HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/14/77 '-~ ....... - AGENDA WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ~FEDNESDAY, DECEMBER.14, 1977 /- 4:00 P.M. / / ; ~ Call Meeting to order Roll Call - Board Members: Rogers, Chairman; Barton, Bergen, Hoagland Ratty , 1. Approve minutes of regular board meeting of November 9, 1977. Grant deed from Tenneco West, Inc, to City of Bakersfield for portions of Kern Island canal right-of-way between 30th and 34th streets. These parcels escaped the original sale from Tenneco ~o City to Kern Delta. - BOARD ACCEPT GRANT DEED FROM TENNECO . - BOARD ~3PROVE QUITCLAIM DEED TO KERN DELTA, AUTHORIZE CHAIRMAN TO SIGN ~ 3. Quitclaim deed from City of Bakersfield to Tenneco West, Inc. for portions of excess right-of-way on Beardsley one ditch (also, known as Beardsley 20~foot ditch). - BOARD TO APPROVE QUITCLAIM DEED, AUTHORIZE CHAI~N TO SIGN. 4. Policy regarding public use of City property in and adjacent to Kern River Bed. ~ BOARD TO DETE~4INE ACTION. .5. Staff Comments 6. Board Comments 7. Adjournment MINUTES WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14 , 1977 4:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Rogers in the City Hall Caucus Room. The Secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Rogers, Bergen, Hoagland, Ratty, (Barton arrived at 4:15 P.M.) Absent: None Bob Bellue, District Engineer, Kern County Water Agency; George Nickel, President, Nickel Enterprises; Paul Leland, Engineer, Nickel Enterprises; also, attended the meeting. The minutes for the meeting of November 9, 1977, were approved as presented. A Grant Deed from Tenneco West, Inc. to City of Bakersfield for portions of the Kern Island canal right-of-way between 30th and 34th streets was presented to the Board. Water Manager Blake- more gave a summary of the Grant Deed informing the Board that this was an. oversight on Tenneco's part when they deeded the water facilities to us so, of course, when the City deeded to Kern Delta Water District a portion of the facilities this parcel was not included and the oversight recently came to light through a title search. Kern Delta then contacted Tenneco and.Tenneco made up a Grant Deed which they presented to Mr. Bergen. Time is of the essence so we called this Board meeting to get the item on the Agenda. It requires that the City Water Board accept the Grant Deed from Tenneco and authorize the execution of the acceptance. Then a quitclaim deed for the same parcel from the City to Kern Delta Water District has been prepared by the City Attorney's office and we need Board authorizati6n for transfer of that property. Mr. Hoagland made a motion that the Board accept the Grant Deed from Tenneco, and approve the quitclaim deed to Kern Delta and authorize the Chairman to sign. The motion was carried. A Quitclaim deed from the City of Bakersfield to Tenneco West, Inc. for portions of excess right-of-way on the Beardsley One ditch (also, known as the Beardsley 20-foot ditch), was presented to the Board. Mr. Blakemore informed the Board that this descrip- tion of the canal through a portion'of Section 29 was previously and undescribed easement and Tenneco has now surveyed it and they have a definite description of the right-of-way. John Chafin, met with Tenneco people in the field and worked out what we needed for an adequate right-of-way and they have asked us to quitclaim any right, title or interest we have in Lots 2, 3, and 4 of this Particular Section, except the described right-of-way. The City will then have a described fee entitlement to this canal right- of-way. Upon motion by Mr. Ratty, which was carried, the Board approved the Quitclaim Deed and authorized the Chairman to sign. It was brought to the attention of the Board the importance of the City adopting a policy regarding public use of the City's property in and adjacent to the Kern River bed. Mr. Blakemore informed the Board that field office personnel have received a number of inquires from various types of clubs and individuals regarding use of the City's river bed property, not only the · 2800 acres but, also, the upstream portion of the river bed. through the City. The Water Department is concerned with the river bed as far as it concerns water transportation and spread- ing, but other departments of the City and possibly other public entities are, also, interested. Mr. Blakemore feels that'in light of the fact that there has been several inquires and some- time there has been some use of the river bed for sand drags, horseback riding, dog trials, etc., he was concerned that their might be some liability involved. We do not have a proper way of handling it at present and he would like the Board to give some thought to this matter and give the Water Department some direction in this matter. Relative to this Mr. Bergen stated that he felt it was extremely important that the City make contacts at this time. He informed the Board that the City has talked with Cal State Bakersfield concerning the idea of a natural preserve to be maintained in that area. Along with requests for other uses he feels that something should be put together by the staff, working with Mr. Stetson, the Public Works Department, and the Parks Department so that the Board will have something to evaluate. Kim Combs, accountant for the Water Department, informed the Board that with our purchase of the Kern River bed from Tenneco last June we did inherit one (1) lease with the Bakersfield Trail Blazers who hold their semi-annual sand drags in the river bed. In the past the annual revenue from these drags has been $200.00 per year and the City has billed the Trial Blazers from October 28, 1977 to October 29, 1978, and their lease requires thirty (30) days notice to be terminated. Mr. Bergen stated that he did not believe that tieing up that area for $200.00 per year was reasonable. Mr. Chafin informed the Board that he felt there was more to be considered than the annual revenue as these two weekends a year bring more people into our community. Mr. Hoagland questioned the effect of such use on the river bed in regard to flood control and Mr. Chafin stated that he did not believe the drags had any effect on the river bed in this regard. He,.also, did not think that the river bed would be effected for groundwater replenishment purposes. Mr. Bergen stated that we have 3,000 or 4,000 acres of Kern River bed and he feels we need a map indicating what area should be used for what activity. We are receiving a number of requests and he does not think we can intelligently evaluate these requests unless we have a map of the River bed. The map should indicate the property the City owns with the access to it so that we could start delineating, an area for the college, an area available for the dragsters, an area for the shooting club, dog trails, and so on. Mr. Bergen feels that if we do not accomplish this we. are going to have a political problem. Chairman Rogers informed the Board that the letter from Cal State Bakersfield regarding the use of a portion of the Kern River bed for a wildlife preserve had been referred to the Water and City Growth Committee. Mr. Rogers told ~he Board that he had received a telephone call from Paul Bailey, who is a dog trainer regarding the use of the Kern River bed and he referred him to the Water and City Growth Committee. Mr. Bailey is going to send a letter to them making recommendations as to the use of the River bed in regard to dog training activities. Chairman Rogers discussed his ideas on the use of the Kern River bed saying that he agreed with Mr. Hoagland that as long as the activities did not cause any serious problems to the land surface that in these times when we have so many restrictions it would be a breath of fresh air to be able to provide an area for people in clubs to use. Mr. Rogers agreed, however, with Mr. Bergen that this should be done in an orderly manner. -2- Mr. Bergen informed the Board that we are now getting some requests that are of a permanent nature., for example the skeet shooters are talking about wanting an acre of land to build a building and this could very well be compatible, however, it is of utmost importance that we get a map and start laying this area out. Mr. Rogers asked what committee or board all of these requests and ideas should be brought before and Mr. Bergen stated that he was willing to take care of these matters in the Manager's Office. Mr. Bergen feels that the Planning Department and, also, the Water Department are very much interested in this matter. He feels that this project should be run from the Man- ager's Office so that we can get the other departments involved. Mr. Rogers told the Board that all of the letters~and inquires that have been received regarding the use of the Kern River bed have been referred to the Water and City Growth Committee, and Mr. Bergen informed the Board that the Water and City Growth Committee is his responsibility and he has assigned Jim Buell to work on this project. Mr. Rogers suggested that Mr. Bergen's office come up with what they think is a coherent plan. Mr. Bergen feels that the organization should be done by the Water and City Growth~Committee and then brought before the Water Board. It was the concensus of the Board that in light of Mr. Bergen's comments his office should be in charge of the investigation and planning for the river bed area. Board member Barton entered %he meeting at this time. Staff Comments Mr. Bergen informed the Board that it is anticipated that Mr. Kamprath from Division 5, Kern County Water Agency will be re- signing and we have been requested to submit the name of a person to them that we think would be capable and able to devote time to serve on the Kern County Water Agency Board. Bob Bellue, District Engineer, Kern County Water Agency, informed the Board that they want to know potential canidates before the end of December and there is only one more meeting scheduled, which is next Tuesday, December 20, 1977. Mr. Hoagland informed the Board that there was a new State law which requires a posting of ten days whenever there is a vacancy on-any board or commission and he suggested that Mr..Bellue check with Kern County~Water Agency attorney regarding this law, which does affect the City. Board C©mments Mr. Bergen informed the Board that District 5 is esentially Kern River on the north, Union Avenue on the east, Stockdale Highway on the south, Park Stockdale is in Division 5 and Stockdale Estates (Old Stockdale) is not, plus the four square miles that are between Real Road and Union Avenue south of Stockdale Highway, and that portion down to Planz Road. Mr. Bellue infOrmed the Board that two afternoons and two evenings a month would be the basic attendance requirements for the committee and board meet- ings, and also occasional trips. The pay ~is $25.00 per committee meeting and $50.00 per board meeting. In answer to Mr. Nickel's question as to whether or not the Board had reviewed his letter of December 6, 1977,~ Mr. Hoagland informed him that he had not had a chance to review the letter or talk with Tom Stetson relative to the letter and he will do this as soon as time permits and then contact Mr. Nickel. There being no further business to come before the Board, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 4:25 P.M. Lihd~h0~myer, S~c~etarY' City of Bakersfield Water Board -3-