HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/21/77 AGENDA WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD THURSDAYf JULY 21, 1977 4:00 P.M. Call meeting to order Roll Call- Board Members: Barton, Bergen, Hoagland, Ratty, Rogers 1. Elect officers of Board. 2. Set dates, time and place of Board Meetings. - ADOPT RESOLUTION 3. Letter from CawelO Water District regarding water billings. - RECEIVE; SET TI/~E .TO ~EET 4. Proposed agreement between City and North Kern Water Storage District regarding disposal of oil field water into Beardsley Canal. - RECEIVE; INFORMATION ONLY 5. Application to Economic Development Administration for drought funds. INFORMATION 6. Borrow Agreement for Kern River bed material. - APPROVE; CHA!k~AN TO SIGN 7. Letter.from Water Association of Kern County. - RECEIVE; REFER TO CITY COUNCIL 8.. Draft resolution regarding operation of Kern River during search and rescue operations. - RECEIVE; INFORMATION ONLY 9. Letter from KCWA regarding cloud seeding operations. - RECEIVE; ACTION TO BE DETERMINED 10. Information regarding S.B. 346-Ayala, concerning Peripheral Canal. - DISCUSSION ONLY 11. Information regarding U.S. Bureau of Reclamation application of 160 acre limitation to the Kern River Isabella project. - INFORMATION * CORRECTION OF MINUTES AUGUST 10, 1977 A correction was made on the following item: A letter from the Water Association of Kern County relative to a contribution from the City was discussed and referred to the City Council° In regard to the above item: The matter was to be researched and additional information compiled for discussion at a later date. With this correction the minutes were approved'as submitted. M I N U T E S WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1977 4:45 P.M. The first regular meeting of the City of Bakersfield Water Board was called to order by Kenneth Hoagland, acting as interim chairman. The secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Kenneth Hoagland Donald K,. Ratty Donald A, Rogers Absent: H.E. Bergen James J. Barton The first order of business was the election of a chairman and upon a motion by Ken Hoagland, Donald A. Rogers was elected Chairman of the Board. Resolution No. 1-77 W.Bo was adopted by the Board setting regular meet- ings of the Board each Wednesday at 4:00 P.M. at City Hall. A letter from Cawelo Water District dated July 14, 1977, relating to Invoices 5642 and 5643 was reviewed. The Cawelo committee will be in- vited to the' next Water Board meeting to discuss the matter. The staff is to notify Cawelo of the date and time of meeting. Mr. Hoagland brought to the attention of the Board the matter of some water district board members serving on more than one board. When this occurs on the boards which have water contracts with the City it could lead to misunderstandings during negotiations. Upon a motion by Hoagland, John Blakemore is to draft a letter for the Chairman to send to the con- tracting districts stating that when committees for two, or more, districts meet with the City, if any. district board member present is a member of another board, then another representative of that board be present also. A draft agreement, dated July 18, 1977, between the City and North Kern Water Storage District, relative to sharing oil field water discharging into Beardsley Canal, was discussed. The draft is the result of several meetings between Rogers and Blakemore for the City, and Froman and Williams for North Kern. Rogers and Blakemore recommend acceptance of the agree- ment in principle, with some minor language changes to be worked out. The agreement states that the historic quantity of water will be divided 65% to North Kern and 35% to City and all water above the historic quan- tity will be shared equally. On a motion by Hoagland the Board approved the agreement, subject to review by the City Attorney and Consulting Water Engineer. The Board was informed that an application to the Economic Development Administration for drought relief funds for the Bakersfield domestic water system was being prepared to determine if the City was eligible for such funds. Borrow Agreement No. 77-01 between the City and James G. Francis Con- tractor, Inc. for removal of sand from the Kern River Bed approximately, one-half mile upstream from the Stockdale Highway bridge, was approved. A letter from the Water Association of Kern County relative to a con- tribution from the City was discussed and referred to the City Council. A draft resolution from the Kern River irrigation interests regarding operation of the Kern River during search and rescue operations was tabled until the next meeting. A request from Kern County Water Agency for a contribution from the City of $1,562.00 for summer cloud seeding was discussed. No action was taken. It was suggested that the county-wide entities such as the Water Agency or the County Board of Supervisors might be more appropriate agencies to fund such a program. The Board was advised of the status of S.B. 346-Ayala, the so-call'ed Peripheral Canal bill. Consulting Engineer Stetson will have additional information on this bill at a later date. The Board was advised of a meeting at the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation offices in Fresno on July 28, 1977 between the Bureau and Kern River interests, regarding applicatign by the Bureau of the 160-acre limitation to the Isabella project. Water Manager Blakemore will attend this meet- ing. After discussion of several requests for permits allowing contractors to periodically pump small.quantities of water from City owned canals for dust control, compac~i0n, etc. purposes, it was moved by Hoagland and passed, that Water Manager. Blakemore be authorized to issue temporary pumping agreements for water to be used for industrial purposes only. Permits will be $150.00 ~er year for users, of small quantities of water and $300.00 per year for users of larger' quaDtities. The specific formal agreement will be worked out by Water Department staff with the City Attorney. Don Rogers reported on a telephone call he had ~eceived from Paul Enns, President of Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District relative to serious ground water overdraft near the Rosedale area caused by irrigation pumping by Tenneco on recently developed land. It was suggested that the Board might meet with Tenneco and other parties regarding a cure .for this problem. This matter was tabled for discussion at a later date. There being no further business to come before the board, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 5:20 P.M. ) 7- 2 l- 7 7 E~nda Hostmye~, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board