HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/21/82 A G E N D ~A WATER BOARD - CITY 37 BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1982 4:00 P.M. Call meeting to order Roll Call - Board Members: Barton, Chairman; Payne, Ratty, Kelmar Oberholzer 1. Approve minutes of Water Board meeting of April 7, 1982 2. Scheduled Public Statements 3. Engineering agreements for final design and construction of Beardsley and Rocky Point river weirs. City will act as lead agency in the reconstruction of these jointly owned facilities. FOR BOARD ACTION. 4. Calloway Canal agreement between City of Bakersfield, North Kern Water Storage District and Improvement District #4, setting forth the terms and conditions for use of the Calloway Canal by I.D. 94. FOR BOARD ACTION AND RECOF~ENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL. 5. 1982-83 Agricultural Water Enterprise Budget. The budget this year consists of two (2) separate components as follows: A) "1982-83 Operations and Capital Outlay Budget." B) "1982 Water Price and Sand Sale Schedule." FOR BOARD ACTIONS ~D RECOI~NDATION TO CITY COUNCIL. 6. Staff Comments 7. Board Comments 8. Adjournments MINUTES WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1982 4:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Barton in the Department of Water Conference Room. The secretary called the roll aS follows: Present: Barton, Payne, Ratty, Kelmar, Oberholzer Absent: None The minutes from the regular meeting of April 7, 1982 were approved as presented. , At this time an Engineering Agreement for final design and construction of Beardsley and Rocky Point river weirs was presented to the board. City will act as lead agency in the reconstruction of~ these jointly owned facilities. Mr. Bogart outlined the details of the agreement for board and staff. After discussion, Mr. Oberholzer made a motion that the agreement be approved subject to the ceiling of $175,000 for both agreements and, also, subject to the ~approval of the City Attorney. The motion was passed. Calloway Canal Agreement ~between City of Bakersfield, North Kern Water Storage District and Improvement'District' #4, setting forth the terms and conditions for use of the Calloway Canal by.I.D.#4 was brought before the board. At this time Mr. ~Ratty made a motion that the agreement be approved subject to the terms and, also, subject to clarification of language on paragraph dealing with the annual escalation clause. At this time the 1982-83 Agricultural Water Enterprise Budget was presented to the board. The budget this year consists of two (2) seperate components as follows: A) "1982-83 Operations and Capital Outlay Budget". B) "1982 Water Price and Sand Sale Schedule". After discussion between board and staff Mr. Oberholzer made the following motions: A) The "1982-83 Operations and Capital Outlay Budget" be recommended as presented to City Council for approval. The motion was passed. B) The "1982 Water Price and Sand Sale Schedule be recommended as presented to City Council for approval. The motion was passed. STAFF COMMENTS At this time Mr. Bogart gave a current update on imported water operations involving the Friant Kern, Kaweah as they pertain to the Kern River operations. BOARD COMMENTS At this time Mr. Ratty made a motion that the regular Water Board Meetings be changed from Wednesdays at 4:00 P.M. to WedneSdays at 12:00 noon. At this time Resolution No. 1-82 W.B. was established making this change and adopted by the .following roll call vote: AYES: Barton, Payne, Ratty, Kelmar, Oberholzer NOES: None ABSENT: None There being no further business to come before the board, Chairman Barton adjourned the meeting at 4:55 P.M. of Bakersfield Water Board a Hostmye?" S~cr~ary City of Bakersfield Water Board