Fairview Road, or the eastern property) and Mr. James M. Gaines at 1217 Fairview Road (the western property) agreed with this proposal and have signed a letter of intent. Public Works staff has designed and prepared plans for these street improvements, and is preparing the legal descriptions and necessary documentation to proceed with the right-of-way dedication and the construction of the improvements. Construction will be by the Streets Division and should begin late this year. The property owner at 1201 Fairview Road (the middle property owned by the Halford Family Trust) responded that they did not wish to dedicate the necessary right-of-way and participate in the street improvement project. This property has several large trees within the necessary right-of-way area that would need to be removed for the improvements, and also has an office building just outside the necessary right-of-way area which would be very close to the edge of the new road. Regarding Block Grant Eligibility, Community Development reports that according to the current 1990 Census Data, the area of Fairview Road between South H Street and Monitor Road is not eligible for CDBG funds. This information shows that the area has 24.57% of the population within the Iow income range. The Census Bureau has indicated that the 2000 income data census information will released in March-April 2003 c: Jacques R. LaRochelle, Assistant Public Works Director G:\GROUPDAT~Referralsk2002\CC Mtg 10-2k233-Luis.doc 0CTI I B A K E R S F I E L D TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager ,,/ FROM: Jack Hardisty, Development Services Dir~ DATE: October 10, 2002 SUBJECT: Council Referral Ref000234 Councilmember Salvaggio requested staff vigorously investigate and recommend a resolution regarding demolition of 3-5 blighted homes south of Panama Lane, west of Stine Road, north of Ridgeview High School. On October 9, 2002, a notice of violation was mailed to the property owner for overgrown weeds, trash, debris and to reboard the houses as needed. There are not sufficient structural defects to order them demolished as violations of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings. The property will be monitored for compliance.