HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/25/02 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM October 25, 2002 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager ~7-'[.,.¥ /~s. suBJEcT: General Information 1. We've been notified by HUD that Phase I of the Section 108 funding has been approved. The funds will be applied to the rehabilitation of the MLK and Jefferson pools, and construction of the new aquatics center. $200,000 will be applied to the Training Center at Lowell and California. 2. Per the enclosed memo, I've asked Stan Ford to develop a comprehensive plan to utilize the new aquatics facility to it's maximum capability. I've also asked him to make a determination as to our next major pool project - what components will be included and where it should be located. 3. A preliminary construction schedule for the ice and aquatic center, as prepared by Rossetti & Associates, is attached. We will be going with separate bid packages on the ice rink and pool, which is necessary to meet target opening dates. It should also help to maximize competition. 4. The Wall Street Alley project is progressing nicely. The paving looks good, some very attractive planters have been installed, and several merchants have patio tables in place in anticipation of using the pleasant environment for their customers' enjoyment. 5. Staff from Water, Police, and Solid Waste will be participating with other volunteer groups to do a "clean sweep" along the banks of the Kern River on Saturday, November 2nd. The corridor known as "Panorama Vista", east of Manor Street will be the site of a major clean up project. A flyer is attached with more information. 6. The latest status report from the Fire Department on local environmental Clean-up projects is enclosed for your information. 7. The Keep Bakersfield Beautiful Committee will host the Keep California Beautiful Proud Community and Affiliate meeting on Friday, November 15th at the Convention Center. The agenda is attached with further details. Honorable Mayor and City Council October 25, 2002 Page 2 8. Responses to Council requests are enclosed, as follows: General Council · Notification letter to employees regarding selection of City physician; Councilmember Carson · Feasibility of using the airpark as a public training facility for Police and Fire; · Feasibility of creating a revolving fund for Police training; Councilmember Benham · Status on informing interested citizens about design and programming plans for the new pool complex; · Repair of potholes creating dust nuisance in alley of VVestchester neighborhood; · Status on request to Cai Trans for modification of Highway 99 northbound off- ramp at California to be a straight/right turn combination; · Information on obtaining USA swimming grants for Iow income programs; Councilmember Maqgard · Feasibility of using firms that do energy consumption audits; Councilmember Couch · Feasibility of extension of storm drains on Feather River Drive; · Citizen concern regarding street drainage on Glenlakes Court; · Request for stop sign warrant study on Abbott Drive; · Welcome letter to Allen Road residents; Councilmember Hanson · Report regarding dogs running loose in area of Deming Court; · Update on Vision 2020 demographic numbers; Councilmember Sullivan · Status of actions related to traffic concerns in area of. Sandrini School; Councilmember Salva,_q_qio · Timeframe for the Planz Park playground bid and construction project; · Update on funding for the White Lane interchange, AT:rs cc: Department Heads Para McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst RECEIVED: 10/21/02 g:56AM; ->CITY OF BAKERSFIELD; #612; PAGE 2 10/18/02 15:,16 F.~ 559 497 S11! SENATOR !} .,~.AI~ B A K' E R S F ! E 1~ D OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM October 21, 2002 TO: Stan Ford, Recreation and Pa~2i/¢~ctor FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager SUBJECT: New Pool Please take on the programming, length of season, variety of uses, etc. in the same manner as you did the City's overall recreation program when you came here. Program new events and special activities, experiment, try things and keep it used and busy, please. I also would like a plan developed, in at least rough form, over the next 60 days or so, as to what our next major pool project will be and where, when Proposition 40 money arrives. Include as a subcomponent where spray parks should go to replace phased- out pools. Beale seems to have good attendance and might be considered for a replacement pool, but that needs study and consideration. If you need a consultant to help with a plan, we can arrange that. The replacement plan has bearing on what is phased out, so the two cannot be completed separated. Please come in to discuss any issues that may not be clear. Thank you. Bakersfield Ice and Aquatic Center :. City of Bakersfield Preiliminary Schedule Rossetti September 20, 2002 (Revised October,'2002) ID 'I mask Name I st Quarter 2nd Quarter I 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter I st O!jarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter OI Jan ] Feb I Mar Apr I May I Jun Jul I Aug I Sep I Oct I No~ I Dec Jan I F~b I Mar Apr I May I Jun Jul ] Aug I Sep Oct I Nov I Dec 3 t Preliminary Design on Ice Facility ---- ~ ~ 1115 . 4 [] I Submittal to Site Plan Review 5 [] I Site Plan Review Headng & Approval (Accelerated Sched.) ,~' 1t119 6 __~ Construction Document on Ice Facility 8 . -- Plan Check Corrections 9 Issuance of Building Permit 10 L Construction Bidding Period i 12 -- Bid Opening t3 [] c~y Counci~ cons~uction con~act Approva~ ! i i.....~"~/lS ' ' ' ' 14 _1 Commence Construction t5 I Cons~c~on Pe~°U 0/28 16 I Grand Opening & Occupancy 17 ~ [] city counci~ Aut. o~ation to p~oce~ wa. Aqua~c 20 t Preliminary Design on Aquatic Facility i i '" [ ' 24 Con~'uction Documentation on Aquatic Facility 22 Plan Check Pedod 23 Plan Check Corrections . =~ - ,ssuance o, Bu,ding P~it 25 , Constn~ction Bidding Period co ,.=,on co ,a Nogo' a"o 28 -~---- City Council Construction Contract Approval 29 [] Execute~ Construction Contract 313332 [] -- TestingC°nstnJcti°n PeriOdoccupancy & Adjust 0/28 Page I - MEMORANDUM RECEIVED - 1 OCT 2 2002 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE October 24, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER ( Llo FROM: GENE BOGART, WATER RESOURCES MANAGER SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION - KERN RIVER CLEAN-UP City Police, Water and Solid Waste employees will be participating with numerous other volunteer groups to do a "Clean Sweep" of the Kern River on Saturday, November 2, 2002. The area known as "Panorama Vista", located along the Kern River, east of Manor Street will be the site of a major clean-up project for the community. Old tires, concrete rip-rap, and trash will be loaded into dumpsters by heavy equipment for delivery to the Bena Landfill. Volunteers will be used to sweep the area to pick up litter and loose debris in trash bags provided on site. As you can see from the attached flyer, this will be a great outing for anyone in the community who Wants to participate in this clean-up project for the Kern River Parkway. cc: Eric Matlock, Police Chief Raul Rojas, Public Works Director Kevin Barnes, Solid Waste Director Ceep- , .(ern · CiTe an, ~ ~,0000.00 O0 O0 O0000 O000'00 O00000000000000000 O0000000000 , .ooO Saturday, November 2nd O 000000000 O00'0000000~00~000000000000000000000000000 ',~ . ' Help cleamdp al°~g the ba~ks OF'the Ke~n. ~ver ~ ..., d~ring ~ special K~p K~rn Olean Day! ... ,On Sa~S Nom~r ~d ~0m 8 ~[ to 11:30:~[ · ~; we re plc~g up ~ash md ~c~ded ~te~ ~ ~e Kern ~v~r C md "P 'V~m~'. O Or~ ~O~ - . ~ - ~. Check-~ Sa~day mo~at ~e ~vNte ~m locamd at fl~e md of Robet~ Line, east of~o~Dfive, b~ at 8:~ ~L ' -.'~' ~ook fo[ ~e Keep Kern Clean si~s.) There wit/be bott/es ~ water and snacks fir eye,one/ ~ .~earjeans ~nd b"ng~om: own gloves . pkase. .~ For more h~0mfion or m volmtee~ conm& " ~ Beth'at 325.2823. Let's take back the.Kern ~'ver~ The Kern ~'ver Corridor Clean~up is sponsored ~e Kern ~ver ~dor Endo~nh ~ ~e G~ of B~fiel~ V~er Br°~. ~c., ~ewon/Tex~, ' ~ '- ~ Keep .Kern CB~an J~.program¢ the.,, . "~' ' ~ Kem'~V W~te M~ment Dep~ent Required Environmental Clean-up Status as of 10/01/2002 Contact: Ralph E. Huey e-mail: rhuey~ci.bakersfield, ca. us Phone: (661) 326-3979 1715 Chester Av. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Hazardous Waste Corrective Actions: Ld Agency Site Name & Address Location Photo Environmental Status RWQCB PG&E Kern Steam Plant Hexavalent Chrome was retested and detected 2401 Coffee Rd. at 3 ppb (drinking water standard is 50 ppb) in the groundwater near the cooling towers. Water supply wells are non-detect for chrome elsewhere on site. 80 tons of soil containing hazardous levels of heavy metals were removed in Nov. '01 from a former incinerator area. Additional soil and groundwater sampling for petroleum impacts around fuel oil storage tanks to be conducted in 2002. RWQCB Sunland Refinery Free product removal, air sparging & vapor extraction in progress. A total of 3,081,329 2150 Coffee Rd. lbs (560,242 gal) of petroleum have been (MTBE in groundwater) removed from the soil and groundwater to (Benzene in groundwater) ~ ~ 7%~?~:~: date, and clean-up is estimated at only 50% (Floating gas on water table) complete. MTBE detected in water under the site up to 90,000 ug/L. Benzene at 16,000 ug/L. Contaminants have moved under PG&E site & deeper water sampling is being required by RWQCB. City's Water Agency well # CBK-25-01, SW of Brimhall & Coffee, is not in service due to contamination in the area. RWQCB Shell Refinery Not in City, but within area of concern. 6451 Rosedale Hwy ~ MTBE in groundwater resulting from previous spill events at the refinery. Aquifer (Not in City Limits) ~ ~ tests were performed in Oct. 2000 to assess (MTBE in Groundwater) ~ water table and water movement in the area. Soil vapor extraction and air sparging in progress. DTSC has a clean-up order for Tosco to also remove a petroleum coke pile which is on the north side of the Kern River across from Truxtun lakes. RWQCB KL Aviation Pesticide contamination assessment still 2014 Union Av. continuing as an open case from previous Former Gal'riot Crop Dusters practice of rinsing crop duster tanks into a · : former sump. Additional monitoring well to (Soil assessment req'd) i~1[~ be installed downgradient. Abandoned UST's removed on 12/01/00. Gasoline detected in ~ soil between former tank and dispenser locations and referred to RWQCB for coordination with their existing investigation. RWQCB Former CleanSoil Facility RWQCB requesting new owner to properly 903 E. White Ln. ~ abandon groundwater monitor wells on site. DTSC Gibson Oil Refinery ~:451 Not in City, but within area of concern. End of Commercial St. ;~: ~:g Corrective Action Branch of the Permitting [~: :~ ~ ~ ....... :.~?~'~ (Berkeley Office) is handling the (Not in City Limits) ~, Program (Waste liquids & tanks clean-up oversight. All hazardous liquids & tanks have been removed. Soils currently removed. Soils currently being classified and removed. Tony Netera, being removed) DTSC, is case agent at (510) 540-3951. DTSC K&D Salvage ~::~'~ ~': ~ DTSC has removed solid wastes from K&D 600 S. Unionr~,~[i ~i}ii ~ ~,~.. site, and is performing further assessment. USEPA repaired fence & returned April 25, USEPA Double D Recycling ~' ~,.3 ~e./~; :'~'" ~";: ;::: ,-5~ ~. ;'~1":" 2002 to conduct further assessment. Double Former Benham-Johnson 340 Daniels Ln. ~&x:~ ~ ~5~ D has shown high levels (19 ppm) of DDT in (located behind 600 Union) ~ ' ..... :~ soil (hazardous threshold=l ppm). All hazardous waste removed from the s~face. (Junk removed by City Code No sample results yet fi'om the latest soil Enforcement in cooperation assessment in May 2002. with EPA soil sampling activities) Underground. Petroleum Storage Tank Release Corrective Actions: Ld Agency Site Name Location Photo Status BFD Freeway Liquors . MTBE (295 ug/1), Benzene (95 ug/l), & 2030 E. Brundage Ln~:~::::. gasoline (2,049 ug/1) detected in groundwater ......... (126') beneath site. No water supply wells are (MTBE in groundwater) ~ within one mile. Vapor extraction pilot test (Benzene in groundwater)W completed and operation ready to begin. One additional down gradient groundwater monitoring well required. BFD Elks Lodge Vapor extraction completed. A total of 1414 E. California Ay. ' ' r:~r~ 26,207 lbs. (4,765 gal.) have been removed to ~~,:~x~: ~¢~:~.~i date by soil vapor extraction. MTBE not (MTBE not involved) ~'~'~':' ....... i~ involved since leak occurred in early 1980's (Clean-up complete pending ' ' "- before MTBE was added to gasoline. confirmation)~ Confirmation sampling now required and work plan for sampling has been approved. BFD St. Vincent De Paul Vapor extraction completed and confirmation 310 Baker St. ~ sampling required for closure. A total of 8,169 lbs or 1,276 gallons of gasoline has (No MTBE detected) been removed through vapor extraction. (Clean-up complete pending Work plan for confirmation sampling has confn:mation) been approved. RWQCB Downtown Chevron At least 400 gallons of gas leaked through a 2317 L Street ~ hole in an underground pipe before the leak ~.~ ~ was confirmed. There is now detectable (MTBE in groundwater) benzene (2400 ug/1), and MTBE (4,000,000 ug/1, or 4000 ppm) in the shallow groundwater below the site. Soil vapor extraction has been ordered by RWQCB to begin and is now overdue to begin. RWQCB Mr. Fast Gas Leak from former UST's stopped in 1995. 600 Brundage Ln. ~ Vapor extraction system and add'l groundwater monitoring wells have been (Gasoline floating on installed and operating. Second vapor groundwater table, no extraction system to be installed on south side MTBE detected lately) of Brundage Ln. during 2002. RWQCB Beacon Truck Stop ~':~:~ Vapor extraction started on Oct. 15, 1999 and 3225 Buck Owens Blvd. 4,462 lbs (822 gal) removed to date. MTBE ~:::~5~ ~'*~ '~'' 55~ ~¢~:~m ,~'. has not been detected in the groundwater (Clean-up was to be during the past two quarters. Vapor extraction completed, but diesel now~~}~' completed. However, diesel keeps reappearing in groundwater) ~ reappearing in the groundwater and further investigation may still be necessary. RWQCB Former Mobil Station Max. MTBE of 16,000 ug/L in groundwater at 4456 California Av ......... ~;:~'~51~i~'~ ,~ 36' beolw surface. Monitoring well to be :: ~x~?;:~ ;;,~,.~:~::~ installed on south side of California Ave. (MTBE groundwater site) Groundwater pumping & vapor extraction pilot study approved for implementation on or before April 2002. Time extension granted by RWQCB until August 2002. No report of current status at this time. RWQCB Minit Stop Market ~ ,~ ........................... Gasoline detected in groundwater at 380 ug/1 2900 Union Ave. ~.,<,~!*~ ~,~;. ....... ~:r~**~,..-~ ............. ~:~,~:.~.~ and MTBE detected at 1570 ug/l. Case has ~ ~.m ;~z~<~>~'.~:,.x,~,;~:~¢m~ ~:~4}'m been referred to RWQCB for further (MTBE groundwater site) ~ ~ ~>*'~'~ ~:'~'~' "~;~. ~,.-- ~ ~r~,~;~:~.~t~., investigation. Approved for three additional ] ~ groundwater monitoring wells. RWQCB 7-Eleven Small pipe leak discovered & repaired, but 525 W, Columbus ~ shallow groundwater (15' below surface) ~ ~'~'~ ~':~:'~'¢~:~ impacted by MTBE at max. concentration of (MTBE groundwater site,~ 2,600 ug/L. Vapor extraction pilot study now and levels have increased m ~ .~ ~- ~~ required as MTBE has recently increased. since last quarter) RWQCB Former 7-Eleven Leakage from former UST's showed trace 1700 Brundage Ln. I ' ? "':~}i~~ MTBE in the soil at such depths (150 fi)that ~~ RWQCB wanted to assess the groundwater (MTBE in soil only) ~ quality even though groundwater is  approximately 250 below the surface. 7- Eleven's consultants argued that groundwater monitoring wasn't warranted & RWQCB agreed to shallow soil vapor extraction only. RWQCB Car Wash of America . Unreported release in 1997 has not yet been 1701 Stine Rd.~ fully defined, but max. MTBE of 2.8 md/kg detected in soil at 85' below surface (that's (Suspected MTBE ~ deep for max. MTBE). A monitoring well groundwater site) ~ and vapor extraction system to be installed. Former owner of Niagara Car Wash has taken ~ i over responsibility for clean-up. RWQCB Apex Bulk Commodities Diesel impacted soil & G/W ~ 17' BGS. 2111 Bricyn Ln. ~ MTBE detected in soil at 0.58 md/kg. Soil (Benzene in groundwater) i excavation & removal on 8/17/00. Benzene i i~,~,¢,:~ detected in groundwater at 9 ug/L. No MTBE (MTBE in soil only) in water. RWQCB sent a notice of violation for not yet installing any groundwater (Groundwater monitoring monitoring wells. plan is now overdue) RWQCB Holden Truck Stop Gasoline & diesel detected in groundwater. 3775 Buck Owens Blvd~' ':~! Property is in bankruptcy, but San Joaquin (Trace gasoline & diesel in ~ Bank, as lien holder, has paid for all UST groundwater, no MTBE) i~ !~~ removals and is funding site assessment work. Groundwater monitoring now in progress. KCEH KHSD Maint. Yard Over-excavation performed for remediation of 3100 Chester Ay. ~~ Underground Injection Well. G/W (No MTBE Detected)~ monitoring now in progress. KCEH 7-Eleven G/W monitoring since 1988. Request for 1701 Pacheco Rd. ~'!i!~ ~ ~ closure was denied by KCEH & 7-Eleven was --~ asked to perform confirmation sampling & (No MTBE Detected) risk assessment prior to requesting closure. Vapor extraction equipment has been removed from site, but vapor wells and piping still remain in the ground. KCEH McKenny's Air Cond. G/W monitoring in progress. Vapor 2323 R St. extraction equipment (owned by the State) still on site but has not operated in two years. (No MTBE Detected) Site Investigation~, Case Closures During~ the Last Quarter:_ Ld Agency Site Name Location Status BFD Former Oil Sump Victor St. & Moraga Ct. Kyle Carter Homes development area where 278 tons of petroleu~n impacted soil was removed & disposed. Remedial Acton Report currently under review. BFD Texaco Service Station 3698 Ming. Ay. Leakage detected under former UST's & product piping during recent tank & line upgrade. Closed with RWQCB concurrence. BFD Termo Gosford A Lease Buena Vista Rd, N of Panama Aboveground oil storage tank removal showed signs of leakage. Site assessment to be conducted. Cases Currently Under Investi~ ation Pending Clean-Up Determinations: Ld Agency Site Name Location Status BFD Golden Empire Transit 1830 Golden State Hwy Soil sampling performed under diesel fuel dispenser which had leaked. Case to be (Case closure pending) closed after GET completes upgrade to dispenser island. GET is currently out to bid for the upgrade work. BFD Former Texaco Station 2601 White Lane UST removal showed tank pit & dispenser islands impacted with petroleum products. (Soil assessment req'd) Work plan currently under review. BFD ARCO AM/PM 900 Monterey St. Leakage detected under a former product line which was removed in May, 2001. Requested (Soil assessment req'd) work plan for further soil sampling. BFD Union Pacific Railroad 700 Sumner St. Ruptured locomotive fuel tank leaked 1700 gallons onto the track area west of Baker St. at depot. Extent of soil impact still to be determined through soil sampling. BFD 34tn Street ARCO 1102 34tn St. UST lining inspection uncovered petroleum impacted soil surrounding two of the three UST turbine pump areas. UST's are emptied and temporarily abandoned until responsibility for repairs and clean-up is adjudicated in pending law suit. BFD Texaco Service Station 4050 Gosford Rd. 50 cu. yds. of impacted soil excavated & removed during product piping upgrade. (Soil assessment req'd) Detectible MTBE still present in soil. Further soil sampling to be required. Key: BFD = Bakersfield Fire Department (Office of Environmental Services) DTSC = Department of Toxic Substances Control KCEH : Kern County Environmental Health RWQCB - Regional Water Quality Control Board USEPA = United States Environmental Protection Agency S:\CORRESPONDENCE~2002-10\Cleanups 9-02.wpd From: Terri Elison To: Sally Ihmels Date: 10/23/02 11:04AM Subject: KBB Nov. 15th Meeting The Keep Bakersfield Beautiful committee will be hosting the Keep California Beautiful Proud Community and Affiliate meeting on Friday, November 15, 2002. This meeting will be held at the Bakersfield Convention Center Potato Room from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. * Marlene K. Mariani, Executive Director of Keep California Beautiful, will facilitate this meeting. She will also be presenting information on the Keep California Beautiful Program. *Affiliates of Keep California Beautiful have be invited and asked to share information about their city's program. Keep Bakersfield Beautiful committee will also share information on their programs. *Presentations will be made by Honorable Harvey L. Hall on the city of Bakersfield and Sean Cacal and Officer Jeff Paglia on the graffiti program. *Jim Foss will provide a tour of the Convention Center and Centennial Garden. *Invitations have been to all Kern County Cities, as well as Cai Trans, City Council Members, County Supervisor Barbara Patrick, and Greater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce Chairman Shirlyn Davenport. *Attached is a copy of the agenda and invitations. Keep California Beautiful Keep Bakersfield Beautiful Proud Community & Affiliate Meeting Bakersfield Convention Center Potato Room 1001 Truxtun Avenue November 15, 2002 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Agenda 1. Welcome -Introductions 2. Presentation by Marlene K. Mariani on "Keep California Beautiful" 3. Presentation by Honorable Mayor Harvey L. Hall on the city of Bakersfield 4. Presentation by Sean Cacal and Officer Jeff Paglia on Bakersfield Graffiti Program - 32ERASE 5. Information sharing 6. Lunch - hosted by city of Bakersfield 7. Tour of Bakersfield Convention Center & Centennial Garden by Jim Foss Thank you for attending and with your continued support, we can Keep California Beautiful. Directions: Highway 99, California Avenue exit, east on California, follow the signs to Convention Center/Centennial Garden. Parks KeepBakersfieldBeautifui ~ou nre cordiallq invited ~o a~eHd Beep £nliforni;~ Benu~iful Beep B;,kersfield Be;mtiful Proud Communit~ ~,/iffilinte .~eetino Baliersfield ~onren~ion ~en~er Potato Boom ~o~e~ber 1~, 2002 ~0:00 ~.m. - 2:00 p.m' £unch will be pro~ided Please B.$.I~.P. b~l .November ~, 2002 ~erri £1ison al ~66! ~665-~033 B A K E R S F I E L D OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM October 25, 2002 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Alan Christensen, Assistant City Manager ~ SUBJECT: Notify Employees to Select City Physician Council Referral #000247 Staff was directed to prepare a letter for distribution to employees annually, in January, giving notification of their opportunity to select a City physician. Staff plans to send out a memo with our open enrollment (for medical insurance) packages in November, which will give employees an opportunity to select one of the three occupational physicians for their physician in treating work injuries or illnesses. Their response will be due back to us in December, along with any insurance changes they may like to make. B A K E R S F I E L D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM October 24, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~ SUBJECT: POLICE TRAINING FACILITY AT AIRPARK Council Referral #000253 Councilmember Carson requested staff investigate Airpark use as a public safety training facility for Police and Fire. Public Works to determine eligibility under FAA rules. The FAA requires that the Airpark be utilized for aviation and aviation related activities. Use of the Airpark as a public safety facility for Police and Fire does not qualify as aviation related. The future of the Airpark is being discussed by the Urban Development committee. The committee has directed staff to pursue increased control of airspace for the Airpark by the traffic controllers at Meadows Field. Other options for the Airpark are on hold at this time. G:\GROUPDATXReferrals\2002\CC Mtg 10-16\253-Brad.doc B A K E 'R S F I E L D' OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM October 25, 2002 TO: Alan Tandy, (~ity Manager FROM: John W. Stinso~,~ds~istant City Manager SUBJECT: Council Referral #000254 regarding revolving fund for police training. Councilmember Carson requested that staff look at development of a revolving fund to apply reimbursements by P.O.S.T. for police training back to the Police training budget. As indicated by Chief Matlock at the meeting, P.O.S.T. reimbursements are put into the General Fund. When the Police Department and City Manager prepare the annual budget, estimated revenues from P.O.S.T. reimbursements are accounted for in the General Fund which is the same fund training expenditures occur and are budgeted in. In essence the General Fund serves the same purpose as the revolving fund suggested by Councilmember Carson. The creation of a new revolving fund would not.increase the amount of funds available for the department since they are already included in the General Fund revenues utilized by the Police Department. Creating a separate fund would simply increase the level of accounting complexity and not materially change the funds available for training purposes. S:\JOHN\Council Referals\Carson\Council Referral #000254 regarding revolving fund for police training.doc DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS DATE: October 21, 2002 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Stan Ford, Director ~ SUBJECT: POOL DESIGN PLANS AND PROGRAMS #Ref000251 (WARD 2 ) Councilmember Benham requested as design and programming plans for the pool progress, staff to keep experts who attended 10/16 council workshop informed and their input considered, Mr. Bynum to be contact person. When staff is ready to plan programs for the 50-meter pool, we will arrange a meeting with interested members of the public. Mr. Bynum will be our contact. _RECEIVED OCT 2 3 2002 21TY MANAGER'S OF S:\Council Referral$\RefO00251,doc.doc October 22, 2002 (8:40AM) B A K E R S F I E L D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM October 23, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~..~ ~ SUBJECT: TODD ABLIN ALLEY DUST PROBLEM Council Referral #000250 Councilmember Benham requested staff address the concerns from Todd Ablin's correspondence regarding dust nuisance in an alley in the Westchester area involving California Water property. Mr. Todd Ablin requested that potholes in the alley adjacent to his property be patched. These potholes were patched Friday, October 18.2002. In order to eliminate or reduce the dust problem in the alley, Street Division staff will contact California Water Service Company and will try to obtain permission to put street grindings in the dirt area where the Garbage Trucks are making the turn. Luis Peralez, Street Maintenance Superintendent talked to Mr. Ablin (638-0110) on Monday, October 21,2002 and informed him of our plan. Mr. Ablin was satisfied with staff's efforts in correcting the problem. --"RECEIVED CITY, MANAGER'S OFFICE G:\GROUPDAT~Refen'als~2002\CC Mtg 10-16~250-Luis.doc RECD'& ICED ON'FILE' '"' ........ ~"" ':: ~~ ~ /~,~~~t~~? ~l~_ ........ '~ '/ ~, .-~~,~,~,~..=~..~.~.~_.~' ~__~ ........ .... =ii ' · ~ ' '~'./ ~! . ~ ~ ~w~ ~~/~~ .. .......... ~.~.. .......... , ..... .......... . ~',~ .... -- ~ ~ , ~ , _ . Iil ' . . --- ' : ~t · . I,, . i- ....... .. ,~, ..L~,---~ ........ , ......................... ii' ~ If~ " ..... . .. ~, ~ ~ii' .ill Iii' Ii~ Ill Ill .............................................................. ...................... il~ ............................................... ............ ~ ................ ~ .............. .... ~f~ .................................. ..... :.-.!.1i-.~-.-.~. ............................................. ............................ : .... ~ ~ ................... C/ ' ' ". - ~ . · .~,.,¥-~,,,,,, ~,,-~=d ................................ ~,~x..~.~_,.~.~,..,,~_.>~____&_.l '-_ ~i'.i.i'i'i::.::L-_-L. -~ ,~,~ ~,~ ~ ~ ....................... ~_~.~-~~~?,~ .... .......... ~- r ....................................... ~ ~ I I I ~ ......................................... ~._; ........................... ............. ~ -:.~-.- ......................................... ~r' ~' · ...... ~, · At B A K E R S F I E L D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM October 23, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT: HWY99 NORTH OFF-RAMP Council Referral #000249 Councilmember Benham requested staff contact Cai Trans regarding Hwy 99 northbound off-ramp at California and the orientation of the center lane to be straight or a right turn lane. 'Traffic Engineering requested that Caltrans modify the center lane on the off ramp to be a straight/right combination several years ago. Caltrans denied the request at that time. Traffic Engineering has re-submitted the request to Caltrans and provided updated turning movement data and modeling results which show that the intersection Level of Service (LOS) will improve with the lane changes proposed. Caltrans staff indicated they will review our new data and the LOS calculations with the request. A response is expected in two to three weeks from Caltrans. -'=-"RECEIVED !CITY, MANAGER'S G:\GROUPDAT~ReferralsL2002\CC Mtg 10-16X249-Traffic.doc DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS DATE: October 21, 2002 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Stan Ford, Director ~ SUBJECT: USA SWIMMING GRANTS #Ref000243 (WARD 2) Councilmember Benham requested staff investigate USA swimming grants for low income program. Staff researched the USA Swimming Grants program on the Web and was told the 2003 grant guidelines would be available in December, 2002. We were told that these grant guidelines change every year so the 2002 guidelines are obsolete and not available. These particular grants are available to individual swim teams and have to be a member of USA Swimming. Pat Skeehan, CSUB swim coach, provided staff with additional information regarding possible grant opportunities. We will research and follow up on this information to determine if any of these grants can be accessed for our aquatic use. P:\Counc~l Refer rals\Ref000243,doc.doc October 24, 2002 (2:45PM) B A K E R S F I E L D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM October 24, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/,.~ SUBJECT: ENERGY USAGE REVIEW BY KINETICS Council Referral #000248 Councilmember Maggard requested staff investigate whether energy usage and utility bills can be reduced with the help of Kinetics Energy Services or other firms which can review energy consumption by the City. The City has received several inquiries by firms that conduct audits of facilities. As a general rule, the City talks with the firms who call and informs them of the energy savings measures we have implemented and describes to them our facilities that use the most energy. We have. recently dealt with Siemens, Chevron, Trane, and Invensys. In a majority of cases, the companies offer to do an audit, for a fee, and make recommendations for additions or modifications to, our facilities. Several factors limit the feasibility of implementing recommendations. Our relative lack of ground space to accommodate a cooling tower or thermal energy storage facility and the age and design of our buildings that limit the installation of newly developed energy efficient variable speed HVAC devices are two of those factors. The fact that our facilities are located throughout the city and not at one "campus" style location also tends to limit the recommended improvements. Staff will continue to explore energy saving ideas and solutions. G:\GROUPDAT~Referrals~2002\CC Mtg 10-16X248-GS.doc B A K E R S F I E L D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM October 21, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOP.//,.~ ~ SUBJECT: STORM DRAINS ON FEATHER RIVER Council Referral #000263 ICouncilmember Couch requested Public Works check on the storm drains on I Feather River Drive, one block north of Hageman Road. I There are two catch basins at Feather River Drive and Carriage Ranch Drive. These catch basins are tied into the Hageman Road storm system. The rest of the area is served by siphons and cross-gutters. Nuisance water within this area has to travel on the surface and through siphons until it gets to the catch basins. To expand the storm line and tie-in all the siphons within this area is costly. However, staff will review the storm system in this area to see if the storm line can be extended. .... RECEIVED CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE G:\GROUPDAT~Referrals\2002\CC Mtg 10-16\261-Luis.doc B A K E R S F I E L D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM October 21, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR~ SUBJECT: STREET DRAINAGE Council Referral #000263 Councilmember Couch requested staff contact Gina Badger regarding street drainage on Glenlakes. Luis Peralez, Street Maintenance Superintendent, has not been able to contact Mrs. Gina Badger (587-9123). He did leave his card at her residence (8403 Glenlakes Court) and a message on her voicemail. Mr. Peralez will continue trying to contact Mrs. Badger. In the meantime, Mr. Peralez will research the possibility of eliminating a cross- gutter which seems to be causing a drainage problem in front of Mrs. Badger's driveway entrance. RECEIVED OCT 3 200 ! CI.TY MANAGER'S OFFICE G:\GROUPDATXReferrals\2002XCC Mtg 10-16\263-Luis.doc B A K E R S F I E L D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM October 23, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR//.~ ~ SUBJECT: STOP SIGN ON ABBOTT DRIVE Council Referral #000262 ICouncilmember Couch requested staff look into a stop sign on Abbot Drive and concerns addressed by Mr. Grant Kniffen. Mr. Kniffen was contacted by Traffic Engineering staff regarding his stop sign request. A traffic warrant study is scheduled to be Performed next week. .... RECEIVED OCT 2 3 2002 '"";Fry N~!ANAGER'S OF G:\GROUPDAT\Referrals~2002\CC Mtg 10-16\262-Traffic. doc B A K E R S F I E L D OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM October 25, 2002 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Alan Christensen, Assistant City Manager ~ I' SUBJECT: Welcome Letter to Allen Rd, Residents Council Referral #000260 Councilmember Couch requested staff prepare a welcome letter to the citizens in the newly annexed Allen road No. 5 area, and staff to prepare informational letter regarding City services and changes that are being made in the area. The attached letter was sent to residents by David Couch and mailed on October 25, 2002. Attachment BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA October 23, 2002 COt]NC]I, Dear Resident; na.,~Ln,.a As you are probably aware, an election was recently held asking residents u~o~. in your neighborhood if they wished to be annexed to the City of Bakersfield. The results of that election are that a majodty voted in favor ~'~~ of annexation. There will be some minor changes to your services once you are officially t,-=a~ annexed to the City. You should expect a letter in the coming weeks w~ which will provide more information. In the meantime, if you have any s~.~a~]~=t~ questions about how annexation might affect you, please contact w,,~2 Assistant City Manager, Alan Christensen at 326-37_5.1.. ]v[~~ I am hOnored to be your representative, on the City Council; I encourage w~3 you to bring any concems you may have to my attention. ~a~a~ Congratulations on becoming the newest residents of the City of w,=a 4 Bakersfield. ]~amkl Wo]~msoa d Couch Councilmember, Ward 4 1501 Tmxtun Avenue, Bakersf~..Id, C. nlifornin 93301 * (661) 326-3767- Fax (661) 323-3780 B A K E R S F I E L D OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM October 25, 2002 TO: City Manager Alan Tandy FROM: Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst III SUBJECT: Council Referral #258 At the Council meeting of October 16, 2002, Councilmember Hanson requested staff investigate and respond to correspondence from John Kennedy regarding dogs running loose and dog attacks in the area of Deming Court. I contacted the SPCA regarding the attack on Mr. Kennedy on October 8 and asked for other records they might have on the dogs in question. The dogs were quarantined for ten days and released to the owner as there were no signs of illness on the part of the animals. A report is not normally completed until after any quarantine is over and officers have had an opportunity to question witnesses and identify areas of concern. The SPCA has indicated they will be making a request to the City for an administrative hearing to determine whether the dogs are potentially dangerous or vicious. The request will include pertinent information relating to the incident/s leading to the request. The animal owner is served with a copy of the complaint and the notice of hearing date, time and place. The hearing is held within no less than five working days nor more than ten working days after service of notice upon the animal owner. The administrative hearing officer is appointed by the City Manager. The findings of the hearing officer are final. The SPCA normally notifies victims of animal incidents (such as Mr. Kennedy) of the hearing times so they may be at the hearing if they so wish. Victim statements is often helpful to the administrative hearing officer in making his/her findings. Regarding Mr. Bjornson's letter, .the SPCA indicated Mr. Bjornson had reported the dogs had not bitten him but had come into his yard and he had chased them back in to the backyard of 7513 Deming Court using his lawn mower. Later SPCA contact with ~,-.~ Alan Tandy, City Manager Page 2 October 25, 2002 Re: Council Referral #258 Mr. Bjornson elicited no additional information with which the SPCA could finalize a report. Other SPCA records indicate dogs loose in the area of the 7500 block of Deming Court. A bite occurring at 7513 Deming Court in early 2002 had been determined to be a "protective" bite as the dog was on its own property to which the victim had been delivering medication. As requested, I am forwarding a copy of this memorandum to Mr. Kennedy. Please let me know if you have any questions. (P:\SPCA\M0210251 -CouncilReferra1258) Attachments cc: Mr. John Kennedy, 7309 Deming Court, Bakersfield, CA · 15 A K E R S F I E Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM October 25, 2002 TO: Alan Christensen FROM: David Lyman SUBJECT: Economic Indicators-Council Referral Ref000259 This memo is in response to a letter from Greater Bakersfield Vision 2020 to Councilmembers Hanson and Maggard regarding Metro Statistics. While the letter outlines some of the difficulties in generating community-wide data, allow me to more clearly define the assignment for which I volunteered. Background: Since I joined the Economic Development Vision Force about fourteen months ago, the group has been discussing the need to generate indicators to track the economic activity of Metro Bakersfield. I understand the discussion had been going on prior to when I began participating. Unfortunately, because Bakersfield is made up of incorporated and unincorporated areas, the ability to easily gather "Bakersfield" data is fraught with obstacles. Numerous months of discussions between various entities and individuals have clearly identified the problems, but solutions continue to be elusive. What are indicators? The goal of developing economic indicators is not to gather .statistics, but to develop indices that can measure performance on a macro level. They track progress and help maintain long-term economic vitality. They can provide objective measurements that reflect how our community is doing and allow comparisons with other geographic areas that are the greatest importance to us. They are not designed to be marketing tools, but can showcase us as an area that is committed to success. The hurdles: On September 4, I attended a workshop on "Economic Indicators for Economic Development Strategies." I asked the presenter how to gather indicators when no statistical measuring unit exists as a result of a.large portion of our community being in the unincorporated area. He replied that indicator studies are best done at a regional or county level. Anything lower than a county Alan Christensen October 25, 2002 Page Two level, such as a "metro" focus, is difficult to do. In addition, hiring a consultant to conduct an indicator study on a regional or county level would cost between $50,000 - $150,000. What I proposed: On September 18, I shared what I learned with the ED Vision Force. After several months of discussion it is obvious that we cannot gather this data. I volunteered to the group that I would talk with the workshop presenter and discuss with him the possibility of developing a Request for Proposals (RFP) to outline the steps, costs, and feasibility of Conducting an economic indicator study on a sub-county, or "metro Bakersfield," level. My discussions, therefore, will focus upon the feasibility of developing an RFP, in researching what other communities, especially those with multiple jurisdictions in other areas, are monitoring and how they obtain their data. The issue is complex. If gathering data on metro Bakersfield was easy, someone would have done it by now. The idea of gathering economic indicators is solid and can benefit our community in numerous ways. I plan to report on this activity to the Economic Development Force at its next meeting which is scheduled for mid-November. cc: Donna L. Kunz dl:\C:kDocuments and Settings\achriste.BAKERSFIELDkLocal Settings\Temp~vlemotoAC.doc B A K E R S F I E L D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM October 23, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~ SUBJECT: TRAFFIC ISSUES AT SANDRINI SCHOOL Council Referral #000257 Councilmember Sullivan requested staff contact Sandrini School Principal regarding traffic issues in front of the school and work with the school to resolve the problems. Traffic Engineering staff met with the principal of Sandrini School and discussed existing traffic problems created by the parents, commuter traffic and Dovewood's connection to White Lane. Traffic counts will be taken in the area of Alum and Dovewood, as well as a traffic study of the intersection of Dovewood and Beechwood Streets before any changes are considered at Dovewood and White Lane. RECEIVED__ L ,,4ANAGER'S OF':'';;~ G:\GROUPDATXReferrals\2002\CC Mtg 10-16~257-Traffic.doc B A K E R S F I E L D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM October 23, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~ SUBJECT: PLANZ PARK BID Council Referral #000245 Councilmember Salvaggio referred to Public Works the question "When will Planz Park go out to bid?" Recreation and Parks Department has prepared the bid documents for the Planz Park Playground Rehabilitation Project. Those documents have been reviewed by Economic and Community Development Department and by the Purchasing Officer. Public Works Department is currently reviewing those documents and will return them to Recreation and Parks Department by October 25, 2002. The project will then go out to bid after the review comments have been addressed. The project is currently scheduled for a bid opening on November 27, 2002. -RECEIVED 2 3 CI~' MANAGER'S ©'~'" G:\GROUPDATxRefcrralsk2002\CC Mtg I 0-16X245-Amold.doc From: Stan Ford To: Alan Tandy Date: Monday, October 21,2002 3:11:12 PM Subject: Planz Park Playground Bid specs should be out this Friday. Bid opening on November 27, 2002. To council on Decemebr 11,2002. Construction in February, 2003 (FYI. Once project is approved by coucnil and order placed, it takes 5-6 weeks to receive order). ,=- RECEIVED OCT 5 200  Cl~" MANAGER'S OFi~:hL:.~ I BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, City Manager FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, Public Works Director DATE: October 25, 2002 SUBJECT: WHITE LANE INTERCHANGE - UPDATE I just spoke with Mr. Mike Leonardo, Director of Caltrans, District 6, and he apologized for not being able to respond in writing; however, called to let me know verbally that the White Lane Interchange which was slated for an operational issue, has been upgraded to a Safety concern, thus making it now available for funding in the 2002 cycle. Mr. Leonardo felt optimistic that funding could be made available in this fiscal year or the next, which would coincide with the construction of our expansion project of the White Lane Bridge. He did express that it has not been approved yet by Sacramento Headquarters, but felt confident because it made the Safety criteria required by Caltrans. G:\GROUPDAT~12002_CityManager~White Lane Interchange_Update.doc