HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/07/78 WATER BOARD ~, CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY~ JUNE 7, 1978 4:00 P. M. Call meeting to order. Roll Call ~ Board Members: Rogers, Chairman; Barton, Bergen, Hoagland, Ratty 1. Approve minutes of regular board meeting of May 10, 1978. 2. Communication from C. H. Williams, regarding City of Bakersfield legal support for Kern River Watermaster. - BOARD TO DETErmINE ACTION. 3, SCHEDULED PUBLIC STATE~ENTS a. Statement f~om Park Stockdale Civic Association regarding water rates, 4. Staff Comments 5. Board Comments 6. Adjournment MINUTES WATER .BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1978 4:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order at 4:00 P. M. in the City Hall Caucus Room. The Secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Rogers, Bergen, Hoagland Absent: Barton, Ratty Staff Present: Chafin, Bogart, Combs, Needham, Hostmyer The minutes from the regular meeting of May 10, 1978 were approved as corrected. A letter from C. H. Williams, regarding City of Bakersfield legal support for Kern River Watermaster was presented to the Board. After a brief discUssion Mr. Hoagland made a motion that the City write a letter similar to those of Buena Vista Water Storage District and North Kern~Water Storage District in support of the Watermaster. The motion was passed. SCHEDULED PUBLIC STATEMENTS Mr. Mac Ryan, 6024 Friant Drive, representing the Park Stockdale Civic Association Board of Directors addressed the Board as to what the Board's decision was in respect to their earlier protest of Our water rates. Mr. Ryan suggested that~ the City adopt the Public Utilities method of establishing water rates. ~ Mr. Don Howard, of Stetson Engineers, Inc., responded to Mr. Ryan's suggestion stating that the Public Utilities Commission generally determines expenses (operation and maintenance) of the water company, its need for capital, and its need to give dividends (based on fair return of investment in system) to its stockholders, and sets rates accordingly. Basically, the study prepared by Stetson Engineers, Inc. follows Public Utilities guidelines with one single exception,it does not set forth dividends to the stockholders.. Mrs. Donna Martin, 5909 Cochran Drive, stated that the members of the Park Stockdale area would like representation on the Water Board. Mrs. Martin, also, requested that the matter of their water rates be taken to the City Council. Mr. Hoagland pointed out the Council had given these powers to the Water Board. Mr. Rogers suggested that we put the item on the agenda of the next Water Board meeting and notify Mrs. Martin so she can attend. Mrs. Martin requested the f611owing: (1) size of pipes being replaced, and (2) cost breakdown on our water storage plan. · At this time Mr. Hoagland informed Mrs. Martin that this infor- mation is a part of the City's public records and anyone is welcome to review them. At this time Don Howard responded to the above questions by giving an outline of improvements of the water system in the area. Kim Combs, Accountant for the Department of Water stated that a copy of the Capital Budget submitted to the City by California Water Service may be obtained from him in the Finance Department. Water Manager Chafin stated that the public is welcome to examine the Public 'records that are kept in the Department of Water office located at the Police Pistol Range, 1515 Oak Street. Adrianne Matthews, 108 Haggin Street, spoke in opposition to the surcharge. Mrs. David Martin, a resident of Stockdale .~Estates, stated that she felt the City water system along with California Water Service Company should be put under the Public Utilities Commission regulations. Mr. Bergen suggested that the staff prepare a recap of the revenue and cost of operation of its Domestic Water System, showing the need for rate increase, history of rates, im- provements needed, etc. in such a form so the Board could mail a copy to eaCh customer. Mr. Hoagland made a motion that we take these requests under submission until we have full Board members present. The motion was passed. There being no further business to come before the Board, .Chairman Rogers adjourned the meeting at 5:00 P.M. Donald A.~-Rogers, ~air~air~aan City of BakersfieldWate~ Board ~fnda Hostmy~r, SEcretary City of Bakersfield Water Board