HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/31/77 AGENDA WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1977 4: 00 P.M. Call meeting to order Roll Call - Board Members: Rogers, Chairman; Barton, Bergen, Hoagland Ratty 1. Approve minutes of meeting of August 10, 1977. 2. Board elect a Vice-Chairman ~/3. Public Hearing - Conflict of Interest Code for Water Department. Water Enterprise Budgets (Agricultural & Domestic.) BOARD APPROVE 5. Letter from Kern River Watermaster regarding river operation policy. 6. Letter from Water Association of Kern County regarding contribution by City. 7. Letter regarding Hydrospect Program for 1977-78 8. Correctory Grant Deed from Tenneco West, Inc. to City of Bakersfield to correct description of Parcel 4 contained in Grant Deed to City from TWI dated December 30, 1976, in Book 4999, page 436 which in- cluded Cross Valley Canal and road easement, in error. M~I N'U T E S WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY~ AUGUST 31, 1977 4:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Rogers in the City Hall Caucus Room. The Secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Rogers, Barton, Bergen, Hoagland, Ratty Consulting Water Engineer Tom Stetson attended the meeting. The minutes from the meeting of August 10, 1977, were approved as pre- sented. Mr. Hoagland moved that Mr. Ratty be nominated as Vice-Chairman of the Water Board; the motion was carried unanimously. The Conflict of Interest Code for the Water Department was presented to the Water Board by Assistant City Attorney Charles Leach. The Water Manager and Assistant Water Manager will be required under the code to file an initial statement within 30 days after adoption of the code by the City Council and an annual statement by March 31 of each year for the year ending December 31, in accordance with the Instruction Manual for Statement of Economic Interest Covering Category 1. The Water Superintendent must also file Initial Statement and Annual Statements under Disclosure Categories 9 and 14. Mr. Hoagland brought to the attention of the Board that the clause, "with- in the jurisdiction" in item (c) of Category 14 is not correct since, some of the areas served may be outside of the City. On a motion which was carried the policy will be passed on to the City Council for adoption, with the clause "within the jurisdiction" being omitted and the following clause inserted, "which. might be served by the system." The Water Enterprise Budgests (Agricultural and Domestic) were presented to the Board. Mr. Blakemore pointed out that three alternative Budgets were prepared based on estimated revenues in a dry, normal and wet year. After reviewing the 1977-78 Agricultural Budget, based on a dry year operation, a motion by Mr. Barton was passed, approving the Budget and referring it to the City Council for their acceptance. Mr. Bergen made the comment that serious consideration should be given to having a differential rate for City residents versus non-City residents. Tom Stetson, Consulting Engineer for the City, stated that most cities charge a~50% surcharge for residents outside of the City. Mr. Hoagland commented that he felt the surcharge should be made a matter of policy now, .as did Mr. Ratty. After discussion, Mr. Bergen made a motion that the staff prepare a report on what would be appropriate as a differential rate, the motion was carried. On motion by Mr. Barton the Board approved the 1977-78 Domestic Budget and referred it to the City Council for ac- ceptance. After discussion of the letter of July 28, 1977, from the Kern River Water Master requesting the City's support of Kern River operation policy, it was decided that the policy should be rewritten if the City is to support it. Upon motion by Mr. Hoagland, the following revised draft of the policy will be~circulated and discussed at the next meeting. -1- KERN RIVER WATER MASTER POLICY "It shall be the policy of the Kern River Interests that where the possibility of saving a human life or lives exists the Kern River Water.Master may cooperate in re- ducing the flow of'Kern River from Isabella Reservoir." Upon a motion by Mr. Barton the Board approved'the expenditure of $400.00 for the 1977 contribution of the City of Bakersfield-Water Board to.the Water Association of Kern County and authorized that the miscellaneous item in the budget be increased $400.00. The motion carried four (4) to one (1) with Mr. Hoagland voting no. After reviewing the letter regarding the City's participation in the Hydrospect Report Water Manager Blakemore gave a summary of what the report involves. Mr. Blakemore explained that the Hydrospect project is a research project to improve the ability of long-range weather fore- casting with a state wide budget of about $120,000.00, and that they are trying to raise about $42,000.00 from local agencies such as the City. The Kern County Water Agency has obligated themselves for about $4,500.00 and they are asking $1,400.00 each from the City of Bakersfield, North Kern Water Storage District, and Buena Vista Water Storage District. Hacienda Water District was requested to contribute about $300.00. Tom Stetson, Consulting Engineer for the City, commented that Hydrospect is of state wide if not nation wide interest and he was not enthusiastic about local entities such as the City contributing to it. Superintendent Bogart told the Board that he can use the State Department of Water Re- sources forecast data for the information we need to meet contract re- quirements. Mr. Hoagland moved, and it was passed that the City not contribute funds to Hydrospect. A Correctory Grant Deed from Tenneco West, Inc. to the City of Bakersfield was presented to the Board to correct description of Parcel four (4) con- tained in Grant Deed to City from TWI dated December 30, 1976, in Book 4999, Page 436 which included a portion of the Cross Valley Canal and road easement, in error. The'matter was explained to the Board and pass- ed on to the Mayor for his signature and recordation. Mr. Hoagland brought to the attention of the Board again the matter of the Cawelo Contract regarding oil field water. Mr. Bergen, moved and it was passed that a letter be drafted by Mr. Hoagland and Mr. Stetson stating the City's position on this matter. Tom Stetson presented the Board with copies of his "Draft of Statement On Policy For Management Of Kern County Portion of San Joaquin Ground- Water Basin." On motion by Mr. Bergen the statement was received and will be placed on the agenda for discussion at the next meeting. The motion was carried. There being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman Rogers adjourned the meeting at 5:45 P.M. L~'nda Hostmy~'r, ~ecretarY City of Bakersfield Water Board -2-