HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/05/77 A G E N D A WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1977 4:00 P. M. Call meeting to order Roll Call - Board Members: Rogers, Chairman; Barton, Bergen, Hoagland, Ratty ~ 1. Approve minutes of meeting of August 31, 1977. 2. Letter of September 30, 1977 from Chevron USA, Inc. regarding oil field water discharging into Beardsley Canal. 3. Borrow Agreement No. 77-05 W.B.. 4. Letters of August 22, 1977 and September 10, 1977 from Kern County Water Agency regarding excavations in Kern River bed. 5. Berrenda Mesa Water District request to buy Kern River Water as a drought relief measure. 6o Agreement between City of Bakersfield and Olcese Water District. 7. Kern County Water Agency request for Kern River diversion records. 8. Letter of September 28, 1977, to Harold Bergen regarding cloud seeding program. 9. Kern Delta Water District request for services of John Chafin to review their field operations. 10 Notice from Water Association of Kern County regarding alternate board members. 1!. Letter of August 15, 1977, to City from North Kern Water Storage Dis- trict regarding Agreement No. 76-89 .- Property Sale. 12. Memorandum of September 23, 1977, from Chuck Williams regarding re- construction of First Point of Measurement. 13. Agreement between City and Pacific Gas and Electric for service to well No. 9. 14. Letter of September 28, 1977, to William T. Balch, Tenneco, from John Chafin regarding access to First Point. 15. Proposed rental of certain canal maintenance equipment by City to water districts. 16. Annual contract for repair of concrete canal linings. 17. Annual contract for weed control on City's canals. MINUTES WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1977 4:00 P. M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Rogers in the City Hall Caucus Room. The Secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Rogers, Barton, Bergen, Hoagland, Ratty The minutes from the meeting of August 31, 1977, were approved as presented. Mr. Blakemore presented to the Board the letter of September 30, 1977, from Chevron U.S.A., Inc. regarding oil field water discharging into the Beard- sley Canal. The letter outlines the conditions Chevron feels would en- able all parties concerned to reach a reasonable agreement involving the long-term transfer of Chevron's Kern River oil field water to the Beard- sley Canal. Chevron believes an offer of $10.00 per acre foot for taking of water from their operations should be acceptable. After discussion Mr. Bergen made a motion that the letter be accepted and placed on file and Mr. Blakemore and the City's Consulting Engineer, Tom Stetson get together with the parties involved and make a recommendation to the Board. The motion was carried. Chairman Rogers suggested that .Chevron be con- tacted by telephone and informed of our intentions. On motion by Mr. Bergen the Board approved Borrow Agreement No. 77-05 W. B. with Valley Tree & Construction regarding the removal of sand from the Kern River. Mr. Hoagland made a motion that because of the time factor the Water Department be given the authority to enter into this type of borrow agreement without presenting the agreement to the Water Board. The motion was passed. Letters from the Kern County Water Agency and Attorney, Rex Mull, regarding excavation in the Kern River bed were presented to the Board. The letters requested that the City's attention be called to various excavations in the Kern River channel in areas within the City's jurisdiction. Mr. Blakemore told the board that the standard we are using is that excavations not be more than four feet deep and have eight to one side slopes. After discussion, Mr. Bergen suggested that the staff research the matter with the Kern County Water Agency and submit a report to the Board of their recommendation. A request from Berrenda Mesa Water District to buy Kern River water as a drought relief measure was brought before the Board and upon motion by Mr. Barton it was received and placed on file to be referred to the staff for study. The motion was carried. The Agreement between the City and Olcese Water District was outlined briefly by Mr. Hoagland. The City had a Memorandum of Understanding dated May 2, 1977 with Olcese on the 2800 acres. George Nickel is apparently interested in extending the Memorandum of Understanding to include more land and more water. Mr. Hoagland indicated that this may have some serious implications for the City. The item was held for discussion at a later date. Mr. Blakemore read a letter to the Board from the Kern County Water Agency requesting Kern River diversion records from the City.~ After discussion it was suggested by Mr. Bergen that we contact the Kern County Water Agency and see exactly what their request involves and cooperate with them when possible and to the extent that it is not a burden on the City's staff. The letter of September 28, 1977, to Harold Bergen from County Supervisor Young regarding cloud seeding was presented to the Board. Mr. Bergen stated that he felt he and Mr. Blakemore should attend their meeting on October 19, 1977, to discuss the program. Mr. Bergen believes that the County of Kern represents all citizens of Bakersfield and they are prob- ably the better agency to evaluate and determine if this would be bene- ficial to the the community. Mr. Bergen made a motion that the Board reaffirm its policy of letting a County-wide entity make this decision The motion was carried. - Mr. Blakemore informed the Board that he had received a telephone call from Gil Castle, Manager of Kern Delta Water District requesting the services of Assistant Water Manager John Chafin to review their field operations. Mr. Bergen stated that he was not opposed to Mr. Chafin discussing mutual problems with the Kern Delta staff, however, he was opposed to entering into any fOrm'al arrangement or agreement for Mr. Chafin's services to the Kern Delta District. Chairman Rogers suggested that we telephone Kern Delta.and inform them of our decision. Upon motion by Mr. Barton, which was passed, John Chafin was appointed as alternate to Mr. Blakemore on the Board of Directors of the Kern County Water Association. On motion by Mr. Hoagland the letter of August 15, 1977, to the City from North Kern Water Storage District regarding Agreement No. 76-89, (Property Saie) was received and placed under study by the staff The motion was carried. · The memorandum of September 23, 1977, from Chuck Williams regarding re- construction of First Point of Measurement on a motion .by Mr. Hoagland which was carried, was placed on file. ' ' The Agreement between the City and Pacific Gas and Electric Company for service to well No. 9 was presented to the Board. Mr. Bergen made a motion that the Agreement be approved and that the Chairman be authorized to sign the Agreement. The motion was carried. The letter of September 28, 1977, to William T. Balch of Tenneco from John Chafin regarding access to First Point was presented to the Board as an information item only. Mr. Chafin told the Board that he had a.meeting scheduled for Thursday, October 6, 1977, with Mel Jans, of Tenneco to discuss the matter. The Department of Water is in the process of formalizing rental agreements with North Kern Water Storage District and Kern Delta Water District to insure full utilization of certain heavy equipment now owned and main- tained solely by the City. By entering into this rental agreement the Water Department can both reduce its equipment budget and maximize use of this equipment. Upon a motion, by Mr. Hoagland, which was carried, the Water Department will assist the City Purchasing Department in pre- ~ paring agreements for presentation to the Water Board. ~ ~ Mr. Blakemore read to the Board a memorandum from Water Superintendent, Gene Bogart regarding canal maintenance and repair. Mr. Bogart stated that due to the increase in agricultural development and resulting rise in rodent activity adjacent to the River Canal in recent years, we have had to step-up our maintenance and cement lining repair accordingly. Because of the water loss and time involved when using the normal bidding process (3 to 4 weeks for advertisement and return of sealed bids), it is requested that the Department of Water be added to the annual contract list for cement work. Mr. Blakemore, presented another memorandum from Mr. Bogart requesting that the Finance Department negotiate an annual contract with Abate-A-Weed Company for materials and services for'weed control on canals on a one-year trial basis. This firm is the only known local source that can supply requested materials and licensed operators to make the herbicide applications in the manner specified by the Department of Water. Mr. Hoagland made a motion that the contracts be prepared by the Water Department and City Purchasing and presented to the Water Board. The motion was carried. -2- % Chairman Rogers informed the Board of a letter he had received from Dr. Ted Murphy, of Cal State Bakersfield regarding his request to use a portion of our 2800 acres as a preserve for animals and plants. Mr. Bergen suggested that the letter be presented to the City Water and Growth Committee for review and then referred back to the Water Board. There being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman Rogers adjourned the meeting at 5:25 P. M. ih-da Hos~t~yer,~ sed~retary City of Bakersfield Water Board -3-