HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/10/77 A G E~N D A WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10~ 1977 4:00 P.M. Call meeting to order Roll Call - Board Members: Rogers, Chairman; Barton, Bergen, Hoagland, Ratty 1. Swear in Water Board members. 2. Minutes of meeting of July ~1, 1977. BOARD APPROVE 3. Committee from Cawelo Water District. 4. Water Enterprise Budgets (Agricultural and Domestic)'.. BOARD APPROVE, AND REFER TO CITY COUNCIL 5. Riparian rights study along portion of Kern River. INFORMATION ~"' 6. Kern River watermaster requests City position on Kern'River operations. Deed from Tenneco West, Inc. to City for parcels of Stine Canal. Quitclaim Deed from City of Bakersfield to Tenneco Realty Develop- ment Corporation regarding twenty foot ditch right-of-way. BOARD APPROVE MINUTE-S WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1977 4:00 P.M. The meeting was called to 0rder by Chairman Rogers in the City Hall Caucus Room. The Secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Donald Rogers', Chairman Harold Bergen Ken Hoagland Absent: James Barton Donald Ratty The minutes of the meeting of July 21, 1977 were presented for approval. The minutes were corrected as to the disposition of the letter from the Water Association of Kern County relative to a contribution. The'matter was to be researched and additional information compiled for discussion at at later date. With this correction the minutes were approved. The tentative Water Enterprise Budgets (Agricultural and Domestic) were distributed for study by the Board and consideration at a later date. Water Manager Blakemore presented a copy of a letter dated July 27, 1977 he had sent North Kern Water Storage District and Kern Delta Water District advising them of the status of the riparian rights study along a portion of the Kern River. A letter dated JulY 28, 1977 from the Temporary Kern River Watermaster requesting support of a proposed Policy of the Kern River Interests not to reduce flow of the Kern River unless a life could be saved, was pre- sented. On motion by Mr. Bergen the letter was received for study and for consideration at the next meeting. The Water Manager presented a letter dated August 3, 1977 accompanied by a Grant Deed, from Tenneco West, Inc. stating that four small parcels of Stine Canal were inadvertently omitted when the water assets were trans- ferred to the City and that the deeds transferred these parcels to the City. Upon a motion by Mr. Hoagland the Board accepted the Grant Deed for the City and instructed the staff to proceed to deed these parcels to Kern Delta Water District as the present owner of Stine Canal. A Quitclaim Deed from the City to Tenneco Realty Development Corporation was presented for the purpose of defining the right-of-way of the "Twenty Foot Ditch" in Lots 17 and 32 of Sec. 15, T29S, R27E., SBM. Upon a motion by Mr. Hoagland the Board approved this transaction. A committee from Cawelo Water District consisting of Board members Milo Hall, Raymond Mettler, and Manager John Jones appeared before the Water Board to discuss the billing of certain oil field water in the Beardsley Canal which Cawelo ordered and the City delivered to Cawelo during May, June, and July 1977. Cawelo feels this water should not be charged for /~ver and above the contract payment of $540,000.00 that they have made, ' or are making for this year since it is a dry year and they will not re- 'ceive their basic contract amount of 27,000 acre feet. Mr. Mettler re- ferred to page 27, Section 6.3 of Agreement No. 76-62 (the Cawelo Contract) regarding "alternate available supplies". Mr. Hoagland responded that he felt this provision did not apply to the oil field water and he thought Cawelo and their attorney, at a previous meeting, had agreed. Mr. Blake- more, and Assistant Water Manager Chafin reported that on numerous occa- sions the City water staff had clearly stated to John Jones that the oil field water was delivered for $22.00 an acre foot as non-contract water and Mr. Jones ordered and accepted the water on that basis. Water Super- intendent Bogart said that on May 11, 1977 he contacted John Jones and it was agreed that the City would deliver oil field water to Cawelo at the rate of 15 cfs per day at a price of $22.00 per acre foot. This water ~,w%~ld otherwise have been delivered to various Beardsley lateral customers. Mr. Bergen stated that he would not negotiate on 1) the water is not Kern River water and 2) the $22 00 per acre foot price. Mr. Hall said that Cawelo's problem was one of economics and they did not argue with the source or the price of the water, but wanted the City to see if it was at all possible to credit payment for the subject water against the $540,000.00. Upon motion by Mr. Bergen the matter was referred to the City Attorney for review and referral back to the Board at a later date. There being no further business to come before the Water Board, Chairman Rogers adjourned the meeting at 4:45 P.M. Linda H0stmyer',~ Secre y City of Bakersfield Water Board -2-